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  1. [!] A majestic hawk would deliver a letter to Owyn de Joannes, Regent of Sedan ((@Emery)). The letter would be neatly folded and sealed with the crest of The Rustlers. To Owyn de Joannes, the House of de Joannes, and all those who align themselves with the Goats of Sedan, I am aware of what you have done. Rest assured that this is both your first and final warning. Should any Goat lay a finger upon any of my men again, there will be trouble. While we do not wish to pursue conflict, we will not hesitate to do so, should your dishonorable acts persist. Heed my advice, men of Sedan: Beware the blue bandana. Signed, Elsil’Ceru, Rustler Boss Signed, Elsiimah’Ceru, Rustler Boss
  2. A small ledger bound in Brown leather with pure white paper and golden ink would be found all over the Decedents capital Cities -= Ledger =- - Link to our portfolio and prices "A kind letter regarding our work please feel free to send Vanya Hileia or Jakob Castington a bird, we reside in Providence for now." Kind regards - Vanya Hileia and Jakob Castington - Space_Gene#1217 or Oh_Ontario#4000 ((OOC)) We are still in the process in creating a proper portfolio, please bear with us <3 Portfolio Youtube nature Build
  3. The Master Thieves Guild Written by Raptor and Racker, edited by BDanecker INTRO The Master Thieves guild was one of the first and oldest organizations of criminals, brigands and thieves, banding together with one common goal; to become wealthier. Members of the guild use each other’s talents to help each other out to steal all they can manage, pooling their wide range of skills and talents to accomplish even the most impossible tasks. The guild is the very embodiment of “Honor among Thieves”, backing each other up and bringing their resources, skills and wealth together to strive to greater the guild’s wealth, power and infamy. Every member is expected to have the other’s back and every member is expected to treat their partners in crime as brothers. The guild is not an army, but an independent family and brotherhood of thieves, all working towards the same thing: satisfying the Greed within us all. Disclaimer: All the information on this post is entirely secret. This is not open or public knowledge. It is known to the guild members and the guild members only (with some exceptions). GUILD HISTORY The Master Thieves Guild is one of the oldest organizations in known history, with the founding of the guild occurring over 500 years ago. At the height of it’s powers the guild housed some of the most infamous thieves and criminals of all time. These people include Red Raven and the Upright Man, the founders of the guild, who undertook one of the first heists in recorded history, alongside Dune Walker, another original member. Other members included thieves such as The Faceless Man, Lucas Black and Freema Grenedad. The guild can be attributed to heists that include the theft of the priceless portrait of the Wandering Wizard, the break in of the Salvus Vaults, and the robbery of General Gabriel’s Breastplate, as well as numerous other relics untold. After 150 years of the guild's existence throughout Aegis, Asulon and Anthos, the guild disbanded as many of its members died or disappeared. It was not until a former member of the guild's last sect of members decided to rebuild the guild so thieves and vagabonds could once again make their mark upon the world, and enrich themselves in whatever infamy and fortune awaited them as a result. The Cunning Man brought the Guild of great history and report back to the scene in the lands of Arcas, as he himself had underwent many tales such as the presumed sighting of Lady Luck herself, as he more than well fit the bill for proudly leading his new group of thieves in acts well beyond their expected abilities. This includes the Theft of the Carrington Vaults, Theft under the Vanity of Vitenna, and other numerous smaller works. RANKS Guildmaster The designated leader of the Master Thieves Guild. Technically, the Guildmaster is still a Master Thief and not above them in rank, but is the chosen head to make the final call and final decisions (e.g. Master Thief promotions, benefactors, large heists and alliances.) He is the Master of the guild and head of our band of thieves. Master Thief Master Thief is the highest rank in the guild. The Master Thieves are beyond experts of the craft, knowledgeable in all the arts of thievery, stealth and deception. Able to talk their way out of (or into) any situation, Master Thieves are able to slink into society like the shadows, waiting to steal when the time is right. Their job is to teach the lower ranks the necessary skills needed to become a Master Thief themselves. They are in charge of organizing jobs, heists, collecting and setting up dead drops, making contact with new recruits, making contact with benefactors and contacts. All other ranks answer to the Master Thieves. Shadow The elite of the guild. The best of the best. The most skilled and stealthiest thieves among the ranks. The Shadow is the role model for Burglars and Thieves, being the prime example of how they should act. They are unseen, they are swift and they never miss their mark. The Shadows are to assist the Master Thieves in the training and supervision of the Brigands and are also able to orchestrate jobs and heists. They often have enough report behind their name to leave a mark on history, and the coffers of those who believe their valuable to be safe. Thief Thieves are the bulk of the guild, and represent the name of the MTG by acting accordingly. They have free reign over the jobs they pull, though not able to conduct full operations and Heists. Now being permitted to do jobs for the guild stated on the job board, suggest and take part in heists, inform the guild of targets and perform their own jobs without supervision, thieves use their cunning and adaptability to learn what the thieving world has to offer. Burglar The Burglars are now allowed to start going on certain jobs. Burglars will be under the guidance of a qualified thief who will teach them how to use the skills they studied in practical use. Burglars must follow the directions of their superior, while working on their skills to be promoted. To rank up to Thief, one will be tested by pulling a job where they will take the lead. If they succeed, they will be promoted. If not, then they must do another term (length decided by their superior) of study until they will be tested again. Unbranded The fresh meat, the new bloods, the brand new recruits, fresh off the streets and ready to be turned into professional thieves. These are those the guild has expressed interest in their talents and has decided to induct Unbranded into it. They are not permitted to do anything, nor take part in any jobs. At this point, Unbrandeds are not considered part of the guild, nor privy to any information at all. Once the Guild has expressed interest, Unbranded find themselves taken by a Shadow or a Master Thief on a minor job to prove their worth and skill. Should they succeed, they will be branded with the guild mark upon their forearm and made to take the Oath. After this, Unbranded are officially part of the guild. GUILD LAW Guild Rules Do not betray the Master Thieves Guild. If you are caught, do not reveal that you are a part of the Master Thieves Guild. Do not act above your rank i.e. a Brigand may not orchestrate heists and jobs and a Thief may not command a Shadow or a Master Thief. Do not act against the guild and it’s members. This includes theft, acts of violence and insubordination. Differences can be taken up with the Master Thieves, or the Guildmaster. Secrets are secrets for a reason, take them with you to your grave. Guild Expected Standards Thieves are expected to show a certain amount of finesse when performing a job. Killing is restricted unless absolutely 100% necessary and is frowned upon even then. Thieves are expected to leave their guild coin behind as a “calling card”. The guild’s reach has no limits and people must be reminded of this. Thieves are expected not to act against allies and/or contacts of the guild without express permission from a Master Thief. OOC SECTION OOC DISCLAIMER/RULES Understand that you may be ejected from the guild at any time for whatever reason, be it rule breaking (IC or