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  1. [!] On the 11th of The Grand Harvest, 1806, Ademar Castelo died due to frail heart at the age of 71 [!] The sky was clear and the air was crisp; the sun had just made its way up over the horizon. In the forests of Providentia, birds were chirping, wind was whizzing and the water in the river was rippling. The body of a man clad in simple brown robes, floated along with the stream face down in the water. With a thud the lifeless man got caught by a rock and stopped in place. A letter would be on his person, tucked in the rustic fabric of his robes. The letter read as follows: Throughout my life I have seen and experienced many a thing. Some less pleasant than others. However, throughout all these occurrences, all the changes the society of man has gone through, I have always found my faith to persist. I have served God in many a way; from Grandmaster of a holy order, to Abbot of an ancient monastic order. In the darkest of times He served as a beacon of hope and light. In the lightest of times He served as the symbol and resemblance of all my good will. By virtue of this, I always remained his humble servant, proselytizing his word and teaching to the misled and faltering. God has made me go through various trials; both corporeal and mental. One of the most challenging trials was the crusade against the Inferi in the sands of Al-Faiz. Every man goes through trials in the pursuit of keeping one’s faith, and it is crucial to persist. The one to give in shall fall astray and find himself in darkness. However, one can always be guided back to the righteous path, if one is willing. The Church is facing difficult times, the faith of the masses is weaker than it used to be. Faith needs to be strengthened for the Church to prosper - when the Church prospers; so will humanity as a whole. As of late I own nothing but my robes and cross, which shall be returned to the Holy Mother Church and the Wigbrechtian order, upon my death. To my children I can only pass the wisdom I have acquired over the years. Thus, my last wish is a bit peculiar; I wish for the body of my deceased wife to be recovered. She was dug up out of her grave in Providence, and alas was disturbed in her eternal rest. I wish for her body to return to holy soil. I did not want to add this last part to my will, but alas, I feel like I must add a second and final wish; I wish for my body to not be dug up, I wish to rest in peace.
  2. AULIC COURT I VE KOENGZEM I HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE PALATINES REQUEST REGARDING TRIALS 5th i Wzuvar ag Byvca 358 E.S Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Mrs. Reza B. Gynsburg Lady Erika L. Kortrevich Mr. Lukas Rakoczy Mr. Otto Wittenbach CONCURRENCE (MAJORITY): Baruch, Kortrevich, Wittenbach, Rakoczy, Gynsburg DISSENT: N/A Exposition: The Office of the Palatine sees fit to refer to the Aulic Court on the composition of trials, specifically trials with a need to be done quickly and efficiently in circumstances where three Jovenaar may not be available. The Palatine is thus considering several possibilities, including 'citizen' and 'non-citizen' or 'flight' trials: the former would be in cases where a Haeseni citizen is charged, and there is little danger of the charged citizen fleeing the Kingdom; the latter would be in cases where a suspect is charged and arrested but is liable to flee if court proceedings are delayed, thus giving rise to a need for quicker sittings of the Court with lesser Jovenaar. Another possible solution under consideration by the Palatine is that all trials will only require an odd number of Jovenaar. See the full brief of the Lord Palatine: Letter to the Aulic Court re Trials - Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska - The Lord Of The Craft Jovenaar Erika L. Kortrevich delivered the opinion of the Court: The Haurul Caezk 304.01 states: “Trials shall be presided over by three Jovenaar [...].” As for the Lord Palatine’s request to reduce the number of Jovenaar to an odd-numbered one in said “non-citizen or flight” trials, it would mean to reduce the numbers of Jovenaar presiding over a trial to one (1). Whilst the Aulic Court understands the demand of such trials in cases where the Defendant is guilty without doubt, it is the Court's belief that no person, but the Koeng of Hanseti-Ruska should have the power to determine an individual's guilt on their own accord and that the trinity of Jovenaar is essential to a fair and just trial under the Haurul Caezk, as it calls for a thorough consideration and consultation of the facts brought forth in each trial. Therefore we decided against the Lord Palatines request. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  3. “You don’t always have to be strong, but you always have to keep fighting.” Solenne tightly clutched the letters in her hands as she wandered the quiet streets of Providence. That night, the only sounds being made were by her own dragging footsteps. Bittersweet, she thought. She found herself at the doorstep of Pompourelia Street 8, lifting a shaky hand to stuff the letters between the double doors. She wanted to go in. She wanted to see Anduin, listen to him talk all high and mighty while sharing a cup of coffee with him. She wished to share stories with Alicjo, someone who never failed to bring joy and laughter to her rainy days. She wanted to open the doors, she wanted to see everyone. Solenne turned and walked back down the street. Eventually, she found herself right before the entrance to the settlement of Esbec. She hated that place, she didn’t know why she’d come. She hated it from the moment she stepped foot in it, back when Avalor had taken her there in Arcas. Despite the friends she made, the memories that surrounded the place, the way she mercilessly defended Esbec’s name, she despised it with a furious passion. She stayed for one reason, and one reason only. She stayed for Silas, that stupid elf. That naive, hard headed man who somehow made sense of all her broken pieces. She wondered how he was doing, if she was right about him being happier without her. As she walked back to Providence, there were numerous people who came to mind. She thought of Giorno, Florenza’s cousin whom she’d been set up with. She always found him to be a better friend than lover. He was a good man, but she was a broken woman. She recalled the short, always angry woman who had a soft spot for her, good ol’ Shoes. That loud, obnoxious woman who was the reason for plenty of Solenne’s own anger-fuelled hysterics. Gino came to mind as well- the way they were so passive-aggressive with each other, from subtle insults to sharing cigarettes. Solenne was sure Gino hated her, always getting his wife into trouble, always fighting his words with every breath. She kind of hated him, too. A small smile escaped her lips. Solenne finally stopped at Florenza’s grave. Florenza Falcone, the woman who made her life a little more worthwhile. She sat down there, leaned against the headstone as she pulled her flask from her bag. The smell of whiskey hit her nose as she lifted it to her lips, draining the contents. Those days, it was a rare sight to see the red-haired woman sober. It made it easier to forget how much she missed her friend. She remembered the funeral, she remembered the words of Florenza’s mini-me, how the child recalled her cries for help when Florenza sat there on the floor as she bled out. Solenne cried that night of the funeral, harder than she’d ever cried before. Florenza had made a promise- that the two of them would go out together. She’d silently cursed Florenza for leaving the god-forsaken earth without her, so many of their plans still left untouched. She’d sigh, closing her eyes as the flask fell from her hand, dropping into the dirt beneath her. Solenne was ready to be reunited with her best friend. She was done fighting. [OOC: It was an absolute pleasure to play Solenne, and thanks to all of those who interacted with her. Sorry to all those whose hearts I broke while playing her ;) Anyways, I hope she was someone that you all enjoyed RP with and someone who will be remembered, I just fell into a sort of character block with her and decided it was best to leave things as they were.]
