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  1. Past hour
  2. Prince Narithen Uialben pinches his brow, sighing through his nose. "..." He throws the missive down, and goes to get some tea. Maybe a little nightsap.
  3. Ofeliya Weiss welcomes her husband in the Seven Skies. A jukebox began to let music filter out, allowing the duo once more to dance till they drop.
  4. Farian Malto-Gylldene, prepares his palate for the entries into the cooking competition, unready for a certain red-headed Anarórë to possibly produce some form of spherical meat regardless of what the secret ingredient may be.
  5. Today
  6. "Vortice? Vortice fighting?" Hesperia doubled over laughing "I'll believe it when I see it. Can't wait to see Gusiam and his wife being the only ones on the battlefield"
  7. Thank you for your Map Art submission, a Community Team member will contact you via Discord when it is ready or with any issues. I am a bot, contact a staff member if you require assistance.
  8. I want to take a delightful jaunt through a whimsical forest, and have my soul get taken. +1
  9. He set upon the Holy City, and the Tabernacle he invaded. He stood, then, over the aged Horen, Prophet, Father of the Covenant of Man. Now the Enemy had come into Krug's camp, which had, with his people, succumbed to the wishes of the Father of Lies. So they cheered at Krug, shouting, 'slay him, slay him, how weak he is!' And unclean spirits also came upon him, and upon his people, whispering, 'Slay him, slay him, how weak he is!' So Krug pitied his brother, and for his weakness despised him. He brought the axe down upon his neck, and spilled his brother's blood. This was the sin of Krug, which was the joy of the unclean-spirits, and the fruit of Deceiver's plot. By blood of his kin-slain brother, had Krug sealed in his own blood the sin of him, which also was upon him, and all of his sons, who should, for that they had done such a thing before the Tabernacle of the Lord where the Lord his God's eyes were upon him, in his most grievous sin, bear the burden of this sin not only in their blood, but upon their flesh, in their face and on their brow, in the growth of their teeth, in the leprosy of their skin in horrid disfigurement-- they had been as demons, ravenous, taking after demons, so that they were kin to demons; so as demons, they appeared, this was the curse of Krug for what he had done. Now an agent had come again unto Krug's camp, to a Rex who had known the LORD his God, as the Enemy had come unto the camp of the four brothers in the beginning of days. He had whispered unto him, and spoken promises to him, and said to him "I am a prophet, so see my power in the world." and the Rex brooked him, heeding him, and going with him where he went. The beast a Dragon led them to the city of Heinz-Edel, and they flaunted themselves, and were brooked by those who walked the streets, in their sloth or else in their confusion. But for that CAIVS PRIMVS HIGH PRIEST had been in that place, who, as his Father Horen, would not brook it, could not brook it, they would have perhaps gone on in sin; but he came upon them that they might not defile anymore the camp of Horen, not bring into Edel the destruction wrought it in Joren's time. Elder Horen set upon this intruder-in-the-camp, and the Rex went forth also, not to drive him away, but to defend him, so there came a struggle and a clashing of blades. So Horen, who was a priest after Owyn, was beaten and was bloodied, and the fiends had gone away. But Horen who they called a weak man, the meek man, had lived, returning then to his camp, saying, "They have come again, the Enemy, to do to us what they had done in Horen's camp, but by God I shall not let them, by God I shall not brook them." He called to arms the Princes of the Faith, and spoke to them of Holy War. And they called the Black Dragon Banners, each and all, and all were prepared to do what their fathers had once before them failed themselves to do, but that their prophets had achieved-- to cast the evil one from the midst of them. And Man, blessed Man, departed from the assembly from whence Caius Primus High Priest had called Holy War, and mustered their banners and the whole of the legions of Man, in the name of the God of Man Pantokrator. But Krug the Rex had heard of this, and was afeared. And in his heart was stirred a worry, fore this Rex was not as his father Krug, but had gone, once, unto the lands of his brother Horen, and said, 'cleanse me in the waters that the Lord has given to you, that I may be abluted. Mark me by the waters of baptism, so that I may be like you, and in the glory of God our Father-Creator." So the Spirit of the Lord was upon his heart, and bid of him, in fear or in shame, abdicate to another, and it was so. The House of Krug was succeeded him by another, weaker, meeker, a youth, a flepir, who while not frail as elder Horen had been in the days of the slaying, was weak in his youth and in his innocence. He went out from the lands of Krug to the place of the High Priest