OOC) or we feel you are no longer suitable for the guild, etc. Once ejected from the guild, you may return only if the Master Thieves deem it fit that you should return. Should you choose to leave the guild of your own accord, the guild will grant you free pardons to roam the world without the guild by your side, provided you keep to your oath of secrecy. Should you break this oath whilst not being a part of the guild, you will be treated the same way as if you were ejected from the guild. Understand that if you are forcefully removed from the guild for a serious offense (deemed by us), you will be hunted down RPly until the ends of the earth. If you are caught, understand that you may be tortured, beaten and/or repeatedly killed. DO NOT APPLY FOR THE MASTER THIEVES GUILD IF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THIS. THREAD RULES The guild has been created to try and innovate thievery roleplay within the server. The aim of the guild is to provide quality RP for both thieves and their victims and anyone applying should want to create RP that is fun for both sides. The goal is NOT to "win" per say, but rather to craft a quality narrative on this server. There is no reason for Holy Knights and noble Marshals if no Thieves and Bandits to quell. We hope to fill the guild with quality roleplayers and not a quantity of roleplayers. However anyone and everyone is welcome to apply and will be given equal opportunity within the guild, whether they are an old player with lots of roleplay experience or a new player with little roleplay experience, provided they want to create fun RP for everyone. With that, here are some simple rules you need to keep in mind when posting on this thread. Do not post your application on this thread, please PM it to me, BDanecker, on discord at BDanecker#1120 The only posts to be made on this thread are that of an RP nature, though most exploits will be shown in full forum posts. Please PM me if you have any OOC questions. If you do have any OOC comments to make, please put them in a spoiler beneath an RP post. Failure to abide by these simple rules will result in your post being removed (if you do not fix it upon request) and a possible instant denial from the guild. APPLICATION The application is not the only form of joining the guild, however it is the most practical. It is for you to express your interest in joining and for us to determine whether or not we would take interest in your character. Sometimes members will be inducted purely based on RP experiences and will not be required to fill out the application. SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO ME ON DISCORD AT BDANECKER#1120 OOC MC Name: Why do you want to join?: How will you provide the guild and the LOTC community with a great RP experience?: Have you read and agreed to the OOC Disclaimers and warnings?: Discord Name: RP Info RP Name: Race: Age: Personality (A paragraph will suffice): Aspirations and Motives for joining:
  4. https://imgur.com/a/Iy0CnM5 BUCK 4 BOSS!!! !
  5. A depiction of the chaos that has begun already due to the Art Demons machinations. [!] Written by the ever faithful Imp of Advertisement, a flyer might just find itself in the crook of your elbow, on the local billboard or flying along the wind all about Almaris. "Hear ye, hear ye, the Art Demon opens his bargaining to those across Almaris in turn for a likeness of ones self. Bird yee here with such offers, acceptable bargains are such as but not limited to; Ones firstborn child, Your eyesight, The murder of a loved one and so on." No signature would be found, examples of the Art Demons artwork attached to the bottom.
  6. -A Mitzuul Alchemical Lottery!- [!] Exotic birds carry the flyer to various receivers, who are meant to publicly spread the news as well. Aside of that, they are also publicly delivered in public areas, mostly within Iron Accord territories. [!] Recently, the alchemist Rha'kir can be seen preparing instruments and herbal plants around his home. It is evident, he is preparing to soon teach a class of new alchemists. However, this privilege was supposed to be only allowed for inhabitants of the Mitzuul Grove. Though, due to discussions with a friend, one spot in this upcoming class shall be handed out to an individual by the help of lady luck! By buying a ticket to enter this lottery, you will have a chance to be placed into the upcoming class and be taught Alchemy! May luck be on your side, as the rest of the class is already filled up! One ticket is 15 mina! If you buy a ticket, your name shall be entered in the lottery. You are able to buy more tickets and your name shall be entered several times, equivalent to the amount of tickets you bought. ! You are only allowed to buy 3 tickets max ! If you do not win, then this lottery won’t be for nothing! Every ticket will be worth a 20% discount on 1 alchemy potion/powder commissioned by Rha'kir. Every ticket is worth 20% separately and discounts cannot be stacked, and neither can the discounts be used on entire batches of potions, it's a 20% discount per 1 unit. Signed, OOC: You will be given a RP ticket item by me in roleplay which can be used for the 20% discount after the lottery has ended. The lottery will end 14/5 (14 May, 4 PM ESt, Friday). This is due to me using the remainder of this week to study for exams. I shall contact whoever wins and publicly announce the winner on the end of this thread that day. Classes might start a little slow because of exams but it will gain track quickly when they are over because I have vacation afterward :D Thought this could be fun You can either enter by commenting on the thread with the following format, or if you for some reason cannot comment on here, send it through DM's to chaos#7283 IGN: Roleplay name: Discord tag: Amount of tickets:
  7. A literal 'news cycle' rolls up to your doorstep. there seems to be a crinkled piece of paper glued to the wheel.
  8. [!] A simple note made of paper, half covered in brick dust, stamped with a wax seal in the figure of a double sided cross, and tied to several tables in Varhelm & Elysium is addressed to all citizens and foreigners alike. All who see this letter are officially invited to attend a ceremony commemorating the completion of the Ordo Laterem’s Monastery in the far hills of Norland. The celebration will be held in the newly finished monastery, Located directly west of Varhelms furthest southern wall. All those who show will be greeted with open arms and will enjoy food, drink, and the warmest of welcomes into our humble home. Signed, Brother Mursten, Princeps Prima of the Ordo Laterem
  9. [!] Invites would be distributed to the citizens of Haense and alike for Prinzenas Petra’s fifth birthday celebration! The missives would be decorated with Barbanov Wax Crests. The Princess’s Wild Birthday Bash To the citizens of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, The Princess Royal, Her Royal Highness Petra Emma, Duchess of Karosgrad, would like to formally summon thy to her fifth name day celebration this saint’s year. Attendees will be expected to don charismatic flowerets that adorn their usual attire. To celebrate this occasion, a birthday feast will commence in the Nikirala Prikaz, where the Princess Royal will be showered with gifts and a grandiloquent cake will be bestowed upon her. Soon after everyone is stuffed, there will be a dance in the ballroom for all to take part in. The Prinzenas will also invite the youth of Karosgrad to a flower picking hunt, which will commence in the palace gardens. The children will venture on a journey to collect that widest variety of flowers, whilst the adults continue to relax and drink. Special invites are specifically extended to: ✿ The Royal House of Barbanov ✿ The Hanseti Landed Peerage and their esteemed kin ✿ The Aulic Council and their esteemed kin ✿ The Youth of Karosgrad ✿ The subjects of Norland ✿ The subjects of Urguan ✿ The subjects of Yong Ping ✿ The subjects of Haelunor ✿ Any allied nation of Haense Her Serene Highness, Petra Emma Barbanov Her Ladyship, Anastasiya Irina Tsekhanovetsky [OOC] Wednesday, the 28th of April 6PM EST Place: the Feast Hall, Palace Gardens, and Ballroom of the Nikirala Palace
  10. After years of peace.. a piece of muddy wrinkled up paper falls out of your door when you open it this morning. Dear god buck news is back..