  4. The Sturmholm Folio The works of Vorloin Baruch Vorloin Baruch, shortly after the Athera Expedition Vorloin Baruch, practicing a stage-play With the recent death of poet Vorloin Baruch, it has been requested by his will that his folio be published to the world at large. All that follows is the work of poet, who used the pen-name of Vorloin Sturmholm Editor’s note: For some reason, all of Mr Baruch’s writings refer to himself as ‘Vorion’, instead of ‘Vorloin’. Regardless of whatever caused this error, it has been corrected. ‘Almost all of these poems follow iambic pentameter, and most of them also are sonnets, with three rhyming quatrains and one couplet. Their themes range from loss and death, to love and life. May they strike your hearts, as they struck at least a couple’ - V. Baruch ((Music:)) O Father O Father, years have passed since fall of void, Yet I am left to sit and weep in prayer In days of freedom, Grief I have enjoyed Not, for that was the gift you chose to bear. O father, son of the herons marine Will you still love me as you once did then? To be a stouter son of meager means Or born a lesser prince of greater men? O father, torn from life, curse me now, words born from an acid, venomous tongue Will far outstip those that no longer vow To those whom once you genty, softly sung. They say the blood of covenant should wear Pains fierce; yet still I weep for water's share The Good Men I wonder, where have all the good men gone? I saw them ride unto the setting sun, One which they would never again see dawn, Fighting a battle that is still not won. I ask you, where do all the great kings lie? It is under a pile of ash and ruin Deathless since they were forced to cast the die, They lie, resting beside their royal kin. I pray you, where do all the lost souls go? For we see them no more, eternally They lie, lost in silver linings of snow. Lost to wisps of time, waiting, merrily. We wait for when the time should finally bend To meet again at last: all the good men Katharina’s Song If only the swans were as fair as I, They could shatter the moon with their beauty, They could ensnare the mighty lords on high, They could make Kingsguard flee from duty, If only the swans were as fair as I. If only the autumn leaves had my grace, They’d flutter as if dancers on a stage, They’d rustle as if they’d no other place, They'd read far more than any written page, If only the autumn leaves had my grace. If only the stormcrows could sing like me, They would enchant the creatures of the grove, They would lure sailors, like sirens on the sea, They would be diamond to all those who rove, If only the stormcrows could sing like me. The Sunset I passed through mists, and peered beyond the veil To see thee, at least, what seemed to be. Towards the earth the sun had set her sail, And her beauty almost matched your degree. For first I found the flowering lips of rose When, burning bright, a wildfire they blazed. How could the setting sun compare to those: The memory that shall never be erased. But soon I fell into a tender blue, The eyes which could the oceans entire keep. How could the sky hold a candle to you, When epics could be wrought for those eyes deep? And so I promise: you shall never die If here between these sheets of me you'll lie. Godan’s Muse I've ventured 'cross some cold, bleak, distant peaks, But there is naught to e’er compare to thee. The peerless blue above those velvet cheeks: The moonlight to calm every stormy sea. I rolled on waves and I’ve seen dawnings fair, But their beauty can only ever yield To radiance cast by golden strands of hair: The sunlight to sow every fallow field. I’ve cleft the ocean twain on mighty ships, But thus you made the nightingale cry: None could hope to reflect those rosen lips, A flower to charm e’ery wandering eye Then, since lands and sky all hold beauty, I so conclude that Godan’s muse was thee. The Holes of Wintertime Deep in the holes of wintertime I woke Next to your side, by a warm fire of oak. You whispered so quietly in the cold, From your lips wisps of mist did twist and fold. You spoke to me about the spring softly, Said it was made by the lord above, for me. That he made it so we could gently lie Betwixt these hills until one day we die. Hidden way from the warmth of a summer’s Sun, away from the march of the dummers’ Drums, lying under golden oaken leaves, I told you I love you beneath those trees. And yet at last, when the autumn leaves fell You said you were no more under my spell I thought I’d stay together with you, so fair, But you left me there. Soeng Karoseo And the common translation: A Song of Crows Usaer zezr haulyy haldae haenzi Wiem hag dercurvsk denraat, huil zwyzi Padrevar Ybiseo vzrarev kuz koeng Luzeng weld ag wauldlund: Kholv ag walic They poured ‘cross sea upon coasts haeseni At dawn slaying the weak and lame, then these Sons of Iblees set out unto the king Along woodlands, marshes: cold and soaking. Karos kyghyntae zwyen bottel routae Karos trazk raez humovsk viktry velyae. Krusae vatragan ag Godan zakisk: Kursin ag zvaerd usaer byk drazativsk And as honour demands that war be brought The crows struck out to seize the victory sought. Of hearth and faith they were a stalwart shield: With coats of arms and shining blades of steel. Nat lund vatragano supaes szar triek, Va rotasseran nie vokja byk tuek Tamort lafsk hauchoxtzen, lauderre, herzen. Zejr kvesja, warae laujisk aestbrein Upon the fields of flame their spears did meet And dawn ‘til dusk no army knew defeat. There fell warriors great, peasants and lords Above the mud, where Godan’s heavens poured Wiem mortesk feinvrago, tiz stratlyy rot Ag zinsk maeno weo fitsk dlum supaes Got They broke the horde, the rivers stained with blood And sang of men who gave their lives for God. ‘May the storms part in your passing' - Sturmholm family proverb
  5. Her Last Feather PK of Marcella Avern-Barclay Born in 1688, Marcella Baruch was the daughter of Richard Baruch and an unnamed woman from Curon. Her father was a known necromancer in his past and the woman was unknown but to a select few. However, under the custody of her father, he aimed to improve upon his ways and took up an alchemist stand within the city of Sutica. When Marcella was just shy of one her father was arrested and executed for his past crimes, abandoning her in the basement of Richard’s shop. Her adoptive brother Hiren had found her some time later and brought her to her first mother, Serenity Avern, who took her in to raise her in her youth. While Serenity was not present most of her life, her sister Mayan was and would later adopt Marcella as her own. Marcella’s childhood was rather uneventful upon relocation to Carouldstadt of Renatus. While there many Averns took part in the clinic affairs as surgeons and practitioners. While there Marcella had begun to learn some basic medical skills however not proceed further than that. Some time later, the family returned to Sutica for the remainder of her childhood into her early adult years. While living there Marcella met the man that would later become her husband, Wilheim Barclay. The Averns did not approve of the Haenseman, but Marcella took this as her strike towards independence and began to spend more and more time in Haenseti-Ruska. This later proved to be fruitful to serve as the starting point for the soon to become Barony of Freising. As the house was founded, Wilheim grew in the ranks of the army and received his knighthood as the Stallion. Both Marcella and her husband became Aldermen and later had two children, Klara and Erwin. While Klara and Erwin were young they were able to spend time with Mayan, though as they grew up, Klara went on her own travels and Erwin stayed close to home to follow his father’s footsteps. All the while, Marcella did her best to support Erwin in his ventures, which proved fruitful as he later became a Duke and Lord Marshal to set the tone for many generations to come. Soon after Wilheim’s passing, Marcella’s life began to slow, taken by an alcohol and smoking addiction, she retired from being an Alderman to spend the next decade with Wilheim until his death. At this point she moved to improve her health to spend as much of her time as she could with her son and his children, Manfred and Brandt. It has been up to this point that Marcella was able to meet her life goal, a happy family that is successful. It has been at this point that Marcella spent her final moments in Oren with Mayan… After she decided to pay a last visit with her, the journey proved to be too much as not long after she had a heart attack. Her final breaths were in Mayan’s home after a long day. With Mayan she left her final will and testament for her family and close friends. Belongings will be distributed upon arrival of the vault supplies of Arcas. Marcella passed at 1736 on the 13th of Sun’s Smile at the age of 114. Marcella’s Final letter: To my dearest children, I am sad that I have not been able to see either of you in my final moments, but I cannot say how proud I am in the two of you. Take your time and enjoy life, it is not for forever. I will be waiting for you up in Godan’s skies so enjoy life while you have it. I will wait with your father until you are ready. To Manfred, I wish to leave you my staff. It was acquired by my father long ago and has served me well over the years. Take good care of it sweetheart, for it contains the soul of another and you may learn how best to speak with him. He brought much joy to your father in hitting people with it, and I hope you are able to keep it in the family for the foreseeable future. To Brandt, I wish to leave you my Karin, Idred. She can be a bit of a grump, but she has been a wonderful companion since Wilheim passed. If you ever have any questions on caring for her reach out to Mayan. She can provide guidance better than any. To Luisa, Dear, I wish I could have spent more time with you and your brothers but you have grown up well and have a family of your own. Cherish them. To you I leave my wedding rings. They were made by Hekkaes Goldhand for Wilheim and I. They were once magic with a blood bond though it has long since faded. Keep them close because even the smallest things in life can matter most. To the Barclay Family, It has been truly a dream of mine to have such a wonderful family. Thank you all for the laughs and smiles over the years and I hope I was able to give you just as many as you gave me. I love you all dearly. Finally, Mayan, I can’t express how much you mean to me, haleun. I know soon I will visit and it likely will be my last, but I know you gave me nothing but the best. I wish I could have done more for you over my life and we had our issues. If nothing else, I hope I was able to bring pride to you. Look after my grandchildren please. I know my passing will be hard on them but more so on you. You can talk to them, I know they would want to and see you just as much as family as I do. I love you so very much and don’t ever forget that. With love, Marcella Avern-Barclay [OOC] It has been wonderful rping with everyone on this persona and I’ve taken up her grandchild Marie so things won’t come to a halt regarding that. Thank you all so much for being part of Marcy and her legacy.
