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  1. Origins The Errant Knight’s Code is an interpretation of the informal code of conduct associated with the tradition of Knighthood which has long been a staple of human (specifically Canonist) martial culture. Over the centuries, many ‘Knight’s Codes’ have been written, all of which vary greatly on the matter of emphasis, but most, unsurprisingly, uphold loyalty to nation or Emperor before all other things, in some shameful cases, even putting secular loyalty above that to the Canonist Faith. Knights were first and foremost enforcers of their Kings and Emperors, and lesser landholders as a result, such was the standard they were, and in many places, still are held to this day. During the Harvest Revolution and the violent overthrow of the Orenian Kingdom, most landholders sided, unsurprisingly with the Royalists, as such, few knights, and most of whom were destitute and desperate sided with the commonfolk. One of them being the future Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of Númendil, at the time, a humble hedgeknight by the name of Ser Uther. In the aftermath of the Revolution, Ser Uther was charged with maintaining the peace within the wartorn Heartlands, which had barely recovered from the Brother’s War before being bled anew during the peasant’s revolt. To do this, Ser Uther put out an open call to all who would answer, offering in part wealth and honor, but chiefly a worthy cause to those who sought it. Penitence for one’s previous failings proved a popular notion in the aftermath of two bloody civil wars, and soon, Ser Uther had rallied a cadre of destitute knights, repentant highwaymen, and dispossessed mercenaries seeking redemption. Many of them he knighted himself, under the logic that, in the absence of a King, a Knight can make a Knight, should he deem one worthy. And though the Harvest Confederacy would inevitably fall, the spirit of that Brotherhood endured as Ser Uther and his tribe of Harrenites, the predecessors to the Númenedain, came to conquer the Barrowlands, and later found the Kingdom of Númendil- Where Knighthood is earned through worthy deeds of great valor, and those who wear the honor wear it with piety, rather than serving as thugs for their monarch. THE CHIVALRIC CODE As laid out by Ser Uther ‘the Pendraic’ of Acre Written 88 SA. In memoriam of Ser Rolvald Thassion I Thou shalt maintain His Church and live piously. II Thou shalt constitute thyself the defender of All Canondom, regardless of rite, and shall never take up arms against the Church. III Thou shalt constitute thyself the defender of the innocent, the weak, and defenseless, to act else-wise is to dishonor the very concept of Knighthood. IV Thou shalt refrain from acts of wanton cruelty, to act else-wise is to dishonor the very concept of Knighthood. V Thou shalt give succor to widows, orphans and the dispossessed. VI Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy, and shall act always with valor, even if it leads to thy death. VII Thou shalt make war upon the apostate and the servants of Iblees without cessation, and thou shalt never leave the call to crusade unanswered. VIII Thou shalt guard the honor of thy fellow knights, and in turn act virtuously as not to bring dishonor to them. IX Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they be not contrary to the laws of God. X Thou shalt always remain forthright and honest, and will be true to thy word, even if it leads to thy death. XI Thou shalt refrain from giving wanton offense. XII Thou shalt always respect and defend the honor of women. XIII Thou shalt persevere to end in any enterprise begun. XIV Thou shalt never refuse a challenge from an equal, and shall always respect the rite of single combat. XV Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone. XVI Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the Right and the Good against Injustice and Evil. Númenedain Knighthood Due to their origins in the knightly warband of Ser Uther, the Númenedain place a strong reverence on the institution, even beyond their usual adherence to absolute feudalism. The phrase A Knight is a Knight wherever he may be describes their attitude towards the profession. Titles and peerages do not carry half as much weight among the Númenedain as martial prowess and piety, in this regard, even the lowliest hedgeknight might be held in higher regard than even the mightiest king, based on how true they remain to the chivalric ideal. ‘False knights’ ie, those granted the honorific title for political reasons alone, and those lacking martial skill or moral fiber, are viewed more akin to bandits than true knights, and the Númenedain disparage those who grant them such false ‘honors’. According to the laws of the Númenedain, any Knight who deems another worthy can name someone a knight through a basic ceremony in which the recipient is asked to swear to adhere to each clause of the code one at a time, after which, the following is recited. [ Grantor] “Do you, [name] of [name], swear to uphold all these tenants, on pain of exile should ye fail?” [Recipient] “I swear it.” [ Grantor] “Do you swear never to falter, to aid the foe willingly or unwillingly, knowingly or unknowingly, on pain of death should ye fail?” [Recipient] “I swear it.” [ Grantor] “Do you swear to be an example and mentor to your children and your taken squires, so they might carry on your legacy once ye fall?” [Recipient] “I swear it.” [ Grantor] "Then by the Cross, the Flame, and the Radiant Star, I charge you all this and more- To uphold all duties required of you by your station, and to act honorably, now and always." [ Grantor] "Arise Ser [Name] of [Name]- Knight of the Realm." [Both] “So mote it be.” Traditionally, if one is also being named a Knight with vested authority, they will be declared ‘Knight of the Realm and of [kingdom name], and the Knighting ceremony will be followed immediately with a pledge of fealty. A knight may also oftentimes be landed, but this is not always the case, for Knighthood in its own right comes with associated honors and privileges, as well as the duties as laid out in the chivalric code. These rights include being permitted to fly their own banners beneath that of their served Lord, them and their household being permitted to wear their own colors into battle, and being awarded favored treatment in the eyes of the king’s law, which they are also permitted to enforce should they be pledged, and not a simple errant Hedgeknight. Knights are expected and trained to fight primarily as heavy shock-cavalry, but are required to be capable to serve in any role (though in the case of landed knights, lowly positions such as manning siege-equipment or performing menial labor is often seen as beneath them, unless commanded by greater authority.) Uniquely among the Númenedain however, is a duty unlike any other, called The Last Rite of Kings. The Last Rite of Kings is a clause which dictates that, should the reigning monarch of Númendil be willingly or unwillingly brought under the sway of the Forces of Darkness, it is not only expected, but commanded of all Knights of the Kingdom to either bring said monarch back into the light, or, failing that, raise their banners in rebellion and overthrow them in favor of the heir, or should succession be muddied, the High Steward. In the case where both the High Steward and the Heir are unavailable, regency is to be assumed by the eldest knight in service to the Kingdom. This is perhaps the only case among the Mannish Kingdoms in which regicide is not only permitted, but outright commanded per the founding principles of the Kingdom. Malchediael and the Númenedain Among the Númenedain, along with the Canonist God and his Saints, reverence will also at times be placed upon the Aengul of Courage, Malchediael, known by most by his Canonist name, Archangel Michael. Even those without the patronage of the Archangel, his Templars, have come to favor the Warrior-Angel, and call to him in battle as one might call upon the intercession of the saints. However, the Archangel is never venerated above or in place of the Creator. As well as the Aengul of Courage, Michael is oftentimes attributed to be the Archangel of War specifically, and depictions of him or his four-pointed radiant star can be found everywhere in Númendil. Notably, the Royal House of Arthalionath adopted the Radiant Star of Malchediael into their sigil after the destruction of Barrowton during the Dagor Almariad.
  2. The Old Lur traveled far and wide with his ancient Lur Wolf as an independent unit unaware of the events that transpired in San Velku. The Orc and Wolf find themselves in a dark environment full of Netherrite, Falum watches under his darkened old hood as many other descendent refugees flood into the area. The elder kept himself away from the Mori as he kept himself isolated working on his studies and practices. He would exhaust himself regularly due to his old age, but had the work ethic to continue on. For so long he allowed his mind to be clouded and for it the ancestors have punished him to a great degree. Falum’Lur traveled between the many caverns and found many of the ancient anvils amongst other things. He found many of these sites peculiar, having interest in such ancient ruins & relics. When he returned to the underdark ruins he found that many he acquainted with were not of his kind; not of Krug’s lineage. Though he searched through the ruins there was no place he would find Orcs to be taking shelter in. During his search he reminisced upon his life many centuries ago when he was displaced from his home after an attempted genocide on Krug’s people and the court execution of his father, Vorgo’Yar. The shaman returned to the ruins as he sought an isolated meditation. The Ancestors have possessed and punished the elder’s mind for decades with the lack of piety within himself and the iron horde. The orc compels himself to think with great difficulty as he rests his blood-red eyes while his Lur Wolf roams the lands of Failor on its own for prey. His eyes snap open and he leans onto his feet using his old but large and strong muscles and says to himself. “Mi shall raise a Temple to those who came before us. Ash dat will nub ever be wiped from duh memory of cubs and even the spirits themselves shall exalt.”
  3. The Brathmordikan Temple of Almaris was overrun by the Mori and Duren held onto the body of a fatally wounded Ireheart dragging him closer to the city square. Before making an escape the elder Ireheart observed as the Dwed of the underground gallantly fought and with great valor able to defeat many Mori though were still being pushed back. Upon a retreat, Duren takes one look back at the Temple and witnesses a grand miracle conjured by another’s magic. A manifestation of Lord Dungrimm spilled out into the Temple slamming a large hammer upon many of the Mori causing the walls to collapse and providing time for escape. Duren glances back as he evacuates into the valley from the city and a bright light shines upon the mountain where his grand-son Balor rests. He squeezes his eyes closed from shedding a tear as he whispers a prayer for his fallen kin “ᚱᛖᛊᛏ ᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚲᛖ ᛒᚨᛚᛟᚱ”. He hesitantly turns his body to continue the evacuation leaving his late grand-son in the care of Dungrimm. Duren and his great-grandson Balor II carrying the injured body of their Ireheart kin out of the mountains to safety. Once they reached the harbor the exhaustion from being the vanguard at the Temple finally overcame them. Some stone years later, Duren & many other of the Dwarves have reached the survival lands of Failor and established Camp Dwed to subsist despite the odds. Though many of them had not rallied for so long since the exodus. They have managed to continue their councils without even proper courts or temples. Celebrations and ale-pouring commonly occur as the camp cherishes the life spared to them by the Gods and also mourning for those who were lost. Even in the face of insecurity the Dwarves of Urguan keep to the pursuit of Yemekar, striking the earth!
  4. The Soaring Faith and Kæmhan Culture General Overview: The Kæmhan are mostly composed by open minded individuals, including but not limitted to, honorable warriors, scholars, merchants as well as liberated slaves. All of the above, have 1 trait that connects to such a deep level, putting everything else aside, that being their collective thirst for freedom, accompanied their devotion and dedication to see through their ambissions in order shape their own faith how they see fit. Population wise however, they are very diverse, as anyone is allowed to partake in their faith or merely follow their ideologies, as of now, they are mostly populated by Elfs of all sorts as well as humans. History: Due to their vastly questionable backgrounds and general location, an exact origin is still unknown until this day, however, only around the time that the descendants landed upon the lands of Almaris did the Kæmhan begin rising, slowly emerging from the shadows. From the high and might mountains of the east, to the thick jungles of the wests, many splinter groups have been formed, never quite lasting that long all together, with the only settlement ever recorded in their history, being Aethervale, a small village near the Urguani mountains, which also was short lived. While they do not have a perfered climate of choice, they do prefer areas with higher winds, however, due to diversity of their population, such places rarely become their homes. General Values: The Kæmhan are not the typical type of 'religous' as one might think they are, as they view their gods more like a pathway to self enlightenment, or a general value, to impower them mentally so that they may keep pushing forward. Due to their mix backgrounds, one would think that they would be a lot of bickering, however, due to the general belief and thought systems that have been passed down, they mostly co-exist in harmony amongst one another, even amongst the oposite ends of spectrums. They seem to haven unspoken understandings, since, they all have gotten through different trials throught heir lifes, allowing them to see how much they needed True Freedom, be it spiritually or physically. They rarely ever try to push their beliefs or religion towards other people and even at some cases, they seem protective of it, even excluding some, as they couldnt grasp the 'Aspect Of Freedom' that they hold so very dear. Because of that, they have no problem with other religions, some even adapting more than one, since they do not view it just as a religion, more of a way of living, thus rarely would they ever scold one of their own for disrespecting the Kæmhan culture, with very few examples, such us kneeling or bowing down, since it implies that you are willingly putting themselfs under someone else, in which cases, a devoted Riogh would receive major punishments. All children are taught their right to freedom from birth and they are also taught to protect and respect not only their own, but others as well. The younger lifes of a Kæmhan child are seperate in 2 categories: - A Kæmhan male, will be trained in their arts of combat and honor, so that they may grow up to protect their faith and loved ones. Their training begins with basic combat trainings with blunt weaponry, going to extreme ends near the end of their teen years, in which they are ready to enter adulthood through a trial. The trials can vary, depending on the Clan of the child, since each clan warships its on deity, but they can be anything, from preparing a might feast, to hunting a bear with only a spear or even liberating a slave. Once they have passed their trial they are given a choice, either continue trainings, to enter the army or pickup an art, such as blacksmithing, music or even cooking, however, there is one more choice, a choice that once it has been peaked, the only way back is a path of shame for them and their Kin. Usually picked by the Eldest sons of the Kæmhan Clans, they can choose to follow the path of the Riogh. The Riogh are a secrate legion of mighty warriors, trained to the extreme, with the single goal of perserving their and their peoples Freedom, going to extreme extents to do so. Such a path requires the ultimate sacrfice in the Kæmhan culture, to put aside your own opinions and needs and to devote yourself to Feidelhm's teachings, becoming the True Liberators. (More in the military section) - A Kæmhan female on the other hand, while still having the same choices as a male, usually the case for more muscular and promising females, or follow a more mentally challenging path. Since their partners are out there fighting for freedom, or merely working to provide for their family, they have to represent the family, putting all of the heavy burdens of raising their sons and daughters properly, managing their territories and even their economy, because of this, most of Kæmhan 'Officials' are women, with female Clan heads being as common as male. Beliefs And Faith: The basic beliefs of your average Kæmhan are simple, they strive for a peaceful and free life, devoid of impure or unfair doings. However, most often that not, to achieve that they need to go out of the way to do so, which is why they go through such harsh trainings as children, so that they can learn to over come any obsticles, be it alone or as a team, bound togother by their faith. The Kæmhan still 'believe' in their deitys, perhaps not in the way one may think. They do warship them, however, not only through sacrifcies or offerings of items, but by actions, such as liberating a slave, a small prayer before a duel or battle, or any other small task, depending on the deity of choice. The Soaring Faith: The Kæmhan Faith is fairly straight forward, there is one true god, the creator, who is no longer alive, but his children have been left behind, to guide the descendants through their image, so that they may trancend their mortal bounds and become spiritually immortal. They devide their faith in groups, usually each clan belongs to a different deity, as they bare said deitys spiritual animal (in some ideration) as their clan crest. The Deitys along with their beliefs are as follows: The Creator: Parthalan: The now dead creator that set the path for the rest of pantheon. He is viewed passively by the Kæmhan, they do not really warship him in any extend, merely celebrating him every first day of the new year, as respect for his creation. Information about him has been lost due to the passing of time and the fact that the Kæmhan have been nomads with no written history, their beliefs and history itself being passed generation to generation via verbal stories, with only few written records ever found and recoverd. The Primordials Feidelhm: The one true Raven, the protector of freedom and the most respected deity amongst the pantheon. Though every individual who calls thy self a Kæmhan warships him, Feidelhm is the the god that their entire belief system is mainly based off, since he is the one who guides the descendants through the rough path until they reach the vast and windy hilltops. He is most frequently portraid as a man with a heavy plated armor, a mixture of black and deep crimson red color are the plates of such armor. Decorated with a coat of jet-black feathers, earning him his Raven tittle. It is said that he is missing his left eye, legends say that he lost it in his own journey to reach true freedom, which is a direct reference to the path that his strict followers must abide by, that sacrifices must be made to reach such noble goals. Such strict followers are usually the spiritual leaders of the Kæmhan, called Fæ'id. They are the ones who look over their people and usually they have the last word for major decissions regarding their followers. A Fæ'id is viewed as a direct messanger of Feidelhm and they devote their lifes to their people and their needs. Every leader bears a mark of the clan they were born in, in which they were given after passing their Riogh trials, however if one was to become a Fæ'id, they are also given the appropriate mark called "The Sin Of Freedom", which depicts a Raven surrounded by a ring of black and crimson fire. Feidelhm does not require any sacrifices or prayers on a regular basis, one should only pray to him when they feel like the freedom of a loved one, or their own, is in danger, or whenever they are in the process of 'Liberating' someone. Though altars for him can be found in the house of the Fæ'id, which are mostly decorated with a bird cage, the left of which has been removed forcefully, as well as the symbol of his image. Their only purpose, is for them to be used as a place for the Fæ'id to draw their blood, as they pledge themselfs for the cause. Rioghnach: The one who fights, the protector of the free and the punisher of the injust, Rioghnach the brave is the one who guides the Grivs and Plumes through the trenches, the mud and dirt and all other terrain safely, so that they may reach the battlefield to fight and defend their faith. He is the ideal soldier, he embodies