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  1. The Rings Of Hefrumm Many of the castes of Hefrumm have fallen into disrepair due to a lack of people. This has led to the diminished resources available to the community, resulting in leaving of many forest dwarves. In order to provide for and reinvigorate the community, this proposal was created. Previously, the castes provided the materials and resources needed for Hefrumm’s sustainment, but as times have changed the needs of Hefrumm have also changed. Thus the castes, must also be reformed to account for our current needs. The Folk's Council has approved this reformation. Chapter I - Rings The Castes of Hefrumm into Rings, shall be renamed into Rings. This will provide a sense of inclusion. and reflect on the unified nature of Hefrumm. As rings form a part of a tree and tell its story, so shall our Rings form a part of our community and will showcase our culture. Chapter II - The New Rings The old castes shall be dissolved and new ones will be instated to fill their roles. The New Rings shall be: THE RING OF THE TOPAZ BOAR The Topaz Boar is a symbol of joy, abundance, hardiness and versatility. This Ring will be responsible for gathering food and resources. Previously, the industries of farming, logging, fishing, butchery, hunting and so on, were scattered throughout the different castes. This Ring will refocus the efforts of Hefrumm to gather the materials needed for its construction and to feed the forest dwedmar. THE RING OF THE IVORY SCORPION Determination, skilled refining, and purity. These are the things the Ivory Scorpion represents. Just as how the Ivory Scorpion refines pure venom in its tail, so will the members of this Ring refine fine alcohols, medicines and narcotics. All of which play major parts in the culture of Hefrumm. The Ivory Scorpion takes the raw materials of the Topaz Boar and refines them into more potent forms. THE RING OF THE EBONY BEAVER The Ebony Beaver is a master of creation, wise and prudent. The members of this Ring are responsible for supplying the tools needed for Hefrumm. From wooden buckets to metal armour, the Ebony Beaver does all. They also gather mineral resources. THE RING OF THE GOLDEN MAGPIE The Golden Magpie is symbolic of wealth and intelligence. Culture often spreads through the efforts of merchants, and thus members of this Ring as tasked with running the shops and forming caravans to other settlements, to spread and teach the forest dwedmar culture through our cultural exports and crafts, as well as earn the funds to help the community of Hefrumm. Chapter III - General Ring Hierarchy The Hierarchy of the Rings will be set up in a similar fashion to the previous castes, only with more roles in order to help manage the expanded functions of the Rings. High Chief - The High Chiefs retains the power to appoint and dismiss any leader of each of the Rings. If there is no one leading a Ring, the High Chief automatically assumes the position of its leader. Primarch - The leader of the Ring. They are responsible for the management of its members, the gathering of resources, the passing down of knowledge and hosting of events. Primarchs can ban members if need be, if they receive a majority support in the Folks or Chief’s council, or more simply the approval of the High Chief. If there are no Custodians, then the Primarch by default assumes those positions. Unlike the High Chief, a Primarch cannot hold more than one primarch position. The Primarch can also create new Custodians, with permission from the High Chief. Custodian - The second in command after the Primarch. There are usually multiple custodians within a caste, responsible for overseeing the various industries present within a Ring. The order of power for appointing custodians goes to the High Chief first and then Primarch. Member - Trusted individuals are allowed to harvest and use resources of the Ring freely. They are allowed into the Ring by any of the people mentioned above. Non-Members - People who are not officially members of a Ring need permission first from a Custodian or above to utilise the Ring’s resources. As per the Constitution of Hefrumm, the Folk’s Council holds the right to decide and vote on internal legislation. Ultimately, the people of Hefrumm remain the highest authority. Chapter IV - Specific Ring Hierarchy THE RING OF THE TOPAZ BOAR Primarch of the Topaz Boar An individual who excels in gathering resources, such as through farming or logging or hunting, with enough knowledge and wisdom to not overburden nature. They transfer their knowledge down to younger generations, teaching them ways to live off the land sustainably. Custodian of the Soil A Custodian whose specialisation revolves around the skilful and environmentally friendly extraction of resources, such as through farming, foraging etc. Custodian of the Animal Someone who is skilled in gathering animal products, through butchery, hunting or fishing, without damaging the local populations of such creatures. THE RING OF THE IVORY SCORPION Primarch of the Ivory Scorpion Skilled in the arts of brewing and drug-making, the Primarch of the Ivory Scorpion is a master pharmacist and brewer, knowing all the key ingredients needed to make their concoctions by heart. Custodian of the Brew An adept brewer, with knowledge of the most obscure brewing techniques, as well as a refined palate being able to taste the best and determine the best ingredients for their brews. Custodian of the Still This Custodian is intelligent and careful, able to determine with a glace of their eye the exact proportions needed for any given chemical. THE RING OF THE EBONY BEAVER Primarch of the Ebony Beaver An excellent smith and crafter in many different fields of art. A guide to the dwarves of Hefrumm in the ways of craftsmanship Custodian of the Ore A smith and miner, with refined skills in metalworking. They provide Hefrumm with the tools it needs to work and even defend itself. Custodian of the Earth A craftsman skilled in earthly arts such as pottery, woodcarving, and carpentry. They are tasked with promoting the culture of Hefrumm through their work, as well as logging. THE RING OF THE GOLDEN MAGPIE Primarch of the Golden Magpie A well-spoken person, which charisma and merchant skills. They travel to many different lands to sell Hefrumm’s goods, promote its culture, and return with finances to support the forest dwarf community. Custodian of the Shop A well-liked individual capable of inducing trust in others, they help run the shops of Hefrumm, and make sure the local merchants are not exploited. Custodian of the Caravan A hardy dwarf that can organise and create caravans to travel to distant lands. They must be resilient against the road while keeping their merchant charm. Chapter V - Resource Distribution As stated earlier, the goal of the Rings is to provide for the needs of Hefrumm. Though labourers' sweat shall not go uncompensated. Members of the Rings are allowed to keep whatever they gather, but they must give at least 1/3 of their work back to Hefrumm for communal use. Though even this will not go uncompensated, labour shall be compensated through financial or other material means, by the discretion of the Primarch. Chapter VI - Center of the Rings In order to promote unity among the hefrummos, and cooperation between the Rings, a facility shall be constructed or repurposed, in order to provide a meeting area for the members of the Rings, as well as a place where they can store the communal resources.
  2. [!] Fliers and posters hang all over Almaris, on roads, in cities, everywhere! The Silver Knights are recruiting! The Silver Knights are seeking to protect all of Almaris, and fight those with ill intent. We aim to ally with all nations and help them protect their citizens as an external military. As of now, we are based in Elysium, but we plan on expanding. We offer: -Housing in the manor -Gear; Armor and weapons -10 minas every training/mission - Combat training To join, contact Evelyn M Silver, Immeral Soloros Silver, or Almar, or find us at Serenity Square 4 in Elysium.
  3. The Clan Khurhukar is a clan of the most worthy of Kha merchants and fighters. Short History: Ranks: The Patta: The Patta is the current leader of the Khurhukar and must be a descendent of the family. His role in the clan is to guide the Kha to a better life. The Per: The Per is the heir to the Patta. They have to be part of the family and The Patta's son. Their role is to take over the role of The Patta when they die. The Elders: The Elders are the direct advisors of The Patta. These individuals are chosen by the Patta, and are usually over 70, and have experience in battle. The Members: The Kha who are worthy of carrying the title Khurhukar. These Kha are the most worthy in their fields, and they are mostly fighters and merchants. The Initiates: The Kha who carry this title are ones who did not prove themselves to the clan yet, but want to become a member. What we provide: We provide the resources to the Kha who are the greatest merchants and fighters. The Trials: The Trial of Power: In this trial, an initiate must prove their power to an Elder, the Per or the Patta. This can be done in two ways. First, they can fight a member of the clan, and second, they can tell a story of a great battle they fought in, and won. The Trial of Merchantry: In this trial, the initiate must prove themselves worthy in merchantry. The initiate must sell a product to a clan member. This trial isn't necessary, and instead of this trial, the trial of power may be done. The Trial of Loyalty: In this trial, the initiate must prove their loyalty to the clan, and they must swear an oath to Metztli, that they will not betray the clan in any case. Application:
  4. THE GREYCLOAKS GreyCloak Ranger passing through the lands of Providence PREAMBLE In the 63rd year of the second age in the town of Arichsdorf, Frederick Di Napoli would ride into town. With the recent troubles within Almaris and the ever-growing presence of war within the continent, he would choose to establish the first guildhall of the GreyCloaks in the town. His mentor and teacher had been Hider GreyCloak, a ranger from Norland who had taught him everything about being a man of the wilderness. Now with Frederick as the newfound Captain on the spearhead of the next ranger movements in the continent, the hope is to found and spread the word of the GreyCloaks to have uniformed guilds throughout Almaris, protecting the smaller settlements and frontiers of the continent, keeping balance and peace in the world. The GreyCloak are not strictly professional soldiers. They stand in no lines or guard no gates. Nor are they mere foragers, content to eat berries and drink spring water. For the ranger, all of life is a battle. Their fight does not begin at the bark of a general, or end with the war-horn’s howl. It began when Man first felt the bite of the cold in his chest, and the sting of heat scorching their brow. When they found themselves alone and lost in a dark world- but saw for the first time the stars charting a path to the light of victory. RANKS A veteran ranger with his Cloak and longsword The extravagance of a military guild’s long ladder of ranks seems rather out of place in the ranger’s world. Every ranger is expected to have the same base set of skills as any other. Naturally, some men take to certain tasks better than others, and if a mission calls for a particular man’s expertise, the Leader will designate them to lead it. But which skills will be most essential depends on the task at hand. The best man for one assignment may be the worst man for another. Thus, the rangers free themselves from the shackles of titular bureaucracy and can award commands based on merit and the demands of their current objectives. WILDERS Wilders are members of the guild, who haven’t officially started their training, they are either often people who Rangers assess if they are beneficial to the cause. They are often picked or selected from the applications sent to the guild. Wilders are often informally tested to not only prove their loyalty to their work but to also assess their moral obligations. APPRENTICE New recruits to the guild are known as Apprentices, signifying their status as travellers on a sacred quest. Every Apprentice undergoes rigorous mental and physical training beside a class of fellows. Together, they learn to live off the land, to track men and beasts by the prints they leave behind, to read the sky, and to master the ranger’s weapon of choice- the longbow and recurve bow. Upon the successful acceptance into the guild, Apprentices are then awarded a long Cloak, which they wear and maintain for the rest of their life. RANGER They are given the same responsibilities and privileges carried by all fully initiated members, who came before them. They shall uphold the duties of the guild and cause; the rangers are loyal to the cause of the guild and shall cherish the training that they will continue to strive to gain. These Rangers are provided with assignments that they shall either work alone or with a gathering of the guild, provided by their leader. A group of rangers working on an assignment in Ebonwoods CAPTAIN The Captain is the executive head of the Greycloaks. Their main responsibilities consist of overseeing Apprentice training, delegating rangers to apprentices, planning and directing response to assignments, and maintaining discipline across the guild. The Leader’s word is final but this veto power is rarely if ever exercised. Serving Captain: Frederick Di Napoli (Ze_claus) RECRUITMENT To join the Greycloak Rangers, either seek out the Ranger Captain found in Arichsdorf or fill out the application: (Please reply with this format below!) Minecraft Username: Full Roleplay Name | Alias: Discord: Timezone (Optional): Reason you would like to join:
