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  1. Looking for Players Looking for players for the Scáth family, currently living in the Duchy of Rozania. The mother is a goblin, Ezra Scáth. Originally from Krugmar, and had moved to Sutica. The separation of Sutica and many in Sarissa left her and her husband Brawly to go with the Sarissans to a new settlement, now known as The Duchy of Rozania. The father is a human, Brawly Scáth. Living in Sutica and Sarissa his whole life, he is a trained medic. He is a part of the KAR (military) and the Master of Medicine in Rozania. There are also other siblings within the family, Paige Rynn-Scáth, sister of Zahira and Soren, who has left her adopted family, to find her real parents. She comes around occasionally to check in on her younger siblings. Yerro Scáth, brother of Zahira and Soren, who is still living with the family. Players needed: Zahira Scáth (daughter) A female human-goblin hybrid. She has blonde hair and heterochromatic eyes. Zahira is a mild-mannered child who loves both of her parents. At this time, she has not developed much as a character, but will gain more character traits as she is RP’d more. A blank slate of a character, as of now. She has a family that speaks Blah, but she herself does not need any knowledge of that yet. Soren Scáth (son) A male full goblin adopted by the Scáth family. This goblin kub is brand new to the Scáth family so his RP is currently open to interpretation. He was found abandoned in Krugmar with no hints to his prior family besides a generic note written in blah that stated that the previous caregiver was no longer able to care for him. He has knowledge of Blah, and uses that as his main language. If you are interested in playing either of these characters, contact on discord. Discord: Dope Bob weed pants#8972 animallover23#0171 Both persona’s are under 14, and subject to interpretation. Skins are able to be edited lightly, if you want with permission from the parents. We ask you to be active, about one to two times a week. Timeszones are PST/CST Fun Group to RP with, and really great ooc vibes, we are a irp and ooc fam, so only real serious players please. Thank you!
  2. (Moosic) [!] A missive finds its way to the notice-board in the Iron'Uzg capital. It almost shimmers in a coating of sleek oil. Whatever it may be, it secretes a disgusting smell. Though one which is quickly covered by the putridity of cactus green. Amongst other odd smells. Visually however it is fairly typical. A simple piece of parchment messily hung by a rusted nail. With velvet writing presumably of blood caressing the page. “Paler than death, gaunter than bone, emotions should be lifeless, to sit on a throne.” Brothers, Birth is a brutal but beautiful thing. It was the time miz garnered our first kill. On our own momo. Miz exchanged her life to create miz own. Yet still miz waste her blood by wandering aimlessly. Clanless. Purposeless. Idle. But not anymore. Miz true sight has been opened. And now miz true purpose has been revealed. Enough of dwelling in the past. Enough clans collapsing and squabbles caused by puny cubs. Miz raise our purpose. Miz raise the banner of brutality and beauty. Miz raise clan Mog! Miz purpose is simple. And the spirits will not dictate miz as they have so many others. Instead miz guide ourselves, with purpose. Journeying on a path laid out by mizselves. A path of Mog! However do not view miz niche numbers and young existence as a sign of weakness. As miz have already smelt the future to come. Our tongues flickering against fate. Lungs filled with cactus green. As miz are held by nothing but ourselves. Untampered by spirits and idiotic uruks. Clan Mog sits beneath the futh eyes of dub brothers. And miz see empty seats to fill. Seats which yearn for the warmth of forward thinking brothers. The warmth of those who don’t remain chained by old ways. Moggoth of clan Mog Moggoth of clan Mog OOC
  3. “Paler than death. Gaunter than bone. Hearts should be lifeless. To sit on a throne." We, Clan Mog, take the symbol of two intertwining serpents. And in its purest form; it represents the eternal entanglement of other beings. We also take the quote: ‘Paler than death, gaunter than bone, hearts should be lifeless, to sit on a throne.’ This shows the nature of emotions. And how one must lose them to achieve true enlightenment. ⑄ History ⑄ “To progress into the future, one must sacrifice part of the past.” ⑄ Appearance ⑄ “Physicality iz ah glimpze at tuh zoul; zo glare wit ztudy. Az there iz much to learn from azhz looks.” ⑄ Body Modification ⑄ "Bonez protrudez, as miz ar revealed; mi ztake off mizskin, tu stop remainin konkealed." ⑄ Wardrobe ⑄ “Klothing iz nub more d'en eh mazk ta kova miz pride. Miz scars ar an honour. Not ah zecret to hide.” ⑄ Hierarchy ⑄ "Blud grukz nubin widout zpirit." ⑄ Trials ⑄ “Ah tru zerpent zliverz zlowly, but zukkeeds zwiftly.” ⑄ Spiritualism ⑄ “Zpiritz ar konztantly held above miz like deitiez, let miz peep how deities face chaos.” ⑄ Combat ⑄ “Bloodluzt iz ah givt; nub ah kurze. Anywayz, miz av kactuz green tu kalm down.” ⑄ Games ⑄ “It'z all vun and gamez till lat hit lat head on tuh way down.” ⑄ Hunting ⑄ “Miz ar zimple uruk doing zimple uruk tings... yub yub!” ⑄ Laws ⑄ “Azh muzt abide by tuh rules, otherwise azh will nevuh ve ah khanke tu break dem again.” OOC
  4. (Moosic) [!] Hung on a crooked nail is an open letter to Ulug'Gorkil @flexMate. It reeks of cactus-green and seems to be stained with a green shimmer with the texture of saliva. And by the wording and length, it looks as if it could have been scribed. Or perhaps not. “Paler than death, gaunter than bone, emotions should be lifeless, to sit on a throne.” Brothers, what is the point of beating an already dead body? Countless clans rise in resuscitation but are bound to ruin. Histories are misconstrued and leaders lead for selfish endeavours of voice and greed. Is the answer to show power? Perhaps... Miz speak of clan Gorkil. And the uruk of the name Ulug. Who time after time has proved little but ignorant in the Iron’Uzg. And has provided everyone with what miz can only correlate to a new-born Olog to babysit. That being of himself. So Ulug, I ask, latz write how Gorkil provides great master-minds and warriors. But do lat truly believe lat represent such traits? Lat; The uruk who captured allies to enslave? The uruk who is in debt? The uruk who failed to capture or kill enemies on raids? The uruk who failed to defend the goi when elves attacked?" Or perhaps lat had forgotten that lat are little more than a thorn in the side of the Iron’Uzg for the past cactus years. This was a topic miz discussed with the previous Targoth. Who informed miz that miz were azh of many who discussed such concerns. Now despite that problem being resolved; miz do not see how one such as latself can truly believe they are the right fit to revive a clan of such a name. So miz lend lat these words now. So lat don’t find yourself diving too deep into a realm lat know very little about. As lat have in the past. And finally, miz ask miz brothers, Do miz want this uruk touching clan Gorkil? A clan with a deep rooted past? Miz say NUB. Moggoth of clan Mog Moggoth of clan Mog [!] A separate letter is sent out privately to Ulug directly OOC
  5. https://imgur.com/a/wgFTyyE (This contains all the Photos for the build, more can be taken and the build can be found on the Haense build server as well as the planned location! :D) Lair PRO MC Name: Ofrider Lair Name: Kharzi Iron-Hold Proposed Lair Locations (Highlight 3 on the map): (Please refer to the Imgur link, the first three areas are posted within the link along with the exact areas from my perspective in game) Lair Lore (could link to an existing creature or other lore) (1000 words minimum): There was an Orc called Jorg, viewed as an unusual one, considering today's standards. An orc that used to live in Krugmar, along with his brothers and sisters. One that represented what an Orc should be - honorable, brave, and strong. However, he was unlike his people; he was tender-hearted and gentle. He was eager to acquire knowledge and experience outside of his homeland, in the vast nations of the elves, dwarves, and humans, amongst other strange and fantastical things amid his countless journeys and deeds. Although, in doing so, he discovered that not all things are quite what they seem to be. He was unlike his kind, for they raided like bandits; they pillaged cities and villages of the helpless, just for the coin, for food and things that shone, rather than something challenging to face. They enslaved the weak and vulnerable, lying would make them stronger, but instead, it only weakened them more and more. The orcs spoke of honor, but acted against their own words, backstabbing, lying, cheating… Whatever this was, it was far from the way Jorg had been taught. In his eyes, it was not what orcs should truly be. His efforts to change the crude ways of his kind proved to be futile; Jorg attempted to set an example for the Orcs, but upon the dwarves' declaration of war, his kin eagerly took the opportunity. Despite the dishonor behind the Orcs’ actions, Jorg was the one reprimanded, for trying to stand for Rex. He tried to stop his kin from taking the Goldhand, and ultimately saved her life… but not that of his kingdom. They came like a hammer upon a poorly wrought anvil - Krugmar cracked. Jorg witnessed his brothers wither away right in his arms. He sought out the friends they made, but everyone simply shook their heads… In the end, he was all alone. Too wounded to continue defending his kin, he had to watch his mother, and his six siblings die, tortured in front of him before a dwarf, a Grandaxe, saved him for what should have been his death. Much to his dismay, the Orcs were bloodthirsty. They sought revenge. But how could they? Their women were murdered, their cubs were butchered, and the elders slaughtered...what revenge? They had to build, bury their dead. But instead of mourning, his skin sought more bloodshed, more violence, and more decay. He alone was left to bury the dead, and he did, over many days, grave by grave. He eventually lost count of them, but he remembered their faces, each one, and how they died, and to this day, it still haunts him. He sought death, and when he couldn’t find it, he left. Krug was no longer his home, but a place of violent thieves and murderers. No longer was it a place for what it means to be an Orc; the spirits did not smile there, and in the case that they did, they were not spirits with righteous intentions. He left in search of a purpose, of anything, what was he without Krug? He had no more family, his clan was so besmirched with dirt that to say it with pride brought only pain and sorrow… this needed to change, and so he decided to make the change himself. Iron’Heartz was then created - a new clan, a new family for him. To teach the ways he knew, the ways he thought were best. A new path for what it meant to be an orc, something he felt was true, something he felt Krug had long abandoned. He started recruiting, no longer there to take, but to teach and guide; to be strong one must learn it, so he sought members. One by one he tested them, putting them through trials until he was proud of them enough to call them kin, family. They were orcs despite their race, what honorary should be, and the clan welcomed them as family. Some may call this shame, where are the blood orcs? Like himself, they would come, slowly but surely, and even if he were to die, the rest would carry on Jorg’s legacy of what being a true orc means, so that when Krug does fall, those seeking the path of the Orc would find it. Even if it took forever, he would make sure his clan would last just as long. And to have a clan meant that one needed a place to stay, to grow the people, to store food, to smith armor, to have a home! So he sought one, in the mountains beyond where he worked as a mercenary, in Haense, amongst strange trees on high mountain tops, where most would never reach, he finally found traces of an old stronghold, an old dwarven fortress, hidden deep in the mountains. It was perfect, it was the orc way, to take over what was once lost and make it one’s own. Orcs were like weeds, sprouting up in expected spots, even old and forgotten ones. He led his clan towards the mountains, where they fought against rogue dwarves, those that deserted from Urugan, as well as animals, well-fed by the bountiful green mountain, tribes of creatures from the deep that rose to raid food from the animals they hunted. And even groups of minotaurs, snorting at the welcomed challenge that was the clan moving into scout for a place to call home. Then they found it after an earthquake, revealing the entrance to the old dwarven keep. This particular hold was archaic, more olden than any living dwarf. It dated back generations, back when the deep roads of the dwarves were still strong and well used. It was held by an old clan, now forgotten by time itself in rotten books that held nothing but dust and decay. The hold was supposed to be for scouting, gradually developing into the fort, the deep roads expanding at this point to involve more of the land into what some might eventually call a settlement… Then something came. They dug too deep, the caverns too long, the roads too wide, they awakened something, something terrible, and it came up to attack the unprepared and surprised dwarves. Whatever it was, it was winning, and they didn't have any forces from within... it was supposed to be their domain. In the end, they collapsed the mountain and ran out, refusing to let what dark horror awaited below to come to the surface. It has been many years, and a recent earthquake revealed what was hidden, the dwarven hold, one empty, overgrown from deep cavern plants, one ripe for harvest for orcs...and something waited for them in there...something deep, forgotten, powerful. They would reclaim it, building massive shrines in the name of their spirits, calling it home, a place that would one day become a legend in Orc history, as the grand home, of Klan Iron’Heartz. And when it would get taken over, everything would change. From the library filled with orc history, to teachings on blacksmithing, about spirits, a great collection of books of all races, to learn, replacing old dank books, too soaked in humidity to be read, other recovered that could be recovered The forge was remade, what was once cold was re-born. The strength of dwarven forges combined with orcish might as technologies mixed in weird ways. Seeds and gardens were planted for there to be life...something that orcs rarely did, so new life could grow and feed the ever-growing clan. A great throne room was re-done, a great fighting pit, of the ancient art of those blessed by Arwa was made, called a Sumo pit, a place for those to train was made. Rooms made for all arts and crafts. A hold truely fit for generations of Klan leads to come. (That is the link to the Clan lore page! Please enjoy, this contains more lore about the clan in general) Lair Build and Infrastructure (photos required): (Please refer to the Imgur link) Why can you not accomplish the niche of this lair’s roleplay in an existing settlement or nation? (We expect a substantial answer for this, not just ‘I don’t like them’). It is a perspective on Orc culture that would not be allowed in Krugmar. Additionally, due to roleplay events, Jorg is no longer part of Krugmar, but continues to view himself as an honorable Orc and desires to instill Orcish values in his own derivative way, and perhaps even have his own family. This lair would allow for a welcoming and controlled environment, where casual and friendly roleplay may exist without political or violent (unless necessary) interference. It aims to cultivate Orcish culture amongst players of other nations and races, integrate honoraries into an Orc clan and experience Orc roleplay, which tends to be limited to Krugmar. Our lair provides a unique setting for both those part of the clan, as well as those who simply wish to visit. What does this lair add to the greater world around them?: Clan Iron'heartz is one of the largest Orc clans outside of Krugmar, demonstrating a neutral environment for many, if not all, races and nations. Our laid build has considered its members and has allowed access to the deep roads for its dwarven participants, which in turn may open roleplay opportunities and is also a strategically built area with events in mind. The deep roads are highly connected to spiritual lore and thus expand possibilities of religious roleplay, and intends to share the beautiful orcish lore that is otherwise confined to Krugmar. The location in question is in tile 143 I think
  6. THE PATH TO HONORARY What does it mean to be an honorary? How does a non-orc enter the society of the orcish people? In the past, honorary meant little more than someone favored by orcish people. However, few have risen above their non-descendant origins and shaped the orcish people through their will and strength. Within the IRON'UZG, honoraries should be expected to do the same. The trials have been reformed, molded to fit the advancements in culture and pride the orcs have taken. ELIGIBILITY: Krugmar must be your main residence. Must be recommended by an orc kin. The Dominus must accept you into the Honorary process FIRST TRIAL: Throm’ka to H’ Bruddahz The first trial of the honorary process requires the individual to introduce themselves to five orc-kin. By the end of this trial, a novitiate should understand and know the following: Each of the Orcs’ full names and clan Be able to give details/background of at least two clans Learn of the Spirits and Ancestors They should understand Krug and his tribulations Knowledge of important Ancestral, Elemental, Immortal Spirits. Understand the Orcish social hierarchy The novitiate cannot move on to the second trial until the Dominus has received a report of their findings and deems it appropriate to continue. SECOND TRIAL: Durbûrzob Kûhom(An example of strength) Hunt a Large Beast or an Undead Alone a novitiate must venture into the wild and slay a beast larger than oneself or an undead. The individual must bring back a trophy of this kill to the Dominus to prove their success. Klomping Time A novitiate must win one out of three klomps against the other orcs. They must prove their worth in skirmishes; whether that be fighting, strategizing or supplying armaments. Gauntlets Complete two gauntlets in the Holy City, San’Khatun. THIRD TRIAL: Frûmob Kûhom(An example of the mind) Find a practitioner of each type of Shamanism Be able to explain each individually Choose two spirits to learn in-depth, and provide evidence of religious works to them. Know of at least one spiritual role outside of Shamanism, and take part in their rituals Honor: Be able to properly explain Orcish honor. Bloodlust: Know the history and folly of the orcish curse. Understand how it works and how to act upon it correctly. FINAL TRIAL The Dominus will assign the potential honorary to an orc who is involved in a role that the potential honorary seeks to fulfill within the Iron’Uzg. Together this brother and the Dominus will formulate a final, unique trial for this individual.
