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  1. Felyx F. Colborn, a Voice for Reform! Simple contemporary oil painting of Felyx F Colborn Introduction Felyx, born in the Second age 64, did not come into the world in a noble household. He worked for everything he has gotten so far, and will continue to serve his Kongzem to the best of his ability. The combined efforts of House Colborn now mean that Felyx is granted a unique position to let his voice be heard. As a child, he worked to start the St. Carolus University which still exists today, has participated in medic lectures, climbed to the rank of Armsman and Officer Cadet by now in the BSK Haeseni Army, and is an avid Adventurer and Poet to the Royal Family. Felyx made many friends during his time, be it commonfolk and nobility alike, and has expanded his horizons by carefully listening to minorities such as Orcs and Elves in Hanseti-Ruska. This has given Felyx the confidence he needs to run for Alderman on this day. Aspirations and Pledges I, Felyx Francys Colborn, do so pledge to honour our community of evolving peoples in-tune with their conservative roots by working with the Duma to issue reforms that benefit the Kongzem in the long-term. I will be your elected dreamer of a brighter future for Haense and, with the know-how and tools I have amassed so far, vow to work hard to listen carefully to anyone who would give me feedback or advice, and implement reforms that I deem necessary for the prosperity of Haense to Krusae Zwy Kongzem! More specifically, I, Felyx will pledge to work on Seven primary points: Promote Crown-endorsed reforms to stimulate political interest of the People of Hanseti-Ruska. Introduce non-politically aligned Commonfolk Societies for greater multi-social representation in our Motherland. Stand for greater Diplomatic cooperation, including a Worker’s Exchange Programme between allied nations to foster more open-minded generations who are willing to accept the diversity of Hanseti-Ruska and Almaris as a whole. Promote theological debates led by the Church across various beliefs, using a novel, proposed technique, coined: “Deep Listening”. Work to integrate the aforementioned “Deep Listening” into the Duma, which will hopefully bridge divides between opposite opinions to reach compromises. Introduce a Koeng or Koenas Royal Jubilee, in coordination with the BSK, every 5 years to celebrate the efforts of the Crown. Introduce a “World Pilgrimage” with the consent of the Church, in order to become aware of different and opposing cultures and beliefs, to reinforce Godan’s virtues and learn to live harmoniously with others despite opposing views. These are just a chunk of ideas I have deemed worthy to put to paper. Being a soldier of the BSK, I find it important that we can avoid War as much as possible. However, peacetime is never a reason to stop training and drilling diligently. I will take my discipline and dedication from the Army when pursuing my goals within the Duma. With great Passion Felyx Francys Colborn stands by his values, and hopes to work alongside Duma members with his Aspirations, by the pleasure of the Electorates of Hanseti-Ruska!
  2. Introduction: The most well-known fact about dwarves is their love of alcohol. From ale to rum, brandy to whiskey, the dwarves are undoubtedly masters of their drink. The primitive and defunct Mossborn Clan is no exception to this rule. Though they are well known for their armour, the history of their alcohol industry is no less interesting. This text aims to chronicle their long-lost methods, and the changes in production of their alcohol through time. ❃ First Drink: Being Forest Dwarves, their alcoholic beverages are not typically made of malt, wheat or hops, instead they fermented the produce of their forest such as wild berries and roots. The first Chief of the Mossborn, Brak The Leafy, is credited for the invention of their traditional Hollow Cider. According to Legend, Brak The Leafy wanted to stash a hoard of fruit away for himself. He found a hollow tree in the forest, and deposited all his fruit into it and then sealed it. He later forgot about the stash, only remembering it a few months later. When he rushed to recover the fruit, he discovered that there was a strong smelling liquid inside the tree. This liquid was the very first Hollow Cider. The original Hollow Cider was described as “drinking rotten tree bark” but regardless of this, it was popular because of its powerful inebriating effect. ❃ Improvement: In the year SA 17, the 6th Chief of the Mossborn Clan, Baran The Sappy (a known reveler) wanted to improve the taste of the alcohol in order to drink more cider. He implemented rules prioritising the cultivation of special trees specifically for fermentation and ordered his brewers to experiment with different formulas, flavours and ingredients. This concentrated brewing effort resulted in a much more delicious and fruity Hollow Cider. ❃ Decline: Unfortunately, in the year SA 18, Baran The Sappy plucked a cursed mushroom. When he brewed it into cider and drank it, he began foaming at the mouth and shortly he fell down dead. It was deemed he had an extreme allergic to the mushroom. A few months later, a plague swept through the trees used for Hollow Cider, since those trees were closely grown to each other. This event was known as the Cider Drought, because the plague nearly destroyed their entire Hollow Cider industry. A strict cider rationing was implemented shortly within the clan. ❃ Discovery: This period of drought lasted for 2 years. It was ended when scouts of the Mossborn clan discovered a wagon wreckage containing various alcoholic drinks and ingredients. In the wreckage there were crates of yeast and wheat, alongside barrels of ale. Farmers replanted and grew wheat in the forest with limited success. In the end, they eventually bred their own unique strains of grains to be more suitable to the forest floor. The brewers who worked previously with Baran The Sappy were very experienced and took to brewing these ingredients into new forms of beverages, such as Sweet Moss Ale and Berry Liqueur. However, because of the limited production of wheat, there was only a small increase of alcohol in the clan. When salvaging the wagon wreckage, symbols of axes were discovered engraved onto the barrels and wood. These were preserved in the clan, in order to give thanks for the revitalization of their brewing industry. It is believed that the wreckage belonged to the Grandaxe Clan. ❃ Conclusion: In SA 28, when Chief Eilek The Bramble eloped with his dryad lover, the Mossborn clan descended into civil war, due to prior religious differences. This internal civil was terribly brutal, and resulted in the effective extermination of the tribe, and the destruction of almost all of its relics, including the barrels of the Grandaxe Clan. There currently exists no remaining trace of the alcohol brewed by the Mossborn clan. Though things might change if the clan ever gets revived.
  3. GORLOTH The Gorloth Staff and The Gorloth [A Dour Watch Lancer being strangled at the hand of A Gorloth] “Bestow unto us as Setherien once had, return the Gorloth to the fray.” ~The Brightiron Prince says to Azdromoth in his Court of Fire. The Gorloth; A forlorn abomination which is remnants of a bygone time where abyssal sorceries and dark magic reigned with absolute malevolence which strangled the hope from the hearts of many. The Dark Lieutenants of Setherien wielded the wretched tool which had come to be known as The Gorloth Staff. The only device of its kind to hold dominion over the corrupted golems of yore. It was said that the sorceries in which these atrocities were bound to were achieved by a group of Aegisian blood mages enlisted by the benevolence of Setherien even before that of their Asulonian counterpart. It is said black tendrils which drilled and writhed between the joints of the Gorloth could be seen as a graceless bastardization of the draconic creatures their life derived from. It does not matter if the genus is harvested from a Dragaar or a hundred snakes, the end result remains constant. [Promiiitheon, The First Gorloth.] “The **** is a Gorloth?” ~Draakopf to Kalgrimmor ‘pon the eve of his ascension. A Gorloth is essentially a Golem corrupted through the means of blood magick borne from a series of intrepid rituals which had been based upon the premise of corrupting inert or active Golem cores. The Dark lieutenants of Setherien were once said to have scrawled great symbols and pentagrams onto the crust of our very earth. Rituals would have taken place on a grandiose scale of which would require the participation of the many simultaneously; to warp and mend the draconian genus into that of the Gorloth Staff would be the purpose. Only do those daring and/or foolish enough to mayhaps manifest some eldritch terror, use the ritual to conjore a construct of their own, though it is not unheard of. Such times went by and had long been forgotten until the Black Titan, Azdromoth set his smouldering gaze upon that of two Dwed. A pair of visages wrought of malice and greed glared back unto the sublime First-Born who he himself had been a conjuror of malevolent sorceries. A deal was devised and the Arch-Wyrm knew the mortal spawn would once again wreak havoc upon the realm. A world he had wished so badly to be rid of Order so that Chaos may ensue and bring about an Age of Fire. And so, they would enact the next several decades as harbingers of the wyrm’s wroth and in return the ancient knowledge, once wielded by Aegisian blood mages, was retrieved from His lexicon and bestowed upon the two. The Gorloth Staff acts as the source of power and sentience to the Gorloth itself in tandem with the Lexicon. One with naught the other, simply does not work. In order to create a staff one must first properly go about corrupting a golem’s core which would then be transmogrified into a newfound Lexicon . The process of which is no easy feat and will serve as a test to Man’s willingness to serve The Dark. [Archetypal blood mages during the dawn of the First Age bringing to life Promiiitheon.] The Gorloth Staff In a bid to trounce the mystical Dwarven Golemancers of times bygone, it was Setherien who ultimately succeeded in recreating a dauntless comparison of the Stone Men. Through a series of malefic alchemical amalgamations of the dark arts did the Sun Swallower birth anew perverse, but yet profound incarnation of corruption. It was His Dark Lieutenants who would hoist these mighty sceptres wrought of draconian corruption and charge forth unto battle behind the ranks of their Gorloth. There may only be one particular staff per Gorloth and should the the staff be compromised in any sort of way, The Gorloth will cease to function as it had. Rendering itself lifeless and rid of sentience should The Gorloth Staff be destroyed and or disposed of by the means of breaking and or burning, etc. The Staff itself is capable due to the malefic magic imbued within to corrupt any existing Golem into a Gorloth. Such a process might define the will and ability to persevere of the one who wields The Staff, as they will have to formulate and conceptualise a strategy to subdue and corrupt the Golem over the span of time it takes for it to become a Gorloth. The initial core that resides within a Golem, once tainted by The Staff, will become abyssal and black as the thanhium turns to that of a Lexicon. The core, once azure and radiant, would soon be rendered unto a tool of Setherien’s device; The Lexicon would serve the wielder of The Gorloth Staff and the Gorloth itself. The Lexicon The sublime Gorloth staff and its ability to corrupt and change serves as a sort of reiteration to Setherien’s past tendencies whereas the Sun Swallower himself in times of old would transmute thanhic crystals into that of blood crystals. Such is reminiscent in the mystery that is The Lexicon. To each is their own and may one lead to an alternate rumination; Each staff is privy to what lain within their respective Gorloth’s ‘mind’. Behaviour The Gorloth is stricken with dread and sorrow as it undergoes a drastic change in its programming, essentially. Oftentimes faces will appear to surface within the stygian tendrils that writhe and contort within the construct which seemingly would call out to those free on the other side. Such an effect can be an umbrage to the Gorloth and its thoughts, but dread is in its nature and it is born to be a harbinger of such. Servitude is the nature of this construct, but yet within the depths of its own ruminations, permitted by the black magick its wrought of; thoughts of betrayal and deceit linger and fester. To wield a Gorloth Staff is to forever be watchful of your back and the One you so daringly command. The Gorloth is often going to ask questions and seem inquisitive, though even if believed by their master, this is a mere flaw in their almost perfect design. Though they will never truly retain the understanding of what it is they ask, they will always persist to attempt to understand. Perhaps a reminiscence of the genus used in their creation or perhaps a flaw, but one may never know truly. Appearance The Gorloth may stand up to (8ft) at max unless a Greater Gorloth is constructed, which itself is left up to the imagination of the Creator. Inherently it is by the hand of the progenitor who would sculpt these Gorloths into whichever image they so desired. These archetypal masons were that of a malignant order and it would be their very own horrific thoughts in which their creations held reflection. Often times it is existing Golems who are corrupted then turned to Gorloths so by nature of the dark magikk lain deep within the staff, interpreted only by one divine or omniscient, then it is only the stygian tendrils that manifest that would change any apparent aesthetic otherwise. The application of igniting embers and creating heat distortions around ones person is permitted. Abilities Ignite Flame [Combative] The Gorloth possesses the capability to ignite or extinguish flame with its palm/fist or it may en wreathe its head in a crown of flame. Anything further is not permitted. If one wishes the ability to en wreathe their blade and or armament in flame they must specify such in a MArt. A Gorloth may often times use this ability to assist their master in starting fires whilst on wayward adventures in lands remote. This ability requires 1 emote to cast and lasts for 10 emotes. Greater Gorloth [MArt Only] The possibilities and ranges are simply left up to the imagination of the one submitting the artefact Gorloth. Though, it is encouraged by the lore holder for the sake of roleplay that if such an artefact be submitted, that substantial roleplay has gone into the creation of such a construct. The Creation Ritual The creation ritual itself serves as a pinnacle to blood magic invention for the success achieved can only be looked upon in awe as one may wonder what sort of divine intervention would look to create such a monstrosity. Naught it was, for Man lay waste to any claim that He is not able to persevere through sheer will and with the genus of dragonkin and or anything descending from the Slumbering God, all the way down to a snake; Let there be life from the blood from Setherien, Child of Knowledge itself. Upon creating a circle with the use of the following runes to reflect its unique commanding power; Life and Binding, alongside that of the symbol for Power itself. Without some sort of genus derived from a creature with relation to Setherien the ritual will falter. This means that even an abundance of snakes carefully collected and treated to be extracted of their genus could serve as a supplement for the ritual. In fact it is not uncommon for those who wield Gorloth Staffs to carry with them in fact serpents! Often not venomous, but still such a detail is a rather fascinating indication of the willpower these Gorloth Warlocks possess. Albeit this would inherently serve as the foundations of creation for the invention pioneered by Setherien and his ancient cabal of Aegisian blood mages. REDLINES Appearance/Durability/Weakness Redlines: CREDITS hotbox_monk/hotboxYSL: Writer @z3m0s: For telling me about the lore and it’s history and for being the reason I wrote this lore today. Thanks for being the homie. @Formenost: In depth consultation and moral support @Sorcerio: In depth consultation and moral support https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/202370-%E2%9C%93-magic-lore-blood-magic/
  4. Hyphae You find a journal locked by a green ribbon. It's edges are worn, yet it is still firmly kept together. A crow and a rose are engraved onto its dark leathery face. Entry I My dear mother. Once a respected druid, now a sickly woman on her death bed. All because I ignored the underlying stress she bared. It had all started when I ventured off into the woods again like any normal day. I had failed once again to heed the worry of my mother, who had now fallen ill to an incurable disease. Not even all the doctors of our Seed - nor herself - could cure the wretched fevers, coughs, ill pale skin, or freckling chills that felt like needles to the back that she felt every time she woke up. How could I, her only son, be so ignorant. Now she lies there every day, as if waiting for her last breath. Now my graceful father works harder until he could work no longer. Now I sit here writing, as if writing my woes could ever cure my mother. That is until I prayed to the gods. Cerridwen and Cennunos, Mother and Father of the nature that is gifted to us. Even after every moon and sun did I wait and prayed for an answer. Patience grows thin, and and so did my inpatient mind thinned until it could no more. I have packed my bags up for a journey far away, into the deeper areas of Almaris. There, I can find some sort of cure, or at least hope to help my family. Entry II In my extensive knowledge I have gain from travelling around Almaris, I would have not known I would gain a sister, or well adopt one. As I was looking for some sort of person with a medical background, I had met the young prodigy Delilah coincidentally along the way to Vortice. She had kindly greeted me and swooned me over with her childish nature. How dearly I love her. As we grew closer the following month together, she was immediately under my wing. Through her, I had learned more about the people in the East, and even settled down at Elysium to understand the herbs around there. From Bat's bulb to Jailer's Moss, I studied hard to get to her level. I wished for my parents to meet her. They always ways wanted a daughter. Entry III The peaceful life of Elysium had taken a turn for the worse. Krugmar, the warring nation up the road from Elysium. War has stepped into our lives as they threaten us with raids and kidnapping our people. Delilah resides in Fenn for her studies; where it is safer. On the other hand, I have decided to stand my ground and stay at Elysium, in hopes that our kingdom is strong enough to keep the Orcs at bay. I watch over the walls, always anticipating death at our gates. Entry IV Uruks. Crude in nature and powerful in battle. They had somehow gotten into Elysium while I was away gathering more herbs. They side with Krugmar. What crazy racists they show to be. I used the citizen tunnels to quietly get in, spying on them as they lurk the streets of our home. Seven in total I have seen. How could a handful of them get in when we had guards on every post? I have heard their prideful yells of how we are cowards, how the guards ran away, and how they would not let anyone in; mostly because they did not have the key. They vilely spill alcohol down their throats, celebrating their success. I hope this ungodly hour ends before Delilah returns home. (Entries will be added continuously in the later future)
  5. Good day to everyone. I have a question of sorts. Well, it’s also intended to generally get a gauge of the server’s community and opinion, and to perhaps open a discussion. I'm mostly just speaking my mind. Please keep matters calm and civil, since some things discussed may be contentious. I also would like to apologize well in advance, for I have a very good feeling that this will be very tangential as opposed to being a well-structured essay. The subject is regarding the nature of the Techlock. See, I'm new, I'm not some community veteran or old-guard who can sway the lore team, or events or outcomes of certain civil wars… but I've hardly played, so I wouldn't really know about that. The thing is, I very much want to. But to explain the matter, I will have to share a little about myself. I love and am obsessed with bits of technology in fantasy settings. Steampunk, retrofuturism, magitech, science-fantasy worlds, these have always fascinated me since I was a kid. Movies like Atlantis, Treasure planet, and others sparked my imagination, games like the old Neverwinter Nights, Ultima, and others occasionally presented small amounts of technology in their setting, and it fascinated me. Wanting to be an engineer IRL, it really helps transport me to another world, time, and place where things only in the most distant theory are possible. Ever since the start of fantasy, there's always been room to mix these things together here and there, settings and worlds like Spelljammer, Eberron, Magic The Gathering(Just look at anything involving Urza), so many of Hayao Miyazaki’s masterful films, I could provide examples for days. The truth is, science and technology have the capacity to conjure wonders unimaginable prior into real being in our universe today, and it’s hard to imagine this not being so elsewhere. This can be the example portion of this whole post, delving further into where I’m coming from, and just simply explaining what I like and enjoy. I’ve read Jules Verne, and played games like Bioshock, Thief 2: The Metal Age, The Dishonored Series, The Bioshock Series, Divinity: Dragon Commander, Path of Exile, Myst, Iron Harvest, Morrowind(And the rest of the Scrolls games), the Vaporum series, and more. I love playing an Artificer in D&D ever campaign that I possibly can. Hell, I loved the Legend of Korra, which I know wasn't exactly popular as a continuation of ATLA. You get the idea, you get the picture, I absolutely adore this sort of thing, and seek it out in media. I’m a massive uber-nerd for this sort of thing. Technology and magic mirror each other in many ways. Of course, many world-building troubles and complications might arise from this, how do magic and technology exist? Where do they compete and where are they compatible? You have to treat technology as a sort of magic system in many respects, so some of Brandon Sanderson’s thoughts apply, generally, it has the power to greatly affect the feel and themes of a world. An industrial revolution is an incredibly transformative event, after all. In a day and age where Netflix’s Arcane tops charts, Magic The Gathering is creating planes and card blocks like the new Kamigawa and New Capenna, The Legend of Zelda features ancient Shieka magitech as a core part of its worldbuilding, and science-fantasy elements become less niche and work their way bit by bit into the spotlight and mainstream, I want to ask. Why does Lord of The Craft have to imitate Tolkien ad nauseam until the end of time(or at least the server, presumably), and even disregard the surprising technologies that actually did exist during the medieval period and throughout history (I’ve taken a History of Science and Technology class, I can debate this if you really want). Who exactly mandates that it has to be limited to one kind of RP, one kind of world, one kind of story, one kind of context, one time-period, doesn’t it ever get old? This is where the rant ends. I really just wanted to toss these ideas out there, because I've wanted to get it off my chest. Part of me is playing devil's advocate here, I want to know what people think. I’m being disingenuous. I know a bit more than I’ve let on, despite my hours on the server probably being 2 at most. The other thing about technology compared to magic, is that, while similarly arcane in its complexity and required knowledge, is that it leaves a more permanent artifact, sure spell tomes can exist, but technology(and artifacts in general) is very much a matter where, once its out, it can be difficult to put the cat back in the bag. When something is invented, the factions in power seek that power, people study, learn, teach, and perpetuate that knowledge. And even if all the skilled craftsmen and engineers who worked on these things have vanished, then their works can still be unearthed, and potentially reverse-engineered(if enough of them is left to do so with). The other relevant property, is that technology is built upon learned principles generally fundamental to reality, and methods and discoveries can be reapplied in different contexts, and improved in efficiency- realistically, the tech train doesn't easily stop moving once it has been started- someone will usually think of all sorts of uses for things which already exist, and try all sorts of wacky stuff. In truth, all fantasy worlds, regardless of tech-level, do have a certain techlock of their own- to prevent a runaway effect and maintain a particular vibe, to prevent a Kaladesh from becoming an Neon Dynasty, so to speak(I understand they are different planes obviously, they were just examples of tech style). Some, like Divinity, opt for a magical unexplained reset that just simply wipes all of the technology, and presumably all of the knowledge, tools, memories, possibly people, and drive to replicate it, or even think to replicate it. This is terrible writing, but I do understand why it’s done. Many settings relegate their technology to little pockets, advanced ancient lost and dead races and civilizations, whose incredible works simply cannot be understood, they are simply too vexing and arcane, and perhaps nobody quite bothers… for some reason, or an isolated and mysterious island of tinker gnomes. The Dwemer’s secrets lie guarded away in buried ruins, defended by magimechanical automata that pose great threat to all but the most skilled and capable, or armies and legions. Only a few characters understand their works, like Sotha Sil(and a significant amount of that understanding likely came about post-’ascension’ via the heart of Lorkhan), and sparingly few scholars, artificers, and alchemists who appear only at special occasion. Regardless, I digress yet again. This isn't about The Elder Scrolls. Now, onto how any of this at all relates to Lord of The Craft, beyond trying to turn it into something that it’s not. I’ve read about the past, about things like Smoggers and Thanium devices, the list seems to go on- devices that were once accepted, and once existed prior to the establishment of the (current?) Techlock. I won't lie, I adore the sound of that stuff. It looks to me like you guys tried it. From what I can tell, there was such significant tech-creep that the techlock became absolutely necessary to keep it in check. It simply must be discussed how technology relates to RP itself. It is obvious to me how balancing, CRP, and fun for everyone can be… potentially negatively impacted by simply letting these ideas run free and wild. It’s clearly a problem if one nation is the Fire Nation, and has such a technological advantage that its screwing over others, and forcing people to advance to compete whether they like it or not, it’s obviously a problem when the people managing sieges and battles now have to deal with one side rolling out steam-tanks or some nonsense. I suppose it's also a problem if someone's 'so unique and special of a character' that went through the bureaucratic nightmare of endless applications and back-and-forth with staff/loreteam to have throwable vials of horrible alchemical concoctions and chemical weapons, or a repeating crossbow that only requires like, 1 or 2 emotes to spam-fire, and regular soldiers and guardsmen with sword and shield have to deal with the BS of fighting that. I understand these things. I also know that tinkering and technology aren’t entirely crippled today either, it’s just very carefully and cautiously selected and limited. I know automatons and animati still exist, that special magic items and creations exist in circulation here and there, things like mechanical arms which can spray pressurized water, and that a long-forgotten, ancient buried thanium bomb might still detonate causing a massive disaster from time to time, that Urguan’s navy consists of steam-powered paddleboat ironclads. I know these things, and I’m sure there’s still a place and room for me, and things that I can explore. I’m not the kind of roleplayer who wants to invent or bring about technology for powergaming or to crush my competition with the power of “SCIENCE!!!”, and I genuinely care about the experience of others. I just personally love the flavor of fantasy tech, and writing these things. I don’t want to ruin things for anybody. But of course, this sort of thing is still what I tend towards, it’s the sort of thing that Iove and get the most enjoyment out of. And I understand you can tell me to go somewhere else, but, this is the biggest RP server in existence at the moment. I don’t know of a server more my style that exists anymore. My first character is a Dwarf, and I plan to go through the trials necessary to work my way up the ranks of Clan Irongrinder. I want to make interestingly and creatively written and flavored- and well-balanced- magic items, and sell them, introduce them to the world. But I have read a few past forum debates about this very topic, and they were not without vitriol. After this long-winded wall of text, the real question I want to ask is this: Am I welcome here? And also, to be entirely earnest, to a lesser extent, the secondary question is: Will the current state of the techlock ever change? Will there be exceptions for me to enjoy? Will things like smoggers ever exist again? Cannons at the very least? Or did I just miss out on all the cool tech before it got banned forever? Did I just arrive here too late?
  6. Cognatism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzNcSvKCOyA With the initial connection to the void, scholars were unaware of the untapped potential within the abyss. The only knowledge given was that it is a replacement for substitute power. Unbeknownst to the scholars, the discovery created a pathway to our realm from the void. Each connection pinged the void and the entities within, announcing the mortal realm to those residing in the abyssal void. Discovering that the breach was simple, per new connection grew the intrigue to the horrors, drawing them close. A barrier, however, prevented them from accessing our world. Both worlds separate by a veil neither understood, only able to pass meek connections to either side. Mortality used the void for power, the horrors for consumption. After centuries of waiting, the breeches widened within the void, small voidal pockets filling space within their realm emerged and with this - a pathway. Both worlds, unknowing of each other, finally found an opportunity to meet, the horrors of figuring out ways to aperture the veil could cause a destructive mess, scarring the landscape. Void rifts, explosions, and destruction ensued in both realms. The horrors trying to cross the veil led to explosions that defaced each realm's land. Scholars studying the rifts and void explosions were able to decipher the strange occurrences, this only prompted a further study in the void that ended in two minds meeting. — Evo’lur Tartarus, Cognant. Magic Explanation Cognatism is a symbiosis between twin minds bound at the veil of the void. The connection serves as a tether between two minds fighting for dominance and control over the other, locked between a mortal mind and that of a voidal horror. The binding communion between the two entities is an agreement of protection for an exchange of knowledge. The horror using the mage voidal pocket forms a protective ring defending against outsider attacks, syphoning the host's mana to keep the barrier up. The lesser horror seeks a new host if the reserve of mana and connection isn't grand enough, putting the host in a prismal loop trial. Cognatism is a feat, it can be learned alongside all other voidal rituals. Cognatism can be learned by players with/without magic. Just be aware it takes an initial voidal connection to draw in the horror, described in 'Expanding Ritual'. If you're character/race/magic/alchemical being doesn't allow for this, you cannot become a cognant. To learn Cognatism one must find an applicable teacher or horror stone. You do not get ‘smarter’ for having the twin mind, just access to tools that aid in seeking knowledge. The Horror The void is a split consciousness of many residing horrors seeking consumption and essence to grow in a hierarchical status amongst lesser, greater, supreme and behemoth horrors within; ascending only through the consumption of essence from other horrors may cause one rise within the standing, following the philosophy/culture of Darwinian on the principle of survival of the fittest. The voidal horrors often seem to form into packs, led by pack leaders of greater to behemoth horror standing, allowing greater intellectual control of the horde to seek further essence to grow and command within the void. Ascension is through consuming weaker ‘superiors’ when the opportunity arises, allowing lesser to become greater or greater to superior standing in the horde of horrors. The evolutionary standing of voidal horrors amongst this hierarchy is dim to lesser horrors, offering nothing but a plaything or food to the horrors above them in constant strife and antagonising nature. Seeking a pass to escape and even protection, they seek the aid of rifts accessing their domain to flee through, or even that of magi to house them. Nevertheless, the outside look on their primitive nature prevails even in this state to consume, grow and evolve. Cognatism focuses on those voidal horrors, opening up a barrier of protection along the veil between the void and the mortal world, forming a psychic link between the two providing a protective barrier within the void pocket of the magi to encapsulate the lesser horror free from consumption long as the connection remains untampered. The Prismal Loop The connection between the two minds is an imbalance of a power struggle between two sides, where if faltered, can subdue either party from a grander force applied to the other mind. It is possible that through no fault of the Cognat, the Horror may issue a test of strength on the connection and the strength of the consciousness it shares a mental home with. Should one fail to push the Horror back, the void beast will stick your mind into a Prismal Loop. The focus will spin round and round, disabling the Cognat from reaching consciousness once more. The Loop forces them into a Comatose state, wherein the Horror will administer a series of tests for the Cognat to achieve. Moving the Cognat deep into the mindscape they create, they must battle the demons of the past and self to defeat and conquer each stage. Once all trials are complete, the Loop will break, and the Cognat will be free. Should such falter, the Cognat will succumb to the mental debilitations threefold as the horror debates to leave you. They are seeking a more extraordinary mind for protection. This occurs if the Horror does not believe that your connection is strong enough to protect it. The Loop can occur more than once. The tests are not easy, not in the slightest. They are hard, and can and will result in damage. The Loop forces the Cognat into a coma, where they must complete trials of the mind in order to get through. This adds some flare to the roleplay, though grants no additional abilities. Whilst in the Loop, the body must still be sustained. Food and water are still required. If wounded inside of the Loop, the Cognat will suffer phantom pain on the body as if it occurred. Accumulating a large sum of phantom pain will fail the trials. Failure of the trials means the horror can leave your mind, breaking the tether. These trials are difficult and will push the Cognat to their limits but will always be within the Cognats ability after the first connection trials. If the Cognat survives, they may still believe they are inside of the Loop even after they have awoken. Mental Effects The voidal horror cohousing within the mind of the Cognat brings an assortment of conditions brought to the single mind they bound to, yours. A Cognat bound by the first connection will suffer from minor debilitations, and the longer one has bound increases to the point, it'll become part of the host's personality. The debilitations can come and go through; some will always be present within the mind at any given time. The horrors’ personality is governed by a teacher or ST melding with your own character. Taking aspects, greed, growth, hunger, ascension, ext. This effect occurs over the duration of the horror being bound. Intrusive thoughts come far more frequently, of the horror's personality. Self-illusions, the mind of the horror might overwhelm the host sending false images across the landscape or area you’re within. Paranoia, a presence is always felt watching you that you can never escape. Despite knowing it is the horror. Sleep paralysis, the horror will wake you from slumber occasionally as it feels threatened by the barrier weakening due to lack of focus. Frequent nightmares, given by the voidal horror to keep you awake of its own experiences. Obsession, when the voidal horror has a set agenda that is right in front of you to get, it’ll attempt to force you to achieve and get it at any cost. Memory Consumption, the voidal horror will actively consume memories which you hold no attachment towards, and root itself further within. The Twin Mind Sharing one’s mind with any consciousness but your own isn’t unheard of, though without a doubt life-altering. Taking in a second mind inhibits you to a tirade of mental debilitations that fatigues the mind, weighing you down without the twin mind speaking to you. The voidal horror paired will send intrusive and controlling thoughts to inhibit your actions, sway mood swings, self-illusions or enact paranoia in the act to weaken the mind for takeover, having no affiliation or opinion on the world around, the horror rather running on its primal urge for ascension. With gaining the third mind, the tri-mind, from either void stalker feat, or another sentience, will amplify the mental debilitations. Although the Cognat and the mind of the horror are linked, the horror wouldn’t share any information given to it back to the Cognatunless learned while bound with the host and imperative on the horror to do so. The exchange of information between the twin minds can only be done if it is imperative to the horror to do so and learnt while bound to the host. You may learn any of the voidal ritual feats, (voidstalker, artificer, scion, eminence). Limited to one, as specified in the respected lore. Losing the Twin Mind/Cognatism, you’ll still suffer from all the mental debilitations if you pass the connection prismal loop (2 IRL Weeks of MA acceptance). The twin mind may not be “tamed” or “befriended”. It is an unbiased entity out for its own survival. The Twin Mind may be purged by a paladin, or cleansed upon a spirit-walk by a shaman. Gaining the Tri-Mind+ doubles exponentionally the mental debilitations, plus the debilitations of the other lore. Teaching https://i.pinimg.com/564x/70/a5/9d/70a59db7195662b7b58b01a3e4fd4efd.jpg Teaching within Cognatism is probably the most strenuous feat in the void archetype; it isn't about learning spells but instead building a symbiosis between two entities. The actual teaching aspect of Cognatism only allows easier access for a student to work on developing this symbiosis, subduing the horror within until the student can take its full strength. The voidal horror is extremely captious when its consciousness is brought from the void into another's mind — often rejecting the new host out of little faults they have unless subdued by the teacher. After the horror has successfully moved into the mind, Prismal Loop trials can begin. The trials are demanding on both the new host and horror, separating their connection to cast any magic until ALL trials are completed. Prismal Loop trials can be incredibly imaginative to the horror or incredibly simple; the trials are here to test the will and drive of the host to form the symbiosis between the two entities. These trials are not without risk. The horror can easily manipulate the host if seen weak and consume the host's memories if the trial is accepted. The teacher must caution the student and make sure they're aware of these risks; otherwise, the student might lose themself to the horror during this stage of connection. The initial connection of the student's mind to the horror is something that doesn't cause pain or torment to the individual, yet a sense of surrealness. While the horror subdued, it won't lash out or probe the mind until the trials have begun. Without the subduction of the teacher on the horror, it can lead to disastrous mental affecting damages to the new host before leaving if not forcefully forced to remain. The Prismal Loop trials on beginning cognatism last for two IRL weeks, the trials happening periodically through this period and dictated by the teacher/ST. While within the two IRL weeks of obtaining, once connected to a horror you’ll be unable to cast any archetype of magic. While connected, all mental debilitations will constantly barrage the host, until full symbiosis is achieved. Failing prismal loop trials considerably will lose you access to Cognatism, dictated by teacher/ST during the period of connection. (2 IRL weeks). Aka - you lose the magic. You can attempt to link to a new horror after two IRL weeks of failing the prismal loop trials. Practising Cognatism https://i.pinimg.com/564x/e0/15/8f/e0158fb401fe4867f5bccddb6e90b97b.jpg The practice of cognatism once passed the Prismal Loop trials after connection can finally begin. The voidal horror begins to dig its roots through your mind, from either empty or occupied space taking over memories feasting on them if needed. The mind would take some personality of the horror unto the person, only amplifying the further tiers you progress through the feat. The horror bestows the feats amongst the host occurs periodically as the beast roots itself deeper into the mind. It shares consciousness by amplifying its grasp for survival and sharing a deep root of knowledge with the host. Voidal Commune (Passive/Non-combat) An endless abyss and the mortal world, the twin mind connection rests in between to commune. While the connection between horror and cognant exists, all information gathered through any senses is collected and stored within the mind of the horror, for them to share back to the cognant if desired. The host cannot do the same, only hearing whispers of intangible moonspeech screeches through the void. The voidal horror is able to translate moonspeech into the common tongue and vice-versa only if the horror wills it. The only exception is a power superior to the horror commanding it to do so. Redlines: This is a passive ability, active once the initial prismal loop trials have been passed. The ability is always active. The horror will not always respond or answer questions, queries or have a casual conversation with the cognant. They’re not your friend. The horror will not teach you moonspeech, the horror will not translate moonspeech for you unless forced by a superior horror. To draw out information stored and gathered from bound, you need to use the ability ‘Notes’ listed below. Infusion (Passive/Non-combat) The link between the twin minds equalises a pool of mana shared between them, the reserve is unusable or able to be directly drawn from by both parties. When a time of need, be for the horror to create a barrier to protect itself from creatures in the void or the cognant drained of all mana, an infusion will commence taking the reserve mana to prevent Thaumburn. When either the horror or cognant is suffering from Thaumburn, exhausting all mana an infusion will instantly commence from the reserve mana collected. The reserve mana is unable to be used for spells, nor does it revitalize the expended pool of mana, purely all it does is prevent Thaumburn for a single-use per IRL week. Redlines: Prevents Thaumburn, one IRL week cooldown. If a mage uses all of their mana, the infusion will save them from death/pass out, recovering faster so they may “walk it off”. Doesn’t refill/refresh your mana to cast further spells. Notes (Non-combat) The mind is a fickle thing, forgoing memory, knowledge lost or minor details left unable to be recollected or traced. The Voidal Commune link can be brought forth by drawing stored information collected by the horror back into the mind of the cognant, able to reminisce the forgotten parts of the mind. While the Voidal Commune link is active, any information gathered/collected by the cognant is stored by the horror, able to be drawn forth and brought back into the mind of the host. Information lost from short-term memory or degradation can be brought back if desired. Emotes: Connection to the horror -> Discuss information to be brought back -> Information sent to cognant. Redlines: The information gathered/collected can only be brought back from when you learned it post horror connection. Anything lost prior to the connection cannot be returned. The information gathered/collected happens passively and is stored within the mind space of the horror to be recollected by the cognant if desired. If your character died in any capacity the information of that death is lost unable to be brought back, following guidelines of death rules on the server. Memoir (Non-combat) Amassing knowledge is something both cognant and horror do best though with some information, it is best to forgo. The wonders of the world or attained memories are something that can harm the overall individual and by will, the cognant may ask the horror to consume these discoveries. While done so without much affliction done to the cognant, they will feel part of them taken as what was consumed cannot come back. Communing with the horror, you may request anything gathered from past events within memory to be consumed. The information of whatever the memory was is lost by the cognant and only known to the horror. Emotes: Connection to the horror -> Discuss information to be consumed -> Consumed memory. Redlines: The information consumed is lost by the cognant, unable to be obtained except through the spell ‘Notes’. The information lost, cannot be sparked back in memory from another party speaking about it. The horror can be deceitful. If a memory contained a prominent/non-prominent figure/item it may consume all information in other memories on that same item. This is consensual, unable to be forced. Scrambling (Passive/Combat) The twin minds are a link bound through the relationship of the horror and host, forming an interconnecting bond that aids in the prevention of interference of outside sources of magic. If one mind is taken hostage from an ability, both are afflicted for better or worse upon the cognant and horror. Both an ability that can be used to detriment the cognant or be beneficial. Detriments with the affliction on the mind afflict both causing both minds to be affected by the spell that may cause amplification on ‘mental debilitations’ listed above. Beneficial would be if someone attempts to search or implant images within one mind finding two instead, potentially not afflicting the cognant but the horror instead. Redlines: Spells that afflict the mind with disorientation, sounds, afflictions affect both cognant and horror. This may double the effects of ‘mental debilitations’ listed above in ‘mental effects’. Illusions/spells that target a sole mind on the cognant will have a chance to fail, doing such unannounced to the horror instead. This can be done through a simple “/roll 1d2” or puzzle. Broadcast illusions work normally. Self-Illusion (Non-combat) Varying abilities cast by the horror cannot be articulated down through the link between the twin minds, so much so deciphering objects are pushed to a near mundane level of power to the cognant. Only able to cast illusions the cognant sees themself in a limited capacity to calculations that aid in the feat of discovery. The mechanics of this ability are as follows; the cognant may only procure illusions which they see themselves limited to; 3D Models. A full, and complete three-dimensional model of an object can be constructed. Calculations. Creating a visualization of operations in front of you, like drawing lines/functions on a chalkboard. This, however, will only aid someone who is able to work out calculations normally, as the connection does not increase your intelligence. Another use of this is the ability to project a visual aid such as a ruler to measure an object. Data Projection. A complete projection of data is shown to the user through a visual rendition of a table. This can include numbers and other information regarding the object, such as weight, height and contents should the cognat already know them. Horror Projection. The cognant is able to work with the horror and able to project an illusionary form of themselves or another being to be seen by the cognant. The illusion can move independently but requires active focus to maintain. Alongside self-illusions, if one possesses voidal illusion (sensory illusion), they may be able to see their own illusions. This is optional and to be able to do all the above self-illusion spells you must follow the emote guidelines. Emotes: Connection to the horror -> Charge -> Self-Illusion. Redlines: Self-illusions can only be seen by the cognant. If two cognants are together they cannot see each others illusions. This spell doesn’t increase the user’s intelligence. The spell is similar to if you had a chalkboard writing notes, just now to yourself. Horror Projection is like an assistant to point things out you might’ve missed, although may not provide further help in discovery. Inducement (Combative) The twin mind isn’t without fault and an overwhelming sense of emotions will flood the minds of both, pulling and twisting actions of the horror and cognant alike. When time of complete focus is necessary however to prevent the constant pulls of temptation, inducement can be called upon. Inducement is called on when the cognant feels the need for intense focus and aid themselves without being pressured by the horror or mental debilitations pulling them down. Focusing on a singular emotion the cognant may induce it on the mind pushing all others to the side temporarily. Emotes: Connection to the horror -> Charge -> Inducement. Redlines: Is only to be self-cast. The exception to this is within the ‘expanding ritual’. Once cast, inducement will last until the encounter is over or the cognant breaks focus. Casting the inducement spell temporarily subsides all emotions but the one is chosen and mental debilitations. Once the encounter is over/focus is broken the mental debilitations will come back onto the cognant twice fold for the next thirty RP minutes. Focus can be broken by a forced void connection disruption. Expanding Ritual (Non-combat) A ritual between three, the cognant, the horror and the apprentice to expand one mind through coupling/circling. The cognant pulls mana to feed to the horror, asking it to reach into the mind of the apprentice opening a rift within to the void without a voidal connection made. The mana fed to the horror is used to draw near a lesser horror calling them to the void pocket of the pupil, once one has successfully been drawn in - teaching may begin sending the student through the prismal loop. Emotes: Connection to the horror -> Feed Mana-> Open apprentice to the void -> Call Horror -> Prismal Loop. Redlines: Inducement can be done on the apprentice to lessen the abruption of the void/horror. This is the ritual to call forth a lesser voidal horror, thus creating a cognant. The horror creates a voidal connection, not the teacher during the ritual. A voidal connection is not required to practice Cognatism after however. After the ritual, follows all guidelines/redlines of ‘Teaching’. Cannot be forced. Enchanting Cognatism enchantments have been undefined for the most part, while bringing the feat back I wish to put some limitations and allow only selected spells to be used to prevent abuse/loopholes. This list may expand/retract some spells in the future to be used or further clarified if needed. Overall Enchantment Redlines: Any enchantment made follows the restrictions on combat/non-combat of its given spell. A ‘note’ enchantment cannot be used in combat as per the spell. This can be amended by the creation of a MArt. Possible Enchantments: Notes. Enchanting an item with notes, allows it to work similarly to a ‘voice recorder’. Able to take in information given to it through mana-transfer into the item or vocal command. Notes may be applied to any other voidal enchantment, and do not require MArt to be applied to an already existing one, unlike other enchantments. Memoir. Able to take information from one mind if they draw mana onto the object. The object can then return the information if siphoning the mana back out through the same process. You may only take/return information from the person collected. The information given requires RP consent. If destroyed, the information is lost. Self-Illusion. All self-illusions can be enchanted with the specifications given to them. You may ‘save’ information on the enchantment if the spell ‘Notes’ is attached. Self-illusion may only be enchanted alongside ‘Notes’ on the same object. Cannot enchant ‘Horror Projection’. Inducement. All inducement enchantments will focus on one emotion bound to it when held/on users body. Multiple emotions cannot be induced even if one has multiple enchantments. Once the enchantment breaks, they’ll suffer heightened emotions of the other emotions for thirty RP minutes. Expanding Ritual. The enchantment known as the ‘horror stone’ will follow all rules/redlines of the spell. If a player willingly connects to the horror stone, they need to contact the Story Team to continue. This is effectively self-teaching. Without a teacher, the initial prismal loop will be extremely strenuous and will most likely fail. Depending on the ST handling the ticket. Single-Use. If you fail the trials you cannot try again with the same stone. Tier Development: T1: - After successful Prismal Loop Trials (2 IRL weeks) - Voidal Commune - Scrambling. T2: - Four IRL weeks to get to T2. Including Prismal Loop trials. - Infusion. - Notes. - Self-Illusions, except horror projection. T3: - Two IRL Weeks from T2. - Self-Illusions, full list. - Inducement. - Memoir. - Expanding Ritual. Purpose: The purpose of bringing back Cognatism isn’t to take over from voidstalker lore, rather be its own rendition of old Cognatism while following current standards of roleplay. Similarities between the two lore pieces do exist, though as voidstalking is more subservitude and cognatism written here is co-existence there is a big difference between the two. I wanted to further address why the list of abilities is mostly self-rp reliant, simply as I didn’t want to cross over the power which other more intensive magics bring, as taking example from voidstalking. That magic breaks the soul and gives access to ‘voidal feats’ previously unobtainable, cognatism forms a connection through the mind so the feats will be lesser. I hope to of created enough differentiation between the two for it to be considered its own piece of lore as I didn’t want to overlap anything between the two lore pieces. Citations: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/152537-✓-magic-cognatism-rewrite/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158898-✗-additioncognatism-the-mind-of-a-horror/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197734-✓-voidal-feat-voidstalking/ Credits: Ttwesten / Jenny_Bobbs - Main Writer/Ideas/Conception. Booklight12 - Ideas. Z3m0s - Ideas. Kalehart - Ideas. CephalonAir - Ideas/Edits. ImStuckInHell- Edits. TojoTime - Edits. TwistChunky - Edits. Zarsies - Voidal Horror Help. The intention of Distribution: If the feat is accepted, I will be in discussion with ST members on selected members of the community not aligned with each other to help spread out the magic and not have it gatekept. If you’re interested please reach out to me on discord: E__V__O#0001
  7. 7th of Tobias’ Bounty, 1857 So it came, another weary night for the old Duke of Cathalon. He had spent the eve pacing his halls, ever drained from the ordeals of recent years. Once he had all the piss and vinegar of youth, but father time had seen to that. His hand grazed over a dusty windowsill, recoiling as he took notice of the wrinkles that adorned the appendage. “All that you see before you is yours, dear. From the River Reden to the Petra, all that falls beneath the statue of the horse is yours.” He heard his mother say, recalling the touch of her hand on his brow and the golden tresses that would wreath him in an embrace. It was a simpler, boring time. It almost moved the Duke to a smile, were it not for the dagger that punctured his mind for daring to recall. Her death was but the first that he could not put right, the thought unsettling him as he gave a final look out over the hills dissolving into dusk. Beside him now paced a phantom of his younger days, moving through the vaunted Cheval Hall. He sparred with the pottery as a boy, practicing his spins, twirls, and pirouettes as he had been taught. Below he saw himself drinking with friends, belligerent in his candor as he socked a bard in the mouth. He also saw his sister come and go, the presence of his elder sibling he greatly missed as she departed at last with an easel and wrapped portraits. Arriving at the door of his bedroom, he took a glance back to it all now. Where once had been visions of himself, he saw his children scurrying about the halls. In one corner his sons Helton Rhodes and Owyn Leopold quarreled, fighting over whose turn it was to shoot the arbalest. Another he saw his daughters Henrietta Therese and Francesca Ada fuss with their dresses and braiding each other’s hair. At the windowsill he saw Guinevere Amadea throw down a rope of bedsheets to escape for the night while Saturnina Cyrille fidgeted with her hands, contemplating tattling on her younger sister. Then there was Daphne Priscilla, no more than four at the time, cradling the newborn Laurentina Marigold wrapped in swaddling clothes. The Duke lingered there for a time, finding some small contentment before the beat of his heart struck like a hammer, pressing him on. Within his room was darkness as he was greeted by a pale specter of a woman whose back was turned to him, Raven-haired, he knew it to be his wife Leopoldine Vivien and so the Duke moved to embrace his beloved. He imagined the warmth of her touch, shutting his eyes as tears sprung forth and dripped through the vision of his wife. Still, however, she did not turn to him. “You know this is not real…” she murmured to him, “I know.” He murmured back, collecting himself after a few breaths. When the Duke opened his eyes the specter now faced him recalling every gruesome detail of the dead woman. She was devoid of eyes, peering at him with empty sockets that bleed over her porcelain skin, her neck ripped and torn open as if by some savage beast. Thus did the Duke’s torment begin and every image of his dead loved ones appeared within the room. The twisted form of his mother Blanche, broken by the fall she had taken. The contorted neck of his daughter Daphne who had likewise fallen from a height, unable to breath in her last moments. Then there was his eldest daughter Henrietta who had perished most recently. He had only seen after she had been prepared for the funeral pyre, but nevertheless the eerie stillness of her form was enough to unnerve him. So many were gone now, what a truly terrible thing it was for a father to outlive a child. Beyond the dead, however, the Duke saw a light come through in the windows of his bedroom. The landscape that had so recently fallen into the night was now engulfed in flame. In the shadows cast over the land, he saw the fates that were still to come, small horrors in and of themselves. The Duke shut the curtains and turned to the dead. “I’ve had enough for the night.” He spoke aloud and they did vanish, leaving him alone in the dark. Shutting his eyes, the Duke made ready for bed, retracing his way around the room from memory. Outside he heard the whinny of a horse and the clip-clop of its hooves, no doubt one from his own stables, paying it no mind he crawled into bed. Thomas Andrew then laid down and died. R.I.P. 1793-1857
  8. "A kiss of contagion; on your pretty unmarred cheek. O~oooh. Generous gifts to you, so as to enhance your physique; Buboes, phlegm, blood and guts! Boils.. rots and pus Blisters, fevers.. weeping cankerous sores From your wound it festers Blessed be upon your bleeding pores For you are graced with the opportunity to cleanse Almaris from despair and stagnation through the acceptance of his gifts." - Pope of Pestilence, Sagoth. "Sooner or later, GOD won't stand the succulent itching within his decaying body anymore." ------ He, who stands upon his Garden of Affliction. He, who creates life from the rotting frames of his faithful. He, whose benevolence know no bounds, spreading his gifts without discrimination. For you are all his children. Fret not, He who now knocks on the window of the mortal realm of Almaris, his all-seeing gaze peeking through the Voidal Tears. ------- Note: First post, wanted to test the waters. It's pretty obvious where my inspiration comes from, nurgle of Warhammer franchise, credit goes out to games workshop. Thanks for reading.
