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  1. RESPONSES AND ANSWERS 32 S.A. - [!] April reading over her cousin’s writings [!] This missive would be sent out directly to the Motherland of Haelun’or - Karinah’siol. This piece would be formulated in two very distinct writing styles that infers the obvious. To Lliende Tillun’sae - aka Pueurir’arche , Dear Infrequent writer (translated to the common tongue) , Although I have no personal quarrels with you, and I have too seen your own work and even worked under you for some time as a Tilruir, I still see fit to acknowledge your own response, as is only polite. Debate is in our blood, anywho. And I, April Viradiraar, am definitely not afraid of debate. Do you care to truly debate? Or just talk around in circles, as you have with your response. You accuse us of having a disregard for the public. Yet, it is your direct words that you abandoned elcihi when it died down. When it got too boring for you. As if you only return when asked, when warranted. Like a sheep. To address the following claims, Have we not learnt what is lost when our Maheral is lost, lliran? Did we not mourn the death of Malaurir Azorella Elibar’acal, this striking blow to our tradition, our leadership, our wellbeing? Yet still, we are complacent to hold a state without Maheral, without Guidance. Azorella was a known impure. Everyone who is everyone knows that. Apologies for striking the little bubble you live in, llir. As for the Mahaeral, we are all guided by our wits, by Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. If anything, Mahaeral is a useless position. Mali’thill , should they stray, should find purity within themselves instead of going to a cheap version of a Cannonist priest. Rather than putting out the fire, bringing forth their own visions for the Silver City, one would prefer to abandon ship, to leave their lliran to burn within. To put out a fire, all one simply needs is the wit of themselves, and that’s it. A case easily closed by tossing water or sand, maybe a rag over the flame. To abandon ship means for one to leave whilst it is sinking; before it has sunk, so I presume you have come to the realization that Haelun’or is a sinking ship without a savior. As we left the city you claimed sinks, you were the one controlling its reins, and you were the one to let it burn. Our lliran, the ones who are truly there for us, are completely content with our actions, and have kept in contact with us since. What is it about Haelun’orian Labs that you despise, llir? It’s so very inhumane. Do you not realize the lives, despite them not being silver, you are hurting for your pursuit or progress? There are other ways of creating progress than a government torture chamber that is better crafted for insanes than mali’thill. In this respect, this is anything but progress. The regressing of. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about the elimination of Mali’ata that you despise, llir? Purity is indeed something we must uphold and hold dear to our hearts. You and I can agree on that, llir. But, wasting your energy killing those who do not agree with our standards? Do you have standards? If one is deemed impure, they should be stricken and banned from Elcihi, but not death. Death is warranted for murderers. Now, that is progress. Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya infers that the health of the high elven race should be protected, yet, you blatantly disregard this fact. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? What is it about even the Acid Pits that one despises, llir? “Would one not consider it the most kind method of execution for those few who cannot be redeemed” If one cannot find the fault within this , then I suppose you are truly lost. You call it a painless death. This is so very laughable. Too laughable, infact. It makes me wonder if you have ever touched the liquid that reigns the pools. Ask any elf poor enough to touch them, and one could realize this is an extremely painful way to die. “ What method of removal is more appropriate than Acid Pits for those ‘ata who truly are disgraceful, for the Izalith of the world?” Death by noose, clear and simple. Let me get this through your thick skull: Noose, good, Acid, bad. Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite hating Progresss? It is said time and time again, we are often doomed to repeat the past if we do not acknowledge the faults with it. You , llir, clearly cannot as you wish to go back. So, Why are you hiding behind Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya despite you so evidently clearly hating Progresss? The cousins on the Haelun’or Coast 32 S.A. - To the government of Haelun’or, It’s an interesting thing, the fact you haven’t reached out to us. Now, don’t mark us as offended, but simply surprised. You pushed so hard to be heard and yet didn’t try at all with us….. What a life I lived, while within the silver walls. What a life we lived. While it was lovely at first, it soon became careless and filled with sorrow. Hesitance to enter the gates we once felt protected by plagued us, the thought of returning making us sick to our stomachs. Our pyromantic act against the petitions was nothing against one Lleinde Tillun’sae, it was simply a statement. One that would actually be seen, one that would be heard, as our words were not good enough. We attempted to bring light to the dire situation and return to our times of happiness- times we could gather together and share moments. Times we will no longer have. You fall back on the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya, yet you seem to have forgotten its true roots. A phrase you use to cover yourself, to mask your incompetence. You claim that you’re good for wanting new things, yet keep them to yourself- choosing only those you wish to have access to. Thus always to those who presume themselves better than all, I lament. For one day, you will find the karma you so well deserve will greet you at your doorstep. For one day, what you deserve will befall you, and coil itself tightly around your neck to show you all the wreckage you caused. For one day, the bad outcomes that should be dealt to those with such thoughts, will be the hand you’re dealt, and that you’ll find your last card will be one you’ve caused many times before. This is the last letter from us on the topic, as you're either too idiotic and numb-minded, or simply too ignorant to fully consume our words and come forth with an accurate response. You've seen us, you've heard us, but you'll never truly do anything about it, as you feel you are too high above the rest to do such. Call us impure, call us 'ata- call us whatever you'd like. But don't ever forget that we were the ones who took the step. We were the ones that took that chance to open everyone's eyes- to show all what is hidden under silver. We leave the Silver State, a feeling of accomplishment washing over us. With the closing of the letter, we leave you this; Is it truly the way of ‘thill to blindly follow their leaders, and those they consider such, without question- or is that simply the way of sheep? And as always, our mailboxes are open for more debate. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, Seraphite Viradiraar April Viradiraar
  2. THILLN’S LAMENT - - The Viradiraar cousins under a tree in an Undisclosed forest, 32 S.A. [Spreading Tree by Sir George Clausen] [!] The following missive would be sent to various locations around Almaris, namley Haelun’or and its surrounding territories. Larihei’s image is what we all strive to be as ‘thill. Prosperous and Progressful . We are all blessed with the abilities to fulfill the grounds of Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Yet, it is Stagnancy , you accuse. This is completely false, as when the Republic collapsed it brought on true stagnancy, and the near death of our people in the midst of a long aggravation with the ‘name of the forest. The last regime sought , and actively brought back the progress of the state as well as replenished the citizenry, Seraphite as an important Okarir’mali and I, April as her Tilruir and Head Physician. The city was brought back into existence, from the brink of extinction. - Karinah’siol - But now, we are headed back in time, to a time of disgrace - to a plague of a regime that had collapsed all by itself in past time, more commonly known as the blessed Diarchy. Your ideals of purity are forced and tyrannical, who denounces and pits any poor ‘thill caring enough to speak up on the dreaded ways. It’s reckless and foolish, not only to bring the horrible ideals of the past (such as the return of the labs, acid pits , elimination of ‘ata) as well as public signing. It has no structure or order. You’ve fallen once, and will fall again, in due time. We burnt the propaganda of a tyrant to see it fall to ashes. We destroyed what it was, so you wouldn’t get ahead of yourselves, because a spark will always turn into a flame, and the sparks in your eyes were enough to put out. The ashes we made are a visual of what Haelun’or is to become with the way it’s headed. A way that will not let any see the good. And so, Larihei weeps. Not for the stagnation of the people she had worked so hard to bring together, but for the overall regression - for your failure. You are regressing, but we refuse to follow. For what is purity without truth, what is power without a true leader. This is not our Haelun’or. And so, we will not be returning to your dreaded Diarchist city for your trial. -=- Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya. Signed, April Viradiraar Seraphite Viradiraar
  3. Hello everyone I am xepphir and I am the lead builder in the Stygian Hollow settlement. Today I am here to give my great thanks to those who supported me and assisted me in this long journey. First of all I need to give great thanks to ColonelKuehl1 for trusting me as a lead of a project this big, even being my first one, and giving me full artistic freedom. I must thank Kuehl for finding me great assistants after he saw that I was struggling to carry onto this project alone after spending day and nights on it. I need to give a great thanks to Hotbox that took into his hands the build when i had an hard time due to my personal health and giving his personal touch to the build, but still respecting the style and the layout of it. Thanks to Frenchless_fry, worldprincessii, trnsparentsoul, Cappor, Pakkleaf the interns, the smaller buildings and the details were created to bring the build alive. Thanks for the other ones too that tried to help in their own way by decorating and stress testing the build to make sure that it was safe. I started this build alone and I ended it with a beautiful team, stronger than ever. This was my first big project and I will remember it as a great success thanks to the help of you guys! If I remained alone in this I don't think i would have been able to complete this. I am really happy i found a great team like this and I'm happy we were able to work together, i hope the journey of this settlement will be a fun and interesting one and i hope we will provide a great role play environment! (I'm sorry if you are not in the screenshot) Sincerely thank you! From Xepphir i will be making a youtube video about it soon!
  4. Ethereal Light He laid soft steps upon the muddy ground, his feet were weary from days of travel as the cacophony of crickets ushered in the evening moon. The traveler sighed. Too long had he been on the roads, with the scars still fresh and wounds to prove the roads were no place for the lone. It was a life of solace, the traveler thought to himself as he continued down the moonlit road, but it was not so bad. There were friends, however fleeting; periodic moments of hope inspired by charismatic priests, or perhaps that was just nostalgia. Then, he heard it, an all too familiar noise: the clink of chain and squish of heavy leather boots. The trio of darkly clad men stepped out from behind the trees as they called for him to stop. The traveler knew the drill: his possessions for his life, and so he gripped the book beneath his tabard tightly. He was tired of it though, and he was out of valuables. He did not wish to lose a digit, or a limb for that matter. He had spent too much time working, too much time just to stock his now empty pockets with meager rations for his journey to the mountains. He took his chance, a more than likely foolish one, as he turned into the dark and thick woods. The snap of twigs betrayed his escape, as the trio chased him, a bolt whizzed by his ear, slicing it as he yelped. He slid down the ravine, hiding beneath a large chestnut tree as he whispered a rhyme he’d picked up ages ago, one that had always brought him a strange comfort since: Every day I am plagued by three thoughts– A heavy weight on my soul. First, that my time is finite Second, I know not when I will depart But it is the third that torments me most That there is no way to know where I’ll go* The traveler’s breath began to steady after the third repetition, the harsh sound of his impending death fading deeper into the forest in pursuit. He waited, before deciding to take an uncharted path in the forest. He rose from the nook in the tree and began to meander forwards, guided only by the stars and moon. His hope faltered as he continued in the dark. He began imagining his savage death to those that camp within the forest’s lawless territory, wolves or boars, or even worse, man. His mind failed him, or did it? The soft glow of the candle light could not be real, or if it was, what men did light it. The traveler approached it cautiously, staying within the tree cover. He smelled food, again he thought his mind failed him. He sighed, wondering why the fates would play such evil tricks upon his humble being, a trial to prove his strength, he concluded. Finally the candle came into view. It burned slowly upon a pike dug deep into the dirt, but it was not alone. Through the dimly lit forest was a path lit by these piked candles, and the scholar let his gaze follow the lights until he could not see beyond them. Cautiously, he stepped more pronouncedly onto the dirt road, but was halted by an abrupt invasion of fearful and curious thoughts. “CRRRRAAAACKKKKKK” echoed from in front of him as an immense light painted the sky and its very nature was, for a moment, torn asunder. The unexpected burst of light and harsh pop sent the scholar upon his back. But he was a curious man, and though he feared men, this unexpected occurrence felt different, so he began to stand. The scholar dusted off his robes and secured his prized journal as he set off with hastened steps down the road towards the light which had turned the night to day. The Principality of Ando Alur “In Knowledge, Power...” To the far Eastern vales of the Almarisian continent, beyond the wave-lapped sands of the western shores, there lies an ivory spire — one which claws to the very heavens in hopes to reach the gods. This divine citadel, a final refuge of the noble arcane, stood to embody the hopes of descendant-kind to reach the seat of the gods. Many come here seeking enlightenment, whether they be some roaming scholar, weary knight, or cloistered monk — each taking solace in the gleaming light of Ando Alur. Leadership of the Principality Governance is a necessity of all societies, even those as great and wise of elvendom, and those of Ando Alur know this well. However, though given the reigning authority of a Prince, the people of Ando Alur are also sustained through the Council which advises the High Prince on matters pertaining to the wellbeing of the city-state. The High Prince [Vulnir Syllar - 6xdestroyer] The Prince is the recognized leader of Ando Alur and is responsible for the safety of those within the realm. The Prince acts in coordination with his council and guilds, ultimately holding the power of binding contracts. Drawing their power from the Onyx codex, they are ritually crowned in front of their kin by the Councillor of Culture. The Council of Seven Whilst the Prince may hold the power of binding contracts and direct authority, the magnificence of Ando Alur is no product of his virtue alone, for even he must have guidance through the Council. The Council of Seven is composed only of the greatest minds of the Almarisian continent, holding the power to make executive decisions and attend the works of the Prince. During the instances of disagreement between the Prince and Council, they may override his Highness if in unanimous agreement. The council will always possess at least one elven, one dwarven, and one human member. The Councillor of Council [Thallan Syllar - Cobbler] The Councillor of Council is in charge of all diplomatic matters within Ando Alur, as well as the recording of such, often heading foreign diplomatic missions in representation or assistance of the Prince. The Councillor’s primary role is the documentation of all legal and diplomatic proceedings that transpire within the Principality. They also possess the ability to hold judicial trials, presided over by the wider council, to help administer punishments to individuals arrested by the Inquisitors or other internal policing forces. The Lord Inquisitor [Erilian Oranor - Shmeepicus] The Lord Inquisitor is the head of the Inquisitors, the military force of Ando Alur. Not only is the Lord Inquisitor expected to be passionate and patriotic, but also tactically cunning and politically attuned in order to effectively defend the marble city and her people. While the Alurian Prince may grant the honorary title of Onyx Knight to worthy Inquisitors, the Lord Inquisitor’s recommendation is almost always a requirement. The Councillor of Keys [Jakob Castington - Oh_Ontario] The Chamberlain assigns living situations for all citizens and can charge tax on behalf of the Principality. They are also able to evict residents and organize events for citizens to partake in. The Chamberlain also presides over the market stalls within the Principality. The Lord Auspex [Avurak Syllar - Morghuul] The Lord Auspex is in charge of all religious activities within the Principality. Their duty is to that of the Ancestors and the Spirits and making sure the onyx children are guided on the lunar path. They build and maintain a spiritual following in the Principality, devoted to converting wayward humans, elves and dwarves onto the path of honour, building and maintaining shrines and totems, blessing kin, and snuffing out evil. The High Praetorum [Olrin Hildinyr - Sorcerio, Muriel - Geidleth] The High Praetorum are esteemed roles within the courts of Ando Alur, being responsible for the documentation and regulation of magic and artificery within the Principality. Along with this, they are also responsible for the defence, preservation, and protection of the marble city through their many arts, and work vigorously to achieve knowledge that can be used for the betterment of the Principality and her people. The High Praetorum are also responsible for the direct oversight of all arcane activities and projects within Ando Alur, as well as working closely with both the Lord Auspex and High Inquisitor to ensure balance and security within the Principality. The Councillor of Land and Sea [Vanya Hileia - Space_Solstice] The Councillor of Land and Sea oversees the construction of guild halls and helps to manage the various guilds within the principality in the aim of leading to higher levels of productivity and recruitment among them. With their gentle guidance, as well as their affinity with architecture, the Councillor of Land and Sea oversees the ships and construction within Ando Alur. The Councillor also takes on the role of presiding over the Alurian naval forces, working closely with her sister counterpart in Haelun’or. The Seats of Grace The Seats of Grace are granted to those of honourable merit and high prowess. These Alurians sit below the Council, but still hold an immense amount of responsibility. Seats of Ceremony [Lorelei Vamyar - Clonky, Ilyana, Clonky] The Seats of Ceremony are titles given to Alurians who demonstrate keen abilities to work with the denizens of Ando Alur to organize and schedule festivals, galas and feasts in the name of joy and entertainment. To facilitate these events, they may present requests to the Council for whatever materials, funds, or support they may need. Seat of Health [Elren Asul'onn - BobBox] The Seat of Health is tasked with ensuring the health and day to day safety precautions for those within the city. They often consult the High Praetorum and Lord Auspex to ensure any arcane actions are balanced and will not negatively impact the health of the city on a major scale. Seat of the Hunt [Open] Whereas the Seat of Ceremony is tasked with internal Alurian events, the Seat of the Hunt is tasked with providing and organizing events beyond the white walls. The Seat of the Hunt is expected to be skilled in tracking, archery, and the various skills that go along with the name. Seat of Poetry [Open] The Seat of Poetry is given to one skilled in the art of literature and missive making. They are assigned the responsibilities of ensuring transparency between the council and the good people of Ando Alur. They are encouraged to write their own poems, literature, and works of art in their own time to be spread across the continent. The Four Podiums The Podiums sit in the throne hall of Ando Alur and await the statues of the heroes to come. Alurians, or their allies, which perform great feats in the name of the city will receive a statue of their likeness made from the finest marble of the white cavern. There are four podiums: [Out of Character Info] Want to Get Involved? Ando Alur is not only meant to be a place for those seeking knowledge or needing refuge in roleplay, but also a welcoming community to its members out of character. If you wish to help out with anything around the city, whether you know what it is you want to do or not, we will do our best to help you fit in and get involved in the community! Click here to join the Discord. How to Get There *Poem is by unknown, I do not claim credit for it* ((Post not put in Ando Alur subforum as it is currently glitched.)) Thanks to Sorcerio for formatting help!
