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Status Updates posted by FlemishSupremacy

  1. Anyone ever notice how there seems to be a correlation between having a lot of gms in a single nation, and that nation’s gms being biased? 
    We’ve seen it time and time again;

    wood elf gms

    haelun’or gms 

    oren gms


    If one faction has a bunch of gms, they feel safer as they have a bunch of people to back them up.


    @Braxisstop stacking the GM team with too many people from the same nation.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. MunaZaldrizoti
    3. Anore


      Markosi sure does give a lot infractions to members of the ISA for being a biased moderator. Maybe blame it on the current set of raid rules the server has that makes it impossible to easily follow raid rules while also trying to have realistic war scenarios, rather than blame a moderator who has given the same type of infractions to both sides of the conflict because he’s following protocol.

    4. squakhawk
  2. I've said it numerous times; haense pretends to be a cute rper community until something they dont like occurs, at which point they turn rabid and instantly show the worst sides of themselves. We see it now against Axelu and we saw it very clearly when Sambech and his group left to do their own cute little French thing.


    For those who need a reminder of what happened then: Haensemen first made memey englishmen characters to raid Sambech's charter (blatant ooctargetting), and then they made a petty document in which they basically talked **** about Sambech and his group, leaked someones vulnerable IRL and medical situation and just generally tried to coerce sambechs group into abandonning the project they were looking forward to.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. rukio


      lmao I love lotc cliques 

    3. Narthok


      my clique is better than your clique give me reputation

    4. rukio


      @NarthokSorry, you cannot add any more reactions today.” ok

  3. 4fde6366580516679234746dc26ba71f.png

    Did they just have the GM's OOCly evict an entire city...?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      And why would you sack the city if it's safely in Oren hands... Sacking your own city? Pfft. What of the people who want to keep living there?

    3. octofishie


      Sadly I seriously doubt that any residents will want to continue living there as the vast majority of Courlanders are loyal to Vege and any who wish to stay will be living in an empty city, which will be really exciting rp for them.

    4. Chaw


      There's about 3 courlanders who support draeris. All that Draeris has done is turn a popular rp hub into a dead place.

  4. Don't really get being so upsetti spaghetti at a group trying to get their realm somewhere. 
    Don't try to stop people from trying to branch out and set up their community somewhere, even if the result is another Elysium. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Greehn


      what ferdingtonguy said
      the creation of new realms are fine so as long as they can maintain their activity or else we get situations where realms with a peak of 2 - 3 people regularly exist

    3. TreeSmoothie


      Idk much of what happened, but the Vikela allegedly kicked everyone out of their discord over the lurin incident after trying to pvp them & failing 

      That, and I've never seen Vikela with more than 3 ppl at a time


      It'd be better for them to vassal under another place, because they don't seem to have the unique culture nor playercount to really justify a whole tile to themselves- nor do I think they have the maturity to lead a nation, based off that discord thing & them reporting comments critiquing the realm app


      this isn't just my opinion on vikela but all of these realms (esp human ones) that're more or less the same & don't seem to have the unique cultural identity & playercount to rationalize them not just being another vassal

    4. TeawithFrisket


      A place that cannot sustain itself in the long run no matter whom they are will seemingly always fail in the end. Sure there are no activity checks but that doesn't stop someone from going to conquer them. 

      I'm unaware of the Incident where they kicked people out their discord- I think if that's true then that only goes to show how much progress has been made since their "Rising"

      However this status is a general statement, any vassal or soon to be settlement who cannot sustain itself, without a dedicated community and a leadership thats also mature is sadly going to crumble, sadly thats how things happen.

      but who knows, this world is filled with mystery- that's just how the future works.

  5. People who reserve a forum reply spot by posting "R" are cowards

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Netphreak


      Is this a case of "It takes one to know one"? 


      Btw.. RRRRRRRR

    3. Milenkhov
    4. Malins Welcome

      Malins Welcome

      people who reserve a forum reply pot at all re just dumb

  6. Honestly, lore creatures that have to suffer major cooldowns, have their character locked away for x amount of time or require an extansive process of revival to be playable again after death are simply incentivized to try and avoid dying at all costs in encounters. Strip that shit out please, it doesn't make it any more fun for any party involved

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Agy


      @Unwillingly Yeah sorry about that... Was riding a dumb train of thought at that moment.


      It had more to do with viewing it through the lenses of the ever favorite concept of "immortality" and how it provides no real 'point' at all and infact makes you be OOCly more worried over death since it now actually has penalties for said creatures. For example you could just become an elf and never consent to PKing your character on death and you could still have them live for up to 20 IRL years before they grow too old. (Which of course isn't an issue! This is in the end of the day a place with the goal of creating stories, nobody should be able to forcefully kill off another's character before their player is ready to put their tale to an end themselves..!!!!!)


