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Status Updates posted by Angmarzku

  1. Art thee a real villain?


    1. Show previous comments  107 more
    2. Papa Liam

      Papa Liam

      You're all good people 

    3. Crowbill


      Well looks like the two of them were robbied robb-ed from their right to post, all because of the Rotten Tahmas...

    4. Angmarzku
  2. Do you guys want a normal desert or a  a semi desert with a few oases, grass here and there and more things in it such as palm trees and mixing it with the mesa?

  3. People AFK everyone running around , OOC and getting bored the moments of LOTC i love . . .

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Kilig


      I know we didn't RP today but thanks for keeping me company at RI while I mined teh trees (: And my god literally all my notifications from from the status alone xD


      Take care friend!

    3. Narthok


      The issue that I've been founding and it may just be that I generate shitty boring roleplay is that you try and engage folks on the roar or have a conversation with a fellow in your faction rply and it just ends up being a brief awkward conversation and then the other person goes back to parkouring. What might really immerse people is if minor story lines were implemented so that people can observe progress, character development and goal driven rp. Maybe murder mysteries in different cities or a traveller carrying a secret message that had been slain by beasts, a small child kidnapped by spirits leaving clues behind. Those kinds of multi session story lines really allow people to get engaged and immersed as opposed to some shitty tavern rp then parkouring for hours waiting for the next raid or grind.

    4. Narthok


      I've been founding.. god its too early to be trying to communicate. Finding*

  4. CT docks updated.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      It looks weird

    3. Weabootrash


      I like the tree the best tbh

    4. idiot


      @Adam_barnett I wanted my post down because if we are all honest, it looked terrible.

  5. Join the ghouls. We have the free meat. And fun slow walks on the beach

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. HurferDurfer1


      Mugs?! well **** boi sign me up!


    3. Smaw


      Ghoul RP is... dead.

    4. Jonificus


      I've always wanted to play a slave race that has nothing even remotely close to personality. Sign me up, fam.

  6. Please stop arguing about politics on lego bricks online. Thanks.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Angmarzku


      We all should just really re-evaluate our lives. 

    3. problematic z

      problematic z

      ill do what i damn well please you statist

    4. _Sug
  7. Your forum profile picture disturbs me.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. JEEGK


      Why not let everyone gaze upon the beauty of my forum picture and draw attention towards it so that everyone may know of the art?

    3. neopsychedelia
    4. JEEGK


      I love you

  8. I find high elves and curious people easy to hunt and eat alive with my ghoul :] also humans

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Wendigo


      I still managed to fend you off, great rp btw.

    3. Kilig


      you should be a really really fat ghoul from eating all of those creatures. totes eat a kha. 

    4. Angmarzku


      Nah there is already a thrall that wants Mukar not my problem and yep Wendigo!

  9. bye bye

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ducklingator


      Take plenty of acre

      It's good for your body

    3. garentoft


      an acre of the finest land

    4. Golin'Dar


      I hope you take a vacation to build something in real life :')

  10. d2c9a0af6fdd87ed453d53bd83e701e5.pngI am not forced to do this.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Angmarzku


      This is supposed to be propaganda..

    3. Ducklingator


      Spamming status updates is my job

    4. Moochael
  11. it might not have been perfect, but I hope people enjoyed some of the events I managed to create with another guy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. GloriaPreussens
    3. Rudi


      "another guy" 
      I am hurt.

    4. Skylez




      Westerlands Eventline initial planning phases, circa 1601

      @Rudi_ @Ang

  12. Anyone know what to do for forum rank , like right now its tree puncher...where do i make it custom...is there a thread or i contact an FM?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angmarzku


      R.I.P...rest in bones...

    3. Angmarzku


      I saw some without 500 posts with custom soo...

    4. Merkaken


      Here's what you do

      Change the pic in your profile

      Do it

      Munna commands you

  13. Congratulations to every person that was accepted into the ET! Good luck and have a nice day,

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Angmarzku


      stfu Lulu, I thought you died in that storm

    3. TeaLulu


      sadly no. alas, i yet live

    4. Ducklingator


      Why are people triggering me

  14. I wanna be like you-you-hoo. 

    I wanna walk like you!

    Talk like you! Toooo~

    You'd see it's truuuee~ 

    Childhood memories. 

  15. What would you do if Lotc was a guy or a girl?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aqua Vita

      Aqua Vita

      don't misgender lotc

    3. Wrynn


      I'd stop playing on it...

    4. meg


      smother it

  16. What's better. A brigandine or full plate?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Miquill


      It depends on your fighting style. If you are a strong character with heavy attacks, you'd probably want full plate. If you are medium sized and have an less strength intensive style of fighting I would go brigandine. In both situations you could wear plate (Plate is not as heavy as one might think). But the stronger of the two would most definitely win a fight where both combatants wore plate.

    3. Weabootrash


      defiantly full plate



      Full plate, while it is the ultimate option in protective gear, has a great cost, requires relatively frequent maintenance, and takes a deal of time to equip and remove.

      Example of an alpha male clad in brigandine mail.


      Omega Male wearing full plate.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skylez
    3. _NotChris
    4. Vege


      the shots have been fired I repeat the shots have been fired

  17. still the best darkstalker 

    1. Ryloth


      raelplayer better

    2. ScreamingDingo


      ang if you’re actually back I’m driving around in a white van and abducting you into event building trafficking rings

    3. Angmarzku
  18. Zindran said he's asian. And this is what your friendly AT Manager Leo created in his honor.


    1. Zindran


      Bland meme

    2. Jonificus


      ((please blur out the swear word, there are children playing on this f u c k i n g server

    3. Angmarzku


      Please go to the right hall where you find your friendly AT Manager Leo failing at games. 

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