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  1. For Charity! Fix the Loc, Fix the World! [!] A sketch of what is left of Du Loc, the old city crumbling away with fungal growths and decay plaguing it. (Screenshots taken by PufferfishTrash!) The once great city known as Du Loc, as you all know, has fallen. Still, it’s citizens cling onto the past, weaving through the horrid circumstances loyally in search of what little good is left of the town- despite waiting, searching, and surviving within the walls. Some keep their grip firm on the ruins out of loyalty. Others, simply because they have no choice. And how horrible the conditions have become! Ever since the town’s leadership has collapsed, the walls crumbled and continue to crumble to this day, beasts long banished and forgotten to the Du Locians have made their horrid returns, terrorizing and preying on those unfortunate enough to be sighted by them. The majority of ourselves are quite well off. We can help them. We can make a difference. All it takes is a small spark to start the flame. ._________________. We can fix this. We can have an impact on this world. Together, we can help it. We just need you to light that spark. ._________________. All forms of charity, whether it be helping us clear the Loc of villains (Cough, glory hunters & loot gremlins, cough), volunteering to help us rebuild or just simply donating materials and food will all be deeply appreciated! Let us give these people the home they once had and rightfully deserve! For Charity! And what’s better is that if we are to exceed the required supplies needed to bring back Du Loc to it’s former glory, we shall move outwards to help those who need it most outside the city’s great walls! First the Loc, then the realm! So whether you are here for adventure, putting some baddies to the ground, Helping us in rebuilding the city and those to come, or just donating to help our movement, The Loc welcomes you all! ._________________. Directions to Du Loc can be found at the Eastern Fleet. Specifically found along the road between Lucsiensberg and Yong Ping. A donation bin, if you are simply stashing supplies will be present at both entrances into Du Loc! See you there! And if you do not like the idea of running over to a new, unfamiliar realm, us members of Charity's Hand will come visit you in your own local town, city or village in due time. Thank you for reading! ._________________. - Slith ‘Azh Arm’, Representative of Charity’s Hand
  2. THE CHALLENGE OF THE SUN THE SOHAER OF HAELUN'OR As Issued from the An'asul estate 18th of Malin's Welcome, Year 97 of the Second Age {Art by Pengzhen Zhang} "An epoch to lay the foundations of permanent progress. Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! You are the chosen one, child. Blessed by Larihei’s realisation of the nature of the State and our inherited Nature, I will guide you into the future. A completed century will only be the start." - Malaurir Dimaethor Elervathar Blessed Citizens of our State, our home and refuge… While many of you know me for my rather clamorous ways of ensuring the progress of our blessed bastion, I am indeed a servant of the state, a vigorous one who sacrificed their whole being to the betterment of our kin. Unlike others, I do not seek to abolish institutions to install myself as the absolute power of the State.. Powers and responsibilities should always be distributed among the blessed; ‘tis to allow the ever so progressing mali‘thill to actively participate in the political scheme of Haelun’or but to also prevent one individual becoming the absolute force, a dictator. We have seen this from time to time, the last time Sohaer held absolute power they attempted to erase the most blessed Maheral from our history. The last time someone we called Maheral held absolute power, she ended up being a fraud. This we have seen, and this I promise will never happen under the guidance of myself, democracy shall prevail. This I promise with my ever so dying soul, Haelun’or will be reinstalled as a nation great among the nations of the realm. We shall be the epitome of a functioning democratic society and never shall we be blinded by mundane terms such as “Regent-Sohaer”. And so, this is a promise to the Motherland itself, to the mali’till and citizens of our Blessed Bastion… The Silver News shall be promised full autonomy as per functionality. The editor in chief shall be promised funding to ensure the prosperity of the paper and the government shall not dictate the functions of it. Elsillumiran shall function as always, Okarir’tir will remain as their commander and Sohaer their Commander in Chief. Maheral as the head of state shall rule over the aforementioned. If changes are needed, they shall be directed by elokarir'tir. Magic has long gone untouched within our nation. I promise to start the distribution of magic myself within the blessed bastion, and once my pupils have graduated they shall take upon themselves to teach. Magical institutions will be reinstalled, and Haelun’or will once more be the home of magic as Larihei intended. This includes any and all scholarly subjects we are able to teach to the masses. After a long lasting war, I believe instead of enemies we should aim to befriend the nations within the realms. It is no lie, we were close to extinction and were it not for the miracle that happened we would all be nothing but blood stains upon the silver isles. Never shall we raise unnecessary arms again and under my guidance we shall aim for peace. Certain council meetings shall be made public; the citizenry invited to listen as elheial'thilln converses about the topics of the nation. Public assemblies as started by Sohaer Uradir shall be reinstalled and will take place on a scheduled basis. Many things, but I believe change is exactly what Haelun’or needs as for now. We have had Sohaeran closer to identical to one another, yet no change has happened and now we found ourselves almost extinct. I could write a novel that will take centuries to finish if I was to write everything that I seek to change, however instead of that I wish to have you citizens come speak with me. Come, have a discussion and we shall exchange words and ideas on how to make the nation a better place for all 'thill. I am Usamea An’asul and a vote for me as Sohaer of the Silver State, is a vote for progress and health. AY'LARIHEI AY'MAHERAL MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA Signed, Laurir Usamea An’asul
  3. The council as it stands wished to rip that right from your hands and hold an election amongst themselves and decide the future representative of the Mali’thill in a closed election. It was my lobbying which was able to secure enough of the council’s vote to usher in the return of democracy to the Mali’thill. - Malaurir Ikur Sullas To Haelun’or, I write to you this missive as finally has our nation established stability and now finds herself in tranquility after decades of hostilities, and the annexation of the silver isles. The price paid for peace was an expensive one, many a ‘thill lost their lives while defending that of silver against the barbaric enemies from the stars. Now we find ourselves surrounded by peace, however a threat to our society has once more found itself a way into our democratic society. Many of our Okariran are seated in one of the most esteemed institutions of our society, unelected however. Our Sohaer once more claimed power, while having no mandate. I thus call for all unelected members of our pristine elheial’thilln to stand challenged or subject to a vote determining whether they shall continue to serve the public or not. Regent-Sohaer Kolvar Uradir Okarir’nor Luthien Maeyr’onn Okarir’hiylun Anara Elervathar These elections shall be overseen by elheial’lauriran as led by Maheral Seth Calith. As we all are one, we all are silver, we shall as one lead the bastion towards prosperity. AY'LARIHEI AY'MAHERAL MAEHR'SAE HIYLUN'EHYA Signed, Laurir Usamea An’asul
  4. ANNOUNCEMENT of the HOUSE DARKWOOD The Darkwood Drink Festival In the year of our Lord, 13th of Peter's Glory 23 B.A To those of Almaris: House Darkwood has shown itself to be a house newly dedicated in its curation and creation of drinks of all kinds, having opened a business in the Brown Bear’s Rest Tavern in Balian. Having held such a passion for all his life Viscount Drako Darkwood would like to announce his intent to host a festival in celebration of what he loves in Balian. Starting in the Square of Balian with a small amount of stalls and space within Balian, those who make drinks are encouraged to sell or offer tasters of their drinks for the denizens of Almaris to taste and enjoy. Being that this is a drink festival, there will be a competition held in the tavern with a grand prize of 50 mina. Finally it will be ended with a drunken brawl in the arena, where anyone who wants to take part will drink and then fist fight those in the pit. As declared by, His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Lord Drako Darkwood, Viscount of Renduzzo. Her Excellency, Viscount-Consort Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller of Renduzzo
  5. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around all Tianrui Trading Co. locations and partners! THE TIANRUI TEAHOUSE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO OUR CELEBRATION OF THE MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL IN OUR ALISGRAD LOCATION! [!] A full moon rises behind the Tianrui gingko tree in Alisgrad in this print! Come one, come all! To the Tianrui Teahouse’s celebration of the Li-Ren Mid-Autumn Festival! Taking place once on the 15th of every 8th month on the Li-Ren lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn festival is a celebration of harvest, friends and family, and of course moon cakes. While the date of the equinox precedes this missive, festivities shall take place in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse from the Sun’s Smile to the Grand Harvest. For the first night of the event, tea master Tianrui Ren will tell the tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival and how it came to be! Event Planning and Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: Running all week in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse, and Monday night at around 4pm EST I’ll be around to do an in-RP story time!
