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  1. VALLAGNE MAYORSHIP Inaugural Address, 1st of Godfrey's Triumph, 179 S.A. Dame-Maire Amélie Auclair Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands DISCOURS INAUGURAL “Inaugural Address” To entrust one, with leadership, is to lay, plain unto their palms, the protection, and wellbeing of those who entrust and ordain one their duty; it is to demand an inalienable vow. A vow that one would act as the aegis that safeguards their hearts, livelihoods, and joys, such that they might never suffer at the hands of fate again. To be the voice that bespeaks their deepest hearts’ every small beat, to be the blade, that rends their every woe & fear. I have long avowed such, alike to my forefathers before me, long fore I ever stepped foot in Vallagne, long fore my heart’s beat rang with naught but love & affection, for the family that found within. And had once more, whence I first dared to ask of you your trust, to entrust your every hope & fear, to me. Yet I thus, swear, once more; “ I shall serve the Heartlands, and it’s people, as my forefathers had before me, under the vow of my kin, that I take unto my own - until the last of my breath is wrest, from unto the depths of my heart & soul, I will labour to see that it’s people, that my now family, and home, may have a future, penned, in gold.” Pour notre chère, Province Pétrine, un avenir, écrit, en or. “For our beloved, Petrine Province, a future, penned, in gold.” THE SALVIAN GAUNTLET “Mayoral Cabinet Bill” With new beginnings, comes a new, duty, ordained, and with it the demand to rise to the occasion, such that the hopes of one’s family, one’s very people, and kin, may ne’er be bid, washed up, unto the stream, of our beloved Rivière Pétrine. May thus, bid our first step, unto the gilded years ahead, be a step we take as one - as I dare my first bill unto the Garmont, carrying the hopes of our people, be the establishment of the Salvian Gauntlet. Named such, after the eponymous founder of our late Commonwealth, and our now, beloved Province Pétrine; the Salvian Gauntlet would be the newly inaugurated, mayoral cabinet of Vallagne, seeking to maintain the inter-connectivity / closeness / joint efforts of the Province Pétrine, and it's various institutions, as they have been connected, since the late Commonwealth's founding, to the benefit of it's every single soul. Wherein Vallagne is the Heart of our beloved river valley, the Salvian Gauntlet, would be the very network of organs without which, each individual one, could never suffer be. Dame-Maire of Vallagne Lady-Mayor | The elected head, and Lady-Mayor, of Vallagne, subsequently leading the mayoral cabinet of the Salvian Gauntlet; holding the responsibility of coordinating with the various institutions for the betterment of the people. Hands of the People Garmont Elects | The two elected representatives of the people, within the Garmont Assembly. Taking on an advisory & deputized role within the Salvian Gauntlet. Hand of the Academician Royal Academy of St. Jude & Courteis Hale | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the academic, scholastic & educational pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration. Hand of the Laurel Order of the Petrine Laurel | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the chivalric, martial & safety pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration. Hand of the Physiker Vallagne Medical Society | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the physiological, psychological & health pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration. Hand of the Maestre Tower of Artistic Inspiration & Dame Yuliya Styrne Theater | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the artistic, bardic & thespian pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration. Hand of the Descendant Descendant Relations | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the accommodation, integration & safety of all descendants, and all the pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration therein. Hand of the Faith Monastery of St. Juli'el & Diocese of Casica | The appointed representative, advisor, and cabinet-member, in all matters related to the clerical, faithful & charitable pursuits of the Salvian Gauntlet, and Vallagne’s Administration. “And thus, the myriad hands of the realm, don, the Salvian Gauntlet, as one.” BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT, HER LADYSHIP, Amélie Auclair, Dame-Maire of Vallagne, Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, Écuyer of the Petrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade, Holy Knight of the Faith.
  2. VALLAGNE MAYORSHIP Candidacy Campaign, 1st of Horen's Calling, 179 S.A. Mayoral Candidate Amélie Auclair Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands UN AVENIR, ÉCRIT, EN OR “A Future, Penned, In Gold.” Since the touch of providence had first penned my arrival unto the gates of Vallagne, I had found within, past my duty sworn, and my every hope, the answer, in earnest, to what it is that my forefathers sought to protect; I had found within, a family, anew, one that would come to wrest unto my heart’s every small beat, drive me to tear-laden cheeks, and bid the brightest, helpless smile, to my lips. Since the opening days of the union, my heart could chance naught but be bid aflutter, with the self-same uncertainty, and excitement to the summers to come, and whence this new fate shall lead my forefather’s vow, and those resplendent hearts that fill my heart with joy, those I had long, in turn, avowed to give my heart & all. As suns have passed, turned to moons, and now to summers, I have found my resolve unchanged, as every day I labour, with a smile splayed to cheeks, no less so for the hearts of the Petra, alone, that sound in my heart’s every lone beat, but for the whole of the Heartlands, whence the vows of my long-passed kin has once more, brought me. It is now, more than ever, that amidst the newly consecrated Heartlands, as we had in times of old, amidst the joint march alongside our long estranged kin, to a fate yet unseen, unpenned, untold, that the future ahead, be penned, in naught but gilded gold. QUESTIONS D'ACTUALITÉ “Issues of the Day” The Garmont Assembly, having at last seen its reformation complete, had in its first session, seen the bill Ser Konstantine & I had penned, summarily passed, by the kindness & like-hearted hopes of the Heartlands’ Peers, in seeing the Heartlands, and their every constituent province, and their disparate people, be truly represented, seen & recognized for aught that defines them, in the Guide to the Heartlands, due to be penned. I am relieved at the opportunity that I may chance continue to see our joint hopes & will of a Heartlands, whose identity, culture, geniality, affections, and familial bond will naught suffer, but thrive, in aught that both defines us as diverse people & aught that defines us as one Heartlandic kin. Those who have come to share a place, within my heart, know of the hope that drives its every beat, yet there are yet many I have yet to have the pleasure to meet, even within the confines of our beloved Province Pétrine. So I had taken the liberty to enumerate, some, among the many hopes wrest unto my heart for the summers to come: Garmont Assembly Legislation | The former commonwealth, long cradled by the tides of our beloved Petra, has long been a beacon of chivalry, geniality, closeness and heart. These stand, not as values we cherish alone; but the very heart of our joint identity. Values not to be merely preserved, but vigorously championed in the Garmont Assembly, and the Heartlands as whole. I have no doubt that the Assembly will labour to see the meritorious & chivalrous values of our kin, will stand eternal, that it will labour to see that the people it is sworn to serve, and protect, may ne’er suffer an unkind fate again, and that the corrupt, the unkind, the chauvinist and wicked, shall ne’er be offered quarter again. Diocese of Casica Faith | The Diocese of Casica, since its birth under the leadership of His Holiness, Sixtus VI, in turn, a son of the River Petra, laboured to see the true, kind, and virtuous values of our faith upheld, as I too will ever labour to, avowed under the duty ordained by His Holiness, Caius I unto me; to see that the virtues, mercy, kindness, and compassion of our faith may ne’er be perverted, corrupted, or disregarded, by a faithful soul whose heart is wrest off the blessed path, such that the guardian & faithful of the true faith, may ne’er succumb to the wroth, and sin, that burdens every child of Horen, as it once did, even the exalted Prophet, Owyn. Crown Embassy Diplomacy | As I take on my duties as a Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, I have no doubts in my heart that the Crown Embassy will labour alongside myself in ensuring that the failures of the past may ne’er come to pass anew; that diplomacy will always be the first recourse of the Heartlands; that corruption, chauvinism, wroth, and negligence will ne’er be let to fester again, and impart suffering upon its people, and upon the children of Malin, Urguan, and Krug, on the basis of their birth alone, that have too, called the river valley their home, for generations, and that too, despite their interpretation of the divine, are welcomed & beloved by our faith, as siblings, and kin to mankind. DÉCLARATION DE CLÔTURE “Closing Statement” To take a position of leadership, is to serve, and avow oneself to the protection, and well-being of those who entrust and ordain one their duty; to act as the aegis that safeguards their hearts, livelihoods, and joys, such that they might never suffer an unkind fate again. I have long avowed to such, alike to my forefathers before me, long fore I ever stepped foot in Vallagne, long fore my heart’s beat rang with naught but love & affection, for the family that found within. Yet I thus, swear, once more; “ I shall serve the Heartlands, and it’s people, as my forefathers had before me, under the vow of my kin, that I take unto my own - until the last of my breath is wrest, from unto the depths of my heart & soul, I will labour to see that it’s people, that my now family, and home, may have a future, penned, in gold.” Pour notre chère, Province Pétrine, un avenir, écrit, en or. “For our beloved, Petrine Province, a future, penned, in gold.” BEYOND THE DARKEST NIGHT - UNTO THE BRIGHTEST LIGHT, HER LADYSHIP, Amélie Auclair, Crown Ambassador of the Heartlands, Écuyer of the Petrine Laurel, Ordained Vicar of the Silver Crusade, Holy Knight of the Faith.
