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  1. Issued by the QUEEN SOFIA OF HYSPIA On this 7th day of Joma ag Umund of 477 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The Tale of Horse and Crow, one symbolic of my recent marriage to King Georg I, is written and intended for any future children our union may have and for that of the next generation of our Kingdom. I chose these two for the Horse and Crow to represent our joined houses, and I hope in the future, for our blessed children to read this and learn to work together, much like the Horse and Crow in this tale. And as promised, special credit to Ser Sterling Amador, my Marian Knight for it was he who suggested the trial used in this tale! IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  2. THE STORY OF THE LECHIAN ARTILLERYMEN [♪] The sun has not been seen in Karosgrad for months. The dark night shrouded everything and the only sources of light were lamps and bonfires. Humanity has struggled with the bane that was the Mori for a very long time. The battles in the human kingdoms were constant. People were dying like flies trying to fend off the attacks of these spawns of Iblees. The time has come for the final battle for the fate of humanity. The last capital on the continent to hold out while the human Kingdoms of Balian and Aaun as well as the elven, dwarven and orc ones fell. Volunteers streamed into the Haenseni capital from all directions, and their flags flew in the cold nightly wind. Amidst these masses of volunteers were the flags bearing the White Eagle. The proud people of Lechia, despite coming in a group of only four, have answered the call. The flags carried by the volunteers bore a big White Eagle and the famous words "For Freedom Ours and Yours". When they arrived at the main square, they had no idea where they would be assigned, which gate or regiment. Then Lord Marshal, Wilheim Barclay, arrived and ordered the Lechians to defend the port gate. Their struggle to defend humanity began. The volunteers quickly ascended to the top of the gate where they were given two cannons and supplies of gunpowder and cannonballs at their disposal. Having split into two teams - Aleksander with Waclaw, Mikhail with Boon - the Lechians quickly began preparing the cannons. Shortly afterwards, others arrived at the gate. Many different nations fought at the same gate, but their shared goal was clear - prevent them from going through. First the locusts arrived and then hordes of slaves began to march across the dock. The first order was given by the Barclay: SHOOT AT THE HAY BALES SO THAT THEY START TO BURN Shots rang out and cannonballs hit their target. A first success for the men who will be called Artillerymen at the end of the battle. Blocking the slaves' access to the barricaded harbour gate, the cannons focused on the oncoming locusts. Children of Warsovia worked fast, almost like a mechanism - roll the cannon back, clean it, load it, push it forward, shoot, repeat. There was no time for mistakes, there was only victory in their minds. Cannonball after cannonball flew out, hitting their opponents perfectly. The horde of locusts had thinned out - it was time to target the infantry. The first and one of the few artillery stumbles, the right cannon jammed. While Boon and Mikhail cleaned the cannon, Aleks and Waclaw quickly reloaded theirs. Moments later Waclaw lit the fuse. A powerful blast resounded amidst the harbour buildings. After the dust had settled, nothing remained of the group of slave infantry at which the left cannon was aimed. They all died, the shot was perfect. Moments later, the two men on the right cannon have managed to load it once more and fired towards the right infantry group, also sweeping it away. Lord Marshal Barclay was pleased with the work of the brave Lechians. Suddenly the ground trembled. A terrible roar echoed through the dock. The Devourer of Dobrov arrived. BOON, LOAD UP THAT PLATE! Mikhail shouted to his comrade and rolled the cannon back to clean it. The two on the left cannon did the same. The fight continued. In addition to cannonballs, arrows flew from the gate and two nearby towers. Archers and people manning the catapults hit the enemies well, with more and more locusts flying down dead. It was time for another attempt, the cannons reloaded. Another two blasts resounded. Then the least expected thing happened. The beast, the Devourer of Dobrov, wailed and went back under the surface. The joy of the Lechians was indescribable. The temporary defeat of the centipede gave them courage and strength. It doubled their efficiency. Suddenly, arrows came flying and Boon was hit. As he was pulled back to the tower, the Lord Marshal himself came to help Mikhail operate the cannon. Shortly afterwards Sir Ludolf Barclay arrived and swapped with Duke Wilheim in helping with the right cannon. Unfortunately, despite their efforts, more and more hordes were streaming towards the gate and the huge centipede seemed to be approaching the surface again. The second order was given by Lord Marshal: RETREAT! JAZLOVIECKIS MAN THE CANNONS ON THE STREETS! This was what they did. They fired at the oncoming hordes for as long as possible. They strategically retreated as far as the central barricade where the gunpowder depot was. It all went good until the pavement ripped and a smaller centipede emerged from underneath, probably the offspring of the Devourer. There was no time to waste. The Lechians were shooting fast. Even wounded Boon with a bandage wrapped around his belly helped Mikhail to load the cannon. After all, the pain was less important than duty. Finally one of the cannonballs shot by Aleksander and Waclaw got the smaller centipede and killed it. That was not the last of their problems - there came the Legionnaires. The defenders were outnumbered, they had no chance. Forced to retreat once again, all have abandoned the barricade. Yet one of the Lechians did not retreat. Young Aleksander Jazloviecki stood on the barricade until the very last moment before setting the reserves of gunpowder on fire and running back towards his comrades. The explosion was enormous. Many Legionnaires died, staining the walls and ground with their blood. Another small victory for the Lechian volunteers. The fight was soon to be over, with forces from the harbour gate being pushed back against the palace. All forces were to retreat, except the brave Artillerymen. The Lord Marshal ordered them to fire one last time as soon as the enemy armies came close to the palace. Mikhail and Boon fired first, injuring two Dreadknights. Then fired Aleksander and Waclaw, hitting the incoming Legionnaires with their last grapehsot. After that they were forced to pull back for good along with others. Karosgrad was lost. Their work in defence of Haense and humanity was over. Even though they failed, they did their best to prevent it... From that day the story of the four brave artillerymen, who together resisted the Mori hordes, is known among all Lechians and members of House Jazloviecki. Through all, they prevailed.
  3. Issued by the MORRIVI PRIKAZ COURTS On this 6th day of Joma ag Ugmund of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, With the onslaught of letters that have come with our previous missives, the palace has been busy with varying footsteps and the doors to offices opening and closing as interviews take place. And so those interviews have been fruitful, producing seven new members of our courts, all of which we look forward to just what they do during their tenure. Even so, the courts are still interviewing, still hiring and within the coming Saints days, a missive will be posted to show just which positions have been filled and what we still seek to fill in turn. COURT ADVISOR Her Highness, Princess Hera Munnel @Apotolofo What one would call a colorful and loud individual, spotted across any ballroom floor with a shock of red hair, her Ladyship Hera is someone that is certainly difficult to ignore. Having traveled immensely, and with her penchant of meeting those of even the strangest countenance, she will be an invaluable advisor on matters having to deal with the lands of Almaris, its groups and otherwise. COURT KHAZYA Her Ladyship, Amelya Kortrevich @CupOTea__ Having recently returned to the Capital after an illness in her youth, Her Ladyship seeks to bring people together and inspire others during these troubling times. She has completed extensive research into particular events and customs, and the Court looks forward to just what she produces during her tenure. COURT ASTROLOGER His Lordship, Sterling Amador @VerminHunter The Lord Sterling Amador came recommended by our recently retired Court Astrologer, having helped her previously in drafting her missives on the Haeseni Zodiacs. After a lengthy interview, we naturally realized the why of the recommendation. Knowledgeable not only on what is published upon the missives, but he understands the finer details and appreciates the traditional heart of the Sigmundic Zodiac. His Lordship looks forward to teaching the value of the stars to those within Haense and perhaps even beyond, and we certainly look forward to how he does so. MASTER OF THE ROBES His Lordship, Murtagh Amador @Gutz An individual who has more recently returned from the countryside, with a storied collection of works that will breathe air upon the tender flames of our courts fashion and bring it to greater heights then previous. With a keen interest as to the clothing and jewelry those don in the varying multi-cultural styles across that of Haense, he is sure to be a hit within our courts, setting and documenting many trends. COURT BAKNA Her Ladyship, Marija Colborn @CelestialBoba Her Ladyship would be one of the more obvious appointments, as it’s well-known she had been hired on to bake the cakes, plural, at the royal wedding between King Georg I and the now Queen Sofia of Hyspia. The cakes were inventful, creative and above all, delicious. The courts are eager to see and taste her baking in the future, and just how, if even possible, how her skills grow in the meantime. COURT MUSICIAN Her Ladyship, Astrid Colborn @MutatedPotato The Lady Astrid was a more unorthodox appointment, having come across the Queen after a late meeting - henceforth presenting herself and her will to become that of a Musician for the courts. With agreement set upon, they moved to the ballroom where a series of instruments were presented to choose from, the violin soon chosen. What better to speak for one in an interview on the musical arts then music itself, afterall? A sweet, tender lullaby was played with a voice that could hit the high notes to boot. No questions were needed, exclaiming her maravillosa performance! COURT LIBRARIAN Her Ladyship, Anastasia Kortrevich @Orneth Her Ladyship Anastasia has gone on to show her passion for books, seeking out the caretaker of the Morrivi Prikaz library, and speaking on how she believes them to be a powerful tool for learning and personal growth and how she wishes to show the denizens of Haense just that. With her goals in mind, she spoke of hosting story nights and the like - a lovely pastime. Her ambitions were proven rather quickly and her ability to get things done, as she had immediately got to work in aiding our caretaker with a matter of the books within the library. Having shown her intentions already, we believe she’d make a lovely fit within our courts. COURT SCRIBE Firr, Jonathan O’Kieran @SirB0ng0 Last but certainly not least is the Firr Jonathan, having taken the chance to present himself before the King and Queen at their wedding feast - a sword and an offer alike. His offer amounted to becoming a Scribe for Their Majesties, and having been called upon at a later date for an interview in an official capacity, it was found that he has published many previous works and has made a bit of a name for himself. A name that we only hope grows further during his tenure under our Morrivi Prikaz courts. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti and Ruska
