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  1. [!] A beautifully decorated missive inked upon silver parchement had been pinned to the Haelun’or notice board. To follow Larihei, to progress and learn Written by Usamea An’asul 5th of The Deep Cold, Year 55 of the Second Age The most blessed of Mali shall never cease progress, scholarly work must continue Dear teachers, masters of the arcane, I am writing this missive with a genuine heard and a wish to progress myself in the field of the arcane. I have read more books than I am able to count, while I believe theory to as important as action itself, one may not learn without a teacher to guide them. The artisans of the arcane rarely, but sometimes take upon them to continue their legacy, to sheir their sacred knowledge with an apprentice; so that knowledge may be passed on. I am looking for a teacher, someone to take it upon themselves to ensure that these sacred arts are not lost in time. I am hoping to become an apprentince, to finally begin my jorney as a progressive sorceress. Hard it will be, full of many ups and down however I am prepared. Years of consideration and after hundreds of interviews I have decided that this is the path I wish to take. To whomever this may be of concern, As it was with Larihei, us Mali’thill are perhaps the most fluent wielders of the voidal arts. Thus I am seeking to progress myself especially in the voidal field. I am seeking masters in the following voidal arts: Fire evocation Sensory illusion Voidal translocation Were my search proven unfruitful, a search shall never cease. A Mali’thill shan’t ever stop seeking knowledge. Signed, Usamea An’asul AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  2. Genocide of Mali’thill Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul 22nd of The Sun’s Smile, Year 55 of the Second Age Hunted, hated, murdered. Monsters are spilling our blood. Dear Mali’thill, other residents of the most blessed Silver State and whomever this may be of concern, During my tenure as Okarir’san ito’Haelun’or I have seen missives, heard lies and witnessed lessers and Mali’ata sharing misinformation about our blessed bastion. I have come across enemies that wish to slaughter us and to decorate their necks with our ears. Brutal monsters spilling our blood around on whatever ground we walk on. We are hunted, persecuted for just existing. These vicious behemoths claim the realms would be better off without us, they claim we pour acid on everything we do not like. They claim us to be violent beings while having little to no idea what Maehr’sae Hiyulun’ehya truly means. We are not violent, we are not Mali that condone harming others. We are all but humble servants of the State, scholars dedicating their lives to studying and progressing oneself and the Motherland. It is impure to harm another sentient being out of hedonistic glee, one should always aim to resolve conflict with the use of one’s mind and verbal skills. One should rely on a sword only when one’s life is in danger or if someone is a threat to the well-being of one’s blessed body. It is true we are well known for our acid pits, however those are reserved purely to the most abhorrent such as murderers, beings siphoning the power of Iblees and those having non-consensual relations. We do not kill anyone for being impure, we just detest their presence and thus they are banished from our sovereign lands unless they are deemed salvageable; they are offered the chance to regain their purity, to be ‘thill once more. If one is beyond salvation, they may go seek life outside our lands, free from our laws. No one has been killed by a Mali’thill in over a century, however Mali’thill have been killed by lesser beings simply for breathing. Yet you dare to call us violent? Thus I implore beings of the realm to choose peace over violence, no more blood should be spilled over nonsense, over bickering that could be resolved over a healthy debate, a dialogue. If our enemies keep spilling our blood, let me ensure that shall be the last thing you will ever do. While we detest violence, we will always protect ourselves even with force if necessary. I implore all other Mali states to protect one another, while we are different, we are all Mali, children of Malin. The Silver State of Haelun’or shall always offer refuge to Mali who are persecuted by other races. The Silver State is open to those who wish to learn, who will respect our laws and culture. We should stand together against common enemies instead of remaining to ourselves. No more blood should be spilled, the world is but crimson coloured from all these wars. AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Signed, Okarir’san Usamea An’asul
  3. So the Maheral Returns Written by Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul 22nd of The First Seed, Year 55 of the Second Age For She was the first Maheral, now represented by a direct descendant; the epitome of purity. Dear Mali’thill, The Malauriran have convened, deliberated and chosen after a long while — and their wisdom is beyond questioning — the leaders of the past, after much consideration have anointed the Maheral, the epitome of purity. The Blessed Child, heir to Haelun’or and the daughter of Malauriran Dimaethor and Iaria Elervathar, the grandchild of Iatrilemar Elervathar. She was forced to escape the Motherland ruled under tyranny, she was forced to abandon her kin to protect what was given to her by our Haelun. However, she remained vehement, now returning to the Motherland to ensure progress and health, to lead our kin. Thus we, Usamea An’asul and the signatories, pledge our perennial allegiance to the most blessed, Maheral Elesia Elervathar. May her reign be eternal and may she lead our people into everlasting progress and health. She is eternal, she is the epitome of purity, she is the representative of Larihei. AY’LARIHEI AY’MAHERAL ELESIA ELERVATHAR MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA Signed, Okarir’san, Usamea An’asul Okarir’mali, Idendril Elassidil
  4. STUCK AT A CROSSROADS I stand before this canonist crossroad as one who wishes to ask for there to be only one path, or a third direction to go. Yet that is not an option for me due to my title as a Holy Knight, and as an Orenian. I have been asked by the Apostolic General of the Supreme Order of Exalted Knighthood to side with Everald IV, while as an Orenian I have been asked to side with Michael I. I am an unconventional Holy Knight, who uses magic to keep the oath I spoke when I joined the Supreme Order of Exalted Knighthood, and I am being asked to make an unconventional choice that most do not wish to have to make in their lifetime. Through self understanding, study of Canonist documents and the oath I took, the only choice I can make is to make no choice. Rather than continuing to walk down one of the paths presented before me, I must stand guard at the crossroad helping and assisting all down whichever path they choose. Only when enough people have walked down these paths, walking to the same place, when the path becomes one, then is when I shall choose to continue down this path. A Holy Knight is entrusted by the High Pontiff to protect the innocent “no matter their rank: beggar and bishop alike.” There are innocent civilians on both sides. Both sides claim the other to have these citizens clouded by Iblees, yet even when these citizens are clouded by Iblees they are still innocent, innocent ones who must be protected until a true path away from Iblees can be produced. Signed, Thucydides Melphestaus Equester Holy Knight of the Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn
  5. Kingdom of Lechia LECHIAN CULTURE SUBGROUP OF LECHITIC PEOPLES HISTORY THE ORIGINS Depiction of Lech and his two brothers, looking for a place for a new settlement The Lechian people derive from the group of Lechitian peoples. According to the so called pre-Lechitian myth, the founders of the three main Lechitian cultures, (Lechian, Ruthian that is similar to the Raevir, and Tschech) came to the continent of Vistulia in search of a place to settle. The second oldest of those three brothers, named Lech has followed a huge white eagle to its nest. That is where he established his first village in order to let the Lechian culture grow. Since that day the Lechitic coat of arms is a mighty white eagle. With an established capital that Lech named Gniezno, the Lechian culture flourished and developed vigorously. The first Lechitic leader established the first state structures and customs but was of pagan faith for it took several decades for him and his people to convert to Canonism, which came from their cultural cousins - the Tschechs. EARLY YEARS OF CANONISM IN LECHIA Depiction of Prince Mieszko's baptism After centuries of slow development, the first monks of the Canonist Church arrived on the continent of Vistulia. According to old documents they were led by Vojtech, of Tschech origin, as Tschechs have accepted Canonism before the Lechians. Thanks to his diplomatic skills, Vojtech convinced Mieszko to accept baptism, marry a canonist Tschech princess, and at the same time incorporate Lechians into the