  3. It is with the greatest pleasure that the Lord of Alba announces his impending marriage to Her Excellency, the Lady Chamberlain Hedwig of Warsovia. After companionship in their childhood and a blossoming courtship after, their betrothal was announced at the inauguration of Prince Charles Reman in the year 1973. Upon this momentous occasion for those in the Heartlander Confederation do they, the future King and Queen-consort of Aaun, wish to proclaim their marriage in front of family, friends and allies under the watchful eye of God. ITINERARY THE GREAT STAG-DO [3PM EST, May 3rd 2024] To mark the momentous occasion, Prince Charles Reman invites the lords and ladies of the realm to join him on a hunt a month prior to the ceremony. In an attempt to garner good luck, the cohort must find and kill a stag successfully. The spoils shall be split amongst attendees. THE ROYAL WEDDING [4PM EST, May 4th 2024] In holy matrimony shall the couple be wed in the Chapel of Our Lady of Paradisius. Opting for a more intimate setting, the pews shall be removed for standing space. FEAST OF MATRIMONY [5PM EST, May 4th 2024] Following the wedding ceremony, guests will find themselves directed to the Hand of Horen for a banquet. Here, local delicacies and beverages will be provided as conversation will. Across the Silver Sea there will be a display of lanterns set off upon the horizon. If one wishes to petition the Lord and Lady of Alba, the feast is a great opportunity to do so. Formal invitations are offered to the following: The Royal House of Alstion The Royal House of Temesch of the Petra The Comital House of Jazlowiecki NOBILITY OF THE PROVINCE OF AAUN Prince Johannes von Alstreim and the Principality of Merryweather Margrave Siegmund von Reuss and Margraviate of Velen Margravine Olympe-Regine and the Margraviate of Haute-Epine Count Leon de Ardennes and the County of Talentine Baron Henri de Lewes and the Barony of Virdain Baron Emilio Varoche and the Barony of Napoliza The Royal City of Whitespire The Hamlet of Enswerp NOBILITY OF THE PROVINCE OF PETRA Margrave Aurel von Theonus and the Margraviate of Marignan Viscounts Wilford and Atticus Reinhold and the Viscounty of Stormont Viscount Freidrich von Augusten and the Viscounty of Azor Baron Aimo Astor and the Barony of Fir’steinn Baroness Katrin Stafyr and the Barony of Feldkirch The Free City of Chambery The Royal City of Vallagne ALLIES OF THE HEARTLANDS The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska The Kingdom of Balian The Principality of Reinmar PERSONAL INVITATIONS HSH, Marius Nikolas Barbanov-Bihar, Grand Prince of Kusoraev HRH, Alexandros Casimir Novellen, Prince of Monterosa HRH, Rowena Ivanna Temesch of the Petra, Countess of Clermont His Grace, Jean Bishop St. Godwin His Lordship, Olivier Ashford de Savoie His Lordship, George Halcourt Her Ladyship, Catherine de Lewes Master Traders, Boon and Bane Lord Vincente von Distrugere, Iron Baron of Distrugestadt and Lady Maristela von Distrugere Captain Tiber of the Legion of Saint Godwin Mister Heinrich von Kretzen TANDEM TRIUMPHANS, His Royal Highness, CHARLES REMAN, Crown Prince of Aaun & the Lord of Alba Her Excellency, HEDWIG OF WARSOVIA, Lady Chamberlain of the Paradisian Court
  4. “The Last Golden Cigar” Marcel Galken walked over to grab his son in tight hug “I know you will do this family proud, no doubt in my mind. And if you every feel lost you can always pray to GOD and talk to Wilhelm… I trust that man to guide you if you ever need” Marcel would let his son go, only to soon embrace him in a warriors shake. “You are destined for great things my son… promise me you will not join me and your grandfather soon. Remember what ever happens where ever you go you have allies… dont be afraid to rely on them” Matthias would return the handshake before pulling his father into one last hug “Thank you father, you will be missed.” he smiled while clearing the tears from his eyes “say hi to grandfather for me” With that the Galkens split for the last time… Marcel would head out the main gates of Reinmar, lifting himself onto his horse followed by his dog… he’d set off in the sunset. He’d reach into his pocket pulling out one last Aurum infused Cigar…. Quickly lighting it he’d puff as he continued his journey to the seven skies… [!] A letter would be found in Konstantin von Theonus’ mail box Dear Konny, I’m writing you to say I appreciate everything you have done for me, gave me a home when I didnt have one, gave me a reason to keep fighting when I didnt have one… and for that I am internally grateful. And proud to be able to call such a man as yourself my Brother. I love you. Take care of your family. Sincerely, Your brother in arms and your Master at arms, Marcel Galken [!] A photo of Marcel in Theonus cloak was sketched in [!] A letter on was in the aviary for Yvon Galken Dear Yvon, Please watch over my son, I know you will do good to keep him safe as well as the Galken name. I want to thank you for welcoming me back into the family with open arms. And I am forever in your debt. Please remember, you are meant for great things. Don't forget it Sincerely, Your uncle Marcel Galken [!] A letter would Arrive at the Stroheim keep addressed to Robert Dear, Robert. You were not only a friend, but a mentor at the same time. you really helped me get back into Minitz and not feel like an outsider. for that im grateful... I will have a Cigar and a drink waiting for you up here my friend. thank you so much for everything Sincerly Brother in Arms, Marcel Galken. [!] A letter would be waiting for the Petran Royalty, when opened two joints would fall out for the previous queen Dear Catherine, and Renilde I thank you both for giving me a home and a job when I needed one, as well as giving me and opportunity to do good on my name in Petra. I hope all is well for you and your kingdom in the coming years. GOD bless… Sincerely, The Royal Joint Roller Marcel Galken ________________________________________________________ And Here ends the story of Marcel Galken son of the Golden Gryphon Father to Matthias Galken Theonus Master at Arms Brother Teacher REINMAREN! WerRastet, Der Rostet! 1905-1973 ________________________________________________________ OOC: Hey, first off I would like to thank @Sarvenfor the opportunity to play Marcel I had such a blast playing him! going through all the highs all lows of trying not to disappoint his father and meet lots of people from his fathers past was a blast! there really was a lot of lore behind the character and I appreciate the opportunity man! Next! @Deetsfor allowing me to join them in petra in the Theonus keep when I wasn't sure where I wanted to Bring Marcel! thank you for all those opportunity's and all the gifts you and all the Theonus have given me! for that I thank each and every one of you!!!!!! and @Frode for Continuing the Galken name! I know he will make it proud and rise to glory! my trust is in you homedawg best of luck! and Thank you to all of those I havent mentioned you have all played apart in Marcels story! and even tho I am not mentioning you in here I do appreciate it! this is my longest forum pos so im trying my best! again thank you to everyone who played aparty in his story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!!!!! MUCH LOVE TO EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU!
