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  1. KRUG = the brother that defeated iblees. KRUGMENISTANI = people of KRUG HONORARIES = descendants with a body of a non orc, but a soul of one. DARK SPAWN = beings and people associated with dark magic and the dark forces. WHAT ARE THE WHITEWASH? The whitewash are orcs known as lessers by the Krugmenistani people. They are orcs (including honoraries) that have strayed from their cultural path and kruggahood. They are those that show no honor, no truth and loyalty towards KRUG, among other things. They are known among true orcs to be equal to dirt. Though, one can regain their honor and place within the Urukim. HOW DOES ONE REGAIN THEIR HONOUR Once an orc is claimed to be a whitewash, they have the right to disprove it. Though, there are times when the whitewash has shown more than enough to prove that they are a whitewash and only punishment remains. However, if you accept the fact that you are a lesser you gain another chance to rejoin your honorable kin. This is done by trials. The trials will be random, though they are there to prove that you are what you say you are, an honorable descendant of KRUG. They are set to be difficult and challenging. Testing the descendants to see if they are worthy to live among the spirits, the honorable and the mighty. ARE YOU A WHITEWASH? Do you live among elves, humans and others but hold no loyalty, as well as affiliation towards Krugmenistan? Do you show no honor, no self worth and no loyalty to the spirits? Do you allow the enemies of KRUG and the dark spawn walk among you? Then yes, you are a whitewash! Come over to Krugmenistan so we can regain your honor!
  2. Bukotob Uruk-hai agh Bûrzgolug Non Aggression Both the parties of The Iron Horde and Ashen Realm of Nor’asath will adhere to a pact of non-aggression and will not incite conflict between either side. Both signatories will recognize each other's respective realms as sovereign independent lands and will not subvert the ruling authorities of each respective territory. Nor’asath recognizes The Iron Horde as the sole authority of the Uruk-kin. The Iron Horde recognizes Nor’asath as the sole authority of Mali’ker. Trade & Travel Signatories will agree to trade with one another. Both signatories will allow each respective nation an untaxed stall. Both Signatories will allow free passage for each other's citizens under the same laws as the respective land. Duration The Pact between the Iron Horde and the Ashen State of Nor’asath will endure for fifteen years. Upon Expiration the Pact may be reinstated Primarch of Nor'asath and the Mali'ker High Priestess of Nor’asath Onyx Chief of Nor’asath REX, Willy of San’Velku and The Iron Horde DOMINUS, Madoc'Lur, The Keeper of Knowledge
  3. “Only disappointment lies for them at the end of their Olû Tiil Fruutal, where they will be turned away from the Doraz-ob Kor.” TO NEVAEHLEN AZH Your village, the Vale of Nevaehlen, harbors an Uruk who bears the status of Whitewash. Every Uruk who strays from the path of Krug is labeled as such, as departure from the path is one of the most dishonorable feats an Uruk can commit. I, REX Sahgorim’Ugluk, demand that the Whitewashed Uruk known as Urgnarz is handed to the Uzg for marking. He will return alive, provided he does not resist the marking process. Urgnarz was labeled as whitewash due to his departure from the path of Krug. The whitewash in question even goes so far as to avoid any situation with Uruks from the Uzg, hiding himself away from those who tread an honorable path for reasons the Goth council only assumes to be weak attempts to avoid punishment. DUB Your claims of dishonor are baseless. I, REX Sahgorim’Ugluk, merely acted in self-defense not two cactus weeks ago when the Matriarch haphazardly assaulted me during my searching, even after I had warned her not to approach me any further in an attempt to circumvent a fight. I will not entertain the claims of lessers who wish to warp said events to fit their narrative. GAHK I advise the people of Nevaehlen not to insert themselves into the cultural practices of the Uzg. It will only end poorly for those who do. See Raja. SIGNATURES Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Rex of the Iron’Uzg, Bullgoth of Clan Ugluk
  4. A missive, penned in blue ink in the Orcish script, pinned with an arrow firmly to the noticeboard of Krugmar. The missive reads as follows, “To dah azh dat tinkzh dat dah title ob Huntzgoth be nub fit for dah Kubzh ob Lur… Zhengyn butun inzult Lur vit zhengyn aktionzh agh grukkage! For hundredzh agh thouzandzh ob Kaktuz Yearz agh Moons, dah Kubzh ob Lur hab been honouring bizhym anzeztor agh forefather LUR! Kub ob KURG! Chozen ob VOTAR! Meng kom to klaim dah title ob Huntzgoth kuz meng AHM Lur’Khan, meng AHM nub afraid ob dah beaztzh agh kritterz dat forestzh’da libzh! Meng AHM readeh for dah challenge ob dah mantle ob Huntzgoth, dizh be dah Legacy ob Lur. Ab Lur waz chozen by Votar gib Bub’hozh huntah, zo too muzt azh Kub ob Lur rize to dah Challenge… May dah zpiritz blezh dah Kubzh ob Lur kim honour dah Anzeztorz agh bizhym Veyzh! Dah Vey ob KRUG! Meng, GUTLUG LUR’KHAN klaim dah mantle ob Huntzgoth edder by dah blezing ob dah Rex agh dah Zpiritz, oa dah Grizh ob dah Klomp! LÛP’LUR, LÛP VOTAR, LÛP KRUG!” Sealed to the bottom of the missive is the seal of Clan Lur, a Wolf and Moon.
  5. TO THE HORDE A Joint Declaration from the Eastern Almaris Treaty Organization Our patience grows thin Rex Borok. The declaration of you taking the Jindle bandits under your protection was unwise. For a race that proclaims themselves as an honorable people, you aligned yourselves with bandits that are from an age of dishonor and greed. As you allied with the Jindles you proclaimed that they shall not bandit unless given your explicit permission. Not too long ago, you attempted to extort The Kingdom of Norland into paying tribute, breaking your alliance with them. You then banditted, raided and killed the citizens of not only the Kingdom of Balian, but the Kingdoms of Urguan and Haense. We gave you mercy when you disowned these brigands and banished them from your volcanic lands. But this was just a front. Not a stone day ago, scouts returned to the Grand King reporting that the Jindles were actively helping, living and assisting the orcs still, and that they rallied with your warriors when Malinor asked for a meet. Considering you have lost two wars and have been driven to bankruptcy, we would've thought that The Horde would have learned their lesson. It seems clear that you have not. Your failures are known throughout all the lands and we wonder if the citizens of Krugmar ever get tired of dealing with a spineless monarch. These offenses will not go unanswered. In order to avoid the annihilation of The Horde, Rex you must agree to the following. I. Allow the EATO alliance to establish a fort on your lands as well as access to your city to ensure no more wrongdoing occurs. II. Issue a formal apology to the EATO alliance for attacking its citizens and violating its sovereignty. III. Pay a collective sum of 6,000 minas to the EATO alliance for compensation of life lost. You have until the day ends to make your decision. Signed, Grand King of Urguan, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III HIS ROYAL MAJESTY, John I, by the Grace of GOD, King of Balian, Viscount of Eflen, Baron of Brucca, Lord of Atrus and Monterosa, Prince of the Holy Orenian Empire, and Protector of the Heartlanders, etcetera. His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera
  6. 12th of the Ambers Cold DEMANDS OF JUSTICE ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᛁᛋᚺᛟᚾᛟᚱᚨᛒᛚᛖ ᚱᛖᛪ ᛋᚺᚨᛚᛚ ᚠᚨᛚᛚ It was assumed after Krug refused Ibleeses temptations and helped defeat the evil god, that his descendants would be the most strong, honorable and the greatest dark creature hunters of the realm. But as seen before in history, the orcs have fallen from their ways, dishonoring their great ancestor and dishonoring what he stood for. The Horde has taken another step to dishonor their creator, by capturing and killing a son of Urguan, of honorable and great descent. Hailing from the greatest line of Yavok and Kjell. Falling not in battle nor old age, but by the blades of the horde, behind closed doors with the intent of keeping their deaths secret. This is not the end of their dishonor. The Horde has allowed the corrupted dragon-kin to infect their land and their people. The Rex has allowed an academy of Azdrazi to settle on his land and live in the once occupied Ireheart town. But evil often hides itself in the shadow, not revealing its true face to the people of this realm, and often to its own kin. The Rex has done the same. He has not only colluded with the Azdrazi by allowing them to settle on his lands, but he has worked with them closely and helped them thrive within the lands of Krugmar, to find a home and spread the taint of Iblees. These transgressions and attacks cannot go unanswered, especially by the sons of Urguan who hold honor and justice close to their hearts, who strive to kill dishonor where it stands and banish evil where it hides. And so Grand King Bakir Ireheart alongside the entire Grand Kingdom of Urguan declare the following terms to the tainted Rex who has not only transgressed against the dwedmar, but to all descendants. The Horde shall do the following: I. Formally allow the Grand Kingdom to enter Krugmar and expel the Azdrazi from the domain of the Rex. As well as destroy the Pirate Cove for illegally harboring Azdrazi and settling on Ireheart soil. II. The Horde will hand over the orcs who have dishonorably killed Balor Ireheart and face trial by the Urguani courts. III. The Horde shall pay 7.5k minas in compensation to the Grand Kingdom for not only allowing the influence of Iblees to spread but also compensation for the assault, capture and killing of dwedmar. IV. The Rex shall agree to deliver a sum of 20 stacks of leather to the Grand Kingdom. The Horde shall have two days to adhere to these terms or The Grand Kingdom of Urguan shall issue a Grudge alongside a declaration of War to defeat the servants of evil and to achieve Justice. Upon agreeing to these honorable terms, the Grand Kingdom shall sign a non-aggression pact with The Horde lasting for 10 years.
