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  1. The Adrian Declaration of Independence Copies of the missive would be pinned to notice boards around Almaris. To the good Canonists of the world and the people of Adria, The imperialist ambitions of the Aaunic Crown have set within their heads a maddened frenzy. Seeing enemies in all shadows, they have laid their cruel eyes upon us, the good, fair people of Adria, those who have held the southern border while the King of Aaun has sat without an army. Those who have brought trade and life to the kingdom while the streets of the capital remain empty. Those who have invigorated a spirit of Dumacracy and popular government while the central crown seeks to lord over the vassals that keep it afloat. We say no more. Adria has no designs to support the ambitions of the Aaunic King. We simply wish to keep to our own lives, tend to our own crops, and allow our own city to prosper. We wish to leave the world alone and have the world leave us alone, but it is the King of Aaun that wishes to use our blood and toil to expand his realm. He and his council have hardly laid eyes on our prosperous city of Velec, yet from it they desire the plunder that we had already given the kingdom as a whole. With this document, we formally secede from the Kingdom of Aaun so that we may be allowed to rule ourselves, with our customs and traditions unmolested by a Crown that does not care for Adria and its people. We will govern ourselves so that we may be allowed to continue our peaceful growth and prosperity. We have already bested them once in battle as they attempted to storm our city. Another time, as we marched upon the walls of Minitz, they cowered and hid. Our enemy fears us because they have no love or loyalty from their own. Unlike the Alstions, who sought at every turn to use the Sinners’ War as a springboard to launch their ambitions for the Imperial Crown of Philip III, we seek no empire. Unlike the Alstions, who provoked conflict with Haense on numerous occasions, especially during the reign of King Karl III, we have no quarrel with the northmen. Unlike the Alstions, who covet our wealth and strength because of their lack of it, we now build our future with our own hands. Unlike the Alstions, who attempted to plot with rogue agents within Adria to turn the city of Velec over to them, we stand with the people of Adria in defense of our livelihoods. Let it be known that we seek no war with the kingdom and simply request that we be released peacefully from our oaths of vassalage. However, should the King of Aaun desire to march on Adria and burn it, then we will make to the walls of his capital and unseat him. Those who join our ranks will be justly rewarded, while those who remain neutral will go unharmed by our armies. Come what must, We shall see the storm through
  2. [x] SER SVENELD ANDREVICH EYEBALLS THE CROWD OF CHERSKAVY LEVYMEN BEFORE SEPERATING HIS LIPS TO ANNOUNCE: "Ea assume vy all know what is to come to pass in the near future." He paused for a second to shift his head to the left side of the hall, twirling his fingers about. "We are at a dismal time to live in, war strikes us at every second we have to live it seems." He'd shift his head to the right. "But alas, do not let this dishearten vy." - "We all know men are born to fight and die, that is the unfortunate truth." He pauses for a second once again to dart his attention to the centre of the room. "If vyr time to die is tomorrow then so be it, I shall follow the day after." - "Or it may be the opposite way around, but ea ask one thing of vy all today." He corrects his posture. "Will vy fight with me?" He yells. "Will vy fight with me and devastate these revolting, repulsive and abominable forces that shadows us?" - "If that is the case then pick up vyr sword and fight for a greater world, for a greater cause." - "We shall not yield today or on our last day, no matter the outcome of this conflict." HE CONCLUDES WHILST THE MEN OF THE CHERSKAVY LEVY RAISE THEIR SWORDS TO THE AIR WHILST CHANTING AND ROARING.
  3. TO PURGE A THREAT Agreed upon by: THE KINGDOM OF HAENSE & THE GRAND KINGDOM OF URGUAN On this 10th of Tov And Yermey, 432 ES | 10th of The Amber Cold, 82 SA The Dual Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, has now learned that the Horde has resorted to associating itself with foul elements. Furthermore, wishing to defend the honor of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan so recently besmirched, by the authority of His Royal Majesty King Karl III Barbanov-Bihar and Grand King Bakir Ireheart declare themselves to be in a state of war. A campaign shall be pursued until all forces, offensive to nature itself, are neutralized, and levied insults against the Grand Kingdom are remedied. “And to ye Sons of Krug, who have fallen to other faiths, I admonish: GOD punishes not, but protects. And there is no pain with GOD, but without him. And so you suffer not in retribution but in separation, and in the Skies you shall find solace.” - Exalted Prophet Owyn ARTICLE I - AZDRAZI HARBORING The Horde in recent times has been exposed for harboring Azdrazi and known associates of Iblees. Great evidence has mounted against the Rex for not only allowing the Azdrazi to settle Ireheart land and for a full Azdrazi academy to thrive, but also to be a very close friend to the worshippers of Iblees and to Azdromoth himself. ARTICLE II - AGGRESSION ON DWARVES The Rex amongst other members of the dishonorable Horde have repeatedly made aggressions against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan and its people. The First insult is the threatening of Grand King Bakir Irehearts life and then the demanding of tribute from Grand Kingdom. The second slight was the harboring of Azdrazi that attacked the Grand King in the Haeseni tavern. And finally the most dishonorable of all, the capturing and killing of dwarves within the city of Krugmar. ARTICLE III - DENIAL OF PEACE After the repeated aggression and slights against the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, reasonable terms for peace were proposed twice to the people of Krugmar, and twice they were rejected. Refusing to regain their honor and do right to those they have wronged. A summit held by the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska was held to mediate peace. Yet, the Horde did not show. A singular Goblin representative was sent, a mockery of good faith to instill peace. It is evident The Horde does not wish for peace. Wargoal: Conquest of Tile 90 Attackers: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan The Kingdom of Haense Defenders: The Horde (Haelun’or) Date: Saturday, July 30th at 4pm EST [This is taking into account the current ongoing War] Warpath: Grand King of Urguan, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III IV JOVEO MAAN, His Royal Majesty KARL III by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Thurant, Venzia and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Fidei Defensor, Protector of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  4. Watch me fail at using a trebuchet lol
  5. THE FOLLY OF PHILIP III The sun rose above the Urguan mountains, where radiantly warm rays of sun shone upon the ranks of the tripartite army. A mass of Tripartite warriors nearing the twenty thousand mark assembled by the front gates of the newly built Grudgefort, preparing for the battle against the Orenian invaders to come. Noon struck, and a domineering horn sounded as the commanders of the Tripartite alliance stepped in front of their forces to lead them to an assured triumph. Led by Durorn Ireheart, Bakir Ireheart and Grigori Vyronov, the army of the alliance marched forth, clattering swords to shields and resonant boots to the gravel of the warzone, off to meet the Orenian force. The sun of the eve reflected off the armor of the Imperial State Army, their ranks vastly outnumbered by the tripartite forces. Yet, as the general saw the opposing army advance, he sounded that his Orenian fodder marched in adversary, both armies clashing between the nearby boats of the fleet and mountain range of the East. As they advanced each other, Durorn ordered several volleys of arrows to be let loose onto Philip III’s army before breathing into the war horn once more, sallying a charge towards Orens forces. A deafening sound of war cries was heard from the charging army of the tripartite, slamming into the unexpecting ranks of the ISA. For a while the fighting was even as each army clashed, filling the air with the sounds of axes hitting shields and swords crashing against armor. After a while the ISA grew weary and began to grow fatigued, the men of Blackvale attempted to reinforce the frontlines of the ISA, but there was no chance of turning the battle back around. The ranks of the dwarves, humans and orcs quickly cut through Blackvales reinforcements whilst the Ferrymen slew those cowardly enough to flee. Orenian bodies littered the ground along eastfleet all the way to Southbridge, their blood soaking into the sea, making the water look like pure Haenseti wine. As the remaining alliance army returned to their camp inside the great grudgefort and prepared for a great feast, all the world knew the folly of Philip III and they will know that– We are coming for you.