of H'oren. They presented themselves in humility before Caius Primus High Priest. Horen held high the blade of Holy War over the head of Krug, who before him knelt in supplication and humility. So Krug who was cursed, for that he had slain his brother Horen in his strength, came forth to Horen in his weakness, and kissed the ring of him, saying, "Whatever you ask of us, we will do, fore we have done wrong by you and set upon you, we have spilled your blood by the will of the evil one." The Blade loomed high, in the hands of Caius Primus, priest, High Priest, Horen, bearer of the laurel. He looked down upon the weakness of Krug, and beheld it, as Krug before him had done unto Horen. And Krug had pitied Horen, and despised his weakness-- Horen, now, looked down upon Krug, a child, and loved him for his weakness. He looked upon him, and saw that he was meek: and Horen loved him for that he was meek. The camp of Horen called out to their High Priest, saying, 'slay him, slay him, we shall spill his blood, as he has done unto us, and we will be satisfied by his blood.' "I may not slay the meek, fore that the meek are beloved to me. They are beloved to me, fore that they are beloved to the Lord my God. I may not slay the weak-man, fore he is beloved to me. He is beloved to me, fore that he is loved greatly by the Lord. I may not kill the Flepir, who has never before known the helm of a nation, the innocent ones are beloved by the Lord, so they are beloved also by me, and I shall not slay them." Caius Primus stayed the blade, and up came his brother Krug from weakness, who was at his mercy, spared. And the High Priest spoke, "For mercy, I shall not slay you. In the name of the Lord, you are spared." Rejoice, rejoice, so beautiful a thing to offer to the Lord, merciful restraint to the meek, compassion even unto the guilty! But the Hosts of the Camp of Horen were wroth, seething; “My blood, my blood, my satisfaction! I am very displeased that Krug has not been slain for what he has done unto us.” But I say to them, sons of Horen, awake! Awake, sleeper, awake! Do you see shame in this victory? And should Krug be ashamed for that he had gone upon his knees and kissed the ring of the High Priest of God's Church, that he has gone and supplicated before Horen, whom he had wronged? If they should be ashamed, then they shall come again in wroth another time, to pay, blood for blood. And if you should be ashamed that you have not found blood when mercy could be afforded, then to you shall come also the reckoning of justice for the blood spilled at Horen's hand, in his own sin. But if you should rejoice at this, saying, “O'Lord, Most Merciful, if you can forgive Krug his crimes for my sake, how beloved I am in your eyes, that even for my own fault you have not sent a blade to chop my neck! I weep for the mercy I am afforded, that is afforded Krug through the staying of my hand. And if for my sake may Krug be forgiven, if by Your love the crimes of my own blood may be washed away, what hope there is for Krug, great hope, that he should be raised in dignity to his great place long denied him!” All ye sons of H'oren see, the Lord our God has set us aside a Chosen People, he has put a sword in the hand of the meek, and he has set a laurel crown upon the head of the youngest, so that he may be an elder to his peers, and through Him sovereign over all the earth. The Lord calls you, by the Blade, as he had called Owyn, to raise up and purify Harren's Court! And if Harren's court could be purified, what, by the blade set in our hand, may become of Krug who pleads before us, crying out; aid me, aid me, anoint me in the waters shown to you!? This is the mission of Mankind, revealed to Godfrey, through Empire Eretz H'oren, The Kingdom of God on Earth. Go forth, ye sons of Horen, to the ports ye dare not enter, to the lands ye dare not tread, this is the burden of your blood, the hope of the world. Now Krug, half-devil and half-child, rises spared, returning to the lands of his people. He has given to Horen all Horen has asked of him, he has gone back to his country, young, and alive with hope, invigorated. Should he mope, and weep, and veil himself, for shame? Has he hidden his face from his fellows, as though he were a leper, for that he had gone and kissed the ring of Horen, and felt the grace of Horen's God? No, nay, but he should return to his land, and marvel for his life-- and see, what little he may see through the fire of Horen's heart, the ills that Horen hates, that are plentiful in the world. He sees in his own flesh the curse his own doing, and sees in his neighbors the sins of them. And he is wroth-- not at Horen, but at sin, and he takes up the Axe the Lord his God has given unto him by his father, when his father was a dignified Man, saying, "Krug, guard my country, let not evil set upon it" and he brings it forth against the worst of the world. See, now, the fruit of your ministry? That Krug should go and wage war upon New Edel, and follow Owyn's path-- though he himself be a sinful