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  1. Recruitment for House Temesch et Martiel of Petra - Introduction - House Temesch et Martiel, a Comital vassal of the Commonwealth of Petra holds the lands of the County of Martiel, the Viscounty of Mies and the Barony of Resmore. Currently, there is one available child character in the mainline, born to the Count Adrian @Kaii, and Countess-consort Wilhelmina (née von Augusten). He is currently 9 years old. Please DM fire1003 on discord if you’re interested in learning more about / playing the kid below, and a skin can be provided: N/A - Family Lore - The Temesch et Resmore Household traces its roots to the founding of the Commonwealth of Petra. Since then, it has thrived as a part of Petra; with its history stretching back to the younger brother of the Commonwealth's Founder, Charles Joseph Temesch. Godfrey Marcellus, the son of Charles, emerged as one of the first individuals to attain his titles upon settling in the new lands. This marked the beginning era of a lineage that stands as one of the oldest noble families still thriving in Petra. Godfrey, a past figure in Petra's governance, served as one of the Grand Speakers of the Petra. In addition to sitting as Grand Speaker, Godfrey aided in funding exploration and the expansion into the lands nearby the City of Vallagne. As the Viscount of Mies, Godfrey, and Lorena were blessed with four children, with the youngest, Adrian Godfrey, assuming the title of Viscount following the revocation of his elder brother’s titles from the Commonwealth. In keeping with his father's legacy, Adrian took on the roles of Viscount and Grand Speaker of the Garmont Assembly. In 1953, he entered into matrimony with Wilhelmina von Augusten of the Viscounty of Azor in Petra. The couple was blessed with the birth of three children in 1954, followed by another in 1955, and 1956, thereby continuing the lineage of the Temesch et Resmore Household. In 1959, Adrian Godfrey saved the life of Queen Catherine in a valiant battle, and was rewarded with a County due to his service, and the contributions made by himself and his family during their span as a Viscomital House. In 1961, the royal house of the Petra took their historical surname Temesch of the Petra, and Temesch of Martiel split into a junior branch of Temesch et Martiel.
  2. Casa D’Roa “Nullum Magnum Opus Sine Magna Ambitione Venit” The Roa’s in Almaris The Roa’s in Minitz It is widely acknowledged that the House had its origins within the then Viscounty of Minitz, with the family's patriarch being brought to the Viscounty by the Warband of Theoderic. There, the patriarch secured a distinguished position among their ranks. During this historical era, the 'Tribe of Roa' was formally established with the gracious consent of the reigning Duke Leon. Duke Leon himself presented the tribe with a flag, and they earned the esteemed titles of 'Geehrte' and 'Speerman' within the Duchy. The Tribe of Roa’s Banner Subsequently, the city of Minitz, known as Brandthoff, was dismantled to make way for a new city capable of accommodating a larger population and providing enhanced defense. This new city was christened Neu Brandthoff. In the inaugural Court of Neu Brandthoff, the patriarch was elevated to the distinguished rank of 'Hoch-Geehrte.' He was granted a farmstead and went on to establish the 'Roa Exports Company.' Furthermore, the patriarch succeeded in securing the position of Mayor of Minitz. However, a significant turn of events occurred when a controversial agreement was reached with the Vuillers, which the citizens of Minitz regarded as an act of betrayal. This led to the House's patriarch departing from the Duchy of Minitz and finding refuge in the Viscounty of Hohengarten for a brief period. The Roa’s in Pavia After sojourning in Hohengarten, the Patriarch was bestowed a parcel of land in the illustrious Duchy of Arlestair, christened the Viscounty of Pavia. This humble settlement served not merely as a residence for the family but also as a haven for several other households. During this epoch, the family attained the zenith of its influence and prestige, marking what could be termed as its 'Golden Age.' It was at this juncture that the chivalric order known as 'The Blood Roses' was established, its name still echoing resoundingly in the memories of its members. Regrettably, this period of prosperity was ephemeral, for it was marred by the malevolent incursion of Darkspawn, inflicting grievous harm upon 'Ludwig Barclay' within the bounds of the Viscounty. As a consequence, the Patriarch found himself unjustly implicated in numerous transgressions, leading to his disrobing of titles and their subsequent bequeathment to 'Aloysia Dorothea Roa,' who happened to be the reigning Heiress of the family. The Roa’s in Helious After the events that transpired in Pavia, the Roa family was graciously extended an invitation to reside within the realms of Helious, courtesy of Jarad Munnel, the esteemed Prince of Helious. The Patriarch of the Roa family accepted this generous offer, leading to the prompt establishment of a grand manor to accommodate their needs. Through unwavering dedication and tireless effort, the Patriarch was duly honored with the distinguished title of Viscount of Atalais. The Roa’s in Aevos However, as the Mori threat intensified and posed a relentless challenge to the Crown of Amathea and Helious, the Roa family found themselves compelled to seek refuge first in the Kingdom of Balian, and later in Savoy. In a subsequent turn of events, with the unveiling of the New Continent of Aevos and the establishment of the thriving city of Helious, the Roa family made their way back to the Principality. In recognition of their enduring loyalty and contributions, they were bestowed with the esteemed title of Counts of Impera E Sera. Regrettably, the stability of this arrangement was disrupted when Jarad Munnel's health took a grave turn, afflicting him with an unknown malady. Ember Munnel was subsequently compelled to assume the role of Princess of Helious, and one of her initial actions was to release all the nobility of Helious from their oaths and titles. Introduction “Uphold honor and humbleness, be the beacon of light even in the darkest of times, be the stalwart sword that strikes down the enemy and the impenetrable shield that safeguards the innocent; that, indeed, is what it means to be a part of this esteemed family.” -The words Gregorius Roa told Aloysia Dorothea Roa A member of the Roa house must never forget their familial roots, always adhering to the modest beginnings and treating others with the same reverence that they themselves were initially bestowed. Culture and Traditions The Dance of the Moon and Sun A grandiose celebration is in order, one that spans two Saint's days and encompasses the splendid "Dance of the Sun days." The inaugural day of this festivity is marked by exuberant merriment, where all the guests engage in lively dancing, adorned in vibrant attire, and moving to the rhythms illuminated by the sun's radiant rays. The subsequent day heralds the arrival of the "Dance of the Moon," a moment of refined elegance. On this occasion, the guests don darker, more subdued hues, in harmony with the gentle light bestowed upon us by the moon. They sway gracefully beneath the moon's tender rays, savoring a tranquil dance that contrasts the exuberance of the previous day New Oak’s Birth A cherished family tradition, one that is upheld with great reverence and solemnity, involves the ceremonial planting of an Oak tree upon the birth of a new Roa within the family. It is imperative that both the parents and their offspring diligently tend to this sacred tree, for it is regarded as a profound symbol, reflective of their very souls. Upon the Roa's attainment of adulthood, a solemn ritual unfolds, wherein the hand of the Roa in question is meticulously carved into the Oak tree's bark. Within this hand's intricate carving, the initials of both the parents and the son or daughter are etched, forever binding the family's legacy to the enduring presence of the tree. Colors of the House Red: Symbolizing the cherished family values of bravery and initiative, the younger members of the household are nurtured within these principles to foster their potential for greatness in the future. Blue: Signifying the inherent elegance of the residence and the unwavering commitment of its occupants, it stands as the predominant hue within the Coat of Arms. Yellow: This color epitomizes the prestige that the family presently enjoys and the honor to which it aspires in the future On the speech of the House Physical Appearance Magic/Knowledge & Creatures Family Members Important
  3. The Py’lrie sigil, captivating a representation of the Talinii ancestors, Tayna’len and her two sons, Elauthinleon and Panithleon, shown at the two albino panthers by her side. History The Py'lrie have been around for a long time, but for most people, it's easiest to divide their history into two sections, both connected by one figure: Tayna'len. She's the only one who's lived long enough to see the Talonii grow from their bloody past of infighting and internal conflict to a much more peaceful and united Talonii. The Talonii's true conflict started with the appearance of magic in the bloodline. Those who were old and traditional opposed it staunchly, as it was different and new. They forbade their younger relatives from learning it altogether, which sparked many an argument in the household. As with all things forbidden, it only grew more and more until the Talonii started truly fighting each other. Blood was being shed over the use of magic forbidden by the elders. Young Tayna'len's parents had been learning magic, and they were punished harshly for it. Many of her closest loved ones had died while learning magic, and she had witnessed cruelty firsthand. Years of cruelty and punishment had caused many to fight or flee, and so did Tayna'len with her relatives. They were escaping by the skin of their teeth from the Talonii elders, who were hunting them, never staying in one place for too long. Many of those who had spent those years on the run were still expanding their knowledge of magic until they had finally become capable of truly fighting back. The tide had begun to turn as those who learned magic began to beat back the elders with their newly obtained knowledge. They sieged the home of the elders, where they lived together. However, they were not much different than those who hunted them, as they had brutally killed the head of the Talonii during that siege, causing the proverbial floodgates to open and unleash total war. It lasted for over a century, tearing the Talonii apart and causing much pain on both sides. By the time it had ended, countless members were dead or missing, and even more were left grieving for the loss of their loved ones. As far as Tayna'len was concerned, she was left alone to rebuild the Talonii. She was unwilling to work with the older members who had perpetuated the conflict for so long and decided to start fresh. Over time, she met and fell in love twice, starting the Talonii anew. She had two sons, one with each father, and though their fathers were different, they treated each other as Talonii no matter what. Tayna'len had instilled in them the virtue of Talonii first, to protect those closest, so that what she went through for all those years would never repeat itself again. These brothers would have children and expand the Talonii, each in their own way, but as one Talonii with two bloodlines. Their descendants have come to live in the lands of Celia'nor, some settling down and others wandering, yet