  6. Through a Soldier's Eyes Doomsday The haeseni people had flourished out of their houses. Chants echoed past the city walls and clamoring reached a young soldier’s ears. Through a glass paned window, a Haeseni oathedman peered at the bustling market of Karosgrad. “EA SAY FER, DU SAY SAVOY.” A voice said through the crowd of soldiers, women, and men. The oathedman looked to the newly installed shops of Karosgrad. There, a large rally of around one hundred and fifty soldiers of Sedan raised their fists as they gathered around the Prince Lucien of Savoy. Throughout the square, roars and shouts shivered the market carts. “KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM!” The soldiers said about their cheers. As the allies shouted about, the oatheman’s brain had finally been rattled, “The day had come to defend…” – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – Among the Battlefield Arrows soared through the bright blue sky across Eastfleet. The overwhelming projectiles from the Tripartite Coalition swarmed the Imperial Army. The oathedman strung back his bow, shooting high across the battlefield where his ferrum-tipped arrows struck down the unfortunate Orenians. Upon the command of Grigori Vyronov, Durorn Ireheart, Grand King Bakir Ireheart, and Prince Lucien, the forces of the Coalition charged forth towards South Bridge. Among the rally, the Haeseni oathedman charged forward with sword in hand. His blade clashed forth onto the Imperial soldiers, slicing across the plated army. His brothers of the Coalition violently cut down the numbers whilst the Imperial forces fought back with all their might. The Haeseni soldier looked to his plated feet. His visor gazed down at the bloodied, cold, and solemn bodies of men and women who fought bravely for their nation. “WE ARE WINNING!” Grand King Bakir Ireheart shouted across the battlefield. The oathedman looked aloft, his eyes gazed across Eastfleet. It was true, the Orenian forces had been further cut down, their bodies lying cold on the soil. “FINISH THEM OFF!” Bakir shouted once again. At that, roars echoed across the allied forces of the Tripiarte Coalition. Their blades pierced through the Orenians at a rapid pace while the oathedman grew a smile. It didn’t take long until the Imperial rally had been reduced to only those who played dead inside the corpses. That day, the Coalition had defended their land. At that, the oathedman roared in triumph. “The imperials are dead, we claim victory!” – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – A Day of Celebration “KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM!” The drunken oathedman said. There he sat in the tavern sharing drinks with his brotherhood. Cheers roared through the Capital City of Karosgrad, “To the palace!” A noble called to those in the market. “The koeng has a speech!” A joyful crowd rushed into the palace, attempting to find a seat in the throne room. Barely did the oathedman listen to the Koeng, all he knew was that day was a day of victory for the Coalition. With a starting rally of 18,200 for the Coalition and 11,700 for the Imperial Army, the Imperials managed to survive with only 100 left alive. Truly a victory for the forces of the Tripiarte. “This is one of many victories we will claim!” The oathedman raised a fist, the rest following the motion shortly after. – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – .
  7. THE WAR OF THE BEYOND The void has plagued us all throughout existence, offering corrupted power in exchange for altering your very soul and physical prowess. No more will the members of Lubba’s Keep and their allies stand and watch our realm corrupt any further for we declare war upon the void. Lubba’s Keep will truly remain as a bastion without any trace of magic and hopes to spread this sentiment throughout all of Almaris with little resistance as our capable scientists have made a device capable of pushing the veil further back into the void and sending in forces to the realm to conquer it. Other realms of deities, spirits and afterlives might be hit on the way for our thorough cleansing, though that is a sacrifice the elves are willing to make to remove the night sky from existence. (Depiction of Scientist’s Device to the void) All Aenguls and Daemons will be within our realm by force, no longer hiding behind the cosmos of the void within the prisons they themselves have created. Free from the tyranny of the void and realms who hold power over our very lives we will build a new realm with the spark of divinity the deities will offer so they may not be consumed by the void and the many creatures within. All descendants will feel this war to their very soul as we fight for a better future without the void where all realms can be reached through science within this age of exploration. It is time we shift the balance once more where we, the descendants of our respective races, claim the realms to our own so the endless meddling of the divine will cease and we have control over our own futures and lives. Join us in this conflict so we may band together on this eternal quest to claim our realms. Let the Third Age begin. Eshtael Keeps Balance, Eternal We Stand. signed, The Silver Lubba The Lubba Keep Council Mika Anarion, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Jon Snowell, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Hogo Bojo, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Pringle, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Dremnud Oakforge, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Durin Hammerforge, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Dave, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Scrisa, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers Elyse, Lawyer of Lubba Keep Lawyers The Embodiment of the Concept of Sutican Nationalism Giovachina, Paralegal of Lubba Keep Lawyers WARCLAIM Wargoal: Conquest of the void Attackers: Lubba’s Keep The Independent Tower Kingdom of Actrus The Lordship of Bojo Dunborough (Forced Vassal) Barony of Trabezon (Forced Vassal) Vaokses Village (Forced Vassal) The de Castro Family (Forced Vassal) The Under-State of Rattunnelia (Forced Vassal) Undisclosed Druid Mercenaries Defenders: The Legions of the void Every single deity Deranged Mages Warclaim date: Today. War Path: in case of image break:
  8. The Second Ferry Agreement, 1856 13th of Malin’s Welcome, 1856 I. The Ferrymen will receive 3,000 minas in payment. II. The Ferrymen will be given land in the Holy Orenian Empire at the conclusion of the war. III. The Ferrymen Quartermasters will be granted command authorization for raids, skirmishes, battles, etc, given pay equivalent to the General of the ISA, and be allowed a place in the Imperial Crown’s council of war. IV. The Ferrymen will agree to provide mercenaries and to assist the Holy Orenian Empire in the next Imperial offensive or defensive operation. AD DEI GLORIAM, HIS IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Philip III, Holy Orenian Emperor, forever August, King of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duke of Ves, Duke of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baron of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera HER IMPERIAL MAJESTY, Anastasia I, Holy Orenian Empress, forever August, Queen of Renatus, Curon, Kaedrin, Salvus, and Seventis, Grand Duchess of Ves, Duchess of Helena, Novellen, Furnestock, Adria, and Lorraine, Baroness of Renzfeld, Protector of the Heartlanders, Orenian Highlanders, and Farfolk, etcetera. His Imperial Excellency, Duke of Azor, Lord Joseph d’Azor His Excellency, Lord Ivan var Ruthern Banjo, The Captain of the Ferrymen, Savior of the Common and Free People, Pillager of Elvenesse, Liberator of Man, The Bringer of Equality, Capturer of the Bastion, Defeater of Racism, Debearder of Grand Kings, Sailor of the Seas, 2x Mr. Almaris, Emperor of the Roads, Lord of Shipwreck Keep, Occupier of New Providence, 40 Star General, The Greater Lobster Fisherman, Premortem Saint of Epic Ballads, Protector of the Farfolk