thing, warped and twisted, appearing as a demon? In this way, he was no different than Owyn, who, by the Blade and Mercyflame, was guided to purity from iniquity, cleansing himself of his own sin, kin-slaying. This, you have showed to him through mercy, and he marches upon even your enemies. Now should you expect from Krug that he should be as you are, civilized, and wage no war? Certainly not! War is in the nature of Krug, he is a creature made for war-- but made for Holy War he is, and in sin, wages war upon his own dignity. But may you expect from Krug that he should keep Holy the Lord his God? Yes, absolutely! This is the mission of Godfrey and the duty of your blood through Horen, to be the guiding hand, and example to all nations and to all creeds. Who should long for Empire H'oren, then, that knows not, and lives not, the mission of H'oren his Father, and Godfrey who, seeing what had been done by the deeds of Krug kin-slayer, the scattering of Man through one thousand years a struggle, pulled Man again together, to do as he was born to do? Should you wish to know this glory, to honor thy father and the dragon his banner, must you, then, take up the banner, and do as your father Horen would himself, to go the path of Godfrey, to tame the untame, and bring light to the dark places, to clothe the naked and right the wrong, sparing no expense, by the price of the blood of your sons and the sweat of the toils of your daughters, by the prayers of all God's people, to bring forth all the world to the Light of Owyn's Flame, Holy Spirit. Not by any other means, ever, shall you know unity, lest you be felled again, and again, and suffer Johannesburg a hundred times, a thousand times! TO KLOG REX-IN-GOLUS Young Rex, I write to you, who has since abdicated, as the witness of your entrance into the faith of the Lord your Sovereign God. You had come upon me in my home of Lemon Hill, and you had put a blade to me, and also to my brother Rebbe Elim, extracting from us what little we could afford you, a robber. And we fed you, and gave you more, and spoke to you, we laid our hands upon your hand, and said, 'I forgive you.' I recall, still, the stoking of the flames of faith in you, and in your fellows, who, by the guide of the very same priests you had vandalized, led you into the waters of baptism, through the gates of Man's cities where you had been denied. And you spoke, in that place, an oath before God, He is One God, your God, the Lord of Hosts, Maker of the heavens and the earth, Sovereign King, Pantokator. You were marked in the waters of Gamesh in the land of Minitz, alive in True Faith. And I recall how you came to me, in my need, in the lands of Veletz, when the degenerates had set upon us, and were to slay us dead, screeching, seething, foaming at the mouth, crying 'home invader! Home invader!' You saw them come forth our way, marching, slow, malicious, and you saw the evil of their eye. I saw you take up your axe in righteousness, I saw you take upon your arm the shield, and came betwixt us. Their blade you had caught, and their seething baby-rage strikes you parried, and you set the blade into their neck. Son of Krug, defender of the world, you were a shield to men-helpless! You were a Holy Warrior of God, who could not brook that Men marked Holy be slaughtered. And for this crime, you were cast down, and they chained your spirit! For you, we prayed, for hours and hours, casting what was unclean from the land, while you battled the spirit of the demon who had gone out from the fiend, and into you. And we saw you rise, triumphant, alive, by the grace of God, returned. What has become you now, poor Krug, my son? You have let the dark-werido into the camp of Horen, you have not stopped him. You have heard his tempestuous call, you have gone forth to be a shield to him, and an enemy to Man. How deceived you have been, how fooled! But you must not go unto your death by the lead of the false shepherds of Xion. You must not go where the false-dragon had led you to go, see now the fruit of his labor, your exile and woe, golus, golus! The False-Dragon has herded you into golus, led you by his croizer into the middle of nowhere, a wasteland, with no hope, no tribe, no home, no crown, no Kingdom, but torment, and terror, and weeping, persecution! Return! Return! Return! Return to us, Klog, Krug, King, Rex! Trust in the Mercy of God, and return to Him! Bring forth the crown you have surrendered, and cast it upon the Flame of His Spirit-- God is King! Affirm again, there is but One God, the God of Krug, the God of Horen, the God of Owyn, Godwin, Joren, Harren, and Godfrey, I am HIS and HE IS MY GOD! I write to you, your priest, to call you again into the fold, to brave persecution, and seek full pardon. I call unto you, to restore your full-dignity, to do as your tribe has done, and before Caius Primus High Priest say; Horen, brother, I have sinned, forgive me. Before the LORD confess by him, and renounce evil, rejoin your people in elevated dignity, such that only God may restore.