  6. [i] A new pamphlet arrives at your door. THE WHEAT WHACKER CHRONICLES THE CHERUB OF THE WORKBENCH Any self respecting farmer knows that a workbench is essential to farming, to repair our tools, as well as to pack our crops into the appropriate bushels and bales. Dear shepherds and shepherdesses, imagine my distress when I was tilling the fields of Minitz - which have done extraordinarily well ever since I’ve taken them under my wing, proving all the farms in the Harvest Confederacy only need a bit of LOVE AND ATTENTION - ahem, excuse me. I became sidetracked. Imagine my distress when I couldn’t immediately find a workbench! How lucky was I when a flaxen haired youth approached me and showed me to a workbench I could use. Truly, when the youth understand the importance of farming, that is when we are truly blessed. To this child, whose name I do not know, I dub you the Cherub of the Workbench. You shall always have a friend in the Wheat Whacker. THE SECOND REVIEW This time I have traveled far and wide, to many a place within the Southernmost part of our world. I have been to farms near and far, and to places with no farms at all! I have traveled far and wide so you do not have to. To the farms outside the ruined city of San Luciano, the tiny patch in the Barony of Triglav, to the farms nearest Vistulia, I have traversed and farmed them all. I started my journey in the Viceroyalty of Hyspia, and whilst I am understanding of the fact that the desert dries out soil at an alarming rate, I am not sympathetic to the fact that a live chicken is living in between the stalks of wheat. The less said about the feral animal the better. Whilst San Luciano remains abandoned and in dire need of repair, the farm outside the ruined city is in good condition considering the city it used to feed. There are patches of crops that have been trampled and become unusable, but overall, it made for a good harvest due to the superb irrigation and size of the field. The Barony of Triglav came next, and while their farm was well irrigated there were a few bare patches that should concern whomever farms it. Overall, it was well-kept indeed. Vistulia was the next stop, and their farm was large indeed. Whilst the dry patches are forgivable due to the climate, the cross contamination of crops is not. Carrots, just two or three patches, in the top of the field, and dry spots galore! Surely whichever poor soul must farm that field regularly is not so careless? Erwinsburg, Erwinsburg. Their farms are superb! Well watered and expansive! Truly a great environment to grow crops. If only there were crops growing! Every field is empty and bare, even of seedlings. How sad, to see such potential go unused. The Duchy of Redclyf truly has a personal farm to be proud of. Dry patches, yes, but they only have one tilled spot that is bare of any crop whatsoever! Hurrah! As the foremost farming authority, I would recommend going no further than this duchy if you are indeed touring the farms of the world as I have. While the Grand Duchy of Balian may seem nice, there is truly no greater sin than not having a farm so that the people in your care may feed themselves. I was horrified to learn that most preferred to sit on their laurels rather than use their day to feed themselves and others. I recommend steering clear of Balian at all costs. A place without a farm is a place without kindness. SUBMITTED FARMS Whilst the village of Helious may seem… haphazard at best, their farms are an entirely different story, much to my joy. Most often farmed by my faithful companion, the Silent Sodbuster, these fields are the picture of health. With minimal dry patches and an… admittedly unorthodox irrigation system, there is no denying that it works. Perhaps the farms could look better, but there is no doubt that they produce fine crops. Do send in your farms for review. Even if they aren’t sent in, I’ll get to them eventually! All submissions should be forwarded to this address. [OOC: The Wheat Whacker#1688] The foremost farming authority,
  7. Vindicta von Draco Artists' depiction of a Sedanian guard and palace worker discovering the mutilated body of Caius de Ravensburg. Standing within Sedan’s meeting room laid a few figures, some conversing, some watching, and one plotting. They plotted the mission they gave upon themselves, the hunt that would bring him a feeling he’d never felt before. Donny von Draco took it upon himself to lure Vice-Chancellor Caius de Ravensburg to the palace’s meeting room - having learned of his plans against Sedan and using it as a reason to fulfill his own personal, and radical yearning for revenge. A pursuit for revenge stemmed from the infamous tales of Sofya and Argus Romstun. How they were used, taken advantage of, by none other than Caius de Ravensburg himself. The man sought to destroy his parents’ lives before his even began, being a liar, backstabber, and traitor to his beloved kin. This was enough for the young Donny to grow a deep hatred for the failed Chancellor, his childhood consumed by war and stories of his horrific deeds. He was a horrible man, in that eye of his. Nothing short of the same evil which took his other, best comparable to the overweight villains often found in children’s books - ones who seek to destroy the bond between a princess and her prince. Donny had successfully pulled Caius into his trap, a brief conversation ensuing between the two in the moments leading up to his plan. And in such a conversation, he expressed to Donny a warmth and kindness that almost made him hesitate, but it was in those doubts that Donny quickly regained himself and re-called the powerful words of his father. “No man is able to lead others only with imaginary titles and a pen. Raising a blade for an honorable fight is proof of your loyalty to your country and people. The fragment of the letter played in his head, the tick-tocking of his pocket watch indicating that time continued, and Donny only had so much of it before the luxury of opportunity fell from his grasp. Caius refused to duel me after insulting his own princess, which I stood up for. Donny kept his countenance drawn to the figures who dallied within that room, Caius’s pointless words muffled in his ears - breaths growing sharper and sharper as the seconds only went by, and the words resonated louder in his head. The rodent slithered back into his cage and hissed through the metal bars, attempting to hide the fear that overhauled his person when he heard my steed's distant hooves clop. The Draco’s anger only grew as Caius patted his back, the kind gesture paired with his past stirring Donny’s impending fury. Let it be known throughout the Empire - The arrows of the clock turned, finally reaching the dawn of a new hour. He is no man, Donny’s stormy gray eye burned its widened glare onto the side of Caius’s head, a hand shot to his back to grip Drakono Nagas, the infamous dagger that would be used to cut the shackles which bound him so much. And deserves no respect.” Caius rose a glass to his lips, his final moments of serenity plagued by alcohol and it's beautiful lie. For Sofya, that dagger was drawn. For Argus, Donny plunged it into the back of his neck, And for himself, he twisted and yanked the blade within his skin - mutilating it. With every torn piece of flesh that fell to the ground, with every violent stab and thrust into Caius’s neck, and with every splatter of blood that flew onto Donny’s face, a memory burned, and a quest for revenge neared completion. Donny’s only regret? Not ripping Caius’s heart right out of his chest and crushing it before the eyes of his father. Finally, they were free, finally, he was free. Finally, Caius ‘The Rat’ de Ravensburg, was dead. "The path of a righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
  8. [!] This is not public IRP knowledge. [!]
