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  1. IN THE NAME OF THE HERD Gather , my bruddahs of horn and hoof, for our clan, for our herd, faces the plague of sin and the loss of valiant warriors. Let us hone the blades atop our heads to a razor's edge, strengthen our hooves for the coming challenge, and wear our scars of Karazept in pride. The time has come for the sons of Iblees to taste the searing fury of the Brazen Bull. In the sacred name of Qarkah, blessed be his name, Clan Ugluk asserts dominion over the blarg; ‘Beastslayer’s den’ and will host a meeting of smoke and flame underneath its canopy. Should any challenge this rightful claim, their axe may rise against our formidable Bullgoth, or myself. ♫ CLAN MEETING Friday, 17th of May, 3PM EST
  2. ORIGIN The Orcs of Clan Ugluk trace their lineage back to the formidable Gorkil bloodline, born of the mighty Krug and twinned by the wild Lur. Emerging as a force to be reckoned with, the first chieftain, Pok, descendant of Ugluk, carved a path of glory through triumphant battles. His exploits caught the attention of Rex Mogroka’Gorkil, who acknowledged the legitimacy of his bloodline, thereby granting Clan Ugluk the status of an independent and respected clan. HISTORY “Burn it, burn all of it. Don’t stop until their children will only remember the flames, nothing else.” TRADITION AND FAITH Follow your Horns, Carve your Path Clan Ugluk thrives as a semi-nomadic society, drawing provisions from their great and impressive livestock and bolstering their resources through frequent raids on enemies. To be counted among the Ugluk is to embrace the spirit of the warrior above all else, leaving all other pursuits of life to secondary importance. Yet, amidst battle and war, the Ugluks hold a profound favour to the artistic expression, whether it be through song or the stroke of a paintbrush. Central to the orcs of Ugluk is the guiding principle of “Two-Horns”, a philosophy steeped into the belief that through competition and conflict, the collective strength of orcs flourishes. At the helm of this doctrine stand the revered patron spirits of Ugluk; Karazept and Qarkah, whose guidance influences the very heart of Ugluk society. “TWO HORNS” PHILOSOPHY One sick bull is a sick herd. The concept of the ‘Two-Horns’ philosophy embodies the karmic power of individual actions within the collective consciousness of the orcish society. When one orc succumbs to laziness, a ripple effect ensues leading to a widespread stagnation that stops progress. Similarly, deviations from cultural norms, such as a goblin speaking common tongue or an orc renouncing allegiance to Krug, disrupt the delicate balance within the community, resulting in unpredictable shifts of behavior. When an orc succumbs to such negative behavior, the karma can be returned to balance in two ways; self mutilation or the sacrifice of the foreign race in the flames of Qarkah. These are the true horns of Ugluk philosophy; to better yourself through pain and conflict, and to to better society through the ritualistic slaughter of the cowardly races. The sharp horn and the long horn. SPIRIT PANTHEON QARKAH Qarkah is the spirit of Culling and Immolation, a lesser spirit under Leyd. Qarkah takes the form of a huge bronze bovine engulfed in flame. Qarkah is worshipped using the Brazen Bull, a bronze bull large enough to contain many men, elves and dwarves alike. Victims are placed inside, and a fire underneath sets them to boil alive in their own fluids. Steam from the bull’s nostril mimics the sound of a cow’s stream, making the sight ever more violent. Qarkah embodies the belief that orcs are strengthened by eliminating non-orcs from their society, representing the second horn of Ugluk philosophy. KARAZEPT Karazept is the Spirit of Scarification and Mutilation, a lesser spirit under Krathol. Karazept appears as a man covered in scars and an animal skull for a head. The preferred form of scarification within the Ugluk clan is through branding, generally the same brands used on their cattle. These brands are made to mimic the simple glyphs of the ‘Kad-Kidari’, the ancient tongue of the Ugluk clan believed to have originated in the days of Morghuun Karazept represents the first horn of Ugluk; the idea that you may become stronger by experiencing pain and conflict. Stories are told from the lines on your flesh, and these scars tell other orcs of your deeds and accomplishments. PHYSIOLOGY The members of Clan Ugluk are a striking sight, towering in stature, adorned with scars, burns and clad in either bronze armour, or the bareness of their formidable physique. Their skin bears a signature colour of green, a gradient of the deep tones of the ancient Gorkils, to the more lightened tones of their newer bloodlines. Yet, there are those who boast human-like or sand-toned skin, brazen and dull. Born in a warrior clan, the Ugluk orcs are bred for battle from the moment they draw their first roar. Their muscles hardened, their minds ever-sharp, a testament to a lifetime of readiness in conflict. Proudly displayed are their weapons, each one a reflection of the dub’horn path. CURRENT ROSTER: Those that walk by us in the desert. BULLGOTH: Skorkon’Ugluk “The Minotaur” @Vilebranch BULLS: Ughûr’Ugluk, Aggad’Ugluk, Zavar’Ugluk, Obok’Ugluk, Ugzak’Ugluk @Jihnyny @Perkins@ColonelKuehl1@Wulfric @Wizzar DISCORD: Special thanks to @Vilebranchfor the referances and inspiration behind the post
  3. "Call for the honoraries of krugmar!" ----(())---- "Az the new krugmar government haz reformed, mi, Azfrai of the lur clan haz taken upon mi-zlef to become the new Krimpgoth rezpectfully! and zo, i call for those wo battled and trialed for honorary in krugmar's former and current years. I call upon you to inform me of your status, clan and position. When lat answer this call, zend a letter to mi or leave it at Scorthuz VIII. ---------- If lat wizh to join the horde az well my adrezz and thiz call apply to lat az well," Lup'Krugmar, Azfrai'Lur" (Dm me on discord too!, Plummius)
  4. Thanks to @Mirvam, I found out about Mine-imator and was able to make this animation. It doesn't actually hold any lore significance, it's just the intro from Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain with some imagery of my MArt and Mordor stuff. Hope you like it.
