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  1. [!] The following message has been nailed onto every notice board in Norland & It's Vassals A Song of Exodus _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Mösu Shall no Longer Obey To A Kingdom That is in Decay. We shall neither Stand nor Fight For What They Believe is Right. For Only A Fool Would Follow When Injustice & Humiliation is All He Has Been Bestowed, When Justice, Gifts & Glory Is What They Are Owed. A Kingdom Defended By A Fool’s Folly, A Kingdom Left Blinded To The Enemy Rally, A Kingdom's Pride In All Its Glory, Its End Shall Be Gory. What I’m about to say is not meant to make you beg for us to stay nor beg for forgiveness. For you are the choosers of your own fate and actions. But I want you to know how you have behaved towards me and my Clan… And How we have treated you. For years now, me & my clan have been subject to unjust treatment and humiliation from those we would once consider brothers and sisters, comrades who we fought and bled next to in a shieldwall, even risked our own necks and skin to save when their footing faltered and their end seemed near. When we have been the ones to first answer the call to arms in defense of Norland and been those that showed up in even greater numbers then sworn vassals and barons of Norland! Hel, Not even the Ashguard managed to surpass us in numbers! So dare not say that we have not done our fair share, our right, our duty as Highlanders & Norlanders. We have bled and toiled just like you all. If you’ve got scars and believe you have bled and toiled more for our North, then Strip and show them to us! We’ll show you ours! There is no part on our bodies that is not marked with a wound. Our bodies are covered in scars from every weapon you can think of! Swords, Arrows, Spears, Clubs, Stones… All of them sustained for Norland! In defense of your kin & friends! But yet they Dishonor, Humiliate, act out unjust punishment for things some of us have already been justly punished for when honor, land, titles and gifts are what we are owed… They stab us in the back over and over again like the treacherous courtiers in empires of old, Bite our ankles like a poisonous snake when we are not aware. We demanded justice for all the times where we were wronged and we received none. We asked for what we were owed in return for all the blood we have spilled and lost for Norland and received nothing. We asked to be recognised as an official clan of Norland and yet there is no such decree. A man can only be stabbed in the back a few times before he grows a pair of eyes in the back of his head. Henceforth I, Sir Ragnarr Mösu “Barbarossa”, Aesir of Aesirs in Redclyf, Chieftain of the Mösu clan and among the first knights of Norland, and the Mösu Clan shall no longer exist under the banner of Norland nor be in the service of the King & Ashguard for only a fool would do so after having experienced what we have. If there is still any Mösu's in the Ashguard then this is their letter of Resignation from it. So Join Friends & Folk who Have Seen Norland’s Wrongs, Let us set Sail and Sing Songs. Let the Northern Winds take our Ships South, As We escape Norland’s Bad word-of-mouth. To a Distant Land That Is Hot & Warm, Yet Friendly & Does not Thorn. Our Song of Exodus, Shall even be Sung by Regulus. Signed, Rangarr Mösu “Barbarossa”, Aesir of Aesirs, Chieftain of Clan Mösu & Knight of Norland
  2. A scrawny, one-armed goblin struggles to work his way through the snares, vines, and brush of the jungle. He casts a scornful glare towards the scorched lands behind him, now surrounding the Iron’Uzg, before spitting and hacking as he walks into a large web. He wipes the cobwebs away from the shiny white bone of his skull, and with a grunt of exertion, marches onward. Just past the webbing, he hears the sound of a gently running river. A toothy grin splits his branded and scarred face, knowing he draws closer to his destination. The goblin cuts down a row of vines, clearing a small path for him to squeeze through, cautious of the Gaja snake-vines the area is infamous for. Still, he knows it will be worth it as the crunch of leaves beneath his feet turns to packed dirt and planks. The breath is drawn from him as he strides up to a large notice board in the center of the path, overgrown with vines and fronds… but a patch lies suspiciously bare. In this space is a sign, declaring this region claimed, under ‘new ownership’ of some foreigner. The relief, the purposefulness that drove the goblin to reach this place, is soon replaced with a blind fury. He rips down this sign in anger and carves a single word into the board in its place; He stomps around towards the only hut that hasn’t been similarly covered in overgrowth- signs of recently being lived-in, albeit temporarily. The door is locked, but it poses no obstacle to the enraged urukim. With a lift of his stave and a muttering to Anyhuluz, Ilzgul of Destruction, he smashes the door open and storms inside. A fine layer of dust coats the meager belongings of the individual whom attempted to lay claim to the abandoned village- their abandoned village. He snorts in derision. Clearly, they abandoned their own claim- or, hopefully, were killed before they could ruin this sacred ancestral ground. Instead, as one of the last bearers of the Ways to which this village was meant to serve, he stumbles over to another hut. He rips down more overgrowth, and opens the door of the wall of the smallest, centralmost building- with a commanding view of what he has sworn to protect. He carves a series of runes into the wall, which would clearly describe his purpose here to any descendants of the founders of the village, knowing only they would be able to read the inscriptions. The Watching Eye, The Wall, The Sounding Voice, The Giver’s Box, and last, The Tower Shield. Without the rightful owners to defend it themselves, he shall act in their place. He will be a stalwart tower on the river village.
  3. Trials of the Boar Clan Gorkil. The oldest clan of them all. Joining the ancient clan is no easy feat. Only the ones worthy enough may join the hulking sons of Gorkil, the second born of Krug. The aspiring Gorkil has to prove to the Wargoth, the clan’s leader, that they're powerful and honorable enough to call themselves Gorkils. For this, the 3 trials of the boar were made. Only upon passing the 3 trials one can call himself a son of Gorkil. A Gorkil warrior getting ready for battle Trial of Strength A son of Gorkil is expected to be in peak physical condition at all times. The ones who wish to join the clan must show they’re strong enough to be called a Gorkil. The first part of the trial is fairly simple. It consists of various physical activities such as weight lifting and rope climbing. The second part is also rather simple. A fight against the Wargoth/Elder conducting the trial. The outcome of the fight doesn't dictate if one passes or fails the first trial, what does is the aspiring Gorkil’s ability regardless of the outcome. Trial of Leadership The aspiring son of Gorkil must show he’s capable of leading before even joining. The second trial is much more complicated than the first one. Accompanied by the elder conducting the test and or the wargoth as well as a third clan member, the aspiring Gorkil has to successfully lead a hunt of a dangerous beast. The orcs accompanying the aspiring Gorkil will follow their orders during the hunt, making leading a hunt a little bit easier for the aspiring Gorkil. Only after proving they’re capable of making quick and smart decisions while also leading a group, the aspiring son of Gorkil may advance to the last trial. A group of Gorkil warriors hunting as a part of the trial of leadership Trial of Endurance For the last trial, the aspiring Gorkil must prove their willpower and endurance to extreme physical pain. The trial consists of the aspiring Gorkil being tied upside down while the rest of the clan, some armed with whips and daggers, cut, cut and whip the aspiring gorkil until they’re at the brink of of bloodlust. While most orcs are capable of passing the trial without much work, it is still not an easy feat. The trial of Endurance also serves as an induction ceremony. After the trial is done, the Wargoth slaughters a sheep for the new son of Gorkil, letting its blood spill into a bucket. Upon returning to the clan with the bucket, the Wargoth makes his way to the new Gorkil clan member and pours all the sheep’s blood on them. Only after receiving the shower of blood one is truly conisdered a Gorkil.
  4. A new clan in the North appears, the leader being Ragnar Sigvardson. Fisherman, tradesman and Ashguardsman. A respected man in the North and West. The legacy begins here! Who can join this clan? Anyone really, with Nordic backstory. We do trading and help sustain Norland. Why should you join this clan? It's fun, we can roleplay, fish, trade. Anything you want. Language: Common Flag: Green and white squares. Representing our trade. Discord Server: None at the moment, my discord is yashinoki#0291. Clan House: Donovan 6, for now. We'll do gatherings there and as we progress, we will buy a proper Clan House. You won't regret joining!
  5. Congratulations to Bakir Ireheart as he persevered and claimed all other participants belts along with the Champion Belt! He shall wear them proudly as practiced by the ancient traditions and the blessings of the paragon, Kjell. Let us take a moment to recall the memories of the competition: Thank you to everyone who were able to make time or attempted to participate.