  6. AULIC COURT OF THE KINGDOM OF HANSETI-RUSKA REVIEW ON THE LEGISLATIVE PROCESS OF REPEATING PROPOSALS 5th of Wzuvar & Byvca, 355 E.S. Jovenaars Sir Sigmar J. Baruch Ms. Reza B. Gynsburg Mr. Otto Wittenbach Mr. Lukas Rakoczy MAJORITY: Rakoczy, joined by Gynsburg CONCURRENCE: Wittenbach DISSENT: Baruch Exposition A multitude of acts are rejected at the behest of the Duma vote, as has been seen in recent years. The Josefian reforms have also brought a period of great change to the procedure of the Duma. However, as the Duma cannot legislate on itself (see Aulic Court Review: Relationship Between the Royal Duma and the Aulic Government), this request for review must be issued. As a sitting member of the Duma, and peer of the realm, the Duke of Valwyck sees fit to defer to the Aulic Court for a legal opinion on the following: The Haurul Caezk states that a bill of the Royal Duma must be passed by majority vote and may become law with the confirmation of the Koeng following its majority vote, implicating that it is failed when said bill does not reach these requisites: 212.01: Members of the Duma may submit bills to the Royal Duma that must be passed by majority vote; 212.042: Once passed with a majority vote, a legislative bill shall require assent from the Crown to become binding law; The question that should be raised is whether or not a bill that has failed to reach these requisites after being introduced in the Duma should have the ability to be reintroduced, unaltered, in the Duma sessions following its failure, including the cohort contrary to the one it was first presented in. See the full amicus brief from Lord Matyas Baruch: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197497-letter-to-the-aulic-court-353-es/ Jovenaar Lukas Rakoczy delivered the opinion of the court; The dispute focuses primarily on the question of whether legislation that has failed once may be re-introduced without modification during a meeting of another cohort. Even though noble cohorts have since been removed from the structure of the Royal Duma at the time of publication, the court still finds it pertinent to offer a judgement on this matter. It is the belief of the Aulic Court that the Royal Duma may not re-introduce failed legislation without major modification during the same four-year session. Any legislation that passes the Duma does so with the consent of the people, with legislators voting on behalf of and as the representatives of the people and the peers. Legislation that fails to pass, therefore, has clearly failed to attain the consent and support of the people, and to re-introduce such legislation would be to subvert the will of the people. Jovenaar Sigmar J. Baruch in dissent; On the dispute of re-introducing legislation without modification after failure to pass, this Jovenaar finds that through decades of set precedent and no objections to the matter found within the Haurul Caezk, it would be unprecedented and detrimental to the ability of the Royal Duma to restrict members of the body from introducing bills to the floor. Furthermore, it is not the place of the Aulic Courts to legislate on the abilities of members of the Royal Duma which directly affects their service within the Duma, it is only the Aulic Courts place to protect precedent, and interpret the Law. It is the ability of Duma members to introduce legislation in hopes of it becoming written law, therefore we should not restrict the capacity in which members can do this and take part in the writing and introducing of legislation. IT IS SO ORDERED.
  7. HOLY NOTICE The banishment of the foul beast. As Tuvsmas night ended, reports of a Poltergeist haunting the Basilica of Karosgrad sounded across Almaris. A call for aid was sent out and the Palatine Guard Order of the All-Saints answered that call. The Order settled in the church district of Karosgrad, readying themselves for the battles to come. Multiple times, the noble flock of Godan tried to rid the Basilica of the foul beast, but it's retreat was always temporary. Thus, Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller and Cardinal Alfred of Jorenus gathered the local priests and Holy Knights readying themself for a final confrontation with the phantom. Upon entering the Basilica, they could feel the thick air that had settled within. The flock moved deeper into the halls of Godan. Attending the Cardinals were Father Alfred Barclay, Father Otho, Grandmaster Theophilos Komnenos, Holy Sir Nicolas Barclay, and Holy Sir Toni. A lone member of the Haeseni Royal Army guarded the door, making sure no one else could get hurt as the exorcism took place. The Cardinals and priests, having readied themselves with prayers and chants, began the rite, and the two Cardinals made their way towards the altar. While doing this, the Holy Knights kept close to the pious fathers, protecting them from the foul demon. The battle stretched over many hours before the Cardinals were finally able to get to the Altar, and, once there, Cardinal Jorenus readied the church bells as Lay-Cardinal Johan readied a bowl with a mixture of the holy waters of gamesh, alcohol, and an elixir. He placed his aurum cross in the bowl, setting it ablaze. Lifting the bowl up towards the roof of the Basilica, he turned to the poltergeist, which took the form of a large serpent. As Cardinal Jorenus rang the bells, the Holy Knights surrounded the serpent while the fathers chanted and the Lay-Cardinal moved closer to the serpent with the holy flame. The holy chants were heard by Godan, and the serpent began to fade away. Almost victorious, Cardinal Johan emptied the bowl on his Aurum trident, allowing the holy flame to cover the weapon. He hurled the weapon towards the serpent, and the creature vanished. It's inner demons seemed to do the same, and the air lightened, the ectoplasm from the Poltergeist disappeared and with it, the seemingly lost souls that filled the Basilica found their rest, leaving Godan's terra once and for all. Singed~ Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Palatine Guard Order of the All-Saints Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  8. The Palatine Guard Order of All-Saints Est ca. FA 1730 “In Hoc Signo Vinces “Cum visu procul raptas aquilae regnaturi sumus vicit” "In this sign, you shall conquer. “With the eagles far sight we shall reign victorious” -Saint Harald of Vuiller , ca. 1730 HISTORY OF THE ORDER The Palatine guard was established and led by Saint Harald Vuiller of Vuillermoz during the years of 1730 within the borders of the Holy See of Vuillermoz. The Order was firstly set forth due to the urgent need for protection of the noble canonist flock and its people during the time. From this Harald thought each of his members not to raise a sword against any who had accepted GOD into their heart and that any soul could be saved and was worth saving no matter race or age. These teachings and moral code is what our Order is based and built on. Any found member to be found breaking these morals and teachings attacking the innocent be handed punishment found fit for what crime they have committed. When St. Harald passed to the Seven Skies in 1761 his Son Johan Vuiller would take over from his place as Heir of House Vuiller. he would commit to the teachings of his father and working closely with his Holiness the High Pontiff James II and the rest of the Curia the Order would grow in numbers for years it blossomed until a disagreement with the late King Sigismund of Haense the city and Order would suffer, from being told that the Crown of Haense would see it as a act of war if the borders of the city would move from their current position. This would make the city cramped farms not able to grow larger and feed the people. From this now Knight-Regent and Cardinal Johan would admit defeat and advise his people to move from the town to ensure they would survive. After meeting with his Holiness after this and Johans close allies in the High Council his father had created they would together ask for aid from the Holy Orenian Empire. The late Emperor responded to their ask of aid and they were given new land next to the commonwealth of Kaedrin. With the help of the Grandmaster Ademar Castello and Cardinal Manifred, Johan would be able to build up their new town. here they would once again be at peace and with that change a new name for the town was ready for the world and it would then be formerly known as The Holy Palatinate of Aquila. Some years later the Grandmaster Holy Sir Ademar Castello came to Johan asking to be released from his position as Grandmaster as his age had started to catch up to him, Johan agreed to this under the terms that Ademar would stay in his position until they had found a person fit for the responsibility. After Johan and Ademar felt they had found two candidates the title ended up going to Jensen Amador, a sermon would be hosted where all Holy Knights and Squires were invited as the responsibility would go from one to another. After the ceremony was finished there would be a celebration feast within the walls of the Vuillerian keep until nights end. The day after Johan and Leonid would quickly get to work and their partnership would see a blossoming within the Order. But with a lot of new members and change it is important that we remember where we started. Our Order is built on the teachings of St. Harald, and these shall be our code of life. We are an Order dedicated to the protection of any man, woman,, elf, mage, dwarf and “hobbit” alike. any living creature that has accepted God's eternal light and love into their life and soul shall be protected unless they stand as a threat to the rest of the noble canonist flock. If the day ever comes where we have failed in this task and faltered away from our Holy purpose and these rules and values the Order shall be no more. painting of our patron Saint and founder. Saint. Harald Vuiller ca. 1754 A TIME FOR CHANGE With the move from our home in Arcas it is only fit that some changes are made within the Order. Not only because we are in a new land, but also with the change of leadership with the Grandmaster, Holy Sir Leonid Amador has brought some fresh air into our Order and it is only fit we make some changes with that in mind. Therefore I would like to declare and show some of these changes. THE COAT OF