  5. The Artisan Society Written by tilruir’Valmir Irelia Ni’leya 13th of The Deep Cold, Year 58 of the Second Age “Never underestimate the power of passion” Blessid citizens of Haelun’or, it is with great joy that I, Irelia Ni’leya, your newly appointed tilruir’Valmir; Chief Artisan present our newest addition to our nation’s economic reform; The Artisan Society. With such society, comes new employment opportunities for a collection of craftspeople and self-employed artists ranging in different specializations. Each employment within this society holds one’s unique value and purpose; Allowing skillful artists find their passion within our nation. Vacant employment positions: Tailors Papermakers Painters Brewers Florists Bakers Leatherworkers Alas, A new and revised building awaits those who wish to further themselves with the state; Look besides the Mage-light Tavern and you shall see our doors wide open, awaiting you! “We cannot seek achievement for ourselves and forget about progress and prosperity of our community. Our ambitions must be broad enough to include the aspiration and needs of others, for their sakes and for our own.” Signed, tilruir’valmir Irelia Ni'leya AY’LARIHEI MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  6. =-< Yemekar’s Workforce >-= - The Working Guilds of Kal’Darakaan - “There is one group of hardworking dwarves that holds the entirety of the Dwarven Grand Kingdom upon their broad shoulders, a group of dwarves that truly know the meaning of “a hard day’s work.” They are the workforce of Yemekar’s Pick, they are those who dedicate their hands to the service of The Maker. Woodcutting, mining, and farming are not merely traded skills to be learned and then performed sluggishly from day to day in monotonous drudgery but they are skills to be cherished. The common worker is not lowly or insignificant in the grand scheme of the Grand Kingdom but they are what keeps the Grand Kingdom moving forward, for without supplies how would goods and profits be made? Most importantly, without farmers how would we produce ale?! This is why any dwarf should be honored to join the workforce of the Grand Kingdom, for they not only honor themselves but they honor their clan, the Grand Kingdom, and Yemekar himself.” ~ Thoak Goldhand, Yemekar's Pick of the Second Grand Kingdom of Urguan Prospectors of The Treasured Hoard The backbone of the dwarven workforce, the miners are what supply the Grand Kingdom with precious minerals for the crafting of objects of practicality, beauty, and strength. Even though there is no job that is greater than the rest in terms of its usefulness, mining is certainly one of the most dangerous and rewarding positions within the labor force. Whether it be collapsing tunnels, a nest of spiders, or a demanding quota, the miner’s job is never done. But with a good head on your shoulders and strict planning, you’ll come out of the mines with your beard still attached to your jaw, a hefty load of ore, and maybe even a bonus if you work exceptionally well. Current Lodemaster: Enryn Blackhammer (DixieDemolisher) Blacksmiths of The White Anvil The most treasured and sacred art of the khazadmar, passed down by the ancestors to their children. The life of a blacksmith begins at an early age under the apprenticeship and watchful eye of a master blacksmith. Only by taking and shaping the metals of the earth for several lifetimes could they gain the reputation of being the best throughout the lands. It is up to the blacksmiths of Urguan to maintain the prestige set by their ancestors by ensuring the Legion is equipped with only the best, and that the denizens far beyond clamor in envy at their crafts. Current Forgemaster: Ulfar Starbreaker (XxEnderking) Blacksmiths of The White Anvil Hierarchy: <Link> Artisans of The Gilded Hammer Not quite as renowned as blacksmiths, but equally impressive in both skill and artistry. Artisans are those who can shape almost any material they desire into an item of practicality. A blanket to cover a babe, a ring to fit the hands of an unsuspecting recipient, a tombstone to mark the burial grounds of the fallen. All are things that an artisan will eventually create as the cycle of life continues. So will the demand of an artisan ever be, and their importance within the workforce. Current Goldmaster: Kragdin Starbreaker (Prifter) Farmers & Herdsmen of The Sacred Hearth Although agriculture may not have the more clear and present dangers that mining does, it is no less crucial to the survival of the rest of the workforce and the Grand Kingdom. Without adequate food and ale, the loggers and miners would not be able to gather the materials used for building our stout stonework and masterwork tools. Meats, vegetables, bread, fish, and other baked goods are all necessities for a healthy dwarven diet, and let us not forget our most cherished drink, ale. These staples are what the farmers and herdsmen will gather, and therefore do not think of it as merely farming or butchering but fueling an entire Nation with food and drink. Current Harvest Master: Argnos Frostbeard (Frostbeard)
  7. Omithiel Institute The Architecture Guild When Yemekar made the dwarven race, it is said they were distinguished over the other descendants and more like him as they, like the Forge Father, were naturally prone to creation, gifted in craftsmanship amongst their peers. While the sons of Krug slap together tents and shabby pallacides in a rush for war, the sons of Malin lazily inhabiting trees, and the sons of Horen only caring to make whatever poses the most efficient benefit, the dwarves, the sons of Urguan, would dedicate themselves to making not only the most useful and capable structures but ones with great beauty and intricate design. We do not rush a building, for it is our divine duty to make what works we do grand, create works of inspired art. That is the purpose of the Omithiel Institute, to help ensure that the dwarves maintain their reputation with the world and its gods as the greatest architects, to make our halls grand and ornate. Organization Grand Architect The Grand Architect is the leader of the Omithiel Institute, headed with the duty of managing the building projects of the Grand Kingdom. The position requires not only great skill in design but the ability to manage and organize great works to be accomplished. They are in charge of managing the finances of the guild. They receive no pay, the only gain for their position is honor and prestige. Architects An Architect is an accomplished and skillful designer, capable of designing works of any scale. They are picked and promoted by the Grand Architect. Architects receive a cut of all commissions they work on. Designer A Designer is in charge of creating the schematics for minor, smaller-scale works. They are in essence an Architect in training. In order to become a designer, they must prove their creative skill and give an application for approval by the Grand Architect. Builder Builders are the manual labor backbone of the guild. It is a low skill requiring job, making it an easy fit for young beardlings looking to find a starting point in the community as well as for more experienced dwarves looking for a quick coin. They are paid by the amount of work done. The Council of Omithiel Summoning the Council At the request of the Grand King, the Grand Architect will summon the kingdom’s most renowned builders along with the king himself into a Council of Omithiel to discuss constructions within the kingdom. Duties of the Council When summoned, the council will be presented with proposed and current constructions within the lands of the Grand Kingdom. The council will thoroughly review any plans and carefully survey any structures already built before moving to vote on their merits. Powers of the Council After reviewing any constructions, the council will move to a vote. All Architects of the guild have one vote, and in the case of a tie, the Grand Architect will cast the deciding vote. If the council votes in favor of a project, it will be approved and construction will begin. If the council finds the project unsatisfactory, the council will offer a list of grievances to the creator and offer an official redesign at a reasonable price. When voting on a pre-existing structure, the council can decide on issuing a fine to the owner of the structure. The fine will be paid every week until the structure is fixed in the eyes of the council. Services Blueprint Commissions The Designers and Architects of the guild are often employed in making blueprints for any dwarf with the coin. The price of blueprints is dependent on the complexity of the order, from the features requested to its size. Generally, a small 12 by 12 meter plot will cost 500 minas, a 25 by 25 meter plot going for about 1k minas, and a 50 by 50 meter plot going for 3k minas. These prices are only estimates, trends, and may vary depending on the specific order. Grand Projects Arguably the most fundamental service provided by the Omithiel Institute is the dedication to doing the work of the Grand Kingdom. They are responsible for infrastructure, military projects, and city projects. Every brick layed, every road paved, the Omithiel Institute is responsible for. Interested in joining or wishing for our services? Send us a bird Darek Irongrinder ((Sneakybandit#8393))
  8. ~The Haense Monster Hunting Guild’s 1st annual guild meeting~ The Haense Monster Hunting Guild has very recently had its first meeting which went over a few important topics that all members of the guild should need to be informed of. It is the job of this official guild documentation to cover and inform those of what we have discussed in our guild hall, The Hunter’s Inn. Thank you for your time to those who came, and here’s to many more successful meetings in the future. Topics of Discussion: In today’s official meeting, we went over the fundamental functions of our guild and how it runs. These functions include the new board that will be constructed within our Inn’s walls which holds any sightings or jobs to take up, The weekly meetings that will be held in order to discuss the possible locations of new monsters - and any jobs/hunts which have been completed, and finally - the trades and payments we offer to those who bring their gathered trophies from hunts. -Signed Yvo Mondblume 383 E.S
  9. ~A Hunter’s Life~ We who inhabit this world have done plenty of horrifying things. Things that have been eternally engraved in the scrolls and books which hold our long and unforgotten history. However, it seems that even though we wage large wars against our own kind and have caused many crises which have led to our demise, that our accumulation of races continues along with no fear of what has happened in the past - as they had no other choice but to. Instead of wallowing around and trapping ourselves in the worst of pasts, our kind moves forward and learns from the mistakes we make. We make sure never make them again, les we wish for our heads to part from our bodies. Though some things in this world us inhabitants simply cannot push through. . . or exterminate entirely in the end. Though we descendants do our best to get past these small obstacles the world we live in has. But the lingering beasts and creatures who terrorize and threaten the very existence of many kinds must be dealt with. Hell, even though they are plentiful in number, and never able to be fully extinguished from existence, it is our job as those who’ve chosen a Hunter’s life to rid as many of these dark beings and monstrous creatures who walk our lands - all so that people stop cowering behind their gates and walls whilst their lives unravel quickly before them. Signed- Yvo Mondblume “It’s a Hunter’s Life for me!” ~A Hunter’s Code~ Members must abide by this code in order to keep their spot in the guild. Taking a contract or job up means seeing it through No matter the cost. We don’t hunt our own kind, and, under absolutely 0 circumstances, will not ever take jobs to harm other descendants. Monster hunters don’t ask many questions when under contract. See out the job unless it is questionable to your morals, and remember that there are many ways of completing a hunt. In fighting with guildmates is restricted. Help others instead of harming them. :OOC Guild post area: The Haense Monster Hunting guild is a place for those yearning to take on mighty beasts and become reputable to other nations shall thrive! We are a guild that offers out player-run events from those wishing to test the waters in event running, as well as some ST events. Not only will we be doing monster hunts in Haense, and with our own event runners, but we also will be branching out into other nations, looking for work so that we can gather fellow guildmates and attend a larger array of hunts. ~Location of Guildhall~ Haense/Karosgrad The Hunter’s Inn ~Application~ Full name: Ign: Reasons for joining: Experience: Discord:
  10. spk

    The Red Company