  5. The Following Missive would be scattered around various Mali filled nations: A SHORT COMPOSITION OF ELVEN PHRASES Heya’van ito nae’leh? - How do you fare? (Heya- What, How, Who) Ayla ito kae! - I am good! Llum ito kae’leh - I am sad (Sorrowful) Nae’eyha? - And you? O? - Why? Adont’ahern - Please Ahernan ( ito nae’leh) - Thanks/ Thank you Itone - You’re welcome Llun ito kae’leh - I am Sorry Tilunen’ne ito nae’leh - I don’t forgive you Malieir ito nae’leh - You are a traitor! Ikur ito nier - It’s cold here. Ne, enet’ento - No, (but) Next time. Nae adil’taelu... naeluir ito kae’leh? - I wish to learn , are you a teacher? Ne, ne ito perithe, adil’ehya ne ito nae’leh! - No, I don’t remember, and i don’t want to. Malii ito hae/lae'leh - She/he is a child. (Elven maturity is 50 depending on the culture, whilst physically maturity is 18) Ikrun ito hae/lae'leh - She/he is a fool. O’llyt ito nae’leh? - Why are you so aggressive? (I.E: Why are you mad) Lae'leh acaele celian'ehya ito anah'wy - Her head is in the sky and stars. (She's out of touch with reality/ is a daydreaming) Medi ito nae’leh, ahernan! - You are helpful, thank you! Ohn'wehn ito Nae'leh - You are like grass (you are not special) Parsaere! - I have an idea. Halare - I promise. Narn il’kae - Come here. Iyl u’iyul? - This or that? Cihne, adont’ahern! - Stop, please! Mal/Men - Mal Woman/Women - Lari Child/Children - Malii Kae mal adriere- I hate men. Acaln: Gold Ayal: Yellow Belou: Pink Ibar - White Miruel - Red Taynei: Green Lentos: Brown Merku: Peach Lenti’kariman - Spring (Months of growth) Mamaria’kariman - Summer (Months of heat) Feta’kariman - Winter (Months of cold) Wehn’kariman - Fall/Autumn (Months of wheat)
  6. An oak tree stood still among the cold, endless fog… unmoving, statuesque. Nothing else was there. He'd seen this tree dozens of times before, and no matter how much he ran, or how much strength he forced his feet to carry, it remained ever far away. Never closer, never out of his line of sight… The elf lord was frustrated to no end. He awoke in a sweat, in the lonely comfort of his bed. These dreams did not cease to gnaw at his thoughts since he began his journey. Sometimes he wished for something else to haunt his nights, craving the warm embrace of his lady in the late hours or the steady roll of the tide. The elf-lord swept the sheets off of his bare form, his feet finding his boots as they had done every morning since the start of his long life. There, at least, something was consistent. Comforting. Tailed coat and trousers followed with their own faithful and obedient beckoning. Another day of questions, curious insight, probing into the Emerald unknown. That night, the fog was thinner and the oak tree was closer. He could circle around the trunk, who stood unmoving at the center of the empty clovered fields. There was no treeline, no mountains… just a consuming fog, and the green beneath his feet. He circled, and circled… a small victory sparked in his heart. Sweet progress, finally, in this maddening and recurring dream. Or so he thought, before he came face-to-face with the amber, somber gaze of a canine.It sat on its haunches, cloaked in a fiery mane of auburn and umber. The veterinarian's eyes knew exactly what this creature was as his twilit eyes follow the slender, cunning point of his maw. The coyote held a branch between his teeth, each end burning a brilliant flame that gave off no heat nor noise. It simply licked the air in wild curls and brilliant colors. "I don't… I don't understand." the Hawksong managed to utter, just as his eyes focused back onto the ceiling of his familiar home. The dream was gone, again. It tormented him like some unsolvable jigsaw, the pieces morphing into different shapes just as they began to seal together. His feet swing out of his bed, again, and into his routine. "I don't understand." Another day of questions. Some he could explain without obstacle, the others were impossible. Complex and malleable in his brain, no tongue of descendants could express exactly what he was seeing. He was warned of the strangeness of dedicancy, but nobody could truly prepare him for what plagued his nights and days. Another moon rises, her pale beams giving way to that same fog in his dreams. That same oak, that same coyote with the branch in his teeth… At his flanks, the statues of two great bears flank the coyote. They towered over the umber-furred creature, paws held before their waist at either end of the coyote’s branch as if they were nursing the flames themselves. The fires burned brighter, with unseen colors of an ethereal rainbow. The elf could almost hear the echoes of something, somebody… it sounded so familiar, it sounded like- He awoke again, staring at the ceiling that mocked his bewilderment. He threw his covers off and commanded his feet into his boots as they always did, the sunlight careening through the slats of his balcony onto his face as if to spur him on his way. One last druid, endless queries. The oak was ever still, again… but the fog gave away to snow. Lovely, dazzlingly white and powdery snow that danced like dainty gardenia petals down to a thin blanket of cold upon the field. The coyote waited as he always did, branch in teeth with the fires burning with nearly blinding brilliance. The statues of the bears had swiveled their head as he came to within this dream, watching… waiting for him to eventually reach the foot of the oak for answers as he always did. The crunch of the snow beneath his feet was nearly real enough to believe, if this dream hadn’t haunted every second of his mind, awake or asleep. He left no footprints as he trailed towards the coyote. To his shocked surprise, the creature finally moved as he came to a halt before him. The pads of his feet loped in a gentle canter around him, leaving a trail of dazzling embers from the fires of his branch. He could hear the voices clearly, now… it was his own. He saw visions of himself within the swirling firestorm, and what he dearly wished himself to be… The long locks of a flaxen elfess twirling in his fingers, his lance hoisted high in the sun amongst a line of Wardens, a clinic packed full of patients he had saved. Visions cracked across his conscious as fast as lightning, and their strange meaning rocked his soul like rolling thunder… Family, lover, duty, medicine… all things he wished to be a warrior for. Just as he reached out to take the last vision’s hand, the ivory skin of his beloved… she recoiled in fear, falling before him with bruises upon her flesh as he suddenly found himself with clenched fists. “No...No!” he shouts, just as he is thrown into a wild, standing spin and seeing himself in another nightmare. A flash of his white cloak of Warden armor raked against his foe, his strikes were wild, furious, ruthless… blood poured upon the ground, as if a pack of wolves had torn through these souls. Just as he sprang forth to help them, or ask them anything… his hands were deep in the bloody, pulpy rib-cage of some long enemy of his. Their eyes were glassy, anemic, pleading as the surgeon tortured the man. All the awful things that he could be a warrior for... “....Help me.” The man says simply up to the surgeon, and the elf-lord emits a harrowing scream that shuns the visions of himself back to the fire, back to the coyote who sits at the base of the oak tree. “You have a choice ahead…” the animal spirit says, his maw unmoving as he carries his branch. His voice was ancient, old, and cunningly wise. “Awaken, Aerendyl, and forge your chosen path…” The elf does, rousing from his sleep as the dream fades away with the explosion of crow feathers. He felt oddly calm as he decided to lay there for a while, turning his head to his loyal pair of boots. They didn’t find his feet that morning… instead, the elf walked out of his house that day with a pair of simple but elegant robes, off to find his teacher. The eyes of his totem awoke that day, seeing clearly.
  7. ((As a note, this is an event that overlaps my IRL birthday! I can't actually go anywhere special due to my line of work even if I am vaccinated, so I thought I'd just lump mine and my character's big day together so I can have some sort of party this year. This year is also my tenth anniversary in the community, so I think it's a cool way to celebrate with the whole community! Come have fun with us!)) An invitation is left at the mailbox/taxbox of every registered home and seed hall, with a formal address to the blessed Seeds and Houses of Elvenesse. The House of Hawksong cordially invites you to attend a very special gathering to celebrate the golden years of our House Matriarch, Titania! It is with great pride that we do celebrate her life, but we wish to celebrate the blessed long years of Mali as a whole as well. Therefore, a grand gathering in the Elvenesse throne room will take place in one elven week. There is no requirement of gift-giving, but party contributions from the great families of Elvenesse is greatly encouraged so that we may celebrate in the blessing of the long lives of all elves and the ageless bounty of each house and seed. The Pamphlet contains a mock painting of a real portrait of the Twilit Matriarch, followed by a short biography for those unfamiliar As an Aegisian War veteran, Titania has had a long history of allegiance with the elven people from the old city of Laurelin to the Great Halls of Amaethea today. She has been a mother, a Malinorian High Princess, Teutonic General, Dominion Princess and faithful servant of the Crown since her departure from leadership. Many of our cities have been crafted in whole or in part by her hand, and currently she resides in Elvenesse living out her sunset years as the Head of House Hawksong and the Rochirran. What to expect at the event! Community Games Food Artifact Raffle (no cost to play) Drink Music Dancing Additional, personal invitations are as follows To the Esteemed House of DeNurem The descendants of the Legendary Hochmeister Mirtok are invited to reminisce and reforge bonds once shared so closely during the age of Anthos and the Fringe. To the Snow Druid The Mother of her Beloved is invited to celebrate, and any additional party of which you desire to bring. To the kin of Artimec, the Blessed Seed of Caerme'onn The blood of one of her closest friends are especially welcome, for the bond between Hawksong and Caerme'onn is old and unwavering To the Oracle, Awaiti Sirame The once fellow ruler of the elven people, and teacher of the brother of the Matriarch is invited to celebrate their roles in history To the Proud Hawk-kin of Seed Tahorran The masters of the river and sea, whom have embraced a ironwood-strong friendship with the House of Hawksong are invited to liven the event with their spirit ((Time 7 EST Saturday the 27th of February))
  8. The Silver Calendar of 9 S.A. 20th of the Amber Cold Throughout the city of Silver and the children of the Pure, the denizens of the State would find that they would receive an ornate scroll at their doorstep. The scroll would be on a black parchment with silver lettering and detailing with splashes of color lining the page. Mali’thill Wine and Tea Kaliri The Deep Cold “A long drawn out debate between Mali’thill has been between the preference of wine and tea, so it has been seen fit to host an event revolving around both which the ‘thill enjoy. The wine and tea afternoon shall be hosted in the Silver Stag Tavern on the Deep Cold of 9 SA. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 2ND @ 5:30 PM EST // 10:30 PM GMT]] Mali’thill Yoga Snow’s Maiden “The citizens of elcihi’thilln are invited to attend a class of Mali’thill Yoga! The class is intended to assist teaching one to increase their dexterity and flexibility. Yoga is meant to help teach one focus and mental fortitude. This class is especially recommended for young mages to help learn control over their mana and connection to the void. The class will be held in the park in front of the Silver Stag Tavern and afterwards, there shall be a breakfast bar and smoothies. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 3RD @ 5:00 PM EST // 10:00 PM GMT]] Painting in the Park Malin’s Welcome “ In the park of the citadel, there will a painting class to help encourage artistic creativity amongst the Mali’thill. No experience is required to attend and it is meant for the enjoyment and entertainment of the Mali’thill. Afterwards, it will be followed by a brunch themed picnic.” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH @ 4:30 PM EST // 9:30 PM GMT]] Snail Race The First Seed “ A staple of Haelun’orian society is the highly vetted Snail Races. With the recent years being oh so busy, it has been seen fit to host one on a larger scale within the Silver Stag Tavern. All are invited to bring their speedy gastropods to participate in the snail race of the century! One may review the rules of snail racing attached to the back of the calendar. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH @ 4:30 PM EST // 9:30 PM GMT]] Constellations Festival Grand Harvest “ On the night of the full moon there will be a festival themed around the stars, held in front of the city between the gates and the newly established public farms. There will be several telescopes available for one to gaze out at the night sky, bards will be hired to play music, and there will be games of all sorts of variety, food, and more! This festival is meant to represent Mali’thill returning back to the Motherland, hence it being held outside of the gates. ” Signed, Okarir’hiylun Valyris Wynasul [[OOC: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 6TH @ 5:30 PM EST // 10:30 PM GMT]] liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe
  9. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  10. OOC: From now on I’ll be writing these posts in a somewhat dramatic story-telling fashion. This was not uncommon in ancient times. Most history was written in rhyme or in a the dramatic. (It’s also more fun) The sweltering sun beat down upon the thirsty dark elf. Used to the cool of the forest trees of Siramenor, the heat of the desert plains during the Sun’s Smile fell like a hammer on his shoulders. The sound of his footsteps sounded hollow across the barren landscape. A soft, hot, humid wind ruffled the gray grass. It whistled past small rocks that stuck up from the red dusty earth. The crimson eyes of the ‘Ker rose slowly to glare at the sky. His lips were curled in a slight grimace as if daring the sun to shine. The sun paid no attention to the small, figure. The light of the sun seemed to sparkly lovingly off the red sand. It jumped from stone to stone. Yet as the elf cleared the next small hill, his gaze fell upon an orc who lay dead upon the ground. His mouth was open and his tongue protruded from the side, cracked, swollen, and stiff. The dark elf glanced at the orc. He walked over to the body and knelt by its head. The voice of the elf sounded in the deathly silence, croaky but still with a touch of sadness, “Hello my friend, I suppose you fell to the sun’s embrace.” The elf then smiled at the orc, a smile that seemed entirely out of place in the brutal heat so close to death. “May you have died so that the sun does not seek to take me.” The elf paused looking at the orc before continuing on, his feet plodding, each impact releasing a fine cloud of red dust. It was for ambition that the elf was to be found on that day, on that road, in that heat. His eyes shared a kindred spirit with that terrible sun, as they burned with the intensity of fire, his irises flickering. Yet who are we to judge the sins of elven kind or of the morality of powerful ambition. For do we consider the world to be filled with only those perfect and those evil? This elf struggling through the heat was no saint. But like the sun, a force of nature, he bore no ill will to those that stood in his way. Like the sun, his hammer would fall regardless of race, creed, or allegiance. Should we call that evil, or immoral? If you define it be so, yes. But, like the sun, this elf could be gentle, giving life to those he loved. Like so many emerald trees, the fruits of his labor would grow and would be loved. Perhaps, in the end, we shouldn’t think of this elf as the sun that killed that orc, or as the sun hovering over the trees of Siramenor, but instead as a flawed being just as any other. Good and evil in equal measure, internal struggle radiating outward, burning and loving, killing and growing. On this day, he was none of these things. He wasn’t the sun, or powerful elf. He was a small figure who was thirsty and lost. The elf was searching for Ker’Okarn. He hoped to bargain with the ‘Ker who lived there and begin the building of the tower of Sirame Khel. He hoped to start a great dynasty lasting thousands of years. Yet, on this day, he was nothing but a young wandering poet. It was many days till he reached the sea port of Ker’Okarn. He looked down upon the small city, his throat parched, his eyes stretched thin, his water bag empty. Yet the salt air woke his tired mind. His thin ashen lips curled in a smile as he surveyed his new home. He could imagine where the tower would stand, a little off to the side, and near the shining sea. This was a dark elf without family, without a father, without a clan. A dark elf who lived during one of the the most dangerous and terrible times for his race. Yet as this elf of little means looked down from that small hill his lost heritage didn’t matter. He would forge a new family, a new clan, and a new future for the dark elves. Poem written by Tide Falkmoor at this time: A deep sorrowful note, A long forgotten song, A wailing from each throat, The tale of those long-gone. Silence upon the scene, For birds knew not to sing, When the oldest did keen, When death the breeze did bring. No comfort for the weak, No promise to forgive, Paradise they did not seek, For they sought not to live. A rushing of dark wings, As quiet ravens flew. The dissonance now rings, Of stories sadly true. Deadly rain, Fire of incessant pain, Fire of a realm insane. There is no light. Except burning deathly bright. Light that only dead may see. Entry two of “The History of Sirame Khel and its Rise to Power” by Selion Drogon
  11. This is a series of entries in a journal that are written by a historian about Sirame Khel. They will be entered into the grand library of Dragur upon the event of Tide Falkmoor’s death or that of the order. (OOC: so you can't use this information until Tide Falkmoor has died) On the 15th of the deep cold, 1780, Sirame Khel was founded. There was no fanfare or celebration. This order would forever hide in the shadows, protecting itself from prying eyes. At the time there were only three dark elves whose only connection was their hope for the future and their belief in the honor of the Ashen Folk. Their names were Tide Falkmoor, Salaron Chaeydark, and Selmas Chaeydark. They pledged to change the world and the fate of their race. Salaron Chaeydark was a brazen, tall, and haughty ‘Ker. He believed that the dark elves should be proud and thought that an open assault upon the order of the realm would soon be necessary. He wore dark leather and carried with him a short sword. He spoke with great conviction of the plans of the order and was determined to see it as far as he could. Little did he know that his part in the story would end sooner then any would think. Selmas Chaeydark, the sister of Salaron Chaeydark, was a quiet, younger ‘Ker. She had a full and loving heart and wished to help the growth of Sirame Khel because her brother was invested and she believed in helping those poor and powerless. She would speak slowly as she then could not speak common as well as most but still understood more about the future of Sirame Khel then any other. Tide Falkmoor was a sly, quiet ‘Ker. He, unlike Salaron, believed that the authority of Sirame Khel and of the Ashen Folk could only be grown through slow and gradual growth. He was a poet, a singer, and an expert swordself. For Tide, the world changed through words and not actions. He considered fighting to be beneath him and through his methods, the power and influence of Sirame Khel would grow exponentially. His speech was always considered and careful. Yet beneath this veneer of genteel, cultured, intellectualism hid a vibrant, dangerous elf who, when faced with a challenge, would forge forward no matter what obstacles stood in his way. While not evil, Tide Falkmoor would never shrink from any method so long as he got what he wanted. This small group of dark elves immediately began building a network of elves and spies. At first success seemed inevitable. Elves flocked to join. Sirame Khel even made a deal with the leader of Ker’okarn to gain land in the city of Krugmar. There they began to build the tower of Sirame Khel. This would be the place where the members would meet met for many years. However, tragedy struck sooner than any would have expected. Salaron Chaeydark was slain during a moonless night by a faceless guard. This death destroyed Selmas Chaeydark. She had lost her father only a few years earlier. Now she was without family and for the Ashen Folk, family is everything. This also meant that the order of Sirame Khel had lost someone who was important to the cause. Tide Falkmoor was determined to continue the order in memory of his friend. He was now the sole leader of Sirame Khel and as a result, the methods of the order would from then on would follow only his philosophy of quiet subterfuge and would avoid antagonizing any group, race, or nation. However, Salaron would always remain at the heart of the order, leading it in his name. His excitable spirit would guide the order towards higher heights and would never be forgotten by those who followed the order. The Tide A poem written by Tide Falkmoor at this time. Roaring waves, Pouring over deep red stones. Slow water, Flowing into sharp wide cracks. For years, the tide has risen, Yet now waves lap on shores. Sparkling drops, Flying orange in bright rosy light. Streaming rays, Turns oceans to gold, Rocks to pillars, And fish to angels. When water hits a wall, Mountains move. Entry one of “The History of Sirame Khel and its Rise to Power” by Selion Drogon.
  12. Her Last Feather PK of Marcella Avern-Barclay Born in 1688, Marcella Baruch was the daughter of Richard Baruch and an unnamed woman from Curon. Her father was a known necromancer in his past and the woman was unknown but to a select few. However, under the custody of her father, he aimed to improve upon his ways and took up an alchemist stand within the city of Sutica. When Marcella was just shy of one her father was arrested and executed for his past crimes, abandoning her in the basement of Richard’s shop. Her adoptive brother Hiren had found her some time later and brought her to her first mother, Serenity Avern, who took her in to raise her in her youth. While Serenity was not present most of her life, her sister Mayan was and would later adopt Marcella as her own. Marcella’s childhood was rather uneventful upon relocation to Carouldstadt of Renatus. While there many Averns took part in the clinic affairs as surgeons and practitioners. While there Marcella had begun to learn some basic medical skills however not proceed further than that. Some time later, the family returned to Sutica for the remainder of her childhood into her early adult years. While living there Marcella met the man that would later become her husband, Wilheim Barclay. The Averns did not approve of the Haenseman, but Marcella took this as her strike towards independence and began to spend more and more time in Haenseti-Ruska. This later proved to be fruitful to serve as the starting point for the soon to become Barony of Freising. As the house was founded, Wilheim grew in the ranks of the army and received his knighthood as the Stallion. Both Marcella and her husband became Aldermen and later had two children, Klara and Erwin. While Klara and Erwin were young they were able to spend time with Mayan, though as they grew up, Klara went on her own travels and Erwin stayed close to home to follow his father’s footsteps. All the while, Marcella did her best to support Erwin in his ventures, which proved fruitful as he later became a Duke and Lord Marshal to set the tone for many generations to come. Soon after Wilheim’s passing, Marcella’s life began to slow, taken by an alcohol and smoking addiction, she retired from being an Alderman to spend the next decade with Wilheim until his death. At this point she moved to improve her health to spend as much of her time as she could with her son and his children, Manfred and Brandt. It has been up to this point that Marcella was able to meet her life goal, a happy family that is successful. It has been at this point that Marcella spent her final moments in Oren with Mayan… After she decided to pay a last visit with her, the journey proved to be too much as not long after she had a heart attack. Her final breaths were in Mayan’s home after a long day. With Mayan she left her final will and testament for her family and close friends. Belongings will be distributed upon arrival of the vault supplies of Arcas. Marcella passed at 1736 on the 13th of Sun’s Smile at the age of 114. Marcella’s Final letter: To my dearest children, I am sad that I have not been able to see either of you in my final moments, but I cannot say how proud I am in the two of you. Take your time and enjoy life, it is not for forever. I will be waiting for you up in Godan’s skies so enjoy life while you have it. I will wait with your father until you are ready. To Manfred, I wish to leave you my staff. It was acquired by my father long ago and has served me well over the years. Take good care of it sweetheart, for it contains the soul of another and you may learn how best to speak with him. He brought much joy to your father in hitting people with it, and I hope you are able to keep it in the family for the foreseeable future. To Brandt, I wish to leave you my Karin, Idred. She can be a bit of a grump, but she has been a wonderful companion since Wilheim passed. If you ever have any questions on caring for her reach out to Mayan. She can provide guidance better than any. To Luisa, Dear, I wish I could have spent more time with you and your brothers but you have grown up well and have a family of your own. Cherish them. To you I leave my wedding rings. They were made by Hekkaes Goldhand for Wilheim and I. They were once magic with a blood bond though it has long since faded. Keep them close because even the smallest things in life can matter most. To the Barclay Family, It has been truly a dream of mine to have such a wonderful family. Thank you all for the laughs and smiles over the years and I hope I was able to give you just as many as you gave me. I love you all dearly. Finally, Mayan, I can’t express how much you mean to me, haleun. I know soon I will visit and it likely will be my last, but I know you gave me nothing but the best. I wish I could have done more for you over my life and we had our issues. If nothing else, I hope I was able to bring pride to you. Look after my grandchildren please. I know my passing will be hard on them but more so on you. You can talk to them, I know they would want to and see you just as much as family as I do. I love you so very much and don’t ever forget that. With love, Marcella Avern-Barclay [OOC] It has been wonderful rping with everyone on this persona and I’ve taken up her grandchild Marie so things won’t come to a halt regarding that. Thank you all so much for being part of Marcy and her legacy.