  4. Issued by the MORRIVI PRIKAZ COURTS On this 6th day of Msitsa ag Dargund of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Our most recent missive detailed the opening of interviews and the restructuring of the Morrivi Prikaz courts alike, and it has since been fruitful. With many birds flying in across Karosgrad and even beyond, the court is soon to see many appointments once this round of interviews has come to an end. Until then, those that have proven themselves to the Monarchs and their council are appointed today, where they shall begin their positions henceforth. We look forward to their contributions to the growth of our courts, our home, Kingdom and Nation. And in turn, we hope that the people of Haense will support them in whatever endeavors they intend to pursue within Our royal courts. THE COURT ADVISOR Her Highness, Princess Veronica Weiss @Bethinwonderland Her Highness is someone who offers a unique perspective all of her own, whether it’s on politics, how to handle a conflict or otherwise - her competence knows no bounds and she is a valued member of our courts. With her appointment, she is to stay close by the Queen's side, to discuss matters as they are needed with an intent ear. THE COURT ADVISOR Her Royal Highness, Vicereine-Madre Laurelie de Pelear @AnimeWolf0080 Mother to the Queen, her storied history from her birth in the fallen Empire of Oren, the sprouting of the Kingdom of Balian and to her time now within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska has left her with a unique perspective to bestow upon the Queen and the council, for her wisdom knows no bounds. THE COURT ADVISOR His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller @PrimnyaQuorum His Lordship is one knowledgeable in multiple aspects, namely that of law and medicine. This has been gained from his time as the Deputy-Surgeon General of the St. Amayas’ Clinic of Karosgrad, alongside that as Jovenaar. Level-headed and supplying logic and logistics to our courts, he’ll make a fine addition to the council. THE MASTER OF THE ABSTRACT His Lordship, Haus Weiss-Vuiller @PrimnyaQuorum The second role for His Lordship to be appointed to within this missive, his knowledge of magical matters has made him indisposable, furthermore with his work as a Mage allowing either magic to delight the denizens of the court or to aid in the varying conflicts raging across Almaris as of current. The discussions between him and the Queen established his duties along the lines of this; keeping awareness of the magical happenings within the kingdom and the world, ensuring magical happenings within the kingdom are kept under control and regulation and furthering the kingdom's understanding of the magical and the abstract. THE MISTRESS OF THE PANTRY Firress, "Nona" Fable Annette Ambrosia @_mady07 A relatively new face to the streets of Karosgrad and yet, one beloved all the same. She clicked in with a cane, a missive and shouted words as she began to feed anyone with a hungry belly within our very streets. Seeing this, the first task assigned to our newly appointed Grand Lord was to bring her into our courts immediately, naming her Mistress of the Pantry. Per the Grand Lord and Nona Fable’s discussions, the Mistress of the Pantry shall instruct the youth of Karosgrad in the culinary arts; keep the culinary traditions of Hanseti-Ruska alive and well; and have her craft provided for by the palace as she shares her works with the good people of Haense. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera. His Excellency, Fabian Otto Kortrevich, Grand Lord of Hanseti and Ruska Her Ladyship, Allessandra de Vend, Palace Custodian of the Morrivi Prikaz, Caretaker of the Morrivi Prikaz Library
  5. A ROYAL TOURNAMENT To Appoint a Marian Knight KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE CROWN Naf zwy 6th hag i Tod ag Yermey i 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, In the coming Saints week, there shall be a tournament challenging the Knights within the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. This challenge, though, will be no ordinary challenge and shall be opened further to the Squires of the Knighthood and those of the BSK. A series of competitions is to happen, with a points-based system, with events such as jousting, archery, and the like for a grand day of merriment and fun alike. The one to gain the most points above all will be announced as Her Royal Majesty, Queen Sofia Camila of Hyspias Marian Knight. GODspeed and GODbless. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia Camila of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera. Ser Vladimir 'Hothand', Knight-Paramount and Knight of the Order of the Black Sepulchre
  6. Issued by the QUEEN OF HANSETI-RUSKA On this 14th day of Gronna ag Droba of 476 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The Morrivi Court, the Queen's purview over her nation and realm, has been restructured after the recent retirement of the former Grand Lady, the Lady Viorica Kortrevich. Her work is undeniable during her tenure, seeing to it that it worked efficiently and fluidly alike and for that we thank her. Nevertheless, the now Queen has obtained two promising individuals to contribute to the Morrivi Court’s further growth, promoting from within before she seeks those outside of the current roles. We hope that the people of Haense will support them in whatever endeavors they intend to pursue within our royal courts. THE GRAND LORD HIS LORDSHIP, FABIAN KORTREVICH @critter His Lordship has proved his dedication to the courts during his tenure as Master of the Hunt, with a keen eye of the details, efficiency in the events he ran and clear communication - three things one should take pride in and that the courts would look for within a Grand Lord or Lady alike. THE LADY CUSTODIAN HER LADYSHIP, ALLESSANDRA DE VEND @Smol Her Ladyship has proven during her tenure as the Lady Chamberlain her work ethic, just how she gets things done and the tidy up-keep of the projects she sees to. It is for this reason the courts sees her better suited to a role as the Lady Custodian, where she is henceforth promoted, with reign over the palace, its servantry and its day to day up-keep. ON INTERVIEWS Due to the restructuring of the courts and the opening and filling of positions anew, interviews are officially open for those who currently hold positions and those who do not alike - to see where they fit best within our Morrivi Prikaz. Should there be interest in an interview, bird the newly appointed Grand Lord Fabian Kortrevich or the Lady Custodian Allessandra de Vend. IV JOVEO MAAN His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Royal Majesty, Sofia Camila of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  7. [!] A rather scrappy missive had been planted all across Karosgrad, on every post and corner flyers spewed the streets and mailboxes. [!] The depiction of an old lady with a sharp pointy nose and a cracking smile was at the head of each letter Dear, Karosgrad I am Grand-mama Fable, or Nona Fable. I've come to spend my last days in the frigid paradise of Haense and I intend to make your life pretty happy. I am ready to meet you all. This is my formal petition. I'd like a home in the Karosgrad for free of charge. I will make Nona special treats, muffins, cakes and so much more. For free might I add. A little old lady as I am deserves such aye? In case his Majesty and the court isn't convinced, here is my information. I am ninety something and have very pretty hair. I have a walker and two working eyes. My name is Fable Ambrosia and I am everyone's hauch mamej I got good skills at cooking and I can knit. I'll feed the kids and keep the streets clean of those pesky.. whichever people we don't like so far. The spider ones aye? Sure. I'll keep em in check and I'll even keep your soldiers fed, just gotta give Nona somewhere to sleep at night. That's my deal, kids. Remember Nona is your friend. Here's my portrait in case you need to seek me out aye? Fable Annette Ambrosia Hauchmamej to all
  8. THE ROYAL WEDDING OF 476 E.S. A UNION OF HAENSE AND HYSPIA KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM Issued by THE CROWN Naf zwy 7th hag i Gronna ag Droba i 475 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The Crown of Haense takes great pride in announcing the union of King Georg Sigismund Tuvya Antonio Barbanov-Bihar to the Princess Sofia Camila Valentina Isidora Ravn de Pelear of Hyspia, bringing the two royal families closer together via that of matrimony. The couple has come to be that of passing friends to, in the tragic wake of Queen Esfir’s passing, forging a far deeper bond in their grief -- the King, for his Wife and the Princess for the loss of her Monarch. As both hearts healed, time found something else had begun to bloom between them: a love built on true affection, heartfelt patriotism, and a shared desire to guide the Dual Kingdom to the very light they, together, found. THE WEDDING CEREMONY [SATURDAY 5PM EST] Upon the thirteenth day of the month of Gronna ag Droba, the royal couple will host their nuptials within that of the Basilica of St. Henrik. It is there that shall be joined in holy matrimony for those of the Kongzem of Hanseti-Ruska and abroad to witness in all its grandeur. THE CELEBRATORY FEAST [SATURDAY 6PM EST] Following the wedding, the newly wedded couple alongside their guests will make their way to the Morrivi Prikaz for a feast of great merriment. Well-wishes and any gifts prepared may be presented then, as a performance is presented by the Crown Prince Cesar de Pelear of Hyspia as food is delivered amongst the denizens about the feast for their enjoyment. ON FURTHER CELEBRATIONS As this is towards the end of the Saints week, further celebrations of that of the nuptials will be announced for the next Saints week in the coming days. Damar lifsti va Edlerviki, His Royal Majesty, Georg, by the Grace of Godan, King of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Hetman of the Army, Hochmeister of the Order of the Crow, Prince of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duke of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margrave of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Count of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscount of Varna, Baron of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lord of the Westfolk, Protector and Lord of the Highlanders, etcetera. Her Highness, Sofia Camila de Pelear, Princess of the Viceroyalty of Hyspia.