      That was the idea, entirely divorced from the fact that the creatures that often possess said immoralities are inhumane entities that have grown detached and separate from the rest of descendantkind down to their very soul having been altered and being creatures that most often than not, retain said immortality by eating the bone marrow of newborn infants or smth. On which point I 100% agree with you, OF COURSE and creatures that have abilities that center specifically on murderizing people should face penalties once they are actually vanquished so that they are even the smallest amount more careful about who or where they attack


      This wasn't mean to be interpreted as "Darkspawn should have the exact same respawn mechanics as your average unremarkable person", just how having your character become actually immortal is not all that special really

      Edited by Agy
    3. FlemishSupremacy


      @UnwillinglyYou're not wrong in saying that people really not wanting to die is a general issue and not found solely in people who have CAs that have death restrictions. I still think that being a CA that may not be able to play for XYZ time or until someone does ZYX to revive them WILL contribute to this attitude.

      I just think it's not a good thing to implement these death restrictions and then usually, use that to justify a CA being very powerful. There you get situations where CAs are both frustratingly powerful in CRP AND really averse to losing and dying because it locks them out of their persona. 

      I also think it's contraproductive to promoting fun villainy rp coming from these CAs. For example, a player might want to go out to do villainy but, they realise they have an event in 2 days, so if they die, they can't attend due to the respawn mechanics, so they either don't go out and do that rp OR do go out but be really unwilling to die.

      I really don't see any benefits to any of the CAs that have these restrictions. You're punishing CA players for doing these encounters and losing. I don't think the people who win these encounters get more enjoyment out of the encounter knowing the enemy player's character won't be around for a week.

    4. rukio


      if you dont want a respawn mechanism, go play a character that isn't a CA, it's that easy. 

  7. reee fix server pls

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jondead


      Oh but DDOSing can do quite a bit.

    3. Jondead


      And go to prison if the Bobbys get involved. 

    4. Jondead


      True but IF a cop finds out they will go to jail OR prison.

  8. Can we finally get some clarity on whether or not GMs are in the right to complain about copy paste emotes to engage in banditry?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Anore


      The main consistent issue we have is copy pasting of literally the exact same emote three times or whatever they need to do to meet a requirement for ‘sufficient roleplay’. We want banditry RP to create interesting interactions and “add value” to a players roleplay experience. Adding value doesn’t necessarily mean that the player will leave that situation glad they got robbed of course, but creating an environment where this banditry impacted their character in some way or lead to more roleplay interaction with the group or individual is good. So while there shouldn’t be anything wrong with a player having saved emotes, we want those emotes to be both engaging and realistic both in what they are trying to accomplish, while also leaving room for the player being engaged upon to respond in some way, this means not spamming all emotes at once but giving time for an interaction to occur if that makes sense.

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      That is a very reasonable and completely acceptable response, however, it seems to not be what all of your colleagues follow, which is my issue. Please make some solid rules about it, so we don’t get confusion. @Anore




      Markosi, for one (not trying to call him out or criticize him here, just to give an example) said that we shouldn’t have done halting emotes in our first emote, and that it should just be an attention grabbing emote, however, in the rules page:


      the emote linked under the ‘here’ is quite literally a halting emote: https://imgur.com/U1l5scX


      I’d just like to see a clear rule, so that there’s no more confusion about it, because staff have gone from “not allowed” to “allowed” to “allowed in some cases” and back multiple times, and there’s no way of knowing what is acceptable when. 

    4. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      idk, i think that halt emotes should be allowed to copy paste because not everyone writes fast enough, and the person being halted should be allowed to turn around and fight because the person halting is probably expecting a fight


  9. War raid cooldown on christmas is based. No being called away from the christmas dinner table to defend the city...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. rukio


      If you feel more obliged to answer a minecraft call than spend time with your family...


      idk man

    3. rukio


      (That said I will also be playing games and ignoring family)

    4. Harold


      they didn’t say anything about discord raids tbf

  10. And so the rains weep o'er their halls, those lords of... Evreux. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kingnothing


      more like theelvenspaz

    3. Taketheshot


      Spaz? Not really.

    4. FlemishSupremacy


      Help! Goosey is harrassing me again!!! 

  11. Tbh, we could have a warzone on the Warserver, like we had in Adelburg. On the warserver, you can turn chatting off, so ppl can’t fling **** at eachother, and it might actually solve lag on the main server

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Knightei


      I miss you flemish, when can we rp again?