  7. Simply how to be happy: Step 1: stop playing LOTC Step 2: do anything else, take a bike ride somewhere or boot up that old videogame you haven't touched in a while Hope this helps :D
  8. A WAR OF RETRIBUTION Urguan’s Folk, for centuries, have been tried time and time again by nations who believe they are strong enough to defeat the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. And time and time again, they have continuously failed. The dwed have never lost a war against an external threat, yet the “War-Nation '' of Krugmar has seen it wise to raid Urguani vassals, kill our citizens, and kidnap and debeard our Grand Marshal. These insults to our people cannot and will not be allowed to continue without dire consequences to the already crumbling “nation”. At a council meeting only stone days ago, the Grand King called upon all clans and vassals to appear in the throne room to hear of a decision that would impact the entirety of the Grand Kingdom. With the testimony of Bakir Ireheart, the newly appointed Grand Marshal, describing the ‘trial’ awarded to the dwed, all of Urguan’s folk knew that it was time for action. Repelling every single Krugmarian raid was simply not enough. Killing a Targoth and displaying his head was not enough. Ironcasting a Krugmarian Uruk was not enough. The simple memory of a recent defeat to Urguan under Utak Ireheart was somehow not enough. The council knew that the only step possible to cease Krugmarian hostility once and for all was WAR. With the publication of this document, the Grand Kingdom of Urguan hereby declares WAR on the “War-Nation'' of Krugmar. Shall they realize their mistake and wish for a way out, their peace terms are listed below: SECTION I: TERMS OF PEACE As listed in the recently published grudge against Krugmar, the terms of peace are listed as follows: I. The tusks of the Rex of Krugmar. II. The heads of both Targoths of Krugmar. III. Withdrawing all previous statements against the Grand Kingdom, as well as a public declaration of defeat. Narvak oz Urguan, Narvak oz da Khazadmar signed, Grand King of Urguan, Clan Father of Clan Grandaxe The Grand Marshal of Urguan, Clan Father of the Irehearts and Jarl of Dol’Gorix Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Elder of Clan Frostbeard, High Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance, Son of Rhewen
  9. [ON ORCISH VIOLENCE] The violence of the orcish people has shaped their history, and the world. Many orcs would lament the violence and injustices of their people, yet recognize the pleasure many of their kin face. There are two ideologies within the orcish people, a conflicting force that guides some to honor, and many to evil. [MABAJ BOT OB ARMAUK] I HAVE A WORLD OF ENEMIES To some, violence is simply a means of communication. Orcs fight against the world, inwardly and outwardly. They have torn themselves apart with this violence, fracturing far more times than any of the other descendants. To an orc, especially one without restraint, violence would simply be a way of life, but by no means an honorable one. This blind violence is often seen as a means of expression, or proving oneself, but often withers as an orc and their mind age. Violence proves strength, and strength proves worth in the eyes of a bloodthirsty orc. In past ages, orcs simply battled each other to prove worth and status, but as their people have been culled, and enacted violence on themselves, this self-mutilating desire has faded into something more coherent. Strength is important, and the orcish people pride themselves on their straight-forward and direct action. [GRIZHAKÛRZ-DARÛK] BLOOD DRUNK FOOL Wasteful bloodlust begets more bloodlust. The damage that the orcish people have done are seen in the veins of history. Haruspex and shamans are clearly aware of how internal strife taints the grish. Many orcs pride themselves in having restraint in their bloodlust, or being able to draw from it, rather than being enslaved by it. Many clans have rituals to deal with their bloodlust, or simply find means of overcoming it. The orcish people only surmounted Iblees by rising up when the other descendants fell to their afflictions. Reverting to beastial nature, would only prove to dishonor Krug, and further taint the action and image of the orcs. Honor is gained through making correct choices, rather than simply exerting your will. The Stargush’Stroh is a place in which conflict is eternal, and fought honorably. Wasting time within the mortal realm on descendants weaker than oneself would bar entry to the afterlife. This fate would be far worse than being labeled whitewash, as the actions would stain the orc’s soul for eternity. [HOW TO ROLEPLAY BLOODLUST] Bloodlust is a curse, an affliction that taints the minds and actions of the orcish people. This leads to bouts of anger,rage, and confusion that do not aid in combat scenarios, but often hamper them. The orcish people are a martial one and lose their forethought when bloodlusted. This does not mean an orc gains strength, but instead loses skill. A warrior is better when they are trained and prepared, rather then filledwith shock and rage. Overuse, or even experiencing true, blinding bloodlust would often lead to mental illness, depression and other concerns as seen through Kotrestruu’s Visit. [WHAT SLAVERY IS] Much like violence, slavery is an ever-changing discourse that is argued over within the orcish community. Some may see it as cruel, or unjust, but without the act, there would be no Phaedrus’Yar, the Elven Rex, or the countless folk who atoned for their descendant ancestors by adopting orcish culture. Slaves serve as cogs within the orcish system, but so do orcs. To not recognize the polishing, teaching, and work that must be put into a slave would be to ignore the purpose of the practice all together. The orcish people are stronger than any of the descendants, both physically and mentally, taking slaves merely for the pleasure is something reviled and reserved to those who do not appreciate the strength good life provides. [WHY THE ORCISH PEOPLE TAKE SLAVES] When Krug stood against Iblees, he did so without the help of the other descendants. When Krug killed Horen, he did so to strengthen the human people, and to let new life flow from their dying veins. Slavery, and all the violence it brings is not a pleasurable act, or one done out of malice. The orcish people are well aware of the strength they possess, though enact it in ways that scare and threaten the placidity of descendant life. To some, slavery is an atonement for the descendant original sin. To others, it marks the rebirth into better lives. To be allowed access into the orcish people’s way of life is an honor, no matter how tough or brutal it may be. As children, orcs are often intentionally abandoned or neglected, only to make themselves stronger. The same could be said of their slaves, who grow and mature into honorary orcs themselves. [SNAGA BAJ LUFUT] SLAVES MAKE WAR Not all orcs carry slaves. To some the hassle of guiding other descendants provides a headache best left to other orcs. Slaves are weak initially, and often cause more strife or complications to diplomacy and orcish society. An orc prides themselves on their own strength, and so taking a slave could be seen as belying that truth. It is necessary for an orc to find their own worth, and so leaving tasks and things to someone else, especially a non-orc, often muddles that process. [AMAL SHUFAR, AT RRUG] WHERE THERE'S A WHIP, THERE'S A WAY Slavery is good because it greases the wheels of progress. It makes life easier for orcs, and it is easy to see the strength an orc possesses when they do so atop a mountain of slaves. Why would the other descendants be blessed with foolish and pointless lives when they could so easily serve the orcish people? Their apathy towards true strength and honor is how Iblees proliferated, and so in enslaving them, they do them a justice. [HONOR AND ITS FLAVORS] The orcs are an honorable people, but what does honor mean? Does honor to a Raguk mean the same thing as honor to a Lak? Identifying the orcish people as a monoculture is a foolish assumption by descendants. The orcish people are made up of many creeds, factions and lineages, all of whom waged war against each other. To ask every orc, goblin, and olog would give a variety of answers as numerous as there are stars in the sky. Still, there are basic tenants every orc should and must live by if they wish to enter the Stargush’Stroh. Do not fight children. Do not fight those weaker than you. Do not fight with such an advantage that you trivialize combat. Generally, it is ill-advised to participate in enslavement RP if you're not a well versed Orc. It can be complicated, and difficult to work with. If you do it badly, you can leave a negative impression of the non-Orcs you come across; which extends into an OOC perception. Slave RP can be very good for Orcish RP, as it allows those that are not Orcs to experience the culture, and even, with time, become a part of it. If you plan on enslaving people, please be sure that you do so with the intent of inviting someone into the orcish community and teaching them the culture.
  10. THE UNWARRANTED ATTACK The Sightings of Blue Avarice of Greatness “And the blue bandanas were dug from the ground, heaved by the likes of his mortal cohort. They strode from their ruined, decrepit homeland; ventured through the misty isles of the north, shattered and torn by snow. It was them -- the Reivers. ” - An excerpt of King Sugarfoot II The warriors of the Ferrymen sat in their lonesome fort, idling in parties and drinks. Famed in the lands as fierce warriors, we looked to the skies and saw but bleak clouds, and the face of Vivian Maelstrom in shackles. It was bound by our will that she was commended to great pain and suffering, for her insufferable crimes of torment to her people of Talon’s Grotto and the kind of Juan Pablo, attempting to burn him alive for no apparent reason. Take into account, us Ferrymen do not sway the politics of others. We have our own agendas, goals and politics. We keep to ourselves and do not interfere with the movement of other nations. So, why attempt to touch our politics? We do not have time to stomp on the vile cockroaches entering our fortress kitchen, like rodents. That is what you are, rodents interfering with something they should not. We do not take nicely to our brothers-in-arms being threatened, we are family. She dared lay hand - or even attempted to - harm our comrade. In response, we showed penance by capturing the insufferable, insidious woman and croaking her tone into silence. She spoke with royalty, and then was met by ruin. It is the curse of bygone titans that lay waste to our lands; she is descendant to those titans, crazed and wandering with purpose to spill vitriol and evil. Eventually, us ferrymen were met with an unwarranted attack. Those of Elysium and Urguan attempted to play hero, and rallied their forces to bring back their unkindly friend-monarch. For what cause? Why did the fools of Elysium and Urguan interfere in something that was not related to their politics? Out of confusion, we fought and overstepped that hurdle. They fell, and we continued our day without injuries. Heed well, you damned souls of Elysium and Urguan. Stick to your own business, and we shall stick to ours. You are nothing. You are nobody. A prick torn away from flesh. To call you a ‘hurdle’ is insulting enough for our pride. If this was not enough, try again and face worse penance. Your untimely appearance brought rise to five ancient bandit lords once more; the bandits raised from their soil to fight on our side -- the Reivers were unchallenged, and their combined forces with the Ferryman is outright victory. To beheath the appearance of King Sugarfoot II, Dacqueer Sugarfoot, Lyulen Daemyr, Lyuathir Daemyr, Dirty Don Juan and Prince Lonan Daemyr himself. We are men for hire, we seek gold and will decimate your enemies. You continue to fight us, and you burn the bridges and opportunities of gaining our swords to your favour. If you have wars, we will no longer be of your service. Is that what you wish for? I hope this is a lesson to Elysium and Urguan. Do not attempt to fight us again, or you will be a hurdle that is overstepped once more. Or squashed. We’ve already shaved the beard of the last Grand King of Urguan. Please, do not make us shave your beard also, Grand King Levian’tol Grandaxe. Signed, The Ferryman A depiction of the famed Reivers and their Ferryman comrades after their victorious battle.
  11. 11th of the First Seed Bloodlust answered with Dwarven Ire The Moon rose into the black sky as the sun fell back behind the orcish city. As the orcs and their slaves alike gathered in the Krugmar square, huddling around the lit campfire for warmth the generals of Krug stood around ready to give a speech. Urguani Forces led by Grand King Levian’Tol Grandaxe and Bakir Ireheart moved into the city with a company of 90, made up of Dwarven Legionnaires, Men of Blackwald, The Rustlers, and the GOATS, with compliments of the The Silver Lubba band. They charged the square quickly, cornering one of the Krugmarian Generals, the Urgani force was quickly surrounded by 135 Urks of Krugmar. The Urguani forces slammed their swords and axes together preparing for Battle. Bakir stepped forward asking the cornered general “Where is your Rex? Bring him to us.” Some orcs in the group surrounding them chuckled and awaited the response of their Targoth. The Krugmar General simply responded “Our Rex is dead, died of a heart attack” Bakir shrugged, going to lift his axe pointing it at the throat of the orc “Then we shall take you instead.” With that an orc war cry rang out, the circle of orcish warriors collapsing on the group of 90 dwarves surrounding the Grand King and the Krugmar General. Battle ensued, Urguani and Krugmar forces clashing, the sound of battle filling the streets of the city. The Orcs were quickly driven back into their own gatehouse, orc bodies filling the square with not one dwarf being scathed. The remaining warriors of Krug and with their two Generals hid in the gatehouse expecting to be safe from the dwarves that were waiting inside. The Warriors of Sedan and Silver Lubba suddenly pushed into the gates where the orcs were hiding, quickly overcoming them and dealing with them easily. Axes and swords were raised into the air and thereafter, Urguan War Cries filled the Orcish square as the corpses of Krug’s kin began to rot. The Raid party then returned to Kal'Darakaan. Victorious, hauling a sack of orcish heads behind him.