  7. THE IRON UZG Land of the Horde “Lup’Krug” The crimson Scaddernak against a black field CONTENTS: I. Culture II. Hierarchy III. Military IV.City The orcs of the Iron Uzg are a stalwart people. Comprised out of Uruks, Ologs, Goblins and any other descendants that bring worship to the spirits under the Scaddernak banner. The denizens of the Uzg live with a strong code of strength, honor, and religious zealotism. Strength: Krug is revered in the Uzg. Father of all orc kind, he is seen as the ultimate role-model for a citizen. As such, the orcs value strength, and many leadership positions are gained through brutal duels and displays of strength. Day to day disputes are handled via fist and blood in honorable duels, where the spirits choose the victor. The orcs value strength in all matters of their life, be it hunting a wild beast or training alongside the Krughai military. A Lur out on the hunt Religion: The orcs greatly respect the Ilzgul, their brutal deities. The ancestors of all orcs, aswell as the Immortal and Elemental spirits form the religion of the Uzg. Denizens of the Uzg boast their loyalty to the spirits in acts of sacrifice, be it a sheep to the Immortal spirit of war or a familial weapon to a deceased ancestor. Farseers, Lutuaman, Witchdoctors or practitioners of the Haruspex dot the Uzg aswell, offering their worship to the spirits with their mysterious magics. Honor: Bringing honor to your name and clan is of paramount importance to a citizen of the Uzg, for how else will one travel to Stargush’Stroh, the afterlife of the orcs? This quest for honor will bring the Orc to many challenges, all of which they are expected to handle with nobility and respect to their uruk brethren. Even in times of strive and civil war, deeds of respect and honor were perceived between battling clans. Small tidbits: The Iron Uzg subforum is full of beautifully done loreposts by our community. From the star readers of the Ilzhonal to the brutal bloodletters of the Haruspex, it is heavily encouraged for every Orc player to look into these posts and discover the best orc they can be. The Iron Uzg is a beautiful ground for quality curated RP. The hierarchy of the Uzg is simple and ancient, honoring the old way of the first Goths. The Iron Uzg’s government is a stalwart and proud force, dedicating their lives to the bettering of the Uzg always. REX Above all is the Rex, Krug’s chosen. They will lead the Iron Uzg with strength, nobility and wisdom. The Rex has the ability to change the Uzg how they see fit, and is the figurehead of all Orcs. HONOR COUNCIL The honor council is the main governmental power of the Iron Uzg. They handle all things to do with the state of the nation. Each Goth on the council has proven themselves to lead their specific part of Orc Life. Dominus: The Dominus is the right hand man of the Rex, leading the Uzg’s diplomacy and ensuring all the Rex’s policies are enacted smoothly and without struggle. The Dominus is commonly seen as the Rex’s heir if there is no challenge to his claim, and will take Rexdom after an abdication or death. Targoth: The Targoth is the leader of the Krughai, the Iron Uzg’s military. They will work closely with the Yazgurtan to ensure the Krughai has all logistical needs it requires, whilst training up Uruk soldiers and leading them in battle. The Targoth is a well respected rank within the Iron Uzg, and is a veteran and battle-hardened soldier. Yazgurtan: The Yazgurtan is the steward/mayor/logistician of the Iron Uzg. They oversee all things within the city borders, be it housing or district renovation. The Yazgurtan also oversees logistics within the Iron Uzg, and works closely with the Rex to ensure the armories and treasuries are always full. Motsham: The Motsham is the spiritual leader of the Iron Uzg. They are the voice of the ancestors, immortals and elementals. Usually a wizened old shaman, the Motsham will lead the Uzg in spiritual events and worship. Huntsgoth: The Huntsgoth is Votar’s chosen within the Iron Uzg. They will lead the orcs in mighty hunts across the Rex’s lands. It is expected of the Huntsgoth to return with trophies for the Goi, and to work closely with the Grubgoth in ensuring the orcs always have meat for their many feasts. Grubgoth: The Grubgoth is a major cultural leader within the Uzg, and is tasked with maintaining orcish morale with feasts, festivals and other cultural events. They work closely with the Huntsgoth to supply meat to the Uzg’s denizens while arranging tournaments with the Targoth. A Lak chieftain THE WARGOTH COUNCIL The Wargoth Council is the voice of the clans, tribes and bands of the Iron Uzg. The leaders of these groups sit on the Wargoth Council to discuss the interactions between the many groups of the Iron Uzg, though different groups hold more power than other based on their prestige and strength. Wargoth Clan: A Wargoth Clan is a group of orcs that have gained the respect and prestige of the Rex based on their current power. They have been promoted from a Warchief Tribe and hold more sway over the Uzg than those below them. [Requirements for Wargoth Clan: 5+ Active members(7+ hrs per week) The leader of the claimant group(Wargoth) has hosted an event weekly for the Uzg for three consecutive weeks in a row The claimant group is more than a month old] Warchief Tribe: A Warchief Tribe is a group of orcs that have gained enough prestige to be notable in the eyes of the Uzg. They have been promoted from a Warband and hold more sway than those below them, but less sway than the Wargothdom. [Requirements for a Warchief Tribe” 2+ Active members(7+ hrs per week) The leader of the claimant group(Warchief) has hosted an event for the Uzg in the previous two weeks. Once the two weeks pass by and no event has been hosted by the Warchief Tribe, the claimant group will be demoted back to a Warband. ] Warband: A warband is a group of orcs who have banded together for a common goal. These are commonly beginning tribes or families within the Uzg that wish to make a name for themselves. They are not awarded a seat on the Wargoth Council. Armor of the Uruk-Hai The Iron Uzg has a strong military culture, and it is expected for every able bodied citizen to serve their tenure in the Krughai. Formed by the mighty Rex, Mogroka’Gorkil, the Krughai has always been a staple of Orcish culture. Lead by the Targoth, the Krughai defends the Goi in times of war and leads the assault against the Rex’s enemies. Proven and seasoned warriors might rise the ranks to become Keshig, orcish knights who defend the Rex and the Uzg until their last breath, fighting thrashing and bloodied up to the end. On the contrary, shamed and dishonorable uruks become Pugged, and every citizen has the right to beat and brutalize the Pugged until they prove themselves once more. The Iron Uzg lives a cruel life, and the Krughai reflects that. San’Velku, Capital of the Uzg The Iron Uzg prides itself in it’s city, building with brutal architecture in dangerous lands. Ever since the times of Krug, the Iron Uzg has situated itself in the most hostile environments possible, as it is believed the surrounding fauna and flora will harden the uruks into strong and honorable warriors. From the firelands to the harsh deserts, orcs have had a wide range of capitals. Currently, the Iron Uzg is situated in the city of San’Velku in the western jungles. Within this city, an orc can find the arena, smithy, tavern, haruspex caves and various blargs of their choosing, each decorated with the trophies of the orcs’ hunts and their achievements. Outside the jungles, the Iron Uzg also holds other members under it’s banner. Haelun’or, Daeland, the Khelites and more are all sworn to fight alongside the Scaddernak banner. Be sure to seek these out!
  8. (An image from the Library of Yar, depicting a family of Yar Bone-Singers in traditional runed bonemasks.) Oh, how Barbog exemplified the spirit of Yar today! Leading a band of almost ten-thousand strong to the impenetrable fortress of the Ferrymen, with the weight of the life of a poor noble lass, and perhaps the world, upon his shoulders! It is a wonder that women of all races aren't already throwing themselves at his feet- not that he would accept any, of course. To leave a family behind is to only bring more weight upon him when he inevitably goes to save more fair maidens from their oppressors! Indeed, it is time that Barbog is recognized for his strength, his wit, his wisdom, his indominable faith in the Spirits, and the honor he brings to all of Uruk-kind through his every act. Drumming his hand upon the windowsill overlooking the empty village, he pens this declaration to be displayed throughout the Horde's territories; To All the Peoples of the Horde From San'velku to H'nor, Know This; THROUGH THE MIGHT AND WILL OF THE GLORIOUS BARBOG, SAVIOR OF PRINCESSES AND HERO OF THE URUK-HAI, THE CLAN OF Yar SHALL BE REVIVED! Be not afeared, good peoples of the Horde, for this is not a declaration of war or secession, but a declaration to the unwavering strength of your brothers-in-arms! Clan Yar, the traditional clan of wisemen among the Uruk-Hai, has long seen better days. With no response from former Yars, I fear them passed or in self-exhile. I have spent many moons and many months among the ancestral lands of the former Yars, having been under the tutelage of some, and studying the remains of their village library since. Whilst I cannot claim to be chosen by Yars to continue their great clan, I would rather face disrespect in the Stargush'Stroh by their ancestors for falsely assuming the title, than face the shame of letting this grand clan die. I write this missive as a declaration of my assumption of Yargoth, and in doing so, name myself Barbog'Yar, Savior of Princesses, Hero of the Second Horde, Shaman of Krathol's Eternal Suffering, Honorary Halfling of Honeyhill, Friend to the Vale of Nevaehlen, and the Last Vigilant of Yar's Way. I shall strive to do this title honor, and, should any of my brothers seek to prove themselves, be they of Uruk-hai blood or Honorary Uruk, I fully intend to contend Clan Trials soon to see whomst among you may stand beside me in representing Yar's Way. I leave you with these parting words from the late Malog'Yar, founder of Clan Yar; “Wisdom is born of a strong mind. It is more practical than philosophy, agh goes beyond mere knowledge. It is the ability for right living, common sense, wit, resolution of life’s problems, agh success beyond material gain. Gruk for latself, but heed the blahings of those more experienced with the respect agh consideration due them. Learn from life, agh apply latz learning in a way that means something.” 𝓑𝓪𝓻𝓫𝓸𝓰'𝓨𝓪𝓻 Last Vigilant of Yar’s Way Hero of the Second Horde
  9. Catarrh

    Clan Yar

    <O> Yar: Many years ago, the great shaman Malog raised the banner of Yar for the first time in Anthos, instating a long-running clan of wisemen and those dedicated to the worship of the spirits. Symbolised by the duhnah skhelll, the great man-eating tortoises of the desert, they revere the Ancestral spirit Yar, said to be the wisest of his clan. While Yars place great emphasis on spirituality and the attainment of wisdom, they follow the basic fundamentals of orcish life and value strength and honour; they are still orcs, and will fight ferociously alongside their brothers in other clans in times of battle. However, they must also be able to think, and discern what is wise and honorable. A Yar is also expected to have an acute awareness of the spirits, even if that particular orc does not happen to be a shaman. The Yars remember at all times that the eyes of Krug and the spirits are upon them. Whether hunting, fighting, or whatever they do, they must keep this fact in mind, and live for the spirits. Not every Yar will be a shaman. Not every Yar will become famed as some kind of great orcish thinker, but every Yar can bring some honor to the orc for whom the clan was named by exercising wisdom to the best of his or her ability. “Wisdom is born of a strong mind. It is more practical than philosophy, agh goes beyond mere knowledge. It is the ability for right living, common sense, wit, resolution of life’s problems, agh success beyond material gain. Gruk for latself, but heed the blahings of those more experienced with the respect agh consideration due them. Learn from life, agh apply latz learning in a way that means something.” -The Contemplations of Malog, V1 \o/ Culture: Seven Pillars of Honor: Strength Valor Boldness Contentment Wisdom Forthrightness Discipline Seven Pitfalls of Dishonor: Weakness Irresolution Cowardice Avarice Thoughtlessness Duplicity Complacency Branding: Upon initiation into the Yar clan, and following completion of three trials presented by one or more elders, new members are branded with the image of the duhnah skhelll. The initiate must then swear his allegiance to the clan as he sacrifices an animal: “Mi zwayr mi eturnul allejunze tu da Yar klan. Mi zwayr tu lib bai da klan law kode, agh tu walk en da wizdum agh onur ob Yar. Zhud mi ebur bitray da klan, mi wull bi kurz’d tu hab mi bluud zpill’d az diz animul. Mi wull bi flat’d en helplezznezz agh dizonur!” Translation: “I swear my eternal allegiance to the Yar clan. I swear to live by the clan law code, and to walk in the wisdom and honor of Yar. Should I ever betray the clan, I will be cursed to have my blood spilled as this animal. I will die in helplessness and dishonor!” Sacrifices: As is common among orcs, the Yar clan performs sacrifices. These are often at special occasions, but sometimes just for the sake of sacrificing. The sacrifices take two forms: blood offerings and grain offerings. Blood Offerings These are offerings of living