the true meaning of honor and glory, as he awaits for all those who fall in battle honnorably, at the iternal mountaintop of the primordials, where they can sit and rest until they are needed to fend off the injust spirits. However, he forbids cowardice fighting, that sadly includes for a soldier to die by a stab in the back, which intails they were neither careful of their foes and perhaps not even their friends. His symbol is a mighty brown bear, as he is often protraid as a tall, muscular male with silver armor, covered in the hide of a giant bear, weilding a might spear and shield, which is also why most of the Kæmhan legions are equiped with this combitination, as it also endorces comrodary and trust in your fellow soldiers, as they must be impenetrable unit. The greatest disgrace one can bestow upon Rioghnach and those who warship him is for a soldier to lose their shield, since that ruins the formation and leaves his fellow soldiers wide open. The devoted followers of Rioghnach are on the wilder side in between man and beast. As their trials for reaching adulthood for both men and women are extreme, since they are left in the wilderness, without any weapons, food, water, tools nor clothes and they are told to survive and find their way back home, after slaying a wild beast. Thus, whoever survives this trial is welcomed back, usually majorly different than how they left, now ready to serve in the front lines of the legions, or as acting commanders at greater scale conflicts. Followers of Rioghnach avoid praying as much as possible, with their prayers boiling down to prayers for a successful conflict or hunt. They are also the first who are marked with full body markings apart from the standard circular mark of any other deity. Though varying from clan to clan, they usually begin from the persons ribs, going behind their lower back and up to the shoulders, in which they sprouth out to the arms and hands, ending on the knuckles. Their spiritual mark is usually placed on their chest or lower back in between the other pattern. The only acting tradition of these followers, which is also common practice after a war or other major conflict, is offering up the body of the mightiest warrior of the enemy side that was slain, be it man or beast, in which case, they place them upon a stone altar, covered in flammable plants and other fibers, essentially creamating them as they pray for the warriors soul to reach the aforementioned mountain-top of the primordials. They later return the asses to the deseaced family, or they scutter them atop a mountain. Einherjar: The one true protector of all, the one who knows true sacrifice and punishes the selfish, Einherjar is the one who protects the ideals of his brothers, Feidelhm and Rioghnach, sacrificing himself, become a the litteral shiled that protects the mortal plains from Llue's curse. He imbodies the meaning of self-sacrifice, giving ones life to save anothers, often seen in Kæmhan culture, as high possition militants have jumped forth to take blows for their lower ranking brothers in arms. His true followers are few, yet they are the most respected, second only to those of Feidelhm. They are usually tasked with protecting the lands of the Kæmhan that go out to war, just in case war comes to their doorstep. Einherjar himself is portraid as a man with a sturdy turtle shell on his back, that is seemingly one with the rest of his armor, a moving fortress of some sort. His followers dress alike, in times of war or other conflicts they can be heard roaming their lands, patrolling for intruders or thiefs, being very noticable by their heavy steps due to the weigth of their armor. Due to their lack of numbers, most of these folk have grown fond of socializing, often resembling hermits, yet they still hold dear any friendships made from connections earlier in their childhood. Following that pattern, their trainings as well as their trial into adulthood is uknown to anyone apart from the very few left, though its speculated that the only requirement is the for one to be either crazy or brave enough to become a human shield. Even through all that however, they are usually the most attending parents, since their roles allow them to always be near their partners and children. As for their traditions they currently only celebrate the date of the death of a fellow follower of Einherjar every 10 years. In which, they use an empty turtle shell, as they fill it half-way with fresh sea water, as they pour the aforementioned fallen comrade's favourite bevarage, setting the shell down upon the ground, as they use a stick to steer the contents of the shell, before offering a prayer to the three brothers and then pushing the turtle shell into the waters, as it gets swept away by them. Llue: The hateful, the unjust, Llue is the neutral evil goddess of the depths, the one who released her infinite hatred towards the world, pushing us away from the eternal mountain-top of the primordials, leaving behind an infinite sea of destruction, our only vessel being our faith. She represents the hate of the close minded people, who flood the world full of lies and illussions just so they do not accept the truth about true freedom. She is portraid as a blue skinned woman with purple hair, however, that hair is actually tentacles, which are used to drag down into the cold depths those who oppose her. She is mostly hated by the Kæmhan people, thus there has not been any recorded instances of warship towards her, even if they were however, they would have been swiftly been dealt with by the Rioghs as they are strictly forbiden. Minor Deitys And Spirits: Haertha: The one births. Haertha is the mother of nature, she is kinda and warm to all those who care for nature, with her being warshiped primarily by woodelfs of the Kæmhan society, even if she is not considered as a primordial. In the pantheon, she is considered a Minor Deity of Forests and Mountains, while also being charged with animals, oceans and essentially all flora and fauna. She is depicted as a young woman, with enormous antlers sprouting from atop her skull, through her messy hair. In the traditional Kæmhan faith, she is viewed merely as a force of nature, that she will treat you how you treat her, thus all Kæmhan folk, regardless if they warship her or not, will always try to preserve nature if possible. Her followers also refrain from sacrifices, only going as far as preserve nature but, there have been many reports of them going to great lengths to punish those who harm it. Iðunn: The one who sees, the one who warns. Iðunn is less of a deity and more of a 'prophet', entirely 'warshiped' only by one person in the Kæmhan, which would be the Fæ'id, as they would seek his knowledge and foresight for up coming conflicts, diplomatic afairs or even how this year's crops would turn out. He is depicted as frail old man in purple robes, a long grey beard on his chin and neck, with the only other noticable feature being his missing left eye, that leaves behind a deep black smoke effect. Sacrifices are usually minor things, such as burning specific leaves or other ingredients, in order to create a smoke like trans so that he may pass down any predictions via a vision. Embla: The one who hosts. Embla is the Minor Deity of Fertility and Hospitality, as well as the wife of Einherjar. She represents family and the bonds that one family might hold dear. This would also include non-blood relatives, such as adopted children, since family is what you make of it and not it makes of you. Most Clan Leader warship her to some extent, prayer that she may bring hope and luck into their extended house holds, however, other individuals such as mothers make offerings to her, so that they may see their already existant kin rise, or if they wish to become a mother again. Offerings to her are small yet meaning full, such as singing a lullaby in front of a fire place or doorstep of their house, or hanging up small artifacts with meaning to them or their kin atop the fire place. A must for all her followers however, is to provide hospitality to anyone who may seek shelter within their walls. They will have to welcome any guests, provide for them food, drinks, a warm bath and bed to sleep for at least 3 days. When that has been done, the land owner can choose wether or not they allow the guest(s) to stay any longer. If not, then they will be given some neately homemade food and sent on their way. Sjofn: The mad one, the hateful one. Sjofn an evil spirit, that ressembles the feelings of pitty, jealousy, revenge and other injust negative emotions. She is often depicted as old hag, with white hair and pinkish eyes, as her leggs are those of a goat, causing her to have a commically short appearance. She is not typically warshiped, but one might decided to say a prayer to her if they wish for another to be plagued by bad luck or to be overcome with negative feelings. She also has a reputation of deception, as her jealousy of the mortals who have transended into a higher spiritual level anger her, thus she tries to temp them into stooping on her level by implanting them with feelings of doubt, this is also frequently seem amongst the spiritual warriors of the Kæmhan. Hodur: The who creeps, the one who haunts. Hodur is an abomination, hiding in plain sight, she is associated with dreams, specifically with nightmares and also works as a bad omen, though she is not just the messanger. She disguises herself as a young girl with a yellow hood, as she roams ones dreams, waiting for them to spot her, when that is done, the individual can feel their stomach drop, as she slowly makes her way towards them through the dream, altering it from small to incredibly horrific and gory details. Near the end of the dream she will reveal herself directly, a clear depiction of her face remains unknown, all anyone can remember is a cold feeling, as through that whole where her face should be, a dark void stares back, as a symbol slowly can be made out, before the individual awakens, drenched in cold sweat. The symbols vary drastically, yet some have been decyphered through the years, witht he most common being the following: -Fish: Death looms near those who are assosiated with the individual. -Wild Cat: Wild cats indicate a feature with worries. -Rotten Egg: Bad luck lays ahead. -Calm Water: Peace is near. -Leaves falling: Change is near. -Raven: Good luck lays ahead. Military And Hierarchy Hierarchy Structure: Both the Military and general Hierarchy structure for the Kæmhan is essentially the same, in the sense that there isnt one, not the in the typical sense at least. Within their communities, their exists no royalty, no kings or queens, nor princes and princesses. The general structure for the people is as follow: -Spiritual Leader, The Liberator, The Fæ'id: The Fæ'id is not born into the possiton, unlike most other hierarchies, he is instead elected, not only through the people, but also through the Primordials as well. Before one may even begin to consider becoming the Fæ'id, they must first go through the trials appointed to them by their Clan (The Maturity Trials), which on their own are challenge enougn, however, that is nothing compared to the mental training that they are put through, usually through the current Fæ'id or by an elder member of their Clan. The Fæ'id is the 'Leader' in more than one ways. While there is a Clan council within Kæmhan communities, it is not very common due to their current population that is not only thin but also spread all across the world, thus the Fæ'id has taken on the sole burden of 'leadership' of their people, which can be anything from managing religious events to even being in charge at times of war, since its the Fæ'id's responsibility to protect and serve their people. Due to all of this, the Fæ'id (like mentioned above) goes through intense physical and mental challenges, thus by the time a Fæ'id steps up to replace the old one, they are filled with knowledge, experience and ambitions. The one trait that the Fæ'id must lead by example with is True Neutruality, as at times they may be forced into being 'Judge, Jury and Excecutioner.' both literally and metaphorically, for both interal and external affairs. The view of the Fæ'id summarized with a simple example is the following: "The world is like a coin, it seemingly has two sides, heads and tails, yet people always seem to acknowledge the thrid sides, which is the ring around it, a very thin and fine line that belongs to neither of the aphromentioned two. Maintaining a place within that line is like a fine pressure, that can either create a diamon, or grind you into dust." Apart from that, the Fæ'id is also responsible for teaching people within or outside of their community (if they are willing) about the Soaring Faith and their belief systems in general. It is also their job to train the Preachers of the Soaring Faith, known as the Trauc'er. -The Trauc'ers, Preachers and Liberators: The Trauc'ers have a simple yet crucial role within the Kæmhan community, which is to preach and help the willing, via expanding their horizons through the teachings of the Soaring Faith, or to simply provide advice for those in need, believers or not. They are the ones who help the Fæ'id with any religious responsibilities and act like disciples of the Soaring Faith. -The Extended Kæmhan Military: The military structure of the Kæmhan is vast yet straight forward, however in a social ladder they stand right bellow the Preachers of the Soaring Faith and this category includes any and all military related personal, from the Plumes up to the Kriyell and everything in between. They are all respected and at some cases, usually the rather extreme Squadrons of the Spiritual warriors such as the Rioghna's, are usually feared as well due to their extreme skills and devotion to the cause. -The Kæmhan People: This includes everyone not included within the categories mentioned above, regardless of birth, power or economic status. They are the 'common-folk', with a majority of backgrounds much like the rest of the Kæmhan, ranging from liberated slaves, repented thieves up to warriors, scholars and merchants, as all are welcome in the eyes of the Kæmhan people, as long as they are willing to co-operate of course, with even cases of non-descendant races/creatures joining their ranks. Everyone within this category is essentially the backbone of the Kæmhan community, as they are the ones who keep it alive either through devotion to the faith, or simply because they feel like they want to help in any way they can and support the cause, without the need for warship. The Kæmhan Military and The Warriors Of The Soaring Faith Military Overview: The warriors of the Soaring Faith and the Kæmhan Military are essentially one entity working with different views and systems with the common feature of no clear hierarchy, in the sense that, no person is more important than any other, as they are all people fighting for their beliefs and their freedom. The Kæmhan Military focuses on protecting the people and any land owned by the Kæmhan as well as fighting in any and all conflicts if instructed by the Fæ'id while the Warriors of the Soaring Faith, regardless of the deity they warship or their possition, are always fighting under the direct command of the Fæ'id witht he own common purpose of Liberation of the people of the mortal realm, as well as the maintance of the peace and freedom of the Kæmhan people from any outside threat. Kæmhan Military Structure: The Kriyell: The Kriyell can be described as a General for the Kæmhan forces, acting directly under the Fæ'id in terms of military leadership, taking lead in the Fæ'id's absense as long as permission is given. Only one may be entitled to this role at a time period. The Grivs: The Griv are the 'Special' forces of the Kæmhan Military, a speciallized unit of honorable warriors that, for whatever reason, has chosen to refrain from the Soaring Faith or they just did not want to go through the trials to join one of the Spiritual Warrior groups of the Soaring Faith. They are the elite soldiers of the Kæmhan Military, with admirable brotherhood amongst the troops, perhaps at the cost of devotion to the Liberating cause of the Soaring Faith. The Plumes: The Plumes are the common soldier of the Kæmhan military, yet at the same time the most important part, as they are the backbone to the army themselfs, brotherhood also runs deep amongst them, with shared bonds and the wish to protect their land, homes and those who they hold dear. One might think that they are not as compotent as the Grivs, however, through sear determination and teamwork, they have overcome great foes and they continue to do so. Warriors Of The Soaring Faith: These people are the absolute pride of the Soaring Faith, as they are the truely devoted Liberators of the people across the mortal realm, carrying out the will of the Fæ'id via special missions, using their experience, expertise and other special skills that they may have acquired. They are split into divisions based ont heir Deity of choice and they specialize in different types of tasks, from assasins to frontlines and everything in between. Little is known about them due to the nature of their lifestyle, since their devotion leaves little space for them to engage in any activities, hobbies or anything else apart from family. Tradditions (More to be added in the future) Funerals & Grievings: The Kæmhan culture is straight forward towards funerals, as an ordinary citizen, believer or not , will be given a burrial and will be read a prayer by a Trauc'er in the hopes of salvation for their soul. Where as a warrior, will be cremated, and their asses will be spread wherever their family deems worthy. At the chance of no known relatives they will be again cremated, however this time, depending on who they were, based on beliefs and their service to the Kæmhan military, they might spread in the ocean or on a mountain top. Kæmhan Afterlife: The Kæmhan have their own version of 'Heaven' and 'Hell' without anything too specific being mentioned in their records. They refer to their version of heaven as "The Eternal Hilltop" and its a place high up upon the mountains where those who lived free lives go after they die. When they do die, they are judged by Feidelhm, the true Liberator of mortals, and depending on ones life, the god they warshiped and the deeds of their life, they get to join the deity they warshiped, or if they didnt warship one at all, they would be sent to the one that suited their life style the most. The warriors who fought and died to protect their brothers and sisters in arms go to Rioghnach, so that they may fight once more if they are ever needed to fend off against Llue. The warriors of Einherjar, who have protected their lands and their families, who have been the frontline for their brothers and sisters in arms, they will be the shield and frontline against Llue if she ever dares come back. And the Liberators of Feidelhm, they who have sacrificed everything for the freedom of their people, they shall join in him in the eternal journey to reclaim the birthright of Freedom for those who seek it. As of those who lived twisted lifes, that took advantage of others, who did not care about their fellow descendants, they shall be thrown into the deepest trench of Llues ever flowing oceans, made a slave for her ever present hold on people who hesitate to do the right thing. Forever alone in dispair, with no hope of salvation. Marriage and Relatiosnhips: Kæmhan tradition does not prohibit relationships before marriage, however it is frowned upon for a couple to have a child before they get married, with exceptions being made for couples who have adopted children. Marriage in the Kæmhan community is like mating for life, typically Kæmhan people only have one partner, however there have been rare exceptions through the years as well as same gender marriages, in both cases, it is acceptable like any other marriage, perhaps rarer. The marital ceremony is simple. After either man or woman proposes, a feast is hosted for the soon-to-be-wed couple, there traditional foods and drinks must be served by both families of the pair and at the end if the groom is the one that got proposed to, then his family must dump the remaining alcoholic and not alcoholic beverages on him, as a sign of good faith, of being washed over any last minute doubt and insecurities. (In the case of same-gender marriage, the one who got proposed to will be the one who will get the beverages dumbed upon them.) The wedding itself has very few limitations, such as guests requiring whatever they may judge as "formal" attire, only excluding any religious warriors of the Kæmhan, which are encouraged to wear clothing that reveals their marks, as a show of respect towards the couple. The choice of a priest is up to the couple, but anything is acceptable, from priests from other religions to even the Fæ'id themself. The couple is encouraged to create vowes much like other religions and even to exchange something apart from the usual ring, something of spiritual value, something symbolic of their bond.