never forgetting their blood ties. The current members of Py'lrie have fought to defend Celia'nor, and for their loyalty and dedication, they were rewarded as some of the most well-respected nobles in the land. Beliefs & Morals Talonii First As far as beliefs go, the Talonii hold one thing above all others and consider it paramount. To them, it is almost sacred, and breaking away from it is out of the question. This belief is evident when speaking to a member of the Talonii; they all abide by it as if it were indisputable. This all stems back to Tayna'len and her own experiences, where she cast aside all those who betrayed this ideal and started anew. Betrayal of Talonii To the Py'lrie, going against your Talonii is a cardinal sin that will be punished severely, no matter the situation. If you kill another member of the Talonii, they are to be hunted for the rest of your life. Though not all deceptions are so great as to lead to death, some are of a lesser nature. However small, though, the memories of the mali are lengthy, and they will remind you for the rest of your life what you've done wrong. Betrayal of Friends & In-laws The closest of friends are considered dear, although not akin to Talonii. They would protect them closely and be very loyal to them; for if one is not loyal to their friends, how could they be loyal to their talonii? Those who marry into the Talonii are treated as equals, although they would be cast out more easily for mistakes. Natural & Unnatural Deaths If one passes from natural causes, they are well taken care of during their dying days. The Talonii tries to fulfill any wishes and stays by their side until the end. It is not uncommon, though, for dying members of the Talonii to find it too unbearable to be with their loved ones before the end and to disappear abruptly. The Talonii itself assumes that when an elderly member disappears like that, they are leaving to die in solitude. The death of a Talonii member is a grave matter, and they would mourn their loss greatly. The Talonii mourn them day-to-day, with each day representing a year in the life of the member who passed. They do this out of respect and for the time they spent serving the Talonii during their lives. Traditions With Child When a Py'lrie is bearing a child, they are protected and cared for very well. It is tradition for those who are pregnant to always have at least one person assisting them. The person assisting must be trained in first aid in case something happens. Sometimes, those who are not members of the Talonii are entrusted with this role, and it is considered a great honor. Coming of Age Becoming an adult is an important and celebrated occurrence, and for the Py'lries, it occurs at the age of 30. To come of age means you are given the freedom to take whatever path in life, whether it be leaving and traveling or marriage. Marriage As far as the vow of matrimony is concerned, it is highly encouraged to find another High Elf to marry, and if you do not abide by this, it will be considered a mistake. It is not shameful, but it is discouraged. According to tradition, you are to be married facing the sea. In some instances, you may even be married on board an embarked ship! This stems from times when the hunted members of the Talonii fled, leaving many with no choice but to state their vows upon a ship. The marriage is to be approved and overseen by the head of the Talonii, and if it isn’t, it isn't considered official by the Py'lrie. Commemoration of Honor When a member of the Talonii dedicates their life to warfare, there is a grand celebration, for it is considered a great honor to protect your land. Traditional Markings Body art and markings have a long history among the Talonii, with various meanings and serving as reminders, both good and bad. The two markings are "Fih Kae'leh" and "Malieir." When a member of the Talonii recognizes the true meaning behind the words "Fih Kae'leh," they have it tattooed on their body in recognition. Most adult members of the Talonii have gotten this tattoo at some point, and it is considered a rite of passage by some. The marking "Malieir" is used to identify traitors–those who have committed the greatest treachery and betrayal. There is no escaping this fate, either, as those who run away before they are marked will be found, and the tattoo will be applied to them by force. Talonii Markings “Fih Kae’leh” “Feed Your Soul” is a phrase long passed down within the Py’lrie. It is taught to each member as an important lesson they must come to understand. In the eyes of the Talonii, one cannot truly care for and protect others until they can truly satisfy their own soul and care for themselves. “Malieir” “Betrayer” is a phrase branded on the palms of traitors and wrongdoers within the Talonii, showing the lands of Malin all the wrongs they’ve committed and having them disowned from the Py’lrie name and household. Those who murder other Talonii are branded once they are killed, and their marked corpses are abandoned in the forest to be forgotten. Personality Though the two branches have their differences, their biggest shared trait is their protectiveness. Both have a strong desire to protect what they have and their friends and Talonii. Similarly, all members of the Talonii have a strong desire and willingness to experience new things and are open-minded. They also have a deep, intrinsic connection to their Talonii and ancestors, often honoring them in times of need with shrines made for their ancestors, in particular Tayna'len Py'lrie and her two sons. However, their similarities end there, as they have very different ways to show these tendencies. Elauthinleon's bloodline is quick to act and decisive in times of need, especially when it comes to Talonii. They are temperamental but not overly violent. They are far more sedentary, having settled down and grown to love the land they live on. Overall, they are far more disciplined than their cousins, with a bit of a stern countenance. They are more inclined to physical activity and exercise, generally being quite athletic. Panithleon's branch, on the other hand, is free-spirited and artistic to the core. They are always on the move, seeking out the new and unknown so that they may experience it and learn more about the world they live in. Due to their less strict nature, they often have an easier time connecting with people they meet and befriending them. Their way of showing affection and love is through gifts. Physical Appearance & Traits For the most part, the two branches of the Talonii share several traits, as they have inherited much from Tayna'len Py'lrie. For instance, both predominantly have blonde hair and faded blue eyes. Many members of the Talonii also have wavy hair, as opposed to the more common straight hair. Their skin is generally quite pale, and they stand over six feet tall. Both sides of the Talonii also share a common allergy to honey and bees. Of course, regardless of the shared mother, the two different branches are bound to have some distinguishing traits due to the different fathers in both. Elauthinleon Py'lrie's branch occasionally has members with pale green eyes as well as white hair in addition to the previously mentioned blonde hair and blue eyes of both branches. Overall, the members of this branch are taller than their cousins. The biggest differentiator is their different ear shapes, as theirs point backwards instead of upwards. They have narrow eyes, slim and sharp features, and generally many small birthmarks over their bodies. Panithleon Py'lrie's branch has a rare few members with distinct purple eyes, with their skin being paler than their cousins. Some of them would occasionally also have a more silvery blonde hair color and be a little shorter than the other branch. Their ears tend to be pointed upwards quite a bit more than their cousins, and their features are noticeably softer with kind eyes. The one birthmark that stands out is the one strand of very white hair at the back of their head. [OOC: Py'lrie Discord: https://discord.gg/g8swJr6Nms ]
  4. The Py’lrie sigil, captivating a representation of the Talinii ancestors, Tayna’len and her two sons, Elauthinleon and Panithleon, shown at the two albino panthers by her side. History The Py'lrie have been around for a long time, but for most people, it's easiest to divide their history into two sections, both connected by one figure: Tayna'len. She's the only one who's lived long enough to see the Talonii grow from their bloody past of infighting and internal conflict to a much more peaceful and united Talonii. The Talonii's true conflict started with the appearance of magic in the bloodline. Those who were old and traditional opposed it staunchly, as it was different and new. They forbade their younger relatives from learning it altogether, which sparked many an argument in the household. As with all things forbidden, it only grew more and more until the Talonii started truly fighting each other. Blood was being shed over the use of magic forbidden by the elders. Young Tayna'len's parents had been learning magic, and they were punished harshly for it. Many of her closest loved ones had died while learning magic, and she had witnessed cruelty firsthand. Years of cruelty and punishment had caused many to fight or flee, and so did Tayna'len with her relatives. They were escaping by the skin of their teeth from the Talonii elders, who were hunting them, never staying in one place for too long. Many of those who had spent those years on the run were still expanding their knowledge of magic until they had finally become capable of truly fighting back. The tide had begun to turn as those who learned magic began to beat back the elders with their newly obtained knowledge. They sieged the home of the elders, where they lived together. However, they were not much different than those who hunted them, as they had brutally killed the head of the Talonii during that siege, causing the proverbial floodgates to open and unleash total war. It lasted for over a century, tearing the Talonii apart and causing much pain on both sides. By the time it had ended, countless members were dead or missing, and even more were left grieving for the loss of their loved ones. As far as Tayna'len was concerned, she was left alone to rebuild the Talonii. She was unwilling to work with the older members who had perpetuated the conflict for so long and decided to start fresh. Over time, she met and fell in love twice, starting the Talonii anew. She had two sons, one with each father, and though their fathers were different, they treated each other as Talonii no matter what. Tayna'len had instilled in them the virtue of Talonii first, to protect those closest, so that what she went through for all those years would never repeat itself again. These brothers would have children and expand the Talonii, each in their own way, but as one Talonii with two bloodlines. Their descendants have come to live in the lands of Celia'nor, some settling down and others wandering, yet never forgetting their blood ties. The current members of Py'lrie have fought to defend Celia'nor, and for their loyalty and dedication, they were rewarded as some of the most well-respected nobles in the land. Beliefs & Morals Talonii First As far as beliefs go, the Talonii hold one thing above all others and consider it paramount. To them, it is almost sacred, and breaking away from it is out of the question. This belief is evident when speaking to a member of the Talonii; they all abide by it as if it were indisputable. This all stems back to Tayna'len and her own experiences, where she cast aside all those who betrayed this ideal and started