  13. [!] Dust seems to decorate the ancient parchment. The corners of the paper have but crumbled. It is clear this letter is old, at least a couple centuries, perhaps even more. To the beloved daughter, It was a beautiful day. Choirs consisting of different birds, all singing in tune. The sun and the moon facing each other, how magical it felt. It was right then when Gwynaeth took a look at me, her face filling with joy as you were delivered into this world. Nuala, we decided to call you. For the never ending respect for Gwynaeth’s beloved llir. A child, born under the darkening sun. You are meant for greatness. Your life will be filled with ups and downs, however Uradir blood runs through your veins; that purity shall always guide you forward. Nothing and no one can ever deny your birthright. If it is ever that we may not meet again, never forget that your haelun and maln loves you, Nuala of Uradir. Signed, Moederai Uradir, a proud father
  14. The Arvellon Seed Watchers in the Autumn Woods _________________________________________ “From our trees of red, gold, and orange do we watch.” The Autumnal Lore _________________________________________ The Arvellon Seed is one of the smaller and lesser known tribes amongst the first migration of Mali’ame. Whilst others adorned themselves in unique and colorful markings and apparel, the Wood Elves of the Arvellon were only identifiable by their shared physical traits and their name. Yet even this left them confused with the seedless brothers and sisters. However the Mali’ame of the Arvellon did not mind this for centuries to come. They enjoyed the ease in which they could meld within the rest of their tribal society, watching and listening as the Wildcats of Felixii do. Little is known concerning their worship of the Wildcat Princess, as is most things with the feline mani. Similarly shrouded is the seed’s later adoption of worship to Kwakwani, the Trickster Raven. Though they took to these new ways and meshed them with that of Felixii’s, creating the unique and unknown culture that they are in the modern age. In the times of Malin and the nomadic Mali’ame, the Arvellon were led by a man known as Carsul’il. Known among his kin as the Laughing Lynx for his hearty attitude and his peculiar style in hair. Carsul’il was the first to take on the name of Arvellon, and the founder of their ame’lie, a grove considered to be only myth and named the Harvest Wood for some said it was a place of perpetual autumn that was always bathed in a copper and gold light from the rays of sun shining through the canopy. Many thought the grove was a legend for rare few knew of its name, much less of its existence. While most of the tales sprung from this age, and of Carsul’il specifically, are considered myth and the true events that happened are lost to the winds of time, the more modern era of the Arvellon is easier to recollect if similarly unknown to anyone but the Arvellon. Carsul’il eventually disappeared into the wilds as most ancient mali’ame do, leaving behind his ways for his second child, Merriel Arvellon. Unlike her father, Merriel did not have many daring adventures. She preferred the quiet and watchful side of their ways, living her life upon a simple farmstead with her mate and listening to the breeze for all manner of news and secrets until the day she had her first and only child, Miklaeil. Miklaeil was bound to take after his grandfather from the day he began to walk, always grinning and dashing about from one adventure to the next with the clever wit of a cat. Only his mother could truly tame his lust for the thrill and unknown, until the day he came of age for manhood. Miklaeil gathered what few things he owned and set off into the world, leaving a supportive but deeply saddened Merriel behind. Years passed and the young Arvellon found himself in what was known as the Dominion of Malin. It was here that Miklaeil decided to first attempt securing a steady life after thirty or so years of travel, though doing so cost him the identity of his ancestors within him. He donned bronze and silver platemail, shouted cries of war in the name of various princes and princesses, and even took on the name and beliefs of another seed entirely in his patriotic vigor. He began to look less and less like that of Carsul’il, and his letters to his mother grew less and less filled with wonder and joy but instead with grim and dark experiences. It was about this time that Merriel Arvellon died, caught in an accident with farm equipment. Years passed and Miklaeil gradually fell back into the old ways of his grandfather, Carsul’il. His constant grin and cheeky quips became his trademark, and his vigilant and cat-like eyes always watched with a certain mischievous glint. Twas long after the Dominion collapsed when he became a Lord upon the council of Aegrothond, then yet more until he met the lovely Empyreal Princess of Alderyn, Layla Le’Cai. It was not long after noticing the same playful glint in her eyes that he fell in love and returned fully to the ways of Carsul’il. Between the two of them, the Arvellon seed’s history and culture were reborn into something both new and old. Several decades pass and the Arvellon are now grown and changed beyond what they were upon Miklaeil’s reclamation. It was around this time that the seed was begrudgingly convinced to join the fledgling Forest Realm of Irrinor. The reluctance of the seed’s chieftains to take such a step proved correct when the Aspectist nation fell to infighting, leaving the Arvellon to flee back to the Talus Grove. Disillusioned with the politics of greater elven nations following the fall of Irrinor, Miklaeil declared the rite of Maya’meracahe to prevent more misfortune befalling the Arvellon. Several families were born and brought into the seed’s warm embrace following its departure from Irrinor, allowing the group to spread out and diversify amongst themselves as they chose according to the rite of Maya’meracahe. Despite this rebound, Layla and Miklaeil were left tired and in need of a respite from the civilized places of the world. A moot of the seed was held in the Talus Grove where Eretria and Nerrin were chosen to be the next chieftains, allowing Layla and Mikaeil to delve into the deep wilds of the world for the next decade. Beliefs and Values _________________________________________ The ways of the Arvellon are deeply rooted in Aspectism and the Mani pantheon, basing most all their various styles and values upon that of the old ‘ame teachings. Religion _________________ “Given a wink from the Wildcat and a grin from the Raven, Carsul’il set off into the wood.” Aspectism and the Mani pantheon are both well-cherished parts of the Arvellon culture, most everything about them being divined from these practices. However, like most other Seeds, the Arvellon worship a select few Mani in particular. Those being Felixii, Princess of Wildcats, and Kwakwani, Princess of Ravens. Both of which heavily influence the day-to-day lives of the Arvellon, making for Elves with an odd mixture of secretive yet colorful personalities, flitting back and forth with words and actions like a cat or bird at play. Oftentimes these Elves make offerings to both Mani in the form of tricks and pranks upon those deserving of it, or merely for the fun of it. With regards to Felixii, the Wildcat is seen as the head of a lesser pantheon of her own that includes the other feline Mani gods. The Lion, Tiger, and Panther Mani all fall into this grouping though are not quite so revered as the Wildcat herself. Many decide to incorporate the teachings of these individual Mani princes into their worship of Felixii. Those Arvellon particularly devout to Felixii tend to tread through life with care put toward their own actions, yet are not afraid of the spontaneous. Witty, clever, and watchful are the best descriptions for an Arvellon Wildcat follower. It is taught that a proper Wildcat follower should remain ever vigilant for what knowledge they can collect or what whispers they may hear. This is usually referred to in regards to one’s own pursuits or craft, meant to encourage learning and growth in the mind. The Trickster Raven teaches her followers in the Arvellon the ways of artistry, beauty, and fun-loving attitudes. Those devout to Kwakwani are often the most playful of the seed prone to pranking their family and friends when it is least expected, or developing skill with their hands in the way of arts and craft. Many Arvellon take up trades in things such as painting, jewelry, writing, or even blacksmithing and woodworking. Their work is done with the intention of creating beauty with their very own hands, worshipping the Raven in the act alone. Appearance _________________ “Touched by the season of Autumn in body as well as mind.” Elves born of the Arvellon typically share the same set of physical traits, depending on the circumstances of their birth. An Elf carrying the traits of the Arvellon would be bronzed or tan in skin tone, usually a warm hue of some sort. Their hair tends to be curly or unruly in varying shades of red and brown. This coupled with brown or green eyes make them quite suitable for their favorite season, Autumn. Although, not every Arvellon is born from the autumnal bloodline. The modern generation of the seed is a wide variety of adopted members and members who married into the seed with the proper rites taken. This means that one could find most any Elf of any mix of traits donning the autumn paints of an Arvellon. Their apparel tends to reflect the colors of Autumn- Red, gold, yellow, and orange in various shades- to symbolize the changing and colorful personalities of the Arvellon and to acknowledge the natural cycle. Values _________________ “Live your life to the fullest, my child. Raise your boy, love your family, and see them flourish as I have.” - Carsul’il to his daughter, Merriel Arvellon When the Arvellon realized that the world is much too dangerous to face alone, they began to stick closer and closer together to ensure safety and prosperity despite the ordeals that the Descesdent world is prone to endure. Thus their ideology grew over time to incorporate values based upon the creation and protection of family. Family is treasured above all else to Arvellon. To protect and provide for one’s family is the highest priority and one that each Arvellon is expected to see done. Providing for the family also includes having children with which to fill it and continue the legacy. Due to the elven curse of infertility, adoption is not unheard of amongst the seed and is even considered honorable. With family comes Love. It is a sacred emotion connected to the very soul of a person that shapes them as it grows and evolves over time’s passage. An Arvellon couple is accepted as an eternal bond and a testament of passion and loyalty for such long-lived people as the elves. To break off that bond is a break of trust that many consider to be deserving of no less than a shun or, if the cause of division is so revolting, death. Love does not extend only to romance either. An Arvellon finds love in anything that they wish to look for it in. Some pursue trades and crafts to pour their passions into. Trust is built through experience and time together. An Arvellon without the trust of their kin is an Arvellon surrounded by the hounds of darkness, bound for an early rise of elven madness. Along the same vein of thought, Unity within the seed is expected by all its members to uphold fervently. According to the rite of Maya’meracahe, the Arvellon should never allow the frivolous squabbles of greater elvenkind and the Descendent world as a whole to divide them. Cheer and light-heartedness are seen as desirable traits among the Arvellon. Being a fun-loving people, they seek it out with a Lust for Life that goes unheard of among many other elven cultures and even in the mali’ame themselves. Adventure, pranks, good fun amongst their kin, all this and much more are the deep thoroughfare to an Arvellon’s heart. Traditions _________________________________________ Tradition in the Arvellon seed is developed over the course of time and experience, its members learning new ways to adapt to their environment and adding to their ways to fit. Ilmyumier _________________ Tattoos designed and drawn by the wonderful Numirya A recent and modern addition to the rites of the Arvellon is the ilmyumier, thought up and designed by Layla. The tattoo implements three of the most prevalent parts of the Arvellon’s unique culture with the head of a Wildcat, the wings and feathers of a Raven, and the colors and symbols of their beloved season Autumn. Along with the primary ilmyumier that is found on the dominant arm, Arvellon of this age are known to wear a stripe of paint across their eyes as a sign of luck to attract good fortune for them and their families, or during times of war and unrest in the world as a whole. Miruel’ame _________________ The “Red Trees” of the Arvellon forests that once served as the living, subtle guardians to their ancestral ame’lie known as the Harvest Wood. The cultivation of these trees, once a closely guarded secret held by the main bloodline of Arvellon, has since been passed down to the seed to reintroduce the tree into the world. The tree releases an ever present fog that surrounds its immediate vicinity and is considered to be the reason the Arvellon remained wrapped in mystery in the early eras of the world. Maya’meracahe _________________ “The bonds of family wave no flags.” In the ancient times of the Arvellon, when they lived in the depths of the Harvest Wood with their homes safely hidden from the turmoil beyond, the autumnal elves practiced what they called Maya’meracahe. This ‘redeeming balance’ was put into place by Carsul’il after a near disastrous confrontation within the seed between two brothers living in separate nations from each other. Carsul’il decided that the Arvellon seed would not serve as a political entity among the rest of Elvenkind, though it would not limit its individual members from taking part in what nations they chose to reside in. Mallir'hiylun _________________ “To be an Arvellon man is to have only half a mind. His wife has the rest.” Love is sacred and precious to the autumn Elves of the Arvellon, an emotion and act held dearly since the days of Carsul’il and the Harvest Wood. Making such a declaration toward another Elf is a grand and life changing event for the Arvellon. To them, there is only one such person to be found in their lives and it is an irreversible, unbreakable bond through both mind, body, and spirit. While not used until later in the seed’s existence, there is a binding ritual used to cement this connection between two Elves. Before an altar of Felixii and Kwakwani, the two would arrive in secret during the height of a Harvest Moon. Both would wield ceremonial aurum blades to cut the others palms. After the blood flows from both hands on either lover, the bloodied blades are laid crossed upon the altar before the two clasped hands to mix the blood of their palms and in doing so, intertwining the essence of their bodies and spirit. Once the ritual is complete, it’s said that the mates develop a true and absolute bond. While it’s not known whether this is merely firm belief, or if something truly binds the souls of the lovers, it works. These Arvellon lovers remain together until death, and even then it is said that their spirits pass on as one. Hunt of the Harvest Moon _________________ Every year during the Harvest Moon, when the night is bathed in strong orange light, the Arvellon host a ceremonial hunt that begins at moonrise and ends at sunrise of the next day. While the setting is an ominous and foreboding one, filled with shadows cast by the Harvest Moon’s light, the Elves who partake in it are filled with a playful vigor in their hunt. Typically, they will hunt until they find the largest game that they’re able to fell and bring it back to wherever the others are camped. There they wait until all the other hunters return with their prizes, to which a grand feast is held in honor of the peculiar phase of the moon. Rite of the Karin _________________ When an Arvellon comes of a certain age, or is adopted into the seed, they are allowed the gift of a twin-tailed, crystal antlered Karin cat. All Arvellon have one of these friendly cats as companions, given as mere kittens before they eventually grow to their full size of about a cougar. Due to the lifespans of these cats being much shorter than that of the average Elf, an Arvellon may have multiple different karin companions over the course of their life. Typically each new companion is a descendent of the previous, making for different bloodlines of Karin amongst the Arvellon. Interested in joining? _________________ PM DrinkPesticide#3970, Mewliet#6297, Numirya#5929, or ThumperJack#1536 on Discord if you’re looking to join the seed! They’ll explain how it’s done and what may work for you!
  15. The Sentinels of Elvenesse. In it’s reformation the elves of Almenor and the woodland realm join forces. Their purpose, to maintain a level of peace and prosperity for the homeland of Elvenesse. As the two cultures joined into one city, so too did the elven warriors of each land. A new golden age, men and women of Elvenesse prepared to maintain peace and justice by any means necessary. These Sentinels of the elven realm duly sworn by oath, to maintain tranquility in this new age. An oath crafted in brotherhood against the invading Inferi, to be sworn before the oathtaker’s god or gods of choice. “In solidarity I do swear to defend the innocent. By my honor I will defend the realm of Elvenesse. By virtuous right, I will protect all of Malin’s descendants. With vigilance, I will repel those who stand against us. And with unity, I will stand with my brothers and sisters in arms.” Upon these spoken words, the fledgling is considered a Sentinel. Sealing their bond to the Realm of Elvenesse and the Crown of Storms in perpetuity. These vows are meant to be taken for life. The only way they could be rescinded is in death, or by word of the High Prince. The Sentinels are divided into three separate sects. The Sect of Guidance: Chief Commandant: A title belonging to the High Prince himself. Without need of introduction, the High Prince reigns as the highest authority in the Realm of Elvenesse. And thus garners the highest authority over the Sentinels. In full control and ability to make arbitrary decisions unilaterally. Commander: Given to the worthiest of elven warriors. This position boasts the highest authority amongst the Sentinels, second only to the High Prince. A position granted only by the High Prince himself. Given to the most worthy amongst the Sentinels. This position is in full command of the Sentinels infantry as well as aquatic units. The only military action a Commander may not decide on their own is in declaration of war or annexation of lands. Which will require the approval of the High Prince. The High Prince may at any time after deliberation with their council, remove a current and select a successor for the Commander’s title. So long as a removal is warranted under the Codex of Laws under the Realm of Elvenesse. Lord Commander of the Maehr’evar: As the name refers, a position given to the Maehr’evar’s Lord Commander only during times of active and open conflict. While the Maehr’evar order maintains it’s solidarity in peacetime, during official and open conflict the Lord Commander will hold a level of command over the Sentinels. While the Lord Commander’s orders are to be carried out, they should never directly or indirectly conflict with the orders of higher ranked officials. The Sect of Vigilance: Warden: The official officer rank within the Sentinels. Only given to a maximum of two individuals at one time. Serving as a mid level officer rank, this dual office is handed to only the two most capable of the Sentinels. The rank is offered as an opt-in position, meaning a Sentinel can choose to refuse the promotion. The two positions are filled after deliberation amongst the Sect of Guidance. However, a Warden can be removed by any one of the Sect of Guidance. Afterwhich, the position may only be filled by aforementioned means. The Wardens of the Sentinels are meant to be the most competent. Meaning they should never falter or hesitate in the heat of combat. Able to lead smaller parties of troops should they be separated from the main force. A Warden also holds the ability to command a full garrison of troops, should one be installed. Zealot: Comprising of the most elite Sentinels. Promoted by a Warden after displaying acts of valor or courage in battle. Zealots are select Sentinels that prove to be outstanding in battle. While not officially the rank of an officer, they do still hold more weight than that, of an average Sentinel. The promotion to Zealot gains those the ability to lead small fireteams of four to five Sentinels. However, only after approval from a Warden or above. Should a Zealot find themselves the highest ranked Sentinel among a group larger than four to five, their standing orders are to return that group to the Realm of Elvenesse. While there is no limit on a maximum number of Zealots, it is not a rank meant to be oversaturated. The Sect of Honor: Sentinel: The main body of enlisted military personnel, for the Realm of Elvenesse. A large and overwhelming force, able to mobilize at a moment’s notice. This rank belongs to the vast majority of enlisted elves within the Sentinels. Attained after a Recruit recites their vows before their deity of choice. A symbolic ceremony to show their devotion and resolve. As such, any elf who wishes to call themself a Sentinel of Elvenesse must prove not only to those around them, but to themselves. For a Sentinel should look even upon impossible odds, with a smile on their face and steadfastness in their hearts. Recruits: The rank issued upon conscription into the Sentinels of Elvenesse. An initial training phase of the Sentinels, officers will evaluate the competence of each Recruit in a variety of combat scenarios. Once an Elf is conscripted into the Sentinels, they shall begin as a Recruit. During this time, their ability and decision making skills will be evaluated by a higher ranking official. Recruits are promoted or evaluated at varying times from one another. A Recruit could find themselves promoted and reciting their vows mere days after enlistment, all the way to years down the line. There are no prerequisites to become a Recruit. However, in order to be promoted to the rank of Sentinel, a Recruit must show a certain level of competence and confidence in varying combat environments. Once an officer can verify and “vouch” for a Recruit, they may be given the opportunity to recite their vows.
