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  1. Introduction: This documents aims to create an Anthology of poetry written by and created by various Forest Dwarves. However this does not mean however that works by other dwarves, or even other races will be entirely excluded. The goal of this project is to immortalize the unique culture of the Forest Dwedmar, so that future generations of dwarves can learn of their traditions, beliefs and way of life. The Poetry Collections of a Forest Dwarf is assembled by Garedyn The Mossy. ❃ Poems: 1. The Firefly Queen: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by VerminHunter) Oh, my Firefly Queen, Your subjects gather at night, They flicker, wishing to be seen, awestruck by your beauty and light. Oh, my Firefly Queen, Your shine never wanes, and sun makes the dark green. The night cannot bind with its chains. Oh, my Firefly Queen, It is now early and bright, I dearly miss your glean, But I know you will return tonight. ❃ 2. Elegy for our Kin: -By an Elder of The Mossborn Clan (Written by VerminHunter) Risen from soil, Suckled on dew, The ground you toiled, Your spirit, it flew. Wrinkles of rings, Spirit like a spring. You are not alone, though we remain, The King on his throne, wants you to join him in reign. When the orchids will bloom, Ye armoured entombed, Our love won’t be torn, When you are reborn. ❃ 3. Sunflower: -By Sir Borris Kortrevich (Written by tcs_tonsils_ (mc)) As golden the afternoon sun, you outstretched Yourself high into the air. Tall and beautiful, you Tower above everything and everyone. Green leaves topped with a yellow brimmed hat. ❃ 4. A Forest Poem: -By Nivndil Duskhollow (Written by unknown) Puerith’leyu. The trees they stand, A clamour of souls. Their voices born on Winds, are old. Boughs up high, Fairy halls. Roots below, Silent foot-falls. They stand and wait, For times unborn. To whisper secrets, Before words were forged. Amongst their trunks, Beneath canopy dome. To Bate in twilight, The trees my home. ❃ 5. Gold of Woods: -By Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) Hand made by countless hands. Over plains, lakes and lands. None compare to its splendour Every wants you from ages yore, Yellow, rich, golden and delicious. ❃ 6. Mushroom: -By Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) There was once a shroom on a tree, With a red cap for all to see, A dwarf took a bite. He then caught a fright, He fell, clutching his heart, to his knees. ❃ 7. Wooden Bastion: -By an admirer of trees (Written by Vermin Hunter) Your hide is amazing and so tough Rings of age showing your wisdom Standing tall, never falling Enduring all with pride Leader of the wood Strong and mighty Stoic Grove A brave Oak ❃ 8. In The Sky: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by Vermin Hunter) Night swallows fly by, So late at night in the sky, Speeding with the wind, Agile and graceful, They are boundless, like comets Unfettered, unchained. To be one of them, One has to let go of all The price of freedom ❃ 9. Omen: -By an unknown Forest Dwarf (Written by Vermin Hunter) The silence of leaves The stillness of trees We must appease the raven The lack of game No wild to tame We must appease the boar The dryness of air, No water in the lair We must appease the pike The crackling roar The burning floor We must run from our home. ❃ 10. Bloom: -By a Garedyn The Mossy (Written by Vermin Hunter) Petals The fields shift hue Their scent is lifted up How wonder full, fields of beauty Blossoms.
  2. Introduction: The most well-known fact about dwarves is their love of alcohol. From ale to rum, brandy to whiskey, the dwarves are undoubtedly masters of their drink. The primitive and defunct Mossborn Clan is no exception to this rule. Though they are well known for their armour, the history of their alcohol industry is no less interesting. This text aims to chronicle their long-lost methods, and the changes in production of their alcohol through time. ❃ First Drink: Being Forest Dwarves, their alcoholic beverages are not typically made of malt, wheat or hops, instead they fermented the produce of their forest such as wild berries and roots. The first Chief of the Mossborn, Brak The Leafy, is credited for the invention of their traditional Hollow Cider. According to Legend, Brak The Leafy wanted to stash a hoard of fruit away for himself. He found a hollow tree in the forest, and deposited all his fruit into it and then sealed it. He later forgot about the stash, only remembering it a few months later. When he rushed to recover the fruit, he discovered that there was a strong smelling liquid inside the tree. This liquid was the very first Hollow Cider. The original Hollow Cider was described as “drinking rotten tree bark” but regardless of this, it was popular because of its powerful inebriating effect. ❃ Improvement: In the year SA 17, the 6th Chief of the Mossborn Clan, Baran The Sappy (a known reveler) wanted to improve the taste of the alcohol in order to drink more cider. He implemented rules prioritising the cultivation of special trees specifically for fermentation and ordered his brewers to experiment with different formulas, flavours and ingredients. This concentrated brewing effort resulted in a much more delicious and fruity Hollow Cider. ❃ Decline: Unfortunately, in the year SA 18, Baran The Sappy plucked a cursed mushroom. When he brewed it into cider and drank it, he began foaming at the mouth and shortly he fell down dead. It was deemed he had an extreme allergic to the mushroom. A few months later, a plague swept through the trees used for Hollow Cider, since those trees were closely grown to each other. This event was known as the Cider Drought, because the plague nearly destroyed their entire Hollow Cider industry. A strict cider rationing was implemented shortly within the clan. ❃ Discovery: This period of drought lasted for 2 years. It was ended when scouts of the Mossborn clan discovered a wagon wreckage containing various alcoholic drinks and ingredients. In the wreckage there were crates of yeast and wheat, alongside barrels of ale. Farmers replanted and grew wheat in the forest with limited success. In the end, they eventually bred their own unique strains of grains to be more suitable to the forest floor. The brewers who worked previously with Baran The Sappy were very experienced and took to brewing these ingredients into new forms of beverages, such as Sweet Moss Ale and Berry Liqueur. However, because of the limited production of wheat, there was only a small increase of alcohol in the clan. When salvaging the wagon wreckage, symbols of axes were discovered engraved onto the barrels and wood. These were preserved in the clan, in order to give thanks for the revitalization of their brewing industry. It is believed that the wreckage belonged to the Grandaxe Clan. ❃ Conclusion: In SA 28, when Chief Eilek The Bramble eloped with his dryad lover, the Mossborn clan descended into civil war, due to prior religious differences. This internal civil was terribly brutal, and resulted in the effective extermination of the tribe, and the destruction of almost all of its relics, including the barrels of the Grandaxe Clan. There currently exists no remaining trace of the alcohol brewed by the Mossborn clan. Though things might change if the clan ever gets revived.