  11. Wilhelm "golem legs" sits alone, puffing a pipe full of oracle wood "its been done..." He says to the open sky, the moon looming above him and shining down like a spotlight in the dark and starry night, his bare skin void of any warpaint "Now ah leave da clan for good. ah dunnae like wot ah did sayin it was fer my tryals. Dinnae like da grudges ah was roped into an 'avin ta 'unt dose ah once saw as friends." He reaches for where his necklace of ears once was, one of them having been returned and the other tossed into the ocean due to not being able to find the person who it belongs to, and the bark of the mother tree that was carved into a small statue of a howling wolf now laying on one of its roots as an offering "May Dungrimm be moy witness to wot ah did... An judge meh to deem meh free o my past an allow meh ta choose ah new one." he stands up and slits his palm open, letting the blood pool on his black and charred hand before pressing it on the open stone beside him, leaving a red handprint there before wandering off to write some birds to people.
  12. Issued by the Patriarch of Jorenus THE RUSKAN RITE 17th Gronna and Droba, 369 ES Transcribed and reformed by Alfred Cardinal St.Tylos, Patriarch of Jorenus, Titular Bishop of Leumont, Prelate of the Clergy, with significant help from the Cardinals of Jorenus Content: Foreword Brief History The Husariya Cross Fasting Lexicon Pyhol Tajstva (Holy Mysteries) Baptism Chrismation Holy Communion Confession Marriage Unction The Holy Liturgy Wylzk naf Jove (To call on God) Introductory Rites Invocation of the Faithful Ze Pyhol Leazik (The Holy Word) Reading from the Scroll Sermon Final Blessing The Holy Walk Ruskan Rite Parishes I. Foreword Looking back to a time when conflict was the solution to any problem, even when times were such that people in bloodshed found a solution for many obstacles that appeared in their lives, faith was present, and it prevailed. It was faith and religion that raised the people to their feet and awakened consciousness in the people, as Godan Himself commands. With this introduction, I want to say how the faith has managed to persist to this day, in the hearts of the Highlanders, during the long and interesting history of our kingdom, and has grown stronger since the day that same kingdom was once a duchy. Much of the facts and information in this reform of old Ruskan Rite I learned from my dear cardinals, brothers in Godan, so I would like to thank them because this reform is very important, a key part of our Church. II. The Husariya Cross Cross of Husariya, showing the initials of the Four Prophets The Husariya Cross, also called the Orthodox Husariya Cross, differs from the well-known Lorraine Cross. The cross of Husariya has three horizontal lines over two, and the middle line has small vertical lines beneath it. The meaning of this cross, more precisely these three bars on it, represents the desolate Oblivion, the third smaller bar, the mortal plane which is in the middle as the largest bar, and at the end the Seven Skies, as the smallest but most important bar, made smaller to signify the purity and selectivity of those able to enter it. The cross itself and its structure symbolize the ascension of the pious and the faithful to God, who is also called Godan or Godanistan. III. Fasting Fasting is abstinence from certain types of food, including meat, dairy products and sweets, as well as from all forms of sinful deeds, thoughts and desires. In addition to prayer, and everything that serves the spiritual life, clergymen attach special importance to fasting. They view the body and the soul as one whole and treat them that way in all their manifestations. The soul acts on the body both life-giving and deadly, which in the opposite case means the same for the body. There is no realization or fulfillment of a person's personality if all the forces of the soul: reason, will and feeling, as well as the body, do not participate in each other. But this cannot be achieved without accepting fasting, both mental and physical. IV. Lexicon The lexicon used for the purposes of the Ruskan Rite is culturally enriched with meaningful words and phrases, which date back to antiquity and which are in the spirit of the Raevir culture that has been used, and is still used today by the common folk and even the noble houses and royal family. Titles: singular(plural) Acolyte - Acolyte(s) - unoathed person who is lacking in the basic clerical education required to become a priest. They have little duties in the Church hierarchy, aiding their superiors in mass, scribe-work, missionary work, and studying various religious and secular texts. Priest - Kaplan(s) - an ordained person who is permitted to administer all rites aside from inducting people into Holy Orders. They may be granted tasks from their respective superiors, but otherwise are expected to promote the faith through holding regular mass, confession of sins, leading communities spiritually, educating the youth in theology, converting infidelsl, and so forth. The Priest is to be addressed as “Father” or “Brother”. Monsignor - Monsignor(s) - an honorific form of address for some members of the clergy, who can also serve as a member of the Curia. The Monsignor is to be addressed as “The Reverend Monsignor”. Bishop - Episkop(i) - the bishops of the Faith, serving an Archbishop and often supervising a group of priests in administering the faith. The Bishop is to be addressed as “His Grace”. Archbishop - Arhepiskop(i) - the second highest in hierarchy. Archbishop is to encompass one portion of the land, usually referred as archdiocese, also to manage the Faith on a grander scale. The Archbishop is to be addressed as “His Excellency”. Cardinal - Kardinal(s) - assistants of the High Pontiff in matters of importance or through their other offices within the Church. The Cardinal is to be addressed as “His Excellency.” Patriarch - the head of the patriarchate which is under the Ruskan Rite. He is the authority on Orthodox specific matters, such as constructions of the Raevir language or rites of the sect. The Patriarch is to be addressed as “His Beatitude”. Important note: The hierarchy is explained briefly. Full details can be found in Pamphlet On Ruskan Orthodoxy, Volume Two. Buildings: Church - Cyrkev(i) Basilica - Bazilika(s) Cathedral - Katedrála(s) Abbey - Opátstvo(a) Monastery - Manastyr(i) Chapel - Kapela(s) Garments: Sticharion - Stihar(i) Epitrachelion - Epitrahyl(i) Zone (Clerical cloth belt) - Zone(s) Phelonion - Felyon(i) Omophorion - Omofory(s) Mitre - Mitra(s) Mantle (clerical garment) - Mantyl(s) Objects: Chalice - Putyr(s) Incense - Pyholodim Thurible - Kadyonica(s) Bell - Zvono(a) Cross - Krst Chrism (Holy Oil) - Kryzm The lexicon is still in the development and correction phase, which means that the current edition is not complete. V. Pyhol Tajstva (Holy Mysteries) The sacraments are referred to as “Holy Mysteries” in order to emphasize the mysterious work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Mysteries are actions performed by a cleric, where the invisible grace of Godan is obtained in a visible way, which consist of two ceremonies and four sacraments. These mysteries are vessels of the mystical participation in divine grace of mankind. In a general sense, the Church considers everything which is in and of the Church as sacramental or mystical. The mysteries are personal — they are the means whereby Godan’s grace is appropriated to each individual Canonist. In a broader sense, the whole life of a Canonist must be seen as a single mystery or one great sacrament. The different aspects are expressed in a great variety of acts, some performed only once in a lifetime (Baptism, Marriage), others perhaps almost daily (Communion). Baptism: The Holy Mystery of Baptism is the first Holy Mystery. Baptism is first among the Holy