  9. Royal Poetry Volume 3 - Katerina Foreword Upon closer correspondence with Haeseni Royalty and the people within Haense, Felyx becomes inspired to write yet another addition to the Poetry Series. This hobby of his has been expanding, and may be something serious simply by handing these works to their respective muses, who hold great power. Nevertheless, as the young Colborn sits down to put quill and ink to paper, he is reminded by the semblance that the name "Katerina" holds against his first poem's "Karenina", thus silently vowing to match his previous standards to fit at least a single aspect of the many diamond fractals of an equally incredible individual. 'Katerina' Waves and waves of light are shimmering Into which, no man may see. For the pond of life within this vessel As a fiery summer's breeze grow free. The eyes of the maelstrom The onion layers of sun will capture - Out of melted icy footprints The mind shall drift to what entraptures. Allusions of flame dancing on a red wall Bring forth slender fingers around gold to linger. Yet as men stand tormented in transparent halls, A graceful figure here shall make its stand. Age has a number that ripes like fine wine Which, as poured, pours into many souls in time, To form a web of fine gold strands - And band us together lest we fall from our climb. The slender hand arches up, to clutch her Lorraine For belief alone may keep us all sane - So our trust placed in her to guide us the way, By the mercy of God we shall not astray. Blunt as a mace, her protection can kill Those who threaten her kin of the Land. In snow-capped red dress, and golden necklace Her temper comes forth like winter's fury unmanned. In time the laughter-lines grow, A temper subsides and a gold heart does show, With firm slender hands she holds her Lorraine, Within her still waves, to lap up her pain. As strong as a comet, a will resolute Within you'll find diamonds before it is spent For within us she sees just who we are Through countless ages and not just one scar, So let yourself be healed by the Lady; "Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov-Bihar" Afterword There is only one copy of this poem in circulation (IRPLY) and it is the original, signed by Felyx Colborn himself. What has been writ cannot be undone, and more royal poems are sure to come... Signed,
  10. [!] A missive would be sent out to the general public of Karosgrad in a dinged parchment. The words would be written carefully in a black ink that stained to the back of the paper. To The Royal Family of Barbanov and whom it may concern, For those who may not know me, my name is Ipera Antionette Ashford de Falstaff. In recent times, I have done many unsavory things, reflecting poorly on my family and Her Highness. Though it is not my place to go into specifics into what happened between the Princess and I, that is for her to publicize how she deems fit, I do wish to issue the sincerest of apologizes. I spoke out of turn, and above my rank, to someone who deserves respect of the highest degree. To Her Royal Highness,I was a provoker, and caused you to lash out. It was not your fault, you were just acting in reaction to my improper actions. You had every right to be emotional and should not be ridiculed by the public for anything you may have said or did to me in this time. I am sorry for pushing you. I do hope that we can work through this and eventually regain the friendship we held when we first met. To His Serene Highness, I should have not spoken the way that I did to you, even if it was in private. It was unsightly of me and I am very grateful that you did not publicize what I did say. I hold our friendship in high regard and I am thankful that that friendship has remained intact. However, I do wish to clarify some misconceptions, I did NOT steal His Serene Highness’s circlet. I removed it from his head and joked around with him, and immediately returned it once he asked for it. The crown never left the palace or His Serene Highness’s sight. This was blown out of proportions by an unnamed source stating that they saw me trying to take it once before, which is false.Through my clarity I do not wish to continue this quarrel however my words are ment to put an end to this more than anything else. Signed, Ipera Antionette Ashford de Falstaff
  11. [i] A new pamphlet arrives at your door. THE WHEAT WHACKER CHRONICLES INTRODUCTION What, ladies and gentlemen, are the tenets for every farmer? Of course, proper irrigation, seeding, and harvesting is key to any farmer’s livelihood. Alas, it seems more and more of us are forgetting these tenets! Across Almaris, much of which I have farmed in, there are unseeded patches and dry spots in every field. Much to my horror, I can assure you. The purpose, dear shepherds and shepherdesses, of this pamphlet is to bring attention to the sorry state of our fields. But what authority have I to comment on your farming procedures? The six thousand potatoes and carrots, and the eight thousand bales of hay, all perfectly stored in my storeroom, are my qualifications, dearest farmer. And, of course, if you’ve a field nearby, I’ve farmed it. From the tiniest farm just outside Corwinsburg to the farm just outside Amathea, I have farmed far and wide. If I haven’t farmed your fields, it’s only a matter of time. I, the Wheat Whacker, will aid you in your endeavors to better your farms. THE FIRST REVIEW We shall begin, my farmers, in the Harvest Confederacy. Surely a nation named after harvesting will have immaculate fields, will they not? I’m afraid that the Confederacy will disappoint us, for while their fields certainly look impressive, they seem to value quantity over quality. At first glance, the golden fields of wheat and rich-looking vegetable patches fool most as they pass by. Poor irrigation and dry patches are apparent even in the very first fields I came across, just outside of Vienne, or whatever it’s name is now. A fluke, I said to myself, and shared a glance with my trusty companion, the Silent Sodbuster, saw us quickly harvesting all we could carry and wandering off to the next stop. The further inward we went, the more problems arose. We had run all the way to Arichsdorf, our bundles of wheat steadily growing, before we were too disheartened to continue. Bare patches riddled fields and poor lighting saw some of the seedlings not taking to even irrigated soil. Truly, a horrific sight. Dry soil was plentiful, and truly, my hopes cannot have been more crushed. While there may be hundreds upon hundreds of wheat fields, and the crop yield is impressive, it is not enough to excuse such heinous oversights. I truly hope this pamphlet, drawing attention to their problems, will prompt the farmers to correct their mistakes. Do send in your farms for review. Even if they aren’t sent in, I’ll get to them eventually! All submissions should be forwarded to this address. [OOC: The Wheat Whacker#1688] The foremost farming authority,
