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Found 23 results

  1. A FESTIVAL OF FRIENDSHIP By the hand of Saelihn in the year 178 S.A. We unveil a floral festival, extending a warm welcome to our esteemed diplomatic guests from distant lands, while simultaneously expressing our wholehearted support for our new Sohaer. This event offers a splendid opportunity to witness the transformation of our city as flowers embellish its every corner, enhancing its inherent beauty and radiance as we adorn its walls with colorful blooms. I. THE SILVER ADDRESSING During the Silver address, the Hostess of the event shall formally introduce and extend a warm welcome to our new Sohaer, who will in turn express gratitude to the Citizens of the Silver State for their unwavering support. II. BLOOMING STANDS The Blooming Stands, comprised of various floral arrangements crafted by the Citizens of the Silver State, serve as vibrant showcases representing our esteemed Bloodlines. This presents a unique opportunity to exhibit your bloodline in a creative and artistic manner, highlighting its elegance, beauty, and purity. [ Sunday 28th, 4 PM EST in Tahn’miar, the Capital of Haelun’or ] To Her Majesty, THE QUEEN OF BALIAN. ( @HIGH_FIRE) On behalf of elSohaer Ashwýn Sythaerin, we extend a cordial invitation to Her Majesty and her people to partake in our festival, serving as a testament to southern kindness and friendship. As previously discussed, amidst the festivities, our leaders may convene to engage in discussions regarding the intricacies of a prospective diplomatic agreement between our nations. We eagerly anticipate the arrival of Her Majesty and her entourage, and the opportunity to host them in our midst. Signed, Elensir Calathân and Naedwylm. MAEHR’SAE HIYLUN’EHYA
  2. [!] Flyers have been found about Hyspia . . . A depiction of those gathered for a Hyspian meal. The Murietta household alongside the School of Veronica presents multiple days of culinary delights in celebration and honor of the Crown Princess, Santana of Hyspia Quinceanera. The food and dishes within Hyspia are world-renowned for its flavor, seasoning and ingenuity - and with this in mind, we wish to share a few recipes to the public to enjoy as they please. CLASE DE COCINA The first day will take place within the Hyspian square, where a class will take place on the making of Hyspian cuisine and varying dishes that can be made for your enjoyment. Learn to make things such as canapés and enjoy the fruits of your labor after! [Thursday the 18th at 5pm EST] CONCURSO DE COCINA The second day will be a showcase as to what all you have learned from the first, in which a cooking contest will take place! The same foods you learned from the first day will be judged upon, with a mystery round in which you may make anything of your own imagination. [Sunday the 21st at 5pm EST] Signed, HIS EXCELLENCY, Demitrey Denodado, Gran Chancellor de Hyspia, Maestro de la Esquela de Veronica, Oficial de Imigracion SENORA, Mariposa Murietta, Canciller de la PatriaS
  3. Dies Parsdi Ave! Friends, Caelians, Countrymen Join us in Celebration! As we honor the Gods Parsdiem And Marevs They have ripened our crops, and have gifted Spring upon us once more! We must not let their gifts go unnoticed! And so It’s time To Celebrate! Some of the festivities to look forward to include: Pugilatus (Boxing) Anyone can fight anyone. Betting is encouraged. Armor is forbidden during this event. Vina Certamine (Wine Competition) Anyone can partake in this event Betting is encouraged. The first losers are expected to clean up after everyone. Sacra Vvlpes Venari (Sacred Fox Hunt) Anyone who wishes to catch foxes May do so The person who catches the most Will win a prize Invited Communities to the events Theveus Sythaerin @MailC3pthe Aelitcvs of the Caelian people, Sohaer of the Silver Empire and the Avritii of Haelvnonensis Yera @Ewdrawings Overlord of Kaethuel and the People of Kaethuel Kato Oijin @Reckless Banzai Screamer Shugo of Sakuragakure and the People of Sakuragakure Pamphilos Callidora Hyptos @SteppeNomad and the Avritii of Sulianpoli And everyone who wishes may come may come as well This Event will take place on A.V.V 278 3-8-2024
  4. A humble invitation is hung on noticeboards around settlements in the Enchanted Forest and Druidic Circles. Come join the Underlight Grotto as the final of the Fae Moons pass, and we welcome the arrival of the next lunar year! Named for the first full moon during spring's first emergence from winter, or the Season of Birth, the annual festival indulges in a time of music, dancing, and craftsmanship with the lauded Kuila Crystals of the realm. As the second annual gathering, the theme has been decided; the dress attire will be inspired by the very crystal the corresponding faerie tale the festival honors! In folklore from the chroniclers of the fae, the Aspect Cerridwen awakens from her winter sleep at the height of the first full moon of the lunar calendar. From her chrysalis hidden deep in the Fae Realm, she emerges and heralds the arrival of warm spring air and green revival. Likewise, Cerridwen's Devoted of the Mother Circle celebrate this tale with the yearly festivities: A flower dance in which the seeds of wildflowers are sown while enjoying jubilant music, an open air market featuring artisans from around the realm, a dress competition, tiva crafting, and performances featuring the Druid Bard and his trusty living banjo! Come spend an evening with the Grotto at the beachside meadow! Vendors send a letter via the aviary to Aerendyl Hawksong to have space reserved for a booth. [[ OOC: Sunday, February 25th at 6:30 pm EST. IGN CornerianArwing for inquiries.]]
