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  1. Women's Fashion of Hanseti-Ruska Fashion, an ever changing beauty of a population. Yet traditions are also an important part when it comes to the certain rules of clothing and how it is worn. This is a study on the current fashion of women in the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. Wzuvar and Bycva I. Fashion in the Royal Court II. The Kokoshnik Tiara III. Traditional wear of Hanseti IV. Traditional wear of Reinmar V. Traditional wear of Ruska VI. Coats, Shawls and Pants I. Fashion in the Royal Court The fashion in the royal courts of the palace often changes. But a specific style first started by the Grand Lady of the Nikirala Prikaz, Charlotte Baruch year 350 ES. Followed swiftly by the Prinzenas Royal and baroness of Antioch, Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov. The fashion in question is seen as a more formal attire during court, balls, celebrations and feasts. The dress has a wide neckline, going wide enough as to give a subtle hint of the shoulders before stopping. The sleeves hanging like a long V down the side of the arms. Delicate embroidery adoring the gown. Its shape is that of an hourglass of sorts as it is tight fitting on top before it plunges out by the waist. A wool gown is worn under the dress to keep the ladies warm. Some women also opt to line the edges of the dress with fur along with the wool dress under the court gown for more warmth. Children often wear more simple versions with just raised skirts above the feet to make play easier along with other child shenanigans. A painting of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Mametr Isabel of Valwyck donning a royal court gown in cream colours with golden embroidery and a red sash. Her hair adorned with the traditional kokoshnik tiara. The royal family and some of the higher ladies with titles in the court often style themselves with a sash. Though it is seen as improper for a commoner who is not part of the aulic council to wear one. The colours often vary, though most common is a deep red and a light blue. II. The Kokoshnik Tiara The Kokoshnik tiara is a thick diadem or a tiara in the style of a half moon and or with a slightly pointy tip at the top middle of it. It almost reminds one of a halo when worn upon the head or seen in paintings. It is often worn by prinzenas or koenas of Hanseti-Ruska. The tiaras are usually made of gold, adorned with many diamonds and other coloured gemstones. The story behind the kokoshnik tiara is one passed on through generations. It was said that a koenas of Haense, though not known which as such was lost in history, had the first kokoshnik tiara made. At the time the sun had not been seen in ages, it was dark and cold in the lands of Hanseti-Ruska. When the koenas got her diadem delivered to her it was in the shape of a thick half moon. She thought it rather odd and ugly as it was not like other tiaras she had worn before. But as she put it on her head to wear during court, a sunbeam shined down through the windows of the grand hall and lit up the piece with lovely sunlight. And the next day the skies had cleared, the people rejoiced and claimed it as a sign that the kokoshnik tiara had been blessed by Godan himself. Thus it was custom for most koenas and prinzenas to wear tiaras or diadems in the style of the kokoshnik tiara in hopes of blessing their kingdom with happiness and cheer. As it represents a beacon of hope and prosperity. A depiction of Koenas Mametr Isabel wearing a diamond kokoshnik tiara. III. Traditional wear of Hanseti Hanseti is one of the subcultures in Haense, their fashion slightly different from that of Ruska. Sanguss (Sansk = Dress, Guss = Poor) The Hansetic version of the “sanguss” is a traditional dress worn by the Haeseni women of low status. The dresses are sewn with cheap fabrics of linen and wool, though still beautiful and often colourful. Unlike its Ruskan counterpart the dress features distinct cinching strings across the bodice, and ribbon bows around the waist instead of a belt. The ribbon is worn on the woman’s right hip if she is married, a ribbon on her left hip to display she is unmarried. The ribbon on the middle to show she may be undecided or courting. [Art credit to Unbaed] Sanbej (Sansk = Dress, Bej = Long) The “Sanbej” is the expensive counterpart to the “Sanguss.” They are beautiful gowns often worn by the nobility within Hanseti-Ruska. The wonderful quality of these gowns are of silk, wool, satin and linen. They often do not don the classic bow of the “Sanguss”, instead one sees patterns and embroidery. They are at floor length and consists of multiple layers of fabric, helping to keep one warm. IV. Traditional wear of Reinmar Reinmar is one of the subcultures in Haense, their fashion differing more than that of Ruska and Hanseti. Tracht (Tracht = Costume) The “Tracht”, meaning “costume” in Reinmaren, is a dress that is made from a vest and skirt sewn together as a dress, sometimes long sleeves as well for the winter variation. Though during summer the vest and skirt dress is usually worn over a white linen shirt. The colours mostly used is black, though including the Reinmaren colours of green and blue. The “Tracht” is often made of silk, satin, wool or linen along with other fabrics under the dress for extra warmth. The dress often includes wonderful embroidery on the vest, bottom and the sides of the skirt of the dress. A depiction of a Reinmaren woman of Haense wearing the Tracht, surrounded by lovely rose bushes. V. Traditional wear of Ruska Ruska is one of the subcultures in Haense, often known as the Raevir. Their fashion is largely popular these days. The traditional Ruskan version of the dress known as “Sanguss,” worn by peasants and commoners, is often composed of three things. The sarafan itself, the dress shirt under and the belt. It is often made of cheap quality linen or wool. Even if the dress is of cheap quality it is often beautiful and colourful. Under the dress there is a shirt that can be of four colours. White, blue, black or brown. These shirts go under the sarafan for more warmth and are often made of linen. Some Ruskan sanguss are decorated with a little embroidery on them. The Ruskan version of the “Sanbej” dress, the expensive counterpart to the “Sanguss,” often has beautiful embroidery of gold, silver, flowers, stars, birds, fruits etcetera etcetera. The dress is made of good quality linen, satin or wool, sometimes even silk. It’s a long dress that reaches the floor and just about covers the chest area, it also consists of multiple fabrics for warmth. A depiction of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Alexandria Karina Wick neé Barbanov wearing a Ruskan Sanbej with a kokoshnik tiara The belt that can be worn with the Sarafan goes over the dress, if the woman is married the ties of the belt will hang on the front-right side. If unmarried it is tied on the front-left side. If a woman is undecided or courting the tie might be hung in the middle. A depiction of a noblewoman of Haense wearing a Ruskan Sanbej, showing off her married status with the belt. VI. Coats, Shawls and Pants The coats used during colder weather, often worn in the winter of Hanseti-Ruska, are often made of wool or linen, sometimes lined with fur. The coats can be of any sort of variation or form. Though the most common one in Haense for women are long fur coats. These coats almost reach floor length, but are put just a little bit over the shoes so they don’t slag in the snow or mud. Some of these coats are embroidered, but it’s not as common for the coats to have such. Mostly because they are usually used for the outside and often taken off again when inside. A depiction of a noblewoman wearing a beautiful red fur coat. Shawls in Hanseti-Ruska is a more rare sight, but has recently started to trend again. It is a headwear wrapped over one's shoulders with some extending over the head as well. These shawls are mostly made of wool or silk. These are commonly adorned with beautiful embroideries of one or many colours. They are mostly used by women that have come of age and older as children tend to lose theirs when playing around, or they get their shawls tangled into branches, bushes and other things and thus ending up stuck. A depiction of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, wearing a golden shawl. Pants for women is also a thing that has become more common in Haense, the reason might be because of more women joining the army than before. Our current Queen-Consort is often seen in pants, she claims it is more comfortable than a dress and allows her more movement. The fabric used for the pants is often linen, satin or wool. The colours are usually quite plain in either brown, black, gray or beige so as not to stand out with the other clothing the person is wearing. A depiction of Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Mariya of Aurveldt wearing gray coloured pants. It is also common for women of Haense to often be seen in gloves of leather where some of them are aligned with wool and/or fur. Signed, Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, Bossiras of Antioch [!] Another parchment is pinned to this one: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/193157-traditional-haeseni-dress-and-attire/?tab=comments
  2. On the Qualities of Lessers, BEWARE: The Aquatic Impostor Of the affronts to High Elven purity and the motherland, there is none so vile as the aquatic impostor. Mali’ata (tainted Elves) that display an inexplicable and unsightly attraction to water, and who seek to embrace it as a cultural center in order to twist or eschew the teachings of Larihei to their own wicked purposes. These Elves are not merely base lessers, who would ignore the blessed authority and sanctity of the High Elven people, but impure traitors to their ancestry and blood. They are, at their core, High Elves who hold their history in irreverent contempt. Ones spawned of splinter families who prefer the company of the uncultured lesser to their own blessed kin. Self loathing and vile, their culture is parody to the proud and upstanding legacy of the maehr’sae hiylun’ehya. But it is not their vileness or pitifulness alone that should warrant aversion. No; these Elves are, without the lessers with whom they surround themselves and manipulate to serve their ends, both weak and hated. It is instead their spitefulness and corrupting influence that the pure children of Larihei must beware. Bearing such aversion and hatred of their own parodic culture that to take pride in their weak and ineffective ways is impossible, likely a result of what little remnants of pure blood swim within their veins, these Elves walk the earth as impostors clinging to the dregs of pure High Elven society. Feigning civility and regality while they debase themselves both behind closed doors and in strange druidic rings; be it with cubes of ice or, more recently, sea water. The aquatic impostor seeks to be you, but cannot ascend to the height of 'aheral culture and thus tries only to drag you down to their own embarrassing and sub-cultured level. The aquatic impostor has no merit and no prestige, and so desires to leech from the society that which they cannot create in an effort to benefit from and steal luxuries so that they might wear a mask of pure High Elven refinement. The aquatic impostor hates themselves for their inferiority, and so hates the pure High Elf in which whose shadow they creep with an animosity unlike any other impure; taking sickening pride in the corruption, debasement, and indoctrination of our blessed High Elven youth. For this reason I say: beware the High Elven impostor. Beware the impure. Beware the traitor. liewyn'Larihei eltaeleh walehe ohn vallein eltaliyna walehe. kaean'leh thilln chul'okarae. maehr’sae hiylun’ehya.