anew. Betrayal of Talonii To the Py'lrie, going against your Talonii is a cardinal sin that will be punished severely, no matter the situation. If you kill another member of the Talonii, they are to be hunted for the rest of your life. Though not all deceptions are so great as to lead to death, some are of a lesser nature. However small, though, the memories of the mali are lengthy, and they will remind you for the rest of your life what you've done wrong. Betrayal of Friends & In-laws The closest of friends are considered dear, although not akin to Talonii. They would protect them closely and be very loyal to them; for if one is not loyal to their friends, how could they be loyal to their talonii? Those who marry into the Talonii are treated as equals, although they would be cast out more easily for mistakes. Natural & Unnatural Deaths If one passes from natural causes, they are well taken care of during their dying days. The Talonii tries to fulfill any wishes and stays by their side until the end. It is not uncommon, though, for dying members of the Talonii to find it too unbearable to be with their loved ones before the end and to disappear abruptly. The Talonii itself assumes that when an elderly member disappears like that, they are leaving to die in solitude. The death of a Talonii member is a grave matter, and they would mourn their loss greatly. The Talonii mourn them day-to-day, with each day representing a year in the life of the member who passed. They do this out of respect and for the time they spent serving the Talonii during their lives. Traditions With Child When a Py'lrie is bearing a child, they are protected and cared for very well. It is tradition for those who are pregnant to always have at least one person assisting them. The person assisting must be trained in first aid in case something happens. Sometimes, those who are not members of the Talonii are entrusted with this role, and it is considered a great honor. Coming of Age Becoming an adult is an important and celebrated occurrence, and for the Py'lries, it occurs at the age of 30. To come of age means you are given the freedom to take whatever path in life, whether it be leaving and traveling or marriage. Marriage As far as the vow of matrimony is concerned, it is highly encouraged to find another High Elf to marry, and if you do not abide by this, it will be considered a mistake. It is not shameful, but it is discouraged. According to tradition, you are to be married facing the sea. In some instances, you may even be married on board an embarked ship! This stems from times when the hunted members of the Talonii fled, leaving many with no choice but to state their vows upon a ship. The marriage is to be approved and overseen by the head of the Talonii, and if it isn’t, it isn't considered official by the Py'lrie. Commemoration of Honor When a member of the Talonii dedicates their life to warfare, there is a grand celebration, for it is considered a great honor to protect your land. Traditional Markings Body art and markings have a long history among the Talonii, with various meanings and serving as reminders, both good and bad. The two markings are "Fih Kae'leh" and "Malieir." When a member of the Talonii recognizes the true meaning behind the words "Fih Kae'leh," they have it tattooed on their body in recognition. Most adult members of the Talonii have gotten this tattoo at some point, and it is considered a rite of passage by some. The marking "Malieir" is used to identify traitors–those who have committed the greatest treachery and betrayal. There is no escaping this fate, either, as those who run away before they are marked will be found, and the tattoo will be applied to them by force. Talonii Markings “Fih Kae’leh” “Feed Your Soul” is a phrase long passed down within the Py’lrie. It is taught to each member as an important lesson they must come to understand. In the eyes of the Talonii, one cannot truly care for and protect others until they can truly satisfy their own soul and care for themselves. “Malieir” “Betrayer” is a phrase branded on the palms of traitors and wrongdoers within the Talonii, showing the lands of Malin all the wrongs they’ve committed and having them disowned from the Py’lrie name and household. Those who murder other Talonii are branded once they are killed, and their marked corpses are abandoned in the forest to be forgotten. Personality Though the two branches have their differences, their biggest shared trait is their protectiveness. Both have a strong desire to protect what they have and their friends and Talonii. Similarly, all members of the Talonii have a strong desire and willingness to experience new things and are open-minded. They also have a deep, intrinsic connection to their Talonii and ancestors, often honoring them in times of need with shrines made for their ancestors, in particular Tayna'len Py'lrie and her two sons. However, their similarities end there, as they have very different ways to show these tendencies. Elauthinleon's bloodline is quick to act and decisive in times of need, especially when it comes to Talonii. They are temperamental but not overly violent. They are far more sedentary, having settled down and grown to love the land they live on. Overall, they are far more disciplined than their cousins, with a bit of a stern countenance. They are more inclined to physical activity and exercise, generally being quite athletic. Panithleon's branch, on the other hand, is free-spirited and artistic to the core. They are always on the move, seeking out the new and unknown so that they may experience it and learn more about the world they live in. Due to their less strict nature, they often have an easier time connecting with people they meet and befriending them. Their way of showing affection and love is through gifts. Physical Appearance & Traits For the most part, the two branches of the Talonii share several traits, as they have inherited much from Tayna'len Py'lrie. For instance, both predominantly have blonde hair and faded blue eyes. Many members of the Talonii also have wavy hair, as opposed to the more common straight hair. Their skin is generally quite pale, and they stand over six feet tall. Both sides of the Talonii also share a common allergy to honey and bees. Of course, regardless of the shared mother, the two different branches are bound to have some distinguishing traits due to the different fathers in both. Elauthinleon Py'lrie's branch occasionally has members with pale green eyes as well as white hair in addition to the previously mentioned blonde hair and blue eyes of both branches. Overall, the members of this branch are taller than their cousins. The biggest differentiator is their different ear shapes, as theirs point backwards instead of upwards. They have narrow eyes, slim and sharp features, and generally many small birthmarks over their bodies. Panithleon Py'lrie's branch has a rare few members with distinct purple eyes, with their skin being paler than their cousins. Some of them would occasionally also have a more silvery blonde hair color and be a little shorter than the other branch. Their ears tend to be pointed upwards quite a bit more than their cousins, and their features are noticeably softer with kind eyes. The one birthmark that stands out is the one strand of very white hair at the back of their head. [OOC: Py'lrie Discord: https://discord.gg/g8swJr6Nms ]
  5. 12th of The First Seed, 144 S.A. A LETTER TO THE DE VILAIN; This letter is specifically created to mimic the last letter my mother ever obtained from my grandfather, Hannes de Vilain. I hoped it would have maybe garnered some attention from the people it’s specifically written for. My name is Idaline de Vilain- more commonly known as Ida. My mother is Agnes de Vilain. My father, Atticus de Vilain. Though, to my knowledge you have never met him. If any of my family is left alive, I apologize to inform you it’s most likely my mother is dead. As she did not leave the lands of Almaris, nor did my father. The purpose of this letter is that I search for you. I have been passively searching for the last decade, but in all honesty I have been afraid. I know little of my family besides that of what mom informed me. Don’t worry- all good things. But I have been unsure if you are all the same, or if perhaps sleeping dogs would be awoken by my writing it. But- I’ve been told any gripes people may have had of the past are likely little to none, if not forgotten as a whole.. So I write now, and I reach out to any of the remaining de Vilains. I have been empty without kin. I don’t know if you all feel the same. But I suppose I will find out. If you send a letter- I reside in Whitespire and Veletz. Please know, if any of you do linger, you do not owe me a response. Idaline de Vilain, A Lost Daughter.
  6. Hey there everyone, were on the lookout for a few people who'd be willing to help our family grow into a noble house once again! We are a Waldenian family that originated in Haense, and has stayed mainly with them and a small few other nations along the way. You'd be playing a kid character in the next few weeks. at the moment, they are around 2-5. My Disc is Limo_man if you are at all interested
  7. Orphanage of helious Over the years I have come to the realization that there are many needs in life. Food, water, education, and protection, The need that I come back to most tho is the same one i needed so long ago. A Home, A place to be safe and sound and away from all the dangers that Surrounded me. A place to come back to where there is always food and a bed. A place where I would be educated without having to worry over where I would go to sleep that night. I see a need for a place where Orphans, such as I once was, to be Protected, fed, sheltered and educated till they can be Matched with a set of Guardians or a single guardian who wants to build a family. Or until they have become adults and are then old enough to make their own homes. Therefore I am proud to announce the coming of an orphanage in Helios where all children that are lost, scared, alone, or hungry are welcome. no matter where they came from, who they are, or what they are. The First Orphanage of helious, Fox cubs orphanage, will accept them. the Grand opening of Fox Cubs Orphanage Will be announced as soon as possible. I will be building the orphanage with my own two hands. Once it is finished we will start accepting children Immediately. Signed, Aspin A. Munnel