ARMS With these changes our Order has welcomed a new Coat of Arms, this change has been made to better represent what our Order stands for and its purpose. We see the flaming sword of the Archangel Michael, the Pontifical Orb, the Lorraine cross all held by the Eagle that represents our order. THE ARMOUR OF THE HOLY KNIGHTS The change of armor is something that has been in the work for quite some time. It needs to produce the right amount of protection as well as letting our Knights move with ease during a battle or confrontation. Therefore we have long worked on and planned with these new armors. They combine the colors of our Order with the dark mist within its metal core, giving it a outstanding look easy to recognize. Painting of a Holy Sir during the last battle against the Inferi Ca- 1790 RANKS OF THE ORDER For the change in our Order as our ranks fill up with new life and members we have decided to make changes to these ranks, their position and purpose. The following ranks are as follows. Auxiliary Auxiliaries are the reservists of the Palatine Guard. They do not swear vows, but make a nonbinding promise of obedience. Auxiliaries may discharge their promise at any time; likewise they are not bound to activity requirements. Though it is also those from the Auxiliary rank that will be chosen to become squires if they have proven themselves in their service to the church. Squire The duty of a Squire lingers around learning as much as possible from their mentor. this not only being about how to swing a sword but also on the matters of canonism, history, demons, phantoms, combat and the different cultures around us. they shall also learn how to behave around different people and situations. Once their training is complete they are to take their Oath to become a Holy Sir or Holy Dame. They will then be the sword and shield of the canonist flock, the church and its members. Holy Knight A Holy Knight has taken an oath laying down a promise to Godan that they shall and will serve and protect the Holy Mother Church and its members and the noble Canonist flock. They are to be accepting of all who have taken God’s love into their hearts and offer them protection no matter if they are a bishop or beggar. Holy Knights are also to take a minimum of one squire under their wing to teach them in the ways of the church and our Order. A Holy Knight may choose their Squire but for the squires to be knighted their mentor (The Holy Knight) must bring them forth for the Grandmaster or Knight-Regent for them to decide if they are worthy of Knighthood. Holy Knight Prior A Holy Knight Prior are as officers within our Order. They are given special responsibilities and task within the order and are the Grandmaster’s helping hands to make sure our order is at its best at all times. They will be able to host trainings, patrolls, and smaller missions with the other Knights & Members, once finished they are to report back to the Grandmaster and Knight-Regent A Holy Knight Prior may choose their Squire but for the squires to be knighted their mentor (The Holy Knight) must bring them forth for the Grandmaster or Knight-Regent for them to decide if they are worthy of Knighthood. Grandmaster The Grandmaster is the overview and controls the Order. only answering to the Knight-Regent himself. The Grandmaster holds the power of accepting new members, having them take the oath to become Holy Knights, host missions, accept missions or bounties delivered to the Order etc. The Grandmaster is to keep the Knight Regent informed at all times of what changes are happening, how our ranks are being filled, how they are doing, reports from missions, and all other information that has to do with the Order itself. As their power over the Order is only matched by the Knight-Regent it is important that they fulfill this role. They must be able to teach the Knights of our teachings and way of life. The Grandmaster's powers are only limited to the following. The Grandmaster can not decide for the order on a political standpoint, either if this being in an election or in the case of war. This decision is for the Knight-Regent and High Pontiff to make with the input and acceptance of the Grandmaster being present during the meeting. The Grandmaster can not change or alter the armor, coat of arms, name, patrons Saints or teachings without the acceptance of the Knight-Regent. The Grandmaster can not strip any Holy Knight of their titles without the blessing of the Knight-Regent. Knight-Regent The Knight-Regent is in full control and power over the Order itself, but will give out the position of Grandmaster to his most trusted member. The Knight-Regent will often be working more in the political part of the order, keeping their relations with the canonist nations abay, taking part in important meetings, and keeping a close interaction between himself and the Grandmaster and Holy Knight Priors. He is to command and the Order making sure to protect the Holy Mother Church and every single member there off, he shall also make sure the land holdings of the church is under protection, such as Cathedrals, abbys, alters etc. Candidates for Holy Knighthood are granted that rank by swearing the following oath before the Grandmaster of the Palatine Guard Order or the Knight-Regent of the Holy Palatinate: “I vow to never falter, to obey and guard the laws of GOD, who is the one true Creator. I vow to be the sword and shield of the Church of the Canon and her faithful, to fight for them when they cannot protect themselves. I vow to resist the temptations of Iblees and strike down those who have fallen under his dark rule. I vow to keep my post as Holy Knight until death takes me from this realm into the next.” With the response by the administering official: “Then rise, [Name], and join your brothers as Holy Sir/Dame [Name and Epithet]. You are a Holy Knight of this land and all the lands of the Church of the Canon, sworn to protect the people of the Canonist faith. You shall be fair and just, defending the innocent no matter their rank: beggar and bishop alike.” Signed~ Holy Ser Leonid Amador, Grandmaster of the Order of the All-Saints Guard Singed~ Lay-Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Holy Order of the All-Saints Guard. Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  9. Saint Harald Vuiller. The patron St of Priest combatants & Demonic banishment. Born on the First of the amber cold 1699. Dead at the Sixteenth of the Amber Cold 1760. Father Harald Vuiller cirka 1756. The Life of Father Harald Vuiller Harald Vuiller was born on the first of the Amber Cold to Alf & Johanna Vuiller in 1699 in the city of New Reza while his mother and father were on a business trip to the city to buy supplies for their keep and the land around it. He was the firstborn from a group of siblings of three. Harald, Auriann, and Lukas Vuiller. As the firstborn Harald was the heir of House Vuiller and to the family lands but when he chose at the age of 14 to join the army and travel the realm of Godan serving the armies of man. It was during these years that Harald picked up an interest in becoming a Priest and Bishop. He would at every new town and city they went to join the people in prayer in their churches and temples. His family had always been close to the church and followed the laws of the Scrolls and it was from this he chose that any man who fell in battle either at his own side or at the side of the enemy should be given a proper burial. he would spend countless hours after each battle tending to the bodies of the dead making sure they would get the burial they deserved. while on the road or awaiting battle he would spend his time making wooden or stone crosses that he would place on the chest of the dead as he placed them to their final rest. At the start of his time in the army his comrades would chuckle and joke about his actions as he would move countless bodies from the battle ground and digging individual graves from them. But after a heafty battle where they had lost over half of their men Harald was asked to host a prayer for their fallen brothers as their souls traveled to the seven skies. It was after this he was given the nickname of “the Battle Bishop.” After serving in the army for close to 16 years Harald would get a letter from his younger sister Auriann about the passing of both of their parents. He would be granted a leave from his duty in the army i fought for and set sail back to Arcas to join his family in morning his wife who he married just 4 years earlier joined him as well after being let of her duty. On their way to the Vuiller keep they went through New Reza Harald was filled with joy seeing how the city and its people had recovered after the battle of the Rat King. After the burial of their parents Harald would spend some months with his family in their family land before leaving for New Reza joining the Brotherhood of St. Karl but as he entered the city he would be surrounded by the soldiers he wished to join not understanding what had happened or why they would surround him. after getting attacked by the five men he would be dragged out of the city and thrown on the ground outside the gates getting told “We do niet wish for your kind here Vuiller!” without understanding nor knowing why he had been removed from the city he had early in his years helped to defend he would finally get his answers from a member of the Brotherhood and the Chaplain at the time Jacques De Beaumont who would inform him that his sister had been accused of witchcraft. Hearing these words Harald would sit down outside the city walls looking over to the River Rubern asking Godan for guidance. a vision would come to him of a man wearing a white cloak whispering the tounge of Iblees. From these visions he would track the man down trying to break the curse that had been placed on his sister but it was already too late. as a letter would reach him informing him of the trial of Auriann Vuiller in New Reza. he would come there just in time for the sentence of the lord Palatine “Auriann Vuiller, you are found guilty of witchcraft and is sentenced to death by drowning!” as these words where uttered a tear would fall from Harald´s eyes as he saw his little sister being dragged out of court towards the docks of New Reza he would quickly follow them watching