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Status Updates posted by AGiantPie

  1. Don't be afraid to take other paths just cause you invested a lot of time in one.
    Don't cling to a mistake because you spent a lot of time making it.


  2. I'm looking to get big. Anyone have any tips?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kardel


      Eat lots of protein and exercise, a lot. I recommend whey as its natural and natural things dont have chemicals and stuff. Focus on curls and bench press, legs can be done later. If you need to curl a high weight, do it on the squat rack so you can put the weight back. Everybody does this and nobody will mind at the gym.


      Always have a spotting buddy with you so you can lift maximum weights, but always make sure that he helps you lift a little bit by holding on to the bar so it doesn't fall on your chest Rocky style. A spotting buddy is great because you can talk about weightlifting with him really loudly in the gym. Also, carry around a big gallon-sized bottle of water with you and drink it all the time even when you're not thirsty.


      One last thing, ALWAYS have a brotein shake with you at all times to drink.


      If this doesn't work, roids are always an alternative.


      Have fun and don't quit!


    3. SpiltMemes


      Heard about steroids? 

    4. Dreek


      pineapple juice

  3. Our intrepid reporters have discovered an engoing scandalous affair between @Tox and @Vaynth. Do you have any comments on the matter for the Laurelin Times?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AGiantPie


      @Tox played you like a damn fiddle

    3. Vaynth


      Creete lets just both dump Tox and go on a tea date together.

    4. Summorox
  4. merry christmas

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mmat


      MERRY ******* CHRISTMAS FOR **** SAKE

    3. Bvie


      Happy Holidays!

    4. Ford




      shut up goy and go with the flow! It's happy holidays! 


      oy vey, the nerve of the youth these days...............

  5. Rip Virella.

    1. Merkaken
    2. Heff


      rip in pepporoni

    3. Pandasan


      D'aww. At least ye' care! <3

      I'm sad, too. No more bloody battles with Jonandar.

  6. People need to stop posting at 2:30 am.

    1. meg



    2. Dohvi


      It's not 2:30am for most of the people posting now. :)

    3. Pinochet
  7. Throw the Teuton down the well..

    1. Fireheart


      Excuse me sir, I am offended! I am a Sariant and proud of it!

    2. drfate786


      You are all heathens, the teutonic order will rise again!

    3. VonEbs


      so my country can be free

  8. I am sick of these mother ******* memes on this mother ******* server.

    1. Raptorious
    2. Porko


      It was alright when it was just Aislin and a select few, but it just makes me cringe when everyone tries to jump in on it

    3. osumanduas


      that in itself is a **** meme

  9. The look is complete. http://prntscr.com/7ocrn2

    1. Guy d'Yood of Mann
    2. Lark


      Now where did the Sariant Slayer sword go..:

    3. Anderssn
  10. can we just remove the orc pvp buff and remove the stupid rule about races on cards that isn't enforced and serves no pvrpose?

    1. leave me alone

      leave me alone

      ya just remove pvp buffs

    2. Dougstalicious


      no human buff? no buffs


    3. _Jandy_


      No, I think we've been over this multiple times.

    1. Areon


      great video

    2. Cordial__
    3. Matheus


      I was about to stop the video and say "I was expecting John Cena to pop out of nowhere" and I was right.

  11. The only lord is willam.

  12. am i the only one who thinks keeping recipes for various professions "secret" is a bad idea?

  13. Driving to Uni. Back on Sunday at the earliest.

    1. Ford


      what uni you go to?

    2. Halsi


      b-bye pie.

    3. AGiantPie


      @Ford - Michigan State.

  14. Can someone explain to me why people apply to the media team with plagiarized art? Even if you don't get caught, wouldn't you just be incapable of producing the art people expect you to be able to anyway? Seems like plagiarizing your way through the application to get on the team is pointless if you can't actually make the art to begin with? ?!? !?

    1. OhDeerLord


      I know right! It makes no sense at all.

    2. Kim


      At least they're applying :' ) Makes it easier for me to find them.

    3. Kim


      and Gene. She's my new thief bustin' sidekick. 

    1. ShameJax


      Some people don't act like idiots on the internet. This kid is smart, but I'm sure most other 12 year olds could at least get accepted if they used what they were taught in school.

    2. Monomakhos


      jesus christ that is a good app regardless of age

    3. ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      ACanadianCraft (Nate)

      Incredible. That's even better than one of my apps, and I used to apply to other servers, just to see if I could get in.

  15. Watch it not even be the ending. Would make me laugh.

    1. Potts244


      That's the thing with spoilers mate I could just be jerking everyone's chain.

    2. Salvo


      What if the spoiler is true and you just spoiled the ending of a game that people have been waiting for 7 years? How would you react, then? Don't be a ******* retard and don't spoil.

    3. Space


      wait wtf don't the fms move that ban report or something I just read it with no idea

  16. [*]

    1. Gangrel1230


      I shed a tear for those that were lost today

    2. AGiantPie


      Tolerate not the unjust.

    3. Kaelan


      Extremely disappointed in the staff with this ban. 


      An unjust and undeserved ban.

  17. I was thinking of writing lore for a hex based magic. Thoughts?

    1. Arkelos


      What timing.

    2. candlite


      Well, there is Shamanism, and Soul puppetry already...and Benbo just announced about not being able to make new magic lore...

    3. Taylor


      ******* memer

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