  5. Issued by the QUEEN SOFIA OF HYSPIA On this 7th day of Joma ag Umund of 477 E.S. VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG EDLERVIK, The Tale of Horse and Crow, one symbolic of my recent marriage to King Georg I, is written and intended for any future children our union may have and for that of the next generation of our Kingdom. I chose these two for the Horse and Crow to represent our joined houses, and I hope in the future, for our blessed children to read this and learn to work together, much like the Horse and Crow in this tale. And as promised, special credit to Ser Sterling Amador, my Marian Knight for it was he who suggested the trial used in this tale! IV JOVEO MAAN Her Royal Majesty, Sofia of Hyspia, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska, Princess of Hyspia, Princess-Consort of Bihar, Dules, Lahy, Muldav, Solvesborg, Slesvik and Ulgaard, Duchess-Consort of Carnatia and Vanaheim, Margravine-Consort of Korstadt, Rothswald and Vasiland, Countess-Consort of Alban, Siegrad, Werdenburg, Alimar, Baranya, Graiswald, Karikhov, Karovia, Kaunas, Kavat, Kovachgrad, Kvasz, Markev, Nenzing, Torun, and Toruv, Viscountess-Consort of Varna, Baroness-Consort of Esenstadt, Kraken’s Watch, Kralta, Krepost, Lorentz, Rytsburg, Buck, Thurant and Astfield, Lady of the Westfolk, Protector and Lady of the Highlanders, etcetera.
  6. "He is strength, will, and action given form His hooves swallow the earth Thorns and antlers crown his fierce eyes He flies without wings His eyes are as sharp as his star-tipped arrows He is Cernunnos - King of Centaurs" Mythology of the Mother Circle Long have druids known Cernunnos as the Horned Lord; Aspect of the hunt, hunger, and primal instincts. Sometimes he is associated with the gnawing grip of disease, the ferocity of the wildfire, and the tempest's roar. For the Mother Circle, the Legend of Cernunnos stories the Hunt Father as a massive beast-man, depicted as either half stag or horse with strong body, large forked antlers and a bow of legendary strength. His arrows pierce the soul, shattering the mortal coil that delays the rebirth of nature. He and his many sons and daughters travel freely from the Court of the Fae Queen to guide the natural flow of the balance, and during the season of autumn oft associated with the Centaur King, he will blow the Horn of the Wild Hunt, beginning the greatest season of change. The leaves will recoil and shrivel into dark, fiery colors, the prey will be driven from their burrows. Hunters and gatherers alike will rejoice in the fair weather in which they will toil for the spoils of autumn, feasting on the weak and plentiful before the cold inevitabilities of winter. The celebrations of Cernunnos traditionally begin during the Fox Moon, or final Phase of Life. To honor the Hunt Father, the Mother Circle will coordinate adventures into the surrounding realms of the Grove. Before every hunt, a communal prayer is held before the grove is departed. The Huntsman's Creed is recited, the bows and blades of the hunters are blessed, and the hunters are sent off while the hearths and feasting grounds are prepared. The Creed is storied to be the self-imposed rules of any honorable hunter worshipping Cernunnos, including the sparing of young and mothers, the focus upon hunting the elder animal, and respect of animal population in reverence to the balance. Needless slaughter is taboo, and is said to invite the attention of mischievous or malevolent fae. The Huntsman's Creed With blade and bow, O Father, may I remain humble in harvest Grant my feet and arrows swiftness, may my eyes and sword be sharp When the heart is pierced, the throat cut May your arrow loft this animal's spirit to the Forest In their rebirth, may I remember this hunt Keep me their memory, the animal honored And in your will may the Wild Hunt forever come Cernunnos and Astrology of the Mother Circle While a majority of the kills sustained during the months of the Wild Hunts, there is some game that is coveted by Cernunnos himself. For the Mother Circle, a druid has become a part of the natural cycle once they arise from the waters of attunement. Druid and Draoi alike will eventually meet their end at the hands of Cernunnos' bow. Fabled to be tipped with the stars themselves, Cernunnos is also the artist of the constellations in the night sky, for every great hunt must preserve a story to honor the fallen. It is said that when Druids finally enter the Eternal Forest for rest, or Draoi for eternal turmoil, the wake of Cernunnos' soul-reaping organizes the stars into a memorial. Rumored to be the arrows of Cernunnos' bow themselves, comets or falling stars are oft seen as an omen of change. The graves of the fallen are typically marked with the simple pattern of stars and connecting lines forming the druid's memorial constellation, which are best seen from the Mother Circle's observatory. There the living druids ponder wisdom left by the fallen, warnings of those who have failed the Aspects, and legends of the Order's history.
  7. An beatiful paitning of the Aurentian Alps could be seen The mountains. It is said that like how waves tower on the beaches, so do the mountains tower over that of the land. Perhaps it could even be said that the mountains are the waves of the land. The waves are a beautiful sight to behold on the beach and such are the mountains on the land. There are many beautiful waves in this land of Almaris… but there is one only truly great mountain range, that of the Aurentian Alps. The Aurentian alps… a luscious mountain escape from the busy world. Luscious and green were the long flowing grasses on those hills. The air always felt fresh and clean. As one traveled up those mountains, one could feel the warm sun peeking over the alps. As the gentle light of the sun embraced you and the beauty of the nature around you met you, one could almost feel the embrace of God himself. And on those alps lay a lovely Viscounty called Hohengarten on the Outremont pass. It was a lovely keep with its bright colors and grape vines that supplied many a beautiful and lovely wine for feasts. The house, like the alps itself, contained plenty of greenery and flowers. In fact, it was almost as if the House was essentially a part of the alps itself in its beauty There existed in that lovely Viscounty, a lovely family. A kind but proud grandmother with a gentle-hearted grandfather. Currently, she shared that household with her 8 children, and her 4 children and daughter-in law of her adopted son. She had a total of 8 grandchildren. Half of them came from her adopted family. And in that adopted family, there existed a cute little blonde boy named Richard von Leopold, the twin brother to Peter Von Leopold and younger brother to his sister Helena and Anne von Leopold. And in that lovely family, the young child Richard was sent on a quest to explore his beautiful little world in the mountains and return with a precious item. “Richard, mein grandson, find zhe item dur Uncle James left on one of the mountain peaks near here… trust mich mein grandson du vill it know vhen du have found it” A Portrait of the young Richard Von Lepold could be seen here And so young Richard Von Leopold began his quest. Armed with a small sword, some food his mother had prepared for him and with hugs and kisses from his sisters and brothers, he walked along those verdant alps, the sun just starting to peak over those tall Alpan mountains. As he walked up those mountains, he breathed in the fresh country air. Perhaps it was a wonderful thing that Hohengarten stood so far out from the world. It was peaceful, away from the troubles of the world. Away from those evil Adrians and those evil Mori who seemed beset upon conquering his little mountain world in the Laurentian Alps. He felt the breeze of the light country air, as the wind was slowed and gentle. The breeze itself was a product of strong winds meeting the even stronger and mighty Alpan mountains that forced the winds to slow, making their breezes gentle and calm. The air felt invigorating and full of life in those luscious mountains. Richard continued his hike, he climbed up on a mountain and he would reach its peak and with a light huff, he found there to be nothing and sighed “Awww, nien, nien, nien!” he said in frustration. He would then look to the other mountains that his grandmother had pointed to and realized he maybe had 5 more to go to! He sighed and kept walking, his legs quite strong and able for a lad his age. For, he had always been an excited lad, running around his quant house and mansion in Hohengarten and never getting tired. Now, what most people don’t realize is that life in the Alps is a bit harder on newer visitors. The high altitudes often tended to make newcomers to Hohengarten a bit shorter of breath than they were used to living in lower altitudes. Eventually, as one got used to living so high above, one would adapt to mountain life and find themselves to be more capable of doing things and last longer in their exercises. But Richard, a child his age, would have no idea of this and he kept walking amazed at just how far he had traveled. His home vanished into the mountains as he continued his walk. Richard would then find the second mountain and climb to its top only to find no object upon its peak. With a sigh, the young Waldenian would find himself thirsty and after drinking the bottle of water that he had. He found himself needing more and so he stood tall upon that mountain and like an eagle he looked around until he found a small creek that he could use that took him to the direction of the third mountain top. And after a bit of a struggle the young Waldenian made it to the creek and would proceed to drink from it. Splashing some of the water in his face, his cute rosey cheeks would redden at the coldness of the creek but it would be a refreshing feeling given his weary traveling so far. The young Richard looked around and smiled for the mountains truly do bring upon great small little wonder and this place was one of them. An protrait of the creek could be seen made by a young Richard Von Leopold for the next time he traveled to this creek The noon sun made the young lilies shined brightly, their petals if felt would have felt soft to the touch. They had a wonderful smell to them and as Richard plucked one. He would giggle and smile at the softness of the lilies and its wonderful. “Ich zhould save zhis and give it to mozher und find anozher for grandmutter” he said with a smile as he took two lilies and put them in his bag. The grass like the lilies, showed a bright shade of green. They were as high as Richard ankles, undisturbed by the presence of man in these mountains as hikers and travelrs were few in this section of the Alps and so Richard like the young lad he was, rolled around in the grass like a child, giggling and laughing like many young little Waldenian children do. As he rolled, the dandelions that were in the grass, would realize their fluffs, surprised by the presence of the child. As he smelled the grass… he could feel something.. Almost as if he could feel the alps themselves speaking to him. And then with a happy and tired sigh, he would stand up and realize “Ich should travel to zhe next mountain!” he said with a giggle and trying his best to remember how he got here for another time. He would then proceed to hike up the third mountain, his legs been rested at the creek, he would proceed to walk onto its peak and finally as he reached the peak he saw the sword stuck in between two rocks in the mountain. Hours at passed, it had long been since mid-day but the sun was still brightly shining. It was msolty likely 3-4 in the day. He giggled in elation as he finally found the sword and he would quickly move to take it. The sword was a bit heavier for Richard… but it came with a backstrap and so he used and put the sword on his back as he returned home. An image of the sword with its scabbard could be seen After that, Richard would then proceed to return home with the only companion he had with him in his travels… the Sun, for it it had been there when he started his trail and now, it was setting down over the mountains as Richard knocked on the door to Hohengarten. “Hallo! It’s mich Richard!” At those words, an elderly red-haired lady, followed by her younger adult red-head daughters and son, a young blonde mother carried in tow with her adolescent blonde twin daughters rushed over to Richard. What came next was a series of hugs and kisses and jubilancy in Hohengarten. “Grandmutter! Ich found zhe svord!” he said then giving her the sword and with that his grandmother Cosima, Countess of Hohengarten would smile “Zhat’s mein gutte little grandson!” she said taking the sword, hugging her grandson and placing a kiss on his forehead. And then looking to her now growing family, she would smile and say “Come! Now we celebrate” she said, then ushering the family to the upside patio, where a wonderful Waldenian dinner would be prepared. A portrait of a sunset over the Aurentian Alps could be seen
  8. RESTRUCTURING OF THE INTERIOR As issued by the Secretary of the Interior on the 6th of the Sun’s Smile, 54 B.A. EXORDUM; The Ministry of the Interior is fundamental for the development and growth of our domain due to its obligation to maintain the architectural standard of the Crown holdings and any appropriated land for construction in the possession of Royal Peer or freely bought. Furthermore, the care of immigration is entrusted to the office as it must guarantee the continued influx of incomers. These two factors being one of the most vital affairs of any state, it is with such deliberation that the newly appointed Secretary Sarkozic envisions and promulgates the complete restructuring of the Interior in endeavor to maximize efficiency and steady prosperity for his countrymen. The aforesaid is to be done through the creation of distinctive positions with each being entitled to certain duties and service. THE SECRETARY;@Matheaww The Secretary is the representative of the Interiors exigencies on the Duana. They are entitled to the staffing of the Directories of Architecture and Immigration, and concurrently the assignment of undertakings and supervision of cohesion between the aforementioned offices. THE DEPUTY-SECRETARY; @oryP The Deputy Secretary oversees the daily management in tandem with their superior, in times of absence or incapacity they are to step in and all of the powers and functions of the Secretary may be exercised. THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF ARCHITECTURE; The Director-General of Architecture is responsible for the management of the Department of Architecture and its staff. They are entrusted to evenly assign tasks amongst their Architects and Inspectors and compensate them upon their completion. ARCHITECTS Making up the majority of the Department, Architects are the masterminds behind every project. Each is expected to complete work that represents the Balianese culture. They too must be skilled planners, tasks as grand as building a library and as simple as paving a road require thorough drafting. INSPECTORS@Madyyy Flaws are what make us human and, with that in mind, a Board of Inspectors will be required to overview each blueprint produced by an Architect. The Board will be made up of any number of members who show a clear understanding of Architecture. Each one will look for reliability, practicality, and the above-mentioned adequate representation of Balianese culture within each plan. THE DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF IMMIGRATION; The Director-General of Immigration is responsible for the management of the Department of Immigration and its staff. They are entrusted to evenly assign tasks amongst their Officers and compensate them upon their completion. OFFICERS The Department of Immigration has a number of strategies used to attract people to the Kingdom of Balian. Typically, Officers are assigned to write letters of invitation to newcomers of the Realm that appear willing to migrate. It is then their job to settle newcomers, upon their eventual arrival to the realm, into their new homes. [!] A folded form of application to the Ministry would be attached to the missive. SIGNED, HIS EXCELLENCY, Sir Franz Arthur Sarkozic, Viscount of Pompourelia, Knight of the Order of Saint Lothar, Secretary of the Interior