  8. Display of the House Korvacz Crest “Together, We Prosper.” Tables of Contents I. House Symbolism II. Family III. Occupations IV. History V. Religion and Culture VI. Values, Morals, and Traditions Colors Despite their crest bearing a shade of purple, the house’s members predominantly wear black, red, and gold. References They are often associated with or depicted with wolves, bears, and eagles—their crest depicted a double-headed eagle to represent their Raevo-Renatian roots. Titles As of recent, House Korvacz has been granted the titles to the Barony of Kotovy. Lineage ⊱ Her Ladyship Xénia Korvacz ⊱ Lord Ser Miklós Korvacz ⊱ Lady Roziska Korvacz ⊱ Lord Radu Korvacz ⊱ Lady Marija Korvacz ⊱ Lord Lorand Korvacz ⊱ Lord Arisztid Korvacz ⊱ Lady Ramóna Korvacz Appearance As of the current day, it is common among those bearing the Korvacz name to be fair in flesh with dark hair ranging from shades of brown to black, though there is the occasional show of ginger within their genetic pool. Their eyes consist of hues of blue or brown, rarely ever stretching to shades of green. Bastards It comes as a blessing that to this point there has yet to be a Korvacz bastard, though in the scenario one comes crawling up from the soil, they shall not be taken underwing and instead are branded with the surname “Kova.” From there it is recognized that if the bastard is to sully the true Korvacz name, they are to be hunted and dealt with accordingly. Occupations Occupationally, the Korvacz family is known to be skilled hunters, trackers, and knights. Occasionally, one strays from some jobs, though this is not frowned upon and some Korvacz have even been seen as medics or architects. History House Korvacz is currently one of the oldest houses within the Duchy of Stran, with the family having distinct roots beyond the initial founding of the Duchy itself. The progenitor Caine Korvacz was predominantly remembered for his time on Anthos to Athera. After his death, the family existed with his wealth, though eventually fell back into survival and migration when they lost most of their wealth traveling to Vailor. Because of these times, they developed skills needed to continue their existence which slowly became hobbies and traditions, and around the ages of Almaris, they tamed themselves out and slowly began to settle. The Korvacz’s time on Failor would prove significant to their rise in status, numbers, and reputation. However, since their journey to Aevos, they have integrated into Raevir society and have stayed staunchly tied to the Ivanovich family of which they were granted their titles. Religion The Korvacz family has been and continues to be firm believers in Canonist ideals and refuses to stray from GOD. It is unknown when they adopted this form of religion, but most assume it has been the same since the time of the progenitor himself. Culture Since their time on Almaris, the Korvacz have grown accustomed to Raevir culture, adopting their language, traditions, and lifestyle. Values Those of the Korvacz name typically value family and loyalty above all else. They find their strength in numbers, correlating with their motto of “Together, We Prosper.” Morals Korvacz believes in doing the right thing, often tending to lend a hand through whatever means possible. Of course, they keep in mind their religion and values, and do not stray from bloodshed if it means things will return to the way they were before, to what was proper. Traditions Because of the length of their existence, Korvacz has formed traditions to follow through with their past times, some less prioritized than others. ⊱ When it comes to the selection of an heir, they are selected based on merit rather than gender or order of birth. ⊱ In order to ask for the hand in marriage of a Korvacz woman, one must first duel their father—brother if the father is deceased, and if there is no brother, the head of house—to be judged in their worthiness. ⊱ For most weddings, it is customary for a Korvacz woman to wear simple white attire with a fur pelt of either an animal she or her significant other has slain. Signed, Her Ladyship, Xénia Korvacz, Baroness of Kotovy
  9. House Volkov “Сила через верность, честь и семью” Godfrey’s Triumph, 1933 History and Lineage Nestled amidst the serene landscapes of the countryside, House Volkov finds its origins in the humble Raevir town of Vsnek, Axios. For over 300 years, the lineage has slowly etched its mark through time, weaving a tapestry of resilience, unity, and unwavering devotion to the defense and well-being of the people. From its inception, the Volkov family has assumed the mantle of leadership, standing as stalwart soldiers and guardians, safeguarding the common folk in times of peril. The weight of responsibility falls upon every male Volkov, their duty calling them to military service or vigilant guardianship. Women of the house, while bearing lighter expectations, contribute their skills and compassion to aid the populace, be it in the realms of tavern-keeping, healing arts, or the pursuit of knowledge as scribes. House Volkov shines as a beacon of unwavering strength and solidarity, faithfully carrying forward the legacy of their ancestors. Their unwavering commitment to protect and serve stands as a testament to the values they hold dear—camaraderie, family, honor, and loyalty. Values and Morals Within the tapestry of House Volkov's existence, loyalty, honor, camaraderie, family, and kindness form the very threads that bind them together. Each member of the house is bound by an unyielding adherence to these values and morals, woven into the fabric of their daily lives. A Volkov who strays from the righteous path, who dares to disregard these sacred principles, faces the dire consequence of disownment and exile from the family's fold, should their transgressions prove severe. The Volkovs firmly believe in the power of unwavering support and unity, forging unbreakable bonds that transcend mere blood ties. Within their midst, the spirit of camaraderie thrives, nurturing an unspoken pact of brotherhood and sisterhood. Embodying a strong code of honor, the Volkovs exemplify the virtues of integrity, honesty, and respect. Their conduct is steeped in dignity, for they understand the significance of honor in all aspects of life. They strive to be paragons of integrity and moral rectitude, unwavering in their commitment to uphold their word and fulfill their obligations. Devotion to family, friends, and their word is cherished, held close to their hearts as an emblem of unyielding loyalty. House Volkov remains resolute in their unwavering support, even in the face of adversity. Their loyalty is a sacred pact, fostering trust and fortifying bonds that withstand the test of time. Culture House Volkov encompasses a vibrant and deeply-rooted culture that revolves around cherished family traditions and treasured values. House Volkov holds itself to the traditions of festivities and traditions, martial heritage, oral tradition and storytelling, and hospitality and community. This culture reveres the unity of kinship, the pursuit of honor, and the resilience forged through camaraderie. Festivities and Traditions are held in great esteem by House Volkov, as they partake in traditional celebrations and festivals that bring together both family and community. These joyous occasions include harvest festivals, midwinter feasts, and communal bonfires, serving as vibrant forums for storytelling, music, dance, and the passing down of ancestral lore and wisdom. Martial Heritage plays a significant role within House Volkov, with a strong emphasis on military service and guardianship. From a tender age, children are instructed in the arts of combat and self-defense. The training they receive goes beyond physical prowess, encompassing the development of discipline, honor, and tactical acumen. The Volkovs proudly cherish their martial heritage, passing down stories of heroic deeds from one generation to the next. Oral Tradition and Storytelling holds a special place within House Volkov, as they cherish the art of weaving tales of bravery, adventure, and magic. Through the power of oral tradition, they preserve the wisdom and history of their ancestors. Their words are esteemed for their ability to captivate audiences with narratives of heroism, love, and the indomitable spirit that defines House Volkov. Hospitality and Community form an integral part of House Volkov's culture, where warm welcomes await guests in their homes, and strangers are treated with kindness and respect. The Volkovs prioritize the well-being of their community, readily offering aid, support, and protection to those in need. House Colors House Volkov's colors, black and red, exude an air of strength, power, and intensity. Black, the color of shadows and night, represents their unwavering resolve and the depths of their loyalty. It symbolizes their ability to adapt, their resilience in the face of adversity, and their determination to protect their own. Red, bold and vibrant, signifies their passion, courage, and the fiery spirit that burns within their hearts. It speaks of their readiness to face any challenge and their fierce commitment to defend their family and honor. Together, these colors epitomize the indomitable spirit of House Volkov, a force to be reckoned with, steeped in both darkness and passion. SIGNED, Her Ladyship, Dame Anya Volkov, Baroness of Vorovda, Ataman of the Host of Saint Arpad, Black Knight of Stran
  10. YAKOV'S PROMISE Issued on 9th of Sigismund’s End, 1929, 62 B.A. In the spirit of unity and common heritage, House Vilac and House Ivanovich have determined that it is in the best interests of both houses to establish a new relationship built on honor and trust to ensure a promising future for the descendants of both houses. With this new hope in mind, the leaders of both houses have agreed to begin with a pledge of protection, adding to the alliances that already exist between their respective nations, Balian and Aaun. I. Recognition House Vilac and House Ivanovich recognize each other’s rightful leaders and their designated heirs. Furthermore, Both houses commit to upholding and carrying out any edicts or missives penned by either house in a timely and efficient manner. II. Non-Aggression House Vilac and House Ivanovich will continue to honor the agreements set forth by the Novellen-Augusten Pact of 1913, 46 B.A., and any future alliances that are to be created between the Kingdom of Balian and the United Kingdom of Aaun. The respective houses shall not incite conflict or bring harm to each other's families or nations. III. Mutual Defense In any case of an attack against either house, both shall take appropriate action. An attack against one is an attack against both. IV. Duration This pledge of defense shall henceforth be in effect for the duration of each Patriarch’s leadership. Once the leadership of either house changes, the heirs can reconvene to discuss new terms and renegotiate. SIGNED, His Grace, Ser Jan Arpad Ivanovich Duke of Stran, Patriarch of House Ivanovich Lord Casimir Marius Vilac Patriarch of House Vilac His Lordship, Istvan Matyas Ivanovich Lord of Andregrad, Heir to House Ivanovich August Maxim Vilac Heir-Apparent to House Vilac