  5. THE UNTOLD COST The attack had come in the night, homes burning with their occupants scattered in fear. The perpetrators cackled, spilling blood and looting with a keen eye for valuables. In the years since the continental war that had wracked Aevos, an exacting toll fell upon the Commonwealth. There was much to rebuild amid the stricken countryside - a suitable environment for lawlessness and brigands. A peasant tore at the ground with chipped nails, a highwayman dragging him by his hair. He felt the onset of tears as a diminished granary, already pressured by a poor harvest, was pilfered. They threw his body to the dirt; he was weak and malnourished. Dark eyes bore down upon him, and he could do nothing but plead. “Mercy, please! We ain’t got nothin’ to spare!” A wicked smile was the last thing his eyes perceived. The cold bite of steel ran through him, and the darkness embraced him. “Tear this place apart, lads! Leave nothin’ unturned!” The brigands had no concept of mercy but only what they stood to gain. Screams echoed through the night as the massacre continued and flames consumed all. A red sun soon broke across the river valley, revealing nothing but smouldering remains and the stench of death. [!] The noticeboard in Vallagne bore a new bounty. To the Petran People, A band of brigands has taken to plundering outlying villages within our borders. They are emptying granaries, looting valuables and slaughtering the inhabitants. I call upon all able-bodied members of the populace to put their names forward and aid in eliminating these vile men before tragedy strikes another village. Whoever should return with the head of their leader will receive an ample reward of two-hundred minas. SIGNED, HIS HIGHNESS, Marcus Antonius of the Petra HIS EXCELLENCY, Rigoberto de la Cruz Vice-Chancellor of the Petra, Mayor of Vallagne, Headmaster of the Society of the Exalted Horen
  6. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1966 [!] The Coat of Arms for the House of the Petra-Valfleur, otherwise known as the House of Valfleur; is used also for the Royal Academy. This letter was found anywhere it could be found throughout the broader Realm of Aevos. The time has come for the Chancellor and his administration to begin accepting applications for pupils of the Royal Academy of Saint Lothar at Courteis Hale. For the foreseeable future, tuition will be free to all inhabitants of Aevos who wish to look further into educational opportunities. Academy bylaws prohibit anyone who would bring harm to the Commonwealth of the Petra, its ruling House, the Academy, or otherwise from membership. Generally. scholars must be outstanding members of society; to be an academic is to learn each day and vow never to falter, as well as to yearn for the pursuit of education and knowledge. Academy Administration *Role responsibilities will be outlined in a future missive. Chancellor & President | The Headmaster His Royal Highness, Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra-Valfleur Vice-Chancellor | The Chief Lecturer His Lordship, Ferdinand Eryl von Augusten Principal of Students | The Disciplinarian Her Royal Majesty, Queen-Emeritus Renilde Helena of the Petra Pupil Application (Click) Full Legal Name: Date of Birth | Age: Will you adhere to all of our bylaws if your application is accepted? ((MC Name | Discord)) [PLEASE BE SURE TO FILL OUT BOTH FORMS! One is linked above and listed "Pupil Application" and is an RP letter] [!] A group of lecturers at an academic conference, date unknown Among the subjects to be taught are Chivalry, Law and Government, Petran History, Economics, and Medicine. Boarding at the Valfleur Estate will be offered with limited spots. As Lecturers make themselves known through interviews, more subjects will be available to learn. If interested in teaching at the Academy, reach out by way of the Aviary to the Duke of Valfleur Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra, or any of the other administrators listed above. WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 11th day of Tobias' Bounty in the year of our Lord 1966 | 111 Atstana de Regne Petrére Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra-Valfleur, Prince of the Petra, the Duke of Valfleur, Patriarch of the House of the Petra-Valfleur, Chancellor and President of the Royal Academy of Saint Lothar, Steward of the Petra https://discord.gg/XxyMC34rb6
  7. A UNION LONG OVERDUE Dearest friends, family, and citizens of the Commonwealth, His Highness the Archduke of Vallagne, Marcus Antonius, and Her Ladyship, Emeline Josephine, cordially invite you to their devoted union in matrimony. The wedding shall be held within the Chapel of Saint Edmund, to which all peoples of the realm are welcome. Afterwards, a public reception will take place within the city square and tavern. [7PM EST, SATURDAY THE 2ND] Special invites are delivered to the following: Her Majesty, Catherine Arabella, Queen of Petra, and her esteemed pedigree Her Majesty, Renilde Helena, Queen-Emeritus of Petra, and her esteemed pedigree His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander, Duke of Valfeur, and his esteemed pedigree And the people of the Commonwealth His Princely Grace, Alfred Konstanz Barclay, Prince of Sutica, and his esteemed pedigree His Serene Highness, Leon Anton Barclay, Grand Prince of Minitz, and his esteemed pedigree House Barclay And the people of Reinmar and Minitz HIS SERENE HIGHNESS, Marcus Antonius of the Petra Archduke of Vallagne, Count of Cantal, Master of the Hunt of the River Court of the Commonwealth HER LADYSHIP, Emeline Josephine Barclay
  8. Synod on Homophilic Matrimony Answering the Four Canonist Princes 8th of the Amber Cold, 168 S.A. Dear brothers and sisters in faith, Recently, Queen Catherine of Petra, Queen Sybille of Balian, Tar-Caraneth of Numendil and Viceroy Cesar of Hyspia published a declaration titled 'Four Canonist Princes on Marriage', which many of you will have undoubtedly read. To the relief of some and the disappointment of others, we hereby announce that the Canonist Church will not go along with the decision of these rulers. It is not their prerogative to make decisions on key elements of our faith such as which people can be joined together in the sacrament of matrimony, especially not considering that these "Four Canonist Princes" completely went behind the Church's back in this decision of theirs, save for the consultation of Monsignor Enrico Amadeus. As it stands, the Canonist Church does not condone homophilic matrimony - also known as 'same sex marriage'. It is a direct violation of Canon Law, as Book IV, Title I, Chapter 2. MATRIMONY of the Codex Iurius Canonici Danielus Pontifex clearly states: "The purpose of matrimony is the holy union of a man and a woman". This law is based in theology and scripture, and we deem Monsignor Enrico Amadeus' brief arguments in favor of homophilic matrimony to be insufficient as to argue against this law. Therefore the Four Canonist Princes are in violation of Canon Law and we would urge them to abide by God's law as interpreted and written by the church for many hundreds of years. Simultaneously we do however realize there is a strong desire among the Canonist flock to adress the topic of homophilic matrimony. We are therefore more than happy to discuss the subject, but since it is a religious affair, we do not wish it to be decided upon by secular laymen, but rather for it to be discussed in religious circles. We therefore announce that a Synod on Homophilic Matrimony is to be held within the coming years in the Synod Hall of the Holy See. This shall be the first Synod of the kind we are establishing in our rewriting of the Codex Iurius; namely a gathering of the entire priesthood to debate theology and matters of Church law. In other words, every ordained priest will be welcome and indeed urged to attend this Synod. There, this gathering of the priesthood may argue for or against the inclusion of homophilic matrimony on religious grounds based on scripture and tradition. A vote will then be held at the end of the Synod, in which the members of the priesthood will decide wether or not the Church is to allow this new kind of marriage. Granted there is a majority of the priesthood in favor of this reform, and their arguments for said reform are deemed religiously sound by us personally, Homophilic Matrimony will be legalized in Canon Law. Should there not be a majority of the priesthood in favor however, or the arguments made for such are deemed insufficient, it will be rejected. This, we find, is the proper way to effect or reject such a monumental change in the laws of our faith. In the meantime, the Holy Mother Church's official stance is that homophilic matrimony is illegal as a result of its contradiction of Canon Law. Until a decision has been made in favor of the topic by the Synod, the Church will not condone this kind of marriage, as it is currently deemed sinful, and we forbid our priests from officiating same-sex marriages. We hope that, while this may be a bitter disappointment for the supporters of the 'Four Canonist Princes on Marriage' declaration, people realize that these princes made false promises with said declaration, as they hold no authority to alter religious law, including what is and isn't allowed in terms of the Sacraments. The Synod on Homophilic Matrimony will be planned within the coming months to take place, preferably within the next two years, on a date suiting the majority of the priesthood. In the meantime we encourage debate on the topic by and between priests and laymen alike. Sincerely, His Holiness, Sixtus VI ☩ EST CYCLUS, NON MUTATIO ☩ IT IS A CYCLE, NOT CHANGE
  9. Recruitment for House Temesch et Martiel of Petra - Introduction - House Temesch et Martiel, a Comital vassal of the Commonwealth of Petra holds the lands of the County of Martiel, the Viscounty of Mies and the Barony of Resmore. Currently, there is one available child character in the mainline, born to the Count Adrian @Kaii, and Countess-consort Wilhelmina (née von Augusten). He is currently 9 years old. Please DM fire1003 on discord if you’re interested in learning more about / playing the kid below, and a skin can be provided: N/A - Family Lore - The Temesch et Resmore Household traces its roots to the founding of the Commonwealth of Petra. Since then, it has thrived as a part of Petra; with its history stretching back to the younger brother of the Commonwealth's Founder, Charles Joseph Temesch. Godfrey Marcellus, the son of Charles, emerged as one of the first individuals to attain his titles upon settling in the new lands. This marked the beginning era of a lineage that stands as one of the oldest noble families still thriving in Petra. Godfrey, a past figure in Petra's governance, served as one of the Grand Speakers of the Petra. In addition to sitting as Grand Speaker, Godfrey aided in funding exploration and the expansion into the lands nearby the City of Vallagne. As the Viscount of Mies, Godfrey, and Lorena were blessed with four children, with the youngest, Adrian Godfrey, assuming the title of Viscount following the revocation of his elder brother’s titles from the Commonwealth. In keeping with his father's legacy, Adrian took on the roles of Viscount and Grand Speaker of the Garmont Assembly. In 1953, he entered into matrimony with Wilhelmina von Augusten of the Viscounty of Azor in Petra. The couple was blessed with the birth of three children in 1954, followed by another in 1955, and 1956, thereby continuing the lineage of the Temesch et Resmore Household. In 1959, Adrian Godfrey saved the life of Queen Catherine in a valiant battle, and was rewarded with a County due to his service, and the contributions made by himself and his family during their span as a Viscomital House. In 1961, the royal house of the Petra took their historical surname Temesch of the Petra, and Temesch of Martiel split into a junior branch of Temesch et Martiel.
