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Knight of Elken

Diamond VIP
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Status Updates posted by Knight of Elken

  1. where's a place that's got a lot of activity? I'm getting very bored, want some dynamic, interesting RP, and tired as hell of just getting on and going AFK for half an hour while I do other ****

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AGiantPie


      Depends on what you mean by 'activity.' I've found that Felsen is often active in terms of having people, but a lot of times people are afk. Same can be said for the docks. 

    3. LaCabra (Soda)

      LaCabra (Soda)

      Depending on the time of day, Orcs have been really active with RP lately.

    4. Malgonious


      The Duchy of Lorraine conforms to both EU and US timezones.  Rurics are primarily the US, while the rest of Lorraine is EU pm.

  2. why does everyone feel the need to be all vague and mysterious when commenting on rp posts haha? like oo, that vague description of what your character looks exactly like surely is anonymous

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Harri


      is it menarra

    3. Neri


      RP posts in general are rather weird; either they should be IC or OOC not a weird mixture of both. My biggest pet peeve is when people use their characters as puppets to quip or comment on RP happenings from an OOC perspective. It got so bad at one point that there was a forum rule made banning "says man" posts but people still do it anyways.

    4. Neri


      t. a hooded dark elf with twin katanas who smirks 24/7

  3. im finally free of the curse of lotc, and god it feels good

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Freed after Tythus bled you a hundred dollars. Was it worth it?

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      @iMattyz this didnt age well

    4. mmat
  4. Fun lotc characters to play? Tired of playing magic elves

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ambduscias


      average human farmer


      otherwise if you're into religious **** play a fellow red-blooded dragon worshiping male and join in the process to convert the world

    3. GgDionne


      Yes, I've heard orcs can be very fun

    4. Jakraes


      Play as a golbin. One that is just crazy and insane and can think about the weirdest things to tinker.

      Make some grenades yo

  5. hey homeslice, how u been doin :>

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. _Jandy_


      I thought you were a die hard elf guy?

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      yeah, i did. in all honesty, he was kinda boring to play lol, and i made him when i didn't know much about making good characters. im playing god's chunkiest lad now, a young haense lad who's doing his best despite being incompetent at everything but fighting haha

    4. _Jandy_


      god gives his hardest diets to his chunkiest soldiers

  6. first playthrough of dark souls - wish me luck boyos

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sythan
    3. seannie


      つ ◕_◕ ༽つCAPRA DEMON༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

    4. Runabarn


      Pro tip: If it has a tail, hit it until it comes off.

  7. Is there some sort of server wide story in the works? I heard a rumor there's one in the works somewhere.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sythan


      I remember LM's saying something was going to happen this month. Perhaps it has started, unsure.

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      Is there some sort of post on it? I'd like to see it.

    4. Archbishop


      Not official posts but I believe there has been some that relates to it.


      Are two threads which relates to the same thing. I do believe a second extract of it are being posted soon. I think this is part of it but don't judge me if im wrong.

  8. instead of making new additions to nexus and other "fun, revolutionary" plugins, why can't lotc just go back to focusing on rp?? i mean at least a good 77% of people just grind nexus skills at this point

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abysmall


      I feel like this has been brought up so many times now, but every time it has nothing gets done. I hope things change to favor strict RP soon.

    3. Reno


      Maybe if everyone on LOTC made a post about taking down nexus, something will change 

      Then again, probably not. But we can try 

    4. Telanir


      I promise you that each of us fancies the idea of a more RP-oriented server, including staff. Unfortunately it is the plugin mechanics that pay the bills and at this time we need everything we can get.

  9. anyone know a skin editor similar to needcoolshoes.com? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Privet
    3. Unwillingly


      PMCskin3D was a godsend, highly recommend over MNCS (as a former coolshoes skinner as well)

    4. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      thanks gang, I'll give it a shot :)

  10. i get it. ur namemc profile views means everything to u. but please, ur family misses u. 

  11. Anyone wanna add me on discord or skype and talk about music? I'm a big fan of indie music :)

    1. _Jandy_


      I only listen to Post Malone, who is my dad.