Mysteries because with this act of new birth, the newly baptized becomes a member of the Church. Baptism is the beginning of the spiritual life, the spiritual birth for eternity. Artist’s depiction of a baptism Baptism is performed only once - just as we are born physically once, so we are born spiritually. Baptism is the condition of our salvation, and the Ruskan Rite in general is not obtained by inheritance, but is entered through baptism. He who is not baptized cannot be worthy to receive other Holy Mysteries. Generally speaking, baptism also has one preparation, which must be taken into account in order for this baptism to be performed in only one way, and that is peaceful and serene. Those preparations are: Catechism - it is getting acquainted with the basic secrets of the canonical faith through religious education, conversations with the priest or bishop and reading books with the blessing of the Holy Mother Church. Praying - a serious intention to be born spiritually for eternity means going to church at least twice a week for the Holy Liturgy. Fasting - it implies abstinence from greasy food, from evil thoughts, desires and deeds, which is the basis for purification of body and soul for the act of baptism, as renewal of all physical and spiritual forces and purification from every previous sin. Chrismation: Chrismation, also called Confirmation, is the Holy Mystery by which a baptized person is granted the gift of the Holy Spirit through anointing with oil. Chrismation in the Ruskan Rite Churches is normally administered immediately after baptism and immediately, or at least shortly, before one's first reception of Holy Communion. Artist’s depiction of an old way of chrismation, date unknown Chrismation is practiced by anointing the new canonists with chrism, which is holy oil. The Canonist is anointed with this oil in the sign of the Cross of Husariya on his forehead, eyes, nostrils, mouth, ears, chest, hands and feet. Each time, the priest administering the sacrament says, "Ze Pecyat e Dar Wysoka Wzniosłe.” Holy Communion: Communion is one of the six Holy Mysteries. The culmination of love and communion between Godan and man is the Holy Mistery of Communion. Artist’s depiction of a Holy Communion, date unknown It is desirable for believers to receive communion as often as possible, in order to be in constant communion with Godan, for the benefit of their mental and physical health. Whenever a believer is able to receive the body and blood of the Lord, he should worship it as the most sacred secret, striving to dedicate his thoughts and feelings exclusively to Godan and his love for man. Confession: “You need to confess to the one you trust and the one you love.” - Alfred Cardinal St.Tylos Artist’s depiction of a woman confessing to a priest, 1804 Confession is not just a moment, it is a lifelong process. On one hand, we can surely say that confession is a Gift of Godan. All we can do is realize our own helplessness, everything left is with Godan's help, even the Gift of Repentance. One of the many helpful paths that lead us to the knowledge of our sins - to remember what other people usually blame us for, especially those who live right next to us, close ones. Almost always their accusations, reprimands, and attacks have a basis. It is necessary to ask forgiveness from everyone before whom we are guilty before confession, to go to confession with an unencumbered conscience. If there is no feeling of lightness, rebirth, you should have the strength to return to confession again, to free your soul from impurity until the end, to wash it with tears from dirt and vice. The one who strives for it will always achieve what he is looking for. We just must not attribute our successes to ourselves, rely on our strengths, or hope for our own efforts - that would mean losing everything we have gained. Marriage: Artist’s depiction of a wedding, date unknown From the Ruskan perspective, marriage is one of the Holy Mysteries. As well as in many other traditions, it serves to unite a woman and a man in eternal union and love before Godan, with the purpose of following the Holy Scrolls. Due to the practice of crowning the couple during the ceremony, the wedding is referred to as a "crowning" or "coronation", in reference to the wedding crown. Unction: Unction of an ill man in Markev, date unknown Unction is offered for the healing of soul and body and for forgiveness of sins. At the conclusion of the service of the unction, the body is anointed with oil, and the grace of Godan, which heals infirmities of soul and body, is called down upon each person. It is performed by a gathering of priests, ideally seven in number, however, it can be performed by a lesser number and even by a single priest. As with Chrismation, oil is also used in this rite of consecration as a sign of Godan's presence, strength, and forgiveness. Ruskan Rite Churches do not view this rite as available only to those who are near death. It is offered to all who are sick in body, mind, or spirit. While performing unction, the priest should always chant the prayer of the oil. Prayer of the Oil: “O Lord who, in thy mercies and bounties, healest the disorders of our souls and bodies, do Thou, the same Master, sanctify this Oil, that it may be effectual for those who shall be anointed therewith, unto healing, and unto relief from every passion, every malady of the flesh and of the spirit, and every ill; and that therein may be glorified Thy most Svaté jméno, w imje Godanistana, e Horena, e wysoka wzniosłe, now and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amin.” Important note: Some of the Holy Mysteries are going to be included in the Ruskan Rite Service Book, with a more detailed view on all sacraments that are done in the Holy Mother Church. VI. Holy Liturgy Wylzk naf Jove (To call on Godanistan): To call on Godan, is to make our presence clear, within the sturdy walls of our churches, where only He resides. To call on Godan is to fulfill our duty as His faithful servants, to pray and love, to protect and share His word and to continue onwards His path. The Holy Liturgy is of great importance to all of us believers, followers of the old ways and people who believe only in Him and His words. In the following paragraphs, the already established ways of holding the Holy Liturgy, which has existed for a long time, are written as a reminder that everything sprouted and originated from Ruskan Orthodoxy, with Godan and his love and blessing. Introductory Rites: Upon entering the chapel, church, basilica, the priest signs the cross of Husariya and kisses the doors of the sacred building once, which represents the eternal love between the Creator and the common people of the faithful. Arriving at the altar, the priest prepares the thurible before the blessing of those present as well as the church, at the same time saying the prayer for Good Blessings. Invocation of the Faithful: In the Invocation of the Faithful, which can also be called the Prayer of the Faithful, the people respond in a certain way to the word of Godan which they have welcomed in faith and, exercising the office of their baptismal priesthood, offer prayers to Godan for the salvation of all. It is fitting that such a prayer be included, as a rule, in Liturgies celebrated with a congregation, so that petitions will be offered for the Holy Mother Church, for civil authorities, for those weighed down by various needs, for all men and women, and for the salvation of the whole world. The prayers are introduced by the celebrating priest, then a deacon or another member of the congregation or the priest himself proposes a number of intentions to pray for, and the people respond with a short invocation such as "Godan, hear our prayer". Finally, the priest says a concluding prayer, before proceeding with the rest of the Holy Liturgy. Ze