  6. The Agreement of The Fist and The Heart Clan Redfist and Clan Grandheart This is an alliance document between Clan Redfist and Clan Grandheart. The document was put in place in the first place to ensure peace between both groups and to aid each other into achieving great things for them both with the view of trying to prosper in their own beliefs. It is a document that will stay in place for undetermined time or until any of the involved parties wish to break this pact for any reason, in which discussion will be had first. ARTICLE I Both clans respect each other's existence and integrity without questioning it or claiming otherwise. Neither will attempt to subvert the other. ARTICLE II Both clans will not commit any crimes or act in any way possible that might kill, injure or damage the other clan’s members in any way possible. In case one of those activities should occur, the member who committed the action will be punished accordingly and acceptable for both clans after discussion. ARTICLE III Both clans declare to aid and support each other in any military or political conflict as long as it does not interfere with the clans’ beliefs, alliances or allegiances. ARTICLE IV Members of both clans just keep the same responsibilities as before the pact was put into place. They do not have to follow commands of the other clan’s leader or follow the other clan’s way of handling stuff, unless mentioned otherwise. ARTICLE V Alliances outside of this pact are completely separate thus not shared by the clans involved in the pact. ARTICLE VI Both clans promise to keep a steady flow of information going both ways between them both and to give each other updates on any big or drastic plans that are in the making. ARTICLE VII If any of the involved clans are organizing an event or hunt, the members of the other clan are invited to attend those events unless it is about private and internal matters. ARTICLE VIII With this document, Kane Redfist grants a section of land in Huaven, located in the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, to the Grandhearts. Free of tax, in exchange for support to Huaven and Clan Redfist. Signed, Kane Redfist Clan father of Clan Redfist, Protector of Ruivians, Lord of Huaven, Lord of the Wildlands, Lord of the Redfist keep, former Duke of Rozania, former War Marshall of Rozania, Military advisor, Reclaimer of the Oasis, Former Commander of the Southern forces & Protector of free people and innocents Maximiliano Grandheart Clan father of Clan Grandheart Nadia Kazimir Buckfort Blackthorn Grandheart Former Duchess of Rozania, Former Master of Whisperers, Former Master of Paper, Clan Member of Grandheart, The Grand Jackalope, Heir Apparent to The House of Buckfort
  7. Odinson Founders; Eivor Odinson While members of new may be unaware, I was not the first and only founder of the clan dubbed Odinson. In fact, I'm not of the true Odinson lineage whatsoever. As inscribed into our main article, the Odinson clan was proceeded by a dwed by the name of Odin, who had a single born offspring and heir; Eivor Odinson, Eivor and myself met some 25 years ago, and quickly came to conclude that we wished to forge a clan together. We wished to unite those who held the same values as ourselves and allow them a platform and name to cultivate their individual affinities so that the world might prosper as a result. But what I'm writing here most are already aware, so if you will allow me, come and learn about founder who was truly the son of Odin. He was a gruff man with a heart of gold, representing the clans wishes to bring prosperity to the world in which we reside. Upon his arrival in Norland, as this was back during the days in which Elysium was apart of the Northern Kingdom, he took up a job as a bartender in the old White Bear tavern. He made good relations with just about every person he met, and his smile was utterly contagious. He was intelligent, like his father and mother, and tinkered often. Beyond that, he was wise far beyond his young age, often sharing life lessons that seemed to be coming from the mouth of a dwarf hundreds of years older than himself. I always assumed it was through his father that he was so wise, however, all these years later, I'm certain it was simply his own intellect. Like myself, Eivor came from the northern Farlands. He had grown up in a mountainous region filled with snow and ice, raised by a loving mother and father, both dwed. His father was an inventor and studied the stars, a hero among their village for his ability to invent ways to keep them alive. His mother was similarly beloved as the most well versed medic in the area, and the next one over. Both opted to serve their home, and pressed their son to find a way to do so. However, he chose to venture past his home and made his way to Almaris, where he could bring his fathers name and spread it beyond the reaches of his old home. And finally, why this piece is in the passed tense, and it's a simple reason. I, Fal'leon Odinson, am simply the last remaining founder of this clan. My former coleader and friend fell to a pack of wolves just three years after the clan was forged, something that left my clan static for some time. Of course, to keep his memory alive and thriving, I pressed on, and now here we are, an established clan. It is my hope that the newer generations of the clan keep Eivor's name alive inside their hearts, as to not let my fallen friend be subjected to the cruel ways time lets us forget. It is the helmet atop the family crest that we bring out honour to Eivor, we represent him in our name. Live your life with the intentions of betterment, and let his spirit continue on.
  8. Notable upon the walls of Elysium are numerous posters, haphazardly pinned to walls and posts with thumbtacks. They read as follows: "Dear my friends within my home in Elysium, the Odinson Clan wishes to expand itself, offering an invitation to all those who wish to have a family. I, Fal'leon Odinson, humbly invite you to contact me through bird or face to face to discuss such dealings. While we're small today, the clan grows steadily and hopes to yield a prestige of philosophers, artists, inventers, and countless others who offer new things into the world. You shall be treated excellently within our clan, given treatment on par with blood relations, even if you've joined only under our oath. I advise those without homes, without a family to call their own, seek me out to discuss a place in the clan for you. Look for the brunette with a flower crown, and you've likely found me. Best wishes to my fellow people, Fal'leon Odinson" (ooc: To contact me on discord at Deus Mortem#8931 or join the clan server! https://discord.gg/RPTvqehH)
  9. OX - The Goblin Clan of Creators - Unlike uruks or ologs, goblins tend to lack the pure physical strength that others of their kin have. They are simply just not made to be these giant fighting machines that crush their enemy with their bare fists. Instead their strength lies elsewhere; in their mind. Goblins are cunning and creative creatures with the ability to come up and even create the most amazing machines. So, instead of crushing their enemy with their fists, they create something to accomplish that for them. Maybe a rock falling off at the right time, or maybe a very spiky roller being spun by the movement of the wagon pushed by some animals towards the enemy line. This is what goblins are for. They think, plan and create machines of any purpose for their kin. Clan Ox intends to bring as many of these goblins together, to work together for even better inventions and creations. After all, where one may get stuck when inventing, another may find a way forward. COMMUNAL INFORMATION - = O = - Not only is the Ox clan intending to create new inventions together, it intends to teach its members new things too. These things tend to vary by who all currently have the time to share their knowledge and what knowledge they even have to share. The general idea of this is to heighten the knowledge base of all Oxies and help them invent even more. RANKS - = O = - Tekgoth - o - Tekgoth is the wargoth of Ox, either being chosen to the position by the old leader or voted in by the court. As the leader of Ox, Tekgoth is one of the most creative and knowledgeable goblins out there. Their job is to look after the Oxies, teach them and make sure they have the means to create any inventions. Elder - o - Elders of the clan are the noticeably older Oxies, once having either been Tekgoths or otherwise notable members of the clan. During their years they have collected mountains of knowledge that any Oxie should listen to. Puzzla & Krafta - o - There are two steps to creating anything: Planning and execution. Without a plan there is nothing to create, and without making anything a plan only stays as an idea. That is what these two roles are for. Puzzlaz are the goblins who tend to prefer planning how various machines would work. Their knowledge is based on books and studies. Kraftas are the ones who tend to prefer the building process more, making the machines actually work. They base their knowledge on experience and muscle memory. The best of both hold the title of Epik Puzzla and Epik Krafta. New Oxie - o - These are those who have just started their journey in the clan, yet having decided what they wanna be and yet to complete their trials. JOINING THE CLAN - = O = - Anyone with majority goblin blood can join the clan. Ox clan is most suitable for those wanting to learn and create, people who are interested in redstone, alchemy, smithing and building. The clan is located in Iron Horde, outside the main city of San’Bríu. To join please be in contact with one of the clan members, preferably Tekgoth Kretz’Ox. Trial of Agility - 1 - One notable feature of goblins is their speed and reaction time. They use this skill to their advantage, whatever is it in combat or just to get somewhere high up. With this trial, a true Ox proves themself to be a nifty gobbo. Trial of Perception - 2 - Second notable feature of goblins is their creativity. They come up with all kinds of ideas from warmachines to food dispensers in pursuit to make their and their kins life better. This trial is to test the creativity and planning skills of the new Oxie as they design something great. Trial of Intelligence - 3 - The third notable feature of a goblin is their skills to create. Smithing, building, redstone, a goblin always has even some trades under their belt. On this last trial the new Oxie makes their plans from the last trial into reality to prove they can truly make what their mind imagines. CODEX - = O = - Tekgoth is a smart guy, don’t mess with him, or you’ll be his next project; Always have a backdoor; Being dumb is a fine, don’t let the tekgoth fine you nobba; If two Oxies have a disagreement, or a nobber does with another orc, a lawsuit must be filed. Filing a lawsuit is also a fine; Steal a Nobba’s chicken, and you’ll be fined; Pay fines to remove fines, but if you don’t pay your fines you’ll be fined for that; Tekgoth and Ox elders are the only ones capable of handing out Nobber cards; Ox’s live by their creations, but also die by their creations; Anyone with majority goblin blood is allowed into the clan; HISTORY - = O = - The story of clan Ox starts way back in the realm of Vailor. There a young and highly motivated goblin by the name of Snawt’Ox was tasked by the new Rex, Kharak’Raguk, to create a brand new warmachine like no other. And so, that’s what Snawt did. Even after the war machine had been finished he continued his creations, and even achieved the title of Snagagoth. Though eventually Rex Kharak’Raguk’s reign ended with his death, followed by some drastic changes that prompted Snawt’Ox to leave the orc nation behind with his children. They were not homeless for too long though, finding a new home on the