canonist community. As a new ruler within the canonist church, Mieszko united the Lechian tribes and conquered far more land than any of his ancestors. The country stretched from the sea in the north to the mountains in the south. Vojtech, who stayed at Mieszko's court for some time has crowned him as a prince, as Mieszko found himself unworthy of being a King. This gave rise to the first dynasty of Lechia - Piast. As new cultural norms grew, churches were built, a network of stone roads developed and the first church structures were established in the capital. Unfortunately, the times of peace passed after the missionary Vojtech's expedition to the northern tribes, who bestially murdered him and quartered his corpse. Mieszko still remembered Vojtech's merits and set off to the north to fight for justice. The soldiers of Mieszko had no mercy on the pagans and slaughtered the population of the local settlements in the same bestial manner while imposing the Canonist faith on the survivors. Despite the long process of converting the Lechians to the true faith, which sometimes met with armed resistance from the native believers, Mieszko's reign is remembered as decades of peace. TIMES OF KING BOLESLAW AND HIS SONS Depiction of Boleslaw and his sons, arriving at Krakovia The times of Boleslaw the First echoed among the Lechitian tribes. Immediately after his coronation, he began a period of conquests, and greatly expanded the dependent territory of Lechia. As the first of the Kings, since his father did not accept the title of the King of Lechia, he ordered to make a sword intended for coronation of further Kings, and a Crown decorated with many precious gems. The sword called "Szczerbiec" ("Chipper") played a significant role in the reign of Boleslaw and later his sons, as it became a symbol of Lechian nationalism and a sign of victory over foreign powers. Legends say that it took its name from the moment when Boleslaw chipped it against the gate of the capital city of a neighbouring state, to mark Lechitic annexation of the border areas. Unfortunately, he did not enjoy his reign long after this event. King Boleslaw died three years later of an unspecified illness. For Lechia there came a time of sorrow, as Boleslaw had many sons and each of them claimed his father's crown. Having divided the country into parts, a fratricidal struggle for the crown of Lechia began. The eldest of the brothers, Mieszko III occupied the capital and held it for many years. The brothers from the western, northern and eastern parts meanwhile held talks about a new order after the end of the civil war. The quarrelling brothers chose as ruler someone who had never known a taste of power - Kazimierz, the youngest of the brothers, who ruled over no province. Mieszko III, faced with the overwhelming power of the united brothers, renounced the crown and the Bishop of Krakovia crowned Kazimierz as the new King of Lechia. The times in which Kazimierz reigned were the best in the history of his family. He rebuilt the destructions of the civil war, developed the monetary system and established the first university in Lechia. He died at the age of 70, leaving no male descendant. JOGAILAN RULE AND LECHIAN DECLINE Depiction of Wladyslaw proclaiming the Union After Kazimierz's death, the only person of his blood was his daughter Hedwig. She married a powerful leader of a neighbouring country, and united the two countries in a personal union. Despite the power of the great state, pagan tribes still lived in the north and invaded the lands of Lechia. To remedy this, Wladyslaw, for that was the name Hedwig's husband, called upon the help of the strong Waldenian Order. He was unable to foresee the cunning and guile with which the Knights operated, and allowed them to occupy the land of the pagans so that they could continue to help the Lechians spread Canonism. Soon after, the knights turned on Wladyslaw and formed an alliance to help them conquer the lands dependent on the Jogailan dynasty. At that time, there was great social unrest in Lechia, with tendencies calling for the introduction of sanoism, priorism but also absolute power in the government. There were many clashes between Lechitic priorists and sanoists, who had two different concepts of the state. The Sejm (the equivalent of the Duma in Haense or the parliament in Oren) rejected all attempts to reform the state, thus stagnation deepened and Lechia was exposed to blows from the outside. The powerful alliance formed by the Waldenians, and the neighbouring powers as well as, the constant skirmishes with them caused the disintegration of the state. Lechia has not appeared on world maps since then, yet the people still remember their roots and will never abandon them. CULTURE OF LECHIA WAR CULTURE Depiction of Lechian warriors going on a hunt Lechians are known for their fighting stubbornness. This is due to their culture, which grew up on warrior values because of the many threatening neighbours around their state when it still existed. Young Lechians were trained from the age of 16 to become infantrymen, archers or horsemen. Women could also train if they wished to, but they usually stayed at home and took care of the hearth and home. Among Lechitic soldiers the highest value is honour, which should never be tarnished. There are many chronicles about the heroic deeds of the Lechians in their fight against the invaders, especially about the skill of their cavalrymen, who, with much smaller numbers of troops, were able to destroy the Waldenian armies with very few losses. Lechitic troops were usually lightly armed with spears, short swords and shields, or short bows. There were also heavy regiments, such as the famous Husaria. The Hussars were an elite cavalry unit serving the Kings of Lechia. Known for their ornate armour and wings made of eagle feathers, they wreaked havoc on the battlefields. Depiction of Husaria PEASANT NATION Depiction of Lechian landscape Lechia was mainly located in the lowlands, which favoured the development of agriculture and peasant culture. The first Lechitic Kings issued various privileges for the peasants in return for their hard work for the homeland. The Lechitic peasants mastered the so-called three-field system on the basis of which all farms, private and state, operated. In the fields, peasants worked from dawn to dusk, in every season except winter. They worked hard at harvest time, and 1/3 of the harvested crop was to be given to the local overlord - a baron, count or duke. Local peasants were also very fond of animal products, so they bred a variety of pigs, cows and sheep from which they could obtain the materials they needed. A highly prized product among the middle class was bee honey. Only trained peasants were allowed to own and run an apiary and extract honey from it for personal and commercial use. Another highly popular occupation among the villagers was brewing. Many peasants were employed in private breweries where they produced high quality alcohol in the form of beer, vodka or wine. One of such brewery brands is Harnaś Brewing Company, owned by House Jazlowiecki. Depiction of a Lechian town Cities founded by various Lechitic noble families were usually located on hills, slopes or cliffs, where danger could come from one side. The wealthier towns were surrounded by a wall, usually made of stone or bricks, and there usually was a drawbridge leading to the gate with at least one tower. In every town there was a church or chapel where local people could worship God and pray for a successful harvest. The houses of Lechitic families were made of stone, wood and thatch as a roof, as these were commonly available raw materials. Wealthier families from the middle and high nobility could afford to build houses from more expensive materials such as white stone or expensive varieties of wood, unattainable for ordinary peasants. It was not very often that you could see noble houses within the walls of cities, as high ranking families usually had their own estates that operated independently. The same applied to the castles of local rulers. They were usually solitary standing on advanced rock formations where it was difficult for enemies to get to during an attack. Depiction of a Lechian castle A typical Lechitic castle was surrounded by a thick wall made of stone bricks and was dominated by the roofs of towers and the main building where the throne room and the feast hall were located. In the castle there was usually a small chapel, and in front of the bridge leading to the castle there was a small settlement for the castle workers - guards, priests and officials. A life in a noble keep differed from village life, as there the king's representatives came and there the future of the region was debated. RELIGIOUS SOCIETY Depiction of a Lechian monastery Lechians are a people proud of their religious affiliation. Processions and solemn masses for the homeland and the king were very common during the time of their state. The king, according to official state propaganda, had authority from God, and additionally filled important places in the government with church officials. The most important seat of the