them as his sister was thrown in the waters with rocks binded to her feet, as her body went down in the dark waters he´d look to the ground as tears would stream down his face. But has he though all hope was over the guards would shout as they could see her swim away as they had forgotten to bind her hands and remove her knife. After this Harald would spend many years cleansing his family name as he joined the Brotherhood and quickly raised through the ranks and became the Chaplain of the Brotherhood. During these years Harald would also be Ordained by the man then known as Cardinal Boniface swearing to spend the rest of his days in the service of the church. Many years pass as Harald keeps on his mission to serve Godan a mission and promise he would keep until his final breath. During these years many great things would happen during his life, but also many sorrows. While he was out fighting in a battle with the Brotherhood of St. Karl his wife who was pregnant at the time would be kidnapped. no matter how many years he spent searching for her he would never see her again. After the loss of his wife and their children Harald would commit the rest of his living years to serving and studying the Holy Scrolls and to serve Godan. Living in New Reza as well as at his Family's keep he would use the money he had earned during his times at war to build and start a Orphanage in the city of New Reza while being active in service at the Brotherhood of Saint Karl taking part in the Voidal battles, and the war between the Holy Orenian Empire and AIS. Turing this war Harald also discovered a cult spreading through out Haense, reporting this to the Regent Tiberius, he kept his work in the shadows until he was finally able to remove the cult from the Kingdom he loved. when the time of war was finally over the city of New Reza would be indangered by a new treat as Demons would often attack the city. Harald a now old man but still in fighting spirit would take his part in fighting of these demons while using prayer, blessed weapons and exorcisms to remove the demons from Godans Terra. But one day a demon too strong even for the old priest would attack the city making fire rain from the sky using his voidal magic to attack the city and GOD´s noble flock. Harald would draw his sword from his cane running towards the demon attacking it as he shouted prayers to his brothers the demon would strike him making the old man fall to the ground before turing his hand towards him making the old priest float 15 feet in the air. The voidal magic would make Harald twist and turn in pain as his body would slowly turn to stone. as the magic had reached his neck he would still hold on to his golden cross shouting out “In GOD we trust as he shall bring our souls to the seven skies in eternal peace with his love!” This would be the final words of Father Harald Vuiller. As the magma still went around and inside Haralds body the demon would not be able take the attacks that stroke him after spending so much of his magic and energy on killing the priest. as a final blow was struck towards its head the demon would explode in a fire of magma that all would fly through Harald before his now stone body would fall towards the ground. Just before he would hit the ground being guaranteed to break into a million pices a beam of light would strike him making the body float over the ground. and this was the end of Father Harald Vuiller. or so we thought… Miracles “The Beam of light” As his body of stone would fall towards the ground a beam of light would strike the body making it float just before it would hit the ground saving it from breaking into a million pices. “The help of a fallen father” over twenty years after his passing during the time of need of the noble flock and after his old friends and family had prayed for guidance a shadowy figure would show to offer them guidance. This would be the soul of Father Harald Vuiller. after roaming God mortal realm for some time he would finally meet with his old friend High Pontiff James II. they spoke for hours about the seven skies and both agreed that God must have sent Harald down to the realm of the living to serve and do whatever he could to help in the battle against the Inferni. This work of information is taken from my fathers jernals over the years. the later part describing his death is from eye witnesses and the information given by people who where there. This has been written as a tribute to my father and our Saint Harald Vuiller. Singed~ Cardinal Johan Vuiller of Aquila, Horens Giant Knight-Regent of the Holy Order of the All-Saints Guard. Holy Sir Head of House Vuiller. Knight of the Black Sepulchre & Cardinal Judge Headmaster at the University of St. Sixtus Protector of the Church of the Canon and its faithful
  10. 13th of Snow's Maiden 3 Second Age =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= "Get en yer places, doves," Lady Alli Ambrose said, lining her youngest children beside one another at the shoulder. She adjusted Vane's collar while Vera began to whine. Off to the side was Olaf Freysson, sitting comfortably in his wheelchair. He was thumbing through his coins over and over again, only looking up to say, "Listen to your mother. And quiet down, will you?" Then, with a soft smile, he'd continue to count. Ser Jolfrey stood at the entrance to the tavern, eyes combing over the grove and the winding trails that led from the capital to the County of Leumont. From the distance came three figures: a tall man with bright white hair, his wife-to-be, and his beautiful daughter. Jolfrey went and met the man's hand in a firm handshake. "Good to see you, Cain." Jolfrey said before giving respectful glances to the young women. Cain Maddox Ambrose retracted his hand and began to lead his children upstairs, sweater already itching his neck. He smiled, "Let's get this over with..." Soon after, Asher Maddox Ambrose arrived, donned in hunting gear, giving Jolfrey a solemn nod. "Good afternoon!" He said before heading upstairs. Lucina Camien was next to arrive. "Happy Holidays, Jolfrey." She then clocked him in the arm jokingly and snickered, giving him a dazzling smile before going inside. After her was a very timid Athri Ambrose, approaching Jolfrey carefully, as if he would attack her. "It's...been a long time." Jolfrey immediately pulled her in for a hug. "It's good to see you, friend." She pulled back from his embrace, a bit more calmed, and started to go upstairs. Estelle and Alexios Ambrose arrived at the same time, bumping into one another. Estelle folded her hands in front of her. "Oh, hello!" She said cheerily. Alexios greeted her with a formal gesture. "Good day, sister. Are you ready for the festivities?" Estelle nodded, allowing Jolfrey to escort her upstairs, Alexios close behind. Last but not least was Bertrath Freysson, happily walking down the cobblestone road to meet Jolfrey at the door. He offered his hand. "'Ello, there! Nice sweater you got." Bertrath chuckled, himself having one very similar. "Name's Bertrath. You taking part in the festivities?" After finally settling down and telling quite a few...strange...stories, another Norlander arrived to paint the picture you see below. [!] A note is attached: Merry Krugmas and Happy Holidays! We may not be the least problematic family or even a simple one, but together, we wish you all good tidings! From Iron to Ice Love, The Ambrose-Freysson Family ((OOC Credits: Sweaters: @Miss_Confined Family members [from the left]: envy, Roria, neoroseo, Professorus, Pro-Head, SophiaTsu, jolfrey, recrofine, Denset_, ambretta, Tayelikel (Reetzy in spirit) Thank you everyone for attending!!!!))
  11. The Disappearance of Mr. d’Emyth - Everything was normal at the d’Emyth home that night, in fact, upon close inspection the house would be spotless, perhaps as if a maid had come earlier that day. Each and every table had been dusted, along with each book individually. The vases were shining, and the floor well swept and the only thing illuminating the inside of the home would be a dimly lit fire. As the hours passed, the sun would soon rise, and along with it, the many children within the household. As they made their way downstairs, they’d begin to fetch breakfast, and get ready for the day. Soon one of the kids would make their way to the front door, and find it… Slightly ajar. The family found this peculiar, as they remembered closing it last night. When they looked around their house they’d notice everything in order. The youngest child made his way into his father's office, only to find a few books scattered upon the desk, a few volumes missing, as well as a few maps. As they continued to look, they figured they would alert their parents to the opened door, and as they crept their way through the house into their parents bedroom, they’d notice one specific thing was missing… Alexander Leopold.
  12. A piece of paper between two pieces of bread are found on your counter. A note next to it says "BUCK NOOS SANWICH! DIJEST THE NOLEDJE!". You decide not to eat it. Probably a good idea.
  13. [!] Found on the Board of many Cities would be a Flyer of which was stating as such -=- Greetings my Fellow Descendents! I, Abdullah Kharadeen, am looking for Unique and Wondrous (ST) Items amongst you all! And after seeing a fellow Descendents Offer, I thought I could make a small Flyer offering Trade! -=- As such! If you see any interest in the items I offer, please send me a Bird (Discord: RhythmrhymE#7874 | IGN: RhythmrhymE) My cart is right Outside Al-Hadirah (-1618 53, 118), though I can travel to meet you -=- Rules of the Trade -I will not Accept Mina for an Item I have, but I will pay Mina for one of yours -Do not bring any Weapons (That you aren’t selling), or Use force, or you will be barred and others warned of you -Please use common sense in these deals, especially when it comes to Mina -For paying Mina, I will use a bartering system, meaning there will be many negotiations -=- What I Sell (There are a Few Joke Items, that I'll probably give out for Free [Mainly 1 – 2]) : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ZLpUWBPvp9TuL1rKR0oVzpUgX7kGITM9x85BscpxkDY/edit?usp=sharing What I Wish to Find and Buy : https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1p2i5Fz5KxODCkg8DAE-qcRxfgf7SNAS5cz7RA3cMIaI/edit?usp=sharing -=-