  16. INDOR TIRAN Established. 2nd of Sun's Smile, 00 SA INDEX BILL OF RIGHTS Universal Rights Domestic Rights CRIMINAL LAW Article I: Crimes Against the Person Article II: Crimes Against Property Article III: Crimes Against Morality Article IV: Crimes Against Justice Article V: Crimes Against the Crown Article VI: Crimes Against the Faith Article VII: Magic & the Supernatural CIVIL LAW Article I: Identification Article II: Contracts & Labour Article III: Domestic Relations JUDICIAL REGULATIONS Article I: Legal Procedure Article II: Legal Defences Article III: The Offence Article IV: Execution ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Article I: The Apparatus Article II: Governance Article III: Checks & Balances BILL OF RIGHTS It is the sanctified and sovereign duty of the Crown to ensure that the cited universal rights are upheld, so as to maintain an orderly and moral society. Accounted citizens are further recognised to be guaranteed and reserved certain domestic rights within the lands encompassing the Princedom of Elvenesse. However, it is also within the Crown’s authority to revoke these rights should the transgression of the individual violate the provisions of this Codex. Universal Rights The Right to Life The individual is recognised to bear the right to live without the threat of harm or violence. The Right to Liberty The individual is recognised to bear the right to live without chains or oppression. The Right to the Pursuit of Happiness The individual is recognised to bear the right to live in contentment according to their own lawful ambitions. Domestic Rights The Right to Arms The individual is recognised to bear the right to armaments. The Right to Due Process The individual is recognised to bear the right to trial. The Right to Property The individual is recognised to bear the right to ownership of lawful property. CRIMINAL LAW Article I: Crimes Against the Person 1.1. Assault 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, but does not inflict any lasting injury. An infraction. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, and inflicts a lasting though not debilitating injury. Additionally, whenever an individual utilises an offensive weapon to inflict injury. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, either recklessly or intentionally, causes another party to suffer unlawful violence, and inflicts a lasting and debilitating injury. A felony. 1.2. Kidnapping 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse, and inflicts harm unto them or endangers their life. A felony. 1.3. Ransoming An act by which an individual restrains and carries away another party without their consent or a lawful excuse, with intent to sell or exchange them off. A felony. 1.4. Mayhem 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a superficial level. A misdemeanour. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a noticeable degree, but does not severely impair the injured party’s physical ability to live accordingly. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual brings about the unlawful mutilation or disfigurement of another, to a noticeable degree, and severely impairs the injured party’s physical ability to live accordingly. A felony. 1.5. Defamation 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual unjustly spreads false information with or without the intent to harm another party’s reputation. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual unjustly spreads false information with the intent to harm another party’s reputation, through the usage of informative apparatus such as written material and/or public gatherings. A misdemeanour. 1.6. Attempted Murder An act by which an individual attempts to commit or plans an unlawful act of violence with the intent to cause the death of another. A felony. 1.7. Murder 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual commits an unlawful act of violence, without premeditation, that leads to the death of another. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual commits an unlawful act of violence, with premeditation, that leads to the death of another. A felony. 1.8. Manslaughter 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual unintentionally, as a result of negligence, causes the unlawful death of another, thus classifying it as involuntary. A misdemeanour. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual intentionally, as a result of momentary passion or emotional disturbance, causes the unlawful death of another, thus classifying it as voluntary. A felony. 1.9. Blackmail & Extortion An act by which an individual attempts to obtain something, often of material gain, via the usage of threats or unlawful force. A misdemeanour. 1.10. Medical Malpractice & Negligence 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in minimal damage or short-term impairment. An infraction. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in severe damage or long-term impairment. A misdemeanour. Upon review, said individual may also be deemed forbidden to practise medicine within the realm of Elvenesse. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual willfully denies effective care to a patient, resulting in death. A felony. Upon review, said individual may also be deemed forbidden to practise medicine within the realm of Elvenesse. 1.11. Impersonation An act by which an individual fraudulently masquerades as someone they are not, either to gain an advantage or to cause disadvantage to someone else. A misdemeanour. Article II: Crimes Against Property 2.1. Theft 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual dishonestly appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, in repeated or multiple instances, dishonestly appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. A misdemeanour. 2.2. Robbery An act by which an individual, through the usage of force, appropriates the property belonging to another party with the intention to permanently deprive them of it. A felony. 2.3. Vandalism 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, damages public or private property, to a minor or moderate degree. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, damages public or private property, to a significant degree. A misdemeanour. 2.4. Trespassing An act by which an individual intrudes upon another’s property, without permission, or an area or place they’re officially barred from entering. An infraction. 2.5. Injury to a Pet An act by which an individual intentionally inflicts significant harm unto or kills an animal or livestock belonging to another. An infraction. 2.6. Criminal Damage 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, alters, damages or destroys an item, determined to be of minor or moderate value, belonging to another. An infraction. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual, recklessly or intentionally, alters, damages or destroys an item, determined to be of greater value, belonging to another. A misdemeanour. 2.7. Poaching An act by which an individual, not recognised as a lawful citizen, recklessly or intentionally hunts a wild animal on land within the sovereign borders of the Princedom of Elvenesse. An infraction. Article III: Crimes Against Morality 3.1. Adultery An act by which an individual commits an act of infidelity and proves to be unfaithful to their lawful partner. An infraction. 3.2. Child Abuse & Neglect An act by which an individual is deemed to have utilised excessive and unlawful force against a child, or subjected them to unlawful mistreatment, specifically below the age of eighteen (Civil Law - 1.6). A misdemeanour. In addition, wherever abuse or neglect are deemed by the Crown to have been extreme, a restraining order may be enacted. 3.3. Slavery An act by which an individual partakes in the unlawful sale, purchase, hiring or active condonation of the immoral slave trade. A felony. 3.4. Molestation An act by which an individual commits a moral violation via pursuing a relationship with, and thus taking advantage of, another deemed incapable of consent or under age (Civil Law - 3.3). A misdemeanour. 3.5. Interracial Relationships & Breeding An act by which an individual engages in a relationship with one of another race, or willingly sires children of a mixed racial-heritage. A misdemeanour. However, this clause does not apply to the union of subraces of the same race. Article IV: Crimes Against Justice 4.1. Bribery An act by which an individual attempts to pervert the course of justice via paying off a public official or servant of the Crown. A felony. Furthermore, any public official or servant of the Crown who accepts such a bribe shall be held accountable and subject to the same punishment. 4.2. Contempt An act by which an individual proves to be disobedient or disrespectful to officers of the law, observed in behaviour that opposes or undermines the authority, justice and dignity of the judicial process. A misdemeanour. 4.3. Tampering of Evidence An act by which an individual alters, conceals, falsifies or destroys evidence with intent to interfere with a lawful investigation or the judicial process. A misdemeanour. 4.4. Obstruction An act by which an individual attempts to pervert the course of justice via interfering with the lawful duty of the guard or the judiciary. This includes resisting arrest. An infraction. 4.5. Perjury An act by which an individual is found to have willingly lied or made a misrepresentation of events, before the judiciary, whilst under oath. An infraction. 4.6. Recidivism Where an individual is found to be a repeat offender, upon review of their immediate and past actions, the sentence may be raised to a greater severity by the judiciary. However, this does not apply to the category of Treason, of which can only be passed if the article so details it is eligible. 4.7. Vigilantism An act by which an individual intentionally attempts to apprehend, convict and punish another without the proper legal authority. A misdemeanour. Article V: Crimes Against the Crown 5.1. Unauthorised Disclosure 3rd Degree: An act by which an individual leaks classified information, pertaining to the integrity of the Crown and Government, to another without clearance. A misdemeanour. 2nd Degree: An act by which an individual leaks classified information of a highly sensitive nature, pertaining to the integrity of the Crown and Government, to another without clearance. A felony. 1st Degree: An act by which an individual leaks any form of classified information, with the intention to undermine the integrity of the Crown and Government, to malicious entities or known enemies of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Treason. 5.2. Insurrection An act by which an individual attempts to wage open rebellion against the Crown and its apparatus, or seeks the destruction of the Crown and Government via the usage of unlawful violence and coercive force. Treason. 5.3. Sedition An act by which an individual attempts to incite rebellion, hostility and disaffection towards the Crown and Government via subversive behaviour or conspiracy. Treason. 5.4. Collusion An act by which an individual attempts to undermine the Crown and Government via willingly and actively cooperating with malicious entities or known enemies of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Treason. 5.5. Assassination An act by which an individual makes an attempt on the life of a member of government or the sovereign themselves. This further encompasses the act of regicide, under which the recognised family of the sovereign shall also be categorised. Treason. 5.6. Piracy An act by which an individual takes part in any of the following: The unlawful attempt to board, damage, destroy, seize assets from or harm the crew of a seaworthy vessel. A felony. 5.7. Unauthorised Formation of a Militia An act by which an individual establishes an armed militia or paramilitary organisation without the authorisation of the Crown and Government. A misdemeanour. 5.8. Desertion An act by which an individual unlawfully abandons his post and duty within the military apparatus. A felony. Article VI: Crimes Against the Faith 6.1. Blasphemy An act by which an individual speaks sacrilegiously of the Faith or things considered sacred to the Faith. An infraction. 6.2. Desecration An act by which an individual violates the sanctity of religious sites or objects via violent damage or disrespect. A misdemeanour. 6.3. Obstruction of Worship An act by which an individual intentionally obstructs the lawful worship of another or group whose religion is granted sanctuary within the Princedom of Elvenesse. An infraction. 6.4. Heresy An act by which an individual participates in the practise of prohibited religions (e.g. Xionism) or reverence of dark forces. A felony. Article VII: Magic & the Supernatural 7.1. Voidal Magic The practise or instruction of any magecraft which draws upon the void is prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Practitioners who are found to be actively utilising or teaching said arts are in contempt of this ruling. A misdemeanour. However, an exception to its usage can be made in the event an individual is granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government. 7.2. Dark Magic The practise or instruction of any magecraft which draws upon either a dark or corrupt source is fiercely prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Those who are found to be practitioners, or teaching said arts shall be judged an immediate danger to society. A felony. 7.3. Constructs & Creatures Constructs or creatures conceived out of non-prohibited magical arts or natural means, provided they are not deemed a danger to the populace, are to be granted safe passage throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. However, if their will is bound to an individual, and the construct or creature should become rampant, then the master of said construct shall be considered liable for whatever damages occur. 7.4. Magical Artefacts The ownership and usage of magical artefacts is permitted, provided they are not drawing upon magecraft which is prohibited throughout the Princedom of Elvenesse. Those found to possess items of said description, without having been granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government, shall be tried effectively as practitioners. CIVIL LAW Article I: Identification 1.1. Personhood Living entities counted among the four descendant races (elves, dwarves, humans, orcs, etc.), including half-breeds, are officially recognised as persons and are thus entitled to universal rights. 1.2. Non-Descendants Living entities not counted among the four descendant races, but deemed capable of sentience and reason, and conceived via natural means, may be entitled to universal rights, provided they are granted a lawful permit via the Crown and Government. However, this does not qualify as personhood. 1.3. Citizenship An individual recognised as a person shall be deemed a citizen of the realm under following clauses: Born to citizens, either a mother or father, of the Princedom of Elvenesse. Granted citizenship under the lawful authority of the Crown and Government. 1.4. Foreigners An individual recognised as a person originating from outside the realm shall be deemed a foreign visitor. Unless provisions (decree, pact, treaty, etc.) state otherwise, they are not entitled to the same domestic rights as citizens of the Princedom of Elvenesse. 1.5. Revocation of Citizenship An individual’s citizenship or sanctuary may be revoked by lawful decree of the Crown and Government. 1.6. Maturity An individual is deemed to have reached physical maturity at the age of eighteen and thus partial-adulthood. However, it is not until reaching the age of fifty that said individual is considered a true adult. Article II: Contracts & Labour 2.1. Formation The first requisite of a lawful contract is that the involved parties should have reached an agreement, legitimised in adhering to the following principles: An offer, via words or conduct, to contract on specified terms, is required with the clear intention that it is to be legally binding once accepted by the party to whom it is addressed. A final expression of assent, via words or conduct, is required by the recipient in reply to the proponent’s offer. It must be accepted in accordance with the precise terms of said offer if it is to form an agreement. Said agreement is the basis of the contract, but not sufficient in itself to create legal obligations. A consideration from the proponent is required in order to make the promised agreement enforceable as a contract. However, whilst said consideration must prove sufficient and be provided by the promisee, it need not move to the promisor. Rather, the terms may entail that the promisor give something up, or that a third party receives at their request. 2.2. Contents Should the legality of the contents within a contract be called into question, the terms can be assessed within the following categories: Express terms and Implied terms. Express terms are ones that the involved parties have set out in their agreement, either written or verbal. They must be interpreted objectively, on the basis of what a reasonable person in the position of the parties would have understood the words to mean. Where a contract has been put in writing, there is a presumption said piece was intended to include all the agreed express terms. In this case, neither party can rely on extrinsic evidence of terms alleged to have been agreed, though it is admissible if the document wasn’t intended to contain all valid details. A contract may contain terms which are not expressly stated but are instead implied, either because the parties intended this, or by operation of law, or by custom or usage. The validity of said implications can be determined via such concepts as necessity, principle, efficacy and obviousness. 2.3. Termination In the event one party is undermined by a breach of the contract, they have the lawful right to be released from their obligations to perform as a result of another party’s defective or non- performance, arising within the following situations: Where a party repudiates the terms of the contract and absolutely refuses to perform according to the set standards. Where a party renders completion of the contract impossible due to disabling himself so as to not perform. Where a party fails to perform substantially and thus deprives the party of what he bargained for, according to the agreement set within the contract. 2.4. Damages Should one party be substantially deprived of what they bargained for, according to the agreement set within the contract, then they have the right to seek compensation. Said income is determined by the value of those losses, interpreted and granted by the Judiciary. Article III: Domestic Relations 3.1. Marriage A sacred union between two individuals as partners in a personal relationship, legitimised under the authority of either the Crown or the Faith. 