  5. [!] This missive would find itself on the notice board within Kaethul and those abroad. ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ ✦•······················•✦•······················•✦ [!] An artist's depiction of a busy beachside festival, a group of bards performing on the stage. BRIMZTRA’S FESTIVAL OF THE ARTS Arise craftsmen, artisans, and performers, for your time to shine is now! Within the ashen year, an art festival shall be hosted in the City-State of Kaethul in honor of Brimztra, the Spirit of Creativity, Music, and Art! Many stalls will be present for merchants to sell their wares along with a stage for performers to show their talents. For Bards, you may challenge the hosts to a bard-off for the potential to win a prize, try looking for us around the festival and present your challenge! This is one festival you WON’T want to miss! We hope to see you there! Bastian Jusmia With the Spirits' Grace, Minstrel of the Eastern Krasts Godwin Almiresson Poet of Portoregne
  6. 𝐹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁 𝑜𝒻 𝒮𝒶𝒾𝓃𝓉 𝒯𝒽𝑒𝑜𝒹𝑜𝓈𝒾𝓊𝓈 キ [!]Drunkards indulging in their wimms in celebration! With hearts filled with jubilation and spirits lifted high, we extend a grand and heartfelt invitation to one and all. The Duchy of Stran shall host a magnificent festival, a celebration like none other, to honor the revered Saint Theodosius. This joyous occasion, marked by an air of festivity and merriment, shall unite realms and kindred spirits from far and wide. Let the echo of our revelry resound through the annals of history as we pay homage to Saint Theodosius, the Patron Saint of the Raevir People, the Hussariyan Cross, Messengers, Falconers and Fowlers, and Translators The Festival of Saint Theodosius shall commence in the Duchy of Stran on the 13th of Sun’s Smile, in the year 1941, when the sun graces the horizon with its gentle embrace. [September 10th, at 1 EST] キ𝐻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓁𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉𝓈 𝑜𝒻 𝓉𝒽𝑒 𝐹𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒶𝓁 Partake in a sumptuous feast that shall indulge your senses. Savor the finest delicacies and raise your goblets in toasts to unity and friendship. Be enchanted by a plethora of entertainment options, including minstrels, jugglers, and theatrical performances that shall leave you spellbound. Seek solace and enlightenment as we hold a spiritual gathering in honor of Saint Theodosius. Join in prayers, meditations, and discussions to nurture your soul. Test your mettle in a variety of games that promise excitement and friendly competition for all ages. From barefisted brawls to witty matches of chess, come partake with your friends! キ 𝒜𝒸𝒸𝑜𝓂𝑜𝒹𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 Our realm offers a wide array of accommodations to suit your needs, from luxurious chambers in the heart of Stran to cozy inns nestled in the countryside. We shall make every effort to ensure your ease of travel, with well-marked routes and welcoming guides to assist you in your journey to Stran. Prepare yourselves, noble guests, for a festival that shall remain etched in your hearts for generations to come. Let us come together, in unity and camaraderie, to celebrate the wisdom and light that Saint Theodosius has bestowed upon us. Letters shall be sent out to our special guests, yet all are welcome to join us on this great day. His Grace, Ser Istvan Ivanovich, Duke of Stran, Voidvode of Vaška, Count of Pravets, Baron of Vsensk, and Godansk, Lord of Andregrad, Hetman of the Host of St. Arpad, Keeper of the Hussariya, Protector of Raev and the Vaškan Steppe Her Grace, Izabela Anna Ivanovich, Duchess of Stran, Voidvode of Vaška, Countess of Pravets, Baroness of Vsensk, and Godansk, Lady of Andregrad, Hetman of the Host of St. Arpad, Keeper of the Hussariya, Protector of Raev and the Vaškan Steppe The Honourable, George Marc Halcourt af Brasca, Baron af Brasca Her Ladyship, Viktoria Helena Ivanovich, Ward to the Princess Adeline of Aaun