  9. The Siege of Southbridge A Sedanian's Perspective Four decades ago, Sedan declared her freedom from the tyranny of the Holy Orenian Empire. Four decades ago, the people of Sedan suffered our defeat at the Battle of Southbridge. A war to free ourselves from the Emperors who cared naught for us, the rights of the nobility, nor the true will of the people that had ended with the righteous people of Sedan being forced to flee their homes as the Orenian Hordes came bearing down upon our beloved Principality. Now, Four decades later, we stood before the same fortress that caused our defeat in our righteous war, now engulfed in flame. With the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, the Kingdom of Haense, the Ferrymen Band, and many more marching side-by-side with us, we returned to exact our vengeance. The Siege was glorious; beautiful, even. It brought myself to near tears seeing the trebuchets unleash hellfire upon that cursed castle of Southbridge. In that moment I knew that my Father, Uncle, Cousins, and all those who had suffered at the hands of Oren were now avenged. Stone bashed against the brittle walls of the Castle, the feeble Orenian rock crumbling and causing many Orenians to fall to their demise below. The Order was given, and we charged into the keep with no hesitation in our hearts. Under our glorious Prince Leopold, along with the brilliant minds of the Tripartite Leaders, I knew we would have victory that day. The Sedanians, alongside our Tripartite Allies, fought with a fury not seen since the War with Rozania. We fought the Orenians with fire in our hearts, determination in our minds, and vengeance as our goal. It soon became clear that the Orenians could not withstand the might of true steel and battle-hardened men, as many fell before our blades as we came upon them. The Coalition's Trebuchets had battered their fort into nothing but a kill-zone, that we gladly used to our advantage. Corralled in a single hallway, our arrows found their marks in the weak spots of Orenian armor, while others harassed our foe from behind, not allowing them a moment's rest. Not even Twenty saint's minutes into the battle, the sound of fighting died down. The bodies of thousands of Orenian dead littered the ground inside and surrounding the keep. From there, I knew with a wonderful certainty that the day had been won. We had endured minimal casualties while inflicting severe losses upon our cowardly foe. Upon the conclusion of the battle, nothing could be heard but the warcries of the many nations that had come. "Krusae zwy Kongzem!" "Iron from Ice!" "Narvak oz Urguan!" and of course, "Ave Sedan!" Let it be known, the People of Sedan shall always have their revenge. Be it days, months, years, or decades, we shall have it. Ave Sedan
  10. We March Onwards Penned from the desk of his Lordship, Ailred var Ruthern, 5th of the Sun’s Smile, 407 ES. We March Onwards, 5th of the Sun’s Smile, 407 ES. Written, composed, and sung by Angelika Irena, in honor of Haense winning the War of Wigs alongside their friends and allies. We march onwards, onwards in the name of god! With gleaming steel and an iron will, we prevail against all odds! We march onwards, onwards for Hanseti-Ruska, Who’s salvation sets us free from oppression and tyranny, We march onwards for him, our gracious and giving koeng. Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for Hanseti-Ruska! Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah for Hanseti-Ruska! We march onwards, onwards in the name of god! With sharpened skill we defend the hill, slaying all Imperial dogs! We march onwards, onwards for Hanseti-Ruska, Who’s salvation sets us free from oppression and tyranny, We march onwards for him, our gracious and giving koeng.
  11. The March Onwards “This time we will not forget the siege equipment.” - Atandt Irongrinder, remembering the Siege of Mynebor. The cowardly Orenian army has retreated. The road to Southbridge is open. The enemy continues to throw their forces into us, only for them to be defeated time and time again. The Tripartite Accord will avenge those of our brothers and sisters that have fallen. Each soldier should understand that our efforts in this war are unmatched, the Orenian Army quakes thinking of our army. The Pretender, Philip III, wishes not to face us in a traditional battle. Therefore, on orders of the the Tripartite High Command, we do hereby declare the Siege of Southbridge, beginning in this year, 58 of the Second Age. The Pretender and his army will be defeated, justice shall be served. WARCLAIM Wargoal: Conquest of Tile 91 Attackers: The Grand Kingdom of Urguan (Lead) The Kingdom of Haense The Ferryman Band Defenders: Holy Orenian Empire Siege: Southbridge, more details to be decided soon. EDIT: Further details decided and provided below. ((This was done by a very tired man at 1 in the morning, and that man is me, I did it.))
  12. RECAPTURE OF THE BASTION 15th of Snow Maiden, Year 57 SA “Jesus Pablo is ballin’ out on Ferrymas” - Banjo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CduA0TULnow 1,200 Tripartite forces composed of Ferrymen and Irehearts marched on the roads towards the heart of the Imperial Capital, New Providence, to deal a devastating blow to Imperial forces. Under the command of Captain Banjo and Commander Bakir Ireheart, the small band bandited the roads of Oren until they approached the bridge, all that stood in their way of entering the city was a 1,500 force o’ wig-wearing lobsters. One could say you could hear the rattle of their metal-bucket hats as they quivered in fear at the sight of the notorious Ferrymen. The battle first started at the foot of the bridge, where both sides exchanged arrowfire. Seeing as this exchange of volleys led to a stalemate, the Ferrymen tactically led a maneuver around the bridge, flanking the Orenian forces as they were caught in utter dumbfounded surprise. Their little lasting bravery was soon replaced by cowardice as they routed back to the security of their gates- or so they thought. They stubbornly attempted to push out of their gates, but they were met with dwarven steel and Ferrymen prowess as their men were slaughtered like dogs. The Imperials were very wrong to think they were safe behind their walls and gates. A small detachment of Ferrymen consisting of Jesus Pablo, Diome Indoren, Banjo, and Mika managed to breach past their iron doors and began to take the entire force on their own. There within the gates, Jesus Pablo showed his ferociousness and prowess on the battlefield as he single handedly charged in a moment of bloodlust into a group of Orenians. His savage charge proved useful as it opened the opportunity for the rest of the Ferrymen to push through the gates and into the hearth of the city. 1,100 Imperials dead. Once more the bastion and city fell to the hands of the Ferrymen. Signed, Banjo, The Captain of the Ferrymen, Savior of the Common and Free People, Pillager of Elvenesse, Liberator of Man, The Bringer of Equality, Capturer of the Bastion, Defeater of Racism, Debearder of Grand Kings, Sailor of the Seas, 2x Mr. Almaris, Emperor of the Roads, Heir to Shipman Keep. Bakir Ireheart, Clan Father of the Irehearts, Legion Commander, King’s Hand
