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[PK] Moribund Magnolia - Folly of a Performer


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Folly of a Performer



Memories of the first Countess of Otistadt


"We Come as Crows”






“Ist vyr papej planning for vy to debut as vell?” Asked Theodosya Cecilya as she sat with the young Adele Emma Ludovar during the aftermath of The Snowflake Ball which the girl had organised.


“Uhm…” The nervous girl started, “Ea believe so… Since Ami and ea are both his first born daughters. Though, ea think Amicia is already betrothed. So yam niet sure what it would achieve..” She mumbled, a hint of grumpiness in her voice. “But nie one is interested in me anyway. Yam too quiet, ea suppose…” Theo glanced to the girl, faint concern washing her face before she added, “Zome people like zhe quiet - it is niet alvays about.. Being zhe loudest or… Most social.” 


The young Ludovar wished the sleeves of her light blue ballgown were longer so that she may hold them, as she always did, to keep herself calm and give her something to fidget with while uncomfortable - as was her tendency during her first couple years entering court life.


“Ea do work…” She murmured, “But ea don’t think yam the sort of person a nice boy would want to marry.” She grimaced, not entirely convinced of having to marry later in life. “Ea don’t think ea want to leave home anyway…”


“And ea think mea papej needs someone to be home with him.” Theodosya’s brows furrowed in thought at that, then asking: “Vhat makes vy say zhat about Johann?” 


“Well… He broke up with Vasilia because of us.” Adele swallowed nervously, “And he’s always saying that we’re the most important things to him. So… Ea feel like one of us should stay at home to be with him.”


“Ea know…” Theodosya crooned, gently patting Adele’s head and wearing a troubled smile. “Johann… Still loves Vasilia. He vas just… Vorried about vy two when the three of vy went to Oren vithout telling him. It ist… A whole debaucle.” The woman frowned, “But vy are still young, vy do niet have to worry about getting married yet at all.”


Adele sighed to herself, before leaning her head against Theo’s shoulder. “Ea know that if yam going to live well, then ea either have to decide niet to marry and face the… Rumours, or ea need to work and-” In her rambling, the young Ludovar had not noticed someone creeping up on them. Thus, when Ser August leaned down, Adele jumped off the Mondblume and shrieked in fright - triggering Theo to send her fiancé a death glare.




Adele stood, alone, at the Sedanian Admirer's Masqerade. The dulcet tones of the music filled the air as dozens of couples danced on the makeshift dancefloor. One of those couples included her sister and her betrothed. 


Who could live up to becoming a Princess?


It sounds like a fairytale. The eldest daughter of the Baron was to be married to a foreign prince! And the younger twin sister? Strewn aside to be picked up by whoever would settle for the younger, far more shy sister.


Amicia's raven black hair stood out to all who met her. She looked like her father. And like his father. And like the rest of the family. And she? She had scraggly blonde hair. She looked like more of a Barclay than Ludovar. And everyone said that she looked like her mother. Her mother, who Johann supposedly hated. Her mother, who Johann was rumoured to have killed.


Sometimes Adele wondered whether she was adopted. Whether the terrible stories that their father told her of Anya were fake and that really she had been adopted and thus unworthy of her position and status the entire time. 


Her mask slipped, obscuring her vision and it was gone in a ripple of the water slipping down her reddened cheeks.




Amicia sighed, shaking her head. “Adele. Who would send mea chocolates?” She asked, as Adele held a box of Juliyafest chocolates the two had been sent in her grasp. “Ea do niet have someone who adores mea like vy do.” Her twin added, then briskly walking away to join another group of young minglers before the gobsmacked girl could respond.


Adele was stung, watching her sister beeline her way away. Deflated entirely from her initial excitement about the prospect of their secret admirer, she huffed to herself and hopped up from the chair the twins had been sat in and continued off swiftly, trying to get as far from Amicia in that moment as she could. 


She got caught in the throng of people, grateful to have lost sight of Amicia in that brief moment of spite towards her sister; her own older twin. And who was she to sound as though she was jealous. Of her? What did she have to be jealous of? 




Adele’s stomach turned as she watched poor Matyas bleed from the nose upon the ballroom floor. The Baruch that had headbutted the young man had retreated from the room - flanked by several knights and the Queen herself - though what really irked her was that thing attached to him. Whoever she was - Kaustantin Baruch’s daughter, Fenika - Adele didn’t like her. The girl clung to Matyas like a leech and ever so occasionally she would open her mouth and screech like an inbred mongrel. 


Adele could only stand still as a statue, ever so often making brief, worried inquiries, as she watched the chaos ensue around her. She blinked, and the scene was completely different. Matyas glanced around the bustling ballroom, asking, “So, uh, what’s happening now-?” And everyone replied at once.


“Ye need to sit Matty.” Instructed Fenika, sing-songlike, before Elizaveta added, “Yam waiting for a spasibo.” And finally Adele found her lips moving to echo the previous words of Klara as she left: “Prinzenas Klara told vy to rest.”


And as she watched the pair rise from the floor, her breath hitched when the girl - who couldn’t be much older than her - tightly grasped Matyas’s hand and held it close to her chest. “Come, ye need to si’.” She told him and he obliged, following her to a chair in the corner. 


But Adele’s heart nearly stopped when, after standing stocky still in shock as chaos continued around them, the elderly Kaustantin Baruch approached the pair of Fenika and Matyas (a good-looking couple, she couldn’t deny). He spoke. “Ea’m sorry for hitting vy, but if vy make mea daughter cry again-” But he got interrupted by his minx of a daughter. “Papej… Please dinnae hit my man- ah’ mean… Matty again.”




“Aleksey… prefers researching birds and wants to focus on that during his life much more… Than he wants to manage the family.” Johann finished, then cautiously scanning his daughter for her reaction. Meanwhile, Adele blinked as her mind filled with concern. “Oh.” She murmured as her face contorted between shock, worry and then … Regret. “Then- what will vy do?” She asked worriedly, “What will happen to us…?”