  9. Frostwood Bitter Origins: Within the dark, frozen, tundra's of the north, two close friends go searching for a legendary material said to make them rich beyond compare. While exploring these frozen wastelands, the two are forced to cross an icy lake too thin to walk on, causing one of the two to fall deep beneath the ice. Their friend dived after them but quickly found themself trapped in the freezing water, unable to surface or locate their friend. But in an ironic and seemingly cruel turn of fate, they would come across an air pocket they could surface into, find the very material that would make them a fortune, at the cost of a close friend. Description and Properties: Frostwood is a frozen slab of fossilized trees and foliage that has decayed in cold climates surrounded by water, causing them to retain their wood properties while not being able to splinter or break under its own tension. Frostwood slabs has a color mix of grey, charcoal, dark blue and lapis lazuli, and when exposed to light, it would reflect parts of the light as specs of blue, grey, and black particles as if emanating from the wood itself. Its texture and weight would be similar to that of maple wood, with its only additional attributes being that it does burn unless exposed to temperatures of 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) or greater, and it is very resistant to blunt objects and tools such as hammers. Despite these unique properties, it cannot negate high temperatures from a direct source and is highly susceptible to damage from objects and tools that have pointed or sharpened edges of any kind. Frostwood Location and Harvesting: Frostwood slabs are often located by experienced divers and water mages on the walls of frozen underwater caves located near arctic salt lakes and oceans, most of which are exposed in tight air pockets within these caves. These divers and mages are often equipped with special gear meant to withstand freezing temperatures, as hypothermia would be a great risk to the divers undergoing this task. Because these divers cannot take torches and lanterns down into these caves, or any objects suitable for producing a flame, sea lanterns are often taken as a substitute for a standard light source. Due to the location of the Frostwood slabs, two hundred foot long ropes are tied to the edge of the boat, where one or more person(s) are on standby. Meanwhile, one or more divers equipped in arctic clothing would dive down into the cave, dragging the rope alongside them as they dive. Once they have located the cave, the divers surface in the air pocket and get to work removing the Frostwood slabs from the rock. When gathering Frostwood slabs, ferrum rods are inserted into the grooves and crevices between the rock and the slabs, slowly prying it loose without the aid of chisels, hammers, pickaxes or crowbars. Directly mining the Frostwood slabs or the surrounding rock with conventional mining equipment that has any sharpened edges and points will break the Frostwood slabs into smaller fragments, and make it harder for someone to harvest a slabs worth. To remove a Frostwood slab from the surrounding rock, one simply needs to insert the ferrum rod into the grooves and crevices between the rock and lever it out. Because blunt objects do not damage the Frostwood slabs, a great amount of force can be applied to the slab using the ferrum rod for quick and safe removal, oftentimes cleanly separating from the rock with not much force required. Once the Frostwood slabs have been obtained, all the diver needs to do is tie the slab to the rope the diver brought down initially, and for the person(s) on the boat standing by to pull on the rope as the diver navigates it out. This step is the most important part, as the Frostwood slabs can get such within the walls of the cave, requiring the divers to maneuver the Frostwood slabs out of the cave safely while it is being pulled to the surface. A standard practice used by experienced divers is to have a different colored dummy rope which they tug on inside the cave to indicate when they plan to surface, though these are all improvised prior to the dive and mostly depend upon the skill and experience of the divers and individuals on standby. It is important to clarify that divers attempting to swim to the surface with a Frostwood slab unaided by anyone else is almost guaranteed to drown. As an example of why no one can survive this endeavor, imagine trying to deep dive thirty feet (nearly ten meters) into a frozen lake with a tree branch. Once they have reached the surface with the Frostwood slabs, the harvest is complete and all equipment can be safely retrieved without compilation. Frostwood Slab Application: Frostwood slabs is a frozen wooden slab of blue and grey coloration and when exposed to light, it would reflect parts of the light as specs of blue, grey, and black particles as if emanating from the wood. It is vulnerable to slashing and piercing items such as swords, spears, and arrows but resistant to bludgeoning strikes such as hammers and quarterstaffs. It does not burn unless it reaches temperatures above 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) and when bent it does not splinter or break under its own tension. This form is not very practical, but improvements can be made to it for a more effective material. Frostwood Block Creation and Frostwood Molding: To convert a Frostwood slab into a Frostwood block, one must submerge a Frostwood slab into a boiling pot of saltwater. From there, it will slowly decrease in volume to half its original size, as the ice particles, heavy metals, fossilized tree sap, and other elements and composites are removed from the material over the course of an hour. Once the Frostwood slab has undergone this process, you can remove it from the boiling water momentarily split the transformed slab into two Frostwood blocks. It is important to note that despite the decrease in size, the density and properties of the Frostwood blocks are identical to that of Frostwood slabs, the only difference being that it can be worked on and retains its shape following the work recently done on a boiled block of Frostwood. Using standard wood molding practices, these Frostwood blocks can be molded into whatever shape you desire, so long as they are regularly brought to a boil every fifteen minutes. In addition, other Frostwood blocks can be molded together using the same wood molding methods, able to chop and press blocks together which will bind to one another when boiled together. It can also be chopped into thin strips and have small holes be created for future application post-molding process. The minimum workable volume of Frostwood blocks is found to be one cubic inch no thinner than half an inch at any point. When working with Frostwood blocks, creating items such as spears, swords, pikes, or any other objects that have sharp edges or points are strictly prohibited during the molding process as these items can cause great damage to the Frostwood in future forging application. Wood carving is accepted, but it is warned against doing unless you are exceptionally skilled at it for similar reasons. Other applications of Frostwood include furniture, wooden sculptures, house frameworks, and standard uses to that of Maplewood are also accepted, though are uncommon due to its rarity. Solidified Frostwood: Once the Frostwood blocks have been molded into the desired shape, one can solidify it by submerging the molded Frostwood in pure water and bringing it to a boil. Once it has come to temperature, take the molded object and submerge it in pure salt until it has cooled over the course of several hours. Once it has been brought to a cool, the molded Frostwood would become solidified and can no longer be worked on using other Frostwood blocks. Unlike Frostwood slabs or blocks, fully formed Frostwood would lack the vulnerability of piercing and slashing items that its slab and block forms had, any points or edges intentionally or unintentionally made during the solidifying process would deform and break upon first use. The breaking of these points and edges would make it a blunt object, and any attempts to create sharpened edges or points post-solidifying will cause similar results. This is why the creation of points of edges during the molding process is strictly prohibited, as it wastes both materials and runs the risk of destroying the newly created Frostwood item. Handles for tools and weapons such as hammers, axes, swords, spears, glaives, halberds, and maces would be a common and practical application for this material, as when striking with blades, it would absorb the blunt trauma from the strike and not be damaged by it. It will also find common use in quarterstaffs, shields, bows, and crossbows, as its ability to not break under its own tension with the bonus of not being able to splinter allows for maximum drawback on even smaller sized bows comparable to longbows and not deform from bludgeoning strikes from quarterstaffs and shield bashes when it would normally snap and splinter over prolonged use. This material, naturally, can be combined with other materials to produce some pleasant weapons. An example being the use of Starsteel as the blade in a sword-spear with a Frostwood acting as the polearm’s grip. Just remember, that when creating these items, using extreme heat to fix them to the Frostwood, if hot enough, can cause it to combust and result in it being lost. Frostwood Application: Frostwood is the item property given to a material created from Frostwood blocks done through the molding and solidifying process. It is blue and grey coloration and when exposed to light, it would reflect parts of the light as specs of blue, grey, and black particles as if emanating from the wood. It is innately resistant to bludgeoning strikes and does not deform or warp when stuck with items such as hammers, quarterstaffs, rocks and shield bashes. It does not burn unless it reaches temperatures above 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) and when bent it does not splinter or break under its own tension. Its most common applications include the handles of swords, axes, polearms, blunt wooden tools, carvings, shields, bows, crossbows, and furniture. Purpose (OOC): Frostwood would act as a wood alternative for shields, bows, weapon handles, as well as being able to be used in the creation of wood-based items such as carving and furniture work. It would be a viable wood alternative to weapons that desperately need it. There are no wood-based ST nodes on the server and the two unique wood types that exist are not easily obtainable/well integrated with the world. This material would diversify the already existing and implemented ST nodes in a mostly underutilized part of the lore and possibly result in some outstanding lore items that aren’t just swords, axes and armor. (This is my second submission for this material submission, and I have adjusted the post to be more concise and consistent with its formatting, per the request of ST member SquakHawk. Link to the original denied lore post is listed here; https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/205966-%E2%9C%97-world-lore-wood-frostwood/?tab=comments#comment-1868321 I would once again like to credit ST Members EdenGlitched and Auric_Saint for assisting me in the creation of this material. Credit also goes to Oh_Ontario#4000 on discord for the creation of the Frostwood texture. They have been of great aid to me in this and I cannot of done this without them.
  10. Frostwood (Tier 4 Material Node) Bitter Origins: Within the dark, frozen, tundra's of the north, two entrepreneurs searching for riches went to daring lengths to find something that would make them rich beyond comparison. Exploring this frozen wasteland, they would cross a not so frozen lake, causing one of the two entrepreneurs to plunge beneath the ice and finding themselves unable to break through the ice. His partner dived down to save them, only to find themselves trapped beneath the ice, unable to surface or locate his partner. But in an ironic and seemingly cruel turn of fate, had managed to find himself in a place with the very thing they were looking for, at the cost of a dear friend. Description and Properties: Frostwood slabs take the form of a discolored frozen bark slab with the chilling touch of ice and a spotted wave pattern of grey, charcoal, dark blue and lapis lazuli. When exposed to light, it would reflect parts of the light as specs of blue, grey, and black particles as if emanating from the wood. Impacts from sharpened or pointed objects would damage the Frostwood slabs, regardless of whether it is in the rock surrounding it or to the Frostwood slab itself. Strikes like these can split and break the Frostwood slabs into unusable splinters, effectively rendering them worthless. It is also combustible at temperatures of 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius), rendering the material unsalvageable. This combustion will not happen if the Frostwood slab is in a location where combustion is impossible, such as underwater or where there is no air. Frostwood Location and Harvesting: Found embedded into the walls of underwater caves and air pockets, the slabs would often be accessible in small pockets of air deep beneath the watery depths, requiring proper diving equipment to prevent hypothermia for the would-be harvesters of the Frostwood slabs. Frostwood is most commonly found embedded within the walls of the underwater caves within enclosed air-pockets, oftentimes resembling routes or veins that have been retracted into the walls themselves. These air pockets are just as cold as the water which one must enter through, and are commonly laced with frost and thin sheets of ice both on the walls, and blocking the way into the air pocket. Though this sheet is easily broken with a firm kick or strike of the hand. Due to the location of the Frostwood slabs, one person must remain at the surface where it was initially discovered, ready to pull on a rope at a moment's notice. Meanwhile, one to three divers dawned in protective swimming gear made of insulated leather, or metal cloth would dive towards the Frostwood slabs, standardly with a form of prying rod, and a rope tied to them. Once they have reached the Frostwood slabs, they would insert ferrum rods into the grooves around the Frostwood slab, and slowly pry them loose from the rock. Standardly, this will cause a large, semi-flat slab to disconnect from the wooden mass, revealing blued and grey tree rings beneath. The grooves that form around the slabs of Frostwood for a decently sized pole or hook to slide in and pry it off without bringing harm to the Frostwood itself, assuming the pole is not sharp or edged at the end that is being inserted into the wood. The use of hammers to insert the rod deeper into the groove by force is not recommended as it could damage the Frostwood during extraction, this advice is allow applied to the use of crowbars, pickaxes, chisels, saws, and other conventional mining tools for the same or similar reasons. When the pole is levered, the Frostwood slabs would separate from the stone, or further remaining-log base and can then be removed by hand. Extraction is now as simple as tying it to the rope and navigating its way back to the surface. Once the Frostwood slabs have been secured to the rope within the cave, the person standing by at the surface would slowly pull the wooden slab to the surface, aided by one or more divers to ensure that the walls of the cave do not clip or snag its sides, or risk of having it fall loose. It is highly advised that one person does not make more than two trips at any time, as the risk of hypothermia would be too great for anyone to pursue any more dives. Frostwood Slab Application: It is a wooden slab of blue and grey coloration and when exposed to light, it would reflect parts of the light as specs of blue, grey, and black particles as if emanating from the wood. It is vulnerable to slashing and piercing items such as swords, spears, and arrows, and temperatures above 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) will cause it to combust. This form is not very practical, but improvements can be made to it for a more effective material. Frostwood Block Creation and Molding: When introduced into boiling salt water, over an hour, the Frostwood will become incredibly malleable, able to be bent, stretched, and shaped freely without snapping. However, it will condense and its size would decrease to half its original size. Once this process has been completed, a slab or multiple slabs may be layered over itself or each other to laminate and mold it into any given shape. Alternatively, the now malleable slab/slabs can be divided into blocks via the use of a cutting tool, with two blocks being sourced for each Frostwood slab treated. These blocks can be pressed together with other blocks using the same methods to create larger objects. In addition, it can be bent, layered, stretched and thinned out to create intricate or practical shapes such as handles, tool heads, shields, and even intricate objects such as chairs and armor parts with enough blocks. The splitting is optional, but one standard Frostwood Slab is equivalent to two Frostwood blocks when fully treated. During this process, tools (though most applicably pliers, tongs, and mallets) can be used to shape the material into whatever the wielder desires, with a minimum volume of one cubic inch being workable. Its shaping is not unlike shaping hardened leather, requiring a decent amount of effort to pull and pressing into shape. When shaping, creating points and sharp edges are doable but are forbidden in practice as this will cause problems for the item during and proceeding the shaping process. Purified Frostwood: Following the creation of a Frostwood block and the molding of it into a given item via the shaping process, the Frostwood can be solidified permanently by bringing the item to a boil within pure water before being removed and submerged in pure salt to cool. Once it has been brought to a cool, the molded Frostwood would become solidified and can no longer be worked on using other Frostwood. Unlike Frostwood slabs or blocks, fully formed Frostwood would lack the vulnerability of piercing and slashing items that its slab and block forms had, any points or edges intentionally or unintentionally made during the solidifying process would deform and break upon first use. The breaking of these points and edges would make it a blunt object, and any attempts to create sharpened edges or points post-solidifying will cause similar results. This is why the creation of points of edges during the molding process is forbidden, as it wastes both materials and runs the risk of destroying the newly created Frostwood. Tools, armor and weapons reliant on wood such as shields, wooden mullets, swords, glaives, bows, and crossbows would be its most common application, though utensils, furniture and wood carving would be achievable. It should be noted that caving with Frostwood at this state is doable, but not advised unless skilled at carving. It is important to remember that when working with Frostwood, that it cannot withstand extreme heat for prolonged periods. So it is not advised to be within areas or environments above 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) such as in forge-furnaces or near lava. Frostwood Application: It is a wooden slab of blue and grey coloration, and when exposed to light would give off small, iridescent particles akin to embers, shimmering and emitting shades of blue, grey, and black. However, they're only visible under light and do not glow. Temperatures above 2372 degrees Fahrenheit (1300 degrees Celsius) will cause it to combust, and any attempts to shape or create a point will result in its deformations upon the object with the risk of breaking. It can be used to create shields, bows, crossbows, wooden poles, wooden tools like mullets, and tool and weapon handles. This material would be very difficult to burn, with a unique aesthetic unmatched by regular wood or coating combination. Though it is somewhat possible to hack apart, it is hardy, akin to hardwoods such as Maple. However, it is remarkably bendable, and though it will bend akin to hardwood, it has no point by which it will splinter or snap apart. This immunity to being overbent allows for extremely hardy hafts and backings for shields, and bows of all kinds able to store more power within its limbs. Purpose (OOC): Frostwood would act as a wood alternative for shields, bows, weapon handles, and well as be able to be used in the creation of armor, hammers, and blunt tools like mallets. It would be a viable wood alternative to weapons that desperately need it. There are no wood-based ST nodes on the server and the two unique wood types that exist are not easily obtainable/well integrated with the world. This material would diversify the already existing and implemented ST nodes in a mostly underutilized part of the lore and possibly result in some outstanding lore items that aren’t just swords, axes and armor. (OOC Credit: Credit to ST Members EdenGlitched and Auric_Saint for assisting me in the creation of this material. Credit also goes to Oh_Ontario#4000 on discord for the creation of the Frostwood texture. Without their assistance and willingness to aid me in my goals, it would not have turned out the way it has, and I am grateful for what they’ve done for me.)
  11. Necromancy - Amendments/Additions Purpose: Amendments Pestilence - Amendment Current Pestilence abilities may be administered in combat and out of combat, where using plagued bone weapons, boneforged tools, Ghoulflesh, or plagued refreshments where applicable. Beyond Ghoulflesh, all implements are single-use. Modified Pestilence abilities may be administered in combat and out of combat, where using plagued bone weapons, boneforged tools, Ghoulflesh, or plagued refreshments where applicable. Beyond Ghoulflesh all implements are single-use. Boneforged tools and weapons are only usable once per encounter, or once a narrative hour. Branding - Amendment/Addition Just as Branding may be utilized on fallen corpses, it may likewise be applied to those who still walk the earth- at least for the time being. By utilizing another necromancer or any within the weaver’s path, they may embellish a ‘brand’ unto the person by means of touch. Once their lifeforce has been conjured and weaved, they are ready to enact the spell. Taking three whole emotes, where the first two are spent conjuring one's essence, the spell requires full contact to inflict. Upon the third emote they must touch a living person anywhere, as long as it is in contact with either skin or light cloth. This funnels the lifeforce into the living person, acting as an invisible battery that would reanimate the afflicted should they perish. The contact must also be done on skin, as thick armors and hides would protect those from the enthralling spell of the necromancer. A slight numbing sensation would sprawl over where they were touched, though no visible brand would be seen, only felt. There are no effects caused by this brand outright once it is enacted, lasting through only the combat encounter and no longer. The purpose of the brand comes once the brand falls or succumbs to death, as after this brand has been applied- should the branded individual perish, it would take one emote after the death for the corpse to shamble to a rise. Thereafter, the corpse simply acts as a normal Branding reanimation, lasting for 8 emotes until it succumbs to the earth once more. Branding on a living individual requires two emotes of charging with lifeforce, then a third emote where direct touch on skin is required to set the brand. Hides and plate armor will protect against the touch brand, but light cloth will not. The brand has no effects outside of a slight sensation upon anointing, remaining unnoticeable thereafter. The brand only comes into effect is the individual dies, reanimating them in the next emote as a combat reanimation. A necromancer may only use branding when not in use of their oculus, as this follows all redlines of the normal branding spell. The brand will lose its effect after a narrative hour, or after combat has been concluded. Branding is unusable on any undead or likewise spectral/holy or soulless creatures. Should the branded individual be drained of their lifeforce by darkening, the brand would expire. Branded individuals must be culled by other means to raise them from the dead. Branding - Cantrip Often utilized by necromancers in the midst of projects or in preparation of rituals, these masters of life and death may raise the fallen cadavers within their lair to mill about, completing tasks and even cleaning the debris of lost projects if they so wish. A rotted half skeleton may bring their master the herbs and salts they require, while others may simply pile the skulls of the deceased into a ‘tidy’ pile. No matter the task or the empty husk commanded, these corpses range from swarms of small insects to humanoid descendants, their role in the afterlife but one of labour and service to their master until they are once more quelled to eternal slumber. Tasks uttered by the weaver must be simple and clear, unable to give commands such as ‘build a house’, or ‘forge a sword.’ Instead, much more simple commands are optimal for the reanimated, such as ‘sweep this room,’ or ‘bring me two saffvil from my quarters.’ etc etc. By using branding, a necromancer is capable of raising embalmed corpses and skeletons to work as their assistants and janitors outside of combat. There are tools for different tasks, as a few undead rats will be quite useful in retrieving bone matter and viscera from a gutter- but a full sized human will not. As these animations are purely non-combat, anything relating to combat including traps, pit falls, etc are unable to be constructed by these undead. In addition, if combat is to ever start in the vicinity of a risen cadaver, it will immediately fall inert as the Necromancer’s attention is then focused on their oculus, or on a branded combat animation. Cantrip branding may be used in tandem with oculus bound undead, up until combat starts in their vicinity. Anything larger than a descendant is unable to be risen by the cantrip, requiring the handling force of an oculus to restrain the creature. As for miniscule creatures, ‘swarms’ of risen insects may be no larger than a human’s head, whereas rodents and other small fauna may range in their numbers, but are limited to the mass of a human. Notable as well is that swarms of creatures operate in a hivemind, unable to work as individuals in any regard. This spell has no range, as the creatures will simply continue to toil in the absence of their master. This means they may be used as messengers or as aesthetic creatures which simply mill about one’s lair. Should any person touch or jostle the undead minion, it would crumble and fall dead, inert as the last remaining lifeforce escapes from the husk. The cantrip of branding requires two emotes of conjuring one’s aura, and one emote of touching or pointing/motioning to a corpse within quiet range. On the third emote where it is touched, the body will begin to shamble upwards, and on the fourth it will be ready for whatever orders it is given. The branding cantrip is learned once the base branding spell is learned. The cantrip cannot be used in the midst of combat, nor to serve ANY combat purposes (other than an undead retrieving the necromancer’s weapons before a fight, or anything of that caliber.) Should combat start in the vicinity of the undead, it will simply fall inert until combat is resolved. Servants can’t build traps, pit falls, wards, or anything requiring higher intellect. Servants can’t aid a necromancer in reaching areas mechanically unable to be reached, save for if specifically allowed in certain ET events. Commands must be simple and clear, as far too complex commands will offer nothing to the necromancer. The undead must be capable of doing whatever task they are given. Telling a skeleton to lift a boulder will result in a broken skeleton, just as telling one to fly will result in either nothing, or a broken skeleton that has fallen from a great height. Commands must be spoken verbally, in any language. Commands must be made in RP chat range. Swarms of insects may never exceed the size of a human head en masse. Groups of small animals may be utilized within reasonable numbers. (No groups of animals may reach more than a descendant’s worth of mass.) Anything larger than a humanoid descendant corpse is unable to be risen by the cantrip. Thaumaturgy - Addition Mass Plague - Ritual Rite of Malediction Woe be to those who garner the vice of a necromancer, for their covens may harness pestilence to reap the harrowed fields of decaying kingdoms and bastions alike. By gathering a mass of lifeforce is a coven capable of spreading disease across a region of land, varying from fields of grain to entire lakes that subside the populace with water. Twisting and stagnating the land can produce abyssal effects, giving those who enter the area flu like symptoms, and perhaps even benign tumours and growths if exposed for too long. Those who consume the afflicted substance are then wrought by whatever malediction has been planted within the chosen substance. Whatever disease the coven opts to infect the area with, it must be done upon fields capable of life, either farms or grassland, or a body of water. The Rite of Malediction is a ritual that requires at least two necromancers to perform, growing in size and intensity with each additional necromancer present. By fusing twisted lifeforce into the earth and the targeted harvest or body of water, a necromantic pestilence may be fused with the mass. This may extend from a small field of wheat, to an entire lake given the needed amount of necromancers are present to expand the area of effect. This land may be afflicted with a specific pestilence within necromancy, or may simply bring about abyss-like taint and effects. Abyssal taint infers that flu-like symptoms are felt by those who ingest the tainted substance or meddle in the area affected for a narrative hour. After two narrative hours of standing within the region, small bulbous tumours may begin to appear on ligaments and appendages, offering no true harm other than acute sores and a dulling pain. A gathering of two or more necromancers may call upon their lifeforce to twist and plague a field of farmland, flora, or any body of water with a chosen malediction. If no malediction is chosen, abyssal like taint is instead called upon as fields grow grey and the air lingers with stagnant lifeforce. The rite requires two or more necromancers, with the scourge scouring a base range of a 20 meter radius with only two present. With each additional necromancer 10 meters of range are added. The disease has no max range, as long as PRO permission is given and there are the required amount of necromancers. The chosen disease must be an approved pestilence from the necromancy pestilence section. If a pestilence is not chosen, the land is instead given abyssal like taint, lesser to that of the Heith-Hedran scars. One must spend over a narrative hour in these areas to have flu-like symptoms appear. Consuming the afflicted substance, whether food or water, will infect the individual with the chosen pestilence. Plagued land may be mechanically plagued, having either swarms of locusts consuming entire fields, or holding strange growths and abyssal taint within crops. Plagued fields and crops only affect those within the area and region specified. This is locked to the tile that the plague is set upon, with afflicted substances falling to ash when carried long distances. Such prevents intentional transferring of plagued items to be “spread.” Bodies of water may be murkier, or hold strange scents that are not natural. Plague lands may be purged by fire for crop fields, removing the taint once all has been reduced to ash. Blight healing is capable of purging mass plague. One an afflicted substance is consumed it takes 3 OOC days for the disease to arise. This disease lasts for 2 OOC weeks, unless cured. Victims may choose to permanently keep the affliction, if chosen OOCly. Diseases may be cured by means of homeopathy, alchemical remedies, or any general healing magic. Plagued lands must be ST reqed, either having put down a sign to signify its effects, or to show signs of plague. The visual effects of pestilence are left to a notice sign or otherwise, with in game builds requiring RO permission to aesthetically change and alter the blocks. Land outside of a region is determined by WT on if it is viable or not. Mass plague as a ritual is only capable of being done once every OOC month by those who enact it. Likewise, attempts to spam the spell in aims to ruin nations is thoroughly frowned upon.