  3. A painting of the baroness of Antioch in Nikirala Prikaz Prinzenas Hauchmetvas of Her Royal Highness, Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, Bossiras of Antioch Themed for Grandness and Elegance Vzmey and Hyff A Lady Hauchmetvas or debutante in common, shall be held in the Nikirala Prikaz palace to celebrate Prinzenas Royal Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov’s 14th name day, the only daughter of the late Koeng Josef I and Koenas Isabel of Valwyck. This occasion commemorates her ascent from adolescence to adulthood. Suitors are welcome to introduce themselves and offer gifts to the young Prinzenas Royal during the festivities. The decor and theme for the ball will be that of grandness and elegance. All attendees are encouraged to dress in their grandest colours, except for purple as the prinzenas royal asks that none of the attendees wears purple on her day as she wishes to be the only one with the colour. At the end of the day the prinzenas royal will judge the finest outfits and crown one winner of each sex where they get 100 minas each. Kokoshnik Tiara Bestowment to the Prinzenas Royal A kokoshnik tiara commissioned by Edelweiss Diamante’s Lady Luisa Klaire Barclay will be bestowed upon the prinzenas royal, representing a symbol of hope for the future of the kingdom and royal family from her brother Koeng Heinrik II. Tournament A tournament between all suitors will be held where the winner of said championship shall get to have a day where he is allowed to court the prinzenas royal with a chaperone. Only those over the age of fourteen and nobility may sign up to compete. Sign up Sheet for the tournament: Given Names: Surname: MC Name: Brother-Sister Dance After the tournament the ball in Nikirala Prikaz shall be held. The prinzenas royal will open the dance floor alongside her brother, Koeng Heinrik II, who will dance with her in her late father’s place. Please wait until the dance is over before the rest begins to dance. Afterwards others may begin dancing and suitors may ask to dance with the prinzenas royal. All are welcome and invited! SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Mother of Hanseti-Ruska
  4. The Stran; The Quest For The Seven Skies: An Oral Epic Recorded by Diedrik Carrion II "Now gather round small children and listen to tale passed down from my grandbub to my mother to me. This is old tale from Old Country, where Sun did hardly shine and winters were long and white..." A small rascal by the name of Alexei spoke up "Is this story of The First Strannik?!" The Old Bubovh smacked the small boy on his small head. "Quiet and listen to your Bubuhv! Make respect of your elders!" The old woman gave him the crows eye and continued on. "In country of Old Raev there was hero of folk legend. Coming from roots of humble streltsy, this man started young and ended... well you know story. Quested long and far, seeking entrance in Seven Skies. In end, he found Seven Skies and Ascended in feat of great strength, faith, and sacrifice. And he was called Stran..." Once more the small boy broke in, standing among his peers seated on the cold floor. "That's him! That's first Strannik! He's -" "I say shush small boy! Clearly my grandnephew taught you ney manners! Sit and shut mouth!" The boy sat and shut his mouth. "Alexei is right and wrong. He is first Strannik, and he is where we get name. But do not interrupt or I will give you hard beating on tucas.” The old woman settled in her seat, motioning for the children to come closer, to better hear her gravelly voice. “Many, many ages ago, when the first Raevirs lived in Raev, when they lived in sin and debauchery, when men were false, when foreign folk tread their feet on the soil of Old Country, there was revelation. See small children, then light of Godanistan was found only in the darkest cave, in the coldest forrest. Men were faithless then, with no belief in God. Before we toiled in soil for Godan, we toiled in soil for ourselves and pagan gods. Raevirfolk were not the humble and holy folk we are now. Savage, brutal, and without our creator’s grace. However, it is for this that we became a faithful folk, an obedient and humble folk, one to restore humanity to what it once is. See children, it is only those who know their people’s darkest sins that can save them from such damnation once more. It is why to this day, Raevirs have defended their faith and humanity with such fervor. But what man could do this? What man could be the first to rise from sin and damnation and provide his brat’ya example, to show them what they must do? I will tell you. A man who must discover this himself first. This children, is the Strannik. Though in those days he was simply “Stran”. His name though is hardly important. A name is only a name. What were important were his actions. And they start with a quest… [As the old crone prattles on, she tells the epic known only as The Stran. The story is a long one, and to record it in its entirety would be lengthy, and nigh impossible. The tale contains many of the old parables that the people of Old and New Raev told to one another to teach the fundamental cultural tropes and values of their society. In its essence though, The Stran tells the story of four young individuals, three knights and a fourth man, of various cultures. The first is “The Orenian”, a man from the Heartlands. This man embodied the common tropes of all Orenians. He was an idealist, a fervent zealot, and what would be considered a “chivalrous” knight. However, despite being the “ideal Orenian”, this knight is anything but ideal. He is bold but brash. He is zealous, but crude. He is honorable, but a braggart and proud. The second is “The Hansetian,” a brutal northerner. His character offers many insights into what the old Raevirs thought of their northerner cousins. He is brutal, crude, and a hedonist. The Hansetian revels in his victories, drinking from dusk to dawn to celebrate in all manner of drinking and whoring. However, he is in many ways a reflection of what the pagan Raevirs were and what they sought to leave behind. His martial ability and remarkable loyalty to Stran is something to take note of when considering their ancestors. The third is “The Salvian”. Hailing from the harvest lands of the south, he is another caricature of this people, as the first two. The Salvian is pragmatic and savvy, easily capable of seeing all sides to a problem, and being able to exploit any weakness. However, this gives an example of what skill without virtue can do to a man. He is greedy, arbitrary, and deceitful. The general mistrust that he sows about him tends to plant paranoia in his mind, undermining his goals. Finally, the last among these men is the strannik himself. Although, at this point he is simply known by the name of “Stran”. A brief note on stranniks; the word originates from the Old Raevir term for a “wanderer” specifically a warrior. Many tribeless warriors of great skills travelled from chief to chief in pagan Raev, searching for a benefactor to fight under for riches. These were in reality the first stranniks, long before Stran came about. It is believed by many that Stran lived during the massed invasions of Old Raev, where the conquests of the Heartlanders spread the Faith among the Raevirs. After the consequential adoption of the Heartlander’s feudal system, many stranniks that converted found similar service in the courts of the lord’s courts, among their retinue. The term over time became used for the sworn swords of a lord, or warriors who seeked martial service and recognition within a lord’s retinue. The practice is still ongoing to this day. Essentially, the net change was the religion of the stranniks and their masters as well as the general structure of the society. However, the strans of the Order of the Strannik are unique in several areas. This will be elaborated later. Stran himself made the fourth of the company. Hailing from a small village in the heart of Mother Raev, the story tells of a young man, hardly of age, who hears calling to him the voice of God. Hearing this voice, he is entranced. He wishes at first to hear it again, only to grovel in the richness of it. He waits many moons to hear it, but it does not come. Finally, one night when he has all but lost hope in its return, he is drawn from his hovel. Making his way to the nearby creek, under the endless night sky he spies a rock dove, a pigeon. Moving to it, the bird does not shy away. Suddenly, he is smitten by a blinding light, and hears the divine voice once more. All thoughts of pleasure and enchantment are lost as he trembles in its might. He quakes in fear, and cries out, begging for mercy. Then, the light no longer blinds him. It warms him, and he receives a vision, a divine revelation. The Light comes from Godanistan, the Raevan name for ‘Holy Creator’. He learns of his quest, to follow the Light wherever he may go and seek the Seven Skies Above. He is told that where the Faithful’s zeal burns brightest he will find three companions, also seeking salvation. Stran is baptised in the water of the stream, and vows he shall uphold his quest with all the persistence of his people. At the break of dawn, Stran takes up a staff of pine and sets off. He finds in the gravel on the road a cross of oak, by which he strings it around his neck with yak wool. Travelling to the city of Raeknik by will of God, he finds his companions, all three knights of the Creator, seeking the Seven Skies in this pagan land. After offering to join them on their quest, the knights agree after much deliberation. They then set forth, and so the The Stran begins. Stran is a model of Raevir cultural values. Coming from a world where not all Raevirs had yet converted, he gives a perfect example of what all Raevirs should strive to be. He is humble, always amongst the presence of the knights whom hold themselves with much distinction. He is faithful, always following the will of his God above other worldy temptations. He is persistent, born in the cold world of Mother Raev, where only the hardy survive. He works diligently in his village, seeking only to do his lot in life. Stran is cold though, and cynical. He is stringent with his traditions, and wary of strangers. However, though he may feel with way towards his companions in the beginning of the Stran, as the epic closes he finds brotherhood amongst them, and accepts them as his own, with loyalty and love that Raevirs bestow onto those they truly befriend and accept. While his dour demeanor, and pessimistic nature is viewed with disdain by his companions at first, written off as grim and morbid, the pious, hardworking, and persistent wanderer eventually finds his place among them, as another servant of Godan Above. The epic of The Stran, while not regarded as a holy text, is sacred among the Raevir people. Many of its parables are preached in mass, and offer many many lessons and allegories about the Raevir people, teaching their customs and ensuring that they survive throughout the ages. It offers many metaphors about their fellow men, teaching that while each man may have his vices, all are God’s sons and all are men. For example, an overarching lesson that is resolved only at the end of the epic is that of the acceptence of Stran by his companions. At first, they are leary of this pagan turned pious, and are skeptical to outright disbelieving of his faith. This however, gives way to acceptance and eventual admiration as the story wears on and ends. This has been viewed by many Raevir scholars as an allegory to the Raevirs slow integration into human culture. At first, they were treated with distrust and disdain. However, slowly the men of this world became aware that the Raevirs, despite their strange accent and architecture, were just as them and here only to save their world alongside their brothers. The literary classic and historical archive that is The Stran is a piece of literature that can hardly ever be translated or recorded in full. Many have tried, though it is often that another historian brings forth yet another parable that was once believed to be lost. While I may try as hard as I might to find them all, even I cannot fathom such an endeavor. Here I shall record all that I found, and here I hope that other scribes will pick up where I left off, to see to it that our culture and way of life never perishes from this world. God over you my bratan, may your quill hand never tire.] Following, is a vast collection of stories and excerpts from The Stran. The last leaf off the introduction to the book is signed in sloppy handwriting, perhaps a reason why so many of his works remain unpublished… Diedrik ‘Barrow’ Carrion II ((All Credit to the lost Raevir hero Komodo. Found this in my documents and thought i’d share a bit of Raevir history with you all, I hope you enjoyed this amazing piece of work.))
  5. [!] On the 11th of The Grand Harvest, 1806, Ademar Castelo died due to frail heart at the age of 71 [!] The sky was clear and the air was crisp; the sun had just made its way up over the horizon. In the forests of Providentia, birds were chirping, wind was whizzing and the water in the river was rippling. The body of a man clad in simple brown robes, floated along with the stream face down in the water. With a thud the lifeless man got caught by a rock and stopped in place. A letter would be on his person, tucked in the rustic fabric of his robes. The letter read as follows: Throughout my life I have seen and experienced many a thing. Some less pleasant than others. However, throughout all these occurrences, all the changes the society of man has gone through, I have always found my faith to persist. I have served God in many a way; from Grandmaster of a holy order, to Abbot of an ancient monastic order. In the darkest of times He served as a beacon of hope and light. In the lightest of times He served as the symbol and resemblance of all my good will. By virtue of this, I always remained his humble servant, proselytizing his word and teaching to the misled and faltering. God has made me go through various trials; both corporeal and mental. One of the most challenging trials was the crusade against the Inferi in the sands of Al-Faiz. Every man goes through trials in the pursuit of keeping one’s faith, and it is crucial to persist. The one to give in shall fall astray and find himself in darkness. However, one can always be guided back to the righteous path, if one is willing. The Church is facing difficult times, the faith of the masses is weaker than it used to be. Faith needs to be strengthened for the Church to prosper - when the Church prospers; so will humanity as a whole. As of late I own nothing but my robes and cross, which shall be returned to the Holy Mother Church and the Wigbrechtian order, upon my death. To my children I can only pass the wisdom I have acquired over the years. Thus, my last wish is a bit peculiar; I wish for the body of my deceased wife to be recovered. She was dug up out of her grave in Providence, and alas was disturbed in her eternal rest. I wish for her body to return to holy soil. I did not want to add this last part to my will, but alas, I feel like I must add a second and final wish; I wish for my body to not be dug up, I wish to rest in peace.
  6. Bralt is dead and the war is over now original song by: Billy Joel parody by: Limo_man It's seven o'clock on a Sunday The smallest crowd shuffles in There's an HRA brother sittin' next to me Makin' love to his carrion and halfling He says, "Am, can you play me a memory? I'm not really sure how it went But it's flames and it's smoke and I knew it complete As we sat at the gates" La la la, le li la La la, le li la, da dum crush us a scyfling, with your logs They’ll al burn tonight Well, we somehow lived And Hra get another day Now Manfred the barclay is a friend of mine He got skewered like some meat And he’s lost a pc or two and has always died But he somehow survived the siege The priest says, ",God please have mercy for manfred" As he sat there, and he prayed "Well, I'm sure that he will die But please have him rest in peace" Oh, la la la, de di da La la, de di da, da dum Now Bralt is a scyfling king Who never could be killed And he's talkin' with erwin, who's still in the hra And probably will be for life And the shaman are throwin’ drugs As the Brotherhood slowly get stoned Yes, they're sharing a fate that only bring death But it's better than dyin’ alone, Bralt, you're a psychopath Killing the hostages Well, we're all in the mood to see his ash And you lost your first fight It's a pretty bad ral’ for a Sunday night And the xarkly gives us a smile 'Cause he knows that nat 20’s are all he rolls To kill all of the knights And the nat 1’s, they sound like a pk And the cocktails smell like beer And they shriek at the walls and they burn in my gaze And say, "is there any god?" Oh, la la la, de di da La la, de di da, da dum Bralt is now dead, we’ve unlocked scyflings He sat in a pile of ash Well, we're all in the mood for a drink After the 4 hour fight
  7. [!] A poster has been posted within the city of Talon's Port, and the Cloud Temple. The Militia of Talon's Port is now recruiting. Having been only a small group of men it is now seen that more are needed, as organized crime, murders, and other troubles run rampant within the walls. If you wish to enlist and keep the people of the city safe, please contact the current Minister of Defense, Athri Onfroi Belrose.