  7. After fully settling into our beloved city, we wish to host a celebration of our most glorious moon. A festival will be hosted in her honor, which will feature various games and competitions, which will be listed down below. Stalls will be set up for people to sell their items, if you wish to rent a stall please contact Nova Maiheiuh-Delevoye. http://pixelartmaker-data-78746291193.nyc3.digitaloceanspaces.com/image/b14cf8bbef6f5f5.png *:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚✧*:・゚ * The Great Nor’asath Bake off - Cooking stations will be erected within the area of the festival. Competitors will need to make a moon themed baked good within the allotted time. Two judges will eat said baked goods and the winner will be given a one of kind prize! Ring Toss Dunk Tank Bucket Ball Stargazing - To close the festival, mats will be laid out for all to lay down. Everyone will be able to gaze at the beautiful stars that grace our skies. *:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧*:・゚*:・゚✧**:・゚✧*:・゚:・゚ Everyone is invited to this festival, but most especially the nations of the Sol Entente and their citizens. We invite you to come and take a look inside our city, and perhaps learn about our most beloved Velulaei whilst also having a grand time.
  8. The First Lemon Harvest 16th of Tobias’ Bounty, in the year of our Lord, 1935 To the Good People of Canondom, Thanks to the contributions of the Canonist Faithful, Lemon Hill has been founded between the rivers Constance and Northflow. After years of hard work, our providence is made manifest. Upon its peak the Monastery of the Sacred Heart stands to serve as a true bastion of learning for all the land. Down its slopes our congregation now settles, tilling the fields, pursuing their crafts, and tending the lemon trees. To celebrate the coming harvest of lemons, the good people invite all the realm to come and sample the fruit of our labors. Be it our titular lemons, our patented brews, or our fine meals, all shall be provided in ample abundance to those who come. IN NOMINE DEI OOC: Saturday, July 29th, 3 PM EST
  9. A CELEBRATION OF BEGINNINGS Issued on the 9th of Harren's Folley, 1916 In the month of Godfrey’s Triumph, 1916, Archduchess Renilde I and Prince Marius Audemar welcomed their two children to the world after a successful term and labour - a boy and a girl respectively. After a few days of deliberation, the Archducal couple have bestowed names upon them: Paul Alexander and Winifred Adalia. To celebrate their birth, the Commonwealth of Petra will undergo festivities for three consecutive months filled with hope, joy and promise. Many events will be in place for peaceful citizens of the realm to come together and forget the weariness of ongoing conflicts. ONE (23RD OF MARCH, 5PM EST) Baptism Starting off the celebrations, the religious sacrament of baptism shall be performed in the Chapel of St. Emma on the Archducal children. The Passing of the Lambs A newfound practice to the Commonwealth, the passing of the lambs is heavily symbolic of new life and prosperity to all in Petra. Two lambs bred from the best stock shall be selected and dyed red & black before being presented before the Archducal house. Like a sheep later on in its life providing wool, milk and eventually meat, the twins shall go on to support the nation with their skills and best assets as the newer generation. Market Venturing Market stalls shall be in place for people to buy Petran goods - florists, merchants, bakers. The tavern, The Two Cats Tavern & Inn, will be open for all to take a drink! ______ TWO (24TH OF MARCH, 5PM EST) Drunken Brawl Hosted by Sir Wolfgang ‘The Tenacious’ de Vilain, allied citizens across the realm shall be brawling it out until the last man standing. Each contestant will be asked to drink beforehand until they are tipsy or fully drunk, before stepping into the pit. Knights shall be on standby should there be a disruption/disturbance. The prize of this drunken brawl is a hefty 200 mina and a coveted title of the 'Petran Iron Warrior'. Cheese Roll A tradition founded by Acreans many years ago, a cheese roll will start from the heights of Mount Garmont and tumble down to the bottom of the square. Participants shall roll the wheel down until the winner crosses the