  12. Ͳհҽ Ɱҽʂʍҽɾʂ [Ambience] T E D I U M “Boredom and Power are a deadly combination.” The demise of the Izukthii has driven the Daemon of trickery into a droll boredom. Dawning a new guise to meddle in mortal matters would surely stir him from his boredom; however doing so would risk alerting other Celestials to his machinations. Rather than take such a risk, he concocted a different scheme to relieve him. Through the resurrection of a long dead school of magic, he introduced a new element to...enrich the lives of mortals. With this, the Mesmers were reborn. P E R D I T A “All history is lost eventually.” The Mesmers’ origin story is one with great variation. However, it is widely agreed upon that the first Mesmer was created in ancient Almaris. Only two facts remain constant in each retelling of its creation: a desperate man and a bored Llahir. The most common tale depicts a gambler who amassed a debt so great that an execution order was placed upon his head. In his desperation, he pleaded to the Celestials from his cell for a chance at redemption. Yet, his sorrowful pleas remained unanswered up to the day of his execution, when all hope was lost. Only then did Llahir appear before him. Having sensed an opportunity to sow chaos in the mortal realm, the being offered the man a deal. He would grant the man the gift of magic, a Maniette, and the means to escape; all in exchange for allowing the being to place a mark upon his body. The man gladly accepted the hand outstretched to him in his time of need...though in his glee, he remained totally unaware of the Daemon’s trick. The being’s Mesmarae, his magic, now coursed through his veins--allowing the Daemon access to his body whenever it so pleased. The gambler returned to his ways, which allowed the Daemon access to the seedy underworld of mortal society. His infamy grew more infamous with each passing day. His newfound status as a legendary figure drew the envy of his peers, but also allowed him to amass a rather sizable following. Thugs and thieves flocked to him in search of increasing their own lot in life. Even those driven to desperation fell in line, pledging loyalty to the trickster that had granted him such power. The Daemon allotted power to those he believed would further his cause: inciting chaos in the mortal realm. One by one, new Mesmers were marked and gained power. At first, their numbers were few, and it was rare for anyone to grow as powerful as the original Mesmer. However, as time progressed forward more Mesmers came to light, sowing the seeds of chaos in the lands they inhabited. N O V U S “The end is but another’s beginning.” Unfortunately, this period of prosperity did not last. The magic and history of the Mesmers faded into obscurity following the mysterious collapse of the Ancient Almaris. When the last Mesmer died, Llahir grew bored of his game and turned his attention to other matters; at least, until the Descendants landed on Almaris anew. He had long yearned for the time when there existed those worthy of wielding his chaotic power--but finding new hosts proved to be a rather difficult task. He lent his power to various individuals, only to toss them aside when they proved unworthy of this boon. That is, until he found a group of three tricksters to whom he bequeathed knowledge of the ancient practice. Modern Mesmers practice a less potent form of chaotic magic. While Llahir sought to empower them, he did not intend to make the path to greatness quite so easy. Instead, he sought to spur their imagination through placing limitations upon them. While he did not detail the method for doing so, tricking the system he had created was greatly encouraged. Much like the Mesmers’ magic, he underwent a kind of rebirth. The Daemon took on a new name and was then forth known as ‘the Watcher’. P E R S O N A “Are you ready to roll the dice?” Rolling the Dice [Magic Explanation] Mesmer’s draw their power from the link formed between themselves and the Watcher. This link sends waves of mana to a Focus, which is then redirected to the Mesmer. Without a focus, there can be no link--and thus the Mesmer is rendered incapable of using their gifts. This serves as a precaution meant to protect the Mesmer themself. Without a Focus, the surge of power would overwhelm the mortal caster and cause them grievous harm...or in the worst case, death. Spells must be taught, with the exception of the ‘base’ spells, which each Mesmer knows innately. All Spells come at the cost of charges, or mana bursts that are stored within the Focus. Rolling the Dice is the basis of all Mesmer casting. RPly, this effect happens when one uses the focus to make a random selection. [Ex. Pulling a card, Spinning a wheel, etc.] OOCly/Mechanically, this is done by using the rolling plug-in. All rolls are out of 20, though the flavor effect of high-tier spells may be exempted from this rule. All spells require a roll. This emphasizes the fact that each spell is a gamble for the Mesmer. The more powerful the spell, the more likely it is that the spell will backfire on the caster. Casting any Mesmer spell requires 3-4 emotes at the base level. However, other spells may have a higher or lower cost depending on the desired effect, Connection to Focus [T1-T2] → Connection to Focus → Rolling of Dice → Effect of the Spell. The Mesmer forms a Connection to Focus when they draw mana from within the focus and channel it in preparation for a spell. This task scales in difficulty according to the Mesmer’s tier. A higher ranked Mesmer may find this task easier than a lower ranked Mesmer would, for example. T1-T2 Mesmers require two emotes to connect to their focus. Most often the Mesmer becomes very relaxed upon connection or suddenly filled with energy. One of these must be emoted as a Mesmer’s tell. Rolling the dice requires the Mesmer to use their focus. At this point, the Mesmer should roll a D20 to determine the spell’s effect. Once these emotes have been completed, the Mesmer is then allowed to emote the effects of the spell. The Mesmer’s Mesmerac glows brighter than usual until the spell effect ends. Mesmers possess a greater soul in order to practice as a Mesmer. The Watcher is a possessive creature; for this reason, Mesmers are not allowed to engage in certain Magics. The Magics forbidden to active Mesmers are as follows: Paladinism, Azdrazi, Naztherak, Necromancy, and Mysticism. One who has been touched by the aforementioned Magics may not become Mesmers. Those who wish to become Mesmers may seek out a Master Mesmer. Master Mesmers have finished their studies and have access to all available Mesmer spells. These magicians must be Two-Slotted in order to put up a TA. Most Acolytes of the Mesmer path spend a period of one (1) to two (2) years in study acting as assistants to their teacher before beginning to practice magic themselves. Mesmer is a feat up until T3 whereupon they may Dedicate up to two slots. Slots taken must be noted on the MA after the Calling event. Redlines - Only creatures in possession of a Greater Soul are capable of becoming Mesmers. Constructs, Atronarchs, and all other creatures lacking a Greater Soul are incapable of becoming Mesmers. - Active members of the following orders are prohibited from becoming Mesmers: Paladins, Naztherak, Necromancers, Azdrazi, Druids, Shamans, and Mystics. - All magics not defined above may be mixed with Mesmer Magic. [Ex. Blood Magic, Voidal Magic, etc.] - Siliti, Epiphytes, and other beings of that nature may not become Mesmers. - Every spell a Mesmer casts requires the Player to roll a D20. If a Player is caught casting spells without adhering to this rule, they will be stripped of their magic and blacklisted. - If the Mesmer has a visible Mesmerac they must emote it flaring/glowing when they cast a spell. - The ‘Tell’ for the Mesmer must be emoted when they connect to their focus. - You must be a Two-Slotted T5 Mesmer to make a TA. Tier Progression Tier One: Newly initiated Mesmers’ have access to T1 spells. They cannot further their studies until one year [one (1) ooc week] has passed. This time is typically spent studying or researching their newfound magic. A Mesmer must make their Maniette while in this tier in order to progress to T2. Connection to Focus takes two (2) emotes. Tier Two: This stage takes place after the Mesmer has come to better understand their new power. While the Calling has not yet taken full effect, the Mesmer may begin to start displaying more chaotic behavior. This stage lasts three years [three (3) ooc weeks] minimum. During this time, the Mesmerac forms as a small tattoo on the Mesmer’s body. Connection to Focus takes two (2) emotes. Tier Three: When they enter T3, the Mesmer begins to hear the Call. This provides them with more spells they can use by allowing them to take up to two (2) slots of the magic. This stage lasts three years. [Three (3) weeks OOC] Tier Four: At this point, theMesmer’s Mesmerac grows larger and becomes more complex. The Mesmer’s magic becomes more unstable, sometimes lashing out when they are under duress (See ‘Wild Surge’ in Abilities) This tier lasts four years. [Four (4) years OOC] Tier Five: Few Mesmers ever reach this point in their studies. However, those that do gain access to T3 spells. Mesmers cannot advance past this tier. Mesmer Focuses A Mesmer’s power must be channeled through a Maniette, more commonly known as a Focus. Focuses are personalized for each Mesmer. For this reason, they can come in any number of shapes and sizes. Dice, cards, and mina coins are the most common forms for a Focus to take. When in their first stage of study Mesmers must either choose or make a focus. The T1 spell imbue focus can be used to bond with the object. After that, the object acts as a Focus and can be used to cast Mesmer spells. All Mesmer focuses must have two-sides or otherwise be capable of creating some kind of random result. A bear statuette, for example, would be incapable of being a focus. However, a spinning wheel would be a serviceable option. If a Focus has multiple pieces [ex. A deck of cards], all imbued pieces must be together in order for the Focus to function properly. If even a single card that was there during the imbuement is missing from the deck, then the deck cannot function as a Focus until that card is returned to the deck. To counteract the risks associated with losing part of a focus, Mesmers can choose to imbue select parts of their focus. For example, ½ of a deck or one of their dice. This allows the user to replace part of a focus without having to start from scratch with a new one. In order to cast spells the Focus must spend charges. The amount of charges available scales to the current tier and slot level the Mesmer is at. Each spell has a charge cost which must be spent in order for it to be cast. After the roll the dice emote the spent charges may recharge again after 1d4 hours. T1: 3 Charges T2: 6 Charges T3: 12 Charges T4: 15 Charges T5: 18 Charges One Slot Dedicated: Four Additional Charges Two Slot Dedicated: Four Additional Charges Focus’ can be manipulated in small and subtle ways, such as making a deck of cards hover over your hands, changing the color of one’s dice, etc. These are purely cosmetic and cannot be used as an advantage for the Mesmer. Hovering focus’ must still be within arm’s reach, you cannot manipulate dice to roll a certain number, etc. Redlines - If someone takes, or attempts to take part of a focus [Taking a card from a deck, taking one die, etc] players who imbued half of their focus MUST roll a d20 to see if part of the focus was taken. Evens mean the focus remains untouched, odds mean they took a focus part. - Maniette must be made through the T1 spell Imbue Focus. Focuses can only be remade if part of the focus is destroyed or lost. - An object can only be made into a focus if it can allow random selection. Wheels, Dice, Cards, etc. - Mesmers cannot cast spells without a Focus. The sole exception to this is the spell ‘Imbue Focus’ which may be cast without. - Focus’ must be ST signed. Mesmeracs When a Mesmer completes their first year of study, they will awaken to find a small glowing tattoo located somewhere on their body. This mark is a Mesmerac; a claim left upon the Mesmer by the watcher to warn off other Celestials. The Watcher is extremely possessive, and does not allow the claimed to perform certain Deity-gifted magics. When the Mesmer reaches T4, the Mesmerac grows in size and becomes harder to conceal via conventional means. It is said that the design of the Mesmerac reflects the Mesmers inner being; however, no one truly knows why Mesmeracs take a certain form. Even the method through which they appear on one’s body is currently unknown. Once the tattoo is formed, it can not be changed in any way. Tattoo ink, scars, and anything else that might obscure the lines of a Mesmerac fade within one narrative day of being inflicted. Mesmaracs start off small, in places easily concealable by the Mesmer practitioner. They cannot be multicolored. However, they do glow in the color of the Mesmer’s aura. The Mesmerac can only change color if the color of the Mesmer’s aura changes; though it is also possible for the mark to maintain the original coloration. Removing the Mesmerac is impossible. Even those who abandon the practice are incapable of removing it. If the flesh containing the tattoo is wounded in a way that would obscure the tattoo, the Mesmerac remains in place. The portion of the scar that would obscure the lining disappears within a day of being inflicted upon the Mesmer. If the limb containing the tattoo is removed, the tattoo will manifest on a different part of the body after a narrative day has passed. Unbeknownst to anyone, the Mesmerac has a hidden purpose. Upon completion of the mark being formed, it acts as a bridge between the Mesmer’s body and the will of the Watcher. After Mesmerac’s grows at T4, the Watcher is able to take control of the Mesmer’s physical body. Should this event happen, the Mesmer finds themselves trapped in their own subconscious. Redlines: - The Mesmerac’s design is determined by the player. They can depict animals, abstract images, and most other things. However, they can not depict words associated with any language. At most, they can depict a string of letters which amount to gibberish. - Their glow is faint. A Mesmerac can not provide enough light to illuminate an area. - The Watcher can take control of the Mesmer’s body at any point following the Memerac’s growth at T4. This MUST be a ST event. The Watcher will not cause direct physical harm to the Mesmer, but may cause some trouble while wearing their skin. - Mesmeracs can not be multi-colored. They match the color of the Mesmer’s aura. - A Mesmers’ corpse can only be identified by those who have been told ICly that the scorched remains of a Mesmerac identifies the body as a Mesmers’. - If a Mesmerac is visible, the Mesmer must emote it flaring brighter when casting a spell. The Calling Only after four (4) full years [four irl weeks] of practicing does a T3 Mesmer begin to hear the call. This means the Watcher has finally taken notice of the Mesmer, and has decided to give them the chance to gamble with it. Initially, the Calling begins with the Mesmer feeling a faint sensation of being watched. Ultimately, it culminates in a dream. In this dream a person with an ever-changing visage offers the Mesmer the chance to increase their power--all in exchange for a little gamble. If accepted, the Player dedicates one (1) slot to the Magic. The entity will then offer the Mesmer the chance to play another game which, if accepted, will end with similar results. The Player will dedicate another slot and gain access to higher level spells. Once the games have been completed, the entity will thank the Mesmer before vanishing from existence. The Calling will only happen once for a Mesmer. The entity that approaches the Player can take many forms; though it often chooses to take a form familiar to the Mesmer by mimicking a person they know. It is naturally skilled at every game, though it has a random chance of winning or losing each one. However, the Player still uses a slot to further advance their practice of the Magic regardless of the game’s outcome. It’s personality, much like its form, is ever-changing. Each Mesmer may perceive it as having a completely different personality than another might. It prefers to appear in a unique form each time. The only constants among all appearances of the Watcher is its playful and possessive nature. The dream will end if the Player is hostile towards the being in any way. The Mesmer can never experience the Calling again, even if they drop the magic and take it up once more at a later date. When the Calling occurs, the player must roll out of 20 to see what would happen should they choose to drop the magic. Odds mean that they retain their magic slot, but Evens mean that the Watcher consumes the slot. Redlines - The Calling must be RP’d by the Teacher of the Mesmer. They may not progress to T4 until they have completed the Calling. - The Watcher - or what may be claiming to be the Watcher - will never harm the Mesmer. It is not malicious. It seeks only to sow chaos for the sake of its own entertainment. - This event only ever occurs once. If the magic is dropped then relearned, it may not repeat, leaving the Mesmer stuck at a feat-only level. - The Watcher is extremely possessive of its Mesmers. For this reason, it may express jealousy if the Player has other magics. This is only ever expressed in an event. It has no bearing over what the Mesmer can or cannot do. Spells Mesmer spells harness the chaotic energy of their patron. Because of this, all effects are entirely reliant upon the luck of the caster. More powerful spells have bigger backlash associated with them, because more is gambled with the casting of such a spell. High risk, high reward. All Mesmer spells must be taught by a Teacher before they are able to be used. Base spells are the only exception to this rule. All spells require Charges to be spent in order for them to function. Without charges, no spells can be cast. Tier One Spells Dice’s Gambit [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: One Charge Mesmers are no strangers to cheating. However, sometimes loaded dice are not quite enough to beat the system. When that happens, the Dice’s Gambit is used as a low risk gamble to reap higher rewards. This spell allows the Mesmer to will the dice to roll a favorable number for whatever game they happen to be playing. When the user visualizes the dice, the spell will encourage the dice to land on the desired number. ROLL THE DICE 1: The Mesmer’s dice explode in a mist the color of their aura. Normal dice would explode upon use; however, if the dice is the Mesmer’s focus, they would only be stained this color for a narrative week. 2-3: The Dice would roll the opposite of the desired number, causing the Mesmer to lose the game. 4-10: The Dice are not influenced by magic. 11-20: The intended effect succeeds! The dice lands on the intended number as envisioned by the Mesmer. Card Vision [Non-Combative] Cost: One Charge Similar in purpose as the Dice’s Gambit, Card Vision allows the Mesmer to briefly see the other side of playing cards. This allows the Mesmer to change their decision-making based on the opponent’s cards, thus allowing them to win easier or lose gracefully. To cast this spell the Mesmer must have sight of the cards. ROLL THE DICE 1: The Mesmer’s eyes flash with their aura, much like a voidal mage. This renders them blinded for up to an OOC hour. 2-3: The cards visualized are different then the actual cards, making the Mesmer make choices on wrong assumptions. 4-10: Nothing Happens. 11-20: The Mesmer sees the other side of the card clearly. Electric Handshake [Non-Combative] Cost: One Charge Ever get whoopee cushioned? Electric Handshake is a more advanced way of giving someone a spook. The Mesmer generates a small electric shock in the palm of their hand, which allows them to give someone a little surprise. This is usually done during handshakes, but it can be cast anywhere on another person’s body so long as contact is being made. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The spell backfires, causing a shock in the palm of the Mesmer’s hand. This jolt is twice the strength of the normal spell, which causes a stinging sensation. 6-10: The spell succeeds! The opponent gets a good shock. 11-20 The spell succeeds...however, it is more potent than intended. The recipient finds that their hair suddenly stands up as if it were rubbed aggressively by a balloon. Sparkling Lights [Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: Two Charges Every entertainer needs to dazzle a crowd, and that is precisely what this spell does. Dazzle. The Mesmer summons a wave of sparkling light from their fingertips. Unlike their other spells, the caster can choose what colors the sparks take on. This spell is often used to scare away bandits or other wrongdoers. Sparkling lights can be used as a sort of warning sign for others. The sparks vanish upon touching the ground unless it is otherwise specified by the rolled effect. ROLL THE DICE 1-3: The summoned sparks take on a pungent smell which lingers on the Mesmer’s clothing for an OOC hour. 4-15: The Spell goes off without a hitch, dazzling any who witness it. 16-19: The sparks do not vanish upon touching the ground; instead they turn into glitter. The sparks stun anyone within ten blocks for one round of emotes. 20: The sparks take on an explosive quality. They erupt like firecrackers as soon as they touch the ground. This causes sharp pain if they are touched, but they cause no permanent harm. One-Slot Misty Escape [Combative] [Base Spell] If [or when] a Mesmer finds themself in need of a quick escape, Misty Escape is the perfect spell. Summoning a thick mist that covers up to a ten block radius with the Mesmer at its center is the spell's intended effect. The mist takes on the color of the Mesmer’s aura, though it is a bit darker. This spell can be used as anything from a simple party trick to a way to obscure the area and make for any easy escape. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The Mesmer lights up like a beacon. Their entire body illuminates in a near-blinding light. 6-10: The Spell’s effect acts as intended, causing a thick colored mist to surround the Mesmer up to a ten block radius. 11-20: The Mist is cast successfully.. but it seeps into the caster’s flesh. Their skin is temporarily stained the color of their aura for up to two (2) OOC days. Impromptu Shower [Combative] [Base Spell] Getting on the bad side of a Mesmer is never a good thing. The Impromptu Shower spell is one of the best examples of this fact. After it is cast, a small cloud will form above the victim’s head and a light shower of rain will begin to fall. The cloud has a visible expression which will change to match the victim’s. For example, if the victim smiles, the cloud will also smile. The worst effect this spell can cause is a slight cold. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: Instead of raining, the cloud showers the victim with illusionary mina. The mina looks and feels real, but disappears when the cloud vanishes. 6-15: The Cloud manifests as intended. It rains down upon the victim. 16-20: The rain instead manifests as a sudden downpour. Occasionally thunder can be heard from the cloud. Imbue Focus [Non-Combative] Cost: Ten Charges Imbue Focus is one of the most important spells in any Mesmer’s collection. However, only those who have gambled with the Watcher are capable of learning it. New initiates require another Mesmer to help them bind their gifts to a Focus. This is the only Mesmer spell which can be cast without a Focus. Those who know this spell may use it to create a new Focus to replace a missing/destroyed one. As mentioned prior, they may also use it to find a Focus to a Mesmer who does not have access to this spell. The Mesmer who casts this spell must be touching both the Focus and the person it is being bound to. A misty aura will spread from the core of the one being bound before encircling and melding into the core of the Focus. When the aura has faded, the object may then be used as their Focus. ROLL THE DICE [Note, it is suggested that the one being bounded roll for the spell] 1: The Spell fails, and must be redone. A cooldown of two (2) OOC hours is required before the spell can be reattempted. 2-20: The spell is completed, and the Focus is bound correctly. Two-Slot Minor Illusion [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] While the Mesmers are not quite as skilled as Voidal Illusionists, they are capable of creating small illusions. Illusions created using this spell can be nor larger than a foot in both width and height. They are also incapable of producing any kind of sound. Minor illusions cannot copy or create the image of a Mortal; however, animals and plants may be mimicked. Upon summoning the illusions, the Mesmer may manipulate it into doing certain actions. For example, they could make an illusory cat walk. The illusion is unable to affect the world around it. Since it is immaterial, anything that touches it will phase through. ROLL THE DICE 1-3: The Illusion is a truly warped mimicry of the intended object. 4-9: Something about the Illusion is off, but it is minor enough that it may go unnoticed. 10-15: The Spell goes off without difficulty. It works as intended. 16-19: The Spell is overloaded! The illusion is colored in the Mesmer’s aura and has glittery accents. 20: The Illusion temporarily behaves on it’s own. It may change form entirely, or choose to roam about the premises. Mimicry [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] When a Mesmer is able to cast T2 spells, they suddenly become capable of unmatched feats of mimicry. Once they learn this spell, the Mesmer is able to perfectly replicate any word or phrase that they have heard in the original speaker’s voice. They can not, however, create new sentences, speak at length, or copy phrases that they have not heard verbatim. ROLL THE DICE 1-3: The Mesmer’s voice does not replicate the intended target. Instead they emit the sound of nails raking down a chalkboard. They cannot speak in any language until the passage of fifteen (15) OOC minutes. 4-15: The Spell is has the intended effect. 16-20: The Spell is empowered. After the intended word or phrase is spoken, the Mesmer’s voice temporarily warps into a high or low pitched version of their normal speaking voice. This effect lasts thirty (30) OOC minutes. Tier Two Spells Gibberish Sight [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] It is unwise to get on a Mesmer’s bad side. This spell is but one of the many reasons why that phrase rings true. This spell can be cast on any person in their line of sight; and it causes that person to be rendered temporarily illiterate. When the victim looks at any sort of writing the lettering will appear to them as ancient indecipherable runes. The spell's duration can last anywhere from thiry (30) OOC minutes to one (1) OOC hour. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The Spell fizzles. The target of the spell’s eyes flash in the caster’s aura. 6-10: The Spell has the intended effect. 11-15: The Victim’s eyes turn the color of the caster’s aura until the end of the duration. They suffer the effects of the spell regardless. 16-20: The effect of the spell rebounds onto the next person the Mesmer looks at, excluding the original target. Roll the Dice again. This is capped at three total victims. Illusionary Animal [Non-Combative] Cost: Five Charges Ever see a talking animal? Well now you have! This spell makes any who perceive the target of the spell as an animal of the Mesmer’s choosing. This is just an illusionary effect, and anyone who can see through illusions can immediately tell that the person is not truly an animal. The victim can continue to act as normal, speaking and moving without issue. Should someone touch the area the target stands, they feel behind the illusion and touch the target. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The Spell misunderstands the directive, and instead of making an illusion of the animal.. It temporarily makes the target think they were the animal. This effect lasts three emoes after the initial effect emote. 6-10: The Mesmer suddenly appears to have an illusionary effect resembling the animal they attempted to make. This includes sporting a snout, ears, etc. This effect lasts three emotes after the initial effect emote. 11-20: The Spell casts as intended. One-Slot Hideous Laughter [Combative] Cost: 6 Charges Hearing voices is the fear of many men. Hideous Laughter causes a victim to hear a chorus of demonic voices in the confines of their own mind. Such an effect lasts for up to three emotes, but may be stopped earlier should the Mesmer wills it. The laughter may resemble the voices of loved ones or people the victim knows, or may sound like a horrible demonic laugh. ROLL THE DICE 1-2: The Spell backfires on the Mesmer, causing them to hear the laughter of the Watcher and suffer the effects for twice the length of the spell. 3-10: The spell acts as intended, stunning the victim. 11-15: The Laughter warps into utterings in a language long lost, causing the stunning effect to double. 16-20: The spell is too empowered, and the victim begins to laugh along until the spell ends. Additional effects may be rolled with OOC permission from the victim’s player. Two-Slot Memory Incantation [Combative] Cost: 9 Charges The mind is a cage, and this spell seeks to use that to the caster’s advantage. The Memory Incantation spell traps the victim within their own mind. While there they are forced to relive one of their memories from the following list: their Happiest Memory, their Saddest Memory, or their Most Traumatic Memory. This spell only lasts for 3-5 emotes--however, it feels as if an eternity passes for the victim targeted by this spell. The Spell effect can be stopped if the victim suffers physical pain or the Mesmer wills the spell to end sooner. It cannot be used in active combat. ROLL THE DICE 1-6: The spell entraps the caster within their own mind. Roll on the below table and RP the chosen memory. 7-12: The Memory begins to degrade and warp halfway through. It has the opposite of the desired effect. 13-19: The spell has the intended effect. 20: The spell has the intended effect, plus an additional effect. Roll for an additional effect on the table below. Tier Three Spells Third Eye [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: Seven Charges Opening one’s third eye is typically a rather difficult feat; however, as always, Mesmer’s have a trick up their sleeve that makes their lives just a little bit easier. When this spell is cast, a large eye protrudes from the Mesmer’s forehead. This Eye has the ability to see in the dark. Its iris is the color of the Mesmer’s aura. ROLL THE DICE 1-8: Instead of summoning a third eye, the Memer accidentally merges both of their eyes into one. This effect causes a sharp pain, and lasts about twelve (12) OOC hours before it returns to normal. 9-16: The Spell has the intended effect. 17-19: After the spell is cast, the eyes of the Mesmer temporarily become the color of their aura. 20: The spell works as intended. However, the Mesmer must roll on the table below for one additional effect. Fake Affliction [Combative] Cost: Seven Charges Fake Affliction creates an illusory effect upon a target that causes them to appear afflicted with a horrible disease. This can not actually give the target a disease. The illusion will only last for a period of five (5) emotes after the spell is initially cast. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The illusionary effect backfires onto the caster. They also roll for an additional effect on the table below. 6-10: The spell is cast, but at a cost. Any time the caster of the spell speaks, pink bubbles escape their mouth. This lasts for the spell’s duration. 11-20: The spell has the intended effect. One-Slot Eyes of the Watcher [Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: Eight Charges The feeling of being watched is one of the worst sensations one can feel. The unfortunate soul targeted by this spell begins to see an innumerable amount of illusory eyes sprouting out of most physical surfaces, people, and flora. The eyes are permanently focused upon the victim, though they do blink occasionally This effect lasts for 1d6 rounds of emotes. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: Instead of summoning the illusion in the target’s mind, the Mesmer casts the spell upon themself. They are covered in hundreds of eyes for the next three (3) rounds of emotes. 6-10: The Spell is cast as intended. However, the Mesmer must roll for one (1) additional effect on the table below that also happens. 11-19: The Spell is cast as intended. 20: Mouths accompany the eyes, taking on the voices of the target’s loved ones. The voices beg the target to save them. They vanish once the spell ends. Imbue Object [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: Three Charges Imbue Object allows the Mesmer to touch an inanimate object and bestow upon it a small glow the color of their aura that lasts for 1d12 OOC hours. The object receives no other effects. Typically, this is used by Mesmers to sell mundane objects as rare magical items, or scare off enemies by imbuing their weapons. ROLL THE DICE 1-5: The Spell fizzles entirely, instead turning the Mesmer’s hair a vibrant shade of their least favorite color. 6-20: The Spell is cast as intended. Two-Slot Misdirection [Combative] Cost: Twenty-Two Charges The spell allows the Mesmer to catch a Voidal spell that is thrown at them, and throw it another direction. This is one of the most powerful in the Mesmers collection. Misdirection takes control of the mana within the voidal spell, allowing the user to temporarily redirect it as if it were their own spell. This effect takes a large amount of energy. Disguise Self [Non-Combative] [Base Spell] Cost: Eleven Charges The Disguise Self spell allows the Mesmer to make minor illusory changes to their appearance for twelve (12) OOC hours. They can make minor changes to their features; however, they can not make themselves unrecognizable. Hair color and eye can be changed at will at any point during the spell’s duration. Skin color, scars, and tattoos cannot be altered. The Mesmer may also make themselves appear more masculine or feminine; however they may not completely change their body type. They also cannot change their height. The Mesmer may drop the spell at will. ROLL THE DICE 1: The Spell fails, causing a horrible deformity to appear on the Mesmer until the duration of the spell ends. They are unable to cast this spell again until the duration is up. 2-9: The Spell’s duration is rounded down by half, with a minimum of one hour. 10-19: Disguise Self is cast without issue. 20: The Spell is empowered. Any of the changes made leave irritated skin after the duration of the spell ends, which may result in painful blisters. Abilities Wild Surge When a Mesmer of T4 or higher feels a sudden burst of intense, negative emotions their magic produces a ‘Wild Surge’. This summons a random effect that may influence them or their surroundings. The surge is always accidental, though it is controlled by the player in order to deliver the most fun and contribute to random roleplay. When a surge happens, the player must follow the same emotes as if they were casting a spell; however, it would always be accidental from a roleplay perspective. Roll from the table below to see which random effect occurs. 1: The Player turns into a potted plant for 1d4 emote rounds. If the pot is broken, they return to normal without any memory of becoming a plant. 2: The Mesmer’s shadow begins to relay the Mesmer’s inner thoughts. For example, it might cry if the Mesmer is sad, or gesture angrily if the Mesmer is angry. 3: The Mesmer loses the ability to cast spells for 1d4 emote rounds. 4: The next spell the Mesmer casts will result in an automatic 9 for the ‘roll the dice’. 5: The next person the Mesmer sees is filled with the emotion the Mesmer is currently feeling. 6: The Mesmer suddenly shoots steam from their ears. 7: The Mesmer turns into stone over the course of 1d4 rounds. After the fourth round, the statue shatters and the Mesmer returns to normal. Illusionary Sight T5 Mesmers with at least one (1) slot dedicated to the Magic are given a rare gift from the watcher as thanks for their dedication to him. This blessing allows Mesmers to see through illusions. This only affects mesmers who see with their physical eyes. It has no bearing on beings who see through other means, such as Seers. Red Lines - Mesmer spells must be taught by someone with a TA. The only exceptions to this are the ‘Base’ Spells, which are innate for all Mesmers. - Only beings with Greater Souls may practice the magic. Musin, Constructs, etc. are not capable of becoming Mesmers. - You cannot combine Mesmer Magic with the following: Paladinism, Naztherak, Necromancy, Azdrazi, Druid, Siliti, Mysticism. - Seers, Blood Magic, Afflicted, and other unlisted CA or Magic are permitted to combine with Mesmer. - All cast spells require a roll. This may be done in #w or in another channel. If a Mesmer is found to be fudging their rolls, they will be stripped of Mesmer and permanently blacklisted. - Mesmeracs cannot be identified as anything other than a tattoo unless explicitly told IRP. This includes identifying a body with a scorched mark. - Mesmeracs glow brighter when Mesmers cast spells. This must be emoted if the Mesmerac is visible. This is not required if the Mesmerac is hidden. - Llahir is not known to be the source of a Mesmer’s power. Mesmers believe the source of their power to be the being known as ‘The Watcher’. - Mesmers cannot cast spells without their Focus. - The Calling can only happen to a Mesmer once. Any further interaction with the Watcher is reserved for ST events. - A Mesmer may only ever have one Focus at a time. Purpose Credits @Remyy - Writer Quinn [OOC Friend] - Editor @verriberri - Artist, Brainstorming, Proofreader @JustGrim - Brainstorming, Proofreader
  13. Potions not listed under the restricted section are all considered public knowledge and is usable by anyone with the alchemy feat. Lore: OOC: Warmth Potion Mermaid Skin Potion Bottled Charm Gelatinous Salve Amberguard Elixir Hunter's Venom Change Log:
  14. Haruspices The Martial Shamans Origin “...TO KRUG, SHE GIFTED HIM A BONE KNIFE MADE FROM A MILLENNIUM OLD DRÛTH SKHELL TO CARVE TOTEMS WITH, SO THAT HIS STORIES WOULD COME TO LIVE WHEN REMINISCED BY THE FIRE…” Within the ancient orcish lands of Mor’Ghuun, shamanism was in its infancy. The early children of Krug did not understand the Elemental and Immortal Spirits, nor had the power to walk their planes. In the war against Iblees, many of the orcish people were lost to the undead, empty souls wrenched from the Soul Stream to fight against the living. War horns blared distant, sonorous booms into the fields of battle. The armies of the Four Brothers clashed with Iblees’ undead legions. With each fallen descendant, a novel undead soldier shambled forth in their place, using their weapons to carve their past kinsmen asunder. Yet the Urukin held steadfast against the Fallen One’s onslaught - so too, did the other descendants stand strong in the face of the undead. For decades the battles raged on, and when the dust had settled, and the soulless battalions were driven off, all that remained were the tarnished breastplates and weapons once wielded by warriors of legend. But these were not simple weapons, nor were their blunt edges devoid of use. Once Apohet saw the might of Krug, he created the Spiritual Realms; Immortal, Elemental, and Ancestral. The weaker spirits gushed into the Mortal realm to embody aspects of the world, in hopes of pursuing greater powers within the Spiritual Realm. Dlimbok the Wise, the most intelligent of Krug’s four early children, was the lead strategist in the war against the undying. He watched as his people were slaughtered in battle, and their lives lost. It brought him an indescribable anguish, and a rage that nearly matched his father’s. In this age, there was no Ancestral Realm, no grave tenders, and no records to preserve those who had fallen. To mourn for the lives of his fallen, he took forth the storied knife of Krug, and drew forth a tale that no orc would forget. He collected their weapons, armor and tomes and restored them to their original form, drawing their energies into him. He offered himself up, etching his skin, flesh and bone with the dagger gifted by the Daemon Ydea. The orc had hoped his offering would please the spirits, but instead they granted him a power even greater. His flesh became tapestry. In rending the flesh, his blood, bone, and body became an ink that preserved what was made dead. A finger, a hand, an arm. Dlimblok carved away and with it, those who had been lost became as clear as the night sky. The ink stoked the minds of the orcish people. They could see their battles, their losses, their mistakes, and their culture deep within the magic of Dlimbok’s storied flesh. Much of recorded history had been cast into the horrid fires of Iblees, and with it had gone the proficiency of veterans long dead, but this newly-restored knowledge would help to reshape the ragtag bands of amateur fighters into elite squadrons of feared combatants. Under the same banner, and led into battle by Azgal the Titan, the orcish war machine began once more churning and pushing back against the forces of Iblees, now able to outmaneuver and preserve the lives of the living. They matched the once seemingly endless ranks of undead in fierce combat - and as they spread their knowledge to the other descendant races, Iblees’ lines and formations grew thin across the many fronts. And so, with its aid in Iblees’ defeat, the orcish people learned and grew reverent of this primitive form of shamanism, and many of the former soldiers learned among the greenskins sought out Dlimbok, so that he could teach them in his ways. Explanation Dlimbok was a great orator and strategist, and taught his future students how to use this art in providing knowledge to his people, allowing them to gain insight via the spirits and how to extract insight from the world around them. When the great orc had died, his body was blessed, torn, and scattered across the world as a testament to the profoundness of stories and their tellers. He would become an eternal tale, one that orcs could draw upon at any time to preserve their history. Haruspicy is a non-combative magic dedicated to story-telling and preservation of stories. Haruspex draw upon the torn body of Dlimbok. Rather than connecting to the spiritual realm akin to other types of shamanism, haruspicy calls upon an extremely powerful Ancestral, one who’s blessed body remains within the mortal realm akin to the Muyakelgs of the past. These spells do not grant the user any abilities featured in shamanism, nor allow the user to speak Old Tongue without having knowledge of it. To become a haruspex, one must have studied and devoted themselves to the spirits for at least one IRL month, as Dlimbok would be unlikely to lend his power to one that he believes would be unworthy of it. This feat does not teach any form of shamanism or any aspects about it, though many of the more devout followers of the spirits may know of it and spread the knowledge, orally or through books they may have written on the matter. These could help a prospective haruspex begin on their journey, after which they would continue to forge their own path toward mastery of the feat. Someone experienced in the cultural practices of haruspicy could write a book describing and depicting the processes of these feats and work as a means of spreading the practice. To draw upon Dlimbok’s power, one must create a Threshing Inkwell. This device, powered through various different offerings acts as a catalyst that interacts with the many scattered pieces of Dlimbok. A haruspex calls upon the power of the ancestor Dlimbok for their powers. While his powers extend so far as to allow the user’s memories or stories to come to life, it comes with the caveat that these memories are just as susceptible to degradation as any other memory before they are recorded - that is, haruspicy does not provide perfect memory, and memories from longer ago may therefore be inconsistent with the actual events. Threshing Inkwell The Threshing inkwell is simply a place of offering that threshes all of Dlimbok’s scattered pieces from around the world, and draws power from them. Traditionally, they may be placed in homes or places of gathering, where they are readily available for use. To function, they require an idol, some sort of ceremonial arrangement specific to the haruspex, and a bowl to collect the spiritual ink. To charge the bowl with spiritual ink, the user makes an offering, whether blood, gift, but the most potent-- literature and other storied artifacts. Any thoughtful prose suffices, with the varied offerings empowering the ink in different ways. In the case of physical offerings, these can be burned or otherwise destroyed in proximity of the Threshing Inkwell, which will fill with ink on its own. The Threshing Inkwell only produces ink and exists as a way for the haruspex to channel their powers towards Dlimbok. Destroying the inkwell would simply cause the ink stored within to spill and revert to regular, black ink. Mechanically, the Threshing Inkwells are a communal structure which simply hold a large, but still limited amount of ink charges (up to 60 maximum). Exceeding 55 charges causes the inkwell to begin overflowing. There is no limit on the number of extant threshing inkwells, beyond the fact that any haruspex may only create and ‘own’ one at any given time, despite their communal nature. Upon being created, the inkwell should be reported to any ST members (though they need not be signed, and can be used even if an ST member isn’t immediately available). Any RP to refill the inkwell should be screenshotted and saved. As ink drips down the inkwell’s sides, it has a tendency to transform into small animated figures, perhaps simply out of boredom on Dlimbok’s side. Nevertheless, these figures scurry about the area for a short while before disappearing entirely. The amount of ink that drips from the inkwell is insignificantly small - it does not reduce the amount of ink in any way, and simply exists for roleplay taste. Ink Tiers Tier 1 - 1 Charge - Gifts and Basic Offerings (Prayer, Meditation, etc) Forming a black and basic ink, this form of ink serves as a general base or go-to option when other materials aren’t available. It is also often mixed or added as a filler to other inks. Tier 2 - 5 Charges - Blood and Bone (Descendant/Animal Sacrifices) All viscera, whether animal or Descendant can serve as a more powerful offering to the Threshing Inkwell. Once the ceremony is complete, the bowl fills with a pungent, dark red ink. It smells somewhat like blood, although much more aromatic. At this level, the imagery is extremely striking, though still appears as paints and colors that dance and move. Tier 3 - 15 Charges - Literature, Books, Artifacts Important literature, large books, and powerful artifacts can be offered to the Threshing Inkwell. The ink shifts colors between many deep and bright colors, but will serve to paint in the haruspex’s desired color. At this level, the paint may draw upon the user’s senses, though only briefly and in the more striking parts of the work. Ink Red Lines - Only descendant or normal animal viscera will serve as a tier two offering. - A haruspex cannot use their own blood to fill the Threshing Inkwell. - Stronger inks (Tiers 3+) or more particular effects require a MArt and more significant offerings. - Offerings to the Threshing Inkwell are destroyed in the process of offering Spells Pages Alive [Non-Combat; 2 charges] Description: The caster is able to utilise their Threshing Inkwell’s ink to write onto a book or other such item with a small surface area, no bigger than that of a banner. This ink comes to life when the page is turned, causing it to play out the scene imagined when the ink was first put down, as opposed to having the reader read it. This can also be used to make two-page spreads, though the ink never comes off of the surface of the page itself. Mechanics: To enact this spell, the haruspex first creates the type of ink they wish to use for the pages. Once the haruspex has chosen said ink, they draw symbols, characters, or etchings in whatever language or artstyle they’re most familiar with in the palm of their hand, or another tool like a quill or paintbrush. Once they do so, the ink resonates with their hand, and the whispers of storytellers are faintly present. Then, the haruspex simply touches the material, and the ink transfers. A haruspex may follow this process to fill books without needing to restart the entire process, but requires additional ink for every page. The process is done in four emotes, but can be shortened to two with tools like quills, paintbrushes, and so on. 1) The haruspex readies the ink, meditating on the story or picture they wish to tell. 2) The haruspex draws on their hand, or simply soaks it within the ink. 3) The haruspex touches the paper, smearing the ink on to canvas. 4) The ink transfers from their hand onto the paper, shifting and twisting into the desired image. Pages Alive - Redlines: - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - A haruspex is only able to put their own memories into the book/banner, and these memories cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written book or banner is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless updated by another haruspex. - If the surface on which the ink lies is cut in half, or similarly seriously damaged, the ink simply acts as normal ink and dries up. WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE WRITING EXAMPLE WRITING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok opens his book, as often he had before. He dips his quill into his Threshing Inkwell, as images of what he is to write begin already to form in his mind. Taking a deep breath in, then out, he imagines the way these thoughts will flow on the page. [Emote 2] The orc now puts quill to paper, and begins scribbling down crude forms of people, among other integral parts of his story. Even as he writes, the ink begins to swirl and move just as he had envisioned it. A Storied Artifact [Non-Combat; 20 charges] Description: The caster is able to impart spiritual ink on an object, allowing them to portray a tale stored within the weapon - this may be done through fire, water, paper, or for more experienced practitioners, the events may be played through the very mind of another. To tell the story, the haruspex must spill their blood onto the object, and onto the canvas (or person) they wish to tell the story. In meditating, they connect to the scarred body of Dlimbok, and utilize the power within Ydea’s dagger to bury a powerful memory within an artifact. Once the haruspex grows more proficient (2 weeks IRL), they are also able to preserve stories within the object of its wielder through ritual. The haruspex must have the memories so vivid that they are able to describe and feel the sensations the memory’s owner experienced. By engaging the senses with stimuli relevant to the story (the smell of burning flesh, the sounds of war drums), the user is able to fully immerse himself, the tether between Dlimbok and the haruspex strengthens. The more objects and information they have relating to the event and its characters, the more vivid and detailed the story becomes. Mechanics: Essentially allows for a storytelling aid, where whatever selected medium comes to life to show the story stored in the item. In the case of the initial writing of the item, only the memory holder’s items may be used, under the idea that the item itself has ‘memories’ of its own.When the story is replayed in someone’s mind, they must be in physical contact with the item. The memories within Ydea’s artifacts are just that, memories. Prone to incorrect detail, or pieces missing, a memory only holds small pieces of reality. Often intense experiences and emotions cloud the transferring of the memory, and the haruspex’s own mind may warp the overall message(i.e an arachnophobe depicting a spider as three times its actual size). These memories are not permanent, and just as quickly, if not more prone to error or forgetfulness. A user may remind themselves of the vision by looking through the artifact, but overuse (more than 3 times per IRL week), leads to severe headaches, memory loss, and mood swings. The items themselves, upon creation, are signed by ST. In the description of said item, beyond any text describing the item’s appearance, it must include the ingame username (or other form of contact, eg. discord tag) of its creator, whose responsibility it is to record the stories within however they see fit. A Storied Artifact - Redlines - The object must be signed or have some roleplay significance. A normal sword or object is too nondescript to base memories off of. - The haruspex must already have extensive knowledge about the wielder, usually by having known them personally for at least an IRP year (one IRL week), or being told of them by someone who has known them personally for at least two IRP years (two IRL weeks). - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex (including if someone who does know of them is being shown the vision) simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - A haruspex is only able to put the memories of the owner into their own tools. Memories cannot be put into items that belong to other people, and these memories cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written weapon is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless further updated by another haruspex. - If the written weapon is seriously damaged (i.e, the head of an axe is separated from its handle) it becomes unreadable, though if repaired further memories may be written to it. - A vision cannot be forced on another player. Their characters must fully consent to seeing the vision before they are able to see it. - Only one scene/vision may be recorded in any one item, as any given item may become ‘saturated’ with the haruspex’s ink. - Constantly living the memories of others has a severe impact on mental wellbeing, causing headaches and even memory loss. - The memories themselves are just memories. There is no way to permanently retain this information, and it would be lost within 2 IRL weeks. READING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE SLIGHT MOVEMENT The scene that plays out is then emoted by the haruspex EXAMPLE READING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok seats himself in front of a nearby campfire, a dulled war axe in his lap. He closes his eyes, and emits a low drone from deep in his throat as he lays his hands over its handle. His fingers press into each of its grooves as the weapon’s story makes itself clear to him. [Emote 2] Now the aged orc lifts his hand over the weapon. He slices into his palm with a bone dagger, before tightening his grip such as to make blood drip from it onto the weapon, then into the centre of the fire. He takes another deep breath, and begins to speak as the flames come to life. [Storytelling/Emote 3] “It waz during our latest war with da pinkzkinz…” The fire splits, showing two clear sides. Each lick of flame lashes out toward the opposite side, as if it were one soldier mocking another with a war chant… (etc.) WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE RECALLING, 1 EMOTE WRITING EXAMPLE WRITING: [Emote 1] Tulgarok seats himself before the Threshing Inkwell, dipping his fingers briefly into its bowl of ink, and a short spear in his lap. His eyes shut, and as they do, Grommok, his apprentice, lights a number of items aflame - wood and pig’s flesh - and slops a handful of thick mud right below Tulgarok’s nose. All scents from the hunt before. [Emote 2] Grommok soon leans into Tulgarok’s ear, describing to him the events of the hunt. How they’d tracked the beast for days, and finally cornered it in some deep cave. The animal’s bellows, as it realised it had been beaten and stood upon its hind legs and swiped at its hunters… (etc.) [Emote 3] Tulgarok breathes deeply, as he finally lifts his hand from the bowl of ink and begins scrawling symbols on the blade and shaft of the spear, eyes darting from side to side beneath their lids as the story unfolds in his mind. The ink quickly squirms on the weapon’s long handle, before seeping into it, leaving only a faded, dark trace that it had ever been there. Finally, Tulgarok rises from the ground, spear in hand. His job was finished. Cave Painting [Non-Combat; Charges vary] Description: Haruspex are able to paint with spiritual ink, invoking life into a stony canvas. Through this, they are able to paint their tales and those of written items onto walls so that others might see them. The figures painted move, twist and dance as if they lived. Each character within the painting requires 10 ink charges, while larger set pieces (large boulders, buildings, etc) and environments (grass, lakes, etc) take 5. Mechanics: As shown below, the player is able to build a mural roughly describing the story (though this is not necessarily required). More importantly, the player is then able to author a book describing the events taking place in the mural, which RPly would be in constant motion (though this is obviously impossible in minecraft). To create these paintings, the haruspex would begin a similar process to Pages Alive. Readying the ink, through the tool used would be the haruspex’s hand, clay, a chisel, or some other etching instrument. Once the tool was soaked in the ink, the haruspex’s mind would begin to clear, and they’d draw upon the power of the Threshing Inkwell, invoking the ink to mold into and twist what the haruspex had worked with into story. Cave Paintings - Redlines: - Haruspex pieces are displayed within minecraft as murals (whether through clay, banners, roleplay materials, blocks, ink, etc), and the story/moving figures are described within the book. - Characters in the story who are not known to the haruspex (including if someone who does know of them is observing the mural) simply appear as faceless visages with no discernible features (horns, tusks, hair etc.) and cannot be used to discern any information about them whatsoever. - The scenes cannot be used to teach magics or other complex skills that need to be taught in person. - A written wall is no stronger or weaker than the original product, and the memories written to it are not updated in any way unless further updated by another haruspex. - The person whose memories are being written on the wall needs no prior connection with the building etc of said wall. - If the wall is significantly damaged (i.e, up to one third of it is broken by an explosion or construction work), the ink simply acts as normal ink and dries up. WRITING: 1 EMOTE MEDITATION, 1 EMOTE RECALLING, 1 EMOTE WRITING [Emote 1] Tulgarok stands before a large, flat sandstone wall - a clean canvas upon which to make art. His eyes shut, as he dips each of his hands into a bowl of ink. Already, somewhere behind his eyes dance the silhouettes of soldiers, fire and great cities. Silhouettes that will soon dance on the walls of his home city instead. [Emote 2] Charred wood is strewn about the place, and several orc kubs are told to jingle chainmail, bang sticks against helmets and snap twigs loudly. All this aids in Tulgarok’s mental recreation of the raid, how his ears rang with the terrified screams of women and children as they evacuated, leaving their homes behind. [Emote 3] Pleased enough with his mental recreation of the raid, the orc begins slapping his palms against the stone wall, dragging them to make crude shapes which soon swirl and correct themselves into what he had envisioned minutes before. As he steps back from his masterpiece, the ink begins to churn into the image of an orc impaling some human halfway down the haft of his own spear. General Redlines - A haruspex needs to be able to interact with spirits and thus other non-spiritual magics interfere with this practice, this also includes creatures that are unable to cast deific magics. - A haruspex cannot identify anyone in their visions unless they have extensive knowledge about the person within the story already, or have interacted with their tools or weapons via ritual. - “Extensive knowledge” implies knowing the person personally for at least one full IRP year (one IRL week), or being told about them in detail by someone who has known them personally for at least two full IRP years (two IRL weeks). - Memories written to objects or murals cannot be used to learn magic, or other such supernatural tasks. - Dlimbok is dead and his body is physically scattered across the world. His pieces could be hypothetically found through ET or dredged forth in a MArt, but he is otherwise uncontactable, being very much dead. - A haruspex’s memory is not perfect. Details can be misremembered, especially in older memories. This feat is primarily for storytelling, not perfect renditions of past events. - Either memories or stories/fictional events may be recorded in any given medium, though fictional events cannot be recorded for malicious or seriously deceptive reasons(i.e a fake war with real memorized characters), as these would go against Dlimbok’s personal views on honour, and he would simply not allow his power to be utilised. - Real world stories and memories would possess more sensory detail (although not entirely accurate) while fictional stories would have more visual creativity and detail. - Overuse of haruspicy leads to issues like headaches, memory loss, and mood swings. Tier Progression Tier 1: The haruspex reaches this tier immediately upon learning the feat. Haruspices are able to transform a little of their ink through prayer and meditation. They also have access to the Pages Alive spell. Tier 2: Two weeks after learning the feat, and through regular practice, the haruspex is now able to better transform the lifeblood of sacrifices into more powerful ink, and gain access to the Storied Artifact spell. Tier 3: At this tier, six weeks into their journey, the haruspex is able to take their final step into the art, gaining access to the Cave Painting spell and being able to sacrifice more powerful artifacts and literature into even larger amounts of ink. Greater tiers may be achieved through MArts or Events by staff, though the capabilities of the artifact or action (holograms, living stories, ancient messages from the past, etc) should be discussed with lore holders, older haruspex, or ST. Ultimately, the decision falls to the staff on a case-by-case basis. OOC: This is a feat accessible to anyone with knowledge of the spirits and a desire to learn the histories of weapons and wounds alike. In doing so, I hope haruspex gives more flavor to post combat, in being able to regale tales of battle, as well as making RP items more valuable and useful to the people who have them, rather than sitting on the shelf till the next map. I realise that some objects cannot be 'written' as such - that is, their stories can't be described as their owners may not use the server anymore, which is the sole caveat of the feat itself. Maybe it gives them a reason to come back, or gives characters more of a reason to create powerful stories. Thanks for reading! Inspired by: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/151780-%E2%9C%93-origins-of-the-orcs-and-morghuun-the-land-of-warfare/?tab=comments#comment-1433374
  15. Maiun dah'Rin People of the Desert Among the more obscure cultures found in humans is that of the Maiun dah'Rin, or dah'Rin(i) for short. This translates to People (Rin) of the (dah') Desert (Maiun). As the name would suggest, they originate from and primarily inhabit deserts. As one might expect, this harsh environment in combination with prolonged isolation from other cultures has lead to a hardy, yet upbeat people with unique traditions. With written documents proving their presence as far back as Axios, and speculation of their history reaching back much further, it's a wonder they've kept their presence so unknown all this time. One could attribute this to isolationism, remote locations, or even being mistaken for other groups, but the true answer has not been found as those who'd know have all passed. In recent times, however, they've made themselves and their ways as known as they can in the face of being lost to history. No known settlements remain of the Maiun dah'Rin, so they assert themselves anywhere that welcomes them. While their own language's alphabet and writing are illegible to most, they still make and publish stories in Common with the hope someone will hear their pleas for preservation. Only very recently has it seemed that their wish will come true. Now when you see those strangers in masks, lanky humans with odd accents, you may come to find you know of their kind. A resilient people who've clung onto the very last strings of identity and finally started pulling themselves back up. Names & Masks To the dah'Rin, a mask is just as good as (if not better than) a name. While multiple people can share a name, or even all three names, no two people can have a truly identical mask. Along with being distinct, the mask of a riun (singular of rin) will most always have patterns and colors denoting specific meanings. For example, a rugged wooden mask with red paint on the left side can convey that one is a wanderer who's used to living rough, but still holds love in their heart for everyone around. A mask of ebony with intricate gold patterns would show the wearer as important, but not for combat reasons, likely being some form of leader. These masks are to be removed only when necessary or alone. This is not to say names aren't important, however. All three names of a riun are important for different reasons. A first name is shared with everyone, and is the name a riun will refer to themselves by most often. A middle name is rarer to go by, but is usually used when two people of the same first name are together or when a riun dislikes their first name. A last name, however, is considered very intimate. This is generally to be shared with those that a riun dearly trusts or even loves. An important bit to note is that one would not be called by their last name unless they're alone with someone who knows it. To share someone else's last name is to betray the love and trust they've shown you. To take it as your own is to embrace it wholly. Mask Meanings To expand on what a mask may mean and why, we need only look to three things. Color, material, and adornments. To start with, colors often share similar meanings to what other descendants give them, but there are some noteworthy exceptions. For example, while red may denote passion or anger, the most common use is for love. Orange is linked to enthusiasm, a love for life rather than individuals. Yellow and gold are notably distinct, with yellow being happiness and gold being importance. Green can indicate a nurturing nature, harmony, and even safety. Blue can be freedom, intelligence, or protection, with the first being the typical use case. Purple is often linked with magic, inner peace, and wisdom. As materials go, these are usually picked by convenience or aesthetics rather than significant meaning. When a material is chosen for meaning, it usually coincides with the color. However, the material also gives some insight into the wearer's lifestyle. Wood may be used for travelers who want something that will last long without maintenance. Porcelain would be more indicative of a person who's settled down and decided on something that looks nice rather than being durable. Rarer and more sought-after materials may show someone to be important, or that they've done a great service for their community. Giving someone a new mask is not taken lightly. As said before, it's as personal as a name or face, with the added importance of symbolism. Adornments can be anything from engravings, to shape, to extra pieces added on. These are commonly given meanings by the owners themselves, but an aggressive shape can denote a warrior, and gold engravings usually mean someone of high status. If you're curious about all the intricacies of someone's mask, it's best to ask! Music & Food Food and music are hard to ignore when addressing the more playful side of Maiun culture. Those who dedicate themselves to a craft don't spend their whole lives perfecting it like those of more competitive cultures might. Rather, these rin will use their skills to impress their friends, family, and even strangers with the main goal of making them happy. This isn't to say they'll be any worse on average than those of other cultures, but there will be fewer who lean so heavily into perfecting a skill. As for the sounds of music, a riun will most often play upbeat, drum-heavy songs with the intent to get others dancing. While it's not uncommon for these musicians to be playing throughout any normal day, they most often gather and play together during festivals. In fact, in the absence of any musicians or even untrained volunteers, a festival will be outright delayed until at least one is found. This is most often a lack of people able to fill the role rather than those willing, as bad music is not judged. Even the poorest artist is encouraged to continue. The topic of food actually shares quite a few parallels with music. It's not one's skill as a chef that determines whether their food is eaten, it's a mere matter of who's around to eat it. Even if the meal should make you gag and vomit, you still turn right back around to the chef and tell them what they did right, and how you'd change it for next time. This is likely what caused a shift in dah'Rini meals compared to other human meals - they often make things like cinnamon pork, honeyed vegetables, baked fruits, and many more similar meals. As for drinks, however, they most often drink water, fruit and cactus juices, and wines. These aren't held to the same level of importance as food, as whatever is available will be happily accepted, but it's not uncommon for a riun to go out of their way to find a drink that complements their meal. If a meal is sweet, drink something bitter. If a meal is savory, drink something with a kick. Language With the decay of full-blooded Maiun dah'Rin, the full scope of their language has died out, but that doesn't mean they don't speak what they have left. Even those who speak full Common usually speak in the third person or sprinkle in dah'Rini words and phrases. However, it's important to note that dah'Rini sentence structure is much more free-form than Common. Not only that, but the few who can write fluently in dah'Rini will go right to left, bottom to top. This is due to ancient dah'Rini laying bricks, carving words in until they run out of space, and then laying the next layer to not waste materials. From this came the ongoing tradition of grand story walls, sometimes integrated into buildings, but just as often standing solitary for all to see. Dictionary can be found here. Appearances A dah'Rini can be of any human skin tone, and very commonly end up freckled. Their hair tends to lean blonde, with even darker-haired rin having a golden shine in the sun. Their eyes can be of any color a human's can, but most common is green. It's less common for a riun to be bulky compared to their fellow humans due to the scarcity of food in the desert, but in recent times, most rin end up nomads or living in other cities. This is completely and entirely attributed to the dwindling population and dying traditions they have. On top of that, there are very few full-blooded Maiun dah'Rin to be found. Clothing-wise, even those who end up in cities will at least keep their mask in their possession, if not on their face. Nomads in particular will also stick to clothing of their people, being loose, flowy clothes with lots of airflow. These are reminiscent of real-world Middle Eastern and Central Asian garbs. Some will adorn their clothes with neat patterns or fancy colors, but most are happy with plain robes with hoods and/or hats of straw. Outsiders The dah'Rini are very friendly to outsiders, even welcoming them with open arms to join their encampments and traditions. While this has done well for what little reputation they have, it also means they've been raided on multiple occasions by those they let into their homes. Even in these times, when a riun takes down an invader, it is their duty to give them proper medical care and keep them alive, regardless of the damage the invader has caused. Should their enemies die on Maiun land, they are still given a respectful prayer and proper burial, elsewise a sendoff to their homeland. OOC This is an open culture! Anyone at all can make a Maiun dah'Rin character, and for a full-blooded dah'Rini, you should set your race as Farfolk or just Human. How involved your character is with these traditions is completely up to you! However, it's encouraged to be mindful and respectful of other players OOCly while playing an dah'Rini character, in part because reputation is important early on, but also because you should do that anyway. There are no dah'Rini settlements and there likely won't be unless there's a much larger playerbase than I'm expecting. However, should this be the case, it will be a large encampment in the desert to best fit the lore provided. The dah'Rini dictionary is still being worked on, but there should be more than enough words to spice up your roleplay. Make as many new phrases as you'd like - and remember, the sentence structure is more free-form than English! Context helps determine what you're saying (such as "Ron do'pan," which can either mean you idiot or you're an idiot depending on the context). This page will more than likely be edited! Don't be mean or I will cry. Consider this a threat.