  12. A lonesome Uruk, clad in pale-red steel. Once youthful, vibrant, and naive. Now weary, tired, and wise. Though he had met many enemies throughout his long life, he knew that time would always be his greatest challenge. He made his way down the winding path towards Krugmar, having once again decided to return home - just to visit one last time. Though he could not call himself the most loyal of Orcs, he still knew - deep in his heart - that Krugmar: a land of blood, combat and death, would always be where he came from and where he would return to no matter what. Though his vision faded, and the world around him continued to turn black, he urged onwards towards the gates of Krugmar. Lifting his helmet, now just a bucket of rust, off of his head: he dropped it to the dirt beneath him. Onwards he stumbled. Unclasping his trusty chestplate, he allowed it to fall behind him like a snake would shed its skin: feeling free for the first time in many years. Onwards he stumbled. His back would bend no more; he could not find the strength to remove the rest of his broken, fragile armour. So, onwards he stumbled. He gazed around at the many heads decorating the bridge to Krugmar: his eyes matching their petrified gaze, with their mouth agape - serving to remind him of the life he had led, like many other Uruks. He coughed once, blood seeping onto his red skin as he tried to cover his mouth: attempting to keep any remaining vitality inside his wretched body from leaving. His ears perked at the sound of a roaring forge, not far from the gates he had just entered. Onwards he stumbled, his gaze and mind affixed upon the open forge: its smoke rising into the night sky. Making his way down the steps, slowly, he found himself looking around for any fellow Uruks: perhaps intending to rely on his brothers for once in his lonesome life, but found only the comfort of cawing crows and the call of the fire ahead. Onwards he stumbled, finally finding himself where he had spent much of his time. Kneeling down before the soothing orange flames, his arm resting on the anvil beside him to support his aged bones. He stared deep into the flames, as he had many times before, but for once he thought not of crafting; not of steel; nor of blood. His mind raced as he instead thought back on his companions. His teacher, Shagarath. His friend and respected warrior, Wud. His first and most respected Rex, Kharak. He frowned as the faces he conjured in his mind faded: struggling to picture those who had grown alongside. “I’m sorry, brothers.” He could feel his heart beginning to slow. His eyes begged to rest, but he continued to vigilantly stare into the fire of the forge. His back slumped, but his head continued to face forwards as it had always done. “I’m coming… To reunite with you all at last.” His heart slowed and performed its final symphony: one last slow beat. The colour in his eyes had now faded, overtaken by the bright orange of the forge. Gukdan was finally home.
  13. [!] The following excerpts are written in a large scrawl of surprisingly precise Orcish script. [!] On the Races of Krug-Kind As the descendants of Krug grew in numbers over generations, certain lineages and bloodlines became unique among their kin. All brothers and sisters belong to one of three families, with the notable exception of hybrids called Hobgoblins. To know your lineage is a statement of pride, as the blood in every orc’s veins can be traced back to Krug himself. A common feature shared by all descendants of Krug is our vast array of skin colors. Individual tones of our tough and durable skin can provide insight upon our ancestry; as an example, it is common for orcs with red skin tones to be members of the Raguk clan. Our eyes gleam in almost any hue, tusks display prominently upon our faces, and our grukkers are covered with thick dark hair. The life of any descendant of Krug quickly prepares them for battle; a brother or sister will have fully grown into adulthood in both body and mind anywhere between azhty’dub (XII) and azhty’h’gahk (XVIII) cactus weeks. Upon reaching this early age all members of our kind will be peep’d as an adult by the codes of Krug and the spirits. Over many years of combat we will then obtain various scars and marks of honor upon our flesh, slowly becoming storied veterans of honorable Wagh. Around our dub’kinth (CC) year of age some brothers are blessed by the spirits, beginning to grow horns similar in nature to a ram. These originate from a plate of dense bone beneath our forehead and temples, proving study protection from attacks to the head. These horns will continue to curve before, if unfiled, piercing back into the skull around an orc’s futh’kinth (CCCC) year of old age. To see an elder brother with horns is to meet one of great honor; only those with true strength live for so long and through so many battles. Uruks Uruks, commonly called Orcs, are the most numerous and diverse members of Krug-kind. All other bloodlines originate from the first Uruks, though the exact points of diverging ancestry are unclear. Uruks range from H’azh (VI) to H’gahk (VIII) feet in height, and can weigh anywhere between dub’kint (CC) to h’azh’kint (CCCCCC) lbs upon reaching maturity. Significantly stronger than most other descendants, uruks still share a similar level of intelligence with that of an adult humie or stout. Goblins Goblins are the thinkers of Krugkind, the strength of body in combat having been replaced with genius intellect. While a goblin’s slender frame will only grow between futh (IV) to h’azh (VI) feet, their mental abilities surpass the brightest members of the other descendant races. Goblins are known for having wiry frames, prominent noses, and smaller tusks. Curiously, the curse of bloodlust present in all our kind presents itself as a fervent and almost anxious need to tinker or experiment with the ideas whirling through a goblin’s mind. For this reason it is common to see a goblin inventor testing some mad contraption designed for warfare. Hobgoblins Hobgoblins are the unique descendants of Krug created when the bloodlines between Orc and Goblin mingle. While inheriting both the strength of their warrior parentage and the sharp mind of a tinker, their emotions are generally more volatile than either as the curse of our kind affects them in both rage and mad genius. With lean and sculpted forms ranging from H' (V) to H'azh (VI) feet in height, their extraordinary talent is not to be trifled with. Hobgoblins display a blend of features known to Uruk-kind, though the particulars depend on their heritage and family lines. Ologs Towering above all other descendant races, the Ologs stand at a mighty h’futh (IX) to azhty (X) feet. These colossal warriors have stocky, musclebound frames, oversized jaws, and a tendency for developing layers of fat from overeating. What they claim in physical strength is lost in mental fortitude; the average olog matches a kub in intelligence, and the hulking warriors focus on basic needs more than any other concerns. Our gargantuan brothers are commonly seen with their smallest brethren in a form of partnership, acting as physical strength to carry out plans made by the ingenious and more aware goblins.
  14. The War Nation of Krugmar is a jungle based settlement found in the far west of Almaris. surrounded by dense tropical forest and dotted with stunning pools fish, From the emerald greed foliage rises the nation, hued in vibrant reds, home to the Orcs. After arriving to the nation of Krugmar I was greeted by the Rex himself Kor’garr. We headed to the city tavern near the great Klomp pit, taking our seats. Being treated to the local brews and greeting the Rex's entourage, I settled into a wonderful evening. We were joined by one of the Rex’s friends, who told the heartbreaking story of the rise and fall of worship of the taboo spirit Orgon. A tale of betrayal and limits of self between the higher beings of this land. Wise words directed to all parties present. After the tales told we settled into the interview proper: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “Lets begin mister Kor’garr, who are ye? Ah loike ta give a full run doon on who ah be interviewing, this nay a slight sir.” “Yub, uv korze… Kor’garr iz Kor’garr uv nuv klan, mettle-werker, zkowt.. Agh nows Rex uv Krugmar” “Wuz maor den H’ty yeers ago, Kor’harr wuz born tu Valor’garr agh azh uv iz luvs. Nub gruk wich azh, buht dat’z wer Kor’garr gitz dah grey vrum.” “Thank ye thank ye. So mister Kor’garr, wot does the role o Rex involve? How does et effect ye? Does et cme wit en life?” “Keh! Tu bi dah Rex iz tu akt wit dah wihl uv Krug en leedyng Krugmar’z peepul. En Wagh, en zpeerit, en ‘onur … Dah Rex muzt zhow ag example vor awl dat vollow en da path uv Krug” “Da path o krug!” (at this point many a drink was drunk and a few of these drinks were sadly spilled) “En awl truths. Kor’garr did nub ixpekt tu bikum Rex. unlee avturag Klomp uv honor, azh dah vlat aginzt mi bruddah Azhug’gorkil, did Kor’garr tayk dah pozizhun. Wagh-ammur aginz lowng-zult, blow avtur bludy blow.. Wiz wur both barely ztandyng win Kor’garr ztruk Azhug downz wit ah kruzhed ribkayg” “A strong fighter! Makes a gud leader!” “Yub, dat dey du. Myght meykz right en Krugmar, agh et wihl ulweyz bi dat whey” “Jest loike back en urguan Uhh lets see ere.. Fun facts bout ye! Little segment bout yerself as a person. Be et a cool scar, wot ye used ta be, er jest yer favorite food” “Kah. Kor’garr gots dah zaym anzer vor dub uv doze Peep dah zkar ‘ere. Vrum zhoulder tu zhoulder. Awl akrozz dah rybz” “Goodness what from?” “Lat nyt nub dehm en dah waturz neer Krugmar, buht dah jungul pools kuntayn bubu’hozh krabz dah syz uv’ah blarg. Wiz wur own’ag hunt vor zumtyng tu weed dah clanz whin zyztah Nin’skwwq got thurztee..” “Nin! Ah ken er! Ah taught er back when a wos a medic! Sorreh sorreh, please continue.” “Azht wi grukk’d et wuz ah rock en dah watur… dehn dah tyng zkittered aht uz wit pinzerzz ‘hozher den ag Olog! Azh zweep uv ag klaw slamm’d entu Nin, ah Kor’garr peep’d rehd. Arrowz did nubbin, zultz juzt goht en dah whey. Wit ag vyurius kry uv Wagh Kor’garr took’ag ‘ax ag charj’d dah creetur, etz beedy peppurz blaynk agh pitch blak” “Ye ran head first enta et?!?!” “Yub… et wuz dah bludluzt Kor’garr velt whin peepyng Nin’ kruzhed by dah beezt. Der wuz nubbin en dah uzg kulda kept Kor’garr vrum dat zoggin krab… Zoh wit a zyngul zwing ‘etz wavy wuz en dub” “Amazing! Wos dear Nin okeh afterwards? Sorreh bout askin.” “Uv korze, et tuuk zum muthz tu ‘eel agh dah medikz wuz vyuriyuz, buht wiz awl wur patch’d uhp avturwurdz… dah creetur dizydid tu tayk Kor’garr wit et doh” “Et dragged ye back en ta da water?” “Dah krabz wrythe when dey clat, kaught Kor’garr across deh chest agh dragg’d ‘i’m undur dah waturz. Der wiz wur, bohth bleedyng owt en dah jungul layk ahg ztyll trying t vlat eechuddah! Buht daht knrab wuz azh uv dah ‘hozhezt meelz Kor’garr eva ayt” “Goodness… Dat be a tale Yer a hunter ef ah evar met one..” ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Then night trailed all and we bid our adieus till the next issue Stay tuned!! thank all who waited on this issue, please keep eye and eat out for the next paper drop, have a great week everyone! this has been Mica Goldhand with GNN!!