  5. Addressing Jindle Banditry On the Contract The previous contract, tilted Pact of Scorpion and Jindle, was terminated 3 cactus days ago by Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal following a string of raids done in the name of the Iron'Uzg. A specific clause of the agreement forbids said action, stating that “The Jindle Company must first request permission from the Rex when targeting specific groups, or Nations, due to the volatile state of the continent - to keep the home nation safe.” All clauses and terms within the contract are to be terminated, and the Iron’Uzg and Jindle Family are to cut ties. On the Raids The Iron’Uzg formally apologizes for the string of raids on Haense, Balian, and Norland, as none of the mentioned raids were solicited by either the Rex or the Targoth of the Horde. The contract specifically granted the freedom to road banditing only, and this clause was abused by the Jindle family by raiding multiple cities during their family outings. Any questions regarding the missive may be directed to either Rex Ar-Borok’Akaal or Targoth Sahgorim’Ugluk by bird. Ar-Borok of Clan Akaal, Rex of the Horde Sahgorim of Clan Ugluk, Targoth of the Horde, Commander of the Krug-hai Ixûla of Clan Akaal, Dominus of the Horde Al-Uk of Clan Akaal, Motsham of the Horde, Voice of the Spirits
  6. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sounds of Beasts Drown out my Thoughts We march onward, the clear sky marks it as a good day The clamor of bronze strikes our souls For they march, the beast's eyes upon us now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The firelands, long known as a source of danger for those who dwell in the ashy valleys below. These lands, native to the various beastmen who roam across its rugged county know only freedom to do as they will, to live their natural way. In their blood is the instinct to congregate, to move forwards to fresher pastures. First, only a few trickled in, seemingly singular individuals looking for lairs, for sustenance. Slaves and gladiators were sent, removing such beasts Yet, not singular in number. These lone beasts weak and unarmored were but only the advanced scouts of a larger more devastating herd. Seeking to add to their territory. Already they had taken their number up to the GREAT RAM FORTRESS, her forges churning and smokestacks pouring, as the beasts labored to cast the metal they needed for their warmachine. Forging weapons and Panoplies for their elite. THE BRAVE BAND, GLORIOUS Heroes! Hoplites clad in second skins of polished bronze, and heavy shield, paid well, each a hero each an individual looking to prove his worth in salt strode forth to meet this foe gathering on the borders of great Krugmenistan. Their forces commanded by the Indomitable Rex, and lead in the field by the Bronze Goliath himself, Ulagula'Ugluk. These heroes, came upon a shipment of fresh metals and arms from the fortress, their forces met by a great threat. The beastmen poured from the plains and the hills, and their great Champions announced challenge. And with Challenge they were met! The battle raged, and the Heros, strength of Leyd in their arms, drove those beastmen from the borders, though not before they took their bronze and their arms with them into the depths of the Firelands. Dedicating their victories to the Pantheon, the Phalanx, mustered in their strength brought the captured of the Minotaurs before the great Qarkah. Reeling in their weakness, Qarkah gave these beasts a new purpose. To redeem their weakness by culling that of others. And locked them away in the depths of Qarkah's Labyrinth. To guard the treasures it holds. The hero's bathing in the Adulation of the GREAT Krugmensitan, and SILVERED Sulianpoli knew, that the Herd will come once more. They are on the Moove... And now that the Labyrinth is complete, New Heros may prove themselves GREAT. And earn the vast treasures within. Undying is the KLEOS, this DIVINE GLORY we win! 'LO MAY THOSE WHO HAVE DONE THEIR DUTY RECEIVE THEIR JUST REWARD! And those who fell, find theirs. Rest now, Heroes, take your spoils, cast new bronze, nurse your wounds, mourn your dead, prepare thyselves. The Herd Cometh --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Come lads TELL US YOUR TALES OF BATTLE, SO YOUR IMMORTAL KLEOS MAY BE SUNG THROUGH ALL TIME! [[[Welcome to our new Storyline! One thematic and full of great struggles and great dramas sure to bring about the HERO inside you! Its hosted in Sulianpoli! The Silver Colony in great Krugmenistan! This eventline not only has large events and consequences and rewards for actions, but also static nodes, extra resources, trade, and a few CHALLENGES and DUNGEONS for even foreigners to TEST THEIR SALT! Come and test yourself in our Labyrinth! Come prove your STRENGTH in the TEMPLE OF IRON and receive great 'Boons' and many blessings!)) Tell your legends here!
  7. (Music) An orc sits before a pyre of flesh and bone impaled with a family heirloom, from his place he plays a small hand-drum with bloodied palms. He was weak - not physically, but mentally, and spiritually, lacking honor - this orc was untouched by the curse, not that of Iblees’ doing, being unhinged anger, but instead the curse of utter ignorant obedience, the omens had shown that the stars would align, though no immortal was to credit such signs, instead - the orc knew truth, his very own ilk, be it brother or grandmother had laid such hints before him, and as an orc of little purpose, he knew his only option was to heed the words of a long since unspoken maw. He had ingested copious amounts of shrogo mushrooms and cactus green, leaving his senses overwhelmed, he could feel the wind gently pierce his skin, as if it traveled right through him - a tingle overcoming his physical form, leaving him in a relaxed state of sedation. The smoke from the pyre began to shift, as if it was it’s own entity, swirling and distorting, smoke rings often floating within the air like a lone music note held unto it’s utter climax in which it would finally dissipate, leaving the stage for yet another in its wake. Soon colors saturated his vision, the orange hues of the pyre warming earning the unaltered focus of the drum-playing uruk, it was almost as if he played for the flame itself, as it formed to /dance/ with the wind that coincidentally would pick up as the drumming grew more intense.. Eventually - the uruk realized the otherwise silent audience that was the forest around him, was hushed no longer, beneath the echoed drums, crackling pyre and whistling wind, was a soft hum radiating from the trees, plants and fungi spread throughout, such a sound played in well with the feeling of utter static which had consumed him from the stomach down, as if his own vessel spoke back to the whispering jungle. Before he the orc could take in his surroundings, he began to notice fractals forming upon his beige hide, showing themselves where the moon and fire shed light, changing in unfathomable ways, getting smaller and smaller, larger and larger not one shape was alike, and not one shape was anything he had before encountered. Finally, a faint ringing began to fluctuate around the uruk, one which he felt within his horned skull.. The pyre began to change yet again.. Though this time, not in sync with the drumming which the uruk had somehow fought to maintain throughout this state of altered consciousness. Beneath the pyre within the dirt sat a stone bowl of scarlet ichor, which he had drained in offering from his very form, to accompany the gift of flesh from those