finish line. The infamous ‘Cheesebeast’ shall be made in honour of the Harvest Confederacy long ago for the occasion. The prize for the winner of the cheese roll will win an unlimited supply of free treats from Little Acre bakery, as well as the Cheesebeast itself. ______ THREE (25TH OF MARCH, 3PM EST) Feast As the finale approaches to the three-month long festival celebrations, a feast is to commence in Castle Estenpromé. Food shall be locally sourced by the infamous Little Acre bakery, with the Archduchess' favourite buttermilk cake as the centrepiece to the dinner. Lantern Ceremony Lake Providence will be the home to the end of the festival, where boats will be provided if one wishes to sail out in the middle. Available for purchase will be lanterns that will be set off into the sky - symbolising the coming light and hope from the twins' birth. INVITATIONS King Georg I and the citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska… King Charlie I and the citizens of the United Kingdom of Aaun... King Agnor Grandaxe and the citizens of the Kingdom of Urguan... The Silver Lubba Mika Anarion and the citizens of the Most Serene State of Lurin... Princess Valyris and the citizens of the Principality of Celia'nor... King Cyris I and the citizens of the Shiredom of Bywater... Petra, Flowing Water! Ave! Ave! O SAINTE RÈGNE PETRÉRE, Her Grace, Renilde I, By the Grace of God, Archduchess of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Countess of Temesch et Moere, Marchiness of the East March, Hero of the Petra His Highness, Prince Marius Audemar, Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Archduke-consort of the Commonwealth of the Petra, Duke of Markev, Count-consort of Temesch et Moere, Governor of the Silver Isle, Hero of the Petra Her Excellency, Dame Anne 'The Benevolent' de Vilain, Chamberlain of the River Court, Baroness-consort of Acre, Co-owner of Little Acre bakery
  10. ANNOUNCEMENT of the HOUSE DARKWOOD The Darkwood Drink Festival In the year of our Lord, 13th of Peter's Glory 23 B.A To those of Almaris: House Darkwood has shown itself to be a house newly dedicated in its curation and creation of drinks of all kinds, having opened a business in the Brown Bear’s Rest Tavern in Balian. Having held such a passion for all his life Viscount Drako Darkwood would like to announce his intent to host a festival in celebration of what he loves in Balian. Starting in the Square of Balian with a small amount of stalls and space within Balian, those who make drinks are encouraged to sell or offer tasters of their drinks for the denizens of Almaris to taste and enjoy. Being that this is a drink festival, there will be a competition held in the tavern with a grand prize of 50 mina. Finally it will be ended with a drunken brawl in the arena, where anyone who wants to take part will drink and then fist fight those in the pit. As declared by, His Excellency, the Patriarch of House Darkwood, Lord Drako Darkwood, Viscount of Renduzzo. Her Excellency, Viscount-Consort Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller of Renduzzo
  11. [!] Elegantly scribed rice paper flyers are hung around all Tianrui Trading Co. locations and partners! THE TIANRUI TEAHOUSE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO OUR CELEBRATION OF THE MID-AUTUMN FESTIVAL IN OUR ALISGRAD LOCATION! [!] A full moon rises behind the Tianrui gingko tree in Alisgrad in this print! Come one, come all! To the Tianrui Teahouse’s celebration of the Li-Ren Mid-Autumn Festival! Taking place once on the 15th of every 8th month on the Li-Ren lunar calendar, the Mid-Autumn festival is a celebration of harvest, friends and family, and of course moon cakes. While the date of the equinox precedes this missive, festivities shall take place in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse from the Sun’s Smile to the Grand Harvest. For the first night of the event, tea master Tianrui Ren will tell the tale of the Mid-Autumn Festival and how it came to be! Event Planning and Hosting, Tianrui Ren OOC: Running all week in the Alisgrad Tianrui Teahouse, and Monday night at around 4pm EST I’ll be around to do an in-RP story time!