  15. The Spirits and Shamans The Spirits are a collection of different aspects of life and personality. From the very ground we walk on, to the flames of a volcano, all things which can be seen, felt and lived by can be represented in the form of a spirit. These spirits are selfish beings that linger within their own spiritual plane, gaining power from praise given from the mortals in the form of speaking their names, creating shrines, and making trinkets in dedication to these spirits. Forever an Uruk’s goal within Krugmar is to become a powerful warrior following the codes of Krug, however, some are unable to do such feats and dwell in the teachings of the spirits and aim to become enlightened enough to be a Shaman. These shamans are the very people who can communicate with spirits and speak to them, use the power which they’ve been bestowed with to perform great feats of blessings, curses and elemental control. Over the course of time, shamans have created groups for themselves to lead the people of Krugmar into a newer enlightened state. The idea of a shaman is to simply lead the spiritual understanding of all who have accepted the spirits and to speak as a voice for their twisted words of Old Blah. ____________________________________________________________________________ Structure The structure of any Shamanic order is a simple one, based around the piety of the ones within, gaining rank when they’ve chosen to learn more of the duties of the shaman and embracing the shamanistic culture. This can range from a non-shaman simply learning of the spirits and praising them with a strong projected voice, to a Shaman which has been practising for many years, belting out the spirit’s tongue with deeply rooted reverence and dedication. -Acolyte- A devoted follower of the spirits who haven’t been indoctrinated to become a Shaman or simply doesn’t wish to be. Those within this rank are to spread praise across the Nation and outside, using their voice to empower the spirits and complete tasks for those above them, in hopes to become a Shaman themselves or not if they are happy with what they do currently. The ranks of those that consider themselves Acolytes are typically normal orcs or Dark Elves that simply wish to spread the word of whatever spirit they favour, enriching their influence throughout the world. Anyone can fill this role. Can be Spiritual worship, Ancestral worship focuses, or both. -Sharkû- A Shaman has obtained the most knowledge and mastered their abilities. When presented this Rank their duties change to that of a mentor, teacher, counsellor, and keeper of the fragile balance held amongst the greedy spirits that would like nothing more but to endlessly expand their influence with reckless abandon. Being able to partake in the politics of Shamanism and able to lead and guide each other in anything which has to do with the spirits. Holding the strongest voice in the room when it comes to those lower than them, these shamans have a true understanding of the nature of the spirits they revere and commune with -Shaman Council- The Shaman Council being a source of leadership and decisions for Spiritual affairs run by collective voices of those with the rank of, Sharkû. When a new shaman is wanted by the Sharkû they’re to present them towards the shaman council which then these wiser shamans will see if the presented being is fit to take the spiritual role as the Spirits tool. The rules of which a new shaman is selected is based upon all which are present meaning the standards will differ from person to person, however, all should view the nominated potential shaman based around their spiritual devotion to the Spirits alongside their general willingness to help the shamans in general. It is ideal for this suggested potential shaman to be suggested by a Sharkû. ____________________________________________________________________________ Joining Format -------------------- IGN - Discord - -------------------- RP Name - Race - Age - Shaman or want to be one? -
  16. [!] The scrolls of thick parchment, brittle with age, are translated from Old Blah for ease of reading. [!] THE CODES OF KRUG The Code of Klomps It is Krug’s will any orc can challenge another to a Klomp for any reason, an honorable and evenly matched fight between the two combatants either to krimp or flat. Standard Klomps cannot violate the codes of Krug in any way; his word stands superior, and attempting to do so without proving your might insults the strength of Krug. If an orc is accused of lacking honor or breaking the Codes, Krug demands both the challenged orc and the accuser to prove their strength in an Honor Klomp. Any decisions on the manner of Klomping are decided by the accuser, as the defending Orc’s honor is in question. An orc of high or apex leadership must impartially oversee a proper Honor Klomp, representing the will of Krug and the Spirits for Orcs to klomp with their blessing, The spirits demand such an accusation be worthy of one’s life, and Honor Klomps are only to made with proper cause; to demand an Honor Klomp without proper care or falsely insult the valor of a brother disrespects the attention of Krug and the spirits. The victor of any Klomp, standard or Honor, is found without fault according to the Klomp’s terms. Might makes Right, and to claim otherwise spits upon the strength of Krug. The Code of Authority It is Krug’s will that the strong command the weak; those who cannot claim victory for themselves follow in the path of those who can. Orders from those higher in authority must be followed by their subordinates, unless challenged through Honor Klomp; to do otherwise is to offend the concept of strength itself. Kneeling to anyone or anything violates the will of Krug and dishonors one’s self. To force another to kneel also disgusts Krug as it shows one’s lack of true authority, and blame is laid at the one who forced it to happen. The Code of Strength Accepting weakness is dishonorable and insults Krug. An orc should find strength in all parts of their life, constantly seeking to improve themselves so they may join the Stargush’strozh as a worthy member of Krug-kind. Those who show weakness must undergo various trials to grow past such failures, while those who are strong must not settle for what they have already done. The Code of Blood The blood of Krug-kind is sacred, proving their superiority and honor over all others in the Ugz. To spill the blood of a brother or sister outside of an Honor Klomp is a disgrace upon his blessings, and an incredible dishonor. Sullying the blood of Uruks with that of Nuburuks creates cursed offspring and is an atrocity against all of Krug-kind. Anorc should respect all those with the blood of Krug, and honoraries are no different. An Honorary orc has been purged of their former name, identity, bloodline and inherent weakness to become a true Brother or Sister in the eyes of Krug. For this reason, Honoraries can intermingle with those of goblin descent. The Code of Wagh The will of Krug demands the sating of bloodlust to be done honorably, with warriors clashing against warriors. Members of the Krug-hai must obey the commands of their leaders in times of conflict, leaving Honor Klomps for a later time unless an order would violate the Codes of Krug. There is no valor to be found murdering helpless civilians; to kill those that do not fight back shames all orcs in the Krug-hai and dishonors the act of Wagh. Only if it would save the life of an Orc or in defense are nub-klompers to be flatted. To vlat another with a weapon while they are unarmed is dishonorable, showing one does not have the strength to klomp on equal terms. For a member of the Krug-hai to harm a kub of any kind for ANY reason other than training or in an honor klomp to the krimp issued by the child is grounds for being declared whitewash. The Code of Blah Speaking Blah honors the spirits and should be done by all of Krug-kind, with the exception of translating for nub-Uruks that cannot comprehend true speech. Similarly, it is taboo for nub-Uruks to attempt speaking in Blah, as their words have no genuine praise for the Spirits. An orc’s Blah is a testament of their honor; To lie and deceive anyone or anything is to follow the path of Iblees and insult Krug himself. The oath of an orc is ironclad and must be kept on penalty of death unless given express permission by the one promised. The Code of Spirits All orcs are expected to praise the spirits, both ancestral and elemental. To praise anyone or anything in place of the spirits is a slight against Krug that must be punished. Shamans have the sacred purpose of connecting Krug-kind with the spirits, and to harm one outside of Honor Klomp is a grave dishonor to the offender. Those that are nub-Uruks who pretend to praise the spirits are an insult towards Krug-kind and should be vlatted. Any work or user of Dark Shamanism or Buurz-Mojo reliant on false spirits is an abomination against the spirits and should be destroyed without hesitation. The Code of Snagas Snagas are nub’Uruks who have failed to show the strength necessary for their freedom, and as such have none of the rights given to Krug-kind. To attempt forcing a proud member of Krug-kind into snagadom is a crime against Krug himself that should be punished with death. It is Krug’s will that snagas are property of their owners, and are afforded the same protections and care given to any other property of a brother or sister. In addition, any Snaga to pass the trials can purge themselves of weakness to be reborn as an Honorary orc. The Code of Coin It is only right for Orcs to pillage, raid, and take for themselves the spoils of those weaker than them. It is Krug’s will for looting to be done through the honor of Wagh or the authority of Tribute, unlike those lessers that skulk about in the shadows. Theft through deceit and trickery of any kind shows weakness and inability to take through strength and honor alone, be it from brethren or nub’Uruk. It is also the duty of the strong to leave enough for those weaker than them to survive; It is dishonorable to make another perish through starvation instead of battle. The Code of Whitewashes Those who are found without Honor and an offense to the ways of Krug may be proclaimed whitewash by the Rex. Whitewashes are no brother or sister, lower than even the lowest nub’Uruk in terms of their status as an enemy to Krug. Exiled from Krugmar, it is Krug’s will that these forsaken former brethren only return to the war nation if brought in by a proper Orc. If the Rex determines a whitewash to be thoroughly repentant, they may give a series of trials so one may regain their honor and status as a member of Krug-kind. If unwilling to repent the whitewash must be executed immediately, their mere existence a blight against Krug and the Spirits. Code of Honor All those of Krug should act such that their honor cannot be truly challenged, even by their enemies. To blindly challenge another’s honor is dishonorable in itself, to have your own honor challenged is an insult. If an orc’s honor is called into question by anyone or anything, they must respond to such claims immediately through Blah or action. Those without honor themselves, however, have no right to question another’s character. Rediscovered and signed, Kor'garr the Clanless, Dominus of Krugmar
  17. Lak clan The Lak clan is a clan known for their devotion to the Spirit of the swamp, Laklul. The members of Clan Lak are very identifiable due to their blue skin, a trait which is very rare to be seen outside of the clan. The Laks typically favour their clan hall to be located in the swamps and marshes around Krugmar. History of the clan. The clan was founded by the well respected shaman and former Rex Shreck’Lak back in Athera after the Dom clan saw a mass of emigration due to the dishonorable actions of Rusk’Dom "the Liberator''. Once the clan arrived in Vailor, the Laks constructed their own home; Fort Duloc, at the southern part of Shreck's swamp. The fort was a massive plateau with a palisade poking out on the right flank. To get to the capital from the Fort, it would take a long and treacherous walk. The clan has dwindled in numbers since Vailor, with very few of their members being seen around the different Goi’s since then. The most notable and big event of the Lak clan since the clans gradual decrease in number occurred very recently, on the 2nd of Malins Welcome, 1770. Shreck’Lak returned to the city after not being seen for decades upon decades. He returned with a mission from Laklul, demanding an audience with the Rex. The reason for this sudden meeting was to proposition the Rex with an important task, to fight Shreck to the death as Shreck could not think of a more honorable or worthy death than at the hands of the Rex. His old age had left him weak and frail, no position an orc of renown should reach and he could no longer serve Laklul to the best of his abilities. With a decisive fight, the founder of the Lak clan was dead There have only been two Swampgoths since the passing of the ever noble Shreck’Lak. Kolaz’Lak, a Rex of Krugmar upon Arcas for a time, who ruled the clan well in the short few Cactus Weeks of his Swampgoth-hood and Rexdom, but it was not to last. Laklul visited the young uruk in a dream, calling to him to a mighty pilgrimage in the Swamp spirits name. And it was thus that Kolaz left the Rexdom and his clan, leaving the few remaining Laks in the hands of Murdok’Lak, the current Swampgoth to this day. Kolaz left Murdok with a task of great importance that he was unable to complete before Laklul called him to travel. The task being to uplift Laklul higher than ever before: a task still being strived toward. Murdok’Lak, unlike the previous Goths of the clan, is a goblin, diminutive in size, yet has managed great feats in his life. Most notably he maintained the Rexdom of Krugmar as their Rex for over three Cactus Months after the departing of Rex Ugrad’Lur. During this time Murdok’Lak led the orc people in glorious combat against the Inferi menace that plagued Arcas in its final years. With the might of an ancient relic gifted to him by foreign beings claiming to be descended from a titan named Brev, Murdok’Lak used the relic alongside the forces of the Aenguls and Decendent kind alike to strike down the traitor, Gazardiel, who had been collaborating with the Inferi demons to bring about the end of existence. With his leadership, the orcs of Krugmar managed to make it safely to the new land of Almaris, where he now rests with those few remaining of his clan, as a shaman and a guide to all orcs. Mandates of Laklul. The members of the Lak clan are expected to follow the Laklul Mandates, as they believe this is how any righteous orks should live, especially a Lak. I: Laks are expected to follow Krugs code. II: Laks are to respect swamps as they are sacred in the eyes of Laklul. III: Laks are expected to revere Laklul and hold it in high regard. However, it is encouraged to praise and follow other spirits, keeping Laklul as the priority, an example of a second spirit often praised by Lak is Anrkus, the spirit of the Sea and marine life. IV: Laks are expected to remain loyal to the clan until their death. V: Laks must respect fellow Laks and their property. VII: An offense to a Lak or the Swampgoth is an offense to Laklul himself. IX: If a Toalak dies while under the care of an orc, they will get beaten and have purple dots painted onto their face for one cactus week. The punishments possible for breaking these codes are: Luk - No Lak respects these orcs, and are encouraged to beat them. Branding - For some of the lesser offences, they are branded and are treated with much less respect. Beatings - Either individually or by a group, it has been decided that this person must bear their responsibility by being beaten. Being left to die - As simple as it sounds, this person will be brought to the brink of death (often with broken knees, and large cuts littering the entirety of the body) before being abandoned and left to die. Culture and traditions. Trials: Any possible Lak clan recruit must prove their dedication to both the Swampgoth and Laklul through a series of three trials: The recruit must find a suitable sacrifice to Laklul, and under the Swampgoth or an elders supervision, you must sacrifice them under a shrine to Laklul. Educate one non-orc of any Immortal Spirit, or even convince them to build a spirit shrine in their home. You must record their name and bring suitable proof of teaching them to an elder or the Swampgoth. Swear your allegiance to Laklul and the clan under the shrine of Laklul. There is one overlaying trial with both born Laks, and those who are initiated into the clan: You must travel into the nearest swamp and retrieve something which you believe you could both make a weapon and a piece of clothing out of. For example: wood for a club or seaweed for a necklace. However, for those born into the clan there is a very different set of trials: You must choose your Toalak from a tadpole, rather than a juvenile. Build a small totem or shrine to Laklul. Clan Hierarchy: Swampgoth. The Wargoth and head of the clan. Chieftain. Second in command of the clan, and will fill in if the Swampgoth is absent. They are personally chosen by the Swampgoth. Berzerker. Warriors who have proven their dedication to the clan, proven themselves to be competent in leading raids and battles should they need to. Zealot. Slightly above Devoted, the higher ups of the main force. Devoted. The main force of the clan, the generic and base rank. Initiate. Those who show interest in joining the clan, or have only just done so. Traditions: The Wargoth of the Lak clan is referred to as the Swampgoth, rather than Wargoth, to stress the importance of Laklul within the clan. The Swampgoth is only the leader of the clan because the Spirit of the Swamp deems it so. Laklul was pleased at the Lak clan’s devotion to him, and his cause; it is not known whether he created the Toalaks in his image, or he took on the image of a Toalak. Regardless, Toalaks are giant colossal toad-like creatures which are a staple of the Lak clan and are used commonly as mounts within the swamps. Laks are given a juvenile Toalak upon entering the clan. They are expected to raise the Toalak until it’s an adult, which they can use as a messenger or even a mount if it’s big enough. Clan born Laks however do not receive a grown Toalak, instead an infant Lak is expected to venture into the blessed swamps and find a Toalak tadpole to claim as their own. Once named a tadpole is the sole responsibility of the Lak kub to raise and protect. Should the tadpole die on the watch of the cub the cub is to be punished harshly for they have not only failed the clan but failed Laklul himself as Toalak’s share the appearance of the great Laklul. The punishment fitting this failure is branding, specifically a Toalak will be branded onto the back of the hand to not only make the neglect of their duty obvious to all but to also serve as a constant reminder of what that tadpole should have become. Laks favour the swamp to any other environment, if one is close enough to Krugmar they’ll often choose to live there rather than in the main city. If they choose to live in the main city, they may choose to live underground and choose to decorate their houses in a fashion which would resemble the swamp. Laks are encouraged to travel about and preach about Laklul to both orcs and non-orcs. While they are mainly encouraged to preach of Laklul, they are also meant to preach about other respectable spirits. While Laklul must always remain as a Laks favoured spirit, they are encouraged to also praise Akathro, Greater Elemental Spirit of Water, and Bregthar, Greater Elemental Spirit of Earth. Laks who choose to take the path of shamanism are encouraged to do so by learning elementalism, specifically water and earth. Activities: Swamp based games, e.g. mud wrestling, spear fishing, crocodile hunting and anything else which could bring enjoyment. While hunting is not a big focus for the clan, they typically hunt lizards and other swamp predators for fear that their toads may get eaten. Festivals in the name and in dedication of Laklul. These are hosted somewhat infrequently, but when they do, the Laks put a lot of effort into it and try to make it a big spectacle. Spiritual Crusaders: While not a core component of the clan, there were those within the clan who decided to take their dedication a step further than all others. These are Laks who wish to fight to prove their dedication to the spirits and Laklul. To some they could be viewed as the enforcers for the shamans, using their might and strength against those who do not believe in the spirits. They are handpicked by the Swampgoth and directly overseen by them. These are individuals with extensive knowledge of the spirits, and have devoted their lives to them and the task of spreading spiritualism. They spread the belief to those outside of the goi, resorting to force if they believe necessary. In their eyes, people who follow other religions like canonism and aspectism are heathens, especially those of aspectist belief, as the aspects stole the power that Laklul deserves. The spiritual crusaders often walk around in very light armour, carrying a club which they use to beat the belief into non-believers, and a small scripture with lists of spirits’ names and their domains alongside prayers for them. ((Lak clan’s now looking for new members, and looking to grow back to what it once was. Add me on discord or respond if you’re interested, Frog Father#0877))
