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  1. Past hour
  2. This lore has been denied. You will be sent a forum PM regarding the reasons for denial within the next 24 hours.
  3. Thank you for highlighting this. I recall from conversations with @Zarsies, Vaasek would logically have unwitting infernal servants (presumably chalking their sight up to Iblees/ Ixris/ the Pentacle), as there are absolutely witnesses in the Hells and there is very little rhyme nor reason why an inferis from their end couldn't practice the magic. I know at one point there was an argument around inferi 're-growing eyes', though given the mutilated nature of all inferi I don't see why they couldn't simply be created blind or permanently scarred with malflame. Maybe something to clarify in an accompanying amendment, as you suggested.
  4. Today
  5. I know some of yall are going to ride into berry bushes again today. Watch out
  6. Therese von Theonus gets a little too excited for the tournament and begins to practice on the Ur board in Vissingren!
  7. This realm gained instant legitimacy with me just by having cool COA.
  8. There's far too many rules and variables to them all as it is. A dude's in full plate perception isn't as great, but what if he raises his visor? A projectile can range from a scrawny shortbow shot that'd bounce off armor or a full longbow shot that'd have far more kick behind it than the previous, are we to enforce longer emotes over the type of bow? Keep it simple. Common sense and logic go a long way, as long as the combatants aren't tearing each other OOC'ly, it'll never be an issue. You can't enforce every part of combat with rules.
  9. "There be a lot of bold statements here." Narvi squinted at the missive, putting it onto a pile on his desk.
  10. The Temesch bard hummed a tune, the poem's words swirling through her mind. Emeline was cooking.
  11. This lore has been denied. Apologies for the long review, but this hadn't made it to the full administration and I take the blame of it's denial (and unforgiveably lengthy delay) upon myself. Truthfully, I don't think this is going to supplement frost witches well, or will solve their current issues. I think systemically, the playerbase has proven really difficult to not only work with from a ST and Player perspective, but inter-playerbase as well which the frequency the team gets complaints of it. I'd really, before seeing an improvement with Jokul fixed by a ghoul-type CA, would want to see the CA itself improve. Not necessarily the lore, but activity; frost witches have been fairly inert for the length of this map (and the latter half of last, as well), and while I'm not necessarily looking at numbers I am moreso remarking on their ability to interact with and work with other playerbases. I think the CA going on an extremely hot-cold cycle of activity for days then inactivity for weeks to months followed by an extremely detrimental and negative view of it's own players, playerbase, other playerbases, lore, and frequent support, has been nothing but detrimental to itself and it's players. Before any supplements or additions aimed to fix the CAs issues, I want to see the CA fix itself to where the core issue holds, and not hoping a goontype CA can come in and fix it. This comes off as harsh, and that I know, and it can be perceived as spitting upon the effort a lot of people have put into their work and roleplay. Unfortunately, I think there is a long way to go in the CA succeeding but it is not my intent to say the CA or its players are bad. I am just out of options on how to say what the problem is in the nicest way possible. This CA can succeed, it's players can succeed, and it's roleplay can succeed. We saw it earlier last map with an even worse version of the current lore, and years too before that. I know it can happen, and I know it can work, and it's this mentality that has shattered the morale of the lore and its useage at the moment. Once this happens, we can consider expanding and giving more assets to the playerbase. I apologize for the poor, very late news, have a great day.
  12. Ioanna Kortrevich ponders over the announcement of this liberating force, thoughts wandering to the recent loss of her uncle Alberic and his efforts to combat the damned. Perhaps this was GOD's further wish for his Cometborn, she thought, to seek those of the Shadow by force and bring them into the Light.
  13. XXI On this day of THE 13TH OF SNOW’S MAIDEN, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Morwen Idhreniel swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Prince Aranuir Caranethion and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Aerdaethil. XXII On this day of THE 11TH OF MALIN’S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Eriantiel Arthalion swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Esteleth. XXIII On this day of THE 11TH OF MALIN’S WELCOME, IN THE YEAR 180 OF THE SECOND AGE, Rossiel Marsyr swore the Oath of Tar-Númenatâr, in witness of Tar-Caraneth Aryantë and the gathered populace of Fair Númenost. She took the epithet Noenien.
  14. Yesterday
  15. Alekszej read over the missive, furrowing his brows to the Oath secetion "Kurwa, children fighting e must take Haseni names? What even makes a Haseni name, Haseni? There z too many cultures amongst us!" He sighed, reading over the rest "Ah, but the rest jest dobry.. Thank GODAN!"