  8. ON THE METHOD OF SCIENTIFIC THINKERS By: April Vallei’onn 3rd of The First Seed, 5 SA "The First step towards being a scientist is thinking like one," - An unknown scholar towards his apprentice. Many yearn to be able to create meaningful progress within their lifetimes. To the unskilled eye, science is only found where those who study it reside- within the laboratories and classrooms. This assumption however, is completely wrong as science is quite literally all around us- in cooking, in the lanterns used to light our abodes, even in the very fabric that we wear. One of inquisitive thought might ask how this all came to be as they notice the practices of the past and progression of the present into the future. The answer is through trial and error, but how does one create progress and significant thought? Among the great engineers, scientists and scholars lies a striking similarity in thought, despite the various differences in practices. If one was to look into the mind of a scholarly being, they would find a mind filled with logic and reason. Order within experimentation. I find that there are many intricate steps and obstructions for discovery that could be perhaps avoided with the correct documentation and thinking. At that, I, April Vallei’onn am proud to share my personal method used in my own investigations and personal queries. THE INTELLECTUAL PROCESS This intellectual process can be loosely defined as an outline to creation. It refers to the thinking and reasoning skills of those with intellectual minds in terms of scientific discovery. In short, the method and process incorporates a variety of thinking skills such as: reasoning , deduction, logicsism , research and estimation and inference. One must be attentive and possess a desire- perhaps even a craving to answer the question that has formed. Basic steps, more elaborated below flow as such: STEP NO.1 - Come up with the initial occurrence to be answered. → Make sure it is logical, and come up with variations. Make sure you are truly interested and willing to pull through. Your occurrence should be something yet to be proved. STEP NO. 2 - Background research. → Go into lengthy research about how to go about your topic. In addition to having a general education about your question, research any possible solutions, past experiments, necessary tools , ect. It is crucial to research every part of your clause, lest you wish to not understand when something goes wrong. STEP NO. 3 - Come up with a hypothesis/theory. → After in depth research, be sure to come up with a logical hypothesis on how to solve your problem, or a clause of a discovery. STEP NO. 4 - Come up with a procedure and experiment. → With your hypothesis in mind, create a logical and measurable experiment to prove your theory. This should go without saying, but write down every single thing from your research, even seemingly meaningless things such as date, time, weather, ect. STEP NO. 5 - Draw your Conclusion. → Did your procedure go how you thought would? What did your hypothesis state? The steps to create a logical and factually correct answer somewhat varies based on the context of the question needed to be answered. For example, something of astronomy and cosmetology might be necessarily harder to factualize than something of mathematics or engineering, as we do not yet have the tools to shoot ourselves up into the Celestial plane. One must be able to think about exactly what they are studying- not just the facts needed to solve it. Facts are achieved through a tradeoff: Tools and knowledge. An easy way to think about this basic setup is to put it into something seemingly mundane. Fancy yourself a humble baker in your hometown or city, be it elCihi’thilln, Karosgrad, Providence, Elvenesse ect. A mediocre baker at best. You’ve all the ingredients and tools necessary and perhaps extra to create an amazing pastry- something nothing created before. Despite possessing the physical tools, the baker lacks the knowledge of basic pastry making- of how high of temperature to place the oven on and how long. This, in turn could turn into something unwanted, or perhaps disaster. Likewise, it hypothetically could turn up into something tasty. STEP ONE: FORMING THAT IDEA “A mali’thill coming up with his hypothesis” - Unknown Art The first step towards a discovery of any sort is to obviously come up with that of the original query. The Question- the basis of all discovery, to wonder to go on to therein prove. One step from where most stop: wondering. Here at the very first step, one must consider the following: → Has my question already been answered? → Can whatever I wish to prove be reasonably measured? With this in mind, you have your question. Write it down. This perhaps, is the most easiest of the steps. Some would even write multiple versions of the question down, if experimentation later on leads onto such. STEP TWO: BACKGROUND RESEARCH Though some scholars would argue that the method of creating a hypothesis before research is best, I beg to differ. Through initial research, one could discover something imperative that they might otherwise not find: one example being that their clause is either solved or entirely false. I would always start out my research by the following: → Past Experiments done → General History on your topic → Structure of the tools you wish to use in your procedure → Safety measures, always have a plan B incase something goes wrong → Possible hypothesis → Information that is logical and factual This should go without saying, but record everything, including the faults of the past lest you wish to repeat them. STEP THREE: CREATING A HYPOTHESIS To those ignorant, a hypothesis can be defined as a solution to an unidentified occurrence, not yet backed up by scientific fact. The road to create a logical hypothesis should be based within reason- based on factually correct notions. When creating your theory, you must be able to word it correctly. Never word it as a question as you are trying to prove it true-but neither word it as an infallible fact , as it must be proven through experimentation first. You are simply making an educated guess before proving it. A rough outline of this would be like the following: → If ______, Then _______ because __________. → We will know this is true when ____________ happens because _______. This sort of thing should only be used for single experiments, if your hypothesis is proved true by your experimentation later one, I would strongly recommend to start back at step ⅔ for your next steps- lest you are all done. One must always keep in mind the following whilst creating a reasonable theory: → Can this be measured? → Is my hypothesis based on some sort of proved factuality? → Make your hypothesis clear. STEP FOUR: CARRYING OUT YOUR PROCEDURE Once you have come up with a plausible theory, you must find a way to prove it: Through experimentation, the first step being designing your procedure of course. Your way of experimentation will of course vary from topic to topic, person to person. Although I can not offer insight in every experiment to be designed and carried out, I can offer the following steps: → Designing your experiment. → This is quite self explanatory as well. Be sure to have prior knowledge of the experiments of the past and their faults and correctness. Know your variable and Constant, and how you plan to measure your findings. → Carrying out your experiment → Always have a backup plan when doing lengthy , risky experiments, lest something goes very wrong. → Writing down your steps. → Once more, this is quite self explanatory. Write down EVERYTHING. STEP FIVE: DRAWING YOUR CONCLUSION You’ve completed your experiment. Was it successful? Was it a failure? Why? If Successful: → Congratulations, you have either proven or created fact. At this point, you can either A) conclude and perhaps even publish your findings or B) go back to step no.3 and create another hypothesis , perhaps to prove something even greater than what you have already proved. Science, overall is an everlasting cycle of progression If a failure: → Why was it a failure? What step did you go wrong at? Write all of this down. Go back to step no.3 or perhaps even no. 2. Your hypothesis was proven wrong so if you wish to continue with your findings, you must create another hypothesis based on logical fact. What did you learn from this? Even if you learned what not to do. GLOSSARY → Hypothesis: A claim created based on factual evidence to further prove an unexplained occurrence. → Factual: Based on fact- already proven. → Logical: Characterized by the rules of logic- that being something that explains what something else is. → Constant: A part that does not change during an experiment or procedure. → Variant: A part that does change during an experiment or procedure.
  9. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  10. OOC: From now on I’ll be writing these posts in a somewhat dramatic story-telling fashion. This was not uncommon in ancient times. Most history was written in rhyme or in a the dramatic. (It’s also more fun) The sweltering sun beat down upon the thirsty dark elf. Used to the cool of the forest trees of Siramenor, the heat of the desert plains during the Sun’s Smile fell like a hammer on his shoulders. The sound of his footsteps sounded hollow across the barren landscape. A soft, hot, humid wind ruffled the gray grass. It whistled past small rocks that stuck up from the red dusty earth. The crimson eyes of the ‘Ker rose slowly to glare at the sky. His lips were curled in a slight grimace as if daring the sun to shine. The sun paid no attention to the small, figure. The light of the sun seemed to sparkly lovingly off the red sand. It jumped from stone to stone. Yet as the elf cleared the next small hill, his gaze fell upon an orc who lay dead upon the ground. His mouth was open and his tongue protruded from the side, cracked, swollen, and stiff. The dark elf glanced at the orc. He walked over to the body and knelt by its head. The voice of the elf sounded in the deathly silence, croaky but still with a touch of sadness, “Hello my friend, I suppose you fell to the sun’s embrace.” The elf then smiled at the orc, a smile that seemed entirely out of place in the brutal heat so close to death. “May you have died so that the sun does not seek to take me.” The elf paused looking at the orc before continuing on, his feet plodding, each impact releasing a fine cloud of red dust. It was for ambition that the elf was to be found on that day, on that road, in that heat. His eyes shared a kindred spirit with that terrible sun, as they burned with the intensity of fire, his irises flickering. Yet who are we to judge the sins of elven kind or of the morality of powerful ambition. For do we consider the world to be filled with only those perfect and those evil? This elf struggling through the heat was no saint. But like the sun, a force of nature, he bore no ill will to those that stood in his way. Like the sun, his hammer would fall regardless of race, creed, or allegiance. Should we call that evil, or immoral? If you define it be so, yes. But, like the sun, this elf could be gentle, giving life to those he loved. Like so many emerald trees, the fruits of his labor would grow and would be loved. Perhaps, in the end, we shouldn’t think of this elf as the sun that killed that orc, or as the sun hovering over the trees of Siramenor, but instead as a flawed being just as any other. Good and evil in equal measure, internal struggle radiating outward, burning and loving, killing and growing. On this day, he was none of these things. He wasn’t the sun, or powerful elf. He was a small figure who was thirsty and lost. The elf was searching for Ker’Okarn. He hoped to bargain with the ‘Ker who lived there and begin the building of the tower of Sirame Khel. He hoped to start a great dynasty lasting thousands of years. Yet, on this day, he was nothing but a young wandering poet. It was many days till he reached the sea port of Ker’Okarn. He looked down upon the small city, his throat parched, his eyes stretched thin, his water bag empty. Yet the salt air woke his tired mind. His thin ashen lips curled in a smile as he surveyed his new home. He could imagine where the tower would stand, a little off to the side, and near the shining sea. This was a dark elf without family, without a father, without a clan. A dark elf who lived during one of the the most dangerous and terrible times for his race. Yet as this elf of little means looked down from that small hill his lost heritage didn’t matter. He would forge a new family, a new clan, and a new future for the dark elves. Poem written by Tide Falkmoor at this time: A deep sorrowful note, A long forgotten song, A wailing from each throat, The tale of those long-gone. Silence upon the scene, For birds knew not to sing, When the oldest did keen, When death the breeze did bring. No comfort for the weak, No promise to forgive, Paradise they did not seek, For they sought not to live. A rushing of dark wings, As quiet ravens flew. The dissonance now rings, Of stories sadly true. Deadly rain, Fire of incessant pain, Fire of a realm insane. There is no light. Except burning deathly bright. Light that only dead may see. Entry two of “The History of Sirame Khel and its Rise to Power” by Selion Drogon
  11. Heavy rain, thunder, neighing, the stifled thudding of hooves skipping along a blanket of fallen leaves. The duo of riders galloped fast through the ongoing storm. The rain, made worse by a harsh gale, would have any other passerby seek shelter at the nearest inn, wait out the downpour with a bellyful of mashed potatoes and thick gravy with a warm hearth for the feet. And for that reason precisely the pair decided to ride this night. They came upon a large clearing, the wet grass glistening under the full moon’s light, which gleamed even through the thick gloomy clouds, distant overhead. The moonlight made it suitable enough to see one’s track, but also dim enough to allow one to hide in the wood’s thicket, relatively undetected. However, there was no time to gawk. The foremost rider stood up on his stirrups, eyes keenly peering towards the center of the meadow, where several large willows and bushes protruded. He then skimmed through the border of the clearing at the opposite side, shifted back to his saddle and the pair continued uphill, towards the group of trees. The wet mud made their way messy, but they made it through to the copse. They came to a synchronized halt and the second rider whistled, like a cricket, loud enough to not be stifled by the storm’s teem. Each laid a hand on their scabbard, and for a few seconds all they could hear was the rain and their own cold, nervous breaths. A similar whistle then answered. They gave each other a reassuring nod and trotted inside. The copse’s overgrowth was not enough to block all the rain - the drops still sliced through the leaves at the top, but it offered a secluded atmosphere. Before them was a wagon, covered by a grey blanket, raindrops sliding off of it. Under it stood two men, hoods covering their faces - yet given the circumstance, were just as nervous. “You tardied another minute, we’d have frozen!” rasped the irritated wagoner, then nudged and overtaken by his accomplice. “We’s got it here, all is well.” he turned around and lifted a bit of the tarpaulin. “This arsenal’s been through many hands, goodman. They say a pair of officers nicked it in the chaos of some attempted coup at Kaedrin.” he eludicated, eyes trailing to the two horsemen with a sly smile. “Oh, Ja, Ich know zhese intricacies of yesteryear all-too-well.” replied one of them with a visibly greying beard. The combination of his thick accent and a miniscule yellow-and-black checkered shield hanging from his right shoulder made his ancestry obvious. “Lieberman.” he shot his confrere a courteous nod and the two dismounted and bore closer to the wagon. Lieberman produced a heavy coin pouch from his belt, fiddling with it in his hand. The merchant’s grin plastered onto him like a statue, eyes almost balefuly following it. The first rider, Martin, ungloved his right and ran a hand through the cold metal of a sword. In his finger was a large, shimmering golden ring. Saint Robert’s. They examined the arms with clicking tongues, scrutinizing the weaponry closely, and Lieberman remarked calmly, “You are not lying, friend. These are Kaedreni-made indeed.” He extended the pouch to the merchant, yet following a reluctant moment, he withdrew. “We will pay when we part ways, actually. Let us keep this promise amicably, in goodwill.” he commented. The merchant glowered, growled and then rasped. “Fine. We’s lead the cart, though.” he added with a frown, clicking his tongue and then he and the wagoner climbed the transport. Martin and Lieberman mounted their steeds. The cavalcade left to the clearing, then to the causeway, and back the way they came. The riders’ hands still clenched their scabbards. DIE HEUSSTANDARTE KOMPANIE THE HEUSSEN REGIMENT 7th of Owyn’s Light, 1772 MISSION The Heusstandarte is a band of Waldeno-Kaedreni freelancers and sellswords who found themselves bereft of a home in wake of the thirty-year-long war of Nordling Aggression. Clad in full sombre tinted steel, the core of the Heussen company are a heavy shock cavalry, having mastered equestrian combat in a renditioned fashion of their contemporary and distant ancestors. Upholders of the Vander code, the company maintains a strict disciplinary ethic and vow to earn their keep by cross and lance alike. CONTRACTS The Heusstandarte company excels in a variety of duties, be they combative or conciliatory, to any presentable contractor. A decorated past experience of commando work amongst the company’s senior members and a thorough proficiency in law (accredited in large thanks to the company’s private business attorney, Tomas B. Fitzgerald Esq.) comes to ensure an incontrovertibly professional commitment in any contract. Among the company’s fields of expertise are namely garrisoning and police work, the conducting of causeway checkpoints, patrols and scouting, construction of fortifications befitting Kaedreni siege-masters, custody of persons (penal or otherwise) as well as wartime security, offense and foray depredation. Prices vary depending on circumstance, and may be privately negotiated with the company’s legist. RANK STRUCTURE Commandant (Commander) The de jure head of the Company, the commander maintains incontrovertible ultimatum in affairs both civil and martial, as well as ratifies contracts, promotions and military decisions. Currently Martin Heusmann [@Trenchist]. Oberhauptmann (Chief Captain) The commander’s second-hand, he sees to the execution of orders and assignment of duties to his lieutenants, as well as the readiness of arms, armor and victuals. Hauptmann* (Captain) These chief officers correspond directly to the Oberhauptmann and administer their respective specialised units. By their advice enlisted may rise the ranks but also receive punishment. As well as in charge of recruitment, a captain’s guiding principle is discipline and his conduct must fully reflect it. Current Haupt Johann Betzler [@Pokantu1] and Friedrich Müller [@Semihilyus]. Sergeant* Battle-tested and seasoned soldiers, these wield the whip of discipline as well as the standard. By their nous they see to the indoctrination of recruits and are entrusted with maintaining the company’s esprit de corps. In addition, Sergeants may be assigned specialized duties by their captains, such as drillmaster, horsemaster, head scout, liaison officer and so on. Corporal Exemplary soldiers with whom lies the responsibility of enacting their seniors’ commands, they thus wield mild officer power between soldats and recruits and may, voluntarily, be assigned to a sergeant - in order to learn his specialization in preparation for their own. Soldat The most numerous of rank in the company, these riders have been drilled thoroughly yet do not yet possess battle prowess. Although their pay is meager, it is in this rank that soldiers are expected to exhibit discipline and talent for future promotion. Recruit Yet to be sifted by body and spirit, these new additions to the company must pass through training and indoctrination of the equine field before they may earn their keep. RECRUITMENT Should any able bodied man seek enlistment in the company, they ought to further a notice to the company’s address. In advance, however, it is recommended to ensure one’s eligibility or face rejection. In our age’s zeitgeist, the company is deemed strict in its required preconditions, which follow; One must be of full Human lineage. One must profess the Canonist Faith. One must be of the male gender. One must be disabused from degenerate vices and their connotations. Full name: Age: Experience: Ethnicity: [OOC] Username: [OOC] Discord:
  12. Mylder’s Gale TLDR What is the Gale? Guild Law History Rank System Banished Members Membership TLDR Mylder’s Gale is a Adventuring and Mercenary guild built on top of the principles that all deserve a place to call home despite whatever their job entails. The Gale is a third-party, neutral organization that brings requests, bounties, and personalized clients to her members. Mylder’s Gale offers both a place to sleep, eat, and get jobs for any and all that join. The Gale is known for its neutrality, as an organization they cannot be bought as a company, but the members that serve as a part of the guild can. While you can organize to hire a large number of fighters, it’s impossible to buy out the whole organization. Most members prefer to take smaller jobs, such as bounties for beasts or criminals. What is the Gale? The Gale is an Oath that all members of Mylder’s Gale undertake upon being accepted in by one of the Founders. After completing their tasks and becoming eligible to become full-fledged members they are brought before the current Leaders and take an Oath dictated to them by those overseeing the oathing. Guild Laws While they have vowed to remain neutral, the Guild has its own strict set of laws that all members must follow. Although the laws may be altered by the Founder when need be, they are rarely changed without severe cause. Theft from your guildmates is deplorable, and will not be tolerated. (Minor Offense) Purposeful maiming or murder of fellow guildmates or innocents will not be tolerated outside of duels both agreed upon by the parties in question. (Major Offense) Slavery will not be tolerated, and any working in this line of work will not be allowed in the guild. (Major Offense) Harming of a minor (Below Eighteen) is inhumane, and will not be tolerated. No contracts to harm any children will be permitted. (Major Offense) The Guild follows a three strike rule, in which minor offences are one strike and major are two. This can be subject to change by the hand of the Founder and Acal. History Mylder’s Gale was founded back in the early years of Arcas under the banner of Saelihn Persatra and her two compatriots Brutus Jankovic and Hazel Aubry. Saelihn was a young Elf with a strong moral compass, and took many jobs while forgoing pay in order to help soothe anyone who needed aid of any kind. She established the Gale Oath and laws, and ensured the strong code of neutrality would follow her to her grave. The Guild was built and established in the forests, away from prying eyes or rebellious ex-members. After nearly fifty years, the Guild began to rot on the inside. Members would grow more rebellious. Seeking more compensation that the guild paid out of pocket, looking for more power within the guild, and breaking the core rules repeatedly until very few remained. Brutus and Aubry, both humans, eventually succumbed to either old age or death in glorious battle. Leaving behind only the original Founder to watch as her half-century of work began to wither. Rather than letting the guild die a slow death, Saelihn disbanded it and began working as a solo-mercenary for numerous years afterwards. Saelihn would eventually pass in battle, name forgotten save for the only son she left behind. Centuries passed and the history and members of Mylder’s Gale began to fade and disintegrate into nothing more than small records in a dusty old library. In Arcas, a young descendant of Saelihn would find the records of the guild and became transfixed. Challenging herself for years to learn the history from front to back, including the names of all of the former members. In 1764, 16th of Malin’s Rest, Celeste Persatra refounded the guild as a force primarily made to hunt monsters and other creatures roaming the world. Based on the land near Sutica, the guild serves as a third-party to complete jobs others cannot. Rank System The Gale’s Ranking system is based heavily on elven words and structure, as it was founded by an elven woman. Ranks are also given small pins that signify which rank they belong to, although it isn’t required they be worn. Founder The Founder is the head of the Guild, even if they are not technically the founder of it. They wear ebony pins, and dictate what jobs belong in which tier and so on. Founders deal with payment, jobs, and bounties. Focusing on providing work for those within the guild. Acal Those in the Acal rank are essentially the most powerful and trustworthy members of the guild, and wear golden pins to match their namesake. When the founder is not present, the work defaults onto the Acal. Whether this is organizing hunts, jobs, and payment or simply aiding in inducting a new member into the guild. Synalli Synalli is the most common rank of those inside the guild, and are recognized as fully-fleshed out members of the guild. Most members hold this rank, and wear it with pride. Their pins are silver, with copper in the design depending on how new they are. Inside the Synalli, there are three sub-ranks that dictate what jobs the Synalli can take. Silver The highest rank a Synalli can get is gold, and their pin is made completely of silver. They are allowed to go on the highest-paying and highest risked jobs. Bronze Bronze ranked Synalli have advanced through the copper stage and have began advancing through the ranks of the guild. They have Bronze-Silver pins, and are permitted to go on Copper and Bronze jobs. Copper Typically filled with new initiates and those new to combat, copper Synalli have copper-silver mixed pins, and are permitted to go on Copper quests only. Initiate Initiates are those who’ve yet to have taken their oaths but have proven to the guild that they are capable. There are rarely in this rank long, either dropping out or taking their oath and advancing to Copper Synalli. Recruit Recruits are those who’ve yet to have their skills tested and have not yet taken oaths. Mabidar (Exiled) Mabidar are those who have broken the laws of the guild, and have been exiled for their actions. Mabidar, depending on the severity of their crime, can either be shunned or KOS depending on what they did to be exiled. Mabidar (Banished) Thalia Persatra Membership In order to join the Gale, send a letter to Celeste Celtaire (SappicStarlight/KryvsGod) with the following information. OOC Info IGN: Discord: IC Info Name: Age: Specialty: Additional Information:
  13. The Library An institution of scholars, scientists, and warriors alike, all marching forward in the name of the preservation and expansion of knowledge. The Grand Library of Dragur has existed for nearly two centuries, having been formalized in the land of Vailor by our founder, Orithur. Although the Library has gone through a number of transformations during its long lifetime, in the modern day, in the land of Arcas, the Library is located inside the Cloud Temple ring, just past the marketplace, which is at the base of the stairs from the central temple. If you’re having trouble, just look for the golden statue of Orithur standing amidst a small sandstone fountain (236, 52, -508). Design This iteration of the Library follows the previous division of literature into three wings. However, unlike past Libraries, the wings aren’t labeled by number or direction, but rather they are named categorically by the general theme of the contents within. Additionally, instead of having a large and central museum, the Library has two hallways adjacent to the lobby in which are displayed some of our greatest artifacts, divided into those archaic, and those modern. Beyond the threshold of our gate, you will find yourself in a cozy room offering numerous seats, free coffee and pastries, and a central desk at which you can speak to one of our Librarians or Scholars. To the left and right are the relic hallways, displaying some of our more intriguing and powerful artifacts as illusions (we wouldn’t want something getting stolen!). To the left and right of the central desk are short connection hallways bringing you into our central wing, the ‘Academic Wing’. The literature here is that which focuses on scholarly pursuits, such as: theories, studies, guilds & orders, religions, and works of poetry and fiction. To the left is the ‘Historical Wing’, in which is contained all cultural and racial history and literature. Finally, to the right is the ‘Thaumaturgical Wing’, in which is contained all magic, alchemical, and creature literature. In addition to the above, this iteration of the Library has a centrally located lecture and event room, behind the Academic Wing, free for use upon request by any guild or organization. You are free to request to have the room redesigned to fit the theme of your event, festival, or educational session. To the further left of the ‘Historical Wing’ is a private hall in which are placed the dormitories of the Library staff. And to the further right of the ‘Thaumaturgical Wing’ is the Restricted Section, a private wing of the Library for dangerous and misunderstood literature and relics. Access to this area can only be granted by the Caretaker. Services This Library offers a number of services to the general public, a few of which are free, and a few of which come at a small cost. Although in the past our services have been rather limited, we strive to grow and change with the times to better assist the general public wherever we can. Book Copying An age old service in which the dying art of bookbinding is put into place to share the vast swathes of knowledge we have within our walls. Any book on public display may be requested, and we offer two means by which to complete this exchange. You may have books copied at a cost of one thousand mina, per book, or you can offer a book for trade, per book, that we do not already have within our walls. Transcribing The art of the written word, the taking down of notes, stories, and any other orally shared information. Any Librarian or Scholar can be approached to take down a tale you have to share if you yourself lack the skill, or resources, to produce a book. After some minor revision and restructuring, your shared information will be publicized, less it is considered to be dangerous, in which case it will be put into the restricted section. Archiving A newer service brought about in this iteration of the Library, archiving is the storage of literature, temporarily, and at a cost. In the event that you are concerned about theft, war, or any circumstance in which your valuable books may be put at risk, you are welcome to come to use for their temporary storage! The cost of this service is one thousand mina, per IRL week, per five books. If you fail to make a payment, you will be given a three IRL day grace period before your books will be seized, and made our property. Guidance The giving of information about the world. Our Scholars and Librarians are very learned people, familiar with the land of Arcas and the nations within it. In the event that you are unfamiliar, or perhaps just looking for a refresher, you are free to approach any Library employee for an explanation about politics, nation leaders, wars, rivalries, alliances, locations, guilds, and most anything else! Additionally, if you’re looking for a specific piece of literature, or a relic, ask a Librarian or Scholar for help, and they will help you locate the item. Public Index For your benefit, to skip the line at the Librarian’s desk, read ahead and survey our public index to find what you’re looking for! Index. Employment The cogs that turn the machine of the Library are those most refined and studious, individuals with the highest degree of intellect and ethics. Our Scholars and Librarians are recruited from all walks of life, never a day have we discriminated against applicants, for we operate on a strict meritocracy. Those who fail, are removed, those who succeed, are promoted, regardless of race, age, gender, and health. With this in mind, there is only one position within the Library that can be directly applied for. Scholars Firstly, the prospective scholar must make way to the Library, and request to speak with a Librarian that is present. Once one arrives, they should pose their interest to that Librarian, and express why they believe they are a fit for the position. Secondly, they will be asked to provide one or two pieces of original work, in the form of literature, for quality and content inspection. If the work is adequate, the prospective Scholar will enter the third, and final, stage of applying. At this point, they will undergo an oral interview, during which they will be questioned about their past, affiliations, interests, magics, political opinions, and so on. The specific questions are different, and entirely up to the interviewing Librarian. Alternatively, you may send a letter (in the form of a response to this post), addressed to the Caretaker of Dragur Library, to arrange a meeting with a Librarian. In this letter you should discuss why you believe you are a fitting candidate for the position. When you arrive for your meeting, bring your original literature with you. Staff Hierarchy Caretaker - Darcassan Auceps Librarians - Slots - Argus Evaeros - Lockezi - Bastien - Celia Scholars - Airebys Sylric - Solirynir Ilmoriel Library Discord Although primarily used as a place to organize Dragur’s player and community-team staff members, the Discord is also open for non-staff who are friends with existing staff, and for guild leaders/members who wish to use our space for their events. If you would like to join, contact me at Lukariatias#7126.
  14. *A new smell of spices wafts through the streets. As you follow the intoxicating aroma it draws you to First Street and down into the Underhalls. At this point your curiosity is piqued; you step into the Elevator and pull the lever, taking yourself down deeper to the Burrowhalls. You turn, the smell coming from behind you, you see activity up at the Burrowbar. You're surprised, you didn't think anyone had set up down here yet, and head up the stairs to The Spiced Elf!* Here at The Spiced Elf we sell delicious sweet and spiced food. We have options for almost all diets and tastes with new items on the way! So come on down and get yourself some delicious treats for all occasions! You'll find our Menu on the Lectern, if you have any enquiries or menu items you'd like to see, send a bird to Sapphire (princessfairy13) & Aleolin (Th3_Gamingmag3). We'll be officially opening on the 28th at 5pm EST!
  15. THE MAGECRAFT ACT Established. 3rd of the Grand Harvest, 08 SA ~ Foreword ~ This Act establishes the process through which practitioners of the voidal arts may obtain permission to utilise their magics and outlines the circumstances under which to do so. Furthermore, the lawful jurisdiction of the Father Circle’s Coven of Thorns in apprehending rogue mages within the borders of Elvenesse, who lack the specified permit or otherwise breach the terms of said permit, is elaborated upon. Article I: The Permit Scheme 1.1. Application In order to obtain expressed permission to utilise their magic(s), a practitioner of the voidal arts must apply to the office of the Lord Exarch so to receive a documented legal permit. Furthermore, said applicant must be a documented citizen of the Princedom of Elvenesse. 1.2. Process A practitioner of the voidal arts in order to obtain a permit must submit themselves to a review of the judiciary. A representative of the Coven of Thorns maintains the right to advise the sitting judge(s) on the details of magecraft and the applicant in question. The applicant is further subject to answer questions levied on the following grounds: Their knowledge of the voidal arts, the number of and which are magics at their disposal and their relative experience with said magics. Their reasoning behind applying for a permit and their intent in utilising their magic, should their application be accepted. Their interactions with the populace of the Princedom of Elvenesse and by extension any criminal records they might have. 1.3. Conditions Should a practitioner’s application be accepted, they are explicitly subject to utilise their magic(s) on the following grounds: By lawful permission of a member of Government or by will of the Sovereign, in a specific undefinable instance. For military personnel, by lawful permission of a sanctioned officer within military exercises, both offensive or defensive. Out of necessity for the purpose of defending one's self, family and property from unlawful assault. 1.4. Revocation In the event a practitioner of the voidal arts, who holds a legal permit, violates the conditions under which they might utilise their magic(s), they will be charged for acting in contempt of the law established within the Indor Tiran (Criminal Law - 7.1) and may be subject to the revocation of their permit. Article II: Coven Jurisdiction 2.1. Enforcement The Father Circle’s Coven of Thorns are installed with the right to act as Sentinels of the law in the apprehension of rogue mages within the Princedom of Elvenesse. This is an exclusive privilege. Any act of enforcement beyond the apprehension of rogue mages shall be deemed an act of vigilantism (Criminal Law - 4.7). Furthermore, all exertions of force must be proportionate to the compliance of the apprehended suspect. 2.2. Rogue Mages A rogue mage is defined as one who acts in contempt of the law established within the Indor Tiran (Criminal Law - 7.1). 2.3. Accountability The Father Circle’s Coven of Thorns will immediately report their arrests to the office of the Lord Exarch. Their activities shall also be regulated by the Lord Marshal and his officers, who maintain authority in dismissing the Coven from legal operations. Signed, HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS, Fëanor of House Sylvaeri, High Prince of Elvenesse, Wielder of the Crown of Malinor, Protector of the Almenodrim and Irrinites.