  9. First introduced by Princess Sofia de Pelear of Hyspia within the past few days in a private party, the game has since taken on popularity within the Hyspian courts of Ciudad de Plata and is seen used for varying events and to pass the time. The Game of Aviary is what you’d call a party game which is namely a game of gossip and rumors. Naturally, these can be fake or real at the discretion of the host! Five or more players are preferred for this, the bigger the group, the better in this instance. Though, the minimum needed would be at least three! Once you have your players, the one hosting will begin by telling one person in a hushed whisper the rumor in question. From there, it is up to that person on how they wish to spread the rumor, the only rule being that they may only spread it to one person and in a quiet fashion! This keeps going, from person to person and during this time, anything may be done. You could simply be enjoying a meal, making your rounds about a party or otherwise. If you’d wish to add a degree of difficulty and fun, you could choose to spread multiple rumors and see how they twist and change as they go on! At the end of the party or the game itself, you ask those to tell you what they heard and see just how close it was to the original rumor! It allows those there a good laugh and to see just how information can be so easily misconstrued when spread. Should there be any questions as to how the game works, inquiries may be sent to Princess Sofia de Pelear! Signed, Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  10. ESSAY ON THE PERSEVERANCE OF FAITH Vasili Valic I pray to Sigismund, for we live in a time like his. We Adrians are not the august lords of one great empire, as was Godfrey, we are not mythic icons of the ideal as Horen, and we are not yet redeemed as Owyn. Like Sigismund, we live in a time of low moral authority, of a humanity fractured and compromised in the absence of what once was. I have been blessed by my father, Velislav, with the great histories of our people, what was once known as Ruska or the great Raevir. I may be off base, as subject to the many hundreds of years ago I write of and the erosion of time, but nevertheless in such trying times I must try to use this gift to the advantage of common Adrian, especially those in doubt of their conscience. I can understand the sentiments of those souls, some more forgivable than others, which would receive the actions of our crooked Pontiff, and our occupied Canonist faith, as a sign of its death. These folk would believe schism is the option in the face of excommunication, that because our Pontiff is fallible, so is our belief. One must never forget that Godfrey's immediate descendants abandoned Oren in its hour of need against the Kingdom of Urguan. Though rectified some decades later through the Imperium Tertius, it was his exodus and its shadow in which Sigismund lived, in a humanity subjugated by non-humans. We do not exalt Sigismund for his reign, but his restoration. It was Sigismund who, in the face of a humanity that failed, decided not to abandon its faith in decline, but who reunited mankind under one cause, from Flotsam to Abresi, to restore the agency of humanity to its own hand. It is Sigismund's translations of the scrolls that from which our faith descends in its identity. Those who would seek to remove him from the annals of the Canon would be doing so for the purpose of illiterate megalomania, unaware that the truths they preach even against his name were written by his pen. We live in a time of Dragons and Ghouls, Vampires and other ilk; each side of the current conflict would have you believe the other is their agent. I do not believe either to be true. However, there is not a settlement in the world today which does not harbor the ill omens of undeath or immortal pacts with daemons. Humanity then is subjugated as it was then in Sigismund’s time. We are in a stasis, a vacuum of moral direction plagued by the absence of one just goal. We must think like Sigismund at this time. We must not abandon Canonism simply because there are those within it who are mortally villainous, for it is our unified faith of Humanity. We need not schism ourselves from the world simply because it wants us to. We are human, like any other, and we are, in Adria, the true and eldest heirs to Carrion. Alongside it, we carry the indomitable spirit of freedom and rectitude that has seen it burn in the face of unholy tyranny time and time again. I speak to you Adrians, to pray to the restorer of moral rectitude once more in our time of excommunication. We must not entertain these crooked souls who know neither victory nor defeat, hiding behind their walls for perpetuity while they strangle our faith to death. We must fight for our faith. We must liberate Canonism, not send it to hospice. We must liberate our identity and right titles from the Hansetian menace, not consign them to their perpetual torment under its roof. Do not resign your beliefs simply because others wish you to. Affirm them in spite of this.
  11. "When the moon rises in hue of strawberry, then has come the hour of the flower faerie. On beams of moonlight, they paint and dance, a springtime eve to enchant!" Excerpt from the folktale of the Wildblossom Faeries When the Crystal Moon has set, the druids of the Mother Circle pay homage to the arrival of true spring by observing one the season's more prominent faerie tales. After the Fae Queen Cerridwen emerges from her winter chrysalis, the Springmother breathes the first warm winds onto the land and blesses the dormant ground with life. Upon the perfumed breezes of moonlit nights come the Wildblossom Faeries, thought to act as the paintbrushes of the Aspect herself. The vibrant hues of spring, nearly endless in color and shape, make the living world not just a vessel of life from the Aspect, but also a reflection of her eternal beauty. Sometimes depicted as riders of springtime birds such as cardinals, robins, or hummingbirds, the faeries are believed to serve as the helpers of the Mani Kholibrii until the arrival of the next moon. _______________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ During the passing of the Painted Moon, the Mother Circle celebrates the lunar month as one of creation and artistry. Wine and liqour is bottled with essence of spring, new clothing is sewn, performances are entertained, and the colors of the wilds are welcomed into the grove. Great care is taken to foster the growth of the blooms brought by the passing of the Painted Moon, avoiding harvest of the flowers until the time of the faeries' crossing has passed. In folklore, it is thought that those who have earned favor with the Fae Queen will discover many blooms around their house, and find their family blessed with prosperity and health. Some devout druids may choose to cultivate a certain color of flower during the season in hopes to provide their space with some living air of inspiration, such as red blooms for courage or white flowers for peace. While the Mother Circle celebrates the Painted Moon and awaits the arrival of the next, the druids offer a creation of their own to Cerridwen in hopes that when the fruits and berries of summer come, the Aspect promises a good harvest for the druids in return for their faith.
  12. Maca Tocaitl About The Kharajyr Naming ༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓ One of the most prominent cultural events of the Kharajyr is naming ceremonies. Names are incredibly important to the Kha, as it is a representation of who they are within society. Prefixes are the key focal point of this celebration, as they are given throughout the key points in a Kha’s life. As such, this ceremony can occur at various times throughout ones life, and it comes to vary from person to person. The focus comes to be representation of self, to convey aspects of the Kharajyr by introduction, and to demonstrate progress throughout ones journey. Coming of The Name When a Kharajyr cub comes of a certain age, that being 5 human years, they are to be given their first prefix, and first name. Prior to this time, they will have simply been referred to as ‘cub’ or ‘young one’, as who they are hasn’t yet been determined. This time allows the elder to determine the best fitting name for the young cub, basing it off who they are in their rawest form. This version of the ceremony is one of the most dramatic, is it included both the base name and a prefix. The cub is to rest at the feet of the elder as they lead the ceremony, offering a speech to highlight the parts of the cub that aided in determining the most sufficient name. Following the speech and explanation, the cub is then given their name, accompanied by the prefix S', until they meet adulthood. [Example: S'Xochitl] Coming of Age The next aspect of the naming world in which Kharajyr traverses is when a cub grows into themselves, and into an adult. The age of 15 is when their life truly begins, in many ways. This is the point in which a Kha is considered a true member of their community, and has earned the title of a fully grown adult. However, this is not a point in which the Kha has entirely figured out who they are, thus they are given a simple and general title. This stage of life is one to allow room to explore self, to find what it is that calls to them. Kha later are granted titles to adhere to their greatest call, what areas in which they are most attuned to in their society. The Kharajyr believe it’s important to allow their young and new members to take the time to discover themselves before committing to any one skill or path, ensuring when the choice is made, it is the correct one. This ceremony is similar to the last, in which the newly adult Kha will bow before the elder as a speech is given. This speech, however, pertains much to the aforementioned concepts of exploring oneself, as so the Kha understands what this stage of life is meant for. Once the speech comes to a conclusion, the newly adult Kharajyr may take on the title So’, Si’, or Sa’, chosen by the Elder. [Example: Si’Xochitl] Coming of Self Perhaps the most important name the Kharajyr will be given is that of self. At this point in life, the Kha has come to find themselves and their calling, settling on a sense of self they most identity with. Ranging from artist to warrior, this ceremony is grand and full of celebration. Drink, feast, and festivities are to be held when a Kha decides they have found themselves in such a way. This ceremony can occur at any time in a Kha’s life, and can even happen more than once if they come to grow into something else more fruitfully. Because of the flexibility, Kharajyr experience no pressure to have come to their choice in a certain time frame, but rather to simply focus on doing so with the greatest success possible. The elder in this version of the ceremony spends the majority of their speech going over the Kha’s journey, discussed prior to the event. This is done to display to young Kharajyr how diverse and adventurous their journey can be in finding themselves. The name taken in this instance is determined by the role the Kha has chosen to take, and can be the following: Do’ for Warriors Ji’ for Artists, Writers, and Poets Dra’ for Doctors Ka'/Ki'/Ko' for Merchants Jo' for Magic Users Do' for Warriors Ja’ For Priests or Religious Leaders
  13. Haulquiz’Metzli ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙ ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙ The Festival of the Future Moon is dedicated to reading the Meztli for the next lunar season. The Kha seek the heavens above during a celebration of the moon, doing so to predict what aspects of their lives will be prosperous within the following season, dependant on the stage of the moon during the reading The activities of such a festival may vary when the lunar cycle is decided for the season, however much remains the same from celebration to celebration Often led by the Elders or Priests of the Pride, the Kha and others joining in the festivities come together for a day of partying. Traditional Kharajyr meals are often served during this time, as food is an incredibly important part of the health of any group of Kha. Alcohol is also commonly shared during the initial activities, however is limited so that the ceremonies may not be interrupted Once the partying has come to a close, often decided by the lead of the Hauluiz’Metzli festival, the group of Kha converge into one location for a religious ceremony directed towards the Spirits and some aspects towards the Muuna herself, however it is up to the discretion of those leading the rituals and ceremony. To conclude the festival, the moon itself is to be observed closely, and the present stage of the lunar cycle is to be decided. Once this has been decided, the prediction of the season is to be made, and thus allow the Kha to better prepare for what is to come in that time, and further orchestrate their social activities to reflect what will be most prosperous. New Moon A season of political prosperity, Kha may come to find ally ships easier found, a good time for celebration and festivals . Young Moon A time of invention, the creative flow of Kha is enhanced during this season! There is to be prosperity in all creations. Waxing Crescent The season shall be full of bravery, inspiring Kha to act on things they may otherwise be too fearful to challenge. Waxing Quarter Dexterity comes from these times, Kha are presented with a time in which their craftsmanship is heightened significantly. Waxing Gibbous A prosperous season for merchants, the season shall bless all with fortune. Full Moon The Spirits bless the Kha of this season, fortune of all kinds are to come. Waning Gibbous A time of good health, this lunar season offers times of healing and rejuvenation . Waning Quarter This season is to be filled with joy, a time in which the voices of Kha shall be heard louder than before, in all situations. Waning Crescent A time of quiet, these times are filled with secrecy, it is wise to keep one’s thoughts to themselves. Kha are to be more reclusive during this season. Old Moon Inspiring intelligence, this lunar season bares wisdom to be found in each ordeal, all things are a lesson in these times. ‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓‧͙⁺˚*・༓⋆˖⁺‧₊☽◯☾₊‧⁺˖⋆༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙༓・*˚⁺‧͙