creatures. Humans, elves, kharajyr, and dwarves. Livestock. Grain Offerings These are burnt offerings of wheat or any other form of produce. It has been a custom in Malog’s family for generations to burn herbs in honor of Yar. Traditionally these herbs are gathered from Dwarven territory as the herbs Yar himself sought on the day of his death. Bones: In the Yar Clan, bones are sacred as a symbol of structure, integrity and uprightness. The removal of bones as a Yar Clan punishment is a means by which the Yars communicate a lacking of these traits in the offender. Adornment: Due to the symbolic nature of bones within the clan, it is a practice among the Yars to adorn themselves with the bones of fallen enemies or of beasts slain in hunts, be it by simply hanging them from their person or by fashioning piercings thereof. They are also strongly encouraged to represent the Yar clan in battle by painting their faces and/or bodies with the clan colors: black and white. Sounding of the Horn: The Horn of Yar is an important relic in Yar culture. It is sounded at any event deemed significant enough. This can include religious gatherings, feasts, battle, or even just the birth of a new cub into the clan. The horn, as many have seen, is massive, and can be easily heard for miles outside of the capitol. See “Important Links” at the bottom of this post for links to the Yar Clan’s more interesting traditions. <<<D Law: The giving of the law, as originally told in Anthos: Malog’s head was boiling over with frustration. He needed to clear his mind. Nux’Ugluk’s decision to side with the Kaxils enraged him to no end. He decided to go out to the desert and meditate, “Purhapz da zpirutz wull gib mi guidenze,” he thought. As he sat atop a large dune, he peered down at an adolescent scaddernak scurrying over to a small cave. The beast was not fully grown yet, but was still easily big enough to kill a small group of Uruks. The cave’s entrance instantly snapped shut on the encroaching scaddernak, severing both of its pincers and three of its left legs. The creature lay helpless with half its legs gone, as a hulking mass shifted out of the sand. The sand gave way to a massive shell, and what seemed to be a cave proved to be a mouth. When the dust cleared, an enormous tortoise nearly the size of a modest gatehouse stood looming over the crippled scaddernak. The words “Duhnah skhelll” passed Malog’s lips as he watched in amazement. The duhnah skhelll lifted one of its tremendous legs, and smashed its prey. It then proceeded to swallow the scaddernak whole. Malog took this as a sign from the spirits, and hurried back to Gronkkston. He gathered his supporters from within the Ugluk clan, and told them what he saw. He then told them about his ancestor, Yar, a wise and powerful shaman. He had decided that if he couldn’t regain the Ugluk clan, he’d lead his followers away from the dangerous path down which that clan was being led. He had decided to lead them down the path of wisdom; the path of honor. He blew the great bronze horn he’d previously constructed atop the massive hill near Gronkkston, announcing the formation of the Yar clan. After blowing the horn, Malog then spoke forth the law code of the Yar Clan: ~ In order to ensure the Yar Clan did not stray from the path of honor, ten laws were set in place for the clan to uphold. ~ Do not kill your fellow orc unprovoked or outside of an agreed-upon klomp, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not consume the flesh of your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not steal from your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not free your fellow orc’s slave, nor enslave your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not practice the magic of the pink skin, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not disrespect your fellow orc or his property, especially an orc in authority over you. This includes challenging the Wargoth or Chieftain without legitimate reason, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not live amongst the pink skin, to dwell in their cities, nor to walk in their ways, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not speak the language of the pink skin, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not take the pink skin as your lifemate, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not worship the gods of the pink skins, for such is an abomination to Krug. ~ Failure to comply by the laws of Clan Yar will result in the following: ~ Harrowing: Any orc who breaks a clan law but is still considered redeemable may be exiled to a dangerous land for a period of time. He may either be sent into the deserts without any food or tools, or into known enemy territory. Should the accused return alive, his crimes are completely forgiven, and he is welcomed back as a brother. Beheading: This is your average beheading. The head is then piked in a public place with a sign indicating the offender's name and whitewashed status. Heart Removal: An orc who commits a particularly heinous offence is restrained while his beating heart is cut from his chest. The heart is then piked in a public area with a sign indicating the offender's name and whitewashed status. Deboning: This punishment, due to its gruesome nature, is reserved primarily for the most repugnant crimes. The only exception to this rule is towards non-orcs, who may experience this fate merely at the whim of the clan leader. An orc, however, must commit a severe atrocity to suffer this punishment. The accused is restrained while his bones are broken and removed from his body. The bones are then piled up and burned in a desecration ceremony. >>> <<< Yar Clan Chants: Blessed of Yar Shout unto Krug, Blessed of Yar! Throughout the Uzg, Bear it far; The glorious name! Glory to Yar! His wisdom will reign! Glory to Yar! Harvest Life is toil; Life is pain. Till the soil; Wait for rain. Blood coats plow, Workers groan. Harvest now Flesh agh bone! Raise the Luzk Raise the luzk! Shout aloud! Bare latz tusks! Make Krug proud! Bodies sever From their spirits! they'll forever Dread agh fear us! Cubs’ Chant Chant to the Wargoth, leading us to glory. Chant to the Choppers, on the battlefield. Chant to the Trappers, in the burning desert. Chant to the Workers, pounding steel. We are the Yar cubs, builders of the future, Agh we the Yar cubs swear to lat; Loyal devotion! Fearless devotion! Agh to klomp until we’re flat! Chant to the faithful members of the Yar Clan. Chant to the Skhelll lethality. Chant to the Yar Clan; ever wise and mighty! Clan of wisdom agh victory! <(*)> Important Links: Shrunken Heads: Bone Trees: Bone Gavels: Bone Singing (Throat Singing): Yar Clan Runes: Yar Funerary Rites: The Horn of Yar: Story of Yar: Information on the Duhna Skhelll can be found here under “Orcish Wildlife”
  10. The same shabby little goblin gathers himself up once more, grinning toothily at the egg in the corner, resting peacefully in it's box. He nods to himself as he pats the loamy soil, ensuring that it is still a bit moist- easier for the little creature inside to get comfortable upon should it hatch in his absence. After all, hatching season is coming soon for the Drûth tortoises. Still, he pushes this thought aside as he turns to the other object of interest in the room- the large corpse of some burly human, all gutted and dessicated. The goblin is quite pleased at the lack of mess to clean up, and drags it outside by the hair. He calls out a soft goodbye to the egg, and barges out the door of his outpost. The goblin then strides to the near-center of the village, by the large bonfire. A remarkable pile of skeletons and mangy hides await him, and await their new companion- the bones that hide in the flesh-bag at his side. He dumps it upon the ground, and makes quick work of the poor sod that used to be something, be someone. It doesn't matter anymore. Be it a beggar, thief, warrior, or king, it is now reduced to chapped hide and bones nestled in dry gore. He takes no pleasure in ripping the bones out of the trespassing sod's corpse, and tosses much of the skeleton into the pile- which, upon closer inspection, seems to be made of mainly humanoid remains. One must wonder how many people cross into this village, especially with all the shrunken heads and macabre designs lying about. It's quite a bit more likely that the goblin merely claims more of the lands around, and uses that as justification- or these may even be dead soldiers whom he came into conflict with. Truly, it is impossible to know anything about them, other than that they were deemed incredibly dishonorable to warrant this treatment. This line of thought is to be pushed out of mind as he finishes his work, leaving the human-shaped sack of meat behind as he gathers up the pile of fur and bone. Throughout the day he remains hard at work, gathering up twisted logs and branches as need be, entwining them around skeletons, draping hides and furs atop of those to complete the look. By the time a few hours pass, the end result stands tall by the center of the village, proud and ready to bear the ages. Looking to his feet, he notices he still has quite a lot of material left to work with. Looking up at the sky and seeing the harshness of the midday sun, he figures he still has time enough to carry forth and construct another, towards the boundary of the village- further reasserting Yar's claim to the land. As he drags the bones and hides across the ground with intentional disrespect, he bellows out a song he found inscribed in a hut- left for the former inhabitant's children to learn, presumably, to join with their elders during celebrations or toil. "Lyfe iz toyul, Lyfe iz pain. Tyll da zoil; Wayt fur rayn. Grizh coatz plowz, Wurkerz groan. Harvuzt now Flezh agh Bone!" The macabre tune is sang with an optimistic lilt, as if being given the chance to know and speak the lyrics is some grand milestone for the little wretch. This song is looped over and over as he swiftly constructs another harrowing ornament, covered in the same furs and bones- even featuring a full skeleton upon one of it's stronger "branches". With his work done, the goblin gazes up at the starry night sky, and can only hope that the road of war out in the distant cities does not reach the clan's slice of the forest.
  11. The goblin now wanders through the village, holding two severed human heads in one hand. It appears to be some gittish Orenites, judging by their hairstyles and the complexion of their skin. He grins broadly at his prize, carrying it throughout the “goi” as though it was a trophy from a hunt. The village is once again empty with these intruders’ demise, however, and it seems as though the goblin doesn’t mind it that way. Still, he has much more important matters to attend to than merely flaunting a bloody kill- he needs to make an example of them! He wanders up to the roaring fire in the center of town, an irregularly deep pot sitting nearby. He bought it specially for just this purpose. The goblin sets the bloody heads down on the ground, the pot full of water into the flames, and stumbles over to the collection of left-behind books he calls a library. He draws one out, the cover a depiction of a grossly misshapen and desiccated corpse- perfect. This, he brings back to the roaring fire. Flipping through the book, revealed to be sets of instructions for various rituals, the goblin stops on one in particular- the long-lived yet bold practice of creating shrunken heads. A toothy grin spreads on the goblin’s face, in stark contrast to the lifelessness of the head he holds in his hands. Shrunken heads were oft made by the Yars as warnings- though what these warnings conveyed, depended largely upon whom the unfortunate soul was whomst the head originally belonged to. In this case, the goblin prepared the heads for a warning of warding- a butchered pilgrim who lost themselves in the jungle midsts, and dared to trespass on the Yar’s sacred grounds. Whilst the goblin would not claim himself a Yar, and performing a ritual he was ‘taught’, he supposes that the circumstances would allow for it- a trespass such as this could not be forgiven, it was unto the lands of the Yar, and it would be the will of the Yar that such a fool shall be made an example of. Indeed, the shrinking of a head had several meanings towards it. Firstly, the ghastly sight served as a warning to any brave enough to come across it. Secondly, it was a severe disgrace to the soul that it once belonged to- to shrink a head would remove the bones, the most sacred of structure, the desecration of a head in particular to highlight this loss was due to their foolishness or callousness. Thirdly- to give appropriate notice to their kin whom would search for the body of their brethren. It was with these goals in mind that the goblin set upon the practice. With a weary sigh, the goblin lifts the finished heads from the pot, after a full day’s work. He grins proudly at their twisted, wretched visage, and nods to himself. The goblin’s hands are covered in cuts and burns from his lack of experience, but the quality of the finished product is well worth not taking shortcuts. He quickly tacks one up to a root at the edge of town, leaving below it a note forbidding anyone from further trespass upon these sacred grounds. He carries a smiliar note, and an equally disgusting head, over to the main city of San’Velku. He slams a post into the ground, sets the head atop it, and leaves the following sign below; Satisfied with his work for the day, he marches back to the riverside village, resuming his vigil once more. He looks off to the side, seeing the shrunken head at the village's border, and grins again with pride.