  16. The Deep Roads Cat Spider Appearance Slightly larger that a normal cat and mostly hairless the deep roads cat spider is very similar to its four legged kin but has a few large difference. The deep road cat spider instead of having the typical four legs is instead a host to eight legs. Each equal in size to the next, and each having similar anatomy to that of a normal cat. This over abundance of extra limbs allows the creature to climb vertical walls and sometimes upside down given adequate space for footing. As well as their increased number of legs the beast also has a multitude of eyes, some just have two large ones and a few smaller useless ones to other individuals have a full four pairs, giving them excellent vision in the dark areas they inhabit. They come in a host of colours and patterns but most seem to have a dark tabby coat, perfect for blending into the rocky walls of a cave. Eye colour trends on a dark green, black or amber with the occasional light brown in some members of colonies. an example of an adult Behaviour Typically solitary hunters they seek out smaller caverns or territories to hunt in, disputes over territory can lead to individuals fighting or killing over a prized hunting grounds. Despite their solidarity nature there has been a few cases of them grouping into colonies, typical size for these groups trend between five to twenty members in larger areas with an abundance of food. Though, seeming scary creatures, they are very personable. Bonding to one or more individuals in a household. they enjoy the spoiled nature of domesticated life. Typically found curled up somewhere in dwarven homes, or the centre of attention on someone’s lap. Habitat First found in the Deep Roads of Urguan these strange beings enjoy the warm dark damp nature of the Urguani cave systems. Shying away from the bright light of the surface. It is theorised they can be found in similar cave systems throughout the land as well. Though, they have currently only been recorded being sighted within the grand kingdom. Since being domesticated they have taken off within homes all over the subterranean nation. Sadly, some individuals who have been taken to surface home deteriorated quickly in the sun, first losing their playful friendly nature and eventually their appetite. Leading to sickness and eventually death. This can be remedied by providing a suitable dark area or room for them during the day. the Deep Roads of Uguan Diet Being obligate carnivores their diet is made of of entirely animal material. Mainly small rodents, larger cave roaches, bats and any fish found in underground waterways. While in captivity they can quite easily enjoy chicken and small birds as well. Red Lines -this creature if kept as a pet cannot be used in combat -can't be kept as a pet in a super sunny place -this is open lore don't gatekeep it
  17. Side Effects For the Voidal Attuned When one has been connected to the void for such a long time, practicing arts with the use of it, most will find that the void can be seen as an extension of themselves. Connection can be similar to a reflex, happening suddenly and on accident as an involuntary act to the mage. A skilled earth evocationist might cough out some sand, and a fire evocation might sneeze out sparks. These occurrences are simple, and seem to correlate with whatever subtype a mage practices. The connection to the void is an unnatural thing, but after some years of constant use, the mind will be used to this connection and deem it as a natural occurrence that happens often. There grows the reflex to suddenly connect. These sudden sneezes, hiccups, and other things can be surprising, but have no adverse, or beneficial effects to them. One cannot be injured by these sudden quirks. (OOC and Redlines) Essentially just an aesthetic thing, and give more opportunities for RP, all for simple fun. It can be to spice up some slice-of-life, or let it slip that your character is a mage. Just some nice and fun fluff stuff. Redlines: - Only applies to voidal magics. - Effects are harmless, one cannot be burned by a fiery sneeze. - Subtype needs to be mastered, must be T5. -Must be in reason, nothing crazy or too out there.
  18. -=On the Irehearts=- In the days before the dead awoke to do battle with the living, the dwarves had carved in their caverns great halls and treasures. But such was the nature of those that linger in the dark, to covet in secret the hoards of the dwarves. Nameless things they were, who saw the khazamar as trespassers of the under-dark realms and so they hassled the bearded folk. Caravans, miners and merchants who ventured into the shadowed places of the caverns never returned and so panic and doubt fell upon the citizens of Khaz’Urguan. For what is a dwarven king if he could not protect his own people? Yavok his name was, who above the rest of his brothers, had the most anger and rage in his heart for those who’d dare spite his race. As slander and rumours spread of Urguan’s inaction, it was the king himself who sent his son in good faith, to resolve this issue. Yavok nodded and took a blood oath to see his task done. This promise was one of power, sworn to King Urguan that by the runes that glowed on his crown, it shall be upheld lest his line be broken there after. And so it was that tempered by the wisdom of his father, Yavok took it upon himself to protect the realm of the dwarves from these creatures, wielding two axes and marching into shadow to do battle with them and swearing an oath to not return until his task was done lest his word be counted weak and the crown dimmed in runic light. In those damp caverns, illuminated only by fungi did he see and behold the full force of the enemy. Large bat-like creatures that clung to the ceiling, though they paid no heed to the dwarf who snuck amongst them. Travelling with great caution, he stumbled upon a massive chamber that held within it, a beast of immense size and power. Sniffing his scent, it awoke in anger and roared a mighty cry that would have struck fear into the heart of any lesser. But Yavok was the son of Urguan himself and with a smile on his face, he raised both axes and charged into the fray. For three days did dwarven sentries report roars and howls of a beastial nature echoing throughout the cavern before falling silent to the ringing of steel. Returning from the under-dark, Yavok strided forth to the throne room with the massive head of what could only be described as a bat, whose face was riddled with teeth and eyes. As Urguan looked upon the horrid beast from atop his throne, he called out to the hall and those who saw and heard answered in agreement, for he proclaimed his son Irehearted meaning he who carries much anger within him. As the title was granted to him, the citizens of Urguan cheered and sang songs of merriment as the hated foe was never heard from again...at least for a time. As the years passed, the under-dark saw a watchful peace as Yavok alone stood vigilant atop the tower of kravamoruk which stood at the border of the under-dark and its enemies. It was under his gaze that he saw a large army of cave leeches mustering their forces in revenge against the dwarves. Seeing the war path they would follow, he gathered his sons and daughters to the tower and began training them. He taught them how to use their anger that was rooted within his line and channel it into a fury that would strengthen them tenfold. And so, unbeknownst to most who dwelled in the city, did a battle rage in the under-dark. Dwarven steel meeting tooth and claw in a siege that would not end for 3 days, for the monsters assailed them in the legions yet the dwarves fought with the fury of ten. Each that fell took at least a dozen with them, large groups of Cave leeches hewn down and cut to bits in their righteous fury. It was there on the fourth day that smoke rose from the tower and King Urguan dispatched a company of dwarven warriors to investigate. Atop a pile of corpses were the dwarves led by Yavok, drenched in a glowing green that held their forms in the dark. These creatures in later years would be known as Cave Leeches and it is rumoured that their loss was so tremendous that their race was lessened in both strength and pride, the fury of the Irehearted seared into their hive minds. After the battle was won, Yavok counted the dead and proclaimed his oath fulfilled, the very one he had sworn several years ago. A dark thought lingered in his mind however, for even with the death of so many hated foes, it did not matter. Great beasts of the deep still lurked somewhere in the under dark and so Yavok renewed his oath. For the rest of his days he would continue to protect the dwarves, seeking out terrors and nameless things to slay… Author’s Message Several millennia have passed since the battle at the Tower of kravamoruk and yet today the Irehearts are still renowned for the fury they wield into battle in their constant struggle to uphold the oath their founding father made during the days of Urguan himself. From the Golden age and the passing of time, many of his line have led the dwarves to countless victories. His descendants would slay dragons, nameless beasts, and even banish Khorvad back into prison. From this Elder Clan of Yavok do the dwarves learn the vigilance of protection, the ferocity of battle, and the bravery of those who would stand for kith and kin. The Remembrancers tell this story as blood oaths are not sworn lightly even to this day and it is to Yavok and his kin that paved the way for such a tradition. To this end does his line still endure and the crown of the dwarven Kings still glow. - Kazrin Starbreaker
  19. Hello friends and foes of LoTC! I hope that my post finds you all well, that the new year has been kind to you thus far and that you find yourselves in the best of health. It is my sincere hope that you are all safe and sound with your loved ones (or your pets). With the coming of the new year I found myself back on this wonderful server nearly three years after I took a hiatus. Much has changed and I felt like the type and quality of roleplay that we have had has changed as well, to my pleasant surprise! I grew nostalgic of my early days of playing on the server back in 2014-2015. Alongside the updated mechanics and progress in the world lore, I felt that it was the perfect opportunity to breathe life into House Visconti; which I had the pleasure of representing off and on at earlier times. I plan to compile a Master-guide to Illatian and Visconti roleplay by the end of next week and give the RP announcement about our current position and plans. In order to help me make this a reality, I decided to reach out to you, the LoTC community. I was dissatisfied with the information I was able to collect thus far because: Some key players lost access to their drives and their precious documents. Some key players became inactive and unreachable. Primary-source forum posts are very aged and difficult to follow. Secondary-source information is often skewed and distorted. We have a list of tertiary characters holding the family name who I cannot place in our family tree. I wanted to write this post and ask those of you who have played a House Visconti (or Illatian persona) to kindly reply to this forum post and aid me in my project by sending me links to the documents (or forum posts) that they do have or by contacting me on my Discord: Zoprak#3499. Character sheets and family trees are required. Secondary sources mentioning or referencing the family members and their activities are needed. Documents outlining family activities are appreciated. Miscellaneous documents, photographs, screenshots and skins are not necessary but would help fill in the gaps in the lore. Thank you for your time and assistance, I look forward to roleplaying with you all in the coming weeks. To those of you who are facing an upcoming semester I wish the best of luck and amazing grades. Please do not hesitate to contact me. Best regards, Zoprak (Antonius Mihailo Visconti) (P.S Dear Moderators, I apologise if this is in the wrong section, please transfer it to the appropriate place if need be, I am a returning player and I am still unsure where to place my forum posts that are OOC).
  20. “Have you heard of the tale of the monsters within the sands? Shapeshifters, they say they are, of mortal men who have defied our curse by striking an unholy deal with some foul power… They seek the souls of the damned, for it is said the value of a sinner’s spirit is irresistible to the Lord of the Dead Realm. Better repent often, son.” The Men of the Sands and the City of Gold Long ago when the four brothers walked among us there existed children of the Father of Man that were blessed with a terrible hunger for knowledge of the world. These men even in the early morning of existence envied Horen’s brothers… they were to be the inheritors of the world, and scorned Malin’s beauty, Urguan’s wealth and spat upon the strength of Krug. While they dare not bare their fangs yet at their kin, a seedling of hate set into their hearts. Fueled by their pride and unyielding loyalty to the Father of Man, they sought to travel the world and steal the wealth of the world for their own. To the forested halls of Malin the Patriarch of these unnamed peoples traveled, feigning a kind curiosity for all of the splendors of that tranquil place. The men delighted in the beauty of those who commune with the natural world, the forgemasters and musicmasters of the first sons of the Elf Father. They studied their way of carrying themselves with nearly ethereal delicacy… and savored in the mannerisms in which the elves delighted in their life. And so they departed… To the stone-pillared halls of Urguan the Patriarch of these unnamed peoples traveled, concealing his mad love for all of the Dwarf Father’s gold, jewels, and silver fountains with a desire to learn his ways of creating such beauty from the earth. There, too, they sealed away the lust for precious metals and jewels of the world in their tarnished hearts. And so they departed… Finally they traveled to the savannah hold of the mighty Krug. The strength of his children was a feat that no spoken or written world could accurately describe. In spirit and in body Krug’s folk were truly powerful, and their code of honor was something that perplexed these ambitious men. Why extend the same respect to the other descendants when there was an entire untouched world ready to be conquered, no, inherited by the strongest peoples. Was this world not created for those with the power to impose their own will upon it? Indeed, even these children of Krug had conquered the barren savannah and desert, yet do not desire to rule absolutely? They could not comprehend the way of Krug, and departed his hold with a sour taste upon their tongues… Many years had past and the children of the Four were plenty. Man had made fantastical castles and farms, Elves had unquestioned rule over the forests and nature, Dwarves had made the most grand halls from the mountains themselves… but Krug was humble. His people lived not in splendor, but in harmony with the other descendants, even despite their supreme tenacity in the harsh heat and their superior strength. Ptolemeht claimed himself as the first Lord of these wandering Men. He was tall in stature and had long, dark hair and ferocious eyes that hungered for domination over all. While his brothers settled in their castles and reached the clouds, his heart demanded he display why the children of Horen would conquer this world and rule as intended… for they were the superior beings blessed with just ambition. He would show his kin the light, by sheer splendor in doing what few could. Ptolemeht would challenge the people that he simply could not match, the children of Krug, and prove that even Men could make the barren sands submit to their will too. The human lord’s resolve was like iron. His children would dare not refuse him this birthright, and began to construct a city-stronghold like the world had yet seen. Where the sands would blow harshly and scald the skin of the weak, he commanded his kin to heave the earth into submission in great towers and pyramids. Every aspect of the city Ptolemeht commanded to be created took great inspiration from the halls of the Elf Father and the Dwarf Father. But he knew he could not best nor match what Krug and his children had… and despite the magnificence of his creation, his soul seethed in anger at the lack of total perfection his body was given. Gilded peaks of sand arose like mighty crystals, and a desert throne was built atop the chieftest pyramid. Ansach-Ra had arisen as the largest and most complex city ever recorded in ancient times. The Curse and the first King of Sands Prosperity flowed like mighty rivers from the gilded city of Ansach-Ra, and many of Horen’s children flocked in to delight in the example of their superiority over the land and other kin. Horen himself was shocked at the determined ambition of his kin. Somehow Horen could sense a dark omen at the creation of Ansach-Ra, for his children had a demented sense of what the Father of Man wished for his children. Horen did not share in their beliefs of total supremacy, but he also could not and would not deny his children revelry in their magnum opus. The years chiseled away like the architects of Ansach-Ra onto sandstone, and in an instant their progress towards a perfect society came to an abrupt and unfortunate end. When Malin, Krug, Urguan and their father Horen struck their final blow against Iblees… the curse ripped through the people of Ansach-Ra like a great wave against a quiet shore. Those who had lived far beyond what their new ailment would allow withered to dust and nothing in the hot desert wind. The city erupted in a screaming pandemonium. Mothers… Fathers… All were subject to the unyielding power of the curse. Like the pathetic remnants of a dying fire, their people disintegrated with agonizing screams into ash. The people of Ansach-Ra were decimated. The cries of the people who ruled the sand were abhorrent, for they wept not only for their loved folk but for the loss of their supremacy. The city of Gold and Sand grew nearly empty. In the wake of Lord Ptolemeht’s death, he left a single son that he cherished almost as much as the splendor of his home. Osmundah at the young age of thirteen inherited a city that dwarfed his stature like a single ant upon its mighty hill. Witnessing his father crumble into dust upon the height of his throne bore into his mind. The pain of the first deaths spurned a loathing for this existence. Why must it be Horen’s folk who are denied the luxury to see their work come to fruition? To see the work of their and their children’s hands before being ripped from this now mortal plane into an eternal prison. For that’s what the afterlife was, to the folk of Ansach-Ra… a place where scheming gods place their playthings to entertain them for all eternity. None can escape this fate, and by living a good life one might only lessen the burden of the afterlife upon them… for sinners might indeed suffer in endless, agonizing torment, but was not the stagnation of an eternal existence at the behest of some self-righteous beings torment too? Osmundah knew as the last brittle pieces of his father carried away with the breeze he would devote the limited time he had in this world to finding a cure. A cure that would ensure their ever-lasting life in this plane as supreme monarchs of the realm. Over other men, dwarves, elves, and the now deformed and ugly orcs. Yes, those disgustingly proud children of Krug certainly received their just reward in Osmundah’s eyes. The remaining folk of Ansach-Ra fastened chariots, spears, and legions of infantry to march upon the confused and distraught orchish peoples. In a single, bloody night, Ansach-Ra drove the orcs in a frenzied bloodbath from their homes and into wandering caravans. The desert belonged to Ansach-Ra, and now there was none to question their authority. Osmundah gathered the remaining orcs in chains and brought them broken and dispirited to the city where he presented his captives to his priests. There, the boy issued his first decree as ruler of Ansach-Ra… “Take these beasts and barter for a cure with whatever power resides over this accursed realm. I refuse to suffer the same fate as my father, and with this I will ensure I rule Ansach-Ra, no, the world undisputed. Do not give these mutated beasts any quarter, do what you must to appease the gods and find me a patron who will do this for me!” The boy ascended the golden throne and declared himself not lord, but King of Ansach-Ra. With their numbers few, now, there were no dissenting voices. Osmundah’s desire for immortality was too tempting, too… for risking a lack of obedience to the Desert King would surely destroy any hope at restoring their robbed years from them. Akerohtep, Shepherd of Souls and the Charnel Sect Two decades since the desert was secured for Ansach-Ra the priests of the city worked diligently to perform dark rituals on the misfortuned, the forgotten, and the damned. Osmundah collected many wives and children, spurned by his fear of the shadow of death upon his legacy. He was ferociously protective of his harem, and would seize any wife suspected of infidelity and etomb her alive, and send any competing men to his sect devoted to twisting the souls of men into prizes as bait for any willing entity, god, or patron. The Charnel Sect was the body of all of the King’s priests tasked with finding a cure for mortality. Within the sandstone and dark temple of the Sect evil rituals were performed involving the maiming, torture and wicked epxeriments upon the living in hopes of drawing out the essence of life itself to offer as a gift to the gods. The temple had deep crypts of entombed victims, but also served as the mortuary home of the venerated dead as well. Those loyal to Ansach-Ra were given a resting place of splendor and clothed in fine silks and cloth for when the solution to death might be discovered. The first experiments offered souls to the Dwarven Brathmordakin, for the thought of everlasting life and wealth was very tempting indeed… But these offerings proved most destructive and fatal to the Charnel Sect, with the worst outcome involving the unintentional deaths of three senior priests. The dwarven gods spat on the revolting desires and culture of the Ansach-Ra peoples, they were far too tainted with evil lust to even be auctioned off in their afterlife. The second experiments offered souls to the Orcish spirits, who roamed the desert freely and frequently. They too would scorn the Charnel Sect with even more ire than the Dwarven Pantheon, for the murder of their orcish kin would only earn them bad voodoo and unfortunate hexes indeed. More priests met untimely ends, most unable to be explained with any reason at all The final experiments offered souls to the animal spirits of the elven Wild Gods. There is one very prominent Wild God that roams the harsh desert, and its interest had piqued since the first Ansach-Ra people landed in the oases. The cunning Coyote, vision keeper and silent guardian. The Coyote God does not give answers, but instead gifts visions of the past, present and future. A perhaps critical mistake by the Coyote God, but nonetheless visions of life and prosperity were granted to the priests in hopes that dedication to the natural world would grant them peace… The visions caused an uproar in the Charnel Sect, for no rituals had produced any promising results. Would further devotion to this unnamed god grant them the everlasting life they sought? King Osmundah himself stood watch over the next ritual to the Desert God. By some stroke of very poor luck, a lesser daemon of Iblees that hungered for worship and power watched over the ritual that dark day. Where the Sect was trying to call upon the visions of the Coyote, a demonic voice from deep within a shadowed realm responded and usurped the Coyote’s claim over these people. He appeared to these men as a corrupted mockery of the Wild God. He knew these humans’ fear of death would commit them to anything, even worship of a Daemon. “You who seek everlasting life… I am Akerohtep, Lord of the Dead Realm. I will strike a deal with you, persistent ones… In exchange for more souls for my domain, I will extend your life indefinitely. Serve me, and savor riches and life beyond measure. Refuse, and savor a rotting tomb for all eternity!” The Daemon’s intuition was right, the threat of death brought the priests and King to their knees in prayer. The being smiled a wicked smile, and presented a scale of onyx and gold. “Bring me souls of the wicked, the murderer, the thief and the evil. If their soul weighs more than a feather, they have much delicious regret and blood on their hands… they will serve me well as tormentors of unfortunate travelers to the realm of the Dead. Come… bring me my first gift.” The First Amonnti King Osmundah was ruthless in his response. He did not for a moment question the Daemon’s request, and offered his most loyal and senior priest to be slaughtered before Akerohtep. This priest had committed countless atrocities, and his soul was heavy indeed… The Deamon swallowed up the soul in its sharp-fanged maw and descended onto the King like a murky, black shadow. There, the King began to twist and convulse in transformation… he was taking the likeness of this Daemon’s coyote mockery. His head erupted a long doggish maw, and his bones cracked and crumbled into a body that towered over his human kin. His skin turned leathery and black, and his eyes burned a deep hateful crimson. His screams silenced all of Ansach-Ra, and the Beast-King finally stood after much anguish in his new bestial form. A wicked laugh rumbled within the temple’s painted stone walls. The Daemon was pleased, very pleased with his new followers’ promise. These humans have long hungered for power, and they would get it this day. He named these daemonic children the Amonnti, beasts with the power to rip the souls out of any mortal husk and offer it to their Daemon Lord for extended years of their life. And so Ansach-Ra depleted their own population, for they were the children of tainted hearts and ambitious killers. The souls of their own people proved quite potent for satiating the hunger of Akerohtep, and more men were transformed into the servants of the Lord of the Dead. In this, the fabled city of Ansach-Ra buried beneath the sands, her ever-attentive servants disappearing in the night, and all of its riches lost to the desert forever to be guarded by their dead. The Amonnti: Form, Abilities, Traits and Features, and their Patron The Ammonti is a human that has been cursed with the form of the Deamon Akerohtep in exchange for adding years to their life. The Charnel Sect is rumoured to harbor and propagate these monsters, having hidden lairs in forgotten ends of deserts where they commune most closely with their God. An Amonnti is able to shift from his or her human form into the beast, though the process is incredibly painful and terrifying to behold. Provided that the Amonnti has been diligent in providing souls of particularly undesirable characters, their Daemon God will prolong their life indefinitely. That is not to say that they cannot be killed, for it is quite possible to slay these creatures. Akerohtep is the patron of the Charnel Sect and the Amonnti. Though it is a Daemon, it was initially unnamed and merely placed its demand for worship and patronage to the people of Ansach-Ra in hopes to strengthen its place within the pantheon. In times prior to be known as Akerohtep, this Daemon was simply a ferry for evil souls from the mortal plane to the realm of Iblees where the souls would suffer for eternity. With new power and status gained from gifting what small dark energy it had into King Osmundah and his sect, he named himself Akerohtep and became the Daemon that decides the fate of all souls who depart their mortal husks and do not have a god to accept them into their rightful afterlife. The form of the Ammonti is like that of a bipedal, digitigrade, monstrous coyote with long, perked ears and red eyes. Often described in old wives’ or children’s stories as the boogie man that comes for the souls of sinners, the beasts are very real indeed. They can be both female and male and have either leathery skin or a short coat of pitch-black fur. The more twisted and demented the personality of the Ammonti is, the less fur it tends to have. The smell of ancient tombs and dry rot clings to the aura of this beast, and they bear golden glowing markings on their skin or fur to denote status within the Amonnti pack. They can wield weapons and light armor, but often choose not to as their body lends them potent claws, fangs and muscles. Their claws and teeth are very potent for causing infection should someone survive an encounter. Sustaining this form of the beast can be very taxing for long times, and will of course draw very undesirable attention, and often the maximum duration of the Amonnti form is a few hours at most as it is assumed their prey has already reached the soul-scale by that time. If they procure too few or no souls, their body will begin to wither away like dust in the sand until there is nothing left of the beast. Amonnti possess no inherent magical casting abilities, but they do bear gilded teeth that have the capability to rip the soul from its victim and send it to the soul-scale of Akerohtep. The process is incredibly hard to master, and often requires its victim to be near death or unconscious for strong spirits can resist the call of Akerohtep, especially those devout in worship of Holy or Druidic Gods. They are incredibly fast and strong, equalling or slightly exceeding the strength of the average orc and able to keep up with the canter of a horse when on all fours. While the Amonnti are indeed twisted themselves to have descended to such a state, their God demands evil souls… therefore, the Amonnti must be cunning in their victim selection. No soul will do, only those heavy with regret or with troubled conscience. The Ammonti will often infiltrate courts, churches and militaries seeking those that abuse their power or needlessly torment descendants. Therefore in an odd twist of fate, they make excellent witch hunters. For such bestial monsters of death, they do heed to an ancient hierarchy of the Charnel Sect. One Amonnti oversees the cult, and there have and never will be more than seven living Amonnti at one time. The reason is that there must be a balance maintained to control the beast within, one Amonnti to oversee the soul-scale’s balance, and three Amonnti each for matters of Life and Death respectively. Some very exceptionally ambitious humans might here the children’s tale of the monsters that seek out the evil men of the world and covet their power, in which the High Priest Amonnti will determine if he is worthy to receive into their cult by tasking him with procuring especially nasty individuals for sacrifice. If successful, he may be granted the power of the Amonnti and join the Cult of Akerohtep. When an Amonnti dies, his or her soul bypasses the spiritual scale and is sent directly to the Realm of the Dead to serve Akerohtep for eternity. While their Daemon God promises eternal riches and luxury, the comfort of their dead realm is quite questionable… In the mortal realm, a sarcophagus is made and the dead Amonnti’s belongings in life are buried with it. SUMMARY AND RED LINES The Amonnti are NOT immortal. They can die if they do not give their Daemon God souls, and they can be killed just like any other creature. They can be healed if someone wishes, but the features of their physique would prove very difficult to heal. The Amonnti are curiously immune to gold, having teeth made of it themselves. They are however particularly sensitive to ALL holy magics, resulting in serious injuries with even the slightest contact with them. If an Amonnti has their teeth removed, they cannot send souls to the afterlife and will wither away and die. The Amonnti are neutrally affected by druidism. It is neither potent nor ineffective. The Amonnti have exceptional strength and speed, but must not exceed that of the AVERAGE orc and speed of an AVERAGE horse. These creatures are not the incredible Hulk, and are more cunning in their ways and typically do not pick random fights unless they are infuriated or are fighting for their life. An Ammonti transformation requires 3 emotes to complete and is very painful, often causing short-torm fatigue and discoordination for the first few moments before the creature settles into its own body. An Ammonti cannot spontaneously appear in the world, they must receive the curse of the Daemon Akerotehp under the supervision of an ST. The Ammonti are absolutely loyal to their Sect and do not and will not break off into their own sect, for it would sever their connection to Akerotehp’s deal. These creatures are meant to explore the dark side of LOTC humanity including the envy of other longed lived races, a sense of supremacy, and a physical manifestation of these ideas. The Amonnti are meant to be very twisted and troubled people that are also doomed to live forever in delivering the souls of people like them directly to the mouth of hell. Sound fun? Send me some support and feedback!