  12. "Deep in that realm, the Prince does slumber With royal mane of leaf and umber. When the days turn long, the sun's veil of fire awakens summertime from the Lion's choir." Excerpt from the Faerie Tale of Majira, the Midsummer Prince _______________________________________ ________________________ The Sixth Moon of the Lunar Calendar of Faeries is known as the Lion Moon, named for the likeness of the druidic fable of Majira, a great lion thought to guard the Court of the Fae Queen. Majira slumbers most of the year at the entrance to the Verdant Glade, where he rests after his yearly roar that brings the crescendo of summer to the realm. He is thought to be the father of the PrideMother fae spirits, roaming hunters of mischievous faeries and trespassing spirits of draoi, and a patron of wild and domesticated feline companions to descendants alike. With Majira's watchful eyes holding the light of dusk and dawn, it is storied that witnessing reflective eyes of cats big and small is a sure sign that there are foul magics or dark spirits afoot. When the Stormtreader stags cascade their cacophony of thunder and rain during the Fifth moon of the calendar, Majira will awaken and loft his head high. His roar shakes the realms of the Forest and Descendants, rich ribbons of summertime season weaving nature's crescendo into the land and sky. Exhausted, the Great Lion shakes his mane, billowing sweltering breeze to shoo away summer storms that have overstayed their welcome. The oceans begin to stir with life, and the world bears summer fruit of sweet nourishment. Then, the Midsummer Prince returns to rest, so that he might regain his spirit to bring the next year's summer. The Pridemother's Chant, Song of the Midsummer Dance Lye orrarae, Maln! (We hunt, Father!) Lye orrarae karinte, Maln! (We are going hunting, Father!) Il'Kaean narnae, larionn'an, lye orrarae karinte! (Come with us, sisters, we are going hunting!) Lye! Uhierae, ehierae! Lye! Uhierae, ehierae! (The people!) (We seek, we find!) Maruriar, Maln! (Roar, Father!) Lye! Haelun, kaean annil! Lye! Haelun, myumier ito! (The people!) (Mother, guide us! Mother, carry us (to it)!) Ito orrarae! (Here, we hunt!) Oh, draoi uhierae! (Oh, we hunt evil!) A painting of Mother Circle druids partaking in the Midsummer Dance In the Mother Circle, a great celebration is held in honor of this story during the phases of the Lion Moon. Known as the Midsummer Dance, performers travel dressed as Majira and his pride of daughters to spread the joys and beliefs of summertime according to druidic values. The chiefest display involves firedancing, a great demonstration of the story of Majira in the form of a traveling performance and feast. Adorned in bright summer colors and masks of the Midsummer Prince and his hunting pride of daughters, the druids of the circle travel the world to instill strength and faith into those that aim to preserve nature. Summer fruits and laurels are few of many gifts brought to a communal feast, while stories of great accomplishments for the preservation of the balance are shared. While Summer is indeed a season of vitality and strength, it is also a season where the weak perish. When the Mother Circle celebrates the Midsummer Dance, they are praying for the wisdom and strength of the hardy spirits of summer. Wise druids know that no season truly holds an era of quiet when it comes to the protection of the balance, and the summer heat often proves harshest to many. Celebrating the Midsummer Dance and feast forges bonds that many wish to maintain in solidarity of the hard work yet to come.