Pyhol Leazik (The Holy Word): As we proceed further into the liturgy, the priesthood begins another very important part of the Holy Liturgy, and that is the manifestation of the Holy Word. For us believers, it represents the emergence of faith and belief, which we also encounter during various moments in life. The Holy Word is nothing but a quotation of the blessed text from the Holy Scrolls, in which the whole existence of our faith is written. Reading from the Scroll: The second part of the Holy Liturgy begins with the quotation of a text from the Holy Scrolls, by the clergyman who performs the liturgy. The quoted text can be from any of the four scrolls, which again depends on what the priest will talk about during the sermon. According to the old Raevir traditions, it is desirable that the clergyman performing the liturgy already knows the text from the scroll, which means that the acolyte or some other clergyman would be assigned to another task. Sermon: The sermon is a part of the Holy Liturgy that is no different from Mass. During the sermon, the clergyman talks about any topic that he thinks is appropriate for a particular day or month. Any events in the world or in the kingdom can be the subject of a sermon, with elements of religion during the sermon itself. In some situations, if a priest quotes a sentence from the Holy Scrolls or says a prayer, the church choir can join the priest, adding to the atmosphere, which in turn depends on the situation and the topic the priest is talking about. Final Blessing: The end of the Holy Liturgy comes after the sermon, where the priest says the closing prayers, alone or with the church choir. Before the end of the liturgy, the priest performs communion, which represents the purification of the soul and body and the re-acceptance of Godan into the bodies of the people who take communion, for the days and months to come. Travel Blessing - a blessing that a person can ask of a priest before a trip or pilgrimage. VII. The Holy Walk A depiction of the Holy Walk during the time of St. Joren Holy Walk is a solemn, conciliar procession of believers, led by the clergy with crosses, blessed banners and icons of various important church figures, including Saints. As a liturgical act, it is a type of prayer rite, which is performed outside the temple on major holidays or some other occasion, such as the consecration of the earth, a call to peace or the celebration of Godan. These walks are accompanied by the patriarch and priests standing at the beginning of the line, carrying holy icons, crosses and banners, followed by members of the royal family, especially the King and Queen if present, and finally all God's people representing the union of believers, as the most numerous and the holiest gathering. During the Holy Walk, priests may or may not stand by the various shrines, saying a prayer for a particular Saint, at the same time expressing love and devotion to God. Holy Walking is considered a key part of the Ruskan Rite, representing the way people come closer to communicating with Godan. VIII. Ruskan Rite Parishes Within the borders of the Kingdom of Haense, several churches and chapels were built on a few vassal lands, with the blessing of the clergy of Jorenus. The following list highlights the sites that follow the Ruskan Rite, which strictly adhere to the cultural values of Raevir culture in terms of religion. Basilica of St.Henrik, Karosgrad Church of Heinzreich, Greyspine Chapel of Bl.Nicolas, Reinmar Chapel of the Three Saints, Varna Every parish church, chapel or any sacred building within the borders of the Kingdom of Haense is to be under the Ruskan Rite, as stated from the office of the Patriarchate of Jorenus. The letter stating the text above will be sent to the all noble houses.
  13. Basic Treatment For Dummies Book II: Fractures Fractures, a painful yet common injury among all descendants. These can happen due to too much force being put on your bones, or bending them in an unnatural and painful way. There are many different types of fractures, I will name just three of them; There are non-displaced transverse and displaced transverse fractures, a compound fracture and a comminuted fracture. So how do you treat them? You don’t, the doctor does. But you can splint it and make sure it is immobilized. Section I: Transverse A transverse fracture is when the break is at a right angle to the long plane of a bone. This most often happens due to strong force right upon the long axis of a bone. So how do you treat this? If the fracture is non-displaced it will heal on its own with just a splint. You should still go to a doctor so they can check and make sure it is indeed a non-displaced fracture. If it is displaced, the bone will need to carefully be guided back to its place. If you are not a licenced medic I would not try to put it back in place on your own. You’ll make that fracture worse and give more work to the doctors that are there to fix you. Instead just make a splint and find a doctor. So how do you make a splint? Step 1: Find something rigid such as sticks or a board. Step 2: Align the sticks or the board along the broken body part. Step 3: Use bandages or cloth to tie them to the broken body part in a secure way so that the arm or leg cannot be moved. Step 4: To make it more secure if it is an arm, tie the body part up to the chest with bandages or cloth so there is less chance of movement. Step 5: Get yourself to a clinic or a hospital. Section II: Compound A compound fracture is when the bone is sticking out of the skin and causes an open wound with bleeding. This is the most dangerous of the fractures and hardest to treat, usually ending up in amputation due to the severity of the injuries this often causes. However, the body part can be saved if the wound itself is not too severe. So what do you do if you have gotten yourself a compound wound? Follow these simple steps; Step 1: Stop the bleeding by putting force on the wound with a clean cloth or bandage. Step 2: If you have tippen’s root herb on you, grind it up into a salve and put on the wound. Step 3: Try and immobilize the body part using a splint. Step 4: DO NOT TRY AND PUSH THE BONE BACK INSIDE, JUST DON’T TOUCH IT! Step 5: Get your arse to the doctor and hope for the best as they fix you. Step 6: You are allowed to cry. Section III: Comminuted A comminuted fracture is often due to the crushing of the bone, causing the bone to splinter. This has become a very common injury on soldiers in Hanseti-Ruska due to the troll attacks. Like the compound fracture it will require surgery, but is much easier to treat than the compound one and does not need amputation unless the bone has splintered up to the point of no salvation. So what do you do? Make a splint and drag your arse to a hospital or a clinic. Written by: HRH Prinzenas Katerina Ceciliya Barbanov, Assistant to the Surgeon General of Haense
  14. KEMO'S SKIN AUCTION 2.0 _________________________________________________________ Going again but with more male adventurer outfits~ ALL bids are as LISTED ~ Bids will increase by 10 mina per bid minimum. ~ Remember to @ the person you're outbidding. BIDS WILL END MIDNIGHT MONDAY 19TH APRIL EST. Please dm me on Kaiz#4082 if you have any more questions. Feel free to change colours or make minor edits. MALE SKINS: Stealing in Style - 75 mina Desert Merc - 75 mina FEMALE SKINS: Dusk - 75 mina Midnight - 75 mina