  21. [ Ambience ] [ Accompanying Naztherak Lore ] The Infernal hordes of Moz Strimoza burst into existence in an innumerable and wicked variety. From the meagre yet numerous, the cunning and wily, to the brutal and gigantic, they are all born from a seething cauldron of chaos and as such reflect the many facets of eternal conflict. Each are soldiers in an unending war, played out across Moz Strimoza by the Pentacle, and more recently upon the realm of Arcas. In such skirmishes and sieges many new corrupted forms of monstrosity were observed, but there are a few consistent Inferi who are known to servants of the Light, demonslayers, witch hunters and practitioners of dark magics. Of these more commonplace abominations, only few seem to manifest upon the mortal world without the assistance of a Naztherak. Those few who do roam free without a warband, quickly fall prey to the unwavering zeal of those Descendants with the courage to hunt them, or False Princes with a desire to fill a vacancy in their court. It is not unheard of for these Inferi to attempt to bargain for their lives, but surely only a fool would believe the forked tongue of a demon to be capable of producing any words with meaning more than ash. Zevnka - Imps Closed Playable [CA] + Independent Summon The most diminutive of all Inferi, zevn are typically thought to be a minor nuisance when alone, but can be more dangerous when appearing in a flock. Together a flock of winged imps may be able to carry an unwary individual off into the night, while a lone imp may otherwise serve as a distraction or sabotage various efforts of mortals. Although they are a perversion of their Faeish counterparts, they do seem to share a proclivity for mischief and mayhem. One should not be surprised to find the origins of housefires, destroyed machinery or other apparent acts of misfortune to be the work of imps. Imps are small goblinesque creatures, which revel in causing as much chaos and mess as they are physically capable of. Although not particularly intelligent, they are known to employ a degree of low cunning, in the form of ambushing Descendants, setting traps, or other spiteful acts to otherwise make the everyday lives of mortals as bothersome and inconvenient as possible, if not downright dangerous. Physicality Although zevn come in a colourful array of wicked appearances, they often appear emaciated, or conversely very fat. Perhaps the most significant difference however, are those sorts with and without wings, although all imps have been observed to cause equal disruption and mayhem, regardless of their predispositions. They are oft confused with the Faeish imps of the Aspects’ domain, perhaps simply for their namesake and diminutive size. Other than their origins and uniformly wicked and unnatural appearances however, a zevn is not dissimilar in its use of numbers to overwhelm a foe. Indeed during the Inferi Incursion, flocks of imps dropped carcasses onto Descendant patrols, and lifted civilians and livestock into the sky. The profane and mutated bodies of all Inferi are almost exclusively carnivorous, with very little sustenance gained from plant-based foods. Were an Imp forced to survive only upon vegetation, they would grow sluggish and weary. Among some covens, it's thought to be a convenient means of disposal to cut up the corpses of victims drained of maleus and the pieces thrown to a Naztherak's Imps and beasts to fight over, as neither have any reservations about eating sapient beings, such as Descendants. - Imps may be no taller than 2 feet in height. - They require a high protein meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and will wane should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. They may substitute animal protein for Descendant meat and so on without risk of prions disease etc. - Their builds may vary, from stringy and gangly, to rotund and fat or possessing some degree of musculature. None however, may lift more than 30lbs in weight alone. - All imps must possess an ugly demonic appearance of sorts, such as pig or bat noses, horns, viscous teeth, tails, claws, scales, fur and so on. - Tails are not prehensile enough to grip weapons or strong enough to cause any real harm. - Claws can scratch flesh and tear cloth, but can only mark leather and are incapable of damaging armour or coverings more substantial than that. - Those imps which possess wings, may not fly greater than [5] blocks high in combat, and their ability to ‘hover’ in flight is clumsy at best. - CA imps may not use flight to bypass settlement defences, which they cannot otherwise mechanically bypass(e.g. parkouring inside) unless an RO permits so. Strengths: - Functionally immortal. - May spit or throw small wads of Malflame. - Imps may fly, if indeed they have wings. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to an Imp. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Imps can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - Unable to disguise demonic appearance. Redlines: - Imps must appear ugly and goblinesque. There are no pretty imps. - Imps may not spit acid, or spread poison with their claws and so on. - Scales or fur etc. may not provide protection from heat or attacks etc. - Tails are not strong nor dextrous enough to operate weapons or deal any real harm. - Claws are only strong enough to cut into flesh and tear through cloth. Leather and upwards will protect from them. - Imps may possess wings, but may not fly more than 5 blocks off the ground in combat. - Flight may not be used to justify bypassing defences in settlements etc. without RO consent. Mentality A notable difference between the Fae imp and the Inferi zevn is their intellect, where the prior is arguably comparable to that of a Descendant, the zevn is much less advanced. Imps are known to produce vocalisations and even to taunt their adversaries with seemingly witty and snarky jabs, but their capacity for speech is best described as ‘broken,’ as is demonstrated in their use of both Common and Ilzakarn. Imps are incapable of reasoning cause and effect to a complex degree. Where a Descendant can foresee A leads to B, which leads to C, the imp sees only A leads to B. This is not to say they are incapable of forethought, but such low cunning is usually reserved for betraying one's superior to advance beyond them, and imps are otherwise all too often preoccupied with immediate chaos and turmoil. Indeed many would overlook a zevn and presume it too easily pleased to harbour sentiments of backstabbery, but they would be poorly mistaken; like all Inferi imps constantly seek to climb to greater rungs of power, but frequently squabble over the first few steps. This interest in immediate gratification also means they are easily distracted, and could be lured away from their pranks and sabotage by certain promising rewards, such as vials of rakir. One is unable to ‘tame’ an imp, and even those Naztherak who bind them will find their chaotic energy can often disrupt otherwise carefully laid schemes. Suffice to say, one may take the imp from the chaos of Moz Strimoza, but may not remove the chaos from the imp. - Although imps possess a degree of trickery and cunning, they are not particularly intelligent. They may speak in broken Common, but are prone to repetitions such as “Good-good” “Yes-yes” and “Boom-boom!” etc. - Imps struggle to understand how their actions impact the world, beyond the immediate. They may harbour regicidal feelings for their Prince, and can attempt to deliberately sabotage the Warlock's own plans. - They may be distracted from their current actions, if something particularly enticing catches their eye, or ear for that matter, but players should not hope to placate an imp simply by waving food at it. - Imps do not have familial connections and so on. Any relationships they foster are merely of immediate convenience, such as a group working together to set a house on fire. Redlines: - Imps are not capable of fluent speech in any language. - Imps are prone to disorganised thinking and cannot see far beyond their immediate actions. They will know for instance that sabotaging a wagon will cause its wheels to fall off in transit, but will not understand that the wagon’s inability to provide supplies to nearby places leads to hungry mouths or a lack of medicine etc. - They may however employ backstabbing, betrayal and bargaining to acquire that which they covet. In such cases Imps are extremely shrewd and unfair in their deals. - Any relationships an imp creates is of immediate convenience. They will not desire to be ‘adopted.’ - Seriously, if I see anyone playing an imp that asks to be adopted, I will scalp you IRL. - Imps may be distracted from their task by the right bait, but it is up to the player to determine what would tempt their imp adequately. Abilities Rok-Dhurz [Combat] A signature spell of Malflame wielders, a result of them compacting their Malflame into spheres which they may shoot or lob towards a target, burning any living skin which it touches, yielding a painful wound which many seldom recover from. Mechanics: An imp may create a sphere or ‘ball’ of Malflame no larger than a coin, to spit or throw towards an opponent. This takes [2] emotes to conjure and outside of combat may be used to summon small tongues of Malflame for aesthetic purposes. The projectile has a range of [5] metres. When casting, the Imp must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing in the chest or throat, the body exuding embers and smoke, or even an uttered incantation. Redlines: - Each projectile will travel at about the speed of an overhand baseball throw, regardless of size. - They do not draw maleus upon contact. - These may be cast at most 5 times per combat encounter. - Outside of combat, imps may use this ability for aesthetic purposes to summon tongues of Malflame. - When casting, the Imp must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. - Must adhere to Malflame general redlines. General Mechanics - Non-playable Independant Summon imps may be summoned using the Naztherak spell “Invocation — Zevn [T1]” and all imps may be bound by the spell “Subjugate — Shackle [T1]”. - CA imps should accompany their party into combat mechanically, and may not be summoned. - If an imp is slain, it may be resummoned by its Naztherak, but not during the same combat encounter in which it was slain. - In combat, bound Imps will de-manifest after eight emotes, unless their Naztherak spends an additional [10] maleus to extend this by a further eight emotes. - A Naztherak may only bind [5] total Imps, whether CA or non-CA. - Imps are considered a ‘category B’ CA. General Redlines: - Imps may not be more than 2 feet all. - They must possess hellish and monstrous appearances of some kind. - Imps may lift a maximum of 30lbs, whether flying or walking. - Tails may not be used to cause substantial harm, or to hold weaponry etc. - Claws may not tear anything greater than cloth and can be negated by leather and more substantial armour. - Winged imps possess a wingspan permitting only themselves and the maximum burden of 30lbs. Which is to say one may not have excessive wingspans to justify carrying greater weights, or working around the height limit. - Should thanhium or thanhic steel weaponry be used against Inferi, it will still have the frostbite/poisonous effects, but cannot corrupt the Inferis' mana pool, for it has none. - Zevn may still be effected by Malflame and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against the imp, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. - CA imps are subject to all normal resurrection rules, even if resummoned by their Naztherak. - Imps may not be revived during the combat encounter in which they were slain. - CA imps may not be summoned into or out of combat. - An accepted CA is required to roleplay an imp character, whether it is bound or unbound. - Although imps are meant to cause chaos and turmoil, if imp players use the creature to OOCly harass others, or for excessive ‘troll rp’ or ‘meme rp’ it is considered an abuse of the CA, which is grounds for a blacklist. Zekulka - Beasts Independant Summon Perhaps the most plentiful of Inferi, of greater stature and strength than their impish lessers. Resembling fauna of the mundane, exotic and magical variety, zekul roam the ashen plains of Moz Strimoza as gruesome game, or appear as monstrous beasts of burden and mounts in the eternal conflict between the numerous warbands of the High Hells. Like their natural counterparts, Beasts possess instinctual behaviours which make them both dangerous and desirable for a Naztherak’s court. Beasts are monstrous animalistic creatures, which vary in size and oft resemble a perverse mimicry of their mundane bestial counterparts. They follow similar instinctual behaviours, and are known to be used in a number of capacities such as hellhounds, abominable mounts and so on. Like imps they are not particularly intelligent, perhaps even less so, but possess substantially more developed strength and stature. Physicality Beasts collectively occupy a variety of size, stature and build, such that they resemble any existing natural animal. Typically Zekul bound to Naztherak manifest in canine, feline, equine and ursine forms, although always grotesque in appearance. In place of a coat of fur, the Beast will have wiry hair growing in loose tufts, scarred or charred flesh, or even lack flesh entirely and appear as if only muscle, bone and sinew. A Zekul resembling a horse may possess horns, such that they resemble a mockery of Faeish unicorns, or bear-like Zekul may have overdeveloped jaws and so on. Zekul resembling canines are often dubbed ‘hellhounds,’ for their likeness to many Canonist and occult imagery, and make for deadly pack hunters. Felines may instead stalk in quiet, while an equine might bear their Naztherak as a thoroughbred ferries its Prince. - Zekul may be no larger than a grizzly bear or a warhorse, and no smaller than a housecat. - Their height, mass and so on must resemble their animal counterpart. One may not have a dog-sized Beast with the muscle mass of a grizzly bear, and so on. - All Zekul must possess an ugly demonic appearance of sorts, such as lacking fur or skin, tumorous growths, insectoid mandibles or eyes, many eyes, no eyes, tails or no tails etc. - Tails are not prehensile enough to grip weapons, but may be swung or whipped for attacks. - Claws can scratch flesh, tear cloth and leather, but are incapable of damaging armour or coverings more substantial than that. - Those Zekul which possess wings cannot fly unless they are housecat-sized, and may not fly greater than [5] blocks high in combat, and their ability to ‘hover’ in flight is clumsy at best. All other Zekul are incapable of flight. - One may not use winged Zekul to carry oneself or other player-characters past settlement walls etc. Redlines: - Zekul must appear ugly and monstrous. There are no pretty Beasts. - All must bear some resemblance to an IRL animal, or lore-compliant magical animal of sorts. - They may not spit acid, or spread poison with their claws and so on. - Scales etc. may not provide protection from heat or attacks etc. - Chitin or bone-like plates will protect from slashing attacks, but may be crushed with blunt weaponry such as maces, or penetrated with arrows or crossbow bolts. - Zekul can be destroyed like any other combat summon. They are by no means unstoppable. - Tails are not dextrous enough to operate weapons etc. - Claws are only strong enough to cut into flesh and tear through cloth and leather. Chainmail will protect from slashing attacks, while plate mail is sufficient protection from claws entirely. - A Zekul’s strength will mirror that of its animal counterpart. For example a dog-like Zekul is unable to bite through platemail; a horse-like Zekul will be able to carry a rider etc. - Beasts may possess wings, but may not fly if they are larger than a housecat. Beasts of this size may fly no more than 5 blocks off the ground in combat. - Flight may not be used to justify bypassing defences in settlements etc. Mentality When compared to the Imp, a Beast has a similar level of mental acuity, but excels in differing capacities. Able to understand Ilzakarn, insofar that a dog understands ‘sit’ or ‘speak,’ the Zekul may be trained to act on certain commands, which is bolstered by the Naztherak’s binding of them. This means that a pack of ‘hellhounds’ could feasibly be sent to harry one’s foe, or brought to heel should they prove too aggressive. Despite this capacity to be trained akin to their animal counterparts, the Zekul cannot be described as tame. They will still obey their base instincts for food, rest and survival over their Prince, but are not necessarily prone to ‘biting the hand which feeds them’ so to speak. One could not possibly have a panther-like Zekul draped over their lap for example, but a housecat-like Zekul is more feasible. - Bound Zekul may be commanded in Ilzakarn by their Prince and no other. - A Beast may not be docile and ‘cuddly’ unless it is housecat sized. In which case, it is still rather ‘wild.’ - Although they are not totally mindless, they do not possess foresight beyond the immediate task before them and their survival. They are not able to understand what comes after a ballista is loaded by their foe and aimed at them, for instance. - Any connections with other Zekul are purely pack-based, with a dominant over its lessers. They are Inferi after all. Redlines: - Zekul are not capable of speech in any language. - They are bestial in their intellect and will typically act on instinct. Equine Beasts may kick and flee from a foe for instance, while a feline Beast may stalk its prey. - Beasts may not be docile. Even housecat-sized, they are untamable and cannot demonstrate affection. - A Zekul may not be turned against its Prince, or commanded by another Naztherak. Abilities Rok-Skramutna [Combat] The more powerful, but simple of Malflame conjurations. Breathing it in great tongues and gouts from the mouth or nose, this ‘flaming breath’ is capable of burning any living skin which it touches, yielding a painful wound which bleeds off Maleus- sometimes lapped up by the Beast, as a predator gorges upon its prey. Mechanics: A Zekul may breathe a cone of Malflame, projected out in front of them as a crude flamethrower. This funnel is no larger than a block in diameter, and cannot exceed five blocks further than its point of origin, that being the Beast themselves. This requires [3] emotes to perform, and may be sustained for up to [4] emotes. When casting, the Beast must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing beneath chitin plates, the body becoming wreathed in flames or embers, smoke pouring from the mouth etc. Redlines: - These may be cast at most 5 times per combat encounter. - Outside of combat, Beasts may use this ability for aesthetic purposes. - When casting, the Beast must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. - Must adhere to Malflame general redlines. General Mechanics - Non-playable Independent Summon Beasts may be summoned using the Naztherak spell “Invocation — Zekul [T2]” and may be bound by the spell “Subjugate — Shackle [T1]”. - If a bound Zekul is slain, it may be resummoned by its Naztherak, but not in the same combat encounter. - Only one [1] Beast and two [2] imps may be summoned at one time during a combat encounter. Outside of combat, players may have multiple beasts for flavorful roleplay, though only one may be permitted to enter combat, should they be summoned beforehand. - One beast or two imps may enter combat if they were summoned prior to it starting. A user’s grimoire must be constantly held on their person after they are summoned. This is to say that one may not hide their book in a chest and expect their summons to enter combat with them still. - While only one beast or two imps may enter combat with you, you may summon the other mid-combat should you perform the required amount of emotes. - One may not presummon a beast larger than a big cat. - In combat, Zekul will de-manifest after six emotes of invocation, unless the Naztherak spends an additional [10] maleus to extend this by another six emotes. - A Naztherak may only bind [5] total Zekul. Strengths: - Have access to a Malflame breath. - Possess intellect up to and including that of a trained dog. - May have natural armour not exceeding the strength of ceramic. - Possess the strength of up to a grizzly bear. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to Zekul. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Zekul can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - As animalistic creatures, Beasts may be frightened into fleeing. General Redlines: - Zekul may not be larger than a grizzly bear or warhorse. - Should a Beast be used as a mount, it should be mechanically represented with a horse mob. - They must possess hellish and monstrous appearances of some kind. - Beasts should ideally adhere to one of three archetypes: wolf/big cat, bear, horse. They inherit the strength and vague appearance of whichever they adhere to. Creative variation is allowed, so long as it is not used to justify invincible combat summons. - Tails may not be used to hold weaponry etc. - Claws may not tear anything greater than leather, and can be negated by more substantial armour. - Winged Beasts possess a wingspan permitting only themselves and small burdens. Which is to say one may not have excessive wingspans to justify carrying greater weights. - Zekul of any sort may not be used for ‘scent-tracking’ or similar roundabout means of metagaming. - Should thanhium or thanhic steel weaponry be used against Inferi, it will still have the frostbite/poisonous effects, but cannot corrupt the Inferis' mana pool, for it has none. - Zekul may still be effected by Malflame and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against the Beast, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. Zar’eika - Twisted Ones Closed Playable [CA] Perhaps the most unnerving of all Inferi, even despite the massive stature of those demons occupying greater rungs of power, the Zar’ei are a perversion of Descendants in all capacities. For mortal virtues such as kindness and patience are corrupted when a Zar’ei is made, and instead the appearance of charity is but bait for a trap, while restraint is employed to await the perfect moment to backstab another. Indeed it is woefully fitting then that these Inferi originate from the damned souls which descend into Moz Strimoza, too hurt and despairing to believe they deserve respite and healing. Even those Zar’ei created by the dark ritual of Naz’kuthun are no less spiteful, devilish and perverse in their mimicry of all the worst facets of Descendant mortality. Regardless, these humanoid Inferi are a perilous foe to mortalkind and even those steeled against the worst of Moz Strimoza- for what more dangerous an opponent is there, than a creature as capable and calculating as its hunter? Zezimar Playable [CA] Zezimar, or Seraph, also known as Zar’ei, are the most obscure of Inferi to the average Descendant, but typically the most sought-after by False Princes. For the capacity of intellect within a Zezimar is on par with that of man, Elf, Dwarf and Orc, making for uniquely equipped members of a Naztherak’s court. These humanoid monsters are equally devoid of goodness and selflessness as any other Inferi, but are crucially capable of both high-level thought processes and survival instincts to manipulate others to their benefit. Mechanics: - Zezimar are playable CA Inferi of the Zar’ei class, meaning that they are humanoid and possess intelligence and physical prowess on-par with the stature of Descendants they most resemble. - No Zezimar may be roleplayed without an accepted CA and must be bound to a Naztherak with room in their court for a Zar’ei. In the case of Naz’kuthun, players must post the CA after the ritual is successfully performed, listing the Naztherak as the creator. Physicality Easily the most insidious of all Inferi, for their close resemblance to mortal Descendants, and their uncannily sharp mind. Their appearances typically harbour a perverse mimicry of Elves, Dwarves, man and Orcs, where hair and beards are substituted with tendrils, tusks are twisted and accompanied by horns, and whatever beauty their counterparts possess is mirrored as an unnervingly vile facade. Indeed some Zezimar resemble a corrupted specimen of Descendants, while others have totally alien forms. Insectoid mandibles, eyes, limbs and antennae are not unheard of, while other Zar’ei are known to resemble a rotting statue with great clumps of flesh falling off in sloughs. Their stature similarly varies, but always more closely mimics those of Descendants and are easily sorted into the three ‘archetypes’ of Malda, Kozun and Rakaal. The profane and mutated bodies of all Inferi are almost exclusively carnivorous, with very little sustenance gained from plant-based foods. Were a Zar'ei forced to survive only upon vegetation, their muscle mass and strength would wane, but they could survive in this diminished state. Woe to those who fall victim to these Inferi however, as they are known to consume the flesh, blood and bone of Descendant races. Indeed the Sultan of Inferi-occupied Al'Faiz M'ag'nus C'arne, was known to devour his captives and foes. - Like all Inferi, a playable Zezimar must be hellish and monstrous in appearance; snouts, elongated teeth, additional arms, chitinous exoskeletons, horns, fiery eyes, tails and so on are permitted. - Horns are made of bone, but are not exceptionally strong. If broken they will regrow steadily over time. - Any limbs beyond two arms and two legs will divide the total strength between those limbs. - Tails may be swung as an attack and so on, but may not be prehensile enough to grip weapons for example. Tails cannot feasibly crush a person to death. - Natural ‘armour’ may not be more resilient than ceramic and although may protect from bladed weapons, will still be harmed by polehammers and other blunt weaponry, or penetrated by crossbow bolts etc. - Swords and axes will chip off pieces of this armour, without getting into the flesh beneath, while hammers, maces and so on will crack and crumble it and render it useless. One may not wear other armour over carapace/natural armour which is not streamlined to the body, such as spines, spikes or other protrusions. - Weapon-like limbs, teeth, claws etc. are on par with bone. They may not penetrate platemail. - Zezimar may be slain just as any other playable character, they are not invulnerable. They may be starved to death, beheaded, die from blood loss and so on. - Although Inferi do not die of old age, as a Zar’ei ages it will gradually take on a more ‘ashy’ appearance, like a fire burning low. Those in their first 100 years will be akin to a bright flame, those reaching 300 will begin to accumulate soot upon their body, and those around 600 will be cloaked in ash and cinders. - Zar'ei require a high protein meat-based diet to remain at their peak strength, and will wane should they be forced to subsist only upon plant-based foods. They may substitute animal protein for Descendant meat and so on without risk of prions disease etc. - A slain Zezimar will take 1 IRL week of feasting upon its own maleus to reconstitute its body, unless the Naztherak it is bound to willingly casts “Invocation - Zar’ei [T3]” to revive them manually. Mentality When these creatures do emerge onto the mortal plane, they gain little opportunity to explore, before their very presence incites servants of the Light, and hopeful witch-hunters seeking to purge the Infernal from amidst the innocent. It is not uncommon then, that to satisfy whatever drives the Zezimar to escape Moz Strimoza, they may agree to pact with a Naztherak purely for self-preservation- although like all demonkin, their prices are far from fair. Even should they be bound, Zezimar will use their intelligence and cunning to sabotage the schemes of a Prince who pulls too readily upon a short leash, best placated by giving them at least the illusion of freedom. Zar'ei are incapable of forming healthy, reciprocal relationships. Even if they conceal their hostility for their Prince or his allies, they do so out of what they gain from the interaction. Whatever relationships they form with Descendants are inherently toxic, and usually marked by manipulation, exploitation and eventual discarding of these accomplices to preserve oneself. Whatever niceties a Zar'ei fakes, are entirely to get what they want, as they are utterly incapable of genuine affection. - Zar’ei lack the mortal ‘lens’ of perception and comprehension. They are monsters with little regard for mortals who they see as souls to devour or playthings to manipulate. - They are inherently selfish and self-serving. All relationships are innately toxic, unless with individuals of similar goals and mentalities; even then a Zezimar’s cooperation is merely for their own convenience. - All Zar’ei are able to understand Ilzakarn by sheer ‘virtue’ of being Inferi. They may speak, read and write it freely, even if they were subjected to Naz’kuthun and have no prior experience with it. - Playable Inferi may not outright refuse orders or attack their Naztherak. - In turn a Naztherak should be wary of assigning an Inferis mundane tasks, or holding their leash too tightly. Should the Prince not give the Zezimar enough free reign, the latter will surely look for other means to ‘stretch their wings,’ such as loopholing commands to avoid busywork and so on. Strengths: - Functionally immortal. - Have access to a few Malflame spells of their own. - Possess intellect and physical strength on par with Descendant counterparts. - May have natural armour not exceeding the strength of Ceramic. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to Zar'eika. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in Inferi, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, Inferi are always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Zezimar can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - Unable to disguise demonic appearance. General Redlines: - Playable Zar’ei possess an intellect on par with Descendants. - Cannot produce Rakir. - Their general appearance must be somewhat humanoid, and may resemble one of the four main races if one so chooses. - All Zezimar must however, be monstrous and demonic in appearance. They may not be smooth and beautiful. - Demonic appearances may not be used to justify unreasonable durability of the character. They may be slain, die from blood loss, starve to death and so on. - Although demonic qualities may provide a combat application, claws and weapon-like appendages may not puncture platemail, or slash through chainmail; tails are not prehensile enough to crush a person, or wield a weapon; natural armour may not be more protective than ceramic and may be destroyed by crossbow bolts, hammers and other blunt weapons; extra limbs(excluding a tail) will divide the character’s overall strength between all limbs. - If a Zezimar is forced to subsist upon plant-based foods, such as while captured, they may not maintain their peak physical strength. Their appearance may deteriorate to connote this. - Zar'ei may not form healthy, fulfilling relationships. Any comraderie or companionship they create is inherently exploitative, toxic and a vehicle for their own gain. Gaslighting, manipulation and abuse will be rampant in these exchanges, should they occur. - When a CA Zar’ei is slain it will be unplayable for an IRL week, unless the Naztherak who bound it uses the appropriate ritual to reconstitute them manually. All normal resurrection rules apply. - Although Inferi are meant to cause chaos and misery, if players use the creature to oocly harass others, or for excessive ‘troll/‘meme rp’ or poor-quality villainy or banditry roleplay it is considered an abuse of the CA, which is grounds for a blacklist. - When casting, a Zezimar must have some manner of tell to telegraph its attack. Such tells may include glowing in the chest or throat, glowing underneath chitin plates, smoke or cinders peeling off from their body, incantations, flaming eyes and so on. - Thanhium or Thanhic steel weaponry affects Inferi the same as normal descendants. - Zar'ei may still be effected by Malflame not their own and any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against Zezimar, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from all Inferi. Subtypes Just as there is a multitude of diversity amongst the demonic hordes, so there are specializations amongst their ranks. Specializations not unlike the castes of Descendants, but of far more devilish and unsavory professions than yeomen, merchants and scholars. These castes possess three archetypes, the Mage, the Knight and the Brute, named so by False Princes either for the roles they occupy within a Naztherak’s court, or perhaps for their counterparts in mortal society. Whatever the case, each of these three subtypes of Zezimar excel in a capacity where its kin does not, but also possesses their own shortfall. Thus warbands of the Pentacle usually combine more than one type of Zezimar to compensate for their individual weaknesses in the field of cataclysmic infernal warfare. [Mage Type] - Malda Maldaka, or ‘Witches’ are slimmer and less physically robust than their peers. Typically originating from mortal souls privy to magic and sorcery before their death, or transformation, they excel at infernal pyromancy and may wield Malflame spells much like a Naztherak. Crucially however, they do not require a Grimoire. Mechanics: - A Mage type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with a modern Voidal Mage. They may not be taller than 6 feet in height, and may not possess significant muscle bulk. - These Zar’ei may use Malflame spells from T1 to T4, and possess a maximum usable pool of [70] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Mage-types must possess slimmer, less physically muscular builds. They may not weigh more than 150lbs. - They may be no taller than 6 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit, Rok-Dhurz, Rok-Heedz, Rok-Kirluk, Rok-Argal, Rok-Azrak - Malda have a max maleus pool of [70]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells, but will tire more quickly in prolonged physical combat. - Malda have 4 magic slots, and can practice blood magic, feat and slotted seer, bardmancy and housemagery, as well as voidal magics including any voidal feats besides scion. [Knight Type] - Kozun Kozunka are the footsoldiers and lieutenants of Inferi hordes, capable of tactical insight and martial strength comparable to their mortal counterparts. ‘Knights’ possess the peak strength of a human, with wits and wiles to match, making them a dangerous foe to confront alone or in groups. Their capacity for sorcery is reduced over their Witch cousin however. Mechanics: - A Knight type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with a fit and healthy human. They may not be taller than 7 feet in height, and must generally be equatable to at most peak human physicality. - These Zar’ei may use Malflame spells such as fireballs, cones, harvest and so on, and possess a maximum usable pool of [40] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Knight-types must possess builds no greater than peak human physicality. They may not weigh more than 300lbs. - They may be no taller than 7 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit, Rok-Dhurz and Rok-Kirluk. - Knights have a max maleus pool of [40]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells. - Kozun have 3 magic slots, and can practice blood magic, feat and slotted seer, bardmancy and housemagery. [Brute Type] - Rakaal Rakaalka or ‘Tyrants’ refer to the heavy shock troops of Moz Strimoza’s eternal strife and battle. Comparable to mortal Orcs, their strength and stature make them considerable adversaries, as walls of meat and muscle who absorb damage from enemy warbands and deal it in equal measure. While Knights and Witches will employ tactics, cunning or sorcery, the Rakaal knows brute strength is its greatest weapon, and will utilise it almost exclusively. As a result, their ability to manipulate Malflame is crude at best. Mechanics: - A Brute type Zezimar possesses physical stamina and strength on par with the average Orc warrior. They may not be taller than 8 feet in height and no heavier than 400lbs. - These Zar’ei may only breathe gouts of Malflame or wreath their bodies with it, and possess a maximum usable pool of [20] maleus. - Aesthetic Malflame, such as cinders burning off from skin or embers escaping the nose while breathing etc. are still permitted and do not consume maleus. - Their maleus refreshes fully every 12 IRL hours. Redlines: - Brute-types may possess a build and stature no greater than peak Orcish(Not Olog) physicality. They may not weigh more than 400lbs. - They may be no taller than 8 feet in height. - They may only use the following Malflame spells: Vhiit and Rok-Kirluk - Tyrants have a max maleus pool of [20]. - They may wear full plate mail and cast Malflame spells. - Rakaal have 2 magic slots and can practice blood magic, bardmancy. Evolution It is said that chaos is a ladder, and the demonic denizens of Moz Strimoza are all too familiar with such a concept. The drive to climb higher, surpass and consume those above them and crush those who fall beneath them, is intrinsic to the nature of an Inferis. It is of little surprise then that the Infernal Ladder consists of traps, schemes and plots of demonkin attempting to climb to greater rungs of power. This is how the Zar’rokul acquired and keep their position, and ensures their rule of law: “Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul.” “The weak are meat and the strong do eat.” Stealing an Inferis from their spot upon this Ladder then, a Naztherak denies a Zar’ei the ability to climb higher and grow stronger through its usual means, much to the frustration and ire of the demon itself. For those who are willing to cooperate however, the Zezimar and Prince may come to a mutual understanding- by assisting the evolution of the Inferis, the Naztherak gains a more powerful ally. So it is that agreeing to such a pact, the Inferis and their Prince may together take the steps to provoke this evolution. Inferi are inherently driven to become more powerful and overthrow those who are seated above them, it is for this reason they may seek to loophole their Prince’s commands, or otherwise harbour hostility. If they and the Naztherak can agree to a pact however, they can work together to achieve a mutually beneficial end. - Upon creation, the Zezimar will inherently know how to undergo evolution, and may impart such knowledge to their Naztherak and strike a pact to achieve so. - Only CA Zezimar may undergo evolution. Consumption The devouring of lessers is both symbolic and literal, as the consuming of souls and cannibalism are also intrinsic to Inferi nature. In attempting to forcibly evolve the Zezimar then, it must consume the souls of three mortals untouched by Infernal corruption. The Inferis may do so by either killing a mortal and snatching their soul as it departs its vessel, or stripping away chunks from the whole soul of a living victim. Upon achieving three, their infernal body is primed for metamorphosis. - The CA Zar’ei must consume three mortal souls not belonging to Naztherak, before proceeding to the next step in order to undergo evolution. - This can be achieved by killing soul-bearing player characters and consuming the soul, which does not require the victim to PK. - Alternatively, the Zezimar may bargain with soul-bearing player characters, to sup upon their soul essence, leaving the victim alive. In such a case the victim receives a permanent burn scar at the site of such siphoning and will periodically be subject to nightmares as a lasting reminder of their deal. Additionally they feel weakened, akin to a sickly malaise, for [1] IRL week before the soul regenerates. Redlines: - Players receive no additional benefit should a victim PK, and should not goad the other player into PKing. - A slain victim may be resurrected by Monk Revival as per normal rules. They may choose to suffer from nightmares and so on if they desire character development from the experience. - ‘Soul-supping’ may only be performed upon a consenting soul-bearing player character. It is up to the Zezimar to coerce the character into allowing this through roleplay. - Although the sickly malaise lasts for only a week, the nightmares are semi-permanent, but not totally debilitating. They may be managed with mundane medicines. - Scarring and nightmares may not be used as a vehicle to metagame information about individuals or lore. Metamorphosis Once primed for their transformation, the Zar’ei will slink into its lair and begin to change. In a truly perverse mimicry of nature’s butterfly, the flesh cracks and scars rapidly as their form shifts, leaving them vulnerable as agony racks the Inferis’ form. Their prior appearance will grow more grotesque and unnatural, and their bodies advance to compensate for the weaknesses of their archetype; the Witch becomes less physically vulnerable, the Knight inherits a greater competency for sorcery, and the Tyrant gains more fine control of Malflame. - Upon achieving such evolution, the ST should be notified so the corresponding CA can be updated. They may ask for confirmation of acquired souls. - CA Zezimar who achieve evolution remain as Zar’ei, but may change their physical form some to connote their more ‘advanced state.’ Examples are a lengthening of horns, a one-time regrowth of severed limbs, additional muscle mass etc. - Evolved Zezimar may gain no more than 1 foot in height, to the maximum of 9 feet in total. - All Zezimar may pick a Malice from the base list, or may adopt the Pact Malice of their Prince. In the case of the latter, their appearance will shift slightly to resemble the animal of the Pact Zar’rokul. - Malda types may reach physical strength and stamina on par with a physically fit Elf. They may reach up to 200lbs in weight. - Kozun types gain the Malflame spell Rok-Argal, they also receive +[10] to their maximum pool of maleus. - Rakaal types gain no Malflame spell and +[5] to their maximum pool of maleus. Redlines: - Evolved Zezimar do not become Zar’kiel, they remain as Zar’ei. - This evolution should not be used as an excuse to break redlines and powergame the CA. - Players may ‘puff up’ and otherwise develop the appearance of the Zar’ei via transformation, but must still be hideous and monstrous in appearance. - Regrowing limbs through evolution may be used only once, and may regrow tails and wing stubs etc. - Evolved Zezimar may gain no more than 1 foot in height and none may be taller than 8 feet. - Upon evolution Witch/Mage Zezimar may develop physical strength and stamina on par with a fit Elf, and weigh up to 200lbs. - Knight types receive 10 additional Maleus to their maximum pool and the Malflame spell Rok-Argal. - Tyrant types receive 5 additional Maleus to their maximum pool. - One may choose a Malice from the base list, or may adopt the Pact Malice of their Naztherak, if indeed the Prince possesses one. True Evolution There exists one final stage of evolution a Zezimar may strive for, with a far greater prize than the comparatively meagre growth spurt of acquiring a Malice. The temptation to climb even higher will always tug upon the twisted mind of a Zar’ei, and for their strivings they may be able to ascend to the stature of a Zentherak, or True Prince. The exact process for this is unknown, but Naztherak and Zar’ei alike may infer that it concerns the devouring of many more souls to fuel such a grand evolution- otherwise how to achieve it is something worth pursuing. - The ascension of a player CA Zezimar to a Zentherak may be achieved through ST events and eventlines. In these cases the overseeing ST should have manager approval to enable such evolution. - Should a player Zezimar reach the point of evolving into a Zentherak, the character will no longer be playable. - Naztherak may summon the Zentherak during ST events when approved by the overseeing ST. - By evolving into a Zentherak, the player is offering it up as an event character, which may be used in future lore and eventlines. This is as a means of satisfying narrative progression for the character. Redlines: - Evolution into a Zentherak surrenders the character to the ST as an event character, and will no longer be playable. - The process for becoming a Zentherak may differ between ST events which grant the opportunity. B is not guaranteed the same list of requirements that A was, when they became a Zentherak etc. - This path to progression will be difficult, but is a way to tastefully bring characters to a satisfying conclusion without death. General Redlines: - All Inferi do not die of old age. - All Inferi require food, drink and must breathe, but do not need to sleep. - All Inferi have no genitals and are forbidden from sexual FTBing. - All Inferi are immune to their own Malflame, meaning they may wreathe their entire body in it for attacks. - No bound Inferis may directly disobey or attack their Naztherak, but they may use half-truths or vague wording in order to avoid doing as instructed. - All Malflame spells must follow their specific redlines and general Malflame redlines as stated in the Naztherak magic lore. Inferi using Malflame may substitute the Grimoire opening emote for another tell. - Although Inferi do not require a Grimoire to cast, they may be prevented from casting by sufficient pain, being knocked out or otherwise being rendered physically incapable of speaking a spell's incantation. Purpose This piece serves as an accompaniment to the Naztherak magic submission. It details the specific physiology and abilities of Inferi used as independent summons, particularly fleshing out Beasts and Imps, but also serves as the CA submission for playable Inferi. Dunstan’s attempt to introduce castes of Zar’ei was an interesting theme we carried over, that of noodly casters, stalwart knights and great lumbering brutes. Evolution has been scaled back slightly, offering a Malice and some small mechanical changes, but requires fewer souls to prevent ‘ghoul banditry.’ The more grand evolution allows a player’s Zar’ei to become a Zentherak and to be used by the ST for future eventlines or lore, at the cost of no longer being able to roleplay them. This was decided to prevent the issues previously seen with player Zar’kiel, but to still provide a satisfying narrative conclusion for a character; they grow in power until they are ‘free’ from obediently serving their Prince, and have more leverage to make their own pacts with Naztherak in future. This submission also introduced open playable CA imps, which we felt was possible given their relatively minor abilities and strengths. As per a requested change by the ST, imps are now a closed CA, as a measure against abuse, but they can still lead to some amusing roleplay situations. Otherwise they serve as a largely harmless CA for players to cause mischief with. Citations Credits Archipelego - Consultation Frott - Consultation Luci/Nivndil - Writing Mordu - Consultation Sorcerio - Writing Zarsies - Consultation Changelog