  3. The Mossborn has officially been made a clan of Hefrumm on the 9th of The Seed, Year 82 of the Second Age. ✤❈❃❈✤ General: The Mossborn clan has simple values. They stand for equality and equal opportunity amongst clan members, meaning all dwarven people have equal rights in the clan. Due to their troubled history they seek cooperation with other settlements and groups, looking to learn their cultures and integrate their styles into their own unique craftsmanship. The pillar values of the Mossborn Clan are: Honour, Humility, Harmony. Honour is a common value among many dwarves, for the Mossborn it means having value in one's self, one's clan, and their accomplishments. Although honour and humility may seem opposing values, they actually complement each other. Humility tempers the dwarf, keeping them honourable without being arrogant. The final pillar is harmony, which was hard learned due to turbulent past. To be harmonious is to be open and accepting of the differences of others, but it does not mean to be submissive. Harmony can only be achieved through mutual respect, if there is none then there is no point in placating the disrespectful. ✤❈❃❈✤ History: During the latter part of the First Age, Theodoric Grimgold, the progenitor of the Grimgold Clan, had discovered an uncharted island. He settled the island but a group of native forest dwedmar had already been occupying it. In order to promote harmony with the natives, Theodoric let his son Balderic rule the unoccupied mountains as its own kingdom. Theodoric also had a forest dwarf child with the natives named Brak The Leafy, who grew up to become the leader of the forest dwed and who formed the Mossborn clan. The Grimgolds and Mossborn brother clans coexisted well. The Grimgolds provided metals from the mountains to the forest dwarves, which promoted a metal crafting culture rarely seen in other forest dwedmar. In exchange, the Mossborn supplied the Grimgolds with premium wood for ship construction so that the two clans could raid their neighbours together, bringing wealth to the island. After Brak’s untimely passing due to disease, the position of chief was succeeded by his son, Barlow The Dirty. However, due to pressure from the original forest dwarves inhabitants, the Mossborn clan slowly adopted isolationist attitudes, which stoked feuds amongst the Mossborn due religious differences between the original inhabitants and those who accepted the new concepts introduced by the Grimgolds. Overtime these feuds and grudges to eroded at the Mossborn, and the original brother clans grew distant from each other. By the end of the First Age, the Mossborn clan was on the verge of collapsing. Upon migrating to the new realm of Almaris, the clan exploded into a self-annihilating civil war when the 6th clan leader, Eilek The Bramble, eloped with a dryad, a sacred creature to the Mossborn. The few remaining survivors of this fracture spread out over the realm, living alone, joining small local communities or dying out. However, the heir to the clan has survived and has vowed to reform the clan from the ground up, ending the clan’s isolationist policies, embracing the beliefs of the Brathmordkin and integrating back into the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. The heir to the Mossborn clan throne is Garedyn The Mossy, and as of now the clan has been reformed with new forest dwedmar, and it is settled in Hefrumm. With Garedyn's efforts to rediscover his lost relatives and adopt new dwarves to his clan, the Mossborn grew slowly. They worked together to build a better place for themselves and for other forest dwedmar in Hefrumm. As a result of their efforts, High Chieftess Celeste'Tol and the council of chiefs recognised the Mossborn to be an official clan, and ever since then the Mossborn lived in unity with their other forest dwarf brothers. No longer in isolation and no longer in turmoil. A depiction of Eilek The Bramble (source) ✤❈❃❈✤ Culture: General: The Mossborn are well renowned for their cultivation of mosses and herbs, which they brew into paint and use it to dye their armour green. They create this green metal armour to camouflage themselves in the forest, and with special moss oil they can lubricate their armour for silent movement. The Mossborn are adept at creating equipment specialised against beasts such as bears or wolves. They also used Moss Armour for ceremonial purposes like funerals. Today, the Mossborn are not the cold isolationists they once were. They are accepting of all dwarves and allowing any dwarf to join their clan, though there are still weary by instinct of non-dwarven outsiders. The Mossborn have equal rights among males and females, which was not the case in their old history. These industrious forest dwarves seek to rebuild their clan, and to grow past the folly of their ancestors by being accepting of new people, ideas, and cultures. Appearance / Clothing: Red and blonde hair are common in the Mossborn clan, along with red, blue and brown eyes. Though this only applies to those who are related by blood to the Mossborn. Since all dwarves are welcome, there are many distinct faces in the clan. The Mossborn love wearing embroidered clothes, woven from fabrics of the forest. Many also possess face-paints or tattoos made of moss dye. Relics: Because of the major conflict caused by in fighting, nearly all the clan's relics are missing or destroyed, much to the grief of the survivors. Though they keep a list of all relics, in hopes of one day recovering them: 1) The Crucible: This is an iron pot, which is believed to have been the first to be used to create moss dye. It is believed it has been destroyed in the conflict. 2) Eilek The Bramble's wedding ring: Although Eilek never had an official wedding ceremony, he still used his artisanal skills to craft a wedding ring for his dryad lover. The ring was not found on his body, so the ring is presumed lost, or in possession by the dryad. 3) Verdant Plate: The most beautiful Moss Armour ever constructed, it as been passed down through generations of Mossborn leaders. It was once acquired by merchants, but fortunately, the heir Garedyn The Mossy, bought back the armour and is in possession of it. 4) Key of Tombs: The Mossborn bury their dead in underground catacombs. The original catacombs were desecrated and destroyed, but the key remains undiscovered. Religion: Their initial lack of contact with the outside world caused the Mossborn to develop particular spiritual beliefs. They believe in the general spirit of nature, that it deserves respect but also caution, since nature is full of danger. Their major belief is reincarnation, that the souls of the deceased will be eventually brought back to the land in one way or another. The Mossborn, however, are not very dogmatic nor zealous about their religion, since it was the reason that caused their tribe to collapse in the beginning. They are now more open to new religions such as the Brathmordakin, and are willing to incorporate and adapt new beliefs. The Mossborn are especially fond of the Brathmordakin of Nature, Anbella, worshipping her as their primary patron. Due to their unique smithing culture, they also praise Yemekar, God of Creation, as their second patron. Quirks: The Chief of the clan (the dwarf with the highest authority) has to receive a new title upon their ascension to the clan throne. From then on, they are always referred to by their first name and their title. An example of this is Eilek The Bramble. The title has to refer to nature, be one word long, and in some way related be to the chief's personality or appearance. Thus there cannot be a chief with the title "The Strong," but there can be one called "The Bear." A Mossborn Armourer using an unorthodox smithing technique shown to him by a Dark Dwarf (source) ✤❈❃❈✤ Trials to Join: Trial of the Shrine: This is an entirely new tradition amongst the Mossborn, since in the days of old, the only way to become a member of the clan was to be born into it, even those who married into the clan were not considered members. Nowadays, the dwedmar wishing to join must participate in a ritual, where the chief of the clan asks obscure or confounding questions. It doesn't matter if the person doesn't answer them though the chief has the right to disqualify those he doesn’t deem fit to join the clan. The reason why it is called the trial of the shrine is because this ritual is performed in front of a shrine dedicated to Anbella. After this trial, the dwed becomes a beardling and a member of the clan, though they have to complete all other trials to become a fully-fledged members. Trial of the Furnace: The second trial to join, involves a Beardling having to learn to smelt 3 different metals, with the exception of Ferrum and Aurum since these are considered standard knowledge among the Mossborn. This trial is dedicated to Yemekar, teaching the beardling of the many creations that the Brathmordakin infused into the world. This trial is also important since the Mossborn are skilled smiths, thus a wide knowledge of metals is necessary to them. Once the beardling learns to smelt 3 different metals, they must perform a demonstration in front of the chief. Trial of the Smithing: In this trial, the Beardling must learn to smith 3 different crafts with the metals they had studied. Traditionally, the beardling is to craft, a weapon, armour and an object of their choice. This is another trial dedicated to Yemekar, but it also serves to illustrate the beardling's foresight, as if they choose to smelt the crafts with inappropriate metals, they won't be able to move on to the next trial. Trial of the Balance: Being worshippers of Anbella, nature is of great importance to these forest dwarves. Thus they must used the tools they forged in order to help maintain balance in nature, by slaying 3 creatures who are disrupting it. This could range from a Morko bear killing too much of the local game, a cave leech terrorising the local caves or even an undead. Nature must be brought back into balance. ✤❈❃❈✤ Traditions & Rites: Rite of Foraging: In order to begin one’s path to making Moss Armour, one must be able to identify correctly the herbs and mosses that are needed for the process. Those who pass this trial and considered Apprentice Armourer’s and can continue to learn the craft. Rite of the Armour: In order to complete one’s training, one must craft a set of Moss Armour. Moss Armour is not only judged on its durability, but also on its artistic value. After completing this trial, an Apprentice Armourer becomes a full on Armourer, and can blacksmith at their will. Rite of the Little: This trial is a persistent tradition from the days of the Mossborn isolationism, where it was called the Trial of Runts. The original purpose was to weed out the weak, but now it is meant to be a social gathering to encourage and help promote the growth of the children of the tribe. It involves various physical activities, such as marathoning, swimming and climbing trees. Though each year a different test is added. Moss Feast Tradition: This tradition is not an actual feast, but it involves gathering newly bloomed herbs and ingredients collectively as an entire tribe, and then processing them into usable ingredients for Moss Armour or other crafts. At the end, families usually receive a figurine of a folk heroes from stories, to honour their participation. Two Rams Tradition: When two Mossborn have an inconsolable conflict, they can challenge each other to a Two Rams Competition. It is a duel, though not always through combat. The two parties decide on the challenge, and they must compete to win it to resolve their dispute. If neither dwarf can agree to a challenge, then the chieftain can issue them one. Birthday Tradition: As a show of freeing themselves of isolationism, the Mossborn adopted the human cultural practice of celebrating birthdays. Though typically they do not through parties or have cakes like humans. Instead, the birthday dwarf receives a gift specifically from their father that relates to either’s interest or profession. So, a birthday dwarf interested in shepherding would receive some ornate shears from their father. In the absence of a fatherly figure, the primary guardian of the child will be the gift giver. Since dwarves have long lifespans, they celebrate birthdays every 5 years. After a dwarf turns 50, they are not receive gifts, but they do receive wishes and congratulations. Marriage tradition: This is the process by which Mossborn dwarves get married. The partners play hide and seek in the woods, where the groom is the seeker, and the bride is the hider (though this is not set in stone.) Normally, the groom and bride know each other's locations beforehand, thus the process is meant to be symbolic of “finding one’s love in the vast woods.” Though if either couple is unhappy, they can either hide somewhere unknown or refuse to search. Marriage is usually monogamous and for life. Funerary Tradition: Mossborn are buried in underground catacombs and tombs, in wooden or stone coffins. They are usually buried in suits of Moss Armour in order to “take their crafts with them into their next life.” If the deceased dwarf never owned a suit of armour, then the community of Armourers makes one together, engraving imagery that is representative of that dwarf’s life onto it. ✤❈❃❈✤ Hierarchy: Despite their openness, the Mossborn are very hierarchical, as it was they found that hierarchy was actually beneficial to them during their isolationist period. Thus the Mossborn retain a rigid order of power. This doesn't mean however that a person of high rank has any less rights than one of a lower rank. The ranks merely serve to distinguish between levels of authority. Clan Chief: This is the highest position in the clan. The chief of the Mossborn keeps control of the clan military, law-making and production of Moss Armour. They are the head of the Clan Council, and have final say on council decisions. The heir to this position is appointed in advance by the clan chief. The heir is usually the eldest child, but any dwarf of the clan can be chosen to be the heir. Clan Elder: Once a chief retires, they become an Elder and they serve as an adviser to them or as diplomats or politicians. Though they have no direct power, they are usually also members of the Likyn council, a council of dwarves of the clan who gather to make decisions regarding policy and legislation. Clan Councillor: A clan councillor is a person who possess extreme expertise or prowess in a given field. They serve on the Clan Council to advise the chief of the clan. Another method of avoiding domination by the chief is that if a new councillor is needed, then the clan chief and the majority of the council must both agree to the appointment. There can only be a maximum of 10 councillors. It is customary for councillors to seek public approval for proposed laws, by receiving votes. If there are enough votes then a law can be presented to the chief. Though a councillor can propose laws on their own any time, by gaining votes, they can convince the chief to pass the law. The chief risks losing public support if he shuts down a popular law. Clan Ritualist: A venerable position, responsible for overseeing all cultural practices, from marriage to religion. This person is usually announced by the chief to the public and then the public decides whether or not to accept them. A ritualist always has a position on the council Clan Managers: These dwarves are the respective heads of their local industry or guild. Such as Manager of Moss Armour or Manager of Logging. These dwarves do not have complete control however over their underlings and are usually appointed by a vote by their workers. Clan Member: The standard member of a Mossborn clan, they contribute to the clan with their labour or knowledge and can thus enjoy daily clan life. Clan members all have a right to vote in any poll or election too. Clan Beardling: Freshly joined to the clan, a Beardling has yet to pass the their trials, in order to become a fully-fledged member. They do not retain the right to vote but have the right to a home, food and work and all others that the higher ranked dwarves have. Dwarves under the age of 50 are considered Beardlings and perform the trials until they reach 50, unless there are special circumstances. A councilor who handles taxes and the treasury. (source) ✤❈❃❈✤ Applications: If you wish to join the clan please send a private message to my discord, HyperAlphaKing#3040. Message me with your character name and in-game name. This is only open to characters who are dwarves, since this is a dwarven clan. And it would be preferable if your character was a forest dwarf, or had at least one parent who is one. ✤❈❃❈✤ Meta: The backstory and lore for the Mossborn clan is entirely created by me, VerminHunter or HyperAlphaking (my discord). All the images used have sources under them. In case the sources don't work reply here and I'll send the links to you (if I don't lose them). Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed the backstory of my clan.