    The Red Company The Company There will always be conflict among the various groups of Descendants, and in the chaos of war there is opportunity. The Red Company seeks to take initiative and earn employment during that opportunity. The Company would do that by making contracts with cities or nations to provide extra manpower that they need to achieve any military goal, for an agreed upon price. Composition The composition of this band is any Descendant who can contribute to the group, and are courageous enough to fight for the common cause. As those are the only two requirements, membership is open to many races, and many different experience levels. Anyone can join, from a veteran ex-soldier to a young aspiring adventurer. As for the type of units the company likes to deploy, the majority are the dismounted man-at-arms. These units are to engage the enemy in melee combat and must be good fighters. Typically they are armed with a longsword, but may be given war-hammers. The Company will also equip and train men with crossbows, for more range capabilities. This combination of man-at-arms and crossbowman makes up the bulk of the fighting forces deployed by The Red Company. Cavalry could also be used, but horses are mostly used for scouting and transportation. Ranks Commander The commander of The Red Company is the highest ranking officer, he must also be head of The Order of the Red Flame. He is in charge of securing and negotiating contracts for the company, as well as finding other exploration and economic opportunities. He’s also the military planner for The Company, and allocates certain tasks to sergeants, or other qualified soldiers. Sergeant The Sergeant is the second highest ranking officer in the company. The Sergeant must be a part of The Order of the Red Flame, and must have displayed a wide variety of skills to achieve this rank, including skill in battle, astute strategist, and dedication to his brothers in arms that goes above what is already expected. These soldiers are often allocated responsibility for certain tasks which need to be completed and are expected to be efficient in their execution. Veteran The veteran of the company is the highest ranking member of The Company before joining The Order. These soldiers are elite fighters who have shown dedication to the company. If a Veteran shows promise of being a good and reliable officer, then they will be asked to join The Order and be promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Man-at-Arms These fighters make up the bulk of the fighting force of the company. They are dependable men and capable fighters who have passed their training and initiation. They will be asked to go on different missions with Sergeants or Veterans commanding them. Once they distinguish themselves on the battlefield they will be given the promotion to the next rank, Veteran. Recruit These are the lowest ranking members of The Company. They are the freshly joined recruits. Those of adequate military or fighting experience will pass quickly on to the Man-at-Arms stage. Those who are new to combat will undergo brief training to make sure they are able to contribute on the field of battle. Both groups have to be tested once they are ready, and then swear their oath to uphold The Company’s values for as long as they are a member. Then they pass on to the next stage, Man-at-Arms. Uniform The men and women in The Red Company are not required to wear any uniform, as long as they wear something protective that has red and/or white to distinguish it, as those are the main colors of the group. The fighters in the group may be given a uniform if they desire or do not have anything that is matching that description. To Join Message Sean_kelly26#1626 on discord, include the following: MC name: IRP name: IRP race: IRP age: Any other info you want us to know: I'll message you back as soon as I see your dm.
  11. The Order of Remembrance Not long after the foundation of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan those centuries ago, the scholars of the Ancient Dwarven world unified under the banner of remembrance, dedicating their lives to the protection and preservation of knowledge. While being composed almost exclusively of Dwarves, the newly appointed Remembrancers vowed to perform their duties independent of the Grand Kingdom to ensure their safeguarded information would remain unbiased and properly used. Those ideals early Remembrancers held so dearly continue to reign over their modern counterparts, with current members continuing to protect and preserve independently of the Grand Kingdom’s watchful eye. Upon Urguan’s collapse following The War of the Beards, The Remembrance Guild fell into ruin, with the remaining leadership fleeing with their collection of knowledge. Laying dormant for years to follow, it wasn’t until the Republic of Holm that the hidden Remembrancers reappeared. Despite Holm being founded by the Irongut Clan, the Republic itself was home to individuals of all races, causing the once exclusively Dwarven guild to open its ranks to all citizens of Holm. Having worked alongside the likes of Elves and Humans, the refounded guild realized that their mission was not one envisioned solely by the Dwarves, yet one held by scholars throughout the realm. Through the combined accomplishments of the reformed Remembrancers, the guild had managed to realize the benefits of working with those outside of their native people. Despite their differences, the common ideals of Remembrance united them. This period of diversity was short lived, as the return of Urguan recalled the guild to their ancestral home. Now being back deep within the mountains, many members returned to their racial hubs, feeling almost out of place in a completely Dwarven community. Having realized their past accomplishments all those years ago in Holm, the Remembrancers of Almaris have realized their need to expand their horizons once more. Now, with the construction of a Grand Library outside of mountain city, the renewed Order of Remembrance calls upon scholars of all religions, races, and creeds to join them in protecting and preserving knowledge whilst sharing it safely with the world. United, the scholars of the realm can work together to embetter the world, document its history, and safeguard it for generations to come. Principles Neutrality & Impartiality The Order of Remembrance has always held its neutrality in high regard. It’s importance dates back millennia ago, during the first wars that separated the world due to man-made borders. While these actions were necessary, it halted and fractured the continuation of shared knowledge, a primary goal, of all Remembrancers. For this reason, all of the guilds members share a collective philosophy and understanding of neutrality, seeking the middle ground which allows them to see both sides and all ends. Remembrancers root themselves in understanding the world in its natural state, not through one single lens. Taking in multiple perspectives also means a disconnection from the greater world of politics, not letting their own emotions sway their judgement. This philosophy is complex and is one of the very first lessons scribes are taught when they enter the order. Preservation & Protection The preservation and protection of knowledge is one of the primary duties of the Remembrancers. Through research, experience, and theory, Remembrancers hope to guide the public in any form of academic pursuit whether trivial or important. However, whilst knowledge is power, there are those who would see the world plunged into ignorance and strife, and that is where the Remembrancers are tasked with protecting and preserving all forms of documentation and knowledge. By the combined efforts of mages, engineers, warriors and so on, the Remembrancers have kept and reserved a plethora of knowledge, forgotten and timeless. This collection of knowledge is the beating heart of the order itself, and for this reason and those mentioned above, are they guarded closely. Availability & Convenience The Order is located close to the eastern portal, nestled on the great road leading to the eastern Almarian nations. This allows those with access to soulstones (or legs) the ability to come to the Order in the (aptly named) Library of Remembrance. This location is the center of all it’s influence and trade, guiding it’s projects, hosting important events, and it’s large collection placed on display for public use. Besides the library, one can often find a member of the order in various scholarly locations or nations around the world. Services Academia Whilst sharing knowledge could simply be accomplished through the availability of the Order’s book collection, members have taken it upon themselves to ensure that descendants are capable of understanding and practicing knowledge of various forms. Classes, ranging from smithing to political history, are to be offered to any who wish to learn of the subjects. Taught by an individual with a mastery in the specified subject, any future pupils can expect all information to be both true, and applicable in the outside world. Book Exchange & Purchases With the Order’s collection of books intended to supply the descendants with a broad variety of knowledge, the Remembrancers do allow individuals outside of the order to either exchange books, or purchase a copy of their desired tome. Although allowed, individuals must be aware that not all books will be available for these services, and that the Remembrancers can use their discretion to halt an exchange at any point in time. Neutral Grounds The grounds occupied and controlled by the Order of Remembrance are expected to be considered neutral, regardless of the nation said lands are situated in. Rival parties, even in times of war, are asked to treat these sanctuaries of knowledge similar to an institution of their religion - a place of respect which is to be kept clean of bloodshed. Despite this, individuals attempting to escape prosecution for acts of banditry or overall villainy by hiding within our walls will not be protected, and will be considered an exception to neutrality. Individuals seen laying in wait outside of our walls to attack passersbys shall also consider themselves an exception, and shall furthermore be banned from our halls and their surrounding area. Scholastic Partnership Through the belief that knowledge should be shared rather than hoarded, the Order of Remembrance extends an invitation to all scholastic groups throughout Almaris to establish lines of communication and potential future partnerships. Creating established lines between scholastic groups stands to benefit all groups and nations involved, as expanding your wealth of knowledge also expands what your institution’s visitors may learn. Order The Order is composed of many great men and women from different walks of life, ranging from rangers, warriors, alchemists and mages. Due to the complexity of knowledge and the abundance of scholars, the Masters created a system of positions. Positions The High Remembrancer This position is held by the leader of the Order, a capable and learned person who oversees the council and governs the direction of the Order itself. They are often responsible for the well being of the Order’s resources, members, various projects and connections held throughout the realm. The Master Remembrancer This position is held by the foremost experts and senior members of the guild, having served dutifully during their time as Remembrancers. They are tasked with heading the various research projects, overseeing the final trials of Scribes and are given a seat at the Summit. They have the ability to head massive projects, handle Order politics and daily affairs, and assist the High Remembrancer in various choices that direct the course of the guild. The Elder Remembrancer Whilst also senior members like their fellow constituents (the Masters), Elders are those who have spent a long time within the order but have no interest nor ability to be atop the council. They are still very accomplished in their works, and are expected to be an example for fellow Remembrancers. The Remembrancer This position is held by the majority of ordermen, being the most common rank within the order. Remembrancers are members who have completed their trials as scribe and have now been fully accepted into their ranks. The Scribe The position of Scribe is held by those newly recruited to the guild who have yet to pass their Remembrancer trials. These individuals are typically taken under the wing of a senior guild member to be taught the ways of the Remembrancers. Once their trials are complete, the High and Master Remembrancers hold the decision on if to fully induct the scribe into the guild. Specializations As a symbol of rank, a newly initiated Remembrancer will be given a Gem tome. These books are the personal journals and badge of office of each Remembrancer within the order. Atop the hardened cover of said book are freshly cut and finely polished gems, that are embedded into the casing. The color of the gems represent a specific field of study, with mastery of the field earning the Remembrancer the gem of that subject. There is no limit to how many gems can be placed atop the tome, however, all remembrancers must pass a specific test designed by an expert in order to officially demonstrate their mastery. Gem tomes are a closely guarded tradition amongst the order, each tome containing within, the knowledge and skill of said Remembrancer. When a Remembrancer goes missing or passes on, the book is then collected and placed under the Restricted Section until the time comes where it’s secrets are needed. Listed below are the studies each gemstone represents: Magic = Blue Sapphire Medicine/Herbs = Green Emerald Racial/Politics = Purple Amethyst Writing/Lorekeeping: Aquamarine Tech/Engineering = Tourmaline Craftsmanship = Citrine Exploration/Excavation = Beryl Song/Poetry = Red Garnet Religion/Spirituality = Ammolite Language = Sunstone The Medallion of Remembrance The Medallion of Remembrance