  18. i personally want 1.13 and for the devs to focus enhancing 1.13 rather than update to 1.14 with a bad chunkloading, the new blocks are cool but it doesnt replace the chunk loading, we cant move from point a to point b it takes literally too much time for travelling, maybe we can go back to 1.13 with an older save if world corruption is a concern but we cant stay in 1.14 its ruining the traveling of the map
  19. Maiyun

    Clan Lur

    оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо I swear that I will ride like the wind, hunt like the wolf and kill like my ancestors before me. My weapon belongs to Lur, my body belongs to Lur, my life belongs to Lur. I am loyal above all to Lur, I will die for Lur. I forsake my land, wealth and glory, all that is mine belongs to my clan. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Lore 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Lur Clan was formed by Lur, one of the four sons of Krug. The clan has a long history in Orcish culture, standing itself alongside the Gorkil and Azog clans as some of the longest in existence. The Lurs are not footmen, they are hunters. The hunt is the most important thing for a Lur. To prove themselves in the hunt is what all young Lurs wish to do. The Lurs have a bond to The Great Lur wolves, huge intelligent beasts that only obey the Lur clan. Along with hunting, Lurs are master beast tamers, whether it be a simple canine being or even the scaddernak. Trained as a kub to take advantage of the nature that Freygoth provides them, they spend countless hours living among the beasts of the lands. Taming and using these beasts come with great skill, only a select few Lurs are able to master this talent. Along with beast-taming, there are many other skills that Lurs tend to take up. Every Lur strives to perfect the hunt and to rise. They have a strict code of conduct and believe in honor above all. Lurs are usually smaller than other Orcs, but they make up for it by being much quicker and more agile. When a Lur or their Wolf are killed in the hunt or in battle, their bodies are brought to their ancestral lands and then burnt. Their ashes go to the wind and will always ride in the wind. The Lur believe that when they die they go to a great plains of the spirit realm where they will hunt with Lur for all eternity. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Traditions 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Trial of the Hunt: Should a Lur or anyone else under Lur rule break a code or do an act against the Lur clan, then they shall be trialed by hunt. The rule breaker will be armed and set out into the night by themselves with their wolf detained. The rest of the clan will spend time preparing for the hunt that is about to begin. Once they are ready, they set out to hunt down the accused in hopes to find them, and slay them; Being treated as an animal or other worthy beast. However should they be caught, they will serve as a sacrifice to Votar, as he chose to bless the hunters more than that hunted. Although if they survive, their crimes shall be vanquished as the spirit of Votar has been pleased with their performance. Coming of Age: When Lurs reach the age of 9 years they are introduced to a Lur wolf cub. The Lur and its wolf are sent to the wilds to survive. This is to prove that the time of weakness is over, they are no longer prey, it is time to be strong, to be the hunter. The wolf cub and the Lur are bound together not only as rider and mount but as brothers, elder Lurs have grown so close to their wolves they can hear each other's thoughts. Once a Lur wolf dies, a Lur shall never tame one again, as an act of respect for failing these beasts. However shall the orc die, the Lur wolf will be slain, and laid to rest with the orc. Popular spirits that are worshipped among the Lur Clan are Votar, the Spirit of the Hunt and Freygoth, the Spirit of Nature. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Hierarchy 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Wargoth The head of clan Lur Chieftains Seconds in command Elders Former Wargoths and Chieftains who act as advisors Hunters Members who have passed their trials Scouts Those who have yet to perform their trials оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Code 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Only when in great need will a Lur hunt the weak. There is no honour in hunting and killing something that presents no challenge to hunt and kill. A Lur will always seek strong prey, as the prize is greater and he becomes stronger in doing so. They are never to hurt or kill another Lur outside of an honour duel. Obey the leader of the hunt (Wargoth of the Lur clan) with no hesitation. They were chosen by the elders and by Lur himself. Only Elders and Chieftains may challenge for Wargoth, and it must be done with the support of the Hunters who will have to live under their ruling. Furthermore, Lurs should never try to take the position of another Lur for your own personal gain. The Clan always comes first. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Bloodlines 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо The Fist Bloodline: The Fist are usually the most calm and cold of the Lur bloodlines, they think that physical strength is the purest weapon that a warrior can use. They descend from Tor, the Fist of Lur. The sons of Tor will go to extreme measures to get stronger and stronger. The Trickster Bloodline: The trickster descends from the Trickster of Lur. They are the most diplomatic and the best at convincing others to do what they want, The Tricksters sons are many times goblins for their founder was goblin. They are often considered to be some of the smartest Orcs arounds. The Wolf Bloodline: The most savage and wild of bloodlines but also the most loyal and trustworthy. The wolves descend from Kurak the Wolf of Lur.They are the biggest of the Lurs and their preferred weapons are metal claws that let them act as savage as they want. They also have a closer bond to their wolves than other Lurs. The Axe Bloodline: Primarily known as the most stubborn and rash of all Lurs, they are strong and powerful and put honour above all other things. They think of themselves as an always improving warrior. They descend from Bralkor the Axe of Lur. The Sword of Lur: This bloodline is the most agile of all Lurs and some of the quickest as well, they enjoy riding as fast as they can and they descend from Jarkan the Sword of Lur. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Trials 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Trial One: A hunt of equivalent value to be determined by the Wargoth. More ambitious uruks may receive a more challenging trial should they wish to prove themselves and earn favor within the clan. The spoils of their trial will be hung on the Wall of Hunts. Trial Two: Trial by Hunt! Having passed trial one, the Scout is now tossed into the wilderness with only their wits and their lur wolf, and must spend the entire night hunted by two Hunters. Should they survive, they will pass and move to the next trial. Should they fail, they are forced to wait a year to improve their skills until they can demand to try again. It should be noted that if the Scout is not of Bloodline and therefore has no Lur Wolf, the same rules apply, except the Hunters will not use their wolves. Trial Three: A good hunter is also a good leader. For their third trial, the scout must lead a hunt of their own with at least 3 of their brethren to success. Once the kills have been brought back, the entire clan will cook and feast upon the spoils, and the Scout will take the Lur Vow to become an official Hunter! оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Allies 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Clan Ka’zul. A sub-clan of Lur headed by Dominus Durak Ka’zul. They were trialed by Yarrow’Lur and found to be worthy, and appear to be quickly heading towards full Clan recognition. оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇 Related Posts 〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо History: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/91112-history-of-the-lur-clan/ Lur’s Story: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/37850-story-of-lur оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо・-・оО〇・-・〇Оо Those interested should contact Maiyun [Yarrow’Lur] or EndCallCaesar [Kaluz’Lur]
  20. We Want YOUR Screenshots! A lot of Orcish RP revolves around the Spirits & Ancestors, and particularly our ways of worshipping them. You’ll often hear a victorious Orc praising his chosen Spirit, or a Orc returning from a hunt dedicating his trophy to Votar. Unfortunately, few track our progress, and thus our Shamans cannot keep RP the Spirits or Ancestors being happy with an Orc’s dedication during the Spirit walks. So, if you ever construct a Shrine, sacrifice an Elf, dedicate a victory or in any other way please your chosen Spirit or Ancestor, send the screenshot in the comments. That way the rest of the Orcish community can share in your victory, and our Shamans can keep an eye on who is most active. Who knows, maybe one-day your fanaticism to Laklul could please the swampy boi and make you devote to his name, and give you Roleplay buffs. Here’s an example of why you may want to keep track of your dedications to a Spirit or Ancestor:
  21. Hereupon came midnight, Dominus Grishnaakh’Raguk having awoken from the midst of a slumber, of which he struggled to slip deeply into, similarly so to previous nights. Rising back unto his feet, the elf looked up to the stars, that glimmered a white hue through his tired eyes. This night was no different from that of the night he’d spoken with Phaedrus; just as tiresome and dull as such. The air, which took a deep hue of grey, was more akin to the hue of a bayou, just as murky and heavy. In a struggled attempt to reconnect with his troubled thoughts, Grishnaakh returned from whence he usually strung about; the bottom level of the shaman’s den. Drapes and vines swept across the surface of his long locks of blonde, glare of several torches appearing in the mint green of his beady eyes. The heat, having scalded upon his, now dried, branding of Skalp’Raguk manifesting a throbbing pain upon his flesh. T’was then that it came to him, Skalp’Raguk. A name he knew much of, but seldom heard of since beyond yesteryear; many, many moons beyond. But alas, to Grishnaakh, himself, there was, and will nay ever exist true death, only a change of worlds. And hereupon, so began the elf’s first journey into the Ancestral Realm, since that of Phaedrus’Yar, the Honourary Rex to his own Rexdom during Athera. The Lutauman sat at a rug, reaching into his pockets for a pipe of maple, of which’d previously been imbued with a weak strand of Thunderkrug, from whatever much was left from his mentor’s personal storage. With the burning of herbs, the scent of sage lingered through the heavy air, a sweat coming upon Grishnaakh with the eternal burning of the mind-altering flora, a psychedelia therein materialising in his own cerebral plane of thought, and vision. He brought his fists down upon a set of alligator drums, of which he’d harvested and crafted on his own, the pelt of the poor creature tearing and grating across his long nails with every beat of his free hand against its weak surface. Boom, the drum went, seemingly in unison with the thumping of the Raguk’s heartbeat, the ringing of his ear serving as an instrumental to such. And therein, the chanting began. “Lok Stargûsh-hai agh Kor; gothûrz, dûrburz Kor, ob amut taargus-izg.” He began to chant, either eyelids coming to a close with the beating of the drums. “Thrak-izg taar-thu, krum botlab-û urzkû, agh gaakh-izg irz-tuk mâdûrz.” Slowly so, the elf’s eyelids grew heavier, and heavier with the increasingly loud beating of the drums, the tiresome feeling having come upon him later than he’d anticipated it, earlier upon his day, when the night was still young and prosperous, and when clouds still wafted through the unwavering boredom of the sky high o’er heather. And, as it did the time prior, a near translucent aura manifested under the roof of the shaman’s den, embellishing the air surrounding himself at a slowed pace, however surely so. He’d grown familiar to this sensation, if he remained awake to watch as it managed in a calm struggle, and had grown to a liking of such a manifestation. A tether pulled at him therein, tying back at his stoic form, as a metaphysical noose would, like a burden, the beating of the drums coming to a halt promptly. Grishnaakh’Raguk succumbed to the tether. At first, there was nothing, only chaos reigning the domain of his mind, coupled with a backdrop of pure darkness more akin to onyx than much else. With a blink of an eye, he regained sight; with the thundering of storm clouds beyond, he began to hear; and, with the cool breeze hitting against his face mercilessly, he began to feel. For, as he did one previous time, the Raguk had walked, and did such beyond his own realm of existence. Emerald fumes rose from the ground below himself, that of Gundâr Broshan, cracks in the ground mirroring those of the sky which held a dull jet colour to itself. Above, deep grey clouds loomed ominously, a reason for concern amongst those who seldom frequented Stargûsh’Stroh, however a reassuring sign to himself. Before himself stood the Gate of Kor, shackles of unknown origin feeling against the edges of such, as though to represent the nature of death, in and of itself. The orthodoxy of the world he walked most of his days having left him behind, all oddities and obscurities that may have occurred under the sky of the Ancestral Realm retained a mundanity to them, in the eyes of Grishnaakh, for this was only a matter for further appreciation of the spirits. “Lûk-ob Maehr, broshân urzkû.” A simple lantern of aquamarine fry came to be from the obsidian which formed the walls of Doraz agh Kor, a hand of similar tonality materialising in the air before Grishnaakh, bringing itself down near the ground to pick the elf up, raising him beyond the ceiling to the sky. With a flash of a bedazzled grin, the man scanned the lands before himself, managing a glance at Turu Dobu Ziimarum through his naïveté, Kor having taken notice of such. “Atîg, lok gothûrz Kor.” He replied gently, gates swinging beyond his view at such, little hesitation therein from Kor. “Hon-tû.” The spirit responded at such, dematerialising into a hazy fog as he motioned for the elf to pass through. And so began Grishnaakh’s walk to the Fields of Many Tranquility, passing through several passages along the way, with cloaked sons and daughters of Krug and Maehr watching the high elf expectantly, as though he were to fulfil something in particular. Finally so, the Dominus arrived at whereupon he’d hoped to go, presumably, passing through the buffalo grass of Turu Dobu Ziimarum until he’d managed to see the blindness of an empty corridor. Seldom prospered much in these halls, which took to a projection of utter silence, and darkness, save for the eternal flickering and crackling of fry before himself. As though an endless spiral, and descent into nothing, the walls before Grishnaakh took nothing but further blindness, if any such was possible at all. There was little space to wander amuck to and from, the elf therefore opting to remain stood upon his own two feet. “I have come a long way for you, o’ honourable Clan Father, Skalp’Raguk.” Grishnaakh’Raguk called out expectantly, in the old tongue, the hollowness of the halls instead returning but his own echo in concurrence to his heed of call. Little else became of this silence, the eternal burning of oak continuing to meander in smell and sound. “Broshan, Grishnaakh.” A voice uttered back apathetically, as though not all too eager nor excited, only bored and dull. “Why have you come here, into my own domain?” Such a voice could only be matched to his own might, Skalp’Raguk the Honourable. “I require your guidance, Skalp. Just last cactus day, I spoke with Phaedrus in a spirit walk, with the same request, and yet-” Grishnaakh’s voice echoed through the entirety of the corridor, if there was any such thing as an ending to the constant darkness to it. “I feel just as lost as I did then.” “Speak then, Grishnaakh.” Skalp’s disembodied voice urged for the elf to continue. “I feel lost, as though I do not even know who I am any longer.” He began, a troubled smirk coming upon his visage, in signifying his distress at such a situation, club of bone gripped tightly within his other hand. “All I have ever done is for the sake of pleasing others. I become other people, for such purposes, and now I do not know who I am.” “Nobody asked for you to do so, Grishnaakh.” Further off, Skalp snickered at such naïveté, as though seeing the silliness in such a remark. “Why should you care for the opinions of others, besides yourself?” The voice spat, continuing along its answer. “**** them. You are your own person, Grishnaakh, and you may so go on to do whatever you wish.” “I see.” Grishnaakh placed a hand at his Adam’s apple in a further understanding of Skalp’s philosophy, an uncertainty therein in his neutral, tentative tone. “Well then, perhaps it was high time I searched for who I truly am.” “You are leaving now?” His voice heeded once more, tongue continually brash through the entirety of the interaction, however not at all in a harmful, nor disrespectful sense. “Well then, go make a ******* shrine for me or.. Something. I didn’t die for people to disturb my rest.” With the uttering of a final chuckle, Grishnaakh bobbed his head in reverence to the spirit, stumbling backwards only once before tripping unto the floor in a hurried crash, therein leaving the silence and crimson of the room behind, as he jolted back awake in a cold sweat, amidst the thick, warm air of the shaman’s den.
