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Status Updates posted by Medvekoma

  1. The highlight wasn't the lack of PK but the vanished GM team member observing through the event. If your character is affiliated, do not sneak-observe RP.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Algoda


      I will keep my argument, and you will keep your abusing gms. Raw deal

    3. Medvekoma


      So let us summarise.


      1. Josh arrives to Kaz'Ulrah on a call after I had fine RP with various people from his side ICly. He brings along an alting, banned player known for trolling. Logs of the ban and confirmation of identity are there.

      2. The player gets banned and in a couple minutes another player speaks up, who is a GM in vanish also happening to be a character the discussion at hand is about. Screenshots prove this.

      3. There was a precedence where Josh arriving to Kaz'Ulrah was accompanied by a vanished pocket GM of his, and said pocket GM had been reported to the administration for various cases of abuse. A report with screenshots proved this, and the GM involved discussed the mistake with me.

      4. The present Kaz'Ulrah players avoided meme-ing or devolving into animals so that they prove better than they were in the previous event. Logs can prove this rather easily.


      I would like to hear how this is spun into any other direction than "staff abuse" or "awkward coincidence" since you seem to be trying to argue that we are unnecessarily toxic.

    4. itdontmatta
  2. WTF is dynamic roleplay.


    People keep repeating that is if it was some elaborate argument in favour of snowflake lore pieces that are used by 3 people ever.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. zaezae


      Any lore piece who's effects somehow played a very large role in how their character changed over time.


      Though still very irrelevant to the point. You can get rid of all lore. You can get rid of human lore and retroactively change all humans into elves. You can do that and the characters could still work. Still a completely bad idea to do so.

    3. Medvekoma


      Except "human" isn't much of a lore, neither is "smithing", "being a politician", "establishing relations" or so.


      We are talking about stripping snowflake superpowers that were handed out as a mistake.

    4. zaezae


      Humans are lore.


      "Oh I know. I'll make it sound unreasonable by calling lore 'snowflake superpowers'." 


      No bro. You're going to have to start providing actual affirmative reasons why you get to decide what people's RP is legit or not. So far, all I hear are generalities and CONSTANTLY shifting goal posts. Too active? Just make a normal character. Not active enough? Grr circle jerk don't interact with server. 

      To be positive for a change, I do think there is a decent way to deal with lore bloat and control it into the future. All new lore has to be introduced to the lands rather than being something 'that was always there'. Secondly, lore is only accepted once a year. Thirdly, whenever the map changes, all lore introduced in the previous map should be seriously reviewed, either removed or carried over. It should be an actual feat to get any lore updated/changed/added. That would be how I deal with it. 

  3. @Narthok Any explanation as to why the new rules deviated from community concensus on various points (discord moderation, pets in battle)?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Medvekoma


      @Hyena Nani, Narthok was the one finally banning Hurfer for another stupid thing recently.

    3. rukio


      Ah @Medvekoma I'm a bit out of the loop, sorry. RIP hurfer

    4. Narthok


      Tired of all this abuse by the GMs, when we will (Gentleman Gamers) rise up

  4. Lena Headey signed contract for season 8 of GoT. My life is complete.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Heff


      so cringey. I bet you wanna **** your sibling too 

      No **** he's alive in the book he was last seen leading an army. Idiot.

    3. Medvekoma
    4. Heff


      Hm. More lewd references. How much Cersei fan fic do you read? 

  5. Orc Players aren't the problem, your Elven attitude and refusal to fight anyone that you deem bellow you, is the problem. ?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Medvekoma
    3. zaezae


      It's too late, we all know you really care a whole bunch now. 

    4. NotEvilAtAll


      @Medvekoma that meme is just disgusting 

  6. Does anyone have a confirmed staff answer for the great question? Will skills reset for 5.0?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Sythan


      We kept it from 4.0 to 4.5. But personally I hope all are reset when we head into 5.0.

    3. Anderssn


      @Samler Aegis->Asulon (where it was removed) We had no skill plugins in Anthos or Fringe, Nexus skills was introduced in Thales, and skills have not reset since. However most people are at the end game of nexus which is where it started to look worse and worse. It's rather unbalanced, it's meant to make people work together with the skills but it doesn't really work too well in a game like this. It's heavily PvP stats focused and it has very little connection to any RP. It's hard for noobs to get started, Skills aren't even bound to characters because people refuse to lose their skills if they've worked a lot on them, which is completely reasonable and the supposed rule which is not enforced is completely useless. In a game like this I honestly think skills should be an optional thing to do which can be helpful in various situations or then RP based items(instead of pvp). In this state of Nexus each group and faction have to have people dedicated to grinding, while they could be Rping instead.