  13. THE CITY STATE OF OREN AND ITS SURROUNDING MANORS Saint James Bleeds THE BATTLE OF NEW PROVIDENCE BRIDGE Twenty-thousand Tripartite. Seven-thousand dead. Forty-thousand Imperials. Twenty-Thousand dead. Those twenty thousand Tripartite surmounted the steps to New Providence, chins lifted to the skies and with grips of resolve to their weaponry. At the very front stood three - the commanders of the Tripartite. Captain Banjo, Diome Indoren and the Butcher of the East, Brick. Those three shared glances, for this is where their dawn had begun all those years ago - forty some. It was nearing the Saint’s year anniversary of the first bloodshed Orenia had received on Almaris. When they fought with five-thousand against sixteen-thousand, where all sixteen-thousand were slain and tasted their foremost major defeat. But a few of the old guard stood with them, yet the grumbles and chants of war still echoed from the side of the Tripartite. Against such unfavourable odds again, would they triumph once more? Any who witnessed the slaughter on the steps of Providence would answer with a resounding yes. Outnumbered two-to-one, facing a force of forty thousand Orenians, the Tripartite force valiantly charged the front gates of the city, where they exchanged numerous volleys of arrows with its defenders. After being forced to abandon their positions atop the walls by relentless arrow fire, the Orenian force consolidated and sallied out to meet the Tripartite army in battle. The first two of their charges were unsuccessful, being swiftly outmaneuvered and beaten back behind the walls of Providence. It was in the midst of these failed attempts that Diomé Indoren personally led multiple infantry charges against the enemy, ultimately leaving eight-thousand Imperials slain. To the dismay of the Tripartite commanders the third push of the Orenians found success, effectively splitting the already outnumbered force in two and crushing much of the Tripartite cavalry. Rather than capitalize on this, the Imperials saw fit to blindly chase a band of no more than four-thousand Tripartite soldiers all the way to the Urguani borderlands. These Orenians found themselves deftly evaded by the Tripartite men who managed to join the main force at (Providence Bridge) once again. Here, Auguste van Aert rallied his men and drove them against the scattered Imperials who remained, cutting down four-thousand before routing them toward Providence. As the other half of the Orenian army made their way back to the field of battle along the road from Southbridge they were harassed relentlessly by the cavalry of the Ferrymen. Seeing their weakened state the Butcher of the East led a lance charge into the Imperial cavalry, knocking most from atop their steeds and trampling them underfoot. Knowing their situation to be hopeless, the remainder of the Imperial army finally began their retreat. The Tripartite army, emboldened by their victory, gave chase as they ran for the safety of the walls of the capital. Hope was there for the assailants, seeing as the Orenians had turned charges and fought with some crumbs of honour. Yet, minutes turned into more – the Imperial State Army and those who took up arms with them had retreated into their fortifications a final time. At the climax of the battlefield, the last standing knight – Sir Mohammad Hassan – fought with Islamic fervor against Captain Banjo; he was last seen praying to Allah as a longsword impaled his midriff. (SIR MOHAMMAD HASSAN 4 LYFE)
  14. SHATTERED SUNS Year 10.421 AE The light of dusk fades away. ====-----<<>>-----==== “They’re closing in around us now. The transports are gone, broken as they tried to escape. I know you will never hear this, but I love you, my darling wife. I curse the day I left you, and I curse this day that I must leave you forever. They’re at the bunker doors. The screams get ever louder. We are going to die in this forsaken place. How I wish I had never set foot on Buath. How I wish I could go ho- [TRANSMISSION ENDED]” -The last recorded transmission from the surface of Buath. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Events THE SIEGE OF NAHKI “Am I not generous, San’var?” “Without equal, my Lord.” [Atuan Infantry advance under fire on C.R.A positions] Far to the west, The Heavenly Kingdom of Atu-an continues its divinely-ordained war against the Colonial Reorganization Authority. In space, the Colonial Navy has been sent into a full rout, forced to abandon the void above the former Colonial capital of Nahki. As the banners of Heaven itself march upon the system, much of the remaining Colonial government flees north into more secure space - leaving the planet’s garrison to hold the world alone. News from the former Colonies suggests that the Atuans have made great progress, having accepted the surrender of several of the largest colonial formations on the planet. The last of Nahki’s resistance is centered around the expansive mega-city of Mo’an-tal, where the remaining Colonial armies have dug in heavily. BLESSED IS THE LINE OF THE EMPEROR RUR-VAI ===----<>----=== THE COMING OF AN HEIR “Do not delay, Admiral, for we have little time to lose.” [The Starcast Throne, in the Imperial Observatory.] From the furthest reaches of civilized space comes a message which slowly but surely filters through to every remaining psykic in the galaxy, “An heir proclaims himself.” The man in question is the Lord Taera, a matriarchal second cousin of the late Emperor Rän-ji. Stationed in the Outer Rim during the Civil War, Taera’s fleets were unable to reach Loyalist lines before Erasmis’ invasion had already penetrated to the core. Since then, they have been wedged between their two foes, only barely scrounging by. With this announcement is a call to aid directed to the Loyalist south, and a plea to the Republic requesting safe passage south - how the Republic will respond to such a request remains to be seen. ===----<>----=== THE PIRATE KING “Let them despair!” [The destruction of the ERTCV Sifter against Aokigahara’s fleet] Chaos continues to engulf the galaxy, and the illustrious Pirate King runs forever rampant among the Eastern Galaxy’s trade routes. 10,421 proves to be an eventful year for Aokigahara’s fleet, though, as the Horseman, Aokigahara’s flagship aswell as its supporting vessels fall upon an ERTC Treasure Fleet returning from the Far Rim. Unknowingly having walked into a pirate ambush, the ERTC escorts were quickly picked apart and destroyed, with the primary escort, ERTCV Sifter, being destroyed in the opening stages of the battle. The entire contents of the ERTC convoy has apparently since been destroyed or otherwise lost to the pirates. Aokigahara’s marauding continues to burn east through Loyalist space. ===----<>----=== GATHERING CLOUDS “500 credits per shipment? What do the Barons need 400 credits for! 300 credits is unbelievable! The Westerners don’t have the gall to ask for 200 credits for fuel..” [The Republic Senate] As another set of terms comes to an end, the clouds of the Republican Senate begin to gather as a host of interests prepare to compete for the trio of newly vacant positions: Tanu Kavan, Kavan Te, and Kavan He-ai and upset the long established rule of the hugely popular Grand Admiral Pepe. While the various factions of the Senate return to their constant scheming, trouble brews on the Republic’s horizon.. The Oil Barons continue to hold the Republic at their mercy through their near total domination of the Outer Rim’s fuel reserves, many within the Senate cry for a response. Indeed, the idea would be attractive to many more if the Republic’s finances were not almost completely sustained by ERTC and Universal loans, huge partners of the Oil Barons. Further still, reports filter in from the border of Admiral Akamu’s efforts to refurbish and salvage Civil War naval vessels en masse, a development which has many of the provincial governors on edge. _____________________________________________________________________________________________ "Ran-ji lies dead. Man is scattered. The Empire burns. Those who remain shall burn with it.."