  12. [!] Before you sits a neatly bound book of smooth ivory pages, held together by dark red comb-stitch binding. On the cover is emblazoned the Tianrui House sigil, and boldly declared title of the production. Tianrui Trading Company Catalogue Issue No. 1 PUBLISHED SA 90, 6th OF THE GRAND HARVEST TIANRUI TRADING CO. PUBLISHING LTD. COMPANY MISSION From humble farming merchant beginnings in Li-Guo to the booming enterprise of today, the Tianrui Trading Co. sees a need and fills it. From fine produce and dried goods to tailored design needs, the Tianrui Trading Co. is here to help you receive the quality products you deserve. ABOUT OUR TEAM Current company CEO and founder of the Western branch expansion, Tianrui Ren is a family man who spends his time in the Tianrui Teahouse when not designing new products, recipes, or signing trade deals. Company CFO and popular face in our Sterling Street 3 location, Tianrui Carla is a spontaneous presence most often seen wearing her Tianrui Fu Dog Respirator Mask from her days in the YPA. When not seeing customers on the floor or balancing the books, Carla is a skilled creator of new drinks. Head of in-house entertainment Tianrui Meixing is a long-practised musician specialised with zither instruments, particularly the family guqin. When not performing, Meixing can be found helping Ren run the Sterling Street Tianrui Teahouse. Company financier and primary advisor on cultural connections and market research Chen Yunya is a practised entertainer and businesswoman renowned for her sword dances as much as her sharpened enterprising skills. OFFERED SERVICES AND GOODS CATERING All dishes available in-house at any Tianrui Teahouse location are also available to be catered to events and functions. Special catering rate discounts apply to groups of 10 or larger. ARCHITECTURE DESIGN AND CONSULTANCY Responsible in large part for architecture design and construction on Tai Ping district in Talon’s Port as well as both the first and second iterations of Yong Ping, Tianrui Trading Co. offers hourly rate architecture design and construction consultancy. HOME RENOVATION AND INTERIOR DESIGN Kitchen and home renovation and interior design services are offered in a wide variety of styles, with the added option of built-in security features. For your home can be safe and stylish. DRY GOODS The finest imported goods from Ai-Zho and along the roads of trade are offered to you through the Tianrui Trading Co. general stores, stalls, and remain available to be held in other locations on request. ARTISANAL PRODUCTS Fine crafted paintings, charms, jewellery, clothing, and alcohol are all offered by the skilled tradespeople of the Tianrui Trading Co. Styles will vary depending on individual vendors. SPECIAL IMPORTS Any of that which can not be found in Almaris, can most likely be specially procured by the skilled tradespeople of the Tianrui Trading Co. Speak to your local company representative today about any special import orders. SHOP LOCATIONS STERLING STREET 3, TALON’S PORT - THE TIANRUI TEAHOUSE Sitting beside beautiful gardens just across the road from the Talon’s Port Tavern and on the same street as the Clinic and Library, Sterling Street 3 houses the esteemed Tianrui Teahouse! Come inside to enjoy family-cooked meals, authentic Li-Ren and Oyashiman cuisine, the finest array of teas, and the warm hospitality of our hosts. MAELSTORM BURROW 1B, TALON’S PORT - HENG-SOE TEA AND HOME Nestled in the homely undercity burrows, one can always find a quaint but welcoming stay in the Heng-Soe Tea and Home in Maelstrom 1B. Featuring a warming hearth in the seating area with a Tianrui Teahouse kitchen close by, Heng-Soe Tea and Home offers all the hospitality of our flagship location with the secluded closeness that only the undercity can have. FREY STREET, ALISGRAD - TIANRUI TEAHOUSE, BATHS, AND MUSEUM Established in the heart of the Norlandic capitol, the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse is at the time of publication the largest Tianrui Trading Co. location in Almaris. Positioned directly behind the clinic from the main square with upper levels placing one right in front of the Alisgrad Palace, this teahouse is hard to miss. Featuring a full teahouse and stage on the first floor, sauna and baths on the second floor, and a packed third floor with library, museum, and Jade Rabbit Books bookstore! GALIANI SQUARE 2, FLORENTINE - TIANRUI TRADING CO. GENERAL STORE Just to the right as one enters the idyllic province of Florentine’s main square, the Tianrui Trading Co. General Store offers a variety of goods shipped in from Ai-Zho that the local citizens of Almaris would not otherwise have the opportunity to purchase. If nothing at the general store takes your fancy, the neighboring Illatian establishments are sure to sate any buyer with heavy pockets to empty. MARKET BAZAAR, QAMAR SHEIKDOM - TIANRUI TRADING CO. STALL Finding harbour in the bustling trade port of the Qamar Sheikdom, it is only natural that the Tianrui Trading Co. open a stall and trade avenues in the bustling bazaar. Found on the street passing in front of the tavern right as one would enter by the roads and overlooking the Qalasheen docks, it is a shopping experience to remember. SPONSORED PARTNER COMPANIES THE ALLEY ALEHOUSE - TALON’S PORT Located directly in front and to the left of the gates as one enters Talon’s Port main square, the Alley Alehouse tavern is a staple of any reasonable traveler in search of berth on the roads. Surrounded by the city’s signature cat population, the homely atmosphere of the tavern is sure to set even the most harried of nerves at ease. Contact information: Mr. Emandrial | Caxil HUMMINGBIRD FLOWERS AND TATTOOS - TALON’S PORT A familiar name to the inked locals of Talon’s Port, Hummingbird Flowers and Tattoos offers the best of both services included in its name. Ask any who have been patron to the tattoo services, and they will be sure to proudly show you the artist’s handiwork first-hand. As for any who have received a gift of flowers in the city whether it be between friends, lovers, or laid at graves, it is certain where they were bought at the shop located to one’s right on entering the main square. Contact information: Mr. Kin | AnimeWolf0080 THE QAMAR SHEIKDOM CARAVAN Claiming perhaps the widest variety of goods associated with any one organisation, the Qamar Sheikdom Caravan travels the lands once a year to peddle their wares to the people of Almaris. Comprised of a multitude of skilled merchants and tradespeople, one can find their wares