  9. The Rise of True Rectitude The Birth of the Teutonic Order Ve Zantek i ve Hauchvojshka Teutonik [trans. New Marian] The Genesis of Mankind's Military Prowess 𝅘𝅥𝅮𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥𝅯𝅘𝅥𝅮 - Ezekiel Tarus, of the Kingdom of Oren after the division of the Land of Men between Oren & Hanseti. History in some ways can be considered cyclical, repetitive even, and in no way is this more apparent than in the manners by which peoples form themselves into cohesive polities, into distinct tribes and groups. No one form of government or of organization is truly unique and in some instance of the near or distant past; there were others who had same such forms of organizing themselves. Men, Elves, Dwarves, and Orcs have all contended with banding together whether by some common goal or, at the very least, that they may preserve lineage and guard themselves and their homes. One such form of banding together is that of the knightly order. This particular conception of organization usually requires a held set of values that all organizing themselves willingly concede are worthwhile in forming their worldview and giving them the lenses through which they viewed themselves and their neighbors. There have been many knightly orders throughout history dating as far back as Aegis. This particular work narrates the genesis of the first of the knightly orders; the birth of the Teutonic Order. The Hochmeister Gaius Marius is identified as the progenitor of this knightly order, but he is not alone in contributing to both the philosophy of the Order nor was his labor alone to credit for the awesome success of those most dreaded Black Crosses whose legend is now inscribed in the histories kept in wondrous libraries across the lands. Herein will be narrations, descriptions, letters, and stories compiled from various Sariants ("knights" in Old Marian) that illuminate both the causes for the founding of the Teutonic Order and those major events that left indelible impressions on the early history of the Order. Out-of-Character Note: This is an attempt to revisit and improve upon my first long-form story when I first joined the server here. I hope you will enjoy.
  10. The empty Haenseni cells ✚A Dungeon's no Place for a Draco✚ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The sound of steel being drawn by the hundreds exploded in echo throughout the Haenseni church as the Duke of Adria was condemned for many of the same crimes the church itself had accused him of committing. Though amongst the hundreds of brainwashed foreigners gathered for the trial, none of them even gave that a thought. Within moments, a battle erupted inside the holy walls of that church, hundreds of men swarmed the few Adrians that had gathered in hopes of guiding the agreed armistice to peace, and attacked. Among those few Adrians were a handful of the von Draco’s, who valiantly attempted to escort the Duke and a few other fellow Adrians into a building in the square, which conveniently happened to have access to a deep basement. Within those walls the von Dracos managed to evade the Haense rally, but it seemed this was only delaying the inevitable. They fled into the sewers, in an attempt to escape, however.. “This city seems to be all sewage..” Helena said as she and her family traversed blindly, her hushed voice echoing against the walls in the seemingly infinite depths of the sewers, though she was not surprised in the slightest - but quickly the many twists and turns led them all to a dead end, where they hid for hours, praying not to be seen. But their prayers were not heard, a stroke of even greater bad luck had hit. Two unnamed scouts spotted them in their place of hiding, and the fight swiftly resumed with the Draco’s launching a barrage of arrows and crossbow bolts into the bottlenecked entrance. The Dracos eventually advanced from their hiding spot, and fought well and hard. Their steel clashed against the foreign horde, though it was fruitless; they were greatly outnumbered - over one hundred coalition soldiers piled into the sewers pursuing the six Dracos, and eventually it became too crowded - making it impossible for any more maneuvers. They were captured after a lengthy chase, and led to cells one by one. Though the wit and will of the Dracos did not falter, no matter how many times they were questioned. Days passed, time was seemingly moving at an impossibly slow rate. Eventually the familiar sound of a cell door opening made its way into the otherwise quiet chamber. “You, and you. With me” spoke a guard with his face buried behind a mask, a finger lofting to two select few of the Draco party. Reinolt and Helena were called into the interrogation room, where they were met with an unfamiliar, unexpected, but surprisingly friendly face. An unnamed noble who, after some civilized questioning - for some reason wished to help. It seemed Karosgrad was not completely devoid of critical thinkers, even within its walls there were those who still would listen to logic and reason. The two were led to the upper levels of the building and made their escape through a window - balancing upon the walls of the city and perilously traversing the rooftops in the dead of night, eventually they were able to successfully flee the city and free themselves from their shackles, and head home. Upon arriving home however, they found their city under siege by the same men who’d captured them just days prior! All they could do was watch as the great Adrian people fought back against the horde that outnumbered them, though they did not have to watch for long.. The invaders celebrated an early victory, shouting their nonsense unto deaf ears, whilst the Adrian rally was held up in the keep. After a long and strategic hold in said keep, the eager foreigners were swiftly met with ironic justice as the men and women at arms suddenly advanced - the invaders were slaughtered even with greater numbers, and the survivors fled like dogs. The day was won, and it seemed as if the great Adrian people were undefeatable. The Coalition had schemed and conspired to ambush the Duke and these great people of Adria, and had still failed. The captors escaped, the Duke lived, and their rally was squashed. Though one question still plagued Helena’s mind.. What became of her mother, and the rest of her family still held up within the walls of Karosgrad!
  11. The Greatest Days in Adrian History LO unto the Adrians, Guide my hand, dear Muse, for the excitement of the great humor that possesses me may cause my unfiltered words to slip freely from my mind onto the parchment upon which I write! Tonight I speak of the most daring story that shall grace the history of our nation for a thousand generations- a tale of daring escape, dastardly betrayal, and the triumph of the few over the many! The day began in a church and ended in a church. One in Haense and one in Adria. One of near-defeat and one of clear victory. It was by the Pontiff’s promise of protection that our fearless Duke, good Heinrik Sarkozic, humbly ventured to the halls of the Basilica of Karosgrad, where the trial was to be held for his supposed sins. Although a mockery was made of all who hold justice and piety dear, for the presiding court cared not for the veracity of the trials, nor the Pontiff’s own consorting with the Azdrazi, all who were present knew from the start that the verdict would be rendered guilty. What came as a surprise was the Pontiff’s sentence: death for all. Never had such a thing been levied, especially not on holy ground, yet holiness was no concern for Pontian the Puppet, who bayed for the blood of Adrian women and children within the halls of his church. Thus, a plan was hatched among the crafty few of Adria. The hearty men of Adria, though numbering few, resolved to hold off the great tides of Haeseni, Aaunites, and Balianites when the call was made to kill their Duke of Adria. Though they believed they would all fall, they had a hope that their sacrifice would allow their dear Heinrik to escape to Adria and rally his host. As the tide of bloodthirsty berserkers surged forth, the brave few of Adria stepped up and drove forth. The coalition mass bent, giving enough time for the Duke, donned only in rags as he felt was fitting, to burst out the door. Hopping atop a steed prepared by a friendly city dweller, the Duke rode ahead of the chasing army, laughing and singing as he triumphantly vaulted over the walls and off to safety. As he made his great escape, the rest of the Adrians were quickly surrounded. With their valiant stand having fulfilled its purpose, and needing no reason to fight, they promptly surrendered en-masse. Sir Joseph Vasile and the von Draco family were the principal captives, and they were promptly brought to the dank, fetid cells underneath the city. For days they languished, yet over by Adria, battle had commenced… Neither the Duke nor the Coalition had idled in the days following his escape. Sounding the bells upon his return, good Heinrik rallied his forces, and the people of Velec once again took to the streets. Manning the barricades they had taken to over a year ago, the five-thousand defenders of Adria, missing their Marshal and the fierce von Dracos, sat waiting to meet the seven-thousand five-hundred assembled of Haense, Balian, and Aaun. The two armies met within the streets of the great city, and battle ensued once again for the fate of Velec. For days, the two armies bitterly fought, with soldiers from all armies battling street to street, home to home. However, despite their numbers, the civic pride and ferocity of the Adrians won the day. Routed and broken, the army of the coalition was driven from the city. They fled to their three corners of Almaris, tails between their legs, while our proud Duke stood triumphant once again. When faced honestly, might against might, and not a devilish ruse, the people of Adria would always prevail! However, my tale is not yet ended, for we must return to the fates of our prisoners in Karosgrad, not yet hearing of their comrades’ victory back home. As the brutish guards banged at the cell doors, eagerly awaiting the Adrians’ coming execution, a second great scheme was concocted among Sir Joseph, the von Dracos, and many of the friendly guards that lingered about. False chains were put on the prisoners while they were whisked out and put atop horses rode by friendly faces. Before the Haeseni guards, led by the King of Balian himself, could stop the entourage, the reins were whipped and the prisoners were rode away! Not a single one was slain or left to be captive, for all were broken out that eve. And this concludes my story of the greatest days in the history of our fair country. Two daring escapes! A holy man’s betrayal! A great triumph over the armies of three nations! It is a tale that no minstrel nor poet can concoct, and thus it is left to me to write this cautionary tale to those who wish to test the might of a united Adria, or venture to out-wit the people whose minds are clearer than a smooth crystal and sharper than a razor’s edge. It began in a church, and with God’s help ended in a church.
  12. [!] Within every non-abandoned foothold of those vile tundras, rotted effigies adorned with crosses and twig alike line the outer walls, black fabrics string from frozen oaks which flayed corpses hang at nigh impossible heights. And in its wake, a horrid sight is beheld; a flock of darkly garbed women, given the company of towering plate-clad who lifted scepters burning with a smokeless flame. With their very presence; the snow seemed to darken, abyssal in hue, like a mass of shadow that swept the north in the night, fleeing only when those burning ill omens had vanished from the sight of what few glanced upon them; leaving only a yellowed papyrus with a two-headed crow printed as insignia. [!] On the notice boards of every northern city and littering their streets, the following is scribed in scarlet ink. “Mercy- mercy, mercy, plea, son of man and malin, Flame and Godan- Know only a wretch may suffer, know only the relinquished shall be freed. Hear the crow caw from beneath the moon, the night is nearing, the dark prevails, a symptom of your sin, a blemish of your folly. Absolve thine selves, kneel until you rend flesh and vein against the earth, face Terra with cries of repentance, pray for absolution, or starve as the leper refusing his treatment. You have long since propped yourselves within HER domain, long since mocked HER winter, flee; and never return; know that with your short lives, leads the warning for those to come, never again will you step within HER Empire, lest you befall a war unseen since Westerlands was swallowed in darkness. Bleed the blood of beggars, or die the death of usurping tyrants; no man, no woman, no child, no elder is safe; for DOOM comes, and your chance to weep unto the Absent Father is soon to depart; leave HER lands, or face the atrocities of an unyielding curse, one to last even after the weak and the sinful have been made with earth and sea. The Mother watches, her crows stalk your every hall, she knows the faces you hold so dear, she knows your secrets you keep so near; depart from her EMPIRE, so that you may not suffer the harvest your blasphemy has sown.” [!] The Crow insignia is depicted, and beneath, the missive continues. “You have but a fleeting day, before we spread winter far more vicious than anything you’ve ever witnessed, before your crops are wilted and your cattle conjoin with the earth, pray, and only with the MERCY of GOD will you be spared this fate.”