  4. [!] Flyers would be posted in Kal’Darakaan, as well as every vassal of Urguan[!] Warrant of Detention This warrant hereby calls for the capture and detention of Rhaezaiil Doomforged for suspicion of aiding and abetting a known heretic and Azdrazi Sympathiser. This document hereby authorizes all Legal Agents of Urguan, including Magistrates and Investigators of the High Court, Legionaries of Urguan, and the forces of any of the Grand Kingdom’s Vassals to legally capture Rhaezaiil Doomforged and return him to Urguan for questioning and trial. Rhaezaiil Doomforged is encouraged to turn himself in willingly, and will be received more favorably if he complies with this warrant. Rhaezaiil Doomforged is to be brought in ALIVE. The captor of the criminal shall receive 100 minek in compensation for their efforts. Authorized in the 80th year of the Second Age. Lord Justicar of the High Courts of Urguan, Rikkin of Clan Irongut, Lordak’ur’Aurokaraad, Prelate of Ogradhad, Master Remembrancer, Eye of Ogradhad,
  5. [!] Flyers would be posted in Kal’Darakaan, as well as every vassal of Urguan[!] Warrant of Detention This warrant hereby calls for the capture and detention of Brankhyn Doomforged for the act of heresy. This document hereby authorizes all Legal Agents of Urguan, including Magistrates and Investigators of the High Court, Legionaries of Urguan, and the forces of any of the Grand Kingdom’s Vassals to legally capture Brankhyn Doomforged and return him to Urguan for questioning and trial. Brankhyn Doomforged is encouraged to turn himself in willingly, and will be received more favorably if he complies with this warrant. Brankhyn Doomforged is to be brought in ALIVE. The captor of the criminal shall receive 200 minek in compensation for their efforts. Authorized in the 80th year of the Second Age. Lord Justicar of the High Courts of Urguan, Rikkin of Clan Irongut, Lordak’ur’Aurokaraad, Prelate of Ogradhad, Master Remembrancer, Eye of Ogradhad,
  6. ᛞᛖᚨᛏᚺ ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛞᚱᚨᚷᛟᚾᚴᛁᚾ “A dwarf never forgets.” CLEANSING OF THE DRAGONKIN No descendant has come close to the combined feats of Yavoks kin. Yavok Ireheart, the founder of the clan, purged dark beings haunting the caves of his home. Kjell the Dragonslayer, slaying multiple dragons himself, set the precedent for the later generations of khronammoruk. With a Dragon attack on the capital of the dwarves, and the attack on the King of the Dwarves in the Haense tavern, the threat of the Dragonkin and Azdromoth grows greater. The Dragon-worshippers taint the land they touch and associates of Khorvad and Iblees cannot be ignored as they move to undermine the ideals and places we’ve all fought for. The Irehearts grow tired of the repeated slights by the sons of Azdromoth by tainting dwarven lands and the repeated attacks on Urguans kin, the repeated seizing of Urguani land from the Paladins and the deals with Iblees. For this, the combined Elders of Clan Ireheart and the Clan Father of the Irehearts make a bloodpact to fully cleanse this land from the spawn of Iblees. To those who live in the old ruins of Dol’Gorix at the foot of the volcanic mountains. You will have two stone days to remove your belongings off our sacred land or blood will once more be split in reclamation. Kav un anakrun yol zahere. Do not test our patience. Signed, Clan Father of the Irehearts, Champion of the Wilds. Elder of the Irehearts, Bane of the Orcs, Bane of Philip III Elder of the Irehearts, Commander of the Legion. Elder of the Ireheasrts, Certified Dragon Tracker
  7. Art from Laputa: Castle in the sky The beginning of a new life The world was dark and he could feel nothing but emptiness. No sight, smell, touch, sound nor time blessed his presence. No matter how much he tried to reach out into the abyss, he was met with stiffness for he could not move. Suddenly he felt his form expand and pour out into something, as if he were a body of water filling up a tankard, a person fitting into armor, and then within a blink of existence, the blazing halls of the runeforge made up the world around him, beneath him was the anvil he laid upon. One old dwarf, the creator Bolgnir Irongut, stood before him surrounded by kin, Korallon and Utak among them, who all watched with curious eyes. “As your Impera, oi name yeh, Grogg.” The old dwarf spoke, and for the first time in a long time, a vibrating monotonic sound released from the runes that made up the dwarven masonry of his body as he spoke in response, “Gr-Ogg”. It had been many years since a golem walked the halls of the dwarven kingdom, so the dwarves watched Bolgnir’s work in awe as Grogg stood from the anvil, towering over all with a soft hum that naturally radiated from his runes. Once more the golem spoke as his gaze was set upon Bolgnir and Bolgnir alone, “Imp-Era”. The Mountain dwellers In Grogg’s beginnings, he met the dwarves that lived under the mountains and watched over them, as he was tasked with not only defending them, but also learning from them. There he met many dwarves that spoke with the golem frequently, among them was Gimli, a dwarf who shared in Grogg’s essence, the dwarf’s arms and legs humming with a similar life as his, and Reghor who was a fine chef that made food from stone. Another was Korallon, a dark dwarfess who looked after Grogg from time to time, making sure his body was well oiled. The young golem became well known among the dwarves, as they watched him monitor the kingdom and lay waste to the enemies on the battlefield. One day, out of fun and jokes, the dwarves forged a few ingots of gold into a glorious golden crown with an emerald set at its center. They gathered around and sat the crown upon Grogg’s head, there they cheered a new name Grogg hadn’t heard before, “Grogg! King ov the golems!”. While they were mostly joking and celebrating victory of battles, Grogg believed he had been made king of all stone-kind. Once the mountains fell during a great war, the dwarves migrated from one mountain to another, and so Grogg followed, settling among them in their new home. A powerful dwarf made himself present to Grogg, Kazrin, who cared for Grogg and mended his stone form in Bolgnir’s absence. The two became strongly bonded and there Grogg continued on his duties, a king who stood among newly forged golems. . The Spring and Winter of the forest Throughout the adventures of Grogg’s new life, he found himself commonly interacting with the dwarves that dwelled within the forests that surrounded a gargantuan tree. There he found someone who would become almost a brother in spirit to him, Bjor Cottonwood. The young forest dwarf showed Grogg the ways of the forest kin, the feasts, the drinks, the battle and the stories. Grogg witnessed life all around the forest dwarves, different from the mountain homes below, spring with color, color which he fought to protect as he was the wall between the enemy and the dwarves of the mountains and forests. What felt like nothing to Grogg, time passed, and his body became slow as it carried the damage of battle and time. The aged golem had seen what happened to the dwarves and humans who grew old and slow, under the idea that he too would perish, he met with Bjor and set beneath Anbella’s tree. The golem, in his unique nature, understood what it was to feel sad, but could not express it when he spoke to Bjor, so Grogg lifted the golden crown that sat upon his head and gave it to Bjor towards the end of their conversation, “Good. Bye.” he rumbled before he rose above and walked off into the distance, disappearing over the large hills from the forest dwarf’s view. Bolgnir called to Grogg and set him down in his workshop, the old dwarf wielding a hammer that hummed with the same life the golem hummed with. “You look loike yeh need a new body, Grogg. Good thing oi made yeh a better one now, ain't et?”. Grogg did not know what his Impera meant by such words, but he sat still and watched. The hammer tapped against his chest and then nothingness. He had returned to a state he thought would never return, his voice tried to speak, but could not be heard, his hands reached out, but not in sight, the whole world black and empty. He roared out into the darkness, a roar he could not hear, until the flash of life stuck him once more. He felt himself pour out and fill a space once more, but this time larger, as if it was a barrel compared to the tankard before. The world around him returned to his sight as his muted roar was no longer muted, echoing out in a thunderous boom throughout the chambers around him. Before him stood once more his Impera, “Shut up yeh dramatic lump o’ rock.” Bolgnir spoke. Grogg felt different, the world seemed smaller and his body better. The golem was sent off by his Impera to return to his duties, duties which led him back to Hefrumm. There he sought out an old friend, Bjor, to speak with him as it was only moments ago he left the forest dwarf. There he found Bjor standing atop a stone looking out over the village. Grogg stood before Bjor and spoke to him, but Bjor did not respond, the dwarf motionless, his eyes still like stone. In truth, what was only moments ago for the golem was actually years in reality, and by this time, Bjor cottonwood had died, turned to stone after his sacrifice to protect his dwarven kin. The golem looked upon Bjor’s stone form, the golem’s golden crown resting around