  10. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1957 As Petra popped at the seams, the infamous town crier stepped up and announced to the masses as another pinned this missive throughout various holdings of the Commonwealth; but most notably the Free City of Vallagne’s noticeboard, PAUL ALEXANDER BY the GRACE of GOD PRINCE of the PETRA A little over sixteen years ago, I was sworn in as the Lord Chamberlain of the River Court of my Royal mother, then Queen Renilde I. Throughout her reign, we hosted many events to be proud of, with the very successful Golden Jubilee bringing her time on the Throne of Garmont to a close. After serving faithfully until the end of her rule, I was then allowed to continue my work on the Court of my Royal niece Queen Catherine I, long may she reign. As I continued leading the Court I met a very competent Lady whom I trust to guide and counsel Catriona, Marisol. Almost as instantaneously as her appointment to the department of the Mistress of the Robes, she was hand-picked by myself to become someone that I regard to be the most successful Court Deputy of her time. I have thoroughly enjoyed each moment spent offering my leadership and guidance on matters dire to our success such as matrimony, court workings, Royal protocol, event planning, social and cultural enrichment, and educational initiatives through the inclusion of Wards. Though, much like my mother's time on the Throne of Garmont — all good things must come to an end. With great joy and a hopeful demeanor, I announce my impending retirement as the Lord Chamberlain of the River Court. My darling wife has birthed two beautiful heirs who I should hope will take up a majority of my time; as well as a new project that I have taken up since the successful delivery of Lord Adrian of Valfleur that will be dubbed the Royal Academy. As soon as this war comes to a close, so, too, shall the Valfleurs concern themselves with matters of construction—I am trying to say, “My cup runneth over.” On the subject of a new Grand Chamberlain, my counsel towards the good Lady Chancellor Thèresé von Theonus and the Pious Queen Catherine would be to award this honor and ability to the ever-competent Lady Deputy of the River Court, Marisol Palamo Solís. Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra The Lord Chamberlain of the River Court 1941 - 1957 86 - 102 WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 5th day of the Sun’s Smile in the year of Our Lord 1957 / 102 Atstana de Regne Petrére Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Duke of Valfleur, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur ((thank you @tillyand @Zaerie for all of the opportunities you guys have and will continue to grant me with!))
  11. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1956 [!] As the sun set on Krugsmas day, a town crier stepped up and announced to the masses as another pinned this missive to the City of Vallagne’s noticeboard, PAUL ALEXANDER BY the GRACE of GOD PRINCE of the PETRA ‘Lo unto you Petrans, the House of the Petra de Valfleur wishes to announce the successful and healthy birth of the newest member of the Royal Family of the Petra to be of the name and degree, — Her Ladyship, Helene-Olympe Noëlle of the Petra de Valfleur @Hom— Shockingly born on Krugsmas, the Lady of Valfleur’s name comes in part from her Lady grandmother– my mother, Queen-Emeritus Renilde I Helena, and in part from Princess Melina’s sister, the once Queen-Mother of Aaun Adela-Olympe. Due to the significance of the eve of her delivery, We decided that Noëlle would be the most sentimental middle name that one could receive. While the little Lord Adrian Tobias grows each day, so too shall he have a younger sére to keep him plenty of company. WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 11th day of Sigismund’s End in the Year of our Lord 1956 / 101 Atstana de Regne Petrére Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Duke of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur
  12. Petra's Security Truly Revealed __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Why must you do this to yourselves? Why side with cowardice Haense? You undermind everything for which you have once stood for. You side with an nation of which cannot protect even themselves or their allies! You have a numerable folk, which have access to your doors. When will you learn? Who will you learn to trust? Gates alone will NOT save you from our wrath! Nor will it protect you from the cyclone of war! Even more so, it can even be, through the front door! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This very Saint's Day, you had forced us to act out in violence. We saw your defenses as a challenge that we must best. However I and my friends have bled together even before this war and will continue to strive for victory! We saw what you thought you can defend, a pitiful attempt! Though, can you trust those that are even right under your nose? One of your very own whom had keys even understood that. When will you learn you have lost? We have heard and seen it in action what Veletz is capable of. This was not just a Veletzian-Krugmar attack, it never was and never will be. You have seen what we are capable of! __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ LET TODAY BE A LESSON! A group had stormed right through the front doors of Petra. How could this happen? You may ask. Their own members of their guards are so out of touch with all those fighting for their side. One of you was killed quite easily. We captured your men earlier this Saint's Day. We are proving you are not invincible! The captures will continue, you cannot and will not help your fellow man or woman. Care to explain this to everyone? We did what you thought was impossible. Who could ever turn on Petra like this? You are being warned, stop the war efforts and go home peacefully, or we WILL continue. We are masters in this aspects, and your best course of action, is to back out NOW! How many lives will it cost until you learn? We will, with deadly precision, uproot our answers! So Petra, what will it be? Stay in the war and crumble or leave and survive? One right answer and one wrong answer. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signed by, The Petran-Haeseni Slayer
  13. — CELEBRATING 100 YEARS OF THE COMMONWEALTH — 100 | Astana de Régne Petrére PENNED BY THE RIVER COURT COUNCIL One hundred years have gone by since the fall of the Harvest Confederacy, thus resulting in the rebirth of the Heartlands. Paul Salvian I was the first sovereign of the Commonwealth of Petra settling on the title of ‘Archduke’. This title was passed prematurely to his eldest child, Renilde Helena, following Archduke Paul’s untimely death. Dame Catherine of Petra, ex-Princess Royal of the fallen Kingdom of Oren, till Renilde came of age. She worked tirelessly to set things in place for Renilde. One of these cornerstones being the arranged marriage to Prince Constanz-Anton. This marriage had but surface-level strength and eventually led to more pain than prosperity, the consort finding his only power in betrayal. The Petran Civil War broke loose and the Commonwealth stood in ruins. However, Renilde I and the loyalist forces took back their rightful spot as true leaders of the Commonwealth. Since then, Petra has looked adversity in the face day by day, year by year, and reinvented herself to be the metropolis of the Heartlands that she is today. We have stood in the face of all ridicule from those who would wish to see us burnt, bloody, and broken. We have defeated those demons that wish to keep us from being a country that serves the people and not only the crown. We have done all these things and stood righteous in the eyes of GOD. We have done so for a hundred years. We shall do so for one hundred more. We shall continue doing so until the end of days. GOD Bless the Commonwealth — Ave le Petrère! ✧ | ITINERARY OF FESTIVITIES | ✧ Charognard Cauchyrebut (c. Scavenger Hunt) [Dec 17th - 4:00pm EST] The people of the Petra have remained steadfast and persistent. Likewise, those who continue to relentlessly search for the truth shall always come out ahead. In honor of this, a Scavenger hunt shall be led by Lady Marisol Solis. May those who show their persistence, thrive. Soirée Corteis Bracine (c. Royal Tavern Night) [Dec 18th - 5:30pm EST] The people are a hardy bunch, filled with tough souls. What better way to show overwhelming resilience than with a drinking contest? Prince Paul Alexander of Petra hosts all who believe they are worthy of this challenge at Fairweather Pub! Here is to 100 years of Petran resilience. Ballary des Chevaliers (c. Knight’s Ball) [Dec 21st - 8:00pm EST] The Commonwealth is strengthened by those who seek to keep it safe. The Sovereign Order of the Petrine Laurel is the cornerstone and focal point of Petra. Let us celebrate all they have done and continue to do for their country. To 100 years of the Petran Knight! Corteis Jostyr (c. Royal Joust) [Dec 22nd - 5:30pm EST] Jousting is a contest of skill common across the island of Aevos. This is a challenge that tests both strength and agility. For those who believe themselves to be the toughest around, saddle up and joust for some extra coinage and the title of Grand Champion of the Petra. HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Paul Alexander of the Petra Prince of the Petra, the Prince of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Elector of the Garmont Assembly, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur HER LADYSHIP, Marisol Paloma Solís Assistant Head Physician of the Vallagne Medical Society, Mistress of the Robes & Curator of Jewels of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Founder of Rosa Dorada, and Protector of the Sun HER LADYSHIP, Mrs Sorcha Elspeth MacPherson Majordomo of the River Court, Matriarch of House Macpherson, Protector of the Daelish Culture, Maker of Mead, HIS LORDSHIP, Sir Marius Lovetts, Appurtenant to the Chancellor, Poet Laureate of the Petra, Knight of the Order of the Petrine Laurel Rapids,
