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Favorite LOTC Memories


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Always curious about this sort of thing. Share some of your favorite memories playing the server, and screenshots if you have them. 



I'll start. As my hard drive got wiped and I lost all my old screenshots, I will share a recent memory. I had a blast going on a late night bear hunt with @Eddywilson2, where we were humbled by the ferocity of minecraft mobs. 



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When @blackhand7 accidentally leaked the entire cult monologue to #ooc LMAOOOO


I have lots of other epic memories from Arcas, running around with da boys etc. but I can't be bothered to list them all off.


Besides that I'm just going to dump some screenshots:



Millstone on Arcas <3




Old Ruswick <3




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Killing Lorraine boys lmao

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Point of View


You're a 13-year-old player in Malinor, 2013, and you're wandering around aimlessly. No Vortex, just time left to your own devices - an expansive map to explore. You go to the Mages College and hear the rumors of Sagwort and the Arcane Mage, Slayer. You wander around, you find a oaken table and seven mysterious thrones - they belong to the Yir'Sari, Grand Wizards that you can't read about on the forums. Yeah, the role-play is nice, but the setting is immersive to you. You are in love with this game you've discovered where the world is constantly shifting, changing, but not temporary. Oren is always there, there's always new guilds and taverns, you got a lot of new people to meet. A wide cast of characters from every kind of background as you undergo your own Monomyth, your own Hero's Journey. 


There is nothing that can recreate this experience for me and I will always look back fondly at those memories. No amount of Out-Of-Character politics can seize those memories from me and of all the friends I made as a child on this server. Among those who helped me the most as an adolescent on here were GaiusMarius8, Temp & Mirtok, Csalz, and many others.


Yeah, you new kids got your Vortex and ****; but we had legendary ****. Got nothing on Old LoTC.

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Probably 13yo me and my ragtag RP group full of dumb mages and Mordskov veterans on our way to kill DjCrips’ halfling for the 7th time after we were subject to their  relentless metagaming and powergaming to try and get an edge over us.



A close second would be getting removed from world team for saying intercourse phallus

Edited by IsaacFromLotC
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Every year has brought its highlights with different people, so I can’t pick a favorite. 

But I do miss the early days when I joined and I was a simple noob running around to scared to rp with anyone

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I spent years on this server, in a lot of different groups, with a lot of different friends...

But years from now, when LoTC is closed, and I move on with my life, I'll always remember playing a little Halfling in my youth. Logging on to go fishing with friends, to go on an adventure down a cave, to go drinking... I'll always cherish those memories deeply, and even though LoTC has caused a lot of drama and pain and sucked up a lot of time, I'd not trade those memories for anything.

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Adria's Belvitz in Atlas was my favourite year on LoTC for me! I miss it always.

@VonAulus @ChumpChump @Covey @MikoMonster @latteTM @Tidgemo

 @Archbishop@BenevolentManacles @NordLord @ApplePieKathy @Merisify @Hook @Sorcerio
























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