Johann took a deep breath as he listened to her, “Well… Ea could force him to take the role… But… Ea do niet want to.” He stated, the air between the two growing thick and tense as he continued. “Ea suffered greatly because of this position that landed on me just because of the time and the parents ea was born to. All ea wish for the three of vy is happiness and if that is what brings him pleasure then so be it.” 


“But,” He glanced up a bit to meet her eyes. “Someone will still take the title… And none of us want it to be Josef.” He joked to clear the air. Unbeknownst to Johann, his brother would die of wounds sustained from his Knight’s Quest in the Hospital of St. Amyas less than a month later and he would soon regret his words.


However, Adele’s brows furrowed for a moment. “But… Amicia will be the Prinzenas of Sedan, so she can’t-” And suddenly she paled as it dawned on her, and all those suggestions and predictions from her friends seemed to be coming true. “But- vy can’t-” She stuttered as her eyes widened, “It’s niet- d-don’t vy need the Koeng’s p-permission??”


A small uncontrollable grin grew on Johann’s face as he watched her reaction. “Da. Well, ea do.” He stated, “He agreed.” 




It was as though time was slowing in that moment. Even though she was full of nerves and her heart beat with a quickening pace inside her chest, as she looked around the dim yet warmly lit Von Audrick home she finally knew that this was Peace. 


Her mother stood hugging Christopher tightly as he arrived, dinner was ready, and over there was Matyas. Their happy banter earlier had cheered her, even if his teasing had agitated her so. But he helped Adelaide with the food, and her mother was pregnant again with her final sibling. What bliss. And then… That which sealed her fate: Matyas whispered to her. “So uh…” He looked to her with vague suspicion. “This is… Vyr friends-?” 


It was later. ‘Adele. We need to talk. - Matyas’ These were the only words on the note that would later ruin her marriage. This was all he had thought to say. 


“What’s the problem??” She asked him in concern as he tightly hugged her, and tears spilled from his reddened eyes. “Ea don’t believe et…” Murmured Maric Ruthern from a distance off as he watched the exchange between the betrothed pair. “Yam so, so sorry.” Matyas blubbered, his voice soft and quiet because of his sobbing. “This es an act, Adele.” Chimed Maric, “Do niet fall for et.”


Adele pulled back from the hug, cupping Matyas’s cheek worriedly as she looked at him. While her eyes momentarily flicked to Maric, they landed back on her fiancé as she spoke. “What’s wrong???”


“Da- Tell her.”


“Ea, ea…” He stuttered between sobs, clearly frantic as he tried worthlessly to wipe his eyes with his sleeve. “Ea went to Vidaus to congratulate Lucien and Stefaniya after ea left Adelaide’s…” He trailed off some, pausing as his sobbing became uncontrollable and increased in volume. “And ea… Ea had some wine, and… Ea danced with Angelika, and…” He continued on, but his words became incoherent and muddled. Eventually, Maric ran out of patience and chimed in. “Ea found them together in her bedroom.”


Her hands shook uncontrollably as she removed them from his cheeks, her eyes filled with what could only be described as shock and horror. And under the surface, something she didn’t name… Regret. Her pale face stared into his cloudy, tearful blue eyes. Her hands were cold. Her head felt foggy as her stomach turned under her silk-laden gown of intricate embroidery and the red fabric symbolising their passion.




“He’s just… Stubborn, and he thinks he knows best.” Adele grumbled, pursing her lips as he began to chuckle. “... That doesn’t mean it’s niet mea fault. He would niet have-” Suddenly he cut himself soberly off at the notion, glancing off into the distance and only uttering a: “Szam.”


Meanwhile, Adele had begun to trace the woodwork an line pattern of the table. They pair sat outside in the Palace gardens, the wind occasionally whipping through the trees above them. She bit her lip as she began to speak, “Matyas…” She mumbled, “... Why did vy do it - ?”


“Yam hurt everywhere, Adele…” He pushed himself to sit upright, his eyes staring into hers as his hand sat slightly retracted from her. “Ea mean, what am ea supposed to do? Ea never … had anyone to be there for me, nie one that really cared for me. Ea have always felt like … Ea just existed, but never lived.” He then crossed his arms over his chest, “Ea don’t know. Vy managed, somehow, to become someone to me and for the first time ea finally felt like ea had someone who cared … And then, ea do niet know what happened from there … Maybe ea panicked? Ea … Ea have never been able to figure out how ea feel about anything.”


Adele seemed to be shrinking down with each of his words. “Ea believed vy when vy said vy needed to help vyr aedypapej with something. S-so imagine mea surprise when ea heard what ea heard, and ea saw what ea saw.” She swallowed as she stared down at the ornately made-up spruce table, bearing a hole into it with her fiery eyes. 


“And vy told me it was because ea lied to vy about mea mamej, when if she was discovered they could kill her- or mea papej could- h-he’d panic. And then vy lied to me about where vy were going, and vy went to Vidaus and slept with another woman. C-can vy niet see- why … Ea think there might be more to this?” She asked in pleading, looking up and allowing her eyes to bear into his. “A-a-and how hypocritical that was. And why ea could feel like vy thought there was something wrong with me, to trigger t-that behaviour … ?”




Horses’ hooves clattered along the cobbled road from Karosgrad that night. The Ludovar twins had visited the Palace after their father’s last episode, in order to attend the reading of King Sigismund’s will. Adele clutched in her hand the watch which the late-King had left for Johann, yet it was meant for her.


Even as Adele and Amicia rushed up the stairs, they passed Johanna waiting patiently outside the Count’s door. Servants had been instructed to place him and care for him inside his bedroom, and they prayed for his recovery, yet in her heart she knew. “We’re back.” She breathed, breathless from the fast riding. Meanwhile, Amicia clambered onto his bed and clasped his hand like the twins did when they were small children. “Hello, papej…” She huffed for air, “Adele and ea came as soon as we could…”


The twins seemed to have swapped roles; with Adele playing the part of the older sibling and standing beside Johann’s bed holding his hand, while Amicia laid beside him as they did when they were children. 


