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Status Updates posted by Nug

  1. humans make a culture thats not something from irl challenge

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. argonian


      high elves: thalmor

      wood elves: too busy inventing words for different sex acts to have a culture

      orcs: do they even exist anymore

      dwarves: warhammer

    3. Shorsand


      I think they could take ideas and inspiration from more high-fantasy cultures/environments than they do now. Ofc yeah, nothing is going to be wholly original, but they shouldn't be afraid of deviating into more whimsical/alien/fantasy elements than being more 'grounded'.

    4. monkeypoacher




      What bugs me about these groups is how upstarty they are. Every time someone writes new "culture lore" it's immediately followed by "anyone want to do türk rp? it's okay you only have to grind for us if you want to :D"


      Ppl look at Haense and Oren as historical allusions and decide, "Well, no one's doing byzantium rp ..." Nothing really prevents you from playing a Greek or Turkish character but these groups keep popping up, bc their creators' motivation is they want to be an Emperor. It's totally possible to make interesting historically inspired settings that a) aren't completely derivative and b) fit into LoTC's existing history and lore, but no one does it because reading is too hard.


      This **** has butchered player history bc every major war is a coalition of "le royaume de auvergne" and dozens of other peripheral microstates which appear out of thin air to try and poach land and players from existing nations. IMO we should probably limit what titles new settlements are allowed to use (your 5 player village in the wilderness cannot be a kingdom)

  2. what do nation people get out of spamming threads for what is essentially a copy-paste paragraph with a changed sentence in between??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. UnusualBrit


      Rep. Just like your getting rn.

    3. christman


      never have read a letter of, writ of, and my life has never been better

    4. Morigung-oog


      Hello, could you take a look at my wedding post, a Union of [Animal] and [Animal]? I'd really appreciate the upvotes.

  3. why did rhia have to spawn in those diamonds!? :^(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Free The Hobbits

      Free The Hobbits

      I bet they spawned iron too and they get to use the magic plugin and buffs

    3. JtPv



    4. Agnub
  4. omg people stop leaving

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nug


      matt, danny, lotsa other players

    3. Kaiser


      yeah poor Danny, but I never even saw matt do anything (not that he wasn't)

      Everyone's always so sad to see old people go, but never really look for the good new people.

    4. IrishPerson


      Not that many people have left, and sometimes people just need to leave due to IRL things. Regardless of the amount that leave, new players come and we should try and make their experience as great as the older players were.

  5. i am your worst nightmare

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Salamandra


      lol Swain vs Teemo gg.

    3. everblue2er101


      oh nug you rascal

    4. oblivionsbane


      *Pictures the stereotypical evil short monster yelling, "I am your worst nightmare! The destroyer of worlds!"*

  6. 13 (my age) - 10 = 3 x 222 (my current rep) = 666! satanic pls cleanse me!!!1 XDEDDDDD

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Crayfishchris


      Half-Life 3 confirmed

    3. Kaiser


      13 lel gay feg get gud son 1337

    4. Nug


      makes sense urahoe!!

  7. does listening to lana del rey make me white girl trash??

  8. Body Type: Sexy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. luxeee123
    3. Dreek
    4. LPT


      It's true Nug, you are sexy. And you like the easiest champion in LOL, I respect that.

  9. blackdragon and darkjames tortured a guy with a butt pyramid

  10. ok delete this map, generate minecraft map, and allow freebuild

    ez, right?????

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      And like, vanilla trees aren't even that terrible in all honesty I've seen them used well in LOTC builds. It's just that I know others would complain so something could probably be done in that regard if we use minecraft terrain generation for a map.

    3. argonian


      best thing about mc gen, incl. mc gen trees despite their blandness @NotEvilAtAll, is that it's easy to traverse and it's easy to interact with. because it's designed to be. WT designed trees and other landforms are a pain in the ass to deal with because they're not designed to ever be touched. the world is designed w the idea that you'll never chop down this forest, nor will you ever plant a new one. the world's meant to be static.


      and that's gross !

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Always found WT-made terrain to be a bit rough anyways. When you get down to the fine details a lot of the edges look kinda rough and jagged. MC terrain generation is a lot more smoothed out and that's why I like it more.


      Just look at the big central plains in the center of Almaris. It's very obvious that none of it has been touched up by hand. There's random holes and single blocks jutting out of the terrain for no apparent reason.


  11. when did so many people start saying oof

  12. help i wanna rp but im so out of the loop on where to go n whats poppin

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Panashea


      its divine bby, make an honorary and love me pls

    3. KBR


      The orcs are poppin 

    4. The Cleaning Crew

      The Cleaning Crew

      So many oldies returning.

  13. what settlements dont have $$$ housing

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. John Ivory

      John Ivory

      nug come to ves

    3. J33xt101


      Mynebor II has free housing.

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      Brandybrook has free housing for halflings if you’re not massively inactive. We also have rooms in the taverns for new people who haven’t gotten a home yet and we might open those up to bigger folks idk.

  14. lotc magic power creep of overloaded magics with tons of convoluted abilities WEW

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ZythusRequiem


      Instead of passive aggressively calling out magic in an ironically convoluted status post, I recommend that you go to each individual lore submission and comment your criticisms. Otherwise please do not fall victim to the very flaws that you are calling out in this hypocritical statement. 

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      @ZythusRequiem People should be able to tell by themselves what’s exactly overpowered or not. Its not like anyone wants to go over all existing magic lore, read bit by bit and write an entire essay about it like some badass philosopher would. This is the ST’s job, a staff team that is supposed to dedicate themselves to this task. Even then, specially as a normal player, his word would weigh less and he’d likely be met with arguments from almost every lore submission. This criteria should fall not exactly to him but instead the people that are supposed to read and accept each piece of lore and try to make it as reasonable as possible and realise that magics shouldn’t exist to do a 1v10 but instead a buffer to improve the roleplay scenario.


      I remember when my friends jumped this popular power gaming ex-administrator mage guy that instantly casted runes around him and became invulnerable to attacks and could just about hit anyone close to him with powerful magic. My friends became cocky with these stupid super powers because no one is an anime protagonist where you can kill everyone else and they called me over just so we could get the 10 people to force a PvP countdown.

    4. zaezae


      Before wanting to screw with magic users even more than they are, why not look at the expectations of lore to be overtly explained completely and the forced rewrites? It’s not the lore writers, it’s the bloody goal posts that are the problem.



    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sorcerio
    3. The Fact Core

      The Fact Core

      I thought it was already normal for all halflings :^)

    4. CorweenieTheJedi


      I’m on board with this.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zarsies


      ;-; Nu ZarZars.

    3. Nug


      blame rhia

    4. aron.




    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Yoff
    3. Aislin


      AT > VAT Come back when your job is more than writing down the names of those who want to kill people. :P

    4. ScreamingDingo


      AT is life, VAT got nothing on them.

  18. yorick walked into a bar... it had no counters.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sporadic


      I'll take "Things that haven't been true for a year" for 600 please

    3. Nug


      is still true kinda

    4. Nug
  19. is cray counting down how many days until 4.0? :0

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nug


      I can dream.

    3. excited


      I assumed he was counting down 'till his birthday.

    4. calculusdesola


      i want to believe

  20. my favorite professional female gamer is streaming

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kim
    3. KarmaDelta


      Lym is best pro female gamer EU.

    4. Nug


      oh wow lym oh wow

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