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Posts posted by AnonymousAlexa


    The Union of Barclay and Barbanov

    8th of the Sun’s Smile, 1778







    [!] A bird delivers letters to the peers of the Empire of Oren


    On the 8th of the Sun’s Smile, His Lordship, Manfred Barclay and Her Ladyship, Isabella Juliya Barbanov are to be wed in the Basilica of the Fifty Virgins. All citizens of Oren are invited, though the following would receive special invitations.



    The immediate family of the bride and the groom


    House of Barbanov

    HM The King of Hanseti-Ruska, Josef Barbanov @CaptainHaense

    HH The Queen Mother of Hanseti-Ruska, Viktoria Barbanov @Zaerie

    HH The Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Nataliya Barbanov @doreebear

    HH The Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Stefan Barbanov @Flapman

    HH The Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Aleksandr Barbanov @Xarkly

    HH The Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Juliya Barbanov @MotherLay

    HH The Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Franz Barbanov @Gusano

    HH The Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Analiesa Barbanov @ShannonLeigh

    HH The Princess of Hanseti-Ruska, Alexandria Barbanov @UnBaed

    HH The Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Nikolas Barbanov @Eddywilson2


    HH The Prince of Hanseti-Ruska, Henrik Barbanov @LotsOfFish

    HL Vladrick Barbanov

    HL Elizaveta Barbanov @maliiah


    House of Barclay

    HG Duke of Reinmar, Erwin Barclay @Miniguy15736

    HG Duchess-Consort of Reinmar, Kamila Barclay @Sawona

    HL Marcella Avern-Barclay @EnderMaiashiro

    HL Brandt Barclay @GoodGuyMatt

    HL Luisa Barclay @Demented_Delila

    HL Anton Barclay @kipps

    HL Osvald Barclay @MadOne

    HL Viktor Barclay @Borin

    HL Conrad Barclay @argonian

    HL Alfred Barclay @repl1ca

    HL Emila Ludovar (nee Barclay) @__June


    Other invitations would be sent to the peers of the Empire


    House of Alimar

    HH Prince of Muldav, Josef II @importanthippo

    HH Princess of Muldav, Eleanor Alimar @venclair

    And the honorable members of House Alimar


    House of Baruch 

    HG Duke of Valwyck, Petyr Baruch @NJBB 

    And the honorable members of House Baruch


    House of Kortrevich

    HL Marquis of Korstadt, Viktor Kortrevich @Zanthuz 

    And the honorable members of House Kortrevich


    House of Vanir

    HL Marquis of Vasilland, Fiske III @Sander

    And the honorable members of House Vanir


    House of Ruthern

    HL Count of Metterden, Aleksandr Ruthern @AndrewTech

    HL Elizabeth Ruthern @axelu

    HL Irene Ruthern @Eryane

    And the honorable members of House Ruthern


    House of Stafyr

    HL Count of Nenzing, Hektor Stafyr @Nathan_Barnett36

    And the honorable members of House Stafyr


    House of Amador

    HL Baron of Monstadt, Ruslan Amador @Gusano

    And the honorable members of House Amador


    House of Ludovar

    Fredrick Ludovar @Dogged

    And the honorable members of House Ludovar


    House of Helane

    HIM Emperor of Oren, Peter III @ARCHITECUS

    And the honorable members of House Helane


    House of Novellen

    HIH The Duke of Helena, Joseph Novellen @Hunwald

    HIH Princess Imperial, Anne Novellen @DreamInSpace

    HIH Princess Imperial, Elizabeth Novellen @Ivorey

    HIH Prince Imperial, John Novellen @KosherZombie

    HIH Prince Imperial, Philip Novellen

    HIH Princess Imperial, Juliette Novellen @yandeer

    HIH Prince Imperial, Peter Novellen @Ark

    HIH Joseph Novellen 

    And the honorable members of House Novellen


    House of d’Arkent

    HG Duke of Sunhodt, John d’Arkent

    HG Duchess-Consort, Vespira d’Arkent

    HL Captain Peter d’Arkent @erik0821

    HL Tatiana Barbanov @axelu

    HL Theresa @marinaemily

    HL Alexander d’Arkent

    And the honorable members of House d’Arkent


    House of Carrington

    HL Baroness of Carrington, Mary Lucille d’Arkent @libertyybelle

    HL Baron-Consort of Carrington, Joseph d’Arkent 

    HL Mary Jane d’Arkent @Branchio

    HL Mary Vespira d’Arkent @lalosia

    HL Mary Sophia d’Arkent @Eryane

    And the honorable members of House Carrington


    Other invitations 

    Adryana Onomea @MotherLay

    Ionian Mackensen @Lickspittle

    Mio Mackensen @MioWasTaken

    Daniel Mackensen @NotCube

    Edmund Bren @Sliw

    Dele Seregon @Demented_Delila

    The entirety of the Haense Royal Army




    OOC: July 26th, 4 EST at the Basilica of the Fifty Virgins


  2. Angelika Bykov let out a scream as she heard of the tragic incident. She fell to her knees, clasping her hands together in prayer. Through her sobs, she began to mutter prayers. ”Do Thou, O Lord, have mercy on our dearly departed, for the sake of us sinners all who greatly hope and trust in Thee. For Thy mercy can turn bittering weeping to joyous fanfare, for Thou alone judgeth the living and the dead. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And may perpetual light shine upon them. Amen.” Angelika repeated the prayers three more times before signing the Lorraine Cross four times. ”Where did I go wrong? What could I have done?”