slain and left within the pyre as fuel alongside the now charred oak and marrow. The blood began to bubble whilst it’s shade deepend, and whilst the uruk seemed unphased, a cold chill came over his spine, nearly halting his playing.. Although, as to ward off those he did not seek to entertain, he kept on for instinctual survival. Soon, the pyre had began to fade, leaving only orange coals in its absence, one’s which flickered and distorted similarly to the fractals upon his arm.. Which - he had finally realized, were not constrained to just his body and the remnant pyre, but now - they were displayed all upon the observable landscape.. And whilst this was something to leave him within awe alone.. His calls were finally received.. Something seemed to rise from the bowl, mixing within the less violent smoke rolling from the vanquished bonfire, more distorted than the shapes which warped his very reality.. But soon it became clear, as if his eyes were opened by the entity.. whom revealed itself; A figure now stood before him, phantasmal and unbound, manifesting in place of the stone bowl, a familiar uruk stood before the overwhelmed. Above this orcish brute’s image was a rhino, one missing an eye, not unalike the uruk it towered behind. The drum playing Uruk (Ixula) lifted focus now unto the figure, ceasing his playing finally.. It was now he was truly frozen, unable to speak nor think freely, it was when realization came, that he understood who had displayed the omens and every bone within his body were consumed with simultaneous dread and shame. Tears welled within the eyes of the weakened uruk began to drip down his tan skin, recognition sprayed amongst his scarred and grizzly visage. His own father - long since fallen, stood now before his offspring, with a cold, disappointed and yet - plainly stare, one sharp enough to make any child drop this head. His father was a beast of the Horde, having fought his way through Vailor and beyond - losing an arm in battle for his clansmen of Braduk, whilst too bringing valorous honor unto both his Braduk, and Dom ancestors, even if not simultaneously doing so. He had given an eye unto the spirit of Ixli for forbidden knowledge, bled himself to near death for Enrohk and slain hundreds of drui’ in the name of Leyd, this brute had accomplished much, even if unblessed by the rest of the spirits for his disobedience - this uruk was everything that embodied the pride, yet restraint, dominance yet honor, that every orckin sought after. And so his failure was immense, to be the son of a great orc, with nothing accomplished for himself, two centuries had been his thus far allowed existence, horns sprouted from his cranium, and yet still - no honor nor greatness deserving of such a crown. Tears continued, whilst words remained choked upon - all which he could muster, was a broken and scratchy - “Popa..” limbs far too heavy to lift from the goat-skinned drums, his spine locked up and leaving him beneath his superior ancestor, whom finally spoke.. “Weak..this is what they say.. Your brothers have died outside the walls fighting for honor, whilst you’d prefer to rot from within them.. Do not call unto me if you do not seek change.” The spirit spat out, pacing now around his son, the image of the rhino following. “You bleed not fire, but instead lard, you grow fat and lazy, leaving your bloodlust to control you, whilst your slaves do your labors.. Be this the way of the orc?” The spirit shook his head at his own question, extending his blade-arm out to the chin of his successor, one which - while immaterial, felt colder than the night-air which bit down upon the unmoving uruk’s flesh. “You are Ikrizh, born of blood and ire, made to conquer and sustain, your honor is your shield, and your wisdom your sword, and yet you’ve replaced it for the warbow which is your bloodlust, hiding behind the walls, whilst allowing luck to place your shots fatally upon the enemy.. And yet you are no Lur who masters the art of such weaponry, you are a pig with an elf’s toy, and be it as it must - it has weakened you..” “I am all things you can be, and yet none of them. This is your doing, your failure, but too is it your redemption - I was conquered in the end, half a millennia of war with the immortals left me free to their lies, I consumed their lessers like you do cactus, and it began to take my strength, and my sanity.. This is not your path.” He called now, standing before his son with a small pile of charred bone procured from the pyre. “You are to grow past this, we live not to honor the immortals, but to unite our ancestors for union, hear throat bound songs, feel the heartbeat of their drums, and do not lower yourself to them, for we are ORCS, and bow to none but our own curse if allowed to consume our very being.. You will praise none but those who walked the path before you, they will show you the path to honor, they will reawaken all that has been lulled into slumber, and your senses with it - shall return, you will not forget the ways of Kulgarok that I have taught you, the druids will one day know of your strength, and soon after the spirits, immortal and ancestral, will know your truth, even if the former ensures nothing but turmoil in its wake..” The bone turned to ash then, blowing off in the wind.. “You will sacrifice your slaves, and begin.. Call unto Ixli for the wisdom a final time, grant him an eye, for even a small glimpse of their wisdom is costly, after this - every honorful kill will be given unto Leyd or the ancestors, you will not bow to none other, and be you to disobey - you will die long before your horns kill you from the inside out.” “Your fire shall burn longer with each honorific trait upheld, every heart offered, and through the scars you gain, you will display truth, you will become a mural of strength and valor through them, and use them as experience to avoid your next meet with Kor, do not fail me kub.” The orc finally ceased - old blah rang through the younger’s mind like water from a stream, he had only grasped it’s meaning from his upbringing, but held onto such teachings so that he could forever understand and speak to his ancestors - even when such words are not returned. Ixula now knew his purpose, freed from dishonor for a final time, he would begin to consume the knowledge his father once did.. Leaving his pyre after his senses returned.. The uruk began, knowing watchful eyes were held unto him at all times.
  8. Thought I'd drop by the forums and propose this as its something that I've been thinking about for a while. It's my understanding that Orcs (both OOC and IRP) have had a bad reputation for quite a while on the server and I am both curious as to why that is and what I can do to change some people's experiences with the race/culture. My goal as the Rex is to have Orcs be both a contributor to overall server community and also bring back the enjoyable RP I experienced during Orc eras of the past. This means creating a healthy and friendly environment, one as free from toxicity as can be and one that is rooted in RP. With that being said, I now have a few questions I would like ANYONE to answer below. I encourage free dialogue if anyone wishes to discuss the points brought up and I will do my best to answer any questions people may have or ideas they want to propose to me directly. Question 1: What is one thing you dislike about Orcs/Krugmar? How can it be improved? Question 2: What is one thing you like/admire about Orcs/Krugmar? Question 3: What do you think Orcs/Krugmar biggest opportunity for improvement is?