is a craft each Remembrancer is required to have on their person during any and all guild business. This medallion can be used to identify Remembrancers when on international business, and spot those attempting to fraudulently use the neutral title to gain access to restricted nations. A replica of a medallion shall be given to all partnered libraries and their host nations to check the authenticity of all medallions seen in the future. Locations The Library of Remembrance The Library of Remembrance is the primary library of the Order of Remembrance. This library can be reached by taking the road to Urguan from the East Port. When walking the road, the library will be on the left side on top of a hill, only a hundred or so meters away. In the library, one can find: The Summit Chamber The Summit is a secluded chamber in the Library of Remembrance, it is here where the High Remembrancer and the Masters meet and give council to discuss the future of the order. The General Library The General library is the section of the library that is open and available for the public. Here resides studying areas, trivial relics, a lecture hall and the main collection of the books. The Relic hall The Relic hall is a place of reverence and importance to the order, with many of the order's most prized relics and artifacts being showcased under watchful display for others to see and study. The Restricted Section The Restricted Section is home to the various books, items and otherwise, that are deemed too dangerous to be studied by the Summit. Only the most highly ranked and trusted officials of the Order are given access to this section and are only used as both a safeguard and a safe reservoir of darker mysteries to be learned. The Observatory The Observatory, located at the top of the library, is a space used to study space and the stars of the night sky. Stocked with the best equipment known to man, this space would be open to all who wish to study what lays beyond the known realms. Recruitment The order recruits from all walks of life, allowing any and all races the chance to become a part of their ranks. Whilst any are allowed to join, not all, are so willing or capable of carrying the duty of being a Remembrancer. For this reason, the Remembrancers created the trials, a collection of assessments designed to test the mind, will, and body, thoroughly. These trials consist of a multitude of general requirements of a scribe, including practical skills such as Book keeping and writing, and more philosophical questions. The last trial remains a secret, information purposely kept hidden for the final true test of the scribe. Only those of higher rank in the order are given permission to both know and oversee this trial. To join, one must find an existing member, or send a bird specifically to the High Remembrancer Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole)) or Master Remembrancer Kazrin Starbreaker ((DrHope)). The Remembrancers can typically be found at the Library of Remembrance, or at any other official guild buildings. ((The Library of Remembrance shall be open in the next 2 weeks, just having to secure a lot of copies so the bookshelf glitch doesnt eat our only copies of books))
  12. Security_

    The Hexicanum

    The Hexicanum Circle of the Nine In times of primeval man when arcane sorceries ripped apart the ancient sky, the void was harnessed in its most raw and unleashed forms. Societies of magi worked in tandem with the overpowering allure of primeval magics, conjuring colossal spells capable of consuming cities, if not continents within its brazen glory. Far has the practice seen in the past faded into antiquity, though its origins of worship, understanding, and iconography are not forgotten. Within this new age, a formal arcane society is needed to maintain the delicate balance of the Void and the Materium, as rifts and other phenomena become everpresent. To fully serve the realm and all descendants, a table of nine archmages are to be heads of the Hexicanum, all masters of the arcane in their own rite tasked with keeping The Balance. From this table of nine, students and acolytes of varying skill and mettle form the guild in its fullest. Taking in lessons from past mages, a focus is held on the primeval aspect of magic, and its teetering hold on the mortal realm The Balance There exists influences of cosmic proportions that dictate the spiritual and even material change one sees in the natural world. More than mere ideology, it is that which descendants are ushered by. There exists no universal good nor evil- instead, primeval forces are constantly at work in our realm, realities beyond the simple concepts held by descendants. The archaic energies of Law and Chaos are an ever tipping scale, the most tumultuous of all forces to keep in balance. In the excess of Chaos, where the scales are tipped everso, results in a decaying entropy. Chaos in its epitome loses all meaning, lacking the structure and stability that Law brings- as is the damned realm of Xion a still, lifeless place; essentially null. On the other hand, when the cosmic scales fall too far into Law it becomes its epitome, Singularity. As it has no Chaos to cause randomness or unruliness, it would degrade into a singular form of sterilized nothing with no creation or any form of chance. The Balance is the universal equilibrium of every intrinsic force, found beyond even Law and Chaos, it is the homeostasis of All. Chaos often defies the balance, as is its nature to- requiring the intervention of outside forces. This is not to say Law may also act out of accordance, though as the Balance itself is a cosmic law, so variably will followers of Law take it upon themselves to uphold such. Others may compare this conflict with the Light and Dark of the Immortal and Mortal realms, or perhaps of one’s very soul. Referred to blatantly as ‘the balance’, in consideration of the void, it is much more than just a filled word. Balance is the perfect harmony found between two conflicting sides- in this case, the unrelenting wanton immaterium of raw mana that is the void, and the constructed, concise existence that we view as the material universe. When either scales are tipped, does a snowball effect occur, with the ability for voidal rifts and scars to tear through the landscape, only to spring out horrors from dark spheres beyond if left unmanaged. Voidal corruption can spread across landscapes, tainting wildlife into horrific amalgamations bereft of the harmony nature incurs. Likewise, the mundane can quickly riddance itself of any arcane evidence, negating even the celestial energies that mend the veil’s ever-churning borders. Advances of the void that maintain or even propagate the descendant’s advancements to a better age would be destroyed in the name of holy sanctity. Oaths Founded in heed of the Balance, the Hexicanum requires each member to take three simple oaths. Breaking these tenets may bring one to be cast out if found guilty under the Nine. I. One must uphold the Balance in all its form within the realm. II. One must hold arcane knowledge in reverence, and condemn or punish those who do not as seen fit. III. One must never bring harm to a member of the Hexicanum, unless permitted. The Table of Nine While the Hexicanum may hold halls of mages and voidal practitioners within its walls, there must be order in any guild with a clear goal and purpose. Rather than having one sole leader, a table of nine archmagi are to be founded with each a master of their craft, all knowledgeable in the arcane to greater degrees. While the table may not hold all nine mages in its origin, the Nine are to be sought out by each member to unite the order in its fullest. Those who wish to join the table must go through the trials necessary, devised specifically by those within the table. As the heads of the guild, the Table makes all decisions for rules and membership within the Hexicanum. Magia Antiquis As practical usage of the void has matured throughout history, so has its understanding and symbolic meanings. Iconography has been used since its inception to ground the outer reaches of the void into a fragment of reality, whether it be geometry, symbols, or even the common practice of star-gazing. Antique Magica refers to the primitive origins of the void that span infinitum before the Four Brothers were birthed in Aegis. With raw understanding of the natural world seeded with the unrelenting wanton forces of the void, early magics within the realm were that of extreme prowess, held clandestine within tomes of olde. Compared to the newer forms of arcane understanding, these ancient scholars combined the natural geometry of Aos and Eos with that of the chaotic illiteracy of Void, therein forming the basis of otherworldly knowledge and insight. Within the Hexicanum, an emphasis is pushed on writing of one’s surroundings, of visions one might hold in their meditations, or practicing ritualistic marks and geometry through focus chalk.
  13. Tentoa

    The Ishiguntai

    | I s h i g u n t a i | The Stone Army Purpose: Originating from the shores of Aeldin in Oyashima the Ishiguntai are the sworn samurai guard of the Hirano Kuge as well as famed monster hunters and cursed relic collectors. These selective hunters loosely follow in the footsteps of the Marked Men that accompanied Kais Ishikawa from descendant lands to their home. The Oyashiman warriors have sworn themselves to defend descendantkind and their patrons: The Hirano clan by engaging in the study, pacification, preservation, and combat of the supernatural. The Ishiguntai do not kill mindlessly, but instead seek to act as liaisons between descendants and the unknown in the best case scenarios, even-tempered slayers of the wicked in the worst, and clever huntsmen for beasts too dangerous for untrained descendants. Oath & Code Oath I prefer death before dishonor, I shall not abandon my post No pleasure from the slaughter, I shall be merciful foremost Sworn to Hirano sons and daughters, I shall forever protect my host Humility is my virtue and my honor, I shall find no reason to boast Stone secrets poison waters, I shall keep them from the coast I aid the needy not the clotter, I shall protect both man and ghost My stone blood is thicker than water, from now until my funeral toast. Code of Conduct The Ishiguntai are expected to behave in a manner that brings honor to the House Hirano and the Stone Army itself. Respect for the laws of the nations they visit in pursuit of their contracts as well as the authority of those nations is considered paramount. The Ishiguntai are to carry themselves with level heads, and should endeavour toward a stoic and unflinchingly calm demeanour even in the face of mockery, danger, and deceit. Ishiguntai are not mindless executioners of the supernatural, they are liaisons between the eldritch and descendantkind. The reasonable should be permitted an ear as a soldier at war is often more a monster than a ghost or beast defending its own territory. Ishiguntai are not permitted to give away information about the inner workings of the order, the contents of its archives, or the trials required of the initiates. Ranks Meishu: The commander of the Ishiguntai as a whole is known as the ‘Meishu’ Which translates roughly to ‘leader’ in Oyashiman. Typically this role is taken by a member of the Hirano clan. The Meishu acts as the figurehead, diplomat, pay negotiator, logistical head, and organizer of the Ishiguntai. Taicho: Captains of the Ishiguntai are known as “Taichou”, they are responsible for leading squads of Senshi on more dangerous hunts and excursions as well as for commissioning gear for and outfitting Senshi with any practical knowledge required to face their quarries. Squads composed entirely of taichou are often sent on more dangerous assignments than their Senshi subordinates. Senshi: The first oathed rank of the Ishiguntai, Senshi are warriors who have passed the trials required to become Ishiguntai and are allowed access to the libraries, reliquary, and armory of the order. They undertake freelance or assigned hunts on behalf of the Stone Army and are allowed free reign of the grounds and audience with the Meishu regarding their concerns. Initiate: Initiates are the hopeful applicants of the Ishiguntai who undertake trials to prove their worth. Unoathed and untrusted until their trials are undertaken, initiates are not permitted free reign of the Ishiguntai grounds, free access to the library and reliquary, nor audience with the Meishu. Traditions The Initiate Trials: Initiates of the Ishiguntai are expected to undertake five trials leading up to their oath which are revealed and to be prepared for one after the other. While the Stone Army keeps the nature of these trials clandestine the names of each trial are known to the public as follows: The Trial of Poems, The Trial of Waste, The Trial of Ordeals, The Trial of Blossoms, and the Trial of Stone ((Credit to Gamma_Byte for this art)) The Oathtaking: Ishiguntai initiates who pass their trials are brought before the meishu and expected to recite the poetic oath to declare their lifelong loyalty to the Stone Army and the Hirano Kuge. While speaking the oath they will be handed their first issued weapon as an Ishiguntai, a tanto which they will use to carve a pattern into their skin while recounting the oath before their lord forever scarring and branding them as a member of the Stone Army. Uniform: Application: IC Information Name: Race: Age: Relevant Experience: Why do you wish to become Ishiguntai?: OOC Information: Discord: Timezone: ((Big ups to Kalehart for the post format.))