  22. Third Empire - The Decline ---------- "The stars seemed brighter, long ago, before the accursed ascended to the emptiness of the inky, black void. They are a savage people, badly designed for violence, and yet so prone to it. Each day, I stare out across the darkness and the stars seem darker - a foolish thought perhaps, but each moment of their rule feels as if it bleeds the Galaxy of a little more life. I would weep, but such tears would be wasted, and I have greater regrets - for which I shall reserve my sorrows." The year is 10'360AE. A shroud of darkness has fallen across the Third Empire. On Kaumai, the Imperial Capital, the newly coronated Emperor Rän-ji rules from his palace-moon, high above the heads of the commoners where his influence seems to wane by the day, and the senate is consumed by a state of constant deadlock. He has come to the throne of a bitterly divided and stagnating Empire, where far off Stellarchs rule as Warlords, the Senate plots against his rule and the military is the weakest it has ever been. Worse still, his power is even more eroded by the loss of much of the Empire's Psykics, who were once the arteries that allowed fast communication to every corner of the Galaxy, allowing for instant communication, and enforcing the Imperial will wherever they were present. This Great Decline has lasted five hundred years, and the effects are becoming only more prominent, with every passing cycle, more and more cracks spread across the Empire’s foundations. A great era of decadence has rotted away the heart of the Third Empire, while the brutally oppressed commoners have raised their heads, determined to improve the conditions of their lives. Meanwhile, the fighting around Buath continues unabated, as the Irearch lurks, waiting for his chance to crush the Empire, once and for all. Psykics: The Psykic Arts were once the foundation upon which the Empire was built. Psykics were once incredibly common - they served as interrogators, officials, communicators and more. That day has long passed, for now Psykics are perhaps the rarest caste that can be found in the Galaxy. The few that remain are almost exclusively reserved by the Emperor, the Senate or the Stellarchs - where they provide key lines of communication, and skilled secret agents. There are many aspects to Psykic powers - most of which are long lost. The most used, and the few remembered, Psykic abilities include long range instantaneous communication, the ability to search a person's mind, the power to inflict terrible pain without touch, and other such skills. Application: Starting Systems: All Stellarchs appointed by the Empire are given charge of a certain handful systems to administer and enforce Imperial law throughout. You are allowed to select no more than 10 systems (You can have less, I guess..), they must all be connected. Point Distributions (21 Total): Loyalty: Influence: Military: Leadership: Infrastructure: Your Stellarch (Their name + Personal backstory): Additional Characters?: Provincial Culture: All corners of the Empire, however isolated or sparsely populated- were all conquered or colonized by Humans, and more importantly, the Empire. Imperial culture itself varies across the galaxy, however, certain aspects of it, more specifically, naming conventions are based around the Maori / Polynesians of our world. While it is not mandatory to adhere to such naming conventions, we would greatly appreciate it. Human Variants?: For thousands of years humans have inhabited most corners of the galaxy. During such a vast amount of time, certain populations have began to offshoot from the main branch of humanity to better suit their environment, usually mainly in the form of visual differences, but other adaptations have been noted. You are allowed to choose such a variant, so long as you are positioned within the Mid-Outer Rims. Note, this is mainly for RP purposes. Unique Military Units (Two): Pick a number between 1-10:
  23. A note upfront: Hello there! Yes, it is I, Hedgehug. I'm not dead, not yet. Over the course of the last month or so me and others have occupied ourselves with the task of clarifying shamanism as a whole to both the LT, MT and community. The following product is given: 74 pages of written shaman lore, divided by some google documents and this general codex. Upon acceptance this very thread will serve as a guideline for future shamans. The holy ooc book for shamanism within LotC. Please treat this work, that has taken a large quantity of time and effort, with the respect it deserves. As well as its authors. I shall personally open up a second thread that will serve as a shaman q&a where questions regarding shamanism, spirituality and this newly made codex will be answered by both me and the shaman playerbase. Edit registor: 15-7-2017 ~ Removed google doc links, replaced with referal link to newly made forum post + added farssing in the codex instead of a seperate doc. 7-9-2017 ~ Removed the odd links and added actual link lines referring to other threads With pride I present to you: The Shamanic Codex The capabilities and limitations of Shamans and the Spirits Executive compiler: Hedgehug Contributors (according to relevancy): Smawton, Divinejustice, Pandasan, KBR, Lhindir, Ilikefooddude, Catarrh Table of contents Introduction The Spirit Realms & The Spirits Spiritual Psychology Spiritual Influence Blackspeech Totems Subtypes Elementalism Lutaumancy Farseer Witch Doctor Spirit Smithing Other Shamanic Abilities Voodoo Dolls Muyakelg Introduction Schematic representation of what shamanism entails: http://imgur.com/QufWmgq To begin, it is important to note that all Shamans utilise the energies of the Spirits in order to influence the world, and work directly with them in order to allow the Spirits to enforce their will. A Shaman allows the Spirit to use his or her mana pool, and from this the extent of the Spirit’s influence is put into constraint; as the mana pool of any Mortal has a limitation. The way in which the Shaman interacts with the Spirits, and how he or she uses his or her powers varies from person to person. For this reason, sub-types of Shamanism were made where Shaman focus on a specific way in which to reach out to the Spirits. Spirits vary from each other in their power by how prevalent the thing they reign over is. For instance, the Spirits of Time and Space are the most powerful Spirits in existence, because Time and Space extends to the furthest reaches of the Universe, and the way in which they can use time and space also allows them to gain a significant advantage. The Spirit Realms & The Spirits A listing of all current existing spirits: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/153791-the-spirits-grand-list/ Typically, Spirits are split into three categories because their powers are so drastic as to warrant differing realms within which to contain them. All Spirits exist in these Spiritual Planes, created by the Daemon, Apohet. These are as follows: The Elemental Realm - Housing all Elemental Spirits; these are the most powerful of all Spirits. These spirits represent material elements of various kinds, and only touch on that what is material in the Mortal Realm. The Immortal Realm - This realm houses the Spirits that reign over concepts, ideas, emotions and more specific things spread across the Universe. For instance, a house may be made of stone, and as such tied to the Elemental of Stone, yet an Immortal Spirits will exist to reign over the concept of what a house is, and can influence it in such a way as to improve or weaken the structure. The Ancestral Realm || Stargush’Stroh - This is where those devoted to the Spirits go when they have died on the Mortal Realm. Therein exist two types of Ancestors; Lesser and Greater. In order to become a Greater Ancestral, a player must have achieved an exceptional feat within their lifetime. For more information heed to the following post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/152380-the-stargûshstroh-apohets-realm-of-ancestors The Mortal Realm - While this is not a Spiritual realm, everything that exists across the Universe contains smaller portions of Spiritual energy, entities that are referred to as stagnant Spirits. These smaller Spirits are directly tied to the Spiritual Realms, and are how a more powerful Spirit in the Spirit Realms may influence the Mortal realm. They use the mana of the Shaman in question in order to infuse their own energy into the Stagnant Spirit, awakening it for the Shaman to them control or otherwise allow to take action of its own will. All Immortal Spirits can materialise within the Mortal Realm when they have accumulated enough power and influence, but if they were to die it would be a permanent death. For this reason, Greater Immortals do not usually summon themselves into the Mortal Realm and instead allow their Lesser Immortals, their servants, to act on their behalf: ET Only: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/147946-the-avatars-of-the-spirits Spiritual Psychology As formations of a Daemon, the overarching design behind each Spirit is their desire and need for worship and control, because being revered, and having the thing they represent be more prevalent across the Universe allows them to grow more powerful and gain further control in the Spirit Realm. Each Spirit tries to overpower one another, which is a scenario we saw very clearly with the Orgonic Plague. Despite the Orcs assisting in the summoning of Orgon, the Spirit decided to attack them when he considered himself powerful enough to do so, as plaguing the Orcs would have empowered him further than allowing them to live healthily on a landmass that could no further be corrupted. Spiritual Influence Regardless of the shamans specific subtype and business, they all share one key ability: that of communion with the spirits. A shaman can go to the Spirit's realm and converge with it in the old tongue. Here the Shaman can bargain and trade. The boons that can be granted by the Spirits have long been unclear and without boundary. It is therefore that the following is stated: In the event of a shaman contacting a spirit in order to converge, bargain, or trade for material boons, immaterial boons, or knowledge, a dedicated ET, MT, LM, or approved Shaman player must represent the spirit. As for the obtainable: this is strictly limited to what is directly affiliated to the spirit in question. The tradeoffs are mostly unfair, as they must be both within the spirits better interest as follow their instinct to obtain power and significance. Old Blah/Blackspeech Additionally, in order to call upon and communicate with the Spirits, Shamans must learn the Ancient Tongue which is passed down from teacher to teacher; which must be a lore-approved item given to the prospective teacher when their application is accepted. This item is a so called codex or tome and contains the teacher's established knowledge on the language. Totems Totems are akin to shrines to specific Spirits that have been blessed by the shaman. By ‘upgrading’ a shrine to a totem it makes for a stronger tether to the spirit it is dedicated to. This makes for easier contacting of the spirit. However, the totem also makes it so that contacting other spirits within its vicinity is more complicated to do. More details below: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145253-totems/ Subtypes Elementalism Arguably the oldest of all Shaman sub-types, it is also one of the more basic in concept; yet takes incredible patience and endurance to achieve in reality. An Elementalist cannot conjure an Element, and must instead work with existing material. Currently, Elementalists may only use the following Elements: Electricity and Metal require more complex understandings, and I suggest making these available when a Shaman has mastered an Element at T3. When a Shaman makes a pact with a Lesser Spirit of an Element, they may begin to influence the world around them in one of two ways.The first is more fast-paced, and typically these stages of progression correlate almost entirely with those of Evocation, and the progression of tier allows an Elementalism to control more of the Element they are using. The difference with Shamanism lies in a slower approach, in which an Elementalist may continuously re-visit a region in order to influence it further over time; in this instance, it is determined by the region owner or moderator what may be achieved, as theoretically an Earth Elementalism may open up a ravine after many rituals. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134759-elementalist-clarifications-and-spirits/ To begin a pact with a Spirit, an elementalist must abandon their mortal,physical self and ascend into the Elemental Realm. At first, this travel is taken through intense psychedelics, or a copious amount of drugs, often damaging the elementalist’s mind and causing them to have horrific visions that corrupt and sway their mind. Due to the powerful nature of their magics, spirits of mental instability seek to attack them as they try to connect to the Realm. Once there, the shaman again is bombarded by the nexus of the Elemental Realm, a nexus of twisting and ever-changing elements crafted by Elemental spirits. Lightning flickers throughout the sky, fire dances about the air like dragons, and mountains rise and fall to the whim of the beings within it. To a new shaman, the experience would be mind-shattering, and usually the teacher accompanies them. Once here, they must venture around the nexus, following paths and calling out to the seek out the elemental spirit of choice. When the Spirit itself can be roleplayed by the following: The Teacher, the MT, or an ET knowledgeable in the Spirits. Once arriving upon the spirit, the pact is given by the spirit which essentially boils down to a quest relating to the element of choice. A fire elemental may ask for lava placed upon the highest part of a mountain, climbed by hand and still hot as daybreak approaches, or the death of a dragon or some fiery beast. A storm elemental may want the shaman to climb to the highest peaks and shock themselves in a test of durability and strength. The quests to the discretion of those giving the test, and they do not need to be feasible. A shaman may fail their test, and potentially seek out another spirit. If not completed in 2 irl weeks, it is assumed that the pact has failed, and that the shaman may seek out another pact for a simpler test. Once the pact has been made, the work of an elementalist is not finished. Far from. Once a month, the pact must be renewed through a similar quest. Though not as great as the original pact, a shaman must go out and commit works in the name of the spirit they worship. This may be converting others to the faith, erecting shrines and totems, or performing great sacrifices akin to the original pact. These acts are preserved through screenshots or OOC confirmation by those present, before being sent to the teacher,MT, or ET. If a shaman does not commit these tasks for a whole month, their tier, regardless of placement goes down by one. EVENT TEAM NOTES If any Event Team is bored/seeking new roleplay or things to interact within the realm of spirits, I would suggest a Spirit War or struggle of power. Within both the Elemental and Immortal realms, spirits wage war on each other-- for power is all they seek. Some may seek alliances and work together, while others may exist as puppetmasters to push greater means. The politics of the Spiritual Realms work nearly identical to those of the Mortal Realm. These battles are heard and felt by all shamans, and can involve orcs via the manifestation of these battles upon the Mortal Realm, or by shamans and various groups worshiping spirits to empower them. It is quite obvious that this grants ET a lot of space to work on events and ideas; however, there things to take account for. Battles upon elemental spirits are often the most common, as their various forms act as anathema to each other (water to fire, air to earth, etc), and so elementalists may find themselves at war battling each other. If a Spirit Manifests in the Mortal Realm and is killed, they are dead for good. Do not touch any of the Greater Elemental, Immortal, or even Ancestral Spirits without MT supervision. Avoid giving Spiritual Items/Tools, for the various forms of shamanism do this. DivineJustice’s little blurb about Elementalist Changes: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Previous elementalists got the perks of a magic stronger than evocation at the cost of literally nothing. The pact was almost immediately, and the work done for it was banged out in a matter of days. I loathed the fact that an elementalist basically served as an rp combat magic with little purpose behind it save for squishing people with the elements. Moreover, elementalists hold in little in means of roleplay save for the combat they serve in, so I hope with these interactions, elementalists have a greater purpose within the shamanistic community. I will explain how the Shamans may utilise Elementalism using the… household appliance scaling system. Tier 1 - Minor Influence - Cannot control Shape Fire - May influence a Flame no larger than that produced by a torch. Earth - May influence crumbled earth (gravel, sand, et cetera) to the extent of that which could be contained within a bucket. Water - May influence pure water to the extent of that which could be contained within a bucket. Air - May influence standard Air to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bucket. Tier 2 - Considerable Influence - Can Alter Shape Slightly Fire - May influence a Flame no larger than that of a camp fire. Earth - May influence both crumbled and solid material to the extent of that which could be contained within a bath. Water - May influence both normal water and swampy/murky water