  9. FRESH PRINCE OF ELVENESSE 18th of the First Seed, Year 26 of the Second Age “Mi iz da new frezh Rex ob da Twiggiez” -Fresh Rex of Elvenesse, Smol’Ruk Today marks another victory for the Ferrymen on the Elven front. A group of 70 Ferrymen marched on the capital of Elvenesse to capture another key victory in the war against the Elves. The force of Ferrymen led by the infamous Captain Banjo, snuck their way into the inner city of Elvenesse and rushed their way into the heart of the capital. At the square, the Ferrymen grouped civilians and soldiers alike to handover their belongings and fought those few soldiers and civilians who had the courage to fight the renowned fighters known as the Ferrymen. Only one of the Elves stood valiantly against the Ferrymen and fought like a true champion (@GeneralPumpkinCZ). At the end of this skirmish, the commander of the Elves was found running cowardly away from the city and the rest of his small force of resistance laid dead in the streets, a fitting death for those who do not stand up for their kin. No losses resulted on the attacking party, as the original group of raiders marched to bandit the remaining civilians and cowardly soldiers. In the throne room the Ferrymen held a short ceremony, crowning Smol’Ruk the ‘Fresh Rex of Elvenesse’. [!] A picture depicting the Ferrymen and Smol’Ruk sitting on the Throne of Elvenesse. As all the elves were either robbed or killed - the Ferrymen left the capital of Elvenesse bare and looted. Their bags filled with loot they had not seen since the days of looting the Imperial city of Providence. Truly a win for the acclaimed Ferrymen. [!] Pictures containing the loot of the Raid on Elvenesse. The Ferryman will come for you all in due time. Signed, Banjo, Captain of the Ferrymen, Savior of the Common and Free People, Pillager of Elvenesse, Liberator of Man, The Bringer of Equality, Capturer of the Bastion The Ferryman Smol’Ruk, Fresh Rex of Elvenesse, Personal friend of the Golden Rex
  10. THE ELVEN MASSACRE A large Warband set out to the forests of the Elveneese, the orcs with the company of the Ferrymen strode without opposition into the elven lands, passing by the elven gates with no guard to be seen. As the Orcs entered the elven lands they halted a simple elven citizen, fear filled his eyes as they surrounded him and bound him, taking him to the bridge connecting to the front gates of the Elveneese. As the Warband waited for the Elven guards to defend their citizens, they captured more elves, tying their bonds and displaying them before the gate, but the elven guards were nowhere to be seen as their citizens were rounded up. An Elven Lord stood within the limited safety of their gatehouse as they watched the Ferrymen round up more citizens, finding a group of female elves in the forest around a campfire. 50 Elves stood before the Elven gates, the Warband drawing their blades as they placed them against the soft necks of the elves, cries and pleas filled with air as everyone knew what was about to happen. In pure desperation the Elf Lord finally spoke going to propose a deal “I will pay you 300 minas to let my people go” The Warband laughed among themselves as Korgahk’Gorkil spoke “It is concerning you value your citizens so lowly” Korgahk then raised the axe above his head and so did the rest of the Warband “Raise! FLAT!” Korgahk yelled as he brought down the axe upon the neck of the elf infront of him, the rest of the Warband followed suite going to decapitate the elves before them, soon blood and dead bodies covered the bridge before the gate. An Olog picked one remaining elf and broke them in half over their knee yelling “WAAAGH!” Korgahk looked up towards the guard who stood watch as he saw his people get massacred, he raised his axe and pointed towards him before leaving the carnage they had unleashed.
  11. A CHANCE Korgahk’Gorkil stood before the new acclaimed Rex, Rex Zhot’Rax. The Son of Murak clasped his fist hitting his scarred chest before speaking in orcish “Rex Zhot I’ve returned to the lands of Krugmar to return to my people.” Korgahk and Rex Zhot conversed about the self requested whitewashing of Korgahk “I wish to be unwhitewashed but not without trials, give me trials and they shall be accomplished” Rex Zhot then uttered to Korgahk and to the other orcs present “You will get 3 sacrifices for Krug, one will be greater than the other” Zhot then turned to Munkizh who stood at Korgahks side, pointing to him he’d say “You will oversee Korgahks trials and see that they will be done in the eyes of Krug and the Spirits” Munkizh nodded before they were both dismissed to start a great hunt for the Spirits. Korgahk and Munkizh immediately headed out and layed a trap for any travellers on the Sandy Sutican roads, Catching an unsuspecting Elf, Korgahk swiftly took its head. As they returned home a whitewash causing trouble was seen in the orcish square, The Gorkils and fellow orcs attacked taking its life as it burned alive in the scorching campfire. Finally the Execution of an unsuspecting dwarf along the roads and the death of a Sutican guard would be the final sacrifice for Krugs liking. The Following Cactus Week Rex Zhot called for a meeting of the entirety of Krugmar, Orcs coming from all over Almaris to hear the acclaimed Rex and to discuss the future of Krugmar. Rex Zhot gathered his people around the campfire calling upon Uruks and Goblins alike to step forward for anyone that would like to take up the position of Dominus, Targoth or Huntzgoth. Orcs around the room stayed silent as no one answered. Korgahk stood up from his seat going to look towards Rex Zhot warming himself over the crackling fire “I have completed the trials you have set upon me to complete before the eyes of Krug, and the spirits” Korgahk then looked towards the orcs that were looking towards him “I would like to take the mantle of Targoth once more and assist in bringing Krugmar back to what I remember it to be” Rex Zhot nodded accepting Korgahks nomination “If anyone would like to challenge Korgahks claim, stand up” no one did and Rex Zhot exclaimed “Then Korgahk, You are the Targoth of Krugmar.” Krugmar will return to its root as The War Nation, Bringing honor to the spirits and forge an orcish legacy that will be memorable throughout the ages. ANG GIJAK ISHI
  12. THE TREATY OF THE HONOR BOUND II Issued 11th of Malin’s Welcome, year 14 of The Second Age PREAMBLE In the wake of trouble stirring upon the continent of Nyrheim those honorable world powers, the Kingdom of Norland and War Nation of Krugmar, henceforth referred to as the signatories, have deemed it appropriate to combine their spheres of influence to maintain law and order within the western half of the continent. This pact shall last exactly 15 years at which time the signatories may choose to renew it. ARTICLES: I.TERRITORIAL DEFENSE PACT II.INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT III.REGARDING OTHER WESTERN NATIONS IV.REGARDING THE IRON ACCORD ARTICLE I: TERRITORIAL DEFENSE PACT The territory between the Kingdom of Norland and War Nation of Krugmar are essential lands in the defense of the two great nations, as such the two powers have chosen to jointly claim and control those lands. The signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding defense between their respective realms and their jointly protected lands: Signatories hereby refrain from participating in any conflicts that put them at odds with one another. Signatories have henceforth entered into a defensive pact where the parties will provide military assistance to the defender. Signatories hereby agree to protect the Joint Protected Territories (see Map 1) from any unauthorized expansions of foreign nations into the Territories. In the event of war, each signatory may issue their own demands to the offender in question, however trophies of war are to be split evenly between the signatories. (Map1) Map of Nyrheim, in black hashes represent Joint Protected Territories of the Pact, red hashes represent the Kingdom of Norland’s claimed lands, and grey hashes represent the War Nation of Krugmar’s claimed lands. ARTICLE II: INFRASTRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT The Joint Protected Lands are undeveloped and empty and so the two powers hope to aid