  12. The one-armed goblin continues his patrols around the ancestral village of the Yars. A few friends have stopped by recently, noticing the path he carved on his way to the river-village and following it. Unfortunately, none have been whom the goblin was waiting for- any to whom this land was their birthright. He sighs as he drops himself back in his chair, staring out the window as it starts to rain. He unconsciously reclines a bit as he starts to doze off, the chair scraping against the floor and filling the hut with a sharp noise, waking him up once more. The displeasure is obvious on his face and he tosses the seat below him a scornful look- but before he can undergo a one-man war against chairs, a flash of pale color outside the window alerts him. The sky has started to crackle with lightning, bathing the swamp ground in light. He watches for a bit, until a hint of mottled grey by the riverside catches his eye- certainly something he didn’t see before on patrol. He stumbles out the door and into the storm, trekking over roots and muck as he wades through the swampy riverside. He reaches the odd shapes he saw before, and is struck with recognition and pity. A collection of eggs lie about the shoreline- each quite large, a mottled grey-green. He recognizes their distinctive pattern; Drûth Skhell eggs, the Bush Tortoise. The reason for his pitying look is obvious- the eggs lie broken and spilled, the nest ruined as it was washed up by the violent storm. His eyes widen in shock as he turns one over- not a single crack upon it. By far the smallest of the clutch, likely to birth a runt, but the only survivor of this nest. He gingerly picks it up with his single hand and cradles it against his body, before hobbling back to his hut. Once inside, he lies it down upon a box packed with sandy loam, gently burying it again. Soon will be the season that these tortoises are said to hatch in, and the goblin can only hope that this egg shall bear fruit. His lips part in a toothy grin at the irony, living in this village; he may never be a Yar, and this is no Duhnah Skhell, but he shall care for it all the same.
  13. A scrawny, one-armed goblin struggles to work his way through the snares, vines, and brush of the jungle. He casts a scornful glare towards the scorched lands behind him, now surrounding the Iron’Uzg, before spitting and hacking as he walks into a large web. He wipes the cobwebs away from the shiny white bone of his skull, and with a grunt of exertion, marches onward. Just past the webbing, he hears the sound of a gently running river. A toothy grin splits his branded and scarred face, knowing he draws closer to his destination. The goblin cuts down a row of vines, clearing a small path for him to squeeze through, cautious of the Gaja snake-vines the area is infamous for. Still, he knows it will be worth it as the crunch of leaves beneath his feet turns to packed dirt and planks. The breath is drawn from him as he strides up to a large notice board in the center of the path, overgrown with vines and fronds… but a patch lies suspiciously bare. In this space is a sign, declaring this region claimed, under ‘new ownership’ of some foreigner. The relief, the purposefulness that drove the goblin to reach this place, is soon replaced with a blind fury. He rips down this sign in anger and carves a single word into the board in its place; He stomps around towards the only hut that hasn’t been similarly covered in overgrowth- signs of recently being lived-in, albeit temporarily. The door is locked, but it poses no obstacle to the enraged urukim. With a lift of his stave and a muttering to Anyhuluz, Ilzgul of Destruction, he smashes the door open and storms inside. A fine layer of dust coats the meager belongings of the individual whom attempted to lay claim to the abandoned village- their abandoned village. He snorts in derision. Clearly, they abandoned their own claim- or, hopefully, were killed before they could ruin this sacred ancestral ground. Instead, as one of the last bearers of the Ways to which this village was meant to serve, he stumbles over to another hut. He rips down more overgrowth, and opens the door of the wall of the smallest, centralmost building- with a commanding view of what he has sworn to protect. He carves a series of runes into the wall, which would clearly describe his purpose here to any descendants of the founders of the village, knowing only they would be able to read the inscriptions. The Watching Eye, The Wall, The Sounding Voice, The Giver’s Box, and last, The Tower Shield. Without the rightful owners to defend it themselves, he shall act in their place. He will be a stalwart tower on the river village.
  14. Trials of the Boar Clan Gorkil. The oldest clan of them all. Joining the ancient clan is no easy feat. Only the ones worthy enough may join the hulking sons of Gorkil, the second born of Krug. The aspiring Gorkil has to prove to the Wargoth, the clan’s leader, that they're powerful and honorable enough to call themselves Gorkils. For this, the 3 trials of the boar were made. Only upon passing the 3 trials one can call himself a son of Gorkil. A Gorkil warrior getting ready for battle Trial of Strength A son of Gorkil is expected to be in peak physical condition at all times. The ones who wish to join the clan must show they’re strong enough to be called a Gorkil. The first part of the trial is fairly simple. It consists of various physical activities such as weight lifting and rope climbing. The second part is also rather simple. A fight against the Wargoth/Elder conducting the trial. The outcome of the fight doesn't dictate if one passes or fails the first trial, what does is the aspiring Gorkil’s ability regardless of the outcome. Trial of Leadership The aspiring son of Gorkil must show he’s capable of leading before even joining. The second trial is much more complicated than the first one. Accompanied by the elder conducting the test and or the wargoth as well as a third clan member, the aspiring Gorkil has to successfully lead a hunt of a dangerous beast. The orcs accompanying the aspiring Gorkil will follow their orders during the hunt, making leading a hunt a little bit easier for the aspiring Gorkil. Only after proving they’re capable of making quick and smart decisions while also leading a group, the aspiring son of Gorkil may advance to the last trial. A group of Gorkil warriors hunting as a part of the trial of leadership Trial of Endurance For the last trial, the aspiring Gorkil must prove their willpower and endurance to extreme physical pain. The trial consists of the aspiring Gorkil being tied upside down while the rest of the clan, some armed with whips and daggers, cut, cut and whip the aspiring gorkil until they’re at the brink of of bloodlust. While most orcs are capable of passing the trial without much work, it is still not an easy feat. The trial of Endurance also serves as an induction ceremony. After the trial is done, the Wargoth slaughters a sheep for the new son of Gorkil, letting its blood spill into a bucket. Upon returning to the clan with the bucket, the Wargoth makes his way to the new Gorkil clan member and pours all the sheep’s blood on them. Only after receiving the shower of blood one is truly conisdered a Gorkil.
  15. Âzhûrz âzûrk The First Slaughter. [!] A missive is sent by goblin messengers to all the great cities of Almaris. Elysium, weak, it's leadership corrupted, rampant with racism. The Horde of the Iron'Uzg, guided by the might of the spirits, fighting for what is right. Last cactus day, a small warband of the Horde of the Iron'Uzg, composed of 1500 orcs and 800 of their mercenaries marched to the city of Elysium, to battle against them, to clash swords against axes, shields against the big fat fist of an olog as it crashes down on you. Instead, the Horde enterred the city, the square and tavern empty, all the fighters hiding inside their keep, A surprise for the small warband who came for an honorable fight. The Horde expected better after they saw with how much haste the small warband of Elysians who sat on the walls of their own city, waiting for hours while the orcs held their yearly meeting in San'Velku. For this slaughter, the small warband had to search in every house and every corner of the city, to fight the cowards. The Horde departed, leaving hundreds of bodies behind, while none of their own was injured. Some captives where brought back to San'Velku, Leika De Astrea amongst them. For her crimes against the descendants of Krug, her hands were taken and her body cursed by Kinul, spirit of Disease. The rest of the captives were left alive, showing the mercy of Ar-Borok "The Brown" of clan Akaal, Rex of the Iron'Uzg, for the poor citizens of Elysium did not cause this war, nor did they choose it. LEADERSHIP OF ELYSIUM You brought this slaughter upon yourself, the blood of your citizens are on your hands. The siege of the Heart of racism will not end until you rid the city of these criminals. How many of your citizens will die like cattle before you realise your error? You know our terms, you know how to stop this war. Choose peace. [!] A very nice drawing of the mighty Rex is attached to the missive, two voidal mages captured at his feet. A note written under it "These left San'Velku, alive. Remember this, citizens of the cursed city."