  14. The Master Thieves Guild Written by Raptor and Racker, edited by BDanecker INTRO The Master Thieves guild was one of the first and oldest organizations of criminals, brigands and thieves, banding together with one common goal; to become wealthier. Members of the guild use each other’s talents to help each other out to steal all they can manage, pooling their wide range of skills and talents to accomplish even the most impossible tasks. The guild is the very embodiment of “Honor among Thieves”, backing each other up and bringing their resources, skills and wealth together to strive to greater the guild’s wealth, power and infamy. Every member is expected to have the other’s back and every member is expected to treat their partners in crime as brothers. The guild is not an army, but an independent family and brotherhood of thieves, all working towards the same thing: satisfying the Greed within us all. Disclaimer: All the information on this post is entirely secret. This is not open or public knowledge. It is known to the guild members and the guild members only (with some exceptions). GUILD HISTORY The Master Thieves Guild is one of the oldest organizations in known history, with the founding of the guild occurring over 500 years ago. At the height of it’s powers the guild housed some of the most infamous thieves and criminals of all time. These people include Red Raven and the Upright Man, the founders of the guild, who undertook one of the first heists in recorded history, alongside Dune Walker, another original member. Other members included thieves such as The Faceless Man, Lucas Black and Freema Grenedad. The guild can be attributed to heists that include the theft of the priceless portrait of the Wandering Wizard, the break in of the Salvus Vaults, and the robbery of General Gabriel’s Breastplate, as well as numerous other relics untold. After 150 years of the guild's existence throughout Aegis, Asulon and Anthos, the guild disbanded as many of its members died or disappeared. It was not until a former member of the guild's last sect of members decided to rebuild the guild so thieves and vagabonds could once again make their mark upon the world, and enrich themselves in whatever infamy and fortune awaited them as a result. The Cunning Man brought the Guild of great history and report back to the scene in the lands of Arcas, as he himself had underwent many tales such as the presumed sighting of Lady Luck herself, as he more than well fit the bill for proudly leading his new group of thieves in acts well beyond their expected abilities. This includes the Theft of the Carrington Vaults, Theft under the Vanity of Vitenna, and other numerous smaller works. RANKS Guildmaster The designated leader of the Master Thieves Guild. Technically, the Guildmaster is still a Master Thief and not above them in rank, but is the chosen head to make the final call and final decisions (e.g. Master Thief promotions, benefactors, large heists and alliances.) He is the Master of the guild and head of our band of thieves. Master Thief Master Thief is the highest rank in the guild. The Master Thieves are beyond experts of the craft, knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Able to talk their way out of (or into) any situation, Master Thieves are able to slink into society like the shadows, waiting to steal when the time is right. Their job is to teach the lower ranks the necessary skills needed to become a Master Thief themselves. They are in charge of organizing jobs, heists, collecting and setting up dead drops, making contact with new recruits, making contact with benefactors and contacts. All other ranks answer to the Master Thieves. Shadow The elite of the guild. The best of the best. The most skilled and stealthiest thieves among the ranks. The Shadow is the role model for Burglars and Thieves, being the prime example of how they should act. They are unseen, they are swift and they never miss their mark. The Shadows are to assist the Master Thieves in the training and supervision of the Brigands and are also able to orchestrate jobs and heists. They often have enough report behind their name to leave a mark on history, and the coffers of those who believe their valuable to be safe. Thief Thieves are the bulk of the guild, and represent the name of the MTG by acting accordingly. They have free reign over the jobs they pull, though not able to conduct full operations and Heists. Now being permitted to do jobs for the guild stated on the job board, suggest and take part in heists, inform the guild of targets and perform their own jobs without supervision, thieves use their cunning and adaptability to learn what the thieving world has to offer. Burglar The Burglars are now allowed to start going on certain jobs. Burglars will be under the guidance of a qualified thief who will teach them how to use the skills they studied in practical use. Burglars must follow the directions of their superior, while working on their skills to be promoted. To rank up to Thief, one will be tested by pulling a job where they will take the lead. If they succeed, they will be promoted. If not, then they must do another term (length decided by their superior) of study until they will be tested again. Unbranded The fresh meat, the new bloods, the brand new recruits, fresh off the streets and ready to be turned into professional thieves. These are those the guild has expressed interest in their talents and has decided to induct Unbranded into it. They are not permitted to do anything, nor take part in any jobs. At this point, Unbrandeds are not considered part of the guild, nor privy to any information at all. Once the Guild has expressed interest, Unbranded find themselves taken by a Shadow or a Master Thief on a minor job to prove their worth and skill. Should they succeed, they will be branded with the guild mark upon their forearm and made to take the Oath. After this, Unbranded are officially part of the guild. GUILD LAW Guild Rules Do not betray the Master Thieves Guild. If you are caught, do not reveal that you are a part of the Master Thieves Guild. Do not act above your rank i.e. a Brigand may not orchestrate heists and jobs and a Thief may not command a Shadow or a Master Thief. Do not act against the guild and it’s members. This includes theft, acts of violence and insubordination. Differences can be taken up with the Master Thieves, or the Guildmaster. Secrets are secrets for a reason, take them with you to your grave. Guild Expected Standards Thieves are expected to show a certain amount of finesse when performing a job. Killing is restricted unless absolutely 100% necessary and is frowned upon even then. Thieves are expected to leave their guild coin behind as a “calling card”. The guild’s reach has no limits and people must be reminded of this. Thieves are expected not to act against allies and/or contacts of the guild without express permission from a Master Thief. OOC SECTION OOC DISCLAIMER/RULES Understand that you may be ejected from the guild at any time for whatever reason, be it rule breaking (IC or OOC) or we feel you are no longer suitable for the guild, etc. Once ejected from the guild, you may return only if the Master Thieves deem it fit that you should return. Should you choose to leave the guild of your own accord, the guild will grant you free pardons to roam the world without the guild by your side, provided you keep to your oath of secrecy. Should you break this oath whilst not being a part of the guild, you will be treated the same way as if you were ejected from the guild. Understand that if you are forcefully removed from the guild for a serious offense (deemed by us), you will be hunted down RPly until the ends of the earth. If you are caught, understand that you may be tortured, beaten and/or repeatedly killed. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE MASTER THIEVES GUILD IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. THREAD RULES The guild has been created to try and innovate thievery roleplay within the server. The aim of the guild is to provide quality RP for both thieves and their victims and anyone applying should want to create RP that is fun for both sides. The goal is NOT to "win" per say, but rather to craft a quality narrative on this server. There is no reason for Holy Knights and noble Marshals if no Thieves and Bandits to quell. We hope to fill the guild with quality roleplayers and not a quantity of roleplayers. However anyone and everyone is welcome to apply and will be given equal opportunity within the guild, whether they are an old player with lots of roleplay experience or a new player with little roleplay experience, provided they want to create fun RP for everyone. With that, here are some simple rules you need to keep in mind when posting on this thread. Do not post your application on this thread, please PM it to me, BDanecker, on discord at BDanecker#1120 The only posts to be made on this thread are that of an RP nature, though most exploits will be shown in full forum posts. Please PM me if you have any OOC questions. If you do have any OOC comments to make, please put them in a spoiler beneath an RP post. Failure to abide by these simple rules will result in your post being removed (if you do not fix it upon request) and a possible instant denial from the guild. APPLICATION The application is not the only form of joining the guild, however it is the most practical. It is for you to express your interest in joining and for us to determine whether or not we would take interest in your character. Sometimes members will be inducted purely based on RP experiences and will not be required to fill out the application. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO ME ON DISCORD AT BDANECKER#1120 OOC MC Name: Why do you want to join?: How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?: Have you read and agreed to the OOC Disclaimers and warnings?: Discord Name: RP Info RP Name: Race: Age: Personality (A paragraph will suffice): Aspirations and Motives for joining:
  15. The Racial Justice Guild is now reopening! [!] Flyers for the Guild have been scattered across Almaris, some with more tattered quality than others. So, what is the Racial Justice Guild? The Racial Justice Guild was created to create equality all across Almaris for everyone, big and small. We may host protests or try to schedule hearings with leaders of nations to discuss these issues face to face, with many more events to celebrate Almaris' diversity to come in the future! How do we do that? Under new leadership, the guild will make a movement worthy of nations' notice! Planning events will also make sure that every voice is heard, and every option and opinion is taken into consideration to give the best experience to all! Who can join? Great question! Everyone of all ages is allowed to submit an application! Come visit us at Rina 4, in Sutica! Applicants will then have their submission reviewed, and if accepted, will be notified! We at the Racial Justice Guild hope you join us in changing Almaris for the better! [!] The Racial Justice Guild insignia is drawn on the back of the flyer, accompanied by the motto: 'Nobody is equal until everybody is.' (OOC:) Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to consider joining the guild! Unfortunately, when the guild first began, it quickly died out of popularity. But that's over, as we plan on having fully committed people to the cause. if you would like to join, send PixlHoopa or GhuntherQuiller a message in game, or contact me personally at Pixl#9312 on Discord!
