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When Luck Runs Out [PK]

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The An-Gho hung above the body of Audo, mouthing prayers with clasped hands over the dead remains of the fallen warrior. 


In death, there was honour - and in honour; holiness. 

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Liridona, though she had not known the Weiss Viscount well, welcomed her fellow Haeseni into the Seven Skies. He had been a strong man, an honorable man, and he deserved to be commended for his life.

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The old king settled sleepy eyes upon his cupbearer. The boy he had seen pour his drink now turned to Carrion. A fighter, he had lived up to his mettle as a Weiss. A lion of the north. "You did well. Be at peace." Said Karl.

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A pale mali, having been living in seclusion now for a number of years, had learned of her old ally's passing. Contemplating the moments shared and the good times had, along with the estrangement of his brother, Haus, Valindra let out a faint sigh, almost sorrowful that the two Weisses hadn't made amends in time..


Should Audo have a burial, a tribute to his life be it a grave for body or ashes, those present would find a blade rested at the side of such, a token of respect bestowed unto the Haensemen by the ancient 'aheral.

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The Elder Azdrazi Alistair considered all the events that transpired in the Underdark. Deep in the bowels of the earth, the warrior had engaged the Dread Knight he was faced with head-to-head. As a nimble woman in armor had suffered the first blow from the animated suit of armor's rancid claymore, Alistair had intervened on her behalf with his greatsword and entered a fierce mele with the creature. To Alistair, this was merely another fight to delay time to preserve the flesh and blood of the less hardy Heralds who had accompanied the Nephilim on their dastard quest to the deep. Alas, as he stepped backwards and allowed the monstrous armor to detonate, he heard a cacophony of voices as the Azdrazi of Tor Praeth lamented their convert's death at the hands of the Mori'quessir marauders.


"Drakon!" One voice wailed, as another shouted. "He is dead!"


It was rare for the ancient Dragonkin to feel much remorse. Much less when he was not polymorphed into a human shape. The lives of normal people were simply far too short to elicit any sense of sympathy from Alistair on most occasions. Though he was reluctant to take the lives of others, Alistair believed that to lament death was a waste of time - some forces of nature were simply inescapable. But that did not change the lingering feeling of failure that he felt roll through his nerves like a plague beneath his leather skin and his stone heart. For a brief moment, he experienced a human feeling of shame. Not unlike the sensation he had experienced when he lost close friends of his to the trials in Tor Azdraeth. Wasted potential, he lamented.


His greatsword Spite whispered to him, "Yet all the same: Inevitable."


Alistair moved to help conduct the man's last rites and made a solemn vow to the An Gho, "I shall not let this happen again."


How would his species survive if they could not even keep their Whelpings alive? If the man were to die, it should have been to hatch Drakon as a Nephilim. Not becoming some rancid corpse dragged to the surface for funeral rites. The warrior tightened his jaw and then beset his new task without question; but his thoughts lingered on the ally he had failed to save.



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13 minutes ago, Cheese said:

Liridona, though she had not known the Weiss Viscount well, welcomed her fellow Haeseni into the Seven Skies. He had been a strong man, an honorable man, and he deserved to be commended for his life.

The old viscount knew little of her, too, though familiar faces after his journey away made for a surprising relief. He replied to the unexpected greeting with an unmarred smile - a fresh face once lost to battle. Though, in all his scanning of faces - familiar and unfamiliar - one appeared to be missing.


11 minutes ago, GMRO said:

The old king settled sleepy eyes upon his cupbearer. The boy he had seen pour his drink now turned to Carrion. A fighter, he had lived up to his mettle as a Weiss. A lion of the north. "You did well. Be at peace." Said Karl.

The once-boy beheld Karl with a sort of reverence, his fist raising to rest over his heart before his old liege. Karl, even in his short time over the Audo's life, had left an impact so incrediby profound that he had sought to collect artefacts of the man - by means legal, and those not when compulsion demanded. "I shall, my king." Came his reply.


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At the end of the Viscount's long walk through the skies of his Lord, did he find a lush paradise of vivid forests, swamps of dancing fireflies and tall fauna that would be the thing of legend if they had existed within the waking realm. The sun was lazily setting over this verdant paradise, and the sounds of running waters ambled free in his ears. A river, long and snaking did it rush was only meters ahead of him.


There by the river ye, they sat. Two familiar silhouettes cast against the water that had now absorbed the setting-sun's amber glow. They appeared to be fishing. As Audo's feet crushed the crisp green grass of the riverbank, did the taller figure rise - a black shadow against the river.