  15. RETURNING TO THE WIND (If you meta any of this information I will take your kneecaps and then your liver.) An illustration Sohoro made of himself, long ago. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Sohoro Mochizuki, or, as many knew him, Solomon Takezo, would say that he had been two different people in his life. Firstly, a monster, living by the blade, mastering the hunt, and truly alone. Secondly, a man. Struggling to be so, but learning to overcome his madness and be human, more than he was. However, this would be untrue. Every day of his life Sohoro was a different person, learning through trial and error, but mostly error, to be better. It wasn’t his choice, not truly, to be the killer he used to be. Forced by circumstance, fear, and promises with good intent, and then bound by hate and fear again. While he may have escaped that forest in body, in mind it never truly left him. His mind and heart had been shattered in a way that wasn’t truly fixable, not completely. Faces would blur, intents and feelings would be unknowable, the eyes of those he had killed would flicker about, watching, ever watching, and in the dead of night they would curse his name, speaking of horrible fates that awaited him in death. Twenty eight times he evaded death by a cat’s whisker, two of those times were only because something, or someone, stopped his own hand. Guilt is a powerful thing. Change is impossible when you don't think you are capable of it, and of all his curses, above the bloodlust, above the hallucinations, it was this guilt, his shame, his sorrow for the lives he had taken that was the greatest burden on his shattered soul. Not a day passed that he didn't mourn them or wish to undo what he had done, but it was impossible to take back the past. It took him over fifty years to make peace with himself and truly overcome the aching, ever present depression, but this was not done alone. Sohoro Mochizuki should have died that night, when his father came after him with a firebrand for not being good enough. He should have died to every arrow, to every blade that sought his heart in that forest. He should have died to his grief when in a fury of rage he killed his first love, the only one of all the ones about him he was trying to protect. He should have died to the voices after a mistake he thought he made caused a mess for those he loved. He should have died to the duo of assassins who came after him and his grandfather, newly found. He should have died when the great ‘ker warlord decided Sohoro was a disappointment and tried not once, but twice to take him down. He should have died when one of his closest friends lured him in with a hug, and instead tried to tear out his throat. No. Sohoro died to another betrayal. The one person he couldn’t live without, his spine broken and only held together by a gift of one he had tried for decades to convince himself was his friend. He had trusted her, once more, after promising friends and family visits and sandwiches. He was led like a lamb to the slaughter, his last wishes ignored and scoffed at as he bled out on the ground. At very least, they allowed him the dignity of taking his own life, fulfilling his promise sixty years ago to his first love to let no hand take his life but his own. He drew the curved, serrated hunting dagger from its sheath at his back with a trembling hand. Words fell from his mouth just to pass the time, prolong the dark a little longer, he wasn’t thinking about what he was saying, no. The only thing he could think of was his family. His friends. There were so many who had accepted him. There were so many that had helped him come to terms with his own existence. That had given him a reason to live. They were the reason he was still here. They were the reason that he had had the strength to pick himself up and continue on, even after every knife, verbal or physical, was driven into his body. They were the reason he had learned all that he had, that he had come to teach, to help, to heal. What was the purpose of strength, if not to be used to lift others up? What was the point in knowing how to kill if not to defend those who could not defend themselves? What good was his life if he couldn’t make amends with the dead through the living, if he couldn’t help, if he couldn’t heal, be there, be good enough, what good was it all? What was his pain for, if not to let him understand how others felt, how it felt to be unloved, lost, hurt, confused, twisted, broken, and help them heal. He couldn’t put himself back together, but perhaps through lifting others up he would understand what it was to be whole. But now, now his time was up. No more second chances, no more escapes. So many had held him together, and in the last moments of his life as Sohoro drove the blade that had kept him alive since he was fifteen into his own chest, he whispered one, soundless, final apology as he split himself apart. “I wasn’t good enough.” “I’m sorry.” ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ He would imagine the Norlandic Tax-Men would be the first to find his last note. Annoyed by the odd lack in payment, they would likely begin to move out his things, and on the top-most floor of his home, open on the lectern, would be a book. Likely they would read it, and quickly deliver it to his daughter, Ancelie.
  16. [!] A grandiose, ornate invitation is delivered to all Norlandic citizens and its allies as well. Sven’s Day: A Norlandic Holiday of Revelry and Merriment 20th of Malin’s Welcome, Year 15 SA You are cordially invited to join us in our momentous celebration, Sven’s Day; a celebration of the life of Sven the Bard, the Paragon of poetry, revelry, and song. We will be hosting a grand feast in the palace for all to attend, located in the capital of Norland, Varhelm. Those in attendance will indulge in the heartiest of meals and the finest of Norlandic brews and amenities. Please join us in this momentous celebration! Signed, Ancelie Edvardsson Queen-Consort of Norland Alisa Camian, High Keeper of the Red Faith [OOC] Thursday, April 1st 6:30 PM EST Coordinates: X: -1836 Z: -2722 All Norlandic citizens and allies are welcome to attend!
  17. Ancient House Frey https://open.spotify.com/track/4TVtXw28cKW0qT8aNM2ODh?si=mpztXve2T86_FUkK8gIbkQ Sapientia Igni Wisdom in fire! “ Our hands STEEL, Our minds like saints!” “Our blood will live on through our work. Mindless are the warriors, Gods are the one with talent.“ Ancient House Frey Wisdom in fire! “ Our hands STEEL, Our minds like saints!”
  18. Are you feeling bored? -- Looking for a fun night-out, or maybe somewhere to bring your kids? -- Well look no further than the Four-Leaf Clover! Our wide selection of enticing board games can keep you and your friends busy for hours on end! From Haensi Chess to games you’ve never even heard of, come and experience the fun! We offer a selection of drinks and snacks for your relaxation pleasure, and gambling is absolutely permitted. Low price -- Hours of fun The full deluxe experience of Four-Leaf is great, and affordable! Come and join us for a grand time! || All games are run in-house - Crown Avenue XV ||
  19. [!] Posters and flyers would be posted all throughout the land of Almaris, the lettering in bold and catching anyone’s eye that pasts! THE A&M TEA HOUSE, TEA MAKING COMPETITION! [!] a small drawing of a teacup and flowers! The Tea house will be holding a Tea making competition! Where /you/ can bring your wildest tea dreams to life! Bottles and ingredients will be provided for our lovely tea makers and there are PRIZES!! The prizes include, the winning Tea gets to be on our menu! Along with the winner choosing between a 200 mina or have a custom item made! ((these items are ST items)) And second place will have what the winner doesn't choose! So join us, let us make your wildest tea dreams come true! With lots of laughter and smell of fresh tea! ((ooc information)) DATE: 19 March, Friday TIME: 3pm est DIRECTIONS: Travel to West hub, from there continue with the path until you get to the sign towards Krugmar or Elvenesse. Take the Krugmar road and continue with it until a sign that points to Krugmar or Talon’s. Take the road to Talon’s and continue with it, staying only on that path until you end up right by Talon’s Port’s front gates!
