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Status Updates posted by ScreamingDingo

  1. Hey, I am looking for both ancient historians AND those that are more modern.

    I would like to speak to any Kharajyr or players that were involved in the Fall of Ordium eventline in 2015.
    Also any that were involved in the... 'interesting' event of time-farts with Valaen during the Athera eventline under Mystery. With what interactions the god did and how they were portrayed.

    Feel free to contact me on discord, my name is the same as mine on here.


  2. people praise being elite consequence accepting rpers and then immediately get away from things that have PK clauses


    le epic powerful mage rp

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shorsand


      tfw start out pk elitist and have gone full circle realizing the best quality rp comes from unique and meaningful interactions and people who are more inclined to give those will do it regardless of the existence of a PK clause or not and forcing it upon people will just make the situation worse for everyone

    3. Carson


      I mean aren't they accepting consequences by choosing not to engage with an event:? it would be different if someone pulled up to a PK clause event, died, and then didn't want to PK

    4. Neviah


      i love pk clauses

  3. the biggest racket on lotc is the skinning community. how u going to let someone charge you a mid-range game for a pixel skin.


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. monkeypoacher


      how else am i gonna flash my cash

    3. Smmer
    4. Crevel


      $5 AUD Steam gift card, take it or leave it.

  4. gotta say what's the arockstar doomposting about

    love a good bit of hating but haven't even seen anything good to shit on

    1. lemonke


      Moderator team got wiped out again or at least most of the ppl within it iirc

    2. monkeypoacher


      warned me on the forums for quoting him :(

    3. itdontmatta
  5. the joy of being a hater is what maintains my drive and passion for the server

    1. Lhindir_


      Idk if that’s a flex lol

    2. ScreamingDingo


      @Lhindir_simply just establishing my existence as an emotional vampire

    3. Lhindir_
  6. I am not a prophet for I do not guess the correct path, I am the correct path.

    I have partaken in bargains with the occult spam posters to secure my future as Moderation Administrator.

    I am coming for you, itdontmatta.

    1. TreeSmoothie


      I support screamingdingo mod admin

    2. Turbo_Dog
    3. argonian
  7. damn guys i know i keep saying pvp isnt rp but we didnt have to invoke a name change

  8. hate to ask this. I'd like any player made histories of Malin/Krug/Urguan of either pre-thirty years war or pre-player during their empires and just when they got their curses.
    If you have them please send them over via discord or just here.

    thanks :)

    1. Tabby64


      The top of this post has stuff on urguan, its a very good post. 


    2. Panashea



      i can find more specific stuff if u dm me, otherwise im too lazy :)

    3. Fishy






      These two posts by Urara would have been exactly what you're looking for, but it seems like she removed them. I don't know the reason or if you can search through the edits.

      I can sorta recall the content if needed.

      Edited by Fishy
  9. plotting and sneaking to destroy my enemies

    make sure they stay as jobbers

  10. people dont realise that crp should be done with three rounds of Toribash knife fights

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Gustando


      if you never looked up youtube tutorials on how to one shot someone on toribash and replicated them on bots ur missing out

    3. ScreamingDingo
    4. Freischarler


      should  be fought on mordhau

  11. the erper shall be smited under the brutality of ecw


    1. Nug


      sir we have minors on this server please watch yourself. .

  13. what do you get when you cross folklore staple creatures and the insistence that they can be loved too

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. NLThomas


      Oh I know Squak!
      I think you get what you ******* deserve.

    3. ___


      Varg... yrs?

    4. Callistus


      hey what happened…

  14. guys wtf, most cities are plagiarised from this server called messy medieval???!?? Wtf!

    1. argonian


      u act like this is a joke, but the guys on there will literally attempt to sue you irl if some noob of urs built a dirt hut that looked vaguely like one of theirs (he spammed blocks at random)

    2. ScreamingDingo


      @argonianthe dimensions of 2x3 are under MM copyright

    3. argonian


      @ScreamingDingoYour shack DOES NOT have windows. We invented that!