  14. Newsfrogs hop around haense, a buck news taped to each one. You reach down and unfold the dirty paper.
  15. You wake up with something in your mouth. You open it, and pull out a crinkled up piece of paper that tastes like dirt and grubs. You wonder who it could possibly be from. And what ever the hell this is
  16. https://youtu.be/K-EthATzWzo [Art by Yuri Nikolayev] Cuisine of Hanseti-Ruska “Eat your food, child, lest you want the cold to nip at you more fiercely! Go on, eat!” Haeseni Babushka A cultural treatise presented by Her Royal Highness, Alexandria Karina Wick; Royal Curator of Hanseti-Ruska. The climate of Hanseti-Ruska is cold and cruel, and can be unforgiving to many - especially the unprepared. It has led to the belief the hardly many quality ingredients can be gathered within our Kingdom’s borders in order to prepare a delicious and hearty meal; many people over our generations have gradually taken to forgeign recipes and foods from the Crownlanders and other warmer regions, which has nearly made the spirit of Haeseni cuisine to fade entirely. This document is made in order to save and preserve it - as well as the urge for the denizens of Hanseti-Ruska to follow this example. Despite the hardened climate and landscape of the Haense, there are a wide variety of ingredients able to be grown, hunted, and gathered within the boundaries of the Kingdom. Grains Wheat A commonly grown and hardy grain in the flattened territories of Haense, abundant in supply and used in the preparation of various breads and other doughy goods within the Kingdom. It is one of the most important staple foods within Haense, for bread is a food found in many a Haeseni meal and plays an important role within Haeseni tradition to begin feasts; Breaking the Bread. Barley Being chiefly important with its role as stockfeed for those following the agrarian way of life within the Kingdom, barley is commonly used for various sorts of brews within Haense; most commonly Waldenian ales. Aside from that, the grain makes for a pleasant ingredient for various vegetable and beef stews. Rye Due to its similar uses to wheat and barley, rye may also be cultivated within the borders of Hanseti-Ruska. Haeseni porridges mainly utilize this grain. Meats Venison Deer are abundant in the forests of Hanseti-Ruska and make for a common game for Haeseni hunters and trappers to pursue. Oftentimes, it is prepared for less special occasions due to the gamey flavors of the meat; however, it still provides a quality amount of nutrients and an ample amount of meat for various stews and other fulfilling meals. Mutton A meat that has a strong and gamey flavor, used commonly in Haeseni stews due to his toughness; however, it isn’t as easy to acquire as venison and is saved to cook for more special occasions or to add more flavor to stews in the winter months. Rabbit A meat cooked and treated similarly to chicken, and often used in place of chicken when it is not available. It remains another popular choice for the preparation of hearty, Haeseni meals. A wide variety of meats plays into the cuisine of Hanseti-Ruska, since it offers so many nutrients to keep a Haeseni or Ruskan strong. To avoid repetition and for the sake of brevity, a simplified list of other meats often found in the Kingdom’s borders are as listed below: Pheasant Whale Goat Boar | A favorite game to pursue for Haeseni hunters, though dangerous. Often served at grand festivals or other celebrations by being slow-roasted over a fire. Cod Herring | One of the more favored seafoods of Haense; commonly found in territories bordering large bodies of waters, due to the love many Haeseni bear for the seas. Salmon Cow Fruits, Vegetables, Ect. Haeseni Wild Apples A rather small sort of apple that grows in the territories of Hanseti-Ruska with more mild climates. It has a rather tart taste, which grows sweeter the more it is ripened. It is often an added ingredient to certain stews or porridges for extra flavor and nutrients, though is favored mostly when prepared for pastries such as Ruskan cakes or pies. Prikaburren The national fruit of Haense.Red berries found commonly in the Haense wilderness or in the gardens of those with a sweet tooth. It’s used to accent dishes - often ones with meats; and is rather popular for pastries as well. Teas and alcohols have also been prepared from these berries, proving that they are truly a Haeseni favorite. More information on them may be located in the Tarcharman’s study: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191294-prikaburren-prikaz-berry-national-fruit-of-haense/?tab=comments#comment-1771196 Pears Ruskan Olives | An olive favored by Prinzenas Aleksandriya Karina i Haense for its medicinal uses; an oil produced from these olives have acted as a base for salves that relieve muscle pains. Potatoes Beetroots Carrots Baby Bella Mushrooms | Small brown-capped mushrooms that grow in the gentler parts of Hanseti-Ruska, most notably clearings and meadows. Named after Prinzenas Theodosiya Ysabel i Markev, since the insides of these mushrooms are a luminous white that was reminiscent of her skin tone. Turnips Onions Herbs and Spices Paprika Oregano Thyme Rosemary Parsley Bay leaves Dill Mint Garlic [Art by Yuri Nikolayev] Recipes Pies Startlaefaf Pirok A savory pie favored by many Haeseni fishermen and sailors, its name translating to common as Salmon Pie. Made primarily from salmon, rice, cabbage, mushrooms, and a mixture of various other vegetables based on the cook’s choice. Cooked eggs, minced red onions, cheese, and parsley to help bring out more flavor. [ https://withinthewild.com/our-recipes/russian-alaska-salmon-pie/ ] Ruskan Apple Cake A sweet and crumbly cake made from Haeseni wild apples, a simple treat for all to bake in the spring and summer months of Haense; other fruits may be used within the cake, if apples don’t fit one’s fancy. Prikaburren are known to be used for cakes such as these. [ https://natashaskitchen.com/apple-sharlotka-recipe-russian-apple-cake/ ] Haeseni Vatrushka A Haeseni cheesecake that can be made sweet for desserts and tasted with prikaburren jams; or savory to eat with soups. If the filling is sweetened, some bakers are known to add dried fruits into it for added flavoring. [ https://russianrecipebook.com/vatrushka/ ] Stews or Soups Huntna Stew A hearty stew made with a wide variety of meats from a boar, vegetables, and wild herbs. Often slow-cooked within a cauldron over a day before it is served to a large group. Meant for celebrations and other popular festivities involving crowds. [ https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/polish_hunters_stew/ ] Mutton Stew A savory stew meant for smaller gatherings, though is fulfilling nonetheless. Cooked with a wide variety of vegetables to accent the mutton. [ https://www.recipecottage.com/german/lamb-stew.html ] Winter Soup Very nutritious and fulfilling, and made from Haeseni vegetables capable of enduring some of the harshest of climates. Winter Soup is a common meal within the Kingdom, especially when meats are difficult to obtain - mainly in the winter months. [ https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/nordic-winter-vegetable-soup ] Roasts Janz Dinna A juicy and tender roast made from the beef of a cow, once the favored dish of Komit Jan Kovachev i Carnatia, though still remains a popular dish for many other Haeseni for its simplicity and delicious flavors. [ https://www.theseasonedmom.com/dutch-oven-pot-roast/ ] Koengzdaf Often called a meal for a King, though it’s not an entirely complex recipe; the few ingredients involved, however, remain rather costly. [ https://nordicfoodliving.com/danish-roast-pork-with-crackling-flaeskesteg/ ] It is encouraged for other Haeseni to prepare and present their own dishes, or to even reference this document in moving forward with their cooking and baking. The soul of a nation is found in their food, and it’s the duty of every citizen of Hanseti-Ruska to keep it thriving.
  17. It appears someone has eaten all of the medicine out of your house. Lucky(?) for you, it has been replaced with a brand new issue of buck news.
  18. Just when you thought you were safe.. a brand new buck news is taped to your face when you wake up this morning. That way you can walk and read! How convenient. And another one nailed to your door with 13 nails.