      Anyway, if I remember correctly in one of the Community meetings they said there would be some sort of reset but most likely not a complete reset, and they'll be scaling the skills down to Aengulic being the top skill.

    4. Medvekoma


      Bloody well done with the answer. That seems reasonable, we'll see how it goes. Hopefully we'll get an official statement soon.

  7. What happens if an electricity mage strikes someone in full chainmail?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Medvekoma


      @NekkoREEEEE First of all, my status / the discussion here isn't about implementing Faraday suit lore and therefore remove all damage of electricity on armoured foes. Second, it wouldn't be meta because that's how physics works ;p

      It's just an observation of a less-known fact that ruins one of the major fantasy clichés. Most games/worlds give electricity anti-armour capabilities where with RL physics it'd be less effective on chainmail/platemail than on any other non-metal armour.


      Kind-of an observation like how nobody knew in the gun thread that flintlocks have to be primed. Or my observation of people walking around with stringed bows.

    3. Murdervish


      I'd recommend against testing it against a calldown. Super-heated air and stuff, nevermind that the sheer joules probably would be enough to cook you in that metal on its own.

    4. Medvekoma


      @Murdervish If a lighning mage is capable of unleashing electricity equal to the output of Hoover Dam, it'd heat up a 5kg chestplate by 0.0014K.


      If a lightning mage is capable of unleashing electricity equal to the power of two(!) lightning strikes, that could heat up a 5kg chestplate by 32K. And that in fact would be warm/hot, and could in theory cause damage.


      But if you let a fire mage release the same energy in joules as it'd take for a lightning mage to strike with the strength of two lightning bolts, then the fire mage would be able to heat up a 30 cubic metres area of air (taken a mean 2kj/kg heat capacity) to the temperature of the sun's core and kickstart fusion mid-air, or mid-Oren.


      No. Unless you specify, like previously mentioned, that lightning magic surpasses physics, you won't ever be able to heat up an armour enough to cause anything but uncomfortable warmth. That's the point of the whole Faraday cage thing.


      If lightning could heat up metal that easily, how would lightning rods work? They transfer the energy of a lightning bolt for tens of metres without melting, and only heating up 10K-20K.


      *** All calculations based on Joule heating, Faraday's resistance, Ohm resistance and thermodynamics of heat capacity, with data googled up.

  8. Yay for the shitposting, 20-minutes-this-week activity dwarves that once again flooded Kaz'Ulrah related threads.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. L0rdLawyer


      @Medvekoma Hot damn, I tell Burnsy to grow up and he proceeds to dig up **** to warn me! This is impressive. 

    3. Medvekoma


      @L0rdLawyer welcome to being treated like a Kaz'Ulran. Do you want your villainy blacklist with fries?

    4. L0rdLawyer


      @Medvekoma Sorry. I was shooting for a Ban with a Charles the Bald Diss Track to finish things off.

  9. Protesters referring to Clinton winning the popular vote. It's 0.2%, friends. That's of little significance. Should have protested against the weird system /before/ the elections. Even I find it annoying and I fancy myself a neutral on the matter.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more


      I wish I was like ski, able to blind myself to figurative tons of fraud and corruption to give fellow Americans the true force of my salty snark.

    3. Medvekoma


      @Alterazgohg Ssss insofar as a self-proclaimed neutral observer I've witnessed far more salt from Republican side.

  10. I learned my lesson from my forum ban. I will begin systematically ignoring toxic posts or comments made by the Az'adar shill and will just report each. Josh and Dizzy were both able to communicate with me in multiple channels through proper, appropriate and prolific ways. It's a shame some of you resort to just, random insults, memes or posts completely irrelevant to the threads they are posted at.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Quirkyls


      you suck stupid dumb dumb

    3. Medvekoma


      @Quirkyls Wow I hate Frostbeards now

    4. Quirkyls


      that, dumb dumb, we can agree on

  11. A week passed in war chat without any message. GM team still debating wether a war declaration on you can be your cause to go to war.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Guest


      I mean the “war rules will be reworked” has been a saying since as Medve said, since May. 501 even sat me down and had a lengthy discussion with me about war rules and said he’d implement some of the changes I suggested and then nothing else was ever heard of it 


      Constructive criticism doesn’t really work if it’s heard and then forgotten about 



    3. monkeypoacher


      man I love that this server has an extremely restrictive set of war rules that need to be reworked every time the GM that made the last war rules stepped down and man it whips that you can't do anything while those rules are being reworked

    4. Narthok


      @Dewper 501 and Wolfkite both moved away from the project for different reasons hence the delays.