    2. Space


      'i like this music'

      'i like this music'




      music is the most boring topic to discuss even though i am very passionate about music!!


      this song is good though


    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      Discussing music is only boring if you make it boring, like describe why you like it you know? This's for you Space, 


  12. Town builders need to stop making ginormous towns when they don't have the player base to fit them. 

    1. B


      lol! agreed actually just seems very redundant.

    2. UnusualBrit


      I support this, last map the issue was settlements being handed out like candy by nation leaders.


      Same thing now except it's much worse.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      Smaller is better 90% of the time when making a settlement.

  13. Everyone keeps crashing and here I am, no crashes <:>

    1. H


      Must be lonely.

    2. Guy d'Yood of Mann
    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      just like my life.................................. sad violin...

  14. anyone play elder scrolls online for pc? i wanna get back into it but i want someone to play with

    1. Nekkore


      Lol no highly recommend to stay away from it but if you want to that's your choice.

    2. Shalashask


      aye same. I'm about level 45. Thought the quests were pretty good for an MMORPG but haven't hit end game yet. What is it like?

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      I've gotten to Vet rank 2 (I think) on a 2 handing NB, and it was pretty okay. You just go through the other zones, which, honestly, I thought was really boring and repetitive. I thought maybe playing with someone would change some things, but maybe not haha

  15. going inactive for a while probably

    1. Kilig
    2. excited


      see you in two days xd

      (See you around amigo.) 

    3. _Jandy_
  16. yo what up lotc, what's cracka lackin?? what is new and exciting on the server lately????? happy wednesday my dudes, too :)

    1. Ayevia


      I have a boyfriend 



    2. Ayevia


      That was a meme i love u 

    3. Harri


      *dons spider man suit

  17. why is lotc so negative 

    1. Vaynth


      I used all mine for today but I +1'd in spirit.

    2. 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖗𝖌𝖚𝖘𝖍
    3. Textarea


      everyone is biased, that's why :thumbup:

  18. I made the Dean's List this semester. YeS bOi!

    1. ski_king3


      I envy you :(

    2. thaddeus11


      I made the me list.

    3. Chorale__


      I made the headmasters list : ) 


  19. Looking for someone to help me build a little farm. Contact me for details! A reward is in store (:

    1. Ark


      How big and on a build server?


    2. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      Medium size. Has to be helf style, and I don't have a build server unfortunately. reppin random creative plot servers fo life

    3. Mj.


      Well well well

  20. high elf girls are all manic pixie dream girls; not like OTHER girls

    1. idiot
    2. Mj.


      Yeah but do u remember ur athera daughter tho? Bruh

    3. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      yea the hot 12 year old who got pregnant with an orc at age 12

  21. What are your favorite games to roleplay in? Currently doing a Skyrim realism run, and having a lot of fun with it.

    1. Jygg


      The Fallout series has always been a favourite of mine. I'm currently doing a melee only run through Fallout 4, and it's been pretty fun so far.

    2. zaezae



      Unless you already have that, that mod is skyrim rp. 

    3. Quavinir_Twiceborn


      Dragon's Dogma is pretty fun to Roleplay in, as is Oblivion.

  22. How do I get one of those cool profile pics that isn't small? I always see people with full sized pictures on the forums, but when I try to upload a picture, they always come out blurry and small.

    1. Andustar


      Use a gif URL, or take a gyaso gif of a still image for a sec and then use the URL of that. Makes it look like you have a large profile picture.

    2. Ixli


      It depends on the photo used. If you use a massive photo that realistically cannot fit inside that little spot where your profile photo goes, then it will become really small.

    3. Malgonious


      its a permission flag that some users have taken off so they can do full-size whatever (Ex: Admins, etc)

  23. I’ve been wanting to play a cleric character ever since the new lore update. How should I go about doing that, cleric people?

    1. Killmatronix


      I’d say actually approaching one in RP.

    2. Deer__


      The best way to go about that is to just not do it at all.

    3. Hetty


      Add me on discord and I’ll help you out bud – from a cleric person 

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