Adele reached down into her pocket, grasping his weak hand and placing the clock from Sigismund in his palm as tears spilled down her red cheeks. “H-he left vy this …” She whispered, and Johann chuckled. “Hmmm … Niet a sword.” He mumbled weakly, “Ea will scold him for that in the heavens.”


She welled up at those words, shaking her head in tearful protest. “N-nie, papej … Please …” She whispered, “V-vy’re niet- vy can’t… Yam niet- e-ea still don’t feel …” 


And then the Count spoke his final words; and then Adele was broken in two. “Let me … Go with a quill .. In hand … Please … Ea want to die with mea weapon. Like Papej …” A loud sorrowful cry sounded the bell signalling the passing of the Count, and it was clear that Johann Fredrick Ludovar was dead.


So much work would go on in the forthcoming months, as Adele planned Johann’s funeral and sorted through his affairs; through everything he left her, and everything he never told her. This was the beginning: that devil that would follow her forever. 




And yet there was more work to be done. 


“Da, ea have … L-letters to send.” Whispered Adele from within the Hospital of St. Amyas. Her dearest, brave cousin lay still on the bed in the cubicle. He was dead. He had been discovered - murdered - in his home, and was dead hours before anyone found him. Theodosya looked to the Countess with sympathy, “... Take care, mm? Ich am sure Conrad will deal with it.” 


The Surgeon General glanced a final time to the Ludovar’s body before exhaling. “The body will be ready soon enough, do niet worry. Focus on durself and dur family, love.” Adele was still, glancing down momentarily at her hands before she next spoke. “Ea have to make sure that Sibylla and their children with be alright. Spasiba for vyr work, Theo … Uhm … E-ea have writing to do, as vy can see.”


Theodosya silently nodded, wheeling out the body to take it to the morgue for funeral preparations. Adele watched her go, resigning herself to leave. As she turned around she jumped at the voice of Godric Colborn. “Evenin’ Adele … Apologies for eymr loss.”


“Ah - Prevja, Lord Colborn.” She murmured, attempting to put on a brave face for the dire circumstances at play. “Oh … Spasiba.” She grimaced. “Truly a tragedy.”


Unbeknownst to the pair of them, it would be mere months before the Colborn Lord would be honourably killed in battle while protecting a child in the Royal City’s fraught streets. Whenever Adele thought back on their last conversation, she wished she had lingered longer … Said more. 




On a chilly winter’s day in the Ricksburg Keep of the Otistadt tundra, two indomitable wills came to blows. The Countess of Otistadt sat, employing every technique she could, stirring the chocolate-coloured liquid in her teacup as she stared at her cousin, Ilya Ludovar. Beside him sat his fiancée, an inexpensive ring carved out of wood rested on the common woman’s finger, as Ilya spoke. 


“It’s Zemzy, or nie one.” Instructed the younger man, sending a look to Adele; a Challenge. Her eyes narrowed at this, just as the commoner’s face lit up at the proclamation of love. 


“Then yam szam to the Firress,” Murmured Adele, accepting the challenge. She turned away from them in order to begin collecting each teacup back onto the tea tray. “As it’s nie one, then.” She finished coldly, standing up and gripping the edges of the tray. “Ea believe we’re done here then, Ilya?” She smiled, intent on irritating the man. 


Instead, he shrugged and got to his feet with a sigh. “Though ea shall have to disagree with one thing,” He slowly turned, almost fearfully, towards the unsurmountable will of the Countess herself, “Ea’ll have mea things packed by next month.” He finished, to which she stared at him intently, barely moving a muscle.


“Ea hope vy have a nice holiday.” She spoke chillingly, “And when vy come back, traitor to House and family, ea will laugh.” She paused for barely a moment, although thousands of things ran through her mind in that breathless second until she spoke once more. “Both our papejs would be disappointed.” Only at this point did she lift the tray from the table, her final show of power and influence as she issued the pair with, “Vy may go.” In dismissal.


As her cousin and his soon-to-be wife walked away, she called after them one last time. “Throw away everything our papejs worked so hard to provide for vy. Think about that.”


And yet it wasn’t him she was trying to tell.




Adele took a seat within the confines of her warm bedroom in Ricksburg, admiring the two paintings depicting her four children as her youngest, Rickard, peered up at them; One of a 3-year old Rickard, and the opposite of a 4-year old Valeriya, 6-year old Tatyana, and 7-year old Emma. She looks to her son with a smile. “See? Aren’t vy sweet?”


The boy approached his portrait with a shocked face. “Wow … Yam so handsome.” He remarked, bearing a small smile soon wiped off his face as he spun around to spy the painting of his sisters. “Val!” He exclaimed, and it was quite clear to his Mother that he was unhappy at the sight of her. “Ea do niet like Valeriya anymore.” He huffed, crossing his arms. 


Adele sighed gently, going to pat the space beside her for him to sit. “She’s vyr sestra - why don’t vy like her?” She asks, tilting her head curiously. Rickard pouted, “She said ea reeked and Lily said that means yam very stinky.” He complained, as though he was disgusted with his older sister’s behaviour - he was. “Have vy tried bathing?” The Mother questioned patiently, “Vy are perfectly clean, mea son, but maybe she thinks vy don’t smell very nice.”


“Because she is so stinky she only smells her stink and thinks it’s me!” The young child spoke with a grin, to which Adele rolled her eyes. “Neither of vy are stinky, vy’re both lashing out.” Rickard mumbled under his breath in protest. Ricky, vy have to look after vyr sestras,” She told him gently, “Vy might be younger, but vy have to look out for them as their borsa.”


“But whyyyy?” The boy chimed out in protest, “When yam niet there, vy’re the one who can protect them from bad people. Do vy understand? Vyr job as a borsa is to look out for vyr sestras and make sure they are niet in any trouble - especially with boys. Promise me vy will.” She stared intently at him, clearing asking him to make a very serious vow. 


“Ea will, Mamej.” He responded with a nod to his Mother. “Ea promise.”