  16. The sound of wood, beating against earth, would resound in the cave system underneath the Goi of the Iron Ugz. A beat, a rhythm, one constant and persistent as a being began his prayer, his respect to that which leads the Blood Faith. Down at the bottom, where large bones of long dead creatures adorned the walls, where the hearts of descendants rested on a alter, stood a grey skinned goblin. A large skull of a Morko Bear, covered his visage, as crimson eyes rested upon the alter. To his left, resided a basin of thick crimson blood, the liquid viscous and reeking of the heavy stench of iron. To his right however, resided an urn of warm sand. The grains still radiating the heat of the dry and hot sun, as the dim torchlight caused the grains to radiate with an almost crystalline light. A deep and guttural growl, one akin to more of a beast then sentient being, escaping dry lips as the Grizh Whisperer spoke to the emptiness. "Grizh, Grizh bindz uz, Grizh tiez uz, but mozt importantly, Grizh ztartz from within uz. Zince da ztart of our lives, Grizh haz bound uz, tu our bruddahs and ziztahs. Tu our clans and ancestors. Tu even our enemies and foes. Grizh, bindz uz all. It tiez uz, tu our ztoriez, tu our path, tu da whay" The goblin would slowly lower himself, picking up the urn of sand, hefting it up with relative ease before he looked down towards the ground. Slowly, he tilted the clay urn, letting the grains of white sand spill from it's top as moved about. His steps matching the rhythmic beat of his heartbeat, as he poured the grains into a shape. Several small shapeless lines, extended out in five directions outwards. Yet as he walked, as his clawed and bare feet danced. He did not pass through a line, did not smudge, for every line it seemed eventually met another line which led to another line being connected. Until each and every line, formed into a large circle near the steps of the stone stairs. "Zand, it iz what guided our ztepz in the beginning. It iz what binded our grizh, for our azht proper grizh waz zpilled in da dunez. Our ahzt bond waz da dunez. Zand iz da veniz, dat not only bindz our grizh, but bindz uz further tu our Ancestor Krug." The goblin would slowly set the urn in the center of the shape, nestling it as it's centerpiece, before he slowly picked up the urn of blood. In holding it, his steps would change, his heart racing and thus the tempo of whatever this prayer was, increasing. Blood flowed out in sprays, like an artist flicking paint from a brush, he created this representation. This symbol of Throqugrizh, and when he was finished and the urn was dropped, it would reveal a bloody handprint upon the ground. Further viewing, revealed the once white sand lines, acting as the veins that tied together the bond that connected the fingers to the hand. "Together, with grizh and zand, whi find da whay. For da zandz are da veins of our Anceztor Krug, that flow throughout diz world, and da grizh. OUR GRIZH, iz what fill da veinz. Mi blahz diz, becauze in da end, grizh bindz uz all tu Throqugrizh. For without da veinz, da grizh cannot flow tu da heartbeat, which guidez our ztepz. Juzt az how without grizh, our veinz remain empty, making our bodiez unable tu move tu da rhythm." The goblin would slowly extend his hands out, sharpened claws digging into scarred palms, to draw forth blood as he danced in rhythm. The rhythm of his heartbeat, and blood, as flicked bloodied palms onto the hand. Soon the rhythm of his heart would increase, doing so caused the goblin to pick up his staff, shaking and waving the charms as he chanted over and over the mantra he had learned all those times ago. "Grizh tu flow, and Grizh tu Bond "
  17. A leather-bound tome lies unattended. The pages are stark and clean, suggesting a recent publishing, or attempts at preservation. You pick it up, curious at the title- what are Long Pigs? The answer is likely not what you hoped. To Cook a Longpig Authored by Barbog, Grubgoth of the Iron’Uzg Translated by the Orcish Cultural Revival And Purity project (OCRAP) For too long, brothers and sisters of the Uruk-hai have been left in the dark by the master butchers and Grubgoths of Uruk society. Perhaps these were never meant to be left secret, or forgotten by the masses, but as times and traditions change, so too has our knowledge of the past. Whilst many brothers may still seek out and butcher the longpig like in days past, there is a distinct lack of etiquette about it, and the dishes prepared (if they can even be called such) featuring longpig are woefully inadequate at best, and a slap in the face of Glutros at worst. I shall do my part in redeeming my misguided brothers, sisters, and any who fancy a decent meal of the most coveted meat. TO BUTCHER A LONGPIG As we all know, there are many types of longpig in the world. From the gamey, lean cutlets of the Mali, to the chewy gristle notable in Dweddish meat. Each variety of longpig brings unique textures and exotic tastes to any dish, but all maintain similar anatomy- and thus, similar cuts. Below is a detailed sketch, drafted by a close friend and confidant- whom I paid in meals, of course! The following parts have been carefully labelled and separated on the drawing; Head, ears, jowl, snout, neck, blades, shoulders, hock, back-fat, arms, hands, ribs, flank, belly, loin, rump, lower hock, leg, shank, and feet. Please take careful note of abnormal, non-descendent races. As one might expect, the belching Wonk or the limber Hou-Zi will undoubtedly be cut differently, as their anatomy grows further from traditional longpig cuts. The Musin shan’t be more than a snack. TO MAKE A MEAL OF LONGPIG Whilst cooking the meat itself is none too dissimilar from a hock of lamb or pig belly, one must be careful when selecting your sides! Longpig has a very distinct tone, and, due to its exotic nature, should not be wasted on unfitting dishes. My personal recommendations are as follows: HUMAN - As time-tested-and-true as beef or pig itself. While certainly a cut above livestock, if not just for the hunt involved in procuring this meat, I personally feel that you have better options. Truly, Longpig is meant to be a rare delicacy, and the abundance of humans leave this rather paradoxical- and the tastes and textures themselves are certainly nothing to write home about. If you were to create a barbaric or uncultured dish, then human meat suits perfectly. Burgers and bacon, perhaps, but leave serving longpig before a king to the Mali or Kha. ELF - As much as they may protest when alive, when you get down to the fundamentals- the flesh itself- they’re really all quite similar. Indeed, the tender, gamey, supple meat of the Mali are among my favorite dishes. I cannot speak highly enough of the feasts I have turned the odd botanist or researcher into. Perhaps it is their natural femininity, or their inclination to bookish things, but elves have an unrivaled, juicy tenderness. The finest of red wines, and the most expensive, outlandish sides could never be enough to compete with the meat itself- but perhaps they may make it better by comparison. DWARF - As the stout, tough race toils hard in their mines and are born with muscles taut as stone, so too is this reflected in their meat. If you wish to cook evenly and deeply with this longpig (or shall we call them shortpig?) , then a good tenderizer and elbow grease is required. I can assure you, though, that they make a most excellent brisket if you do, and there is no better iteration of pulled longpig meat, than that painstakingly torn from the Dwed. HALFLING - While it wounds me as a friend of the Weefolk to have to record an entry that may be mistaken as encouraging their slaughter, I only do so in the highest regard as an objective chef. They are, as one may expect, quite similar to the flesh of the human that some allege they originate from. They have more ‘earthy’ notes to them, which some have suggested come from the divergence of ancestry. This pairs well with heady beers and hard liquors. Should you come across the meat of the half-men, I can only suggest one thing; avoid the feet. They are tough, covered in calluses many, many layers deep, and unlike shucking a clam, does not reward you with good grub. WONK - Their anatomy is, quite simply, repulsive to most casual consumers. Even the meat itself is slick and slimy, and the only cure is to char it into a brick- a cardinal sin that no true cook should ever commit. You have two options when it comes to the Wonk as longpig. You may either attempt to recreate certain seafood dishes with Wonk meat, leveraging that sliminess as one might the slippery raw squid, or slick watery vegetables. This, in my opinion, is the best choice for most of the Wonk’s body… except for their hock, leg, and shank. These are fatty and have a texture somewhere between soft fish and poultry. Best when sauteed and stewed! Fun fact: Wonk legs do not stiffen up as fast as most animals upon their demise, and may even twitch when heated up in cooking! HOU-ZI - An odd choice- and I say that proceeding the Wonk! Whilst there are similarities between the Hou-Zi, and races such as halflings and humans, they are an entirely different beast- No offense to Hou-Zi intended! Truly, they ought not be hunted for their meat, as it is rather bland and chewy in the most unpalatable way. Instead, the true delicacy of the Hou-Zi is in the mind… And I say that in the most physical sense. Chilled Hou-Zi brains. Do not question it, merely enjoy it. KHA - Whilst Kha are very few and far between these days, I would argue that only makes the already-exotic taste of the meat feel only that much more so! Truly, in days where Kha would roam our borders in droves, were days where the Ilzgûl blessed our civilizations. There is something so… utterly indescribably, in the juices of Kha meat. I cannot stress this enough- this meat NEEDS to be served rare, if not raw. Any dangers of undercooked meat are well worth the suffering when beer-basted Kha precedes it. MUSIN - Musin themselves have little meat, and are best served as a side of their own. However, should you find yourself with many little mouse-meals, you may find that they are best incorporated as half-dish. Meals such as a mushroom-and-musin kebab, or a chunky stew, would be a wonderful use for these little snacks. SEZZIKBEKK - While their bodies are quite unappealing at first glance, they hold much meat in their more ‘avian’ parts- the thighs, breast, and (on some specimens with less-twisted appendages), wing-meat. Whilst these may be used as a replacement for more common fowl, such as chicken or partridge, they truly shine when deep-fried. Indeed, while I find few things more delicious in this world than Krugtucky Fried Chicken, I have found their equal in Fried Sezzikbekk. TO PLATE A LONGPIG This will, of course, vary by the meat itself, and how you cook it. Humans, halflings, dwarves, and the like will be suitable as plain affairs- one would not be remiss to see human sliders on a plain ceramic tray, and for good reason. For more ‘exotic’ meats, then rest assured, I recommend firmly to play this up in their presentation. Sauteed wonk with a smooth Teriyaki sauce, Musin kebabs wrapped in palm leaves with carefully-threaded skewers connecting the cutlets, and Deep-Fried Sezzibekk stacked like a tower, with garlic powder and shredded kaktuz sprinkled from high above. All of these are presentations I have seen with my own eyes, and they never cease to entertain and enthrall even the most well-fed of critics. Go with your intuition here, but I must repeat from earlier; do not waste your longpig. The taking of a life is much more special here- a cow or chicken are penned and dumb, and the act of bringing one to your table is of absolutely no note. The battle that wins you a prime dish-to-be of longpig, however, means that the meat itself deserves a higher level of respect. Perhaps you may attempt to recreate aspects of that very battle in your plating, but at the very least it makes an entertaining story to share. AFTERWORD Whilst my advocacy for the consumption and proper preparation of longpig cannot be understated, I do not intend for this book to inspire my brothers and sisters to become butchers for the sake of sport. It is the very act of a well-fought battle that makes the meat taste that much more succulent, the comedy of serving a belly cut deep by your friend’s arrow, that is to truly ‘make the meal’. To turn them into common chattel is right-out. Livestock has grown complacent, boring, and dare I say, a turn-off to many chefs. Respect the intent behind serving longpig, by not abusing the source the Ilzgûl have so generously provided. They are the sustenance after a battle, not some simpering beast to be penned and bred for grub alone. But, above all else; Cook well, my friends. -Barbog
  18. KRUZH is a lesser, and rather insignificant travelling warband. Due to their chaotic, broad nature and unstable conditions of life - the group's membership and traditions lean closer towards those of bandit crews rather than the huge, well organized orc clans in their home nation of Krugmar. Despite not showing clear signs of it, or even fighting for other races' benefit sometimes, members of the group are known with each other over pride in their race and its purity, which more than often translates into their hatred for other races, or even other breeds of orcs in some extreme cases. Association with the group is achievable by anyone willing to match their unpredictable nature and lifestyles, but direct membership is rumored to be very gatekept. All potential recruits have to be red uruk orcs without a hint of foreign influence in their beliefs or fighting styles. Most of them are picked up from their settlements and promised great adventures at a very young age. The misfits KRUZH targets more than often agree and grow up among the group's horrible influence and unhealthy lifestyle. Throughout their teenage and early adult years they're put through extensive training and tests - eventually earning their spot in the group. KRUZH's initiation rituals are secret, but it's a common thing for new & old initiates to wear white war paint over their body, the actual amount of it depending on a member's seniority.
