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Everything posted by DISCOLIQUID

  1. If you are being added to any official "Media Team" skype chats, please ignore them as they are not an official arm of the Lord of the Craft staff. 

    1. ImCookiie


      Dang, I thought I had finally made it. . .

  2. I come to the forums and Kowaman is like an elementary school kid at the assembly poetry slam who signs up 8 times

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TeaLulu


      if he was posting poetry, maybe i'd actually want to read it

    3. Space




    4. TeaLulu






      in which case yes i want to hear about that, that sounds hilarious. lets youtube that.

  3. APPLICATION: OOC: Skype name: You are in powerful possession of it. Username: DiscoLiquid IC: Name: Romulus, other times Ymir. Reasons for applying: To seek out role-play upon new fronts! Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: Sure.
  4. The issue is on Mojang's side! >: (

  5. "How excellent!" Yorem says. "I should contact this man!" "Where can I find him?" Yorem goes so far as to flag down someone with a lettering bird and borrow it. After penning a note out, he attaches the note and sends it off! "Dear Sir, I am interested in your 'DEEP DARK CELLAR'."
  6. I feel like the weaknesses won't be properly role-played. They rarely are.
  7. The ban verdict on Zaichic was changed. I apologize to all those negatively impacted by my hasty decision. 

    1. chaotikal


      Great job, Jacob.

    2. Billy5691


      How long is the ban now?

    3. AGiantPie



      Disco updated the post on the BR itself.

  8. If anyone would like to talk to me personally, they're welcome to PM me on Skype or the Forums about the banning. I'm not above rectifying decisions in light of new information or challenges to the way I handled things. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. LatzMomo


      I would also like to talk to you about this problem, as it pissed me right off. Dean_Frankforter



      To professorus, deano, and the rest excluding Zaichic and Vegas. I spoke with Disco, and in my belief, the decision has been made to lift your bans due to a misconception. I do apologise for the inconvenience it may have caused you, but my intention was only actually for a singular person to be dealt with

    4. The Great Mongol Khan

      The Great Mongol Khan

      Let this be a lesson to all, to understand the full extent and context of situations before placing yourself in such situations.

  9. I as well feel that these changes will allow the magic to grow too far in power. A simplistic and moderately whimsical magic is being turned into a powerhouse of mobility that would rival all other magics. Instantaneous movement is often overlooked as powerful, but there's a reason that flash is the most used summoner's spell on League of Legends.
  10. Remember! The Community Meeting is at 4 PM EST today in the LotC TeamSpeak! IP : ts.lotc.co




  11. If the processes by which lore was moved around in these segments was also publicized to the players, sure.
  12. Thanks to all who applied to the ET. Please read this full status for an explanation.

    Those who were not accepted were denied, as Phil and I wanted to wipe the subforum completely clean. Many of you who were denied were still quite good, and we would love for you to apply again for the next wave of actor apps in about a month or two.

    Please congratulate those who did make it: DefinitelyKnot, Sean66, Daelaris, and Lekuma_.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. _Jandy_


      RIP literally everybody.

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Woo, Knot made it.

    4. Ibn Khaldun

      Ibn Khaldun

      Don't stack your ranks with a merrymoogler.

  13. ET News: We're taking more actors soon. Make an app now, like, today. It can't hurt you. Australian time-zones especially. 

    1. Ricky


      Cries at the prospect of more work.

  14. what did vaq do rofl

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. osumanduas


      He abandoned the server a little before the transition to Anthos. Dumped all his duties on Shift and the Staff while he went to go make some other server, as I recall.

    3. ScreamingDingo


      yeah jacko's right. but recently he called out staff and called them autistic. sell out is based.

    4. CombatRolePlay


      Apperently someone found his pass. online and started using it for shits and giggles. From what i know its not vaq himself

  15. Add a plugin that lets me remove part of my hunger bar so I can eat 

  16. Important news about TA's coming today. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. E__V__O


      Will this affect any current applying TA's?



      All applying TA's will be on hold until the announcement is made. 

    4. Kim


      i got u fam

  17. Will handle all current MA's at approx. 1 EST tomorrow. I'm busy tonight, till then. Thanks for patience.

  18. I really like it! I don't see any issues with this as it stands.
  19. MA's updated to the best of my effort. List is still pathetically uneditable. Blech.

    1. Kim


      If you ever need an FM to edit the list for ya give us a PM!



      The issue isn't my pex, it's when I open the lists with the edit button, they either crash, or after I submit the changes, the changes revert. : / 

    3. MetaSolaray


      DIsco you're on your way to getting some overtime, sixth night already!

  20. What magics should be self-teachable?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. JEEGK


      The magic of +1's :)

    3. Old-Rattlesnake


      Telekinesis. It's super simple stuff and non-combative. Usually.

    4. ski_king3


      All magic. I'm serious.


      But since that won't happen: all void magic, holy magic, necromancy, soul contract, soul puppetry, fi, shamanism and runesmithing.


      But since that still won't happen because we hate fun: void magic, necromancy and fi.

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