  19. ----------------- The Death Of A Ranger----------------- The day started as any other, Archer Biano awoke in the HRA barracks. After eating a few rations Archer slowly got dressed in his ranger uniform. He had lost his arm a month before to a bandit with a great-sword. The wound was still semi fresh as he had to change the bandages several times a day. Making his rounds around the city of New Reza he had saw Reyna standing in the town center, to him her beauty was unmatched. Slowly he walked up to her, “Hey Reyna, how are you doing?” He had asked, leaning slightly on the giant statue podium. They continued to talk for around 30 minutes before a bird landed in between them with a letter. As Reyna opened the letter with Archer standing behind her, they read out about another bounty. Soon the both of them had armored up for it, Reyna bringing her Crossbow, Sword, and plenty of arrows. While Archer grabbed his shield and a dagger, since he had yet to retrieve his sword from the young Joren. As they set out for The Drifter's wagon they spoke to each other. “Which camp’s were on the map?” He asked, gripping the shield as he walked. “It didn’t specify, but there were 4 of camps.” Reyna told him, walking a bit faster to keep up with Archer’s longer legs. After another minute of walking they arrived at The Drifter's wagon, seeing more than those who were there last time. The lot of them stood in a half circle formation infront of the wagon, listening to the strange man speak about the place to attack. ------=======------ As soon as Archer had left his group, it had all gone to ****. One of the cultist’s had yelled out letting the others know of us. Astoro, Genevieve, and Ruben were in a ditch of sorts, fighting off the enemy berserker. Archer had whipped around, attempting to use his shield to block an incoming attack at his calf. He had failed as the sword went into his calf, scraping just past the bone. As the fight went on Archer got attacked again, this time a man was aiming at his throat. It caused a deep gash to appear going down from his chin to his collarbone. He thankfully he pushed the man back, letting Reyna rain flame arrows over him. Archer soon passed out, holding his shield over his body. ------=======------ When Archer awoke again, Astoro was standing infront of him. “W-where is Reyna-na?” He asked, as he slipped his hand out of the shield. “She is up on the hill, she is safe.” Astoro replied gripping onto his hand, his helmet hiding his face. He only continued to ask, “S-she is safe, and un-unharmed right?” “Don’t worry she’s perfectly fine, only one of us to be unharmed. You’ll be able to see her soon alright?” Astoro spoke through gritted teeth, the lie flowing out like water. “You’re a good man, thank you for being there.” Archer held onto his hand, holding onto him like a lifeline. As Reyna ran up to Archer, Astoro mouthed to a medic that he was dying. “Archer-No!” She cried out, trying to push past Astoro to get to Archer. “Shhhhh, it's fine Archer you'll be fine alright, just fine.” He continued trying to maintain his composure while lying , letting Reyna move closer and removing his hand. Archer reaches out his hand, firmly holding onto her hand. “Reyn-a I need to explain som-me things….” He pasused taking a breath, “You have been the best friend I could ever ask for, you were a kind soul to me in a dark time. You helped me look at a better light, a better future and for that…. I thank you. You could call me crazy but, I love you Reyna. W-Will you take this? For me?” He would retract his arm grabbing a ring from a small bag. Archer slowly and wobbly he placed it on her finger. “H-how would you like to be a Biano?” Reyna nods her head, helping him put the ring on her finger. Then Archer pulled Reyna in giving her a kiss on the check. “Stay happy for me, you are my blessing.” His dying whisper came out, his eyes becoming dull. ------=======------ Archer slowly opened his eyes to a blinding light, a figure standing in the middle of it. “Who?” He asked, holding his hand up infront of his eyes. As the light dyed down his eyes widened with tears brimming the edges. “Momma?” He asked reaching up at the figure. “Yes my dear?” His mother replied, pulling her son up. The boy cried, holding onto his mother for dear life, crying “I love you”s and “I missed you”. As the reunion happened a big black rottieweiler bounded up and jumped onto Archer licking his face. The rest is history....
  20. ~Prologue~ One cold day, the drifter sent out a group of Sellswords to check out a small cave, and none seemingly returned. As the days went on, Bounties would be handed from one hunter to another. Months later, the Drifter wouldn’t know of what had happened to his hunters as none of the parties who got involved in his bounties to search for the missing hunters would find them. As the year would conclude, the Drifter finally decided to stop sending hunters aimlessly out into recon after recon the wick wood to search for what could be deemed as a myth or tale. What really had happened that day in the cave would spark a dark ominous threat, leading people into its grasp of death. This story went a bit as follows... the four brave hunters ventured into the unknown dark cave expecting good pay from a run in the mill bounty, as it was for some reason a tier 3 bounty. The group would find that inside of the cave lied simple traps and other mechanisms to be all over the cave. About an hour would pass as the four struggled to get through trap after trap placed by someone who obviously didn’t like visitors. reaching the lower cave, the four would come across the recover mission that they were tasked with. retrieving one of the Drifter’s supply crates that was stocked with food and stolen by the unknown. Concluding someone probably just left it here to either grab later or leave to rot the group started their walk back up out of the cave as they would be met by a towering figure, that stood 4 meters tall, upon reaching the front of the entrance/exit. The hunters would prepare themselves as they knew they were about to die. After a few moments of the hunters drawing short swords, bows, and mace, the cyclops had already thought up a rather simple plan. Whilst the four brave hunters stood to fight the cyclops, the egotistical giant would pridefully spout out ”Rigut is prop’et...great sav’or to hum’e race” while speaking these words, the 4 Sellswords would look to eachother rather confused as one of them would ask cautiously, still gripping their weapon ”Porphet to our race?” . Rigut would give them a small nod before speaking in a sly Cavemanish tone ”Rigut wont sav’ humee’s unless humee’s help me”. The hunters would watch the prideful one eyed man spout this off, not believing him for a moment. ”Give Rigut meat, and Rigut might help humee’s” the Cyclops went on as the hunters still were quiet unbelieving of the giant as they gripped their weapons not wanting to help this obvious liar. Seeing that the humans still resisted his offers, the cyclops would simply walk out of the way from the cave’s entrance. Though as the hunters left the cave, they would meet the same grizzly fate as just about anyone else who ventured out into that cave and didn’t join this Cyclop’s cult. They would all be struck down , later being used as the Cyclop’s breakfast, lunch, dinner. With this tale ending you might be asking, just how did the Drifter know where to send Sellswords on this first bounty? Well, its quite simple really. The Drifter had heard reports of local people in the Wick wood going missing, and so he sent out one of his Sellswords all on his lonesome to search and find out what has been taking people. After a few months passed, the Drifter grew restless, awaiting for the man’s return he would go out to search himself. Unfortunately the man couldn’t find really anything as he searched through the woods, eventually reaching the bandit camp finding corpses to be missing from the camp, shown by the trails of blood exiting it. Upon finding this, the Drifter would then have a bounty prepared and ready for the next group of Sellswords that came along to his wagon. ~The Two Bird’s Camp~ As the day went by, and Haense Duma would end, Haense soldiers would flock to the Drifter’s wagon expecting a hard bounty based off of what they had been hearing for the past few days. Approaching the wagon, the group of 6 would stand by the Drifter’s wagon awaiting his debriefing. The Drifter would wait until he had took a long puff from his pipe before speaking in his low raspy tone, though anyone could tell whatever was wrong was clearly troubling the man as all of his movements seemed tense and forced. ”Right, I guess this should be enough of you lot.”. The Drifter spoke, leaning back into his wagon before he continued onto the debriefing, ”There have been recent local reports of people going missing near the Wick wood. I sent out one of my sellswords about a month back and he has either failed and is to ashamed to bring himself back here, or he was likely dead because of whatever he found. I sent him out to go near that bandit camp your men sieged a while back. Since he never returned, I decided to go do it myself. Though as I looked around the camp, I only found trails of blood exiting the back of it. I want you lot to go search the area and find some conclusion of what happened to my man.”