It was Felix Weiss, and sat next to the old lion was Audo's sister, Sierra @Dinochad. The man did not immediately move to greet his son. At first, he seemed only to try and get a measure of him. Felix then stepped forth and put an arm around Audo to greet him as an equal. Felix had lost his many scars aswell - save his eye which curiously had not been restored upon his arrival into the skies. He was not the tired, angry and crippled old man Audo had known him as last he saw him.


"We made you a rod for the occasion, son. Sit now by these waters and enjoy the peace. Tomorrow, we go hunting." His father then pat Audo's shoulder, and moved to continue enjoying their never-ending paradise with his family.




Eikthyr had learned of the Viscount's passing through whispers in the meadows and many forests that man had not yet desecrated. He roamed the dark forests in quiet contemplation of Audo's passing. Eikthyr knew in his heart of hearts that if he was to save himself, he must die a man and die with a heart full of love. He quietly moved then to bring his finger to an ancient log, a log where he and Audo had last spoken. He carved into the bark of the ancient Firr a single word, 





Kalador perhaps may have once felt bad for taking Audo's body without even having asked his fellow warriors permission first, but he knew Audo better than most - than anyone alive, he would likely wager. He hoped that his friend would have approved of delivering his body to the Weiss, so he may be lay to rest with his kith and kiln. Kalador came to Aevos not knowing of his heritage as an Elf, and what that meant. A life of immortality, oh what a wonderful gift.


He understood now the horrible, twisted nature of the curse of his kind. He may not see his brother for a thousand years - perhaps, even more or never again. Kalador had no recourse to salve that wound upon his heart. Audo and he would likely never, ever see eachother ever again in this life or the next. Great and terrible melancholy ruled him, and likely would be a persistent wound upon his soul until his mind left him and he fell victim to the folly of his kind.


Kalador decided then that if this were to be his fate, Audo would not allow him to sink into the mud and pity that perhaps many others in his situation would have fallen to. Kalador would keep fighting for a better world, a world where the death of a good man like Audo would never happen in the first place. Audo was now in heaven, but perhaps Kalador could achieve Babylon in this one.



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A drakaarling;  One of The King of King’s chosen would be seen toiling in the ash, dawn till dawn, for the next thirteen days.  Trees were seemingly imported on carts and planted within the day in company of flowers which would illuminate the darkness with their blazing petals.  


Audo’s Grotto was lain deep in the ash-fields and serves as an eternal and stark reminder of the Eternal War we wage and those who have fallen in its wake.


The Age of Dragons is nigh and those fallen would not be forgotten.  Eternal is the memory of Flame. 


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Talinn, however wicked his ways had become, was filled with a certain sorrow at these news. Perhaps one of losing a rival, he no longer had a nemesis. Regardless, this meant the number of people who knew of his true nature had lessened.



luv u <3 loved Audo, amazing post


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"He should be here soon, do vy think he'll cry?"


A soft voice left the once sickly Sierra Weiss as she fished beside her father. She was healthy, no longer plagued by her condition. She was enjoying her paradise, and her time with her beloved father forever. As Felix rose to his feet, the Lady's head turned, lips curling into a giant smile. She waited for the two to have their reunion, watching with a happy hum. As her father returned to her side she rose from her seat, dashing over to jump up and embrace her brother in a tight hug.

"Oh how ea've missed vy Borsa! Ve have so much to show vy!"

"Welcome home."


She kissed his cheek before happily walking over to the waters once more, offering out a fishing rod.


 "Let's catch some fish!




"Hauchpapej Audo es.. dead?"


Reza raised her brow at the news, her brows furrowing tightly. She waited a long moment to think of how to feel. She knew him to be distant, he was a busy man. She admired him strongly in her youth, it was sad to hear that he had joined her Hauchmamej in the seven skies.


She felt the desire to drink, to drown the grief in alcohol- but instead, that woman decided to run. So in honor of her passed grandfather, Lady Reza Weiss could be seen doing laps around the festival grounds, not stopping for breaks- running for a full day- face painted with sweat and tears. 

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17 hours ago, SethWolf said:

"We made you a rod for the occasion, son. Sit now by these waters and enjoy the peace. Tomorrow, we go hunting." His father then pat Audo's shoulder, and moved to continue enjoying their never-ending paradise with his family.


25 minutes ago, Dinochad said:

As her father returned to her side she rose from her seat, dashing over to jump up and embrace her brother in a tight hug.

"Oh how ea've missed vy Borsa! Ve have so much to show vy!"

"Welcome home."


She kissed his cheek before happily walking over to the waters once more, offering out a fishing rod.


 "Let's catch some fish!