  13. VE WICACZJOEST THE AULIC COURT Issued by THE AULIC COURT Naf zwy 8th hag i Gronna ag Drobba i 468 E.S. Penned by Chief Jovenaar Arthur Stafyr I.) INTRODUCTION With the proclamation of the Edict of Staalgrav, the Aulic Court’s attention has been drawn toward explaining the function of the judiciary, formally establishing judicial procedure, documenting the Jorenic legal traditions, and creating a comprehensive anthology of legal resources. It is with pride that we release the result of these endeavors to the general public, in the hope that doing so might allow for transparency between the Crown’s many subjects and the judiciary. II.) WHAT IS THE AULIC COURT? The Aulic Court is a body which has been invested with the power to conduct impartial, free, and fair trials at the behest of His Majesty, the King of Haense. In line with the principles espoused in the Jorenic Rights, those accused of a crime within the Kongzem are entitled to a fair trial prior to the sentencing of punishment. During these proceedings, they shall have the opportunity to defend their innocence and disprove the claims leveled against them. Additionally, the Aulic Court is charged with interpreting the meaning of the Haeseni legal codex, the Haurul Caezk. This is done through a process known as judicial review, in which Jovenaars are charged with writing opinions on the meaning of the law to act as guidance in future decisions. As per the Edict of Staalgrav, all prosecution is to be handled by the Office of the Lord Palatine, which may be delegated to a Crown Prosecutor in some cases. Investigation is handled by the Brotherhood of Saint Karl, which is charged with gathering evidence pertaining to criminal investigations at the behest of the Lord Palatine or his Crown Prosecutor. III.) THE HAURUL CAEZK One of the primary duties of a Jovenaar of the Aulic Court is to interpret Haeseni law, which is denoted in its legal codex, the Haurul Caezk. In addition to outlining the Kingdom’s governmental operations, the Haurul Caezk is paramount to the arbitration of justice. The Haurul Caezk is split into four elemental books, which define the entirety of the Kongzem’s legal framework. While most trials concern that which is found within the second of these books, the Jura i Krima, the Aulic Court has the ability to review any part of the Haurul Caezk. Reviews of the Haurul Caezk are normally done at the behest of the Aulic Government, a letter affirmed by a majority of the Royal Duma, a direct request from the King, or even an individual’s letter sent to a Jovenaar. The Haurul Caezk can be found here. IV.) THE JOVENAARS The Jovenaars of the Aulic Court must be well versed in the Haurul Caezk, both to be able to pass sentence and to interpret the law when a part of it is brought forth before the Aulic Court to be reviewed. Elevation to the bench of the Aulic Court is usually bestowed after one of two prerequisites for candidate is met: A lifetime dedicated to studying and / or upholding the Haurul Caezk in such a way as to be personally requested to join the court by the King or the Chief Jovenaar. The completion of a clerkship under the Aulic Court, during which an individual has shown exceptional merit. While there is no limit to the number of Jovenaars that may sit on the Aulic Court, it is normally customary for four to six to be on it at any given time. They are appointed by mutual agreement of the King and the Chief Jovenaar as per the structure established in the Edict of Stalgraav. V.) THE VARIETIES OF TRIAL As outlined by the Haurul Caezk, there are three Varieties of Trial by which a dispute may be resolved. These include the following: TRIAL BY PLEA - A trial wherein all parties shall present their case to the court by word of mouth and evidence. This shall be the default form of trial when parties cannot agree to undertake one by another form. TRIAL BY COMBAT - A trial wherein the parties shall duel to first yield to determine the wrongdoer. TRIAL BY WIT - A trial wherein the parties shall play a game of chance or wit in which Godan will favor the righteous. A Jovenaar is charged with being the arbiter of trials of each of these types. In the case of a Trial by Combat, they will serve as referee to the fight. And in the case of a Trial by Wit, they shall determine the rules of the game that is played. VI.) CRIMINAL AND CIVIL TRIALS While it is important to know how to handle the other forms of trial, it is the Trial by Plea for which Jovenaars are most known for arbitrating. In a Trial by Plea, the proceedings may either be civil or criminal in nature. They differentiate in the following ways: CIVIL TRIALS: In a Trial by Plea by which a personal grievance has been brought before the Aulic Court by an individual, civil proceedings will be initiated. The Plaintiff, or the aggrieved individual, shall be given an opportunity to substantiate his case against the Defendant in the matter. These will usually result in a minor punishment being administered if the Defendant is found to be at fault, though not always. CRIMINAL TRIALS: In a Trial by Plea by which the Crown has brought forth a grievance before the Aulic Court, a criminal trial shall be initiated. The Palatine and those prosecutors who serve within his office shall be given the responsibility of substantiating the Defendant’s guilt, and may charge them for higher punishment beyond mere financial restitution and the likes. After all the evidence and testimony that is pertinent in a case, a Jovenaar shall decree a verdict in line with the guidelines espoused in the Haurul Caezk. VII.) TRIAL PROCEDURE While Jovenaars are given implicit leeway to determine the rules behind a Trial by Plea, there are two widely employed variants of trial procedure used most often in the Aulic Court. The first prioritizes careful empirical scrutiny whereas the second prioritizes speed in the deliberations. BEJ KAIYER: The Bej Kaiyer, roughly translating into “The Long Gathering” in New Marian, is meant for careful empirical deliberation. This entails the presentation of witnesses, evidence, objections, and the following of traditional directs and cross-examinations. Those civil disputes or crimes potentially carrying a weighty punishment are usually tried via the Bej Kaiyer. OVIY KAIYER: The Oviy Kaiyer, roughly translating into “The Short Gathering” in New Marian, is a newer form of trial meant to prioritize speed and swift justice in the consideration of a minor criminal or civil matter. It entails short presentations on the part of the Crown or Plaintiff and the Defense, with each being given the opportunity to respond to the arguments and evidence of the other. This trial type is meant to prevent the hindrance of justice and allow the Aulic Court to instead focus on graver matters when using the Bej Kaiyer. The guidelines surrounding the Bej Kaiyer and the Oviy Kaiyer are available for public perusal here. VIII.) JUDICIAL REVIEW The King, the Aulic Government, the Royal Duma, and private citizens all have the ability to request that a part of the Haurul Caezk, as well as any other act of law, be subjected to judicial review by the Aulic Court. During these proceedings, the entire body of the Aulic Court shall meet to interpret or discuss the legality of the text in question. Chaired by the Chief Jovenaar, this body shall discuss and deliberate until a formal vote is held to determine the matter at hand. Thereafter, an opinion on it shall be written and published for the public’s perusal. All matters of judicial review are to be determined by a majority vote of the entire body. Votes may be tendered in absentia, although proceedings are only to be had if at least a majority quorum is met to do so. IX.) THE JORENIC LEGAL TRADITION The Jorenic Legal Tradition refers to the many customs of Highlander law that have been established in the northern realms since Saint Joren, son of Horen, named the first lawspeakers in times immemorable. The ancient philosophy of Biharism, first propagated by Saint Henry Bihar, advocates for political mobility and the freedom of the individual. Among these writings include a set of ancient principles known as the Jorenic Rights. “To each freeman is his own life, to take it is to be a thief, To each freeman his own time, to take it is to be a slaver, To each freeman his own sword, to take it is to blind him, To each freeman his own wife, to take it is to injure him, And to each freeman his own farm, to take is to make him no man.” They are considered to be of the utmost importance to the spirit of the law, and are taken into consideration as Jovenaars conduct the process of judicial review. Other precedents scattered throughout Haeseni culture, such as the Highlander code of honor, are often also taken into account during these proceedings in a similar vein of thought. X.) CLERKSHIP The importance of training the youth of the Kongzem is not unrecognized by the Aulic Court, and thus a robust clerkship program is to be employed within it for young men and women to study under as judicial clerks. Clerks may be asked to write transcripts, perform errands, assist in the drafting of administrative missives, and even serve as counsel during the later stages of their apprenticeship to the bench. It is the hope of the Aulic Court that this training regiment will better prepare those taking part to be considered for appointment to the bench themselves one day, or to otherwise gain valuable skills for use in other branches of the Haeseni government. Those interested should endeavor to reach out to the Chief Jovenaar or any other sitting Jovenaar about doing so. XI.) CONCLUSION We hope that this pamphlet may serve two purposes, first and foremostly to educate the public about the place of the Aulic Court as an arbiter of justice and as an anthology of judicial documents and works for Jovenaars to refer to throughout their careers. For more information on how to get involved with the judiciary, those interested in taking part in the Aulic Court should endeavor to contact the Chief Jovenaar, Arthur Stafyr. Similarly, those interested in becoming a state prosecutor should contact the Lord Palatine, Iosif Basrid, and those predisposed to investigation should reach out to the Lord Marshal, Sebastian Bishop.