  16. hello does anyone know if there is a theives guild in the kingdom of norland
  17. Grand Kingdom of Urguan Urguan Discord: [Click Here] About The Grand Kingdom The Grand Kingdom of Urguan is a constitutional monarchy established to unify and represent the Dwarven race. The Grand Kingdom itself is one with tremendous history, being the sole nation of the Dwarves for millenia, leading back to the very first dwarf himself, Urguan. Represented through the colors of orange and gray, the nation has united the Dwarves under its banner through common religion, culture, and ideals. The religion of the land, the Brathmordakin, is a polytheistic religion composed of 7 gods, each of which represent a different aspect of Dwarven culture. Throughout history, Urguan has been best known for their expert craftsmanship, unique clan diversity, beautiful underground cities, engineering capabilities, and wartime strategy. Now on the realm of Almaris, the Grand Kingdom continues to serve as the sole Dwarven hub, occupying a sprawling mountainside on the south east section of the realm. Settlements of Urguan The Capital City of Kal’Darakaan Kal’Darakaan, or the City of the Ancient Might is a subterranean dwarven metropolis that serves as the capital of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Being the largest and only Dwarven hub on Almaris, the city is a staple for dwarven culture, craftsmanship, and religion. Within the capital city, travellers can expect to find multiple clan halls, housing districts, a bustling market, a Brathmordakin temple, grand arena, and large area for craftsmen to hone their skills. Unknown to many is the city's origins, as the modern Dwarves of Urguan were not the ones to construct the city. Through the investigation of clues left behind, many believe the city to have been a colony of the ancient Dwarves, hence its name of ‘Ancient Might’. The Forest Dwarf Village of Hefrumm The Forest Dwarf Village of Hefrumm is a town settled in the woodland valley surrounding the capital city of Kal’Darakaan. Home primarily to the Forest Dwarf Clans, Hefrumm’s unique culture is one linked to the care of sustaining nature surrounding them. Living amongst the flora and fauna specific to the region, strolling through the village is a beautiful nature walk for all to take on. The smell of roasting boar and spilled carrot ale often radiates from the Hefrumm Tavern and Inn. Some of their practices are seen no where else throughout the realm, such as the Seers, a branch of the Brathmordakin faith with an emphasis on spiritual guidance. Important Documents Articles of Urguan Civil Codex of Laws The Book of Grudges Da Kirja Dverga History of the Dwarves Kings of the Old Realm The Dwarven Language Dwarven Family Tree Government Leadership King’s Council Grand King Ulfric Frostbeard ((Terry_23)) ((Discord: Terry#1337)) The Grand King of Urguan is the sole monarch and utmost authority within the Dwarven nation. Elected by the majority of Urguanites, the individual entrusted with the power’s associated with the role is one of great status and respect amongst their peers. The Grand King is responsible for overseeing the entirety of the realm, as well as appointing a council to assist them in running the day-to-day aspects of the nation. The title is one held until resignation, removal, or death, and therefore has no set time limit. Grand Marshal Bakir Ireheart ((Valkorion)) ((Discord: Pancakehz#5413)) The Grand Marshal of Urguan is the military head of the Dwarven nation. Tasked with overseeing the legion and strategic planning of both offensive and defensive wars, the individual who holds this title is typically an experienced war veteran who has served the nation’s legion for years prior. This title is appointed by the Grand King, and is held until the Marshal is removed or replaced. Grand Steward Rylanor Goldhand ((TheBlackBobRoss)) ((Discord: Grimoire Weiss#0877)) The Grand Steward of Urguan serves as the head of stewardry for the Dwarven nation. Tasked with regulating taxes and the distribution of Urguan’s homes and land, the individual who holds this title is typically one with an economic background. This title is appointed by the Grand King, and is held until the Grand Steward is removed or replaced. Lord Chancellor Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole)) ((Discord: TreatyCole#3623)) The Lord Chancellor of Urguan serves as the nation’s head of foreign affairs and council leader for the Grand Council. Elected by the clans themselves through a majority vote, the individual who holds the title is one well-versed in both diplomacy and advising. As the title is appointed by the Grand Council and approved by the Grand King, the position is one held until removed or replaced by the Grand Council. Lord Justicar Falk Irongut ((TheFirstShroom)) ((Discord: TheFirstShroom#5790)) The Lord Justicar of Urguan serves as the lead justice and keeper of the book of laws for the Dwarven nation. Tasked with overseeing the court systems, the individual who holds this title is one well-versed with the book of law. This title is appointed by the Grand King, and is held until the Lord Justicar is removed or replaced. Guild Masters High Prophet Norli Starbreaker ((Nooblius43)) ((Discord: Nooblius#4534)) The High Prophet of Da Kirkja Dverga, otherwise known as the Dwarven clergy, is the religious head of Urguan. This individual is one well versed in the Brathmordakin, and is responsible for preaching its teachings to the dwarven populace whilst overseeing the clergy’s members. High Remembrancer Azkel Frostbeard ((Treatycole)) ((Discord: TreatyCole#3623)) The High Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance is the leading scholar of the Dwarven nation. Whilst in charge of teaching future scholars and providing the Dwarven populace with tomes and classes, they also serve as an advisor to the Grand King due to their plethora of learned knowledge. Yemekar’s Pick Dorimnur Goldhand ((BDanecker)) ((Discord: BDanecker#1120)) The Yemekar’s Pick is the head of the Urguani Worker’s Guild. This individual is one with experience in both managing large groups of individuals, and in craftsmanship and gathering. The Yemekar’s Pick is also in charge of supervising the mines within Kal’Darakaan, and the output they produce for the nation. Anbella’s Hand Valyndris Grimgold ((LadyBeerus)) ((Discord: LadyBeerus#4490)) The Anbella’s Hand is the head of medicinal practices for the Dwarven nation. This individual is expected to be a skilled medic capable of training others in what they have learned. The Anbella’s Hand is also tasked with overseeing the Urguani Clinic. Armakak’s Coin VACANT The Armakak’s Coin is the head of trade practices for the Dwarven nation. This individual is one with experience in the mercantile field, and is capable of training others to assist in merchantry for the Grand Kingdom. The Armakak’s Coin is also responsible for overseeing national stalls located in other nations across the realm. Grand Huntmaster VACANT The Grand Huntmaster is the leader of the Hunter’s Guild for the Dwarven nation. This individual is one who has shown a natural prowess for hunting, and is capable of teaching the skill set to new huntsmen. Grand Architect VACANT The Grand Architect is the head of all construction projects for the Dwarven nation. This individual is expected to be a master at both building, and planning out various projects throughout the nation. Iron Baron Levian’Tol Grandaxe ((TeawithLustyLevi)) ((Discord: TheFirstSwan#1143)) The Iron Baron is the brewmaster and head of the tavern for the Dwarven nation. This individual is expected to provide quality brews for the Dwarven people, and continuously stock and run the tavern to host Kal’Darakaan’s citizens. Dwarven Clans CLAN IRONGUT | Khrorul [ Click for Clan Post ] The Irongut Clan is the first-born elder clan of Urguan. This clan is most notable for its line of ascended blood and accepted use of magic within the dwarven society. Since their creation in Aegis, the Ironguts have held much influence within the dwarven timeline, presenting their own multitude of Grand Kings. CLAN GOLDHAND | Aurokanar [ Click for Clan Post ] The Goldhand Clan is at its core a family of merchants. Those with Goldhand blood have long been amongst the best and most successful vendors in the Dwarven realm, but the clan is not limited to just merchants. The clan includes accomplished architects, soldiers, political leaders, and treasure hunters. Distinguished as a Noble Clan for their economic accomplishments. CLAN GRANDAXE | Kathaikaz [ Click for Clan Post ] An influential clan of mountain dwarves that has stood the test of time, the Grandaxes are known to be equally skilled in their prowess with an axe as they are in their command of language; renowned as great revelers and gifted elocutionists, they find themselves at home in various professions across the dwarven capital. From legionnaires to bards, to tavern keeps and politicians, Grandaxes are an amicable and charismatic folk who are staunchly loyal to their roots. Above all else, Grandaxes hold their kin in high regard and adhere to a strict code of honor handed down by their ancestral forebears. The quality of a Grandaxe is from the values of their heart. CLAN FROSTBEARD | Azwyrtrumm [ Click for Clan Post ] The Frostbeard Clan, an Elder Clan of Urguan, are a group originating from the treacherous mountain sides of the world's tallest mountains. Focused on the upholding of their ancestors traditions, members are historically seen as kings, government officials, hunters, diplomats, craftsmen, scholars, and warriors. Unwilling to let a rebellion of traitors destroy their name, the Clan continues to persevere, proving themselves once more to be an invaluable part of Urguan's community. CLAN IREHEART | Kravamoruk [ Click for Clan Post ] An elder clan known to be ferocious warriors that fear little on the battlefield. Irehearts are a mountain dwarf clan, though their physical features tend to be variant they are differentiated by their numerous tattoos. The Irehearts are also known for their many fabled Paragons, warriors and Kings, as some of the most fearsome and respected dwarves in all of history have hailed from such a mighty clan. CLAN STARBREAKER | Kornazkarumm [ Click for Clan Post ] An Elder clan of Cave Dwarves mostly consists of smiths, miners and Golemancers. They are known for their scholarly pursuits, including the study of magic or alchemy, but are most famed for their masterful skill in smithing and have a particular affinity for starsmithing. FOREST DWARVES | Hefrumm [ Click for Clan Post ] The forest dwed of Hefrumm are known as spiritual guides through The Seers, proficient hunters in the Grand Hunters Guild, expert farmers, herders, fisherman, artisans of woodworking, as well as each clan or guild’s specific talents. The village currently consists of the Cottonwood, Blackroot, Treebeard, and Emberhorn Clans, in addition to a few lesser clans. As guardians of Anbella’s Hearth, the community welcomes the likes of epiphytes, druids, and any others that share that passion. CLAN GRIMGOLD | Korodaurok [ Click for Clan Post ] The Grimgolds are an orthodoxy of religious Dwarves found in coastal mountains with strong opinions on the Brathmordakin and Honor. They are most recognizable by their distinctive masks and love of high-grade military weaponry. CLAN IRONGRINDER | Khroneknazkarum [ Click for Clan Post ] Founded on the principles of honor and duty to Urguan’s legacy, some of the greatest engineers and runesmiths of Dwarven kind carried the name Irongrinder. CLAN METALFIST | Ithorrym [ Click for Clan Post ] A clan of Mountain Dwarves known to be impressive fighters and their pivotal role in the reunification of the Dwarven Nation. They are also distinguished by their beady eyes known to strike fear into the hearts of their enemies. The Legion of Urguan The Legion of Urguan is the military force of The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and is the backbone of dwarven society. Almost every dwarf who has risen to greater power has done so through the ranks of the Legion. The Legion’s mission, to defend the Grand Kingdom and protect the dwedmar from all evil is of utmost priority. To