After being patted by his father, and a rod outstretched by his once terrorsome younger sister, Audo let out a faint chuff akin to disbelief. Distant were their troubles, seemingly left in the realm of the living. All troubles except a few, that is. All around, the little paradise they'd built for themselves - Sierra - resonated a sense of peace and belonging. A silent smile spread over his smoothed features. Warm and blue, his gaze settled on each as his hand reached out to take the rod from Sierra and with grand strides he made his way to the bank of the river Ye. He planted himself there firmly, sitting himself with broad, leaning movements as he prepared to cast.

"I could fish. Afterall," He mused; a teasing confidence filled his tone, "I've got a certain lemon shark to show a thing or two."

With that, he beamed a roguish smirk once lost to time.

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Somewhere far into the Haense countryside idled a young girl with dark hair akin to the bark of pines, tainted with the abnormality of greying seen only in elders. She gawked at her storybook of Knights, listed from the time of King Georg I and beyond, and there she read of Ser Audo Weiss. One of her many inspirations. The girl was hardly intelligent, hardly old enough, and yet cunning enough to know one thing - she would be like him, and many of the Knights before him. 

Sweat dripped from her temple as that young girl practiced, repeatedly swiping a sword at the straw-filled dummy before her. She was strong for her age, an emptied husk of profound might, and yet no purpose. That would come later. For now, she would train, train to be like other Knights of the Haense Realm - such as Ser Audio "The Raven." 

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Deep in Haense’s frigid countryside, Viktor Weiss sat atop his walking mare, a horse as white as the snow around him. It was one of his White Comets, the same horse breed that was bred and tended by Audo Weiss. Like father, like son, equestrian care became a passion for Viktor. Tending to the horses has been something Viktor sought to continue in Audo’s stead for many years…


The white snowscape and towering pine trees, accompanied by a gentle breeze and his trusted companion, offered Viktor some consolation… Coping with his father’s death wasn’t easy. He was there to receive his father’s body in Valdev, thanks to the unfamiliar face of Audo’s elven friend, Kalador. Without him, he wouldn’t have ever known Audo’s fate… However, this picked at Viktor’s head: a lingering question that proved difficult to ask of a dead man… Did he find what he had been looking for? … Viktor continued onward. Snow began to fall…


“I plan to take the Vikomital throne,” said Walter to a young Viktor in the meeting room of the Weiss keep, many years ago. His iron-handed brother gave him options; to back his father or to help his brother take the familial throne. The young Viktor weighed the options in his conscience, though he feared what could come from opposition to his brother’s desire in the future. In cowardice, hidden by assurance, “I will help you,” said Viktor, thus betraying his father.


Viktor never had a strong bond with Audo, not like a bond a father and son should have. Conversations were commonly cut short if they ever started at all. There was a permanent distance. The cowardly naivete of his decision to oppose his father was the reason. A guttural blow to their relationship… Viktor continued onward in the snowfall…


“You’ve fought one of these before, haven’t you?” asked Viktor, curiously, as he and Audo both gazed upon the skeleton of a dragon-like creature. The two men sat atop their steeds, taking what would unknowingly be a once-in-a-lifetime venture to spend one-on-one time together. Audo spoke with Viktor about his past experiences battling the undead dragon, Cloudbreaker, and whatever the conversation turned to from there. A few decades had passed since Walter’s rise to reign for the family. Guilt and regret had settled in Viktor, now fully aware of what that decision had cost him for quite some time; his relationship with his father. “Padre…” Viktor beckoned Audo’s attention in a sorrowful tone, “I feel regret… I regret my decision those many years ago to stand by Walter’s side instead of yours…” Audo listened before replying, “Well, what was done was done. I love you, but I won’t forget what you did.” Viktor replied in a plea, “I am sorry, Padre… If I could go back to that night and change my decision, I would change it in a heartbeat… I am sorry.”


Ser Audo Weiss “The Raven” was dead… After taking Audo’s belongings and laying his body in wait for his funeral, Viktor informed his family of Audo’s passing, passed along Audo’s things, and promptly left for the solace of the countryside. Having to pass his father’s belongings out to family members sickened him. Now he was alone, under that gentle snowfall. Viktor retrieved a letter from his satchel, unfolded it, and read it. The letter was one Audo left for Viktor when he ventured out to find Walter after his disappearance. These were the last words he ever received from Audo; a father searching for his son, leaving loving regards. Viktor mourned his father when he left, never to return alive. Now that Audo was dead, Viktor felt the same sorrow once more. Sorrow, yet a strange peace… It was a peace in knowing his father was with his mother, Veronica, and his family and friends in the Seven Skies. A peace in knowing Audo could finally rest, for Viktor knew Audo to be a restless, relentless man, commonly occupied with tasks. Audo, dying a warrior’s death, earned peace.


“Va ve Maan,” Viktor said with a soft smile, directing his gaze skyward… “One day, we will meet again.”


@Frostdrop1 (Thanks for all of the roleplay and awesome character! c:)

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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