in the Sheikdom’s signature bazaar when the caravan is not abroad. Contact information: Sheikh Shams Ibn Zayd Al-Nabeel | FruitPapaya TWO KEEPERS ONE MUG - ALISGRAD Situated to one’s right as they enter the Alisgrad main square, Two Keepers One Mug is the prominent inn and tavern in the Norlandic capitol. Featuring signature traditional meals and boasting the frequent company of prominent government officials, one is sure to get the full experience of Norland in this tavern. Contact information: Ms. Fiametta Allair | Fleur___ VYKK CO. - ALISGRAD Owning multiple shops in the Alisgrad main square, Vykk Co. offers a multitude of wares to fit near any adventurer’s needs. Ranging from the finest Norlandic steel to specialised alchemical brews, and even a casino in which to spend one’s hard-earned coin. Contact information: King Odin Freysson Ruric | Ichigomaster98 THE BROWN BEAR’S REST - BALIAN With a wide range of food and alcohol on steady rotation, there is always sure to be something new to experience in the Brown Bear’s Rest. Featuring indoor and outdoor seating that places one within a stone’s throw of the market square and the Basilica respectively, this combination inn and tavern is a must to visit on any trip to the city. Contact information: Baron Drako Darkwood | HIGHEST_FIRE VINO E SIGARI DE FALCONE - FLORENTINE Featuring only the finest in Illatian cigars and wines, Vino e Sigari de Falcone is a must-visit in the province of Florentine. Tucked just across the street from the bank, it is an opportune location as one is sure to find themselves returning for more after their first purchases. Contact information: Mr. Cosimo Falcone | Maidenful KORTREVICH KRAFTERS - KAROSGRAD On the main road entering Haense to one’s left as they walk from the main gates, Kortrevich Krafters is one of the many shop fronts that line the bustling business street and main square. What sets this fine establishment apart is their offers of Haeseni hand-crafted goods, farm produce, and alcohol all at premier prices. If the distinguishing traveller finds themselves unsure where to start in the Haeseni capitol, Kortrevich Krafters is the staple stop shop. Contact information: Lady Esmèe Kortrevich | worldeltaii YOUR COMPANY COULD BE HERE! To appear in the next issue of the Tianrui Trading Co. catalogue, contact Tianrui Ren by way of bird to arrange a meeting! We wish to list all of the finest that Almaris has to offer to the distinguished customer.
  13. After years of slumber, we rise our heads from the rubble. The Mali'ker clan, R'ikarth opens its doors once again for aspiring monster hunters, warriors, and medics. We have won the battle against destiny and time. We are here with our heads up, and stronger than ever, United once again to build a legacy that will not be broken through time, conflict, and death. We encourage all mali'ker and other races that share the love of adventure to fight and join us in this Exciting journey. We shall train and test your abilities to see if you are worthy of carrying the r'ikarth name and its legacy. If we have convinced you spirits to join us, send us a bird, and we will gladly meet with you to anwser any questions you may have. We wait for your arrival. Delra R'ikarth, Daughter of Zirath R'ikarth. (OOC: Discord is Gage#8152 Repost for new information Ps- sorry for the formatting, not used to the forums here quite yet)
  14. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around all free ports! Announcement of House Tianrui Grievances Against the Now Fallen Orenian Empire For 100 years have we laid silent our grievances. It is a shame at the cost of my brothers’ lives, that the Orenian crown could not maintain itself longer than a fraction of my lifetime. Patrician family under the titles of Adria in The Golden City of Ves, we were then known as “Watanabe” within the walls of the Empire of Man. Eldest son of his generation, Tianrui Sun was christened Ser Sun Watanabe the Truthful of the Golden City of Ves by Lord Alfred Myre. First legitimate knight of the Golden City. There lies no mention of our family nor our deeds in the now fallen Imperial halls. Lord Alfred Myre claims all achievement, while ours and our comrades’ lie forgotten, our brothers’ bodies never returned to us for proper rites. We fought at the forefront of the War of Two Emperors under Oren’s banner, and they forgot us. Remember us now. We are House Tianrui, we fought not for any crown but for the love of our neighbors. We are House Tianrui, we bled and we lost for you and were cast out and forgotten. We are House Tianrui, we have survived your Empire. Signed, Tianrui Ren
  15. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around Norland! Come one, come all! To the… Tianrui Teahouse Karaoke Night [!] A Li-Ren painting of a teahouse goat enthusiastically joins in on the night’s festivities! Join us friends, for the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse karaoke night! With a comprehensive list of hit Li-Ren, Oyashiman, and Hyeol-Yeon party tracks complete with an on-stage lyric book, experience a slice of Ai-Zho right in the heart of Norland! If you don’t know any Li-Wen, Oyashiman, or Hyeol-Yeon, fret not! Each song comes complete with Common translation, courtesy of the Tianrui Trading Co. translation and localization team. The first of our recurring karaoke nights shall take place this First Seed, SA 88! Event Planning, Tianrui Ren Eiji Takai Event Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: 4pm EST, Friday August 12th in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse
  16. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around Norland! Tianrui Teahouse: Alisgrad Grand Opening After much work by the hands of the Tianrui family, we are happy to announce the grand opening of the Tianrui Teahouse on Frey Street! Come enjoy your favorite Li-Ren and Oyashiman cuisine once more, paired with the finest teas grown and imported from Almaris and beyond! Accompanying our signature refreshments will be the elegant sword dances of Chen Yunya, and beautiful zither music played by renowned bard Wu Meixing. When you have finished sampling refreshments come visit the relaxing baths, curated from years of traditional Li-Ren herbal remedies. Above the baths sits the Tianrui bookstore, housing a cultural museum of the Li-Ren and Oyashiman peoples! The festivities shall take place on The Sun’s Smile, Year 89 of the Second Age from opening until closing. Be sure to not miss such an auspicious event! Event Planning, Tianrui Ren Event Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: 4PM EST, Sunday August 7th in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse We will be watching “Spirited Away” in the Norland VC in tandem with the event!