  14. Sobre Perfumería Viceroyalty of Hyspia’s On Perfumery Hyspian Cultural Codex I: Volume II [!] Missives can be seen hung up around the Haense and Hyspia streets. A one-of-a-kind perfume created for the Princess Sofia de Pelear of Hyspia as a gift upon her Quinceanera. On Scent Theory There are varying theories as to scent and more importantly, perfuming. It is said that the scent one uses can make a difference in their day to day life. Much like one would dress the part for the role they wish to take on, this is believed to be along that same vein. Despite its stark difference, if one wishes to take on a more flirty scent, they’d do best to look into hints of vanilla or spicy notes. It’s believed that those scents are associated with home and that of a home cooked meal, which makes this theory an interesting one as every upbringing is different. For those seeking something more light-hearted, airy, floral scents would be the go-to. It’s said to generally improve someone's mood, allowing it to give its more light-hearted atmosphere and is said to even trigger happy memories. Now, on the opposite end of this, you have woodsy scents. Crisp, aromatic notes that more often than not reminds someone of nature. In theory, it is said that it’s worn by outspoken individuals, natural leaders and namely, extroverts. The last of the four main scents variants would be that of something that you’d simply call fruity. A citrusy scent, which can easily be cloying if not used in moderation. Fruity scents are theorized to be all about personality, drawing attention to oneself and are meant to be fresh and invigorating. While these are sub-variants, these are the four main types of scents you’d find in perfuming and as written below, this will be touched on more, covering what is used in the making of perfume, on dousing yourself versus subtle scents and otherwise. What is Used? In the making of perfumes, there are a few things to keep in mind. While the ingredients are an important and key component when making any perfume, colors and tones have certain associations but it isn’t an exact science. Brown perfumes are associated with something more woody and dense, bringing it under the woodsy scent variant and occasionally the flirty scent variant. By knowing its final appearance beforehand, it’ll allow you to further plan ahead as to the make of the perfume bottle, just how to empathize the scent and otherwise. The same can be said with pale pinks being associated with more floral scent variants and hot pinks for something more sweet and light. Alongside this is green tones, associated with light and fresh scents, giving three main colors and meanings to choose from when planning your particular perfume bottle. When choosing to make a perfume of the flirty scent variant, you’d find that using vanilla, cinnamon, nutmeg, pepper and/or cloves will be your friend. This makes a strong scent that lasts well over-time, giving it longevity. The second scent variant, that of the floral scent most often has that of roses, lavender, jasmine and/or lily of the valley. This perfume tends to smell like freshly cut flowers, and is not as well-known for its longevity throughout the day. If using citrus based oils with it, you’d wish to store it properly, lest it go bad. Our second to last scent variant is our woodsy scent, which ranges over from our more delicate materials, you’d find wood-based ingredients used in this, such as roots, resins, moss and leaves. This has more longevity much like the first variant listed, lasting longer throughout the day and thus, being recommended to use in moderation. Our last scent variant is the fruity piece, where flowers and fruits alike are combined to make this personality-packed scent. Some ingredients you’d see in this are jasmine and gardenias paired with fruits such as melons, apricots or coconuts, typically luscious flowers and juicy fruits. Its longevity is much like the second scent variant, not quite well-known for lasting throughout the day but unlike the second, this one is recommended to use in moderation due to its cloying nature. Too much can make the eyes water and the throat choke up. Dousing Yourself vs. Subtle Scents A good rule of thumb is if you can smell yourself, you put on too much. Imagery and Bottles There are three main material types of perfume bottles, alongside shape types alike. You have bottles primarily made of terracotta, glass or porcelain with the shapes being that of a spray bottle, roller-ball bottle or an entirely solid perfume jar. When it comes to perfume bottles, the shape, appearance and even make of the bottle can make the difference between a long-lasting scent and one that simply wisps away. When using a glass bottle, it is important to pick something darker that protects the liquid within from any visible light, heat or otherwise. Without it, it can lose its scent, begin to smell rotten even and/or discolor entirely. The benefits of using glass is due to its sturdy construction, which keeps other scents from leaking in and destroying the intended product and that it is cheap in comparison to the other types. Terracotta perfume bottles naturally have their own benefits and cons alike. Its make allows the liquid to stay cool and prevents leakage. Another benefit is that the longer it sits, the headier the scent grows over time, akin to wine. When using these bottles, ensure the terracotta is fired first or it will absorb the liquid in question and make waste of a perfectly good perfume. Our last type is that of the porcelain bottle, designed most often as the more expensive of perfumes, it would generally hold veins of gold or silver throughout. It’s an opaque bottle, which protects any visible light, heat or otherwise from getting in and ruining the liquid within but keeps one from viewing the contents entirely. Spritz vs. Roll-On When in doubt, spritz. Imagery upon a perfume bottle of any type within Hyspian culture is something you’d find is of great importance. More often than not, you’d find religious iconography or that of the scenery of our homeland. Such examples are of the iconography of the Blessed Francisco upon a cologne bottle, or the vivid scenery of the docks of the Ciudad de Plata islands upon a terracotta bottle. Each bottle is an artistic masterpiece in of itself. The Three Phases In the closing commentary on this documentation of perfuming within Hyspian culture, I’ll touch on the three phases of scent. The first scent one would pick up is the top note, it’s what immediately grabs an individual's attention, though the effect decreases quite a bit after a few minutes of application. The second is the heart note which is arguably the most important. It is most noticeable of the three, forming when the top note has evaporated and is more important in forming a harmonious union between the top and base notes. The third note is our base note which carries its own importance as the one that is long-lasting. It’s nuanced, developing something different for each person and one of the reasons why scent theory and matching your perfume to you is most important. It stabilizes the entire perfume, and much like the name, is its base in everything. While perfumes may seem simply a scent to choose from, there is much more to it then simply approaching a merchant to order! Signed, Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  15. [!] Written by the late Crown Princess Esperanza Alba Laurelie Camila de Pelear of Hyspia, her writings have been published by the Viceroyal Crown for the public to see, may the Bard Princess rest in peace upon the Seven Skies. Idioma de Las Fans Viceroyalty of Hyspia’s Language of the Fan Hyspian Cultural Codex: Volume I Introduction With the growing popularity of decorative fans, the high class society of Hyspia soon developed a sort of ‘language of the fans’ referred to as Idioma de las Fans, popular amongst the high class ladies within Hyspian Courts. What first started out as internal communication within singular social circles soon grew into a must know for any sophisticated lady within high society, paired with a fan often decorated with precious gemstones, delicate laces, and intricate designs. Common Fan Designs The value of the fan often reflects the pedigree of the lady who owns it. A noble woman and her very pretty fan. A common lady and her very common fan. The Language of Fans Starting Communication Carrying in the Left in Front of Face - I’m Paying Attention Common Phrases Fan Resting on Left Cheek - Yes Fan Resting on Right Cheek - No Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, In Front of Face - Follow Me Placing the Fan on the Left Ear - Please Don’t Leave Placing the Fan on the Right Ear - Please Leave Hiding the Mouth - We Are Being Watched Conversation Carrying in the Left Hand - Wishing for Acquaintance Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Closed - I Wish to Speak to You Carrying in Left Hand, Open - Come and Talk to Me Carrying in Right Hand, Open - I Don’t Wish to Speak Relationships Fanning Slowly - I am Married Fanning Quickly - I am Engaged Holding the Fan in Both Hands, Open - I am Single Holding the Fan in the Left Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Become Friends Holding the Fan in the Right Hand, Half Shut - Desire to Stay Friends Matters of the Heart Twirling the Fan in the Left Hand - I Love You Twirling the Fan in the Right Hand - I Love Another Tapping the Heart Once with the Fan - I Like You Tapping the Heart Twice with the Fan - Meet Me Later Tapping the Heart Thrice with the Fan - You Have Won My Love Pointing the Fan to the Ground - I Hate You
  16. The Belief of Spectivism [!] Spirits of the dead approaching The Spirit Realm. The Religion’s Origins A fair bit of the Calavénon believe in a vague and relatively old belief of the remembrance of spirits since before they landed upon the shores of any continent. They’ve always had hopes and beliefs that nobody was truly gone once they died. During their long sea voyage searching for land, many Alurians had to leave the dead floating in the sea, having only their memories of them to hold onto. As the situation grew direr, the large Alurian fleet was separated, and the survivors wished to honour those who didn’t make it by creating a shrine. Lighting a candle for them, and if they could, adding the deceased’s possessions or perhaps a depiction of sorts. No matter if it was a simple stick figure or a painting. The Lady of Spirits [!] A painted depiction of the Lady of Spirits with grand nature spirits. None truly know what the Eos was like before The Lady of Spirits. Some believe there was nothing at all; others believe the world was barren before her arrival. All that is known is that once she arrived, Existence itself began to thrive. She was still, at the beginning, settling herself to have three powerful children during this calm moment of her existence. The parents of all grand spirits like themselves. The first child is known to mortals as the sky, surrounding Eos with winds. The second child is known as land, raising scapes from mountains to forests to be. Then the third and final child from The Lady herself is known as the sea, filling the cracks and crevices between the landmasses land had left behind with sparkling blue water. These children are the fathers and mothers of everything after themselves, ranging from the lava flowing within volcanoes to the birds soaring in the sky. Once these three children were born, The Lady of Spirits wandered about Eos. Filling the continents of the world with magic, predating even the first elves. And during this, she also created a realm for the spirits of the deceased to reside in, referred to by mortals as ‘The Spirit Realm.’ However, where there is creation, there is also destruction. Such as being the sister of The Lady of Spirits, The Mistress of Darkness. The Mistress of Darkness [!] A painting of The Mistress of Darkness and her spirit lantern. The Mistress of Darkness is said to have been born around the same time as her sister, The Lady of Spirits. However, unable to assist her sister in creation due to her lack of ability to ‘create’ children as The Lady had done, she became the first manifestation of darkness Eos had ever known. For she was darkness. Jealous of her sister’s children, she used her powers to corrupt the minds and stole the spirits of many; she was too weak to corrupt grand spirits, so she settled for manipulating the lesser spirits of mortals. When a corrupted mortal’s physical body dies, they are unable to enter The Spirit Realm, their spirits trapped in the glowing lantern of The Mistress. The Spirits of the Deceased [!] A painted interpretation of The Spirit Realm. Once a mortal perishes, their body keeps hold of their spirit until it fully rots or somehow disappears, releasing their spirit to permit entry into The Spirit Realm. It is for this reason that the cremation of bodies after death is a common practice, so a deceased spirit may more swiftly enter this realm. There is a way for mortals to attempt to contact their deceased loved ones. However, that is through a festival called The Night of Spirits. The Night of Spirits [!] Messenger lanterns flying into the air for The Lady’s eldest child to help guide them to The Spirit Realm. The Night of Spirits is a colourful festival, one with food and laughter to celebrate the travels of the deceased into The Spirit Realm rather than lament over the loss of loved ones. During this celebration, those participating dress in their finest clothing, donning a mask upon their face as well. As the festival comes to a close, everyone lights a candle, placing it into a lantern for it to travel through the sky’s domain in hopes that the grand spirit, the eldest child of The Lady of Spirits, will guide these lanterns into The Spirit Realm. These lanterns often have messages written inside of them for the deceased to receive, knowing their loved ones still remember them and shall one day join them. Marriage Practices [!] The lit candles of a newlywed couple burning brightly. When a Calavénon and their partner wish to conjoin in marriage they must light a candle to symbolise their union. Both families would bring a candle the colour of their Coat Of Arms. For the Calavénon, their candle would be a teal or cyan colour. Normally this candle would be passed down throughout the family, re-adding wax to keep it growing and attaching a new wick whenever needed. It's understandable if the other family wouldn't have a traditional candle to pass down. Once both families present their candles and light the candle after their vows it will then decide if they are destined for each other, if the candle stays lit then the couple may marry however if the candle should go out for any reason then they are not meant to be. Once the candle has been lit it must then stay lit and if it at any point goes out then its destined for the couples love to also dwindle. After the marriage the wedding can proceed to festivities which tend to include food and alcohol of different varieties. Games are also quite common such as a game which is similar to hide and seek, all must try and find the bride within the confinds of whichever nation she is to be wed at. If they are unlucky in finding the bride it is customary to pay her 50 mina for each participant as a sign of good luck in her marriage. Typically after marriage the wed-to-be's surname would be hyphenated regardless of gender. A dowry is also quite common where the bride and groom's family are to give the bride land or money to take care of each other and acquire cattle and such. Light coloured lily’s should be planted around the altar of the bride and groom to symbolise prosperity, marigolds can also be planted to symbolise good luck for the family. In terms of attire when it comes to the ceremony it's traditional for the Calavénon family to don the Coat Of Arms colours which is typically cyan. The other family isn't required to don their coat of arms colours however it is HEAVILY suggested or else they will recieve side eyes and various glares from the family.