  14. THE PRINCE’S EVENT PLANNING COMMITTEE Those within the ranks of the events planning committee for the River Court and the Commonwealth are plentiful. Constantly changing, those that wish to plan events should seek the Lord Chamberlaine or a member of his Court Council out to enlist their assistance with festivities for the broader Petra. Petrans gather for a feast hosted by the River Court, one of the many events that they host regularly, c. 1948 The Lord Chamberlaine (styled; His Excellency) is the Prince Paul Alexander of the Petra. @Chorale__The Lord Chamberlaine is the Sovereign’s representative to the River Court, picked by them with the advice of their government and given a seat on the executive River Council. They are the head of the Courts and are entrusted to administer the day-to-day of the gracious River Court as the Minister-in-Chief of the Grand Bureau du Chamberlaine. He has the final word on any courtly decisions made. The Court Deputy (styled; Her Most Honorable) is Princess Melina of High Peak. @liz The Court Deputy assists in the daily operations of the Sovereign’s Court, acting as the second-in-command to the Chamberlaine and charged with their command when they are absent. The Majordomo of the Royal Palace (styled; The Honorable) is Lady Sorcha Elspeth MacPherson. @tilly The Majordomo is the Head of the Royal Household Staff and Chief Palatial Officer tasked with educating all Ladies-in-Waiting to the Queen of the Petra as well as training and supervising the Servants de le Meysse. They are responsible for etiquette and the prevalence of court procedure. The Seneschal of the Household is Lord Friedrich von Augusten. @DuhPuhWuhThe Seneschal is a senior officer of the Palace. They concern themselves with all of the inner workings of the Palace and are often seen as the Majordomo’s second-in-command, though they will focus mainly on the smooth operation of the Royal Household. The Royal Hostarius is Mister Belie W @HurferDurfer1, whose job is to be the ‘Keeper of the Keys’, as well as to serve food and drink to the members of the Royal Family and their guests during official events. They are the Butler of the Residence and are typically seen cleaning or performing less-than-desirable tasks around the Royal Palace. The Mistress of the Robes is Lady Marisol Paloma Solĺs @beetle and she plays a role in tailoring attire for the Royal Family of the Petra, ensuring their garments are up to fashion standards. They are also the individual to go to for fashion advice and are responsible for keeping track of Petran fashion, the industry they are tasked with administering. Sometimes, the Mistress of the Robes will also be the de facto Comptroller of the Royal Crown Jewels. The Poet Laureate is Sir Marius Lovetts. @tcs_tonsils_ They are to teach the art of Poetry and further literacy in the Commonwealth. Usually, the Court Poet is going to be someone who trained under past Poet Laureates. They also write poems for the Commonwealth for the pleasure of the Courts and society. The Chief Falconer is Viscount Adrian Godfrey Moere de Resmore. @KaiiThey are the comptroller of Her Majesty’s falcons and further, all of the birds or animals held by right to the Royal Crown. The Chief Archivist is Mister Belie W @HurferDurfer1, and is tasked with the administration of the Public Library of the Free City of Vallagne and the furthering of literacy in the Commonwealth in tandem with the Poet Laureate. The Court Alchemist is Lady Margot-Estelle Dutoits. They are charged with distributing potions to the Commonwealth in times of need and teaching and supervising pupils, to spread their knowledge of alchemy to the wider population. They are usually versed in various magics as well as herbology – being able to identify and explain local herbs and their properties to curious tourists. [Vacant] The Master or Mistress of the Hunt is the person charged with the administration, planning, and execution of hunting events. They should be skilled in hunting, to be able to teach the art of their craft and safely guide other huntsmen to areas of interest. [Vacant] The Master or Mistress of the Cellars is the head River Court caterer. They set the menus for any feasts or otherwise that the Court will hold — meaning they are responsible for the entire kitchen and its staff leading up to galas or Royal Court. They or their Courtiers provide food and beverages whenever necessary and stock and supply the Royal Cellars. They further ensure the proper storage and security of fine Petran wines and spirits. [Vacant] The Court Artisan hires and recruits musicians and other artists or talent-bearers to Her Majesty’s Court and supervises their scheduling for events that the Court hosts to provide entertainment for the populous. Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Prince of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Elector of the Garmont Assembly, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur
  15. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1953 PAUL ALEXANDER by the GRACE of GOD PRINCE of the PETRA The Coalition has besieged the Ferryhold – it is no longer. As many as thirty-five thousand soldiers rallied to the call to arms by Her Majesty the Queen Catherine I to aid the Coalition in destroying Our enemies; the Ferrymen, the League and their Allies. There does exist a personal grudge against the Anathema Gaspard, who had viciously ordered my abduction at the hands of the Ferrymen in the quiet of the night. It was then I was hauled to the same Keep that no longer stands. Much recollection from this event supersedes me, but I know mine enemy. We fought, and we won. Rejoice! Ave Le Petrére. “They do nol know of our strength, but the time is nigh for them to learn.” The Queen-Emeritus Renilde, the Prince Paul, and the Prince Marcus holding Breakwater Keep, c. 1953 @tilly@Chorale__ @Andustar WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 11th day of the Suns’s Smile in the year of our Lord 1953 / 98 Astana de Regne Petrére. Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Prince of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Elector of the Garmont Assembly, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur
  16. Issued and averred by His Royal Highness Prince PAUL ALEXANDER in the year of our Lord 1961 PAUL ALEXANDER et MELINA ISABEAU BY the GRACE of GOD PRINCE et PRINCESS of the PETRA It is with great joy that We announce a well anticipated addition to the Royal Family of the Commonwealth. Princess Melina Isabeau of High Peak has gracefully delivered a healthy baby boy after nine grueling months of pregnancy. We hope that this will bring a joyful light for future generations of the Petra as we progress and promulgate this Platinum Era of Catherinian Rule. He is of the name and title, — His Lordship, Adrian Tobias of the Petra de Valfleur @Nectorist — Named after a dear friend, cousin, and former Ward to the Prince Paul the Viscount of Mies Adrian Godfrey Moere de Resmore; It is Our intention to bring many healthy children into the Realm to serve as Our Successors. By GOD’s Will the Valfleur Rose shall fruitfully bloom tenfold in the years to come. WITNESS Ourselves at the Royal Palace on the 14th day of Owyn's Light in the year of our Lord 1961 / 106 [Atstana de Regne Petrére] Faithfully Signed, His Royal Highness, Paul Alexander of the Petra, Prince of the Petra, the Prince of Valfleur, Lord Chamberlaine of the River Court of the Commonwealth, Patriarch of the House of the Petra de Valfleur Her Highness, Melina Isabeau ‘of High Peak’ of the Petra de Valfleur, Princess of the Petra, the Princess-Consort of Valfleur, Deputy Chamberlaine of the River Court
  17. - PENNED BY Madame Thorn - FROM THE AAUNIC PRINTING PRESS - Published the 15th of Sun’s Smile, Y. 1953 OPENING STATEMENTS FROM THE WRITER Dearest readers, Before we begin, you may be wondering who I am and what right I have to speak on any topic as if I’m a saint from the heavens. Allow me to formally introduce myself, I am Madame Thorn. My identity is not of importance, and shall never be revealed to the likes of you all though nonetheless. I still love you dearly my darling readers and hope you will enjoy my columns just as much as I enjoy the coin I earn from your purchases of my paper. THE UNSPOKEN OPINIONS, WHAT MUST BE SAID ⇀ FROM KNIGHTS TO DAMSELS ⇀ MERRYWEATHER’S VEXATIOUS PRINCESS… ⇀ HIDE YOUR WIVES! ⇀ FROM KNIGHTS TO DAMSELS The Kingdom of Aaun has been filled with a rather deadly electrifying buzz, one which delivered a deadly shock to the members of our own royal council. Indeed, King Edmund II, Prince Heinrich of Merryweather, Marshall Walter, and last and certainly least, the Count of Haverlock, whom no one truly knew, were all murdered within the royal palace by the treacherous soldiers of Stassion. Whilst we mourn the losses of our young King and his loyal councilors, other nations have taken the chance and opportunity to bash us for our what they call our Incapable Boy King. What a shame they didn’t even consider the necessitous boy a man. He was crippled, granted, that was his fault for trusting those savages hailing from Stassion. ⇀ MERRYWEATHERS VEXATIOUS PRINCESS Our new King, the noblest and benevolent King John, uncle to the martyred Edmund II, has ascended the throne in light of this catastrophe and has rightfully called the treacherous Margrave of Stassion to trial to answer for his, as best put by the Aaunic