  16. Her Last Feather PK of Marcella Avern-Barclay Born in 1688, Marcella Baruch was the daughter of Richard Baruch and an unnamed woman from Curon. Her father was a known necromancer in his past and the woman was unknown but to a select few. However, under the custody of her father, he aimed to improve upon his ways and took up an alchemist stand within the city of Sutica. When Marcella was just shy of one her father was arrested and executed for his past crimes, abandoning her in the basement of Richard’s shop. Her adoptive brother Hiren had found her some time later and brought her to her first mother, Serenity Avern, who took her in to raise her in her youth. While Serenity was not present most of her life, her sister Mayan was and would later adopt Marcella as her own. Marcella’s childhood was rather uneventful upon relocation to Carouldstadt of Renatus. While there many Averns took part in the clinic affairs as surgeons and practitioners. While there Marcella had begun to learn some basic medical skills however not proceed further than that. Some time later, the family returned to Sutica for the remainder of her childhood into her early adult years. While living there Marcella met the man that would later become her husband, Wilheim Barclay. The Averns did not approve of the Haenseman, but Marcella took this as her strike towards independence and began to spend more and more time in Haenseti-Ruska. This later proved to be fruitful to serve as the starting point for the soon to become Barony of Freising. As the house was founded, Wilheim grew in the ranks of the army and received his knighthood as the Stallion. Both Marcella and her husband became Aldermen and later had two children, Klara and Erwin. While Klara and Erwin were young they were able to spend time with Mayan, though as they grew up, Klara went on her own travels and Erwin stayed close to home to follow his father’s footsteps. All the while, Marcella did her best to support Erwin in his ventures, which proved fruitful as he later became a Duke and Lord Marshal to set the tone for many generations to come. Soon after Wilheim’s passing, Marcella’s life began to slow, taken by an alcohol and smoking addiction, she retired from being an Alderman to spend the next decade with Wilheim until his death. At this point she moved to improve her health to spend as much of her time as she could with her son and his children, Manfred and Brandt. It has been up to this point that Marcella was able to meet her life goal, a happy family that is successful. It has been at this point that Marcella spent her final moments in Oren with Mayan… After she decided to pay a last visit with her, the journey proved to be too much as not long after she had a heart attack. Her final breaths were in Mayan’s home after a long day. With Mayan she left her final will and testament for her family and close friends. Belongings will be distributed upon arrival of the vault supplies of Arcas. Marcella passed at 1736 on the 13th of Sun’s Smile at the age of 114. Marcella’s Final letter: To my dearest children, I am sad that I have not been able to see either of you in my final moments, but I cannot say how proud I am in the two of you. Take your time and enjoy life, it is not for forever. I will be waiting for you up in Godan’s skies so enjoy life while you have it. I will wait with your father until you are ready. To Manfred, I wish to leave you my staff. It was acquired by my father long ago and has served me well over the years. Take good care of it sweetheart, for it contains the soul of another and you may learn how best to speak with him. He brought much joy to your father in hitting people with it, and I hope you are able to keep it in the family for the foreseeable future. To Brandt, I wish to leave you my Karin, Idred. She can be a bit of a grump, but she has been a wonderful companion since Wilheim passed. If you ever have any questions on caring for her reach out to Mayan. She can provide guidance better than any. To Luisa, Dear, I wish I could have spent more time with you and your brothers but you have grown up well and have a family of your own. Cherish them. To you I leave my wedding rings. They were made by Hekkaes Goldhand for Wilheim and I. They were once magic with a blood bond though it has long since faded. Keep them close because even the smallest things in life can matter most. To the Barclay Family, It has been truly a dream of mine to have such a wonderful family. Thank you all for the laughs and smiles over the years and I hope I was able to give you just as many as you gave me. I love you all dearly. Finally, Mayan, I can’t express how much you mean to me, haleun. I know soon I will visit and it likely will be my last, but I know you gave me nothing but the best. I wish I could have done more for you over my life and we had our issues. If nothing else, I hope I was able to bring pride to you. Look after my grandchildren please. I know my passing will be hard on them but more so on you. You can talk to them, I know they would want to and see you just as much as family as I do. I love you so very much and don’t ever forget that. With love, Marcella Avern-Barclay [OOC] It has been wonderful rping with everyone on this persona and I’ve taken up her grandchild Marie so things won’t come to a halt regarding that. Thank you all so much for being part of Marcy and her legacy.
  17. “You don’t always have to be strong, but you always have to keep fighting.” Solenne tightly clutched the letters in her hands as she wandered the quiet streets of Providence. That night, the only sounds being made were by her own dragging footsteps. Bittersweet, she thought. She found herself at the doorstep of Pompourelia Street 8, lifting a shaky hand to stuff the letters between the double doors. She wanted to go in. She wanted to see Anduin, listen to him talk all high and mighty while sharing a cup of coffee with him. She wished to share stories with Alicjo, someone who never failed to bring joy and laughter to her rainy days. She wanted to open the doors, she wanted to see everyone. Solenne turned and walked back down the street. Eventually, she found herself right before the entrance to the settlement of Esbec. She hated that place, she didn’t know why she’d come. She hated it from the moment she stepped foot in it, back when Avalor had taken her there in Arcas. Despite the friends she made, the memories that surrounded the place, the way she mercilessly defended Esbec’s name, she despised it with a furious passion. She stayed for one reason, and one reason only. She stayed for Silas, that stupid elf. That naive, hard headed man who somehow made sense of all her broken pieces. She wondered how he was doing, if she was right about him being happier without her. As she walked back to Providence, there were numerous people who came to mind. She thought of Giorno, Florenza’s cousin whom she’d been set up with. She always found him to be a better friend than lover. He was a good man, but she was a broken woman. She recalled the short, always angry woman who had a soft spot for her, good ol’ Shoes. That loud, obnoxious woman who was the reason for plenty of Solenne’s own anger-fuelled hysterics. Gino came to mind as well- the way they were so passive-aggressive with each other, from subtle insults to sharing cigarettes. Solenne was sure Gino hated her, always getting his wife into trouble, always fighting his words with every breath. She kind of hated him, too. A small smile escaped her lips. Solenne finally stopped at Florenza’s grave. Florenza Falcone, the woman who made her life a little more worthwhile. She sat down there, leaned against the headstone as she pulled her flask from her bag. The smell of whiskey hit her nose as she lifted it to her lips, draining the contents. Those days, it was a rare sight to see the red-haired woman sober. It made it easier to forget how much she missed her friend. She remembered the funeral, she remembered the words of Florenza’s mini-me, how the child recalled her cries for help when Florenza sat there on the floor as she bled out. Solenne cried that night of the funeral, harder than she’d ever cried before. Florenza had made a promise- that the two of them would go out together. She’d silently cursed Florenza for leaving the god-forsaken earth without her, so many of their plans still left untouched. She’d sigh, closing her eyes as the flask fell from her hand, dropping into the dirt beneath her. Solenne was ready to be reunited with her best friend. She was done fighting. [OOC: It was an absolute pleasure to play Solenne, and thanks to all of those who interacted with her. Sorry to all those whose hearts I broke while playing her ;) Anyways, I hope she was someone that you all enjoyed RP with and someone who will be remembered, I just fell into a sort of character block with her and decided it was best to leave things as they were.]
  18. The Sturmholm Folio The works of Vorloin Baruch Vorloin Baruch, shortly after the Athera Expedition Vorloin Baruch, practicing a stage-play With the recent death of poet Vorloin Baruch, it has been requested by his will that his folio be published to the world at large. All that follows is the work of poet, who used the pen-name of Vorloin Sturmholm Editor’s note: For some reason, all of Mr Baruch’s writings refer to himself as ‘Vorion’, instead of ‘Vorloin’. Regardless of whatever caused this error, it has been corrected. ‘Almost all of these poems follow iambic pentameter, and most of them also are sonnets, with three rhyming quatrains and one couplet. Their themes range from loss and death, to love and life. May they strike your hearts, as they struck at least a couple’ - V. Baruch ((Music:)) O Father O Father, years have passed since fall of void, Yet I am left to sit and weep in prayer In days of freedom, Grief I have enjoyed Not, for that was the gift you chose to bear. O father, son of the herons marine Will you still love me as you once did then? To be a stouter son of meager means Or born a lesser prince of greater men? O father, torn from life, curse me now, words born from an acid, venomous tongue Will far outstip those that no longer vow To those whom once you genty, softly sung. They say the blood of covenant should wear Pains fierce; yet still I weep for water's share The Good Men I wonder, where have all the good men gone? I saw them ride unto the setting sun, One which they would never again see dawn, Fighting a battle that is still not won. I ask you, where do all the great kings lie? It is under a pile of ash and ruin Deathless since they were forced to cast the die, They lie, resting beside their royal kin. I pray you, where do all the lost souls go? For we see them no more, eternally They lie, lost in silver linings of snow. Lost to wisps of time, waiting, merrily. We wait for when the time should finally bend To meet again at last: all the good men Katharina’s Song If only the swans were as fair as I, They could shatter the moon with their beauty, They could ensnare the mighty lords on high, They could make Kingsguard flee from duty, If only the swans were as fair as I. If only the autumn leaves had my grace, They’d flutter as if dancers on a stage, They’d rustle as if they’d no other place, They'd read far more than any written page, If only the autumn leaves had my grace. If only the stormcrows could sing like me, They would enchant the creatures of the grove, They would lure sailors, like sirens on the sea, They would be diamond to all those who rove, If only the stormcrows could sing like me. The Sunset I passed through mists, and peered beyond the veil To see thee, at least, what seemed to be. Towards the earth the sun had set her sail, And her beauty almost matched your degree. For first I found the flowering lips of rose When, burning bright, a wildfire they blazed. How could the setting sun compare to those: The memory that shall never be erased. But soon I fell into a tender blue, The eyes which could the oceans entire keep. How could the sky hold a candle to you, When epics could be wrought for those eyes deep? And so I promise: you shall never die If here between these sheets of me you'll lie. Godan’s Muse I've ventured 'cross some cold, bleak, distant peaks, But there is naught to e’er compare to thee. The peerless blue above those velvet cheeks: The moonlight to calm every stormy sea. I rolled on waves and I’ve seen dawnings fair, But their beauty can only ever yield To radiance cast by golden strands of hair: The sunlight to sow every fallow field. I’ve cleft the ocean twain on mighty ships, But thus you made the nightingale cry: None could hope to reflect those rosen lips, A flower to charm e’ery wandering eye Then, since lands and sky all hold beauty, I so conclude that Godan’s muse was thee. The Holes of Wintertime Deep in the holes of wintertime I woke Next to your side, by a warm fire of oak. You whispered so quietly in the cold, From your lips wisps of mist did twist and fold. You spoke to me about the spring softly, Said it was made by the lord above, for me. That he made it so we could gently lie Betwixt these hills until one day we die. Hidden way from the warmth of a summer’s Sun, away from the march of the dummers’ Drums, lying under golden oaken leaves, I told you I love you beneath those trees. And yet at last, when the autumn leaves fell You said you were no more under my spell I thought I’d stay together with you, so fair, But you left me there. Soeng Karoseo And the common translation: A Song of Crows Usaer zezr haulyy haldae haenzi Wiem hag dercurvsk denraat, huil zwyzi Padrevar Ybiseo vzrarev kuz koeng Luzeng weld ag wauldlund: Kholv ag walic They poured ‘cross sea upon coasts haeseni At dawn slaying the weak and lame, then these Sons of Iblees set out unto the king Along woodlands, marshes: cold and soaking. Karos kyghyntae zwyen bottel routae Karos trazk raez humovsk viktry velyae. Krusae vatragan ag Godan zakisk: Kursin ag zvaerd usaer byk drazativsk And as honour demands that war be brought The crows struck out to seize the victory sought. Of hearth and faith they were a stalwart shield: With coats of arms and shining blades of steel. Nat lund vatragano supaes szar triek, Va rotasseran nie vokja byk tuek Tamort lafsk hauchoxtzen, lauderre, herzen. Zejr kvesja, warae laujisk aestbrein Upon the fields of flame their spears did meet And dawn ‘til dusk no army knew defeat. There fell warriors great, peasants and lords Above the mud, where Godan’s heavens poured Wiem mortesk feinvrago, tiz stratlyy rot Ag zinsk maeno weo fitsk dlum supaes Got They broke the horde, the rivers stained with blood And sang of men who gave their lives for God. ‘May the storms part in your passing' - Sturmholm family proverb
  19. Soup Kitchen [Wednesday, 1pm EST] House Amador will be setting up a soup kitchen for the poor and those suffering. It will be held once every saint’s week. The meat will most of the time be made from the boar hunted by the family and vegetables grown from our own farm. The stand will be set up in the square where a line can be made for those needing food. SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, Lady Seneschal of Haense and Regent of Mondtstadt HIS LORDSHIP, Ramdir II Amador, Baron of Mondstadt
  20. Liv

    The Uncaring Fool

    The Uncaring Fool “Close your eyes and turn your face into the wind. Feel it sweep along your skin in an invisible ocean of exultation. Suddenly, you know you are alive.” =============================================== As the birds fill a nearby meadow and the animals around create noises at this lush scene, the wind sways about brushing the flowers below and the leaves above. The golden hue of wheat surrounding this meadow in the middle is a path of dirt and gravel littered with an unkept feeling as eyes stare to the clouds. An individual stands in this wheat field, his gaze that of an old one and his eyes are slowly closing, his figure standing strong against these lushes breeze, as this small, tanned, redhead but holds no hair, peers around on this day inhaling as peace is all around. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “By Anbella, my feet are wet but my mind is dry, my gaze wearies and so do I …” this gravely voice calls breaking the silence around his words rhyming as they finish grumbling as he turns his head to absorb the view before him, his hand rising from behind back to wave at a smaller girl much smaller then any normal dwarf being that of a midget, of midgets. “Niece come here” his tone clears as he’d project it for the smaller lass, returning his hand behind back with a sigh “You’ve summoned at a strange time, however, my thanks none of the less, it has been pleasant speaking to those which can be spoken to” This small lass smiles in a brighten fashion as her head dips about in an excitement to her movements “T’ank yeh uncle. I did say yeh beh fine, from wat meh seen da uns yeh nae like are nae around and time can make yeh part of da hearth once more. As Anbellas dream was once, ah unified home” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Remembering is a pain in itself, forgetting is that pain freeing yourself” ============================================ The Elder smiles at the cheerful lass, a true smile hidden by his greying beard. Dipping his head to the smaller figure joy in eyes “Come, walk with me, help me up these mountains which this valley is littered in so you can claim the title you were neglected once more. This time, in time, not in pushed motions'' with that the elder extends an arm to the smaller younger lass before walking off into the peaceful meadow which was Hefrumm, walking into the forest which surrounds the forest dwarves as the time slowly turns to night with smiles upon faces and joy in their steps, the old and bitter appearing to slowly forget.