to the extent of that which could be contained within a bath. Air - May influence both normal air and smoke to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bath. Tier 3 - Basic Mastery of the Element - Can Alter Shape Completely This Tier follows the same retrains to size as Tier 2, but with complete mastery over the shape and direction it takes. Metal - Can influence Metal to move but cannot alter the shape; limited to that which could be contained in a bucket. Electricity - Can influence Electricity and Static Energy to move but cannot alter the shape or direction in which shoots along its journey; limited to that which could be contained within a… bucket. Tier 4 - Complete Mastery of the Basic Elements Fire - May now influence flames to the extent of a funeral pyre, and can shape it or snuff it out entirely. Earth - May now influence Earth to the extent of being able to shape completely; to the extent of that which could be contained within a van. Water - May influence Water to such extremes that they may now influence Ice and Steam, as well as all forms; swamp, bog, beer, et cetera; to the extent of that which could be contained within a van. Air - May influence Air to such extremes that they may now influence temperature, as well as poisonous air, smoke and may carry air into regions where it does otherwise not exist. Metal - May slightly influence the shape of Metal; to the extent of that which can be contained within a bath. Electricity - May influence Electricity and Static Energy to the degree of being able to completely direct it and keep it on course; to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bath. Tier 5 - Complete Mastery of All Elements and their States All may be shaped, directed and altered completely at this stage; to the extent of that which may be contained within a living room. Creation of Elemental Muyakelgs are also possible at this stage. Red Lines A connection is VITAL to be role-played before manipulating any element of choice. A T5 Elementalist in 2 varieties of Elements may manipulate them at the same time, but will be done at the rate of a T3 Shaman for both elements by either combining the elements or using them separately. A Shaman must role-play any interference of concentration as well as fatigue from connecting to the Spirit Realm. The Elementalist will find that the opposite Elements becomes harder to control, as the Elemental Spirit is displeased with the shaman for choosing it’s rival. (Fire-Water, Earth-Air, Metal-Water, Lightning-Earth) Elementalism is purely altering said element, you can neither add or subtract that of a substance, only alter what is present. Lutaumancy Clarification of Lutaumancy for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ The Lutaumen are shamans capable of communing with the long past ancestors of the Uruk race. They do this by connecting to the ancestral realm, using the ancestor on which they focus on as a tether. Objects in the Mortal Realm may contribute if they bear significance to the ancestral spirit in question. This communion is what makes most of their roleplay: contacting ancestors of either the long past, or even closer past. They have the ability of taking up to two other individuals with them on these so called ‘spirit walks’ to the Stargush’Stroh. Aside from communion they are, similar to Elementalists, able to summon the power of Greater Ancestral spirits within themselves. These powers often granted by Spirits that the Lutauman has bonded with, similar to Elementalism. Tier 1 - Minor Influence - The Lutauman learns the old tongue and the basic principle of entering and exiting the Stargush’Stroh. Here they can encounter ancestral spirits but remain unable to directly contact a specific one. Even with a tether in the mortal realm. Tier 2 - Considerable Influence - The Lutauman enters and exits the Stargush’Stroh with less and less trouble and can stay longer in said realm. Upon attempting to contact a specific ancestor they shall see improvement to locating and contacting them. The usage of a tether greatly improves this. Tier 3 - Basic Mastery of the Ancestral Communion - The Lutauman has mastered the art of Communion with ancestors and can travel to any ancestor at will with little effort. The usage of tethers is still preferred but no longer a necessity. Two other individuals may be brought into the spirit realm. It is at around this tier that the Lutauman is taught how to summon the powers of an ancestor within them and may experiment with self-blessing. Tier 4 - Basic Mastery of Self-Blessing - The Lutauman Masters the summoning of blessings upon themselves. The bonds between Shaman and spirit improve leading to the experimentation of stronger blessings such as Power (Rax) or maybe even the Kurak blessing. Tier 5 - Complete Mastery of Ancestral Communion & Self-Blessing - The Lutauman has mastered and perfected the arts of Ancestral Communion and Self-Blessing. They can call upon the strength of a large variety of Greater Ancestrals. On top of this they can, with relative ease, take up to five other individuals with them on spirit walks to the Stargush’Stroh. Additionally, the Lutauman may create a Muyakelg with the help of a T5 Witch Doctor. Regarding ghosts and other ghostly / spectral creatures the Lutauman has the following ability: As is established: Kor, spirit of the dead is a Greater Immortal spirit with the slight bonus that he is capable of traveling between the Stargush’Stroh and the Immortal Realm. He is perceived the ‘Gatekeeper’ of the Stargush’Stroh. Therefore the Lutauman, upon encountering the creature in question, can summon within him: Kor. This is done in a similar fashion as obtaining a self-blessing from a Greater Ancestral. Upon successfully summoning Kor the Shaman can then begin to ‘consume’ the Ghost until it is fully purged. The soul then travels back with Kor and is left in the Soulstream. This event may be considered a suggested PK for ghosts and similar spectral creatures. Red Lines A tier 5 lutauman can take up to 5 others at maximum with them to the stargush’stroh. The self-blessings, though made to empower the shaman, do have their limits. Namely the Strength and Kurak blessings are to be undergamed at all times to prevent powergaming. The power does not reach above that of a matured olog, the kurak blessing, including it’s drawback of potential friendly-fire, is limited to the physical power of an actual lur-wolf. A shaman cannot spend too long a time in the stargush’stroh. Length is dependant on tier. Tier 1 would make for about a half hour visit where a tier 5 can reach up to about 24 hours (as in-realm time). If the body of a spirit-walking shaman or traveler is killed during their walk, the shaman and or travelers spirit shall remain locked in the stargush’stroh. Though not enforced, this would make for a convincing PK. Should the player not wish to PK after this, it can be assumed that Kor bails them out and sends their spirits back to the soulstream after they’ve spoken to him. (which can actually be roleplayed out should one wish so). This could, if roleplayed properly, end up in a bargain. One with a cost. Farseer Clarification of Farseeing for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ Overview Farseers are spiritual seers of nations and clans. Farseers are gifted individuals that can travel into the plane of spirits and speak with spirits invisible to the eyes of normal descendants. Farseers are troubled by visions of the future and use their insight to guide their people through troubled times. Although Farseers may seem wise and peaceful at first, they are formidable foes; when angered, their wrath is fierce. Immortal Spirits Immortal Spirits began long ago as the creations of Elementals; Deemed to watch over specific aspects or domains of the world, and empowered only by the increase of worship or said domain; Such as how the Spirit of the Hunt is empowered for every kill a Predatory being makes. Cast into their own planes, and considered lesser, by the Elementals, Immortal Spirits seek constantly to gain power, ruling over vast domains featuring prominent features of their Aspects, such as the Spirit of the Sea having a vast watery section of the Realm, with Lesser Spirits of these constantly moving about their planes, all the while plotting and seeking to gain their own powers as well, with the eventual hopes to become Greater themselves. All the Greater Immortal Spirits began possessing only a single aspect, for example Enrohk has three aspects- Bloodlust, Savagery, and War; Enrohk started as the Greater Spirit of Bloodlust and the rest he gained, by either consuming other spirits entirely or by subjugating another spirit that has more than one aspect. When a Greater Spirit is consumed it does not die, the spirit is forced to join in a Union with the other Spirit, much like the union a Spirit is forced into when consumed by a Dark Shaman, meaning it can regain its freedom through the defeat of its overlord; However, due to the nature of Spirits seeking more power, a Spirits freeing one another would be unheard of. Greater Spirits weaken when they gain many aspects because even though they hold many aspects that are powerful, they may weaken because the others are on the same level: In this, one Spirit will never be allowed to gain to many, as other spirits will combine efforts to release and spread aspects from that spirit elsewhere, as there is a delicate balance. Due to the weakness of Spirits holding many aspects, Lesser Spirits are formed to hold superior strength in these fields - Such as Orgon. Greater Spirits in the Spirit World rule vast domains and have countless minor spirits under their control, they wage war, make peace and plot against and with each other. An example of how Greater spirits interact with Descendants, mainly Orcs, is seen before the great revival of the Orcish race by Rex Mogroka. Mogroka was contacted by Enrohk, at the time a weak spirit that only held domain over bloodlust. The former Orcish government suppressed bloodlust and tried to control it. It is said that Enrohk gave Mogroka powers, a mighty blessing to enrage the Berserker-Shaman fit for the Champion of Enrohk, and with Mogroka’s ascent to power bloodlust was made free and with it, Enrohk gained power. Elemental Spirits The Elementals interact directly with the physical, mortal plane. They live in the Elemental Plane, and here, they view our world as the pure elements it is made up of. The most common (and primary) elements are Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind. Other elements, like Space and Time, are more complex to understand, and are ultimately more powerful than those before them. For ease, The elemental spirits are separated into four different categories: Primary, Secondary, Advanced, and Master spirits. Primary: Earth, Air, Fire, Water Secondary: Light, Dark, Storm, Metal Advanced: Life, Death, Order, Chaos Master: Space, Time The elements mentioned above are the ones understood and recognized by the Shamanic culture, but it is entirely possible that there are dozens (if not hundreds) of other elements that haven’t been discovered. Spirit-Walking A journey by ritualistic actions and behaviours hidden and protected by Farseers throughout the ages, experienced Farseers hold the innate ability to travel in a manner in which their Soul breaks from their physical form, able to travel directly to the Immortal and Elemental planes; However, this ritual is different from that to travel to Kor’s dominion and speak to the Ancestrals. Whilst the origins of the rituals are as mysterious as the Spirits themselves, Farseers have a strong tradition of secrecy in their teachings, acting as elders in their communities and passing down their trade by word of mouth, with the only known writings to be the Or’Gok Scrolls, lost with Mogroka’Gorkil. While in these planes, the Farseer is most vulnerable, his mortal self idle in his own realm, whilst his soul traverses the realm of the Spirits, in which fatal wounds in either would result in death. Due to this, Spirit Guides are often employed, being that of Lesser Spirits that have a direct pact with a Farseer, much like Elementalists have with their elemental lessers, or that of other Farseers who have incredible knowledge on the domains; However, pacted Lesser Spirits are only able to guide the Farseer through the domain of his own aspect, the guides most commonly seeking something in return for their assistance and appearing like that of their domain, most commonly in an animal-like form. Ultimately, the purpose of Spirit Walking is that of conversing directly with the Spirits themselves. Due to this, and the dangers of traveling about the Elemental or Immortal planes without a guide, inexperienced Farseers find themselves unable to find and converse with the most powerful of the Spirits, the Greaters, by disheartening, getting lost, or threat of death by Lesser Spirits protecting the domain. Far Sight Granting these wise Shamans their names, the purpose of a Farseer, while to act as a mediator between the Mortal Realm and Spirit Realms, is primarily their gift to receive visions of the future itself, the wisest of Farseers commonly coming together to discuss and plan the best course of action to heed warning or take action to fulfil or prevent these prophecies. Far Sight, while being the most basic level of Farseeing, is the most difficult to master, with visions often including vague messages and half-truths that are unclear to even the most experienced Shamans. Far Sight is used mainly for providing hints and information in eventlines, though a Farseer with permission from MT could use it to ‘read’ the future of other characters. Visions Once a Farseer reaches T3, they are able to strike someone with visions, allowing them to infect someone’s mind with any sort of imagery the shaman wishes to evoke. This begins with first an emote of focus, and then an emote of striking the targets mind before the vision commences. Akin to illusory magic, eye contact must be made. However, once a farseer reaches T5, they are granted the ability of long-range visions, however require things such as blood and hair to maintain the connection akin to a Soul Puppeteer or Witchdoctor Blessings Taking upon the successes of rituals leading to Spirit Walking, Farseers can seek blessings of the Spirits in a multitude of ways; With the most successful blessings being that of Spirits the Farseer has actually spoken to, or their lessers, to get a full grasp of rituals and tasks needed to prove oneself worthy. An example being that a Farseer attempting to bless a hunt would require previous successful hunts and ritualistic sacrifices to be made by the Farseer in order to allow such blessings to persist. While the blessings of a Farseer occur most often in that of Immortal Spirits, the most experienced Farseers have been rumored to not only converse with Elementals to gain knowledge, but to be blessed by them, receiving imbuements to Artifacts or totems that allow the Farseer to Champion the elemental, unlike that of an elementalists bond with such. These blessings are extremely rare, often leading to that of great fame for the Farseer, with the most notable being that of the Farseer Mogroka’Gorkil and his ability to call down Lightning from the sky in the name of Neizdark. Other capabilities include that of an imbued weapon by the the Elemental of Fire, Skathach, allowing the weapon to shimmer in flames that burn until sheathed. While these powerful blessings may border on Elementalism, it is notable that Farseers do not have the bond as they do, and such, the blessing only being granted when the Farseer has the favor of the Spirit, as well as the energy to do such. Ritual-Blessings Farseers seeking the blessings of certain Spirits may require more suitable preparations, often requiring more than a single Farseer. While these blessings persist over a period of time, or a large area, they are mostly RP-only by nature. Some of these rituals include things such as Rain Dances, or things as complicated as attempts to draw out and combat spirits tainting body, mind, or land. Rain Dances are conducted by three of more Farseers in order to attempt to seek the blessings of both Arwa and Urin, often used in times of drought or famine in order to prevent further spread of such. This ritual normally lasts over a period of an entire day (30 minutes), and includes chanting and calling to the Spirits, as well as the use of different Farseer tools. Land Healing Rituals are the most complex ritual a Farseer can undergo. These rituals require three Farseers, with at least one of them having journeyed through the domain of Akezo, the Spirit of Health, Vitality, and Healing. This ritual requires multiple complex steps in order to draw out the corrupting Spirit. Beginning with a form of sacrifice, involving chanting to Akezo in the form of mending that which is broken, often a totem or trinket to represent the Spirit from which the Shamans are seeking aid. Following this, totems and incense must be burned around the area in order to draw the corrupted Spirit out with the assistance of the blessing. Following this, the Spirit will either flee or attempt to fight the Farseer, most commonly ending with the Farseers having to quite-literally beat the Spirit out of the lands. (ET required; Event-based Blight Healing) Rituals involving healing of the Mind and Body often act much as those of healing the land; However, due to the scale and weakness of the corrupting Spirits, only a single, experienced Farseer is required; However, while the corruption is removed, it often comes at the price of physical pain brought to release such. This is not always the case, as certain Farseers can, with the favor of the Spirit, convince it to leave by its own will, often by sacrifice, deals, or