Bjor’s waist like a belt, and simply watched in silence, the forest kin telling him that Bjor was dead and passed on to the grand halls of the gods. This can’t be true, not to Grogg as he was made of stone, he could walk and talk, see and hear, so clearly Bjor was still alive, still in there. From there on out, Grogg returned to Bjor every chance there was and simply watched him, forever guarding the forest chief until his return. The beginning of the end Years passed, unfelt by the stone sentinel that was Grogg, the dwarves he once knew now gone and his body slowing once more. The halls of the dwarves were silent and cold, this caused Grogg to wander in search of the life that used to surround him. In his search he stumbled into an unstable cave where he was trapped and eventually put into a deep slumber. The grounds shook and the mountains roared, waking the golem from a slumber that felt like mere moments but was actually years. The caves around him were weakened over time and so an opening was made, the golem pushed himself through and stepped out into a world he did not recognize. A large kingdom stood in the place of his home, there he found dwarves who were young, the halls filled with folks once more. Grogg entered the throne room where Utak once sat and found Jorvin who had finished fighting a great infernal war. Grogg left the mountains as they were unrecognizable, and walked his long walk into the forests. There he found Bjor who stood tall against the change of time, and so Grogg watched Bjor in silence as he usually did before he departed into the world once more, returning whenever he did and repeating this as if he were stuck in a loop. Father time arrives The world around him changed, he followed Bjor over the seas to a new land foreign to him. While the lands were new, he was not, plant life had grown onto him and his body was slowly losing function. Most of the dwarves of old are gone for good at this point, replaced by new folk who did not know who Grogg was, their cities protected by new golems that looked different to Grogg, they did not hum with the same life as he did, but a sound new to him. The old golem brought himself before the only thing that did not change, just as he did not change, Bjor. Grogg did not know what to do but to continue his task, watching over Bjor. There, a sound vibrated the air around that called his name, “GROGG.”, a new golem that was tasked with retrieving Grogg for repairs found him, Grogg had to keep watch over Bjor and denied any request to be taken away. The new golem tried to force Grogg into a submission but this only endangered Bjor, and so Grogg’s body shifted and roared with old energy, one of his arms broken off from the impact. Once the battle was over, Grogg woke up in a forge, parts of his form no longer responded to him. His time coming to an end, the ancient golem pushed off the ground and broke free from halls that contained him. He took his final walk into the forest where he looked to Bjor, the dwarf’s body covered in plant-life as much as his own stone form, “Must..” His voice rumbled with a disfigured tone as he moved himself to stand behind Bjor, setting his gaze down onto him, “De-Fend.”. Grogg knelt down to steady himself at Bjor’s side, the power in his legs weakening by the second. “Bjo..” The golem spoke his last word as he towered over Bjor despite being down on one knee. The orange light within his eyes faded along with the glow from the runes over his broken body. He felt everything slip away as the world went dark once more, he did not scream anymore. He did not speak for there would be no sound, he did not listen for there was no sound he could hear, he did not look for there was nothing to see, and he did not reach his hand out for he was where he had to be.
  8. Housing Reform The following taxes have been carefully crafted by myself and reviewed by Grand-King Bakir Ireheart and Iron Baron Dhaen Grandaxe. These taxes will be collected at the close of every stone-week and are officially approved by the council. The tax boxes and tax slips will be located in the Grand Bank. Any who do not pay their taxes will have one week to gather the required amount before eviction. On average, taxes will be listed at the prices found below. Exceptions to price are made based on size of specific houses. Taxes of the Capital of Kal’Daraakan Hefrumm citizens will have a partial resource supplement for housing that will be released later. All forest dwarves have the option to pay with full minas however. [OOC: I will collect the first round on May 17th. Buy a slip from the tax shop in the Grand Bank and put it in the tax box that has your name on it. I'll gather consistently every sunday.] Signed, Hekkaes Goldhand, Grand Steward and Grand Banker of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Clan Father of the Goldhand Clan, Lord of Kal’Ikrun, Protector of Kaz’Ad’Hekkaes Signed, Dhaen Grandaxe, The Iron Baron of The Bearded Lady, Steward of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan
  9. Fat Belly Act Recently, the citizens of Kal’Darakaan have suffered under incompetent Stewards. Their hard-earned taxes have gone uncollected and new homes have collected dust instead of being offered to new dwedmar. Under the rule of Bakir Ireheart, we have been given the opportunity to once again rightfully serve our populace as needed. To fill the hungry bellies of the brothers and sisters of Kal’Darakaan, the Fat Belly Act that once triumphed under previous stewards such as Dhaen Grandaxe, Uldraek Goldhand, and Bhämmil Frostbeard, will once again be resurrected. The citizens of Hefrumm will be exempted from the Fat Belly Act as they have access to the farms that lay in their lands. Application All citizens, regardless of class, who own a house within Kal’Daraakan are entitled to food provided by the act. All citizens will be guaranteed the same portion of food depending upon the year’s harvest. Distribution Food will be distributed exclusively through housing mailboxes. All citizens have the right to not be included in receiving food or having a mailbox should they wish. The Grand Steward and The Iron Baron are responsible for the production and division of food to house mailboxes. Signed, Hekkaes Goldhand, Grand Steward and Grand Banker of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Clan Father of the Goldhand Clan, Lord of Kal’Ikrun, Protector of Kaz’Ad’Hekkaes Signed, Dhaen Grandaxe, The Iron Baron of The Bearded Lady, Steward of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan
  10. Urguani Economic Reform After a long and tiresome war, now well won through the strength of the Nation of Urguan, the kingdom’s economy is in dire need of a fresh start. Due to poor record-keeping and consistency surrounding its creation, the Karzul has become an outdated and under-utilized currency. As Grand Steward and Grand Banker, it falls under my duty to ensure that both the coffers of the Nation of Urguan do not run dry and the citizens of our kingdom find economic prosperity. Under the just eye of Bakir Ireheart, the support of Dhaen Grandaxe, Garrond’s thicc dumptruck, and my own years of experience to back our venture - I am proud to announce the first Urguani Economic Reform of The Second Age! The Economic Reform shall take effect immediately, with the Grand Bank ceasing its exchange of Mina to Karzul. Rest assured citizens of Urguan! The Karzul will still be viable to exchange for the new currency! Appointments can be made with the Grand Banker to exchange your Karzul for our new coin - The Minek. [A Freshly Minted Minek, Made circa 70 of the Second Age] The Minek shall become the new centralized coin of the Grand Kingdom, with which all transactions within the Grand Kingdom are to be made: from payment of taxes for homes, stalls or shops, to the wages of legionnaires and miners, and any other official payment received by an individual or organization from the Grand Kingdom. The exchange rate of the Minek will be available inside the Grand Bank of Urguan. Signed, Hekkaes Goldhand, Grand Steward and Grand Banker of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, Clan Father of the Goldhand Clan, Lord of Kal’Ikrun, Protector of Kaz’Ad’Hekkaes Signed, Dhaen Grandaxe, The Iron Baron of The Bearded Lady, Steward of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan
  11. The Grand Brewing Competition Brewers and Brewesses! Alewives and Alcoholics! Come to the Grand Brewing Competition! The city of Kal’Darakaan, capital of Urguan and the true homeland of Dwarven brewing, is proud to host a Grand Brewing Competition. Roll up your sleeves, Brewers of Almaris, and prepare us your finest of alcoholic beverages! A host of dwarves, led by the Iron Baron and Drink Connoisseur, Dhaen Grandaxe will sample one drink from each contestant and rate it on the following criteria. Visual Presentation (How is your drink described as looking?) Taste Presentation (How is your drink described as tasting?) Alcohol Content (How hard does your drink slap?) Stand-out points (Points assigned to unusual drinks that stand out for none of the above reasons. Possible stand-out points could be assigned to gimmicks, drink lore, etc..) Each above category will consist of five possible points that could be awarded, making the highest possible score 20 points. Each of the highest scorers in each category will receive a prize, whereas the top three overall scorers will be offered a monetary reward of up to 100 minas, a prize, and the opportunity to have a stack of their drinks sold at the tavern, The Bearded Lady. The highest overall scorer will also receive the title of "Grand Brewer". [OOC: The Competition will be hosted on Sunday, May 15th at 6 PM EST. Please reach out to Snailena#3818 for questions or if you are a new player who doesn’t know how to make drinks ooc]