in the development of roadways and riverways. Such development shall encourage trade and travel throughout the region. The signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding infrastructure and development of the Joint Protected Territories: Signatories hereby agree to the development and maintenance of roads and riverways within the Joint Protected Territories. Signatories hereby agree to establish a mode of transportation between their respective realms. ARTICLE III: REGARDING OTHER WESTERN NATIONS The signatories of the Treaty of the West understand the independent and free peoples of the Joint Protected Territories and shall not infringe on their independence unless provoked. The signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding other western nations of the Joint Protected Territories: Signatories hereby agree to accept, if jointly agreed upon, any settlement or nation which wishes entrance into the Treaty. Signatories hereby recognize any settlement or nation within the Joint Protected Territories who actively seeks to undermine, assault or harm any other nation within the Treaty as a breach of the peace and an attack against all signatories. ARTICLE IV: REGARDING THE IRON ACCORD The Kingdom of Norland’s ties to both the Kingdom of Haense and the Grand Kingdom of Urguan may cause conflicts of interest between the signatories of the Treaty of the West, the Kingdom of Norland and the War Nation of Krugmar shall make great effort so as to avoid such conflicts. The signatories have agreed to the following terms regarding the member states of the Iron Accords: The War Nation of Krugmar is under no obligation to aid in the defense of Iron Accord member states, unless explicitly stating their support. The War Nation of Krugmar shall refrain from entering into conflict with any Iron Accord member state, if conflict is had the Kingdom of Norland shall immediately make attempts to coordinate diplomatic solutions. The Kingdom of Norland will not partake in any potential conflict between the Iron Accord and the War Nation of Krugmar, unless it is a war of aggression against a member of the Iron Accord. Signed, Caedric Edvardsson, Hand of the King In the name of, Halvar Edvardsson, King of Norland, Duke of Varhelm, Protector of Highlanders Zhot’Rax, Rex of the War Nation of Krugmar
  13. Catarrh

    Clan Yar

    <O> Yar: Many years ago, the great shaman Malog raised the banner of Yar for the first time in Anthos, instating a long-running clan of wisemen and those dedicated to the worship of the spirits. Symbolised by the duhnah skhelll, the great man-eating tortoises of the desert, they revere the Ancestral spirit Yar, said to be the wisest of his clan. While Yars place great emphasis on spirituality and the attainment of wisdom, they follow the basic fundamentals of orcish life and value strength and honour; they are still orcs, and will fight ferociously alongside their brothers in other clans in times of battle. However, they must also be able to think, and discern what is wise and honorable. A Yar is also expected to have an acute awareness of the spirits, even if that particular orc does not happen to be a shaman. The Yars remember at all times that the eyes of Krug and the spirits are upon them. Whether hunting, fighting, or whatever they do, they must keep this fact in mind, and live for the spirits. Not every Yar will be a shaman. Not every Yar will become famed as some kind of great orcish thinker, but every Yar can bring some honor to the orc for whom the clan was named by exercising wisdom to the best of his or her ability. “Wisdom is born of a strong mind. It is more practical than philosophy, agh goes beyond mere knowledge. It is the ability for right living, common sense, wit, resolution of life’s problems, agh success beyond material gain. Gruk for latself, but heed the blahings of those more experienced with the respect agh consideration due them. Learn from life, agh apply latz learning in a way that means something.” -The Contemplations of Malog, V1 \o/ Culture: Seven Pillars of Honor: Strength Valor Boldness Contentment Wisdom Forthrightness Discipline Seven Pitfalls of Dishonor: Weakness Irresolution Cowardice Avarice Thoughtlessness Duplicity Complacency Branding: Upon initiation into the Yar clan, and following completion of three trials presented by one or more elders, new members are branded with the image of the duhnah skhelll. The initiate must then swear his allegiance to the clan as he sacrifices an animal: “Mi zwayr mi eturnul allejunze tu da Yar klan. Mi zwayr tu lib bai da klan law kode, agh tu walk en da wizdum agh onur ob Yar. Zhud mi ebur bitray da klan, mi wull bi kurz’d tu hab mi bluud zpill’d az diz animul. Mi wull bi flat’d en helplezznezz agh dizonur!” Translation: “I swear my eternal allegiance to the Yar clan. I swear to live by the clan law code, and to walk in the wisdom and honor of Yar. Should I ever betray the clan, I will be cursed to have my blood spilled as this animal. I will die in helplessness and dishonor!” Sacrifices: As is common among orcs, the Yar clan performs sacrifices. These are often at special occasions, but sometimes just for the sake of sacrificing. The sacrifices take two forms: blood offerings and grain offerings. Blood Offerings These are offerings of living creatures. Humans, elves, kharajyr, and dwarves. Livestock. Grain Offerings These are burnt offerings of wheat or any other form of produce. It has been a custom in Malog’s family for generations to burn herbs in honor of Yar. Traditionally these herbs are gathered from Dwarven territory as the herbs Yar himself sought on the day of his death. Bones: In the Yar Clan, bones are sacred as a symbol of structure, integrity and uprightness. The removal of bones as a Yar Clan punishment is a means by which the Yars communicate a lacking of these traits in the offender. Adornment: Due to the symbolic nature of bones within the clan, it is a practice among the Yars to adorn themselves with the bones of fallen enemies or of beasts slain in hunts, be it by simply hanging them from their person or by fashioning piercings thereof. They are also strongly encouraged to represent the Yar clan in battle by painting their faces and/or bodies with the clan colors: black and white. Sounding of the Horn: The Horn of Yar is an important relic in Yar culture. It is sounded at any event deemed significant enough. This can include religious gatherings, feasts, battle, or even just the birth of a new cub into the clan. The horn, as many have seen, is massive, and can be easily heard for miles outside of the capitol. See “Important Links” at the bottom of this post for links to the Yar Clan’s more interesting traditions. <<<D Law: The giving of the law, as originally told in Anthos: Malog’s head was boiling over with frustration. He needed to clear his mind. Nux’Ugluk’s decision to side with the Kaxils enraged him to no end. He decided to go out to the desert and meditate, “Purhapz da zpirutz wull gib mi guidenze,” he thought. As he sat atop a large dune, he peered down at an adolescent scaddernak scurrying over to a small cave. The beast was not fully grown yet, but was still easily big enough to kill a small group of Uruks. The cave’s entrance instantly snapped shut on the encroaching scaddernak, severing both of its pincers and three of its left legs. The creature lay helpless with half its legs gone, as a hulking mass shifted out of the sand. The sand gave way to a massive shell, and what seemed to be a cave proved to be a mouth. When the dust cleared, an enormous tortoise nearly the size of a modest gatehouse stood looming over the crippled scaddernak. The words “Duhnah skhelll” passed Malog’s lips as he watched in amazement. The duhnah skhelll lifted one of its tremendous legs, and smashed its prey. It then proceeded to swallow the scaddernak whole. Malog took this as a sign from the spirits, and hurried back to Gronkkston. He gathered his supporters from within the Ugluk clan, and told them what he saw. He then told them about his ancestor, Yar, a wise and powerful shaman. He had decided that if he couldn’t regain the Ugluk clan, he’d lead his followers away from the dangerous path down which that clan was being led. He had decided to lead them down the path of