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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. one day I will finish the satyr rewrite but naztherak must come first

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      no goats please

    2. Unwillingly


      38 minutes ago, KILL_MAPS said:

      no goats please

      don't worry my version is cool (they're wendigos)

    3. Krugallah


      I remember writing Satyrs and running them for a while alongside Slothtastic. If you need help, lmk :D

  2. between ST and mods which team snores like honk mimimimi honk mimimimi and which one snores like honk shooo honk shooo

    1. Panashea


       honk mimimimi honk mimimimi lore  honk mimimimi honk mimimim

    2. alexmagus


      ST sleep like honnnnkkkk mimimimimimi because that's more annoying than hoooonnnnkkk shooooooooo

    3. The King Of The Moon

      The King Of The Moon

      You know the mods be shooo'in

  3. selling this skin for $12 :) first come first serve, DM me on discord at jade#7527 to claim it

    1. Unwillingly
    2. Nectorist


      i’ll sell ur skin for $12

    3. Unwillingly


      3 hours ago, Nectorist said:

      i’ll sell ur skin for $12

      ?? :D

  4. naztherak lore

    1. Werew0lf
    2. Unwillingly


      1 hour ago, Werew0lf said:


      Ill give u naztherak 

    3. Werew0lf
  5. I'm looking for people well-versed in druidism who are interested in helping me continue writing my satyr lore ;) I especially need assistance with the creation process. un-w#7537

    1. MCVDK


      O new satyr lore, that sounds like fun.

    2. Traveller
    3. Unwillingly
  6. qotd: what kind of moral compass does your character have? this could include their general perception of the world, other people, moral dilemmas, etc

    1. ColonelKuehl1


      Netseth: His morality shifted constantly having probably done more with his life than most Elves even beyond his age. He started out being far more upstanding, though his rule made him jaded if not a hint more ruthless. Overall though he has a pretty simple world view, often finds people fight over stupid things and goes more by a mentality of "Hey dude, you disagree with me I disagree with you and thats cool, but if your disagreement is to obnoxious ill beat the shit outta you and it wont be a close fight." So more laid back, not afraid to bite back when needed XD


      As for Zavar my Goblin um um... pancakes. 

    2. Morigung-oog


      Valindra: Originally a gremlin who wanted nothing more than to live a fulfilling life, she has become jaded, warped and selfish. Set in motion when she joined a group of mercs on Axios, she slowly became less lawful, more chaotic and resorted to petty banditry. This only worsened on the side of respect for people when she became an Izkuthii, as she no longer carried any sort of compass when it came to non-lethal villainy, though was kept on a short leash with the lethal side due to the PK Clause. Upon losing Izkuthii, Valindra joined up with Haelun'or and became used to the concept of taking lives, though always saw what she was doing as selfishly necessary, using reasonings of 'Because they were a threat' to 'because I needed to set a precedent'. Celia'nor encouraged her chaotic behaviour until she returned to Haelun'or, where she is once again kept on a tight leash. 


      Right now, Valindra views herself as little more than a tool in the hand of those who command her, and uses this excuse to get away with her string of crimes with little to no remorse. Due to the way she has been treated in the past [countless betrayals of her trust], she tends to view everyone as fair game, believing that they will all one day betray her on account of matters she considers trivial.


      Tl;dr, Alignment wise, Valindra varies from Lawful Evil to Chaotic Evil at the best of times, though when she is grounded, she can drift into Neutral and [very rarely] good tendencies.

    3. Mannamannaa


      ...For Kor'garr? Find Out IRP.


  7. i dont want it to be dark by 5pm :(

    1. Tabby64


      HUH thats until way later in the year. . . bro is in the arctic


    2. Unwillingly


      im in wisconsin and in the winters its pitch black by 5pm

    3. Tabby64


      oh yeah but not yet. . .