  12. A Feast to Honor Their Sacrifice This year has seen a great evil fall upon the lands of Almaris. A brave number of our folk, in accordance with our allies, fought against the sweltering strength between a league of shadowmen and a fearsome dragon upon a Tartarean landscape. The group did not escape without losses. In the wake of tragedy, The Grand Kingdom of Urguan mourns her sons. We as a people have lost three exemplary figures: Grand Marshal Kronk Stormheart, Barundin Ireheart, and Gwydion Ireheart. We also have lost several allies who fought side by side with our beloved lost kin. To honor their sacrifice and to allow the community to come together over their loss, the King commands a great mourning feast for all of Urguan to be held in the throne room. Let ale flow freely so we may drink to our brothers in Kaz’a’Dentrumm! The people of our allies, who fought and died side by side with our brothers, are encouraged to attend. The Brethren of those lost in the disaster are encouraged to give a short oratorical piece on their memories of those lost. [OOC: The mourning feast will take place at 4 pm EST on Thursday the 28th at the Urguan Throneroom. Contact Snailena#3818 for questions or concerns]
  13. A GRAND PASSING. Dungrimm awaits those who die with honor. It was a normal day for Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart before the dreaded expedition that had gone horribly wrong. A small meeting with the King of Norland, discussing possible joint military trainings. A meeting with his friend Johann Barclay, the Lord Marshal of Haense. It had been a nice day, but it was about to take a turn for the worse. Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart set out with his dwarven brethren towards the void. As usual, Kronk was right at the front guarding his squad and the mages that stood behind him. They entered and the effects of the Void were immediately clear, mana overflowing and the ground beneath their feet constantly changing. The air conveyed a feeling of dread, and it became harder to breathe. Yet even with these circumstances the combined force of dwarves and mages pushed on. “DONNAEH WORREH LADS, DUNGRIMM GUIDES US TES DAY!” Kronk shouted out to his companions, a grin forming on his face. As they neared the cliffs, a thunderous roar could be heard and a beastly figure appeared in the sky. “ET BEH AH DRAGON!” One of the dwarves shouted. “WEH SHALL KILL ET TEN!” Kronk retorted with his trademark confidence and vigour, yet this beast was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. A massive three-headed beast that could incinerate a man with one breath. Kronk’s focus was set on nothing else but to slay the beast, a task impossible for the equipment they had. And then it struck. Kronk was lucky to have been missed by the first hit. The reality struck in as his friend, Balor’s arm was incinerated straight off. “SHIELD WALL ENFRONT OF TAEH MAGES!” The Marshal shouted out as they did so. But it was too late, little did Kronk know the dragon had its sights fully set on him. BANG! The lightning struck right to his side, sending the Marshal flying further down the cliff into the hard rock wall. “OOOMFFF!” Kronk groaned out as his back snapped, paralyzing the dwarf to only being able to crawl. “WE’REH NAEH LEAVIN’ YEH BEHOIND!” Two of his fellow dwarves, Gwydion and Barundin Ireheart shouted out as they went to assist the Marshal, carrying him away from the battle. Before they got far the massive three-headed dragon landed right in front of them, charging up its lightning breath once more. Kronk hastily tried to shield his fellow dwarves with his enchanted shield, but fate would not have it that day. The wall grew behind them as the three dwarves, Kronk, Gwydion and Barundin grinned wide once more. “DUNGRIMM HAS CHOSEN MEH TOH TRAVEL TOH HIM TES DAY! MAY OI DRINK ALE AN’ FOIGHT MOI BATTLES TEREH!” Kronk exclaimed as the lightning reached him. “NARVAK. OZ. URGUAAAAAAAAAAANNN!” The Grand Marshal announced with a last defiant breath as he was turned into ash. As Kronk died he thought of all his family and friends, Ranna, his loving fiancee and his kids. Hieran, a friend he had never been able to spend time with due to the constant war with Oren. The Legion he left behind, and his officers that waged every battle with him. Uruan Stormheart, his ever supporting father and greatest influence. Mica Goldhand, his loving aunt. Sionnach, his everlasting friend to whom he had promised they would die together. Ulfric Frostbeard, the old King of Urguan that had trusted him with the position of Marshal. Edward Thuri-Elendil, his Templar friend. And many more. [!] A small book could be found in a drawer of the Grand Marshal’s desk. “If you read this it's too late for me, for I have found my place with Dungrimm. I, Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart have died. To my clan, I love you all to the fullest extent, and I apologize for going. To my dad, i am so incredibly sorry for the pain and sorrow you must be in. But I want you to know, I am the happiest son that ever lived because you showed me all the things i know. I am not much of a writer, but don't let my death get to you. And to my Legion. Don’t worry as I am sure there will be a great Grand Marshal after me, so is the way of Urguan. Treat them with utmost respect and vigour that you lads are capable of. I don't need a funeral. I just need Norli to cement me as an Urguani hero, that scheming bastard." Narvak oz Urguan, Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart.
  14. An artists depiction of an celebration taking place by the tripartite alliance. A GREAT FEAST As the Tripartite army withdrew from the battlefield and returned to their war camp, many small feasts and celebrations of their victory rang out across the various territories of the alliance, mead was poured, meat was cooked and wine was drunk. But as Bakir sat in the great dwarven halls of Kal’Darakaan he would find these celebrations not worthy of the warriors who fell during the battle, not honoring those who were victims to the crimes of Philip III, and not great enough to be remembered in history. So Bakir brought forth a dwarven scribe and issued summons to each signatory in the Tripartite alliance for a Great Feast in the halls of Kal'Darakaan, where food would overflow and your cup would not go empty. So word spread around the entirety of Almaris, and individual letters would be sent to each of the signatories of the Tripartite Alliance. The Kingdom of Haense and to Sigismund III The Ferrymen Band The Vale of Nevaehlen and to Mirven Caerme’onn The Kingdom of Savoy and to Ser Lucien To the Kingdom of Krugmar and to Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal To the Kingdom of Norland
  15. THE FOLLY OF PHILIP III The sun rose above the Urguan mountains, where radiantly warm rays of sun shone upon the ranks of the tripartite army. A mass of Tripartite warriors nearing the twenty thousand mark assembled by the front gates of the newly built Grudgefort, preparing for the battle against the Orenian invaders to come. Noon struck, and a domineering horn sounded as the commanders of the Tripartite alliance stepped in front of their forces to lead them to an assured triumph. Led by Durorn Ireheart, Bakir Ireheart and Grigori Vyronov, the army of the alliance marched forth, clattering swords to shields and resonant boots to the gravel of the warzone, off to meet the Orenian force. The sun of the eve reflected off the armor of the Imperial State Army, their ranks vastly outnumbered by the tripartite forces. Yet, as the general saw the opposing army advance, he sounded that his Orenian fodder marched in adversary, both armies clashing between the nearby boats of the fleet and mountain range of the East. As they advanced each other, Durorn ordered several volleys of arrows to be let loose onto Philip III’s army before breathing into the war horn once more, sallying a charge towards Orens forces. A deafening sound of war cries was heard from the charging army of the tripartite, slamming into the unexpecting ranks of the ISA. For a while the fighting was even as each army clashed, filling the air with the sounds of axes hitting shields and swords crashing against armor. After a while the ISA grew weary and began to grow fatigued, the men of Blackvale attempted to reinforce the frontlines of the ISA, but there was no chance of turning the battle back around. The ranks of the dwarves, humans and orcs quickly cut through Blackvales reinforcements whilst the Ferrymen slew those cowardly enough to flee. Orenian bodies littered the ground along eastfleet all the way to Southbridge, their blood soaking into the sea, making the water look like pure Haenseti wine. As the remaining alliance army returned to their camp inside the great grudgefort and prepared for a great feast, all the world knew the folly of Philip III and they will know that– We are coming for you.