  21. THE SIXTEENTH GRAND TOURNAMENT OF URGUAN Massive dwarven scrolls would be pinned to notice boards around the Grand Kingdom “The trumpets of Kal’Darakaan call for descendants of Urguan to bear witness to the Sixteenth Grand Tournament! Let this event inaugurate an era of splendor and eminence, akin to those enjoyed by our ancestors. It has been nearly fifty years since the last Grand Tournament and as such, it is time for a new dwarf to step up and adopt this distinguished mantle. This event will be co-hosted by Grand Marshal Dimlin Irongut and Falk Irongut, Rikkin of Clan Irongut. All citizens of Urguan are welcome, be they beardlings or longbeards, lads or lassies. The winner of this tournament will hold the illustrious post of Grand Champion of Urguan, a privilege and a title that will recognize them as the premier dueler in the Grand Kingdom. May Dungrimm guide your fists to eternal glory." TIME AND LOCATION The Grand Tournament will be hosted several stone days from now in the Grand Colosseum of Urguan. ((Saturday, January 9th. 4:00 PM EST)) ITINERARY The tournament will consist of one event, the traditional fisticuffs, as seen in every Grand Tournament since Grand King Thorik Grandaxe. The rules of this event are simple, participants will fight one vs. one until one can’t fight any longer. This will be repeated until only one contestant remains, this participant will be granted the title of Grand Champion and the Tournament Prize. ((OOC: The event will be melee PvP with fists and no armor, 1v1 brackets until only one participant remains. Only ACTIVE DWARVES are allowed to participate)) TOURNAMENT RULES Any sort of equipment will not be permitted during this tournament, only fists are allowed. The Laws of the Grand Kingdom apply to this tournament. The use of performance-enhancing herbs, drugs, or alchemical reagents is not permitted. GRAND PRIZE In addition to earning the honor of being awarded the title of Grand Champion, the Grand Champion will also receive the following: The Grand Champion A Prize amount of 1000 Minas A Set of the finest Dwarven Equipment A Statue will be chiseled in your honor outside the Grand Palace The title of Grand Champion & Personal Guard of the Grand King A Drink named in your honor A Place in the Grand Tombs Second Place A Prize amount of 500 Minas A Custom-made Ferumm Longsword A Custom-made Full set of Iron Plated Armor A Commendation from the Grand King A Cask of the finest Dwarven Ale ENTRY SLIP The form attached needs to be filled out and handed in, within the next stone week. MC Name: RP Name: Discord: Timezone (EST, GMT, etc.): ((OOC: YOU HAVE UNTIL FRIDAY, January 8th TO APPLY)) REGISTERED PARTICIPANTS: Mao Blackroot[Mateolog] Svuli Metalfist[Titanium430] Ivar Stormheart[Khelvor] Bakir Ireheart[Ireheart_] Alaric Grimgold[Hrokaz] Yazmorra Blackroot[Lady_Dietz] Levian'Tol Grandaxe[willstertheking2] Durin Hammerforged[Tabby64] Dorminur Goldhand[BDanecker] Caldur Irongut[Nolan_] Bjorn Grandaxe[Jdesarno] Durorn Ireheart[Masouri] Axel Ireheart[Lefty_Bojengles] Odrin Ireheart[Sir_Niccum] Balrog Ironkiln II[J33xt101] Ulfric Frostbeard[Terry_23] Thorgrim Ireheart[PrinceOfTheRhine] Thulin Starbreaker[Thulin_] Lorenzo Ireheart[Pogopants7] Durin Ireheart[youknowwhoiam] Grimnir Ireheart[dyselxic] SPONSORS & DONORS OF THE GRAND TOURNAMENT: Ivar Stormheart Bjorn Grandaxe Officer Grudgebeard Kalgrimmor Falk Irongut Caldur Irongut Balek Irongut Svuli Metalfist Snorri Grandaxe Dunhiem Brewery The Brewer’s Guild The Urguani Worker's Guild
  22. [!] Flyers are posted about the realm, whether that be within the Cloud Temple, one of the various nations, or trees along the sides of roads. That’s right it is the official grand opening of the Talon’s Port tavern! After so long without any notice, we are now opening with flair! For this grand event, all drinks will be half off! Along with this, we will have a dance-off with a bard on standby ready to play any tunes for your liking! So please come on Jan. 6th, 4EST to Talon’s Port to experience this lovely occasion! [!] Below is a small painting of a group in the tavern. (Use the west hub and head towards Krugmar, there should be a road leading into a mountain to the right!)
  23. [Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7iqxzURgQWg ] -The Remnant Kha’- (Artist: Deiv Calviz) Overview: The Kharajyr, or Kha’, are a species of anthropomorphic feline creatures that stand upright on a pair of digitigrade legs and bear a long maneuverable tail. An ancient and exotic race, created from two living creatures long ago. Adorned by thick coats of fur and sharpened claws at the tips of their fingers. A race that resembles the largest members of the feline species standing upright just as a human. The species is broken down into four subspecies: Kha’Pantera, Kha’Leparda, Kha’Cheetrah and Kha’Tigrasi. The Kharajyr were first discovered and encountered in the early years of Asulon. They were found completely isolated from the rest of the world on their island with golden beaches and high, jungle trees. The Kha have been travelling alongside the Descendant races as they navigate the realm’s many continents ever since they were found. The Kharajyr were created by the Daemon, Metztli on a continent known as Khalenwyr. Metzli, the Deamon of Time, created the Kha in her search for a creation of her own. Something that she could call ‘her children’. This homeland was the seat of an empire ruled by the Kha where they once sang around the campfires, but over many centuries of divine punishment, forced migration, and genocide, the once great numbers of the Kha’ now dwindle low, and but a handful of this ancient species and culture now remains. They are but Remnants of an ancient and exotic civilization. By means unknown to the majority of the Kharajyr, the Daemon Metztli is now deceased, and the rippling effect this has had on the Kharajyr is substantial. Creation: During the very early years of Aegis when Aenguls and Daemons roamed the Mortal Planes, and when the Descendant races were first spreading their wings and founding their civilisations, there was an old wive’s tale; a story meant to scare the young to sleep of a monster that would stalk farmsteads and ****** away poorly behaved children in the pitch of night. But like many myths, this one was based on a twisted truth. The Daemon, Metztli, appeared not like a monster, but instead as a beautifully perfect woman draped in long silks, her alluring visage said to blind any that might behold her for too long. Though surely adored by any gaze that befell her, her intentions were anything but admirable; Metztli was responsible for snatching babes from their cribs for many years, carrying them off to a distant continent, where she may perform dastardly experiments on them. The intention of Metztli’s cruelty was to form a new breed of perfection. She would attempt to create a species that combined many humanoid and animalistic traits, and she did this by merging the essence of Human children with the native Ocelots of the island she had taken them to. This was a process that took many years and claimed many children’s lives, with a great number of failed, imperfect creations discarded into a prison within her own Immortal Plane, a prison later discovered to be known as the ‘Ordium’. Kharajyr, and by extend anyone else, are not aware of the specific process of their own creation, only that it was performed by Metztli. (The following sections: Ancient History, Ancient Culture, The Turned Trident, Khalenwyr are all information about the race’s past. They are in fact legitimate events but do not pose rules that need to be followed when playing a Kharajyr. They are purely cultural.) Ancient History: Kharajyr history is only able to be traced back to the golden age of Khalenwyr, when the first known Tlatlanni (emperor), Tla’Jhaan, ruled over the empire with his Metz’al (wife) Ja’Natayshi. During these early years of the race, they completely dominated all land and life on their tropical continent, and the prosperous reign of Tla’Jhaan sat undisputed for many decades. However Tla’Jhaan’s hunger for power was endless like a dark pit that could never be filled. He grew jealous of the Daemon that the species worshipped as a Goddess. Consumed by a complex of power, Tla’Jhaan outlawed the worship of their own creator, instead enforcing his own worship in Metztli’s place, believing himself to have achieved the status of living a Goddess. This ruling divided the Kha’ into civil war, with the loyalists of Tla’Jhaan battling the faithful of Metztli. Metztli was deeply disturbed by the in-fighting of the species she had designed for perfection, and in her divine anger she caused the colossal volcano at the centre of the golden island to erupt, destroying much of Khalenwyr in the fiery blast and submerging what was left in a thick blanket of lifeless ash. In an instant, the glorious empire was vanquished, but still some Kha’ remained. Metztli had granted her faithful a vision of the coming apocalypse, and they sat prepared to flee when the eruption occurred. Tla’Jhaan attempted to flee in the disaster, but was slain by his own son and the next Tlatlanni, Tla’Xerdun. Xerdun led the remaining Kharajyr to a new island that they may call home; Va’Khajra. Va’Khajra bordered the second explored continent, Asulon, and it was here that their fate became tied with the four Descendant races. Ancient Culture: The Kharajyr have historically been a zealous people, obsessive over the worship of their creator, Metztli. In the past, all social, economic and government rulings were considered by what Metztli would desire, and frequently did the Kha’ pay homage and sacrifices to their Mother (Muuna). Across every known Kha’ settlement, a Temple of Metztli was erected, where all manner of festivals and rituals would take place in honour of the Moon, the thing that Kha’ believed represented Metztli herself. The Kharajyr have historically been ruled by a single leader, distinguished by their white fur. This Kha’ was known as the Tlatlanni (emperor), and this leader was considered a blessed extension of Metztli’s will. Though the Tlatlanni was considered a holy figure, worship of this Kha’ was strictly prohibited under the reformations made by Tla’Xerdun in order to prevent a repeated civil war. The Aelkos (councillors) numbered four, and advised the Tlatlanni on all matters from social structure, to economy, to faith, to war, but it was the Tlatlanni that held ultimate rule. As part of their many religious laws, Kha’ were bound by rules that were considered heresy to break. Kha’ were not permitted to drink alcohol for it dirtied Metztli’s perfection, Kha’ were not permitted to disrespect or question the Tlatlanni, Aelkos or Metztli herself, Kha’ were not permitted to leave the collective, Kha’ were not permitted to fraternise with non-Kha’, and Kha’ were not permitted to form any ties outside of their nation without express permission of the Tlatlanni. Though some Kha’ may still adhere to these ancient ways, many generations have passed since their enforcement, and it has now become a way of life existing only as memory, with many new Kharajyr considering these old ways outdated. Some traditions, such as the existence of ‘prides’ (families, though not necessarily directly related) have still persisted across time. The Turned Trident: A symbol once upright has since been reversed downward - the Turned Trident is the insignia of the Remnant Kha’. After losing their deep connection to Metztli, and then becoming aware much later of her demise, the once unbreakable faith of the Kharajyr, entirely shattered. Each of its prongs used to represent the combined power of the Tlatlanni, The Aelkos, and The Goddess, but now they are mere homages to memory, worn upon Kha’ clothing as a symbol that their ancient history need not be adhered to, but never forgotten. It is the new accepted truth by Kha’ that bear the Turned Trident, that their Goddess, Metztli, is most certainly deceased. It is an insignia of woe and mourning, believed by the Kha’ that bear it that only through them does Metztli survive, and it would be a great dishonour to their ancestors and to their dead Goddess to let their origins of faith be muddled by the modern era. The trident does not represent any doctrine or way of life, but is instead a simple sign of deep respect. The Turned Trident was discovered by Kha’ taking the Lunar Pilgrimage. Pilgrims noticed the once towering statue of Tla’Jhaan, felled, its stone trident buried up-side down into the dirt. This symbol of a fallen way of life was claimed by the Pilgrims, and its use spread back to the Descendant’s continent. Khalenwyr - The Homeland: (Artist: dws4me) Khalenwyr was a paradistical, but small island-continent, inhabited only by the original Kharajyr. Though its biomes varied from sprawling deserts to luscious jungles, all of Khalenwyr was a humid place with great and sudden bouts of monsoon-like rainfall. The tropical isle was scattered with monolithic temples and monuments to their creator; Metztli. At the very centre of Khalenwyr, at the base of the volcano that would one day destroy them, stood the magnificent Temple of the Moon, towering high above the cloud layer, existing as the headquarters of the ruling Tlatlanni and accompanying council of Aelkos. Though an exact population count was never recorded, it is estimated that thousands of Kharajyr lived peacefully for several centuries on Khalenwyr, divided into larger and smaller settlements, but each fiercely united beneath the Trident-banner of the Tlatlanni, up until the day of the civil war. Khalenwyr still exists today on Eos, the second Mortal Plane. However, it lay in long abandoned ruin, eerily littered with the petrified corpses of fallen Kha’, made solid in ash, eternally frozen in positions of fear and panic. Though much of the continent was destroyed, Kha’ pilgrims still venture here to pay homage to their lost Goddess. Biology: The Kharajyr are divided into four subspecies, each with similar but varying traits that have specific abilities that help them in environments. Kha’ children born of two parents of differing subspecies, will become one or the other at random but never a mixed-version. Kharajyr can have any eyecolor a feline naturally has, this excludes mutations and genetic anomalies. All Kha’ share several key traits: They are all particularly agile and all capable of seeing clearly beneath the moon as if it were the sun, though total or near-total darkness still blinds them. They are all also capable of falling from moderate heights without damaging themselves in the process. As well, Kharajyr have a set of retractable claws on each hand. General Abilities: -Kharajyr are capable of seeing in the darkness. They still need a lightsource with a minimum light strength comparable to that of the moon at night. Their eyes afterward are capable of reflecting this light several times through their eye, giving them a much better vision at night. However, if they are stuck in an environment where there is no lightsource at all, such as a closed off cave, they won’t be able to see anything. Their eyes can’t enhance light when there is none. A Kha can only see when there is a faint lightsource nearby, allowing them to see up to a maximum of 20 blocks in darkness where others could not see further than the actual lightsource. -Kharajyr are capable and can fall from moderate heights without problems. They could fall from a small house and take minimum damage