church in Lechia was Krakovia where the Archbishop resided. There was also the cathedral of the Virgin, where the kings of Lechia were crowned. The Church in Lechia strictly outlined the rules of morality and punished the disobedient. Despite this, the church was highly respected by peasants, the middle class and the nobility. Many Lechians turned away from the church when they secretly formed alliances and agreements with the Waldenians regarding their position after they occupy these lands. Today, despite the diaspora in which Lechians live, the church still plays a significant role in their lives TRADITIONS Depition of Krakovia before an upcoming fair Dożynki Originating from the provincial part of Lechia - Dożynki (in common the Harvest Festival) played a great role in the life of small towns and villages. Dożynki were a special time of the harvest where people gathered in squares or clearings and set up poles with colourful streamers, tables with white tablecloths and surrounded everything with bales of hay. In the middle, a bonfire was lit over which meat bought by the peasants to celebrate the success of this year's harvest was roasted. On the tables, however, there were colourful vegetables and fruit, and everything in the theme of the harvest. Drowning of Marzanna Drowning of Marzanna was an important part of the Lechian folklore. When winter ended and spring began, children from towns and villages made puppets stuffed with hay and decorated them to resemble women. Drowning the puppet in the river, or sometimes burning it, symbolised the passing of winter and the arrival of spring. The death of Marzanna was to symbolise the passing of the month associated with death and the arrival of new life in spring. Night of Kupała Lechian customs and rituals related to the Kupała Night were supposed to ensure health and fertility. Fires were lit, in which herbs were burned. Various kinds of fortune-telling and dancing took place during the joyful games. Girls would throw garlands with lighted candles into the rivers. If the garland was fished out by a bachelor, it meant a quick marriage. If it floated, the girl would not marry soon. If it burned, drowned or became entangled in rushes, it boded ill for old age. It is thought that these are probably the remains of old pagan spring rituals, that Lechians have incorporated into their culture after converting to Canonism. LECHIAN LEGACY Depiction of City of Krakovia, seat of House Jazlowiecki in the Margraviate of Lvinsk Although centuries have passed since the fall of Lechia, the spirit of the Lechians has never died. The first verse of their favourite patriotic song says "Jeszcze Lechia nie zginęła, kiedy my żyjemy" - "Lechia is not yet lost, as long as we live". The most widely known family that still maintains the Lechitic legacy and culture to this day is House Jazlowiecki. It first became famous for the military genius of the founding fathers of the family - Aleksander Batory and Mikhail Svarogovich, who fought alongside Wilheim and Tylos Barclay, as well as Bogdan Canoslav in the War of Two Emperors. After many years of separation, the two brotherly families of Batory and Svarogovich were united under one banner. To this day, memories of nearly 200 years ago are still vivid among family members. After decades of effort, the Lechians have finally won a place to live where they could propagate their culture and traditions in harmony. The Margraviate of Lvinsk, was a refuge for Lechians, where everyone was welcome, native or foreign. Under the rule of Venerable Borys Jazlowiecki, the first Margrave of Lvinsk, and August Jazlowiecki, the first Baron of Triglav - the Margraviate constantly developed. After the fall of Savoy, Jazlowieckis decided to take their fate in their hands and openly asked King of Oren, Frederick I about the possible relocation. Thanks to his wife being a Savoyard, and the prestige their family earned through the years in the southern realm, King Frederick didn't even think but allowed them to settle in the western part of his Kingdom. Under the rule of Margrave Jazlowiecki, the Lechian culture was safe and ready to flourish once more under a new banner. After years of prosperity, came the Harvest Revolution, which drove the Lechians from their home. The treacherous de Vilains, whom the Jazlowieckis saw as friends, deprived them of their home. But GOD watched over them and crushed the oppressors that drove them out of Eagle's Retreat. Thanks to the pious Prince of Merryweather, Ottomar II, into whose hands the land that once belonged to Grodno fell, through goodwill and respect was returned to its rightful owners. From this moment onwards, the House of Jazlowiecki became an integral part of the United Kingdom of Aaun. Lvinsk, Grodno, Warsovia, Triglav, Wolavia & Viska Coats of Arms SARMATIAN CULTURE Depiction of traditional Lechian noble outfits Sarmatism is a culture developed by the Lechians during the Jogailan rule. It presupposed a golden liberty for the nobility, which allowed them to meddle in the interests of the kingdom without the right of intervention by the King. The nobility would gather for Legislative Sejm, which allowed for new laws, reforms or even the writing of a constitution. However, the Golden Liberty assumed a right of veto on the part of anyone in whose veins noble blood flowed. The representatives of the high nobility bought off the lower-born and less wealthy nobles to vote no and use the veto, which broke up the sejm and prevented state reforms. Very characteristic was the nobleman's dress worn during Sejms, called Kontusz, and sabres or maces at its belt. Golden Liberty also had other drawbacks. The nobility, enjoying a high degree of autonomy, built their manors in forested retreats around which stretched hectares of land subject to them. The manorial system developed by the Lechian nobility was based on the principle of serfdom, that is, the forced and enslaved labour of peasants. Farmers were not allowed to leave their lord or his land under any circumstances, and were only exempt from work on church and national holidays. Multigenerational families poured their sweat and blood on the land of the Lords, getting nothing in return. The end of Sarmatism and Golden Liberty is marked by the fall of Lechia and a peasant uprising, which in its fury slaughtered and hanged the Lords mercilessly. SONGS AND MUSIC The songs of the Lechians are very distinctive. Their music is usually grave, but there are also more cheerful songs, to which you can dance despite the message. This state of affairs stemmed from years spent in the diaspora - scattered to the ends of the world, with no place to live. Without a piece of land, a homeland to call their own and with fading sense of independence, the Lechians carried the light of Lechia in the form of poems, books and, first and foremost - songs. What did the Lechians write songs about? There were many themes - love for a girl, love for the homeland, grief for the homeland or a call to arms in an attempt to reclaim lands seized by invaders. The music is usually played on the piano or violin, as these were instruments considered highly esteemed in the circles of Lechia's upper nobility. One of such songs is "Warszawianka" or in common "The song of Warsovia": I. ‘Tis the day of blood and honour Let it break our bloodstained chains! Like a dragon our white eagle Looking straight has soared above and excited with this hope calls upon us from above: Raise oh Lechia! Break your shackles! It’s your triumph or your death! Chorus: Hey who’s Lechian grab your weapon Lives our freedom, Lechia lives With this word of pure excitement May our trumpet always sound May our trumpet always sound II. Dearest Lechia all your children, are in better place today, since those days when all their battles were fought in Savoyard name they have waited for two decades sent across all human lands today Mother, who will fall in thy bosom shall be found Chorus III. Sound oh bugles, roar oh canons Forward children join the fight Led by honour and our glory Triumph gleams in steel so fine Soar our eagle, high above us Spread our glory, Lechia’s might Those victorious shall gain freedom Those defeated gained it now. Chorus Words of some other Lechian songs can be found below: Lechian Anthem: Gaude Mater Lechia - Rejoice Mother Lechia Duma Rycerska - Pride of Chivalry The Camp Prayer (one of the few songs you can sing along in common) LANGUAGE All letters of Lechian alphabet The Lechitic alphabet consists of 36 characters and resembles the Ruskan and Raevir languages in places. Although these groups did not have much in common, they managed to develop similar words and phrases. Good examples are the words "Good - Dobry" and even the negation "No - Nie". In many books you can find basic words and phrases in this language. Example of a Lechitic dictionary OOC: Culture is still a WIP
