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Status Updates posted by Gemini

  1. The new war rules were such a good idea— nothing but toxicity emerging from them. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. argonian


      no one's at constant war. oren wasn't at war for several months til recently.


      and no one was doxxed in all the other wars either.

    3. Gemini


      There has been constant wars ever since the rules came out— I could be wrong so please correct me if I am! 

    4. argonian


      pretty much, but the elven war had no impact on me and mine has no impact on them


      so why would anyone care


      ree'ing that war is happening between nations you aren't involved w is just concern trolling. like i can safely say the entire malinor-orc war was so irrelevant to me that i forgot it even happened until lion bought haelun'or


      not to mention that most groups haven't been at war at all and most wars have only lasted ~1 month; the only exception being the last world war which was dragged out by ridiculous cooldowns


      edit: wait just saw the "i don't even play anymore". yeah, literally just concern trolling lol

  2. Thank lord I actually have something else to do than lotc— Y’all need to chill and and enjoy life, enjoy time when Jesus died so you can eat chocolate eggs. 

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. ydegirl


      i have religious trauma from the church x

    3. Gemini


      @MissAnneDreyI don’t think I’ve ever even been to a church? XD I’m not really religious haha 

    4. _Sheylo_


      damn that sucks

  3. Remember to join the most active elf nation in Lotc! <3 We're called Haelun'or 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Laeonathan


      that was lag tbf

    3. ErikAzog


      i am a pro haelunor rper now


    4. Gemini


      @ErikAzogWonderful to hear <3 Welcome 

  4. Can Y’all worry about some actual issues like the genocide in China or something instead of this temp map. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      But you were just living for the drama 23 hours ago :doom: it's over

    3. christman
    4. Gemini


      @Reckless Banzai ScreamerI do like drama!!! Bickering over a map is just boring also it’s yesterdays news no one cares 

  5. Can someone rewrite arcanism pls 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Archipelego


      Leave it on the shelf to die in darkness

    3. Gemini


      11 hours ago, ScreamingDingo said:

      rewrite war rules first lOl

      Please contact moderation management. (::

    4. Gemini


      13 hours ago, nickrocky213 said:

      No please leave it on the shelf with the snelves


  6. It’s a beautiful day outside, go touch grass and enjoy the weather 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Gemini


      @SamlerI only have issues with the fact that you were with children. Children are ominous (sorry children of lotc)

    3. Gemini


      @_Sheylo_Books are for the illiterate. 

    4. Samler


      @GeminiHave you forgotten I work with child care?

  7. come join now the hottest family in Celia'nor ;)) send me a pm if you're into helven rp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. X3N0


      Aren't you a Haelun'orite?

    3. Air


      @Gemini someone thats hotter than you

    4. Gemini
  8. Happy birthday to me ❤️

  9. Damn the lotc drama never seizes to entertain me :3 sippin’ on this tea till the day I die 

  10. someone write bird people lore so I can rp Bird Person

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Tigergiri


      LOL, there used to be playable harpies, i have no idea if its still lore tho

    3. Werew0lf


      its not

    4. Gemini


      @Werew0lfGet to writing ST!

  11. Day 94297 of asking someone to play my atronach im desperate pls

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gemini
    3. Gemini


      @alexmagushey well at least I got a player!!!!!

    4. alexmagus



  12. HAPPY PRIDE MONTH *******

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gemini


      @LaeonathanI think I’m for some reason blacklisted from mod ): so you can celebrate 

    3. Laeonathan


      lol, glad about that. also, happy birthday. I know I'm late.

    4. ydegirl


      pri(DE MON)th

  13. Hey! I hope you have a nice day 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Priceflash


      You as well beautiful soul

    3. HogoBojo


      Howdy, I hope that you have a nice day as well!

    4. Gemini


      Ahh thank you both!! <3

  14. And remember to hit that follow button for a free ankle pic 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Rip and Tear
    3. Gemini


      @Werew0lfWHAT I’m freshly shaved and exfoliated and tanned. My ankles are state of the art. 

      and @Crevelpls you’re ruining the economy 

    4. Crevel


      I am not ruining the economy. I am providing supply to meet the demand. I am a competitor offering a sample of my products to steal your loyal customers and attract new ones.