wisdom; the path of honor. He blew the great bronze horn he’d previously constructed atop the massive hill near Gronkkston, announcing the formation of the Yar clan. After blowing the horn, Malog then spoke forth the law code of the Yar Clan: ~ In order to ensure the Yar Clan did not stray from the path of honor, ten laws were set in place for the clan to uphold. ~ Do not kill your fellow orc unprovoked or outside of an agreed-upon klomp, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not consume the flesh of your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not steal from your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not free your fellow orc’s slave, nor enslave your fellow orc, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not practice the magic of the pink skin, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not disrespect your fellow orc or his property, especially an orc in authority over you. This includes challenging the Wargoth or Chieftain without legitimate reason, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not live amongst the pink skin, to dwell in their cities, nor to walk in their ways, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not speak the language of the pink skin, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not take the pink skin as your lifemate, for such is an abomination to Krug. Do not worship the gods of the pink skins, for such is an abomination to Krug. ~ Failure to comply by the laws of Clan Yar will result in the following: ~ Harrowing: Any orc who breaks a clan law but is still considered redeemable may be exiled to a dangerous land for a period of time. He may either be sent into the deserts without any food or tools, or into known enemy territory. Should the accused return alive, his crimes are completely forgiven, and he is welcomed back as a brother. Beheading: This is your average beheading. The head is then piked in a public place with a sign indicating the offender's name and whitewashed status. Heart Removal: An orc who commits a particularly heinous offence is restrained while his beating heart is cut from his chest. The heart is then piked in a public area with a sign indicating the offender's name and whitewashed status. Deboning: This punishment, due to its gruesome nature, is reserved primarily for the most repugnant crimes. The only exception to this rule is towards non-orcs, who may experience this fate merely at the whim of the clan leader. An orc, however, must commit a severe atrocity to suffer this punishment. The accused is restrained while his bones are broken and removed from his body. The bones are then piled up and burned in a desecration ceremony. >>> <<< Yar Clan Chants: Blessed of Yar Shout unto Krug, Blessed of Yar! Throughout the Uzg, Bear it far; The glorious name! Glory to Yar! His wisdom will reign! Glory to Yar! Harvest Life is toil; Life is pain. Till the soil; Wait for rain. Blood coats plow, Workers groan. Harvest now Flesh agh bone! Raise the Luzk Raise the luzk! Shout aloud! Bare latz tusks! Make Krug proud! Bodies sever From their spirits! they'll forever Dread agh fear us! Cubs’ Chant Chant to the Wargoth, leading us to glory. Chant to the Choppers, on the battlefield. Chant to the Trappers, in the burning desert. Chant to the Workers, pounding steel. We are the Yar cubs, builders of the future, Agh we the Yar cubs swear to lat; Loyal devotion! Fearless devotion! Agh to klomp until we’re flat! Chant to the faithful members of the Yar Clan. Chant to the Skhelll lethality. Chant to the Yar Clan; ever wise and mighty! Clan of wisdom agh victory! <(*)> Important Links: Shrunken Heads: Bone Trees: Bone Gavels: Bone Singing (Throat Singing): Yar Clan Runes: Yar Funerary Rites: The Horn of Yar: Story of Yar: Information on the Duhna Skhelll can be found here under “Orcish Wildlife”
  14. A note upfront: Hello there! Yes, it is I, Hedgehug. I'm not dead, not yet. Over the course of the last month or so me and others have occupied ourselves with the task of clarifying shamanism as a whole to both the LT, MT and community. The following product is given: 74 pages of written shaman lore, divided by some google documents and this general codex. Upon acceptance this very thread will serve as a guideline for future shamans. The holy ooc book for shamanism within LotC. Please treat this work, that has taken a large quantity of time and effort, with the respect it deserves. As well as its authors. I shall personally open up a second thread that will serve as a shaman q&a where questions regarding shamanism, spirituality and this newly made codex will be answered by both me and the shaman playerbase. Edit registor: 15-7-2017 ~ Removed google doc links, replaced with referal link to newly made forum post + added farssing in the codex instead of a seperate doc. 7-9-2017 ~ Removed the odd links and added actual link lines referring to other threads With pride I present to you: The Shamanic Codex The capabilities and limitations of Shamans and the Spirits Executive compiler: Hedgehug Contributors (according to relevancy): Smawton, Divinejustice, Pandasan, KBR, Lhindir, Ilikefooddude, Catarrh Table of contents Introduction The Spirit Realms & The Spirits Spiritual Psychology Spiritual Influence Blackspeech Totems Subtypes Elementalism Lutaumancy Farseer Witch Doctor Spirit Smithing Other Shamanic Abilities Voodoo Dolls Muyakelg Introduction Schematic representation of what shamanism entails: http://imgur.com/QufWmgq To begin, it is important to note that all Shamans utilise the energies of the Spirits in order to influence the world, and work directly with them in order to allow the Spirits to enforce their will. A Shaman allows the Spirit to use his or her mana pool, and from this the extent of the Spirit’s influence is put into constraint; as the mana pool of any Mortal has a limitation. The way in which the Shaman interacts with the Spirits, and how he or she uses his or her powers varies from person to person. For this reason, sub-types of Shamanism were made where Shaman focus on a specific way in which to reach out to the Spirits. Spirits vary from each other in their power by how prevalent the thing they reign over is. For instance, the Spirits of Time and Space are the most powerful Spirits in existence, because Time and Space extends to the furthest reaches of the Universe, and the way in which they can use time and space also allows them to gain a significant advantage. The Spirit Realms & The Spirits A listing of all current existing spirits: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/153791-the-spirits-grand-list/ Typically, Spirits are split into three categories because their powers are so drastic as to warrant differing realms within which to contain them. All Spirits exist in these Spiritual Planes, created by the Daemon, Apohet. These are as follows: The Elemental Realm - Housing all Elemental Spirits; these are the most powerful of all Spirits. These spirits represent material elements of various kinds, and only touch on that what is material in the Mortal Realm. The Immortal Realm - This realm houses the Spirits that reign over concepts, ideas, emotions and more specific things spread across the Universe. For instance, a house may be made of stone, and as such tied to the Elemental of Stone, yet an Immortal Spirits will exist to reign over the concept of what a house is, and can influence it in such a way as to improve or weaken the structure. The Ancestral Realm || Stargush’Stroh - This is where those devoted to the Spirits go when they have died on the Mortal Realm. Therein exist two types of Ancestors; Lesser and Greater. In order to become a Greater Ancestral, a player must have achieved an exceptional feat within their lifetime. For more information heed to the following post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/152380-the-stargûshstroh-apohets-realm-of-ancestors The Mortal Realm - While this is not a Spiritual realm, everything that exists across the Universe contains smaller portions of Spiritual energy, entities that are referred to as stagnant Spirits. These smaller Spirits are directly tied to the Spiritual Realms, and are how a more powerful Spirit in the Spirit Realms may influence the Mortal realm. They use the mana of the