3.2. Divorce A procedure through which a married couple legally separate, resolved under the supervision of the judiciary, with the respective items belonging to both parties restored to their rightful owners and shared items fairly distributed. Said process is to be approved under the following circumstances: When both parties, under a mutual consensus, choose to separate. When an individual has evidently been proven unfaithful and found to have broken their matrimonial vows through an act of infidelity (Criminal Law - 3.1). When an individual has evidently been proven abusive or neglectful to their partner within the relationship. In addition, wherever abuse or neglect are deemed by the Crown to have been extreme, a restraining order may be enacted. When an individual has evidently been lawfully prosecuted for criminal activity. When the Crown declares the marriage, in consultation with the Faith, to be unlawful. 3.3. Age of Consent The lawful age of consent is considered to be whenever an individual reaches the age of eighteen, the age of physical maturity (Civil Law - 1.6). However, in acknowledging the customary adulthood of elves, no individual below the age of fifty may engage in romantic relations with another more than ten years older than themselves. 3.4. Inheritance The endowment of private property and hereditary titles shall be determined and validated according to the following provisions: Inheritance is determined by the will of the testator, or alternatively by the customs of a house, seed or family. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to children conceived within wedlock, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to the direct siblings, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to the parents. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance passes to children conceived outside of wedlock, descending from eldest to youngest. If the above isn’t applicable, inheritance shall be determined and distributed via a settlement reached by the Judiciary. JUDICIAL LAW Article I: Legal Procedure 1.1. Magistrates The following parties are considered qualified for sitting as the judge of a proceeding trial: The High Prince of Elvenesse. An exarch of the Judiciary. 1.2. Witnesses An individual recognised as a person under the law is eligible to stand as a witness within the judicial process (Civil Law - 1.1). 1.3. Houses & Seeds In the event a member of a recognised House or Seed should face trial, the established leader of said body must first be notified prior to the initiation of the judicial process. Furthermore, it is within said leader’s right to represent their household, without obstruction, before the Judiciary. 1.4. Representation An individual, entitled to due process, has the right to elect another to represent them before the Judiciary. However, said representative is verified at the discretion of the sitting exarch. 1.5. Evidence All applicable evidence must be presented at the initiation of the trial to the sitting exarch. New evidence may be brought to light throughout the process, provided all parties are well informed prior and given adequate time to respond. 1.6. Dismissal An individual, as an injured party, mid-process, holds the right to dismiss a charge they hold against an accused party should the referenced crime only amount to an infraction. 1.7. Repeat Offences An individual recognised as a repeat offender may be subject to greater penalty, should the sitting exarch deem it appropriate. However, a repeat offence of a may not be reclassified as treason. 1.8. Royal Pardon An individual, by formal decree of the sovereign, may be lawfully acquitted from any crime or judgment. Article II: Legal Defences 2.1. Duress When an individual commits a crime as a result of violence, threat or coercion, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.2. Entrapment When an individual is lured or tricked into committing a crime, in order to secure their prosecution, they will not be considered liable for said crime. 2.3. Infancy When an individual commits a crime whilst below the age of twelve, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.4. Self-Defence When an individual commits a crime under the necessity of defending one’s self, family and landed property, they will not be considered liable for said crime. 2.5. Consensual Risk of Harm When an individual, with premeditation, places or consents to putting themselves in a position of risk or harm, they may not hold another party liable. 2.6. Provocation When an individual commits a crime due to a temporary lapse of judgement, often brought invoked via threat or coercion, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.7. Necessity When an individual commits a crime due to compelling circumstances, as a last resort, in order to prevent further harm, they may not be considered liable for said crime and thus may be acquitted or find their sentence reduced. 2.8. Immunity When a public official, acting within the confines of their lawful duty and conduct, commits a crime, they will not be considered liable for said crime. Article III: The Offence Infraction A crime of minor severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 50 minas. Misdemeanour A crime of middling severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 100 minas, a banishment of up to an elven week, up to twenty lashes, or the loss of one’s ring finger. Felony A crime of serious severity, warranting the following punishment(s): a monetary fine of up to 300 minas, a banishment of up to a lifetime, dismemberment, or execution. Treason A crime of utmost severity. The punishment dealt unto the guilty party is, without exception, either banishment for life with dismemberment, or execution. Article IV: Execution The following forms of capital punishment are to be considered lawful applications: Beheading at the chopping block. Beheading by guillotine. Hanging by the neck. Volley by archery squad. ADMINISTRATIVE LAW Article I: The Apparatus 1.1. Head of State The High Prince or Princess, the sovereign of the Princedom of Elvenesse, a scion of Sylvaen Everflame. They wield absolute authority in governing the state and populace. 1.2. Crown Council One of the bicameral governing councils, comprised of the following members: The Lord Diplomat; responsible for foreign affairs, appointed by the sovereign. The Lord Marshal; responsible for military mobilisation, appointed by the sovereign. The Lord Exarch; a representative of the judiciary, appointed by the sovereign. 1.3. Domestic Council One of the bicameral governing councils, comprised of the following members: The Citizen’s Warden; responsible for home affairs and the stewards, appointed by the sovereign. The High Priest(ess); a representative of the Wild Faith, elected by the priesthood. The Seasonal Raithean; a representative of the Father Circle, elected by the drudic order. 1.4. Omentahu A mechanism in which the attending populace may question the Government and vote on legislative decisions. Managed and overseen by its chair, appointed by the sovereign. Article II: Governance 2.1. Legislation & Amendments Proposed legislation or amendments to the law are to be discussed and scrutinized by the bicameral councils in joint session. A majority vote in favour is required for the proposal to be passed as an Act of Government. 2.2. Royal Assent Any Act of Government must first receive royal assent before it officially passes into law, else it shall not be considered legitimate. 2.3. Royal Decree The sovereign maintains the right to pass a piece of legislation or an amendment into law via decree. Article III: Checks & Balances 3.1. Separation of Powers Each councillor presides over a specific area of expertise and delegated responsibilities. To administer beyond this sphere of influence without royal authorization is to be considered an illegitimate exercise of authority. 3.2. Impeachment A process by which the bicameral councils, in joint session, press charges against a government official. Said process is to be exercised as follows: A councillor may move to impeach an official, presenting both the charges and sufficient evidence to the chamber. Following a statement from both the accusing and accused parties, the joint session will decide by majority vote on whether or not to proceed with the impeachment process. The accused party will be suspended from voting. Should a majority vote in favour pass, the proceedings shall be brought before the sovereign, who shall act as the judge. The accused party is entitled to due process. If determined guilty of the presented charges, said official shall henceforth be stripped of their position, authority and associated titles. They will not be permitted to sit within the government again without a royal pardon. 3.3. Council Reshuffles The sovereign maintains the right to reshuffle appointed positions on the bicameral councils. Elected officials are to be installed at the discretion of their respective organisations, although they may still be removed from office on sufficient grounds (illegal activities, etc.).
  17. Decree of Banishment Seed. 12th of the Sun’s Smile, 1794 ~ Overview ~ Until subsequent review, with reprieve and exemptions only to be granted under the authority of the Crown and government, the following parties are hereby banished from the Princedom of Elvenesse and all the lands encompassed within its dominion: The Clan of Ireheart The Hanged Men Those found to be in contempt of this ruling are to submit themselves to escort and removal from the land encompassing the Princedom of Elvenesse. Refusal to do so shall be deemed an act of open hostility and met with a sufficient display of lawful force. ~ Rationale ~ - The unlawful attempt to seize Laetranis Tahorran and members of the Seed of Ilathdyn from their homeland; a violation of the Princedom of Elvenesse’s sovereign right to govern and protect its citizenry, as well as an act in contempt of an entry within the sacred Book of Grudges, said detail provided by the High Prophet, Norli Starbreaker. - Multiple instances of attempted raids, enacted and condoned by those affiliated with Clan Ireheart and the Hanged Men, upon the Citadel of Aegrothond and the Glade of Siramenor. Witnessed by active combatants, civilians and multiple third parties. Furthermore, this is also considered to be an act in contempt of an entry within the sacred Book of Grudges, said detail provided by the High Prophet, Norli Starbreaker. - Open and signed declarations of an aggressive nature, declaring an intent to harm, oppress, pillage, maim and murder the inhabitants of the Princedom of Elvenesse. ~ Citations ~ Signed, His Royal Highness, Fëanor of Mar’lin Sylvaeri, Sea Prince of Elvenesse His Lordship, Olórin of Mar’lin Telemnar, Councillor of Elvenesse
  18. (Colorized, a soldier of Elvenesse standing against the demon Sultan M’ag’nus C’arne. Circa 1792.) [!]A letter finds it’s way throughout the land of Arcas. For anyone who cared to read. Operation Red Dawn. The 11th of Malin’s Welcome, 1792. From the office of the Prince of Elvenesse Feanor Sylvaeri. “Let it be known now, the demonic “Sultan” known as M’ag’nus C’arne was slain in combat by soldiers of Elvenesse. Led by the Sea Prince Feanor Sylvaeri himself, M’ag’nus was caught hiding within an abandoned forge near the borders of Elvenesse. To which he was swiftly dealt with and killed. The hammer which the demon carried was proven to NOT be that of the “Hammer of Urguan”, but instead a fake which chipped upon a final blow. Throughout the land, the combined forces should rejoice in the fact that a great evil has been slain this day. A mighty endeavor to rid the land of the otherworldly invaders. Take this moment to heart, for the men and women of our great descendant races have truly displayed valor, honor, and courage in these theaters of battle. Let it be known, that M’ag’nus C’arne is dead.” Duly signed, Aesilnoth Tundrak. Signed in absentia, His royal eminence the Sea Prince, Feanor Sylvaeri. Crown Prince for the Realm of Elvenesse.
  19. SUNDERED ELVES I. Origin + History [Sorry can’t make this two separate sections you’ll see why] Ancient History | The First Phase [This is the same as the past lore.] Part I: The Experiment The tale of the Mali’fenn begins with the schismatic war of the ancient Elcihi’thilln of the High Elves, or the Silver City. The untouched visage of the would-be ruler of the Mali'aheral, Lomal, after the inferno died around him during his trial by fire had stunned the many Mali’thilln of the Silver Hall, among them a young researcher named Aelthos Thuln’diraar and those of his laboratory. They stood then as he called for followers, a fire sparked in their hearts by the claims of elevation and destiny, and joined Lomal. They would be among the first of the Elsil’Parir, the Swords of the Harbinger, the flock of their prophet. As Lomal, who now called himself the Elannil’Ilum, chose Aelthos to be among the first to ascend the steps to his word altar and change his form, Aelthos would continue his research in a spectacular way - to ask for a change akin to that of the Golden Pools that their parents and grandparents had bathed in centuries before. Instead of gaining the fantastical form of a half-animal, and instead of gaining vast magical resistances, he would seek his version of the completion of maehr’sae hiylun’ehya - to become what he would call thill’al, purity complete. Physically his ears shortened and became more triangular as the hair around it bleached to a snow-white color. His eyes became a bright silver, and his skin paled to just more than that of a ghost. His muscles became more pronounced, his arms toned and hands dextrous, and his height shortened to an even six feet. He, however, would not take up any of the truly transformative properties that many other Elsil’Parir had chosen to take as he saw himself as the embodiment of physical perfection. His experiment, then, was to question whether the use of the word altar would fundamentally change them, and to do so he would enlist his laboratory. His researchers, scientists, the sparse few mages of the laboratory, and their families would gather at the altar one day and Lomal would change them one by one, granting them all nearly the same changes as Aelthos before them, with slight individual modifications of eye and hair color. Some had eyes a deep amethyst color, while others chose hair a pale blonde color instead of white. He saw them as family, then, and they tested themselves and each other. Part II: Purity They would, however, soon be forgotten by Lomal for those he had changed into more exotic and powerful forms, and by Larihei’s folk for their lack of connection to Lomal thereafter. Indeed, though originally entranced by their new forms, the lack of change during the stagnated conflict left Aelthos disillusioned, and whilst he had thrown in his proverbial lot with the Elsil’Parir, his people wished to return to their cousins and their purpose of forging their own destiny. He would, late in one Snow’s Maiden night, send a message across the wall asking for return. Months later, they would enact their plan on the third night of what would be called the Ball of the Century. As Lomal hosted perhaps the most grand ball the Silver City had ever seen, with magical displays far beyond that which had come before, Aelthos and his band stole away across the wards of the great wall put up to protect Larihei’s people from Lomal’s, assisted by those of Larihei’s followers that had been trying to undermine Lomal’s influence. They found themselves quickly isolated, however, as many of those that had once been their friends now declared their forms impure. Those that sought to join them thereafter were a tenth of the number that had applied previously to the once-prestigious laboratory, and indeed they found themselves to be a different definition of pure than their brethren. While they had set themselves back on the path of progress as they had once known it, peace would not come to them easily. When Larihei called upon Lomal for a final debate and shot in front of their many followers, and when Lomal’s supporters then broke through great wall’s wards, they fled with their brethren. They fled through Tahn’s great plains and ancient wilderness, and when they came across the portal, they too trusted in the missing Larihei and jumped into the portal. Part III: Ice When they found themselves deep in the Aegisian wilderness, they wandered separately from the many that would later assimilate into Laurelin. Instead, they would find themselves in the deep North, far past the future location of the Human city of Winterfell, where their changed bodies would not be called a curse by their cousins. Here they found that they had indeed lost some of what had once made them Mali’aheral - their eyes had only flecks of the deposits once vibrantly glowing within, and their search for health halted as soon as they had become accustomed to their "perfected" bodies. Instead they sought to defend themselves from the constant ringing within minds, the effects of the loss of the word altar. For decades, the men and women of the laboratory tested everything they could, subjecting themselves to intense training and work to delay what had taken the minds of their weakest. Indeed, deep in Aegis’ northern tundras, Aelthos seemed to be the only truly sane one of them. For this reason, they would not scout far past their frozen laboratory until the advent of Iblees, which forced them to flee south and into the Verge with the rest of the Descendants. In Asulon, too, they searched for a cure for decades with little luck before the continent was destroyed in fire and flood. Aelthos, while a good leader and smart in coupling his people, knew he would not be able to hold their new curse at bay for long. He had slowly found himself less in control, and while the changes of the word altar on him were small, he had still accepted Lomal's changes those many years go. Though outwardly he was still the same grand leader his people had always seen, he felt the lack of the altar eating at the edges of his mind. For Aelthos, though, he most cherished and cared about his young and growing son. When his son showed to be under the same mental strain as he, Aelthos knew finally that for their survival they must leave their laboratory. To find a cure for his son and his kin, Aelthos and his two original laboratory managers searched Anthos far and wide before finally standing at a frozen, bright blue lake far beyond the Wall that mirrored what had once kept them from being true High Elves. They had travelled for years, and their wills were all but broken by their lack of success. Their last lead had brought them to this lake, but they’d found it to be devoid of even the slightest lead. Here, as a tribe of mutated Bohra began to surround the group, they finally collapsed. Aelthos, for the third time in his life after his change at the altar and leap into the portal, placed his life in the hands of a greater being than he. Here, despairing for his son and their family’s fates, he prayed for salvation. Part IV: Fenn Whether by luck or by the will of a higher being, they were saved that day. As the Bohra closed in, the mountains framing the valley trembled and shook as great sheets of white thundered down around them, annihilating the small army of Bohra that had surrounded them and subsiding enough by the time it