  17. The Moonlight Sanctuary [!] The entire page appears to be translated from Kharahatla Within the walls of Nor-Velyth, lie the slumbering cats… The Remenant Kha, being a people met with near constant adversity, seek residence where they can find it. Some of such have come to be those who occupy the Moonlight Sanctuary, a pyramid settlement within the confined of Nor-Velyth lands. The Kha of this place take solace in their culture centered around both old and new traditions. Intermingling the shaman ways of their host kingdom with the old ways of Kharajyr since passed on The Sanctuary, settled with new Kharajyr blood and teeming with potential, bares arms opened to all Kha who seek a place to stay and foster a community, one in which they can thrive amongst their own peoples without strife. A place in which the remnants of our language, and new aspects of it, can be spoken without the hindrance of new descendants being ignorant to our words. Built upon the ideals that the Kha remain a strong group of individuals, the Sanctuary is a place in which one can exist peacefully and indulge in the cultures of the new Kha without worries. Come join your Kharajyr brethren and uptake a free home within our community of friends, brothers, and sisters Sanctuary Law 1. Violence within Sanctuary walls is forbidden 2. Speak our language as often as possible 3. Disrespect to the moon is forbidden and is clause to be asked to leave 4. Accept all Kha who wish to join us 5. Respect and obey the Elders 6. Obey Nor-Velyth law Sanctuary Culture Cultural events such as the Haulquiz’Metzli and naming ceremony, while not mandatory, are recommended for all Kha to take part in! Led by the Sanctuary Elders, these events offer wisdom of the future for the residence of our home and spiritualistic experiences. Our community attempts to uphold as much of the ancient ways as possible, while continuing to adapt to our new world, one lacking our Muuna. Health, dietary and other such practices are taught by the Elders of the community during communal teaching events. Along with such, ancient traditional ceremonies are often held in the name of the Moon Mother's, both the old and new, to maintain connection to the old ways. Clothing offered by those capable of making it are often akin to that of the generations before, and are highly suggested to be worn when in the community The Moonlight Sanctuary offers cultural experiences led by its Elders so that our brethren may continue to pass down the ancient history of our kind for centuries to come. Present Elders Yhl'Yaotl Yhl'Kabuki Yhl'Keidha
  18. The Redclyfians An extensive handbook on the history and culture of the Redclyfians ____________________________________________________________ Origins The Red Company’s Coat of Arms Prior to the Redclyfians, there was the renowned Red Company: a band of knights led by the renowned and respectable Captain Friedrich and his uncle Ulrich. The Red Company had fought in many wars and battles under different banners such as the Jackalope Knights, Krugmar, and later Savoy. Throughout their early life, they were given keeps and land to act as their headquarters. Eventually, however, they found themselves backstabbed by the Jackalope Knights when the Knights arrested and tortured one of their men. Rage, fueled by the betrayal of the Jackalopes, led to Friedrich and his men taking up arms against them, launching raids and fighting skirmishes against the Jackalope Knights and Kane Redfist’s town. Sutican Tour of 33 S.A, depicting battle between the Red Company and the PKS within the defeated town of Brynrose Later on, they moved to Krugmar and gained land (which they would go on to call Westfelde) in return for their martial prowess. Soon enough, however, the Red Company found itself back in Sutica, who too recognized their martial abilities and granted them land. This land and keep was to be called Redclyf. Years later, after Friedrich of Redclyf and his uncle Ulrich joined the Mösu family, the collapse of Savoy occurred. This left Redclyf independent and surrounded by former vassals of Savoy, in addition to new factions who threatened the stability of the region. They moved to Myrine alongside their newly gained Rozanian vassal to found the Redclyf-Rozanian duchy, kickstarting the Redclyfian way of life. ____________________________________________________________ Way of Governance The way of governance among the Redclyfians has remained the same since its founding, being a feudal society that is primarily ruled by a Duke. Like many such monarchical governments, a council aids the lord of Greenstone in both administration and decision-making - for what good is a lord who does not listen to the voices of his people? Greenstone’s Council is modeled similarly to the Aesir council of the old Redclyf-Rozania, which was divided into several roles: The Aesir of Aesirs (Chancellor), Aesir of Peace (High Diplomat), Aesir of War (The Marshal), Aesir of Coin (High Steward), Aesir of Whispers (Spymaster), and the Aesir of Protection (captain of the duke’s guard). In the martial culture of Redclyf, generals and knights are often the most celebrated members of the aristocracy, but most do not join the upper class in the usual feudal way - via blood and standing alone. Instead, most Redclyfian nobles gain their titles through merit. Sometimes even commoners rise to gain positions within the noble-led government due to serving well and having the right skills for the job. Whether born to their noble role or appointed as noble due to their abilities, the nobles stand as examples of the prime Redclyfian, serving as an example to all of what one should become and strive for: an honored and chivalrous warrior who is proud and indomitable. ____________________________________________________________ Rhythms of Daily Life Around a Redclyfian town, or perhaps even inside the wooden palisades, one will always find large wheatfields being attended to by farmers under the blazing sun, as they dirty their hands and feet working in the soil. Horses and various other livestock graze in lavish pastures under the watchful eye of a shepherd boy and his trusted canine companion as they keep order and safety among the herd. Suddenly a bell is struck marking the 12th hour of the day, midday, and everyone moves in towards the village. The wheatfields are left for now, and the herds are brought into enclosed pastures with only canines to watch over them. Every Redclyfian enters their homes for an hour to utter a prayer to whatever faith they practice, be it Almarism or canonism, before eating and resting to replenish their strength to continue working till dusk. Their homes are simple, with either flax or wooden roofs keeping them from the cold, while walls are made out of sturdy wood or stone depending on how rich the individual is. In the center of the town, there is a bustling square filled with market stalls, selling various goods and services such as metal works, foods, carpentry, textiles, and foreign goods. The air fills with shouts in both foreign and local accents from merchants eager to draw customers to their wares. A notice board is filled with papers from officials who have nailed up decrees and news, as well as from commoners who have nailed postings about their own services and events. A tavern can be found not too far from the center of the town, where your average citizen finds himself enjoying his spare time after a long and hard day of work via drinking and socializing. Even nobles themselves join in to spend time with the common folk and to form bonds of friendship with them. Not far from the town square lies the Lord’s manor or keep, having been erected on elevated land so as to gain a good view of the lands around, to keep an eye on the commoners below, and to keep an eye open for enemy warbands. The keeps are erected and built with a moat and bailey; the keep itself is a large stone tower with four corners. This structure is typically connected to a wall, which forms a bailey right in front of the keep. Outside these structures is another wooden palisade with its little wooden gatehouse, which forms an outer bailey. Here one finds the town blacksmiths, making weaponry, armory, and tools of the trade in the town as sweat pours down their foreheads due to the immense heat. Within the courtyard, knights and their squires, alongside men-at-arms, train and attend to their duties, such as patrolling the estate and lands to ensure the safety of the people and to hone their skills for future wars. In one of the corners of the wall, there is a large tower, serving as barracks, as well as an armory for the troops stationed there. ____________________________________________________________ Views on World & Life Redclyfian knight fighting against a Norlander The Red Company and Redclyf were formed and grounded by Highlander Knights, which has led the Redclyfian culture to take on a set of norms and beliefs similar to other Highlander folk groups. However, the warrior lifestyle has taken a firm hold on the culture as well. The most noticeable aspect of this is their proud and chivalry-centered way of life, most people making decisions based on what they find honorable and what is beneficial for the town. Redclyfians are proud of their social standing and the work they put in to provide for themselves, yet they also care deeply for their family and community. They are also known for their indomitable will, refusing to bend to another people or ruler, unless it is a Redclyfian lord guiding them while they are under another state or are working with another state as mercenaries. Redclyfians admire horses as a central part of their culture, seeing them as majestic and powerful creatures which have become an integral part of life, especially for their soldiers - for Redclyfian warriors are usually mounted knights fighting with great prowess. They have a strong belief in the family unit and community, which comes in many shapes and forms. A soldier might see his brothers and sisters in arms as his family, while a worker in the field bonds with his fellow workers as family. Still another citizen might most closely cherish the people who share her flesh and blood: her kin. Whether one’s family is by blood or by bond, remaining faithful to the family unit and protecting it, even if it comes with the cost of one's own life, is sacrosanct to the Redclyfian way of life. At all costs, they must not disgrace or drag the family in the mud for their own selfish vices. It would be honorless for one to abandon their family in their greatest time of need or to abuse it for their gain. There is a belief common among the Redclyfians, one that stems from their militancy and their adherence to honor: “Death before dishonor, and if death, then perish with a sword in hand.” In other words, they would rather die than disgrace themselves by practicing deeds associated with dishonor, and they will always go out fighting for what they find honorable. Why, though? As a result of this martial philosophy, Redclyf seeks to gain as much strength as possible; however, due to their sense of honor, they have no desire to practice cruelty and savagery towards those that are weaker. In their minds, the strong ought to protect the weak. If the weak should struggle and refuse to surrender, then it is the duty of the strong to make their opponents’ deaths quick, for there is no honor in dragging out their struggle. ____________________________________________________________ Traditions & Celebrations Redclyfians celebrate the longest day in the year by lighting fires and dancing Redclyfian culture includes a rich tapestry of celebrations and traditions, some being imported from different nations and cultures and others being native to the Redclyfians. The main example of a non-native celebration is Krugsmas, a festive celebration all about sharing presents and time with your family/kin. Redclyf also revels in being able to celebrate their own culture with celebrations and traditions of various themes and moods throughout the year. One common celebration is known as Midsummer in the common tongue and is celebrated on the longest day of the year. Townspeople erect and light on fire large and small stick piles whilst young men jump over them as a sport. Dancing, eating, music, and drinking are common during these celebrations too, as it is a way for everyone involved to take a break from the hard labor of the summer heat to ensure a healthy harvest, so that they may relax and enjoy life a little. Coming of age is an important part of every Redclyfian’s life, for it marks the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. Unlike most cultures, however, coming of age does not occur at a certain age, but rather after the completion of a few trials, which every boy must go through to become a man. There are three trials that a boy has to complete to be considered a man. First, he must tame a wild horse, breaking its will and asserting his dominance over it to assert himself as its master and rider. This may happen in different forms; sometimes boys are sent into the wild to find a wild horse and tame it, while sometimes it is simply a feisty horse from the village stables. (Why tame a horse? Horses are an important animal, both spiritually and practically, for the Redclyfians. They represent great strength, courage, and beauty, while in practical terms, they are an important part of the way Redclyfians partake in war: relying on mobility and cavalry. Horses are also essential for the life of the Redclyfian farmer, as they are used for plowing and transportation.) Second, he must hunt down a worthy animal upon the newly tamed horse, usually using a spear or a bow and arrow. Some even opt to simply ram the animal with their horse, depending on what they are hunting. A worthy animal can be anything from a deer to a bear, depending on what is available to hunt and what the boy’s testers think he will be able to handle. The last, and perhaps most dangerous, trial of them all is to honorably slay a man in either battle, skirmish, or duel. ____________________________________________________________ Redclyfian Tongue & Phrases Just as every culture and people who have existed and developed independently has gradually formed their own language, and just as the great nations of Almaris each have their own speech and tongue, so have the Redclyfians developed their own way of speech. Their language is based on the Auvergenian language (since the Redclyfians and Red Company originally existed in Savoy lands), yet it has intermingled with Old Norlandic from the influence of the Mösu clan to form the tongue of Redclyfians. Common Phrases Baonjour - Hello À bétôt - See you soon À la s’maine tchi veint - See you next week À peu près - Nearly, about Bouan gniet - Good Night Coume tchi que l’affaire va - How’s it going, How’s business going J’m’en fiche - I don’t care La fîn du temps f’tha tout vaie - Time will tell Ni feu ni feunque - No fire nor smoke Ni feu ni fouôngne - No fire nor baking Quaï heure qu’il est - What time is it Quaï temps qu’i fait - How’s the weather S’i’vous pllait - Please, if you please Tchi qu’est vote naom - What’s your name? Numbers The Redclyfian way of counting and numbers h follows a pattern like many other languages. The tens, for example, usually end with “nte” to signify it is two digits, the only number breaking this pattern being Ten and Twenty. Although sometimes there are variables for the same thing, a good example is Eighty, which would be Quatre-vîngts (literally 4 twenties). As for the hundreds, one simply attaches a “Chents” at the end (e.g. deux-chents, Trais-chents, Quat’-chents, etc). The sample principle applies to 4 digits and 6 digits as well. Iuene - One Deux - Two Trais - Three Quate - Four Chînq - Five Six - Six Saept - Seven Huit - Eight Neuf - Nine Dgix - Ten Vîngt - Twenty Trente - Thirty Quarante - Forty Chînquante - Fifty Sessànte - Sixty Septante - Seventy Quatre-vîngts/Huiptante - Eighty Nénante - Nighty Chents - Hundred Mille - Thousand Millaon - Million Colors Rouoge - Red Vért - Green Juane - Yellow Orange - Orange Bliu Floncé - Dark Blue Bliu Cliai - Light Blue Brun - Brown Pourpre - Purple Blianc - White Rose - Pink Nièr - Black Gris - Gray ____________________________________________________________ The Average Redclyfian The average Redclyfian is one of primarily Highlander descent, sharing many similarities with them when it comes to their physique (Not every Redclyfian resembles a Highlander, however, since the culture and way of life of Redclyf are not exclusive to one group of people. Just as a Highlander can adapt to elven and orc society and culture, so can other races and kinds of humans adapt to the ways of Redclyf). Like Highlanders, the average Redclyfian usually has pale skin, although tans are not uncommon, especially among those working long hours out in the sun on their farm or honing their martial prowess. Due to the people being hard-working, it has left them with tough skin, their hands filled with blisters and scrapes. Eye color ranges from common brown to blue and lilac. Their hair can go from black and brown to vibrant colors such as red. Redclyfian men and women, as with any human race, differ. Men are taller and sport broader builds than women, whilst women are often both shorter and slimmer. Men usually stand at 5’9 to 6’3 (and sometimes above), while women typically stand at 5’4 to 6 feet. ____________________________________________________________ Where Are They Now? Since the fall of Redclyf-Rozania, the Redclyfians have been wandering the plains of Almaris, searching for a place to call home under the leadership of Björn Mösu, the second and last duke of Redclyf-Rozania. During this time of the exodus, they found themselves living in places such as Balian, yet wherever they went, they still did not feel truly at home. Now the people have resettled in Greenstone, the former forest Dwed settlement of the Verdant Glade, where they live and work as a vassal of the Iron Horde. Björn Mösu still leads them.
  19. »•» HOUSE RANALETH «•« ─────━┿──┿━───── [THEME] SYNOPSIS; ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── The Ranaleths hail from the small town of Luthadel, a small northern village deep within the mountains and forgotten by time. Elven denizens there spent their days and nights within the coal mines, while others hunted, fished, or transported these goods to nearby settlements. While the aforementioned family of elves was prominent members of the village, they hardly dealt with the governing of the land. Instead, the roots of House Ranaleth come from calloused hands and sweaty brows, and it has always been their belief that with great effort comes great reward. Such beliefs carry on to the present day, and as long as one earns their keep, they are a friend of the Ranaleths. Unfortunately, such humble beginnings often take a turn for the worse. Without a well-trained militia, Luthadel was left defenseless against the various vagabonds and scoundrels that roamed the lands. Eventually, this scourge brought the village to its knees, and in its dying breath, the Ranaleth family was scratched from the history books. What remained of the family was left scattered across the continent, unaware of one another, or unwilling to rebuild what was lost. Months turned into years, and years turned into decades until the youngest generation of the family decided that enough was enough. It was time to rewrite the tales and become something new altogether. The story had been rewritten for the Ranaleth sought refuge in Almaris and specifically around Celia’nor therein another part of the family had been built to start anew; non-pure blooded Ranaleth were accepted in the family that created another branch for the family that was guided under a scarred elf, whose name was Ava, now, Ava Ranaleth. Through her assistance and one of the main heads of the Ranaleth; Ranni. A new future for the family was built. Whether they might be nobles or peasants alike, a future was assured. They are known around the culture of Celia’nor and still live in support, their new so-called home, and this time with the warriors of the new ERA; the Ranaleth’s ancestry shall be protected even more. ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── PHYSICAL TRAITS & CURIOSITIES: Pure-Blooded Ranaleths ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── New Era Ranaleths ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Dresses & Accessories CULTURE: Weaponry & Armor ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Culinary ways ─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ─── Magic & Creatures Philosophy & The Sisterhood FAMILY MEMBERS STAFF ─────━┿──┿━───── IMPORTANT:
  20. On the Role of Blah in Orc Society A study by Gharak, for San'Velku Library of Theruz, year 115 of the Second Age A work based on books studied in the libraries of Minitz and Lurin This is a translation of the book bearing the same name, and will also serve as an OOC-saved version of the book. Still, I strongly advise you try and read the book ingame and, if you dare, in Blah. Contents: Introduction I] On Language II] To Speak Blah III] Social Tribes Conclusions
  21. How Culture Shapes Orc Spiritualism A study by Gharak, for San'Velku Library of Theruz, year 114 of the Second Age With special thanks to Kor'Garr, Toad'Yar, Madoc'Lur and Ghoraza This is a translation of the book bearing the same name, and will also serve as an OOC-saved version of the book. Still, I strongly advise you try and read the version in Blah. Table of Contents: Introduction I] Culture & Nature II] On the clans Conclusion
  22. ─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─ ⤞The Arvellon Seed⤝ [Arvellon sigil drawn by ClassyNewt] ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people simply exist, and that is all. Spread laughter and chaos wherever you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier. Suddenly they will realize life wasn’t about surviving. It was about living.” -Carsul’il ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ [The Firefly Grove by Mathias Zamęcki] ⤞The Autumnal Lore⤝ The Arvellon seed was one of the smaller and lesser-known tribes amongst the first migration of Mali’ame. While most adorned themselves in unique and colorful markings and apparel, the Autumnal watchers were identifiable by their shared physical traits and their name, yet even this left them confused with their seedless kin. For many centuries, they did not mind this and even enjoyed the ease in which they could meld within the rest of tribal society, watching and listening as the Wildcats of Felixii do. Little is known concerning their worship of the Wildcat Princess, as is most things with the feline Mani. Similarly shrouded is the seed’s adoption of worshiping Kwakwani, the Trickster Raven. Though they adapted to the new ways and melded them with that of Felixii’s, creating a unique and unknown culture that they are in the modern age. During the times of Malin and the nomadic Mali’ame, the Arvellon were led by a man called Carsul’il. Known amongst his kin as the Laughing Lynx for his hearty attitude and his peculiar style in hair. The Lynx was the first to take on the name of Arvellon, and was the founder of their ame’lie. A grove considered to only be a myth and named the Harvest Wood, for some said it was a place of perpetual Autumn that was always bathed in a copper and gold light from the rays of sun shining through the canopy. Trees soon to be called the Taliame’miruel, meaning Eternal Autumn. Many thought the grove was a legend, as very few knew of its name. Much less of its existence. These trees produce a dense fog that the Arvellon used to their advantage, living within it to hide themselves. Many believe this is where they received their moniker, the Autumnal Watchers. While most of the tales sprung from this age, and of Carsul’il specifically, are considered myth and the true events that happened are lost to the winds of time, the more modern era of the Arvellon is easier to recollect if similarly unknown to anyone but the Arvellon. The Autumnal Chieftain eventually disappeared into the wilds as most ancient Mali’ame do, leaving behind his ways for his second child, Merriel Arvellon. Unlike her father, Merriel did not have many daring adventures, as she preferred the quiet and watchful side of their ways. Living her life upon a simple farmstead with her mate and listening to the breeze for all manner of news and secrets until the day she had her first and only child. Miklaeil. A boy that was bound to take after his grandfather from the day he began to walk; always grinning and dashing about from one adventure to the next with the clever wit of a cat. Only his mother could truly tame his lust for the thrill and unknown, until the day he came of age for manhood. Miklaeil gathered what few things he possessed and set off into the realm, leaving a supportive but deeply saddened mother behind. Years passed and the young Arvellon found himself in what was known to be the Dominion of Malin. It was in the Dominion that Miklaeil decided to first attempt at securing a steady life after thirty or so years of travel, though doing so cost him the identity of his ancestors within him. He donned bronze and silver platemail, shouted war cries in the name of various princes and princesses, and even took on the name and beliefs of another seed entirely in his patriotic vigor. He began to look less and less like that of Carsul’il, and the letters to his mother were more filled with his grim and dark experiences rather than with their usual joy and wonder. It was around this time that Merriel Arvellon passed, caught in an accident with farm equipment. Years passed and Miklaeil gradually fell back into the old ways of his grandfather. His constant grin and cheeky quips became his trademark along with his vigilant and cat-like eyes that were always watching with a certain mischievous glint. Long after the Dominion collapsed, he became a Lord upon the council of Aegrothond, and it wasn’t long after that he met the lovely Empyreal Princess of Alderyn, Layla Le’Cai. It didn’t take him long to notice the same playful glint in her eyes and he fell in love and fully returned to the ways of Carsul’il. Between the two of them, the Arvellon seed’s history and culture were reborn into something new and old. After several decades passed, the Arvellon grew and changed beyond what they were upon Miklaeil’s reclamation. It was around this time that the seed was begrudgingly convinced to join the fledgling Forest Realm of Irrinor. The reluctance of the seed’s chieftains to take such a step proved to be exact when the Aspectist nation fell to infighting, leaving the Arvellon to flee back to the Talus Grove. Disillusioned with the politics of greater elven nations following the fall of Irrinor, Miklaeil declared the rite of Maya’meracahe to prevent more misfortune befalling the Arvellon. Several families were born and brought into the seed’s warm embrace following its departure from Irrinor, allowing the group to spread out and diversify amongst themselves as they chose according to the rite of Maya’meracahe. Despite this rebound, Layla and Miklaeil were left tired and in need of respite from the civilized places of the world. A moot of the seed was held in the Talus Grove where Eretria and Nerrin were chosen to be the next chieftains, allowing Layla and Miklaeil to delve into the realm’s deep wilds where they found solace. After the departure of Miklaeil and Layla, things soon fell to ruin. The misfortunate acts of a handful of Arvellon led to their dismemberment from the seed and forced them to move away from their Autumnal kin. The seed fell stagnant not long after as Eretria followed in her brother’s footsteps, overwhelmed with the circumstances of her kin, and fled to the wilds to find solace for some time. Seeking hope and guidance during her absence. When the Chieftess returned to their hall in Siramenor, she was one of the first to welcome a new Arvellon into the seed. A joyous occasion yet she still felt lost and needed answers; ones her people could not give her no matter how hard they tried. The Arvellon were small and despite their best efforts, they could not seem to restore the seed to its former prestige. She remained for some time, guiding others and trying to repair the state of their seed alongside Nerrin, even in Elvenesse, before she once more fled to the wilds. Nerrin would join her not long after, once more causing the seed to fall stagnant. After time had passed, Eretria decided it was time to stop running and return to her people. She found herself amongst the small group of people of Nevaehlen during its early days of discovery and reclamation. Time was spent in the small mali’ame village before she decided this is where she wanted to establish a home for her Autumnal kin again. In recent days, this is where the Arvellon reside. Living in a village rich with the culture and ways of the mali’ame people, where they thrive together and live within their hall marked by the Taliame’miruel trees. Eretria is the sole Chieftess of the Arvellon, and she continues to welcome new members into the seed with a warm embrace. ⤞Overview⤝ ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ “Given a wink from the Wildcat and a grin from the Raven, Carsul’il set off into the woods.” ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ The ways of the Autumnal Watchers are deeply rooted in Aspectism and the Mani Pantheon, their various styles and values based upon the old ‘ame teachings. Their patron Mani are Felixii the Elusive Wildcat, and Kwakwani the Trickster Raven. Most of their values are derived from each Mani and each one is an inspiration for their love for fun, and their ability to keep secrets. The Arvellon are a close-knit group who are known to have a lust for life, often being the source of a harmless prank and the cause of a good laugh. They are a cheerful and chaotic bunch of people, making it their goal to keep things light-hearted in nature amongst the many evils and stress-bringers of the realm. [The Smell of Dead Leaves by Anato Finnstark] ⤞Religion and Seed Values⤝ ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ "One life. That is all we get. Just one. Why aren't we running like we are on fire towards our wildest dreams? We need that chaos in our soul.” - Eretria Arvellon ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ Religion Aspectism and the Mani pantheon are both well-cherished parts of the Arvellon culture, most everything about them being derived from these practices. However, like most other Seeds, the Arvellon worship a select few Mani in particular. Those being Felixi the Elusive Wildcat, and Kwakwani the Trickster Raven. Both of which heavily influence the day-to-day lives of the Arvellon, making for Elves with an odd mixture of secretive yet colorful personalities, flitting back and forth with words and actions like a cat or bird at play. Oftentimes these Elves make offerings to both Mani in the form of tricks and pranks upon those deserving of it, or merely for the fun of it. With regards to Felixii, the Wildcat is seen as the head of a lesser pantheon of her own that includes the other feline Mani gods. The Lion, Tiger, and Panther Mani all fall into this grouping though are not quite so revered as the Wildcat herself. Many decide to incorporate the teachings of these individual Mani princes into their worship of Felixii. Those Arvellon particularly devout to Felixii tend to tread through life with care put toward their own actions yet are not afraid of the spontaneous. Witty, clever, and watchful are the best descriptions for an Arvellon Wildcat follower. It is taught that a proper Wildcat follower should remain ever vigilant for what knowledge they can collect or what whispers they may hear. This is usually referred to in regards to one’s own pursuits or craft, meant to encourage learning and growth in the mind. The Trickster Raven teaches her Autumnal followers the ways of artistry, beauty, and fun-loving attitudes. Those devout to Kwakwani are often the most playful of the seed prone to pranking their family and friends when it is least expected, or developing skill with their hands in the way of arts and craft. Many Arvellon take up trades in things such as painting, jewelry, writing, or even blacksmithing and woodworking. Their work is done with the intention of creating beauty with their very own hands, worshiping the Raven in the act alone. As per the teachings of their ancestors, Aspectism is a large part of the Arvellon Seed’s beliefs. They are taught to help uphold the balance and to protect nature. To not over hunt but to make sure there is not too much growth spreading about. Along with being Aspectists, the Arvellon are taught to involve themselves with the Wild Faith; a collection of their ancestral cultural ways of worshipping the Mani and the Aspects, as well as teaching and learning to keep their faith alive. Values ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ “Live your life to the fullest, my child. Raise your boy, love your family, and see them flourish as I have.” - Carsul’il to his daughter, Merriel Arvellon ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ When the Arvellon realized that the world is much too dangerous to face alone, they began to stick closer together to ensure safety and prosperity despite the hardships that the Descendant world is prone to endure. Thus, their ideology grew over time to incorporate values based upon the creation and protection of family. ⤞ Family is treasured above all else to Arvellon. To protect and provide for one’s family is the highest priority and one that each Arvellon is expected to see done. Providing for the family also includes having children with which to fill it and continue the legacy. Due to the elven curse of infertility, adoption is not unheard of amongst the seed and is even considered honorable. With family comes Love. It is a sacred emotion connected to the very soul of a person that shapes them as it grows and evolves over time’s passage. An Arvellon couple is accepted as an eternal bond and a testament of passion and loyalty for such long-lived people as the elves. To break off that bond is a break of trust that many consider to be deserving of no less than a shun or, if the cause of division is so revolting, death. Love does not extend only to romance either. An Arvellon finds love in anything that they wish to look for it in. Some pursue trades and crafts to pour their passions into. ⤞ Trust is built through experience and time together. An Arvellon without the trust of their kin is an Arvellon surrounded by the hounds of darkness, bound for an early rise of elven madness. Along the same vein of thought, Unity within the seed is expected by all its members to uphold fervently. According to the rite of Maya’meracahe, the Arvellon should never allow the frivolous squabbles of greater elvenkind and the Descendent world as a whole to divide them. ⤞ Cheer and light-heartedness are seen as desirable traits among the Arvellon. Being a fun-loving people, they seek it out with a Lust for Life that goes unheard of among many other elven cultures and even in the mali’ame themselves. Adventure, pranks, good fun amongst their kin, all this and much more are the deep thoroughfare to an Arvellon’s heart. ⤞ Survival is often seen as the willingness to do what is necessary. Most Mali’ame are taught how to survive in the forests at a young age, though the Arvellon are also taught how to survive in many other ways such as hunting to provide for their kin, combat to protect them, and even something as simple as how to keep a secret. These traits are taught so each Arvellon can be fully equipped to help protect their kin in any way necessary. ⤞Appearance⤝ ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ “Touched by the season of Autumn in body as well as mind.” ─━─━─━─━「₪」━─━─━─━─ [Art of Eretria and a Karin by Mikki] Arvellon born elves typically share the same set of physical traits, depending on the circumstances of their birth. A true born Arvellon would carry the traits of one, bronze or tan in skin tone, usually a warm hue of some sort. Their hair tends to be curly or unruly while varying in shades of red and brown. This, coupled with brown or green eyes, make them quite suitable for their favorite season - Autumn. Although not every Arvellon is born from the Autumnal bloodline. The modern generation of the seed is a wide variety of adopted members and members who married into the seed, with the proper rites taken. This means one could find most any elf with any mix of traits donning the Autumn paints of an Arvellon. They are often seen dressed in apparel, dyed to mirror the warm shades of Autumn - red, gold, yellow, and orange in various hues. Said to acknowledge the natural cycle and symbolize the changing and colorful personalities of the Arvellon. ⤞Traditions⤝ Tradition in the Arvellon seed is developed over the course of time and experience, its members learning new ways to adapt to their environment and adding to their ways to fit. [Tattoos designed and drawn by the wonderful Numirya] ⤞ Ilmyumier is an important rite to becoming an Arvellon, the marking itself thought up and designed by Layla. The ilmyumier implements three of the most prevalent parts of the unique culture of the Arvellon, headed by that of a Wildcat and donning the wings and feathers of a Raven, and the colors and symbols of their beloved Autumnal season. Along with the primary ilmyumier that is found on the dominant arm, an Arvellon is known to wear a stripe of paint across their eyes to act as a sign of luck to attract good fortune for them and their kin, or during times of war and unrest in the world as a whole. ⤞ Miruel'ame, the Red Trees of the Arvellon forests that once served as the living, subtle guardians to their ancestral ame’lie known as the Harvest Wood. The cultivation of these trees, once a closely guarded secret held by the main bloodline of the Arvellon, has been passed down to the seed to reintroduce the tree into the world. The Miruel’ame releases an ever-present fog that surrounds its immediate vicinity and is considered to be the reason the Arvellon remained wrapped within a mystery in the early eras of the world. ⤞ Maya’meracahe was put in place in the ancient times of the Arvellon, when they lived in the depths of the Harvest Wood. Where their homes were safely hidden from the turmoil beyond. This ‘redeeming balance’ was put into motion by Carsul’il after a near disastrous confrontation within the seed between two brothers living in separate nations from one another. The Laughing Lynx decided that the Arvellon seed would not serve as a political entity among the rest of Elvenkind, though it would not limit its individual members from taking part in what nations they chose to reside in. “To be an Arvellon is to have only half a heart and soul. Their partner has the rest.” ⤞ Mallir'hiylun - Love is a sacred and precious thing to the Autumnal elves. An emotion and act held dearly since the days of Carsul’il and the Harvest Wood. Making such a declaration toward another elf is a grand and life changing event for the Arvellon. To them, there is only one such person to be found in their lives and it is an irreversible and unbreakable bond through both body, mind, and spirit. While not used until later in the seed’s existence, there is a binding ritual performed to cement this connection between two elves. Before an altar of Felixii and Kwakwani, the two would arrive during the height of a Harvest Moon in secret. Both would wield a ceremonial aurum blade to slice the other’s palms. After the blood flows from both hands on either lover, the bloodied blades are laid crossed upon the altar before the two clasped hands to mix the blood of their palms and in doing so, intertwining the essence of their bodies and spirit. Once the ritual is complete, it is said that the mates develop a true and absolute bond. While it is not known whether this is merely firm belief, or if something truly binds the souls of the lovers, it works. These Arvellon lovers remain together until death, and even then, it is said that their spirits pass on as one. ⤞ Birth has always been celebrated within the elven culture; a precious and sacred event for all of elven kind to be taken seriously. When a new child is born, or when one comes of age, a ritual is held in the child’s honor by the Chieftain. During the ritual the babe will be bathed in the waters surrounding the Father Tree, or in fresh springwater. The child’s forehead will then be painted with an eye to