join the Legion of Urguan, enlist here; [ Legion Post ] The Guilds of Urguan DA KIRKJA DVERGA The Religion of the Brathmordakin is the ancient religion of the dwedmar. Its teachings are recorded and taught by the Kirkja Dverga, or Dwarven Clergy. The Clergy’s mission is to enforce the will of the Brathmordakin, uphold dwedmar to their honor, and purge evil and heresy from the dwedmar. [Click here for Clergy Post] THE WORKERS’ GUILD The Worker’s Guild is the industrial hand of Urguan. Through the means of smithing, mining and artistry are the dwarves known for their craftsmanship and quality of goods, and the Guild ensures the people of Urguan are well equipped to supply the needs of their city. The Guild provides an entrance into a stable life in Urguani society, giving dwarves a structure for their everyday lives. [Click here for Worker's Guild Post] THE ORDER OF REMEMBRANCE The Remembrancers are among the most esteemed and long-standing dwarven guilds. Originally founded during the First Grand Kingdom of Urguan in Aegis the Remembrancer’s goal is to preserve and expand dwarven wisdom & knowledge, keep a record of historical events, and pass down the learnings to younger dwarves. To join the Remembrancers speak to the High Remembrancer. THE MERCHANTS’ GUILD The Merchant’s Guild is the centerpoint for Dwarven trade both within Urguani lands, and abroad. The expert merchants of the guild are considered the economic hand of the Dwarves, selling Dwarven crafts far and wide to any who wish to buy them. Any who join the guild can expect to learn the trade of a master merchant, and will soon be out attending stalls, selling goods, and establishing trade internationally. [Click here for The Merchant’s Guild Post] THE GRAND HUNTERS' GUILD We dwarves are naturally isolationist folk and for too long have our lands gone unexplored and wild; teeming with beasts of all sizes and ruins lost to nature. For this reason, the GRAND HUNTER’S GUILD was formed, a guild whose goal is to encourage and organize dwarves in exploring the great unknown, hunt and study creatures. [Click here for The Grand Hunters' Guild Post] THE HEALERS’ GUILD Anbella’s Grace is a medical institution based out of Urguan and independent of the outside world tasked with ensuring medical care for dwarves and its quality. The dwarven race being a hardy folk, the medics of the guild (ironically enough) prioritize efficiency over grace in their medical treatment, trusting in dwarven fortitude to bear through any discomfort so the treatment may be done swiftly. [Click here for Healer's Guild Post] THE BREWER’S GUILD Those who have been to Urguan’s taverns, The Queen’s Bounty and Sugary ***, know the drinks of the Dwedmar well. After continued successful maintenance of the bars during the transition from Arcas to Almaris by The Iron Baron Levian’Tol Grandaxe, I’d like to announce the revival of the previous Brewing Guild. I recognize the talent of our current dwarven brewers and would like to offer an opportunity for new dwarves and friends of Urguan to learn about the proper way of brewing and managing their own taverns as well as spreading their brews across Almaris. [Click here for Brewer's Guild]
  18. “To Safeguard Happiness” The Elvenesse Revelry Guild The Aegis Adventurers Seen typically within fine taverns or wandering the beautiful streets of Elvenesse, those within the Wyn’okar are not out-going adventurers or mercenaries but morerather fun-loving individuals or seasoned veterans of whom seek to improve the homelife and participate in different activities Elvenesse has to offer. They are the homefront guild, those who wish to see the city prosper. Those within the revelry guild are those who enjoy the warm moonlit nights in festivals or the hot summers in the forest racing against their friends in competitive games. The Revelry guild also promotes the ideal that all citizens should have basic training and are ready to fight, as to protect the homefront in times of danger. For who better to match steel with steel in raids than those who are passionate for their country? Guild structure and role The Wyn’okar is based mainly around event organisers and simple members who associate with the guild, apart from that there is no ranking. The revelry guild is a guild designed around event organisation within Elvenesse and its lands and for that reason activities will typically remain within such limits. The guild prospers around promoting cultural teaching, homeland defence, drinking, sports and living life to it’s best capabilities. “Yallrn’eyha bida!” - “Live and Drink!” Application and Upon joining The Wyn’okar application process is simple, sign up and attend its activities. There’s no uniform and there’s no enforcement to attend - though it is best advised - the main purpose of the guild is to promote community activities, allow individuals to create new friends during such activities and improve the homeland of Elvenesse tenfold. Many within the Wyn’okar are taught light history in both Sea and Wood elven culture which further allows them to teach and welcome newcomers to Elvenesse, especially those who are from estranged Sea or Wood elven backgrounds. Application For those wishing to come join the land of Elvenesse and take part in it’s activities there is a small letter pre-written and attached at the bottom of the poster, allowing for one to send a message to a designated location via avian. (Send a forum message or message within the Elvenesse Discord) IC: Name Race Age Citizen of Elvenesse? OOC: Username: Discord: - Out Of Character Description - The Wyn’okar is an event organising guild, this is a prime place for those who wish to get involved in roleplay within Elvenesse to find a group to get engaged with. I plan on holding a wide variety of events, from fun stuff like races down rivers, constant parties and culture learning rp. You’ll also get a little bit of PvP training, CRP training and so forth, meaning it’s a well rounded guild for those who wish to join a society to roleplay with inside of Elvenesse whilst also developing themselves.
  19. The Maehr’evar Order The Guardians of Knowledge Overview The long lives of the Elves tend to draw them to scholarly pursuits, either to fill a want for adventure, so they may improve their own knowledge and wisdom, or so they can protect knowledge and the world for future generations. The Maehr’evar seeks to be a place for the Elves who seek to learn, research, write, teach, and explore. Their duties are as varied as they are important. Headquartered in the Great Athenaeum of Elvenesse, this group of scholars and adventurers are always seeking new recruits to improve both the nation of Elvenesse and the world at large. Structure The Maehr’evar are organized in a loose but effective structure, which tends to serve their purposes well. The ranks of the order are as follows: Grandmaster The Grandmaster of the Maehr’evar has the duty of keeping tabs on those below him in the order and allotting resources to different projects. It is he who organizes meetings of members, calls major expeditions, maintains the library and its collection, and who deals with both foreign scholarly guilds and the Council of Elvenesse. The position is currently held by Elros Silma. Masters of the Order Masters of the Order are those who are experienced at their craft and can serve as a bridge between the Grandmaster and the Ordermen. Generally, there is to be a Lorekeeper, who is to coordinate the librarians, writers, and teachers of the order, and the Scoutmaster, who focuses more on expeditions, adventurers, and cartographers. Ordermen The Ordermen of the Maehr’evar is the rank and file position of the guild. They are all considered equal scholars and adventurers of repute. They may lead their own projects, write their own books, and teach their own lessons as they will, and they may help each other on larger projects when needed. Journeymen The Journeymen are those who just joined the Order and seek to become Ordermen. They are to hold an apprenticeship under a current member of the Order, preferably one with similar interests, in order to learn our ways, tenets, and procedures. Once deemed ready to start their own projects by the one whom they are shadowing, they are inducted into the order as full Ordermen. Duties The members of the Maehr’evar can be anything they want within the wider category of scholars, and may determine their own projects. They may freely move between any field they have interest in. However, many projects will tend towards a few areas, broadly categorized as writing, research, teaching, and exploration. Writing An imperative part of preserving knowledge and enhancing culture is to create new works, both artistic and educational in nature. The Maehr’evar will encourage and sponsor works of create and non-fiction writing among the people of Elvenesse, in order to expand our collection and enhance our peoples culture and knowledge. Research In order to learn and to record knowledge, one must seek it out. This may be through visiting other libraries to read or purchase copies of new books, by looking at ruins found by explorers, or by looking into the powers and effects of the less dangerous artifacts within our possession. Teaching It is no use to horde knowledge if you do not pass it on to future generations. Hence, teachers and librarians who organize lessons and help people find the books and knowledge they seek are another important facet of the order. Exploration The final major task of the Maehr’evar is the exploration of the world to find ruins to explore, monsters to fight, and dark cults and covens to exterminate. We seek to map the world, note where places of interest are, and deal with them as necessary, independently or with the help of other, more combat focused groups. The Maehr’evar Code The Ordermen swear to uphold this code upon entry to the guild, the four rules of the Maehr’evar Order. Breaking these rules bring you under the mercy of the Grandmaster, and can warrant anything from a warning to expulsion from the order. I. Unwarranted Harm Or Death Should Be Avoided At All Costs. We’re here to codify the world, not turn it into a pile of ash and bones. II. The Sovereignty Of Nations Shall Be Respected At All Times. While it pains us to allow knowledge to go unrecorded, or worse, for dangerous knowledge to run amuck, it is not our place to supercede any nation. It is best to not become criminals in the eyes of the world. III. Knowledge Should Be Treated With Respect And Care. It is difficult to index burnt books, or to categorize a destroyed relic. Obviously not everything we attempt to collect will survive it’s travel to the guildhall, but try to not willingly break things. Nothing is worse than lost knowledge. IV. Power Merits Respect. Along with the mundane, we may often collect pieces of extraordinary danger. Proper respect should be given to such things, and they should never be trifled with. Understand that pieces that have been deemed ‘restricted’ are not toys we horde for ourselves, but are items we guard the world from. The Great Seals The Maehr’evar Order grades every piece of knowledge in their possession with a seal. The seals are red-wax, and the individual stamps are in the possession of the Grandmaster. Each Seal is stamped with a piece of parchment which gives a brief detail of the object, and any needed information. There are four seals in total: Mundane, Guarded, Prohibited, & B.C. The Mundane Seal is the most common, and identifies this piece as typical knowledge, giving it the lowest rating of danger/power. All pieces which are open for public viewing, such as the books in the public library, are stamped with Mundane Seals. Mundane seals are given the mark ‘M’. An item with a Guarded Seal means that this item is normally only to be handled by Ordermen. These items are considered a bit too dangerous to be shown to the public, but on request may be taken from the reliquary to be studied or used by outside forces. This seal is marked with a ‘III’ symbol. The Prohibited Seal signifies that this item is of immense power or otherwise value, and should never leave the reliquary under any circumstances. These are pieces which are kept away from the world due to high risk of abuse. Even Ordermen are disallowed from viewing these pieces, and need the express permission, as well as chaperoneship of, the Grandmaster. The mark of this charm seal is a bolded ‘X’. Finally, the B.C. Seal is the most important of all the graded seals, and is given independent of the others. This means a piece can have both the B.C. Seal as well as one of three previous seals.. Standing for ‘Black Contingency’, any item with this seal is to be destroyed if at risk of falling into outside hands. Obviously, only items which are deemed as near cataclysmic are ever given this charm seal. The B.C. Seal is the only time any piece of Knowledge is marked for destruction, and holds a rather powerful and somber place in the Order’s culture. It’s mark is a ‘Skull’ symbol. How to Join In order to join the Maehr’evar, a candidate should seek out the Grandmaster in person or start a correspondence via bird. The Grandmaster will then set up a short interview with potential candidates to gauge their interests and disposition so he can match them with an Orderman to study under. Once deemed ready, the Grandmaster will give the Journeyman the Oath, at which point they will become a full Ordermen of the Maehr’evar. As a note, those seeking to join must be citizens of Elvenesse, or at least able to enter the city. OOC Notes