  15. [!] In the maplewood forests on the road to Norland, a rather horrific scene of a severed head that seems to be an MRA soldier hanging from a lone maple tree. It ominously swings with each subtle gust of wind. The head would clearly be fresh, exhibiting an emotion of pure terror. Attached to the head is a note, written in blood. Around the tree, blood would be spattered everywhere, showing that more than one MRA soldier fell victim to the wrath of Norland. [!] " To the MRA, It has been brought to my attention that the MRA has been continuously harassing innocents of Norland on our own roads. We, the kind-folk of Elysium have not failed to notice that you all turn tail and run at the first sight of a true warrior of Norland descent. While you cower in fear in the bushes of the Maplewood forest as a soldier walks by, you willingly jump out to harass and torture innocent civilians. An act of true cowardice, and a clear example of abhorrent behavior. There's been a continuous argument on whether those that follow the Red Faith are pagans or not. I offer this open-ended question; what would you call someone who tortures an innocent woman, brands her, and sends her back to her town? What would you call someone who massacres a town of innocents, including women and children? That's right, Pagans. If you thought otherwise, you yourself are a pagan. Nevertheless, I don't give a damn if you think I'm a pagan or not. There has to be someone to call judgement upon those who prey on the innocent. I, along with some other good people, am offering myself to speed up the process of karma to befall upon you fools. Go ahead and pray to your false god, I'll be kind and send you to him. After a few excruciating hours of course. Maybe you'd consider what the point of this letter is. It's a warning and a sign of clarification. I'm just merely spelling it out for you. You are no longer hunting the innocent on our roads. We are hunting you. I truly hope you're naïve enough to ignore this warning. I promise you, we will be waiting. Love, The One Eye'd Raven Absolon de Astrea"
  16. [!] Posters of victory are hung up around the entirety of Almaris. The Victory of Northlandgrad over Orenian Forces Providence being burnt down after the victory of Northlandgrad forces, circa 1818. Today, we gather to celebrate the victory of Northlandgrad over the Orenian Army, right in their own city of Providence. We have captured the emperor, all the members of the alderman, all of the ISA generals and commanders, and every single Orenian citizen. We did not start this war, but we will for sure end it, for we will have not but a single ounce of mercy to the defenseless women and children of Oren. While this poster is abrupt, I would like to say that we easily came into Oren with 900 armed forces, and slaughtered 500 women and children mercilessly. I have made the emperor denounce the pontiff, and all Orenians, but I will not provide evidence because I do not want to. - Commander of the Northlandgrad Armed Forces, God King Laquinta
  17. A CALL TO ARMS [!] A dwedmar mercantile vessel, unawares of what lies below. Since the first of Urguan’s Descendants touched the coasts of the realm, the ocean has accosted those who dared try to brave the great expanse in the name of exploration and seafaring. This blatant attack against the noble Dwarven people is one that has gone without punishment for ages past, with their most recent attack being against the great Clan Lord of the Aurokanar, Dorimnur Goldhand. Through his pioneering grudge shall we set our sails to drive the tide back to whence it came. This missive is sent to ALL who will answer the call, as this foe may be the greatest the Descendants have ever faced. Only united, may the Descendant races control the force that has gone unscathed its entire lifetime: The Great Big Blue. Gods have been killed by our hands. Let the Great Plug be pulled next. Section I | Demands To avoid conflict with the bravest warriors known to the descendants, the Ocean must: Return all sunken treasures, bodies, and vessels created by the descendants to the coasts of Almaris within the next stone week. Send an official letter of surrender to Dorimnur Goldhand, along with a piece of The Great Plug itself. If said piece is found out to be fraudulent, all terms are considered null. Provide and promise all future maritime ventures of the descendants a safe passage. Surrender both the Mother and Father Basilisk involved with the original grudge to the Aurokanar within the next Stone Week. Section II | Call to Arms If the terms listed in section I are not met, every able bodied Descendant is to heed the call of Dorimnur Goldhand in preparation for the most daring fight history has ever seen. In preparation, said descendants are expected to: Be able to hold one’s breath for at least 2 hours, the time it takes to walk from the coast to the seafloor. Maneuver as swiftly underwater as on land to ensure no vile creature of the sea could vanquish the great descendant races. Craft a personal vessel strong enough to withstand the crushing arms of a Kraken. Said vessel shall also hold extra room for those unable to build a vessel up to code. In closing The great descendant races have bound together in realms past to defeat threats such as the September Prince or Iblees himself. Now, our biggest challenge yet is becking us forth. Let us take up our fishing spears, strike into the depths, and hoist our buckets filled to the brim with the brine. Will you answer the call? Add your signature to these passing fliers, show your support to the greatest achievement the descendant races shall ever accomplish. Clan Lord of the Aurokanar, Yemekar’s Pick of Grimdugan, Finest smith of the Legion, Royal Smith, “Oceansbane.” Clan Elder of the Azwyrtrumm, Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Master Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance, Master Golemancer, Scribe of the Ocean’s Defeat Clan Lord of the Azwyrtrumm, Silverbeard of Urguan, Founder of the Empire of Vandurguan, Reclaimer of Urguan’s Crown, Protector of the Coasts Clan Mother of Elder Clan Kornazkarumm, Bekarumm, Draknadreng, the First Starsmith, Bane of the Heretic and Longbeard of the Legion of Urguan. Othelu Orrar, Sohaer of Haelun’or and Liege of the Protectorate of Blazengard, in accordance with the Silver Council of Haelun’or and will of the High Elven people High Chief of Hefrumm, Chief of Clan Blackroot, Veteran Hunter of the Hunter’s Guild of Urguan, Mountainguard of the Legion of Urguan, Prelate of Anbella Ban Estrosa, Lord Sovereign of Solios the rising sun, shade walker, Guild master of the Wandering Flames Guild, Former Kingsguard 𝓑𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓪
  18. Hangman’s promise “Big Tony, Big Money.” - Big Tony My figureheads have grown quite the liking of the people of Haense, I even allowed them to teach the HRA a couple of things on the fields of war. I’ve been sending my prayers to up above ever since I got word about the war, blessing the blades of the Haensemen and cursing the arrows of the Suticans, hoping their projectiles would miss the throats of my comrades. Sadly enough, the leadership of the Orenian Empire did not have the sufficient funds to buy us out of the Sutican war. May my brothers coated in green watch my back as I take up the mantle of a leader in this war, may my friends from Haense toss their weapons to the side when I face them on the battlefield, for then they will be spared. Gold and glory, my comrades… gold and glory Once this contract is signed, my men will raise their blades alongside the poor folk of Sutica, who just want to protect their land. It saddens me, the biggest fish going after one of the weakest fish. The Agreement The Suticans: -The Sutican leadership will hand 70 000 minas to The Hangmen. (50% up front) -The Sutican leadership will hand The Hangmen a simple plot of land for when they are forced to move out of this realm. -If there is any way to spare The King of Haense and his people, an effort must be made to make sure that there will always be an option for the Haensemen to get out of the war, safely. The Hangmen: -The Hangmen will aid Sutica and their allies in any militairy exercises against the Holy Orenian Empire. -The Hangmen Keep will serve as an outpost for the forces of Sutica and their allies. -The Overseers of The Hangmen will lend Sutica all of their knowledge regarding waging war, becoming a part of the core of the leadership of the conflict. “I’m sorry, comrades of my people. coin comes first. May our paths never cross during these troubling times.” Signed,