  17. Felyx F. Colborn, a Voice for Reform! Simple contemporary oil painting of Felyx F Colborn Introduction Felyx, born in the Second age 64, did not come into the world in a noble household. He worked for everything he has gotten so far, and will continue to serve his Kongzem to the best of his ability. The combined efforts of House Colborn now mean that Felyx is granted a unique position to let his voice be heard. As a child, he worked to start the St. Carolus University which still exists today, has participated in medic lectures, climbed to the rank of Armsman and Officer Cadet by now in the BSK Haeseni Army, and is an avid Adventurer and Poet to the Royal Family. Felyx made many friends during his time, be it commonfolk and nobility alike, and has expanded his horizons by carefully listening to minorities such as Orcs and Elves in Hanseti-Ruska. This has given Felyx the confidence he needs to run for Alderman on this day. Aspirations and Pledges I, Felyx Francys Colborn, do so pledge to honour our community of evolving peoples in-tune with their conservative roots by working with the Duma to issue reforms that benefit the Kongzem in the long-term. I will be your elected dreamer of a brighter future for Haense and, with the know-how and tools I have amassed so far, vow to work hard to listen carefully to anyone who would give me feedback or advice, and implement reforms that I deem necessary for the prosperity of Haense to Krusae Zwy Kongzem! More specifically, I, Felyx will pledge to work on Seven primary points: Promote Crown-endorsed reforms to stimulate political interest of the People of Hanseti-Ruska. Introduce non-politically aligned Commonfolk Societies for greater multi-social representation in our Motherland. Stand for greater Diplomatic cooperation, including a Worker’s Exchange Programme between allied nations to foster more open-minded generations who are willing to accept the diversity of Hanseti-Ruska and Almaris as a whole. Promote theological debates led by the Church across various beliefs, using a novel, proposed technique, coined: “Deep Listening”. Work to integrate the aforementioned “Deep Listening” into the Duma, which will hopefully bridge divides between opposite opinions to reach compromises. Introduce a Koeng or Koenas Royal Jubilee, in coordination with the BSK, every 5 years to celebrate the efforts of the Crown. Introduce a “World Pilgrimage” with the consent of the Church, in order to become aware of different and opposing cultures and beliefs, to reinforce Godan’s virtues and learn to live harmoniously with others despite opposing views. These are just a chunk of ideas I have deemed worthy to put to paper. Being a soldier of the BSK, I find it important that we can avoid War as much as possible. However, peacetime is never a reason to stop training and drilling diligently. I will take my discipline and dedication from the Army when pursuing my goals within the Duma. With great Passion Felyx Francys Colborn stands by his values, and hopes to work alongside Duma members with his Aspirations, by the pleasure of the Electorates of Hanseti-Ruska!
  18. Royal Poetry Volume 1 - Karenina Foreword One day, when Felyx Colborn was attending a Royal Birthday, he happened to chance on the longest-reigning Queen of Haense; Emma Karenina Barbanov-Bihar. Inspired by the singular name: "Karenina", a poem enters the mind of the Colborn, itching to be written down. So, with the goodwill of the Prior-Queen, he sets to work... 'Karenina' Graced beauty kills the beholden. She is more deadly the longer she lasts. She is the Northern wind that tugs your clothes like an insistent lover. Her soul, a vast landscape with rays of sun illuminating the fractals of a thousand crystals. Ageing and Ageless her temporal eyes stare unflinchingly into the past. Her beauty is a curse that sinks wayward souls deep into an icy abyss. Her beauty is a blessing that keeps those who manage to endure afloat to marvel at her bliss. Yet those who stare deep into her soul have the bone hand of Death tugging them onwards. She has many children, to which she grants her good looks fatally as her icy kiss. Beneath the surface of her kin lie the currents of eternal layers. A heart locked within flesh and bone, its key locked deep within the crevice of the soul. Where the realm of intellect begins, names command her power. She knows; kin to the icy lady who resides in the halls of the onion towers. Her being, her spirit, her soul an onion of layers - invaluable to the support of the perennial Kings. Of which she is bound, a curse, a "God bless" to the golden marriage rings. A rosy smile behind a crimson scarf, as red as blood flashes by. Her own kin is the Land on which the wheels of her carriage roll smoothly, and her people whose spirits fill the entire sky. Her name, on the tip of your tongue as if from a childhood dream long gone by. "Emma Karenina" Afterword There is only one copy of this poem in circulation (IRPLY) and it is the original, signed by Felyx Colborn himself. What has been writ cannot be undone, and more royal poems are sure to come... Signed,
  19. Hi! Strange request, I know. BUT I am looking for a necromancer/dark arts caster to organize a plot/roleplay to curse my character so I can continue to write/roleplay him the way I originally intended. After talking to one of the story and lore team, I now know that the initial written plan won't work. So the next best thing, I need a necromancer to curse me. I'm happy to go over character details and plot here in PMs, whatever you need. Thanks! Edit: Thanks for the offers of help and friendly chatter! My original vision isn't entirely feasible within the lore of LOTC, which is totally fine. So I'm gonna talk to some peeps and see what we can do and see where it goes.