Adele sat calmly at her desk, counting coins. She sat alone, a single shaft of moonlight illuminating her monetary reports and shining upon each silver coin. Her eyes squinted in the dimness, whispering hushed numbers under her breath with each gesturing of her hands to count her coins into piles. Very often did she sit alone at her desk late into the night, filing papers, or writing the House accounts.


“450, 460, 470, 475, 480, 490, 500 …” Her voice trailed off all of a sudden. Her eyes widened for moment as she tiredly completed the mathematical equations in her head. “5- 5000 …” She whispered in shock. “I-it’s-! 5000! Ea made it!” Tears welled in her dull green eyes. “Ea made it to 5000.” She sniffs, a hand reaching up to cover her mouth with joy.


“We made it back to 5000, ea can support her …” The realisation dawned in her mind that her daughter, Emma, would have sufficient funds to support her enterprises during her tenure. After spending heaps of her Father’s savings early on in construction costs to their new home, Ricksburg, she had so often been wracked with worry that she would never make that money back. That Emma would be limited in her opportunities due to her own frivolous spending. She hated that idea.


And yet, now she didn’t have to worry. No matter what happened to her, whether she died tomorrow, her successor would inherit plenty of money with which to support the coming generation. What peace of mind.




Adele stood before her daughter - all dressed up in the attire that Adele had lovingly made her just for the occasion - as Emma started to cry. The background noises of the ongoing dual-Hauchmetvas emanated from within the Morrivi Palace while Countess Ludovar and her Heiress stood outside, away from the music and the dancing, backlit by golden light.


“How could vy!” Cried the young Ludovar as tears rolled down her face. “Ea love him!” Such a proclamation shook Adele, reminding her of her own exclamation to her father at a similar age, and she dropped the act. “Wh-what? Emma- nie.” Spluttered the Countess, at which Emma continued. “But ea do, mamej!” She insisted, shaking her head. “He is kind and he cares about me!”


“Nie-” Adele shook her head, silently cursing herself for her juvenile self’s headstrong demeanor, now reflected back at her. “Emma, nie. He might say that he cares about vy, but he does niet love vy. There are mch better choices, dear–” 


“He does!” She exclaimed once more, cutting off her mother as tears continued to flow. “He is the only one who has paid any attention to me! He is handsome, kind, and funny. And ea do niet care about status. Ea care about him!” The young Baroness insisted, causing Adele to to quietly sigh. “Ea know how vy feel, daughter of mine, ea truly do.” She reflected on her disobedience as a young adolescent with a sad sigh. “But he does niet love vy - he courts several girls at once, ea know what men like him are after.” She frowned pointedly, “He only wants vy for vyr looks, mea dear, when vy and ea both know there is so much more to vy than that.”


“Vy are lying!” Emma shook her head, storming off towards the edge of the balcony the mother-daughter pair stood on. “Emma –” Adele called after her, trailing behind as she steeled herself for what she knew she must do. “Vy will understand,” She murmured remorsefully, strengthening herself to speak with concrete firmness. “Emma, vy are niet to associate with that boy anymore – he has agreed. There will be others, dearest, ea promise. Ea will simply betroth vy to a boy who canniet hurt vy.”


“Vy wouldn’t!”


“Ea can and ea will, if vy do niet stop this right now.” She returned harshly, staring right back at her daughter. “Emma, please, vyr papej is sick.” She began with a pleading expression. “Just agree, and he and ea can rest much easier. He wants to walk vy down the aisle with confidence,” She murmured exhaustively, “Niet worry.”


“Ea love him, mamej …” Murmured the young woman. “Vy do niet love him, Girl!” Adele snapped, “It is vyr mind playing tricks on vy.” Emma paused for but a moment at this outburst before replying, very quietly. “Is that what Hauchpapej told vy when vy wanted to marry papej … ?” 


These words stirred Adele. “Nie.” She returned, face becoming void of all emotion and being replaced with only determination. “He said ea would thank him later.”




Adele stood beside the crackling fire and flickering flames of the fireplace within the apartment designated to House Ludovar in the Morrivi Palace. Her brows creased as she stared intently at the young man before her. The nervous Samuel Vuiller stood firmly, though offering her a smile as they conclude their meeting. This was not an affable smile or a warm smile, but one belonging to a caring and devoted son.


The Vuiller gave a deep bow. “By the name of Vuiller, of my Father, and my Grandfather, and St. Herald, and the trusted Eagle that protects us, by my Word … I will protect Lady Emma till my last breath.” He swore such words to Adele, a confidence and firmness to his gaze as he stared into the Matriarch’s eyes. His words of devotion appeared to meet Adele, who smiled gratefully and reached out to shake his hand. “Spasiba - then we have a deal.” She agreed, nodding her head in satisfaction. 


Samuel nodded his head as their hands shook, his own final experiences with his Grandfather’s last day echoing in his mind upon sensing the worry that came with the touch of Adele’s hand. The young man’s smile never waned, but his brows lowered in a sense of honour and pity for the aging Mother. “Ai, we have a promise.” He issued, then hesitating for the first moment. “I apologise - I don’t deal those I love, I put not price on them … So I promise with no price. It’s just how I do things.” He explained to the Countess nervously, to which she frowned momentarily before nodding her head sagely.


“An admirable quality, for sure.”




As Adele crouched beside her bleeding, dying husband, tears slipping down her wrinkled and reddened cheeks, she was hit by an electrifying lightning bolt of realisation.


The Countess sobbed, clutching at her husband’s weak and bloodied hand. “Matyas please …” She whispered pleadingly. Despite her desperate pleas, the Count’s eyes drooped and closed while his pained breaths began to slow; clearly dying, unable to even speak. 


Meanwhile, their eldest daughter’s cracked lips were covered in a combination of Matyas’s blood, and her own tears as she crouched beside his body alike her mother. “Papej …” The daughter whispered desperately, her pristine white wedding dress being stained bright red by the spilled blood of her dying father. 


The dying man’s weak lips breathed his last words to his daughter; the Bride. “Congra … Tu …” But he would never complete his felicitations as his heart stops beating - giving in. 