only and always fall upright. This has its limit and no Kha could perfectly fall from a tower and land gracefully. Any height that can kill another creature will surely kill a Kha as well. This rule can only be enforced when you roleplay falling from a specific height where you only take minimal damage. If you fall mechanically or roleplay falling from a height where you would die mechanically speaking, then that is a height large enough to also die in roleplay. -The Kha have a set of claws on each hand, including their feet a well. They can retract these into their fingers to conceal them, making them look like sharpened fingernails. They can grow to a maximum of 2 inches when fully stretched. These bodily weapons look harmful but can only pierce skin and clothing. The claws of Kha have similar strength to that of a large member of the feline species. The claws can only pierce skin and clothing but are not strong enough to go through armor. The claws can possibly break if you attempt to damage armor. A player then needs to do /roll 2. A 1 means your claws break and a 2 means they remain intact. Claws can regrow overtime but take at least a minimum of 3 days before properly healed. -Kharajyr are particularly prone to the hyperactive effects of sugar. When consumed in large amounts, sugar will dilate the Kha’s pupils to their fullest extent and send them into a sugar-fueled frenzy. This frenzy is not necessarily hostile, but an excessive bout of energy that the Kha’ will need to burn off to make subside. The Current Mental State : All Kha are now all within the same situation. One might be more distraught than the other and might find more trouble finding a place in the world for themselves. Every Kharajyr, since they are a race with small numbers, are now mentally challenged and physically to endure the harsh world they live in. Many of them shall find it difficult to integrate in other cultures due to their exotic origin. They are all searching for a living and a way to set forth the survival of their ancient race. This could be in any way or form. Such as selling wares from their culture on the market or just by simply staying alive. As it stands, many Kharajyr live in a state of bittersweet melancholy. They are free from their culture’s reigns of the past but at what cost? Many struggle with their newfound freedom. Some may have worshipped Metztli day and night but are now looking for a new purpose within their life. The other Kha may not have been a great worshipper, yet he is searching for a way for his ancient race to live on for another day. They are conflicted, divided, and some hustle to just get by. But they know they have amazing stories to tell and are part of a great piece of history to this day. As much as their current instinct is to survive, they know very well that they are part of something great, a fallen race. A rich, exotic history has taken hold in their minds and their purpose is to keep it alive. They wish to survive as long as it needs to, to make sure that their piece of history is preserved through time. (More on Mental State in the section ‘Modern Kha’) All Kha, regardless of how strong their connection was to Metztli, share a bond over the death of their creator. They are all aware of who made them and the death of their Muuna (mother) is what still somewhat binds them all as one, even when divided. Though, it could also be a point of conflict. Lifecycle: All Kharajyr subspecies, regardless of their Descendant counterparts, are subjected to the same lifespan. They can live up to a maximum of 200 years, similar to that of humans. 0-5: Baby/Toddler A Kharajyr within this stage of life is still young and underdeveloped. It cannot walk or talk until later in this stage, and even then they can only grasp a very basic concept of speech and movement. They can crawl around and make inaudible sounds but these fall in the category of incoherent speech. It should be noted that a Kharajyr cannot be played in this life stage as any other character. But the in roleplay present child should be replaced by a roleplay item. A Kharajyr baby/toddler will not make animalistic sounds but more babbling as an actual baby. 5 - 12: Child When a Kharajyr advances into this stage of life they will be much more aware of their choices and surrounding situations. They will progress like any child would when developing. They, later in this stage, will grow about half their subraces maximum height but never any larger than this. They can be smaller. 12-18: Teenager As any other Descendant, when advancing to this stage of life they will grow to their ultimate weight and height at the end. They will develop further both physically and mentally as any other teenager would do. 18-150: Adult A Kharajyr is fully mature physically speaking once they reach the age of 18. They live out the vast majority of their life in this stage where they can embark on their journeys further. 150-200: Elder When a Kha typically goes over the age of 150, they shall begin showing signs of their elderly stage in life. They will become more fragile and begin displaying various conditions that could weaken them. Their fur coat typically also turns more grey and matted in this stage of life. Kha often die of health complications if they manage to live close to the maximum age of 200, or peacefully pass away in their sleep. A Kharajyr cannot live over the maximum age of 200. Kha’Pantera: The Kha’Pantera are coated head to toe in jet-black fur with often very contrasting eye colors. Their fur naturally blends with the cover of night, making them excellent agents of stealth. They can have either extremely slim bodies or can be seen as a more broad-shouldered and muscular variant of themselves. They are accompanied with pretty sharp but effective feline ears on top of their head and a long tail that they use for balance. Most Pantera’s fur coats have a blue hue to them in bright sunlight. The Kha’ Traditionally, the Kha’Pantera were usually the past nation’s hunters and specially assigned missionaries. This was due to their experience as natural stalkers of the night. Though, it should be noted that this could only be effective in utter darkness and that in bright sunlight, they rather stand out. The Pantera grows up to between 5”5 and 6”4 feet in height and can weigh anywhere between 140 and 200 pounds. Anywhere below or underneath this weight will be considered unhealthy. The pantera is, aside of its special pelt, considered to be mostly skilled in their agility and balancing this out with their above-average strength. They have advantage in darker areas due to their natural camouflage in the dark. The Pantera is considered to be a stronger variant of the Leparda but nothing special in the area of agility and strength. Pantera’s are difficult to spot in extreme darkness due to their pelt color. However, they are much easier to spot during daytime or in lit areas, immediately undoing themselves their own camouflage. A pantera’s strength is on par with the peak strength of a human. Kha’Leparda: The Kha’Leparda appear with plain brown, cream or yellow fur, sometimes with black spots. They have a posture very similar to that of humans and their anatomy. They have a set of round ears on top of their heads and a relatively smaller tail compared to the other subraces. They are considered the median of the Kha’ subspecies, dabbling in each of their specific skills without being proficient in one above the others. Traditionally, the Kha’Leparda were usually the past nation’s merchants and diplomats. A Leparda however was never restricted by their body however. Where other Kha were classified by their bodily strength and abilities, the Leparda was able to train and go in any direction they wanted to go. They were more free in this aspect. The Leparda generally grows in between 5 and 5”10 feet, somewhat similar to an average human. They can weigh anywhere from 120 to 160 pounds for a healthy, normal body. The leparda doesn’t have a specific physical attribute to them as the other three subraces. They do not excel in anything specific but are a good start to go in any direction they choose. A Leparda does not excel in anything physically, they are on par with the average human in most physical aspects. They do not possess special abilities that only their subspecies have. However, they still have their general abilities. Kha’Cheetrah: The Kha’Cheetrah are sinewy Kha’ with yellowed or cream-colored fur and an abundance of small black spots. They have an extremely slim body and muscles are barely displayed. They are most notable for their black ‘tear stains’ that run from the corners of their eyes to their maw. Their tails also have black rings at the end instead of spot. These Kharajyr are considered the weakest, but also the most agile, with incredible maneuverability and quick-reflexes making up for their lack of strength. Traditionally, the Kha’Cheetrah were the usually past nation’s priests, priestesses and healers. They, in the past, could be seen joining the warrior ranks but not because of their strength, but much rather due to their use for being scouts. The smaller and quicker, the more favorable they were seen. Though, missions at nighttime were saved for their cousins the Pantera. The Cheetrah normally grows in between 4”6 and 5”4 feet being relatively smaller than other subraces. Due to this, they can weigh anywhere between 80 and 140 pounds. The Cheetrah’s superior reflexes and maneuverability allows them to generally dodge objects coming their way with more ease overall. This has its limits, of course and no matter how fast you react or how fast you move your body, not everything can be dodged. However, they are greatly disadvantaged in a physical fight due to minimal strength. They cannot inflict major damage by raw strength and usually rely on smaller and more complex manoeuvred strategies. A Cheetrah excels in maneuvering their body and dodging oncoming objects. However, they cannot dodge projectiles such as arrows naturally just like any other race, or any other object with the equivalent speed of an arrow. A player can leave that up to the luck by doing /roll if they please. This ability is not to be powergamed. This ability is not to be used as an excuse to avoid every single attack and remain unscathed in a battle. A Cheetrah has minimal strength, equivalent to that of a goblin. Kha’Tigrasi: The Kha’Tigrasi are the tallest and most muscular of the Kha’, bearing orange fur which is overlapped with white patches and black stripes. They stand with broad shoulders, towering over their fellow Kharajyr. Their large, spiked ears stand upright and their tails are accompanied by a white-black stripe pattern. What these Kha’ lack in agility, they make up for in raw strength. They have a much larger face and an extremely powerful set of jaws, which are painted by the intricate pattern on their face. Traditionally, the Kha’Tigrasi were usually the past nation’s guards and main warrior force. Sticking out with head and shoulders, they would be able to watch the sea of people to keep watch and protect the peace. These large creatures in their heavy armor, standing perfectly still, was a sight to behold long ago. The Tigrasi is capable of growing up to heights from 5”10 to 7 feet maximum, being the largest subrace of all. They can become anywhere between 150 to 250 pounds depending on their diet and height. As the strongest Kha subrace, they are capable of wielding immense, raw strength which proves favorable to them in combat. On the other hand, their large posture and muscle mass prevents them from moving as swiftly as their other Kha cousins. A Tigrasi’s strength is never able to match that of a full-grown Orc. -Biological Redlines Summary: The Kha’ cannot scale walls beyond what is capable of minecraft mechanics. The Kha’ cannot see in heavy or total darkness. They need a faint lightsource to be present to see a maximum of 20 blocks in darkness in roleplay. The Kha’s racial abilities are on-par with the Descendant ones, not superior. They must not be powergamed for unfair advantage, and primal prowess in combat is mostly for flavour. A Kha’s claws cannot pierce armour of any kind, only pierce skin and clothing. The maximum age a Kharajyr may become is 200. The Kha’Cheetrah are quick in maneuverability, but may still only run at the speed of an average Kha’/Descendant, and should not be compared to regular cheetahs. The Kha’Tigrasi are stronger than a Human, but not as strong as an Orc. Kha’ are biologically unable, and OOCly prohibited from breeding with Non-Kha’. Kha’s fur colour must be similar to the above mentioned, but can be altered to personal taste. However, Kha’ may not mix the specific traits of subspecies (you can have a strawberry-orange tigrasi, but not a tigrasi with black fur). Kha’s sense of hearing matches the average Descendant’s. Kha have a stronger sense of smell, but this is purely for flavour, and cannot be used in any way to metagame (finding an object/person’s location, detecting poison in a drink etc). Language/dialect: Though the ancient language known only as Va’Khajrian is now almost entirely lost, with very few, if any Kha’, able to speak it fluently, the basics have persisted across the Kha’s troubled timeline. Kharajyr predominantly speak common, but when referring to themselves, will do so in the third person (e.g. “This one thinks you’re right.” or “[Name] thinks you’re right.”). The Kha’ often, but not always, have a unique accent, often represented by adding ‘a’s and ‘w’s to words (e.g. “This one thinks you’a right.” or “The walls stand strawng.”). However Kha’ may acquire any accent after spending a duration in a place where it is commonly heard. Commonly used Va’Khajrian words/phrases: Sa’vi = Hello/goodbye Mul’ta = Thank you Tra’kul = You’re welcome Patta = Father Munna = Mother Metz’al = Married partner Per = Son Maut = Daughter Per’ta = Brother Mau’na = Sister Players/Kharajyr are not required to speak the accent/dialect, this has become a cultural aspect. The Lunar Pilgrimage: Over the centuries of turmoil, Kha’ have gradually scattered, with a great number deciding to take the long journey back to their homeland of Khalenwyr, to seek answers and advice from what remains of the ancient documents and tablets in the vast ruins of shrines and temples. This journey is known as the Lunar Pilgrimage, and is something a Kha’ is not obligated, but encouraged to do at least once in their lifetime. When completing the Lunar Pilgrimage, a Kha’ may find peace in rediscovering the lost nature of their origins, reconciling with their failure as a species and paying final homage to the original temples of their dead deity. This journey will take some years, depending on the current distance of the continent the Descendant’s reside upon. Though Khalenwyr may be located far away, or even on the opposite Mortal Plane, Kha’ are able to make use of Wayfinder boats to complete the journey to and back. [ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161539-a-larger-world-wayfinding/ ] When new Kha’ appear, unless born of two current Kha’, they have travelled from the ruins of Khalenwyr on return from their long pilgrimage. As such, new Kharajyr will arrive on the current Descendant continent with a deep knowledge of their race’s ancient culture and history, and an awareness of the deceased nature of their Goddess. All new Kharajyr, unless a child of two already existing Kha, will officially in rp return from a Lunar Pilgrimage