  10. based post, keep it pushin' yodie gang real spill
  11. Yesterday
  12. •─────────────────────•❀•─────────────────────• Oenology, or, the study of wine is a tradition as old as time for the Rosius family. Inspired by his ancestors, the Baron of Rosius, Lord Louis-Caspian, has deemed it fit to host a tour of the Rosius vineyards and reaffirmation of the Beaufoy winery, inviting all those loyal and allies of the Heartlands to tour the vineyards, taste wine, and compete in a wine-making competition. TIMETABLE TOUR OF THE VINEYARDS Attendees will be allocated some time with the Baron of Rosius, Lord Louis-Caspian, to learn the history of Rosius and oenology and his wine-making process, whilst touring the vineyards. WINE TASTING Attendees will be briefed on wine-tasting etiquette and provided with charcuterie boards to satiate themselves while tasting the most recently produced wines. WINEMAKING COMPETITION Attendees are encouraged, but not forced, to participate in a competition of winemaking, judged by Louis-Caspian himself. The winner, as declared by Louis-Caspian, will receive a sum of fifty mina as a reward for their winnings. INVITATIONS His Apostolic Majesty, John Alstion, King of Aaun, And his royal pedigree Her Royal Majesty, Adalia Temesch of the Petra, Queen of the Petra And her royal pedigree His Serene Highness, Johannes von Alstreim, Prince of Merryweather And his noble pedigree The Most Noble, Aurel von Theonus, Duke of Vohenheim, And his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, Siegmund von Reuss, Margrave of Velen, And his noble pedigree The Honorable, Krzysztof Jazlowiecki, Count of Warsovia, And his noble pedigree The Honorable, Wilford and Atticus Reinhold, Counts of Anairgrid, And their noble pedigree The Honorable, Friedrich von Augusten, Count of Hohengarten, And his noble pedigree The Honorable, Emilio Varoche, Count of Ves And his noble pedigree The Lord, Leon de Ardennes, Baron of Gotfridcher, And his noble pedigree The Lord, Aimo Astor, Baron of Fir’steinn, And his noble pedigree The Lady, Katrin Stafyr, Baroness of Feldkirch, And her noble pedigree Miss Amélie Auclair, Dame-Maire of Vallagne Miss Noma of Norland AVEC DIEU, The Barony of Rosius •─────────────────────•❀•─────────────────────•
  13. Moved to The Great Library. It shall be sorted into the appropriate category shortly. If you feel this is a mistake, please contact myself or another moderator.