crown, “failed and disgraceful” father’s attempted coup. The trial was an utter mess, to say the least, for the unruly Princess-Dowager of Merryweather was so distraught by her husband’s death, that she attempted to take the life of the dishonored Margrave of Stassion. And to be frank, it was a sorry and failed attempt. If you intend on trying to assassinate someone, I would suggest you at least take lessons on how to properly aim… or at least make it less obvious. Truly, it was as dramatic as it was idiotic of Lady Aleksandra to have directed her crossbow at the disgraced Lord Margrave, for all those present at the trial to see nonetheless. Verily, to the surprise of none, Lady Aleksandra did find herself summarily tackled to the ground and escorted forthwith from the palace alongside that beast she calls a daughter. And thus the Princess-Dowager of Merryweather was ousted from Whitespire in disgrace, a humiliating repeat of when she was first banished from our royal realm, ironically at the behest of the same Lord Stassion she sought to murder. Though, one is left to wonder what brought Lady Aleksandra back to our fair kingdom to begin with. Indeed, it has been a number of years since she was last in Aaun. Perhaps it is that the dishonorable, so-called “Prince of Nothing” consumes the every thought of our vexatious Princess of Merryweather; indeed, we dare call her obsessed with the ongoings of Lord Stassion and his lands. ⇀ HIDE YOUR WIVES! It is true, Aaun teeters on the precipice of instability, and that is being generous to say the least. That said, do not mistakenly believe that the rest of the human realms fare any better. It is rather amusing that, for some reason, the lords and ladies of Balian, Petra, and Haense had thought their presence was required at the trial. Shaking their heads and constantly whispering about our noble King’s decision to their peers. I should fear that the crown heads of Aevos should instead seek to settle their internal affairs before jeering at the Aaunish crown. Frankly, I believe that all of these foreign nobles should have been escorted out or rather, not let in at all, especially not those hailing from Balian. Their entire castle is in disarray, though that is hardly the least of their concerns given the enormous amount of infidelity that occurs within their walls. And perhaps most shocking, if rumor is to be believed, the Lords of Balian have been beating their wives so badly, that they now flee to Haense in respite. However, I suppose they will be no safer in Haense given their… reputation. Needless to say, I would suggest the Kingdom of Balian get their affairs in order before daring to speak upon the Kingdom of Aaun any time soon. I could say the same for Petra, given that they allow a child to sit upon their throne. It is indeed a wonder how the Petra still stands, especially with such a witless child at its helm, for it is perhaps the most disposable and forgettable of the human kingdoms settled within Heartlands. One must surely wonder whether it is the futility of their lands or the unpleasantness of their people that steers away the would-be conquerors of that oversized County they call a Kingdom. And the King of Haense’s temper is undeniably and utterly embarrassing. A proper King must have patience. must persevere and must never let such little insignificant matters cause them to lose their focus and temper. Though, I do suppose one would be hard-pressed to call Aleksandr II a proper King given he is but a weak imitation of his predecessors, riding off the coattails of their golden age. I suppose these nations could have learned something from that insufferable little boy king who once sat upon Aaun’s throne. Though perhaps that is out of my jurisdiction to speak upon. THE UNSPOKEN OPINIONS, WHAT MUST BE SAID CLOSING STATEMENTS So, here's a nod to our gossip aficionados, the silent readers and the vocal critics alike. As we close this chapter, let the echoes of scandal and the rustle of gossip linger in the air, reminding us that even in the every day, there exists a tapestry of stories waiting to be unveiled. Until the next edition, may your secrets be well-kept, your revelations be dramatic, and the pages of our gossip chronicles be a playground for the extraordinary tales that make life all the more intriguing. Until we meet again, dear readers. ,
  18. PEACE AND BLESSINGS VICESIMUS TERTIUS AUREA BULLA JORENUS Twenty-Third Golden Bull of Jorenus 3rd of Horen’s Calling, 1952 F.A | 3rd of Snow’s Maiden, 156 S.A.| 3rd of Wzuvar and Byvca, 505 E.S. HIS HOLINESS SIXTUS VI, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree… TABLE OF CONTENTS ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ SECTION I - Opening Prayer SECTION II - College Appointments SECTION III - Curia Appointments SECTION IV - Diocesan Appointments SECTION V - Marriage Dissolution SECTION VI - On the Ferrymen SECTION VII - Venerations SECTION VIII - Beatification ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ SECTION I - OPENING PRAYER Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, whose word lasts into the eve of the world, we ask that You illume us, forgive the trespasses of those who have sinned against Your Virtue, and bless those who have been true and devoted to Your mission. The Canonist flock are assailed by trials and tribulations on many sides, Heavenly Father. We pray for the flock of Haense, whose warmth of spirit is being frozen by a never-ending winter and ask that You bless them with the thaw of spring. We pray for the flock of the midlands, of Numendil, Petra and Veletz, for they are troubled by the likes of Vampires, Azdrazi and wicked Magi, and ask that You cast down these threats to the faithful. We pray for the flock of Aaun, whose King lies hurt and bedridden after an evil man tried to bereave him of life, and ask that you bless their ruler with good health. And we pray for the flock of Balian, whose royal family was broken after the sacrament of marriage was severed, and ask that you console them. Above all however, Heavenly Father, we pray that these hardships bring us together as family, and that Your faithful are strengthened by enduring them. Amen. SECTION II - COLLEGE APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the College of Cardinals. We decree the College to be thus: TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Antonius Cardinal Artorus TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Josef Cardinal Jorenus TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Matthias Cardinal Lotharia TMR, His Eminence, Fr. Brandt Cardinal Albarosa TRR, His Eminence, Fr. Stanislaw Cardinal Westerwald TRR, His Eminence, Fr. Odo Cardinal Gelimar SECTION III - CURIA APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we make these affirmations, alterations, and additions to the Curia. We decree the Curia to be thus: Vice Chancellor, His Eminence, Matthias Cardinal Lotharia Auditor of the Tribunal, His Eminence, Stanislaw Cardinal Westerwald Secretariat to His Holiness, His Eminence, Josef Cardinal Jorenus Prelate of the Priesthood, His Eminence, Antonius Cardinal Artorus Pontifical Chamberlain, His Eminence, Brandt Cardinal Albarosa Commandant of the Pontifical Guard, His Eminence, Odo Cardinal Gelimar SECTION IV - DIOCESAN APPOINTMENTS It is through our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that we appoint the following members of the priesthood to shepherd and be pastor of the Church’s Archdioceses and Dioceses: ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBAROSA To be shepherded by Archbishop Brandt Cardinal Albarosa DIOCESE OF BURON To be shepherded by Bishop Frantzisko DIOCESE OF GELIMAR To be shepherded by Bishop Odo Cardinal Gelimar DIOCESE OF ST. EMMA To be shepherded by Bishop Alexios DIOCESE OF ANDRIKEV To be shepherded by Bishop Amleth DIOCESE OF TYRIA To be shepherded by Bishop Mattia SECTION V - MARRIAGE DISSOLUTION Matrimony is a most Holy sacrament, granted by GOD through his clergymen that serve the flock. However while the union created between a man and a woman through the sacrament of Matrimony is meant to be an eternal one, sometimes the situation causes the Church to have to intervene, for one reason or another, through an official dissolution of the pair’s union. Today, We perform such once more, as It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We officially dissolve the union of Adrian of Balian and Andromeda Ester, on the grounds of abandonment and denouncement through Andromeda’s departure from Balian and her disloyalty to and forsaking of Adrian after many years of an unhappy marriage, and the struggle of the latter to make said marriage work. We wish that GOD grant mercy to this separated couple in the next chapters, and We request that they seek Our approval before once again receiving the sacrament of matrimony. SECTION VI - ON THE FERRYMEN Recently we called for the warriors and knights of Canondom to assemble and ride with us to Veletz and Haense. The reason was that the Ferrymen had sought to make their return by kidnapping a pregnant woman, the Princess Sibyl, heir to the Kingdom of Balian. We hereby condemn the actions of the Ferrymen and declare them EXCOMMUNICATED and ANATHEMA. No service or sacrament is to be given to any of their members by any member of the clergy. They reside outside the law of both the Church and secular realms, with their rights forfeited. If any of their members consider themselves Canonists, they may individually seek me out for their penance. We wish to make something very clear; that actions like these are a slight against the Canonist family and they cannot stand. One cannot be a Ferryman or aid a Ferryman and consider themselves a Canonist. Ferrymen cannot live a Canonist life