to the current realm. They will carry the then obtained knowledge that their deity is dead. The Modern Kha’: Kharajyr in the current Era remain scattered. These Kharajyr hold no mutually shared agenda, their vision lowered from that of the divine, and now to more material sources. Due to their incessant travelling across the world, these Kha’ can appear as tradesmen or caravaneers, collecting and selling on exotic goods, some goods from their own ancient culture, and some from others. Though, some others may have found another place for themselves within another community. No longer obligated to obey the rules of their past, Kha’ may form whichever bonds they see fit, be that many, or none at all. They also hold no allegiance toward each other due to the lack of a Tlatlanni, unable to be bound together like in the days long gone. Despite this separation, a deep bond still exists between the Kharajyr, built purely on reminiscent melancholy; a shared sensation of grief for their dead Goddess. Without purpose other than the ones they decide for themselves, the Remnant Kha’ wander the world as symbols of the past, relics of an ancient and outdated culture. By existing, they solidify their memory in history, but the Kha’ would lie to say they did not eagerly await the coming of a white Kharajyr, a Tlatlanni, that may unite them once more. Purpose: This is a piece of foundational lore for the Kharajyr as a CA race. It aims to update the expectation and theme of what current Kha’ rp should be, removing outdated lore sections that rely too heavily on close-knit activity, and generally altering the lore to follow events that have happened in-character. Kharajyr are given ultimate freedom on where to take their characters, and new Kharajyr may apply with this current standard in mind to neatly integrate them into this new lore. This Lore presents the Kharajyr as a ‘fallen race’, and the aim is also to provide the race with more depth and substance to their RP, wandering in vain hope for glory again, reminiscing of the lost empire, praying for a Tlatlanni that will never come. They are displaced creatures, mournful and desperate for purpose. I want to emphasise that this lore is designed to be open for anybody to be able to jump into, anywhere they want to, while ensuring that a standard of theme and RP is kept. Roleplay is not expected to be centralised, and Kha’ players are encouraged to travel, explore and settle wherever they desire. General Redlines: Applying Kharajyr must create characters that adhere to this lore, meaning that they arrive from a returned pilgrimage from Khalenwyr and understand the depth and loss of their race’s history (unless born of two existing Kharajyr). Kharajyr understand that Metztli is dead through vague and abstract texts discovered on the Lunar Pilgrimage, but do not understand the specific nature of how it occurred unless discovered in-character. (A specific group on the server know of Metztli's death in detail through roleplay with Story Team) Kharajyr may vary their aesthetic as they wish, but cannot change the fundamental qualities of their subspecies (size, build, fur colour). Kharajyr may not dye their fur as a workaround to creating a Tlatlanni - this will specifically defy the theme of the lore. Kharajyr must adhere to all sections of this lore, and if evidence is discovered that cherry-picking has been done to create a Kha’ that defies parts, then that particular CA will face ST review (examples are Kha’ with no ties to history and played as a gimmick, or Kha’ created specifically for ““romantic exploits””). Credits: Wretched (Author) Chaosgamer (co-auhor) Ryloth (Consultation) Starryy (Consultation) Shvorky (Consultation) DrinkPesticide (Consultation) This is the updated version, it's been improved according to feedback that Squakhawk and Screamingdingo have provided to me and Wretched. If there are any mistakes please let me know :3
  24. [!] Posted around the lands of Arcas, whether it be outside a tavern or on a roadside tree, would be flyers advertising the Brothers of Virtue. By briefly skimming over the flyer’s contents, one could quickly notice that the Brotherhood offers good work, great pay, and even greater drinking buddies. C A L L T O A R M S Brothers of Virtue Est. 16th of Malin’s Welcome, 1782 Take up arms, Brothers! May a common purpose guide our travels, leave us walking a path undivided. Rekindle the embers of long forgotten companionship amidst a world racked with grief, tainted by violence. Offer your hand to your fellow descendant as we bleed out upon the same soil. May our bounds to one another remain everlasting, eternal! The Brotherhood shall prevail! The Brothers of Virtue Purpose Brothers’ Creed Contracts Ranking OOC The Brothers of Virtue To forfeit ourselves to our fellow descendants and to bleed for their needs - The Brotherhood offers ourselves to your needs. For coin, of course. Clad in their pennants of yellow and white, the Brothers extend a hand to those in need of them. The Brotherhood is built upon a code that all its members serve upon. Honor, security, unity, justice, and virtue. Such principles are applied when Brothers are tasked with a contract - the system that the organization operates on. The Brotherhood hears out the needs of all, and to aid them, a contract will be written. In most cases, a group of three to five Brothers will be assigned to any given contract. It will be this group’s duty to uphold the Brotherhood’s end of the contract, and upon properly completing it, the group will be compensated nicely. Purpose When a system fails to protect those it was made to serve, it is in the hands of the people to serve themselves. Take the hand of Virtue, we offer you our service. The cause of the Brothers of Virtue is quite simple, holding no beginning and no end. It is not built upon any primary goal or objective, instead created to aid those who can not do so for themselves. Our purpose is to take on contracts in exchange for a monetary payment. The Brothers of Virtue will take up arms, blade in hand, just as easily as they will oversee a diplomatic conference. Our work is not solely limited to sellswords, as Brothers serve for more esteemed, honorable causes. While we are willing to serve by blade, the Brotherhood does hold the right to deny contracts. The Brothers of Virtue are not assassins. Brothers’ Creed To serve for a cause greater than oneself is honorable, but to serve alongside those one trusts is memorable. The Brotherhood can be defined by five words, each representative of its core principles. Honor Security Unity Justice Virtue Article I - Honor Simply put, to remain honorable is to provide a hallowed respect to the contextualized subject. The cause of the Brothers of Virtue is one of deep respect, not only towards those we serve, but towards those we serve alongside. Respect is to be offered and recognized, and to be a Brother is to embrace Honor. Article II - Security The assurance of peace is a blessing, a rare fortune possessed by few. To be a Brother is to offer security to a stranger, willing to extend your aid to any in need of protection. The virtuous nature of a Brother undoubtedly compels them to offer guardianship to the defeated and damaged. Extending a hand to the unfortunate is always necessary, and to be a Brother is to embrace Security Article III - Unity Bound by our values and goals, we stand as one. Our exteriors may vary, but we fly the same banner - that of the Brotherhood! Unified as a redeemed tribe, to be a Brother is to embrace Unity. Article IV - Justice Justice is a fickle topic considering its many interpretations and subjectivity. However, Brothers mutually understand the principles of retributive justice - eye for an eye. The actions of anybody are deserving of justice, but wretched, immoral decisions are to be acted upon. Embracing the consequences of one’s actions is understanding the principles of justice, as to be a Brother is to embrace Justice. Article V - Virtue To define a guild by a particular word only emphasizes its importance in the group. Virtue is no exception, as the characteristic is a principle the Brotherhood embraces. To be virtuous is to live by your morals and to allow a well-ordered mind to direct you. Brothers understand their cause and do their work in an esteemed manner. We are not crooks or mercenaries, but instead, common folk dedicated to a cause of virtue. To be a Brother is to embrace Virtue. Contracts Unlike the common word, the price of a man is not determined by the quantity of mina he might accept. It is through the use of contracts that the Brotherhood aids those in need of their services. The Brothers of Virtue can serve a wide range of jobs (excluding murder, tortue, or excessive violence). Nearly any job will be accepted by the Brotherhood, but the Brotherhood still possesses the right to decline any contract they deem unfit. To employ the Brotherhood, a client must seek out a Brotherhood contractor or visit one of their locations. Upon finding one, they are to formally make a Contract Request with the following format. Client Name Allegiance Occupation Contract Brief Description Particular Information Other Information Following the submission of a Contract Request, a Justiciar will be arranged to meet with the client. They will convene and will discuss the contract’s details, including specific information, reason for needing the Brotherhood, and the payment for the job. If the contract is accepted... The Brotherhood will require the client to pay half of the fee upfront and pay the rest once the job is completed. The contract will be posted to the Brotherhood. There are two options in how the contract may be accepted - Either a group within the Brotherhood will convene to directly accept the contract or the contract will be assigned to a predetermined group. Following the contract’s acceptance, the group will complete the needs of the client. Upon completion, a brief meeting will be called between the client and the Justiciar to finalize the payment and provide assurance of the contract’s completion. In the event a group fails to complete the contract, it will be reassigned to a new group. The Brotherhood reserves the right to deny or disband any contracts, even after its acceptance, but forfeit the payment, of course. If a contract is denied... The Justiciar will politely refuse and send the client on their way. It is possible to renegotiate the contract following its decline. The Brotherhood will immediately decline jobs that entail murder, tortue, or excessive violence. Nearly any other job would be accepted by the Brothers of Virtue. Ranks It is not a ranking that provides for authority, but instead, the trust and honor that has been displayed. Initiate An initiate is the entry level position into the guild. Despite being new, initiates are instantly welcomed. Initiates are to accompany Brothers and Justiciars on contracts, and with enough experience, will be granted the title of Brother. Initiates are granted a gray tatter, recognizing their hazy, grayed future regarding the Brotherhood. Brother When their achievements and dedication have been recognized, an initiate will be welcomed as a Brother amongst the guild. Alongside the recognition of being a Brother, the opportunity to live in Brotherhood guildhalls is available, as well as the chance to aid in guildhall management, if so desired. To be a Brother is accepting the Brothers’ Creed and taking up arms alongside their companions. Brothers wear a yellow tatter upon receiving membership, reflective of their position as a Brother of Virtue. In the guild’s terms, yellow perfectly resembles their cause. Just, noble, and virtuous, yellow carries the properties that are instilled in each Brother’s morality. Grand Brother Grand Brothers, although holding the same status as a Brother, receive a greater title for their noble service and sacrifice for the guild. Grand Brothers are not to be held above their fellow Brothers. However, the title is used to properly recognize them for their achievements. Grand Brothers wear a bronze tatter, which still resembles their previous yellow tatter. The new shade of their tatter is simply to recognize their commitment. Justiciar Justiciars act as the leaders of the Brotherhood, being a collective group with assigned roles for managing the guild’s affairs. The roles assigned to each Justiciar may vary depending on how their fellow Justiciars see fit. The job of a Justiciar, within the Brothers of Virtue, is to aid in the management of the guild, alongside directing and leading their fellow Brothers. Although they hold a title recognizing their power within the group, Justiciars remains Brothers at heart. They are not to order their Brothers around unless leading a contract or settling a violent dispute. Justiciars may be appointed by the Grand Justiciar and the other Justiciars, but can be removed from the title as well. The politics of the Brotherhood’s leadership will not be described here, but it is important to note that new Justiciars are welcomed with a consensus from the existing Justiciars. Justiciars carry a tatter of red to discern their position from their fellow Brothers, despite being of the same code. Red, in particular, is representative of the blood a Justiciar is willing to spill for their Brothers and the cause. Grand Justiciar While formally carrying the title of the Brotherhood’s guildmaster, the Grand Justiciar is not to uphold their authority with an overbearing presence. After all, they remain as a Brother, just as their fellow companions do. The Grand Justiciar acts as the head of all Justiciars, offering guidance and direction to the guild as a whole, rather than a particular aspect of it. The Grand Justiciar may aid the Justiciars in their assigned aspects while possessing the role of guildmaster. The Grand Justiciar does not hold an absolute, undeniable word on guild affairs. Alongside Justiciars, Brothers may raise objections to decisions the Grand Justiciar might make. Regardless of the title, we all remain Brothers, each with an equal voice. The Grand Justiciar is granted the tatter of amber, a callback to their humble beginnings as a Brother of yellow. Within the deep color of amber lies the principles the guild was founded upon. OOC Thank you for taking the time to read through this post regarding the Brothers of Virtue! I will keep the OOC section brief, considering how long the other sections were. The Brothers of Virtue is meant to be a welcoming group on LotC that can create adventurous, enjoyable roleplay encounters for those looking to be involved in them! We use our contracts to initiate role play situations with other players, as well as creating private events of our own. These event-based contracts usually take form in investigations and monster hunting. To apply for enlistment in the Brothers of Virtue, reply with the following format: Username - Character Name - Proficiencies/specialities (i.e. lockpicking, swordsmanship, persuasion) -
  25. Hidden Chest of Karosgrad [Sunday, 1pm EST] A chest with a certain item will be hidden somewhere in Karosgrad once every saint’s week. A riddle or hint will be given on where it is hidden. So look out, for you won’t be the only seeker in this game. The items are donated from the House of Amador SIGNED, HER EXCELLENCY, Ingrid Barclay, Lady Seneschal of Haense and Regent of Mondtstadt HIS LORDSHIP, Ramdir II Amador, Baron of Mondstadt
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