Shaman in question in order to infuse their own energy into the Stagnant Spirit, awakening it for the Shaman to them control or otherwise allow to take action of its own will. All Immortal Spirits can materialise within the Mortal Realm when they have accumulated enough power and influence, but if they were to die it would be a permanent death. For this reason, Greater Immortals do not usually summon themselves into the Mortal Realm and instead allow their Lesser Immortals, their servants, to act on their behalf: ET Only: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/147946-the-avatars-of-the-spirits Spiritual Psychology As formations of a Daemon, the overarching design behind each Spirit is their desire and need for worship and control, because being revered, and having the thing they represent be more prevalent across the Universe allows them to grow more powerful and gain further control in the Spirit Realm. Each Spirit tries to overpower one another, which is a scenario we saw very clearly with the Orgonic Plague. Despite the Orcs assisting in the summoning of Orgon, the Spirit decided to attack them when he considered himself powerful enough to do so, as plaguing the Orcs would have empowered him further than allowing them to live healthily on a landmass that could no further be corrupted. Spiritual Influence Regardless of the shamans specific subtype and business, they all share one key ability: that of communion with the spirits. A shaman can go to the Spirit's realm and converge with it in the old tongue. Here the Shaman can bargain and trade. The boons that can be granted by the Spirits have long been unclear and without boundary. It is therefore that the following is stated: In the event of a shaman contacting a spirit in order to converge, bargain, or trade for material boons, immaterial boons, or knowledge, a dedicated ET, MT, LM, or approved Shaman player must represent the spirit. As for the obtainable: this is strictly limited to what is directly affiliated to the spirit in question. The tradeoffs are mostly unfair, as they must be both within the spirits better interest as follow their instinct to obtain power and significance. Old Blah/Blackspeech Additionally, in order to call upon and communicate with the Spirits, Shamans must learn the Ancient Tongue which is passed down from teacher to teacher; which must be a lore-approved item given to the prospective teacher when their application is accepted. This item is a so called codex or tome and contains the teacher's established knowledge on the language. Totems Totems are akin to shrines to specific Spirits that have been blessed by the shaman. By ‘upgrading’ a shrine to a totem it makes for a stronger tether to the spirit it is dedicated to. This makes for easier contacting of the spirit. However, the totem also makes it so that contacting other spirits within its vicinity is more complicated to do. More details below: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/145253-totems/ Subtypes Elementalism Arguably the oldest of all Shaman sub-types, it is also one of the more basic in concept; yet takes incredible patience and endurance to achieve in reality. An Elementalist cannot conjure an Element, and must instead work with existing material. Currently, Elementalists may only use the following Elements: Electricity and Metal require more complex understandings, and I suggest making these available when a Shaman has mastered an Element at T3. When a Shaman makes a pact with a Lesser Spirit of an Element, they may begin to influence the world around them in one of two ways.The first is more fast-paced, and typically these stages of progression correlate almost entirely with those of Evocation, and the progression of tier allows an Elementalism to control more of the Element they are using. The difference with Shamanism lies in a slower approach, in which an Elementalist may continuously re-visit a region in order to influence it further over time; in this instance, it is determined by the region owner or moderator what may be achieved, as theoretically an Earth Elementalism may open up a ravine after many rituals. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/134759-elementalist-clarifications-and-spirits/ To begin a pact with a Spirit, an elementalist must abandon their mortal,physical self and ascend into the Elemental Realm. At first, this travel is taken through intense psychedelics, or a copious amount of drugs, often damaging the elementalist’s mind and causing them to have horrific visions that corrupt and sway their mind. Due to the powerful nature of their magics, spirits of mental instability seek to attack them as they try to connect to the Realm. Once there, the shaman again is bombarded by the nexus of the Elemental Realm, a nexus of twisting and ever-changing elements crafted by Elemental spirits. Lightning flickers throughout the sky, fire dances about the air like dragons, and mountains rise and fall to the whim of the beings within it. To a new shaman, the experience would be mind-shattering, and usually the teacher accompanies them. Once here, they must venture around the nexus, following paths and calling out to the seek out the elemental spirit of choice. When the Spirit itself can be roleplayed by the following: The Teacher, the MT, or an ET knowledgeable in the Spirits. Once arriving upon the spirit, the pact is given by the spirit which essentially boils down to a quest relating to the element of choice. A fire elemental may ask for lava placed upon the highest part of a mountain, climbed by hand and still hot as daybreak approaches, or the death of a dragon or some fiery beast. A storm elemental may want the shaman to climb to the highest peaks and shock themselves in a test of durability and strength. The quests to the discretion of those giving the test, and they do not need to be feasible. A shaman may fail their test, and potentially seek out another spirit. If not completed in 2 irl weeks, it is assumed that the pact has failed, and that the shaman may seek out another pact for a simpler test. Once the pact has been made, the work of an elementalist is not finished. Far from. Once a month, the pact must be renewed through a similar quest. Though not as great as the original pact, a shaman must go out and commit works in the name of the spirit they worship. This may be converting others to the faith, erecting shrines and totems, or performing great sacrifices akin to the original pact. These acts are preserved through screenshots or OOC confirmation by those present, before being sent to the teacher,MT, or ET. If a shaman does not commit these tasks for a whole month, their tier, regardless of placement goes down by one. EVENT TEAM NOTES If any Event Team is bored/seeking new roleplay or things to interact within the realm of spirits, I would suggest a Spirit War or struggle of power. Within both the Elemental and Immortal realms, spirits wage war on each other-- for power is all they seek. Some may seek alliances and work together, while others may exist as puppetmasters to push greater means. The politics of the Spiritual Realms work nearly identical to those of the Mortal Realm. These battles are heard and felt by all shamans, and can involve orcs via the manifestation of these battles upon the Mortal Realm, or by shamans and various groups worshiping spirits to empower them. It is quite obvious that this grants ET a lot of space to work on events and ideas; however, there things to take account for. Battles upon elemental spirits are often the most common, as their various forms act as anathema to each other (water to fire, air to earth, etc), and so elementalists may find themselves at war battling each other. If a Spirit Manifests in the Mortal Realm and is killed, they are dead for good. Do not touch any of the Greater Elemental, Immortal, or even Ancestral Spirits without MT supervision. Avoid giving Spiritual Items/Tools, for the various forms of shamanism do this. DivineJustice’s little blurb about Elementalist Changes: “With great power comes great responsibility”. Previous elementalists got the perks of a magic stronger than evocation at the cost of literally nothing. The pact was almost immediately, and the work done for it was banged out in a matter of