  14. The Union of Amador & Roa On this 10th day of Vzmey ag Hyff of 466 ES, invitations are sent out to friends and family members of House Amador and House Roa to announce the marriage of Lord Gregorius Roa, and Ilaria Amador. The ceremony will be held in the the Church of the Canon in Haense, and a reception will take place in The Goat’s Lookout Tavern in Haense following the ceremony. Personal invitations are sent out to the following: Family of the bride & groom The Bride’s family of House Amador, and all their kinsmen The Groom’s family of the House of Roa, and all their kinsmen Nobility & Foreign Delegations His Royal Majesty, King Georg I of Haense, and the citizenry of Haense His Highness, Prince Robert of Sedan, and the citizenry of Sedan His Royal Majesty, King Alexander I of Balian, and the citizenry of Balian His Majesty, Grand King Agnar Grandaxe of Urguan, and the citizenry of Urguan His Highness, Prince Jarad Munnel of Helious, and the citizenry of Helious Additional friends of the bride and groom Her Royal Highness, Princess Augustina Theorisa of Balian, and their esteemed pedigree Her Grace, Duchess Roslin Baruch of Valwyck, and their esteemed pedigree His Grace, Duke Wilheim Barclay of Reinmar, and their esteemed pedigree The Right Honourable, Countess Johanne Vuiller of Aquilae, and their esteemed pedigree The Honourable, Viscount Baldrum and Anastasia Colborn of Venzia, and their esteemed pedigree His Lordship, Baron Aurik Bishop of Ostervik, and their esteemed pedigree The House of Darkwood and their kinsmen Sereven, and any company they wish to bring Herrenmeister, Yvian Galken and his family Signed, Lord Gregorius Roa, Viscount of Pavia Firress Ilaria Amador
  15. THE DREAM OF THE ENDLESS STEPPE 5th of Grand Harvest, 116th Year of the Second Age Sir Milonir of Whitehall leads a Raevir warband of Weiss House Guards to hunt the Harbingers. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ “PRO MARIAAAAA! Dnes dosáhneš svého konce, ďáble! POMSTA ZA MARII!” The clattering of a warhammer, slamming into steel. The whinny of a steed. A clattering of blades. The muffled sound of a tackle to the ground. Steel clatters, and two warriors make ragged grunts. Groans of pure exasperation. Howls of pain. Slit. The setting of the mellow sun cast a rosy hue in those golden southern waves of Almaris, serving to illuminate the triumph in the gigantic northern warrior’s fat, beady brown eyes. Sir Milonir of Whitehall, the colossal beer-bellied Northman, arose from his kill. Below him lay the body of the the Harbinger of Fear, who was responsible for many heinous acts across the lands of Almaris alongside the other Harbingers. One such act was the foolish decision to take the arm of his Liege Lady Maria Weiss in the Red City of Karosgrad. House Weiss does not receive wounds unanswered. And now, that Harbinger knew this. The others would soon know, too. Valkskej i Ghaestenwald, the amber jeweled, black longsword burrowed its way out of the mess that remained of that Harbinger’s skull, and back to the gloves of that valiant Knight. Yet... The reward of triumph fled, as quickly as it set in. A throbbing, all-encompassing pain. Panic, terror replaced triumph. Crimson ichor oozed down his ginormous, mud-caked figure – painting his neck in a deep crimson. Adrenaline coursed through his veins no more. Reality set in. There was a hole in the side of his neck that would not stop flowing. The cost of his vengeance. It was to be determined he must pay this blood price - fluid he had never seen flowing so dramatically as it did now. Desperate, hysteric pants escaped hoggish lips, masked only by the sound of crashing waves. The abyss reached for Milonir. Bells tolled. He was cold. Pale as a ghost; pallid. Crows circled; they found their next feast. The night was coming. The Bogatyrs of Old called for another to fill their Great Hall in the Skies. His soul would soon be theirs. What a fitting end, it would be. Rewarded with the unending throng of battle with heroes of legend for all of time. And he saw them. Beckoning. Despite this warrior’s end, for the first time in years, he understood true fear. He was afraid. Afraid of what truly awaited him in death. Doubt cast through his mind of the abyss that surely awaited him. The Harbinger of Fear had succeeded, inducing fear, and terror which gripped the very fiber of his soul even in its death. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ He was spiraling. Spinning, growing dizzy. Milonir needed to find a way to clog this hole. Fast. Make it stop, he panicked. You're going to die! Mind racing a million miles a minute, his consciousness was polluted with waves of terror and hysteria which washed over him like the sea. He was losing a lot of blood. Milonir desperately spun, searching for any end to the pain. He had to think – and fast, before shock set in. Deep in the recesses of his mind he remembered the words of that medical prodigy, Haus Weiss – stuff it, apply pressure. Yes. This might just work. It is my only option. Vibrating, shaking hands gripped that ornate longsword Valkskej i Ghaestenwald, cutting a selection of cloth from his undershirt. And so entered that grubby cloth sleeve to the oozing hole in his neck. It was thick. Thick enough to absorb the blood like a sponge. The agonizing, hysteric cry of pain was heard for miles - like a dying animal's screech. In an act that saved his life, he applied pressure to his gaping wound, locking an x with his arms around his neck to prevent that wound from flowing. And so, with an oozing hole now plugged, and tremendous pressure applied, that river of blood turned to a dribble. Whether it was GODAN, the Spirits, the Father, the Bogatyrs of Old, or perhaps simply luck, none could say. But powers beyond the mortal realms saw it fit to keep this young Knight alive long enough to receive aid. Whoever it was sought more valorous deeds from this wretch of a Knight. They were not satisfied with his accomplishments yet. There was still work to be done before he was permitted entry to the Great Halls in the Skies. This would not be the end of the glorious song of that Champion of Whitehall. Those Skies would be left without Sir Milonir – for now. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The way to Talon’s Port. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ There was only one town close by: Talon's Port. The forested town of shamans who had healed his Liege not one day before. It was not far now. Under cover of moonlight did dogged, crimson painted warrior be pulled towards that mystic town of Talon’s Port atop a horse black as night called Stargazer, the Wonder-Steed. Rider and steed shared a bond that surpassed words, and that steed galloped as fast as her legs would take her. It was a miracle he hadn’t fallen off of that midnight steed on the thickly wooded path there. He fought the haze of unconsciousness long enough to make it to that town of farseers. Milonir was now with the dark elf shamans in that opulent, mystic town of brick. The shamans were met with a rider who appeared on the verge of sliding right off of that steed, crumpled against her mane. He successfully clung to the little life he had left. A truly mysterious elfess of ebony named Lenora flanked by another named Gusiam were unflinching in their duty. Lenora the guide did not hesitate to lead the Northman and steed through those streets of Talon's Port. Gusiam retrieved an offering to the Spirit of Akezo. A ritual to save his life was to take place. Through delusion, and near unconsciousness, Milonir mistook Lenora as his mother. With breath practically a whisper, he asked, “mamej... did ea... become...” “...Bogatyr... mamej?” “...Yes, my son,” resounded within his head. His life was now in the hands of those shamans. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 360 pounds of highlander and steel collapsed to that poor white medical cot that dutifully supported his tremendous weight. No hesitation was made, as that hideous wretch Milonir became surrounded by the mystical silver and peach mists of the farseers Lenora and Gusiam, engulfed in their ritual. Chanting surrounded him, in a language he was not conscious to listen to. The duo invoked the Spirit of Akezo, who deemed fit to bestow upon to Milonir the gift of life. Blood flowed from him no more. He was truly safe now. Sealed. Whole. Stable. Delirious days of healing, Blood Lotus soup and broth awaited him. He was unconscious for an entire week. And in that time, he was in the land of dreams. Dreams. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The holy, endless steppe of dreams. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Milonir was lost in the endless steppe. He wandered for days. He saw Bodbmakos, Koeng Georg. Lord Felix, Audo, Haus, Sir Onon, Sangilak, Ikumak, Veronica, Via, Sierra. All joined him on this journey. After what felt to be years of wandering, he saw the Bogatyrs of Old. They were in two columns, stretched to the horizon over endless hills. Thousands of blades were raised, forming a tunnel endlessly long to a destination unknown. Friends, Lieges, and Bogatyr alike welcomed him to traverse the tunnel of swords. For the path of blades led to an ocean of golden grass. It was familiar. He knew this place. Somewhere he had not seen in many, many years. It was the grass of his homeland. His home was right over the horizon: Whitehall. He knew what awaited him in Whitehall; his mother. Milonir, atop that steed of midnight, galloped with might towards Whitehall, towards mother. Blades retreated with thundering hooves, as he cantered past those Heroes of Old. They who roared, relishing his name endlessly: Milonir, Champion of Whitehall. The road home was not to be made without a fight. For past the hills of heroes swarmed an army of one million enemies as black as death. Banners as black as their armor were raised, and in unison, chanted a dark, evil language. Sir Milonir faced the army utterly alone. Or so he thought. On his sides an army of one million did appear, all atop horseback. All manner of warriors from his homeland were present. Glorious Haeseni Hussars, their armor gleaming like gold. Grim, unflinching Raevir knights remained true, composed. Men and women adorned in the colors of the Brotherhood of Saint Karl and even Czevuskoving warriors and shieldmaidens of Whitehall joined the army, with shields as wide and thick as oak. And his Friends, Lieges, and Bogatyr alike did accompany him. Warriors unflinching prepared to charge, atop eager steeds. In his quiver lay a million arrows. In his hands a lance made of unbreakable gold. And under him, that horse as black as night; Stargazer. The golden sun of the endless steppe penetrated the eyes of the enemy, dousing the glorious army led by Sir Milonir in divine rays. Days of battle ensued. The battle of Whitehall. The battle of dreams. Sir Milonir was invincible, indomitable. Victorious in endless battle, a reward was due. Entry to that nostalgic village of Whitehall. Yet, in dreams, victory in battle was to be the only reward. For he was not met with Whitehall, nor his mother he so desperately wished to see. He was met with a smoldering ruin. And silence. Heroes and his immortal army vanished to dust. His friends and followers were gone. He was alone. And he looked to his hands. He was a kid once again. Stood before him was his father. He was flanked by two Harbingers on each side. Father’s face, as still as death, donned a mask as black as night and took lead of the Harbingers. All charged with blade in hand. Milonir, no longer Sir, was defenseless. Those blades of both his father and the Harbingers plunged into the chest of that screaming, fat kid. The child was dead. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ He awoke screaming cries of agony, tears streaming down his portly cheeks. Milonir was covered in beads of salty sweat as the pale, crescent moonlight shone like a silvery claw through silk purple curtains. He was alone. Just like in his dream. Brown orbs gazed to his shaking hands. It was just a dream. A nightmare. The Harbinger of Fear’s reach gripped his psyche. With the guidance of the farseers, many offerings to Akezo were made by Milonir in the following weeks. The Spirits had won a new follower. After weeks of ritualistic healing chants, visits from his friends of House Weiss and his personal Raevir guard, as well as many discussions on how best to venerate the Spirits, Sir Milonir found himself atop Stargazer, the Wonder-Steed. He bid farewell to those dark elven shamans who had saved his life. This debt would never be forgotten, and he would find a way to repay their kindness and venerate Akezo and the Spirits. He was a new man, who possessed new convictions and beliefs. For now he too counted himself amongst the believers of those Spirits. Gone was that stupid, oafish kid. Killed in dreams. Yet gloom followed him like the plague. Fear cast through his mind. Where there was unending confidence before, doubt, weakness rooted themselves in his being. He could be killed. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yet, he remembered why he had started this path. His love for House Weiss. The defense of his friends. His conviction. His pride. The unending, soul-burning desire for vengeance against the careless enemies of House Weiss. This all-encompassing vortex of emotion controlled every part of him. Suffer not the Unworthy. Stand against the Long Dark. Venerate the Spirits. Hold GODAN above all else. These tenets gripped every fiber of his being. Sir Milonir was not allowed to fail. He must be unflinching. He was on a righteous path toward becoming a true Bogatyr and he knew it. Conviction restored; every wound received to Lady Maria and House Weiss would be returned with limitless fury. There would be more blood spilled. Sir Milonir, Hero of Whitehall was prepared to lose every drop of blood in his body to this end. But it was time to return to Zvaervauld. North. Northman and steed began the long path home. Yet, reaching jungle's end, they paused. They observed endless golden grass beyond the cover of that humid forest. This land was known. Milonir and Stargazer were in the endless steppe from dreams. The Stargazer and Knight stared skyward at the blanket of stars that stretched to infinity for hours. He knew peace unending. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The infinity of stars. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Harbingers thought it would be they to assume the role of hunter. Not so. They would soon learn they were the prey. Woe unto them. And woe to the enemies of House Weiss. There would be Vengeance for Maria.