  20. “To Safeguard Happiness” The Elvenesse Revelry Guild The Aegis Adventurers Seen typically within fine taverns or wandering the beautiful streets of Elvenesse, those within the Wyn’okar are not out-going adventurers or mercenaries but morerather fun-loving individuals or seasoned veterans of whom seek to improve the homelife and participate in different activities Elvenesse has to offer. They are the homefront guild, those who wish to see the city prosper. Those within the revelry guild are those who enjoy the warm moonlit nights in festivals or the hot summers in the forest racing against their friends in competitive games. The Revelry guild also promotes the ideal that all citizens should have basic training and are ready to fight, as to protect the homefront in times of danger. For who better to match steel with steel in raids than those who are passionate for their country? Guild structure and role The Wyn’okar is based mainly around event organisers and simple members who associate with the guild, apart from that there is no ranking. The revelry guild is a guild designed around event organisation within Elvenesse and its lands and for that reason activities will typically remain within such limits. The guild prospers around promoting cultural teaching, homeland defence, drinking, sports and living life to it’s best capabilities. “Yallrn’eyha bida!” - “Live and Drink!” Application and Upon joining The Wyn’okar application process is simple, sign up and attend its activities. There’s no uniform and there’s no enforcement to attend - though it is best advised - the main purpose of the guild is to promote community activities, allow individuals to create new friends during such activities and improve the homeland of Elvenesse tenfold. Many within the Wyn’okar are taught light history in both Sea and Wood elven culture which further allows them to teach and welcome newcomers to Elvenesse, especially those who are from estranged Sea or Wood elven backgrounds. Application For those wishing to come join the land of Elvenesse and take part in it’s activities there is a small letter pre-written and attached at the bottom of the poster, allowing for one to send a message to a designated location via avian. (Send a forum message or message within the Elvenesse Discord) IC: Name Race Age Citizen of Elvenesse? OOC: Username: Discord: - Out Of Character Description - The Wyn’okar is an event organising guild, this is a prime place for those who wish to get involved in roleplay within Elvenesse to find a group to get engaged with. I plan on holding a wide variety of events, from fun stuff like races down rivers, constant parties and culture learning rp. You’ll also get a little bit of PvP training, CRP training and so forth, meaning it’s a well rounded guild for those who wish to join a society to roleplay with inside of Elvenesse whilst also developing themselves.
  21. A CALL TO ARMS [!] A dwedmar mercantile vessel, unawares of what lies below. Since the first of Urguan’s Descendants touched the coasts of the realm, the ocean has accosted those who dared try to brave the great expanse in the name of exploration and seafaring. This blatant attack against the noble Dwarven people is one that has gone without punishment for ages past, with their most recent attack being against the great Clan Lord of the Aurokanar, Dorimnur Goldhand. Through his pioneering grudge shall we set our sails to drive the tide back to whence it came. This missive is sent to ALL who will answer the call, as this foe may be the greatest the Descendants have ever faced. Only united, may the Descendant races control the force that has gone unscathed its entire lifetime: The Great Big Blue. Gods have been killed by our hands. Let the Great Plug be pulled next. Section I | Demands To avoid conflict with the bravest warriors known to the descendants, the Ocean must: Return all sunken treasures, bodies, and vessels created by the descendants to the coasts of Almaris within the next stone week. Send an official letter of surrender to Dorimnur Goldhand, along with a piece of The Great Plug itself. If said piece is found out to be fraudulent, all terms are considered null. Provide and promise all future maritime ventures of the descendants a safe passage. Surrender both the Mother and Father Basilisk involved with the original grudge to the Aurokanar within the next Stone Week. Section II | Call to Arms If the terms listed in section I are not met, every able bodied Descendant is to heed the call of Dorimnur Goldhand in preparation for the most daring fight history has ever seen. In preparation, said descendants are expected to: Be able to hold one’s breath for at least 2 hours, the time it takes to walk from the coast to the seafloor. Maneuver as swiftly underwater as on land to ensure no vile creature of the sea could vanquish the great descendant races. Craft a personal vessel strong enough to withstand the crushing arms of a Kraken. Said vessel shall also hold extra room for those unable to build a vessel up to code. In closing The great descendant races have bound together in realms past to defeat threats such as the September Prince or Iblees himself. Now, our biggest challenge yet is becking us forth. Let us take up our fishing spears, strike into the depths, and hoist our buckets filled to the brim with the brine. Will you answer the call? Add your signature to these passing fliers, show your support to the greatest achievement the descendant races shall ever accomplish. Clan Lord of the Aurokanar, Yemekar’s Pick of Grimdugan, Finest smith of the Legion, Royal Smith, “Oceansbane.” Clan Elder of the Azwyrtrumm, Lord Chancellor of Urguan, Master Remembrancer of the Order of Remembrance, Master Golemancer, Scribe of the Ocean’s Defeat Clan Lord of the Azwyrtrumm, Silverbeard of Urguan, Founder of the Empire of Vandurguan, Reclaimer of Urguan’s Crown, Protector of the Coasts Clan Mother of Elder Clan Kornazkarumm, Bekarumm, Draknadreng, the First Starsmith, Bane of the Heretic and Longbeard of the Legion of Urguan. Othelu Orrar, Sohaer of Haelun’or and Liege of the Protectorate of Blazengard, in accordance with the Silver Council of Haelun’or and will of the High Elven people High Chief of Hefrumm, Chief of Clan Blackroot, Veteran Hunter of the Hunter’s Guild of Urguan, Mountainguard of the Legion of Urguan, Prelate of Anbella Ban Estrosa, Lord Sovereign of Solios the rising sun, shade walker, Guild master of the Wandering Flames Guild, Former Kingsguard 𝓑𝓪𝓷 𝓔𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓸𝓼𝓪
  22. Hey I'm a new player and I've been having a really fun time so far, however I find it difficult to start new personal roleplay. When I say personal roleplay, I define it as roleplay more personalised to your individual character between groups of 2-10 I would say. As an example I would put beginning a conversation, adventure, journey with someone I have never met and have only run into in town squares, passing on the road, etc. If anyone is interested in roleplaying at some point, I am very extremely down. however, the purpose of this post is to garner advice on beginning roleplay with someone I have no OOC reason to interact with. So far my only real roleplay experiences have been community run/organised. This is fun, but infrequent and I would like to rp more often. - a lost player P.S If anyone has advice on improving forum posts, I would love to hear. P.P.S If anyone has advice on places to hangout to get into more rp I will be there :D P.P.P.S Btw what's the procedure for messaging people (in game) about rp opportunities, for example if you've been offered a job) P.P.P.P.S If anyone has other advice I would love to hear. (final P.S I promise)
  23. The Fahkr Incident For the past decade the Deòrhyrst clan, Clan Wright, has maintained an uneasy trust with the Fahkr Tribe. With trade being the main benefit Beorhtric made sure to keep up his end of a bargain bringing constant goods to trade with the tribe even despite their failures to uphold their end. On one of his many diligent runs to assess inventory he was met by a member of the Hamad. A vile inner faction of the Fahkr. Barely anything more than savage animals with next to no sense of honor or righteousness. Conversation quickly spiraled into petty insults by the Hamad, and even challenging the faith of a devout man. Blades clashed at such an insult, and to the dismay of Clan Wright ended in Beorhtric being beaten in a duel at the hands of cruel trickery. Now he licks his wounds whilst meditating the meaning of the blunder. No matter the conclusion an already existing rift grows between the entire Fahkr Tribe and any faithful Deòrhyrst. This may be a catalyst for growing rivalries. (OOC: Thanks to chrisoulis777 for the good rp.)