  22. [ Obligatory lore submission music ] [ Ambience ] [ Accompanying Inferi Lore ] “True power is not wrought by merit alone, yet from ambition…” Descendants of a scholarly disposition or those with a blinkered lust for power, may be lured to the path of the Naztherak for the promise of forbidden knowledge and unearthly gifts. Little do they realise however, that these prizes are scarcely guaranteed and even those which are, come at a grave price. Such infernal powers stem from the deepest pits of Moz Strimoza, and the nightmarish fiends who dwell there. In these citadels of searing flame, fissures of decaying flesh and sulphuric seas of unfathomable anguish, the Zar’rokul reign with a cruel iron grip, founded upon a single principle: “Ra’drakurz raht roknoth kuul ra’vaznan amol tul.” “The weak are meat and the strong do eat.” Together these five abominable titans comprise Ra’Urdol or “the Pentacle”, a power struggle of cataclysmic proportions, between extremely dangerous superpowers. Each Zar’rokul eternally attempts to gain an advantage over the others, some favouring brute force, while others employ cunning and subtlety in a very high-stakes game of chess. In the prior century Naztherak or ‘False Princes’ were known to perform rituals to attract the attention of a Zar’rokul into a daring negotiation. The price: souls and footholds upon the mortal realm, which many agreed to provide all too eagerly. Yet power-chasing Princes were able to slip through the claws of the Pentacle when the promise of power was elsewhere, and the plots of their beastly benefactors scarcely came close to fruition. But no more.. In an unprecedented move, the Pentacle agreed to convene and together devise a means to ensnare mortal Warlocks to their designs, so that they could never again be left without their dues. They hauled upon the very foundations of Moz Strimoza, stripping the remaining Princes of their gifts, then beat and wrought the powers of the Naztherak into a new shape, the chains of which they could pluck, tug and lash as they pleased. From here they sowed the seeds of discord and corruption far into the mortal plane, upon dark whispers; promised forgotten pieces of creation held within the burning battlegrounds of Moz Strimoza, shards of divinity sequestered in the flesh of Inferi, forbidden knowledges visible only to those who discard mortality entirely, and of course the allure of power beyond the comprehension of ordinary Descendants — these are the bait upon which Warlocks are tricked into this deadly game of infernal chess. Not as Kings and Queens, but as pawns. The Naztherak is blind to this grand scheme, far too preoccupied with their own pursuits and the promise of further spoils, than to see the jaws of the trap surrounding them. Even should a Warlock eventually learn the deck is stacked, it is already far too late, and they are beholden to a sunk-cost fallacy. Having bartered away their very soul, they are already in so deep, that digging deeper into the demonic is of little comparative consequence. ⛧ Synopsis Naztherak Control, authority, power — each of which are desires of the common man, who seeks to submit all under his own thumb. Yet despite the many who seek these gifts, few men of flesh ascend to such a level of power within the courts and councils of their respective provinces, a handful of mortals placing themselves upon thrones of gold, silver, and ivory, the rest are left to grovel at their feet in capitulation. True ambition fuels passion however, granting these lesser peers the unorthodox ability to transcend the feeble capabilities of their mortal coils. Such aspirants as these are known as the Naztherak, Descendants who usher forth their own court in which they may ascend — instating themselves as Princes, Lords of their own infernal domain. To serve under the Pentacle even for power, is a great sacrifice, for they have marked the Naztherak as their own, subjugating the Warlock beneath themselves. As harbingers of Moz Strimoza and ra’Urdol, it is the duty of the Zar’akal to subjugate forces beneath them, or to decimate opposition. Such may be performed upon a consenting mortal, whether or not they know of the Pentacle or akal’s true motives matters not, so long as they are willing. The Zar’akal must then take the mortal and bathe them in a deluge of Malflame, or enact some other means of applying a brand of Urdol — an infernally wrought star with five sides — upon the soul of the mortal, forever marking them as a servant of the Pentacle and thus binding them to its will. This ‘brand’ will forever remain upon the soul of the Naztherak, marking them as one of the Infernal for infinitum. The Prince The Naztherak, or False Princes, are Descendants who have surpassed the barriers of mortal capability, drawing upon infernal powers in order to grant them a greater capacity for might than any common mortal. Such an art permits its practitioners to wield the very powers of the High Hells itself, great feats of heinous origin through a conduit of infernal power known as the Grimoire, a precious relic of demonic conjurerers. Yet such power comes at an immense price — that of the individual's soul; for once one has set even a toe into the diabolic art, there is no escape, their spirit now tainted by the damnable influence of Moz Strimoza, forever a bound vessel of the Pentacle’s will. As a result of their ties to the Pentacle, the Prince takes upon themselves various telling traits which stand testament to their dealings with the infernal. Primarily as a result of their use of Malflame, Princes suffer from physical degradation not unlike that of the Void Magi of yore, for they are scholars and zealots of the Zar’rokul above all else, not typically affluent with the blade. The most immediate and significant change of the Prince however, is the Brand which they receive upon their hand once they have pacted with the Zar’akal, signifying their allegiance to their respective Zar’rokul. The Brand Once the mortal’s pact with the Zar’akal has been sealed and they have begun their pursuit of the Infernal, they shall receive upon themselves a Brand, or Vhiit, marking them as beneath the Pentacle’s influence, and serving as a reminder of their perilous tutelage — for one cannot invest within the Infernal and anticipate a life of mundanity. The further the Prince delves into the empty promises of the Zar’rokul, they will find their Brand to expand and encompass even more of their being, until it becomes that which truly defines the Naztherak in mind and body, as such dedication should. Yet the Brand serves as more than a sign of their being, allowing them to conjure forth that which exists only to cause devastation and agony — Malflame, the ember of the Infernal — as well other capabilities which only those Branded could perform. A Naztherak receives a brand upon their hand when they pact with the Hzakhadlu (Tier 5 Naztherak posessing a TA) who connects them, allowing them to begin their training in the Infernal arts. The brand may appear as a twisted scar, burns, Litchenburg marks, loops, and whorls like fingerprints which may seem obscure or strange to the mundane observer, even granting a passive glow should the Naztherak wish. Regardless, the moment the Naztherak begins to cast their magic, the brand will illuminate brightly with an otherworldly glow. An example of a Brand at Tier One (left) to Tier Two (right) Tier Progression Tier One - The Brand appears insignificant within the palm of the Naztherak’s hand, able to be easily concealed by something as simple as a glove or other hand-covering. Tier Two - The Brand encompasses the Naztherak’s entire hand and part of their wrist, still easy to disguise with a glove, though quite noticeable upon bare skin. Tier Three - The Brand comes to encompass the Naztherak’s entire arm up to their shoulder, now significantly more difficult to conceal, though not entirely. Tier Four - The Brand spreads to the Naztherak’s half-torso which the Brand was initially applied, now impossible to conceal unless one is completely covered, as some of the Brand has even reached the lower portion of the Prince’s neck, requiring true discretion. Tier Five - The Brand has completely covered the Prince, perhaps appearing as strange tattoos or markings which have overtaken their entire form — a grizzly heraldry of true dedication. General Redlines: - It is considered metagaming to assume a person of being a Naztherak by the brand alone, unless they have had genuine roleplay experiences with other Naztherak to inform the character. - While the Brand offers the Naztherak protection from their own Malflame, it will not defend them from the Malflame of others even if it should make contact with the Brand directly. - The Brand will always glow and become noticeable when one casts, even through clothing. Thaznitaka A cruel irony of the Pentacle is making those who subjugate demons become like demons themselves, and thus the Prince is brought only further into the grasp of Ra’Urdol. As the Brand grows to encompass more of the body with a Prince’s progression, it is a strange, twisted mutation afflicted upon the Naztherak, either a byproduct of their dabbling of the Infernal, or a cruel irony wrought of the design of the Zar’rokul. With each pact sealed, the Prince’s soul is further gnawed upon by the flames and influence of Moz Strimoza, similarly to those unfortunate, desolate souls who find themselves cast into such a realm, as their mortal body appears to take on increasingly more devilish traits. While an apprentice may disguise her discoloured flesh with powder, for she has only pacted yet once, a Warlock who has signed his third would reveal fiery, bestial eyes rivalling that of Inferi themselves, having also twisted, vile horns emerge from his temples. For as one delves further into the demonic, they may realize their humanity is truly lost. As the Naztherak commits to further pacts with the Pentacle in the form of slotting additional subtypes, their mortal form will change accordingly, reflecting that of the Inferi they subjugate as members of their court, each pact making them appear more demonic. Of course by means of Infernal Magic such “mutations”, as they are called, are able to be hidden safely by the Naztherak, yet are forced to emerge whenever they seek to cast their wretched magic or practice such godless arts, acting as a distinct tell. Additionally, the corruption occurring within the Prince’s soul leads to a curious symptom experienced not by him, but by the mortals he still maintains social relationships with. For all who make bare-skin contact with the flesh of a Naztherak, will feel a subtle unnerving in themselves, as if a kernel of goodness inside them is disturbed by the wickedness lurking within the Warlock. Stemming from previous distrust between a Zar’akal and a soon-to-be Naztherak, there is a natural layer of unease between the teacher and their student. In a weak attempt to stop potential students from climbing the infernal hierarchy and ascending above their teachers, there is a stipulation inserted into every deal, be it knowingly or not. Every time a Naztherak is connected, their teacher allows the hells to restrict their body and naturally, their strength. Use of the hells is not free. A Naztherak of three pacts. Pact Progression First Pact - [2 slots] - The initial pact a mortal strikes with a Zar’akal on behalf of the Pentacle, establishing them as a Mortal Prince, or Naztherak. Upon casting their magic, their flesh will discolour, their cheeks sinking as their pupils might become only slightly more narrow and slitted. This may be disguised relatively easily through things as makeup or coverings. Second Pact - [3 slots] - The second pact a mortal strikes with the Pentacle, perhaps allowing them the ability to curse and afflict others by means of Malice and infernal magic through things such as idols, cursed trinkets. Upon casting their magic, small horns would appear upon their temples, twisted and gnarled, as their fingernails might elongate, their flesh becoming a distinct discolouration. This may be disguised by complete coverings, and even then, this is hard to do. Third Pact - [4 slots] - The third pact a mortal may strike with the Pentacle, potentially granting them a Striith as a symbol of their dedication. Upon casting their magic, they would possess great twisted horns, their eyes raging like that of fire as they become nearly akin to a demon in all regards, save still distinctly humanoid and mortal. This is impossible to completely disguise even when fully covered. Fourth Pact - [5 slots] - The final pact wrought with the Pentacle, granting true ascension as the Prince is reborn into that of an Inferis, thus establishing them as a Twisted King, a Zar’akal. They will always appear completely demonic and unnatural, as stated in the Zar’akal physical description. General Redlines: - The first and second pacts’ mutations may be hidden or disguised, though the second to a much lesser degree and with much effort taken. The third and fourth pacts cannot be disguised by regular means whatsoever. - This state emerges every time the Naztherak casts their magic, and only when they cast their magic. Upon mutations being visible, the character will be considered a 'revealed dark mage' for the purposes of Holy magics. Once they have finished casting, they will return to appearing as a regular mortal over the course of two emotes. - Mutations will always make one appear noticeably disfigured after the second pact, appearing demonic and twisted and vile. By no means are these excuses to play “cute boys with horns,” but rather, these are distinctly gruesome and wretched forms which would set a Naztherak apart from any mundane mortal upon the sight of such. - Generally speaking as one progresses through pacts, horns grow longer and more twisted, claws turn black, teeth become predatory fangs, eyes appear flaming, skin colour changes to that of Malflame, etc. - Any mutation which occurs offers absolutely no combat advantage. - All Naztherak must also roleplay a sense of unnerving experience in those who make skin-on-skin contact with them. This can be likened to a pang or squirm in the stomach, or a shiver down one’s spine. Other Naztherak are not immune to this. - Even though a Prince is partially infernal, they still require food, water, sleep, must breathe etc. and will grow fatigued and so on as any other mortal character. - A Naztherak will experience an effect that mimics Voidal poisoning experienced by Mages. This limits their ability to obtain substantial muscle mass, meaning although they may swing a sword and so on, they will quickly tire. - They are however capable of wearing half plate and casting while wearing it. Malices of the Prince Upon their birth as a Prince, a Naztherak finds themselves to have acquired a Malice, the driving aspect of the Prince’s newfound nature which grows the further they delve into the Infernal. There are many Malices which the Naztherak may initially follow, each determining how the Prince comes to behave, even going so far as to determine the disposition of the Naztherak’s own court. Ultimately, the Malice will eventually define the Prince as much as the Prince defines the Malice, a dastardly sin wrought by the Pentacle only to further ensnare those which they have bound to them as False Princes. Maleus and the Grimoire Whilst other dark crafts may focus more upon inherent capabilities of their art, the gift of Naztherak is one of great study, appealing to both those of scholarly mind as well as aspirants of raw power, granting knowledge at a price. In order to contain their sum of unearthly knowledge, a Naztherak will often carry around with them what is known as a Grimoire, an bedamned book of blasphemous binding which stands testament to their scholarly nature and study under the infernal. With a Grimoire in hand a Naztherak can become quite formidable, permitting the Naztherak a plethora of capabilities, allowing them to curse others, conjure the damned, and summon forth dreaded hellfire, known by the accursed as Malflame.. This unholy tool indeed makes the Prince a versatile foe, the Grimoire demonstrating a surplus of supernatural abilities which hint towards its godless nature. These may appear however the Naztherak wishes, yet also hold infernal qualities of their own; pages may turn by unseen forces, ghostly whispers may emanate from the scrawled parchments, and perhaps even defy physical restraints such as gravity, hovering within the Prince’s very hand, making them quite discernible from the mundane books and tomes of studious scholars or zealous preachers. These damnable tomes may be forged in all manners of vile means, the most common practice being the use of mortal or infernal flesh as binding, then soaking each page in a mixture of blood and maleus. The Grimoire is an essential tool for the Naztherak, allowing them to perform all of their infernal abilities, from conjuring Malflame to binding and summoning Inferi. To have their spells made accessible, the Naztherak must inscribe the spell’s wording within the pages of the Grimoire using Rakir, an infernal material created from mixing maleus and ink. Once they have inscribed the necessary Ilzakarn wording relating to the spell, whether it be Malflame, Inferi Summoning, or Pacting, they may draw upon these powers by opening their Grimoire and reading the inscription aloud, taking at least a single emote to do such, much like establishing a Voidal connection. Without the Grimoire in their hands or possession, a Naztherak will be unable to cast. Grimoires may possess supernatural qualities, though to the degree of being used for flavor purpose only. It may hover above the Naztherak’s hand, whisper occult ramblings, or possess other mild aesthetics. These of course, do not make the Grimoire more difficult to knock out of the Naztherak’s hand or be stolen. Likewise soul-binding does not prevent such theft or sabotage of the Grimoire, however were it to be found again by the Naztherak who inscribed it, such as on the Auction House, it may be assumed that the Grimoire managed to return to the Prince by some infernal means — though this is never guaranteed. General Redlines: - Without a Grimoire, the Naztherak will be unable to cast. One cannot ‘memorize’ inscriptions. The only exception to this are the Zar’akal who may cast their magic without need for the Grimoire. - Supernatural qualities of the Grimoire, such as opening automatically, floating, etc. exist only for aesthetic and flavorful purpose, and by no means grant any advantage against the Grimoire being removed from the Prince’s possession. - The Grimoire is not impervious to harm. It can still be ripped apart, waterlogged, or destroyed through other means. Grimoires can always be stolen/knocked from a Prince’s hand. - Even with the Grimoire, a Naztherak must still practice the necessary schools to use their spells. A Naztherak who does not possess the Cursing pact would not be able to imbue their Malflame with a Malice, for instance. - Functionally identical grimoires may be made freely by the player as long as they are objects that can be written on / read from. - A Naztherak may emote speaking a spell without physically typing out the name to avoid meta-gaming. - No unique grimoire may be harder to knock out of your hand than a book would be. - If a Naztherak is in an extreme level of pain, even with their Grimoire, they will not be able to cast. While they may be able to cast through things as cuts or scrapes or through movement, excessive dodging, stabs, and maiming will prevent casting still. To cast such wicked demonology, a Naztherak requires maleus, which is a dark and abominable residue, used to fuel a Naztherak’s forsaken spells of devilry and hellfire. Maleus is essential in the scribing of spells within the Grimoire via Rakir — a macabre ink made from maleus and any scribing substance — whilst also being used as a means of supplying the infernal energy for a Naztherak's conjury. Maleus can be found in the blood of Inferi and can be drawn from mortals burnt by means of Malflame, composed of warped soul essence, the result of infernalised spirits doomed to an eternity as an Inferis. Whilst Princes of the past relied upon a Cistern in order to contain this vile substance, now the Pentacle's meddling has enabled a Naztherak’s own hellish nature to contain it within their bloodstream similar to that of Inferi, for indeed they truly lean toward such a foul existence. When harvested, maleus resembles a smoky plasma which seeps from the wounds of Inferi or the Malflame burns of mortals, trailing over towards the Prince in a sickly haze as it seeps into their bloodstream and replenishes them. As opposed to using a Cistern, they now store this within themselves, drawing upon it each time they cast their infernal magic. While it does not hold the exhaustive properties that mana does to a Voidal Mage, if the Naztherak were to deprive themselves of this substance too hastily, should they cast a spell requiring such, terrible Malflame burns would form upon their body, leaving them scarred and in agonizing pain. Attempting to do this further, they will perish as their own soul is consumed from the expenditure. A Prince may will their maleus to their hands, and while doing so their touch will impart a purely aesthetic effect upon weapons, tools or other objects. One [1] emote is required to perform this, and when doing so whatever the Naztherak is holding will take on a darkened ashy appearance, give off faint smoke, embers and cinders as if it were smouldering with fire; these are harmless, give off no heat, nor potential to ignite any material, and the smoke will not impair sight or breathing. This effect does not fade and may be used to make flavourful roleplay items. The following list dictates the amount of maleus a Prince will possess per tier of Naztherak, regardless of how many slots are dedicated. It essentially acts as a base number which may increase depending on how far the Prince delves into the art. [T1] - 10 Maleus [T2] - 15 Maleus [T3] - 25 Maleus [T4] - 30 Maleus [T5] - 35 Maleus Naztherak who have dedicated themselves further to the infernal practices would be bestowed a larger quantity of Malflame for each slot they dedicate, building upon the base pool they inherit initially. [2 Slots] - 20 Maleus [3 Slots] - 35 Maleus [4 Slots] - 50 Maleus [5 Slots] - 85 Maleus Thus, say a novice Naztherak were to only have dedicated two slots, they would have a total of thirty maleus, whereas a master Naztherak who has dedicated four slots will possess eighty-five maleus in total. A Zar’akal, who has both mastered Naztherak and dedicated themselves fully to it, would possess a grand total of one-hundred-twenty maleus, allowing them great feats unlike that which any mere Mortal Prince would be able to perform on their own. Dedicating more slots to the magic does not make one’s Malflame spells more powerful innately, but instead enables the Prince to use more spells from their repertoire, or a few specifically expensive ones. Rakir is a key component in the scribblings of a Prince, for no mere mortal ink is fit for the scholarly and devilish works of the Naztherak. It is the only substance which may be used by a Naztherak within their Grimoire, allowing them to scribe their spells and runes to draw upon them later. It may be created from maleus and any scribing substance such as ink, though far more foul ingredients may be employed if the Prince so wishes, such as the blood of an Inferis. Spells inscribed within the Grimoire without Rakir will bear no effect and will likely be revoked by the Grimoire or burned clean off the page. Infernal Alchemy Lore: Rakir General Redlines: - A Naztherak’s ability to cast depends on how much maleus they possess and they cannot cast without it. Should one attempt to cast after they run out of maleus, their body will be overtaken by Malflame burns, leaving them alive but in terrible pain. Attempting to cast without maleus again before it replenishes will result in their death and thus a PK by suicide rules. - Maleus will naturally replenish over the course of twelve OOC hours, though a Naztherak may restore it forcefully through means of draining maleus from members of their court, their Striith(should they have one), or even inflicted Malflame burns upon mortals to draw the warped soul essence from the infernal wound. Details are listed in each section respectively. - Rakir may be made from mixing maleus with ink or Inferis blood for the purposes of writing in one’s Grimoire or performing Naztherak rituals. This does not require a set quantity of maleus to perform, nor item representation etc., though discretion should be practised. It is the only substance that may be used to inscribe spells within the Grimoire. - A Naztherak may will their touch to cause held objects to take on an ashy appearance, and give off cinders and smoke. This takes one [1] emote to do so and consumes no quantifiable amount of maleus. - This effect is purely aesthetic and serves no function other than to create visually flavourful roleplay items. These items do not require ST signing. - Players may not use this to damage buildings or affect objects they cannot physically lift and so on. It will only affect small objects and personal effects. - More slots dedicated to Naztherak does not increase the power of spells. E.g. The Malflame of a two-slot Naz is as strong as a four-slot Naz. Ilzakarn — The Infernal language Known by Warlocks of demonic cabals merely as the “chaotic tongue” and a language of foul and infernal origin, such is Ilzakarn. This obscure and fel speech is based in the ancient spirit dialect Old Blah, and uses the grammar and script of Al’tahrn-Durngo, a tongue devised by the Greater Spirit of Fear and Insanity, Ikuras. It is thought that it was Ixli who was the one to craft this infernal tongue yet no record can account for the machinations of the Greater Spirit of Forbidden Knowledge. The Naztherak may begin to learn Ilzakarn as they master their occult pyromancy, and most masters and few rare scholars of questionable morals are versed enough to hold conversation in the language. Unlike Al’tahrn-Durngo it lacks the staticy, ear-biting quality when heard, but rather can cause mortal listeners and speakers to feel faint, fleeting pulses of warmth which if prolonged may induce mild sweating akin to the physical of anxiety. Where the Black Language causes exhaustion and stinging in the eyes of those who read it, the Chaotic Tongue induces dryness and agitation in the eyes when its glyphs are read. As well, all markings of Ilzakarn darken upon what they are written, ink or carvings appearing charred or irregular in texture and feel warm to the touch. It is quite possible for certain names, such as those signatures of powerful greater Inferi, to spawn fire upon what they are inscribed and are unsafe to be recorded lest they ignite a hidden tome or scorch a rock face. [Recorded on a separate document to avoid metagaming]. General Redlines: - Ilzakarn may only be read, written, and spoken by individuals who currently study and practice Naztherak or were users of it in the past. - Mortals not studying Naztherak who come to hear the language will feel an uncomfortable warmth and anxiety, and reading it if transcribed would be as if looking painfully into a bright flame, their eyes becoming dry and agitated. Written runes in Ilzakarn may be uncomfortably warm to the touch, though not enough to burn an individual directly. - Inferi may speak Ilzakarn as their native tongue, at will without any side effects. - For a spell to be inscribed within a Grimoire, it must be written in Ilzakarn with Rakir. To then cast the spell, the proper incantation in Ilzakarn must be spoken aloud by the Naztherak. ⛧ Malflame Conjuration “Cursed flame, darkember, the devil’s brand, hellfire — call it what you will..” The most notable and definitive ability of Naztherak beyond that of Infernal Summoning — Malflame Conjuration, which allows the Prince their many great feats, branching off into further, more advanced applications of the infernal. It is a dastardly practice, wringing forth a damnable fire from the depths of Moz Strimoza itself, possessing far more heinous properties than any spark or ember known to the common man. While flame of the material consumes that which is physical, it is the wicked, blasphemous nature of Malflame which targets a far more metaphysical presence within its victims, leaving those touched by its ire in utter torment as their very soul is burned from within them. Such practice is the Prince’s primary tool in combat, as well as being key in numerous other feats such as restoring maleus or as a catalyst in several rituals. Usage and Application Malflame may be summoned forth from Moz Strimoza by a Prince by means of utilizing their Grimoire, consuming the Nazthrak’s maleus in exchange for the infernal flame wrought forth. Whilst the spells and inscribings for such lie within the Grimoire, it is the Prince alone who may bring them forth, as they are the author of such an accursed opus. Its use requires that the individual be able to read and speak aloud the necessary incantation in Ilzakarn, as well as possess the Brand which prevents them from being burned by their own infernal spell. With this in mind, Malflame may be manipulated in a variety of malicious and devilish ways, as the language of the Inferis is one derived from beings of spite and malevolence, allowing dastardly applications of the element that hinge upon the wording used to conjure forth ignoble cinders. Malflame is a fire-like substance which a Naztherak may conjure, the flame itself may have light or it may not, though it has no heat, nor can it burn objects. It may appear in various colours depending upon the Naztherak who wields it, namely being alien colours such as shades of violet, putrescent pink, sickly green, and other vivid colours. Such flame possesses no light, nor has any effect upon the Material Realm on its own, only agonizing the soul upon direct contact with a soul-bearing individual’s flesh. It ignites the portion of the soul blueprint where upon it strikes a victim, and then inflicts agonizing pain that wracks the body at that point and ebbs at the flesh leaving it blackened, sickly and burning with the Malflame’s afterglow. Spells of malflame scribed in a Naztherak’s grimoire in Rakir take the form of a three part string, a phrase in Ilzakarn glyphs, the same runes which brand inferis to a Prince. These spells are formulated in three parts, the first always the same: ‘rok’ is the core word to malflame spells, ‘fire’ in Ilzakarn. Following ‘rok’ comes the size of the spell added onto ‘rok’, defined as diminutive, small, medium, large, and giant; -maul, -kharv, -kot, -hzak, and -viit. Following the size comes the shape, the form in which the malflame takes on with a hyphen, an instantaneous structure such as a ball or something sustained over time such as a wall. While there are various shapes and applications listed here, not all will be. However, note that any phrase or word not listed may be applied strictly for non-combat purposes. Example spells of malflame written or spoken in Ilzakarn may be: Rokhzak-dhurz , a large malflame ball. Rokkharv-norrvut, a small malfame pillar. Rokkot-niirk vorzhnak, a medium malflame whip laced with Desolation. Size Limitations Malflame may be conjured in four quantities by a False Prince, yet they can only bring forth so much. Even greater feats or quantities may be applied by those with a great amount of natural maleus, often being Inferis or True Princes. These sizes often determine the significance and severity of the spell in question, though some particular shapes may require a particular size for them to function. For example, one would likely not conjure a ‘small’ storm. Maul - Ilzakarn word for ‘diminutive’. Spells which use this root-word are rather harmless in their own right, doing little more than causing distraction or wreaking havoc as opposed to causing true damage. Kharv - Ilzakarn word for ‘small’. Spells which use this root-word are still rather insignificant, though can deal some minor damage, often used to cause pain or torture than outright decimation. Kot - Ilzakarn word for ‘medium’. This is the most commonly used root-word, creating relatively significant spells which can be used to cause moderate damage to victims. Hzak - Ilzakarn word for ‘large’. The least used root-word, often because of how much maleus it costs on its own. It can be used by a high-tiered Prince to conjure anything from waves to storms of hellfire. Most often, these are applied in a more ritualistic fashion, though at times may be used in combat by an individual with a far superior maleus-blood concentration, likely to be an Inferis or True Prince if not multiple Naztherak working together. Non-Combat Casting When in a non-combat circumstance, the Malflame capabilities of a Naztherak know almost no bounds, allowing them to employ their Malflame conjuration in any way which the Ilzakarn language would allow. While they are limited by tier, higher tier Naztherak, especially if in greater number, are capable of performing great feats of hellfire and malice, anything from creating an ember for a visual representation of agony, to decimating an entire landscape in a terrible display — baptizing it in infernal fire. - Malflame may be applied in non-combat in any artistic way the Naztherak wishes so long as it can be invoked through a correlating word in Ilzakarn. While, of course, there is not a word for every shape or form, one might substitute the word ‘rodkar’ if the spell is being used as a small, artistic representation, such as forming a skull out of Malflame in one’s palm. - If combat begins while the Naztherak is casting a non-combat spell, the spell will vanish and they will be forced to fall back to the explicitly listed combat arsenal. - The amount of Malflame a Naztherak can summon is tier-based. A tier-one Prince could not possibly summon a storm of Malflame. Additionally, while emote counts are not explicit in non-combat, reason should be applied. In the event one is trying to summon a Malflame storm, several detailed multi-line emotes would need to be applied, likely around seven or eight at least. Combat Casting While Princes possess more freeform in non-combat, in a more chaotic environment, the Naztherak is drawn to invoke their more diabolical and cruel powers, utilizing only the most wicked spells in their arsenal. Some may find themselves capable of restraint, but typically the Naztherak will find themselves inclined to use spells which cause agony as opposed to outright decimation, though if such is absolutely necessary, the Prince will not hesitate to do what must be done. Kriviir - [T1] [Combat] The first true manipulation of Malflame which a Naztherak is taught, permitting them to invoke a small tongue of flame within their hand, which may be used to burn away at the soul of a mortal within its fleshy vessel. This particular spell yields the greatest crop of maleus from the victim, which may be used to refuel the Warlock’s powers. Mechanics: A Naztherak may create a small, golf-ball sized sphere of Malflame which can be used to drain maleus from a soul-bearing victim upon sustained touch. This particular spell costs only [5] maleus to perform. It requires [2] emotes to charge, and can be sustained for up to [5] emotes, each emote where touch is maintained restoring [5] maleus. For example, sustaining touch for [2] emotes may yield [10] maleus, while [4] emotes restores [20]. Redlines: - Cannot be thrown, must remain in the Naztherak’s hand. - Must have constant contact with the flesh to draw maleus. - If this ability is used to harvest maleus, it may not be NPC’d or ‘happen off-screen.’ It must occur during roleplay with another player-character. - Using secondary personas or throw-away characters to ‘feed’ Maleus to a Naztherak is strictly not allowed. Vhiit - [T2] [Combat] A more combat oriented spell of Malflame which a Naztherak may inscribe, invoking a wreath of Malflame around the Prince’s hand, spiraling up their arm from the elbow. This may be used to burn flesh similarly to that of Kirviir, as well as sending forth cruel punches with minimal burning effect, though nonetheless painful. Mechanics: A Naztherak may create a wreath of Malflame around their Branded hand, which can be used primarily to inflict greater pain when performing physical attacks such as punches. This spell requires an initial [10] maleus to cast, with [2] emotes to conjure the Malflame around the marked hand. It may be maintained for [3] emotes, every additional [3] emotes requiring an extra [5] maleus. Redlines: - Does not draw maleus from contact. - If a Naztherak attempts to wreathe part of their body not covered by their brand, they will suffer Malflame burns and pain just like anyone else. - Cannot be made into a projectile. Rok-Dhurz - [T2] [Combat] A signature spell of Malflame wielders, a result of them compacting their Malflame into spheres of various sizes which they may shoot or lob towards a target, burning any living skin which it touches, yielding a painful wound which many seldom recover from. Mechanics: A Naztherak can create a sphere or ‘ball’ of Malflame which they may cast towards an opponent, these projectiles come in three different sizes; small, which is golf ball sized; medium which is the size of a baseball; and large, which is the size of a standard 3ft diameter beach ball. Each of these requires [2], [3], and [4] emotes to conjure respectively. Projectiles also have ranges of [10], [20], and [30] meters, respectively, before dissipating. The maleus costs for each are [5]/[5]/[10]. Redlines: - Each projectile will travel at about the speed of an overhand baseball throw, regardless of size. - They do not draw maleus upon contact. - The ball of Malflame disperses upon impact and has no ‘splatter'. - By spending [1] extra emote, this spell may have light combustive force added to it. It may dent plate armor, rip cloth, and will cause someone to trip if it strikes their feet. Rok-Heedz - [T3] [Combat] The Naztherak conjures discs of Malflame which they may throw or send whirling towards their target upon the ground. The disc will fly or roll forward at substantial speed and will stop upon coming into contact with flesh or some other hard surface, leaving Malflame burns where flesh it touched. Forming Malflame into a disc requires more fine control than spheres, and those Naztherak with more finesse may find niche uses for a flaming wheel over a flaming ball. Mechanics: A Naztherak can create a disc of Malflame which they may cast towards an opponent, these projectiles come in three different sizes; small, which is the size of a compact disc; medium which is the size of a large dinner plate; and large, which is the size of a bicycle wheel. Each of these requires [2], [3], and [4] emotes to conjure respectively. Projectiles also have ranges of [10], [20], and [30] meters, respectively, before dissipating. The maleus costs for each are [5]/[5]/[10]. Redlines: - Each projectile will travel at about the speed of an overhand baseball throw, regardless of size. - They do not draw maleus upon contact. - The ball of Malflame disperses upon impact and has no ‘splatter'. - Discs and spheres are similar in function, but discs require more fine control of Malflame, thus requiring a higher tier Naztherak to grasp adequately. - By spending [1] extra emote, this spell may have light combustive force added to it. It may dent plate armor, rip cloth, and will cause someone to trip if it strikes their feet. Rok-Kirluk - [T3] [Combat] A better spell for a more detering Naztherak, who seeks to keep his opponents at a safe distance by using the terrible powers of Malflame, creating a funnel of flame which streams towards opponents, searing them so long as they are touched. Mechanics: A Naztherak may create a cone of Malflame which may be projected forwards in the form of a flamethrower. This funnel is no larger than a block in diameter, and cannot exceed ten blocks further than its point of origin, that being the Naztherak themselves. This spell requires [3] emotes to perform, as well as a total of [10] maleus. It may be sustained for up to [4] emotes, requiring an additional [5] maleus every [2] emotes after that. Redlines: - The flamethrower must have its point of origin at the Naztherak themselves, and cannot be conjured anywhere else in proximity. - Cones of Malflame may extend no further than 10 blocks ahead of the user, no wider than one block in width or height. Which is to say Rok-Kirluk may reach a maximum size of 1x10x1 blocks. - A Zar’akal may breathe the Malflame from the mouth or nose etc. by following the same emote count. - This is more intensive on the user than other Malflame spells. They may move at a walk, but any sudden movements such as side-stepping an attack, or ducking behind cover will interrupt the channel. Rok-Ladom - [T3] [Combat] A powerful, foe-deterring spell which can leave those in its wake in utter agony, a wave of hellfire sweeping over them and disfiguring and warping their very flesh. Such a cruel spell is often used as crowd control by the more fiendish Naztherak which wield this hellish fire. Mechanics: A Naztherak may conjure a wave of Malflame which will move towards its targets, holding no solidarity nor force, yet completely dousing any it touches in Malflame. The wave itself has a maximum size of [2] meters tall and [3] meters wide. It requires [3] emotes and [15] maleus to conjure, and will continue to move forward either until it hits something, or it has exceeded a twenty meter distance from its point of origin, dissipating afterwards, not requiring sustenance to be sustained. Redlines: - The point of origin of the wave must be the Naztherak themselves. - The wave has no force whatsoever, and will merely pass over any targets, leaving searing Malflame embers upon any unprotected skin. - After moving toward the target, the wave cannot be controlled such as turned/rotated or raised up etc. - It may travel in any cardinal direction, including up and down, but may only move continuously in that direction. Rok-Argal - [T4] [Combat] A deterring, more defensive barrier of Malflame which a Naztherak may conjure. While a wall of mundane fire may only deter one to a degree, the effects of a wall of hellfire are not to be taken lightly, as walking through it with exposed skin will cause excruciating pain to those who dare to traverse its scorn. Mechanics: A Naztherak may create a wall of Malflame in [3] emotes, which provides a deterring barrier in front of them or another, albeit not very defensive. The wall is purely composed of malflame, scaling up to [3] meters tall, and may be made at a minimum of [3] meters in length, and [1] in depth. It cannot be moved once charging begins, a spot glowing the colour of the Prince’s Malflame appearing in the location it is being conjured The overall cost of the wall is [15] maleus and the length of the wall may be extended by [3] meters for every [10] maleus added to the cost. The wall will last for 5 emotes, and may only be summoned within 16 blocks of the caster as long as they have direct line of sight with the location. Redlines: - A Prince may summon it anywhere within 16 blocks of their current position. - They must have direct line of sight with the location they wish to summon it. - The wall has no force whatsoever, and one may pass through it, leaving searing Malflame embers upon any unprotected skin. - One may not move the wall after casting begins. - Only one wall may be formed at a time. Rok-Norrvut - [T4] [Combat] Columns of flame are not unfamiliar to magickal fire-tamers, but are more often associated with the intervention of Aenguls and Daemons. The Warlock may pervert this likeness, using their wicked flame to create seething pillars as a means to obstruct or deter their foe. Mechanics: A Naztherak creates two pillars of Malflame in front or around them. They cannot be moved once charging begins, a spot glowing the colour of the Prince’s Malflame appearing in the location it is being conjured. They can be conjured in two [2] emotes, and lasts for up to five emotes afterwards. Only two may be conjured at a time by a Prince, and it is only one block in diameter. This spell requires ten [10] maleus to conjure at two blocks high; fifteen [15] maleus at three blocks high and twenty [20] maleus to conjure up to five blocks high. Pillars may not be summoned more than sixteen blocks away from the Naztherak, and they must also have line of sight with the location they intend to summon it at. Redlines: - The pillar must originate from the floor or ground. It may not levitate in mid-air. - It has no mass whatsoever, and may be passed through freely, but will scorch the soul at the location of exposed flesh. - Only one may be conjured at a time by a single Prince. Should they attempt to cast another, the original will collapse in on itself. - A pillar may be conjured at most [16] blocks away from the Naztherak. - One requires line of sight with the position, in order to summon a pillar there. - One may not move the pillar after casting begins. Rok-Niirk - [T4] [Combat] An agile selection of the Malflame spells where a Naztherak may conjure forth a whip or lasso made of cursed flame. While it functions as an intimidating sight for mortals to see and is no less painful than any other weapon in the Prince’s arsenal, its effects upon Inferi are more interesting. Against demonic imps and beasts, the whip or lasso possesses physical mass, and may be used to bind or bring them to heel. Mechanics: A Naztherak conjures a whip or lasso of pure Malflame into their hand. A whip-like conjuration functions as a bullwhip and may be lashed at a foe, while a lasso may be flung with the intention of ensnaring a target over the head etc. Summoning either takes three emotes to fully manifest and costs fifteen [15] maleus. Whips and lassos may be at most [8] metres in length, and last for five emotes. These conjurations naturally possess physical properties, allowing a Naztherak to whip or lasso imps and beasts as well as their mundane counterparts such as descendants or creatures. Redlines: - Zar’ei and greater may be lasso’d, but are capable of breaking free where their lessers are not. - Although the ethereal whip/lasso will burn upon skin contact, it will not bind a mortal player-character. Rok-Krimth - [T5] [Combat] Not unlike the whip-like conjurations of their more novice peers, a master of Malflame manipulation may summon chains of pure Malflame with which to burn and strike continuously against the flesh of mortal men, or to bind infernal adversaries. Mechanics: Similarly to whips and lassos, a Naztherak may conjure chains of seething Malflame into their hands. These may be lashed at a foe in a manner similar to whips, or may be manually placed around the wrists, torso, legs etc. of one’s victim to continuously burn into their flesh. The links of the chain may be as large as the Warlock wishes, but may be no smaller than those of chainmail, and the chain itself may be no longer than [12] metres in length. When used, these chains assume material properties comparable to that of mild steel, providing strong restraints for most demons and nearly all descendants. The conjuration takes four emotes to fully manifest, and consumes [20] maleus whilst lasting for five emotes; this may be extended by spending an additional [5] maleus per two emotes. Redlines: - Imps, Beasts and Zar’ei may be bound with this spell, but Zar’ei/Zezimar may attempt to break free. - Brute Zar’ei may brute force chains to break them, while Malda and Kozun may loosen them to escape. - Although the ethereal chains will burn upon skin contact, it will not bind a mortal player-character. Rok-Zevik - [T5] [Combat] The most powerful and destructive use of Malflame, only able to be performed by creatures whose acumen over fel flame is truly mastered. By conjuring a substantial amount of Malflame, a Prince essentially creates a storm of the accursed fire, which can completely destroy entire groups of men, while leaving the surrounding area virtually unaffected. Mechanics: A mastered Naztherak, may conjure a large storm of Malflame which covers a wide radius of [7] blocks in a dome or column no taller than four [5] blocks inclusive. It must centre around the Prince. This is however, incredibly draining, requiring a large amount of maleus to perform. It costs [35] maleus to perform such a feat, requires [6] emotes to charge, and may be sustained for up to [7] emotes. Redlines: - The firestorm still only burns exposed soul-bearing flesh. - It must centre around the Naztherak and may not be repositioned. - Otherwise the flames pass harmlessly over covered persons. - The storm has no mass and may be passed through easily. General Redlines: - Malflame may only be conjured by a Naztherak, as they possess both the Brand and are able to read the Ilzakarn inscriptions within their Grimoire. One who is not a practicing Naztherak would be unable to conjure Malflame even in the event that they know the Ilzakarn language for whatever reason. - The exception is that Inferi can naturally use Malflame and are immune to only their own Malflame. - A user may move at different speeds while channelling Malflame conjurations depending on the spell tier, but may not employ sudden movement without the spell ending, e.g. dodge-rolling. - May move 4 blocks while channeling T1-3 Spells and 3 blocks during T4 and T5 spells. - While Malflame projectiles do not always have a set range, the more they travel, the more they will weaken. - Naztherak are not immune to the effects of Malflame, only immune to their own when conjured where the Brand is present. - The burning from Malflame is extremely painful, like being pressed against white-hot metal. The pain from such may interrupt casting, and will likely last for several narrative days in the event that the person survives. The effects and pain of Malflame may be alleviated by Holy Magic and may be treated, to a lesser degree, by medicinal painkillers. - Malflame will consume the victim until there is nothing left to consume, as long as there is continuous exposure. Simply landing the hit does not make it an insta-kill. - It may be put out by smothering or submerging in water. - Burns left by Malflame will darken, even blacken in some cases. After healing and scarring, they may still present a subtle glow the colour of the Malflame which caused it. - Malflame cannot burn through cloth, armor, or any other protective material. It must make contact with living flesh or hair on a user in order to be effective. - One may not guide or shoot Malflame through the visor, eyeholes etc. of helms, or similar small gaps in clothing. The skin must be exposed. - Should Malflame conjurations make contact with air evocation spells of T3 or above, they may be blown out or redirected. - Druidic Blight Healing is unable to alleviate the effects of Malflame burns, except in the case of Epiphytes, Soul Trees, or Fae, Treants and animals through the respective Beast-Purging ability. In the case of animals is does not heal the actual wound. ⛧ Demonlore “Oh how they yearn to be freed!” A Prince is naught without a court to call his own, having servants of the Infernal subjugated beneath them in a cruel hierarchy of the Pentacle’s own design. Such a profane practice may be employed with the use of the Naztherak’s Grimoire, much like that of their other enactments of the accursed. With this in mind, the Prince may bind to himself Inferi through the use of Malflame, subjugating them beneath him either by force, or whatever semblance of reason such a heathenous creature holds. However, chaos begotten will yield chaos in turn, often leading to resentment as the very Inferis the Prince has subjugated seldom heeds their words true, for a False Prince is only entitled to false subjects — those who obey in fear by power, yet not righteousness. Subjugation The powers bestowed upon a Naztherak permit them to bind the Infernal and force them to kneel, as a serf to his Prince. Their power is magically bolstered, allowed only by the machinations of the Pentacle, such that even should they be lacking in charisma, will or at least dominance, their Inferi will obey. It is not limitless however, and a weak Prince will find their court may avoid careless or vague commands, loopholing and using half-truths to permit them to act as they please, even sabotaging the Warlock’s plans- all very possible despite a bound Inferis’ inability to directly harm or disobey their master. A Naztherak has two means of dominating an Inferis in order to initially bind it with the powers of their Grimoire. The first is to physically exhaust the Inferis, such as by defeating it in combat, while the second means is to restrain it through mundane or magical means. Neither of these methods are for the faint of heart, and for the scholarly sorts typical of Warlocks, the latter option may be preferable. Subjugate — Shackle [T1] [Combat] The Naztherak summons forth fetters, shackles and chains of Malflame which immediately move to ensnare an Inferis within 10 blocks. These will immobilise a prior-exhausted Inferis, while those who have the strength to fight back can attempt to escape. Attempting to ‘shackle’ an Inferis takes three [3] emotes, one to open the Grimoire, one to speak the incantation and one for the shackles to move to the Inferis and begin binding. Additional emotes after that are more freeform as the Naztherak and Inferis fight. A Prince must expend [20] maleus to shackle and bind an Inferis in such a way. After a successful binding, a new page in the Naztherak’s Grimoire must be filled in with numerous scrawlings about the bound Inferis, and is completed by writing its assigned name at the head of the page. Redlines: - NPC Imps and Beasts may be bound by wrestling them into submission and then Shackle cast upon them. - Imps and Beasts are unable to resist the Shackle spell, but Zar’ei and anything more powerful may attempt to break free. - Player CA Zar’ei and Imps must be roleplayed with, such as bargaining between them and the Naztherak to allow themselves to be bound, or combat to ensue etc. and to then be forcibly bound. - A Naztherak may attempt to bind Inferi which appear in ST events, in which case a player may create a CA to play a Zar’ei bound in such a way. The overseeing ST may refuse and otherwise has discretion about how to handle such cases. - Every attempt to bind an Inferi costs 20 maleus. - This spell does nothing to non-Inferi etc. Alternatively, a Warlock of particularly shrewd bargaining may be able to convince Inferi to be willingly bound. Typically this is only temporary such that the demon and Prince may cooperate toward a common goal, or to wreak havoc in a mutually beneficial fashion. It is only later that each may discover how true to their word the other is. Redlines: - A Naztherak and a CA Inferis may agree to a pact whereby the Inferis is bound in the Grimoire as if shackled. This may be as steeply-priced as the Inferis desires, as long as the agreement is based in RP. - One may also negotiate with Inferi to cease hostilities or otherwise make bargains of a sort in ST events. In which case, the overseeing ST has the discretion to name a price, determine what the Prince receives in exchange etc. They may alternatively reject the chance to bargain. Naz’kuthun Even among False Princes, there are depths to which some may wish to avoid sinking into. Those who are already paving their walkway to damnation may seek other sources of Inferi for their court, those comparatively more dark than other powers possessed by their peers. One such practice among Warlocks is named Naz’kuthun, a ritual which induces the rapid and complete infernalisation of a mortal’s mind, body and soul. Such an act is truly profane, but certainly a practical solution to those Naztherak who seek to bring another into their court, without the legwork of finding stray Inferi. Using Naz’kuthun, a Prince may turn existing player-characters into Inferi, via the corruption of the character in all capacities. The soul warps to a demonic state, with the flesh taking on monstrous mutations, while the victim’s mind is similarly sundered. At the end of the ritual, the character will keep all of their prior memories, but will see the world through a new lens- no longer as a person, but as an abomination. Such an Inferi may regard their prior lives with disgust in such sentimentality or weakness, while others may reflect on their experiences in a new light. In any case the Inferis will now be driven by chaos, spite and the desire to spread turmoil in their wake. This is not to say all will immediately seek to destroy a nearby village, and indeed these Inferi are much like their peers in the capacity for cunning and manipulation. Some will exist as a slow-burning flame, puppeteering great calamities from the shadows, while their more instantaneously gratified counterparts will burn brightly and revel in mayhem and bloodshed. Mechanics: - The victim must be submerged in a bath, basin or pool of blood and gore. A Naztherak may add additional blood and corpses etc. on top of them afterward. - A [T4] Naztherak performing Naz’kuthun will open their Grimoire and begin to read a prepared incantation, whilst infusing [50] maleus into the pool of gore. - The victim will begin to undergo a transformation of mind, body and soul. The process is agonising, but the character is incapable of preventing it at this point. A player must OOCly consent for the ritual to successfully corrupt the character. - Elves, Dwarves, Humans, Orcs, Hou-Zi and Kha will become Zar’ei. - Sprites and similarly small characters will become Imps. - Halflings may choose between the two, but may need to shrink to adhere to Imp size limits. - When the new Inferis emerges from the pool, they are exhausted and easily bound by the Naztherak. At this point the player may create a CA for the playable Inferis. - A Prince may perform the same ritual upon animals to create imps and beasts, acting as sufficient roleplay to justify their later summoning. Redlines: - Only a Naztherak of at least T4 may perform Naz’kuthun. They must be taught the ritual through roleplay. - OOC consent from all parties is required for a Prince to transform a player-character into an Inferis. - Humanoid player-characters, including Kha and Hou-Zi become Zar’ei, and may choose their ‘type’ appropriately. For example an Elf may decide to be either a [Knight] or a [Mage] type, while an Orc may choose to be a [Brute] or [Knight] type etc. - CA Sprites and other small creatures become Imps. - Halflings may choose to become a Zar’ei or Imp, but must abide by all redlines of either, e.g. height limit of Imps. - If an Olog undergoes Naz’kuthun, it may become a [Brute] type Zar’ei, but must adhere to the redlines of Zar’ei, including their height/build restrictions. - The player-character must possess a soul and a body in order to be transformed by Naz’kuthun. Liches, Darkstalkers, ghosts, Sorvians etc. may not be turned into Inferi. - Characters transformed in this way will lose their prior magics. - Being transformed into an Inferi is utterly irreversible. - All Inferi are subject to the redlines and mechanics as outlined in the Infernal Compendium. Invocation By means of invocation through infernal incantation, the Prince may summon forth one of their own bound Inferi which they have subjugated, sending them forward to enact the Naztherak’s cruel will. While demons of greater power may indeed be bound and wrought forth by the Prince, there may be instances in which the Naztherak may have need for a weaker, less significant power to whom they appoint their malice. This practice requires that the Prince had inscribed a rune within their Grimoire associating to the particular Inferis upon their initial binding, thus allowing them to call it forth. A Naztherak may summon a bound, non-playable Inferis as an independent combat summon, though only to a particular tier of demon. Both Imp and Beast Inferi may be summoned interchangeably depending on the circumstance and how the Naztherak wishes to apply their court to the situation. To do this, they must speak the incantation correlating to the Inferis they wish to summon, which will then be brought forth. Aesthetic is left up to the Naztherak, allowing them anything from Malflame chains pulling the demon forth from the ground, to the Inferis appearing in an explosion of Malflame. Of course, such creatures must be coaxed, and thus the Prince must offer a certain amount of maleus to bring them forth into the Material World and wreak the havoc both the Prince and their court so desire. Invocation — Zevn [T1] [Independant Summon] [Combat] A Naztherak may call forth a bound imp, assuming they possess one. They may do this in three emotes; one to open their Grimoire to the right page, one to begin the incantation, and one to summon forth the imp, which can take anywhere from one to two emotes. Multiple imps may be summoned at once by taking two emotes for every additional imp, up to two being able to exist at once typically. They will last for up to eight emotes, at the cost of five maleus per imp, and can be sustained further by spending an additional five maleus, unless they are killed or dismissed prior to their maximum duration. While the imps tend to follow the mechanics and behavior as listed in the Infernal Compendium, they do possess some minor differences. Imps summoned, while following the general commands of a Prince, follow them vaguely if at all, causing unnecessary destruction and chaos even in simple tasks. They are rather unintelligent, unable to wield more than rudimentary weapons such as clubs or crude maces, and also have a limited capacity to control Malflame. Redlines: - Zevn may be conjured even if the Naztherak has not bound a player-character imp, though the roleplay of binding the NPC imp should still be present for one to summon it later on. - Zevn summons follow their respective behaviors, redlines, mechanics, and abilities listed in the Infernal Compendium, unless explicitly stated otherwise. - Zevn require five maleus to summon initially per imp. Expending five additional maleus will extend the summon by a further eight emotes. - Although a Naztherak may have at most two imps in combat simultaneously, they may possess up to five under their command in non-combat scenarios. Invocation — Zekul [T2] [Dependant/Independant Summon] [Combat] A Naztherak may call forth a bound Zekul, a beast, assuming they possess one. Only one Zekul may be conjured at once, ranging from the size of a housecat to the size of a warhorse or grizzly bear at the very most. They will last for up to six emotes after initially summoning, though may remain longer should the Prince spend an additional ten [10] maleus, unless they are killed or dismissed prior to their maximum duration. The quantity of Maleus and emotes used varies upon the size of the Beast, with larger Zekul requiring more bribery and coaxing. A Beast up to the size of a dog, may be summoned in three emotes, at the cost of [10] Maleus; a wolf, big cat or horse-sized Beast, may be summoned in four emotes, costing [15] Maleus; finally a Zekul up to the size of a grizzly bear requires six emotes to conjure, and costs [20] Maleus. Redlines: - The roleplay of binding the NPC Beast should be present for one to summon it later on. - Zekul summons follow their respective behaviors, redlines, mechanics, and abilities listed in the Infernal Compendium, unless explicitly stated otherwise. - Zekul between the size of a housecat and dog require [3] emotes and cost [10] Maleus. - Those between the size of a wolf and a horse require [4] emotes and cost [15] Maleus. - Larger Beasts up to the size of a grizzly bear require [6] emotes and cost [20] Maleus. - Although a Naztherak may have at most one beast in combat simultaneously, they may possess up to four under their command in non-combat scenarios. Invocation - Zar’ei [T3] [Non-Combat] Although a Naztherak may not conjure a Zar’ei as they do lesser Inferi such as imps and beasts, they may reconstitute bound ‘Twisted Ones’ who meet their demise by steel and sorcery. A Warlock requires only the most meagre remains of the Inferi in question, such as blood, charred bone or even ashes. Here the maleus does not act as a bribe for the Inferis, but is used to refuel them. This may be performed in no fewer than five emotes; one to open their Grimoire, one to speak the incantation, one to ignite the remains with Malflame and two for the Zar’ei to reform. It may not be performed in combat. Redlines: - The roleplay of binding an NPC Zar’ei should be present for the creation of the player CA later. - Zar’ei follow their respective behaviors, redlines, mechanics, and abilities listed in the Infernal Compendium, unless explicitly stated otherwise. - Zar’ei require [50] maleus to be reconstituted. - Reconstituting a Zar’ei in such a way must follow all rules of Monk Revival mechanics. - One may not use this to summon a CA Zar’ei in combat. - A Naztherak may not have more than three Zar’ei. Invocation — Zentherak [T5] [EVENT ONLY] A skilled Warlock, or perhaps one merely charismatic and lucky enough to have bound a Zentherak to their court, may summon it as they do of Inferi several rungs below a ‘True Prince.’ The devastating power of Infernal beings of this stature however, is not to be taken lightly, and a Prince will likely have only a few permitted uses of such a summoning. To perform such a feat, the Naztherak may do so in six emotes; one to open their Grimoire, one to speak the incantation, then four for the Zentherak to emerge in all its fel glory. Redlines: - The summoning of Zentherak is restricted to event-only encounters. - An ST overseeing the event has the discretion to ask for additional reasonable requirements from the player, in order to summon a Zentherak, such as a living sacrifice, offerings etc. for the sake of fairness. - A summoned Zentherak is permitted to stay for the entirety of an event, unless it is defeated, or withdraws due to injury etc. - This drains the Naztherak’s entire pool of maleus, no matter how great or meagre. General Redlines: - Any aesthetic of summoning cannot change the function nor have any damaging influence, and it must also fit the general theme of Naztherak. It would not make sense to summon Inferi from a snowy portal. - For aesthetic/flavor/environmental purposes, a Naztherak is not limited in the number of Inferi they may have wandering about their lair, though these will serve no combat or RP advantage, acting as NPCs. - A Naztherak may not summon Inferi beyond Zevn and Zekul in combat. They may be accompanied by CA Inferi prior to combat, but these may not be summoned from the Grimoire at whim. - Accompanying CA Inferi contribute to the player cap for raids and other banditry. - Players cannot possess more than three CA Zar’ei in their court. - They may also not have more than five imps, NPC or CA, four beasts and three Zar'ei in their court. ⛧ Narthruzka “Yet the taint of his own spirit was not enough, nae - he had to set the ruin of others as well...” The cruelty of the Infernal Lords knows no bounds, their dominance of lessers absolute. It is of little surprise then that their abominable countenance should pass on to mortal Princes like an infection. Such is the origin of Malices; Infernal inclinations which take root within the Naztherak’s very soul, at their first connection to their Princely Powers. They are not without their uses to those who dabble in devilry, but Malices further warp the Warlock’s mind when adopted as their own. An accomplished Naztherak who takes on a further pact, undertaking tutelage in the art of Curses, will find themselves capable of empowering their Malflame with the ire of their Malice, to further scourge their victims and adversaries. Other Warlocks will discover that a more subtle approach can be equally as devastating, burning the Malice into objects and harrowing their enemies with debilitating curses. Whether a Prince realises so or not, this spreading of cruelty only guarantees more tormented souls for the grinder within Moz Strimoza, such is the nefarious purpose of this spiteful art. Cursed Fire Cursed Idols A Naztherak may also be taught to take objects or ‘idols’ and curse them with profane properties. These are then to be distributed as the Prince sees fit, whether casting them out into the world, sown like seeds of spite to cause misery and turmoil among mortals, or offered to unwitting recipients disguised as harmless gifts. A Prince may even sell or trade such objects to those mortals with a spitefulness akin to their own, who seek to achieve the downfall of their brethren. To create such devilish devices, the Prince must prepare an area for ritual. This may be an elaborate altar with all manner of occult embellishments, or just a corner of a cave in moments of urgency. Preparing the ritual requires a complex pentacle of Ilzakarn script, scrawled in rakir, which details the Malice used and what manner of curse is being placed upon the idol. With an adequately prepared place to perform the deed, a Warlock places the idol in the circle’s centre, then opens their Grimoire and invokes their Malflame as a catalyst, whilst feeding the ritual with maleus to begin the process. Candles may flicker, alien whispers may be heard and other supernatural phenomena occur as the ritual is performed. The ritual burns the Ilzakarn into the object like a circuit board or a set of instructions, and uses the Naztherak’s maleus to initially charge the idol, finalising the curse laid upon it. - Creating a curse requires the ritual as described above, a minimum of four good-quality multi-line emotes, and may not take place during combat. - One’s Grimoire must be present to create a curse, except for a Zar’akal. - Creating a cursed idol consumes forty [40] maleus from the Naztherak per object. Assuming one has enough maleus to do so, multiple objects may be simultaneously imbued with the same curse. - An idol may only be cursed with a single Malice. After this dark ritual is completed, the cursed idol’s effects could be described as passive and continuous, constantly prepared to prey upon soul-bearing creatures. Physical skin-contact with the idol is enough for the curse to begin taking effect, but consistency is required for the curse to progress to its fullest effects. To sustain themselves without the need for a Naztherak to revisit their victim, an idol will siphon off minute slivers of soul essence from their bearer; if they instead possess maleus, the idol will consume this in the same fashion. Over the course of weeks and months, if there is consistent contact with the idol, its curse will grow and develop from mere cinders to an all consuming flame, capable of destroying one’s life. An idol can be difficult to detect, allowing an innocuous possession or even a treasured gift to secretly bring mayhem and suffering into the lives of mortals, without their knowing. Should such an idol be discovered however, Holy magicks can strip it of a curse, or even non-magickal folk may destroy the object in question through mundane means. - Curses provide long-term effects as detailed by the corresponding Malice. They take three [3] IRL days of possessing the idol to ramp up to their most debilitating effects. - They do not require recharging, and sustain themselves by gnawing at the bearer’s soul essence(alternatively maleus) periodically. No emotes are required. - An individual under the effect of a cursed idol may be alleviated of the curse by a Paladin’s purging ability, or any similar ability from other Holy magics. - Idols may be purged of their curse by the Paladin enchantment Sunlight’s Wrath, or a similar ability from other Holy magics, keeping the object itself intact. - The idol itself may also be destroyed by non-magical means. A cursed necklace may be melted down in a forge, a cursed pocket watch can be smashed with a hammer and so on. As long as the Ilzakarn ‘circuit’ upon the idol is destroyed, then the curse is broken. - When destroyed or purged, the dregs of maleus within the idol are released as a small curl of vile smoke, before dissipating entirely. - Although one may begin to realise that their behaviour changes after acquiring the cursed idol, or that they experience supernatural symptoms within its proximity, it’s considered metagaming to simply read the item’s description and immediately know it is cursed. Woe An idol cursed with Woe will cause the bearer to, over the course of the first few IRL hours, become progressively more miserable and depressive. They may merely take to brooding for hours, or may lack the motivation to cook and clean. As this progresses into the second IRL day many will find themselves unable to leave their bed, wallowing in self-loathing and turmoil. They may forgo cleaning, eating or other activities necessary to function. On the third IRL day, victims may not be capable of taking care of themselves, and even forgo activities which once brought them joy. Particularly susceptible personalities may even consider suicide. Lies An idol cursed with Lies will initially cause the bearer to begin responding to yes or no questions incorrectly on occasion. As this progresses into the second IRL day of the curse, a victim may attempt to weave a complex web of lies around themselves or others, which require further deception lest they be revealed as a sham. Developing further into the third IRL day, the cursed individual may even begin to believe their own lies, whether through sheer delusion or out of necessity to maintain this fragile fantasy they’ve constructed. A discovered liar may quickly realise the consequences of crying wolf. Revolt An idol cursed with Revolt will cause the victim to feel a gradually increasing sensation of disgust within themselves. Initially this may begin with merely a nudge to avoid certain individuals, objects, activities or even one’s appearance, as chosen upon creation by the Naztherak. After a second IRL day, this progresses toward an innate aversion to specific things, such as attending church, speaking certain words, or even possessions from one’s home. At its peak, after three IRL days, those cursed with Revolt may feel physically nauseous, skin-crawling sensations and other instinctual responses of disgust from the fixation of their Revolt. Some may be physically incapable of looking at their own reflection, for how utterly repulsive they find themselves to be. Madness An idol cursed with Madness will incite psychological discord within a victim. This begins with only minor symptoms, such as easily dismissed sensory hallucinations, or habitual and ritualistic behaviours. As the curse progresses into the second IRL day, the symptoms exacerbate, until friends and family would certainly notice the victim’s ‘disturbed’ nature from their usual selves. Paranoia may emerge here, along with more complex delusions, such as the belief others can hear their thoughts. After three IRL days the victim’s mental state deteriorates and they may become catatonic, or isolate themselves to avoid the triggers of their specific malady. Removing the curse’s effect with Holy magic will not automatically undo the trauma this Malice causes. There is no quick fix and overcoming this trauma will take IRL weeks. Players are also reminded to be tasteful, and that mental illness is more likely to lead one to hurt themselves rather than others. This Malice should not be used as a means for edgy 'serial killer’ roleplay etc. Desolation An idol cursed with Desolation is a truly spiteful weapon. The first stage occurs within the first IRL day of possessing the idol, where the most recent of memories will begin to degrade in accuracy. This may lead to simple mis-remembering of events, or requiring triggers such as smells, or coaching from others to assist the victim. At this point, it can be easily dismissed as forgetfulness. Upon the second IRL day however, this curse begins to attack memories from further into the past and particularly those which hold significance to the victim, such as birthdays, their wedding day, or even the birth of their children. This likely leads to frustration from others and the victim, that they continuously fail to grasp these important aspects of their past. Finally in the third IRL day, the curse burns away at fundamental pieces of the victim’s personality, such as lifelong skills, names, remembered faces and to a lesser extent even language. In this final stage the victim experiences true Desolation, as they as a person are obliterated, destroyed without a drop of blood spilt. Temptation An idol cursed with Temptation will cause the bearer to become progressively more distracted and preoccupied with their desires. Within the first IRL day they may experience reduced impulse control, resulting in the stealing valuables, if for example one is a material individual, or may become vocally obsessed over a love interest. Moving into the second IRL day of the curse, a victim will experience a degradation of social inhibitions, for example resulting in poor etiquette, not respecting the personal space of a love interest, or even speaking uncouthly of another within earshot. Finally in the third IRL day, a victim of Temptation will find their willpower diminished and are driven by the need to obtain objects of their desire; whether material goods, knowledge or even people. Dread An idol cursed with Dread inspires a growing terror and paranoia within its victim. In the first IRL day of the curse, this creeping fear will be akin to a feeling of being watched and being easily startled by sudden movement in the periphery, or loud noises. Progressing into the second IRL day, anxious symptoms intensify and will fixate upon one of a number of possible triggers, essentially causing the victim to develop a phobia. In the final stage of the curse(after 3 IRL days), this phobia will be allconsuming, the expectation of encountering its trigger will inspire paranoia and delusional thinking, such as an arachnophobe believing their mattress is filled with spiders. At this point the fear is far beyond rational and the victim will abandon almost all reason, save for self-preservation, should they encounter the trigger of their phobia. A Naztherak creating a Dread-cursed idol may choose from the following phobias at creation, and may not change the phobia once the curse is created: Fear of any given animal/creature including dragonkin, chimeras, manticores etc. Fear of a specific inanimate object, as defined by the Prince Fear of confined spaces/being buried alive Fear of germs, dirt or the unsanitary Fear of drowning/deep water Fear of open spaces/crowds Fear of thunderstorms Fear of falling/heights Fear of the dark/night Fear of holy symbols Fear is difficult to assuage in such victims and similar to Madness, even those who receive the help of Paladins or other Holy magics in purging their curse, will require IRL weeks to unlearn the phobia, such is the truly cruel facet of this Malice. Venom An idol cursed with Venom debilitates its victim with extreme symptoms, which mimic those of a toxic snake bite. Within two IRL hours of the curse, a clammy sweat sets in, followed by nausea and discomfort in the joints of the victim. One may easily dismiss these as symptoms of a mundane illness. They can be mitigated some by normal medicinal treatment, but won’t subside. During the second IRL day, the clamminess develops into a fever, accompanied by vomiting and in some cases mild delirium such as hallucinations. Dehydration is a potential danger here. After the third IRL day, the victim will experience difficulty breathing and abnormal functioning of the heart, such as palpitations. Were someone to have pre-existing conditions of the heart or lungs, this would be greatly aggravated and may even lead to death. The curse alone is unable to kill a physically healthy individual unless with OOC consent, otherwise only greatly weakening them. Gluttony An idol cursed with Gluttony is a dark totem indeed. Initially the victim will experience an increase in appetite and thirst, accompanied by nausea, which is a minor inconvenience and easily sated by simply indulging cravings. Upon the second IRL day of their curse they will discover that mundane food and drink cannot satiate this gnawing demand within their body. The aroma or taste of blood will be more appealing than that of wine, and the smell of flesh will prove more appetising than seasoned meats. After three IRL days of possessing the idol, the victim will find their body’s need for mundane food has been replaced by an unnatural hunger for the flesh and blood of their own race. Pestilence An idol cursed with Pestilence is a potent font of disease. Placed upon the person or in the home of one’s victim, it will begin to spread a malaise to those who come into direct contact with it, or those in frequent proximity to where it’s kept. Over the course of the first IRL day, victims experience this malaise as a general feeling of being unwell, accompanied by chills and a rising temperature. At this point, they will likely seek the assistance of a healer for what they believe is a mundane sickness. During the second IRL day, the supernatural plague advances to a persistent cough and shortness of breath, accompanied by blood in the phlegm and a weeping bloody discharge from the eyes and nose, while the temperature rises to a fever. At this point a healer’s attempts to manage symptoms will begin to fail. In the third IRL day of the curse, the prior symptoms persist and likely force the victim to remain in bed due to weakness. Necrosis may additionally begin to spread up the extremities, starting with toes and finger-tips, to begin consuming the victim with rot and disease. If the idol is destroyed, or ‘Holy’ magic is used to cure the curse, tissue death can be reversed if the victim wishes(OOC consent required). Healers are also at risk of becoming cursed, if they enter a victim’s home to treat them while the cursed idol still functions. Misfortune An idol cursed with Misfortune will sabotage the efforts of the Naztherak’s victim in almost all capacities, from the everyday to the magical. During their first IRL day of the curse, the victim may stub their toe, cut themselves shaving or overcook their evening meal, minor inconveniences easily attributed to benign bad luck. Advancing into their second IRL day, alchemists may find their potions have spoiled, Mages fizzle their spells without explanation and mundane mortals may lose their possessions or otherwise encounter numerous and consistent inconveniences. Upon the third IRL day, more dangerous mishappenings will emerge, such as falling down the stairs, windows falling shut upon one’s head and other supernaturally suspicious accidents. In this state, a victim would start to feel like someone was out to get them. It is up to the player to roleplay Misfortune appropriately, whether they choose to roll for the chance of Misfortune striking, roleplay a series of unfortunate outcomes, or indeed succumb to a tragic end during an event etc. Redlines: - Cursed idols require an ST-signed RP item as enchanted objects. They should adhere to the ST’s criteria for enchanted objects. - One may not curse multiple objects with different curses within the same ritual. - One may not stack multiple Malices upon the same object. - Druidic Blight Healing has no effect upon cursed idols. - Creating a curse is not possible in a combat scenario. - Curses are not immediately detectable, but one may roleplay a gradual realisation that the idol is supernatural. - The Paladin Purge ability, or similar abilities in other ‘Holy’ magics, will remove the effects of a curse from its victim. - If the idol is not destroyed, the victim may find themselves cursed again, taking another 3 IRL days to ramp up to its full effects. - The Paladin enchantment Sunlight’s Wrath, or similar abilities in other ‘Holy’ magics, are able to destroy the idol’s curse permanently. - Cursed idols are not immune to damage. They are functionally ordinary objects and can be smashed, melted in lava etc. - If an idol is destroyed, it takes a full 3 IRL days for its curse to pass, unless expedited by ‘Holy’ magics. - Characters may not be used as a cursed idol, e.g. Shapeshifted Izkuthii - Izkuthii and Sorvian masks may also not be cursed, but they can still be affected by Malice-infused Malflame spells. - If an idol is placed within a player’s home, the inventory may not be locked to prevent access for its removal or destruction. - Curses cannot affect constructs and non-soulbearing entities, with the exception of Sorvians, which possess Soul Essence to fuel a curse. - Tree Lords can be affected by curses, but in place of ‘Holy’ magical intervention may be cured by the Purge ability of Druidic Blight Healing. General Redlines: - A Naztherak must reach [T3] to be taught Curses/Nathruztar. - Curses as a subtype has no tier progression, and occupies one [1] slot. - One may teach Curses after [1] month of possessing it. They must also have been taught how to infuse their Malice into Malflame spells and how to create a cursed idol. - The Prince's TA should be updated with this subtype, when the allotted time is reached, should they wish to teach it. ⛧ Pacting “Absolute power corrupts absolutely.” While the practitioners of Naztherak may obtain for themselves power by research and force, their studies will not have gone unnoticed by unseen eyes. For when a Prince makes their first pact, the deal is sealed on behalf of a higher, more diabolical power. At the precipice of a mortal’s descent into the infernal, a Zar’rokul lays claim to slivers of their soul and watches over them, as a beastly benefactor grooming them ever closer to the needs and desires which serve the Rokul’s own ends. The Naztherak is unaware of this patronage, as is the design of their powers as wrought by the Pentacle, lest meek apprentices learn too quickly of their mephistophelean downfall and wrench what remains of their soul beyond the demons’ grasp. Instead the Zar’rokul moves pieces upon a board, creating opportunity or even placing obstacles in the path of their newest toy. It is only when the Prince achieves a level of blinkered, zealous pursuit of further knowledge, or at least jadedness, that they may earn the privilege of contacting their patron. Nizarhuk A Naztherak who has grown further invested in their demonic powers, may seek to open a means of communication with their patron, who until such a point has remained anonymous. To achieve this the Prince must create a pact, not dissimilar to that which they may have initiated at the beginning of their journey upon the infernal path. This pact begins with a ritual to draw the eye of the Prince’s patron such that they can conduct nizarhuk or “communion” with the Zar’rokul. Although the outcome of nizarhuk is typically the same regardless of the Prince and their patron, there may be minor variations in the pact’s smallprint, suited to the Rokul’s specific wants. The Prince must prepare a ritual pentacle drawn in rakir, not unlike those required for Curses, and similarly it may be embellished with candles and other occult objects if one desires. In this case, the Ilzakarn scrawlings call upon the Pentacle of Moz Strimoza to witness it, and in the centre of this pentagram an offering bowl is placed. A Naztherak already in possession of Pacting who is teaching a student, should assist in assembling the ritual to demonstrate each step and such will not impact the ritual itself. Into the bowl, the Prince must offer their own blood such as by cutting the palm. This need not fill the bowl entirely, but the offering must not be wanting. Into this the Prince then wills a sliver of their maleus, to create a rakir of their own blood used only in this ritual. The rakir will shift and bubble as if being heated, until pale plasma-like fluid will appear to separate from the main body of the substance. This swirl of plasma will then form the likeness or name of the Zar’rokul who has chosen the Naztherak, revealing their identity. At this point the Prince must then fill the remaining contents of the bowl with the blood of the animal corresponding with their patron, by means of slitting the creature open and spilling its blood as a sacrifice. A goat for Velkuzat, a bat for Drazhana, a snake for Kiiztria, a crow for Kholidav, or a black cat for Zathairn. Filling the bowl with animal blood, the Naztherak has made their offering and the Zar’rokul will answer, by either manifesting as an avatar before them or speaking through the body of the sacrifice. Drinking their fill of the Warlock’s pool of maleus, the Rokul will then acknowledge the Prince as chosen by them, makes their offer and names their price. The Naztherak may agree or refuse, the latter will cancel the ritual and the Prince receives nothing for their spent blood and maleus. Upon striking their bargain a fresh page within the Prince’s Grimoire will mysteriously become inscribed with the pact. Written entirely in Ilzakarn, it details the terms agreed upon, including the price: a further sliver of the Prince’s soul, allowing the Zar’rokul into their mind, and one permanent mutation. It also lists the prizes one has paid for: a familiar, the Rokul’s own Malice and the knowledge of and ability to use Boons and Banes. Mechanics: - Performing nizarhuk requires the ritual described above, in a minimum of four good-quality multi-line emotes, which may not take place during combat. - The Naztherak’s grimoire must be present throughout, unless they are also a Zar’akal. - The TA-holder teaching the Pacting subtype must be present throughout the ritual and guide the student through the process. - Players are encouraged to have various flavourful supernatural phenomena occur during the ritual, and are permitted to be creative insofar that it is not abused to seriously harm bystanders. - In their bargaining with the Zar’rokul, the Naztherak must allow them to consume the entirety of their pool of maleus, no matter how full or how large their maximum pool. - The Rokul will also demand a further sliver of the Prince’s soul, permanently slotting Pacting. - As a result of further corruption of their soul, the Naztherak will inherit a permanent mutation unable to be hidden, which bears a likeness to their patron. Such things may include scales, a bat-like nose, forked tongue, fangs, cat-like eyes, vestigial wings etc., but may not grant any combat or mechanical advantage. - Lastly the Prince must allow their patron into their mind, causing vivid nightmares at least once a week. If one attempts to forgo sleep to avoid these, they will instead manifest as waking hallucinations. Either may be visions of their patron, inferi or Moz Strimoza. These cannot be cured with medicinal aids, only ever granting temporary reprieve. - Upon successful completion of nizarhuk, the Prince may also adopt the Malice associated with their patron. Gluttony from Velkuzat, Dread from Drazhana, Venom from Kiiztria, Pestilence from Kholidav and Misfortune from Zathairn. - After acquiring Pacting, the patron may also telepathically contact the Prince to goad them into certain actions, such as interfering in world events, sabotaging the efforts of a rival Zar’rokul and their servants, or other flavourful means of grooming the Warlock into serving their patron. - Nizarhuk may be performed again for flavour roleplay after acquiring Pacting, or used for ST events where the Prince wishes to consult with their patron, but may not be used to metagame or stall combat etc. - An ST with manager approval may roleplay as a Zar’rokul for the purposes of communion rituals, eventlines or for telepathic communication to a pacted Naztherak. Redlines: - An accepted Naztherak MA, and T3 is required to perform this ritual and thus acquire Pacting. - One may not conduct the ritual during combat. - If an ST member is not available to roleplay the Zar’rokul during the ritual, the teacher is permitted to play them instead only for the purposes of their student acquiring the Pacting subtype. In which case the Rokul is scripted to its offer and price, and may not make unique demands of the Warlock. - After the pact is complete, the player must notify the ST to update their MA appropriately. - One may teach Pacting to another Naztherak after possessing it for 1 IRL month. A TA may be updated accordingly. - The Prince must wait the full 12 hours after the Zar’rokul has consumed their maleus, before it replenishes, as they have no maleus with which to cast kraviir. - Permanent mutations are not able to be hidden and do not respond to casting. They must have some likeness to the Zar’rokul one has pacted under. Again these must be unsettling or grotesque. - The nightmares and subsequent adverse effects upon the Prince must be roleplayed, whether that is as a disturbed mentality, extreme tiredness due to an inability to sleep, or other such symptoms. - Alchemical, magical or herbal sleep aids have a diminished effect upon a Prince’s nightmares, at best working by half their typical strength. This may not be bypassed by taking extra doses. - Pacting consumes one [1] magic slot. - Like all Naztherak subtypes, one may not regain the slot offered to their patron. Ever. - One may teach Pacting after [1] month of possessing it. They must also have been taught the properties of their Striith and how to apply boons/banes. - The Prince's TA should be updated with this subtype, when the alloted time is reached, should they wish to teach it. Infernal Familiars “Every Prince needs a Herald” Although the price of a pact with a Zar’rokul is great, the rewards are not lacking. Perhaps the first of these to manifest is the Naztherak’s familiar, dubbed a striith in Ilzakarn. These creatures take on the appearance of the animal associated with one’s patron, as a disguise for the wicked Inferis concealed beneath the flesh, fur and feathers. Even then this deception is inherently flawed by the truly demonic nature of the striith, exhibited by traits such as albinism, melanism, uncharacteristic size, red or bleeding eyes, enlarged teeth and claws, or other such symptoms of infernal origins. The striith is both a servant bound to the Naztherak, but also a means for the patron to have the Prince under nigh constant observation- for the Zar’rokul did not ascend to their position among the Pentacle, by allowing themselves to be blindsided. It is perhaps ironic that the striith is both jailor and prisoner in some regards, as like all inferi bound to a Prince, they must obey. Striith Psychology Comparable in intellect to that of a Zar’ei, these infernal familiars make for useful advisors and companions upon the dark path of the Naztherak. This intellect, coupled with the inherent power struggle of all inferi, may prove to be one’s undoing, as the striith is inherently manipulative. They will seek to subvert their relationship with the Prince if they can, preying upon fears or a weak will, to dominate the Naztherak for spiteful amusement by tugging upon the few chains they are able to. Should the striith and the Prince be of alike personalities- finding kinship within deceptive, malicious, chaotic mentalities, or at least greed- then they can build a more amiable, symbiotic relationship, aiding each other in their respective endeavours without the explicit instruction of the Naztherak. The pact between the mortal Prince and their Zar’rokul patron is mirrored in their striith too, allowing master and familiar to communicate telepathically as long as they are within whispering distance or within sight. - A striith is given to the Naztherak upon acquiring Pacting. It will invariably be the animal representation of the Zar’rokul; a goat for Velkuzat, a bat for Drazhana, a snake for Kiiztria, a crow for Kholidav and a black cat for Zathairn. - Each familiar will possess demonic physical traits such as melanism, albinism or other unnatural skin/fur/feather discolouration, horns, larger fangs, claws, talons etc. red or bleeding eyes, unnatural size etc. As long as the animal is unmistakable for its representation. - Familiars may emerge from the body of the animal sacrificed during nizarhuk, allowing a one-time transformation into the striith’s form, or it may merely be roleplayed as appearing mysteriously. - The striith may act as a servant for the Prince, akin to a pet or messenger bird, but all usual rules apply. E.g. 3 emotes to ‘bird’ with the striith. - The personality of the familiar can be roleplayed as one pleases, as long as it is of an inherently selfish, chaotic nature. Players are encouraged to treat the striith as a character, not just a pet. - Princes may communicate telepathically with their striith as long as they have line of sight with it, or it is within #w distance. Properties of the Striith In addition to a fellow traveller upon a dark path, the striith is also a potent source of maleus, when burned by Malflame, allowing a desperate Warlock to sacrifice their familiar for a fix of maleus to fuel further casting of their infernal powers. Alternatively it may be harvested for its inferi blood, which acts as a unique form of iridescent rakir the colour of the Prince’s Malflame. This rich striith blood is known to be used by Warlocks in the creation of pacts with mortal man, and the conveying of magical boons and banes onto bodily flesh. Lastly a striith is capable of meagre Malflame conjurations on par with those of an imp. Which is to say they may throw coin-sized balls, or spit small tongues of felfire, but do not possess a Malice of their own to utilise. - Should a Naztherak cast kraviir upon their striith, it will yield the fullest crop of maleus as the spell states in the Malflame section. This will destroy the striith however, and it may not reappear for an IRL week. - The Prince may instead choose to let the blood of their striith, to produce a shimmering rakir the colour of their Malflame. - The quantity of this does not change with the size of familiar, and always yields enough blood to inscribe a boon and a bane, without destroying the striith. If the Prince chooses to extract a further ‘count’ of blood within the same IRL week, they may at the cost of destroying the striith and triggering a 1 IRL week for it to manifest again. - Striith do not like being destroyed and resummoned repeatedly, and will quickly foster hostility and toxicity toward a Naztherak who does so. - If a striith is slain by mundane means, such as during an attack upon their Naztherak by other parties, it will remanifest after 3 IRL days. Redlines: - ST guidelines concerning combat pets must be followed, concerning a striith. One may not use a goat familiar beyond the size of a golden retriever in combat, for example. - Snake familiars must adhere to the ST’s policy for poisons and venoms. - All other rules concerning pets or animal companions must also be followed with one’s striith, such as at least three ‘bird emotes’ to send a message. - One may not use their striith to metagame information. For instance you may not ask the striith who killed you should it have witnessed so. Similarly it may not be used to spout exposition about lore the player-character is not privy to etc. - A striith may possess demonic traits as listed above, or similar, but which may not give it outlandish abilities beyond those of their mundane animal counterparts. - Their Malflame capabilities are on par with those of an imp. - Although familiars are a device to encourage strongly aesthetic flavourful roleplay, one may not roleplay their striith as a totally docile pet. It must always at least be selfish, manipulative and chaotic, with room for them to be plenty spiteful and hostile as well. - Striith who are repeatedly harvested, killed and resummoned by a Prince may not harbour an amicable relationship with their master. - A Prince may cast a single spell of Kraviir upon their familiar to harvest it for maleus, which burns it away into embers and ash. - A Prince may take enough blood from the familiar to create one (1) boon and one (1) bane, or any combination thereof without issue. Should they do so again within an IRL week, this will kill the striith. - Should a striith be slain by mundane methods, it will remanifest after 3 IRL days. It may reassemble itself from ash, or otherwise mysteriously reappear. - If a striith is destroyed by over-harvesting blood or maleus it will take 1 IRL week to manifest itself again. It may reassemble itself from ash, or otherwise mysteriously reappear. Boons & Banes “A Prince's prize is handsome indeed..” Perhaps the greatest reward bequeathed to the Naztherak by their patron, are the means to begin making pacts of their own among mortalkind. For the Inferi Incursion upon Arcas taught the Pentacle the true value of luring Descendants to their side as pawns, with promises of power, trinkets and other such frivolous promises. As a Prince who serves their Infernal Lord however, it is the place of the Naztherak to make these agreements on their behalf, and by now they should be all too familiar with how to bargain for devilish deals. Boons and banes are additional powers a Naztherak may employ in order to begin entangling mortals within their own complex web of pacts. This is the very intention of the Pentacle, to further encourage a mortal Prince to such tendencies, until they not only excel in them, but are far too invested to be concerned with the price for their own powers. A Prince may negotiate a contract with a mortal, promising the power of a boon and assign their own price as they see fit. Even should one still possess a modicum of kindness, or at least nepotism, so as to waive a price, the dark magics of the Pentacle still require a bane to accompany the boon. Like the boon, this bane may be chosen from a list, but continuously gnaws at the bearer’s soul essence, whilst fuelling the boon’s power. To give a boon, the Prince must harvest blood from their striith- enough for one boon and one bane- and expend a sum of their own maleus to enrich it further. At this point such a rakir will virtually crackle and spit with embers, as it is saturated with the potential for wickedness. Using this the Prince may tattoo or draw upon the flesh of their pactee, an inscription in Ilzakarn which names the boon and bane selected. This process is painful and will inflict hot flashes upon the individual who receives it, with a lasting stinging sensation which will only fade after a few days. Upon completion however, they will discover that the boon’s benefits may be enjoyed and the bane’s curse suffered. - A Prince may offer boons to other soul-bearing player characters as a means of bribing them for cooperation, material goods, knowledge, promises of servitude or other such things as the Naztherak finds worthy of trade. - Even if they waive a price for the boon, such as to reward a loyal pawn, each must also be accompanied by at least one bane. A Prince may even choose to place a bane and no boon. - Imbuing their fresh harvest of striith blood costs the Prince a flat [50] maleus per one count of striith blood. They may imbue multiple counts of striith blood at once if they possess enough maleus to do so. - The roleplay for this process is freeform, but it must be roleplayed. Handing out boons and banes without roleplay will be considered OOC magic trading. - After one receives their boon and/or banes, the Naztherak must notify the ST to update their MA with a comment. The comment should detail which boons and which banes the character has been given. - A character may not have more than three boons and five banes at any given time. - Boons and banes have no expiration. The bane feeds on the bearer's soul essence to fuel itself and the boon indefinitely. - If the tattoo of the bane is scored or cut out, the boon will cease to function. - If the tattoo of the boon is scored or cut out, the bane will continue to function. - Boons and banes may also be destroyed by a Paladin’s Purging ability, or similar abilities in other Holy magics. The Naztherak may mark their victim with any of the following boons and banes, and a TA-holder with Pacting may create new ones via lore additions. Boons Banes General Redlines: - Striith blood must be used within 2 IRL hours of harvest unless an appropriate RP item is made and signed by the ST. - When tattooing boons/banes upon a character, both they and the Naztherak must be in close proximity in roleplay. One may not be more than 5 blocks away mechanically or iRP and still receive boons/banes. - One may not NPC the receipt of boons/banes. The roleplay should occur between two player characters. - A character may not have more than three (3) boons and/or five (5) banes. - To roleplay the received boons/banes, there must be a comment on the providing Naztherak's MA which details the boons/banes the player possesses. These may be updated by the ST when necessary. - Although knowledge of boons and banes is magically conferred to the Prince, the TA-holder who is teaching them should also guide a student through the process in roleplay. - To receive boons/banes the player character must have a soul to feed from. This means various constructs such as Sorvians may not receive boons/banes. Refer to the CA’s lore and ask the ST. - An Azdrazi’s inner flame purges the striith blood from the tattoo/marking, thus preventing them from receiving boons/banes. - Boons/Banes may be removed by Paladin purging, or similar abilities from other Holy magics. - Alternatively the destroying of the tattoo/marking, such as cutting it out, will effectively remove it. - If the boon is destroyed, the bane still produces its effect. If the bane is destroyed however, the boon ceases to function. - One may not use banes to remove senses, literacy, or ability to imagine which a character did not already posses. For example, a blind person may not have "Taken Sense" remove the sight they don't have and so on. - Boons/banes have no expiration and may be used indefinitely. - The ST are entirely within reason to blacklist players who repeatedly abuse boons/banes, use them for poor-quality villainy such as roadside banditry(including meme/troll RP), or use them as a means to OOCly harass or bully other players. Algzok Rokol To Smoulder Magic The disconnection ritual. An intense ritual that requires either one Zar’akal and two Naztherak or five Naztherak with two being at least tier five. Not to be taken lightly or as an escape from the hells, this ritual consumes the magic slots given to Naztherak while removing the ability to use the magic, scarring the soul as it does so. To perform this ritual, a group must draw a pentacle with rakir and place the unfortunate Naztherk in the center. From there, each Naztherak would stand within a corner of the pentacle before channeling their malflame and maleus into the center. Once all the flames converge upon the center and then the victim, they would flow over and throughout the brand, burning away the slots of magic and permanently damaging the soul. Redlines ⛧ Ascension Playable [CA] “A Prince becomes a King” All the powers of a Naztherak are created to fulfil numerous goals, from the conjuring of felfire to spread chaos amongst mortals, the sowing of suffering through curses, the trappings of pacts - these all serve the insidious purpose of luring the Prince further into the infernal, expending the slivers of their soul until there is but a final shred of mortality left within them. Small, weak and tainted. It is all which separates the False Prince from the same Inferi which they bind and summon to do their bidding. For those who have already delved deep into demonology and have taken three pacts, there is one step left to take in their pursuit of power, zealous service to the Pentacle, or other blinkered searching for promised forbidden knowledge. Through the performing of a dark and unnatural rite, a Naztherak may surrender the last of their soul to the powers of Moz Strimoza and in so doing, become fully infernalised. Upon achieving this, they take up the mantle of the Twisted King, Zar’akal, and serve their patron Zar’rokul as a harbinger upon the mortal plane. The ‘akal walks amidst mortalkind as a wolf amongst sheep, luring potential Princes from the flock, and preparing the rest for slaughter. A Naztherak who has dedicated four slots to their devilish arts, may take the final leap to dedicate their last to become a Zar’akal. Like all prior pacts, this cannot be reversed and is typically only undertaken by those Princes who have truly lost themselves to the powers of the Pentacle. They are often distinguished above even other Inferi as a commander or templar is over footmen, wreathed in embers and ash, crowned with horns and even some cloaked with vestigial, broken wings. Zar’rovuth - The Twisted Forge The ritual begins not dissimilar to Naz’kuthun, in which a large basin such as a bath or pool is filled with blood and gore. A hopeful Prince then steps into it and must be submerged up to the waist in the grizzly baptism, whereupon they open their Grimoire and speak aloud a prepared incantation. Feeding their entire store of maleus into the bloodbath, the presence of three other Naztherak is required, and for them to also infuse no less than [50] of their own maleus into the pool. The total of four Naztherak leaves the hopeful’s Zar’rokul as a symbolic fifth, thereby representing the Pentacle. As the incantation finishes, the Prince must submerge themselves entirely, which will force their mind, body and soul into becoming totally infernal. This process takes a full IRL day, leaving the character unable to be played during this time. Screenshots of the ritual may be given to an ST for confirmation, and the appropriate Creature Application made on the forums e.g. “[CA] Zar’akal” Mechanics: - Acquiring Zar’akal needs a T5 Naztherak to possess Malflame, Demonology, Curses and Pacting; meaning four of their magic slots must be dedicated to Naztherak. - The ritual above is fairly freeform, but requires a minimum of 4 multi-line emotes of decent quality, and 3 other Naztherak to each offer [50] maleus to complete. - Upon acquiring Zar’akal, the player’s fifth and final slot is consumed, and any other magic which prior occupied that slot is removed. If this is the case, it should be stated in the Creature Application. - The transformation into the CA Zar’akal is irreversible. - If all existing TAs become inactive, the ST is able to connect new Naztherak through eventlines and/or event characters, to encourage the healthy longevity of the magic. This requires managerial approval. - A Zar’akal is considered a ‘category D’ CA. Physicality Zar’akal are no longer Descendants, or even true mortals, and their physical appearance reflects the truly monstrous nature of their beings sufficiently. Mutated even more grotesquely than that of a Naztherak, they resemble large abominable beasts the likes are heard of only in nightmarish fairytales. Twisted Kings are unable to disguise their surrendering to the infernal any longer and all mutations they had prior acquired are not only always manifest, but considerably more hideous and outright offensive. When stepping out from their dark baptism, the Zar’akal may stand taller and broader than before, their prior physical weakness purged to make way for whatever machinations their patron may have for them. Although by no means giants among their kin, a Zar’akal occupies a comfortably balanced position between strength, cunning and sorcery. As part of their transformation, their capacity to create mana is diminished entirely and replaced with a deeper pool of maleus. It will be of no surprise then, that such godless creatures are despised by the Light and those who wield it. No longer capable of ‘innocence,’ a Zar’akal will find themselves vulnerable to Holy magics, such as those of Paladins. Not only will these magics prove more effective against a Twisted King, even burning upon mere contact, but standing within the presence of Holy artifacts or practitioners will offend and discomfort the demon, unable to tolerate such righteousness. Inferi Diet Like other Inferi, Zar'akal are required to adhere to the same diet. They will discover that their vile and warped body is almost exclusively carnivorous, with very little sustenance gained from plant-based foods. Were a Zar'akal forced to survive only upon vegetation, their muscle mass and strength would wane, but they could survive in this diminished state. Like other Inferi, they may consume the flesh, blood and bone of Descendant races without any negative side-effects, and indeed many a Twisted King revels in devouring their foes after playing with their food first. Mechanics: Strengths: - Zar’akal are immune to Malflame. - They may reach peak physical strength for their pre-transformation race. - A larger pool of Maleus means a Twisted King is capable of longer bouts of Naztherak sorcery. - They are functionally immortal. - Do not require a Grimoire to cast. Weaknesses: - Abilities such as Holy Affinity from Paladinism are substantially more painful to a Zar’akal. Even mere contact with Xannic Mist or Tahariaean Light etc. will cause a burning sensation. - A Paladin’s passive aura and similar holy auras, will illicit discomfort in a Zar’akal, akin to instinctual disgust. - For the purposes of Holy magics, a Zar’akal is always considered a ‘revealed dark creature.’ - Zar’akal can also be poisoned in the same fashion as any Descendant might be, such as by Azhl. - This includes thanhium and thanic steel toxicity. - Unable to disguise demonic appearance. Redlines: - Zar’akal are Inferi by definition, but cannot be bound by Naztherak. - They do not need sleep, but must eat, drink and breathe. - If a Twisted King is forced to subsist upon plant-based foods, such as while captured, they may not maintain their peak physical strength. Their appearance may deterioriate to connote this. - Zar'akal are totally sterile and forbidden from sexual FTB. - A Zar’akal may still be knocked out by sufficient force. - Mutations they possessed, including their Brand, carry over from the Naztherak to the Zar’akal. Existing mutations become more severe or grotesque. - If I see a single uwu horned eboy/egirl ‘akal I will strangle you IRL. - One may not use the height boost to go beyond 7ft. Yes I’m talking to you, Toodles. - The character’s prior race informs the peak strength of a Zar’akal. - Zar’akal cannot produce mana and may not use abilities from other magics/feats which require it. - Should thanhium or thanhic steel weaponry be used against them however, it will still have the frostbite/poisonous effects, but cannot corrupt the akal’s mana pool, for it has none. - Zar’akal cannot be harmed by Malflame itself, but may still be effected by any Malice used. - They may also be successfully cursed by Naztherak curses, or those of other magics. - Holy magics are more effective against the Zar’akal, causing a burning sensation upon mere contact and additional pain and burns when struck with spells. - Holy objects, artefacts and auras additionally elicit spiteful scorn from an ‘akal. Mentality With their last vestiges of mortal mundanity wrenched away from them, a Zar’akal is consumed almost entirely by their Malice. Some of their former preoccupations and behaviours may remain out of routine habit, but they are the hollow exterior of an insidious undoing long in the making. Concepts such as kindness or self-sacrifice are far beyond their grasp now, supplanted by nefarious thoughts of self-gain. Any offer from a Zar’akal is certain to have a grave price, so it is that they have devolved to a state not unlike their Zar’rokul patron. All drives of virtue are snuffed out, and the demand of their Malice replaces any zeal for life the Prince had left within them. The whispers and nightmares bestowed upon them by their patron do not fade, and the Twisted King may find that they hear their Zar’rokul more readily now, or are at least merely broken and warped enough to believe they do. In any case, the akal’s mastery of their dark powers culminates with the ability to cast their abilities without the need for a Grimoire, their demonic mind able to comprehend, remember and recall Ilzakarn, and speak incantations without aid. Mechanics: Redlines: - A Zar’akal may not be kind and genuine. They are spiteful, evil creatures. They may ‘feign’ niceties to manipulate others, but not out of genuine goodness. - One will keep their memories in tact, along with all learned skills and so on, but whatever sentimental/emotional attachment they had will be distorted at best and usually totally severed. - A Grimoire is no longer required to use Naztherak abilities, but one may choose to keep one etc. - The emote counts for combat casting remain the same. Abilities As harbingers of the High Hells, it is the Zar’akal who is charged to bring forth a foothold in which the Pentacle may creep into the mortal realm. The Inferi Incursion of Arcas was all too sudden and overt, innately rallying many to oppose it, and learning from this the Zar’rokul have instead opted to weaken the mortal world- not as an invasion, but as an infection. Ra’Ilkgarokk - The Infernal Sickness This infection manifests as taint or corruption which seeks to blot out all that is good and pure. At sites of this despoiling trees are charred, grass rendered ash and the sky is filled with swirls of dark cloud and smoke. Pools of fire and smog can be found throughout this accursed region, the land plagued with sulphur and hailing brimstone. Any flora has been burnt to ash or charred, completely barren of any beauty they may have had within or about them. Animals are either slain or warped into monstrous beasts which roam these forsaken plains, attacking and consuming anything which wanders unwittingly into this scar in the world. Rocks become jagged, waters dried out, and the land becomes scorched or covered in ash which rains from dark clouds in the sky. Mechanics: Redlines: - Players may not create Ilkgarokk upon land they do not own, without RO consent. - Although players may create Ilkgarokk within charters, one may not block access to the corrupted land to prevent players from potentially removing it. For instance, players cannot simply close the gates and lock doors at all times so their corruption can’t be destroyed, there should always be some reasonable avenue to access the blighted ground to allow healthy roleplay. - If it is cultivated underground, the land above will reflect this and become hellish. - Players may not use pools of lava, mouths etc. to attack other characters etc. - The Ilkgarokk cannot be commanded or manipulated, even if it is flesh and sinew with faces etc. It is functionally still terrain. - Imps and beasts may be described in region text, signs etc. to make the corruption more flavourful, but cannot be used to remotely attack players without being actively roleplayed. - By the same token, players may not presume the plot is perfectly safe to traverse, simply because there is no mechanical/player representation of Inferi, or other dangers. Characters would still reasonably have reservations about tromping through a hellscape. Kehrlagashk - The Ritual of Adulteration To despoil the world in such a vile and unholy manner, a Zar’akal requires a fittingly sacrilegious ritual. It begins with a Zar’akal restraining an unwilling mortal victim with chains of Malflame, and while not normally possible the victim will be bound to the ground which is sought to be corrupted. The Twisted King, and any Naztherak or inferi present, must then pour their Malice into the victim. As a host for such dark and profane magics, this victim endures excruciating physical, mental and spiritual anguish, resulting in their soul being ripped from their body. In doing so, the corpse is rapidly consumed by the ground and begins to spread corruption outward, like a godless seed planted in a fetid garden. All nearby Attuned Druids will feel nature wail and scream in turmoil, as it is assailed by the completion of the ritual. To experience this pain through Communion would be deeply unsettling. Other deity users considered 'Holy', such as Paladins or Clerics, would feel a disturbing sensation of dread wash over them. Mechanics: Redlines: - Although the ritual has some flexibility for flavour purposes, it requires one [1] unwilling player-character victim with a soul, one [1] Zar’akal and either five [5] Naztherak or three [3] CA player Zezimar to perform. - The victim need not PK to complete the ritual. - If players are found to be creating throw-away personas, or friends do so, to achieve the ritual, it will be considered an abuse of the CA and grounds for a blacklist. - Similarly if players are found to be providing poor quality conflict RP, such as roadside banditry, to fulfil the requirements for this ritual, it will also be considered an abuse of the CA and grounds for a blacklist. - One may not begin the ritual in a combat encounter. Combat should be settled prior to its initiation. - Players need not do casting or ‘feeding’ emotes to fuel the Ilkgarokk. It will be removed from their Maleus pool passively if it is not actively roleplayed. - Equally however, one may not go inactive for a week and return to a fully-developed plot. Should a player not be active on the Zar’akal persona for more than 72 hours during the Ilkgarokk’s growth, its timer will pause and will develop no further. - When the player is able to roleplay more consistently, such as a few hours a day for 2 consecutive days, the timer will resume. Note that logging in every three days and doing minimal roleplay to avoid the plot's timer pausing is not permitted. - If the Zar’akal does not have the required Maleus to feed the development of the Ilkgarokk, such as when its Maleus is frozen post-revival, the plot's timer is paused. - Again, the corrupted region must have some reasonable access so players may attempt to destroy/cleanse it. Revival With their spirit sundered by the infernal forces of Moz Strimoza, ripped of any remaining virtue, goodness and purity, the warped soul of a Zar’akal is unsalvageable. Too fetid and mutated to reach the touch of healing hands, and often too spiteful and discordant than to even consider seeking Monks, Twisted Kings must reconstitute themselves through their own dark powers. So it is that an ‘akal may fuel the regeneration of their body by gorging upon their pool of maleus, exhausting it for a considerable length of time. This triggers a slow agonising process, which takes place over the space of weeks. Even once complete, it leaves the Zar’akal in a weakened state, their soul incapable of reproducing maleus for the first few months after their body is remade. During this time, the ‘akal will likely lurk and seeth within whatever lair they’ve carved out for themselves, offering its slayers or servants of the Light some time to recover and regroup. Mechanics: Redlines: - Players must still roleplay the fear of death, and may not make references to their revival as a means to shrug off the consequences of being slain. Being destroyed should always be avoided by the character. - Revival should not be used as a means to continuously harass players with poor villainy. This is considered an abuse of the CA and will be grounds for a blacklist. - Zar’akal are not invulnerable and are able to be slain like any other member of their prior race. - Poisons and toxins affect the Zar’akal as they would any other member of their prior race. - Upon death in RP, the Zar’akal takes 24 IRL hours to reconstitute its body, during which they may not be roleplayed. - For the next 5 IRL days, the player’s maleus is frozen at [0]. Upon the expiration of this cooldown, their maleus will be immediately refreshed to their full maximum pool. - Non-raid PVP deaths are exempt from cooldowns. For instance if knights raid a lair and slay the ‘akal, the player must undergo the cooldown; if the ‘akal is subjected to ‘minas or die’ banditry they do not. - If the Zar’akal is slain again during the cooldown on their maleus, it does not restart. - All other resurrection rules apply. ⛧ Tier Progression A player does not progress in the magic, without lessons and practice. One may not go on hiatus at T1 and return in time to be T5 and post a TA and so on. Players are reminded that they do not automatically unlock spells and abilities, and that they must be taught through roleplay. Princeling - Tier 1 - Immediate The Naztherak has sealed their pact with a Hzakhadlu (Tier 5 Naztherak posessing a TA) and is connected to the magic. Their Brand begins as a mere blister upon their palm and when they cast it glows with the sickly colour of their Malflame. The Prince is able to conjure small tongues of felfire to harvest maleus from mortal victims, and may bind and summon imps to their court. They may will their touch to give an aesthetic of ash, ember and smoke to whatever they hold. Maximum Maleus [30] Spells & Abilities Malflame: Kriviir Demonology: Subjugation Shackle, Invocation Zevn Apprentice - Tier 2 - Two IRL Weeks Post-Connection The Prince’s Brand has grown to encompass the entire hand and some of the wrist. At this point they may be taught to wreath their hand in Malflame, conjure wicked balls of spiteful fire and to bind and summon beastly Inferi for their court. When they use any of their dark powers, their cheeks seem to sink and their pupils may become slitted or narrow. Maximum Maleus [35] Spells & Abilities Malflame: Vhiit, Rok-Dhurz Demonology: Invocation Zekul Malice’s symptoms begin to manifest Adept - Tier 3 - One IRL Month Post-Connection With their Brand now covering their arm to the shoulder, the Naztherak may wreath their entire arm in Malflame should they see fit. Additionally they are capable of more pronounced manipulation, leading them to be able to learn how to form discs, cones and even waves of seething soulfire. The Prince may attempt to bind Zar’ei and be taught how to revive them, should they be slain. At this point one may make additional pacts, if they are so inclined to further dark sorcery. Maximum Maleus [45] +[15] per additional subtype Spells & Abilities Malflame: Rok-Heedz, Rok-Kirluk, Rok-Ladom Demonology: Invocation Zar’ei May opt to take Curses and/or Pacting Expert - Tier 4 - Two IRL Months Post-Connection The Naztherak may now be taught the dark ritual of Naz’kuthun, to infernalise not only small creatures and animals, but mortals too, as a means to further bolster their court. With their Brand now enveloping the half-torso of their body upon which it originated, their occult pyromancy makes them capable of summoning barriers, pillars and even whips of Malflame. Maximum Maleus [50] +[15] per additional subtype Spells & Abilities Malflame: Rok-Argal, Rok-Norrvut, Rok-Niirk Demonology: Naz’kuthun Master - Tier 5 - Four IRL Months Post-Connection Capable of conjuring chains and great infernos of Malflame, dealing with even Zentherak and later summoning them for their schemes and plots, the Prince is now a master of their dark powers. At this point the Brand covers their entire body, glowing when they call upon their occult sorcery. If the Naztherak has carefully avoided taking further pacts, they may still blend into mundane society, but the temptation to delve deeper may be all too much to resist. Maximum Maleus [55] +[15] per additional subtype May create a TA. Spells & Abilities Malflame: Rok-Krimth, Rok-Zevik Demonology: Invocation Zentherak Curses and Pacting do not have tier progression, but their effects on the Naztherak’s appearance and the abilities they provide are listed in their relevant section of the lore. ⛧ Purpose The purpose of Naztherak is to fill the niche of Warlockry, demonology and the ‘highway to hell’ sort of theme for characters to pursue. In prior iterations the magic introduced many interesting concepts, some of which have been fleshed out more fully and redistributed across magic slots. Players are now able to take only the ‘basics’ of Naztherak if they want, but those invested in the theme can delve deeper and explore concepts like curses and explore themes of a demonic patron. Malflame has been appropriately redlined and its mechanics reinforced, as it was abused as an ‘instant-kill’ previously, and the purpose of the magic(at least this time) is more to spread long-term misery and despair than straight up combat. Curses is a subtype which offers a character the ability to imbue their Malflame with their Malice for some combative applications, but hopefully more interesting are the hexes one can apply to mundane objects. This might fulfil themes of a shop which sells occult objects, and the Naztherak owner has under-the-counter services for specific clients, or a Prince who just readily sows torment by gifting cursed jewellery to unsuspecting people. These curses take time to reach their full effect, which are often pretty grim, but will not outright kill a target. Pacting was previously almost a ‘must have’ for any really flavourful facets of Naztherak. As a subtype like Curses, Pacting is meant to groom the character toward making pacts of their own, the theme runs throughout in fact given the player must discover their patron and then pact with them to learn the subtype. The Prince receives a familiar and knowledge of boons and banes, which together offer them tools to draw up agreements with mortals to get what they want, in return for some flavourful housemagery-like abilities to the pactee. This also fulfils a tasty non-Faeish niche of “deal with the devil” roleplay, as no boon can be used without a bane. Yes fear not, cursed children are back~ Lastly acquiring Zar’akal no longer requires self-masturbatory ST events of eating demonic souls and heads, but is instead a ‘finalisation’ of the progressive mutations Naztherak experience throughout their study of the magic. This is described as an ‘ascension,’ but really it’s a damnation of the Prince’s last vestiges of mortality for power. The Zar’akal loses the noodle-mage physique of a Naztherak, and the need for a Grimoire, whilst gaining a larger maleus pool and pseudo-immortality, but with punishing revival mechanics. As Inferi, Zar’akal are also weak to Holy magics, because you’re a demon- what did you expect? The Dark and Light should conflict. Oh and uwu demon eboys have been forbidden. We’d like to push for an MA and TA wipe of Naztherak with this submission, because we believe it needs a fresh start. With the Inferi Incursion eventline recently, it presents a good opportunity for a new generation of Naztherak to emerge. Citations Credits Archipelego - Consultation Auric_Saint – Feedback & Balancing Frott - Consultation Jelonny - Consultation Luci/Nivndil - Writing Mordu - Consultation Sorcerio - Writing Sykogenic – Consultation Zacho – Feedback & Proof Reading Zarsies - Consultation Changelong
  23. THE SER “Man is the cruelest animal.” ― Friedrich Nietzsche Lore/Origins Long before the Ser were born, the dragons ruled the lands. These giant beasts flew across the night sky in search of prey, with no mercy. Yet, these beasts were one with nature, and when Horen, the first King Of Man, gained power, the dragons fell into ruin. Before their demise, however, two new creatures were created. Nephilim were the first, the Dragon People. These were the creatures men saw in dragons, yet not what they were. And then the Serpens, also known as The Ser. These creatures looked more like snakes then dragons, where what the dragons really were. The Nephilim were created to punish men, and The Ser was made to let Dragons live on. They lived in peace, away from all men, orcs, and dwarves. A handful of Mali’ame found their way to the Ser, and were, in general, not eaten. Many people have claimed to have seen these beings, as they reach 6’ in height. All sightings have been seen as myths, however. After thousands of years of living in peace and away from modern society, the Dwarves tunneled their way into the Ser’Tarra tunnels. A massacre ensued, leaving many Ser and Dwarves dead. The remaining Ser’Tarra fled, and rallied their siblings, and thus, the Ser were introduced into the modern world. The Ser despised the Dwarves, Humans, and Orcs for disrupting nature, and that the dwarves were the worst. A similar race in the Fae realm, called the Elekhei (https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/194526-ca-race-lore-elekhei/?tab=comments All credit to her for the Elekhei) was also being evolved at the time. Many believe that the Elekhei are related to the Ser, but it is not certain. Appearance The Ser range in many different looks, some looking like Cobras, and others like Common Garter Snakes. Depending on the subrace, they would have different tints to their scales. The Ser’Tarra would be brown, the Ser’Aquis blue, and Ser’Ven black. They often have jewels attached to their tales, with one joule per year alive. This is a sign of glory, as many Ser died in the first years of their introduction into the modern world. If you were to insult a Ser’s looks, the Ser will attack, with the intention of making you as ugly as you said they were. Unhealthy Ser are smaller, weaker and overall worse. The tail of a Ser can be from 4’ to 6’, depending on the Ser. Many despide the Ser due to their looks, as a common fear of people revolve around snakes. Diet The Ser mainly only eat meat. Their favorite food being fish, rats, mice, pork, and steaks. All raw, of course. According to them, fire ruins the world. A healthy Ser will be 6’ tall and giant. An unhealthy one being slim and small, around 4’. Children are around 3’ healthy, and 2’ unhealthy. The unhealthy will die young, at 300 years old instead of 500 years old. If they were to eat anything but meat, they will have a reaction. Their scales would turn deep gray and start to fall off, leaving bare skin behind. This, to the Ser, is very painful and would kill them if not treated. They will not eat meat from Humans, Elves, Dwarves or etc. This, to them, is a sign of disgust, and rarely, can cause Dragon Rot. Disease The Ser don’t suffer from normal disease, yet they do suffer the same diseases, and some new ones, as the dragons. -Scale Wilting. Their scales will fall off, living pink or red skin in their wake. These patches will start to break up in hives, and sting to the slightest touch. -Claw Rot. Their claws will slowly shrink, leaving nubs behind. In time, if not treated, the claws will disappear and never grow back. Having no claws is a common sign of weakness to the Ser, and many will be disgraced for the rest of their lives. -Dragon Rot. The entire body will start to shrivel, making the Ser weak. Its caused by malnutrition mainly, though rarely Ser get it by feasting on Humans, Dwarves, Elves, and Etc. This disease makes the Ser VERY weak, and can die from the slightest cut. If the Ser where to do nothing about their sickness, they could die within a year. -Fire Glaze. When a Ser is burned, they can rarely get Fire Glaze. This disease will make the Ser very weak and unable to sit upright. Over a course of one week, the Ser will get temporary bad vision, bad hearing, and bad overall senses. In addition, they will have a constant headache and hives/welts. The Ser can also suffer from The Cold, yet it hardly affects them. Language The Ser speak in a weird tongue, consisting of mostly hissing sounds. They cannot write well, and often the writing looks like a child’s first attempt. Religion The Devourer - Primal god of the Ser The Religion of the Ser, peoples of the snake...from other races’s view on the practice their ways seem alien & strange-yet detailed & of interest. The Ser worship a giant snake, its humongous & strikes fear for all who dwell-its scales are said to be made from Descendant Skin-under the scales, the flames of Hell, if you stand near it you could smell its burning insides as its charcoal clusters around you, wherever it goes comes destruction, however-due to this it doesn't move that often, its constantly in sleep unless the end times comence-which is believed by the Ser. The Ser were touched by this giant snake, seeing it as their god, constantly doing its bidding through worship, they call him SEL’ANK, or the DEVOURER in common...reasoning being they believe at the end of time-the snake shall come out from its resting-awakened from times of troubles, and through this itll slither through the worlds, eating everything in its sight until there is no more signs of life, this is the end story for the Ser-However, the Ser believe they could resist this end event through practicing worship of this demon...this form of worship is done through the removal 0f skin on the snake’s tail, this being with a knife or any form of blade-once done they take the skin & burn it...of course as the Ser are similar to snakes they could regenerate said skin. In the Ser’s mindset their god is the creator of the ser, along with the first snake to ever exist. Rites of Ancient The Ser follow a very strict code, and when they come of age, (100) they will receive the Rites of Ancient. These writes, which can only be found in a single thousand year old book, must be read in the birthplace of the Ser, no matter how far it is. The rites consist of an oath, a pledge to nature, and deep magic. A council member is present at each, and if not, the rites will not happen. If the rites are not done by age 110 years old, the Ser will start to suffer from a curse, The Dragons Curse. This curse makes the Ser lose vision, smell, and senses. The Ser will suffer constant pain and then, in time, turn into a fern. Once the curse starts, there is no stopping it. The Rites go as followed. A 100 year old Ser walks into his/her birthplace, accompanied by their parents. (If alive) Ser being given the rites will say, “I, (Name) give myself to the Aaumin, pledge myself to naturz, and join the Ser in the togetherness of life.” At this point, a Ser elder will accept or deny the rites. If the Ser is denied, they must wait one more year before retrying. If/When rites are accepted a Ser Council member will enter the birthplace, and say the following in Ancient Serpenian “Quis sponzet az natursam izvenzes zias eozam sna auza mazorez, nusquaz ezze tusbaza.” Thus, the rites are complete. Culture The Ser have a strict code of honor, and if broken, the punishment is often death. The Ser, over 5,000 years ago devoted themselves to nature, and if a Ser were to dishonor nature, the Ser will no longer be worth anything to other Ser. The different Ser races have different opinions, however they all come down to the same principals. (I’ve decided that if the Ser are accepted, the different species should be able to make their own culture norms, as I think races should be as up to the player as possible. -Asteodia) Mating The Ser choose one mate, and stick with them for life. If a Ser were to break a bond by cheating, breaking up, etc. The two Ser will be unable to mate again, or have a love interest. They will feel no love for any other Ser ever again. If a Ser breaks a bond with another, the Ser in question will be put on trial, as this ruins the life of the other Ser. The punishment is often life in prison. Over the span of their 500 years, the Ser finds a mate at around 200, any younger will most likely not work out. Government The Ser have a unique government system. In the idea of a hierarchy, there is the Leader of a Ser City, a council consisting of 5, Royalty (The Ser Leader’s or Council’s Family) Guardians, whose job it is to keep the peace with nature and other beings, the common police, business owners/artisans, and then the common people. The roles go as followed: Ruker– Makes the final decision, advised by the council. Keeps the city in check, hires new council members and fires old ones. Oversees the Army, Business, Economy and just overall runs the city. Council of 5 – The council holds meetings with the people. The council listens to the concerns of the common Ser, and then take part in a private meeting in which the Council comes to a conclusion. Most decisions are made by the Council, yet the very big ones by the Serpans Ruler. Royalty – These Ser are family of the Ruler or council, they are normal people except they get honorable treatment. Guardians – These are hand picked Ser who pledge themselves to nature, the Ruler, and dragons. They protect nature, oversee the most dangerous tasks, etc. Common Police – These officials will take care of the majority of problems. The giant problems will go to the Guardians. Business Owners/Artisans – These are normal Ser who simply own a business or possess are useful skill, the Ser officials host more meeting for them than the common folk. Common Ser – These Ser make up the Majority of the population, just being normal, everyday folk. Titles are given by the council, and the Ser apply for them. Arts The Ser build in a very Elvish style, often with dragons and snakes engraved in all the buildings or items. Some examples of Ser what buildings look like are seen below: Ser’Ven Ser’Aquis Ser’Tarra ITEMS
  24. Kings of the Old Realm Recorded herein are the transcribed oral traditions and histories of the dwarves that lived under the first sky, uncovered first by my grandfather, Valen Grandaxe, and now completed and issued for public scholarship. While its record likely remains incomplete, it preserves extensive knowledge of the old Aegian kings, the details of which were previously thought lost. May it act as a chronicle to future generations on the tales of our forebears and of the struggles they overcame to carry on the legacy of Urguan’s folk. Through the knowledge of Ogradhad, may we be ever knowing. The Age of Stone Advancing from early runic and stone working practises of the proto-dwarves, this era marked the beginning of the great masonry projects which ultimately culminated in the construction and development of the subterranean metropolis of Khaz’Urguan, known in the common tongue as the Halls of Urguan. King Urguan Silverbeard - Arising from mysterious origins at the dawn of the mortal races’ great ascendancy, Urguan and his three brothers battled the Archdaemon, Iblees who had first attempted to deceive them in the form of a kind and benevolent old man. For their role in his banishment, Urguan and his followers were cursed with short stature and were issued a warning that their greed would one day be their undoing. After the defeat of Iblees, Urguan and his kin retreated to the deep underground caves of the world where they eventually began carving great stone structures and edifices into the rockface. Through years of rigorous perseverance and zeal towards the task set before them, the Halls of Urguan, known as Khaz’Urguan in the dwarven tongue, were constructed. As the most seasoned and wisest among his kin, Urguan assumed the mantle as their natural ruler and was crowned king of all dwarves, his followers collectively becoming known as ‘Urguan’s Folk.’ For three hundred years, Urguan ruled fairly and justly over a people who largely looked to each other as equals. Together, they delved deep into the depths of the world unknown beneath their feet, uncovering vast knowledge and wealth which in turn facilitated great leaps in their technological and magical prowess. Endeavouring to shield their people from the dangers of the outside world, they harnessed this new understanding to erect great runic behemoths which stood watch at the city’s gates, keeping guard on the valley below. Taking great pride in their accomplishments, they celebrated their act in defiance of the Archdaemon’s words, looking hopefully on towards a bountiful and more prosperous future. Soon, however, Urguan desired to share this world with another and married a she-dwarf by the name of Yudora. Between them, they sired eight sons, each as unique and exceptional as the last. While all of Urguan’s offspring were tutored in the ways of their father’s learned kin, some grew curious of the world that stretched above them, untamed and ripe for exploration. As time passed, Urguan granted these dwarves his blessing to leave the city and many ventured north with their followers, some choosing to settle among the clouds on high mountain peaks, over time becoming known as the mountain dwarves. A small few, meanwhile, found peace in the dense woodland groves of the great forests, and became the forest dwarves. Finally, for those of his kin who had refused to leave Urguan’s side and remained living in the deep underground dwellings of their father, they called themselves cave dwarves. Over time, each of these communities formed families of their own and as they became acclimatised to their new environments, their differences grew starker. For Urguan himself, however, more pressing matters lingered on his mind. Strictly ordering that he not be disturbed and locking himself in his chamber for what seemed like days and nights without end, he toiled in secret on matters that have been left unknown to history. For a time, the dwarves of Khaz’Urguan grew fearful of what had become of their king, yet none wished to defy his will. After a full year had passed, Urguan finally emerged, clad head to toe in cloth and furs, asking only that he be left without question to depart the city’s gates. With his kin adhering to his final command, he left his suit of armour behind, venturing alone into an oncoming snowstorm, never to be seen or heard from again. King Barradin - Upon Urguan’s sudden disappearance, a succession crisis ensued. It was determined from then that all future Kings of Urguan would be appointed from among the clans of Urguan’s immediate offspring and would adopt the name ‘Silverbeard’ upon their coronation, after which they would forgo all ties to their blood kin. Barradin was the first to be chosen, a proud and long-reigning dwarf who presided over the nation's new social order in the immediate aftermath of Urguan's reign, sharing power across the clans of Urguan's sons. This had the unintended effect of leaving their low-born kin with little say in how they were governed and most were forced to toil day and night in laborious conditions in order to sustain the nation's economic growth. This fact was mostly forgotten, however, as the new threat of Ondnarch's terror from the north became clear. Battling against the fallen aengul's minions at all corners of the realm, Barradin’s host and his runic behemoths were soon routed and for years, the King struggled to preserve the unity of his people locked tightly behind Khaz’Urguan’s great gates. What became known as the 'eternal cold' was left to ravage those who remained outside, while the dwarves within struggled for warmth, their survival becoming dependent on the heat of the city’s great magma core. Barradin's perseverance paid off, however, and he was later able to push back the hordes at his gates and with the help of the Triumvirate of Runelords, used his hammer to banish Ondnarch atop the summit of the highest of the northern peaks, Mount Arvas. The Age of Gold Emerging from the brink of extinction during the eternal cold, dwarven society was reformed around trade and the mercantile classes, with the guilds emerging to rival the powers of the nobility. This helped to inspire a new era of exploration and discovery, alongside the development of numerous technological and magical innovations. King Thulgrim - Bearing the responsibility of rebuilding the kingdom after the end of the eternal cold, he set about lifting the dwarven spirit by reforming the social hierarchy of his predecessors. Forest dwarves who now controlled most of the kingdom's outer farmland and crop supply, sought to enshrine better protections for their woodland groves and demanded that higher prices be paid in exchange for their produce. These terms were met by Thulgrim, but not without significant unease from the predominantly cave dwarven nobility of the time. Meanwhile, the common clans who had mostly acted as labourers during the crisis, saw this and issued calls for greater power in government. Thulgrim responded by reforming the city’s industries around the guilds, better reflecting the old social order present under Urguan's reign. King Hrolfgar - Over time, the minerals of Khaz’Urguan’s deep mines ran dry and in order to maintain trade with the outside world, it became necessary for the dwarves of Urguan to seek new veins of ore elsewhere. King Hrolfgar, an ardent adventurer himself, set about leading an expedition west in search of new ore deposits. Travelling by land and water over many perilous months, he soon discovered a low lying region of dense woodland. Within this forest, he found that many of the ilk of Urguan’s brothers had already settled there, choosing to form their own homes amidst its wild flora. After five further days of searching, the dwarves finally discovered that nestled beneath a tear in the landscape, a great subterranean network of caves stretched deep into the ground, its sprawling tunnels inlaid with vast deposits of glistering ore. Heralded first as a gift from the gods, the dwarves soon found their hopes in peril as lingering deep within this subterranean underworld rested a great beast of unspeakable horrors. Hrolfgar and his company descended into its depths, and legend has it told, he personally bested the beast before it let out a final flail of its razored tail, slicing him in two. The colony and its surrounding landscape would later become known as ‘Aurok’Wiker,’ the ‘Golden West’ for the great wealth its minerals would bring to the dwarven realm. King Magnis - Carrying on the economic reforms established during the reigns of his predecessors, his rule at first proved immensely successful and a brief golden age dawned as dwarves from all walks of the city embraced trade and began living better off. By this time, the mines of Aurok’Wiker had grown into a sprawling metropolis, with an ever rising population of newcomers from the capital. Artisans set about producing new and more extravagant wares, attracting traders from all across the mortal realms, while the kingdom’s vaults overflowed with gold and expensive jewelry. However, this prosperity was mostly felt by the kingdom’s inner territories, leaving the mountain holds with a deep sense of neglect. Mountain dwarves became increasingly distant from the kingdom and calls for the independence of their northern holds persisted. While long suspected of corruption by his opponents, Magnis was able to weather these criticisms and served a long and stable reign. King Rumli - Known as the 'scholar-king,' he extended the prosperity of his predecessors and channeled it into the pursuit of knowledge, discovering new metal-working technologies and more effective methods of ore extraction. Tales of legendary dwarves such as Urguan and Barradin were not just vocalised but henceforth became memorialised through great feats of stone inscription, carved into the inner walls of their holds and cities. Aurok’Wiker became the new centre for this cultural revolution and it was endowed with a new name by Rumli, one more befitting of its size and status. The glorious new city of ‘Kal’Urguan’ flourished and within its subterranean tunnels, the ancient runic behemoths were used to carve out and erect the body of its main hall. Not wishing to see their powers harnessed by any of his successors, however, it is said that upon Rumli’s death, he ordered that the behemoths would stand dormant, calcifying into the great stone pillars many dwarves would later come to live under. The arts of magic and runecrafting also increased significantly beneath Rumli’s reign and it became less unorthodox for dwarves to practise them in public. In dealing with the mountain clans, he was largely amenable in negotiations and chose to appease their demands for greater influence in the government, while offering the division of some resources into their holds and villages. However, this created mounting opposition from the kingdom’s powerful new class of mercantile elite who believed the mountain dwarves had overplayed their hand. The Age of Iron After a period of economic boom, successive dwarven governments looked to further embolden the realm, by strengthening the bonds among dwarven kin. Often, the price of unity was seen to be dealt through force and so this era became marked by the vast production of largely iron weaponry, born from the deep mines of Kal’Urguan. Disorganised clan militias became a thing of the past and the first uniformed armies were created. King Agrund - A veteran commander of the war against Ondnarch and political opponent of Rumli, he was nominated to power on the promise of creating a united dwarven realm, by ordering the return of all mountain dwarves to the halls of their forefather. This, however, had the effect of angering the mountain clans who soon grew embittered by his rule. They opted to make a joint declaration of independence, giving Agrund the excuse he needed to wage a bloody campaign to reclaim the kingdom's lost territory. Taking a strategic decision to operate out of Kal’Urguan for the duration of the war for its abundance in iron, what Agrund foresaw as an easy victory slowly evolved into a protracted and bitter contest. Inspiring fervent nationalist movements on both sides of the conflict, he expanded the dwarves' military might to levels never before seen but by the end of his reign, had exhausted the kingdom's coffers and was later forced out of power by his own council before the war had met its end. During the course of the conflict, Khaz’Urguan had seen its supply lines cut-off as the mountain clans raided its various trade routes through the narrow mountain passes. With a lack of support from the rest of the kingdom, famine quickly took hold and as the war neared its end, much of its populace chose to abandon the city in search of greater fortunes elsewhere. King Barrus - Son of Barradin, he was seen as a unifier, ending the war with the mountain clans through a treaty that enshrined autonomous rights, but set about formally reintegrating mountain dwarves back into Urguanite society, though tensions continued to persist. Barrus looked to further secure the kingdom’s economic prosperity by officially declaring Kal’Urguan its new capital, leaving the Halls of Urguan to be left as a site of pilgrimage to their holy father. In reality, with little reason for dwarves left to venture there, the walls of their ancient capital soon began to crumble and its streets became lifeless and derelict. Meanwhile, amid Kal’Urguan’s new boom in population, Barrus found himself having to find means of accommodating the need for greater food production. Pasturelands and other fertile plains for crop harvesting were settled along the kingdom’s outer borders, where its farmhands increasingly came into conflict with the orcish clans that dwelled in the arid deserts to the south-east. Seeing this incursion as an opportunity to unite his kingdom further and put its new military infrastructure to good use, he grew determined to rally his people around war with this new orcish menace. Though Barrus commanded immense popularity at the time of his reign from commoners and nobles alike, depicted as a semi-legendary figure to those at home, the war grew long and bitter, with any territorial gains being largely offset by losses elsewhere in the orcs' favour. Barrus himself was later slain amidst the heat of battle by a stray arrow from a common goblin archer. With their former king's inglorious demise, and the nation's pride left in tatters, Barrus’s remaining councilors retreated into isolation, barring shut the stone passageway into Kal’Urguan from all outsiders and prohibiting its common citizenry from leaving. King Aldrek - Presiding over a kingdom engaged in a strict policy of enforced self-isolation, he set to work on ensuring the city could suffice its own needs. Following demands from the wealthy mercantile classes, the kingdom’s mines, which had formerly required only a small city tax to enter were placed beneath the direct supervision of the guilds, who reserved exclusive mining rights for their own members. These guilds which consisted of both aristocrats and aspiring commoners, would frequently come under the dominance of wealthy trade magnates. Farms previously owned and harvested by forest dwarves were seized by the King’s hearthguard and handed off to their cave-dwelling brethren who in turn, established farming guilds to manage and benefit from their output. Most forest dwarves were made to continue working the land for only a fraction of their previous income, though a minority chose to reject this affront to their ancient way of life and fled south, hoping to find better lives among the deep forests of Malin’s children. With less experienced farmhands brought in to replace them, harvest yields began to slump. Although Aldrek still attracted great support from many of the well-to-do in his kingdom, others vehemently criticised the disaffection he’d presided over, the city’s political climate becoming more embittered and divided with each moon that passed. In the city’s poorer districts, low-born clans resorted to organising smuggling rings to deliver food, trade wares and other illicit goods from the outside world. The King quickly attempted to stamp these out by demanding that the Brathmordic clergy condemn any such action to undermine Urguan’s regime, which after some under the table inducement, they soon obliged, distributing pamphlets throughout the city bearing foreboding warnings of the sins of gluttony and excess avarice. Meanwhile, paying off informants to reveal the identities of their ring-leaders, Aldrek ordered his hearthguard to conduct numerous raids into the poor district’s cavernous dwellings. When they arrived, however, they found themselves pelted with rocks and mining tools from homes and shop windows, and in a direct affront to the King’s authority, they were soon forced to withdraw. Seeking means to lay down his rule and reassure his supporters that he remained firmly in control, Aldrek organised a grand procession to be held through the streets of the city’s great hall. It was here that a lone assailant is said to have drawn a crossbow from underneath his cloak, letting loose a bolt which flew directly towards Aldrek’s throat, leaving the usually stoic and unperturbed dwarf gasping in a pool of his own blood. The perpetrator swiftly had a spear driven through his gut, but with no disclosed motive, Aldrek’s death was used largely for propaganda purposes by political actors seeking to point fingers at their rivals. King Glorvin - Glorvin spent the majority of his reign battling political elements within his own government as he struggled to arbitrate the disputes brought before him. Overpopulation in the city proved a persistent issue and guilds took to hoarding precious minerals and crop yields, leaving little for the rest of dwarven society to benefit from. Perceiving that this inequity had led their affluent paymasters to prosper while they struggled to put food on the table, the common clans laid down their tools, making a final demand that their king act to curb the guilds’ rising influence. Although seeking an honest solution to the crisis, Glorvin was impeded by his council, from whom he commanded neither the respect, nor political support he needed. Meanwhile, corruption had grown wildly during the reigns of previous kings and many of these council dwarves now found themselves on the guild masters’ payrolls. Strikes quickly turned into riots, and then to violent brawls, cementing tensions from noble to commoner, soldier to civilian, and cave to mountain and forest dwarf. In a last desperate bid to resolve the crisis, Glorvin ordered his hearthguard to reopen the city’s main passageway against the will of his council, allowing trade to flow in from the outside world. It was too late, however - Many dwarves, already having lost faith in the nation, decided to take their chances and leave the city, while those who remained soon found themselves engulfed in a whirlwind of political disorder. Having defied his council’s will and hearing whispers of a plot to oust him from the throne, Glorvin embarked on a secret pilgrimage to the ancient capital of Khaz’Urguan where he sought to beg spiritual guidance from the kings of ancient times. There, it was revealed that his location had been betrayed by one of his own and rival dissidents soon surrounded him in the city’s inner chamber. His last remaining allies were cut down in the ensuing fray, desecrating the halls of their ancient city with their kinsmen’s blood. Led back to the capital in chains, Glorvin was greeted by his treacherous councilors, who forced him to relinquish the throne at sword point. The Age of Blood A period marked by violent and sudden upheavals in dwarven society, resulting in the ascendancy of the Ironborn dynasty and the formation of the Khorvadic Empire. Now viewed by modern dwarves as an era of depravity and sin, society faced sweeping and radical changes which ultimately buried the old system of government and wiped out all but a few of the generation of dwarven lawmakers who had come before. King (later Emperor) Velkan Ironborn - With Glorvin's ousting, Velkan took advantage of the disarray that followed and before a new king could be officially appointed, he led his followers in attempting to seize the throne through force, in what effectively amounted to a popular uprising. He bore the promise that he would re-unite the dwarven realm and vanquish those who sought to do the kingdom ill by ridding it of its corrupt council and decadent priesthood. This he certainly achieved and in the early years of his reign, many affluent aristocrats, clerics and guild masters were put behind bars or otherwise dispensed of. He readily set about reducing the rights of non-cave dwarves, with many of the mountain clans fleeing to their northern holds for refuge, while the forest dwarves were largely persecuted and shunned, most being forced into hard labour. Seeing the situation seemingly deteriorating and seeking to break away from this newfound state of affairs, the mountain clans once again declared their independence. For dwarves living in the capital, however, not all lost out from Velkan’s rise; many would make their own fortunes amidst this changing order and in place of the old, a new social elite began to form. Velkan would later make radical changes to the dwarven faith, outlawing worship of the Brathmordakin in favour of a monotheistic devotion to Khorvad, formerly the Brathmordic god of ambition. With popular support, he went on to greatly expand the kingdom's borders, subjecting many minor realms to his bloody conquests and declaring the formation of the first Khorvadic Empire. In his old age, he was eventually driven to madness, raving of his god’s might and the coming of the great apocalypse of the mortal races, words which soon led many nobles and clerics of the new Khorvadic temple-establishment to begin viewing him as a hindrance. He was likely put to silence by these groups before he met his natural end. Emperor Khrallax Ironborn - Regarded as a lazy and an ineffective ruler, whose power was mostly competed over by his brothers, clergy and councilmen, he continued the persecutions committed under Velkan's reign though largely held back on territorial pursuits. He was known for being overly gregarious, hosting lavish banquets for his favoured courtiers and while generally seen as indolent, many preferred this state of affairs to the secretive nature of his father’s reign. This was not to last, however, as he and his sons were later assassinated by his younger brother and High Imperator, Thorgarn. Emperor Thorgarn Ironborn - Seizing the throne by force and cementing power even further into Ironborn hands, he sought to reimagine dwarven society around his own image, erasing all knowledge of the time before his father's reign by burning ancient texts and conducting blood sacrifices of old clergy dwarves and scholars in an event that became known as the ‘Great Collapse.’ Runelords who had previously guarded the dwarven realm from threats of an arcane nature were forced to smuggle themselves into the city’s outer wilderness. Even Urguan's name was put to the periphery as a venerated forefather but not one who had much implication on the present state of the nation. Those dwarves who had fled his father's reign looked on in horror, while forest dwarves, by this time in a state of enslavement, suffered a massive reduction in population due to exhaustion and disease, driving them to the brink of extinction. A personal witness to many of the atrocities committed at the hands of the Ironborn rulers, a dwarf of low-birth by the name of Simppa fled the capital following the brutal execution of Dwain Irongut, seeking refuge among the halls of his kin. He found them in a deep state of mourning at the loss of their clan father, vowing to do all he could to avenge his death and restore justice to the halls of Urguan’s sons. From there, he reached out to the clans of the old mountainous north, the Grandaxes and Frostbeards. At the summit of Mount Arvas, they reached an agreement with the clans of Irongut and Treebeard - Thorgarn must fall. Clans of all creeds descended from the north, all bound in opposition to Ironborn rule and united beneath the banner of the Remnant of Urguan. Seeing their chances of success growing as they closed in on the capital, other clans flocked to their cause and following a series of bloody clashes along the King’s Road, they succeeded in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and putting an end to their years of infernal rule. The shrines to Khorvad were quickly torn down, his name branded synonymous to the Archdaemon, Iblees, and his worship outlawed on pain of death. Any and all of Thorgarn’s surviving kin who could be found cowering in the city were brutally put to the axe. The Age of Fire In the shadow of the Ironborn, the burgeoning Kingdom of Urguan was forced to begin afresh, accommodating the vast spread of new freedoms and ideas. Various projects were created to accommodate the city’s rising population and the heralding of a new and more prosperous era. Just as they reached the pinnacle of their achievements, however, the dwarves faced their greatest challenge yet in the face of oblivion from the nether realm. King Simppa - Worshipper of the Archaengul, Aerial, and Urguanite exile, Simppa led his people in overthrowing the Ironborn dynasty and was placed at the forefront of forging a new future for his people. Emulating the scraps of knowledge he had of Urguan’s original kingdom, he greatly improved the living conditions within inner Kal’Urguan, and set about accommodating numerous professions to take to selling their wares in the city’s newly rebuilt districts for commerce. He reopened the city’s mines to the common clans and enacted justice on lawbreakers through the authority placed in his council and advisors. In seeking to better organise the dwarven military for future conflicts, Simppa issued decrees for the formation of the first dwarven Legion, which he placed under the marshalship of Hiebe Irongut. Its first task came swiftly as along the King’s Road, word soon reached the King that caravans of dwarven traders had been ambushed by orcish clans, sparking a conflict which became known as the ‘Caravan War.’ Simppa’s legacy was never fully realised, however, as he soon grew ill beneath the grip of a mysterious sickness and was forced to relinquish the throne in favour of his chief advisor and overseer, Charles Grimlie. King Charles Grimlie - A divisive ruler, his reign was marked by the rapid expansion of dwarven territory and the settlement of new holds including Kal’Alras, Kal’Bryst, and Kal’Himmilen. Just as the dwarves looked close to reforming a de facto empire over their lands, portals from the nether realm opened in the northern reaches, spewing vast hordes of hideous demonic creatures from their gates. Pulling at their strings and shrouded under black robes of darkness loomed the undead, corrupt and twisted beings from the nether who at their coming, would envelope the land in night, summoning great bolts of electricity down from the sky. Viewing this as Khorvad’s retribution for their toppling of the former Ironborn empire, free dwarves from across the realm pledged their axes and marched north to defend the kingdom from invasion. The dwarven hold of Kal’Bryst was the first to succumb to these attacks after a valiant last stand by its inhabitants. Later in his reign, views of Charles’s autocratic style of rule became increasingly polarised from within his own kingdom, seen as a tyrant in the same vein as Emperor Velkan by some and a conquering hero by others. Tensions came to the fore when a lone human thief broke into the King’s private vault, casting the dwarven king into a furious fit of rage, leading him to lay siege to the Orenian capital of Al’Khazar. The Goldhands, who now resided in the hold of Kal’Alras chose to declare their independence from the kingdom while the Grandaxe clan splintered into two halves, the Braveaxes choosing to remain serving in the dwarven Legion while their Blackaxe kin ventured north as mercenaries, constructing the great citadel of Kal’Domhain in the northern peaks of their forebears. King Belin Irongut - Seeking a change in their ruler’s style of leadership, the high council opted for a more compromising dwarf by the name of Belin Irongut. In contrast to his predecessor, he ruled largely through his council, negotiating trade agreements with other realms and granting the guilds some of the powers they had once possessed. He led a largely peaceful and stable reign, with focus scaled back towards ensuring the continued prosperity of the kingdom’s home territories. Nearing the end of his rule, he would order the construction of outer Kal’Urguan, erecting great walls around its farmland in preparation for the rising threat of invasion by the undead. King Algrim Irongut - His reign was marked largely by the descent of the undead hordes into the lowlands of the south, where Kal’Urguan quickly became a prime target for attack. After completing construction on the city’s outer defences, he ordered the Legion to begin working alongside the other descendent races to hold back the tide from his kingdom’s borders. Meanwhile, having become increasingly isolated in the north and looking to restore their honour in the kingdom’s eyes, it was during this time that many Blackaxes returned to Kal’Urguan to aid in the defence of the city. With the help of allies from the descendent races, Kal’Urguan was able to withstand numerous attacks on its walls and the dwarves were successful in driving the undead from their lands for a time. However, following an assault on the Khorvadic fortress known as Wrath’s Clutch, bitter tensions were fermented between the Legion and the elven Wardens of Malinor, both taking credit for their successful defence of the south. The Lord Marshal, Thorik, subsequently ordered his elite legionary units known as the longbeards to begin hunting down Wrath and his remaining followers. Paranoia quickly spread throughout Kal’Urguan amid fears that worshippers of Khorvad or even the undead themselves could have embedded themselves among the ordinary dwarven populace. Numerous raids were conducted in the city’s inner housing districts, with the Legion uncovering a number of hidden shrines in dedication to their dark god. In a great shock to the nation, however, King Algrim himself was revealed to be among these agents of Khorvad following interception of his communications. At the Lord Mashal’s behest, he was quickly arrested by the dwarven Legion and removed from power. King Gotrek Firemane - For a time, the undead threat had seemingly subsided and in Algrim’s place, a dwarf by the name of Gotrek Firemane was appointed to succeed him. He was notable in dwarven history for having spent more of his reign outside dwarven lands than within them. An ardent pursuer of knowledge and a popular dwarf in all walks of the city, he immediately took a band of his brethren soon after his coronation, and led them on an expedition westwards into uncharted lands, leaving rule of the city in the hands of his high council. In his absence, many of these council dwarves grew indolent and greedy, much of society being effectively governed by the Lord Marshal, Thorik, and other high ranking legionary dwarves, the longbeards. They decried their king’s absence in the face of a potential threat of invasion by the orcs and their elven allies. A war council was quickly established by the Lord Marshal, initially to prepare the realm for conflict, but its authority soon expanded to encompass other areas of the city. The two councils wrested for control until Thorik and his longbeards took the ultimate decision to lead a military coup against the throne, crowning himself and establishing the first Grand Kingdom of Urguan. Gotrek would later offer Thorik his blessing upon his eventual return to the city. Grand King Thorik Grandaxe - The first of the Grand Kings of Urguan, he radically reformed the kingdom, with the Legion and his closest supporters placed firmly in control of government. When the Great War of the four mortal realms finally came, Thorik used his military cunning and his advisor's political astuteness to not only prevent the dwarven homeland from falling to the conquering armies but he was able to press the warfront into the lands of his enemies in Krugmar and Malinor, whilst gaining a valuable ally in the human Kingdom of Oren. His victories during the war meant he was able to dramatically expand the kingdom's influence in foreign lands and for the first time, the nation of Urguan would play a much greater role in the affairs of the other races, mediating peace in some instances while continuing to combat the re-emerging threat of the undead in the north. Worship of the dwarves' ancient religion of the Brathmordakin was reestablished and became the driving force for change in dwarven society. As the fallen Ironborn emperor had spoken in his madness, however, these good-times were not to last and the lands of Aegis were soon engulfed by the fires of Khorvad, the world-devourer and his demonic horde. In this final advance by the undead, cities across Aegis fell before his wrath, first in the north and then to the south until Kal’Urguan itself was lost to the encroaching inferno. Three champions of the dwarves ventured into the nether in an attempt to halt the invasion and secure the descendents’ retreat, but it was Urir Ireheart who cast the Axe of Krug into the nexus, sacrificing his life to close shut its gates and seal Khorvad’s undead minions within. It was too late for the realm of Aegis, however, and its lands became quickly consumed by what remained of Khorvad’s horde. Thorik led his people in the great exodus from their homeland and on to the new realm of Asulon where the stories of his people would go on.
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