  13. "The Stag is blessed with a crown of forked lightning. The Caribou's hooves roar over the land like thunder. The Elk's voice the screaming wind of the tempest. The Storm Moon has risen above murky summer skies!" Excerpt from the Legend of the StormTreader, Guardian of the Storm Moon __________________________________________ ________________________________________ A painting of the mythical StormTreader Faerie When the final lunar phase of the spring months has passed, the kin of the Mother Circle know that the harsher times of the lunar calendar is upon them. The clouds churn into great veils of shadow and storm, washing the land with a cleansing rain. When the sky illuminates with the crash of thunder, it is said that the mythical StormTreader stags are clashing their antlers together. Rain cascades over the earth like a tide to cleanse the remnants of the old and warn of the scorching summer months to come, and lightning strikes the land to smite wayward, trespassing spirits of draoi and evil spirits. To honor the story of this fable, the Mother Circle gathers for a grand hunt and the creation of the Lunar Year's Tempest Crown. The tradition begins with two hunting parties representing the Wind and Rain of a summer storm. Venturing into the wilds, the hunters harvest a deer, elk, or caribou to obtain the antlers required for the creation of the Tempest Crown. Then, a grand reenactment of the clashing of horns is held between two chosen warriors of each hunting party. Using only the horned helms they have created, they endure combat during the first summer storm until one of the crowns break. The remaining artifact is exalted as the year's Tempest Crown, a symbol of the Circle's resilience during real and spiritual storms. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ A sketch of a druid having won the Tempest Crown "When lightning strikes, kin beware; For the draoi and slothful druid Are one in the same in the eye of the storm." The faerie stags themselves are believed by the Mother Circle to be pure faerie spirits of justice, and enactors of Cerunnos' will. While not associated with the Pantheon of the Wild Hunt, they are considered stalwart protectors of the Court of the Fae Queen and help ensure that malevolent faeries that cross into the mortal realm are kept in line, never overindulging in their unknowable mischief and tricks on descendants. To witness the passing of a white stag is to see a StormTreader in the flesh, an incredibly rare sight and an omen of nearby danger. The Mother Circle considers these faeries to be the first children of Ameathon, and will often keep antlers from hunts and present them to the most honorable and tested warriors of the Grove to symbolize their dedication to the glades of Cerridwen. ________________________________________ __________________________________________
  14. [!] Many flyers can be found on the Western side of the continent, hanging by posts and some trees. "To those in search of entertainment or those who wish to test your skill! I invite you all to The Town at World's Edge, Nazdrajik! A festival will be held within the following months, where food, drinks and music shall be shared with those who come! For the merchants, is your opportunity to set up shop and gain some coin, and a chance for those who wish to spend some! We welcome all races to come and join, forget about conflict and war for a brief time. Prizes will be given to those who win our combat tournament. Our docks will be open and our stalls free for all." Alongside the flyer, a map is drawn at the bottom, guiding in fact towards world's edge, the far off side of the western continent, near the firelands. A date is also written alongside the time of said event... What a convenient piece of paper! ((OOC)) The festival itself will take place this Sunday 5 of June. Time: 5pm EST. Tournament will be PvP. Contact info. for stalls: Discord: Allengator200#7363 MC Name: Allengator200
  15. "Elysium is a Kingdom of Families strung together by Unity" Come one, come all! In the next Elven fortnight a Festival is to be held, celebrating the Unity and Bonds of the Elysian houses, clans and families! Showcase what your family stands for at your designated section Faucet new blood into the veins of our wonderful Kingdom. Bring life to pump the heart of Elysium! There shall be events, games, showcases and more at the Odinson Clan Festival! Friends, Family, Allies and more are too invited to bare witness to the festival. Are you in need of a home? A family? Do you yield certain values that you wish to cultivate amongst peers of similar views? This shall be the perfect place for you to find those you may flock to. Leaders of the numerous families that populate the fennic Kingdom of Elysium are hereby invited to contact Fal'leon Odinson with interest on showcasing themselves. More information is to come.
  16. Festival of Armakak 9th of the Grand Harvest, year 60 of the SA Armakak, the God of Trade. An artist’s depiction of an ancient Dwarven hold. With the war becoming more non-existant and irrelevant every day, High Prophet Norli Starbreaker of the Da Kirkja Dverga has authorised initiate Gildroc Goldhand to hold a day of festivities, succeeding a pilgrimage to Armakak that shall be held a month before. A day of festivities, that shall honour the god of trade and ensure his presence is felt in the minds of the dwarves. A day of unity, of solidarity to remember at heart the Dwarves are a folk fond of seeking riches. A ceremony to honour Armakak shall be conducted before the start of the Festival, and after that is complete an open-market will be hosted within the Temple of the Worldmaker in Kal’Darakaan. Any dwarf, be they a Goldhand or not; may participate in the event. To secure a stall within the temple of the Worldmaker, please seek out Gildroc Goldhand or send him a letter before the day in question. Signed Initiate Gildroc Goldhand