  6. ~Ortaure'na~ “With the coming of troubled times, we set our sails, press forth towards the Horizon For what life has for us, we will discover it’s meaning” ~Amara Ortauré'na ~beginnings~ Not much is known of this ortaure'na family They are a proud family with a strong connection to the seas with their vessels which travel the four corners. At the coming of Almaris they settled on the shores of Haelun'or. And living within the silver state for some time. Until the coming of Ando-Alur and soon its fall as well as it's resurrection. We are a group of High Elves currently displaced, Full roleplay Freedom is given to the players who pick up the character. I'm here to provide a background where you can launch off from :) if you are interested contact me on discord - Digital_Space#1997 Currently living characters: The order goes from oldest to youngest Amara Ortaure'na - Currently played ~ matriarch Thalia Ortaure'na - Currently played Jassin Ortaure'na - 36 - 46 years you can start - needing player (brother) ~ Available Ayressa Ortaure'na - 10-19 years you can start - needing player (Sister) ~ Available
  7. Cartref Morr 19th of the Deep Cold, 50th year of the Second Era [!] Upon those westernmost people who gazed into the starry night sky, one could see the vague shapes of birds fluttering amidst the clouds. There were flocks of them, each one carrying in their claws a singular piece of neatly folded parchment that held some tidings of importance. Like a stream, they flowed in differing directions towards the four winds, gliding along their currents as they bounded for distant realms. Heralding their arrival were the cacophony of caws that shrieked into the ears of all who hearkened to them. As they found purchase upon the shoulders of their respected receivers, they lowered the notes and soundly took off without another moment to linger. Each letter read the following... " Greetings son or daughter of Harren and Sarai, It is with great humility that I offer you a chance to start somewhere fresh, free from the political quarrels of nations and the zealous natures of would-be hunters. I offer you a chance to have a life somewhere safe, to have a part in restoring our culture in a manner to be proud of. Though others may promise wealth and prestige, we cannot offer you mina nor some illustrious title of renown, merely people of like-mind who share in the common belief of helping to restore our glory of centuries past. Yet beyond this daring dream, this ambition, or foolish notion, rests a much simpler truth. We needn’t hide any longer. The need to bury ourselves in these acts of concealing our ancestry is a toxic poison that has left us but a husk of what could be a proud people. What differences do we hold as a race in comparison to the realms of men we have taken after? What beyond our longer lives can we boast that sets us apart from the Orenian aristocrat or Hanseti noble? Whether your answer is the same as it was for myself and the others who’ve joined me or not, we await your arrival here at Cartref Mor. ” Signed John, Lord of Cartref Mor
  8. Yes the title is a clickbait. Yes I do hate druids. Yes I also hate magic. This rant is going to be in two parts mainly because I have criticism for the magic system and community as a whole. And before you ask, yes I am coping, seething, and malding. Please do the same if you get angry at this. Part One: The Druids Oh my god, I never though I would have to make this rant in a lifetime. But I got annoyed and decided to write it anyways cause why not. Druids. They're in the southern and eastern reaches of the map, as well as some parts of the west. They come in many shapes and sizes, and most of them are golden brown because they are Wood Elves. They wear tattoos, revealing clothes, no shoes, and usually are thought of as peace loving hippies(They are). So can you tell me why a nation and a conclave of only Druidic and Aspect followers DO ******* NOTHING 24/7, 365 DAYS A ******* YEAR? To the heavens above I preach on why you all are inactive. Don't even say you can't do anything, cause you can. Go to Freeport which is plagued by smog and bless it, attack Oren because they HAVE to be killing heaps upon heaps of livestock to feed their population IRPly. Go after the Azdrazi for revenge! I don't know, but every time I ask someone 'what have the druids done', they always give me a bullshit answer. And when I bring these up, people mention the "fAtHeR cIrClE". The Father Circle has done nothing besides fight an evil tree which no one knew about besides druids themselves. I would love to help and join the community, but trying to become one is like trying to get into a mean girl cliché at a highschool. People speak behind your back, say some shit, and even doing anything CLOSE to ecoterrorism that gets your town put on a map means you instantly get shut down and unattuned because you "did something bad". Well what the **** are you supposed to do? Hide behind a wall all your life and do ERP and Slice of Life? Sometimes I think Druids are obsolete because of the fact that I could do more with a knight group that fights for nature like 'Team Trees'. The Vale only has people on when Miven is on, and I'm still surprised that the Druidic Grove has their tile, cause every time I go there, there isn't a single player to be found. I once wanted to be one of you, a cool nature loving hippie who could turn ecoterrorist, but your community is too scared to be hated by anyone, so you don't do anything anymore. Part Two: The Magic Community Speaking of Highschool Clichés, getting magic on this server is immensely hard as is. Trying to get an Evo magic makes me have to suck at least 20 voidal mage's taints before I can even get close to a person with a TA. My good friend Lockage's once told me "If you want magic, get close to the community and the people." I love you Lock, and I have your feet pics to lick, BUT HOW THE **** AM I SUPPOSED TO GET CLOSE TO SPOOKS, AZDRAZI, AND ANY OTHER DANGEROUS GROUP OF MAGIC USERS? Please if you have any advice tell me, but as it stands, magic is gatekeeped so ******* hard its almost as bad as the problem with have with nations closing their gates, if not WORSE. I get wanting to give your friends magic, I do, and I also get wanting to keep a cool magic to yourself to keep yourself as your own Lord of the Craft, but at some point it has to be spread at least SOMEWHAT. I also hate the fact that its borderline OOC and metagaming when friends give each other magics and feats. For example, lets say some dude gets Heraldry for the Azdrazi. He's a bit know by the others and somewhat in the Cliché, but he's not trusted enough to become an Azdrazi. He sees a guy have his Heraldry taken away and is like "damn I don't wanna be that guy". A second later, he's given it back for no IRP reason, only because he's good friends with guy. The other player is baffled, and thinks its okay to do. So he does the same, and is pushed from the community because he isn't good friends with the others. Seems like something to happen, right? I don't know, it may just be me but all of this advice I'm given on "how to get a teacher" and "Don't ask just get close to them" seems like actual bullshit to me. So I've take the best alternative possible. Just not wanting magic at all anymore. Turns out, I can just have Aurum arrows and snipe a mage with a longbow or Arblest from 20 blocks away as long as they are in sight of me. Druid attacking me? **** it, hit them with another bow shot and rush them before they can do shit. At the end of the day, why leer for gatekeept magic when you can just **** them up with a bow and arrow like an English Chad. Also, don't hate the Azdrazi was just using it as an example cause it was the first thing I though of lol. Please don't hunt me down.
  9. [!] Published as of 21st of the Snow's Maiden, 50 SA The Bastion is ever so stagnant, impurity halting the process of purity. The leaders of the past graced us with their presence to anoint a new Maheral, however, their progress was halted due to impures, such as Mali’ata Orinmon Viradiraar. But fear not Children of Silver, hope is on its way. While our blessed bastion has stopped progressing, the Mali’thill shall never cease living up to the standards of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. It is within my pleasure to announce the names of the most competent Mali’thill that have seen the state of our nation and decided to rise up and to nominate themselves for the position of Maheral. Laurir Alfér Elibar’acal Braxus Ni’leya, tilruir’san Miss Laerdya These ever-so-progressing Mali’thill saw our nation’s cry for help and decided, it was one of them who shall get the ball rolling. I am touched by these servants of the state who will not wait a single moment when the public is calling. May Larihei guide the blessed heial’malauriran in their sacred mission. Regarding elheial'thilln, Sohaer Kolvar Uradir, our state as of now is devoid of Okariran, none but you running the nation. Stagnancy is staining our blessed bastion of Progress and Health. While I ne wish to ignore the work you have done to the Motherland, you simply can not do it alone. On behalf of the Mali’thill and other residents of Haelun’or, I urge you either appoint Okariran as soon as possible or declare the seats to be filled by a fair election. I trust you, Uradir. Aim towards progress instead of stagnancy. Signed, Usamea An'asul Ay’Larihei Ay’Maheral