  3. Angelika Bykov nodded upon reading the proclamation, bobbing her head in agreement with it. ”None may rightfully intrude upon a united humanity under Godan. Doing so would simply be heathenous.”

  4. 4 hours ago, seannie said:

    After having spiraled into a great depression, the King of Haense took his life in apparent objection to the decision that forced his people to continue assisting a tyrannical Emperor – incapable to cope and his selfish desires having overtaken him, he was found dead in his office with his own hands wrapped around the base of a dagger, which protruded forth from his neck ending him rightly. 


    Angelika Bykov heard the news from President Konstantin Wick at the start of the House of Commons sitting. Afterwards, she returned to her manor in New Reza. She then wept and prayed for hours.

  5. Angelika Bykov smirked a bit upon reading the missive. ”First of all, Haense is most certainly not safe with the ongoing Scyfling invasions. In addition, though we differ from the Empire in many ways, we are still a vassal of the Empire. Betraying them in a time of war, or any time, for that matter, is treasonous.”

  6. Angelika Bykov nodded, her lips upturning into a faint smile upon reading Father Goren’s thesis. ”I agree completely. We are all subject to change. Our daily actions and choices determine where each individual shall be sent to after death. This gives us incentive to uphold good faith and dignity, which was Godan’s hope for humanity.”

  7. Angelika Bykov shook her head in disgust at the taunting of the Hangmen victory. ”Nie matter what they say, the Holy Orenian Empire shall prevail. We have the numbers, and most importantly, we have Godan on our side.”

  8. We’ll All Go Down to Sutica

    Union Dixie





    Verse 1:

    Away down South in the land of traitors,

    Orenians, we are much greater,

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.

    A tyrant king who casts the blame,

    ISA will win war claims, 

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.



    Then we'll all go down to Sutica,

    Away, away,

    Each Orener must understand

    That he must mind Peter III

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.


    Verse 2:

    I’m glad I am involved in war

    I'll make Sutican traitors roar,

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.

    We'll put the traitors all to rout.

    We’ll hang Alstreim upside-down

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.



    Then we'll all go down to Sutica,

    Away, away,

    Each Orener must understand

    That he must mind Peter III

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.


    Verse 3:

    Oh, may we all defeat our foes

    The Suticans we will dispose

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.

    And let our motto ever be --

    “Godan Save the Emperor”

    Right away, come away, right away, come away.



    Then we'll all go down to Sutica,

    Away, away,

    Each Orener must understand

    That he must mind Peter III

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.

    Away, away,

    And we'll all go down to Sutica.


  9. Angelika Bykov for Maer, 1775

    “Progressive prosperity, we shall stand”







    Prevja. My name is Angelika Bykov. I have studied the art of politics for the better part of my life and I hope to use my knowledge in the subject to improve the Kingdom of Haense. I am a very hardworking individual who will stop at nothing to serve Haense and its people. For these reasons, I am pleased to publicly announce my campaign for Maer.





    • Undersecretary for the Interior
    • Member of the House of Commons
    • Chief of Staff for President Terrance May
    • Educated by Her Majesty, Maya Valeriya Barbanov


    Stances on Topics

    Economy: The economy of Haense is pivotal and must be regarded with utmost importance. Haense must continue to uphold a free market. A Laissez-Faire economy is best for both the business owner and the consumer. Healthy competition shall control prices in order to control inflation.


    Military: The Haense Royal Army is one of the driving forces of the Kingdom of Haense. For this reason, we must repay our loyal soldiers for their work by providing them with suitable living conditions and fair wages. 


    Religion: As a devout Canonist, I plan to install these beliefs into my work as Maer. As Maer, I plan to host mass every Saint’s Week so that we can stay loyal to GOD and someday enter into the Seven Skies. 


    Education: Education is one of my utmost values, and as Maer, I will work to ensure that every child and adult in Haense are taught the vital skills of how to read and write, along with the history of Haense and religious education. In addition, I wish to start an educated program within our esteemed HRA to ensure that our soldiers are not only strong physically, but also mentally.





    Angelika Eleanora Bykov, Undersecretary for the Interior, MHC

  10. Angelika shook her head upon reading the traveler’s thoughts in regards to the war. ”Another man deceived by the corruption of Corwin Alstreim. This tyrant has falsely claimed the crown to the Free State and has murdered a child of His Imperial Majesty’s house. His Imperial Majesty is perfectly justified in declaring war.”

  11. Angelika Bykov shook her head after reading of the newly-formed coalition. ”If anyone is a ‘sick ruler,’ it is Corwin Alstreim. It is truly a shame seeing how many innocent people fail to see him for what he is: a tyrant and a murderer.”

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