reached them to only push them onto the ice covering the lake. Also, perhaps because he sensed the avalanche, or perhaps of sheer luck in passing, Wyrvun, the Aengudaemon that had once fallen to corruption, learned of their survival, their drive in searching for sanity. Delving into Aelthos' half-mad mind, he pressed himself in a vision to Aelthos, delivering a verdict - bind himself to the Lord of the Deep Cold and have his people returned to sanity, or condemn all that had followed him those many years ago to the continuation of the painful spiral they had endured. Aelthos made up his mind in a heartbeat, and the effects were felt the next. When they returned to their laboratory, they were welcomed with great fanfare. To their new savior, Wyrvun, they dedicated shrines, temples, even their laboratory to him, renaming it to Fenn for the crystalline sheet that had covered the lake, saving Aelthos' group from death by Bohra or avalanche. They so truly followed their new lord that they took to calling themselves Mali’fenn, and neither Wyrvun nor Aelthos would stop them. Those joyous times, however, would not last. Only three years later, Aelthos would pass in his sleep. He was given a grand funeral, with a display of magic and people none of them had seen since Elcihi. It, however, raised the question of who would be the next head of those of the Deep Cold. Thill’al, that notion which had separated them originally from the other Mali’aheral of the city, gave their answer - his son, he who had inherited his father’s silver eyes and “perfected” features. There could be no other. They were a new people, then, with large numbers and a new leader. Aelthos II, whose original name is now lost to time, declared Fenn a Princedom in honor of Malin, only true king of the Elves. He became Grand Prince, for he was declared thill’onn, born of purity. His people, some now exhibiting the traits of those who had joined later rather than those created, worked to make their newfound Princedom their pride, and Aelthos II would open the Princedom to the outside world. Modern History | The Second Phase [This is a quick recap of events since the race began play] The Snow Elves’ entry into the world at large, however, was not met with the fanfare Aelthos II perhaps expected. Instead, what awaited them was the grim reality of the Fringe’s early years. In an attempt to stabilize the human realms, the Snow Elves were turned into scapegoats, blamed for their problems, and executed en masse. The few that survived fled to the far corners of the world, and the Princedom collapsed. When, half a century later, they began to coalesce once more, again they were purged - this time a matter of principle rather than politics. So began a cycle that would last until the end of the Fifth Empire, when a Tundrak warlord would help lead a coalition to collapse that beacon of human dominance. Upon that change, the Princedom began a long, relatively uninterrupted existence of isolated peace. Eventually, however, that Princedom too would see its end - not by the wars of the past centuries that had inflicted so much horror upon their small world, but to the inevitable decay that all Elven societies eventually face, that of declining population emptying their splendorous cities. The Sundering | The Third Phase [The New Stuff] The decline of Elven societies that caused the fall of such polities as Vira’ker and the earliest iterations of Haelun’or, however, would not have the same fallout as the slow death of Fenn, for a simple reason - the curse of the Snow Elves had always been compounded as compared to those of their brethren. The Snow Elves had once been High Elves, after all, before their alterations at the Word Altar - and, had it not been for the timely intervention of a higher power, would never have survived to the modern era. They, for a millenia, strictly followed the teachings of their founders, laying prayers and worship at the altars of Wyrvun, their patron deity. This was the cornerstone of Fennic society, and indeed they were kept safe from unnatural corruptions. Fenn’s decay, however, meant the decay too of their religious systems - in the end, the Grand Prince made a decision to try to improve upon the ways of his forefathers, creating the Idhren’tirn and promoting the worship of six lesser beings, whom they called Facets. The Contract was made tenuous with the addition of these beings, but still it held for a time. The final straw, however, was the reclusion of many Aengudaemonic powers that began in Arcas, among which was Wyrvun - and with it, the bond that had been forged between Aelthos of ancient legend and his god was broken at last. The effects of this were felt immediately - across each Snow Elf’s bodies rippled what was to be called the Event, the aftereffects of the Word Altar finally affected them as it had affected Lomal’s followers so many years ago, their alterations ripping apart their minds and bodies. Yet Tayl’s event had happened in the years of legend - of Larihei and Lomal, even of Horen and Krug. What had once been a major mark upon the altered elves had long degenerated, whether through interbreeding or through time, into less purposeful tendrils of deific magic within their beings. Many would survive the weakened backlash caused by their ancestors’ decadence, though found themselves altered beyond recognition in the aftermath of the collapse of their passed-down alterations. The newly-reborn sons and daughters of the Deep Cold would have to find a path in their new forms, or not at all. II. Description The trademark of Sundered Elves is the effervescent glow of their eyes and hair - shocking, almost radiant shades unnaturally light up their irises, and their hair accented by luminous highlights. Their eyes themselves can be so altered, in fact, that the entirety of the eye is a single color, appearing almost as a glowing orb. Their bodily makeup too is changed - where once their skin was pale, now it is nearly translucent, and beneath their skin the pulsing of blood in blue veins can be easily tracked by their dull glow. The appearances of their forefathers, however, is not truly lost - their eyes range in the same colors as previous, from whites, to electric blues, to deep amethyst, and everything in between. The glow in their hair matches, though now their hair’s natural colors are limited purely to the whites they were so known for. Thin frames, though not quite so thin as their High Elven ilk, are the norm of the Sundered Elves, their average limits capped by the Event. Normal heights, too, are reduced - 5’6” remains the floor, but none grow taller than 6’1”. Another key alteration, however, is the appearance of Quirks – that is, physical manifestations in some part caused by the ripples of the backlash. These can come in any number of forms – from unique coloration (think birthmarks) on the skin, perhaps vaguely resembling animals, as the Word Altar was so often used to mark Lomal’s followers – to ingrowth of a patch feathers, to warped or misshapen bone or facial structure. This is not enforced for use, and is not allowed to be used for any mechanical benefit. Quirks vary throughout the Sundered Elves, but rarely is it completely different from parent to child – if a parent has a quirk, for instance, it’s likely that if the child has one, it’ll be similar in some degree. Mental inadequacies can also be passed down among Sundered Elves, a remnant of the mental deficiencies once rampant among their population. It is encouraged, but not enforced, that if a parent is afflicted with something, the child also rp as having that same affliction. These can stack as well. III. Culture https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/forum/682-princedom-of-fenn/ I’d set up a potential new cultural doctrine for Sundered Elves, but as there is currently an established playerbase (though it’s somewhat inactive atm), their culture will be the moving-forward culture for this new phase. IV. Abilities They get to look cool. Their eyes and hair glow in the dark. 4 block radius. Obviously not through walls. Not useful against any magics or creatures. Just for seeing, I guess. They can see well in the dark. V. General Red Lines -All Sundered Elves are full-on lunatics by the age of 500. Please think of it like this - imagine an old man, say in his early nineties. His friends from youth, from college, maybe from the military - they’re likely all dead. If his wife isn’t dead, she’ll die soon, and he knows it. What he remembers of the past, if he remembers it, is faded. Now, take this imaginary old person, and imagine them living twice as long. Then double that. -No different-colored eyes. -No multicolored eyes. -No gigantism, no dwarfism. -No deity magic. The tendrils left behind by Tayl’s Altar still affect them to some degree, preventing connections to other Aengudaemons or their powers. -No dark magic. The self-sacrificial nature of dark magic would rip them apart. -Voidal magic is ok. -Quirks (Defined in Description) may not be used for any mechanical or crp or pvp benefit whatsoever – they are meant to be a unique aspect of the character, but cannot be used for anything useful. -IMPORTANT SIDENOTE: All current Snow Elves will be given the opportunity to choose between becoming a Sundered Elf or reverting to High Elves upon this lore’s acceptance. This is to let magic-mongers keep their stuff if they’d like without really altering their characters, and the rest of us get to be Sundered Elves. Win/win. VI. Purpose [OOC] I’ve been hearing for about two years now that people are planning on rewriting the Snow Elf lore into something less janky and more unique. It’s true - my original lore was essentially planned out in such a way as to scrape by and make it in through the rules at the time, because the group had been trying to become a subrace for four years at that point and it had gone nowhere. It was more of a desperation play than anything else, and it was a measure of the times - change and unique rp was generally shot down as special snowflake (even though, ironically, we’re on a fantasy minecraft server), and complaints included but were not limited to the fact that many of us had been human players, that the dark elves were still weak, and that we weren’t incredibly different from High Elves. Well, they never rewrote it, so here’s me doing it for them. VII. Citations owo what’s this? a link to the past snelf lore? omg who wrote it? Me. I wrote the original Snow Elf lore. This whole thing was a giant ego-stroking maneuver. Accept it please, so that there’s also physical differences between this subrace and High Elves. Credits to @Junar for telling me deal, and to @Gladuos for telling me to do it.
  20. Hereupon came midnight, Dominus Grishnaakh’Raguk having awoken from the midst of a slumber, of which he struggled to slip deeply into, similarly so to previous nights. Rising back unto his feet, the elf looked up to the stars, that glimmered a white hue through his tired eyes. This night was no different from that of the night he’d spoken with Phaedrus; just as tiresome and dull as such. The air, which took a deep hue of grey, was more akin to the hue of a bayou, just as murky and heavy. In a struggled attempt to reconnect with his troubled thoughts, Grishnaakh returned from whence he usually strung about; the bottom level of the shaman’s den. Drapes and vines swept across the surface of his long locks of blonde, glare of several torches appearing in the mint green of his beady eyes. The heat, having scalded upon his, now dried, branding of Skalp’Raguk manifesting a throbbing pain upon his flesh. T’was then that it came to him, Skalp’Raguk. A name he knew much of, but seldom heard of since beyond yesteryear; many, many moons beyond. But alas, to Grishnaakh, himself, there was, and will nay ever exist true death, only a change of worlds. And hereupon, so began the elf’s first journey into the Ancestral Realm, since that of Phaedrus’Yar, the Honourary Rex to his own Rexdom during Athera. The Lutauman sat at a rug, reaching into his pockets for a pipe of maple, of which’d previously been imbued with a weak strand of Thunderkrug, from whatever much was left from his mentor’s personal storage. With the burning of herbs, the scent of sage lingered through the heavy air, a sweat coming upon Grishnaakh with the eternal burning of the mind-altering flora, a psychedelia therein materialising in his own cerebral plane of thought, and vision. He brought his fists down upon a set of alligator drums, of which he’d harvested and crafted on his own, the pelt of the poor creature tearing and grating across his long nails with every beat of his free hand against its weak surface. Boom, the drum went, seemingly in unison with the thumping of the Raguk’s heartbeat, the ringing of his ear serving as an instrumental to such. And therein, the chanting began. “Lok Stargûsh-hai agh Kor; gothûrz, dûrburz Kor, ob amut taargus-izg.” He began to chant, either eyelids coming to a close with the beating of the drums. “Thrak-izg taar-thu, krum botlab-û urzkû, agh gaakh-izg irz-tuk mâdûrz.” Slowly so, the elf’s eyelids grew heavier, and heavier with the increasingly loud beating of the drums, the tiresome feeling having come upon him later than he’d anticipated it, earlier upon his day, when the night was still young and prosperous, and when clouds still wafted through the unwavering boredom of the sky high o’er heather. And, as it did the time prior, a near translucent aura manifested under the roof of the shaman’s den, embellishing the air surrounding himself at a slowed pace, however surely so. He’d grown familiar to this sensation, if he remained awake to watch as it managed in a calm struggle, and had grown to a liking of such a manifestation. A tether pulled at him therein, tying back at his stoic form, as a metaphysical noose would, like a burden, the beating of the drums coming to a halt promptly. Grishnaakh’Raguk succumbed to the tether. At first, there was nothing, only chaos reigning the domain of his mind, coupled with a backdrop of pure darkness more akin to onyx than much else. With a blink of an eye, he regained sight; with the thundering of storm clouds beyond, he began to hear; and, with the cool breeze hitting against his face mercilessly, he began to feel. For, as he did one previous time, the Raguk had walked, and did such beyond his own realm of existence. Emerald fumes rose from the ground below himself, that of Gundâr Broshan, cracks in the ground mirroring those of the sky which held a dull jet colour to itself. Above, deep grey clouds loomed ominously, a reason for concern amongst those who seldom frequented Stargûsh’Stroh, however a reassuring sign to himself. Before himself stood the Gate of Kor, shackles of unknown origin feeling against the edges of such, as though to represent the nature of death, in and of itself. The orthodoxy of the world he walked most of his days having left him behind, all oddities and obscurities that may have occurred under the sky of the Ancestral Realm retained a mundanity to them, in the eyes of Grishnaakh, for this was only a matter for further appreciation of the spirits. “Lûk-ob Maehr, broshân urzkû.” A simple lantern of aquamarine fry came to be from the obsidian which formed the walls of Doraz agh Kor, a hand of similar tonality materialising in the air before Grishnaakh, bringing itself down near the ground to pick the elf up, raising him beyond the ceiling to the sky. With a flash of a bedazzled grin, the man scanned the lands before himself, managing a glance at Turu Dobu Ziimarum through his naïveté, Kor having taken notice of such. “Atîg, lok gothûrz Kor.” He replied gently, gates swinging beyond his view at such, little hesitation therein from Kor. “Hon-tû.” The spirit responded at such, dematerialising into a hazy fog as he motioned for the elf to pass through. And so began Grishnaakh’s walk to the Fields of Many Tranquility, passing through several passages along the way, with cloaked sons and daughters of Krug and Maehr watching the high elf expectantly, as though he were to fulfil something in particular. Finally so, the Dominus arrived at whereupon he’d hoped to go, presumably, passing through the buffalo grass of Turu Dobu Ziimarum until he’d managed to see the blindness of an empty corridor. Seldom prospered much in these halls, which took to a projection of utter silence, and darkness, save for the eternal flickering and crackling of fry before himself. As though an endless spiral, and descent into nothing, the walls before Grishnaakh took nothing but further blindness, if any such was possible at all. There was little space to wander amuck to and from, the elf therefore opting to remain stood upon his own two feet. “I have come a long way for you, o’ honourable Clan Father, Skalp’Raguk.” Grishnaakh’Raguk called out expectantly, in the old tongue, the hollowness of the halls instead returning but his own echo in concurrence to his heed of call. Little else became of this silence, the eternal burning of oak continuing to meander in smell and sound. “Broshan, Grishnaakh.” A voice uttered back apathetically, as though not all too eager nor excited, only bored and dull. “Why have you come here, into my own domain?” Such a voice could only be matched to his own might, Skalp’Raguk the Honourable. “I require your guidance, Skalp. Just last cactus day, I spoke with Phaedrus in a spirit walk, with the same request, and yet-” Grishnaakh’s voice echoed through the entirety of the corridor, if there was any such thing as an ending to the constant darkness to it. “I feel just as lost as I did then.” “Speak then, Grishnaakh.” Skalp’s disembodied voice urged for the elf to continue. “I feel lost, as though I do not even know who I am any longer.” He began, a troubled smirk coming upon his visage, in signifying his distress at such a situation, club of bone gripped tightly within his other hand. “All I have ever done is for the sake of pleasing others. I become other people, for such purposes, and now I do not know who I am.” “Nobody asked for you to do so, Grishnaakh.” Further off, Skalp snickered at such naïveté, as though seeing the silliness in such a remark. “Why should you care for the opinions of others, besides yourself?” The voice spat, continuing along its answer. “**** them. You are your own person, Grishnaakh, and you may so go on to do whatever you wish.” “I see.” Grishnaakh placed a hand at his Adam’s apple in a further understanding of Skalp’s philosophy, an uncertainty therein in his neutral, tentative tone. “Well then, perhaps it was high time I searched for who I truly am.” “You are leaving now?” His voice heeded once more, tongue continually brash through the entirety of the interaction, however not at all in a harmful, nor disrespectful sense. “Well then, go make a ******* shrine for me or.. Something. I didn’t die for people to disturb my rest.” With the uttering of a final chuckle, Grishnaakh bobbed his head in reverence to the spirit, stumbling backwards only once before tripping unto the floor in a hurried crash, therein leaving the silence and crimson of the room behind, as he jolted back awake in a cold sweat, amidst the thick, warm air of the shaman’s den.