  14. GUH THATS SUCH A HARD QUESTION!! honestly i dont think i could choose? theyre both good for very diff reasons with dnd you have a LOT more freedom and opportunity to feel like a main character, as well as just do cool shit so long as your dm is cool enough, the possibilities are next to endless. that being said, i find lotc offers a lot more for character progression, even just things like scarring! the downside being its very limiting in what u can do since its gotta be fair for everyone (laaame)
  15. For some reason, @thequeennadine can't bid so they've asked someone to bid in their place Skin: 5 Bid: 21 Discord: thequeennadine IGN: thequeennadine
  16. VE JULIYAFEST THE REZNIAN HUNT Issued by the MASTER OF THE HUNT On this 9th day of Wzuvar ag Byvca of 534 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, WITH THE COMMENCEMENT OF JULIYAFEST SO TOO DO THE REZNIAN GAMES. Traditionally the Games are composed of a hunt and a tourney. Her Grace the Duchess of Vidaus has been kind enough to host the tilt this holy festival of St. Juliya but it falls to me as the new Master of the Hunt to organise the REZNIAN HUNT. Fortunately there is no better time with the turn of the seasons and beginning of the Haeseni spring which starts the hunting cycle anew. As mentioned in the announcement for the start of Juliyafest by Her Majesty the Queen and the Grand Lady, St. Juliya of Paradisius is the Patron of Matrimony, the union between man and woman. Since the reign of Blessed Queen Amaya though, St. Juliya and her festival is about the relationship between the Haeseni people and their country. Thus those who are participating in Juliyafest can also attend this hunt in our most inhabited woodlands, the WESTERWALD. Animals are known to grow to double the size of their regular counterparts here and develop into adulthood even quicker. Thus it is the perfect spot to go hunting for pelts to be bestowed upon those you wish to court, have an interest in or merely wish to show your thanks for their company. For those already with partners but still wish to enjoy the festivities of Juliyafest, you are welcome to join alongside the others but with a twist however. You shall hunt together, you and your partner, as a team in a paired hunt; a tradition started by one of my predecessors Ser Mikhail Valkonen. It sees the couple rely on their bond and cooperation to succeed as one is blindfolded and given a crossbow whilst the other reloads it for them and guides them to their target. The Reznian Hunt shall take place during: The Month of Vyzmey ag Hyff Friday, June 14th, 6pm EST KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM, His Lordship, Rickard Kortrevich, Master of the Hunt
  17. Holding the crumbled missive within his veiled digits the mali'ker inspected its contents with lazer focus "Perhaps this could be a good opportunity" he whispered underneath his breath a lofted gaze being offered to the rest of his family that resided within his manor "Are they fit for the sea?" he inquired to himself an hum and expression of contemplation becoming apparent upon his plagued ivory visage. Though, quickly did a conclusion settle upon the wretched elf's mind. With a flick of his cigar to be rid of its ash the 'ker stood and made way towards the rest of his kin. . An announcement was to be made and a mission was to be offered.
  18. Spuds sat on his porch, his musin great axe by his side as he drank a bottle of soda “So delicious.” He said as he relaxed under the lightless sky
  19. Ultimately, nothing should be free and available in the main world. It would provide a greater narrative in the end, we could have ways to open up "pits" via STs or something by paying then getting the ressources. This run to make the server friendly and easier to others because you have anxiety about a block game is a big reason why LotC has become Social Circle Simulator 2024
  20. VE OFFIEZ I VE ARANYIAZ [Office of the Royal Treasury] On the 8th of Wzuvar Ag Byvca, 534 E.S. PREFACE The Office of the Treasurer (Naumariav: Ve Offiez i ve Aranyiaz) is the branch of Their Majesties’ Aulic Government responsible for the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska’s fiscal and economic affairs, as well as property management. The Office of the Treasurer’s duties and trifold: to sustainably manage the Royal Treasury; maximise revenue and control expenditure, to promote and advertise employment opportunities within the Kingdom, and to manage; and where necessary distribute, the Kingdom’s resources. HIERARCHY LORD TREASURER The Lord Treasurer shall be the Kingdom’s foremost authority on monetary and economic matters, and administrator of the Royal Capital. Their duties include but are not limited to: calculating tax rates and property pricing within the City of New Valdev, collecting land tax from the various Noble Houses of the Realm, to arrange the payment of wages to public bodies such as the Haeseni Royal Army, and management of the Golden Crow Bank, and much more. The Lord Treasurer occupies a largely supervisory role generally regarded with seniority and trust as one of the few people with access to all aspects of the Royal Treasury. As of the publishing of this missive, the Lord Treasurer is Count Mikhail Colborn