  11. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ The Peregrin Family ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ One of the oldest Halfling families, the Peregrins, were founded by Kenwise and Lobelia Peregrin in the realm of Anthos. The two halflings were completely devoted to properness, raising their only child, Andwise Peregrin, up to be religiously devoted to proper ideals. The family lived together in happiness for some time before tragedy struck; Kenwise and Lobelia went missing as the people of the time raced from the land towards the safety of Athera, where Andwise spent time recovering from his losses. With the help of Fumble Willowbottom, Andwise became one of the land’s finest tinkers, wasting the time away in his laboratory working on all sorts of odds and ins. He soon became mayor of the village of Willow Hollow and with his wife Berylla gave birth to a group of triplets. However; after some time the Peregrins disappeared from the village and Halfling life at large, their absence continued for years with no sign of where the once prosperous family had gone. Like all things though, this was not to last and in the last days of Arcas Iris Peregrin, the great granddaughter of Andwise, returned to the village and soon began to make her mark. Adopting many of the orphans that the war had brought the family was soon a large part of everyday village life. Their influence grew as Onelia Peregrin, another of Andwise’s granddaughters, joined as well. They found the Halflings in a sorry state, the war having run them from their homes and they were taking refuge in a biggun fort called Fort Hope. There she soon took to work, building a new village within the confines of the walls with the help of Filibert Applefoot and helping to push the ideals of Halfling properness once again. As time went on nearly every member of the family would eventually hold office for some period of time, Iris becoming Thain and her children after her. Their influence growing once more. However, with Iris’ death the family’s union shattered and they faded from the spotlight. After nearly a century in the middle of Halfling culture the family simply existed, while still present the never really did much of note after this. This is starting to change with the move to Aevos the family has started to reunite once more, making their way back into the comings and goings of everyday life. They can now be found tinkering away in their burrow, helping the Halflings expand their understanding of the world around them. Dolly, Iris' grandaughter, now holds many positions within the village such as High Pumplar of the Knoxist Church as well as the head druid of the Harvest Grove. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Cultures and Traditions ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ The Peregrins are avid believers in the importance of halfling tradition and proper teachings, being known to sometimes go too far in their pursuit for achieving it. However, this is driven by love and care for the protection of Halflings as a race and their belief that they hold a special place in the world. There is very little else they take seriously, unless you consider drinking and tinkering. Many of the family members fall into what could only be described as chaotic good, being wild little creatures who love to party and make others happy, very rarely missing out on the opportunity to partake in shogging or pumpkin raids. Andwise had been a very gifted shogger himself, bringing many titles home to the Peregrin family. As well as their strong belief in the ideals of properness many Peregrins find themselves becoming druids or shamans, the family harboring a strong love of nature and trying to protect it at every step. This love of nature combined with their inherent curiosity about the world around them have lead to many in the family focusing their pursuits on the study of the world around them, becoming fantastic biologists or zoologists. They strive to keep the village and those within it in line with the natural balance of the world they live in. Peregrins also have raised and used Housemartins as their bird of choice for generations. The small size of them making them preferable for the small size of the wee-folk. Though in recent generations apes have become of significant importance to the family, especially Gibbons and Gorillas. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Religion ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ The Peregrins are a very pious family, worshipping Knox as the one true god of the Halflings and rebuking anyone who may say otherwise. They have been devoted to him since his discovery and try to spread his ideals wherever they go. While every Peregrin, for the most part, has held Knox in the highest respect, this has not stopped many Peregrins from becoming druids or shamans. Worship of the spirits and/or the Aspects is deeply ingrained within the family. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Appearance ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ The Peregrins are small, even for Halfling standards, rarely reaching over 2’10. The family also has an affinity for green and brown shades, those colors being the most prevalent in Peregrin wardrobes. While tinkering, however, many Peregrins can be found wearing shades of gray or black, as to avoid oil stains on neat white clothing. Many can also be found sporting a pair of the patent Peregrin protective goggles (PPPG) used in their various experiments and inventions. They may also tend to be on the paler side, spending much time inside working on their various creations. This may not stand true for every Peregrin, depending on their tendency to wander the family gardens or partake in outdoor shogging tournaments. A large number of Peregrins sport a head full of curly orange hair, much like Andwise, but some may be born with blonde or light brown locks due to Berylla’s bloodline. Dark hair colors are very uncommon within this family, but are not entirely unheard of, as the family has been known to take in lone halflings. As for eye color, due to being from a long unfettered line of halfling blood, the Peregrins are more prone to heterochromia than most. More often than not, Peregrin children are born with one eye blue and one eye green. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Family Recipes ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ The Peregrins are very famous for their recipe for a fine lamb dinner that is often adorned with gravy or pineapples, depending on the season. They are also known for making their famous Peregrin Lemonade which is occasionally spiked with alcohol, but not always. Finally they are known for baking a rare dish of mashed potatoes that is mixed with a top secret alchemical ingredient and then topped with a thin layer of bacon pieces. ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Family Members ~◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆◆:*:◇:*:◆:*:◇:*:◆~ Alive Dolly Peregrin - TakeMeT0TheFae Griff Peregrin - MonkeNotic Uncle Peregrin - Func_Soap Dead Kenwise Peregrin Lobelia Peregrin Andwise Peregrin Berylla Peregrin Rupert Peregrin Milly Peregrin Iris Peregrin Mirabelle Peregrin Onelia Peregrin Sorrel R. Peregrin Monkey Peregrin Lily Peregrin (To Join Message TakeMeToTheFae#3833 on Discord)
  12. ~ The Trill Family ~ ~ Bio ~ "T'e Trills? A fine addi' ion t' the Shire, for sure, bu' no' sure abou' all t'at... 'fisheh business' t'ey usualleh ge' up to..." - A halfling, probably, when asked about the Trill Family. The Trills are an unorthodox family of Halflings branching off from Eldon Trill Sr, first of his name. Eldon was an adventurous lad from birth, and his rambunctious lifestyle caused many Halflings to fall under his lineage. The Trills are a mixed bag, hailing from all over with traces of different Halfling families mixed in, so you never really know what to expect when you meet one for the first time. This document will help you understand the background of the Trill's, their appearance, their tendencies and their beliefs. ~ Appearance ~ Since first generation Trills spread over different relationships, the descendants of Eldon Trill Sr can be quite different. Generally, they all have a shade of light brown curly hair, green eyes and fair skin- but do not count on this to identify a Trill. Similarly, the other physical genetics like height will be different among all Trill's- but they are usually a medium height for a Halfling. ~ Tendencies ~ Adventure calls a Trill like steam toots from a teapot. A Trill will be the first to run into a rat cave, running shortly out after being spooked by their own shadow. Their adventurous nature is short-felt at their usual tendencies to be easily spooked. You can surely find a Trill hiding in their burrow during Knox-o-ween or curled up in a ball in a hot air balloon. A Trill's burrow may not seem the tidiest at first but everything is placed for a reason. Under carpets and in the walls, secret doors lead to rooms where the Trill's undergo their ancestors traditions to please Arugula. Not only this but a way to escape, the Trill's are no stranger to having someone knocking down their door. ~ Beliefs ~ Arugula has been part of the Trill's 'rituals' ever since Eldon Jr settled in Honeyhill. The worshiping of Arugula at that time was looked down on by some Halflings, so they worked in secret. This tradition has been passed down through the generations, whilst now performing rituals to please Arugula is more ordinary. A Trill always makes sure to go above and beyond for Arugula, their ancestors drilled it into them that they must please Arugula to keep all Halflings safe. ~ Lineage ~ Eldon Trill Sr (Played) - Presumed Dead Eldon Trill Jr (Played) - Presumed Dead Rosaline 'Rose' Trill (Played) - Presumed Dead Elyse Trill (Played) - Presumed Dead Tito Trill (Played) - Alive family echo ~ Contact ~ If you'd like to play a Trill, contact rushork#7231 on discord.
  13. Returned to her room, Ingrid reflected upon the past week. It was most tiresome, with many disadventures. But some could say it was a common Redclyfian day, no different from their tea parties. “Kinslayer.” “I decide if you live or not.” “I am going to need a cane.” Everyone let her down. Her brother was slain by the dishonorable Uruks, and now a child was left to rule. So she rested in her bed, blindness conquering her mind. She could not see, and neither could she cry. She wanted to burst out and let all the anger flow away, but she had no power or ability to. Her eyesockets were, at this time, completely empty. Her own kin had craved out the entirety of her eyes, leaving but a couple of hollow caves. Such was the Redclyfian way, and she accepted it. What is this feeling? I can see. Ingrid’s vision was blurry at first, then slowly it progressed into a clearer sight. She could see. By her bed stood her father, Kol Ragnarrsson Mosu. She rubbed her eyes, twisting her head to the side. It was really him, and she could see. A brilliant, blinding light shone from the window. A single raven sang from the rotting tree standing before the glass. What an odd mixture. The now awake woman went to stand, she touched her father and made sure he was physical. A squint, a blink, a hug. Then suddenly, that singing crow ceased. Her gaze was diverted to the window, and a howling laughter echoed through the room - loud enough to make the glass shake and tremble. When she looked back at her father, he was no more. Instead, a tall blonde figure had replaced him. The figure laughed at the poor girl, whose vision began to fade again. Her pupils darted up to his face to get one last look before fading back into darkness. Adaranth. Instantly did Ingrid back away, falling back onto the bed. The man continued to laugh, making fun of his victim. Was he pestering her sleep now? Her eyes were not enough of a steal. The woman crawled up on the bed, bringing her legs close to her chest and hugging herself tightly, she was alone now. The night went by with great turmoil, the troubled half-elf awakening in her bed filled with rage. Ironic how, despite the great emotions flowing through her entire being, she would carry on with her day. Life would continue to go on, she would serve her family, and she would not complain anymore, for she learned her lesson through punishment. No. I cannot die. With a red bandana around her visage, the woman began to sew and mold a crimson cloth, ready to be attached to the old set of plates she had found long ago. Her hand danced over the cloth, now turned into a fine cape for her blackened armor. Blood and Faith.
  14. As of now I have one persona slot open and am looking to get it filled. There is another slot I have of a High Elf who is not yet established. Age, story, nothing. Just a name. To fill, whether it be by joining a group, or family, I'm open to most anything, as playing a child isn't a bother, or even just putting in a new character to fit into a mix. My discord is Cassie#1225 since that's the easiest way to reach me. I'm happy to discuss anything when it comes to creating a character how it may fit into a family or group. As for groups, I've never gotten the opportunity to explore magic but I'd be more than happy to learn and see how it works for the server if magic is what a group wants.