. And so, the Sellswords were off on their bounty. They found themselves in the camp that had previously been sieged , now becoming a corpse dump it would seem as the group of HRA would see a few men covered in one eyed masks dragging carcass’s of half eaten, rotted humans/animals into the camp and leaving them around the area. Trying to be silent, the HRA hid to the sides of the gates as Ruben Var Ruthern would practice his acting skills and start screaming in pain ”AAARGH, AHH NO NOT MY.” . Ruben left off as the three body dumpers would send out a single one to go over to him. As the man reached him, he drew his knife readying it behind his back as Ruben stood in front of him, towering over the man in his plate as the cultist would ask ”Whats wrong friend?” the cultist asked, prepping his dagger behind his back assuming Ruben was hurt. Tough before the situation escalated any further, Astoro would slit the man’s throat trying to be stealthy as the other two noticed. They would run screaming ”ALERT ALERT, RUN!!” . The HRA would chase down 2 more men killing one of them as they question another that had rolled violently down a hill. From what they could draw from the questioning is that the men of this cult would most likely rather die then reveal their burnt skinned faces to anyone else, and that there was a nearby camp just down the pathway to the left. Going down that road the HRA would start to smell the putrid, stench of rotting corpses that the camp gave off. As the group would start going toward the camp, a few men would be visible behind the small wooden defenses they had though they were very unmoving. as Astoro ordered a few seperate groups to loop around the camp, they would find themselves being ambushed by a giant outnumbering force of the cultists as they were all separated. Astoro and archer would hear their comrades engaging in a fight as they started into the camp and discovering that the men behind the defenses were indeed a trap. though without any second to respond, Astoro and Archer would find themselves ambushed from behind. As the long hard fight went gruesomely on, the HRA would gain the upper hand as they slowly but surely scraped along killing the cultists throughout the fight. As the battle had finished, or so they had thought, the group would then be attacked by a hedge knight as he challenging anyone who wished to step up and fight. His opponent, Astoro, would hold his own against the knight. Though the duel would not end how one might think. It would be rudely interrupted by Archer as he stabbed into the back of the man’s neck. The long hard fight now being over, it would be followed by a big sigh of relief being there no injuries as the HRA went along to search bodies and the camp. They would that every one of the dead cultists held a bottled eye as some sort of ID? They would also find a map locating what seemed to locate 4 other cultist camps. The 6 made started their long walk back to the drifter, once returning would offer the drifter the map and one of the cultist’s bottled eyes. The Drifter would seemingly except this as enough for their payment as his stress and curiosity only grew. The Cultist Camps -In depth- The first one the two bird's camp. Its called this because the cultists that had lured people into the camp would hide in the tree's as the unsuspecting men would wander in as they thought they saw cultists standing behind defenses as when they wandered into the camp, they would find the bodies to be dead as the cultists would come out from the surrounding forests, and kill those who wandered in. The second one is known as the Boiling Pot because the cultists themselves had taken up eaten humans and animals as so did the cyclops. the made a camp for the cooking of the Humans/animals in the wick wood as they had a giant pot underneath a campfire to boil dead creatures. This camp would be somewhat defensible as it's their main point of food making for the followers. The third known as the house of darkness. this house would be placed as a decoy cave to the cyclop's home. upon entering the cave, it would be seen that it is littered by traps of all kinds. It would also hold cages holding bears, wolves, and boars (not greymanes just regular ones). there would be beast handlers that set off cages as well as a few people guarding them. The fourth would be known as the cannibals commons camp. this camp is one based by the Cyclop's cave as it holds a lot of the followers. It would be seen as there main home if they were not staying in the cave with the Cyclops. The fifth camp is known as the burner. known as the area where the skinning and burning of faces happens. It is heavily guarded by some hedge knights and a few others as this camp houses all of their medical cultists. The main Base of Operations is known as the One Eyed Kingdom. the most fortified. known as the Cyclop's main home, there would be walls set up outside of the cave as the inside would be disorienting to those not wearing masks because the moss would cause disorientation -2 to all rolls to anyone inside EXCEPT for the Cyclops. the cave would most likely have traps in it as he was known as a more intelligent Cyclops. a trickster. let me know what you think, its my first time making a forum post for eventlines. 😃
  21. As the early sun rose upon the Reza gates, the slight sounds of wheels rolling shakily across the dirt road accompanied by the sounds of horses calmly clicking and clacking around the sleeping city would be heard as the Haense people woke from their homes expecting another regular day of Haense life. As they left their homes, they were met by an unexpected sight as they left the city gates. to the side of the city stables, would stand a mysterious looking man in robes. As he sat next to his wagon, he would smoke a pipe as he watched the passing townsfolk. As they passed, no one could really distinguish the man’s features because his face was covered by cloth. As the unknown wanderer would sit, it would almost seem that he was waiting for someone or something to meet with him. As the people of Haense would finish their cautious glances and worried looks toward the drifter, the people would notice a wagon assumed to have supplies within it. after hours of sitting and waiting, Amelot would walk up to the suspicious fellow. Though as he approached he’d let out a puff of smoke, setting the fine wooden pipe down on a little stand. His head would slowly look toward the Haenseti soldier as he would ask in an offsetting, dark raspy, voice the drifter would ask a question to the man clad in armor. ”Say...sellsword. Ya ever hunt a monster before?” the man would lean back against the wagon as he spoke, somewhat calmly though in a dark ominous tone. Amelot would jump a bit at the question, replying in a confident happy voice ”Well, I’ve never hunted them though I have fought them before!” Amelot swung his arm up as he tilted his gaze for a moment to examine the heads and skulls paraded out on the drifter’s set up barrels. As Amelot looked at the skulls in amazment, the drifter would let out a little forced chuckle as he’d pull out and hold a golden wolf medallion the size of a coin up toward the soldier. “Then I think you’d be cut out for a certain line of work sellsword...” the man would speak in an off setting voice still as he continued, flipping the medallion onto the table “see, I plan to set up a bounty dealing here. If ya do Enough bounties, this bounty hunter’s medallion will be yours lad...” Amelot watched as the coin landed, smiling a bit underneath his helmet as he responded in his same happy tone and posture “ That sounds like a bit of fun sir, I suppose I’ll have at it.” At hearing this, the drifter would pause for a moment, taking a long hit of his pipe as he looked at the happy man. After a moment, the tense quietness would be broken by a few simple words as he let out some smoke, Standing up and crossing his arms toward Amelot. “Then I welcome ya into the season of the great hunt young sellsword...” And so, the drifter’s career as a bounty dealer had begun with his first season of bounty hunting. With his only hope being that Haense would adopt this culture into their own so he may become a wolf in the hunt. Welcome to the season of the great hunt. may you become a master hunter. Rp location: Haense, Reza gates next to the city stables.
  22. This takes place in Amber Cold, 1780. [!] The wind whips a cold breeze through the streets of New Reza, the winter month is not forgiving. In the month of Amber Cold, a small woman hurries from a shop back home. Walking as fast as she could to relief herself from the freezing cold inside her warm house. Althea held onto her stomach, being 9 months pregnant did not help her movements. Thankfully she got back inside her home, quickly closing the door as soon as both feet were inside. Shivering slightly, she places 5 logs into the small stove stoking a flame to life. “Demetre no one has entered the house right?” She asked the dog that mauled on a bone, cringing at a small snap. The dog looked up giving a bark at her turning back to the chewed bone. Althea sighed, “I wish Darien would come back, I don’t know when the little one will pop out.” Rubbing her stomach slowly, she pulled out a small pot to cook some stew in. Bustling around the small kitchen she worked, cutting up potatoes and carrots, de-boning a rabbit before cooking it above the slowing fire. As she finished stiring the stew, a knock came at the door. Silently, she hoped it was her husband returning from his trip. When Althea opened the door there stood her friend, Elizabeth, in her casual outfit. “Hello Lizzy, care to come in?” Althea asked, being polite and letting the girl walk into the home before closing the door behind her. The hour soon passed, both bowls lay empty. “I hope I find Darien before the baby arrives.” Althea spoke, resting her hands on top of her stomach. Lizzy comforted Althea, talking for another few hours lifting the worries of her shoulders temporally.
  23. Hello! I have tons of skins and am willing to auction them off so they are being used and not just taking up my space on my computer and so you can enjoy them just as I did! Here are the rules. Once you post your bid, do not edit it! Please only comment to up the bid and no spam. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is done. Bidding starts at 800 minas, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. The auction will last until 8/9/2020. Skins Format Skin Name: Bid: Previous Bidder:
  24. Tigers Outfit Auction 。☆✼★━━━━━━━━━━━━★✼☆。 Heyo, so I’ve recently been seeing a bunch of these on the forums and I thought why not? All of these skins are either brand new, never used, or used maybe once. The categories will go as followed: Elvish, human, bundles and Miscellaneous. Please excuse some of my older works their shading is a bit wacky. None of these skin have been uploaded to pmc. If you later down the road upload it after being bought please remember to credit me!! ❤️ ゚+*:ꔫ:*﹤RULES﹥*:ꔫ:*+゚ Once you post a comment, do not edit it! Please add a new comment to up the bid. You must be able to pay the full amount once the auction is over. Bidding starts at 500 minae, and the minimum it may increase by is 100. There are a few ones with recolours those come together and start at 800 mina Increase of bid by 100. Bidding will on end Saturday, August 8th. So you may bid properly it goes Spoiler, underneath it the name of the skin. BID FORMAT: Discord: Skin Name – Bid (List multiple separately please!) No editing your comments! 🙤 · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · ꕥ · ┈┈┈┈┈┈ · 🙦 Elvish ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Mani Eagle Golden Beach Purple Party His sunlight Human ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Rouge Court Babushka’s Festival Watermelon Sugar Prince Edward Daisy Princess Navy Dream Morsgrad Child Ruska Violet Helena Magenta Magic Student Miscellaneous ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Desponnia Autumm Wedding Peach Hanbok Forest Gladiator Bundles (skin with recolours) ⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆ Gothic & BabyBreath Druid Houzi Hanboks Dusk & Midnight To the dudes im sorry there are like 3 male outfits in here. sorry boys
  25. You open up Althea’s diary scanning through the pages absentmindedly, till you stop on a page with a drawing on it. [!] You look at the drawing, trying to figure out if Althea drew herself or if someone else had doodled her.
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