  16. "Now, we can only hope this one stays dead," Juniper mused upon hearing the news. She was both happy, and irritated.
  17. Adalwulf sighed then, followed it with a slight smile at the news. He pocketed the missive and got on with his day.
  18. THE MANTLE PASSES YET AGAIN Issued by the Baroness of Koravia With much pride do I, in my last act as the Baroness of Koravia, announce my abdication. Never has it been my wish for the Bull’s mantle to pass from one head to another by the result of GOD recalling a soul to the Seven Skies, as it was once passed to me so long ago. I have every confidence that my eldest son and heir, Erik Otto, shall lead this house into a better and brighter age. One bathed in light, untouched by premature death. And so, with this document, I hereby invite all who wish to celebrate the new Baron to a feast in his honor, where I shall formally pass on my title. Long may he and the House of Kortrevich prosper, and may GOD smile upon him for all his life. INVITATIONS Their Royal Majesties, IVAN VIII and NATALIYA OF GHAESTENWALD, King and Queen of Hanseti-Ruska and their royal pedigree His Grace, GAREN BARUCH, Duke of Valwyck and his noble pedigree Her Grace, TATIYANA VAS RUTHERN, Duchess of Vidaus and her noble pedigree The Most Honorable, HENRIK-OTTO LUDOVAR, Margrave of Kvasz and his noble pedigree The Right Honorable, MIKHAIL COLBORN, Count of Malkovya and his noble pedigree The Honorable, HENRIK AMADOR, Viscount of Zvezlund and his noble pedigree The Honorable, REZA WEISS, Viscountess of Novkursain and her noble pedigree Her Ladyship, ROSALIND VALKONEN, Baroness of Svargrad and her noble pedigree His Lordship, FYODOR KOVACHEV, Baron of Kovgrad and his noble pedigree Her Ladyship, GALINA GODUNOV, Baroness of Vereskya and her noble pedigree Their Royal Highnesses, ALFRED I and LEON II, Princes in Reinmar and Her Royal Highness, ADALFRIEDE VON HEXENWALD, Princess of Minitz and their royal pedigree The Reinmaren People His Apostolic Majesty, JOHN I, King of the Apostolic Kingdom of Aaun and his royal pedigree Her Ladyship, EMMA AMADOR SIGNÉE PAR, Her Ladyship, IRENA STEFANIYA KORTREVICH, Baroness of Koravia For now. “Tiz Dzuty, Triek Caezk” “With duty, comes honor”
  19. A helmed geezer shuffled in their chair as they squinted at the missive, his arid lungs rasping for breath. "...Do they do veterans?" Slith queried to no one in particular, looking out of their window with a hum.
  20. A bald, earless, and fat nosed ker hummed for a while as he looked at the missive, looking down at their damaged half-plate and worn down crossbow with a nasally powered "Hurh... Perhaps, this will be better for us."
  21. Chambery First Conseille Municipale Meeting Notes : Notes of the decisions made during the first meeting of the Conseille Municipale of the Free City de Chambery. Present at the meeting where the Bourgmestre Nicolas Wittenbach, Conseillère Edith Hope and Conseiller William Temesch - The Creation of a Justice Framework for the Free City. - Incorporation of a Cabinetry system for the Conseille Municipale. - The return of nature/addition of greenery into the Free City. - The Creation of a Tower of Sciences. - Creation of a Central Brewery for Brewers to use. - Construction of Houseboats in the Harbor. 1.The Creation of a Justice Framework for the Free City de Chambery. Due to the violent assault on a Chamberian Citizen earlier that day the discussion about security but also justice system was raised by the Conseillère Edith Hope. At this time Chambery has no Justice Framework to guide on what to do in cases like the one taking place earlier that day, as Chambery has so far fully relied on the Judicial system of Petra. But as our City has grown it is time for us to create our own framework and Office to deal with judicial matters within our City borders. To achieve thise the Conseille has appointed Conseillère Edith Hope to write down her ideas for a Judicial Framework and Judicial Office of Chambery to be discussed and voted on during the next Conseille session. 2.Incorporation of a Cabinetry system for the Conseille Municipale. While the idea of giving each Conseiller a Portfolio of Offices/tasks to do in the Free City already existed in practice it has been decided to formalize this into a cabinetry system in which Various offices and tasks will be distributed between the conseiller and Bourgmestre. One can hold several Offices at the same time and new Offices may be created when needed and old ones dissolved if they've become obsolete. Once the proposal was written down and shown to the Celestial trust the new changes will be discussed and voted on during the next Conseille session and are to be added to the Constitutional Ordinances. 