  15. Calavénon Talonnii Talonnii History The Calavénon's have continuously proven to be a rather versatile talonnii. Always have they been willing to reform and evolve to adapt to a particular environment, but never have they lost sight of who they are whilst doing such. They take pride in the fact that no matter what obstacle or string of challenges may cross their path, no matter who or what may stand in their way, they will always manage to find a way to overcome it. Today, they continue to walk the lands of Almaris hand-in-hand, closely knit, and never to be divided. The Talonnii had its start within Elvenesse - or, what is known today as the Crown of Amaethea. Their bloodline is derived from the very Illitian elves that inhabited the lands, and after moving on from the luscious soils of the mali'ame, the Calavénon's sought to live within the Kingdom of Oren, where they were quick to become Nobility, and later on, came to lead Selestia. Despite their humble beginnings within Elvenesse, it is safe to say that Selestia is truly where the talonnii began to cement themselves. Then came the Monarch Vivian, the past monarch of Vortice, who evicted the lands granted by Gail Cordius. The County of Selestia, after Jakob Castington and his people were wrongfully evicted and accused of not paying taxes to the Monarch, decided to rebrand as the city of Ando-Alur. Jakob Castington, alongside five Dark elves came to discuss the founding of a new state after what became of their old County, where born from the disunity present within their brand of elves at the present time. The meeting was long, many plans discussed and thrown out before they settled on a state freely accepting all, including Magicians - a stark contrast to all previous Dark Elven establishments. They decided on a location within the High Elven borders to settle, creating a city boasting a warm and friendly environment. The first Ando Alur city was led as a Princedom, by Prince Vulnir Syllar, and Prince Jakob Castington, with a council beneath them. Though small at first, the city began to slowly gain traction with its values - inevitably leading to the further gathering of allies and new residents. However, not all was easy; creatures of the depths soon rose from the waters that surrounded the city. The solution to this seemingly never-ending swarm of monsters was one used before, so long ago in previous realms, it was almost forgotten as a possibility; the use of a Voidal Tear. With Mages from across the continent gathered, enough energy was collected to punch a hole into the magical realm, causing a never-ending flow of magical energy. This was utilized by those gathered in order to enchant the city itself, tearing it from the earth and into the sky - safe from the monsters below. But of course, all good things must come to an end. After circumstances that were once lost to time, much like the history of the ancient elves, the family has at long last chosen to reclaim their lost history. They are doing so by adopting their true family name, ‘Calavénon,’ to honour those who came in times before them. Physical Traits and Appearances The Calavénon are in the juncture between housing leaner mali and bulker mali. There is naught the pressure to pick one path when it comes to militaristic and arcane matters - for was it not Ando-Alur who accepted both with open arms? More often than not a child of the Calavénon lineage will be born with varying shades of crimson and auburn for hair, the few that do not have paler ashy blond(e) locks. In terms of eye colour the Calavénon are often seen sporting lovely shades of blue or green - rarely is there a Calavénon with gold or purple pigment within their iris’, but it is not a phenomenon that is unheard of. Traditions A Candle's Flame - The ancient ceremony of intertwining fates is a festivity the Calavénon take rather seriously, but despite this, the day is bound to be full of entertaining games and delectable treats. Whilst the ceremony is in motion, the to-be-weds are expected to bring with them a candle - one adorning the signature hues of that individual's talonii. It is these candles that they will be setting alight. Once the vows have been shared should the flame of either one of the candles blow out for any reason, it would signify the union unsuccessful and bound to fail in the near future. It is considered shameful and is looked down upon by the Calavénon's should the wedding persist after such a phenomenon. At Twilight - The death of a Calavénon is truly a sorrowful occasion. The aching feeling of losing a loved one, losing blood is a circumstance never to be wished upon anyone who walks these lands. To honour those who they lost, the talonnii will cremate the lost loved one in a ritual. The ritual is held outdoors at twilight, and notably, beneath a clear sky. In order for the ritual to be complete, the ashes are scattered, to be either taken away into the wind, or upon lanterns up into the sky. Whichever one is chosen is based on what the deceased was said to have preferred. It is believed that the light of the sun and the moon together will guide the spirits of their loved ones to a better place. The Night of Spirits - A celebration to commemorate their loved ones - living or dead. It is a festivity open for all where attendees will be asked to dress in their finest garments and adorn a mask. To bring the festivities to a close, any who wish to participate will write a note and place it within lanterns that will be provided by the talonnii - these lanterns will then be sent into the sky with hopes that The Grand Spirit will guide the lanterns into The Spirit Realm for the deceased to receive. Boozy Bazaar - The Calavénon talonnii is known for their exquisite wines and other fruity beverages. As such, every so often, the talonnii has made it tradition to host various festivities to celebrate their success in this industry - this festivity in particular being their 'Boozy Bazaar' where people will come together to enjoy their drinks. A fan-favourite game within this event is 'Quip or Drink', where participants will be asked a question that they must answer or be forced to drink. Family Tree https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=138r4dlxhfi&f=604347530538248458
  16. The Comital House of Vuiller "With the Eagles foresight, we reign victorious." The Vuiller Household was founded towards the beginning of Arcas by who is now known as Saint Harald Vuiller. Through the many generations that have now come through, it has come to be that of the current head of household, Countess Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller of Aquilae. The first Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Vuiller. The family colors are that of blue and silver, and the families animal customarily a Silver Eagle. Family traditions find that when those of the Vuiller Household come of age, they are to be granted an Eagle to bond and hunt with. The blue tulip is the houses acclaimed flower, with its own tradition centered around those of the household who have shown their true colors, love and honor to house Vuiller. Traditionally, a medallion of blue tulips is placed upon the graves of those who have passed and were granted the title. [!] A detailed copy of the Vuiller family tree is here, alongside a comprehensive list of the currently living members of the Household. https://www.familyecho.com/?p=JB8I7&c=v547tnrxh0&f=799190991874943632 Countess Johanne Vuiller @tadabug2000 Lady Eirene Vuiller, Heiress to the County of Aquilae@Me_llamo... Lady Rosemary Vuiller, Countess-Dowager @SapphirePool Lady Liliyana Vuiller, Countess-Dowager @Raijen Stars Lord Ledicort Vuiller @HIGH_FIRE Lord Edvard Vuiller @Harald Lord Alf Vuiller @TheBigBubbles Lord Oliver Vuiller @ECS11 Lady Kaira Vuiller @Weebmaster36 Lord Maximin Vuiller @Datweirdguy Lady Helane Vuiller @Roza Lady Aurora Vuiller @chihutori Lady Ravn Vuiller @Truppler Lady Aurianne Vuiller @Moo_bot Lady Henriette Vuiller @Xx_Scarlet_xX Lord Drasus Vuiller @Harald Lady Celine Vuiller @Lokvank Lord Gabriel Vuiller @SharpString Lord Rickard Vuiller @Temporal Lord Duncan Vuiller @Kyrrn Notable Figures Saint Harald Vuiller The churches depiction of Saint Harald Vuiller. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/197356-the-life-of-saint-harald-vuiller/ Cardinal Johan Vuiller A depiction of Cardinal Johan Vuiller, haunted by the ghost of his father, Saint Harald Vuiller. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/206088-an-aged-mans-confessions/ Sir Rev Vuiller and Dame Diana Vuiller A depiction of Sir Rev Vuiller and Dame Diana Vuiller. Sir Rev Vuiller was the first Baron and Viscount of Vuillermoz, he was the first generation of Vuillers as nobility within Oren. Alongside this, the first Count of Aquilae in Balian. Dame Diana Vuiller was the first Baroness-Consort and Viscountess-Consort of Vuillermoz, she taught the family what it was to be Nobles and that of etiquette. Alongside this, the first Countess-Consort of Aquilae. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/217180-aquila-volat-ultra/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/217192-the-death-of-the-last-true-d%E2%80%99azor/ Sir Duncan Vuiller A depiction of Sir Duncan Vuiller. A man of many means, he began what the Vuiller family dubbed the Sheeps War when Irehearts attacked his four and five year old sons, Johan and Lucien. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/218103-sir-duncan-the-hound-hoh/ Notable Relic(s) The Cross of Saint Harald Vuiller A cross made and blessed by Harald Vuiller when he was still alive, kept in the family for many generations. The Trident of Cardinal Johan Vuiller The trident is a family heirloom that had passed down for generations until going lost. Then found by Saint Harald under the first Vuillermoz keep when a cave collapsed showing a crypt of long dead Vuillers and the trident hanging upon a wall. The trident was the chosen weapon of the Vuiller house and tribe for hundreds of years. The Wedding Ring of Rosemary Vuiller The wedding ring of the Countess-Dowager of Vuiller, made special and passed down now for a few generations. The Saintly Lantern of Saint Harald Vuiller A lantern said to be used in the dark crevices of the Vuiller crypts, that Saint Harald himself had used. The Cane of Saint Harald Vuiller The cane of Saint Harald Vuiller has been passed down for ages, being used by the heads of house when they come upon older age. House History [History within Oren] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/210814-the-vuiller-family/ [History within Haense] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/218181-the-life-of-maela-vuiller-genealogy-records/ [The Brothers War] https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/211799-the-half-a-day-peace/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/211831-a-day-of-savegry/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/211899-a-guardian%E2%80%99s-viewpoint/ [History within Balian] After that of the Brothers War, the Grand Duchy of Balian was founded. The Vuillers found themselves making up a majority of the leadership, Sir Rev Vuiller as the Seneschal, Dame Diana Vuiller as the Censor, Johanne Vuiller as the treasurer and Ledicort Vuiller as the Magister. Thus, the first Royal Vuiller Chamber was had. All families began as Baronies, but the Vuillers had quickly risen to County, in an unprecedented dual promotion by John I, directly from Barony to County with the work they'd put into the new lands. Since then, Sir Rev Vuiller had heralded the construction of the city, having passed on upon its conclusion and a statue risen in his honor, his wife, Dame Diana Vuiller having followed shortly afterwards. Ledicort, the son of Rev, went on to become the Seneschal, now called Amiratus, making what is now the second Royal Vuiller Chamber. Ledicort had seen us through the Cloudbreaker siege, bringing together nearly the entirety of Almaris with his work. Since then, varying members of the family have taken up varying chamber chairs, roles within the government, military and palace and have sacrificed their lives for that of Balian. Signed, The Right Honourable, the Countess of Aquilae, Johanne Alstromeria Vuiller, Countess-Dowager of Renduzzo, Lady Procurator of Balian.