  17. [!] An ornate missive would be sent across the realm, a delicate golden border lining each piece. A lavish letter would detail this announcement: The Emir of the Fakhr Oasis, the glorious falcon, Qamar ibn Zayd al-Nabeel, humbly invite you to witness the union of the Qamar ibn Zayd al-Nabeel and his partner Fatimah bint Thamer al-Hadad. All are welcome to attend a traditional Qalasheen ceremony, followed by a beautiful reception. The reception will include a feast, dancing, games, and friendly competitions to celebrate this wonderful union. The Oasis Palms restaurant, the ultimate romantic destination, will be open to all, catering to the feasts. Special invitations would be sent to the following: His Majesty, Vane Edvarsson, King of Norland, and his esteemed family The Illustrious Zhu, Tianrui Ryu, and his esteemed cabinet and noble family Signed, Sayyid, Qamar Bin Zayd, Sheikh of the Nabeel, Emir of the Fakhr [OOC Note: The Wedding will be on Wednesday 12th of January 01/12/2022 @ 6 PM EST]
  18. ...As the smoke and ash clear from the air, one will see the destroyed and burned ruins of the once prosperous elven city. The environment around the structures were all burnt to a crisp, dark colors covering the beautiful shades of green below. Although this was a heart aching sight to see, all good things must come to an end, so that it may make way for better. “Lliran, I ask that we do not stay mourning for our beloved city but we honor it in a final Knox-o-ween festivity!” the priestess would call out to her kin, handing out flyers that would spread across the lands, for a festivity to end the spooky season.. “Come one, come all to a SpOoKy celebration at the Owl’s Perch! Enjoy yourselves with some fun activities for everyone to enjoy. The following activities will be… -Spider throw (beanbag throw) -Hide n seek -A costume competition -Final knox-o-ween dance We encourage you to come dressed to impress! The winner for the spider throw will receive an art piece of their choice and the two winners for the Hide n seek and Costume competition will receive a 100 mina prize each! We hope to see you there..”
  19. [!] A flier is found floating about the winds near the north of Almaris Tha Gaming Festival! ~Settling into the new territory after ol' Bramblebury withered away~ New lands and new harvests have come to us wee folks. Let us celebrate these new beginnings with a good ol' feast! Now that our village is set up with the right facilities, we ought to have a grand ol' party and invite all of the neighbors! I have decided that I shall plan just that! Activities: ~Shogging!~ Knock your opponent off of their log before ye fall off of yar own! ~Spleef!~ A game as old as time 'tself! Knock away the ground underneath others and don't fall into the water yourself! ~Push-Off Pumpkin!~ A game of my invention dating back to Arcas. A free-for all battle to control a giant floating pumpkin! Last one still standing wins! ~Darts~ Throw darts at a dartboard to score points! ~Drinks and Snacks~ Free bread and booze will be provided to all who attend the festival! Come right over to the new village 'n Haense (just next to the farms outside o' Karosgrad) and play games with us! May the best fella win! ~Filibert Applefoot, local halfling of the new shire. ((Event will take place at 3 PM EST tomorrow, 9/11/2021. Here are directions to the village: ))
  20. ANDO ALUR BEACH FESTIVAL Hosted by The Lady of Ceremony and the Council of Ando Alur. [!] Citzen's of Ando Alur out on the beach. the season of summer has been here for sometime, so why not celebrate it? His Serene Highness and his Council members invite one and all to the first of many celebrations on the beach! enjoy your day with care-free fun! join our many activities we will be hosting on our beach! or just sit back, relax, and get that fabulous golden tan you've always been wanting. find yourself a drink at our bar! Our beach/nautical style bar, will be served by our favorite bartender, Elren! make sure to stop on by the bar and get yourself a tropical tasty drink. A shogging Tournament test your balance and strength out in the waters go up against one of your friends or a long time enemy! balance on the logs as long as possible before falling off. Show off your cooking skills during our grilling contest. now is your time to shine for those who grill. then after the decided winner, food and drinks will be held in celebration! Beach outfit contest. show off your fashion skills during this event, swimsuit, sundress, swim trunks you name it. Volleyball Tournament. Join Ando Alur for our first Volleyball game! rules will be explained at the event. [area of where the beach festival will be held.] Map of Ando Alur. CREDIT FOR MAP: chaosgamer/chaos#7283 Date for the event, sunday the 24th 7pm EST. (please check out discord for any updates!) Special Invitations: Denziens of Ando Alur. The Silver State Of Haelun'or and the Silver Council. (people of different nations are more than welcomed to join!) PENNED, Seat of Ceremony, Event Coordinator 𝐼𝓁𝓎𝒶𝓃𝒶 https://youtu.be/s90ZrJS7BBU
  21. •✹Armakak's Sun Festival✹• [!] Tiny wood sparrows deliver colorful, golden pamphlets across all of Almaris. At the ripe beginning of The First Seed, Da Seers Eron Hefruth and Da Kirkja Dverga of Urguan are calling every merchant of Almaris to join in a prosperous celebration! Be it brews, weapons, forges, jewlery, any and all are welcome to sell! The Sun Festival is thrown in honor of Armakak, the Merchant Father, who guides our kin to luckier days and brighter skies. Festivities include: ✹ Stalls and shops from the finest merchants of Almaris that will surround the valley of Urguan! ✹ Test your luck with a coin toss or win back double your mina at the gambling table! ✹ The Merchant Competition will conclude the festival, where each stall or shop submits one item to be judged by Yemekar’s Pick: Dorimnur Goldhand, Grand Steward: Levian'Tol Grandaxe, and Grimgold Clan Father: Alaric Grimgold. Winner receives 200 mina. Join the Grand Kingdom of Urguan with pockets full or empty, for may Armakak’s luck shine upon us all! High Chief of Hefrumm, Seer of Brathmordakin, Prelate of Anbella, Chief of Clan Blackroot, OOC: Festival will begin Saturday, April 17th @ 6pm EST. If you want to run a shop/stall in the festival, contact Dietz#2343 or High Chief Yazmorra Blackroot irp.