  21. Chapter 1 - The Dread War. The history of the Mali’ker, like all elves, begins in a fiery war that consumed the known world. In ancient times, while the four brothers were young, the archdemon Iblees rose to power and sought to bend the mortal realm to his desire. The elves were a distinct race at this time, lithe and pointy-eared, but it would be a long time before they had split. During the great war, the elves were merely the sons and daughters of Malin and had nothing else to their name. As the war progressed, Iblees attacked all fronts, isolating the four brothers. Malin and his children were pushed back to a few strongholds on what would become the isles of Axios. Slowly the war turned back into the favor of the elves. Taynei’Hiylu, the green dragon and ward of Malin pushed away much of the archdemons’ blighted undead army. Taynei was soon sealed away to prevent any risk of the dragaar being corrupted and turned against the forces of the living. The great war had begun for an isolated elven kingdom. Besieged by the forces of the archdemon, a daughter of Malin found herself upon the front-lines of armageddon. Given the name Velulaei, this elf issued commands to an elven legion known as the Maehr. There was no official record of how many dead litter the ancient battlements of Malins’ fallen kingdom. During the days of the great war, thousands lost their lives to drive against the demonic hordes of the archdemon. In a campaign that lasted years, the elven forces pushed forward to drive back the archdemon for another age. Though the great demon left none of the four un-touched. Cursing them each. To Malin, he spoke this. “Malin, I curse you with sterility, you and your kin shall forever lack the children they need. May your forest halls forever be silent, and your hearts heavy with sadness.” The elves had not undergone drastic physical change like the dwarves or the orcs had, but Iblees’ final curse had hit them hard. In the years after the war, many a mother lamented, even took their own life due to having to look into the eyes of their stillborn child. Sorrow ran rampant among the newly long-lived, but infertile elves. However, Malin, the forefather of the elves, pushed on. The war had cost him an extraordinary pupil, a dragaar he had considered his daughter. It had cost him the lives of many of his people. But he would bring his kin into a golden age. The elves- now a long-lived yet infertile people, were his to lead. In this newfound era of peace, on the lands which would become Axios, he would build his kingdom. Chapter 2 - The Maehrs’ plight The isles of Axios, the lands which had once been a fierce battleground against iblees, became Malin’s kingdom. Malin set to building his kingdom. Marvelous cities which would have been alien to the eyes of men and dwarves, great halls hidden deep in the thickest forests, homes which weaved their ways seamlessly into the trees, built perfectly to co-exist with the wild, not replacing it but becoming a part of it. The greatest settlement of Malinor was on the isle of Malin itself, an island named by the forefathers’ children as well. The city built upon this center isle of Axios was more magnificent than any other, though its name has been lost to time. It was there Malin’s throne lay, in the trunk of the eldest elder tree. It was there he ruled his people from. As Malin’s kingdom grew, he became very aware of the fact that he had to take steps to prevent another great war. Already his kingdom had become stale. Joyless. Most of his people died. Larihei had left with her followers shortly after the war’s end. Velulaei spoke to those that remained of the Maehr. Their brothers and sisters died long ago or were gathering their own things. Velulaei offered guidance, away from the lands of Malin. There was nothing left in fields grown with the blood of friends. Veluluai and the Maehr traveled far and wide, finding refuge with the other races were they could upon their long caravans of wagons. With few, remaining where they were. The Maehr drove on, to Arcas a spell. Living among the sons of Krug. Until the interest of Azul, drove the Maehr on boat. To a lone isle beyond the edges of Axios, he heard whispers of something older. Nameless, ancient deities never worshipped or spoken of. Azul followed the whispers. In many ways, it was a wild goose chase. The Maehr sailed down the coast of the ancient isle of Asul until they found what he was looking for. A dense jungle. While it was within the edges of Malin’s domain, the harsh nature of this jungle made it so no elf wished to colonize it, and so it remained primal and wild. The Maehr ventured inside with her guild in tow, hoping to find evidence of this ancient, unspoken of god. Chapter 3 - Curse and Exile "We had heard crashing against the rocks the night before, during the storm. So once the weather calmed, we ventured out to investigate. We found them there, their ship a mess of flotsam, themselves ragged and strewn across the rocky beach. We approached to help them, but then they rose... there was something in their eyes.. something I cannot describe. It gave me the chills. They drew what weapons they had and attacked us. Eleyas and Maia w-were...were cut down. We ran. They chased after us, stormed into our defenseless city where we'd lived for centuries, killed everyone they saw. Some of them didn't have weapons... they just picked up sharp rocks and...and bashed at our skulls." ~A survivor’s account of Veluluai’s insanity driven attack on Vallei’onn Ruins, the massive, rotting carcass of a once-great empire. The Maehr pushed into the heart of the Asul jungle to find the husk of an ancient city. It appeared once to have been made of gold but was now rusted and rotten. Its’ once gleaming, twisting spires and statues now crumbled and fallen. Azul was amazed, as the architecture was certainly not elven, yet also afraid, as he could sense disease and decay in the air. Nevertheless, he pushed on with his mothers followers behind her, into the heart of what had once been a grand palace. Standing in the decay of the great hall, something incredible happened. A great demonic figure stood raised over the ancient throne hall. There was naught but few words exchanged. The demon declared, for their aid in driving the archdemon away, The Maehr would forever be cursed. Red mist engulfed the Maehr, they collapsed to the ground, screaming in pain and clutching their heads as if their souls were being torn from their bodies. When the mist faded away, all of them ran like startled cats. They would run not out of free will, but as if an ancient, deific presence was compelling them to. Their hues had turn ash grays and darker hues. Hair turned bright ivory, their eyes reflecting the gems beneath the earth. Veluluai and her people were shaken beyond belief and quickly boarded their ships to sail back to Tahn. Returning to Malin, gradually the true nature of what had happened to them began to set in. Their minds were no longer their own, they had gone insane. It came in lapses, but the oarsman of Maehr ship lost control of his head, steering into shoals and running the vessel aground. They survived and found they had crashed nearby a coastal town within Malinor. The nature of Veluluai and her followers had changed, the very core of their inhibitions. No longer were they creatures driven by reason and logic, but now by emotion and anger. The Maehr raided and pillaged the coastal town, killing many innocents. They did this not for any logical reason, or any material gain, purely out of the anger and confusion which had been cursed into their hearts. Of course, word reached Malin of what the time was an unheard-of amount of violence between elves. He was devastated, first at the needless loss of life, and second at the fact it had been Veluluai who had done it. Malin took swift action, yet he could not bring himself to execute one of his original daughters, even if it would be the safest option. Malin exiled Veluluai and the Maehr to roam the icy isle of Ceru, never to return to the mainland or dwell among the rest of elf-kind again. Chapter 4 - Birth of Magara’lin The Maehr landed upon the isle of Ceru. Not acclimatized to the icy peaks and rigid pines of the isle, they quickly began to starve and freeze. They formed rudimentary camps and did what they could to survive, eating pinecones and twigs. Veluluai grew desperate. It was already hard for her to control her mind, the curse of the unnamed god she had encountered deep in the Asul jungle had halted her inhibitions. Sometimes she saw some of her people freezing by a campfire, and simply felt the desire to kill them, and she couldn’t think of any reason why that would be wrong. Her mind would reel after when her morals returned to her. The insanity faded with time, leaving a wounded people to re-cooperate from devastation. With their wits finally their own. What remained of the Maehr followed Velulaei into the caverns. To start life on the frozen wastes in a place that could support them. Magara’lin was born. The Mali’ker was truly alive for the first time. Chapter 5 - Era of the Magara’lin Veluluai named her new budding underground kingdom Magaralin. Land of Caverns. Several clans formed during this time. Prominent families who would find themselves in roles of government and leadership in Veluluai’s new kingdom. Among these were Oussana, Des’nox, Ravexi, Klaren, Zanexes, Taloha, Shadeleaf, Nightheart, Ipos, Uuthilini, though all current Mali’ker clans come from the great city. The dark elven population grew over time. Veluluai leads the new Dark Elven nation. Her title was High Primarch and she had a council of three lower Primarchs beneath her to give her counsel. Among them was her lover Uradras, who was the strong arm of Magara'lin, forming the masked Vindicators to keep peace in the cavern streets, and Azul, the gentle bookish son who imparted his knowledge to his mother, just like Veluluai had done for Malin. Culture in Magaralin revolved around worship and academic research. with the Warhawkes finding their ways upon the star observatories that rose from Magara’lin. Beneath and across Ceru shrines to the spirits grew. When the clouds were ever clear, would many early Mali’ker stare out to the night sky above. Another form of faith that had developed- Ancestral veneration. The practice was born from various family clans and spread to the rest of the dark elves. After all, who better to guide your actions than your own family? Your own family from a time before they were cursed. With the guidance of their ancestors the spirits, and celestial bodies above, the Mali’ker knew a bountiful existence. This was not to last. Chapter 6 - Azul’s Ambition “Who are you to claim what is best for us? You, whose actions have brought us nothing but misery. You are why we were forsaken by Malin. You are why we must spend our lives appeasing lessers. YOU, mother, are why we must hide in caves while our cousins forge their own destiny.” “My son, you speak as if I willingly sought out our curse. As if I had any other option than to seek the blessing of the moon mother. I beg you to see sense, our temporal urges are not our nature. They are a burden laid upon us by a malicious god. I implore you, child, do not pursue this dark path. Come back to us.” ~Exchange between Veluluai and Azul As the culture of the dark elves, Veluluai and Magara’lin slowly set into a comfortable rhythm, one mali’ker slowly became more jaded and bitter over time. Azul, the firstborn son of Veluluai and one who sat on the council of Patriarchs, ruled by his mother. Azul was a studious man, he, unlike many dark elves at the time, had been present when the demonic curse had inflicted the curse of insanity. He had watched his own skin turn dark, and his mind turns to rage. Azul had been on diplomatic missions to the various cities of the Mali’thilln high elves, and the deep forest tribal Seeds of the wood elves. Neither of the other two subraces was the old original children of Malin he remembered. He began to see things differently. Why were the dark elves the pariah folk? The exiles? Where the rest of elf-kind not as mutated as they? Were their mindsets no less changed? Punished for a curse he leads them into. The wood elves enjoyed their forests and the high elves their silver spires. If the other descendants of Malin could embrace their true nature, why must the dark elves abstain? Why must the mali’ker hide? spirit to keep their most basic inhibitions at bay when they should be embraced? Azul knew that to publicly swear off on the ways that brought peace, so he was cautious. He created a conclave, a small group of likeminded mali’ker, and slowly this group grew, right under the nose of Veluluai. Perhaps out of vanity, he named this secret faction the Azulites. He prepared to strike, but tactfully, for he loved his mother and wished no harm upon her. The two met on the peak of the highest mountain in Ceru, on the night of a full moon, under the shelter of a temple to Luara. They met not as political opponents, but as mother and son. They spoke of small things, of Azul's childhood, of their lives before the curse. They teased Uradras, their father and husband respectively, for how buffoonish he was. Then, the conversation turned to ideology. Veluluai was no fool and knew what had been brewing in her son's mind. The debate began gently, then escalated, emotions flared, not even the calming light of the moon could dampen the passions of the two mali'ker. Towards the end, Veluluai's anger bled away, and instead, she simply began pleading. Pleading for her son to forget all this, to see how foolish it would be to embrace insanity, embrace the curse. Azul, looking into his mother’s eyes and seeing her sorrow, seemed to agree. The pair calmed down. Azul poured them both a glass of vine and proposed a toast to their family. They drank, Veluluai choked, and fell to the floor, unmoving. Azul had tried to maintain a composed, stoic gaze, to no avail. He fell to his knees and wept before the body of her mother, wept until the moon was nearly gone, and the sun had almost risen. He had not wanted this, but he saw no other way. He loved his mother, more than anything else, but duty came before love, and it was his duty to free his people. The violence began shortly afterward. The Azulites saw their chance and would make guerilla attacks on populated areas and cities in Magara’lin. They would burn down taverns, farms, and kill civilians. The Azulites fought with savage insanity, as they lived deep underground. Above all targets, the Azulites would storm and burn down as many structures and homes, Mali’ker horribly mutilated then killed. Uradras was crushed by the death of the love of his life and was distraught at the actions of his own son, he had no choice but to fight back. He drove his Vindicators and willing citizens forth. Whose job was to root out Azulites and sympathizers. They did their job brutally, capturing and burning anyone they suspected to be an Azulite cultist, in the name of the fallen Maehr. The war had truly become a contest of wills between two factions. The Maehr and Azulites. Azul had once been his pride and joy, but Azul had taken his lover, he was guilty of matricide. He was no less corrupt than a ghoul or a lich. As far as Uradras was concerned, he had no son. So the schism war continued. During this time, the culture and traditions of Magara'lin came to a standstill. Veluluai had very much been the cultural mother of the ker, and everyone was simply too busy either fighting or surviving to live a normal life Slowly, the fighting turned in the favor of Uradras and the Mali'ker who believed in order, sanity. The Vindicators were simply better armed than their Azulite counterparts. The Azulites were burdened with the growing curse of insanity which came from their voluntary isolation from moonlight, this made them more disorganized, savage. It was Azul himself who managed to maintain any semblance of order in his cult. Yet, in the last year of the war, Azul was captured, a covert operation finally managed to pin down his location and take him alive. He has draped his chains and taken to the Magara'lin throne room, presented to his father. Uradras, who had always been a stone-hearted warrior since the days of Malin, looked upon his son. He saw savage, wild eyes staring back at him. Yet, in that moment, he felt something he rarely had in the past, sympathy. Yet, Azul had torn apart the Mali'ker at their foundations. Punishment was necessary, but it was not in his hands. Uradras took his son onto the same mountain top where Veluluai had been killed. Before the Maehr that remained. His followers fleeing him on boats away from the frozen hell. Azul met his end upon the mountain, Uradras unable to stop the Maehr from casting Azul from the peak of the mountain. Killing a blight that had too long burden them. Uradras' heart was shattered, his family gone. Uradras would take his sons body, forsaking the Maehr now in a depression. Hiding away within a crypt to mourn his wife and son. The rest of the cultists had fled. After all, they operated on embracing their curse of insanity, and without Azul to guide them, order broke down. It became easier for the Vindicators, guided by a Ravexi to track down and burn the remains of the Azulite army. Chapter 7 - The Final Schism and beyond The war came to no true end, but instead a slow, painful decline. Being unable to hide and having lost most of their organization, the Azulites fled from the caves and back out onto the surface, where no Mali’ker had lived in centuries. The Azulites scattered across the four corners of the world, creating a large diaspora. The result was many dark elves in many different nations, often self-assured, cocky, and to varying degrees, insane. Even to this day, the descendants of Azulite dark elves remain across many settlements across the various continents the main races have settled in. Meanwhile, many dark elves remained in Magara’lin. They held true. Uradras called upon a conclave. The clans of the mali’ker and the remaining Primarchs met in a council. There, the Des’nox, Oussana, Ravexi, and Zanexes among other families and dignitaries came to a decision: Without Veluluai to guide them, Magara’lin was no longer sustainable. After sending out envoys, the dark elves got the word out that the mali’ame of the deep Seeds had recently migrated and formed a new city on the island Malin himself had been born on- Aegis. They decided that it was time to finally make the great exodus out of the cavern expanses under the isle of Ceru. It was time to rejoin the rest of their kin. The Mali’ker was a stable, sane people now, their internal troubles were behind them. Azul had been right about one thing, all the elves were equally mutated now. No longer should the dark elves be the pariah folk. It was a harsh journey, and the great fleet the Mali’ker built was hit with rough waves, but they made it onto the shores of Aegis and found the fledgling city of Ker’Velu. The mali’ame, weary of their own recent civil war, welcome the dark elves with open arms. That was the end of it. The Maehr pushed on, in time the two cultures of the Mali’ker grew to blossom. The path of the Maehr open, a nomadic people call strange plains home. Credit This is simply a clarification on dark elven origin lore, which can be found here. This work is not my own, simply edited to read as above instead of as seen below.
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