  19. (CA Race Grouping D – Magic Endgame) Origin/Background/Culture Dresdrasil, The Deity of The Depths; Meant to stay hidden forever beneath the waves. When parts and pieces were discovered, they tainted and corrupted the man that found them, twisting his mind and soul beyond recognition. Causing them to crave Dresdrasil’s remains; any scrap, piece, of influence or power left behind after death. With this power, the first Tidesages used brine; lifeforce and darkwater to wreak whatever havoc they would have wished. However, alongside the corruption of the natural order, and exposure to significant usage of brine; the Tidesages slowly began to further warp than what they had already become unrecognizable from. Their mortal forms, distorted further, experimentation began upon extended effects of significant exposure to brine. Amorphous amalgams of eyes, teeth and warped screaming as the first Tidesages were sacrificed to see Brine’s horrible effects upon the mortal form. After practice and perfection with many failures, a stable half-breed, born of the unholy abyss and the perfection of the four brothers; incomplete and impure. The Drowned of Tidesages are revered as dedicated, forever to Thallassos and the bidding of their fellow Tidesages. Finding themselves immunized to the faults of the mortal form in exposure of the abyss, Drowned have difficulty blending back in to their previous lives, for their sacrifice made to other Tidesages. Physical Description Drowned typically retain the features of their previous race, however taking on a few different modifications. Always, Drowned are on the shorter end of average height for their race- precisely maybe two or three inches above the minimum. Their strength is unimpaired, typically varying person to person; however not being able to become above the peak of their original race. A Drowned’s skin drains of natural colour, typically staying within shades of white to black, rarely a deep sea green or blue. The skin aswell moistens and becomes reminiscent of a soft and squishy membrane, which oozes water some when pressure is applied. The Drowned will have gills appear on their neck and/or ribs, either deep rake-like slits or something like fluttery external gills. Aswell a Drowned may have parts of their body, the limbs most specifically, take on chitin or scalid appearance which provide marginal natural armour and defense. A Drowned’s hair would become thick and wavy, however dirtied and almost moist as it would stick and cling to surfaces, and would be slimy to the touch. Their eyes would vary from absolute-black to a glowing yellow, or even a pale and milky white with no visible pupil or iris. Their teeth and nails would harden significantly, similar to iron in their durability and strength but taking on an almost fibrous appearance. Drowned are susceptible to damage as they were in their normal form, however their blood taking on an inky colour and a consistency similar to gelatin, which would coagulate rather easily. Aswell, prolonged periods of dry exposure would damage and crack all features of a Drowned, likely significantly painful and exhausting. Sudden magical flame or heat would bear no effect on a Drowned however, but mundane or natural flame and raised heat would render them uncomfortable; but not particularly weak. Mental Description Mindset A Drowned would have their mindset twist from mortal desires and they would often be sat almost awaiting a purpose. Drowned often make a purpose for themselves, or follow the goals and intuition of other Tidesages in order to gain true focus and understanding. A Drowned is often plagued with thoughts they cannot perceive or understand. Mental State Deep sounds of typically extremely low pitches constantly torment the mind of The Drowned, ranging between 20-60Hz constantly giving a vibrating sensation to the ears of a low sound that was everpresent. Sometimes it was louder and more violent, typically when a Drowned was in danger; this would provide significant mental wear for the first few weeks after their drowning as they accustom to the new sound. Often this may terrify even dedicated Tidesages as the unknown now directly calls to them, and the sounds of the abyss are foretold right to them; subjectively and objectively completely inable to understand such whatsoever. Alongside such, the initial experience of drowning in brine is incredibly exhausting and painful, and would take wear as the user near-experiences death and transformation at a rapid rate, likely giving them a feeling of incompleteness and emptiness as they narrowly avoid death. A Drowned would feel sympathetic to a point with another Drowned, and especially toward Philios; almost viewing them on a brotherly scale and level, which is reciprocated by them in minutely human ways. Below are examples of sounds that may be heard by a Drowned at a frequent. Abilities Gills (Passive) Description: Granted by necessity, transformation of the body during drowning allows for gills on the sides of the neck and the serratus anterior. These gills intake both water and air; a signature of a Drowned’s halfbred makeup. Mechanics: A Drowned has gills upon their neck, and optionally the sides of their chest which function to breathe air and water. Redlines - A Drowned’s previous lungs continue to function, however only in the case of air. - A Drowned wearing clothes is not suffocated as they can continue manual ventilation through their nose or mouth. - A Drowned’s gills can intake and process air Eyes of The Abyss (Passive) Description: Requiring vision within dark caves and murky depths, a Drowned is able to see in such conditions similar to their aquatic bretheren. Mechanics: A Drowned has bioluminescent eyes that can range from dim to fiercely bright, and is able to see perfectly clear in darkness, underwater or not. Aswell, a Drowned becomes immune to particulate coming before one’s eye. Redlines - If the darkness is magically induced, Eyes of The Abyss does not see through such. - Eyes of The Abyss does not replace eyes lost or damaged. Skin of The Lurker (Passive) Description: Required by a Philios or any creature of the Abyss to return to their home, they need immunity to the changes in pressurization. This makes a Drowned’s skin clammy and moist, their blood cold. Mechanics: A Drowned’s skin may become chitinous or scalid in some parts, and would render them immune to changes in barometric pressure or minorly cold temperature. Their blood would become cold, and their skin reflecting the temperature of the environment around them. Redlines - Magically induced coldness would still have effect on a Drowned. - Land Temperatures breaching below freezing (0C or 32F) or above extremely hot (38C or 100F) would take a rapidly exhaustive effect upon a Drowned, requiring them to artificially heat or cool themselves. Weapons of The Lady (Active, Noncombat and Combat) Description: Requiring natural defense, on the whim of a Drowned they may calcify and extend their fibrous nails, teeth, and skin to fight. Similar to a Philios, they would have impaired function because of such. Mechanics: After one emote of transformation, A Drowned would have the nails of their extremities, teeth, and skin harden to enhance combat capability. Their teeth and nails would have the internal strength of iron, and would extend a maximum of six inches. Their skin would toughen, but by no means as strong as any armour. Redlines - A Drowned with Weapons of The Lady would be impaired as expected by their enhanced capability- unable to wield weaponry or speak properly. - Weapons of The Lady enhanced weaponry is considered ‘iron’ in durability and strength. - Weapons of The Lady enhanced skin is considered ‘tough skin’, not necessarily equating to the strength of any armour. Call of The Siren (Active) Description: As a way to lure prey, a Drowned would sing harmonically to capture an unsuspecting and curious victim which mirrors tales of old. Mechanics: A Drowned may sing and enchant those surrounding to entice them to come closer or to lure them in, in an incredibly harmonic and angelic voice which was pleasant for all to hear. Redlines - Call of The Siren overlaps Weapons of The Lady, allowing one to speak perfectly clear. - Call of The Siren does not magically ‘charm’ those nearby forcefully, merely encouraging. Lament of The Deep (Passive) Description: Bearing such striking and incredible similarity to a Philios anatomically, a Drowned would take on the burden of a previous Poiema, or a new one, and bear the conscious of a Philios within their mind. Mechanics: By connecting by touch to a Philios, one would be able to store their conscious within themselves; bearing it as a second mind and thought that spoke to them, and witnessed what they had. If the Philios they bore conscious to were to die, they may be able to transfer their consciousness back into a new Philios to keep previous connection and memory. Redlines - If