A piece of Adele broke that day - finally giving in. The constant in her life since taking over her Father’s House and Office was dead at last. But worse than that: a realisation cleft within her. An unspoken goal to surpass or at least match her Father’s notoriety and goodness. And yet … As she knelt there, clutching at her dying husband’s bloody hand, she realised that she would never be a great as her Father. No matter how hard she tried. 


He was a friend to all. A stern yet warm man, loving yet damaged, and hardworking yet he always had time for his daughters. She was like Johann but lesser, no one could live up to him. He was too … Perfect. 


He’d have hated to know she thought that, this she knew, yet she couldn’t deny it. She had hoped to capitalise on her Father’s goodness and improve upon it, but no woman could be friends with everyone or improve everyone around her in the way that Johann the First could.


This knowledge hit her like a ton of terracotta, throwing her into the depths of despair in conjunction with the loss of her most beloved husband. Adele drafted up the missive of her abdication that night. 




The Lady Justiciar’s mourning attire hung loosely around her form while the ebony-inlaid kokoshnik sat atop her head. It had already been months since Matyas passed, yet she couldn’t bear to be without her dark attire marking her as a widow. No longer a Countess, but still anchored by the Judicial responsibility, Adele found herself once more in her classroom next to the courtroom. Her heart beat thunderously in her chest as her breath quickened and her eyes remained wide. 


A fireball flew furiously across the room, sending violent spatters of sparks and hissing noises outwards. Expelled from the hand of an attacker, the fireball spiralled and twirled towards the Justiciar’s student, Godferik Barrow, whose leg was being held strongly in place by a secondary - blood cloaked - attacker. Adele cursed under her breath, diving - even in her advanced age - below one of the desks to avoid the wrath of the being’s magicks. She sweat at the horrific sounds of the young man being burnt alive.


A rancid smell of burnt flesh and hair suddenly filled the small room as Adele began to crawl in terror to the cover of the next desk. Despite her best efforts, the pair of infiltrators quickly stamped their ways over to where she was hiding. The red-cloaked being roughly grabbed her arm and dragged the aged woman up from the floor. “Going somewhere?” Asked the hollow, empty voice. 


Terror filled the aging woman, yet she no longer had it in her to act afraid of death. “Da.” She hissed in response, voice full of disgust for the creature as she stared into its hollow visage. “Yam trying to go home if vy could release me.” Her voice dripped with ire as news of the birth of her first Grandchild had recently been received by the Lady Justiciar, and Emma had subsequently fallen sick following the delivery. “Mea daughter is ill.”


At such words, the being released her immediately from its grasp and her eyes widened. “Let’s go.” Emanated its harsh voice. Both beings seemed to have been affected by her words, for the red glow from each of their eyes twitched and faded out at which point they left as swiftly as they had arrived. 


Adele breathed what felt like her first breath as the door closed and she stepped back in shock. She had been so very close to death, and yet … She no longer felt afraid. Without her Matyas, without being needed to provided for her Family, there was nothing fuelling her on. Nothing to live for.


Blood stained her mourning attire as she made her way home to care for her daughter.




Adele, now widowed, knocked on her twin sister’s door to wake her. Amicia had arrived from Sedan the day before, though the Princess-Dowager had only been able to spend a brief moment with the Lady Justiciar before the younger twin had needed to retire to her study again. “I am ever so glad you have found some time to yourself.” Amicia had said, grasping Adele’s hand in hers with a warm smile. Over her time in Sedan, she had slowly lost her Raevir accent; just one of many differences between the twins, but they had both changed over the years. 


Adele frowned and sighed impatiently, knocking again. They had once been each others’ closest confidants, but Amicia lived on the other side of the continent with her husband and family, and Adele had remained in Haense after their father died to care for his estate with her husband and family. They had been divided by Johann’s death, and now brought together by the simultaneous losses of their husbands. Adele had crossed the courtyard that morning to the de Joannes family suite, shivering from the cold, to invite her sister to share tea and go for a walk together in the frigid Otistadt snows.


“Amicia?” She called, cross at being ignored. “Are vy still asleep?” Eventually she lost her patience and pushed the door open. “Yam vyr twin, there’s niething ea haven’t seen befo–” But what she found indoors was not her twin; her other half. Amicia’s body was cold and still. She had passed peacefully in her sleep with a smile resting on her face, just like Johann.


Another devastated cry filled the Keep at Ricksburg that wintry morning, bringing servantry and family alike running. Tears streaked down Adele’s wrinkled cheeks as she sat on her sister’s bed, cradling her body back and forth. 


Suddenly Emma’s face filled her swimming vision as the young Countess gently took her mother’s arm. “Mamej,” She whispered, her sage-coloured eyes reminding the aged woman of her father and sister. Emma helped Adele off the bed, signalling for the servants to take Amicia’s body away. “Shh, it’s okay…” She gently told the fretful widow who turned away. “Amicia …” She covered her mouth to prevent a wracking sob from coming forth. 


The piece of her that had held her together was gone forever, not just off in Sedan anymore. Part of her was broken irreparably, and it could never be fixed. She returned later that day to the de Joannes family suite to search through her sister’s possessions for her will which broke her in two. Adele donned a darkened mourning veil on top of her raven attire in memory of the two most dear to her. 




In her ailing years, Adele frequently found her sturdy daily routine interrupted by the chirpy character of her eldest daughter, Emma, who would whisk her away from her work to chat of life’s frivolities. Soon after the birth of Emma’s last child, Karina Amicia, a new face of the servantry was seen about Ricksburg by the Countess-Mother’s flank.


The ruling Countess hired the attendant to serve her mother in her growing age, having subsequently and very gently suggested to Adele that she take on a clerk and younger lady to wait on her. Naturally, convinced that it was a genius idea of her own making, Adele agreed. At which point Emma assigned the young attendant; Polina, to flank her mother at all times. Coincidentally, another army of clerks appeared to arrive in Ricksburg and the Offices of the Justiciar to assist Adele with her stacks of paperwork at around the same time. 