because their lifestyle blasphemes GOD. The age of terrorist behavior like what was displayed by these bandits is done. The Ferrymen as a group laid dead in the dust for a while now and we prefer they remain dead. Their actions have proven that the Canonist League was right in claiming that the Ferrymen reside in Veletz, for they have shown themselves to use the Mareno keep as a base of operations. We say thus to Captain-General Gaspard of the League of Veletz; evict these men and declare them banished, else you aid these terrorists and shall be considered one of them rather than a good Canonist and be likewise declared excommunicated and anathema. We have also seen that a band of Orcs came to the aid of the Ferrymen - for which we admonish the Rex. Let there be no confusion; the Ferrymen are not some sort of lovable rogues who fight a just cause against the remnants of an oppressive Orenian Empire. They are bandits, criminals, killers: terrorists, who make up excuses for supposed heroism while taking a pregnant and innocent woman from her home and threatening to kill her. Let there be no confusion also of the nature of the intervention that happened to try to negotiate the princess’ release; it was not an invasion of Veletz or Ferrymen territory by Haense. The King of Haense, the Admiral of Balian and the Grandmaster of the Order of Saint Jude were there under our banner. We take full responsibility. This was a Canonist mission of liberation inside of Canonist lands. So we say to the Ferrymen; do not try to spin this as some sort of unjust act of war where you are the victims. We thank our good and devout Canonist faithful for heeding the call and coming together as one big family in an attempt to free our sister in GOD from these wicked men. As of right now it is unclear what has happened to her, some say she lives and some say she was killed. Regardless, we shall pray for her soul and her wellbeing and that of her unborn child. Blessed are those who are persecuted for their righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of God. SECTION VII - VENERATIONS It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We affirm the following venerations: VENERABLE HENRY ALSTION Prince Henry Alstion was deemed Venerable as per decision of a Curia meeting held under our predecessor Sixtus V for his lifelong commitment to the Church - first as a layman, later as a deacon - and the role he played in ensuring peace among Canondom by ending the long-term war between the Duchy of Adria and the Canonist League. VENERABLE FATHER ARMAND Cardinal-Archbishop Armand of Lotharia is made venerable for his efforts in spearheading the crusade on the Azdrazi heralds of Azdromoth, the role he has played in combating the forces of evil in general, serving the Church faithfully as Auditor for decades and his invaluable contributions to the Magic Commission. VENERABLE KING CHARLES I OF AAUN King Charles of Aaun is made venerable in recognition for his unwavering loyalty to the Church and defense of our most holy institution throughout his lengthy life and reign. His legacy of devotion to the Church among the population of Aaun can be felt to this day and the importance of him standing up for the Canonist Church when an alliance led by Sedan threatened to schism over the issue of investiture cannot be denied. SECTION VIII - BEATIFICATION It is through Our Apostolic Right, bestowed unto Us through the Laurel derived from the Exalted that We affirm the following beatification: BLESSED SISTER CALLIOPE Sister Calliope Renata of Merryweather was a nun hailing from the House of Alstreim who joined the Church’s sisterhood in the Principality of Savoy. Aside from her service to the Church and her Faithful, she is beatified for the miracle she is believed to have performed at the Duchy of Reinmar in Haense in 1943. The Duchy was attacked by a band of undead led by a necromancer, who set the lands of the Duke ablaze and slaughtered his animals. After the attack, the Duke went to a chapel and prayed to Sister Calliope for intercession, upon which he saw a vision of the nun. After leaving the chapel, it was apparent that - miraculously - the damage the undead’s fire and blades had done to the Duchy had been reversed as if nothing had happened. THE HOLY MOTHER CHURCH OF THE CANON Under GOD maintained by His Holiness Sixtus VI THE COLLEGE OF CARDINALS ANTONIUS CARDINAL ARTORUS Archdiocese of Artorus JOSEF CARDINAL JORENUS Patriarchate of Jorenus MATTHIAS CARDINAL LOTHARIA Archdiocese of Lotharia BRANDT CARDINAL ALBAROSA Archdiocese of Albarosa STANISLAW CARDINAL WESTERWALD Diocese of Westerwald ODO CARDINAL GELIMAR Diocese of Gelimar THE CURIA MATTHIAS CARDINAL LOTHARIA Vice-Chancellor of the Church of the Canon STANISLAW CARDINAL WESTERWALD Auditor of the Tribunal of the Church of the Canon JOSEF CARDINAL JORENUS Pontifical Secretary of the Church of the Canon ANTONIUS CARDINAL ARTORUS Prelate of the Priesthood of the Church of the Canon BRANDT CARDINAL ALBAROSA Pontifical Chamberlain of the Church of the Canon ODO CARDINAL GELIMAR Commandant of the Pontifical Guard CANONIST DIOCESES PATRIARCHATE OF JORENUS, THE HOLY SEE Encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Patriarch Josef Cardinal Jorenus DIOCESE OF ANDRIKEV, encompassing all the lands east of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Amleth Bishop Andrikev. DIOCESE OF WESTERWALD, encompassing all the lands west of the river Lahy, to be shepherded by Stanislaw Bishop Westerwald ARCHDIOCESE OF ALBAROSA Encompassing the eastern region of Aevos, including the lands of the United Kingdom of Aaun, the Commonwealth of Petra, and the surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Brandt Cardinal Albarosa DIOCESE OF BURON, encompassing all the lands east of the mountains, to be shepherded by Francis Bishop Buron DIOCESE OF CITREA, encompassing all the lands west of Saint Daniel’s Crossing, to be shepherded by Callahan Bishop Citrea DIOCESE OF GELIMAR, encompassing all the lands west of the mountains, to be shepherded by Odo Bishop Gelimar ARCHDIOCESE OF ARTORUS Encompassing the central region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Númendil, the Veletz League, and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Antonius Cardinal Artorus DIOCESE OF AQUILA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Númendil, to be shepherded by Pious Bishop Aquila DIOCESE OF ST. EMMA, encompassing the entirety of the League of Veletz, to be shepherded by Alexios Bishop St. Emma ARCHDIOCESE OF LOTHARIA Encompassing the south-western region of Aevos, including the lands of the Kingdom of Balian and surrounding territories, to be shepherded by Archbishop Matthias Cardinal Lotharia DIOCESE OF TYRIA, encompassing the entirety of the Kingdom of Balian, to be shepherded by Mattia Bishop Tyria. ☩ EST CYCLUS, NON MUTATIO ☩ IT IS A CYCLE, NOT CHANGE
  19. <An internal message announced within the City State of Hohkmat> I Yera Silveira hereby make known my intention to stake claim and create a fourth magister seat within the City State of Hohkmat, as indicated to the Grand Magister and Vizier of Wind, under judgement of the current residing Magisters. For those that do not yet know me, I have served upon the Council of the continents Elven motherland, founded and serve as chairman of the Silver Merchant Sovereignty that continues to bring in new merchants to its thirty plus stalls and vendors, redesigned the Districts of Eternal Struggle and Great Paradox, and created the Hidden Tower. My Promise With my assets thus far, I have provided housing and support to the mages that have aligned themselves with myself and the Hidden Tower. Going forwards, I shall create a system for beginning and intermediate magi to grow their own powerbase and knowledge in tandem (enhanced) with their studies at the Academy. Resources and items at a standardised and fair price that won't be affected by the machinations of foreign kingdoms (as indicated by a dataspread that now includes hundreds of entries from all over the continent). New housing available to members of the public willing to abide by non-violence with those of this magisterial position, and guidance. My current contracts maintain withstanding and are not affected by this pledge. Final Word I am young, and have conjured everything I have over a matter of years, as opposed to centuries, and shall continue to move forwards as quickly as I can. The Magi of Hohkmat should become powerful. Not just in strength, but in soul, ambition, wisdom, intelligence, charisma and love. It is a form of greed, but with lines set, honour kept, and untempted will, it is a greed we need. Not to become unruly, to scrabble for every mina, every artifact and every opportunity- but to become powerful and strive for a greater future without losing ones self and ones morals. To want the best of both worlds, the perfect outcome. Thus embodies... Seat of the Great Paradox Seat of the Eternal Struggle Seat of the Sorcerous Path ... The Seat of Boundless Greed
  20. WAGH BE UPON YE Degenerates of Evil Hohkmat, Lurin, Petra. The three degenerate nations that allow Voidal Magic to corrupt their minds so greatly, that they have become degenerates. They hold bathhouse parties where naked elves roam and encourage acts that should not be spoken of. This Ends, Today. If one wishes to bathe, do so within your own home. If one wishes to do acts unspoken of, do so within reach of the SkyGods, not us common folk. If one wishes to challenge this claim and order, you may duel me. DEATH TO THE DEGENERATES! If anyone wishes to aid me, send me a letter. SIGNED, Grimruk’Lur, Chieftain and Axe of Clan Lur. A Goth of Ogh-Dhoraz, A Goth of San’Yarrow agh Casa De Lur, Flatter ob Degeneracy, Steel-Wolf of Clan Lur.
