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Creative Wizard
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Status Updates posted by Urahra

  1. Welp. Lorin is single again, I guess.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Silevon


      Lorin Coalmein of House Coalmein

    3. 3andD
    4. Urahra



  2. It was a good run. The White Rose has always been my favorite RP on the server. I love you all, my Roses.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. yekim8



    3. gingernut97


      Good riddance.

    4. Urahra


      Gingernut, how about you get off my status and go away? I don't need to listen to people like you.

  3. Dear LOTC: Kindly respect my wishes when it comes to the Inquisitor skins. No means no. If I don't want you to use my work, you need to kindly back off and respect what I want. Make your own skins.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Bethykinss


      I can see why you don't want people to use your skins. I make my own skins and I actually hate even the simplest thing, like when some person tries to copy the design of say my dress or something..

    3. Geo


      Urara, please go directly to the people that you feel are using your work without your permission, rather than making a targeting status update.

    4. Volutional


      Pfsh. Status comment length didn't let me rant. Locked.

  4. I need something to do with Lorin. She's 67, sassy, and dresses in black 99% of the time. Who wants to be her buddy?

  5. My new character's name is Lorina and she has a teddy bear named Augustus. Tell me that's not cute.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. spqrSancus


      Technically is possible IRL, fertility never goes down in men, unless they are diseased. Of course, it's severely frowned upon, but stil. Technically.

    3. Demotheus


      The thing is, humans age slower than real life humans in LotC. Human's reach old age by about...110 or something. Middle age is like 70.

      And besides, don't ***** at humans about that. How about them elves? 400 year old elf with a 18 year old elf. logic lol

    4. Aislin


      i think its spooky

  6. Need RP for Rosalie. She's got nothing going on. Anyone want to RP with an aging unmarried princess?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Lago


      "As the princess of a nation that started a war on like five fronts? Do you WANT me to be murdered?"

      Obvs don't go around wearing Rose's "I AM PRINCESS, KIDNAP MEH" hat.

    3. big narstie

      big narstie

      I would but I dunno when i'll get online

    4. big narstie

      big narstie

      I would but I dunno when i'll get online

  7. Where's the RP these days anyway?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Might I suggest Abresi???

    3. GodEmperorFlam


      Al'Khazar, occasional undead attack, but pretty nice overall.

    4. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Woah buddy let's not go too overboard here.

  8. yo, while we're updating the forums, can we bring pages back?


    like on this post here:




    pages are so much more aesthetic than spoilers.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Urahra


      please hit the block button if you dislike me so much



    3. rukio


      I actually don't care about you in the slightest, I just find ur post funny. Cope uwu


      That said. No, don't bring it back. Page breaks are a pain in the ass for people who format like civilized people and ppl who want to be able to search a post w/ ctrl +f and find what their looking for.

    4. Urahra


      Please stop interacting with me if you care about me so little, thanks. I'd appreciate it. 


      I'll be documenting all our further interactions. If you continue to interact with me, I'll be compiling a harassment report.


      Thanks, bye. I'm hitting the block button now.

  9. looking to broaden my IC social circles so let me know if you'd like to RP sometime. 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      I can do later if you want then. 6 pm EST? 7 Pm?

      Wouldn't be a problem for me but I'm guessing a lot of the european halflings would get salty lol

    3. Urahra


      7pm would be best, I think - but if it's a halfling event, you ought to prioritize the halflings!!

    4. Myleres


      would be happy to roleplay with you whenever you'd like !!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. EmeraldStag


      WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAH WOAhWOahWoahwoah woah woah woah woah ......woah.....whats with all the hate?

    3. Urahra


      I was under the impression that we were having a spirited bout of back and forth for amusement and not with the intent to harm.

    4. EmeraldStag


      oh well then....CONTINUE

  10. Anyone want to be the son of a witch? Contact me. (Or daughter. I just wanted to make the pun.)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ~≈Panda≈~


      Panda will hopefully be... THE ONE!

    3. Swgrclan


      Frost Witch's can have

      babies? :VVV

    4. Urahra


      Technically, she was pregnant before transforming. But yes, they can have babies.

  11. Freya spying on one of my Fjarriauga auditions. Wanted me to kiss the chick I was auditioning. I feel dirty. :

  12. Terrible start to the week. I can't seem to catch a break.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Scarlet Kaiser

      Scarlet Kaiser

      Don't worry, everything will be

      all right now ^_^

    3. Kaiser


      I'll take a hug

      As long as you hug me the right way

    4. Kaiser


      *not a sexual joke*

  13. Geez. Can't express an opinion here sometimes without people jumping down your throat...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Skippy


      I know, right? :3

    3. Cyndikate


      Indeed. I'm just reminding her and other people that such reactions are to be expected. Urara is free to post her opinions whenever she wishes.

    4. Zeedus


      VI. I have a right to my own opinion, and the right to voice it in a reasonable non-offensive manner that will not be the subject of flaming or bullying.

  14. Seen two women walking around Oren today in what is basically a bra and panties. Guys...these are medieval times. Please look up the correct garb.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jarkarll


      Ok, Jchizz. I'll make a female character and let my titties hang out.

    3. Jistuma


      Did everyone shout "Marry me!"

      Because that is what happens when I play my female charcter

    4. Aedan The Bard

      Aedan The Bard

      Jchizz, it is meant to be realistic medieval-fantasy role-play.

  15. My character's dream home would be a massive plantation with a big house and fields for miles.

  16. If there was an award for the most tragic character on LOTC, my character Lorin just might have a shot at winning.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. JCQuiinn


      Bell. And, not to toot my own horn, possibly Selina. The Lady Atriana had it pretty rough too.

    3. Timmeh!



    4. Neri


      I vote Bell.

  17. I hate the 80 foot high trees on the road to Malinor because they cause monsters to spawn and kill me when I'm trying to travel. But you don't see me whining and saying "WAAAAH, REMOVE THEM." I just deal with it.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MonkeyCoffee


      Stirring up the flames again. Good, it was getting cold here.

    3. saromon50


      bit off topic there? haha

    4. Seventh / Ryan

      Seventh / Ryan

      Tanith, I'm warning you once, the next time I encounter you making aggressive and provoking updates and posts, I'll give you a forum warning you won't soon forget.

  18. http://gyazo.com/d26f592232a1ca948b20e80dcccd12fc - Greatest love story ever told.
    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Mirtok


      I've never even met Lorin lol.

    3. Gunner


      Too much alcohol = ^^

    4. Lefty


      Still a better love story than twilight

  19. Well, 43 +1's on my ban appeal. I feel loved.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. MetaSolaray
    3. Bashar al-Assad

      Bashar al-Assad

      It is just because the entire Order of the White Rose is starving. :I

    4. DelaneyG


      Do you even Lord of the Craft?

  20. Public Service Announcement: Frost Witches are made of an ice-like substance and have extremely cold bodies. Eating them would hurt your insides. You could probably make them chill your drinks or make snocones, though.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Raptorious


      What if we cooked em?

    3. EmeraldStag


      Raptor, they'd melt at room temp before being cooked thourly.

    4. Raptorious


      omg emerald stop killing my dreams

  21. Why must people try to kill Lorina. She is harmless. All she does is fish and eat cake and have pleasant conversations with strangers.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ser Paul Ryan

      Ser Paul Ryan


    3. Tentoa



    4. ScreamingDingo


      fly away sweet crow, fly

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