  16. THE HAESENI HOROSCOPE ISSUE I Issued by the COURT ASTROLOGER On this 15th day of Wzuvar ag Byvca of 465 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, Throughout the history of the Kingdom of Haense, the Sigmundic Calendar and the astrological signs associated with it have served as a cultural practice that allows the stars to guide believers through their daily trials and tribulations, as well as predict both good fortune and shortcomings of the relatively near future. While many may accuse horoscopes as leading people astray, or preaching outright blasphemy, it is important to keep in mind that the following horoscopes are merely metaphors, and are open to diverse interpretations. THE MOON: As the most mellow and neutral of the signs, The Moon is often known for being content with what they have, and seldom indulging in greedy tendencies. In order to maintain this fulfilment, the moon should not only hold onto the positive aspects of their lives, but also cleanse themselves of negative energies and grudges that may be holding them back. The moon may find themselves with little romantic luck this year, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Other forms of love may blossom during this time, and more importantly, the moon may be able to invest more love in themselves. THE QUEEN: Hence its regal name, the sign of The Queen is well known for its perseverance and leadership skills. During this year, it would do well for the queen to take advantage of this, and search for opportunities to lead. To the younger generations born under this sign, this year may mark the start of a rebellious phase. Parents, however, should worry not, as even the strongest leaders need a shoulder to fall upon and an example to live up to. If you are in a relationship with someone born under this sign, your partner may greatly appreciate reassurance of your love to them. After all, a great leader is nothing without their following, and your partner will need to be certain of your loyalty to the relationship if they are to call you their closest advisor. THE CROW: While many born under the sign of The Crow have proven to bear immense intelligence and uniquely wise ideas, it is important to remember that everything must be learned. That is why, for this year, it is important for the crows to gain new information from their superiors, whether in age or standing. This year, the crow may find themselves frustrated romantically. Whether they are already in a relationship, or pursuing a person of interest, the crow must take into account that their wisdom does not excuse arrogance. The pride this sign carries in their intelligence may be seen as rude or condescending, which can be unappealing to those the crow attempts to woo. THE WYRM: As one of the most impromptu of the signs, The Wyrm’s bold impulsivity may be one of their fallbacks this year. It would do the wyrm well to keep their fiery and bold tempers in check, lest their impulsivity take advantage and get them into trouble. Romantically, wyrms can expect a lot of passion from their person of interest. However, whether this intensity will prove to be positive towards the relationship is uncertain. The wyrm should take time to put their beloved first, which may be difficult at first for such an outlandish personality, but in the end, this selflessness may be helpful. THE GIANT: In contrast to the impulsive wyrm, The Giant should attempt to branch out this year. While their honour-bound duties are indeed to be admired, they can at times be rigid, which may prove to be a setback. Should the giant indeed practise spontaneity, their financial investments may see a change as well. To go out on a limb is often how businesses make it big, and the giant could see improvements should they act a little more bold. THE WOPPERKLAW: Similar to their raven ally, The Wopperklaw is notably one of the more inquisitive of the signs, and is known for being rather aloof, even when it comes to their core morals. This year, the wopperklaw would do well to stay true to their gut; instincts rarely fail one in times of need. Romantically, the wopperklaw is bound for prosperity this coming year. However, this should only happen if the wopperklaw is loyal and true to the person they hold dear, and does not let their curiosity lead them into temptation. For wopperklaws who are without a partner, this may be prosperity in itself. They should practise contentment, and not go out looking for lust or drama. To summarise: Stay where you are; if it is meant to be, it will come to you. THE DRAKE: And finally, as one of the most bold signs, The Drake holds much fire in their personality, and oftentimes, this fire is accompanied by resentment. This year, the drake should focus not on those who have done them wrong, but rather take care of themselves first. Spending time outside and doing the things you love are both great ways to practise self care. Oftentimes, the drake may be seen as unfriendly or cold. However, this is untrue, as the drake holds the people they hold dear very close. The drake, along with self care, should also take time to thank the people in their life for all they do for the drake. And, if you know a drake, you should thank them in turn for the flavour they bring to what could otherwise be a very bleak life. IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Esfir of Jerovitz, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska. Her Excellency, Viorica Irena Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court, Countess-Consort of Jerovttz, Viscountess-Consort of Krusev, Baroness-Consort of Koravia Firress Ilaria Amador, Court Astrologer of Hanseti-Ruska
  17. Audo Weiss for Military Tribune Election of 462 ES I, Audo Weiss, do declare my intent to run for military tribune and represent the needs, wants and voices of my fellow comrades. Having been enlisted in the Brotherhood for a decade, it is my home and unquestionably my second family. For nine of those years, I have been active in combat, serving not for glory or honour but because I believe in loyalty to my kingdom, my people and my family above all else. I believe that there is no age at which loyalty begins: it just is. This opportunity is the next step I wish to take to aid my brothers and sisters in arms. Qualifications My military service, even given my age of 18, gives me some insight into the current woes of our military. I have lived and breathed war and combat for as long as I can remember. I have previously come to accept these woes as mere necessities of the brotherhood. We are not always held in high regard. However, as time has gone on I have come to realise that this is not the case; any areas of lacking can be fixed with enough hard work and dedication. Moreover, this would not be my first role in the Duma as I undertook becoming the representative of House Weiss in place of my father at the age of 11. This would not be my first expression of interest in joining the governing of our kingdom in a role beyond my family as I sought permission to run for tribune early, as well as throwing myself forward for the likes of Lord Handler. While neither were a success given my age of 15 at the time, the efforts are a testament to my dedication and standing desire to enter into the Duma and would be more than proud to do so for my comrades. Agenda Foremostly, I seek to promote integration of the brotherhood and the knightly order. In recent times, the brotherhood and the order have pulled away from each other to the point where some knights are no longer enlisted and as such are merely a silent and guarding presence. We are all brothers in arms, and we all have voices to be heard. I hope to see greater acknowledgements of those performing thankless and extra duties within the brotherhood reflected in their pay, including the roles of quartermaster, field medic, and blacksmith. I wish to promote the learning and undertaking of medical studies within members of the brotherhood, not only to ensure that those enlisted have basic medical knowledge but also to boost the lacking pool of doctors in Karosgrad. Training in the Brotherhood is lacking in some areas. I hope to promote and encourage more formalised training of combat and military tactics to ensure prompt responses when soldiers are in the field. I send my deepest thanks to my brothers and sisters in arms, young or old. Your service is outstanding and a mighty shield for our great kingdom. Regardless of whether I undertake the role as representative for us or not, I will always be an ear ready to hear your voice and act however I may in my capacity. Iv Joveo Mann, His Lordship, Armsman Audo Weiss
  18. Zvaervauld Honeydrops Issued naf zwy 14th hag i Joma ag Umund i 462 ES. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, With the production of Zvaervauld lilac honey now consistently underway, House Weiss has sought to expand beyond the raw product into more refined goods. Given the sweet and delectable taste of honey we saw no venture more fit for the first expansion than an irresistible candy: honeydrops. Honeydrops are a hard candy, crafted with care by our dedicated artisans. By mixing sugar, water and lemon juice then heating the mixture we get a solid base for the creation of our hard candies. Our signature lilac honey is then added to the mix, stirred and all is caramelised until the hard-crack stage. At this point, we pour the mixture into moulds and allow the candies to set. Then off they go - straight to your tummy! For an endearing flare, we take the extra time to craft moulds of all bee-related varieties. When you buy a pack of mouth-watering honeydrops you’ll find yourself with bees, hives, honeycombs, and flowers (especially lilac, of course!). Get your first un-bee-lievable pack today! Sold on Market Stall III. Tested and accredited by the youngest of Weiss! Iv Joveo Mann, His Lordship, Armsman Audo Weiss Her Excellency, Dame Via Weiss, Knight Paramount of Hoonseti-Ruska Lady Sierra Weiss
  19. [!] A notif has been posted among the noticeboards of Ciudad de Plata, Karosgrad and Haense vassals alike, detailing an upcoming class hosted by the Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear and Princess Amity de Pelear within Hyspia! [!] An oil painting done by Vicereine, Laurelie de Pelear, 1896. The Vicereine and Princess of Hyspia invite the children of Haense and allied nations from the ages of five to seventeen to a painting class. Here they will be taken on a tour of the island, learn the craft of painting, mingle, and make connections among their peers. Canvas, brushes, oil paint, paint pallets & aprons will be provided. The de Pelear family looks forward to your attendance. Signed, Her Highness, Laurelie de Pelear, Vicereine of Hyspia, Baroness-Consort of Arenisca, Lady of Niseep and Gereon's Hold Her Highness, Amity Ionna de Pelear, Princess-Consort of Hyspia