  21. The Murder of a mage On what seemed like a rather ordinary night, the elven woman went about her errands in the enchanting realms of Aevos. She was an esteemed guest of the Hohkmati Enclave, a formidable mage, and her fatigue was clearly evident. An air of mystery enveloped her, as if some enigmatic burden weighed on her, beyond mortal understanding. Yet, her determination remained unwavering. Physical tasks appeared to drain her, often compelling her to harness her magical prowess to ease the strain on her body. Her magical abilities granted her respite from the demanding chores. On this particular occasion, she had returned to her homeland, the lands of Haelun’or, to engage in a discussion with the new Maheral, who had taken over following the resignation of the Miravaris. However, the streets of Haelun’or remained eerily vacant, the city's white marble façade contrasting with its lack of inhabitants. The high elves were deeply immersed in their studies and work. The elven woman sought out a skilled seamstress, an old friend, to ask for a favor. She was aware of a grand jubilee hosted by the Petran Queen, Renilde I, an acquaintance she had grown quite fond of, despite being human. The seamstress crafted a magnificent gown for her — a pitch-black dress that seemed to absorb all the light around it. Golden embellishments adorned its seams, and a matching golden belt cinched her waist. The dress was modest, covering her from neck to toe, leaving no trace of exposed skin; even her hands were concealed. The time came for her journey to the Commonwealth, initially by horseback. Yet, the physical demands proved overwhelming for the mage. With humility and respect, she decided to open a portal to simplify her passage to the realm of the Petran ruler. With a snap of her fingers, a shimmering white disc formed, and she gracefully walked through it, emerging near the entrance to the jubilee. The jubilee was enjoyable, though it didn't quite meet the standards of this high elven aristocrat, who could be rather snobbish. She greeted friends, savored a slice of cake, engaged in conversations, and even treated the children at the jubilee to a magical spectacle. As all good things do, this too came to an end, prompting her to make her departure for some much-needed rest. However, her exit didn't unfold as smoothly as expected. The exit was congested, with humans loitering and blocking her way. Her polite requests for them to move were met with hostility and disdain. Determined to avoid any violence, the adept mage resorted to her magical abilities. Ethereal white mists enveloped a troublesome lady, gently guiding her aside to create a path for the elf. Yet, it took only moments for violence to erupt. A human bishop, consumed by rage and seemingly beyond reason, seized the fragile elf by the throat and began to squeeze. Witnesses were convinced that something had taken hold of the bishop, for his actions were anything but holy. The elven mage, weakened by her connection to the Void, could only stand helplessly against the overpowering human. Eventually, the bishop's strength waned, for it was not typical for the elderly to resort to murder. He released the elf, who had already lost consciousness. Petran Court physicians would then rush to the scene to transport the elf to a clinic for examination. They discovered that the bishop had caused severe damage to the elf's trachea, and emergency surgery was imperative to restore her oxygen supply. The valiant medics, ever respectful, began preparing the frail elf for surgery in an attempt to save her life. Unfortunately, it was already too late. Her eyes grew dim, pupils dilated, and her body relaxed. The mission of the bishop had tragically succeeded. However, the elfess seemed at peace, her expression serene as if she had been smiling just before her life ebbed away. Perhaps if she had not been alone, she might have survived, but none had dared to confront the bishop, a formidable figure within the Canonist church.
  22. Issued by The Viscomital Household of Temesch and The Baronial Household af Brasca On the 11th of Horen’s Calling of the year 90 ARP. Haunts and thrills have overwhelmed the halls of the Beaumont Keep The households of Temesch and Brasca are joyful to invite the citizens of the Kingdom of Petra to a night of festivities within the Beaumont Keep whereas many festivities will be held in order to celebrate the season’s change. Alongside this special invites are sent to their respective families, Queen Renilde I and the Order of St. Jude to attend the evening! T I M E T A B L E THE CARVING Pumpkin carving will start our guests off, allowing for any children to find their entertainment early on as each guest picks a pumpkin from the Baroness Viktorias pumpkin patch. The carvings will be judged afterwards with a modest prize. DANCE OF THE DEAD In order to fully immerse oneself into the night, the masquerade ball will be held; capturing the essence of whatever costume they desire. Animals, Ghouls, and even historical figures shall dance the night away. Sometime throughout the night, a costume contest will take place - intended to find the best dressed at the event. POOL OF RED During the continuing festivities of the masquerade, guests are given the opportunity to dip their faces into an illustrious pale of red fruit; otherwise known to them as bobbing. The children in which attend will be allowed to keep the apples in which they catch. Signed, The Right Honorable, Anthony Marcellus Temesch, Viscount of Mies Patriarch of House Temesch The Honorable, George Marc af Brasca, Baron of Brasca The Honorable, Viktoria Helena af Brasca, Baroness-Consort of Brasca
  23. THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE BEAUMONT KEEP The last stone is laid, and vibrant carpets are rolled out over newly done floors. The construction of the Beaumont Keep has come to a finish and it is with elation that we invite the people of Petra and allies to an opening event in celebration. Event Itinerary The Consecration of the Chapel As is with any newly raised chapel, the day’s festivities will commence with a ceremony intended to consecrate the Chapel of St. Edmond of Lachsi. The guests will gather within, as the Father Callahan leads us through the process. The Baptism of Newborns Following the consecration of the Chapel, the Baronial couple's newborn twins will be baptized and revealed to the public for the first time upon its completion. A Grand Feast With the completion of the consecration and baptism alike, those attending will be brought into the feasting hall of the keep where food and drink alike will be provided for those attending. Well-wishes may be offered for the newly baptized twins during this time. [Saturday, 5pm EST/9pm GMT] Signed, The Honorable, George Marc Halcourt af Brasca, Baron of Brasca The Honorable, Viktoria Helena Halcourt af Brasca, Baroness-Consort of Brasca
  24. THE BIRTH OF BATS Issued by The Baronial Household af Brasca On the 13th of Owyn’s Flame of the year 88 ARP. A depiction of the Brascan twins, circa 88 ARP. The Baronial couple of Brasca is pleased to announce the birth of their firstborn and second born alike. The first a screaming, healthy boy by the name of Jan Gaspard af Brasca. The boy was named after two figures in the couple's life that have great meaning. He weighed ten pounds upon his birth, though that is the only extent that he takes after his father - for in all terms of appearance, for he boasts his mothers hair and his eye coloring alike. The second born, smaller than his brother by a grand total of two pounds, came as a surprise to the Baronial couple. His name, much like his elder twin, held Raevir and Auvergne influences alike and he was dubbed Andrik Pierre af Brasca. His appearance took after his father and mother alike, with pale green eyes and a crowning glory of blonde curls. Shortly after the birth, the Baroness has sequestered herself to her room, so that she may better get to know her newborns and have some much needed rest. Visits from family and friends alike will be accepted within the next Saints day. The baptism will be held the day after next, within the Chapel of St. Edmond of Lachsin. Signed, The Honorable, George Marc Halcourt af Brasca, Baron of Brasca The Honorable, Viktoria Helena Halcourt af Brasca, Baroness-Consort of Brasca
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