  10. Wedding and tournament is in the Varhelm Square in Norland. We hope to see you there!
  11. It had been years of peaceful rest, as Naexi slept in what seemed to be an intense coma… there was no fight as she peacefully slipped from life to death… she simply lay there, recounting the life that had brought her through hatred, slavery, motherhood, love… she saw faces of people she loved, both her wives, one of which who’s death she was unaware had occurred just hours before… her children… friends… enemies… and finally she slipped into darkness, to which realm and belief none will know. The once chaotic and slightly insane woman now lay lifeless, to be discovered by whomever may next walk into the bedroom she and her wives had shared for years… [OOC] Naexi was super fun to play on for these 10(?) months, but her time has come, and to the joy of many im sure. Feel free to dm me to ask any questions, and it’s been a pleasure confusing all of Almaris with her ridiculous personality :)
  12. TREATISE ON THE MYSTERIOUS BLESSED MAURICIO OF AZOG Written by Thucydides Melphestaus Esquire, from The Supreme Order Of Exalted Owyn A thesis as tasked by Holy Dame Faux Amati. “An orcish champion who by popular legend is said to have entered the pits of Hell itself, and did battle successfully with the forces of Iblees.” This is the reason why Mauricio of Azog was beatified. Yet the Church speaks nothing else upon the orcish warrior, the only info we have being this, and later on the church even simplifying his accomplishments more changing it from doing battle “with the forces of Iblees” to “many of the Enemy’s servants” An orc blessed, one which supposedly walked through the gates of hell to fight the forces of Iblees head on, is quite unique yet it as if such a story of a orc is kept silent, hidden in plain sight. Information cannot be clearly gained about the story of this orc, or the legacy he left behind. I am not in a position, nor have the knowledge to say whether or not this is the intention of the Church. However, I deem it fit to have such a story shrouded no more. Through the use of old records, letters, decrees, and many other documents found in libraries throughout Almaris. I have been able to compile a rather basic, and in truth not in depth overview of Blessed Mauricio of Azog’s life and feats from public information. The beginning of his life is shrouded in darkness. Nothing is known of his upbringing or even when his early adult years began. One can assume however due to other sources that Blessed Mauricio of Azog was originally raised within Urguan, a unique upbringing as such for an orc, automatically hinting at perhaps the tolerance Mauricio of Azog may have later on his life. The time between then and his first years within the United Aegis Coalition (U.A.C) are shrouded behind a lack of records. What we do know is that Mauricio of Azog, perhaps either lived with Kal'Urguan, or visited the capital city of the Dwarves. For there is where Mauricio of Azog would be recruited into the United Aegis Coalition. During his time in the U.A.C it was nothing but hardship, a most notable occasion being where himself and a group of his fellow soldiers were tasked with infiltrating an undead keep. This would prove to be unsuccessful, resulting in many of these soldiers dying, and many of those who survived deserting the U.A.C all together. When the failed rebranding of the U.A.C to the Followers of Aeriel occurred, Mauricio left due to his view upon what the U.A.C had become, bringing along with him gold and diamonds he stole from the vault of the Followers of Aeriel, granting him enough funds to purchase himself a residence within Al'Khazar. His time within the capital of Oren is like his upbringing unrecorded, according to other accounts seemingly not being anything of note. Undead continued to ravage the lands however, many fleeing because of it. However, Mauricio remained where he was until he was invited to join the Teutonic Order led by Gaius Marius. Once joining the Teutonic Order, Mauricio received backlash due to his race, many within the order disapproving of him due to Mauricio of Azog being an orc. The Teutonic Order compared to that of the U.A.C was vastly different for Mauricio. Because of this, the orc began to question what his true home and place was within the world. Receiving permission to take a leave of absence, he traveled to the home of the orcs, Krugmar. Here he saw what he supposedly described as primitive savagery. Disapproving of the actions and beliefs of the nation of Krugmar. Unable to accept the belief that all orcs acted in such a way he ventured on to try and find orcs more similar to him. Whether by luck or by the will of God, he stumbled upon that of his brother, Urik Azog, a man who he had been separated from since his time in the U.A.C. His brother brought him back to Fort Azog, the home of the Orc Clan of Azog. There the clan chief took a liking to him, and offered to adopt him into the Azog Clan. Obviously the Blessed would accept the offer, taking on the name Maur Azog. He assisted the clan through the practice of engineering creating defenses that allowed themselves to even fend off attacks from the likes of the Dwarven Military. Along with this he also helped in making of the laws of Clan Azog, which ironically enough were simple and seemingly of orcish nature. The singular law stating “Azog Shall Never Kill Azog” He spent some time with that of his newly found family and clan, yet eventually he would be called back by the Teutonic Order. Almost as soon as he returned he would be ‘shipped out’, but rather ‘shipped down’, down to the Nether. He was chosen as one of the few who would represent the nations of Aegis against Iblees. The group proceeding fast, yet infighting quickly began with the chosen of Renatus, striking against the chosen of their rival nation Hanseti, Mauricio being one of these chosen of Hanseti. A chosen of Renatus would be killed by one of the Hanseti. Yet the conflict ceased as more undead began to attack them. The Hanseti would be separated from the main group, eventually returning to find that all chosen of the Elven, and Orc nations gone. Yet prior to the life of one of their own being lost to save the other two. When the Hanseti returned to the main group, now within the citadel in which they were tasked with destroying, only the dwarves, Renatus, and Hanseti remained. The Renatus chosen, accused the Hanseti of striking first, the dwarves however ignored it and wished for them to focus upon the task at hand. The dwarves would continue on first, yet as soon as they did the doorway which they entered would collapse leaving the dwarves separated from the rest. With the dwarves gone, the chosen of Renatus struck upon the Hanseti once more, the only two of them remaining being Maur Azog and a fellow orc. The fighting was brutal, filled with hatred from either side against the other, due to long lasting rivalries, leaving both sides to forget about why they were in the Nether. Eventually the fighting ended with only Blessed Mauricio of Azog standing. Walking towards a cliff where he had seen his fellow orc fall, he saw this orc grasping onto the cliff, with a chosen of Renatus wrapped around his legs. With a few final words reminding Blessed Mauricio of Azog of why they were done here, he bid him farewell, and then let go. Thus, bringing both the last chosen of Renatus and himself to their deaths. Now only Mauricio of Azog and the dwarves remained with the chance of defeating the forces of Ibless. Mauricio along with the dwarves fought against undead conjurers, travelling farther down and deeper into the citadel. Through their efforts the citadel had began to collapse, the mission was a success. The dwarves quickly began to escape, but Blessed Mauricio of Azog, could no longer move on. He was filled with grief and yet also accomplishment. He had completed the mission, and yet he had lost his fellow Hanseti. He lay prepared to die, yet by the will of God, he was given more time. He was brought back to Aegis, tended by members of the Teutonic Order, and lived his remaining years amongst his family, Clan Azog. In 1698, upon the 16th of Horen’s Calling. The Azogs would be given badges in which he served and were rewarded during and after his service in the Teutonic Order. The orc left behind something for his Clan to be proud of, that made them more than just another mere band of war loving orcs. Mauricio of Azog would receive more accomplishments too, rather than just being one of the chosen to go to the Nether. Such accomplishments being; first orc OrdenMarshall and Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order, first orc to obtain a land title in Hanseti, led the exodus of Sariants from the rule of Hochmeister Black. Along with to my knowledge being the only, or at least one of the only few Blessed who were a part of the orcish race. I encourage others to delve deeper into the story of Mauricio of Azog, along with other Blessed and the likes. For these stories are ones which somehow remain shrouded began fog, even when such stories hold great relevance as to why we stand where we are today, and why we stand the way we are standing today. Signed, Thucydides Melphestaus Esquire Squire of The Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn
  13. Kazimir Company Introduction This business is located in Varhelm, Norland. At the far end of the commercial area turning left off of the Varhelm ferry. Founded by Rebeka la Waevra, on the 9th of the Sun’s Smile in 30 S.A. Formerly La Waevra Imports & Exports, this business was renamed in 43 S.A, by Leyna Kazimir, daughter of Rebeka. The business carries a variety of different items, and can fill a wide variety of special orders, so long as they are associated with the wholesale of materials and resources. Products In the store, stocked consistently, Coral, sea pickles, and scutes from the Ocean side near Haelun’or. Quartz pieces from all over Almaris. Feathers, from all over Almaris. An array of different dyes, sourced from all over Almaris. Handmade leads, and golden carrots, saddles, and horse grain. Handmade notebooks, with thick leather bindings, thread with cotton string and smooth papers made in Norland. Handmade torches, with cotton top for easy lighting, built in with a coal top to keep it burning and flint for continuous uses. Homemade notepaper from Norland. Glowstone dust, coming from areas near Elvenessee. Bones that were sourced from Sutica. Cigars crafted in Norland, and Rozania. Meat, raised and slain in Haense and Rozania and cooked in Norland. Buckets, handcrafted from iron in Norland. Often carried in the store, a variety of wood, like spruce or oak. There are also homemade clocks, and compasses from a local crafter in Norland. A variety of armor is available. Arrows, and bows crafted in Norland. There is also a variety of alcoholic beverages available for purchase there. Swords made from a traveling blacksmith. Sword prices vary. Only one of each sword is ever made. Some items from mages are available for special order. Prices vary. Special orders Can get almost anything, contact Leyna for more information. Special order costs may vary. Bulk orders may cost less. Special orders are pickup only, unless special circumstances prompt delivery. Delivery is 20 mina and above, based on location. Leyna also works closely with a Haense horse breeder, and can sell them, for unreasonably low prices, lowest in all of Almaris! Library Above the shop is a small library, open to the public, and those who are willing to learn. There is knowledge there for anyone and it is ever-growing as the days go by. Rebeka’s love of books made her start this endeavor, and she used the business to help collect more books to add to the collection. Leyna carries this legacy on by providing books for all that she can. Many use the space for academia and group or guild meetings. A donation box is there for those who would like to donate any books they have. Special Order Form
  14. Letters from Chieftain Leyna of Clan Kazimir Listy od wodza Leyna z klanu Kazimir Issued the Eleventh of the Deep Cold, 46 S.A. To my People, my Family, my Kin, I, Leyna Kazimir, write to you now, not only as a compatriot and kinsman but as a Chieftain and the sole-inheritor of my late-Mother’s great family name. As the firstborn and eldest of my late-mother, Rebeka la Waevra, and late-father, Lomiei Vinelli, it is not only my honor to take up the mantle but my duty. It is then my prerogative to take up a new Clan name, befitting our Clan Mother’s legacy, a legacy wrought not by wrathful ambition but peaceful growth and the establishment of a peaceful place for all who followed her. In the Rozanian language the name Kazimir refers to a bringer of peace and it is for this reason that I have chosen it. A symbol of not only our clan’s past but a symbol to guide us into the future. Many of you, my people, my family, and my kin, have been spread across the Realm of Nyrheim following the tragic death of our Clan Mother. It is to you and your families I wish to give a home, a greater family, and a name to be proud of. For those of you I have had the privilege of close comradery with, I am thankful for all the years we have had together; and to those I have yet to meet, be you distant cousins or lost bannermen, I anticipate with great pleasure our coming meeting. To Qiew la Waevra, @JudgedKitty To Malakai La Waevra, @Roria To Pip, To Doc, @ggooose1 To Mythzic, To Brawly, @Tk4522 To the House of Bishop, @Lomiei To the Redfist Chief, @Robin01_boy To Nadia Buckfort, To Alric Edvardsson, @Qaz_The_Great Allfather guide you, Leyna Kazimir, Chieftain of Clan Kazimir
  15. If Tomorrow Starts Without Me [A painting of the rose fields of Reinmar] Thuds echoed in the halls of Reinmar as Ingrid made her way up to her room with the help of her beloved grandson Johann Barclay. The woman was so frail now from her terminal illness that she needed to pause every now and then. Her hand clutched firmly around Johann’s arm. But they made their way up at last to her room as she got into bed slowly. “Johann, I am proud of vy dear. I hope vy know that” Ingrid uttered with a raspy voice as the boy turned to leave the room. When Johann looked back to his grandmother he simply smiled and answered “I will come visit you tomorrow!”. The woman nodded in return as she watched him leave. But she was afraid, would she truly be able to stay alive until he was to be married? She had promised to try after all. Yet Ingrid was so tired, she could feel her body begging for relief from the pain she bore every hour. Her breathing got more ragged for every second that passed. Was her body truly this weak, she pondered? Ingrid then glanced at the cupboard in her desk. A small relief washed over her as she knew that if this was to be her last moment at least she had written letters to those she loved. Where was her husband? She thought to herself, she wished to say farewell to him before she left this world. The man she had loved, treasured and had children with for all these years. She felt it now, that she would not wake up to see tomorrow. Alas she had no strength left to yell, call out or even get out of her bed. Her eyes struggled to stay open as she slowly succumbed to the slow and painful death that had been awaiting her for all those years. If only she could have held her children one last time she thought. And thus she got out one more sentence before she took her last breath. “Erich, I will finally see vy again my boy” Ingrid Mariya Barclay nee Amador 331 ES - 393 ES [!] Letters would be found in the cupboard that was written to the fellow individuals Friedrich Barclay Emilia Barclay Isolde Barclay Johann Barclay Adrianna Darkwood To the Barclay House
  16. Our message is to those who turn hate toward free people, the ones who beat innocent children, men, women and more in the name of a higher power. This is the official document, stating the creation of the Pride Rights Activist Group. This group is inclusive, of all races, genders and sexual orientation for everyone across Almaris. We welcome you to join us in this group, and in the fight for our lives against the ones who take our lovers, our sisters, and our brothers from us. They demand we conform, that we hide in the shadows of who we are, but I say we fight back, we show them who we are in a protest that will take back our freedom. Join us to fight, or join us to support. We are family, and we matter. Signed, Doc, Leader of the Pride Revolution