islands of Asul, now known in history as Golin’Dar. There the group of goblins soon formed into a clan of creators, engineers and inventors, the Ox clan. Unfortunately political issues eventually struck them, ending up in destruction of Golin’Dar by the nation of Krugmar. Those who survived rejoined the war nation, though it took a bit longer for Snawt’Ox to return. Eventually in the realm of Arcas, Snawt’Ox returned, not as the young and motivated engineer, but as an experienced shaman determined to teach the new generation of Oxies. Through hoops and loops, this job of leading the Ox clan eventually moved from Snawt’Ox to Blazt’Ox to Gadget’Ox, who even was the Rex for a small while back in Arcas after speaking out against the previous one that many found to be unfit to rule. Alas, soon after winning the honor klomp and whitewashing the previous Rex, Gadget herself was defeated and whitewashed. This left the clan for a small while without a leader, until Kretz’Ox became the Tekgoth. Currently in the realm of Almaris, Kretz is attempting to revive and reinvent the clan to be something great. TONGUE OF OX - = O = - Wagwan - Formal greeting Wuddup (Nobba) - Informal greeting Walkie-walkie - Farewell Shekelz - minas Oxie - Young goblin Nobber/Nobba - Git, informal insult. Small mind. Puzzla - An engineer, architector Krafta - An inventor, craftsman Grabba - Crane, mechanical machinery designed to move objects. Rolla - Carts/Wagons. Wheeled objects. Wheels. (Good one) Tekgoth - Head engineer Shoota - A bow/crossbow Boomstick - Boomsteal weapon Boom-booms - Explosives Choppa - Axe, blade Poka - Polearms, spears, spikes. Craka - Hammers, blunt weapons. Splita - Saws, axes. Bit - Bright, lights. Day Dak - Dark, lack of light. Night Burz - Fire, embers, sparks. Burns, scorched earth. Burzin - On fire. Burz’kor - Burnt to death Wavka - Water. Wevk - Wet, damp, moist. Wavka’kor - drowned to death. Sakka - Sand, dry. Betra - Rock, mineral rocks. Kultra - Metallic ore, metal. Strom - Storms. Dok - Witch Doctors Luka - Lutamancer Scer - Farseer Eleka - Elementalist
  10. Arrival of Clan Kazimir Przybycie Klanu Kazimir Preamble Years ago, the La Waevra Clan was formed by Chieftess Rebeka la Waevra in the Kingdom of Norland. The clan was later dissolved about 15 years later, with the death of Rebeka la Waevra. While much of the family still remains, living predominantly in the Kingdom of Norland and Duchy of Rozania, they are no longer considered a clan. The changing of the names, and the changing of a leader, a new journey for all. A Long Past In 26 SA in the Kingdom of Norland, Rebeka la Waevra, a Norlandic native herself, had officially formed the la Waevra Clan. Consisting of her family and close friends, now bannermen, she embarked out of the Kingdom of Norland to the South to find riches as well as a safe place to settle and help rule. She first held her clan in Sutica, with a large house there that could house all the members. Many dinners were held there, and she made many connections to places near her, The Barony of Rhein and Sarissa. After some time, she began helping those in Sarissa to build a new settlement closer to the North, and near good friends of hers in Yong Ping. Whilst she assisted in building a small Duchy with the Duke William Buckfort, she had laid the foundation of a strong and long-lasting dynasty. Trouble would however find her with the Sedanian and Savoyard’s banditry and the subsequent forced conversions of herself and her kinsmen in the Duchy of Rozania. With the Rozanians crippled, morally and physically, the treacherous Canonists continued their banditry and slaughter. Eventually, with that, the sadness of her daughter Sionnach's engagement to an undead, and the death of her first husband Lomiei, Rebeka was led to take her own life. This impacted the Clan significantly leaving all members shocked, and distraught, and within her final will she requested Clan la Waevra be dissolved. This also dissolved all partnerships, alliances and official documentation between many close groups of the clan, from all over. Leaving her Norland shop to her daughter Leyna. Leyna moved to Norland, and moved much of the remaining members of the clan to a home there. After much debate, Leyna decided that it would truly be best for them to stay a clan, and attempted to relight the candle which her mother blew out. A New Beginning Leyna, the eldest of the La Waevra’s is taking the torch inevitably passed to her. Continuing her legacy, and helping those who feel lost with the death of her mother. She would like to continue on, leading as her mother did. Better perhaps, and having a truly strong, united, peaceful family. From this day forward, the woman who is to continue this path will now be known by the name Leyna Kazimir. This new name, Kazimir, means peace-bringer in Rozanian language. This is due to the kindness, and objectivity that makes them good writers, diplomats and knowledge seekers. They still have a fighting will, and strength paired with their mediation skills which make them ideal leaders. Shall those in the Kazimir Clan persevere and remain strong, in this time of change. All of the La Waevra’s shall now use the name Kazimir, as a show of strength for the changed Clan. Clan Kazimir of The Kingdom of Norland. A strong group with hearts of warriors, brains of scholars, personality and relations of diplomats, and the soul of readers and writers. Where Rebeka first started, Leyna shall now continue, a full circle.
  11. Hello! if you are searching a new charcater to play in a family this is the place for you! some time ago the players of my two kids Aesar and Virion just stopped completely playing the characters and they ahev been unplayed since... they were kids so now they should be around 15-20 years old? or more? The R'Ikarth family will hopefully come together with the help of two active players playing my two sons, we already have a player for Delra R'Ikarh, the older daughter of my Character Zirath T. R'Ikarth R'Enar leader of the R'Ikarth clan and Grand Veneur of Stygian Hollow. This Clan is pretty fresh but we have our own traditions and activities! We have already a discord and a couple of members and a clan house too. Aesar R'Ikarth A young dark elf with soft features, emerald eyes, gray skin and silver hair, son of Inui Ba'Ikana that will later marry Zirath R'Enar to form the R'Ikarth family. Aesar was then raised by Zirath and was treated as his son, the father-son relationship between the two was beyond blood relation, he trained Aesar to be a hunter and Aesar himself would later help Zirath with matters in the R'Ikarth clan and will help train his younger half-brother Virion. Zirath then decided to transfer his family from the Stygian Hollow to Rozania after the some events and the death of Inui, his wife. Aesar has a fond interest in books like his father and loves to teach others about what he learnt. Virion R'Ikarth This young dark elf, son of Zirath and Inui R'ikarth, has beautiful golden eyes, a very dark skin and silver hair. He is a pretty mischevioius child and the youngest amongst his siblings. He was trained from his father and his older half-brother and turned out to be an excelent user of the saber and the poleaxe, but despite his abilities in handling weapons he is a little too rash with his decisions and often asks for his older brother's help. He is quite the honest one and he always needs to say what he thinks... this has turned out to be a bad thing in certain situations. Nonetheless he is a good individual and when it comes to help someone he will always do it. Unlike his father he is very fixed on aesthetics, he will always wear fine clothing and he will always have perfectly styled hair. [OOC: sorry if i made grammar mistakes but english is not my first language. Please for any info on the two characters don't hesitate to DM me on discord kuro#9824. Skins are already done for the characters and i have some art representations of them too, the story was really shortened in this post to make it easy to read but i assure you it's a bit more complicated than that. Anyhow! i hope you will apply for this! thanks for reading and good day THIS IS CLOSED]
  12. [OOC: send me a bird in game (ColonelXepphir1) or on discord kuro#9824, we are recruiting everyone but we expecially are searching for dark elves, dm me for any questions you have or for lore and stuff about the clan]
  13. “Paler than death. Gaunter than bone. Hearts should be lifeless. To sit on a throne." We, Clan Mog, take the symbol of two intertwining serpents. And in its purest form; it represents the eternal entanglement of other beings. We also take the quote: ‘Paler than death, gaunter than bone, hearts should be lifeless, to sit on a throne.’ This shows the nature of emotions. And how one must lose them to achieve true enlightenment. ⑄ History ⑄ “To progress into the future, one must sacrifice part of the past.” ⑄ Appearance ⑄ “Physicality iz ah glimpze at tuh zoul; zo glare wit ztudy. Az there iz much to learn from azhz looks.” ⑄ Body Modification ⑄ "Bonez protrudez, as miz ar revealed; mi ztake off mizskin, tu stop remainin konkealed." ⑄ Wardrobe ⑄ “Klothing iz nub more d'en eh mazk ta kova miz pride. Miz scars ar an honour. Not ah zecret to hide.” ⑄ Hierarchy ⑄ "Blud grukz nubin widout zpirit." ⑄ Trials ⑄ “Ah tru zerpent zliverz zlowly, but zukkeeds zwiftly.” ⑄ Spiritualism ⑄ “Zpiritz ar konztantly held above miz like deitiez, let miz peep how deities face chaos.” ⑄ Combat ⑄ “Bloodluzt iz ah givt; nub ah kurze. Anywayz, miz av kactuz green tu kalm down.” ⑄ Games ⑄ “It'z all vun and gamez till lat hit lat head on tuh way down.” ⑄ Hunting ⑄ “Miz ar zimple uruk doing zimple uruk tings... yub yub!” ⑄ Laws ⑄ “Azh muzt abide by tuh rules, otherwise azh will nevuh ve ah khanke tu break dem again.” OOC
  14. 🛡️⚔️ Honour the Past to build the Future ⚔️🛡️ As the world comes to meet great changes we enter a new age becoming: cities falling; moving; and being forged. And alongside it all has come forth a new clan to join those around it. Through an unlikely meeting at a tavern did the founders acquaint, an unlikely friendship formed through campfire stories and drinks together, and soon to be interactions through a shared house. The Odinson clan is built upon a foundation of trust and companionship not easily wavered, strong bonds of familiarity string the founders together and are hoped to weave through to members of future generations. Beliefs Held Dear This is a clan forged with three things in mind; Honour the ancestors, namely Odin, the head of the clan former and dwed father to Eivor Odinson; Let your wits and intelligence guide you to advance your community to the future; Your blade will only be as sharp as your mind, without thought your strike will be no more effective as a breeze. With a crest to represent these things, the clan is built with a foundation of mindfulness. The Helm to show of the former Odin, the Raven to show of the wits and cleverness, the Blade to show of the strikes to be made. A Story of Foundation "It 'ad been a long winta' in the Farlands where oi come from, snowed fer weeks on end an' trapped us on our land with nae way tae even get tae food. Oi was only a wee dwed back then, an' oi was scared fer me loife like I 'ad never been before. It was me father who got us through it alive, by keepin' 'is wits about 'im and usin' them tae outsmart tha winter. 'E 'ad us make blocks o' snow an pile 'em up 'round me 'ome. Oi thought 'e was crazy fer it, but wha' he figured that oi didn't was that tha snow could work fer us as an insulator tae keep tha warmth in an' keep tha cold out. 'E 'ad us build a foire, which oi also thought was crazy, but' as the foire melted tha snow, it refroze an' kept us warm. Aftar the cold 'ad passed, oi realized what it meant tae be in me family, it meant usin' yer moind tae outsmart yer opponents, even when tha gods want ye dead. Oi've kept this in moind me whole loife an' will never forget it. An' now, I shall be passin' it on tae me Clan, tae ye." Future Generations in The Making The Odinson's is nay a clan of exclusion and will welcome any who wish to swear into it with open arms and warmth, those of all races are welcomed in without judgement or hesitation, so please offer a hand or a bird if you wish to join a clan of intellect above strength, or rather, where intellect is strength. Fal'leon Odinson Eivor Odinson OOC: If neither of us are online and you wish to join the clan, contact Deus Mortem#8931 on discord