  24. The Maehr’evar Order The Guardians of Knowledge Overview The long lives of the Elves tend to draw them to scholarly pursuits, either to fill a want for adventure, so they may improve their own knowledge and wisdom, or so they can protect knowledge and the world for future generations. The Maehr’evar seeks to be a place for the Elves who seek to learn, research, write, teach, and explore. Their duties are as varied as they are important. Headquartered in the Great Athenaeum of Elvenesse, this group of scholars and adventurers are always seeking new recruits to improve both the nation of Elvenesse and the world at large. Structure The Maehr’evar are organized in a loose but effective structure, which tends to serve their purposes well. The ranks of the order are as follows: Grandmaster The Grandmaster of the Maehr’evar has the duty of keeping tabs on those below him in the order and allotting resources to different projects. It is he who organizes meetings of members, calls major expeditions, maintains the library and its collection, and who deals with both foreign scholarly guilds and the Council of Elvenesse. The position is currently held by Elros Silma. Masters of the Order Masters of the Order are those who are experienced at their craft and can serve as a bridge between the Grandmaster and the Ordermen. Generally, there is to be a Lorekeeper, who is to coordinate the librarians, writers, and teachers of the order, and the Scoutmaster, who focuses more on expeditions, adventurers, and cartographers. Ordermen The Ordermen of the Maehr’evar is the rank and file position of the guild. They are all considered equal scholars and adventurers of repute. They may lead their own projects, write their own books, and teach their own lessons as they will, and they may help each other on larger projects when needed. Journeymen The Journeymen are those who just joined the Order and seek to become Ordermen. They are to hold an apprenticeship under a current member of the Order, preferably one with similar interests, in order to learn our ways, tenets, and procedures. Once deemed ready to start their own projects by the one whom they are shadowing, they are inducted into the order as full Ordermen. Duties The members of the Maehr’evar can be anything they want within the wider category of scholars, and may determine their own projects. They may freely move between any field they have interest in. However, many projects will tend towards a few areas, broadly categorized as writing, research, teaching, and exploration. Writing An imperative part of preserving knowledge and enhancing culture is to create new works, both artistic and educational in nature. The Maehr’evar will encourage and sponsor works of create and non-fiction writing among the people of Elvenesse, in order to expand our collection and enhance our peoples culture and knowledge. Research In order to learn and to record knowledge, one must seek it out. This may be through visiting other libraries to read or purchase copies of new books, by looking at ruins found by explorers, or by looking into the powers and effects of the less dangerous artifacts within our possession. Teaching It is no use to horde knowledge if you do not pass it on to future generations. Hence, teachers and librarians who organize lessons and help people find the books and knowledge they seek are another important facet of the order. Exploration The final major task of the Maehr’evar is the exploration of the world to find ruins to explore, monsters to fight, and dark cults and covens to exterminate. We seek to map the world, note where places of interest are, and deal with them as necessary, independently or with the help of other, more combat focused groups. The Maehr’evar Code The Ordermen swear to uphold this code upon entry to the guild, the four rules of the Maehr’evar Order. Breaking these rules bring you under the mercy of the Grandmaster, and can warrant anything from a warning to expulsion from the order. I. Unwarranted Harm Or Death Should Be Avoided At All Costs. We’re here to codify the world, not turn it into a pile of ash and bones. II. The Sovereignty Of Nations Shall Be Respected At All Times. While it pains us to allow knowledge to go unrecorded, or worse, for dangerous knowledge to run amuck, it is not our place to supercede any nation. It is best to not become criminals in the eyes of the world. III. Knowledge Should Be Treated With Respect And Care. It is difficult to index burnt books, or to categorize a destroyed relic. Obviously not everything we attempt to collect will survive it’s travel to the guildhall, but try to not willingly break things. Nothing is worse than lost knowledge. IV. Power Merits Respect. Along with the mundane, we may often collect pieces of extraordinary danger. Proper respect should be given to such things, and they should never be trifled with. Understand that pieces that have been deemed ‘restricted’ are not toys we horde for ourselves, but are items we guard the world from. The Great Seals The Maehr’evar Order grades every piece of knowledge in their possession with a seal. The seals are red-wax, and the individual stamps are in the possession of the Grandmaster. Each Seal is stamped with a piece of parchment which gives a brief detail of the object, and any needed information. There are four seals in total: Mundane, Guarded, Prohibited, & B.C. The Mundane Seal is the most common, and identifies this piece as typical knowledge, giving it the lowest rating of danger/power. All pieces which are open for public viewing, such as the books in the public library, are stamped with Mundane Seals. Mundane seals are given the mark ‘M’. An item with a Guarded Seal means that this item is normally only to be handled by Ordermen. These items are considered a bit too dangerous to be shown to the public, but on request may be taken from the reliquary to be studied or used by outside forces. This seal is marked with a ‘III’ symbol. The Prohibited Seal signifies that this item is of immense power or otherwise value, and should never leave the reliquary under any circumstances. These are pieces which are kept away from the world due to high risk of abuse. Even Ordermen are disallowed from viewing these pieces, and need the express permission, as well as chaperoneship of, the Grandmaster. The mark of this charm seal is a bolded ‘X’. Finally, the B.C. Seal is the most important of all the graded seals, and is given independent of the others. This means a piece can have both the B.C. Seal as well as one of three previous seals.. Standing for ‘Black Contingency’, any item with this seal is to be destroyed if at risk of falling into outside hands. Obviously, only items which are deemed as near cataclysmic are ever given this charm seal. The B.C. Seal is the only time any piece of Knowledge is marked for destruction, and holds a rather powerful and somber place in the Order’s culture. It’s mark is a ‘Skull’ symbol. How to Join In order to join the Maehr’evar, a candidate should seek out the Grandmaster in person or start a correspondence via bird. The Grandmaster will then set up a short interview with potential candidates to gauge their interests and disposition so he can match them with an Orderman to study under. Once deemed ready, the Grandmaster will give the Journeyman the Oath, at which point they will become a full Ordermen of the Maehr’evar. As a note, those seeking to join must be citizens of Elvenesse, or at least able to enter the city. OOC Notes
  25. [!] A flyer, boasting a postcard of Yong Ping upon it, would read of the Chen family household looking to acquire help. [!] In scrawling calligraphy, the flyer would dictate these words: "Li-ho, the Chen family household is looking to hire both a personal Chef and a personal tailor. There are specific requirements to be hired but can be discussed upon an auspicious date for an interview. Though, if hired, they'd be expecting to move in with the household at the settlement of Yong Ping. Bird Chen Yunya if you are to find interest in this, payment and otherwise can be discussed. - Yunya of the Chen family."
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