  12. Only Flambo can make a full lore announcement where nothing really changes or happens.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AlphaMoist


      @Heero whoops, you misunderstood. I was only replying to those above talking about the Nazi joke flam made, not the actual rewrite stuff

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      uh, its not really a joke because its not particularly funny; its just kind of cringy and edgy, and likely a way to deflect attention from the content of the post being really negative

    4. AlphaMoist


      Weird, I thought it was funny. It’s almost as if humor is subjective. And again, everyone calls him a lore nazi, so saying he’s using it to deflect attention away is just retarded. He’s just playing along with it, calm down.

  13. Oren's secret identity found:


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Taketheshot


      **** you got us, damn

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      stop the holy orenian reich !!!

    4. Medvekoma


      This clearly is part of a conspiracy and proves the toxicity of Oren. I demand staff action taken right now.

  14. The reason the magic lore update is still missing is because @FlamboyantRage was made lead developer of Half Life 3.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Medvekoma


      Yeah. So cool I want to tell a member of the game staff. I do wonder why there’s none here yet ?

    3. gandalfo


      thanks med. very cool.

    4. dogbew


      Ya’ll are just mad he’s got the best Staff position. He gets all the bonuses of being Admin, without any of the work! I can’t blame him for taking it.

  15. How do I roleplay making meat-looking blocks out of a bucket of lava and cobblestones?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    3. Medvekoma


      But seriously. Does one put the 16 quadric metres of stone into the bucket? Does one lay out the stone and pour lava over it?

    4. Runabarn


      Dwarves can't tell the difference between RP and grinding

  16. When a guy calls the dark-iron-dwarf-ripoffs edgy while playing a fel-orc-ripoff.

  17. “End of the Map”



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Burnsy


      Glad to see your life is enhanced by something. God knows there probably isn’t much else going on for someone who acts like you do.

    3. Medvekoma


      @Burnsy Silly minemener. We both know you know my job and off-time activities. That statement can't be genuine ?

    4. Burnsy


      Your job aside, your only evident off time activity is coming on here to be a prick.

  18. New players keep asking where RP is. Pay me 100 minae and I’ll tell them your settlement. Contract lasts an OOC week.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      Just send them all to Sutica so they don’t have to deal with this toxic war.

    3. Medvekoma


      @NotEvilAtAll I was paid 100m to promote Mynebor, will you pay 150m for Sutica?

    4. Kanadensare


      lol imagine sending new players to sutica


      are you trying to get them off the server as fast as possible?

  19. @FlamboyantTyrant it's the 20th. Time to resign, bud.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Medvekoma


      @Haseroth What did he even do that's positive? He shelved a few unpopular stuff to get some hype and support then hasn't done anything for a year+.

    3. ScreamingDingo



      its currently in the last stages of approval give it a few days


    4. J33xt101


      Looks like Mynebor to me...

  20. Daemonsteel blades nerfed to +28.05%. Now there isn't even a slight chance to be any point in spending six time the resources and time on crafting them.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Medvekoma


      Started crafting another one. I refuse to believe all the 28.05 blades were coincidental. Last one I got was earlier today.

    3. Medvekoma


      Crafted one and it's 32% indeed. You're right, it was a bloody coincidence. I had my luck before, crafted a few 36% ones. It just caused me a heart attack that I had so many freakin' 28.05%s after each other.


      It wasn't about the low %, more about the same % for consecutive crafts.



    4. Medvekoma


      That I know. Three of them were in fact stacked, as shown on the picture. Burned the rest of that bunch anyways.

      Figured ... maybe that's the lowest possible for aengulic? 

  21. I was just leaked by @Gusano Arentonio that LOTC is becoming the first ever Zootopia RP server and the staff have been diligently re-configuring Nexus to accommodate.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Medvekoma
    3. z3m0s


      If you're moving on to the zootopia meme can you please remove the gif on your border, it is so unsettling with that fox as your profile picture hahaha

    4. Medvekoma


      I still have to give homage to the best pair of romantic lovebirds in fantasy's history.

  22. What's this place.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dogbew


      i came because i want to put berries in bottles

    3. Slayy


      Your hell >:D

    4. Medvekoma


      Well you kind sir @dogbew one can do that well here alright

  23. Who are you? Why do we agree on so many things?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ChonGojDragonski


      Keep this garbage meme on Discord where it belongs.

    3. Creamy


      He has multiple Degrees and Majors, he is god in it's truest form, His powers can out debate a SJW, and shut down feminists without even having to make a tumblr account..


      /niceguys praise him.. for he is.. he is the.. ALPHA NECKBEARD



    4. ChonGojDragonski


      Alpha Thot calling me an Alpha Neckbeard. Right.

  24. Who wants to organise a protest? We need to overthrow the Admin bourgeois.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. dogbew


      @george sorros wya

    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      dont care enough

    4. UnusualBrit


      Seize the means of administration!

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