  8. **** I kinda wanna play a hou-zi

    1. Turbo_Dog


      Come play a Darwinism Hou-zi with me

    2. Unwillingly



    3. TreeSmoothie
  9. normalize ringing a region's malirally bell if you go there and see nobody to RP with

    1. rukio


      cant ring if ur not on the region

    2. Knight of Elken
    3. Yagi_Kamisama


      ding dong ditch.jpg

  10. //replacenear 2000 minecraft:berry_bush air

    1. ___


      god please yes

    2. MeteorDragon


      //replacenear 10000 air berry_bush

    3. SethWolf
  11. Hi, piggybacking off evonpire and jentos if anyone wants to play a naz and be a witch/warlock or even one of their demon underlings hmu on discord @ unwllllngly 

    1. AlternisJ


      Dropped a message

    2. Werew0lf


      dont join these losers lmfao!

    3. squakhawk


      i’m administrator squakhawk and THIS is my favorite group on the server 

  12. currently updating the araaloq family tree (no idea how this bloodline is still alive) so if u would like to be added to the family tree feel free to comment ur character name + parents, thank u

    1. Kaiser


      ya me me me i in it

    2. Unwillingly


      silence white boy

    3. RainbowRoad1234


      me and the girls keeping the araaloq line alive <3

  13. what's with all the tech apps

    1. teeylin


      Public recruitment call in the main discord 

    2. Nug


      the minecrafters yearn for the pex 

    3. Liam5232



  14. rly wish there was somewhere I could just write or be creative at that isn’t google docs or this server

    1. ScreamingDingo


      join other creative communities and/or just look around writing forums. There are always places to write, just gotta break out of the need to write for this server

    2. SoulReapingWolf


      You could start a blog or something, I’m sure people who like reading fantasy or just reading might enjoy being able to read what you want to say.

  15. daily reminder not to be toxic and just be kind to each other !!! ❤️

    1. saint swag

      saint swag

      but i hate lotcers

    2. Areon


      **** YOU

  16. lotc has solved homophobia

    1. AlphaMoist


      Kind of [redacted] for you to mention [redacted] these days Unwillingly... Do I need to have you reported to the safety team?

    2. Dreek


      Safety Admin @Cpt_Noobman will be watching this thread

  17. the more I browse the forums the more I want to play again and I hate it 

    1. Zacho


      if you look at lotc like a plague and curse you’ll always restrain yourself and not have fun, only when you look at it as a way to relieve stress and have fun does it actually become fun and can you realize to branch outwards and do stuff that isn’t harmful to you. That’s at least how I saw it.

    2. Fireheart


      don’t give in

  18. If you’re interested in Satyr lore or anything like that, PM me on discord or in game idc. Trying to collect people to make a satyr rewrite.

    1. E__V__O


      Sure, PM me. Jenny Bobbs#0001

    2. Parker


      Sure, PM me. Jenny Bobbs#0001

  19. that trailer was cool n all but Almaris sounds like a name someone would pick for their elven character they got from a randomnamegenerator website 



      no it’s mediterranean please understand

    2. NotEvilAtAll


      implying that every single a-name map wasn’t obtained with random name generators

  20. my favorite player is @wowj

  21. did you guys know charles manson has twitter stans and they have a rivalry with ted bundy stans

    1. Urahra


      yeah serial killer fans are a special breed.

    2. rukio


      Yes. Kinda quirky 

  22. accidentally ran over a frog on my way home yday. this is a warning to all wonk advocates, except it won't be an accident next time

    1. megavoltar


      When the wonks get a mechanical giant frog, and accidently step on you like that time I stepped on the chewing gum mound in my highschool lockeroom, I will be sure it was never intended as an accident.

    2. Punished_Pup


      Do not become an Evil ST, Jade..

  23. do u guys listen to AJR

    1. Epistile


      i have a friend who legitimately listens to AJR and had been to like 3 concerts pre-covid

    2. Shorsand


      I'm not a fan, but my band got to open for them at a digital concert a couple months ago.

      they didn't even shout us out 😭

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