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Everything posted by Pancho

  1. Ser Jose Fuentes walked into the Ferryman Keep. He then walked out of The Ruins of Ferryman Keep. With it, he hauled his stack of steel.
  2. “Interesting…” a man from nowhere in particular stated towards Squak’s remarks!

  3. "Remember King Edmund!" Ser Jose Fuentes yelled as the Hyspian Regiment moved crate after crate off ther merchant ships. As war supplies flooded into the capital, each one was stamped with the slogan 'For Edmund.'
  4. Ser Jose Fuentes flipped through the new issue of the Kaktuz Weekli from his desk in Hyspia. He nodded along as he read the stories, cracking a smile towards an imaginary camera. "Even though we are on opposite sides of the war, I never miss an issue of my favorite newspaper, the Kaktuz Weekli."
  5. A Hyspian Nationalist frowns as he reads the missive. He hands it around the makeshift camp the Regulators had taken up refuge in whilst on patrol. Slowly but surely, each of them nods as they realize they must make peace to kill the bigger threat.
  6. Ser Jose Fuentes stared towards the Orcish lands from his desk across the river in La Dorada. He silently drew on his cigarette before throwing to the ground and stomping on it. His fingers tapped against the warm sandstone as he nervously chewed on his lip. "Esto es un pepinillo."
  7. Nvm, undid the hide

    Edited by Pancho
  8. Very sad to see a lack of apps after a recruitment drive announced :<

    1. Show previous comments  30 more
    2. subatomic


      image.thumb.png.a792104b08b874d920948f35425524bb.pngmy skin is so fire @chaotikalty for this heat 

    3. Milenkhov
    4. Salvius


      I hate staff because they are biased simple.

  9. Ser Jose Fuentes watched from a tower overlooking La Dorada as the bells rang and the news was shouted through the streets. All he could do was look to his sword against the wall and pick it up. "Not even God can save us now."
  10. "Rally the banners." Ser Jose Fuentes ordered to his mentor and good friend Asbjorn ( @DeusVult). He silently clutched a cross, looking out to the river beside La Dorada.
  11. Ser Jose Fuentes cheered as the threat was routed! He casually cleaned off his sword. "Pigs to the slaughter."
  12. Ser Jose Fuentes, Colonel of the Hyspian Regiment, smiled the Sun's Smile.
  13. Ser Jose Fuentes checks his mail, sad to see no new orders regarding the missive.
  14. Kenian ‘Fat ****’ sharpened his blade once more. "Stassion dogs. How have the valah fallen so far. I'll put them out of their misery just like their Orenian parents."
  15. He was under the influence of lust

  16. "Little do they know, Maethor Sythaerin is the greatest fisherman of them all. His bait hooks the skygods readily." A 'thill from a far away land commented!
  17. Jose Fuentes prepares to address the Hyspian people with his Viceroy @Wavey
  18. nations arent ooc led i promise

    1. Nug


      in my nation, we only roleplay, we never use discord!!! and we love sending birds in a roleplay honoring manner

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      LoTC should expand irp means of organization & event planning and push hard against heavy discord use and discord leadership/planning.

    3. Cobbler


      6 hours ago, NotEvilAtAll said:

      LoTC should expand irp means of organization & event planning and push hard against heavy discord use and discord leadership/planning.

      I think you can do this already with signs, books etc. Just that you’d find nobody knows about the events and organization would be pretty shit haha. OOC leadership/planning will and has always been a thing. Sometimes people go overboard with it, ie planning successors 3-4 generations down the line. Though as long as it’s done to enhance RP there isn’t anything wrong with it.

  19. "Keep my father's name out yer ****ing mouth." Fenian Sythaerin shook his fist!
  20. A relative of Elliphas lightly kicked the wanted man, hoping he would one day wake up and find out that he was wanted.
  21. death.png

    1. UnusualBrit
    2. Laeonathan


      only the wise can truly accept their peers

  22. "The True Silver Lubba would know what to do!" Silarus commented!
  23. I can't wait for redlines to dictate my characters personality instead of dynamic roleplay. Very based.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      Holy shit Joel

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      whats wrong with erp you all advocate against erp but we need more openly erp advocates its not called afking its called roleplaying on discord what is wrong with you guys like for real erp is my favorite thing since the fae ring you can do like hmm and aaaa and its super interactive and it takes a lot of trust too so you need to hope the other person doesnt leak your erp logs but besides that its all the fun you should do erp i am an advocate for erp and i support any kind of erp dont let this screamingdonger dong you down from donging go donging and be a happy donger 😁

    4. lemonke
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