  19. POSTERS HANG AROUND THE WORLD OF ALMARIS The papers would read; JOIN TODAY! The Gold Bulls (Golden Bulls of Mortemgarde) Follow the teachings of Yemekar, and Aelif. The true high gods of Almaris! Fight like a true warrior and make your way into the eyes of the gods. Reject Modernity and make the North, great once again. Follow Hyperborea and Ancient Northmen ways! Help us spread the word through sacrifice, change and adventure. 555 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------============================---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Erik also known as, Erik Wit'an'axe The Future king of the great North Applications: Discord: ING (In-game name):
  20. Frenrir Ireheart, a new fresh 31 year old dwarf, with a lot of adventure, in just one irl day. Frenrir is a new dwarf. He was born into the Irehearts and finally decided to do his trials and start his journey. He begun with going to Du Loc, as he heard his fellow bretheren were there. But at his surprise, a dragon was there. Frenrir with the dragon slaying clan in his blood, began to get furious that the Du Loc Guard would not let him in. Instead, a large ugly Oolog stood in his way and kept the gate shut, while calling him gay. Frenrir began to be furious, and asked two people behind him to go on a plan, however they did not follow up on it, and he got even more enranged, to the point that he got ready, thumped the ground and rushed towards the gates with his baldspot first. He hit the gate, making a loud clang but the gate did not leave a dent, and he was sent backwards and landed on his back. This however did not stop Frenrir, he continued to harass the dragon with words and bang on the gate. Eventually the dragon left and this made Frenrir rage in anger and leave, cursing Du Loc for not letting him in. Frenrir rode into the sun, and towards his home Urguan. Upon arrival, he was greeted by Garrond 'Orcbane' Frostbeard. They had a little convo, and it led to the topic of Bravery. Garrond challenged Frenrir to a test of Bravery where Frenrir was stand onto a wall, and Garrond was to throw an axe over his head, you were not allowed to flinch or duck, or you would lose the game. Garrond threw the axe, and Frenrir swallowed fear whole, and did not flinch. The axe went right over his head and he was safe and sound. The game attracted some folk, including another Ireheart. They all had turns, and eventually it came to someone else throwing the axe. Frenrir volunteered, and as he threw the axe, it was starting to fly towards Garrond, which made him duck, losing the game. Garrond called for another try and as he did, Frenrir threw an axe, which cut into Garronds head a little, but Garrond did not duck, nor flinch during the throw. As Frenrir thought it was fair for him to go up next, because of him hurting Garrond, The other Ireheart volunteered to throw. The Ireheart stepped back and gave the axe a good throw, it would hurl towards Frenrir, and knowingly it would be to low, Frenrir called for the gods as it his into his ear, splitting it almost full in half. Frenrir gave a good laugh and put a cloth around it, allowing it to be healed overtime. After a while of chilling in Urguan, another Ireheart came by, they talked about each others trials, which gave Frenrir the idea to go for them, along with the other Ireheart beardling. Garrond came along as they decided to go towards Krugmar. However, no one would open the gate, and they left. After a lot of chilling around Urguan, Frenrir decided to pay a visit to Elysium. Upon arrival, he was greeted with a large gate, after a while of shouting for someone to get it, a woman in large white armor came by, she called for Frenrir and asked him a couple of questions, which Frenrir answered with no hesitation. Then she called upon him to leave his weapons in a nearby chest. Frenrir, hesitant and cautious tried to negotiate, however it went nowhere, to the point a drunkard was having fun of the conversation. As the conversation lead on, and the persuasion was going nowhere, 3 unusual people came by, they said they came from "Yong Pink" apparently the town was called something else, and there was an argument about it, but the group was in red unusual armor, they were let in and left their weapons in the chest. Frenrir had a lot of insults at them and they threw insults back, there was many arguments, but eventually they all decided to get a drink. Finding no bartender and no one to pass them drinks, they just talked at the tavern, until more guards came along. After Frenrir shouted towards them, they came to Frenrir and the group of strange people. They called upon 2 of them. However, the two did not want to go and it turned into an argument. Frenrir was watching from the sidelines, when a woman came in and started giving out drinks. Frenrir won a bet against one of the strange men and got a free drink, which he slowly drank and slowly begun to get somewhat drunk. Frenrir flirted with a dark elf, which eventually slapped his face, and continued to flirt with him after. Everything eventually died down, and the strange group of people left, after dabbing Frenrir up. Frenrir followed and they left the gates of Elysium before, Frenrir noticed an Orc at the gates. He was a large Orc with red skin. And Frenrir challenged him to a duel. Frenrir and the Orc had a negotiation, and an argument about what happens when the other loses. It went from giving each other their balls, to giving each other their tusk, beard, skin, and eventually the Orc asked Frenrir to follow him. They went to the side of the walls and the Orc asked the elf for a knife. The elf passed him a knife and Frenrir knew what was coming. The Orc would give him the skin he wished for. Frenrir called him out and asked him not to but the Orc had lifted a middle finger at him, and then sliced it off. The finger would fall onto the ground and Frenrir, expecting this to happen, slice off his ear that was injured previously. As it fell, he held it, and the 2 complimented each other for being so tough. The Orc healed the dwarf with shaman magic, and then begun the duel. Both sides fought bravely and full of strength, but the Orc was the one who fell at the end. The Orc called it a good fight and so did the dwarf as he picked him up. They both dabbed up, and gave each other their 'sacrifices.' The Orc kept the ear and Frenrir kept the finger for his trials. Frenrir left Elysium happy that day, he met new friends, flirted and won a duel. just something fun to write about, im bored idk lol
  21. IZIG ANCESTRAL SMITHING ' An Izig smith restoring a weapon Bound in blood and rubble, the histories of orc oft go untold, less it be carried by verbal word or laid into story by Haruspex. The tales of orcish people rarely leave their desert homelands. The process of Ancestral smithing however has been - with the assimilation of Clan Izig, a more common sight amongst the uruk giving way to an influx of historical recollection. Ancestral smithing is used by smiths who seek to maintain their kin’s name, be it clan or bloodline.This is through the maintenance of things like hilts and pommels, guards and decor that once jotted a legendary zult, or orcish sword. Using these restored pieces is believed to carry the blessing of the ancestors who wielded it before them, bringing a Krughai warrior strength in battle, a hunter’s focus in the forest, or guiding a chef’s hand in the kitchen. RESTORATION An ancient Haruspex's mask. The restoration of old weapons is essential in an Izig’s repertoire. Even those who are not smiths are still taught to respect and revere the tools they use, for they bear the mark of the urukim who birthed it. Their essence is passed on in the tools they create, and allows for an Izig, or Ancestralist to physically pass on their wisdom and strength to future generations. As such, totems, carvings and observational trinkets are made so that the Ancestral Spirits can watch over the home or crafting place. They ward the place from spirits of negativity, mental instability, and the negative traits brought on by Krug’s Curse. Bloodlines of Izig often use this restoration to their founders, whether physically reendowing and utilizing these tools, or enshrining and consecrating them as powerful relics for centuries to come. To consecrate the relic, the Haruspex or smith burns incense and ingests cactus green whilst partaking in ceremonial rites to go along with the forging process, blessing the molten metals with the names of glorious smiths, channeling his ancestors before fitting on a guard, ensuring the presence of said ancestors during the making of the item.
  22. Join us by replying to this post with "I love you Steven."
  23. OX - The Goblin Clan of Creators - Unlike uruks or ologs, goblins tend to lack the pure physical strength that others of their kin have. They are simply just not made to be these giant fighting machines that crush their enemy with their bare fists. Instead their strength lies elsewhere; in their mind. Goblins are cunning and creative creatures with the ability to come up and even create the most amazing machines. So, instead of crushing their enemy with their fists, they create something to accomplish that for them. Maybe a rock falling off at the right time, or maybe a very spiky roller being spun by the movement of the wagon pushed by some animals towards the enemy line. This is what goblins are for. They think, plan and create machines of any purpose for their kin. Clan Ox intends to bring as many of these goblins together, to work together for even better inventions and creations. After all, where one may get stuck when inventing, another may find a way forward. COMMUNAL INFORMATION - = O = - Not only is the Ox clan intending to create new inventions together, it intends to teach its members new things too. These things tend to vary by who all currently have the time to share their knowledge and what knowledge they even have to share. The general idea of this is to heighten the knowledge base of all Oxies and help them invent even more. RANKS - = O = - Tekgoth - o - Tekgoth is the wargoth of Ox, either being chosen to the position by the old leader or voted in by the court. As the leader of Ox, Tekgoth is one of the most creative and knowledgeable goblins out there. Their job is to look after the Oxies, teach them and make sure they have the means to create any inventions. Elder - o - Elders of the clan are the noticeably older Oxies, once having either been Tekgoths or otherwise notable members of the clan. During their years they have collected mountains of knowledge that any Oxie should listen to. Puzzla & Krafta - o - There are two steps to creating anything: Planning and execution. Without a plan there is nothing to create, and without making anything a plan only stays as an idea. That is what these two roles are for. Puzzlaz are the goblins who tend to prefer planning how various machines would work. Their knowledge is based on books and studies. Kraftas are the ones who tend to prefer the building process more, making the machines actually work. They base their knowledge on experience and muscle memory. The best of both hold the title of Epik Puzzla and Epik Krafta. New Oxie - o - These are those who have just started their journey in the clan, yet having decided what they wanna be and yet to complete their trials. JOINING THE CLAN - = O = - Anyone with majority goblin blood can join the clan. Ox clan is most suitable for those wanting to learn and create, people who are interested in redstone, alchemy, smithing and building. The clan is located in Iron Horde, outside the main city of San’Bríu. To join please be in contact with one of the clan members, preferably Tekgoth Kretz’Ox. Trial of Agility - 1 - One notable feature of goblins is their speed and reaction time. They use this skill to their advantage, whatever is it in combat or just to get somewhere high up. With this trial, a true Ox proves themself to be a nifty gobbo. Trial of Perception - 2 - Second notable feature of goblins is their creativity. They come up with all kinds of ideas from warmachines to food dispensers in pursuit to make their and their kins life better. This trial is to test the creativity and planning skills of the new Oxie as they design something great. Trial of Intelligence - 3 - The third notable feature of a goblin is their skills to create. Smithing, building, redstone, a goblin always has even some trades under their belt. On this last trial the new Oxie makes their plans from the last trial into reality to prove they can truly make what their mind imagines. CODEX - = O = - Tekgoth is a smart guy, don’t mess with him, or you’ll be his next project; Always have a backdoor; Being dumb is a fine, don’t let the tekgoth fine you nobba; If two Oxies have a disagreement, or a nobber does with another orc, a lawsuit must be filed. Filing a lawsuit is also a fine; Steal a Nobba’s chicken, and you’ll be fined; Pay fines to remove fines, but if you don’t pay your fines you’ll be fined for that; Tekgoth and Ox elders are the only ones capable of handing out Nobber cards; Ox’s live by their creations, but also die by their creations; Anyone with majority goblin blood is allowed into the clan; HISTORY - = O = - The story of clan Ox starts way back in the realm of Vailor. There a young and highly motivated goblin by the name of Snawt’Ox was tasked by the new Rex, Kharak’Raguk, to create a brand new warmachine like no other. And so, that’s what Snawt did. Even after the war machine had been finished he continued his creations, and even achieved the title of Snagagoth. Though eventually Rex Kharak’Raguk’s reign ended with his death, followed by some drastic changes that prompted Snawt’Ox to leave the orc nation behind with his children. They were not homeless for too long though, finding a new home on the islands of Asul, now known in history as Golin’Dar. There the group of goblins soon formed into a clan of creators, engineers and inventors, the Ox clan. Unfortunately political issues eventually struck them, ending up in destruction of Golin’Dar by the nation of Krugmar. Those who survived rejoined the war nation, though it took a bit longer for Snawt’Ox to return. Eventually in the realm of Arcas, Snawt’Ox returned, not as the young and motivated engineer, but as an experienced shaman determined to teach the new generation of Oxies. Through hoops and loops, this job of leading the Ox clan eventually moved from Snawt’Ox to Blazt’Ox to Gadget’Ox, who even was the Rex for a small while back in Arcas after speaking out against the previous one that many found to be unfit to rule. Alas, soon after winning the honor klomp and whitewashing the previous Rex, Gadget herself was defeated and whitewashed. This left the clan for a small while without a leader, until Kretz’Ox became the Tekgoth. Currently in the realm of Almaris, Kretz is attempting to revive and reinvent the clan to be something great. TONGUE OF OX - = O = - Wagwan - Formal greeting Wuddup (Nobba) - Informal greeting Walkie-walkie - Farewell Shekelz - minas Oxie - Young goblin Nobber/Nobba - Git, informal insult. Small mind. Puzzla - An engineer, architector Krafta - An inventor, craftsman Grabba - Crane, mechanical machinery designed to move objects. Rolla - Carts/Wagons. Wheeled objects. Wheels. (Good one) Tekgoth - Head engineer Shoota - A bow/crossbow Boomstick - Boomsteal weapon Boom-booms - Explosives Choppa - Axe, blade Poka - Polearms, spears, spikes. Craka - Hammers, blunt weapons. Splita - Saws, axes. Bit - Bright, lights. Day Dak - Dark, lack of light. Night Burz - Fire, embers, sparks. Burns, scorched earth. Burzin - On fire. Burz’kor - Burnt to death Wavka - Water. Wevk - Wet, damp, moist. Wavka’kor - drowned to death. Sakka - Sand, dry. Betra - Rock, mineral rocks. Kultra - Metallic ore, metal. Strom - Storms. Dok - Witch Doctors Luka - Lutamancer Scer - Farseer Eleka - Elementalist