  20. MAGICAL SOCIETY OF ALMARIS, For years I have been in search of someone who has mastered the arts of the voidal constructs, beings of artificial. I have been searching for someone who is capable of teaching such arts to a humble magi. I’ve had keen interest in that field since the day I picked up transfiguration decades ago, and that interest did nothing but keep on growing. If my letters are delivered to anyone considering such, I ask you to send a bird to the Mages Guild in order for me to receive such. I am sure there are many questions for which I will be more than happy to offer my insights to, but in the name of some anonymity I would like to keep this letter as private as possible. If you happen to know someone who might be proficient in the arts, I ask you forward them this message and if you are a master in the field, I ask you consider contacting me at your earliest opportunity so we may arrange an interview. Signed, Usamea An’asul ARCANUS ET RELIQUUM
  21. [!] Within the Agora of the Karinah’siol, as busy Mali’aheral scurry about, upon a pedestal of marble, bathing in the light of the Sun, sits the Okarir’san basking in the glorious rays of light. In his left hands sits an exquisite rose, occasionally drawn to his nose to savour the pungent perfume. Clearing his throat, he draws the attention of all. “Mali’thill, Our Silver Republic has weathered storms most severe, and each time emerged stronger and wisened by the experience and progress brought about through Her loyal citizens. It is those citizens, you, the people, that safeguard our Blessed Republic. Our democracy is but an intangible abstraction that cannot move itself without you, the people. With that in mind, the time has come for a most serious announcement. The provisional government entrusted with the safeguarding of the people of Larihei, first during the troubled attempted coup of the Kinslayer, is nearing the end of its purpose. As such, it is announced that there are TWO council positions currently vacant that shall be subjected through the democratic process that guides our State forward. First, empty lies the office of the Okarir’maehr, the guarantee of the collective knowledge gathered by generations of Descendants since the conception of the Silver State itself. Among the duties of the Okarir’maehr as secured by our Constitution are reminded: to serve as chief Librarian of the Eternal Library, as chief professor of the Eternal College, and oversees the magical and intellectual development of Haelun’or. Lastly, but no less important, is the empty seat of the Okarir’hiylun, that which maintains the collective health of the children of Larihei, without which maehr’sae hiylun’ehya would not be complete. Our Constitution entrusts to the Okarir’hiylun the following: administration of the Silver Clinic and the Silver Laboratories, and oversees the development of the medical and scientific arts in the neverending pursuit of progress. DEMOCRACY calls unto you, dear citizens of the Republic, to fulfil your civic duty, and to nominate yourselves or your acquaintances, to toil for the progress of our Nation, should you consider yourselves, or have knowledge of others, who are capable and fit to serve any of the aforementioned sacred positions in our, YOUR, government. Nominations are to be performed as per protocol. Transcripts will be delivered to the current Council, and to a Maheral, should one be elected in the meantime, to be entered as an electable candidate. For a nomination to be valid, you must present a short speech, demonstrating how you fulfil the prerequisites to serve, preferably accompanied by a brief outline of your desired administration of the office in question. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya!”
  22. ᛋᛟᚾᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ DUNGRIMM’S LEGION. ᛋᛏᛖᛖᛚᛒᛟᛞᛁᛖᛞ ᚹᚨᚱᛗᛟᚾᚷᛖᚱᛋ The Sons of Urguan have forever relied upon Dungrimm’s legion should any conflict arise. Dungrimm’s Legion, defenders of Urguan, protectors of the Faith, guardians of the people. The sole purpose of the Dwarven Legion is to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It is the main military force underneath the Grand Kingdom, and also one of the most prestigious and oldest militaristic guilds. The Legion is known for its notable order and discipline, excessive training and precise execution. Under Sigrun Ireheart, the legion is bound to prosper once more with these changes. The Commanding Ranks. Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is the disciplined and experienced leader of Dungrimm’s Legion, second only to the Grand King himself. He is expected to be the Grand leader all the legionnaires and dwarves look up to. He shall lead with courage and gallantry and shall be devoid of any cowardice. Disobeying the Grand Marshal is to be considered a terrible insult to the experience he has gathered. Commander. The Commanders of the Legion are the most confident, brave and cunning Thanes handpicked by the Grand Marshal himself. To be promoted to the Commander rank is a promotion of highest honour and courage. There shall be no more then two commanders at any given time. They are considered the Grand Marshal’s right hand men, and are the ones in charge if the Grand Marshal is absent. They are to be in charge of running their own trainings and events for the Legion, and are fully trusted to host them on their own. Lieutenant. Lieutenant is the lowest commanding rank in the legion, nonetheless it is a rank of great martial ability and prowess. Lieutenants have the duty of leading soldiers should the Grand Marshal and Commanders be absent. It is the Lieutenant's duty to make sure to lead the ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion and keep the Legion functioning. Brigadiers may also command cohorts if they desire to do so. The Soldier Ranks. Pridebearer. The Pridebearers of the legion are true veterans of Dungrimm. They are the most skilled and hardened warriors of the soldier ranks. It will often take Legionnaires decades to reach this rank, making it a position of true excellence in the Legion. Often Pridebearers are the first ones to be considered for Lieutenant. They are the ancient and undying defenders of Dungrimm’s Legion. Longbeard. Longbeards are proven soldiers and are amongst the most experienced and disciplined within the legion. Longbeards are chosen to become officers if there are no suitable Pridebearers ahead of them that can be chosen. Former officers or those who have held the Longbeard rank and above within the legion can return to this rank if they decide to re-join the legion either after retirement or if they were previously an officer who has been demoted. Ironguard. Members of the Ironguard are to be considered the true core of the Legion. True warriors that are dedicated to Dungrimm’s Legion and that have sworn their oath to it. They have been trained to the point of competency in their position and are on the path to hardened warriors. These legionnaires are expected to carry themselves with more composure and dedication then the Grunts below them, and should carry a presence that is not to be trifled with. Grunt. Grunt is the beginning rank of Dungrimm’s Legion, any dwarf can sign up and start their journey through the ranks as a Grunt. They will be trained in combat and discipline, leading to a quick experience as to how true Legion life will be. Once competent enough in listening to orders, combat and discipline Grunts will be promoted to the Ironguard after swearing their oath. Classes. There are various Classes a legionnaire can select to gain extra experience to their liking. Whether that be a Medic, Ranger, a Mage or a Beastslayer. These legionnaires get drilled and trained in their class, making them into an elite force used for specific duties alongside their standard issue legion training. Medic. Medics get trained to be an on the ground, hands on surgeon in the heat of battle. Medics are trained in their field to surgical precision. Their training is considered the most mentally straining due to the extreme multitude of scenarios they need to be prepared for, and for that reason they are heavily respected within the legion. Ranger. Rangers are the main scouting and stealth force of the legion. They are primarily trained to be self-sufficient archers who