All of this extra help was luckily well received, despite their skittishness. Adele found herself hounded by her childhood coughs more frequently as her body weakened, along with a complex cacophony of other medical issues - naturally she denied any and all advice from her family and friends to visit the Hospital of St. Amyas. 


It was during this period that Adele found herself sitting with the Countess Ludovar; the pair chatting with one another as they often did. “Is everything alright?” Asked the younger Ludovar with a light smile. “Ea have a lot of work, dearest.” Replied the elder with a sigh, triggering her daughter to frown and rest a hand on her mother’s shoulder. “Ea have told vy before and ea will say it again,” She said, sharing a worried look with Adele’s clerks swaddled in paperwork behind her. “If vy ever need help, all vy have to do is ask. Vy deserve a break.”


“Ea wish it were that easy.” Spoke the Justiciar with a firm frown, lowering her paranoid yet supposedly wise voice to a whisper. “This world is filled with enemies, mea dear, whether it be those who despise vy for one reason or another, or those who lust after vyr position and vyr power; vy will always have enemies wherever vy go.” To what Adele had hoped would be an anticipatory reception, Emma merely rolled her eyes with a sigh and patted her mother’s shoulder once again. “Alright, mamej, ea know…”




The papers were stacked high in the Lady Justiciar’s office as wracking bloodied coughs emanated from within. Clerks gathered around the closed door, sharing looks and whispers between one another. “Should we send for the Countess?” Murmured one, eliciting a hasty shake of the head from one of the others. “Nie - niet unless vy want to be thrown out again.” One of the others, clearly more senior, frowned and his hushed voice spoke firmly. “Her Excellency will call for us, return to vyr work. Polina will tell us if things are seriously wrong.”


Within the office sat Adele Ludovar, hunched over her desk as her quill scratched a piece of official looking parchment. She wrote while hacking out her coughs, stilling as a snap was heard. Ink spilt over the parchment to the sound of swearing under her breath. Polina stepped forward to carefully hand the aged woman a replacement quill and clean up her spillage. She grimaced. “Ea will run for more quills, we are almost out.” Murmured the attendant as she handed Adele their last quill. “Ea see…” Frowned the Justiciar, appearing to be barely even listening to Polina as she vacated the office. 


“Maybe don’t bother…” She muttered, now to an empty office, since she was nearing the end of the document. She scrawled her signature at the bottom, breathing a sigh of relief. “Ah, spasiba Godan.” She huffed, sitting back in her chair in satisfaction, “Finally.” Before her, now the Chief Jovenaar, lay a completed copy of the Edict of Staalgrav; the final work of her life. She quickly summoned a clerk from outside to deliver the document to the King’s office for his perusal and edits before publication.


Adele’s crusty, straining, tired eyes blinked once more as she heaved another breath and a desperate cough tickled her throat. She wondered for a moment if she was well enough to travel to Otistadt to join her daughter and many grandchildren for dinner, nevertheless hefting her aged body up from the chair and beginning to make her way outside. She stumbled down the stairs and past the courtroom; now empty and hollow. The room and offices which she built would never again be touched by a Justiciar, she would be the last of that name. “Yam szam, papej… Ea could niet conserve vyr legacy as vy may have wanted.” The weight of her father’s legacy had been weighing her down and now her tired body felt heavier than ever as she began walking through the streets of Karosgrad for the last time. 


Children stumbled and ran in the streets - the children of their children, those which she had fought so very hard to protect from the horrors of war in her greener years. They would grow and mature to take on the mantle of their parents just as she did. Would they succeed? Or would they do as she did and buckle under the pressure - ? Adele Ludovar was spent - she had nothing more to give. The world had taken everything she cared about from her, and all that was left was herself and the bright new world to come.


Adele laid weakly in her bed; Emma and Anastasia had arrived in a hurry to be by her side. She beckons them both to her side, reaching for their hands. “Come.” She whispered, to which they obeyed. Emma climbed to sit beside her mother on the bed, stifling tears welling in her beautiful green eyes. “Why could vy niet just listen?” She accused. Adele stifled a minor fit of coughing, attempting to squeeze their hands with what little strength she had remaining. “Ea have never listened, love, and yam niet about to change now.” She smiled through her croaking voice; her lips cracked and throat parched. 


“Vy will start now,” Emma said, ignoring an item balled in her mother’s hand as she tried to hold back her tears. “Vy will niet go here, niet like this. Ea will niet let vy.” The silent Anastasia fought back tears as she looked between her Aunt and a curious item draped over her desk chair. 


Whether too deliriour to hear her daughter’s words, or too absorbed in a continuing echo of her father’s words in her ears, Adele whispered to them. “Tell me … “ Her broken lips strained to speak the words. “Are vy happy?” Emma scoffed in response, “Of course niet,” Her hurt voice remarked in sad anger. “How can ea be happy seeing vy like this … ?” 


“Ea thought that too …” Whispered Adele’s almost imperceptibly quiet voice. Her breathing became more ragged as every inch of her body fought her with each tiny movement; longing for rest. Even though she was fighting furiously to spend these last moments with the two of them, her soul longed desperately to let go; then she would be able to at last see the eyes of her beloved. “Vy both are beautiful,” She spoke through the pain, “Ea did all ea could … Godan has taken everything from me.” She whispered, quietening for but a last moment as a realisation came to her.


“Except vy . . .”


And Adele Ludovar laid still; never to rise again, never to speak. But she opened her eyes to feel the pain subside, she felt light and burdenless. “You’re here!” He spoke, enveloping her in a tight hug that she recognised. As she hugged him ever so tightly, she peered past his shoulder to meet the gazes of her father, her mother, her sister, and all of her other family and friends who had awaited her. And she felt safe for the first time in a long time. And she felt complete. She had kept up the act all her life, and now the curtains were closing.