  17. “A deer tethered with a golden chain can escape to the forest to eat grass.” I, Adrian von Audrick have taken my father’s place as head of the Audrick family. With everything that has happened over the years, it’s time to make a public statement about such a small title change, but I will take what I was given, with the help of my lovely wife and my siblings, to take our family to greater heights. We may not be well known to the Kingdom as of yet but must start off as a fawn before you grow into your antlers. The Family Born in the City of Karosgrad to Jakob and Alexandra Bishop, Ludwig was the youngest of four other siblings including his twin brother Franz Bishop. Upon learning of his Father's Sedanian background, Ludwig became determined to rebuild his Family's image within the Principality of Sedan, but ultimately came to a disagreement with the main Bishop branch of the family. Taking the name "Von Audrick" after his Grandfather and progenitor of the Bishop-Audrickian line, Ludwig left Haense and traveled to the capital of Sedan. Ludwig met and fell in love with Adelaide, a tailor-shop owner living in Yong Ping who originally hailed from Elysium. The pair eloped within the basilica of San Luciano, and the two moved into a small cottage in Louisville together. It is here that their first children were born; twins named Adrian and Amorie. With Haverlock being constructed after the Tripartite victory in the Siege of Southbridge, Ludwig would move his family into the city and would go on to have three more children while living in the city Aldrich, Annette, and Apollo von Audrick. However, after unsuccessfully partaking in the defense of Haverlock when the Imperial armies besieged the city, Ludwig and Adelaide evacuated their children to Karosgrad and settled into a manor that would be able to fit the growing von Audrick family. "Like the fire of the sun, my fury never rests" Ludwig von Audrick @Javert Ludwig von Audrick (Born Ludwig Bishop c. 32 S.A.) is a Haeseni-born former Sedanian politician and soldier. Much of Ludwig's younger years were spent studying military tactics, Haeseni, and Sedanian history, and researching his Family's origins. Ludwig both enlisted in the Sedanian Army and was appointed Vice-Chancellor of Sedan. As Vice-Chancellor, Ludwig offered counsel to Prince Leopold and encouraged/assisted in the construction of a new Sedanian capital (later becoming known as Haverlock). Nowadays, Ludwig spends much of his retirement with his wife Adelaide and painting many different works of art. Current age: 52 “Even when my soul is tired, I will always find strength for my children.” Adelaide von Audrick @wowsirss The first matriarch of the von Audrick household, Adelaide was now elderly and retired. Although she kept many secrets from her children, she was remembered as a kind, open-hearted mother, even to children who were not her own. Current age: 49 “How much can a crown be worth, when a crow can dine upon a king?” Adrian von Audrick The second and current patriarch of the von Audrick family, Adrian was a sassy and arrogant child, the polar opposite of his twin sister Amorie who was more daring and troubled. Growing up in Sedan, he looked to potentially follow his father's footsteps by joining the military but as he turned into his teen years, he looked in the other direction towards the political side of things. As he grew, so did the number of women falling at his feet vying for his hand to court but he had his attention set upon his future wife, Dijana Kuznetsov. The pair grew close quickly but evidently, waited until they were out of their teen years before tying the knot. Currently, Adrian's focus is on his growing family and a bigger plan for the future. Current age: 25 "Ay, Adrian! Vhat are du vaiting for? Ve're going t' find Vikky!" Amorie von Audrick @bloomtiara The young woman's face appears very close to her own brothers', usually confined within her room at the top of their home in Haense; without anyone's idea what she was up to. She works for the NGS, setting off on adventures with a grin to aid her usually pallid and exhausted features. Current age: 25 "They say 'what doesn't kill you makes you stronger'. But... that doesn't mean it can't hurt." Aldrich von Audrick @PixlHoopa Aldrich Ariel von Audrick is a young man, twin of Annette von Audrick. He often finds himself in rather unusual situations, which over time, has the blame placed upon his red vest. Therefore, it had been personally deemed the 'Variable Vest' by his own words. Holding onto his Auverginian accent, Aldrich greets any and all, friend or foe, by Monsieur or Mademoiselle respectively. Current age: 23 “Life is like a piano. What you get out of it depends on how you play it.” Annette (Annie) von Audrick @TaytoTot The youngest daughter of Ludwig and Adelaide, Annette is a sweet young woman, full of spirit. From a young age, she was encouraged to follow her dreams and she did such, pursuing music and sewing. Current age: 23 “Animals are such agreeable friends—they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms.” Apollo von Audrick @ThanksChris The fifth of six von Audrick children, Apollo spent more of his childhood among the livestock than the other children. Despite the immense struggles facing the family after the fall of Haverlock, none took more readily to the pastoral lifestyle of Louisville than Apollo. He spent early mornings minding the pig pens, long days working the fields with his father, and cramped evenings hiding whatever pets he could in the small home they all shared. After the relocation of the family to Karosgrad he was able to find work in the stables, sparking a lifetime fascination with and dedication to the care and breeding of horses for agriculture, racing, and war. Reclusive by nature and prone to spending weeks at a time alone on the farm, the recent outbreak of conflict has compelled the reserved Apollo to step out into society once more to serve and lend his experience in animal husbandry to the Brotherhood. Riding into battle on his trusted warhorse Löwenzahn, Apollo is determined to avenge the fall of Sedan and perhaps to earn a good pension with which to open a stable of his own one day. Current age: 21 "All we need is a cause to fight for. And for me, that cause is you." Aurelian von Audrick @Riftiro A boy who's pretty naive as he's young, but picks up on little details quickly around him. He's very laid back, social, and enjoys setting things on fire and playing with others a lot. He looks up to his older siblings and loves to be around them. He also has a very sharp tongue that he's not aware of, and might say things that seem offensive to others, though he usually has no intentions to hurt anyone when he says it. Current age: 12 “ It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything” Dijana von Audrick @Exolaltyl0305 The second and current matriarch of the Audrick family. She was raised in a peasant home with a brother that was barely around. She was very close to her uncle And mother. Her father was part of the guard so she wouldn’t see him very often but they were close as well. She was a very aggressive little girl but after the loss of her father and uncle, she changed and became more relaxed. Her life started to change on one random day when the young Adrian asked if she would accompany him on a little adventure. Current age: 24 “Ooo, butterflies!” Alexandra von Audrick @Ztrog The eldest daughter between Dijana and Adrian, a sassy young girl like her father, well guarded and protected by her parents and the rest of her family. Current age: 1
  18. "Elysium is a Kingdom of Families strung together by Unity" Come one, come all! In the next Elven fortnight a Festival is to be held, celebrating the Unity and Bonds of the Elysian houses, clans and families! Showcase what your family stands for at your designated section Faucet new blood into the veins of our wonderful Kingdom. Bring life to pump the heart of Elysium! There shall be events, games, showcases and more at the Odinson Clan Festival! Friends, Family, Allies and more are too invited to bare witness to the festival. Are you in need of a home? A family? Do you yield certain values that you wish to cultivate amongst peers of similar views? This shall be the perfect place for you to find those you may flock to. Leaders of the numerous families that populate the fennic Kingdom of Elysium are hereby invited to contact Fal'leon Odinson with interest on showcasing themselves. More information is to come.
  19. [!] In Almaris, a crudely constructed snowman would sit in the middle of the town squares everywhere, with a letter attached to it. Salutamu! I am Yaşamın! and I am in search of my father! well, I am pretty sure my actual father is dead! but please help me find this man, he is my new papa! I met him when I snuck out of my family's house, in search of my really Pappa who went to go get cigarettes, it's alright, like I said he's probably dead. but I need to find this one, so please help me! I drew a description of him and his name. His name is Lucian, and he has a funny accent that makes me giggle, mr. pappa if you see this, please leave a letter on one of my mr. snowmanses From: Yaşamın [!] a dried splotch stained the paper, as if a child had eaten some snow from her snowmen, and coughed onto the missive by accident. A small Illatian would be seen waddling around Oren, having returned to her snowman, only to see another write a response on her sign, seizing the paper before turning around to shout. "HEY! WHERE'S MY PAPPA?! WHO WROTE THIS?!"
  20. Anyone interested in playing a child? Well I got one for ya! His name is Theriion Davorn Lasfaen and he is currently twelve years old. His mother is known as Thalia Lasfaen, and his father is the deceased Davorn Lasfaen. He is of the Adunian race but has the features similar to a half elf. He has black hair and bright blue eyes. His features are defined like his father's yet soft like his mother's. Ever since the fall of Ando Alur, Thalia has been on the road constantly with Theriion when he was but a baby. At one point they stayed at the Melphestaus Estate in Oren until Theriion got old enough so Thalia could feed him proper food and keep a close eye on him. For years they kept in the same vicinity as Oren and rarely traveled outside of the Holy Oranian lands. The only fatherly figure that Theriion ever had in his life was from another Adunian male by the name of Xander Castington, to whom he hasn't seen in years. They are currently still wandering around Oren, managing to stay out of trouble and away from bandit attacks. (If anyone is interested in playing Theriion, please hit me up on my discord, Otakuu#5502. More inside information will be given once you have been given the character to play. Happy Roleplaying everyone!)
  21. Hello! if you are searching a new charcater to play in a family this is the place for you! some time ago the players of my two kids Aesar and Virion just stopped completely playing the characters and they ahev been unplayed since... they were kids so now they should be around 15-20 years old? or more? The R'Ikarth family will hopefully come together with the help of two active players playing my two sons, we already have a player for Delra R'Ikarh, the older daughter of my Character Zirath T. R'Ikarth R'Enar leader of the R'Ikarth clan and Grand Veneur of Stygian Hollow. This Clan is pretty fresh but we have our own traditions and activities! We have already a discord and a couple of members and a clan house too. Aesar R'Ikarth A young dark elf with soft features, emerald eyes, gray skin and silver hair, son of Inui Ba'Ikana that will later marry Zirath R'Enar to form the R'Ikarth family. Aesar was then raised by Zirath and was treated as his son, the father-son relationship between the two was beyond blood relation, he trained Aesar to be a hunter and Aesar himself would later help Zirath with matters in the R'Ikarth clan and will help train his younger half-brother Virion. Zirath then decided to transfer his family from the Stygian Hollow to Rozania after the some events and the death of Inui, his wife. Aesar has a fond interest in books like his father and loves to teach others about what he learnt. Virion R'Ikarth This young dark elf, son of Zirath and Inui R'ikarth, has beautiful golden eyes, a very dark skin and silver hair. He is a pretty mischevioius child and the youngest amongst his siblings. He was trained from his father and his older half-brother and turned out to be an excelent user of the saber and the poleaxe, but despite his abilities in handling weapons he is a little too rash with his decisions and often asks for his older brother's help. He is quite the honest one and he always needs to say what he thinks... this has turned out to be a bad thing in certain situations. Nonetheless he is a good individual and when it comes to help someone he will always do it. Unlike his father he is very fixed on aesthetics, he will always wear fine clothing and he will always have perfectly styled hair. [OOC: sorry if i made grammar mistakes but english is not my first language. Please for any info on the two characters don't hesitate to DM me on discord kuro#9824. Skins are already done for the characters and i have some art representations of them too, the story was really shortened in this post to make it easy to read but i assure you it's a bit more complicated than that. Anyhow! i hope you will apply for this! thanks for reading and good day THIS IS CLOSED]
  22. Looking for family within Oren for new persona slot.... The character I am looking for preferably to be male. Preferably I'd like this character to start off in the age range of 16-19.