  24. Haruspices The Martial Shamans Origin “...TO KRUG, SHE GIFTED HIM A BONE KNIFE MADE FROM A MILLENNIUM OLD DRÛTH SKHELL TO CARVE TOTEMS WITH, SO THAT HIS STORIES WOULD COME TO LIVE WHEN REMINISCED BY THE FIRE…” Within the ancient orcish lands of Mor’Ghuun, shamanism was in its infancy. The early children of Krug did not understand the Elemental and Immortal Spirits, nor had the power to walk their planes. In the war against Iblees, many of the orcish people were lost to the undead, empty souls wrenched from the Soul Stream to fight against the living. War horns blared distant, sonorous booms into the fields of battle. The armies of the Four Brothers clashed with Iblees’ undead legions. With each fallen descendant, a novel undead soldier shambled forth in their place, using their weapons to carve their past kinsmen asunder. Yet the Urukin held steadfast against the Fallen One’s onslaught - so too, did the other descendants stand strong in the face of the undead. For decades the battles raged on, and when the dust had settled, and the soulless battalions were driven off, all that remained were the tarnished breastplates and weapons once wielded by warriors of legend. But these were not simple weapons, nor were their blunt edges devoid of use. Once Apohet saw the might of Krug, he created the Spiritual Realms; Immortal, Elemental, and Ancestral. The weaker spirits gushed into the Mortal realm to embody aspects of the world, in hopes of pursuing greater powers within the Spiritual Realm. Dlimbok the Wise, the most intelligent of Krug’s four early children, was the lead strategist in the war against the undying. He watched as his people were slaughtered in battle, and their lives lost. It brought him an indescribable anguish, and a rage that nearly matched his father’s. In this age, there was no Ancestral Realm, no grave tenders, and no records to preserve those who had fallen. To mourn for the lives of his fallen, he took forth the storied knife of Krug, and drew forth a tale that no orc would forget. He collected their weapons, armor and tomes and restored them to their original form, drawing their energies into him. He offered himself up, etching his skin, flesh and bone with the dagger gifted by the Daemon Ydea. The orc had hoped his offering would please the spirits, but instead they granted him a power even greater. His flesh became tapestry. In rending the flesh, his blood, bone, and body became an ink that preserved what was made dead. A finger, a hand, an arm. Dlimblok carved away and with it, those who had been lost became as clear as the night sky. The ink stoked the minds of the orcish people. They could see their battles, their losses, their mistakes, and their culture deep within the magic of Dlimbok’s storied flesh. Much of recorded history had been cast into the horrid fires of Iblees, and with it had gone the proficiency of veterans long dead, but this newly-restored knowledge would help to reshape the ragtag bands of amateur fighters into elite squadrons of feared combatants. Under the same banner, and led into battle by Azgal the Titan, the orcish war machine began once more churning and pushing back against the forces of Iblees, now able to outmaneuver and preserve the lives of the living. They matched the once seemingly endless ranks of undead in fierce combat - and as they spread their knowledge to the other descendant races, Iblees’ lines and formations grew thin across the many fronts. And so, with its aid in Iblees’ defeat, the orcish people learned and grew reverent of this primitive form of shamanism, and many of the former soldiers learned among the greenskins sought out Dlimbok, so that he could teach them in his ways. Explanation Dlimbok was a great orator and strategist, and taught his future students how to use this art in providing knowledge to his people, allowing them to gain insight via the spirits and how to extract insight from the world around them. When the great orc had died, his body was blessed, torn, and scattered across the world as a testament to the profoundness of stories and their tellers. He would become an eternal tale, one that orcs could draw upon at any time to preserve their history. Haruspicy is a non-combative magic dedicated to story-telling and preservation of stories. Haruspex draw upon the torn body of Dlimbok. Rather than connecting to the spiritual realm akin to other types of shamanism, haruspicy calls upon an extremely powerful Ancestral, one who’s blessed body remains within the mortal realm akin to the Muyakelgs of the past. These spells do not grant the user any abilities featured in shamanism, nor allow the user to speak Old Tongue without having knowledge of it. To become a haruspex, one must have studied and devoted themselves to the spirits for at least one IRL month, as Dlimbok would be unlikely to lend his power to one that he believes would be unworthy of it. This feat does not teach any form of shamanism or any aspects about it, though many of the more devout followers of the spirits may know of it and spread the knowledge, orally or through books they may have written on the matter. These could help a prospective haruspex begin on their journey, after which they would continue to forge their own path toward mastery of the feat. Someone experienced in the cultural practices of haruspicy could write a book describing and depicting the processes of these feats and work as a means of spreading the practice. To draw upon Dlimbok’s power, one must create a Threshing Inkwell. This device, powered through various different offerings acts as a catalyst that interacts with the many scattered pieces of Dlimbok. A haruspex calls upon the power of the ancestor Dlimbok for their powers. While his powers extend so far as to allow the user’s memories or stories to come to life, it comes with the caveat that these memories are just as susceptible to degradation as any other memory before they are recorded - that is, haruspicy does not provide perfect memory, and memories from longer ago may therefore be inconsistent with the actual events. Threshing Inkwell The Threshing inkwell is simply a place of offering that threshes all of Dlimbok’s scattered pieces from around the world, and draws power from them. Traditionally, they may be placed in homes or places of gathering, where they are readily available for use. To function, they require an idol, some sort of ceremonial arrangement specific to the haruspex, and a bowl to collect the spiritual ink. To charge the bowl with spiritual ink, the user makes an offering, whether blood, gift, but the most potent-- literature and other storied artifacts. Any thoughtful prose suffices, with the varied offerings empowering the ink in different ways. In the case of physical offerings, these can be burned or otherwise destroyed in proximity of the Threshing Inkwell, which will fill with ink on its own. The Threshing Inkwell only produces ink and exists as a way for the haruspex to channel their powers towards Dlimbok. Destroying the inkwell would simply cause the ink stored within to spill and revert to regular, black ink. Mechanically, the Threshing Inkwells are a communal structure which simply hold a large, but still limited amount of ink charges (up to 60 maximum). Exceeding 55 charges causes the inkwell to begin overflowing. There is no limit on the number of extant threshing inkwells, beyond the fact that any haruspex may only create and ‘own’ one at any given time, despite their communal nature. Upon being created, the inkwell should be reported to any ST members (though they need not be signed, and can be used even if an ST member isn’t immediately available). Any RP to refill the inkwell should be screenshotted and saved. As ink drips down the inkwell’s sides, it has a tendency to transform into small animated figures, perhaps simply out of boredom on Dlimbok’s side. Nevertheless, these figures scurry about the area for a short while before disappearing entirely. The amount of ink that drips from the inkwell is insignificantly small - it does not reduce the amount of ink in any way, and simply exists for roleplay taste. Ink Tiers Tier 1 - 1 Charge - Gifts and Basic Offerings (Prayer, Meditation, etc) Forming a black and basic ink, this form of ink serves as a general base or go-to option when other materials aren’t available. It is also often mixed or added as a filler to other inks. Tier 2 - 5 Charges - Blood and Bone (Descendant/Animal Sacrifices) All viscera, whether animal or Descendant can serve as a more powerful offering to the Threshing Inkwell. Once the ceremony is complete, the bowl fills with a pungent, dark red ink. It smells somewhat like blood, although much more aromatic. At this level, the imagery is extremely striking, though still appears as paints and colors that dance and move. Tier 3 - 15 Charges - Literature, Books, Artifacts Important literature, large books, and powerful artifacts can be offered to the Threshing Inkwell. The ink shifts colors between many deep and bright colors, but will serve to paint in the haruspex’s desired color. At this level, the paint may draw upon the user’s senses, though only briefly and in the more striking parts of the work. Ink Red Lines - Only descendant or normal animal viscera will serve as a tier two offering. - A haruspex cannot use their own blood to fill the Threshing Inkwell. - Stronger inks (Tiers 3+) or more particular effects require a MArt and more significant offerings. - Offerings to the Threshing Inkwell are destroyed in the process of offering Spells Pages Alive [Non-Combat; 2 charges] Description: The caster is able to utilise their Threshing Inkwell’s ink to write onto a book or other such item with a small surface area, no bigger than that of a banner. This ink comes to life when the page is turned, causing it to play out the scene imagined when the ink was first put down, as opposed to having the reader read it. This can also be used to make two-page spreads, though the ink never comes off of the surface of the page itself. Mechanics: To enact this spell, the haruspex first creates the type of ink they wish to use for the pages. Once the haruspex has chosen said ink, they draw symbols, characters, or etchings in whatever language or artstyle they’re most familiar with in the palm of their hand, or another tool like a quill or paintbrush. Once they do so, the ink resonates with their hand, and the whispers of storytellers are faintly present. Then, the haruspex simply touches the material, and the ink transfers. A haruspex may follow this process to fill books without needing to restart the entire process, but requires additional ink for every page. The process is done in four emotes, but can be shortened to two with tools like quills, paintbrushes, and so on. 1) The haruspex readies the ink, meditating on the story or picture they wish to tell. 2) The haruspex draws on their hand, or simply soaks it within the ink. 3) The haruspex touches the paper, smearing the ink on to canvas. 