  20. A little Godunov’s candle was seen flickering in the crevice of her window late one eve. Her governess had wished her goodnight already, her parents a peck each on the cheek - yet her mind was restless. Tonight was a night of fruitful thought. Tonight was a night for plotting. Alyona’s mind had been rampant for weeks on end, and it was only until now she took the pleasure in letting herself express her wishes. Her wax crayons, black and yellow and brown and red, scribbled on letter-writing parchment she had stolen from her father’s room. Only then would she send it out by sneaking off early morn for Karosgrad, posting her elaborate missive to the notice board… A Y O U N G s p a r r o w s t r i k e s A G A I N ! [!] A depiction of the eldest Godunov doing her own Duma with 'other children', no matter how monstrous they were drawn 2 F E C H I L L Y D R E N O V H A N S , Wee shall not bee SEALENSED! Wen I went 2 fe DUMA, Layday Judgey Loo-dow-far was a NAYSTAY wooman and sayd vat fe aduwlts ov Hans shuld NOT lissen 2 ve voyses ov keeds and vat mya MISSY LETHER was mayd wiv crayons in a BAD way... how MEAYN! Ven, Baroyn Bissssop COYLLED OWT MY AYGE wen I tryd 2 vowte as mya papej's reypreesentaytif! Just beeycuz his fameeliy was beeing showwted at! How dayre HE! Mya vowte was NOT cowunted in fe eynd and vat mayde me fery SAD. I huffed and puffed. HUFF. PUFF. Huw carys if yam 6? Mya vowte matters! Instayd, vey ar mayking me SAD biy not letting me bee a parrrrrrt ov vem. Wee ar fe fewturre! As a chiyuld in Hans, I DEEMAND vat wee riyus 2gever and and stop fe adultees from steeyling ower vowtes. If U carye abowt ower fewture and fe adultees and mamejs and papejs ruwin in it, ven meat me at AETERNITY ANCHORAGE (I copeed vis from fe siyn) in fe capitol in 2 saynt days. Adultees ar so MEAN and vey just SQUAWSH allll fe FUN owt of LYFE. Piyck whiysly. Colmb and joiwn me. Do not bee a stinkee cri babee. S I G N E D, ALYONA GODUNOV The Sparrow
  21. The Zvaervauld Great Horse Issued naf zwy 4th hag i Gronna ag Droba i 463ES By the Barony of Zvaervauld Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, In line with the proud legacy of Felix Weiss as part of the glorious hussars, the Barony of Zvaervauld has seen fit to create their own breed of horse befitting the use of hussars and knights: a succession of steeds with the sole purpose of becoming uncontested destriers. The Zvaervauld Great Horse is set to become the epitome of a heavy duty war-horse, bred for their high spirit and sensitivity to their surroundings. Paramount to all their attributes is their keen connection with humans, giving them a fierce intelligence and willingness to train. With their height and musculature, this draft-type can carry the load of their armour, gear, their rider, and their equipment with ease. However, would-be riders should be warned: a high-spirited steed is not one for beginners in the field and requires a skilled handler to not only direct his steed’s attention but also to keep its acute mind occupied. Each Zvaervauld Great Horse is treated and trained with the utmost care. From a young age, they must learn to be independent and be unadulterated in their growth. They must learn to take immediate command, and become used to acting as one with their rider. Given their destiny as horses of war, they are given particular attention in the matter of focus: they are taught to normalise loud noises, sudden changes and to patiently endure the mishandling of weaponry through hours of exercises prior to sale. Criteria must be met for any single horse to be considered a Zvaervauld Great Horse: They must be descended from the line of Boldizar, They must have been vetted and record for authenticity by a Weiss handler, They must be the most physically fit and capable they can be, The coat must be pure black in colour, No markings may mar or obscure their colouration, Stallions must measure 15 hands or higher while mares 14 or higher, The trunk must be proportional as to have the height match the width, Their growth in all stages must be unadulterated. Not all horses born unto the field of Zvaervauld are fated to fall under the designation of ‘Great’. There are those who, while admirable for other qualities, are only befitting of the title ‘Lesser’. Any who fail to match the criteria but who are still of the line of Boldizar will be considered ‘Zvaervauld Lesser Horses’. These lesser steeds may find themselves more akin to coursers or, for a handful, ought to be treated solely as companions. To ensure accurate tracking and record-keeping, a Stud Book was opened on the 10th i Joma ag Umund i 461 ES to record every new individual. All horses are given a name and unique 6-digit ID. However, given the desire to keep the tracking of Zvaervauld Great Horses immaculate, all such steeds also come with a Certificate of Ownership. As such, while the purchase of Zvaervauld Lesser Horses may be permissible without the presence of handler, all Zvaervauld Great Horses may only be obtained via appointment. For this appointment, speak to or bird his Lordship, Audo Weiss. While the ownership of Zvaevauld Lesser Horses need not be tracked as rigorously, particularly invested steed holders may also seek a certificate if they desire through appointment though the horse they own must be brought to be presented upon request. Zvaervauld Lesser Horses are sold on Market Stall III Zvaervauld Greater Horses are sold only by appointment. Bird or speak to Audo Weiss. Iv Joveo Mann, His Lordship, Audo Weiss Bossir Felix Weiss, Lord of Zvaervauld and Lord Marshal of His Majesty’s Brotherhood.
  22. Zvaervauld Lilac Honey Issued naf zwy 13th hag i Msitza ag Dargund i 461 ES. Va Birodeo Herzenav ag Edlervik, House Weiss introduces its first batch of lilac honey this Saint’s day. With a selection of rolling fields belonging to our great king being left under our protection comes an opportunity to expand the commerce of the realm internally and externally. We have chosen the first export we will invest time into: honey. For some it is a delectable snack, for others a medicinal wonder. Tender practices and attentive care has allowed the lands surrounding Staalgrav to flourish in the vibrant pinks and purples of blooming lilac. Within such oceans of petals we have established strong colonies of persistent honey bees, all who work diligently to create the lilac honey of the future. For these bees we have provided only the most quality of man-made hives with roomy confines and easily removable racks that have been hand-carved with the utmost vigilance to mimic the internal starting structure of a colony: a love letter to the wonder of Godan’s Creation. Though we have tried our best, we have found that some bees inevitably prefer nature. To encourage the utmost comfort for our hard workers (and to gain the tastiest of honey) we also allow the construction of natural hives. With great effort, we ensure that we disturb these small worlds as little as possible. Whichever the source, we can assure the quality of our Zvaervauld lilac honey. Sold on Market Stall III or speak to Audo Weiss. Iv Joveo Mann, His Lordship, Audo Weiss
  23. ᚱᛟᚲᚴ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᛏᛟᚾᛖ Cultural Exchange: Chess Tournament Between Hanseti-Ruska & Urguan ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚾᛖ ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE 12th of the Amber Cold, in the 111th Year of the Second Age 12th of Joma Ag Umund in the Year 460th of Exalted Sigismund, As per the Renewed Iron Accord, Signed in the 110th Year of the Second Age/459th Year of Exalted Sigismund, The Grand-Kingdom of Urguan hereby Announces a Cultural Exchange Event within the Dual-Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. A Chess Tournament will be held within the Capital of the Dual-Kingdom: Karosgrad, upon the Palace Grounds. There will be a Trophy Handed out to the Winner of the Tournament, for those willing to test their mettle, whilst friendlier games available for the participation of all those who wish to come. CHESS TOURNAMENT I. The Chess Tournament will be held on two boards outside the Palace of Karosgrad. II: Competitors will be arranged into pairs to compete against each other, with the winner of each pair moving to the next round. III: The winner of the chess Tournament will be granted the honorific title of ‘Chess Grandmaster’, confirmed to them by the receiving of a Chess Grandmaster Trophy, as well as prize of mina. IV: If you are interested in competing, please reply to this announcement stating your name and your race. These will be compiled by the Grand Ambassador of Urguan for the Tournament. Other available games: I. Naughts & Crosses II: Hanseti Chess III: Bowling EVENT LOCATION & TIME The Karosgrad Palace grounds The Snow’s Maiden, In the 113th Year of the Second Age Msitza Ag Dargund, In the 462nd Year of Exalted Sigismund Signed, Her Excellency, Viorica Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court His Lordship, Aurik Bishop, Baron of Ostervik, Ambassador to Urguan Dagmir Grandaxe, Grand Ambassador of Urguan