  15. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо A displaced half-goblin, weary from their travels overlooks the sight of the mighty World Cactus. The shaman bristles with pride, knowing that even someone of their cursed lineage could bring to fruition such a marvelous testament to the might of the spirits. And yet, guilt snaked through the very core of Yarrow'Lur, a sense of duty and obligation that refused to allow them a peaceful respite. She arms herself with a broom, going to sweep out the empty, abandoned Lur Hall. Ready to pick up where she left off. THE REWRITTEN TRIALS оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Lur clan has made their mark upon the Orcish people through their prowess in hunting, animalism, and husbandry. Lur himself was renowned for not only slaying large and insurmountable beasts, but for taming them as well. Lur-Goi, one of the first orcish cities, sat atop the back of the most fearsome opponent; a Scaddernak. Paying respect to the honor of his lineage, the trials have been changed to better reflect this. ・AZH・ The art of the hunt is an important aspect of any orc's life. In a Lur, it exists as a testament to their skill and dedication. The hunt takes place in two stages. During the first, the aspiring Lur must track and capture a living animal of their Wargoth's choosing. This shows their patience and tolerance for the hunt, and the elements that work against them during it. The second stage involves bringing the beast before the Wargoth and slaying it, where the orc will be anointed with its blood and baptised anew under the ever watchful eye of Lur Himself. ・DUB・ As a Lur connects with nature and its bounties, it is necessary to demonstrate their respect and thankfulness for the wilds off of which they thrive. A shrine is constructed throughout the world, in the name of Freygoth and Votar, or even in the name of their favoured prey's spiritual representative. This both shows their respect for the selected spirit, and invokes them, so they will smile on the orc's future hunts. ・GAKH・ The final trial is meant to leave a permanent mark on the young hunter, solidifying both their connection to nature and to the spirits. The initiate is brought before the Wargoth of the clan, who consults the spirits on a suitable animal marker to scrawl across their skin. The inking process takes hours, with nothing to relieve from the pain in order to build up a tolerance. This can be mundane, or the Wargoth may petition a Farseer for a tattoo of higher quality should they find the initiate to be worthy of it. OOC For those interested in becoming a part of this clan, seek out the half-goblin Yarrow'Lur through roleplay, or feel free to contact me over discord so we can work something out! IGN: Maiyun Discord: uwu#5154
  16. -=[] Clan Irongrinder []=- Khronumurrum -=[]=- -=(History)=- -=(Patron Gods)=- -=(Clan Relics)=- -=(Trials)=- -=(Clan Leaders)=- Clan Father: Kubuc Irongrinder ((CptShoelace)) Elders: Kalgrimmor Irongrinder ((Z3m0s)) -=(APPLICATION)=- Before you apply feel free to speak with the clan father or an elder for help MC Name: Character Name: Character Age: Short Bio: Lineage: Skin you intend to use:(One can be created or modified) Discord (Name#1233):
  17. The War Calling of the O’Haras During times of tension and conflict, it is pertinent we do not shy away from the threats of war. We must stay vigilant, prepared to face whatever comes our way. In full support of the Kingdom of Norland alongside clan Edvarsson, Clan Kvitravn, and Clan Camian, Clan O’Hara will not step down. We will stand tall, guiding a torch of the All Father’s Flame to yield victory for our beloved nation. We have begun rallying our bannerman, assembling our forces, and constructing our defences, though, our mobilization does not stop here. To Prospective Clanmates Casual Clan Uniform Clan O’Hara, previously named house O'Hara, dates back to early Atlas. Those of House O’Hara had been ambitious, having their sights set on being higher in society. Currently, they are a warrior-based clan, composed of strong-willed warriors and medics driven to serve Norland and all its Vassals. They strive to be the most well-rounded medicinal and warrior clan that Norland has ever seen. With Loyalty, Honesty and Bravery, Clanmates serve with the three tenets embedded into their mindsets. All clanmates and bloodborne act as kin to bear honor to their ancient name. Those who wish to serve Clan O’Hara, especially during these dire times of strife should speak to either Éléonore O’Hara de Astrea or Oliver O’Hara. Signed, Éléonore O’Hara de Astrea, Chieftainess of Clan O’Hara Oliver O’Hara, Chieftain of Clan O’Hara
  18. Ancient House Frey https://open.spotify.com/track/4TVtXw28cKW0qT8aNM2ODh?si=mpztXve2T86_FUkK8gIbkQ Sapientia Igni Wisdom in fire! “ Our hands STEEL, Our minds like saints!” “Our blood will live on through our work. Mindless are the warriors, Gods are the one with talent.“ Ancient House Frey Wisdom in fire! “ Our hands STEEL, Our minds like saints!”
  19. Maiyun

    Clan Lur

    оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо I swear that I will ride like the wind, hunt like the wolf and kill like my ancestors before me. My weapon belongs to Lur, my body belongs to Lur, my life belongs to Lur. I am loyal above all to Lur, I will die for Lur. I forsake my land, wealth and glory, all that is mine belongs to my clan. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Lore 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Lur Clan was formed by Lur, one of the four sons of Krug. The clan has a long history in Orcish culture, standing itself alongside the Gorkil and Azog clans as some of the longest in existence. The Lurs are not footmen, they are hunters. The hunt is the most important thing for a Lur. To prove themselves in the hunt is what all young Lurs wish to do. The Lurs have a bond to The Great Lur wolves, huge intelligent beasts that only obey the Lur clan. Along with hunting, Lurs are master beast tamers, whether it be a simple canine being or even the scaddernak. Trained as a kub to take advantage of the nature that Freygoth provides them, they spend countless hours living among the beasts of the lands. Taming and using these beasts come with great skill, only a select few Lurs are able to master this talent. Along with beast-taming, there are many other skills that Lurs tend to take up. Every Lur strives to perfect the hunt and to rise. They have a strict code of conduct and believe in honor above all. Lurs are usually smaller than other Orcs, but they make up for it by being much quicker and more agile. When a Lur or their Wolf are killed in the hunt or in battle, their bodies are brought to their ancestral lands and then burnt. Their ashes go to the wind and will always ride in the wind. The Lur believe that when they die they go to a great plains of the spirit realm where they will hunt with Lur for all eternity. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Traditions 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Trial of the Hunt: Should a Lur or anyone else under Lur rule break a code or do an act against the Lur clan, then they shall be trialed by hunt. The rule breaker will be armed and set out into the night by themselves with their wolf detained. The rest of the clan will spend time preparing for the hunt that is about to begin. Once they are ready, they set out to hunt down the accused in hopes to find them, and slay them; Being treated as an animal or other worthy beast. However should they be caught, they will serve as a sacrifice to Votar, as he chose to bless the hunters more than that hunted. Although if they survive, their crimes shall be vanquished as the spirit of Votar has been pleased with their performance. Coming of Age: When Lurs reach the age of 9 years they are introduced to a Lur wolf cub. The Lur and its wolf are sent to the wilds to survive. This is to prove that the time of weakness is over, they are no longer prey, it is time to be strong, to be the hunter. The wolf cub and the Lur are bound together not only as rider and mount but as brothers, elder Lurs have grown so close to their wolves they can hear each other's thoughts. Once a Lur wolf dies, a Lur shall never tame one again, as an act of respect for failing these beasts. However shall the orc die, the Lur wolf will be slain, and laid to rest with the orc. Popular spirits that are worshipped among the Lur Clan are Votar, the Spirit of the Hunt and Freygoth, the Spirit of Nature. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Hierarchy 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Wargoth The head of clan Lur Chieftains Seconds in command Elders Former Wargoths and Chieftains who act as advisors Hunters Members who have passed their trials Scouts Those who have yet to perform their trials оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Code 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Only when in great need will a Lur hunt the weak. There is no honour in hunting and killing something that presents no challenge to hunt and kill. A Lur will always seek strong prey, as the prize is greater and he becomes stronger in doing so. They are never to hurt or kill another Lur outside of an honour duel. Obey the leader of the hunt (Wargoth of the Lur clan) with no hesitation. They were chosen by the elders and by Lur himself. Only Elders and Chieftains may challenge for Wargoth, and it must be done with the support of the Hunters who will have to live under their ruling. Furthermore, Lurs should never try to take the position of another Lur for your own personal gain. The Clan always comes first. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Bloodlines 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Fist Bloodline: The Fist are usually the most calm and cold of the Lur bloodlines, they think that physical strength is the purest weapon that a warrior can use. They descend from Tor, the Fist of Lur. The sons of Tor will go to extreme measures to get stronger and stronger. The Trickster Bloodline: The trickster descends from the Trickster of Lur. They are the most diplomatic and the best at convincing others to do what they want, The Tricksters sons are many times goblins for their founder was goblin. They are often considered to be some of the smartest Orcs arounds. The Wolf Bloodline: The most savage and wild of bloodlines but also the most loyal and trustworthy. The wolves descend from Kurak the Wolf of Lur.They are the biggest of the Lurs and their preferred weapons are metal claws that let them act as savage as they want. They also have a closer bond to their wolves than other Lurs. The Axe Bloodline: Primarily known as the most stubborn and rash of all Lurs, they are strong and powerful and put honour above all other things. They think of themselves as an always improving warrior. They descend from Bralkor the Axe of Lur. The Sword of Lur: This bloodline is the most agile of all Lurs and some of the quickest as well, they enjoy riding as fast as they can and they descend from Jarkan the Sword of Lur. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Trials 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Trial One: A hunt of equivalent value to be determined by the Wargoth. More ambitious uruks may receive a more challenging trial should they wish to prove themselves and earn favor within the clan. The spoils of their trial will be hung on the Wall of Hunts. Trial Two: Trial by Hunt! Having passed trial one, the Scout is now tossed into the wilderness with only their wits and their lur wolf, and must spend the entire night hunted by two Hunters. Should they survive, they will pass and move to the next trial. Should they fail, they are forced to wait a year to improve their skills until they can demand to try again. It should be noted that if the Scout is not of Bloodline and therefore has no Lur Wolf, the same rules apply, except the Hunters will not use their wolves. Trial Three: A good hunter is also a good leader. For their third trial, the scout must lead a hunt of their own with at least 3 of their brethren to success. Once the kills have been brought back, the entire clan will cook and feast upon the spoils, and the Scout will take the Lur Vow to become an official Hunter! оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Allies 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Clan Ka’zul. A sub-clan of Lur headed by Dominus Durak Ka’zul. They were trialed by Yarrow’Lur and found to be worthy, and appear to be quickly heading towards full Clan recognition. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Related Posts 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо History: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/91112-history-of-the-lur-clan/ Lur’s Story: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/37850-story-of-lur оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Those interested should contact Maiyun [Yarrow’Lur] or EndCallCaesar [Kaluz’Lur]
  20. The Zaodim The Zaodim is coalition of races bound by honor, united by a desire to defend their principles, and territories. An Image of Zao, namesake of the Zaodim History: The Zaodim initially arose in Athera as a group of mercenaries who undertook bounty missions and adventures for contractors. They were nomadic in nature, moving from town to town, city to city in search of more work. After being contracted by a wealthy individual to explore and chart the relatively unknown Primora Jungle islands, the group ventured into the series of heavily contested jungles. The expedition quickly went awry over time as the group encountered various hostile insects and creatures, which quickly whittled down the size of the small force. The contract was quickly abandoned as the group immediately prioritized their survival over the retrieval of an old artifact. After having survived the hellish jungle for four days and four nights, the group managed to carve out a small portion of the jungle on one of the many islands, turning it into an encampment to protect themselves from the hostile denizens of the jungle. Several attempts to backtrack through the dense jungle were unsuccessful, leading to several deaths and the loss of precious, dwindling supplies. The leader of the group at the time, an easterner named Zao, ordered the group to settle down for the time being and patiently bide their time. The encampment grew and the mercenaries learned to hunt and farm for their food, quickly adapting to the harsh life in Primora’s jungles. After several years of accumulating supplies, the group had grown in size, and some new children were born due to the group’s prolonged stay in the encampment. Zao organized the group and prepared once more for an attempted escape from the jungle, fully intending to bring all resources and people with him. The escape was a miraculous success, no fatalities being suffered. The group cut their way through the jungles, returning to the mainland and making their way to a neighboring town for the first time in years. The group had undergone a massive change during their stay in the jungles. They were no longer a mercenary group, but moreso a conglomerate of friends and family that had been formed during their stay. Zao realized this and promptly renounced their ties to contractors, causing the group to change professions from sellswords to peaceful settlers. They traveled to a nearby dock and purchased a boat collectively, sailing to the Isles of Axios. They found a peaceful spot to begin constructing their settlement and did so, taking a few months to fully complete. At this, the Zaodim was created under their steadfast leader. As the members of the group came from various backgrounds and races, the Zaodim nurtured the principle of equality, stating that they welcomed all races. As such, their town grew and prospered under the acceptance of laws and rules decreed by the high council, in which council members listened to the word of the emperor, being Zao at the time before his peaceful passing away. Recently the Zaodim have landed in the Isles of Axios at the port of Al'Khaleed's Easterner District, seeking potential allies and resources in this new territory. The Zaodim wish to establish a great nation in Axios, where Easterners can peacefully coexist and thrive together. Roleplay: The Zaodim are a very kind people, and are often known for their generosity, however the Zaodim can become a cruel vengeful people when trifled with. The clan is very open minded, and is known to recruit any race interested in learning their customs. They are a very outgoing people, skilled in diplomacy, and combat if necessary. The Zaodim have an elite guard called the Zaoshi, used for special assignments. The clan is also known to give very difficult, seemingly impossible tasks to those brave enough to accept them. The Zaodim's colors are red, various shades of blue, and gray. Their emblem is serpent wreathed around a medallion. An Image of a Zaoshi Dwarf. The current leaders of the Zaodim are Zao Song (Shuggie_), and his brother Zao Roshi (GortOfGumpus) If you wish to join the Zaodim, fill out the application below. Mc Name: Rp Name: Race: Age: Profession:
  21. The Clan Zahn Let me tell you the legend of a clan that had not the easiest of existences, but had remained alive thanks to their stubborness; although stubborness was as much of a boon as it was a blessing and they had fallen to that exact same thing. This is a story about clan Zahn, who they are, what they are, and what they thought their purpose had been. This said clan was a powerful one yet lonesome one, not many had known about this clan due to seclusion and none of heard the story until I have decided to share it with you today. Survival and Presumed Extinction (The barren landscapes the persistent and powerful clan Zahn inhabitated) The main and outstanding reason none had heard stories or tales of this clan sooner was because of the seclusion as I had told you before; though I will now touch up on that a little bit more. This so-called seclusion was because of how inhabitable the lands Zahn had inhabited were, the landscapes were empty, barren and devoid of life. The sky was always grey and covered in sut, the sun had never shone, and the source of food and plantation was nil. The reasoning behind this was that there was a volcano nearby that erupted quite frequently, destroying any hope of life on land. Sure; it is true that the entire clan could have moved but they had not done that because they believe that it had revealed a weakness on their part, and that any who left were not right to be called an Ork of clan Zahn. A good question to ask would be how the clan survived at all in spite of the erupting volcano and barren lands? The answer is they would seek shelter and live in caves. The caves around the area had become home to all of clan Zahn, only leaving once in a couple of elven years to do some hunting. I had mentioned before that the entire land was barren and had no life, but that is not true as I am remembering; there were these creatures that had taken upon themselves the nick-name "Drü-zhozhi" which would roughly mean something along the lines of "ash-eater". These creatures were called ash-eaters as that is what they were, they survived off of the ash that had plagued the land from the volcano. These creatures were said to be very reptile-like and frequently if not always crawl on all four "legs", though when fighting they stand up on both of the hind legs and use the other two as a way to fight, clawing at anything that got too close for comfort. The creatures in question were not carnivorous, though they were territorial and defensive. They had a nasty back, with bone-like spikes protruding out of the back of the creature, perhaps originating in the spine. The size of these creatures is hard to gauge as they hunched for improved speed and confortability when fighting, though even when hunched and stood-up on two hind legs they were able to average around 7', with some more larger sizes hitting around 8'; a sizable foe for the Orks. It is rumoured these creatures drank the lava of the volcano; thought that may just be legend. The meat hunters had gotten from these creatures was as pitch black as the ash the creatures had ate, most likely a side-effect of the unhealthy life-style. (A rough sketch of a hostile Drü-zhozhi) The Drü-zhozhi were not the only ones to suffer side-effects of an unhealthy lifestyle, all of clan Zahn had suffered the same fate. Due to the lack of sunlight from not only the volcano always covering the skies in ash but also to the fact that Zahn had never left the caves, for most of the time that would be a quick and swift demise. In return for the lack of sunlight, the Orks had sported a stunted growth; with most if not all (I would assume around 98%) ranging from 6' - 7'. This was not the only con of the lack of sunlight; In a strange turn of events they have developed a transparent skin and all Zahns are black skinned due to the ash in the air constantly; if one were to observe them they would not be able to tell that they are Orks but would rather assume they are some strange abomination. Zahn Orks have around the same life-span as normal Orks, though the elders of clan Zahn that reach around 300-500 years of age lose their eyesight and gain improved other senses and start to slowly delve into madness and insanity, thanks to life in a pitch black cave. This was such a common occurence that these Orks had gained a special tradition in throwing these "creatures" whom they had given the name "Vruig" into the volcano when it lay dormat, as a sacrifice to induce hope that it will one day cease erupting constantly. (A Vruig) Zahn had developed a habit of not wasting resources because they could not afford too. After a succesful hunt of a Drü-zhozhi they would take everything, including the bones. Bones play a huge part in Zahn society and tradition, since a Zahn keeps everything from a kill they are known to use the bones to forge tools, weapons, and armour; as well as decorating themselves. In relation to this and a direct cause from this, the more bones an Ork of clan Zahn has the more powerful they are; as it signifies how many kills the Ork has achieved without falling. The more renowned and strong warriors of Zahn are covered in bones from head-to-toe. A fellow Ork of Zahn can and will challenge another to a klomp to the death in hopes of taking all of the Orks bones, though this does not happen often if rarely at all because of the fact for an Ork to have many bones it demands respect and it is always better for an Ork to earn bones from their own hunts. Not only that; it is simply not favoured because life is too rough to be fighting each-other, they have a tough time surviving as is. Whilst on the topic of tradition and bones, an Ork of clan Zahn is too NOT take the bones from a fellow fallen Ork of the same clan or the creature a fellow Ork has hunted. This will instantly be punished by death on the spot with no warning