  15. @Valannormystics are next, punk. better give me what I want or you'll be shelved

    1. Valannor


      what you want changes depending on how pissed off you are that day tbf

    2. UnBaed


      sounds like this guy need more shore in his life

    3. JoanOfArc


      Uh-hmm ermmm um… 

  16. double post but all my opps getting their treatment the aenguls watch over me bless 🙏🙏

    may esthael provide balance to the server to defeat my mortal enemies you know who you are bless 🦛🦇🙏💥

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      - You don't have "opps" or anything for that matter.

      - We don't care about aengul magic.


      Cope and seethe Dingo.


      Lord of the Craft" is a popular Minecraft server that features a roleplaying game mode set in a medieval fantasy world. Within this world, there are many different crafting skills and professions available to players, including runesmithing.


      In this context, runesmithing refers to the creation of magical runes that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as enhancing weapons and armor, imbuing items with special abilities, and creating powerful magical artifacts.


      To become a runesmith in "Lord of the Craft," players must first acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, either through apprenticeship with an experienced runesmith or by studying ancient tomes and texts.


      Once a player has gained the knowledge and skills necessary to create runes, they can begin crafting them using various materials, such as precious gems, rare metals, and enchanted substances.


      Each rune has its own unique properties and effects, and the most skilled runesmiths are able to create incredibly powerful and intricate runes that can have a significant impact on the game world.

    3. Space
    4. sam33497


      bro has opps in minecraft

  17. free the illest killer hexe

    1. JoanOfArc


      Lord of the Craft" is a popular Minecraft server that features a roleplaying game mode set in a medieval fantasy world. Within this world, there are many different crafting skills and professions available to players, including runesmithing.


      In this context, runesmithing refers to the creation of magical runes that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as enhancing weapons and armor, imbuing items with special abilities, and creating powerful magical artifacts.


      To become a runesmith in "Lord of the Craft," players must first acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, either through apprenticeship with an experienced runesmith or by studying ancient tomes and texts.


      Once a player has gained the knowledge and skills necessary to create runes, they can begin crafting them using various materials, such as precious gems, rare metals, and enchanted substances.


      Each rune has its own unique properties and effects, and the most skilled runesmiths are able to create incredibly powerful and intricate runes that can have a significant impact on the game world.

  18. Detective_Comics_32_p36_BobKane.jpg&sa=U

    1. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      "Lord of the Craft" is a popular Minecraft server that features a roleplaying game mode set in a medieval fantasy world. Within this world, there are many different crafting skills and professions available to players, including runesmithing.


      In this context, runesmithing refers to the creation of magical runes that can be used for a variety of purposes, such as enhancing weapons and armor, imbuing items with special abilities, and creating powerful magical artifacts.


      To become a runesmith in "Lord of the Craft," players must first acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, either through apprenticeship with an experienced runesmith or by studying ancient tomes and texts.


      Once a player has gained the knowledge and skills necessary to create runes, they can begin crafting them using various materials, such as precious gems, rare metals, and enchanted substances.


      Each rune has its own unique properties and effects, and the most skilled runesmiths are able to create incredibly powerful and intricate runes that can have a significant impact on the game world.

    2. Spinzir
  19. in light of this naztherak rewrite I would like to show you the benefits of ibleesian worship

    1. Cracker


      *safeguards the necronomicon

    2. drfate786


      What benefits will I get from participating in Iblees worship?

  20. boring post civil war actions zzzz

    1. JoanOfArc
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      hello have you considered donating to our charity for the cultural preservation of the occupied Tetsugawans?

  21. good thread to skim while pooping

    1. Werew0lf


      recording ur poop

    2. excited


      I pooped 3 times to that thread, protein has my bowls feeling some type way

    3. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      Thanks for the update.

  22. hope Adria isn't like the hammer of urguan

    1. UnusualBrit


      You’re going to give Beamon a nam flashback 

    2. DrakeHaze.


      what happened to the hammer of urguan?

  23. btw i pledge my banner to restoring the moderation monarchists under the banner of dingo

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