Adele Emma Ludovar


Daughter of Johann Fredrick Ludovar and Anya “Adelaide” of Elysium


1846 - 1913

399 E.S. - 466 E.S.



A portrait of Adele soon after she ascended to become the Countess of Otistadt


1st Countess of Otistadt

1st Viscountess of Sezwesk, 1st Baroness of Juliksburg, 1st Lady of Ricksburg

12th High Justiciar of Hanseti-Ruska


“We Come as Crows”


Following her death, Adele’s family and attendants discover several sets of letters subsequently distributed to their addressees.


Emma Ludovar @DearConnorMurphy



My Dearest Emma, 


I have told you almost all I wish to tell you already. My words to you have always been a close as I can muster to the truth. I love you most eternally and earnestly and I have always done so. I am so incredibly sorry for the pressure I may have placed on you as a child. I was afraid of falling, just as I was afraid of failing my father and the rest of House Ludovar. I apologise for my behaviour many years ago at your Hauchmetvas; I wanted only to protect you, but I let myself get carried away by the emotions of my own troubles. 

I regret having placed such a heavy burden upon your shoulders; my father did not want to do so unto me without my consent, yet I have done so unto you. Nevertheless, my faith in your abilities is strong. You have a kind, generous, beautiful heart that encourages confidence and you shall make a wonderful leader. You are a devoted mother - please tell my grandchildren that I loved them, even if their memories of me may be soured by my condition. We always said that our eldest daughter was a “Golden Blessing”, and you have lived up to this name admirably. I hope I was not terrible at the end. Please do not lose faith in yourself, and never be ashamed. I love you and all of our family. 


With all my love,



My Family, House Ludovar; Tatyana, Valeriya, Rickard, Henrik, Klara, Jakob, Karina, Fredrich, Anastasia, Liliyana, Elizaveta Ulyana, Ilya Barrow, and all others.



Dearest Family,


You all are my greatest pride and love. My deepest regret will always be having not spent time with you while I could - family is the greatest blessing Godan can bestow. If you have received this letter, then I regret to say that I have passed. I hope that you all will be able to live the life that I worked to provide for you. 

I was not always the mother, aunt, grandmother, cousin, or sister that I wanted to be as a young child when I saw the way that my father behaved with his family. He was a great man, and I wanted to be a great woman in his footsteps. I may have failed in that regard, but you each represent a glorious light in the darkness for yourselves and future generations; you will light the way. I look forward to watching you do it from the Seven Skies above. A beautiful world lit by the candlelight of one thousand good, beautiful, kind people is the world that I hoped to create. I love you all superbly.


With lots of love,

Mamej Adele


My Students; Arthur Stafyr, Haus Weiss, Atilan Bishop, Giovanna Barclay, Vladrik Kortrevich, Hamish Kortrevich, Matviy Kortrevich, Mari Colborn, and all others.



To my students,


I regret being unable to complete some of your training, and I regret how I may have betrayed some of you when you needed my support. Nevertheless, I am greatly proud of each of you and what you have achieved. I feel confident entrusting the remnants of my work into your hands - you all have the potential for greatness. Thank you for all of your devotion to Justice.





Klara Elizaveta @crazedpudding



Dear Klara,


Thank you for all that you did for me when we were younger - you were a great friend and I wish we could have continued to stay in touch as we grew. I am glad that you and your family are happy. You were always the most gracious and kind of confidants, thank you for having always been there to lend an ear when I urgently needed it. 


Your friend,



Peter de Joannes of Sedan @Raijen Stars



Dear Peter,


For my favourite nephew; thank you for your devotion to my sister. She always spoke kindly of you in particular. I cannot thank your father, so I wish to thank you in their stead. Thank you for taking care of my most precious of family and making her feel loved in a strange land. Thank you for all that you’ve done for her and the land that she loved so much. 


With love,

Aedymamej Adele


House von Audrick



To House von Audrick,


Thank for your continuing loyalty to me as my friends, and thank you for looking so dutifully after my mother. I hope that none of you will forget your roots or where you came from - Ludwig acted when my father could or would not, and Adelaide provided me with support when there was no one else who would side with me. Thank you for your past kindness, I appreciate it deeply, and where I cannot thank those who have passed on, I can thank you. 


With gratitude,

Adele Ludovar


Borris Kortrevich; Bo-Bo, Maghnus Balyaev @tcs_tonsils_



Dear Borris,


I am almost ashamed to say that I have gone before you if you are receiving this. I know that we never really discussed this in greater detail, but I knew you were Maghnus. I thought it was Matyas at first, but it became painfully obvious over time. Thank you for one wonderful night with you; it was too awkward at the time, and I was too conflicted to acknowledge you. I’m sorry, but there are a lot of things I’m sorry for. 

You were always a good friend to me, thank you for all that you’ve done. I lived a long and happy life with my husband, though there are times when I wonder what it would have been like if I’d said yes. You were always a great poet, even as a boy - write a great poem about me, will you?


Your devoted friend,

Adele; Margaretha


Furthermore, an additional insert was discovered - addressed to no one in particular - and published for the public to peruse.


To whom it may concern,


I wish to thank Felix Weiss for his continued devotion and loyalty to the Office of the Justiciar during my long tenure. You have always been a friend to me and supported my ventures - your loyalty to Haense is unquestioned and you deserve all of the good will that has come to you. I know that my daughter has, in past, offended you, and I pray that you will not hold any of that against her in future. We never truly spoke one-on-one, however know that I always considered you a wise and kind man. Thank you for your dedication.


Thank you to Theodosya Barclay, if she reads this, for her good counsel when I was a child. You were always there for me, and even when we may have disagreed I know that you were looking out for me and wanted the best for me. 


Thank you to Matviy Kortrevich for your loyalty. I also wish to thank you on your parents’ behalf for everything that they did for me. I had great fun with Esmée who was a generous friend, and Nikolai was always a strong man who wanted the best for you all. I trust their judgement in making your their successor, and I hope that you and Viorica continue to do good work. One of the greatest regrets of my life was not finding your mother’s killer. For that I am eternally apologetic.