can whittle down an opponent from far away with arrows. They have been given the duty of scouting out the enemy ahead. Mage. The Mages of the Legion have been given training in general use of their magic, usually behind the main force in a more supportive role. The Mages are given the duty of targeting out the more powerful enemies with their spells, or using their spells as cover for the other legionnaires. Beastslayer. The Beastslayers of the Legion are an elite fighting force specially designed to slay unnatural and rare monsters ordinary legionnaires aren't trained for. The Beastslayers excel in fighting anything supernatural that may come their way. The Legionnaires Oath. Step forward, grunt [“Grunt’s Name”], and swear by the gods of Urguan, the manes of your ancestors, and your own honor an unbreakable oath that you will follow your commander wherever he may lead you. You will obey orders enthusiastically and without question. You will promise to serve under the standard of the Legion with honour. You will serve Urguan faithfully, even at the cost of your life, and will respect the law with regards to civilians and your comrades in arms.” “Congratulations. You are now a member of the Ironguard.” Legion benefits. While the Legion itself is an entirely selfless organization, focused on the protection of Urguan without expecting reward, there are nevertheless several benefits which come from joining the Legion. Equipment: Gear for combat and traversing the land is available to the forces of the Legion. Upon reaching a new rank a legionnaire will be given a brand new set of armour alongside a weapon, shield and ranged weapon of their choice. Gear is obtained from an officer and a member of the Legion may use his armor and weapons in whatever manner they wish after it has been provided for them. During times of war, equipment will be handed out on the eve of a battle if a legionnaire does not have their own gear to battle. A member of the Legion is entitled to keep whatever ‘spoils of war’ are obtained during battle. Free Barracks Housing: A new recruit may gain free housing within the barracks indefinitely should they stay active within the ranks, the recruit that partakes in this bonus will lose their lodging after purchasing a home of any type within the capital or in the kingdom’s surrounding lands. Legion Pay: The commanding ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion are expected to be grateful for the chance to lead the Legion, and are given no pay. This is the pay given to active Legionnaires judged by rank. Pridebearer: 20 Mina per year. Longbeard: 15 Mina per year. Ironguard: 10 Mina per year. Grunt: 5 Mina per year. Legionnaire of the Year: Legionnaire of the year is a rank granted down by the Grand Marshal himself, such ways to obtain this honour is by acting appropriately and showing discipline ((both in roleplay and out of character)), whilst performing diligently and accordingly within the Legion. Legionnaires of the week will be granted double their wages for that year’s payday.. For instance, if you are awarded Legionnaire of the Year you will get double pay for that year’s pay day. Legion Hall of Fame: The most decorated Legionnaires will have a chance at earning a spot in the Hall of Fame, located in the Legion’s Grand Hall. This is no easy feat, for a spot in the Hall of Fame is extremely difficult to obtain. A soldier who accomplishes something worthy of such an honour must receive a unanimous nomination by the Grand Marshal and both Commanders. Afterwards, the Grand King himself determines whether the achievement is considered legendary and historical. If successful, the legendary soldier will be granted a spot in the Hall of Fame. Traditionally, a ceremony is held in the Legion Hall to initiate a legend who will be eternalized in the Hall of Fame. Enlistment Requirements One must be at least eighteen years old. One must reside in Urguan. One must not be banished. One is expected to have a good grasp of Urguanic Law. Promotions. Every two years. (two weeks) the Grand Marshal shall host a promotion ceremony based off of the performance by the Legionnaires the past two years. The current ways to gain recognition by the officers are: Gate Duty Outpost Duty Patrol Guarding Meetings/Feasts Completing tasks assigned by officers Saving a fellow Legionnaire Attending a Training Guarding an important figure within the Kingdom Being critical to a successful mission Recruiting a Dwed into the Legion Winning a Legion organised tournament Attending Raids Attending Skirmishes Wear the Legion issued uniform Attending Battles Donating any of the following materials: Iron Gold Coal Leather Meat Golden Carrots Feathers Wood If Legionnaires want to get promoted, these are the things they should especially avoid doing. Refusal to address an officer or Legionnaire of higher rank with proper decorum while on duty or in a formal environment in the Legion Hall Cause the mission failure Misuse of Legion issued equipment: Speaking against an Officer during serious matters Harassment/Assault of fellow Soldiers Disobeying the orders of the Commanding Ranks Going Stark Raving Mad Refusing to wear the Uniform on duty Uniforms: (New skins will be posted here, wear the old ones for now.) Enlistment: Legion form.
  23. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around Talon’s Port! YOU ARE HEREBY CORDIALLY INVITED TO THE FIRST TALON’S PORT TIANRUI FAMILY BANQUET [Image credit: TaoBishu on DeviantArt] After a prosperous four years in Talon’s Port, we extend our welcome to family and friends to join us in the Tianrui Teahouse for the first Talon’s Port Tianrui Banquet! Come enjoy good food and fine company as we mark an anniversary of family and friends coming together as a community. The banquet shall take place on Malin’s Welcome SA 82 in the Sterling Street 3 Tianrui Teahouse. Family and family friends are welcome to bring a plus one. Residents of Talon’s Port are welcome to join the banquet should they mind the etiquette of removing one’s footwear or cleaning their bare feet prior to full entry. Boot sacks are provided for anyone unable to remove their footwear for any reason. Event Planning and Hosting, Tianrui Ren Tianrui Carla OOC: Thursday the 30th of June at 5pm EST To get to Sterling Street 3, Talon’s Port, go through the tavern and look to your left as you exit the other side of the building.
  24. B.S.K NOTICE & ALL YE HAESENI CITIZENS ________________________________________________ (OOC: Such Noticeboard maye be found pinned across the streets of Haense) DEARE Citizens of Haense and Members of the Crown's Proud Brotherhood of St. Karl, It gives me great pleasure to announce a Joint-B.S.K and Colborn organised Beer Night and Brawl at the Old Stout Crowe Tavern. This is a chance to Drink and converse with Friends and Strangers, lift your mood, and partake in a jolly good fistfight supervised by the B.S.K. For the right honourable individuals less interested in a round of fisticuffs, ye shall have time to tell and listen to stories from many an individual, playe tavern games, and p'rhaps trade and make connections with people! There's plenty to go around! So do not forget to attend, and bring your friends for a spiffing time! (OOC: Event will take place in the Old Stout Crow Tavern in Haense at 3pm EST on Wednesday 29th of June, 2022 - Hopefully to be repeated :)) Signed Cordially,
  25. [!] Silver envelopes are delivered directly to Haelun'orian mailboxes! The Return of Summer Festival Issued 10th of The Amber Cold, Year 80 of The Second Age The snow has melted! With good weather finally returned to The Silver City after a time of harrowing blizzard, the High Elves of Haelun’or may once again feel the warmth of our blessed isle! You are cordially invited to join an evening of enjoyment amongst lliran, celebrating the glorious sunshine on the silver shores, with the esteemed host of Okarir’nor Luthien Maey’ronn. Cocktails, canapés and beachside sports are on the agenda of the day. We will rendezvous at The Night Owl Parlour before heading to the seaside. No RSVP is required, simply show up, dressed up! Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya to you. OOC: Sunday 19th, 2pm EST/7pm BST Okarir’mali Elarhil Sullas & Okarir’nor Luthien Maeyr’onn
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