worship of the Spirit, much like that seen in the early stages of Orgon Worship. Tools of a Farseer Blessings granted onto that of a material object are common, yet highly protected. While not like that of so-called “Spirit Smithing”, blessed objects include that of ritualistic purpose, such as drums and weapons of sacrifice. Drum – The drum is often used by Farseers as the beating of the drum assists the Farseer to achieve an altered state of consciousness, aiding them in their travel to pass on their journey between the physical and spiritual worlds. Farseer drums are generally constructed of an animal-skin stretched over a bent wooden hoop, with a handle across the hoop. Feathers – Feathers are often used in ceremonies and in individual healing rituals. Rattle – Rattles are used in ceremonies in traditional ways, often included to help invoke a specific Spirit in the Farseers ceremonies. These rattles are typically made with things representing the Spirit in question. Smoking Pipe – Used for smoking various tobaccos and psychoactive herbs. Below I will detail a couple of these examples, along with their standard tier progression system: Tier 1 - Small Scale, Slow Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 5 blocks of corruption, which will take an entire IRL day to effect the land entirely;requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them slightly above average ability, but will not last any longer than 15 IRL minutes. Tier 2 - Larger Scale, Slow Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 10 blocks of corruption, which will take half an IRL day to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them significantly above average strength, but will not last any longer than 20 IRL minutes. Tier 3 - Larger Scale, Faster Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 15 blocks of corruption, which will take 2 IRL hours in order to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them super-human qualities, which will not last any longer than 45 IRL minutes. Tier 4 - Large Scale, Fast Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 25 blocks of corruption, which will take 30 minutes in order to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them super-human qualities, which will not last any longer than an hour IRL. Tier 5 - Mastery of Healing and Booning Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 40 blocks of corruption, which can be done instantly without the use of a ward; however there will be a cooldown period of one IRL day. Warded - To the extent of healing 40 blocks of corruption, which will take 30 IRL minutes and can be done twice a day in different regions. Red Lines Blessing are only applied on three people, until an increase to 5 once reaching T5. Repeated blessing of one’s self causes degradation of the mind. More powerful spirits such as elemental spirits may goad farseers into spreading their aspect. Wodanaz, Spirit of Purity, one of farseer’s most useful spirits only works against dark shaman and general undead till T4, able to deal significant damage to aberrant/unholy beings. A farseer must make offerings and tidings to the spirits they request power from as an elementalist would. When imbuing a weapon with memories, a player’s own death cannot be viewed, for if one were to witness such, they would only see darkness. Moreover, the blessing does not act as a camera. It is only able to take bits and pieces Witch Doctor Clarification of Witchdoctory for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ The Witch Doctor, essentially the Antithesis of the Farseer, focuses his or her intent on causing misery and damage through the Curses of the more corruptive of the Spirits. Witch Doctors may use Immortal and Elemental Spirits.. In order for the Witch Doctor to call upon the Spirits, they must perform a ritual to express the domain the Spirits represent. For instance, if a Witch Doctor wanted to call upon the Spirit of Disease, he would hunch over and dance (or other such movements/postures which may please a disease spirit) in such a way as to look tired, while chanting in a weakened voice. He would also incorporate items or ingredients which a disease spirit would find attractive, such as rotten flesh or a jar of vomit. For example, we'll say a witch doctor wishes to brew a bottled fire hex. This would be a potion imbued with the power of a fire spirit, and intended to place a curse upon the imbiber. In order to create this concoction, the shaman would first need to gather the appropriate ingredients. As the witch doctor is attempting to gain the attention of a fire spirit, he needs to make use of ingredients which are reminiscent of fire. Usually, red flowers are a good start. Maybe he could grind up some smoldering coals. In witch doctory, it's less about whatever alchemical properties the ingredient may or may not possess (as witch doctory is NOT alchemy), and more about the symbolic nature of the ingredients. The shaman would begin mixing the ingredients in boiling water, whilst chanting in such a way as to attract a fire spirit. The chant is in Old Blah or True Blah as some prefer to say, and must (in both word and tone) reflect the nature of fire. The chant I would use in such a situation typically goes along the lines of "Ilszgûlu ghaashob, dushnûl ghaashugob!" meaning, "Spirits of fire, cast pain of burning!" Maybe I'd throw in a few more words regarding fire, but the point is the same. Furthermore, the tone would need to be correct. In the case of a fire hex, a harsh, guttural, perhaps even angry tone would be recommended. The same curse could be cast directly on a target (which may include any living organism) without the use of a potion through means of a ritual. In this case, the witch doctor would also gather items to represent fire. He may even choose to perform the ritual near a fire or surrounded by fire. As in the brewing process, the shaman must chant in such a way which would be pleasing to a fire spirit (or whatever kind of spirit he wishes to attract for whichever ritual). His movements play an even larger role in this sort of ritual, since he is not required to stir a pot. For a fire ritual, barbaric, chaotic dancing is usually preferred, often around a bonfire. Not all rituals call for dancing necessarily, of course. Some spirits, such as certain earth spirits, may prefer stability or even a stone-like stillness. Should the ritual attract the desired type of spirit, the curse will take effect on the intended target, causing said target (in the case of a fire ritual) to feel as though he is on fire. Witchdoctors do possess the ability to bless as well, the downside to this is that any positive effect or influence must be countered by an (often funny/ridiculous) counter. For example if one's legs are numbed by injury they can be healed and the person can feel again, the ironic backlash being that the legs then appear immovable. These side-effects will be balanced out and will be better controlled throughout the tiers. Small edit because Hedge does not let me do anything (smh): These applies for all blessings of a Witch Doctor. There will still be unintended ironic side effects or no blessings at all and completely a curse. Of course, all blessings must be in form of a potion/elixir/hex. It is important to note at this point that a Hex of fire cannot be used to directly set someone alight, but instead causes a psychological state in which they believe (and feel) they are on fire, without having the actual, physical repercussions; this applies to all Elemental Spirits. In terms of the Immortal Spirits, it can be a more direct result, and Witch Doctors can cause curses at higher tiers without the use of bottled curses. Tier 1 - Small Scale Hexes Able to produce Hexes that can cause small scale damage to regions, such as corrupting a 5 block radius, which will take the same duration as a Farseer; an entire IRL day to set in. This time too applies when used on Mortals, and will last for one IRL day; The player being cursed may choose to extend this for as long as they wish, which applies to all tiers. Tier 2 - Larger Scale Hexes Able to produce Hexes that can cause larger scale damage to region, such as taining a 10 block radius at half a day’s duration. When using a Hex to curse a mortal, it will last one full IRL day. Tier 3 - Direct Cursing Aside from the more powerful Hexes and their corruption being set to 15 blocks at two IRL hours; (when the Hex is used to curse a mortal, this will last for one day IRL. The Witch Doctors at this tier can also more directly curse individuals which will last one full IRL day. Tier 4 Potent Curses At this stage, Hexes can influence 25 blocks at 30 minutes; when a Hex is used on a Mortal, it will last for one and a half IRL days. Curses will be more potent and will last no longer than an hour IRL. Tier 5 - Strongest Version of Hexing and Cursing, as well as the Creation of Muyakelg At this level, Hexes and Curses are at the heights of what can be accomplished, with hexing being more potent and instantaneous, following the same progression of the Farseer at this stage. Hexing a Mortal will cause the curse to last for two IRL days, or even longer with the OOC consent of another player (maximum of 7 IRL days) Since all witch doctors face a chance at spell failure, all witch doctors are to roll to determine success. The window of success varies depending on the tier of the witch doctor in question. A /roll 6 is recommended, and is typically what witch doctors are taught to use. At T1 (apprentice level) a witch doctor must roll a perfect 6 for success, and even then the curse will be weak. 1-5 are failures for a T1. A T2 (Journeyman level) must roll a 5 or a 6 for success. Anything less is a failure. At T3, the witch doctor is considered a full-fledged, independent shaman. A T3 is still, however, not a master, and must roll a 4, 5, or 6 for success. A T4 (Elder shaman) must roll a 3 or higher; 1 or 2 are failures. Finally, a T5 (Master of the magic) must roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 to succeed. A roll of 1 is the only failure for a master witch doctor. Additionally, the Witch Doctor may create a Muyakelg with the help of a T5 Lutauman. Red Lines Curses have their respective times connected to the tier of the shaman. Should a Tier 5 shaman wish to curse another for LONGER than this given time: OOC consent of the victim player is required. As well as MT permission or supervision. Curses are mostly mental and not physical. An elemental curse of fire cannot set one aflame. Though it can bring about the mental pain of a burning body upon the victim. There is a strict prohibition on LOVE and LUST curses. As is seen in the spirit-to-spirit clarification document. This all in connection to the non-rape ruling on the lotc server. A curse is the temporary corruption of the soul and can be healed by magics that affect such. Usage of hexes, bottled curses, is permitted once the creation of such is to be roleplayed out. Seeing the creation roleplay itself is quite significant to the shaman, it is recommended to involve others in such during dancing and chanting - create rp for not yourself, but others too. (hedgehugs note) To make a Muyakelg you must be taught how to. Spirit Smithing Clarification of Spirit Smithing for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ No further amend is to be given to Spirit Smithing || Ilzgul Udalgum https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150019-ilzgûl-udalgum-~-the-spirit-connection-reworking-propositionnew-sub-type-proposal/ Red Lines Each and every item a smith with an MA wishes to create must go through proper authentication/verification via either a designated MT or LT. The following players will also suffice as viable sources of confirmation: Hedgehug, Smawton, Divinejustice, MobyHug. Can never be more powerful that the Blessings or Curses the other sub-types can provide. The Mortal Stone can be destroyed. The Stone has a cooldown of an hour for any activation. Activations can only be used once in combat, regardless of duration. Can only be activated with Old Blah speech. Once used, must be recharged by Smith. Other shamanic Abilities Voodoo Dolls The creation of Voodoo dolls for the use of long range cursing is considered a more taboo quirk that the Witch Doctor has. The creation involves obtaining dna that’s linked to the soul of the victim. Suggested are things as blood, urine, or even tears. Hair and nails can be considered, but will make for a weaker connection. After the creation, through ritual, the doll shall act as a tether. The spirit that’s summoned when cursing this doll shall then use this as a tether to direct the curse to the victim. However, the strength of the curse depends on two factors: The quality of the doll The quality of the connection The quality of the doll matters in regards to how strong a tether it can be. A well-made representation of the victim paired with plenty of knowledge on his/her looks, voice and further appearance matters greatly in the strength of the doll. As mentioned earlier the strength of the different obtainable pieces of DNA matter. The quality of the connection is influenced by the bond the shaman has with the victim. If this is a strong one the curse is more potent. If the victim is a random, however, it can be safely said the curse shall be considerably less potent and shall not last long. Soul Puppetry vs. Shamanic Dolls There seems to be quite the controversy that Shamans also have a similar ability that SP’s have. The following explanation is given: Where soul puppeteering requires a voidal connection from doll to victim, the shamanic doll merely acts as a tether for the spirit. Instead of a direct curse that lasts for as long the anchor is connected to the victim, the shamanic doll allows for the summoned spiritual energy to corrupt the victim's soul as a Witchdoctors curse does - and shall remain for a slightly lesser time than an equal yet direct curse from the same Witchdoctor. Therefore a curse inflicted by a Soul Puppeteer can be revoked by use of Fi, whereas a shamanic curse shall have to be purged by soul-cleansing magics such as Xanism. The main difference to a shamanic curse and a Soul Puppeter type curses are not only the methods they can be done but soul puppetry can be quite limited by comparison. A shaman has a possibility to have lasting curses on an individual without them knowing whereas a SP'er has a direct influence on the person making them aware they are being cursed. Curses from a WD might be similar to a Sp'er but they won't have a lasting effect. Another notable difference is the degree of cursing. Both magics have their unique curses but it would seem that those of the SP can be quite more effective or rather more ‘extravagant’ whereas the WD is limited to the spirits and their effective curses. An example: An SP may curse a victim in a manner where they shall completely turn into cake and can be consumed until they are no more and thusly die. A WD may curse a victim in a manner where they shall consume cake until their stomach rips and they die. (Spirit: Glutroz) Muyakelg Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164401-additionamendmentmuyakelgs/
  24. OLD WOUNDS REOPENED “And the uruk carcass gathered in a wretched mound beneath the snowy precipice, no match for Igor Ireheart and the Hammer of Barradin, which quivered in his left hand.” The Chronicles of Igor Ireheart Volume II, Wulfgar Grandaxe circa 1642. The drums of war sound from deep within Kal’Evraal, calling the dwed to arms once more. Utak watches atop the obsidian throne as his kinsfolk swell in the hall before him, a reunion of dwed in defence of their country. Feuds forgotten, a kinship reforged in common cause, the dwed once again rally to defend Urguan from the Uruk locusts. The scourge in the east is a threat that grows ever stronger; Krugmar have sanctioned attacks against dwed, and prevented any peaceful resolution to the situation from happening. A Dwed has turned up beardless, tortured and savaged by Krughai bandits - an act celebrated by the Krugmar Rex. This is a betrayal that must be avenged, and a grudge that must be resolved. The greenskins will be dealt with once and for all, as old foes meet again. Utak raises his hand, quieting the room as he begins to address the audience below him. “I have given this moment much thought, and wondered what I might say to this congregation of my kin. I concluded that there is no wisdom that I can bestow upon this crowd, so rich with experience and knowledge, that it will not already possess. There is also no advice that can be offered by myself to a band of veterans such as this, so hardened by the trials of war, and so familiar with situations such as this. Instead I will remind you of one thing - The axes and hammers of Urguan have grown restless, and savages threaten our kingdom and livelihood. You know what must be done to right this wrong and deal justice to those that offer us harm; bloody our weapons with our eastern enemy. There is only one outcome that to be realised in this conflict, Dungrimm with us we shall ensure it.” The King sits, as a raucous orchestra of roars and cries erupt around the hall. He offers a faint smile, readying himself to lead his Kingdom into war. Type of War : Conquest CBs : Discussed in Private. Attackers : Urguan and Allies Defenders : Krugmar and Allies Wargoals : Conquest Location & Proposed : Time : TBD Contact Information : ?????????#1445
  25. Vol.1 of my unfinished Krugmar project. This is just a an example / concept of how it should look like. Full version will be released in the upcoming week, which should be drastically enhanced in total. If anyone wants to participate in the upcoming shootings of the video, shoot me a PM through Discord ; Pieman#2313
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