3.The return of nature/addition of greenery into the Free City. Due to the rapid expansion of Chambery in the past decades and the recent large construction works, a lot of the natural beauty and natural habitat of various species has been destroyed. Conscious of the need to preserve the Natural Beauty of the River valley as well as the habitat of various species, most of all the local fish population vital to the fishing economy of Chambery the Conseille has decided to start efforts of making Chambery more green, adding trees onto public spaces and generally more greenery. In addition river pollution will be checked and local animal species encouraged. 4. The Creation of a Tower of Sciences. The Old Chateaux Tower, which already houses the clinic, an Alchemy lab and the astronomy telescope is to be fully converted into a Tower of Sciences. At this time two floors of the tower are abandoned, these floors used to House the offices of the Masters of Chambery as well as their private quarters of the old chateaux. Since the construction of the new chateaux these rooms are abandoned and through the initiative of Conseiller William Temesch are to be converted for scientific usage. One floor is to be converted into a place for medics to study and practice, another floor is to be converted into an engineering and metalwork lab. In addition the Alchemy lab is to be open for public usage. Books about Alchemy, medicine, Astrology will also be added to each floor for people to learn and practice each of the sciences. This new tower will be fully open to the public and will serve as a place for scholars, scientists and medics to study and improve their craft. 5. Creation of a Central Brewery for Brewers to use. Because of High need and demand for breweries from the citizens of Chambery but also to safeguard the correct and safe production and avoid free standing brewery´s in the cityscape a new large city brewery with restricted access will be constructed. 6. Construction of Houseboats in the Harbor. Due to the big rise in population and very low amount of free Housings the Conseille Municipal has decided to construct more new houses. The first batch of new Houses will be Houseboats docked in the Harbor. In the future more new houses will be built into the mountainside; other options are also being currently explored.
  22. FULL NAME: Jan Aleksander Jazlowiecki AGE: 18 RACE: Human PRIOR EXPERIENCE, IF APPLICABLE: Basic Training METHOD OF CONTACT: DSC: pecenyrohlik
  23. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the Year of our Lord 1976 PAUL ALEXANDER BY the GRACE of GOD PRINCE of the PETRA [!] Throughout the Heartlands and the greater Realm of Aevos, this missive was pinned. In Memoriam: Albert Salvian of the Petra It is with heavy hearts that we announce the passing of our beloved brother, Albert Salvian of the Petra, known to many as Albéric du Lac, "Knight of the Lake". Intimately, "frayre." His loss has left a profound void in our hearts and in the realm. As we come to terms with his sudden departure, we shall honor his memory with a five-day period of mourning, commencing immediately. During this time, the household of the Duke of Valfleur will observe solemnity and reflection in memory of our esteemed brother by collectively donning black attire, with a private vigil to be held at Courteis Hale's chapel. Throughout these days, the entrance of the Valfleur's estate shall remain draped in black as a symbol of our collective grief. We invite all those who knew and cherished Albert to join us in paying respects and offering prayers for his eternal peace. May his legacy endure in our hearts, and may his soul find solace in the embrace of the righteous. Amen. WITNESS Ourselves at Courteis Hale on this 11th day of Sigismund’s End in the Year of our Lord 1976, 121 Atstana de Regne Petrére Well-Wishes, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander Temesch of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Duke of Valfleur, Chancellor & Founder of the Royal Academy of St. Jude, Steward of Vallagne, Patriarch of the House of Valfleur
  24. THE CRIMSON GUILD FOUNDATION ----------------------------------- In today's date, Crimson Iron Guild is born. A guild that Will be composed of all kinds of races, from merchants to mercenaries and treasurers, and donors. Its purpose, and the with duty and experience I, Jaromir Kos, undertake to create a guild with hooks all over the continent, creating and receiving information of all kinds. We want and expect to attract all kinds of people, with respect for diversity. Jaromir Kos, Grand Master of the Crimson Guild https://discord.gg/qK9nKgYP
  25. The one-armed goblin Bon'Ox offers a satisfied nod after doing a read-through of the different electors points: "MAI KANNON, ZPIRIT OB INDOMITABLE FAITH AGH GOD OB DA ZHARA, BLEZZ MIZTER ELWOOD AGH MIZTER BRENNUZ IHN IZI ENDEVOURZ!"
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