of Malkovya. (@Kaladin Stormblessed) DEPUTY TREASURER Appointed by prerogative of the Lord Treasurer, the Deputy Treasurer is the second-in-command in the Royal Treasury. The objective of the Deputy-Treasurer is to be a jack of all trades, and should be well-versed in all aspects of the Treasury, so that they can work on whatever the Treasurer and Treasury needs. At the time of this missive, the Deputy-Treasurer is Margrave Henrik-Otto Ludovar of Kvasz. (@HogoBojo) The Duties of the Deputy Treasurer are henceforth, The organisational work of the Treasurer’s office. Undertaking the usual responsibilities of the Treasurer when they are not present. Aiding in keeping all pertaining ledgers up to date, or improving them. Communication between the various Kastellans and the Treasurer to ensure that the performance of each branch is optimised to the fullest extent. KASTELLAN OF LABOUR The Kastellan of Labour is to assume a comprehensive role encompassing both resource management and labour facilitation. The Kastellan is to manage treasury workers focused on resource gathering, and to ensure the Royal Treasuries' resource reserves are always plentiful. At the time of this missive, the Kastellan of Labour is Davyd Colborn. (@JuliusAakerlund) The Duties of the Kastellan of Labour are henceforth, To upkeep the relevant documents and manage matters relating to the Treasury’s Resources Reserves. To communicate with the Treasurer actively about the current state of the Treasury’s Resource Reserves. To hire workers to collect necessary resources based on a commission-based payment as needed. To ensure the Treasury has an ample amount of resources in excess. To ensure the smooth distribution of resources for Crown projects. KASTELLAN OF TRADE The Kastellan of Trade is to assume a comprehensive role encompassing both business and trade affairs. They are to assist the Treasurer in managing both national and international trade and shops. Overall, their objective is the maximisation of the Treasuries’ income via trade. Additionally, they are to oversee the management of Treasury Traders. At the time of this missive, the Kastellan of Trade is Adelina van Leuven. (@Dramatude) The Duties of the Kastellan of Trade are henceforth, To assist with the upkeep of both international and national shop management and trade. To oversee and manage the supplies and the money received from Treasury Traders. To increase revenue through trading of materials from the Treasury. To seek out and assist the forging of financial and economical deals either within or outside of the Kingdom. To assist the promotion and advertisement of Haeseni business so that it may thrive. To communicate with the Treasurer to offer insight on economical situations, plans and ideas. To assist the Treasurer in deciding trading prices of Treasury products. KASTELLAN OF STEWARDRY The Kastellan of Stewardry oversees the administration of the Capital, and the various tasks that that entails. They are to employ and manage Stewards to assist in their efforts. At the time of this missive, the Kastellan of Stewardry position is Vacant. The duties of the Kastellan of Stewardry are henceforth, The management of properties within the Royal Capital. The sale of properties within-in the Capital and adjacent farmland. Evicting properties for which tax has not been paid in a timely manner. The management of Stewards to aid in managing properties. The upkeep of ledgers pertaining to their branch. Administrating the interior land of New Valdev. RECRUITMENT His Majesties’ Royal Treasury is always looking for talented and ambitious new hires. Should you have an interest in becoming a part of the Royal Treasury, please send a bird or seek out Lord Treasurer Mikhail Colborn (@Kaladin Stormblessed) or Deputy Treasurer Henrik-Otto Ludovar (@HogoBojo). STEWARDS The Stewards of the Realm are responsible for selling various properties within the Royal Capital and ensuring new citizens have access to the various citizen doors throughout the Realm and Royal Capital. Stewards receive a commission of 30% on each property sale. To become a Steward, you may contact the Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, the Grand Maer, or the Kastellan of Stewardry. TREASURY WORKERS Treasury Workers are tasked with directly contributing to the wealth of our Kongzem. Their duties include mining, farming, and managing the Crown’s farm animals through breeding and harvesting. The resources and wealth they generate are funnelled into the Treasury Storage, Armory, and various Crown-owned shops and stalls throughout the continent and the Realm, and rewarded with a modest payment. To become a Treasury Worker, please contact the Treasurer, Deputy Treasurer, or the Kastellan of Labour. Signed, THE MOST HONOURABLE, Henrik-Otto Jakob Ludovar, Margrave of Kvasz, Count of Otistadt, Viscount of Sezwesk, Baron of Isaakev & Juliksburg, Lord of Ricksburg & Brandzgaard, Deputy Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Quartermaster & Armiger of the BSK THE RIGHT HONOURABLE, Mikhail Ulric Aleksey Colborn, Count of Malkovya, Viscount of Venzia, Baron of Bethlenen, Lord of Vorenburg, Lord of Vitraval, Protector of Scyflings, Royal Treasurer of Hanseti-Ruska, Owner of The Scyfling World