  24. The Inaugural Grand Tournament of Haense Hosted by Ruslan Kvazyev @Aidoro and Elia Eryka Colborn-Stafyr @DahStalker ___________________________________________________________________ ┏━━━✦❘༻༺❘✦━━━┓ The Inaugural Grand Tournament of Haense will determine for the first time ever who the strongest, most skilled warrior is in all of Haense. Representatives from the great families of Haense are cordially invited to participate in the most pure form of combat, with the victor being dubbed the Champion of Haense. The tournament will be hosted every five years, with the victor being rewarded with the Resplendent Belt of Haense, a grandiose bear hide belt adorned with the finest jewels found in Almaris. In addition, courtesy of Her Ladyship, Ada Natalya Colborn, the victor shall have a brew in the Goat’s Lookout named after them until the next tournament! This belt will be contested over by sixteen warriors, with twelve families of Haense earning automatic spots, with four spots being given to the first warriors to register their name. All matchups shall be determined by the roll of a dice, so that fairness is guaranteed. The warrior who emerges victorious will earn honor, respect, and glory for their family, and solidify their mark as the best amongst us. The runner up shall earn a spectacular gold brooch, to signify their accomplishments in combat. In addition, a third place match will be held, with the winner receiving a silver brooch. This event shall take place in the fighting pits beneath the tavern, with ample viewing space so every drop of blood, sweat, and tears will be seen! To take a break from the combat, halfway through the event there shall be a performance by Borris Iver Kortrevich (@alamo), whose lively music will be much appreciated! The families who have been granted an automatic position are as follows: - The Ducal House of Barclay @Fionn__TWG - The Ducal House of Baruch @Drew2_dude - The Ducal House of Ruthern @Demavend - The Comital House of Ludovar @DearConnorMurphy - The Comital House of Kortrevich @MapleSunflower - The Margravial House of Draco @ItemVendor - The Vicomital House of Colborn @worldeltaii - The Varonial House of Pelear @Javert - The Baronial House of Bishop @Lomiei - The Baronial House of Godunov @poki - The Baronial House of Weiss @SethWolf The final four slots shall be granted to the four individuals who register first. In the event that a house does not submit a warrior in time, those who registered after the aforementioned four shall be given the positions in the order they registered. Houses may not have more than one warrior participating. Signed, Ruslan Kvazyev & Lady Eryka Colborn-Stafyr 14th of Deep Cold
  25. The Hyspian Herald! Vol. 5 A newsletter for kids, written by kids! --- Two Royal Courtships! A certainly grand announcement is to be had as this generation of Hyspia begins to come to a head, the announcement of not one but two courtships has come to this writer's ears. The first; heralding in a new age for Hyspia is the courtship of Crown Prince Francisco de Pelear and Lady Amity Morovar. Though, who can really say we are surprised? The Lady had been sent as a Ward to the family at the mere age of twelve, and we all saw this coming. The second courtship is one not quite expected after the drama previously mentioned in another volume of the Herald, the courtship of Prince Alejandro de Pelear and Senorita Callista Santos! What will come of their match as Callista's own brother pines after the Prince's twin, the Princess Sofia de Pelear? Only time will tell! The wedding of Baron Felix Weiss and Maria Antonella! As announced in the previous Herald, the marriage of the now ennobled Baron Felix Weiss and the Senorita Maria Antonella, now Baroness-Consort of Zvaervauld took place within the Church of Blessed Francisco in Hyspia. The first marriage to happen upon the Ciudad de Plata lands since it was settled! A lovely ceremony took place, with the King of Haense himself sitting at the very front row. Shortly after the ceremony, a match began in the Hyspian bullring - sans the Bulls. An all-out fisticuffs match with a large sum given to the winner! That wasn’t the end, though, as the rapidly bonding families of Weiss and de Pelear seemed to not be quite done. The Baron Felix Weiss had called the oldest attending down below and delivered a donation of minas for the de Pelears ongoing expansions! The Attack of the Ferrymen! Shortly after those departed from the Baron Weiss wedding and celebrations thereafter, the Ferrymen had descended on those of Hyspia and a fight began! Many jumped before the royalty present, some making their escape to bird for help while others stayed and defended their home. It wasn’t long before the tables were turned, as those of Hyspia and those of Haense who arrived worked together to drive away those who’d ruin the day! A chaotic day certainly to remember! Skeletons in the Clinic?! Injuries were tended to after the fight and reports were made, though believed to be hallucinations after an exhausting day had, of skeletons getting to their feet and running after people when their caretaker no longer wished to help them! Strange times! Perhaps some of those clinical herbs were the cause of a joint hallucination? The Recovery of Relics and Reabsorption of Household Titles! The second Hyspian court to take place within Ciudad de Plata was hosted by the Crown Prince Francisco de Pelear, where a few announcements took place; though, the real winner in this was the recovery of relics. Thought lost to time and strife, the banner of Castila Arenisca recovered from when the Hyspians lived under Urguan alongside the Monet artifacts, the Crown of Baroness Frisket, the mother of our Viceroy and a daemon steel spear. With the recovery of the artifacts, and with the embracing of ancestors, the title of Barony of Del’mar had been reabsorbed by the de Pelear household. Shortly following this announcement and some others, petitions took place where the Princess Sofia de Pelear approached with a relic recovered of her own, the Blessed Franciscos staff. Certainly a day of celebration for the Hyspians as history thought to be lost is recovered! The Growing Bond of the de Pelear and Weiss Household! One would have to be blind to miss the growing bond between the two households, never seen far apart from one another. The de Pelears supporting Weiss in the vying for nobility, the now Baron Felix Weiss taking on a position of Master-At-Arms of the Princess Veronica de Pelear and training her, among many other moments anyone with eyes can see. With the Princess Veronica de Pelear and the heir to the Barony of Weiss, Lord Audo Weiss becoming fast friends, one does has to wonder where this growing bond will lead. The Banishment of Lorec Bani Stormheart! Not a surprise to anyone, that was for sure! The banishment of Lorec Bani Stormheart came as a petition during the second court of Hyspia by concerned parties, a list of grievances and many more added on by onlookers as those pleaded the man be banished from their home. Having been responsible for the loss of limbs, plural, thievery, the murder of livestock and breaking and entering of homes, it was only natural the Crown Prince accepted the peoples plight and announced the banishment. The New Court Mage and Summoning of a Crackadonk! As of recent, a Court Mage may have been noticed within Ciudad de Platas walls, making himself known upon arrival with a grand display of magic: The summon of a Crackadonk! Having invited the Weiss heir to fight the summoned being, those watched on and it was rumored that the Crown Prince and the Baron Weiss discussed punishments in the background should the heir get hurt in this fight! A Grand Princes Interview: Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar! A depiction of Grand Prince, Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar. With the recent granting of honorary Hyspian citizenship to the Grand Prince of Haense, an interview was conducted with the man himself, the Grand Prince of Haense, Grand Prince Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar! In the effort of keeping this writer's identity hidden, the interview has been done entirely via letter. “What is your name?” ‘Georg Sigismund Barbanov-Bihar, the Grand Prince of Kusoraev! I've two more middle names, actually, Tuvya is my baptismal name, after Saint Tuvya. Very fitting during this Tuvmas season, no? The other is Antonio, given to me with my honourary Hyspian citizenship, which I received recently!’ “What is it like being born as the heir to a Nation?” ‘A lot! It comes with many things, being the heir to a nation. A lot of people, I think, would say that there's a lot of pressure in it. I don't really disagree, you meet these people every day, and you realise that these are people who you'll hold great influence over one day. Of course I've tried to be a friend to everyone, which I think has helped take a lot of the pressure off me. I'm not quite so worried or, what's the word? Hesitant? About what my life is going to be like, I'm quite excited actually, I always have been, just ask Esfir!’ “What is your favorite thing about Hyspia?” ‘I'd have to go with the answer I'd use about any place in the world, the people. I've met quite a few people from Hyspia, both in and outside of it, and they've all had these wonderful personalities and stories to themselves. Of course, Hyspian cuisine is also excellent. I specifically assigned my chef, Arjen Morovar, to learn more of their cuisine, and I'm hoping to send Otto Gant to get some Hyspian wine as well. I haven't tested it yet, but I'm sure it's excellent! It also just has an incredibly unique culture, which I rather enjoy.’ “What would you say your greatest accomplishment as Grand Prince is?” ‘I do not know if you would count it as Grand Prince, but as a person generally: Finding love, of course. I do think it is my greatest guide of all, to have my dear Esfir by side. I do not know what I would be without her. Of all the things I have accomplished, and all the things I will accomplish, that shall always be the greatest of all.’ “What are your future goals for Haense?” ‘Oh, there are so very many! I've many things that I want to look at, the Law, the Royal Duma, and the Aulic Court are first on the list, but trust that I hope to not let a stone remain unturned. Though the guiding principle of it all shall be to set Haense up for growth. We are a nation which grows still by the day, and the ambitions of our institutions must match this!’ “Anything else you’d like to tell us?” ‘I haven't quite so much, only to let everyone in Hyspia know that they can always come to me. I aim to be a King as much for the Hyspian people as for the Haeseni people, for you are all part of my people, and as I sign all of my documents: "Damar lifsti va Edlerviki."’ Honorable Mentions! This writer gives thanks to the shoutout in the fifth volume of the Palatial post and looks forward to future editions! Alongside this, we eagerly watch to see the Kvaz Khronicle and its doings as the most recent publication and newsletter within Haense as a whole! Upcoming events! The ridding of the Sea Monster! The finished construction of a boat upon the ports! Ronan tea and talk party with the Musins! A game of Sardines within the Sapphire mines! Keep a lookout for coming events within Hyspia! --- [!] The Hyspian Herald would be anonymous for the most part, though posted on notice boards within Ciudad de Plata and within Karosgrad itself!
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