  17. 9th of Malin’s Welcome, 44 SA To restore tradition, The Blessed Maheral From the beginning of our kind, we have faced many difficulties, hardships, and even the destruction of our home by evils that stain these realms. By Larihei’s guidance, however, we have overcome and continued to prosper. We have been led by multitudes of great Sohaeran, whose chiefest duties said continued prosperity of the Motherland and the safety of her citizens. Aided by our most respected Elheial’thilln, the Sohaer works tirelessly to maintain our course. However, the Sohaer is but a humble ‘thill, no more, nor less, than any other among us. Right now, we are without guidance. We are without the wisdom of our Mother, Larihei, and her chosen representatives, and this has made us lose our path. Our shared Haelun, she who brought us unto those sacred pools that heralded our rebirth, would be saddened to witness the state of our silver nation. I am but a young Mali, my return to the Motherland recent - yet the stories I had long been regaled with of the cihi upon the hill did not match what I returned to see. Okariran defending lesser cousins when they have broken our sacred laws and rodents working in elsillumiran greeted me. Larihei left in her place a chosen representative, the second Maheral - one that might administer her wisdom, and correct our path, in her absence. Sohaeran, Okariran, Lauriran, and all those of Silver are left unguided without the wisdom of Larihei. The epitome of purity, one we might all endeavour to follow in the traditions of the State, is a vacancy - and this has left a poor example for those that remain. Thus we humbly request the following, The seat of the Maheral shall be filled at its earliest opportunity. Our people shall no longer remain unguided. The Maheral will be anointed by Elheial’malauriran as is custom to our ancient traditions. The Office of the Maelunir will be reinstated within the government of Haelun’or. The Maelunir shall act on behalf of the most pure until the new Maheral has been anointed. The Maelunir will be in charge of upholding the purity of our people and translating the wisdom and clarity of Larihei in the absence of the Maheral. The Maelunir shall also summon elheial’malauriran as soon as possible. The Maelunir shall be chosen either by a fair election between those who wish to nominate themselves for such a position or by a vote by Elheial'thilln (Duly note, the position is temporary & the new Maheral shall appoint their Maelunir). The current Government of Haelun’or, within their discretion, may or may not allow the interim-Maelunir to participate in the workings of Elheial’thilln. Written by, Usamea An'asul Signed, - Usamea An’asul - Caranthir Gve’el Me’v - Chiyo Osser - Astraea Len’irrin - Alfér Elibar’acal - Aelgifu Amlugol
  18. [OOC: send me a bird in game (ColonelXepphir1) or on discord kuro#9824, we are recruiting everyone but we expecially are searching for dark elves, dm me for any questions you have or for lore and stuff about the clan]
  19. It is with a heavy heart that I announce that the almighty Tori the messenger parrot...has fallen. He was loved by many but no one loved him as much as I did. I spent hours training Tori in to copying my words to be reliable. His training wasn't finished by the time he passed and I hope wherever he is now, he is still practicing his words. Tori will be laid to rest somewhere he loved, with the trees. Rest in peace Tori, you were a good bird. -Andria
  20. A willowy figure sat in the warm and cozied writing nook of her family Mannor, naught but the scratching of her quill and the absent words of song filling the lonesome space around her, a flickering candle illuminating the dark oak and warm reds of the room. A letter, carried by birds and horse, perhaps even bottle, would be soon be spread over the continent to any who cared to fall upon it. A thick parchment, scented of lavender, carried the following words in an elegant sprawl. "It is with a heavy heart I speak, and an even heavier hand I write, to announce that the funeral for the honorable Thalion Drakon is to be held this elven day. In the crypts of our city, before Wyvrun’s witness, I call on any and all who may wish to come and say their regards for the fallen soldier, father, husband, and once leader of the mighty Drakon bloodline. As he comes to grace the lands of fen’ciwn, Wyvrun’s domain, with his soul to be cradled in his safe embrace, still we grieve for the man lost of this realm. Most sincerly- Morael, standing Archon of house Drakon and Priestess of Wyvrun" ((ooc)) Funeral in Fenn, Today 7pm est in the square and then crypts!
  21. A Sweet Death The plagued village of Bramblebury sat in ghostly silence. Occasionally, life returned to it as halflings came desperately to retrieve their belongings, braving the rancid smell of death and infestation of critters. However, one halfling woman had not gotten to leave. In the chaos of everything, she had been left behind. Almond Joy 'Mondy' Applefoot. The baker's body rest against the circle door of The Cookie Crumb Bakery. Her large, deep blue eyes were wide open in her sleeping state. They plead 'help me', but her plea was unseen. A trickle of crimson blood ran from Mondy's mouth, vivid against her drained white skin. More blood splattered the bakery floor. The most grotesque part, perhaps, was the medley of creepy crawlies covering her. Maggots, roaches, worms. Swarming her. Sat in the burnt out oven of the bakery was a presumable sweet bun, charcoaled to oblivion. OOC:
  22. A Study of the Myth of The Winged Soldiers Penned by Miss Elaine Victoria d’Arkent [!] An artist's depiction of a winged soldier ((Artist is Meaghan Maxted)) Their depiction and duty A Winged Soldier is a female with large wings which can be any colour she chooses, though the most common one is white. They are also often depicted wearing aurum armour, based on the belief that the metal is the most pure and harmful to dark creatures. Some artists give the winged soldiers natural hair colours while others give them unnatural ones, as no myth has been found that describes their hair colour. Their eyes have been described as bright as the sky or the sun. It is said that the winged soldiers are sent by God to help priests expel the foul beings from corrupted descendants, fight dark beings that threaten God’s descendants, to help guide the sinful back to redemption and bring souls of the dead to the seven skies. There have been those close to the brink of death that have claimed to have seen a winged being come down from the light only to disappear when saved by medics. Other soldiers who linger on the battlefield to find their loved ones have also claimed to see signs of such beings, though there is no proof it was real. ((Couldn’t find the artist, but the signature is there)) Background of the Myth How the myth came to be has been argued by many scholars, as its origins are obscure and several variants of the legend exist. Some believe it came from St. Julia of Paradisus, when she cast out Iblees from her camp when confronted alone by him. The thought that a woman alone had such strength and purity to be able to cast out the dark and foul by herself gave much courage to her sex/fellow women. It is believed after her death that God called for St. Julia to gather herself some faithful women in his skies, giving them wings and power before sending them to do his bidding against the dark. Another variation of the myth is that St. Emma of Woldzmir became the first winged soldier. Due to her life of servitude to God and her prayers to him, he blessed St. Emma by giving her “wings” so she could lift her fellow soldiers into victory from the courage she had gained. And so God continued to allow her to help her fellow soldiers and those caught in war after her death. A third myth is that the winged soldiers are in fact what some call the Aenguls that God created to help him. They do his bidding, yet still have their own thoughts and opinions. Some even fall to temptation and end up corrupted. Which myth is the true origin of the winged soldiers is unknown. It is indeed possible all of them are true, but scholars have since created these mixed variants. Canonist Belief The truth of the myth remains dubious,as there are no mentions of these winged soldiers in the canonist scrolls to my knowledge and thus the myths may even be the fabrications of heretics But as long as us fellow canonists do not worship these winged soldiers and the Church says we are allowed to speak of them then perhaps more studies, explorations and findings will be made known if there is in fact some truth to them. What we also know is that myths often come from people needing courage and to hold onto something during dark times. Some even stem from real experiences that were over exaggerated. Indeed, for instance, the myth may have begun by the rescue of a man at the hands of a woman dressed like a bird, or with an avian companion, that the man saw as an angelic figure.Twisting the story once he had been healed into the woman having wings and being sent by God. So always take myths with a grain of salt even if they are interesting is my personal advice to those reading my study on this particular myth. Signed by, Miss Elaine Victoria of House d’Arkent
  23. MISSING PERSON Darina Sarosa Last seen in Elysium. If found, please take her back SAFELY to the rangers of Elysium 150+ MINA BOUNTY TO BRING HER BACK ALIVE! Description: 4'11", wood elf, dark skin, green eyes, light brown hair in braids usually, sometimes dirty PORTRAIT:
  24. The Story of Princess - Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov - [!] A painting depicting Katerina surrounded by her brother and her mother, Heinrik and Isabel, in the form of a venomous snake. - Please do not metagame the information in this post - It’s just a post I made to end Katerina’s story in Haense, and the start of a new life for her. So unless you know of any of this in roleplay then do not metagame! P.S: There are some triggering topics in this post like mental and physical abuse. A lone figure could be seen on the road leading to the city of Karosgrad, onyx locks flowing in the harsh and cold wind. Somber blue eyes watching, her hand holding a bag packed full along with a living green doll resembling that of a dragon with its own little backpack. Memories flashed in her mind as she stood there. "Vyr borsa needs vy, Katerina. The crown is a heavy burden and he will need his family”. “I know mamej, I will become a medic to protect him!” Family… Is that what we were? The memories of her mother were so strong and loving, yet every sentence she said felt like poison. “But my mother offered me protection from him,” she would always tell herself to sleep better. But protection from what? Her mother threw her own daughter to the wolves all because she was bored: made up rumours and wrote horrible things about Katerina in her stupid paper. Her mother used her kindness against her to manipulate her into staying and caring for her brother when all he did was hurt her. How could she still have love for her mother when she had put her through so much hurt and suffering for her own amusement? “A family,” she pondered, “that was no family.” "I promise I won’t marry you off to a man below the status of Grand Duke, sestra” She knew it would come, every princess had a duty to their kingdom to marry for security and status. She had hoped her brother would be different. That was the day it all started going downhill, after the death of their father and that stupid room they all gathered in: the last day of proper peace and when her brother’s love turned wicked. Why could they not have stayed young, she pondered to herself? Her hand tightened on the straps of her bag from the memories. She knew better than to go back into the whirlwind of emotions that came with it, yet her mind never allowed her such peace. Her dreams haunted her during the night and day, tiring her every waking moment. But she had decided this time to not get stuck, so she allowed herself to feel every memory that came rushing upon her this time. Her eyes closed. "So I can’t do what they do, I just have to sit still and look pretty,” the girl in her memory asked, her tone hurt yet carrying a trace of fear before a pair of dull blue eyes- why was it always those eyes- that stared back down at her. A threatening emotion in the visage of the raven haired boy the eyes belonged to before he spoke “Vy are the prinzenas royal of Haense!” Then in a flash it ended and the next memory swept her away. Katerina was now back in the library in the palace. She knew which memory was to come, she always hated that library. The bad memories were too strong compared to the good ones there. Then a voice rang out in the air; “It’s niet fair, borsa! My uncles get to join the military. Why can’t I join as a field medic?” The girl cried out in a hushed whisper so the rest in the room would not hear them. His eyes turned dark as he loomed over her in a threatening manner. “I’m the Koeng, and if vy don’t stop arguing I will lock vy up in vyr room until vy are eighteen and never be allowed to see vyr friends,” the raven haired boy yelled back at her in a whisper, only her friend Mariya hearing the conversation as she stood close enough to the two. As the boy turned around to leave he punched the book shelves in a loud bang. The girl flinched before she broke down into a sobbing mess. Her own hand reached up to her cheek; when had she started to cry? Katerina knew why: the memories still affected her until this day. Fifteen… She had been so young during that fight, so young and full of life once. The curse of the Barbanov princesses felt almost real to her. Why else would her life be filled with so much suffering? A shivering breath, when had she forgotten to breathe? She did not know, but had no time to wonder before the next memory swept over her. "Vy will nie longer be the Prinzenas Royal or the Baroness of Antioch. Vy will just be Prinzenas Katerina now sestra.” Heinrik spoke, they were both older now. “Why? Is this because of the paper claiming I am homosex, vy know that is just falsities borsa!” she cried at him in anger. Wanting to cling to the titles her late father had given her, the only person in this dreaded family that had cared for her and been so kind with her. Mariya did not count after all, she was married into the Barbanov house, but she too had been there for her all those years. “I do niet believe in those gossip papers. But people do, I will find vy a husband now that vy shall marry to end these rumours.” he said, his eyes glaring daggers into her, daring her to continue. But Katerina had been foolish enough to continue in her desperate plea to still hold onto something that mattered to her. “Please borsa, that will just make people believe the rumours more by forcing me to marry!” And so he struck her on her face. A dark bruise began to form on her cheek. The girl fell silent for the first time as she left. Plotting to run away afterwards. Why had she not stayed in Oren when she had done so. Her memories at last ending. Her mother had died some years later, never apologizing for what she had done to her daughter. She could still feel the lingering shock and hurt when her uncle told them all in the church of her own mother being the author of hearsay. She could never forgive her, she had pretended to of course. But it was a lie, always had been and always would be. She knew Heinrik had apologized to her and stopped the abuse. But it had not mattered, the memories haunted her forever of what her brother had done to her and to her closest friend Mariya. She was gone now, lingering in the seven skies. Waiting to be reunited with Katerina, but it would not be today. “Vy will have to wait a while Mariya, I want to live first. But I can niet do it here in Haense, so watch me from the skies as I leave, da? I could need an extra push vy know...” A soft wind suddenly blew at her as if telling her to leave. And so the woman turned away, wiping away the tears as she did. Not once looking back while she travelled. “Dravi Haense.” Letters had been delivered to a few individuals Tarathiel Asul’onn @Valannor Aestenia Aevaris @Maevlin Stefan Vyronov @Wolfey34 Friedrich Barclay @ColdestPepsi
  25. 🛡️⚔️ Honour the Past to build the Future ⚔️🛡️ As the world comes to meet great changes we enter a new age becoming: cities falling; moving; and being forged. And alongside it all has come forth a new clan to join those around it. Through an unlikely meeting at a tavern did the founders acquaint, an unlikely friendship formed through campfire stories and drinks together, and soon to be interactions through a shared house. The Odinson clan is built upon a foundation of trust and companionship not easily wavered, strong bonds of familiarity string the founders together and are hoped to weave through to members of future generations. Beliefs Held Dear This is a clan forged with three things in mind; Honour the ancestors, namely Odin, the head of the clan former and dwed father to Eivor Odinson; Let your wits and intelligence guide you to advance your community to the future; Your blade will only be as sharp as your mind, without thought your strike will be no more effective as a breeze. With a crest to represent these things, the clan is built with a foundation of mindfulness. The Helm to show of the former Odin, the Raven to show of the wits and cleverness, the Blade to show of the strikes to be made. A Story of Foundation "It 'ad been a long winta' in the Farlands where oi come from, snowed fer weeks on end an' trapped us on our land with nae way tae even get tae food. Oi was only a wee dwed back then, an' oi was scared fer me loife like I 'ad never been before. It was me father who got us through it alive, by keepin' 'is wits about 'im and usin' them tae outsmart tha winter. 'E 'ad us make blocks o' snow an pile 'em up 'round me 'ome. Oi thought 'e was crazy fer it, but wha' he figured that oi didn't was that tha snow could work fer us as an insulator tae keep tha warmth in an' keep tha cold out. 'E 'ad us build a foire, which oi also thought was crazy, but' as the foire melted tha snow, it refroze an' kept us warm. Aftar the cold 'ad passed, oi realized what it meant tae be in me family, it meant usin' yer moind tae outsmart yer opponents, even when tha gods want ye dead. Oi've kept this in moind me whole loife an' will never forget it. An' now, I shall be passin' it on tae me Clan, tae ye." Future Generations in The Making The Odinson's is nay a clan of exclusion and will welcome any who wish to swear into it with open arms and warmth, those of all races are welcomed in without judgement or hesitation, so please offer a hand or a bird if you wish to join a clan of intellect above strength, or rather, where intellect is strength. Fal'leon Odinson Eivor Odinson OOC: If neither of us are online and you wish to join the clan, contact Deus Mortem#8931 on discord
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