  22. [!] Artist’s depiction of the grand feast during the Feast of the Wolf Feast of the Serpent The Feast of the Serpent is a tradition held every 3 years ((a month in real time)) celebrated with drinking, feasting, and a great hunt to remember the founding of Blazengard and the Wandering Flames. The great hunt is an event which begins the feast. Affiliates can participate in the hunting of large beasts in groups up to two. Those who bring back a beast will be rewarded, but the one who brings the largest beast will get bragging rights as “Lord of the Hunt” or “Lords of the Hunt” during the festivities. The beasts will then be taken to the chef and prepared for a grand feast which takes place soon after. Other games such as archery, apple dunking, pumpkin carving, and the hay maze. To end the day we have our Krugsmas outfit competition, which is judged by the mayor, sovereign and a mystery judge. The competition will be judged on style, effort, and overall WoW factor. ((Contact Tainted_Ace#4526 if you want to enter)) 9:30am: Speech given by Ban Estrosa commencing the first annual Feast of the serpent! 10:00am: The Great hunt begins, bring your own gear, and have fun!! 11:00am: Apple dunking contest! 11:30am: The Great Feast, come and enjoy the wonderful bounty! 12:00pm: Corn maze trials, try and beat it in under 6 Elven minutes! 1:00pm: Outfit competition, judged by the mayor, sovereign, and a special guest 2:00pm: Pumpkin carving then walk around town and enjoy the firework show! ((formatted on behalf of @Tainted_ace)) ((1/16/2021))
  23. [!] Artist’s depiction of the grand feast during the Feast of the Wolf FEAST OF THE SERPENT The Feast of the Serpent is a tradition held every 3 years ((a month in real time)) celebrated with drinking, feasting, and a great hunt to remember the founding of Blazengard and the Wandering Flames. The great hunt is an event which begins the feast. Affiliates can participate in the hunting of large beasts in groups up to two. Those who bring back a beast will be rewarded, but the one who brings the largest beast will get bragging rights as “Lord of the Hunt” or “Lords of the Hunt” during the festivities. The beasts will then be taken to the chef and prepared for a grand feast which takes place soon after. Other games such as archery, apple dunking, pumpkin carving, and the hay maze. To end the day we have our Krugsmas outfit competition, which is judged by the mayor, sovereign and a mystery judge. The competition will be judged on style, effort, and overall WoW factor. Contact Tainted_Ace#4526 if you want to enter. 9:30am Speech given by Ban Estrosa commencing the first annual Feast of the serpent. 10:00am The Great hunt begins, bring your own gear, and have fun!! 11:00am Apple dunking contest. 11:30am The Great Feast, come and enjoy the wonderful bounty. 12:00pm Corn maze trials, try and beat it in under 6min 1:00pm Outfit competition, judged by the mayor, sovereign, and a special guest 2:00pm Pumpkin carving then walk around town and enjoy the firework show! ((ooc))If interested in getting further details please don't hesitate to join our discord https://discord.gg/YfNrQwEshD or message me on discord @ Tainted_Ace#4526, The Festival will be held on December 28th, 2020 from 9am to 2pm Est.
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