  20. THE LEGION OF PURITY Issued from The Publications of The Legion of Purity 10th of The Grand Harvest, Year 13 of The Second Age Long since have We pure bloods been tainted by the perversions and lustful nature of the people of Elvenesse. Time and time again, Mali’thill who travel to the tainted lands of the Tree Demons fall under the despicable spell which tarnishes the purity of their very blood. The cause? The Mali’ame of Elvenesse, as well as the Druids and the faux ‘pure’ elven race who reign over the common folk there. Perversions of the idea and fact of Purity. Lustful demonic spells that corrupt the minds of even Our own blessed and untainted blood. And thus, a new generation of Mali’thill are born to defend and protect our principals. A new age for Haelun’or and a new initiative. The revolution has begun to reclaim what was lost, to prevent future damage and tarnish. We are the Legion of Purity, those who fight for the cause Larihei left behind, those who wish to see a world where Mali’thill appreciate purity more than lust and worldly desire. This is the Legion, and long may We live. This is the revolution, this is the time to make a difference in our state and abroad. So hear Us, you have a place in this Legion. In this mission, and in this concept. No longer will We stand to watch our Mal’onn and Lari’onn’s goodwill and faith be destroyed by those who are below them. Those who live in dirt holes and share wives. It is time for Us Mali’thill to stand up, grab our pens or swords, and make a difference. So We the Legion declare all Mali’thill capable of joining our cause. And thus, rewards will be granted for those who work the most, for those whose passion to destroy that which makes us bleed. Our mission is to confront Elvenesse, to confront Mali’thill… to bring us back to the old ways and to give everyone a position worthy of their name and their ability. You may work as a writer, you may join as a blade, you may sell items to fund the cause. Whatever you can think of you can do in this Legion, so long as it helps the influence of Our name around the world. So hear Us, and be Us. CHAIN OF COMMAND Chairman - Silvyr Uradir Deputy Chairman - Kiljarys an Iarwain General Secretary - Kolvar Uradir Party Executive - Maeve Elibar’acal Publications - Illyara Valarieth Publications - Lleinde Tillun’sae Publications - Amberleigh Uradir JOBS: WRITER- For publications ARTIST- For publications TRADER- Funds the cause COLLECTION EXPERT- Collects on our enemies MEDIC- Heals the wounded TAILOR - Makes red articles of clothing DISTINCTION: A member of the Legion of Purity always wears some article of red clothing to show their solidarity with Our movement. It can be a scarf, robes, capes, or full outfits. OUR PURPOSE: The establishment of the Grand Constitution provided us the foundation upon which to raise the mali’thill to new heights of greatness. In order to properly utilise our blessed new system of governance we require a unified vision and a shared unbreakable will to bring forth our goals to their fullest potential. This is why the Legion of Purity was formed: to raise a unifying banner under which the pure Mali'thill - those dedicated to combating both Mali'ata and the degeneracy that threatens our lliran and pure oem'iian - may rally. To be a member is to declare yourself as ideologically committed to the cause of defending the Motherland whatever the cost, to believe in the strength of a vigilant society,to not cower from conflict and to both denounce and actively work to oppose the Mali’ata which plague our realm. Larihei beckons you, lliran - join the Legion of Purity today! LONG LIVE THE LEGION! On behalf of the Legion of Purity Command, Medi'ir and Chairman Silvyr Uradir
  21. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ "The preservation of Justice is necessary in a world where Evil typically triumphs over Good." ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Black Crow is a non-partisan, international criminal investigative organization which specializes in: the orchestration and supervision of independent investigations; matters of security; and matters pertaining to the gathering of intelligence and counterintelligence. Additionally, the organization functions as a for-hire law enforcement entity for ill-equipped nations lacking such, as well as functioning as a bounty-hunter service depending on the circumstance. The organization operates on a contractual basis where members are assigned - either individually or alongside other members - the responsibility of fulfilling tasks relative to the contract at hand. Lacking any political affiliation as a non-partisan, politically-independent organization, the expectation is that the Black Crow will benefit from the absence of potential bias which can - for example - arise from being a function of a political entity such as a nation state. As one can imagine, bias has an obvious impact on the integrity of research and data collection; bias influences our actions and thoughts, which can translate into one's research thus rendering it improper and reducing the amount of credibility as a result. In the current political climate of Almaris where government corruption is far too common it is a necessity that there exists some sort of credible entity which can independently investigate matters without being weighed down by the burden of bias. Internally the organization functions much like a typical mercenary organization, with a system of military hierarchy in place in the form of ranks and such. Members are promoted based on their performance in the field, and are paid accordingly. Eventually members will be able to form their own squads where they, as squad leaders, will be able to decide which contracts they'd like to accept and who assists them while doing so. Payment will be based on the completion of each contract, pay varying depending on the complexity of the assignment. It shouldn't come as a surprise that considering the subject matter of this organization that competently intelligent 'outside the box' style thinkers are primarily desired as opposed to more of the brute-force type. If such a description describes you then you're encouraged to apply for a position within the Black Crow. As part of the application process new applicants will be given a brief test assessing basic logic capabilities. ((Basically, in short, the Black Crow is an organization which handles investigations independent of any and all government control - at least as much as possible. Matters concerning murders, potential government corruption, and even kidnappings are all examples of things that the Black Crow actively investigates or has investigated before in the past.)) ========================================= Application ========================================= ((Can be posted as a response on the forum post, or as a direct message to me on either the forums or on Discord: Pharmaceutical Grade Chlymydia#1514)) OOC: ((MC Name: )) ((Discord: )) ((Timezone: )) In-Character: What is your name? Why do you wish to become involved with the Black Crow? What do you wish to achieve by joining the Black Crow?
  22. The Racial Justice Guild is now reopening! [!] Flyers for the Guild have been scattered across Almaris, some with more tattered quality than others. So, what is the Racial Justice Guild? The Racial Justice Guild was created to create equality all across Almaris for everyone, big and small. We may host protests or try to schedule hearings with leaders of nations to discuss these issues face to face, with many more events to celebrate Almaris' diversity to come in the future! How do we do that? Under new leadership, the guild will make a movement worthy of nations' notice! Planning events will also make sure that every voice is heard, and every option and opinion is taken into consideration to give the best experience to all! Who can join? Great question! Everyone of all ages is allowed to submit an application! Come visit us at Rina 4, in Sutica! Applicants will then have their submission reviewed, and if accepted, will be notified! We at the Racial Justice Guild hope you join us in changing Almaris for the better! [!] The Racial Justice Guild insignia is drawn on the back of the flyer, accompanied by the motto: 'Nobody is equal until everybody is.' (OOC:) Hey there! Thanks for taking the time to consider joining the guild! Unfortunately, when the guild first began, it quickly died out of popularity. But that's over, as we plan on having fully committed people to the cause. if you would like to join, send PixlHoopa or GhuntherQuiller a message in game, or contact me personally at Pixl#9312 on Discord! If responding to this post as an application, please use the following format: MC Username: Discord (if applicable): Timezone: Name: Age: Race: Reason for applying:
  23. *Alad would send out fliers* [!] The message would read. Looking to Hire a Guild master. Someone proficient with a sword and able to handle monsters. Experience with delving and company management is an asset.
  24. JURASZ VE KOENGZ DUMA Guilds Bill of 356 ES Introduced in the Duma. An act to establish proper definitions for what a guild is. INTRODUCTION In tandem with the First Edict of the Barbanov Maership, which established a Guild Initiative. Grand Maer Barbanov seeks to create a proper legal definition of what a Guild is and the perks of being a Guild. I. Necessary Definitions Guild: A non-government non-military organisation. Guild Hall: The headquarters of a guild. Guild Master: The leader of a guild. II. Amendments 507: Guilds 507.01: A guild is defined as a non-government non-military organisation. 507.02: A guild is created by submitting an application to the High Seneschal and having it approved. 507.021: The Crown reserves the right to veto any creation of a guild. 507.03: A guild shall have a designated guild master, who serves as an overall representative of the guild. 507.04: A guild may purchase properties designed as guild halls. Introduced in Duma by Grand Maer Franz Leopold Barbanov on 16th of Jula and Piov, 356 ES IV JOVEO MAAN, IV JOVEO EHR, 358ES His Highness, Prince Heinrik Karl, Prince Regent of Hanseti and Ruska, Grand Prince of Kusoraev
  25. Hello would be traveler. We are looking for a new clerk for our work force. With 18 official members and a host of others, we are looking for a clerk to have the job of recording deeds of our members. Bards, lore writers and other are welcome. We have hired a guild master, but we are still recruiting for all positions. Healers, alchemists and botanists are wanted the most. We are still looking for more jobs or those who have led events to join up and have fun taking members on adventures. Fighters are an asset but not needed. Feel free to visit the discord and submit a resume, make your own, or chat to staff.
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