4) The ink transfers from their hand onto the paper, shifting and twisting into the desired image. Pages Alive - Redlines: - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - A haruspex is only able to put their own memories into the book/banner, and these memories cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written book or banner is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless updated by another haruspex. - If the surface on which the ink lies is cut in half, or similarly seriously damaged, the ink simply acts as normal ink and dries up. WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE WRITING EXAMPLE WRITING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok opens his book, as often he had before. He dips his quill into his Threshing Inkwell, as images of what he is to write begin already to form in his mind. Taking a deep breath in, then out, he imagines the way these thoughts will flow on the page. [Emote 2] The orc now puts quill to paper, and begins scribbling down crude forms of people, among other integral parts of his story. Even as he writes, the ink begins to swirl and move just as he had envisioned it. A Storied Artifact [Non-Combat; 20 charges] Description: The caster is able to impart spiritual ink on an object, allowing them to portray a tale stored within the weapon - this may be done through fire, water, paper, or for more experienced practitioners, the events may be played through the very mind of another. To tell the story, the haruspex must spill their blood onto the object, and onto the canvas (or person) they wish to tell the story. In meditating, they connect to the scarred body of Dlimbok, and utilize the power within Ydea’s dagger to bury a powerful memory within an artifact. Once the haruspex grows more proficient (2 weeks IRL), they are also able to preserve stories within the object of its wielder through ritual. The haruspex must have the memories so vivid that they are able to describe and feel the sensations the memory’s owner experienced. By engaging the senses with stimuli relevant to the story (the smell of burning flesh, the sounds of war drums), the user is able to fully immerse himself, the tether between Dlimbok and the haruspex strengthens. The more objects and information they have relating to the event and its characters, the more vivid and detailed the story becomes. Mechanics: Essentially allows for a storytelling aid, where whatever selected medium comes to life to show the story stored in the item. In the case of the initial writing of the item, only the memory holder’s items may be used, under the idea that the item itself has ‘memories’ of its own.When the story is replayed in someone’s mind, they must be in physical contact with the item. The memories within Ydea’s artifacts are just that, memories. Prone to incorrect detail, or pieces missing, a memory only holds small pieces of reality. Often intense experiences and emotions cloud the transferring of the memory, and the haruspex’s own mind may warp the overall message(i.e an arachnophobe depicting a spider as three times its actual size). These memories are not permanent, and just as quickly, if not more prone to error or forgetfulness. A user may remind themselves of the vision by looking through the artifact, but overuse (more than 3 times per IRL week), leads to severe headaches, memory loss, and mood swings. The items themselves, upon creation, are signed by ST. In the description of said item, beyond any text describing the item’s appearance, it must include the ingame username (or other form of contact, eg. discord tag) of its creator, whose responsibility it is to record the stories within however they see fit. A Storied Artifact - Redlines - The object must be signed or have some roleplay significance. A normal sword or object is too nondescript to base memories off of. - The haruspex must already have extensive knowledge about the wielder, usually by having known them personally for at least an IRP year (one IRL week), or being told of them by someone who has known them personally for at least two IRP years (two IRL weeks). - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex (including if someone who does know of them is being shown the vision) simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - A haruspex is only able to put the memories of the owner into their own tools. Memories cannot be put into items that belong to other people, and these memories cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written weapon is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless further updated by another haruspex. - If the written weapon is seriously damaged (i.e, the head of an axe is separated from its handle) it becomes unreadable, though if repaired further memories may be written to it. - A vision cannot be forced on another player. Their characters must fully consent to seeing the vision before they are able to see it. - Only one scene/vision may be recorded in any one item, as any given item may become ‘saturated’ with the haruspex’s ink. - Constantly living the memories of others has a severe impact on mental wellbeing, causing headaches and even memory loss. - The memories themselves are just memories. There is no way to permanently retain this information, and it would be lost within 2 IRL weeks. READING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE SLIGHT MOVEMENT The scene that plays out is then emoted by the haruspex EXAMPLE READING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok seats himself in front of a nearby campfire, a dulled war axe in his lap. He closes his eyes, and emits a low drone from deep in his throat as he lays his hands over its handle. His fingers press into each of its grooves as the weapon’s story makes itself clear to him. [Emote 2] Now the aged orc lifts his hand over the weapon. He slices into his palm with a bone dagger, before tightening his grip such as to make blood drip from it onto the weapon, then into the centre of the fire. He takes another deep breath, and begins to speak as the flames come to life. [Storytelling/Emote 3] “It waz during our latest war with da pinkzkinz…” The fire splits, showing two clear sides. Each lick of flame lashes out toward the opposite side, as if it were one soldier mocking another with a war chant… (etc.) WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE RECALLING, 1 EMOTE WRITING EXAMPLE WRITING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok seats himself before the Threshing Inkwell, dipping his fingers briefly into its bowl of ink, and a short spear in his lap. His eyes shut, and as they do, Grommok, his apprentice, lights a number of items aflame - wood and pig’s flesh - and slops a handful of thick mud right below Tulgarok’s nose. All scents from the hunt before. [Emote 2] Grommok soon leans into Tulgarok’s ear, describing to him the events of the hunt. How they’d tracked the beast for days, and finally cornered it in some deep cave. The animal’s bellows, as it realised it had been beaten and stood upon its hind legs and swiped at its hunters… (etc.) [Emote 3] Tulgarok breathes deeply, as he finally lifts his hand from the bowl of ink and begins scrawling symbols on the blade and shaft of the spear, eyes darting from side to side beneath their lids as the story unfolds in his mind. The ink quickly squirms on the weapon’s long handle, before seeping into it, leaving only a faded, dark trace that it had ever been there. Finally, Tulgarok rises from the ground, spear in hand. His job was finished. Cave Painting [Non-Combat; Charges vary] Description: Haruspex are able to paint with spiritual ink, invoking life into a stony canvas. Through this, they are able to paint their tales and those of written items onto walls so that others might see them. The figures painted move, twist and dance as if they lived. Each character within the painting requires 10 ink charges, while larger set pieces (large boulders, buildings, etc) and environments (grass, lakes, etc) take 5. Mechanics: As shown below, the player is able to build a mural roughly describing the story (though this is not necessarily required). More importantly, the player is then able to author a book describing the events taking place in the mural, which RPly would be in constant motion (though this is obviously impossible in minecraft). To create these paintings, the haruspex would begin a similar process to Pages Alive. Readying the ink, through the tool used would be the haruspex’s hand, clay, a chisel, or some other etching instrument. Once the tool was soaked in the ink, the haruspex’s mind would begin to clear, and they’d draw upon the power of the Threshing Inkwell, invoking the ink to mold into and twist what the haruspex had worked with into story. Cave Paintings - Redlines: - Haruspex pieces are displayed within minecraft as murals (whether through clay, banners, roleplay materials, blocks, ink, etc), and the story/moving figures are described within the book. - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex (including if someone who does know of them is observing the mural) simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - The scenes cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written wall is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless further updated by another haruspex. - The person whose memories are being written on the wall needs no prior connection with the building etc of said wall. - If the wall is significantly damaged (i.e, up to one third of it is broken by an explosion or construction work), the ink simply acts as normal ink and dries up. WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE RECALLING, 1 EMOTE WRITING [Emote 1] Tulgarok stands before a large, flat sandstone wall - a clean canvas upon which to make art. His eyes shut, as he dips each of his hands into a bowl of ink. Already, somewhere behind his eyes dance the silhouettes of soldiers, fire and great cities. Silhouettes that will soon dance on the walls of his home city instead. [Emote 2] Charred wood is strewn about the place, and several orc kubs are told to jingle chainmail, bang sticks against helmets and snap twigs loudly. All this aids in Tulgarok’s mental recreation of the raid, how his ears rang with the terrified screams of women and children as they evacuated, leaving their homes behind. [Emote 3] Pleased enough with his mental recreation of the raid, the orc begins slapping his palms against the stone wall, dragging them to make crude shapes which soon swirl and correct themselves into what he had envisioned minutes before. As he steps back from his masterpiece, the ink begins to churn into the image of an orc impaling some human halfway down the haft of his own spear. General Redlines - A haruspex needs to be able to interact with spirits and thus other non-spiritual magics interfere with this practice, this also includes creatures that are unable to cast deific magics. - A haruspex cannot identify anyone in their visions unless they have extensive knowledge about the person within the story already, or have interacted with their tools or weapons via ritual. - “Extensive knowledge” implies knowing the person personally for at least one full IRP year (one IRL week), or being told about them in detail by someone who has known them personally for at least two full IRP years (two IRL weeks). - Memories written to objects or murals cannot be used to learn magic, or other such supernatural tasks. - Dlimbok is dead and his body is physically scattered across the world. His pieces could be hypothetically found through ET or dredged forth in a MArt, but he is otherwise uncontactable, being very much dead. - A haruspex’s memory is not perfect. Details can be misremembered, especially in older memories. This feat is primarily for storytelling, not perfect renditions of past events. - Either memories or stories/fictional events may be recorded in any given medium, though fictional events cannot be recorded for malicious or seriously deceptive reasons(i.e a fake war with real memorized characters), as these would go against Dlimbok’s personal views on honour, and he would simply not allow his power to be utilised. - Real world stories and memories would possess more sensory detail (although not entirely accurate) while fictional stories would have more visual creativity and detail. - Overuse of haruspicy leads to issues like headaches, memory loss, and mood swings. Tier Progression Tier 1: The haruspex reaches this tier immediately upon learning the feat. Haruspices are able to transform a little of their ink through prayer and meditation. They also have access to the Pages Alive spell. Tier 2: Two weeks after learning the feat, and through regular practice, the haruspex is now able to better transform the lifeblood of sacrifices into more powerful ink, and gain access to the Storied Artifact spell. Tier 3: At this tier, six weeks into their journey, the haruspex is able to take their final step into the art, gaining access to the Cave Painting spell and being able to sacrifice more powerful artifacts and literature into even larger amounts of ink. Greater tiers may be achieved through MArts or Events by staff, though the capabilities of the artifact or action (holograms, living stories, ancient messages from the past, etc) should be discussed with lore holders, older haruspex, or ST. Ultimately, the decision falls to the staff on a case-by-case basis. OOC: This is a feat accessible to anyone with knowledge of the spirits and a desire to learn the histories of weapons and wounds alike. In doing so, I hope haruspex gives more flavor to post combat, in being able to regale tales of battle, as well as making RP items more valuable and useful to the people who have them, rather than sitting on the shelf till the next map. I realise that some objects cannot be 'written' as such - that is, their stories can't be described as their owners may not use the server anymore, which is the sole caveat of the feat itself. Maybe it gives them a reason to come back, or gives characters more of a reason to create powerful stories. Thanks for reading! Inspired by: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151780-%E2%9C%93-origins-of-the-orcs-and-morghuun-the-land-of-warfare/?tab=comments#comment-1433374
  25. Our message is to those who turn hate toward free people, the ones who beat innocent children, men, women and more in the name of a higher power. This is the official document, stating the creation of the Pride Rights Activist Group. This group is inclusive, of all races, genders and sexual orientation for everyone across Almaris. We welcome you to join us in this group, and in the fight for our lives against the ones who take our lovers, our sisters, and our brothers from us. They demand we conform, that we hide in the shadows of who we are, but I say we fight back, we show them who we are in a protest that will take back our freedom. Join us to fight, or join us to support. We are family, and we matter. Signed, Doc, Leader of the Pride Revolution
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