  21. A dwarf groans as a Yrommar steals the identity of renowned Urguan lawyer Sidewae Goodman.
  22. Wilhelmina Emma, the mother of the bride, smiled widely as she read over her personal invitation for the wedding. Recalling back to the first letter she sent to the Varoche heir in regards to her debuting daughter, Wilhelmina was ever so pleased with the outcome; a marriage for her 6th child, and more importantly, a union filled with the promise of love and happiness.
  23. I think if babies take much longer to mature, and the basis of raising livestock revolves around caring for them with the intent of maturing them, that'd lead to a more interactive and immersive experience. Just raise the base drops of mature mobs, remove loot tables from babies, and disable aging of cows and have there be a number of prerequisites for baby to mature into an adult. Something along those lines. In regards to whether or not status effects should be granted to foods, the answer is yes. However it really should only be done for the rarest of foods, or foods that require the most effort to cooking, whether it's based off rarity in acquisition of resources, or effort derived from the crafting recipe. I'd also focus on adding status effects that fit thematically with the foods, like adding a jump boost to rabbit stew, or some other custom recipes. As far as which status effects? Any and all of them, as long as they fit thematically with the food, I don't think anyone could complain, to include negative effects. Also wanted to add that among the typical PvP status effects, I don't really think any of them could fit thematically with foods and therefore don't see a reason to add those types of status effects. I could care less that there'd be foods that affect PvP, I just don't really see how they could fit thematically with normal foods using normal ingredients in the world. I don't see the need to add PvP related status effects to food unless it was for some sort of boss mob or rare fish in a biome's loot table. As far as the ability to reskin the item texture to a different food, If that's the best the server is able to achieve without creating a dedicated server resource pack, hosted by the server or otherwise, then go for it. However It's antiquated thinking, I know there's hesitancy on a server resource pack, but if there's a single reason, it would be for core profession immersion plugins. Why not do the ideal, immersive move and create a resource pack for all these custom foods so there can be custom item textures for all of them: I'd also like to stress, that there shouldn't be racial locked, or racial buffs. It should just be implemented with the idea in mind that, the reason why a particular food is popular in a given region, has more to do with the fact that that is the food that grows in that region, and has become a staple for those reasons, less to do with the fact that it's just racially locked. If you're going to do racial foods, there has to be an incentive to create racial foods. So that players prefer those foods and it will lean further into their roleplay and add distinction among regions and races, and those resources have to be plentiful in those regions. Also adding an expiration to foods never fixed the issue entirely however it was a decent approach. Players were still able to amass large amounts of bread, and it pretty much discouraged the use of any other less easily acquirable foods. A better solution would have been to modify hunger restoration and saturation of common foods, and change crafting recipes for easily crafted foods such as bread. If vegetables, provided .5 hunger and 0 saturation, and bread had to be cooked in a furnace, players would likely create food with those vegetables, and lean more into their regional dishes. Because if potato's and bread is still the most easily farmable, hunger restoring, easy to craft foods on the server, all these other foods still aren't going to be utilized by the player base.
  24. It's cool. It doesn't have to be realistic. It's a fantasy setting. We already have alchemy, magic and lots of other things that aren't real. Why does it matter that the sun is a cool eclipse?
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