as it is taboo. (A strong warrior of clan Zahn that has clearly survived many battles) I would assume you have a grasp on this culture and the interesting survival aspects clan Zahn had too face now; so I will explain upon the presumed exctinction of said clan. It is quite simple, really. During the destruction of Vailor thanks to Orgon; the clan had still not changed face on their stance of never abandoning their home. For this reason when everyone else fled to the portal for safety, clan Zahn had remained tucked away in their ravished and battle-scarred corner of the world, in the caves. Advanced Tradition(s) Whilst I have explained and given you a basic grasp of some of the easier traditions, there is still more to tell you. Here I will detail these advanced traditions of clan Zhan and the purpose of them. The Blessing of the Qurzet - At birth a Kub is to be taken to the "main" cave that clan Zahn inhabits; inside of there one would find a glowing tree-like plant that is considered to be a blessing. In reality it is just simple fungi that was able to grow inside of a cave due to the excess amounts of water, but to the members of Zahn it is so much more; it is hope for a brighter and healthier future, one where they do not live every day wondering if they will survive to the next. For this exact reason it has become tradition for the entire clan to gather here together for the birth of a new kub, despite the differences or conflicts they may currently have with each-other. Once said kub is born they will be painted with the glowing characteristics of the tree that they have given the alias of "Qurzet". (The Qurzet) Kubs First Flat - A kubs first kill is a very important thing in any Orcish culture; not just Zahn. However, they handle it a bit differently. Once a kub has been deemed worthy enough to hunt with others (this is done by various tests of strength, some include fighting other kubs and others are as simple as lifting a heavy boulder) they will be brought on their first hunt. If the kub fails to score a kill, they will be forced to fast for a day inside the cave of the Qurzet. If they fail again; they will fast for two days. This will continue getting longer and longer until the kub either dies or achieves their first kill. There is no room for weakness in a clan that can barely survive. Once the kub does earn their first kill, they will not be able to harvest the bones as they are too young and weak to sport such heavy objects. Instead they will take a tooth of the killed Drü-zhozhi and use it too form a blade; which they will carry with them for the rest of their life. Sacrifice of the Weak - If it is clear a warrior is injured in battle and unable to be healed through prayer; they will be pinned down, bound, and taken to the volcano forcefully and sacrificed in hope that the volcano will cease eruptions. It is often a solemn and depressing event, and there have been many against it but at the same time they all still cling onto the hope that it is a neccessity to do this for the volcano to grant them days of hunt where the volcano does not erupt. When it is clear that the injured has died before reaching the volcano, they will not be sacrificed as a dead sacrifice is thought to anger the volcano; causing it erupt even more than usual. Legends The Legend of Zrugagga'Zahn - (Zrugagga; equipped with his legendary armour and sword) The Cave Dweller - The name of this legend is quite ironic; considering all of clan Zahn are also cave dwellers; but this was not a good cave dweller in their eyes. Parent Orks would tell this story to the kubs to assure they do not go exploring in caves that are not already inhabitated by clan Zahn. They would tell the story of a massive beast, capable of felling even the greatest Zahn warrior himsself, Zrugagga. Not much is known about this strange creature or how it arrived, or whom it arrived from. Though it is said to be of massive proportions, bigger than some small caves themselves; and none have lived to tell the tale of an encounter with such a beast. It is said that if one were to venture too deep into a cave in which was not already inhabitated; you would see the eyes of this beast peering back at you in the pitch-black cave, ready to šnatch you away. (An ancient depiction of the cave dweller) The Qurzet Healing Properties - It was rumoured in the ancient clan of Zahn that not only was this tree-like structure used for prayer and worship; but that it had contained healing properties. If one were too take from the bark of the tree and apply it to any wounds, they would heal over and restore the warrior to their former condition in mere seconds. No-one could tell if this was the truth or not however, as if you had injured this religion symbol you would have done the greatest atrocity known to Zahn; and would be killed on the spot after being forced to "purge" yourself of said atrocity. The tree has been such a legend that it has even spread to far-away lands under different names, somehow. (The Qurzet) Mutation into a Drü-zhozhi - Another story told to kubs of the clan Zahn is what would happen if they did not sacrifice the mad to the volcano; the mad would eventually go through insufferable pain upon living for a certain amount of time and slowly transform into a Drü-zhozhi. Hierachy Zahn is unique in the fact that it does not hold a hierachy. It is clear by the amount of bones that ornament an Ork which is the strongest; and they would rather simply all focus one the one goal of survival together than seperate each-other with ranks and statuses.
  22. There is rumour of a society not known by many. Their members are everywhere. In our government and across the lands. Some say it is a clan. A clan named the Red Star. We are a undercover, group of assassins known by few and seen by none. We are always on the bout, looking for contracts to complete and work for the highest bidder. We do not favour or descriminate towards any faction and strive to achieve our clans goals of becoming a hierarchy. We are always looking for young and strong men AND woman willing to take part in this forever blood oath of brotherhood and strive for power to the red star. How to become one of us: Our members speak in riddles and in code. If answered correctly you are eligible to be subjected to the blood oath. Always be on the lookout as a member could very well be right next to you! We wish to welcome new brothers soon. Long live the Red Star
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0PvZGVPiJU Clan Orvar “Fly High, Fly Far” ((Clan Orvar is based on a pagan human culture I created, inspired by the Celts and the Norse. I would HIGHLY recommend reading this post (Gorundyr Culture and Religion) which contains all of the details and knowledge on the Gorundyr culture and religion, which Clan Orvar is apart of. Any additional beliefs listed here are strictly followed by the Clan!)) A Clan is Reborn Far in the eastern reaches of the Konigsreich of Vandoria, within the mountainous valleys of Hallowvale, a call could be heard. Dozens of warhorns thundered around the vale, echoing off the steep cliff faces and sharp inclines. Loudest of all came from the blaring of an enormous horn, carved of bone and inlaid silver, nestled in the center of the village. Just as it had come, the booming faltered, and behind the horn appeared a mountain of a man, his once prominent brown hair graying, and his face creasing with age. His gaze lingered on the crowd for a moment before speaking, voice powerful and firm. “Gorundyr! Kinsmen of Orvar! Today we stand upon hallowed ground, the first of which we have had since our ancestors were forced to flee our homeland in Anthos. Today we can all look up at the snowcapped mountains, towering gorunpines, and take our first breaths as a free and unified people." Morvan would pause, a smile lighting up his aged face, and scan the crowd before continuing. "Be proud of your accomplishments, as the gods surely are. They have blessed this vale with their power and blessings. Once again, our proud people has a home, and as the Yagar of the Gorundyr people, I grant this village the name of Tyravik. With this, we honour Tyr, the first Chieftain of Orvar, may he smile down upon us from the isle’s of Halvengr! Fleyja sevlla, fleyja fjarri!” With that, Morvan began to stamp his foot into the ground and let forth a roaring cheer. All around him, his Clan and Kin joined in, chanting in the old tongue of the Gorundyr. Tyravik was established, a new home for Clan Orvar, one which would see the rebirth of the Clan and the restoration of a once great people. Clan Traditions and Beliefs Riders of Halvengr An ancient belief held by Clan Orvar, the Riders of Halvengr are a spectral band of ancestral spirits that visit the mortal realm during the winter months of Yul Tine. These souls are said to have a longing for their past lives, their sole desire to visit the land of the living and enjoy the cold rush of air on their face as they ride. Riders are said to visit living descendants and leave gifts or good wishes behind. In return, it is expected of the living to light beacons of fire among mountain paths and leave gifts and offerings such as food, ale, mead, cloaks, and anything else of significance. It is very popular for people to travel and often camp out at night, when the riders are said to be the most active, to chance a sighting, especially among children. A Bloodline of Giants The Orvari are very proud of their heritage and blood, and there is one myth that is held in the highest regard. It originates from the times of the Chieftain Tyr, one of the first Gorundyr to split off and form his own Clan after Havardr and the Joriin ascended to Halvengr. A period of strife and war struck the Gorundyr after his departure, and it was the fragmented original clans of the Gorundyr that attempted to fill the power vacuum. During this time, a savage war erupted between the Clans and a group of giants, led by Fariik. These giants were not of stone or ice, but flesh. While Fariik and his tribe were mighty warriors and far more powerful than the average Gorundyr, what they made up for in strength, they lacked in numbers. Soon they found themselves on the defensive, forced into the mountains and hills. Each year, when the snows melted and the mountain passes were traversable, hunting parties would scour the land in search of giants. It was seen as a great honour to slay one and take it’s bones as trophies. It was Tyr who strayed from this path and extended an open hand to Fariik and his tribe, seeing the giants as friends and not foe. Tyr and Fariik pledged an oath to defend each other's peoples, and to join together as one. While the union was an improvement, the damage had already been done, the giants had suffered terrible losses to their population. It was with this that Tyr ordered the mating of human and giant in an attempt to bolster their numbers. While the existence of Giants is now merely a legend, it is said that due to Tyr’s efforts, their population survived for decades. Now, Clan Orvar defends its claims that the blood of giants courses through their veins, and they hold much respect for their lost ancestors. They contribute their larger size and strength to this myth, though no one can truly know for sure. Heirlooms and Relics Clan Orvar holds in its possession several sacred heirlooms that they trace back to their ancestors, and in some cases, their early creation. These objects are given great care and attention, each of which are on display in the Ritual House. Dyrnwyn, Blade of the God-King - Crafted by the Legendary Taranis for the God-king, Havardr. Forged out of the heart of a stone giant. It's hilt is made of meteorite and bleached whale-bone with a small flaming hammer engraved on the pommel. Havardr discarded the weapon when he was granted ascension by Gorund and had