The Drowned were to die, so too would the saved conscious of The Philios. - One would not be able to telepathically send information, and a Philios would be able to witness it’s own death through the eyes of The Drowned - The Drowned may not swap consciousness with a Philios. General Red lines/Restrictions - A Drowned is obviously incompatible with any other CA. - A Drowned would continue to stay a Drowned if they were to drop or be purged from Thallassos. - A Drowned is sterile and could not reproduce in any capacity. - A Drowned does not gain any benefit from Poiemas. - A Drowned may still utilize any magic which they could previously get as a Tidesage with a corrupted soul. - A Drowned cannot have their affliction purged, cured, or removed magically or medically. - A Drowned is considered by all purposes coldblooded, and considered a descendant with a corrupted soul. - A Philios would never by any circumstance bring harm or inconvenience to a drowned. - A Drowned may wear clothes and armour just as before. Purpose (OOC) Drowned are a cool and critical minor-endgame to Thallassos that make an interesting addition to the lore and the server, while not wildly different than someone normal to be unrecognizable- they are a representation of the corruption of the magic, and the minor boons granted by such which make an interesting way to take the lore. Unlike a more advanced form, a Drowned is almost an entirely aesthetic representation of a Thallassos experienced and using the magic; taking aspects of The Philios they command and other Abyssal life. Citation Spoiler
  20. OLD WOUNDS REOPENED “And the uruk carcass gathered in a wretched mound beneath the snowy precipice, no match for Igor Ireheart and the Hammer of Barradin, which quivered in his left hand.” The Chronicles of Igor Ireheart Volume II, Wulfgar Grandaxe circa 1642. The drums of war sound from deep within Kal’Evraal, calling the dwed to arms once more. Utak watches atop the obsidian throne as his kinsfolk swell in the hall before him, a reunion of dwed in defence of their country. Feuds forgotten, a kinship reforged in common cause, the dwed once again rally to defend Urguan from the Uruk locusts. The scourge in the east is a threat that grows ever stronger; Krugmar have sanctioned attacks against dwed, and prevented any peaceful resolution to the situation from happening. A Dwed has turned up beardless, tortured and savaged by Krughai bandits - an act celebrated by the Krugmar Rex. This is a betrayal that must be avenged, and a grudge that must be resolved. The greenskins will be dealt with once and for all, as old foes meet again. Utak raises his hand, quieting the room as he begins to address the audience below him. “I have given this moment much thought, and wondered what I might say to this congregation of my kin. I concluded that there is no wisdom that I can bestow upon this crowd, so rich with experience and knowledge, that it will not already possess. There is also no advice that can be offered by myself to a band of veterans such as this, so hardened by the trials of war, and so familiar with situations such as this. Instead I will remind you of one thing - The axes and hammers of Urguan have grown restless, and savages threaten our kingdom and livelihood. You know what must be done to right this wrong and deal justice to those that offer us harm; bloody our weapons with our eastern enemy. There is only one outcome that to be realised in this conflict, Dungrimm with us we shall ensure it.” The King sits, as a raucous orchestra of roars and cries erupt around the hall. He offers a faint smile, readying himself to lead his Kingdom into war. Type of War : Conquest CBs : Discussed in Private. Attackers : Urguan and Allies Defenders : Krugmar and Allies Wargoals : Conquest Location & Proposed : Time : TBD Contact Information : ?????????#1445
  21. Long has it been since the Legions of Atem have swept across the realms of the Far East. From the Gray mountains to the Dnedic Coast, they leveled every fortress, besieged every city, salted every land which dared to resist. Upon the fields of Mercath, where Prince Orin fell, the final embers of resistance were extinguished. But behind conquest’s iron boot, came civilization the likes of which had never graced the Far East before. Great roads, monolithic temples, and sprawling libraries took root, spreading rapidly across the region. Yet in adherence to the laws of the universe, nothing is destined to last forever. The rule of Atem, like all things, crumbled beneath the weight of its own power. Hundreds of years of conquest, washed away in mere decades. That which exists now is naught but a shadow of what once was, marauding warlords, jockeying for power over the decaying corpse of an empire. New states and peoples, long since oppressed, enslaved or, perhaps in positions of power, the sole guides of their own destiny. Upon which paths they will tread, none can say.. ---------------- “To those who dwell within the space between spaces, there is nothing... Eons evaporate in mere minutes. The inevitable march of time, it devours all…” An orb of pristine blue shone towards the heavens as the snow fell to the earth, accumulating around it. In the distance, the calls of wild beasts, snow crunching beneath boots, shouts ring out. The wind howls, biting into the skin of men like daggers. The orb flickers and dims.. “I have observed much. Nature here.. is vile. There is much misery. The trees cry out. The birds do not sing, they screech out in pain...” Reflected within the orb is an ocean of stars. An unseen cosmos, the heavens themselves pouring down. A comet glistening across the midnight sky. “A wretched curse weighing on the entirety of the landscape. All who venture upon it are doomed to reap his share. A land created in anger, born of spite. Even the stars within the firmament are chaotic in nature, they are disarrayed, disorganized. I have observed much. Among all things, perhaps unseen.. There is a certain harmony which exists...” Then, Darkness. ---- The Year is 865 of the 14th Age, According to the Calendar of Atem Crimson Order From all corners of the Sea of Chtor, the Order has drawn from and consolidated. Rid of any foreign influence, the red men now look outwards, seeking blood and bounty. Within the Wulff swamps, disturbances reverberate, and whispers reach the Order’s ears.. Kingdom of Kastovia Through blood and steel the realm of Kastovia was once more unified. The traitorous uncle and his followers dispatched of. Now more centralized than ever, Kastovia’s path is unclear. To the west, the banners of Antramar march north as King Savos lays waste to large swathes of the Midlands, one of the numerous side effects of the Orevian-Antramarian war.. Point of Interest: Upon the coast of the Wine Sea, many a fishermen have sworn they saw the water pouring from an unseen source.. Point of Interest: Among a series of rolling hills, the site of a great battle continues to burn, metaphorically of course.... Mitrovic Empire From humble beginnings, the Empire has risen. West, east, into the sea of Chtor, there are many directions for which the emperor to channel his ambitions. Resources: From the southern stretches of the empire word filters of an undocumented weed. It grows in great stalks, capped with numerous red-orange buds, perhaps further study is in order? Kingdom of Krolestwo The Treaty of the Thousand, an event which will no doubt live on in historical records till the end of time. Here, men will say, began the birth of a most righteous and glorious kingdom... League of Perasma It has been long since the Perasmians set out on their great expedition. As news from the west dwindled, so too did opposition to independence. Separated from the empire, and within the ambitious hands of the newly appointed Archon, who is to stop the League now? Point of Interest: Fydor’s Bastion- Built upon rough cliffs of the wind blasted isle stands a great fortress. Built from black stone, and clearly weathered through dozens of sieges, a stout keep surrounded by two layers of walls dominates the natural harbor positioned just south of it. Pachaqui Kingdom Curators of the Mantle, isolated from the great turbulence and destruction of the Atemic Collapse, the people of Pachaqui now emerge. Seeking new riches, upon which path will they travel, war or diplomacy? Perhaps both, perhaps neither, nonetheless, the Earth guides them.. Grand Principality of Rostukhov A land of endless bounty, vibrant culture, and ancient history. For centuries a vassal underneath their Atemic overlords, Rostukhov now stands as presumptive masters of the Vestvelt. Where the house of Ademichev will lead the Principality, remains to be seen.. Resources: Much talk fills the ears of a local Dvoryanin, apparently the