  23. Heya! I'm looking for a family/house, preferably noble, that is within Oren. I would like to preferably roleplay a female character that is past the maturity age. It would be great if I could make a character that are in their 30s in human years and converted into any race's years for whoever decides to take me in. Happy Roleplaying ^.^
  24. Mondblume Family Lore Limo_Man (Ziggity #0979) | Amelot the Brave and ozark (0zark#2665) | Zeydl Mondblume A manual for those in the Mondblume family. A history of the family name and origins. Family Origins The Lore of the Moon Rose Spoiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ydaj81_E7LU A ranger stood alone in a valley of freshly fallen snow. He had never enjoyed the city life, the noise, the cobblestone keep towers which hide those fortunate enough to be born rich nobility. His short, messy, light blond hair shined in the dark night. The blackened sky almost entirely darkened, except a brightly shining full moon center sky. The ranger’s cloak tussled in the light winter night wind, a bow strung over his shoulder with a quiver full of arrows. The ranger stood silent gazing into the darkness of the forests around him. As he would step in the snowy fields the crisp snow crackled and stirred along with him. Snowy mountains surrounded him as he sauntered through a thicket of pine trees. He was searching… perhaps hunting for dinner... perhaps he searched for something more. The wandering ranger flipped his cowl from his ranger cloak up over his head as the forest wind began to pick up. The trees croaked and moaned in the night as the blizzard approached. It became evident that the ranger was in need of shelter. The ranger’s head rotated searching until his entire body froze and tensed. He came into view of a tight cave entrance in which he could slide into for shelter. Ducking his head under the rocky cave roof as his body was engulfed by the opening in the mountain. The ranger found himself looking around the cave walls covered in thick moss and dripping stalactites from the ceiling. It became evident that this cave had not been disturbed in a great many years. As he walked through the darkened cave he noticed a light to the back of the cave… the hiss of steel echoed in the cave as his blade was drawn. The cave became eerily silent as the ranger approached the growing light. Spoiler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbcGRNDiaKM A white rose stood before him shining in the moonlit light through an opening in the ceiling of the cave onto a patch of the greenest grass and thicket the ranger had ever seen. A stone cross lay behind it lit by the glowing moonlight in the cave. Etched into the cross were the words, “Those who seek clarity need only taste a petal.” The ranger set up a small fire in the darkened cave, using his small metal cooking pot to heat some winter snow into fresh steaming water. Delicately the ranger cut off a small petal from the moonlit rose and dropped it into his steamed water. Strangely the petal dissolved instantaneously into the water turning the liquid a silvery white color as if moon dust itself had been sprinkled in. The ranger grasped the pot of steamed water, closing his eyes he drank the petal laced liquid. A strange sensation enveloped him. As the ranger opened his eyes the cave was gone. His mind unhinged as he could see clearly what he was searching for. The ranger could see only the glow of the moon in his mind setting him in a fevered trance. His purpose which he had been searching for his entire life was revealed in a brief instant. The lone ranger entered the ancient cave lost but left a renewed man with purpose. He left a Mondblume. Mondblume Family Values “A petal laced in clarity.” Mondblume Family Tree Spoiler: https://gyazo.com/541d78e28512cb76a598cd4d254ad22f Mondblume Focus Professions Knighthood HRA Politician Beast Hunting Mondblume Family Accent Examples: With Accent Regular common/without accent Zhou net zhou go zhou bet. You need to go to bed. Zy don’t know vy zhou asked? I don’t know why you asked? Somesing iz in ze vater. Something is in the water. Zy am taking a valk down ze street. I am taking a walk down the street. Ze game vas rigged from ze start. The game was rigged from the start. “Th” becomes “s” >> Thinking > Sinking; when used in sharp TH words like therapy, thinking, thesis, Thor etc. “Th” becomes “z” >> That > Zat; with less sharp TH words like thankful, thanks, those, the, etc. “Y” becomes “z” > You > Zhou or “Ending duh sound” becomes “t” such as bed > bet; head, read, knead, mood, food, etc. >> Zy need ze foodt. Family Swear Words: Bagool = Bastard Goon Fool, “Zose bagools vill get zemselves killed.” Vilgrein = fucker; “Zet worthless vilgrein got himself kilt.” Fett Tauschen = fat fool Fruhlingsgarten = calling someone a noob. (spring daisy) “Zhou’re zuch a fruhlingsgarten, zhou don’t know how to do zat?” Mondblume Family History Scyfling Invasion 1773-1775 The origins of the family date back to 1774 during the Scyfling conflict under King Sigismund II of Hanseti-Ruska. The original family participated in this conflict on the opposing side of Bralt the Boar and his invading Scyfling forces. Øzark Mondblume, before adopting his family name, participated in a great deal of battles serving as a Haense Royal Army Ranger during the conflict. His army regiment saw the most battles and largest casualties during the invasion. This war was a major turning point in the beginnings of the journey into the creation of the Mondblume family. Inferni Conflict 1776 The strength of this family was put to the test, for the first real time, in the Inferi war that had been waged near the end of Almaris. In this engagement, the two founding Mondblumes were forever remembered as war heroes of this brutal battle which left one of them in the seven skies. Amelot the Brave. This honorable man had quite a history in Haense’s great city, leaving the lands with five daughters to carry on his legacy. Deserters of the Haeseni throne Taking place right after the Inferi war had finished, and the new lands of Almaris presented themselves, a good sum of the Mondblumes left Haense’s lands in search of another. This hurt the fledgling house, almost causing the house of Mondblume to be left in the dust of history as Øzark Mondblume and several other Mondblumes went with him; only three of the original ten members of Mondblumes remained. Yet the remaining loyal members kept going. The Attenlund Expedition Forever astray, our members of the family scraped and scrambled toward regaining some sense of reputation within Haense - broken by a portion of the lineage seceding from Karosgrad’s steel gates. Though years and years passed, yet it seemed nothing was in the family’s gaze of desperation. Nothing for them to grasp or latch onto; to bring their name out of the cold mud. Eventually, A large expedition to new lands was called upon the nation. Hildebrand Mondblume and his son Albrecht Mondblume were chosen as expedition leaders to host and conquer the lands unknown. Throughout the time in the Attenlund, the Mondblumes had done a fine score for the kingdom - redeemed and recognized for their dire efforts after decades of a no man’s land. The Barony of Richtenburg A small sum of years after the Attenlund expedition was the first court session since the Mondblumes had returned to the city. A large score of citizens amassed within the palace halls, happily waiting to be met with their Koeng’s presence. Once court had begun, Ser Hildebrand Mondblume was called to stand before the Koeng, Koeng Heinrik, as he was made Lord of the newly named Baron house of Mondblume. ~Mondblume Family Traditions~ The Wild Hunt This ‘trial’ sort to speak, is where a young Mondblume, who has yet to be initiated into the family as an adult, is sent outside of Karosgrad’s warm protection to prove in the harsh cold of the Rimeveld region. Said Mondblume child is expected to not return until they’ve successfully hunted a wolf and anything else they managed to gather, while also having to survive solely off of their surroundings as they hunt. Perhaps the most important part of this Hunt is acquiring a white pedal of a rose to symbolize their presence in the family. Later on, this pedal is to be buried/burnt along with the Mondblume who had gathered it during their trial. A Kin’s Bout Whenever Mondblume relatives experience conflict amongst one another, and is not being resolved, the members must take up a competition/bout in hunting. Whoever manages to get more for a feast that will follow this friendly bout is declared the winner, and thus rising as the winner to the original conflict between family. The Grimgold Pact Back when the Mondblumes were still coming to life, in the first line of the family, Amelot the Brave challenged one of the Dwarven marshals to a duel of sorts. Alaric Grimgold was his name, and he made the young Amelot a deal in his early years. One that he’d have to carry on his own. The small agreement required him to grow and progress through the ranks of the BSK - underneath the great marshal Erwin Barclay. Eventually the boy deemed himself ready for this spar, though wasn’t ever able to finish his deal before his passing in the Inferi war’s final engagement. After Amelot’s demise, his family inherited mostly everything that he’d owned - including the duel against Alaric Grimgold. Though, this fated and fabled duel has begun to drift into more of myth and legend to the Mondblume lines - leaving the trial of dueling a Grimgold in a friendly spar in order to prove themselves as stalwart heroes and accomplished warriors who’ve thoroughly lived their lives. ~A History of House Patriarchs~ ~0zark Mondblume~ Not only one of the two founders of the Mondblumes, but was also a successful leader within the HRA. He used to be in control of the Ranger unit within Haense until it was disbanded, making many friends in the great cities of Haense while patriarch. Unfortunately, once the rangers had been disbanded, the adorned war hero felt it time to hang up his rank in Haense and offer his talents to the forming ranger squad within Norland’s city of Elysium. ~Ser Hildebrand Mondblume The Gryphon //Master of the Hunt// //executioner of Koeng Heinrik//~ Hildebrand Mondblume was a knight of Haense, adorned by the moniker of 'The Gryphon'. This knight's time in Haense as the house patriarch set the Mondblumes on a path to gain Barony - through his efforts in the expedition as the Koeng's executioner, the strong presence he and his son Albrecht Mondblume held in the nation's duma, and his time served under both The Order of The Crow and the HRA/BSK. This will be added to in the future whenever we get new lore to put in.
  25. House Dracontas | Οίκος Δράκωντας "Για τον Θεό, υπερασπίζουμε" Looking for a house to join? Then, House Dracontas may be the perfect option for you! Introduction | Family History A noble Akritian family founded in the Kingdom of Akritos by Varangian Guard Commander Dionisius Dracontas The First; first Commander of the Akritian Army and the founder of the Varangian Guard. After the fall of the Empire, they have moved to the North to seek a place to stay, historical archives say that they were residing in Hanseti-Ruska for a while and eventually became citizens there, not taking their noble-heritage with them as they adopted the behavior of lower-class citizens. The House of Dracontas is extremely devoted to the religion of The Church of Canon, as even in the old days, they kept themselves to the behavior that they should have when they are in a war and concluded as victorious. The family has gained their reputation through the war against the Turkin, as Dionisius had fought in the war and was concluded as victorious against the enemy. Dionisius eventually took the remaining Turkin with him and allowed them to live in the small province that he owned. Full History: https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=House_of_Dracontas How to join? Follow this format and reply with your answers! Then, when you have done it you shall be sent a message through discord with an invite to the family-discord. [Akritian names are basically Greek names, use a fantasynamegenerator which generates greek names, or look some names up using google, the choice is up to you!] CURRENT MEMBERS @sashimichopped| Georgios Dracontas VI @Drumoldth| Dionisius Dracontas VIII
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