Taranis craft him Dagor’kaen, a mythical spear forged from light itself. Dáinsleif - Wielded by a Asulonian priest named Hagnar, Dainsleif is the first Sivaas Feyn, a class of blade used for ritualistic purposes and to combat eldritch abominations, be it beast or spirit. It’s blade resembles that of a long sword forged of a strange brownish gold metal. Up it’s fuller are several bright glowing runes, said to recite the oath Hagnar gave to Gorund and infuse the blade with holy power. The Tapestry of Creation - An ancient artifact that tells the story of the creation of the Gorundyr, from their beginnings as fledgling creations of Lagara to their descent from Halvengr, and their first steps as mortals. It is drawn on one single length of tan parchment, with it’s images and runes inlaid in gold and silver thread. Yisigil - Given it’s name by Barid, Yisigil was crafted after the Yagar’s victory over the other Gorundyr clans and has since then been considered a sacred object in the Clan. It resembles the other common Gorundyr round shields in design, but is vastly more ornate and decorated and has no practical use. It is a symbol of unity and accomplishment, and fills all clansmen with pride when they gaze upon it’s form. +UHLFBERH+T - A lesser known artifact forged by Morvan of Orvar, his kinsmen Byrnjolf, and two Adunians named Cymrych and Gavin, the Uhlfberht is an exceptional blade forged from a special process that resulted in stronger and more flexible steel. The forging of the blade took months to complete and now serves to represent the bond between Clan Orvar and Douglas of the Adunians. The blade has become a status symbol in the clan and is gifted to the personal champion of the Yagar, whomever comes into the position. Skildir - An ancient winged spear steeped in myth, Skildir is believed to be the fang of the mighty lord Auroth, gifted to an old warrior of Clan Orvar. The only text supporting this myth was an old runestone situated in Asulon, where the spear itself was found. It seems the lonely wanderer had reached the end of his life, and left the spear encased within the stone to pass on to the next generation and whoever was worthy of finding it. Now, it is in the possession of Ruari of Orvar, the fifth son of Morvan of Orvar. He wields it with a savagery that only Auroth himself could match. The Warband of the Haukvengr The Warband itself is one cohesive unit that is held together by brotherhood and respect. All warriors are trusted and only those who are respected will be allowed to fight alongside their brothers and sisters. If a band is started with the intent on raiding and searching for wealth and glory, all warriors within are given an equal share of the plunder. While the Haukvengr are the main military force of Clan Orvar and thus draw from any of the Clan’s warriors, they are also act as a group of holy warriors for the Gorundyr faith. Should any threat come upon the gods, these zealous warriors will rain down their fury upon it, be it man or beast. Military structure is relatively simple and is outlined as follows. Yagar Morvan of Orvar, Yagar of the Gorundyr, and Chieftain of Clan Orvar, leads the warband as its commander. The Yagar acts as the ultimate authority in all military, religious, and clan affairs. It is the Yagar who chooses who is worthy of fighting alongside him and who gains his blessings before battle. Haskir Haskir are treated as elite soldiers who serve the Yagar directly, acting as his most trusted soldiers, advisors, and bodyguards. Usually, battle-hardened veterans, the Haskir are both respected and feared among the Gorundyr for their immense prowess in battle. Often, they are left in command of the warband should the Yagar not be present, and are given leave to make some decisions should the need arise. Uroksvaal Uroksvaal are some of the fiercest warriors who fight in the warband, acting as terrifying berserkers. They are usually heavily religious, performing rituals before and after battle and sacrificing their prisoners in the name of Ankou and Barid. Almost all Uroksvaal pay homage to Barid and his lineage, praising him as the greatest warrior god the Gorundyr have ever had. Knidviik Knidviik, or Shield-Maidens, are highly respected female warriors that fight in the warband. They are given the same status and respect of the higher warriors, and are to be treated as any other would be. Shield-Maidens devote themselves entirely to battle and drawing the favour of the gods, often choosing to remain unmarried, though it is not unheard of. Vraaniik Vraaniik are those who have been accepted into the warband as trusted warriors, serving as the bulk of the military. If one earns this rank, then it is a sign of respect and trust to their persons. While Vraaniik are typically less experienced and skilled than some of their more veteran soldiers in the warband, they are treated with a great deal of respect. Grengr Grengr are the initiates, the unblooded and untested, whom wish to prove themselves worthy of being accepted into the warband. They are treated less than the other warriors, though still not cruelly so. Simply put, they have not earned the full respect of the other warriors, nor their trust, and are expected to prove so before being treated as equals. Korvr Korvr is the name given to the young warriors of the warband, ranging from the age of five to fifteen, when their coming of age ushers them into adulthood. Korvr are left out of the main battles, instead taken on and trained by the other warriors in the warband. It is the responsibility of the elder, more skilled warriors, to ensure the young grow up strong and skilled in all things, not just war. Visk do Kein Before battle, the Haukvengr will participate in a ritual called the Visk do Kein, a ritual of battle, in which each warrior prepares himself for the potential of death. Offerings and prayers are given to Ankou in hopes that should they fall, their passage through the spirit world will be heeded so that they may reach Halvengr. Next, the warriors group and paint their faces in pigments and colours, even sometimes doing so with the blood of sacrificial animals. As the Haukvengr march, they chant and sing, calling out to the gods as the warhorns urging them forward sound around them. During battle, or just before the initial charge, the warriors of the Warband will consume a dozen of what they call gjota mushrooms, which act as a psychedelic and aid in battle. After several minutes, their conscious mind will go blank, sending them into a blood rage, the only discernible word coming from their mouths being that of Barid, the god of war. The Orvari Code Clan Orvar, as all Gorundyr, live by a strict code of honour and belief. It is this code that resonates so closely with the ideals of the Vander that binds these peoples together. From their oaths to the the first Rovin king of Aesterwald, to their rebirth in the Konigsreich of Vandoria, Orvar honors the Vander Code through their own ancient ideals. Show devotion to the gods through prayer and offering. Uphold the honour and integrity of clan and kin. Speak no lie and break no oath under the watchful eyes of the gods. Strive to grow and protect family and home. Obey the Yagar and respect his wisdom. Fight those who would do harm upon kin, until your last breath. Pay respects and continue the legacy of your ancestors. Slaying one's kin is worse than death and fouls the soul. Never turn your back to a fight, nor turn down a challenge from the worthy. Never abandon the Gods for another, for it is they who granted the breath of life. Breaking this sacred code is a grave crime and will result in death and banishment of soul. Orvari Old History Early Origins Clan Orvar traces its roots back to its earliest peoples through a sacred tapestry from which the origin of the clan is told. It depicts a beautiful woman sitting atop a massive tree that appears to connect the stars to the floating island it sits upon. Lagara, as they call the woman, sits intently as she watches a great eagle descend from his perch on one of the thick branches. The eagle swoops down to the earth with what appear to be children clinging to its wings. It is these children who are regarded as the first mortals. As they dismount, the eagle announces that he is Argal, Master of the Sky. It is with this declaration that he spreads his massive wings and takes flight once again, resuming his unending watch over the tree and the evil that lays imprisoned beneath. As the children grow, so does a spark within them; a great desire to explore and discover the mysteries of the land that had been given to them. Some figures are shown to visit a sacred forest where they meet Andarta and her forest spirits. Others are shown climbing the highest mountains, calling to Argal from their peaks. All of the gods are visited and a bond is forged between the Gorundyr and the powerful beings that created them. The desire for adventure was engrained into the early descendants of Clan Orvar, leading to the creation of their motto “Fly High, Fly Far”. This thirst for adventure calls to all who have Orvar blood within their veins. Clan Orvar traces its earliest roots back to Havardr and his Joriin do Rah, meaning tribe of the gods, and thus so can all Gorundyr. Havardr was the earliest of men to bring the Gorundyr together, far before there was even thought of clans forming. He lead a united people, and in his death was given ascension as a divine being by Gorund, as well as certain others that had served him in life. Losing such a powerful figure shattered the Gorundyr, however, starting the formation of Clans. It was here that a man named Tyr formed his own clan and named it Orvar. As the Gorundyr warred, Orvar grew stronger and accepted more survivors into its ranks, cementing it as one of the original clans. The Legend of Barid Orvar Early Orvar history remains largely unknown as there are no written records of such, only tales passed down by from past generations, as all written works that had once existed were destroyed. The restoration of knowledge can be attributed to one man, at least as far as Clan Orvar goes. Barid Orvar, also known as Barid the Reaver, was born into the clan at its worst. Destitute and crumbling under its own weight, Orvar had very little power and wealth. From a young age, Barid always had a fire in his eye and a taste for glory. A tactical genius and brilliant fighter, he set out to bring glory to his clan and gain the respect that they deserved. One by one the other clans fell to his might, either destroyed, brought to their knees, or assimilated into Clan Orvar. It was his extreme ferocity in battle that earned him the title “the Reaver”, a name that would bring even the strongest clans trembling to their knees. It only took him two years to unite all of the Gorundyr under his rule. Shortly after the war, the remaining clan chieftains gathered at a moot to discuss Barid. It was no doubt that this man was blessed by the gods and demanded respect. The other Chieftains bent their knee and swore loyalty to Barid, naming him the Yagar, or High Chieftain of the clans. With this power, he ushered in a new era of stability and growth for the Gorundyr. After fighting for so long, Barid spent a large amount of time travelling to far off lands and brought back the relics and knowledge of other civilizations. On one of his journeys he met a group of humans with pale skin and light hair who taught him how to read and write in their tongue. Barid brought this gift back to his Clan, as well as plenty of slaves. Upon his death, Barid was exalted into divinity. Havardr noticed the man's intense ferocity and skill as a tactician and warrior, choosing to elevate him as a member of the Joriin. This was seen as a high honour to Clan Orvar, as no other member of a Clan had been granted such since the Joriin themselves