Many thanks to King Georg. Thank you for your faith in me to continue my career as your Lady Justiciar until we could collaborate on my final work. Being the head of your Aulic Court has been a grand honour, and I believe in your ability as a wise and strong ruler to make the best decisions for our nation. You have grown quickly, but in you is a jovial wisdom that reminds me of my earliest memories of your Grandfather. Thank you for everything you do.


Yours Faithfully,

Adele Emma Ludovar


My favourite reference images of Adele






Adele as a child in her mother’s arms



Adele as a very young sickly child confined to the walls of Kazstadt



Adele as a child





Adele venturing away from Otistadt for her coming-of-age journey



Adele while on her ventures throughout the continent



Adele and her twin sister Amicia before their Hauchmetvas



A celebration prior to Adele’s wedding to Matyas



Adele, while pregnant with her second child, and her eldest daughter Emma



The official portrait of Adele as Countess of Otistadt





Adele and Matyas during their courtship





Adele in her old age, soon before abdicating as the Countess of Otistadt


Final Thoughts:



Thank you so much to those of you who have made it this far! This PK post has been a colossal undertaking for my most ambitious and amazing character yet - I've been writing this post almost since I started playing little Adele in January 2022. She has been my most amazing character so far - what started as just another noble character ballooned into the Heir to House Ludovar, Countess of Otistadt, and High Justiciar of Haense which is CRAZY. I didn't have too many ambitions or aspirations when starting Adele, just to enjoy myself in a newer family for me and to help my bestie  @Raijen Starswho I have to thank one thousand times over for giving me Adele in the first place. I think he is also due quite a lot of credit for enduring some of my worst rants in the worst of times - though I definitely did so for him as well. So thank you to Raijen and @esotericasfor letting me start Adele in the first place, you two really have changed my life.

I also, of course, need to thank @DearConnorMurphyfor playing both my gorgeous and most favourite of sisters, Amicia, and my wonderful Heir to the House, Emma. You're really a Queen and I cannot thank you enough for all that you've done and are continuing to do. I have already told you all of this many times, but I have exceedingly good faith in you. Thank you for playing some great characters - our roleplay has always been great. <3

Naturally, thanks go out to @gusanofor playing Adele's husband, Matyas. We shared some of my favourite roleplay when they were younger. You became much busier with the birth of King Georgie-face, but we still shared some absolutely amazing times. I probably wouldn't have gotten this far without you, so thank for everything. I may very well take you up on your offer of a make-up Consort in the future, haha.

Here comes the name list part of the PK post, I am so sorry if I have forgotten anyone, but with such a long-running and major character it may be likely.

Colossal thanks go out to: @Raijen Stars @esotericas @DearConnorMurphy @gusano @CupOTea__ @MissToni @marslol @worldeltaii @HIGH_FIRE @Lmcfc @TeawithFrisket @tcs_tonsils_ @tadabug2000 @Roza @Lokvank @sarahbarah @crazedpudding @Moenah @AndrewTech @Awesam5555 @PrimnyaQuorum @Oriaros @GMRO @livrose @JuliusAakerlund @Zaerie @Javert  @Phersades


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Anastasia Colborn stood there by her weeping cousin emma while her aunt passed, tears in her eyes as she remembered all the times she spent with her aunt, she saw her more of a mother then an aunt since her mother was absent, "ea love vy aedymamej.. spasibo for everything vy did for this family" she said as she teared up herself, said tears falling down her cheeks as she hugged her crying cousin

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Borris Iver Kortrevich laughed, dipping his head at his lifelong friend’s passing… for she had fallen into a place that he was not able to go. "You didn't know, Adele- that was the beauty of it. You might have figured it out... but you didn't at the start." He said softly before setting the letter on the table. "Where I cannot follow... the title of my next poem."

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Godric Adrian Colborn welcomed her into the Seven Skies with a bright smile. "It's been awhile, hasn't it? Why don't we finally catch up. I promise not to talk too long."

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A certain former member of house Ludovar, Ilya Oakheart, would click his tongue upon hearing of the death of his cousin, unsure of how to feel or rect for a few moments. "Sometimes ea wish it could've been different" He would comment with a soft sigh, looking out of the window from his home in Lurin "surely ea can do something though, in the future perhaps" he pondered finally

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Countess Esmée Kortrevich wrapped her arms around her beloved friend.

"Vy took too long Adele! - I've missed you. Bienvenue."

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The eldest daughter of the late Justiciar, Emma Ludovar, was standing on the balcony of her room.

An old, brown note was held tightly in her hand, her gaze turned to the clear white fields.

As she took a deep breath of the icy air, a cold tear ran down her face.

Only one regret entered her mind.

One massive thing she would punish herself for for the remainder of her life.

"Ea should have told vy ea loved vy.... Ea should have told vy in vyr last moments."




Way above the Ricksburg Keep, all the way in the Seven Skies, a blackhaired woman patiently waited for her brother-in-law to let go of her sister.

Amicia stood next to her father, dressed in an outfit much alike the one she used to wear when she was a child.

"Adele."  She would say, a glad smile on her face. "How I have missed you."

Two kindered hearts, finally reunited. "We shall never be seperated again"

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Tatyana Ludovar would be walking in the snowy hills after having learnt of the passing of her mother. Needing fresh air after the tears and to collect her thoughts and clear her head. After all there had been so much left unsaid between her mother and herself. 


She did end up getting her wish however. For when she returned to sleep in Ricksburg, her illness that she had been fighting for so long finally consumed her as she laid alone in her bed. And so the daughter followed after her mother and the two were together again.

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In the seven skies a lady had been enjoying her time, free from her troubles and enjoying watching her sons, and the daughters she had claimed for a time. Her heart ached when the first one passed, it hurt but she was overjoyed to see that beauty once more, and then pain struck again.


As blue orbs landed upon the newly departed Adele, a lovely Kortrevich ran over to embrace her close, eyes fluttering closed as she held her so dear and near. 


"Prevja Mea Little Dove! How ea've missed vy so. Ea thank godan vy am here, but also ache to see vy."


The Kortrevich, dawned in her elegant red dress, released the hug to kiss the girls forehead. 


"Welcome home Adele."



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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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