local serfs have stumbled upon a plant not yet encountered in this region. Surely they would know, their families have been living there for since.. well .. uh.. Forever? Perhaps it is worth looking into. Chicahtoc Empire Born from blood and fear, the nine tribes are unified, submissive before the grandeur of Emperor Chicahtoc! Still, the shaman read omens, they proclaim that the gods look favorably upon the empire, and there is still much to do… Kingdom of Ardes Beloved by all, wise, and cautious, His Royal Majesty has guided Ardes into a period of unprecedented prosperity. No doubt, the coming years will bring many trials and much turbulence, will Ardes summon the strength to forge ahead? Point of Interest: Upon the mouth of Arles, a great site stands, unperturbed by the passing of time. It is said that a great battle was once fought here.. Kingdom of Rhorric Masters of horse, bane of Atem, never have the lands of Rhorric been subject to foreign rule, protected by the vast Rhydian marshes to the west, and Darkwood to the east, from here, their path is uncertain.. Point of Interest: Many speak of a ruin, peaking through the edge of the Darkwood, dominating its surroundings. Ishikawa Shogunate Long has the House of Ishikawa ruled over their isles, ever watchful of the Sea of Fydor in service to the Eternal Emperor’s final command. Here, time slows to a crawl, and life is slow.. But yet the priests report, great winds blow from the east, in the ears of the Shogun spirits whisper that they herald a great task.. Resources: On the isle of Kurosima, among the sprawling terraces of the south, a wagie’s hoe strikes a something hard, and a terrible explosion rips his surroundings apart, vaporizing him instantly. At its center is a pale green stone, how curious… City-State of Salvus Emergent from the trials of the past, Salvus is one of the largest cities to exist within the continent, rivaling even the Great Aldemar in size- though not in majesty, surely, there is much work yet to be done… Kemet Solitude and service to the gods, such has been the way of Kemet for aeons. When the vile legions of Atem tore through the continent, trampling over the faithful, disrupting the very nature of existence, the gods were patient in their retribution! In time, their will delivered, and the men of Atem struck down, and with them the old ways! Venerate the Eye of Kemet, for the gods would see the endless nation grow beyond its river! Resources: On the northern reaches of the Jade Sea, many have come across a strange weed, it grows in great stalks, with buds of red-orange hue. Point of Interest: They say a great man was once laid to rest here, once master of all creation, many claim that great gatherings of unknown folk accompanied by great blasts of light occur often at such a place, but slaves see many things… Samalstraza Samalstraza, a great beacon of enlightenment within a sea of darkness! Masters of the Arcane, and seekers of knowledge. Many a scholar and king alike travel upon the Runeway, to the ancient fortress in search of knowledge and council. The path ahead is shrouded in shadows, perhaps only the men of Ninur are capable of peeling them away… Choranic Empire Servants of the creator, heir to the heavens, the Choranic Empire dominates both wood and prairie, though none exist to directly challenge them, their path will no doubt be filled with numerous obstacles... Go.
  22. THE ETERNAL WAR, 1687 The road was littered with corpses, the water diluted with red ichor - this was the aftermath of a Empire victory against the reemerging Reivers that had struck out against a Haense ball. The few survivors hid in their towers and forts like rats that needed to be routed out, so that is what must be done. A war council was convened shortly after and it was decided that once more the Reivers will be rooted out, butchered and once more made extinct which was a common occurrence for the lackluster fighters that struggle to win any fight. A second tower, that was ruined, was seen to house the pitiful Reiver bandits - so without hesitation the banners of the Empire were called once more, a plethora of flags flying high in the sky as they would march upon the second fortification just after the first. Each and every soldier confident that the Reivers, as always, would find themselves being dealt another loss.
  23. SIEGE OF RIVIÄ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Blackreach and its allies demolishing the Rivian army, Battle of the Red Snow, 1681 _______________________________________________________________________________________________ After the Battle William, Charles, Wilhelm, Edward would be in the war room at old Curon palace looking at a map of the Rivian capital. As the room was silent William would then speak up. “The time has finally come.... All he ever wanted was blood and glory, but now he will be receiving nothing but blood.” ___________________________ CBs: -Revenge Side A: -County of Blackreach & Allies Side B: -Duchy of Rivia & Allies Proposed Date & Time: Sunday the 23rd at 3:00pm EST Proposed Rules: N/A Location: Discord: Already have the people
  24. Three months were allowed to the Dwarves of Az'adar and Ord to make amends after their declaration of war, three months during which some of them visited Kaz'Ulrah, though most refused to and remained within their temple. Beneath the mountain remained a High Queen, adamant at retaining her words and acting on it. Koralon sat on the Kaz'Ulrah throne, her graying hair dangling from beneath the simple steel circlet she wore, the dancing flames glinting within its sapphire gemstone. Some empty mugs of ale and platters of meat remained on the tables in front of her from the previous meeting of the clergy. Her mind was, however, set on another topic. Another target. "Once my home." She spoke to her fellow Dwedmar after emerging from the throne room. "Now they declared themselves an enemy. But even before their sword was raised, the war was over for them. An unlikely ally arose in a moment of strife, an elven Peacemaker, a King true to his word on peace and thrive for prosperity. A king who was slain in front of my eyes, by those who hide in their so-called temple." She straightened herself, her frail posture still many inches taller than the mountain dwarves on her side. "When the Zahrer the Conspirator arrived to the city on an offer to sustain peace and make amends for his slight against the Dwedmar, he instead demanded we cease aggression, fear glancing in his eyes, fears that the Dwedmar he fought for so long would rally in arms against him, fear that he'd be overthrown once more and his taint on this world would finally come to an end. The very man once so confident in the restoration of a fallen kingdom now quivers as clan father over a traitor family, killing peacemakers, killing fellow Dwedmar." "Know, however, that many of them came to our Kingdom, with kind words, pleas, apologies or amends proper. Many came whom we spoke to, many whom we welcomed and many who will not be target of our crusade. Ulhart Grandaxe, Fimlin Grandaxe, Dizzy the still-Irongrinder, Tharrgus Irongut, Gror Ireheart and Yeulf Irongut: know that unless you march to the aid of Arcadia, no axe will be raised against you, no slight of honour will be held against you and you will be allowed to reclaim what is yours from the fallen temple." As the Dwedmar listened, their Queen shifted in her stand and lifted her left hand to gesture towards her heart. "I offer you each, to follow me on this crusade. I offer you each to rid this world of the Undead-Lord, of the Conspirator, of the Traitor to the Dwedmar. If he builds yet one more flying city, we will fire hooks at it and crash it into the mountain. If he makes alliance with Khorvad, we shall invoke the Brathmordakin and purge him along with his lord." "Arcadia shed its scales and re-dressed as a temple, a temple without statues of the Brathmordakin, with statues of Runelords and with altars of unknown powers. We will march on their cesspool of corruption, raze it to the ground in the memory of those they slighted and use their bricks to construct a statue of Dungrimm so that the Undead-Lord remembers not to slight the Guardian of the Dead. We shall not stop until the kingslayers are fallen." As she said that, war horns of the eight clans within the kingdom sounded up, war horns calling for a march, a march south straight at the enemy. Kavir oz Arcadia, Narvak oz Khazadmar! Narvak oz Abelas! CBs: Revenge (1/3) (or Denoucncement x3) Side A: The Kingdom of Kaz'Ulrah and allies Side B: The Temple of Az'adar and allies Proposed Date & Time: 15th of September (Saturday), 2018 Proposed Rules: N/A Location: Discord: Ronald Reagan#9284 (I am in war chat)
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