ascended into the heavens. A Mighty Clan Falls Prosperity would not last for Clan Orvar, however. During his rule, Barid fathered many sons that would soon tear his kingdom apart. Fueled by greed and a desire to surpass their father, the sons split the kingdom into pieces and started a civil war that would rage for decades. On one side, there was Moban and Ragaros, the two eldest sons. They were as close as kin could be, fighting to preserve their father's legacy and avenge his death at the hands of cowards. On the other, there was what all would come to call the three ‘Kinslayers’, named so for their crime. Due to greed and jealousy, the three sons Tethuk, Morodon, and Viseng, entered Barid’s clan hall itself, armed with daggers. They lured him to a private chamber with the intentions of talking about land being granted to them, where they struck. Barid was brutally slaughtered by the three, as well as two of his wives and a daughter, half sister to the three. It was this crime that would condemn the three not only in life, but death, and sparked a war that would rock the foundations of the Clan. It was not a long and drawn out war, however, but a brutal and short one. The gods had no love for Kinslayers, nor did any being of good soul. Moban and Ragaros quickly slaughtered the armies of the Kinslayers and brought them to justice. They and their remaining servants were lined up around a massive pit filled with coals lit aflame. Made to endure the intense heat, each one watched as the other was ritualistically killed, known as the Blood Eagle. Upon completion, the Kinslayers and their ilk were kicked into the pit, cleansed by Gorund’s flame. Orvar was certainly better off than it was before Barid, but it was no longer the mighty hammer that he had forged with fire and blood. The many long years of war weakened the Gorundyr, allowing a new enemy to rise up and drive them to near extinction. Fleeing Anthos The Scourge, they were called, though the Gorundyr did not know it at the time. The Priesthood declared them the minions of Maratsu and that the raven god would soon break free of his prison to bring about the end-times. The harsh frozen land of the Savaar, a place called home for as long as they could remember, now a living nightmare. The dead rose from their graves in the snow, the demons descended down upon their towns, and the plague rotted at the bodies of the dead. Fierce warriors they may have been, the Gorundyr were not prepared for the relentless onslaught that the scourge had brought to their doorstep. Abandoned by the gods, the people of Clan Orvar gathered what survivors remained and, with heavy hearts, left their lands and headed south. What they found surprised them. There were others like them, humans and entirely different beings, fleeing from the same threat. Their isolation had kept them ignorant of the world around them. Finally, they came upon a large host that had gathered outside a magnificent temple. The Scourge descended upon the host and a mighty battle was fought. Whether these strange folk were friend or foe, the Gorundyr could not be sure, but they joined in the battle. The strongest warriors formed one warband and fought alongside the great host, all of them ready to die so that their people could survive. The Battle raged on, only to be interrupted by a large tidal wave engulfing the land in the distance. Many began to flee at the sight of the wave, pushing into the temples depths where a portal lay. The horrors of Anthos were behind them, just as quick as they had come, and Clan Orvar found themselves in a new land. They saw that the gods had been angry with them, and that the strongest among them had been spared to bring about a new era for their people. Morvan, now Chieftain of Clan Orvar, vowed that the Gorundyr would be a strong and united people once again Athera and Onwards Blinded by Athera’s majesty and the promise of a new life, it was not long before Clan Orvar suffered in the new world. Persecuted for their faith by most, and only tolerated by others, they remained fractured as a people for the majority of the lands lifetime, remaining largely nomadic. A few remained in the northern reaches of the land, settling down both in Aesterwald and Nerezza, until both were destroyed by the Church of the Canon and Orenian crusades. Now, in Vailor, much remains the same. Many have perished and those who have not remain pilgrims and wanderers, seeking the whispers of the gods in the far reaches of the land. A burning ember lies deep in the hearts of those who call themselves Orvar and Gorundyr, a hope that one day the Clan will have a home of its own. The gods call out to the Gorundyr people and urge them not to give up hope, for the unrelenting spirit of this great people will never be extinguished. Noteable Figures Tyr of Orvar, the first Chieftain. Tyr forged his clan from the remnants of Havardr’s kingdom after his death and led them to prominence. He is said to have sat atop a throne carved from the remains of an ice giant, it’s frozen heart still beating faintly within. Tyr is credited with the alliance between human and giant, as Orvar was the only clan to offer aid and friendship to Fariik and his people. Hagnar, the Warrior Priest. As a young man, Hagnar was a simple farmer who struggled to survive in the harsh snows of Asulon. In his accounts, he attributes the changing of his being to an event on the icy banks of Hanseti. Hagnar lost his footing and plunged through the frail ice, sinking deep into the sea. As he drew his last breaths and his vision faded, he recounts only seeing a brilliant flash of light and spoke of an immense heat. The water around him started to boil violently, and he found himself expelled back to the surface, landing upon the shores. It was after sometime that he regained consciousness and found he had suffered no harm, nor did he feel the effects of the cold upon his flesh. From this day on, Hagnar pledged himself to Gorund and joined the priesthood, devoting his entire life to the eradication of the eldritch. Barid of Orvar, the first Yagar. Clan Orvar found itself destitute and weak, barely clinging to life in the frozen wastes of the Savaar, but their luck would change. Barid, from his very birth, showed a renewed spirit that inspired his kinsmen. Upon his coming of age, Barid would join the Haukvengr warband and begin his legend as a fierce warrior. Eventually, Barid united Orvar and all of the other Gorundyr clans, crowning himself as the first Yagar, or High Chieftain. It was his deeds in life that drew the gaze of Havardr and his Joriin, and upon his brutal murder by his sons, he was welcomed into their pantheon. Now, Barid stands as one of Orvar’s greatest ancestors, for not only was he deserving of respect in life, but also now with his godhood. Aventia, Legendary Shield-Maiden. Once a member of the powerful Clan Oghma, Aventia married into Clan Orvar after her clan's near destruction by Barid. Beforehand, Aventia was a well respected foe, and it was her warband of Shield-Maidens which screamed defiance in the face of Barid. When her clan faced defeat and found their name tainted by their refusal to acknowledge Barid’s superiority, Aventia abandoned the clan and set her eyes on a man named Moban, the eldest son of the Yagar. With his refusal to acknowledge Aventia as a worthy bride, she challenged him to a series of duels, defeating him at every turn. She had shown that her spirit was great and earned the respect of the Clan, and thus Moban’s hand in marriage. Application MC Name: RP Name: Skype Name(You may PM it): Teamspeak?: Timezone: Profession(s)(Include level): Will this be a main character?: Open Characters Below is a list of characters of the main Orvar bloodline that have yet to be played. These are all children of my characters siblings, and are mostly blank slates, though their births and such happened ingame. Any questions? send me a private message or add me on skype. Skype: doctorowyn Torkel’s ((BooMziE, skype: mrboomer337)) line: Alvilda (Daughter), Arvid (Son), Eirik (Son) Aeron’s line: Brynjar (Son) Senua’s line: Eylof (Son), Fiske (Son), Eydis (Daughter) Feel free to message me on skype with any questions regarding the Clan or Culture.
  24. The BoulderBear Clan The BoulderBear clan originates from generations of Nomads, Traders and Hunters from a variety of different clans throughout the ages, though it should be noted that the majority of the members fit the standard classifications of Mountain Dwarves due to their fiery red hair and broad, strong upper bodies. For many generations The BoulderBears have wandered about the lands, either following game or simply going where the money was, It would be rare for them to be found settling in the same place for too long if there are better opportunities elsewhere- because of this many of the members have been almost completely overwhelmed by greed, focusing only on moneymaking for themselves or their kin, and in that greed they have mostly exercised chaotic neutrality amongst other clans, often only remaining loyal to the Grand King if they are called upon in war. Aside from the Grand King, the BoulderBears would only truly serve whoever would benefit them the most, which eventually lead to their controversial motto "The BoulderBear's allegiance is with the highest bidder." and if you are lucky enough to be 'the highest bidder' then no task is too tall, so long as the correct payment is available, they certainly aren't afraid to get their hands dirty. It would be worth knowing that due to their lengthy amounts of time spent away from society and only in the company of other clansmen, the BoulderBears can often be very traditional with many of their usual activities, common examples being fighting shirtless (So not to forsake their clothing and material possession), the wearing of black bearskin to symbolise leadership or creating and following order through the use of contracts made and amended exclusively by the ClanFather. Outside of usual business and general greed, hunting is an integral part of the Clan's culture and interests, so much so that when settling in a non business location, BoulderBears will usually make camp in any location known for big game, especially bears (hence the name). It is also common for the BoulderBears to keep wolves or large dogs as pets to aid their hunting efforts, whilst equipped with a proper spear or tomohawk, BoulderBears often act as ferocious beast masters in times of battle. Current Leader(s): Haggis BoulderBear, Alpha. (CaptainMordew) Harry BoulderBear, in Haggis' absence only. (bod101) Current Allegiances: The Grand King (Usually regardless of who) The Grandaxe Clan (In exchange for a tavern and their protection) The Princedom of Fenn (In exchange for land to make camp and hunting grounds) Current Members: Haggis BoulderBear (CaptainMordew) Harry BoulderBear (bod101) Moira BoulderBear (WingedWolf) Grandpappy Hamish BoulderBear (Boziah) Henry BoulderBear (thenoobenator) Family Tree: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19FNfUwaYbZpsDImaWOhEADe51KbgZs4qh-W-w3qgp8I/edit?usp=sharing If you wish to join then it is recommended your character fits the following traits- Dwarf (Mountain or Cave preferably) Greedy over Honourable Loyal to only the current BoulderBear Clanfather Materialistic Willing to do ANYTHING for the right price RP with an already existing member Apply below, exceptions can be made, contact the current leader in game for queries!
  25. The Grandaxe Clan [Old Thread] [This is posted here so that those who view Clans and the like in this forum can see this topic, this one will not be updated as much as the primary one here] Lore and History Culture and Traditions Important Values Appearance Religion Rites of Passage Lineages Clan Holds & Halls Application
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