  16. 6th of the Suns Smile A KING OF IRE The Halls of Kal’Darakaan bustled as Dwarves readily prepared for the big event, the coronation of Bakir Ireheart. The sound of merchants selling their trinkets, smiths hammering away in their forges and bartenders refilling their drinks. A horn would sound from the Obsidian Throne, calling all to the throne room for the ceremony. Many dwarves from each clan made their way into the room, followed by allies from Haense, Norland, and the Vale, alongside representatives from Elysium and the Elven Alliance. All of Almaris was here to watch a new Grand King be crowned. The room was packed full, many bustled around to find spare seats, but as the final guests sat down the High Prophet stepped forward, slamming against the podium calling everyone to be silent, beginning the coronation. The High Prophet addressed those who were present, described the role of Grand King and the throne that he sits on. He described the seat and the role of Grand King to be a burden, to be sharp and uncomfortable, like ragged rocks of a mountain. He then faced Bakir, asking the Grand King-elect if he swears by the Brathmordakin, by Urguan and by all his life that he will be an honorable, compassionate, courageous, wise, cunning and ferocious Grand King, the Ireheart agrees, swearing by his life, and by his blood to not only be these things, but to be better. Then with a careful touch, Norli grasped the Crown of Urguan and told Bakir to kneel, and as he did the crown of the father of the Dwarves was placed upon his head announcing the new Grand King of Urguan. The room erupted. Cheers of joy and roars of ARU and hails filled the room, Dwarves, Humans and Elves alike joined in the chant as they congratulated Bakir on being the 34th Grand King of Urguan. Later that night, when the feast commenced and cups filled with mead overflowed, Bakir stood up once more before his people to address them. “What a privilege to be chosen as your Grand King. For years I have served in our halls, within our great Dwarven legion and under several Grand Kings, and so I am honored to be one of those Grand Kings, and have the ability to make change within our lands. If we look back in the times of old, back when Thorin Grandaxe conquered the world and forged the Obsidian Throne, or when Kjell Ireheart defeated the great dragons of the realm, or even during the times of Fimlin Grandaxe, Gror Ireheart, Utak Ireheart and Rhewen Frostbeard, when the dwarves were revered, respected and even feared. Our might was known across the realm, our craft was respected, our fighting capabilities were sought upon and our Grand Kings were legendary. In recent times we have lost these things and have not looked back on the successes and even failures of past Grand Kings, we have lost our way. As Grand King, I have promised over and over again that I wish to be a servant of the people, a servant to all those who live in our halls, and so for the last time I shall assure you once more. I will support and work with those who supported me and also who didn’t, I will ensure our name, our respect and our Grand Kingdom is restored back to glory. Finally, I will ensure not only our vaults and our halls but our pockets as well, are filled with gold and silver. I am a son of Urguan and Yavok, and you are sons and daughters of Urguan. Let us grasp glory and write our names in history, so all may remember our triumphs.” NARVOK OZ URGUAN
  17. THE MOUNTAIN ALLIANCE Since the founding of Kal’Urguan the mountain dwed have been the foundation of the dwarves, from their many feats to their esteemed Paragons, the sons of Urguan have relied on the skill and determination of the mountain dwed. Back in the days of old, in the city of Kal'Karaad, Bastion Ireheart, Fili Grandaxe and Verthaik Frostbeard signed a bloodpact, bringing the mountain clans into an alliance, forging an unbreakable bond between Urguans kin. Decades later, the pact was renewed between Kerwyr Frostbeard, Fimlin Grandaxe and Gror Ireheart, once again bringing the clans close, and in return, making the Grand Kingdom much stronger than it was before. So history shall repeat itself once again, the mountain clans of Ireheart, Grandaxe, Frostbeard and Stormheart shall sign a bloodpact in accordance with the following terms. 1. Signatories agree to support each other militarily if aggressed upon 2. Clans of the alliance formally agree to never employ hostility to each other, in the case of an act that cannot be ignored, the signatories shall meet to discuss a means of action. 3. Signatories shall not pledge allegiance to any sort of conflict without discussion. 4. Clans of the Mountain Alliance agree to support each other politically. 5. The Signatories of the alliance agree to meet every stone month. Signed, Lord of the Ireheart, Jarl of Dol’Gorix, and Bane of the Orcs Clan Father of the Stormhearts, Grand Marshal of Dungrimm's Legion, and Grand Champion of Urguan Clan Father of the Frostbeards, Son of Hamnil Frostbeard, and Lord of Tal’Rhewenholm Clan Father of Grandaxes, Brewmaster, and Lord of Kal’Bogrin
  18. (February 19th, 2022) ᚾᚨᚱᚺ-ᛞᚨ-ᚾᚨᚴᚺᚢᛗ'ᚢᚱ-ᛞᚨ AMENDMENT TO THE ARTICLES OF URGUAN ᛟᚱᚡᚢᛚ-ᚾᚨᚴᚺᛁᛗᛁᚱᚨᛉ To My Fellow Dwedmar and fine Folk of the Grand Kingdom: As stated per Article II, Section I - 5, “the Grand King shall hold authority over Sections II & III of Article II to change at his discretion in accordance with his supreme authority over the Royal Offices and Guilds.” It is with this statement that I, Grand King Ulfric Frostbeard, 33rd Grand King of Urguan, hereby exercise such authority to make two Amendments to Article II, Section II - The Royal Offices, and two Amendments to Article II, Section III - The Royal Guilds, of which will be detailed below and implemented upon the release of this missive. With agreeance and support of the Grand Council of Urguan and the Lord Chancellor, may one amendment be made to Article I, Section I - Structure of the Grand Council. In Regards to Article II, Section II - The Royal Offices: To be Added: 4. Let there be the Grand Architect, head of all infrastructure and construction. To be Renamed: 6. Let there be the King’s Hand, main advisor to the King. -> Let there be the King's Hand, overseer of the Obsidian Guard. In Regards to Article II, Section III - The Royal Guilds To be Added: The Omithiel Institute To be Renamed: The Workers' Guild -> The Working Guilds of Urguan In Regards to Article I, Section I - Structure of the Grand Council To be Added: 1. May the Grand Council vote to create and dismiss committees with a simple majority. 1. The Grand King and Lord Chancellor may propose the creation of committees to the Grand Council. 2. The Grand Council will give a mission for the committee to oversee. 2.1. The Grand Council may elect to provide the committee with a reasonable amount of powers/privileges to complete its mission. 3. The Lord Chancellor will appoint a member of the Grand Council or other government official to oversee the committee. 3.1. There must be a minimum of three members of a committee 4. A public declaration will be made after approval by the Grand Council. 5. The committee overseer will invite citizens of the Grand Kingdom to join the committee. Further changes may be made in the future, pending review. Narvak oz Urguan. Grand King of Urguan, Lord of Clan Frostbeard, Thane of Rhewenholm, Great-Grandson of Rhewen
  19. A leather-bound tome lies unattended. The pages are stark and clean, suggesting a recent publishing, or attempts at preservation. You pick it up, curious at the title- what are Long Pigs? The answer is likely not what you hoped. To Cook a Longpig Authored by Barbog, Grubgoth of the Iron’Uzg Translated by the Orcish Cultural Revival And Purity project (OCRAP) For too long, brothers and sisters of the Uruk-hai have been left in the dark by the master butchers and Grubgoths of Uruk society. Perhaps these were never meant to be left secret, or forgotten by the masses, but as times and traditions change, so too has our knowledge of the past. Whilst many brothers may still seek out and butcher the longpig like in days past, there is a distinct lack of etiquette about it, and the dishes prepared (if they can even be called such) featuring longpig are woefully inadequate at best, and a slap in the face of Glutros at worst. I shall do my part in redeeming my misguided brothers, sisters, and any who fancy a decent meal of the most coveted meat. TO BUTCHER A LONGPIG As we all know, there are many types of longpig in the world. From the gamey, lean cutlets of the Mali, to the chewy gristle notable in Dweddish meat. Each variety of longpig brings unique textures and exotic tastes to any dish, but all maintain similar anatomy- and thus, similar cuts. Below is a detailed sketch, drafted by a close friend and confidant- whom I paid in meals, of course! The following parts have been carefully labelled and separated on the drawing; Head, ears, jowl, snout, neck, blades, shoulders, hock, back-fat, arms, hands, ribs, flank, belly, loin, rump, lower hock, leg, shank, and feet. Please take careful note of abnormal, non-descendent races. As one might expect, the belching Wonk or the limber Hou-Zi will undoubtedly be cut differently, as their anatomy grows further from traditional longpig cuts. The Musin shan’t be more than a snack. TO MAKE A MEAL OF LONGPIG Whilst cooking the meat itself is none too dissimilar from a hock of lamb or pig belly, one must be careful when selecting your sides! Longpig has a very distinct tone, and, due to its exotic nature, should not be wasted on unfitting dishes. My personal recommendations are as follows: HUMAN - As time-tested-and-true as beef or pig itself. While certainly a cut above livestock, if not just for the hunt involved in procuring this meat, I personally feel that you have better options. Truly, Longpig is meant to be a rare delicacy, and