resemble the Wildcat, and outstretched wings on either side to represent the Raven. A prayer will then be recited to both patron Mani. Asking each of them to bless the new elf with an observant gaze and a sly nature - just as Felixii, and requesting for them to be granted the creativity and playfulness of the Trickster Raven - Kwakwani. ⤞ Death is not something that is normally celebrated, however the Arvellon honor death in a rather unique way. The corpse of their loved one is carried out to the Taliame’miruel Forest to be buried, where their souls are said to become the eternal watchers of Autumn. In spirit, just as they were in body. A prayer is then said while a stone is constructed atop the gravesite, acting as a headstone. This marker is referred to as Lareh’puerith, or Stone of Memories. Their loved ones will gather around the stone with buckets of paint and carving tools to create an exquisite and intricate mural telling of the Arvellon’s life. Flowers are then planted around the burial site, so that they may be fertilized and the Arvellon may live on through nature. ⤞Trials of Initiation⤝ ⤞ The Trial of Escapade: The prospective Arvellon is to show they are capable of joining the others in their Lust for Life. Their task during this trial is to conjure up a harmless trick on any one of their choosing, and to carry out the prank without getting caught. Additionally, they are to ask an Arvellon who has earned their markings to accompany them and to deem it worthy. ⤞ The Trial of the Artisan: The creativity of the prospective Arvellon will be challenged during The Artisan’s Trial, as they are tasked to create in the name of their patron Mani. They will be shown examples of crafts they could make, crafted by the current members of the seed, to aid them in brainstorming. Their task at hand is to create either one piece in honor of both the Wildcat and the Raven, or alternatively create something to solely honor Kwakwani, as the Raven is known to be the one of fine arts. The crafted piece will then be placed in the Arvellon hall to be displayed with the others. ⤞ The Trial of the Observer: The observant eye and mind of the prospective Arvellon will be challenged during this trial shaped around their patron Felixii. The Autumnal Watchers are known to be protectors of secrets, just as the Wildcat themself. They listen, and observe, and gather what secrets they can to be offered to Felixii for protection. There are many ways the prospect could go about completing this trial, which will be explained by the Chieftain. The intent is to gather at least three secrets from whoever they can and record them on a piece of parchment - without a name being etched with it to protect the secret teller. That piece of parchment will either be placed in the hidden library in the hall, dedicated to and blessed by the Observant Wildcat, where it will go unread and eternally protected. Alternatively, the piece of parchment will be offered to a shrine of Felixii and tossed into the flames, where it becomes nothing but a whisper in the wind guarded by the Wildcat. ⤞ The Harvest Moon Hunt is the final, unofficial trial for the budding Arvellon. Every year during the Harvest Moon, when the night is bathed strongly in amber hued light, the prospective member will be asked to dress in the colors of the Autumnal seed and tasked with leading the rest of their kin on a ceremonial hunt beneath the height of a harvest moon. Prior to the hunt, their face will be marked by the Chieftain to resemble the rest of their clan while treading through the realm to find their prey. [An adult, large sized karin drawn by Ben] ⤞ The Rite of the Karin is not recognized as a trial, but instead as a warm welcome into the clan. When an Arvellon comes of a certain age, or is adopted into the seed, they are allowed the gift of a feline companion. A twin-tailed, crystal antlered colorful Karin, that they will raise from a kitten to a full-grown adult. This companion will be their forever friend and will offer comfort and playfulness where they know it is needed. ─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─━─
  23. ᚱᛟᚲᚴ ᚨᚾᛞ ᛋᛏᛟᚾᛖ Cultural Exchange: Chess Tournament Between Hanseti-Ruska & Urguan ᛏᛟ ᛏᚺᛖ ᛒᛟᚾᛖ ROCK AND STONE TO THE BONE 12th of the Amber Cold, in the 111th Year of the Second Age 12th of Joma Ag Umund in the Year 460th of Exalted Sigismund, As per the Renewed Iron Accord, Signed in the 110th Year of the Second Age/459th Year of Exalted Sigismund, The Grand-Kingdom of Urguan hereby Announces a Cultural Exchange Event within the Dual-Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. A Chess Tournament will be held within the Capital of the Dual-Kingdom: Karosgrad, upon the Palace Grounds. There will be a Trophy Handed out to the Winner of the Tournament, for those willing to test their mettle, whilst friendlier games available for the participation of all those who wish to come. CHESS TOURNAMENT I. The Chess Tournament will be held on two boards outside the Palace of Karosgrad. II: Competitors will be arranged into pairs to compete against each other, with the winner of each pair moving to the next round. III: The winner of the chess Tournament will be granted the honorific title of ‘Chess Grandmaster’, confirmed to them by the receiving of a Chess Grandmaster Trophy, as well as prize of mina. IV: If you are interested in competing, please reply to this announcement stating your name and your race. These will be compiled by the Grand Ambassador of Urguan for the Tournament. Other available games: I. Naughts & Crosses II: Hanseti Chess III: Bowling EVENT LOCATION & TIME The Karosgrad Palace grounds The Snow’s Maiden, In the 113th Year of the Second Age Msitza Ag Dargund, In the 462nd Year of Exalted Sigismund Signed, Her Excellency, Viorica Kortrevich, Grand Lady of the Morrivi Court His Lordship, Aurik Bishop, Baron of Ostervik, Ambassador to Urguan Dagmir Grandaxe, Grand Ambassador of Urguan
  24. THE LURIN CULTURAL ASSIMILATION PROGRAM Issued at Year 110 of the Second Age As we have noticed an influx of new people entering Lurin being oblivious to our ways of life and customs, it is time to write them down for those who desire to read about such. The Sutican Mercenary Origins of Lurin With the gradual fall of the Sutican government before their eventual replacement, there were plenty who moved along with The Silver Lubba to find new fortunes and established The Silver Lubba Band which roamed around Almaris doing contracts and settling where they could. Now having made it to Lurin as the presumed final destination of these wandering mercenaries, they remain with mostly the same structure of government with some various additions to reduce the strain of governing the lands. (Two Titans of the Silver Lubba Band patrolling the mountains of the main continent) (The mountain pass by Sina Hayati) Industrious Modest Glory As the Lurinites originate from a mercenary company, it should not be surprising they all seek something to fulfill their goals, however, each one does so differently now other than a few aspects which are for the majority the same. While there are some different cases per person, it is often seen that a Lurinite seeks to fulfill their tasks on the job and do such as efficiently as possible with the majority of these being more on the industrious side than a stagnant one. Often the only factor that slows down a process is the lack of people that are capable of joining the divisions of the band. However, with this modest attitude often comes some form of recognition of abilities which can open up new paths granted by their division leaders or even The Silver Lubba themself. (A blacksmith from the workforce and his daughter working together) (Blacksmith by Dashinvaine) Clothing of The Most Serene State of Lurin While every person within the state has a different taste in fashion, there is a general census that expensive outfits or jewelry are often a waste of mina, often leaving the average Lurinite with improvised formal clothing or their fanciest uniform during important events. Tailors oftentimes find it hard to be commissioned for anything other than basic clothing or the various state uniforms requested by The Silver Lubba themself and the various division leaders. Diplomatic Customs of Lurin As Lurin grows over time, there have been a couple preferences and noted down expressions during the diplomatic process which could be more efficient or avoided entirely. With this revelation, a small list has been constructed to give some oversight for future diplomatic meetings. -Bringing anyone other than your leader or someone authorized to officiate pacts autonomously to negotiate terms is a waste of time and effort. -Bringing more than two soldiers to a meeting is an act of aggression. Additional diplomats are an exception if they bring something to the table. -A pact with another nation might end up being pushed through the council and shareholders to see a general census before accepting, declining or altering the terms. -Every pact must be made with both parties present in the room, drafts must be prepared beforehand to indicate a clear goal of what the other entity wishes to achieve. -The offering or exchanging of gifts is discouraged during meetings unless they have a true cultural value to avoid muddling diplomacy with nepotism and other forms of bastardized politics. General Government Structure While the eradication of bureaucracy is favorable for efficiency, parts of this system must remain intact to avoid The Silver Lubba from spreading thin governing his lands and executing his missions for the realm. The Silver Lubba The Silver Lubba is the leader of this state and has authority over all that happens within it High Council With The Silver Lubba being spread a little too thin at times even with the existence of the council, a certain level of authority should be granted to act more autonomously to whoever is appointed to join this council. Often these council members are the most notable of the Lubba’s Council, though are often not publicly stated to be from this High Council. Lubba’s Council With such the creation of Lubba’s Council consisting of The Silver Lubba Band’s highest ranking members, personal advisors, high nobility and other offices appointed by The Silver Lubba. Each Division of the Silver Lubba Band is entitled to a seat on the council to more directly communicate their needs and voice their opinions. The following divisions are in place: -The Silver Lubba Band Expeditionary Force -The Lubba Keep Lawyers -The Silver Centurions -The Lubba Medical Force -The Silver Siege Team -The Lubba Band Workforce -The Order of The Lubba The following offices are in place: -The Office of Knowledge -The Office of Stewardry -The Office of Brew and Entertainment -The Office of Conservation -The Office of Rosewood -The Office of Diplomacy -The Office of Unnatural Affairs -The Office of The Yellow Cross -The Office of Culinary Expression The following nobles are in place: High Nobility: -Vassal Leaders of various levels -Division and Office Leaders -Previous High Council and Silver Lubbas Minor Nobility: -Family Estate Holders -Large Company Holders -The Silver Lubba’s Family -Lubba Knights -Personal Advisors of The Silver Lubba (A Lubba Keep Lawyer showing up to court to discuss laws in a heated debate) Shareholders As Lubba’s Council does not encompass all who have brought prosperity to the state, an additional minor council is established to allow new voices to be heard. The Shareholders consist of a majority out of minor nobility who have brought their families or services to these lands and made themselves notable. However, They are not the only ones within this council as Lubba Knights are granted a seat for their dedication to the state as well as notable guilds within the state that were not created by The Silver Lubba themself. High Command Further down the chain of command from The Silver Lubba’s Governmental Structure you will find the chain of the band itself where the highest ranking members and their commanding officers below are represented. These members ensure the function of the state to be in optimal condition and are not limited to the band alone as they could be part of an appointed office created by The Silver Lubba. Governmental Members The members of the Silver Lubba Band and other offices are found here at the bottom of the chain of command, executing tasks and finding themselves to be the bulk of the government. While they are in numbers, the individual is of great value as they are either being trained up for the division they have chosen or served the band for a longer period of time as for without these members there would be little government and chaos would rule the streets. Despise the Dark While not every Lurinite agrees with the overly zealous sentiment of the government towards darkspawn and undead, there is a general census that they should not roam the streets publicly or establish a foothold within our holdings or underground spaces. This sentiment along with some other clear factors such as the undead feeding upon descendants makes Lurin one of the few places that demands a person to be tested for being undead or a vampire before they may purchase a property. Along with this it is required for the government to lay down an aurum line and provide a golden sword for every public building. Sympathizers are often looked down upon or even questioned by local forces to lead them to potential sects that will be investigated and or terminated. (Artwork by @Saun_399) Akin to some sects of holy mages, Lurin has formed their own group to terminate these beings with the group mostly made out of constructs by the name of The Brotherhood which actively seeks out to terminate darkspawn and undead. They operate mostly autonomously with the majority of these constructs following the same set of directives, however it is possible that some of these use an outdated set which allows them to be more liberal in their approach of finding and terminating these creatures. Forge of the Dead As the burial of a corpse is a waste of valuable space, the Lurinites have opted to cremate every corpse in a ceremonious way where the ashes will be merged with iron or steel. After this metal of the dead is made, a close relative can have a dedicated smith forge this ingot into what they desire the deceased to represent. If there are no close relatives present or wanting to claim the deceased metal then they shall remain as an ingot with their name stamped upon it to be archived. However, if they do wish to have something simple such as a tool then the test of the deceased's balance will occur based on the quenching process. If it so happens that the metal warps or even snaps then it is believed the deceased lived an unbalanced life and their afterlife is a torturous existence. If the quenching succeeds however, then the deceased person has lived a balanced life and the afterlife might be bearable. (A dedicated blacksmith hard at work to forge a tool from the dead) Worship The Lurinites often don’t actively participate in religious rituals, however, this does not mean they are not religious as a decent number of them worship an aengul by the name of Eshtael or in some cases prefer to worship Tahariae instead. With these two being the main aenguls that are worshiped, there is still a minority which follows their own with the blessing of the state to allow such to be. Due to a large share of Eshtael worship and believing in the balance, the place of worship for Eshtael is often shared with the other religions out of good faith to co-exist with the others to perform their ceremonies in peace. Courtship While not enforced to any degree, Lurin does practice some form of courtship among their citizenry and nobility where two people optionally decide to entrust the other with an object of importance to them for a prolonged time and accustom themselves to each other over a period of time. To end such courtship they must do so either verbally or through the symbolic act of returning the object of importance to the other and requesting theirs to be returned. If this courtship is deemed successful by both, they may opt to join together in marriage. This marriage however, may be conducted by a religious entity of their choice or they may contact the state to aid them in hosting and approving this festivity in a state marriage. Festivities (A workforce market held in the industry district) (The Simmering Mind by Geeking out over Noblebright) With most Lurinites more focused upon their own goals, festivities are often a neglected side of the culture, though these may occur more frequently during times of prosperity and stability. One of the most common festivities are the tavern nights held every so often where the local population and visitors are bestowed upon with free drinks till they topple over if the bar cuts them off. Following this is not too much of an orthodox festivity, though it brings the populace great joy to attend a local auction to either buy or sell goods and see if they can make new connections throughout. While yet to occur, with the increased size of the workers division of The Silver Lubba Band it has become possible to start dishing out temporary stalls in the industry district and organize a workers market where the local artisans can sell their goods and there would be plenty bartering with merchants from around Almaris who caught wind of such an event. The most rare of all of these festivities are when The Silver Lubba decides to host an event in their own holding where formal attire is required to attend. The Silver Lubba being not much for excess usually avoids these types of pleasantries to focus upon their primary tasks or personal life. Naturally, there are more festivities to be held than listed here, though these are often more situational or forgotten to be listed. signed, The Silver Lubba
  25. The Rite of Rebirth The most celebrated ritual of the Mother Circle is that of Attunement, or the Rite of Rebirth. Toiling for years in the wilds and among the great druidic family, a dedicant that has successfully proven themselves will earn the chance to be presented to Cerridwen within the Mother's Sorrow. There, guide and student arrive together in the crystal waters to immerse the spirit within the crystal clear waters, symbolizing the tears the Great Mother sheds to bring the druids the miracle of rebirth; to experience the light of life through the transcendence of the soul and into the web of life. For every miracle of birth, there is death, and in those tears of understanding are druids born into this realm anew. The Lyric of Rebirth During the Rite, the lights of the grove are dimmed. The attuning druid prays to the Great Mother through song, asking for her guidance as the druid ascends into the cerulean dream. The prayer is in gratitude to the Mother for providing the blessing of sharing the gifts through rebirth and for life itself, and for her watchful eye over the life and eventual death of all of her children. This is often performed with the gift of singing, so that the newborn druid may rest easier and find comfort after attunement. For times of childbirth among the mothering druids and for when a brother or sister must be said goodbye to, the lyric is often heard in accompaniment to a similar ceremony. Kae matayna salume I experience the great life Ahaelun, mataliiyna’ito Great Mother, within my essence Nae elasirameonn myumiera You have brought Rebirth (Attunement) Fitayna, Fi’Talonnionn (You brought) New Life, New Child (Of the great family) Mawynn taliiyna’ito Great Joy is within the heart Mawynn taliiyna’ito Great Joy is within the heart Kaean ahernan ito nae We thank you Kernan’tayna For the nights of Life Kaean ahernan ito nae We thank you Karinan’tayna For the days of Life O Cerridwen, O Cerridwen Hiylu’evar, fidruii Welcome, newborn druid Kae ito Ma’Talonni I bring you into the Great Family Kae elsul salume I experience the light Ito maillern, fitaynan kaeleh’ito A miracle, a birth from me Mawynn taliiyna’ito Great Joy is within the heart Mawynn taliiyna’ito Great Joy is within the heart Kaean ahernan ito nae We thank you Kernan’tayna For the nights of Life Kaean ahernan ito nae We thank you Karinan’tayna For the days of life O Cerridwen, O Cerridwen
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