  15. How many farewell posts have you written?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Laeonathan


      None because if you care to write farewell you simply still care, hence you will come back.
      Only those who just leave without saying shit don't return.

    3. Gemini


      @Wholesome_ThomasYou're my icon


      @DiogenYou're cringe


      @LaeonathanWords of a wise man (are u a man sorry I always just assumed so)

    4. Laeonathan


      I am rather manly indeed.

  16. I love you all— Hope you all are doing great ❤️

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tigergiri
    3. Valannor


      Love ya too, Gemi! Where are you poking about on Almaris these days? I don't much see you in Haense anymore. 

    4. TheCapybara


      Aw thonk you, you!!! Hope you are doin well too!

  17. I swear to god if I see one more open letter…. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      better then an invitation to tea! :P

    3. Gemini


      @LaeonathanYou just gave me an idea 

    4. Laeonathan


      hahahahha do it, no balls

  18. Hey regardless of all these wars happening, remember that most importantly we’re here to have fun! <3 remember to enjoy the RP!! I hope you’re all doing well and enjoying the time of your lives 💕

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      once I got 3 forum warning points for rick rolling with someone else in status updates

    3. Gemini


      @rukioI wanna say sorry but that would be a lie ): I still hope you’re enjoying your time!!! 

    4. Gemini


      @NotEvilAtAllI’ve never gotten a warning ⚠️ idk

  19. I’ve had covid 3 times in the last 10 months honestly fml 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gemini


      @squakhawkat this point I might need to amputate :,> I’m done being sick I’m seeing thing with this fever 

    3. Crevel


      I've only had it once when I went on holiday (I believe, I didn't test myself but someone else in the house got sick and was positive). I had a bad fever for about a week and would drink lots of coconut water. For the first few nights, I am pretty sure I had some form of psychosis because I'd get hallucinations which in turn made it very difficult for me to sleep. Eventually I got better for the most part, but I had a small cough that persisted for like a month. It was an interesting experience, and I also discovered after a while when I was feeling better that I hate the taste of coconut water. I hope you're doing good though and your symptoms are tolerable.

    4. Unwillingly


      I got it once on the literal day I was supposed to fly out of the country around february of last year. was throwing up af and it was probably the most sick I've ever felt. took a ton of vitamins and medicine in an attempt to get it out of my system. even though it went away pretty quickly, before we flew back to the US I ended up testing positive for covid anyways and myself and my immediate family had to quarantine for 5 days while the rest of our vacation party flew back. was not a fun time

  20. It’s so weird to think as I’m writing this, deep down there’s a bunch of people stuck in the middle of the ocean in a submarine by the titanic 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. sami03


      Happens when you fire the guy who made safety concerns instead of fixing them

    3. ImCookiie



    4. Traveller



  21. I say we turn off lotc servers for 48 hours to allow everyone to just breath. No discord, no forums, no servers, no nothing. 

    1. Luxury


      are you suggesting we should be alone with our thoughts? ew

    2. Gemini
    3. itdontmatta


      nickelodeon worldwide day of play

  22. Hey all my pvp goons, would you like to help a noob out and tell me the best places to learn pvp? I absolutely suck at it and wanna get better ):

    1. rukio


      Swing timer or adhd meds moment pvp?

    2. herculean_wud


      cubecraft and pvp legacy


      i prefer cube, but pvp legacy has working shields.

    3. Gemini


      20 hours ago, herculean_wud said:

      cubecraft and pvp legacy


      i prefer cube, but pvp legacy has working shields.


      20 hours ago, rukio said:

      Swing timer or adhd meds moment pvp?

      And literally anything tbh 

  23. I’ll give 50 minas to the person who guesses to whom the next open letter is written to 

    1. Luciloo


      To whom* :^)

    2. Gemini


      @LucilooIm just  European okay 😭😭😭

    3. Nooblius


      i'm guessing clan ireheart

  24. Guys I just got accepted to a job I applied for and I’m moving ABROAD WOOP WOOP life is cool and I’m out of LOTC focusing on REAL LIFE touching grasss— TAKE THAT SUCKERS

    1. Luciloo
    2. Gemini


      @LucilooThanks!! I just signed my contract and AHHH I’m so excited :3 I’m moving in a month and it’s so weird I’ve lived in Finland for like the whole my life 

    3. Ender_blade22


      how do I get accepted

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