the abundance of humans leave this rather paradoxical- and the tastes and textures themselves are certainly nothing to write home about. If you were to create a barbaric or uncultured dish, then human meat suits perfectly. Burgers and bacon, perhaps, but leave serving longpig before a king to the Mali or Kha. ELF - As much as they may protest when alive, when you get down to the fundamentals- the flesh itself- they’re really all quite similar. Indeed, the tender, gamey, supple meat of the Mali are among my favorite dishes. I cannot speak highly enough of the feasts I have turned the odd botanist or researcher into. Perhaps it is their natural femininity, or their inclination to bookish things, but elves have an unrivaled, juicy tenderness. The finest of red wines, and the most expensive, outlandish sides could never be enough to compete with the meat itself- but perhaps they may make it better by comparison. DWARF - As the stout, tough race toils hard in their mines and are born with muscles taut as stone, so too is this reflected in their meat. If you wish to cook evenly and deeply with this longpig (or shall we call them shortpig?) , then a good tenderizer and elbow grease is required. I can assure you, though, that they make a most excellent brisket if you do, and there is no better iteration of pulled longpig meat, than that painstakingly torn from the Dwed. HALFLING - While it wounds me as a friend of the Weefolk to have to record an entry that may be mistaken as encouraging their slaughter, I only do so in the highest regard as an objective chef. They are, as one may expect, quite similar to the flesh of the human that some allege they originate from. They have more ‘earthy’ notes to them, which some have suggested come from the divergence of ancestry. This pairs well with heady beers and hard liquors. Should you come across the meat of the half-men, I can only suggest one thing; avoid the feet. They are tough, covered in calluses many, many layers deep, and unlike shucking a clam, does not reward you with good grub. WONK - Their anatomy is, quite simply, repulsive to most casual consumers. Even the meat itself is slick and slimy, and the only cure is to char it into a brick- a cardinal sin that no true cook should ever commit. You have two options when it comes to the Wonk as longpig. You may either attempt to recreate certain seafood dishes with Wonk meat, leveraging that sliminess as one might the slippery raw squid, or slick watery vegetables. This, in my opinion, is the best choice for most of the Wonk’s body… except for their hock, leg, and shank. These are fatty and have a texture somewhere between soft fish and poultry. Best when sauteed and stewed! Fun fact: Wonk legs do not stiffen up as fast as most animals upon their demise, and may even twitch when heated up in cooking! HOU-ZI - An odd choice- and I say that proceeding the Wonk! Whilst there are similarities between the Hou-Zi, and races such as halflings and humans, they are an entirely different beast- No offense to Hou-Zi intended! Truly, they ought not be hunted for their meat, as it is rather bland and chewy in the most unpalatable way. Instead, the true delicacy of the Hou-Zi is in the mind… And I say that in the most physical sense. Chilled Hou-Zi brains. Do not question it, merely enjoy it. KHA - Whilst Kha are very few and far between these days, I would argue that only makes the already-exotic taste of the meat feel only that much more so! Truly, in days where Kha would roam our borders in droves, were days where the Ilzgûl blessed our civilizations. There is something so… utterly indescribably, in the juices of Kha meat. I cannot stress this enough- this meat NEEDS to be served rare, if not raw. Any dangers of undercooked meat are well worth the suffering when beer-basted Kha precedes it. MUSIN - Musin themselves have little meat, and are best served as a side of their own. However, should you find yourself with many little mouse-meals, you may find that they are best incorporated as half-dish. Meals such as a mushroom-and-musin kebab, or a chunky stew, would be a wonderful use for these little snacks. SEZZIKBEKK - While their bodies are quite unappealing at first glance, they hold much meat in their more ‘avian’ parts- the thighs, breast, and (on some specimens with less-twisted appendages), wing-meat. Whilst these may be used as a replacement for more common fowl, such as chicken or partridge, they truly shine when deep-fried. Indeed, while I find few things more delicious in this world than Krugtucky Fried Chicken, I have found their equal in Fried Sezzikbekk. TO PLATE A LONGPIG This will, of course, vary by the meat itself, and how you cook it. Humans, halflings, dwarves, and the like will be suitable as plain affairs- one would not be remiss to see human sliders on a plain ceramic tray, and for good reason. For more ‘exotic’ meats, then rest assured, I recommend firmly to play this up in their presentation. Sauteed wonk with a smooth Teriyaki sauce, Musin kebabs wrapped in palm leaves with carefully-threaded skewers connecting the cutlets, and Deep-Fried Sezzibekk stacked like a tower, with garlic powder and shredded kaktuz sprinkled from high above. All of these are presentations I have seen with my own eyes, and they never cease to entertain and enthrall even the most well-fed of critics. Go with your intuition here, but I must repeat from earlier; do not waste your longpig. The taking of a life is much more special here- a cow or chicken are penned and dumb, and the act of bringing one to your table is of absolutely no note. The battle that wins you a prime dish-to-be of longpig, however, means that the meat itself deserves a higher level of respect. Perhaps you may attempt to recreate aspects of that very battle in your plating, but at the very least it makes an entertaining story to share. AFTERWORD Whilst my advocacy for the consumption and proper preparation of longpig cannot be understated, I do not intend for this book to inspire my brothers and sisters to become butchers for the sake of sport. It is the very act of a well-fought battle that makes the meat taste that much more succulent, the comedy of serving a belly cut deep by your friend’s arrow, that is to truly ‘make the meal’. To turn them into common chattel is right-out. Livestock has grown complacent, boring, and dare I say, a turn-off to many chefs. Respect the intent behind serving longpig, by not abusing the source the Ilzgûl have so generously provided. They are the sustenance after a battle, not some simpering beast to be penned and bred for grub alone. But, above all else; Cook well, my friends. -Barbog
  20. Da Dverga Ur Da Arakh Kadrin ᛏᚺᛖ ᛟᚱᛞᛖᚱ ᛟᚠ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚹᚺᛁᛏᛖ ᚨᚾᚹᛁᛚ +-={ ᛚᛟᚾᚷ ᛗᚨᛃ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛈᚱᛟᛋᛈᛖᚱ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛒᚱᛁᚾᚷ ᚨ ᚾᛖᚹ ᚨᚷᛖ ᛟᚠ ᛞᚹᚨᚱᚹᛖᚾ ᚲᚱᚨᚠᛏᛋᛗᚨᚾᛋᚺᛁᛈ }=-+ The great ancestors forging artifacts during their time, the relics of today. Greetings Khazadmar, I am Ulfar of the Kornazkarumm. Long have the crafters within Kal’Darakaan and the lands of Urguan slumbered, our work fading as the world around us evolves into a newer society of Umros and Elgus. Therefor, it is time we strike the anvil harder, let the ringing of steel and rumbling of stone pierce through our deep dwedic halls to remind Almaris, “The khazadmar kadre will not be forgotten”. Through study of the guild’s past lives, I have made modifications and changes. From the ashes of the old guilds, not just from Almaris and Arcas, but from every barimmar past, rises the guild of the White Anvil. Here, we as dwarves will work together to train and learn, excel at our crafts once more. Yrrommar are allowed to join the guild and work alongside the mighty Khazadmar, they will learn our ways and climb our ranks, but are blacklisted from specific rankings that are unique to the dwarves alone. Additionally, Yrrommar can graduate the guild with a form of certificate presenting their rank along with a stamp or sigil of approval from the forgemaster. These certificates are very important in validating the skill of the smith, should they be foreigners. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Progression System Those within the guild must learn and adapt in order to achieve greater heights, This takes many years to learn and even more to master, but when they have learned all they have to learn within their rank, they may apply to climb to the next ranking where they will have to go through a set of trials so that we can see what they have learned and if they qualify to ascend. Chapters Chapters are considered metallurgy knowledge, Chapter of Iron covering the basic to advanced techniques of Iron smithing to Steel smithing. Chapter of gold being the same, and so on for every other chapter for any metal. As you learn and climb the ranks, you gain access to more chapters which in turn allow you to learn more advanced metals. Trials The trials are tasks given to young smiths as they ascend the ranks as their skills increase and their minds widen. The trials are based on the current rank the smith is in to see what they have learned throughout their time within it, made by the Forge Lord or any Forge Hand that hosts the trial. Should they fail, they can retake the trials after a stone week. New Forge Lords Should a Forge Lord step down or die, Yemekar’s pick or the Rhun Prophet will choose from the either the Forge hands or Forge Masters. In the case that the Forge Lord steps down, they may choose to apprentice someone in order to train them into becoming a Forge Lord. Payment Every labor will be paid at a minimum of 10 minas, though metalworkers seeking more pay should do orders/commissions which are paid at 20 minas minimum, potentially more if a commission says so. Some commissions will specify specific ranks required to be trusted to take the order. Such commissions will often pay higher. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hierarchy ((A key requirement to qualify for trials is to have a sustainable amount of rp throughout their time within the ranking. If there is an irl reason for inactivity, let us know. The more rp within the guild, the better.)) Forge Lord Lord of the White Anvil, the Forge Lord is in charge of keeping the Metalworkers guild active and training his apprentices in the many techniques of metallurgy. He is obligated by oath of Yemekar to spread the knowledge of the forge to worthy apprentices, and is given great respect for his service. Forge Hand Assistants to the Forge Lord and High Overseers within the Workforce as a whole, Forge Hands help oversee the logistics of the White Anvil. They are expected as well to be masters of forgework and able to serve as teachers, leading lessons. Forge Hands are offered a free office in the headquarters of the guild, as well as a personal anvil. The guild is willing to accept four labors from him. Forge Master A veteran blacksmith capable of crafting in virtually all techniques. Highest quality craftsdwedship is expected from a Forge Master, and they are given a personal anvil and corner within the facilities of the Workforce for their dedication. Forge Masters are paid 20 minas for their labors unless otherwise stated, and the guild accepts four labors from them. Chapter that you are opened to learning upon reaching Forge Master: Hammerer The standard blacksmith rank within the White Anvil, it is any blacksmith who has become adept at numerous chapters, and is capable of teaching it to aspiring Forgelings and Apprentices. Hammerers are paid 15 minas for their labors unless otherwise stated, and the guild accepts four labors from them. Chapters that they will learn before they can qualify for trials for Hammerer: Apprentice A novice blacksmith who is still learning many of the basic chapters of forgework, but is capable of making standard quality works. Apprentices are paid 10 minas for their labors unless otherwise stated, and the guild accepts three labors from them. Chapters that they will learn before they can qualify for trials for Apprentice: Forgeling An aspiring blacksmith with little knowledge beyond the concept of hammer and anvil. After their first dwarven quality craft, they may be considered an apprentice. Chapters that they will learn before they can qualify for trials for High apprentice: Initiation In order to join the guild, you must speak with either the Forge Lord, any Forge Hand or Yemekar’s pick in roleplay. Contacts Rhun Prophet Norli Starbreaker ---------------------- Yemekar's Pick Ulfar Starbreaker ---------------------- Forge Lord Nara Starbreaker ---------------------- Forge Hand Charsi Doomforged Hana Starbreaker ---------------------- Translations Khazadmar, Dwarves Yrrommar, Foreigners Kornazkarumm, Starbreakers Umros, Humans Elgus, Elves Reference https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/82997-da-bak-kadrel-barimmar-~-the-great-smithing-guild/?tab=comments#comment-715879 Change Log:
  21. Bojakk Frostbeard, amidst the lovey-dovey time of year, in the same fashion as he had done in years prior, composes a song for the sake of the lovers during the holiday of Belka's time, often shortened to Belkantine [for some reason]. Wasting no time at all, he and with permission from his Father Ajax, borrows his banjo, and composes a simple, but heartfelt song. Finishing said composition he'd rush to both the taverns in Kal'Darakaan, Hefrumm, and any other major hold around to get a copy posted to every tavern and major hub people would walk through. Attached to the song is a note with the following written in it "This song is dedicated not only to the couples enjoying the festivities of this time of year, but to my fellow bachelor dwed who have yet to find their other half. Additionally, I wanted to dedicate this song to those lovely Grandaxe ladies, whom have been both and inspiration, and a joy for myself during my time getting acquainted to my fellow dwed kin. Have a lovely Belkantine, and know that you all are loved, even if you don't immediately see it -Bojakk Frostbeard" Sweet Dwarven Woman
  22. [!] The sounds of a mighty hammer clashing with the hot touch of molten metal can be heard bellowing from within the forge, embers dancing around the place, a small and humble dwarf is hard at work. The Oak Forge [!] Written neatly on a piece of fresh parchment are words of a dwarf. Dear folks of Lubbas Keep and adventurers, Dremnud welcomes voz to The Oak Forge which is now in business, voz may request weapons directly to Dremnud or Dremnuds mailbox which sits comfortably right outside of the forge. Dremnud will try his very best to forge vouz weapons with care and any donations such as materials are very welcomed and appreciated by Dremnud. Voz can discuss payment with Dremnud when you request the weapon or after.
  23. ᚷᛁᛗᛗᛖ ᚤᛖᚱ ᛒᛖᛚᛏ 2.4.2022 The horns begin sounding in the Halls of the Irehearts as the calling of an ancient tradition passed on by the Paragons begins. A registry has been placed upon the clan board to be filled by every participant for the weeks leading up to the event. It will take place in the Ireheart Clan Hall located inside the capitol of Urguan. (Click the scroll and Sign Up) [Sponsored by the (Dwed Wrestling Entertainment)]
  24. THE TRUE CRIMES OF PHILLIP Oren is dying. The views of the founder dies with it. Kings and lords treat the low born, the peasants and even the backbone of their own army as mere damn fodder. I have visited and seen Providence, and many other cities. I see how the poor are clearly not our enemy, but it is their masters. They are treated like mindless fodder, destined to die on some battlefield. I personally have met many people of Oren, kind fellows, hate having not blighted their minds. However, highborn fools spit at my mere existence, their narrow minds hating those who do not fit into their world, while the common people viewed me as an equal. It is clear the rich and wealthy care not for their people. Phillip damns his people to constant death. Phillip damns his empire. People are torn from their families, to die because of a petty feud because the lords could not give up one rich man. When I visited Providence, it was the first time I saw a homeless man. He showed a deep goodness, being helpful even to those better off than him. He did not deserve his condition. So many lives, ignored, forgotten. Phillip has abandoned his people. Written by Glod Grimgold, Urguan citizen, based on his constant visits to Providence, and the countless interactions experienced.
  25. The line of Igor, a line of respectable and honorable Irehearts, a line of Kings and Paragons. Igor Ireheart, famed for winning battles in which he was outmatched and outnumbered, brought fame to his name and his kin. But soon after, sacrificed his life to defeat an Aengul in revenge of his brother, Dreek Ireheart. And then onto Vorstag Ireheart, his name spoken throughout the ages for leading his warriors time and time again into battle, sharing every risk and discomfort his lessers took. Twice he was crowned Grand King, eventually following the same fate as Igor, sacrificing himself to defeat a corrupted Urir Ireheart and save the most important dwarven relics in history, the Armour of Urguan. Bastion Ireheart, direct son of Igor forged his own legacy as he fought and worked for his fame. He ascended to Grand King and followed the example of Vorstag, leading the legion into battle against the Orenian Empire, ultimately defeating them. The songs and stories of Bastion and his exploits are still talked about to this day. The Glory of not only the line of Igor, but Roggar, Olaf and Dreek could be sung for ages and never end. Agnar Ireheart, son of Igor and great-grandson of Kjellos is my father. Boasting about his service to Urguan and to the Irehearts, always loyal, always attentive to the tenets of the Clan and its values, Honor, Loyalty, Devotion, Bravery and Respect. These are the values our clan abides by, from Igor to Axel they have not only kept these tenets close. But have always shown they’re amplified loyalty to not only their bloodline, their nation, but also their kin. You would think that a son of Igor and descendent of Kjellos as well as relative to many great kings would be loyal to their own blood and to their Clan Father, especially his own son. But it is quite the opposite. Agnar Ireheart you have betrayed your kin and betrayed your own son for a position of power in the Kingdom of Urguan. Breaking the blood oath you forged with the clan upon the completion of your Ireheart Trials. Igor, Kjell, Roggar, Olaf and Dreek would be disappointed and ashamed to know you are related to them, knowing you still call yourself an Ireheart despite your breaking of our tenets, values and oath. Such a betrayal will not go unanswered by your son, nor by Clan Ireheart. Agnar Ireheart, You will be stripped of your status as Blooded from Clan Ireheart, stripped of your gryphon feather, and stripped of the name Ireheart. You are also stripped of any claim to the Ireheart throne and to the ancient name of Stormhammer, the sub clan to the Irehearts. Finally, for your betrayal of your own son, and betrayal of every dwed who has the name Ireheart, you are hereby banished from Clan Ireheart for eternity and will forever be shunned by your blood till the end of your days. Signed, Lord of the Irehearts, Jarl of Dol’Gorix and Bane of the Orcs Grand King Emeritus, Grandson of Roggar, Father of Utak, Elder of Clan Ireheart, Champion of Clan Ireheart and Defender of the Articles Son of Rorik Ireheart, Elder of Clan Ireheart Son of Dreek Ireheart, Peoples King, Grand Champion of Urguan Elder of Clan Ireheart, Line of Roggar
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