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      @Knighteicome to renatus bro, i get harassed by frisky reivers everywhere else ?

    4. Thornz


      good idea, but renatus too scared to make a warzone... ?

  12. Bring back the FM team. GMs are barely capable of answering modreqs so get additional folks to patrol the forums.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. rukio


      Agreed, purge the new GMs too. Everyone who joined in the last 3 days tbh

    3. Kaelan


      I put forward sectioning permissions in moderation and bringing on people from staff into forum moderation as an additional duty. Would eventually open it up to public applications when policy and such was ironed out because it had been neglected... Still using the old FM stuff, branding and all...


      Telanir, Tarre, and Flam all voted no (found out before the admin votes were finished) to it despite the entire moderation team at the time being in agreement in being in favour of it. 


      Makes me cry 


    4. Harold


      Disagree with the toxicapple

  13. Honestly, if the rules are so restrictive that **** like Elite’s situation, in which no one got hurt get him banned, then change the rules.


    Fun not allowed on LoTC?


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ryloth


      took a 7 man rally to a city, bypassed iron doors and hugged players before leaving. reasons 101 every staff involved issue can’t be treated the same. the context is always different. should be a warning or maybe some laughs instead for positive vibes

    3. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      I agree, we just lock picked some doors, rped with a afk player which soon returned then asked to leave which we did then got banned which all my guys as well got warning points....

    4. Valaryon


      We brought 40 people to gates. Yelled six lines of RP. Banned for three weeks. NICE.

  14. Yo, put the vortex-ranching flag on every tile already, legit the dumbest thing I've ever seen.

  15. Staff should do more your views before doing rule rewrites...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. rukio


      not that they’ll listen to us at the end of the day

    3. KeatonUnbeaten


      staff does as staff please. the whims of white-names are whispers in the wind.

    4. J33xt101


      I vote Mynebor. Staff.... *sings* can't touch this. 😏😎

  16. https://files.lordofthecraft.net/maps/ you might be able to find Vailor in here, not sure if it’s the version with al-wakrah


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FlemishSupremacy


      Yeah it seems to be down, maybe something to do with the recent forum troubles... 😞 this is kinda a pain for me, too.

    3. CrazyBigSpiders


      It looks like they killed the old machine that forums + misc stuff used to run on. Forums got migrated but they might not have migrated the other services.

      Edited by CrazyBigSpiders
    4. Your Stepdad

      Your Stepdad

      I got the map bro. Message me on discord Boom#0009

  17. Bring back villainy blacklists and punishments for poor villainy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Zolla_


      blacklist people who powergame like shit and find any reason to modreq when rping

    3. olpx


      people who powergame at all should be removed from lotc crp

    4. monkeypoacher


      from you of all people, lol

  18. can we remove half-races already?

    1. Kvasir


      no why are you always so angry

    2. Nyuriz


      yes why are you always so right

    3. Ryloth


      wish i could hit that retweet button

  19. Can we remove a singular, specific badmin already?

  20. Elfkilleridiots.thumb.png.59d1dc99d845fb64940ea5d28d11e8fa.png

    1. Inferno_Ougi


      ngl we all got a good laugh, especially this one 



    2. Harri


      i feel you'd get more out of this if you didnt use leo's character for the elf

    3. FlemishSupremacy


      it was actually tau's character, but all the welves are all carbon copies


  21. **** trebuchets, allow TNT cannons.

    1. Heero


      ah. finally, a man culture i can get behind

    2. Auriel_


      you play a dangerous gambit
      but one i support

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      imagine one of these being used on a city lol

  22. i think we should put some restrictions on signing charters when you don’t actually intend to live or rp there.

    1. squakhawk
    2. AGiantPie


      Probably, it’s just very difficult to enforce that.

    3. Textarea
  23. I somewhat understand the decision to make BR’s private, but atleast let everyone that’s involved see what’s going on, because with screenshots, it’s extremely easy to frame something to be in your favour.

    1. Statherian


      This. Surely it’s possible to make sure the people involed in the BR get the ability to see it? It does not need to become a rep farm for the entire server to laugh at but giving multiple parties a chance to provide their input while directly speaking to eachother rather than forwarding their evidence to a GM should be possible.

    2. Thornz
    3. Ambduscias


      as a great man once said...



  24. I wish we could keep 10% of our minas on map change...

    1. KeatonUnbeaten


      a flat max would b better

    2. FlemishSupremacy


      flat max at 300k then...

    3. seannie


      how am i gonna keep the 6,000,000 minas that mystery spawned for me

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