days. I loathed the fact that an elementalist basically served as an rp combat magic with little purpose behind it save for squishing people with the elements. Moreover, elementalists hold in little in means of roleplay save for the combat they serve in, so I hope with these interactions, elementalists have a greater purpose within the shamanistic community. I will explain how the Shamans may utilise Elementalism using the… household appliance scaling system. Tier 1 - Minor Influence - Cannot control Shape Fire - May influence a Flame no larger than that produced by a torch. Earth - May influence crumbled earth (gravel, sand, et cetera) to the extent of that which could be contained within a bucket. Water - May influence pure water to the extent of that which could be contained within a bucket. Air - May influence standard Air to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bucket. Tier 2 - Considerable Influence - Can Alter Shape Slightly Fire - May influence a Flame no larger than that of a camp fire. Earth - May influence both crumbled and solid material to the extent of that which could be contained within a bath. Water - May influence both normal water and swampy/murky water to the extent of that which could be contained within a bath. Air - May influence both normal air and smoke to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bath. Tier 3 - Basic Mastery of the Element - Can Alter Shape Completely This Tier follows the same retrains to size as Tier 2, but with complete mastery over the shape and direction it takes. Metal - Can influence Metal to move but cannot alter the shape; limited to that which could be contained in a bucket. Electricity - Can influence Electricity and Static Energy to move but cannot alter the shape or direction in which shoots along its journey; limited to that which could be contained within a… bucket. Tier 4 - Complete Mastery of the Basic Elements Fire - May now influence flames to the extent of a funeral pyre, and can shape it or snuff it out entirely. Earth - May now influence Earth to the extent of being able to shape completely; to the extent of that which could be contained within a van. Water - May influence Water to such extremes that they may now influence Ice and Steam, as well as all forms; swamp, bog, beer, et cetera; to the extent of that which could be contained within a van. Air - May influence Air to such extremes that they may now influence temperature, as well as poisonous air, smoke and may carry air into regions where it does otherwise not exist. Metal - May slightly influence the shape of Metal; to the extent of that which can be contained within a bath. Electricity - May influence Electricity and Static Energy to the degree of being able to completely direct it and keep it on course; to the extent of that which could be contained within a… bath. Tier 5 - Complete Mastery of All Elements and their States All may be shaped, directed and altered completely at this stage; to the extent of that which may be contained within a living room. Creation of Elemental Muyakelgs are also possible at this stage. Red Lines A connection is VITAL to be role-played before manipulating any element of choice. A T5 Elementalist in 2 varieties of Elements may manipulate them at the same time, but will be done at the rate of a T3 Shaman for both elements by either combining the elements or using them separately. A Shaman must role-play any interference of concentration as well as fatigue from connecting to the Spirit Realm. The Elementalist will find that the opposite Elements becomes harder to control, as the Elemental Spirit is displeased with the shaman for choosing it’s rival. (Fire-Water, Earth-Air, Metal-Water, Lightning-Earth) Elementalism is purely altering said element, you can neither add or subtract that of a substance, only alter what is present. Lutaumancy Clarification of Lutaumancy for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ The Lutaumen are shamans capable of communing with the long past ancestors of the Uruk race. They do this by connecting to the ancestral realm, using the ancestor on which they focus on as a tether. Objects in the Mortal Realm may contribute if they bear significance to the ancestral spirit in question. This communion is what makes most of their roleplay: contacting ancestors of either the long past, or even closer past. They have the ability of taking up to two other individuals with them on these so called ‘spirit walks’ to the Stargush’Stroh. Aside from communion they are, similar to Elementalists, able to summon the power of Greater Ancestral spirits within themselves. These powers often granted by Spirits that the Lutauman has bonded with, similar to Elementalism. Tier 1 - Minor Influence - The Lutauman learns the old tongue and the basic principle of entering and exiting the Stargush’Stroh. Here they can encounter ancestral spirits but remain unable to directly contact a specific one. Even with a tether in the mortal realm. Tier 2 - Considerable Influence - The Lutauman enters and exits the Stargush’Stroh with less and less trouble and can stay longer in said realm. Upon attempting to contact a specific ancestor they shall see improvement to locating and contacting them. The usage of a tether greatly improves this. Tier 3 - Basic Mastery of the Ancestral Communion - The Lutauman has mastered the art of Communion with ancestors and can travel to any ancestor at will with little effort. The usage of tethers is still preferred but no longer a necessity. Two other individuals may be brought into the spirit realm. It is at around this tier that the Lutauman is taught how to summon the powers of an ancestor within them and may experiment with self-blessing. Tier 4 - Basic Mastery of Self-Blessing - The Lutauman Masters the summoning of blessings upon themselves. The bonds between Shaman and spirit improve leading to the experimentation of stronger blessings such as Power (Rax) or maybe even the Kurak blessing. Tier 5 - Complete Mastery of Ancestral Communion & Self-Blessing - The Lutauman has mastered and perfected the arts of Ancestral Communion and Self-Blessing. They can call upon the strength of a large variety of Greater Ancestrals. On top of this they can, with relative ease, take up to five other individuals with them on spirit walks to the Stargush’Stroh. Additionally, the Lutauman may create a Muyakelg with the help of a T5 Witch Doctor. Regarding ghosts and other ghostly / spectral creatures the Lutauman has the following ability: As is established: Kor, spirit of the dead is a Greater Immortal spirit with the slight bonus that he is capable of traveling between the Stargush’Stroh and the Immortal Realm. He is perceived the ‘Gatekeeper’ of the Stargush’Stroh. Therefore the Lutauman, upon encountering the creature in question, can summon within him: Kor. This is done in a similar fashion as obtaining a self-blessing from a Greater Ancestral. Upon successfully summoning Kor the Shaman can then begin to ‘consume’ the Ghost until it is fully purged. The soul then travels back with Kor and is left in the Soulstream. This event may be considered a suggested PK for ghosts and similar spectral creatures. Red Lines A tier 5 lutauman can take up to 5 others at maximum with them to the stargush’stroh. The self-blessings, though made to empower the shaman, do have their limits. Namely the Strength and Kurak blessings are to be undergamed at all times to prevent powergaming. The power does not reach above that of a matured olog, the kurak blessing, including it’s drawback of potential friendly-fire, is limited to the physical power of an actual lur-wolf. A shaman cannot spend too long a time in the stargush’stroh. Length is dependant on tier. Tier 1 would make for about a half hour visit where a tier 5 can reach up to about 24 hours (as in-realm time). If the body of a spirit-walking shaman or traveler is killed during their walk, the shaman and or travelers spirit shall remain locked in the stargush’stroh. Though not enforced, this would make for a convincing PK. Should the player not wish to PK after this, it can be assumed that Kor bails them out and sends their spirits back to the soulstream after they’ve spoken to him. (which can actually be roleplayed out should one wish so). This could, if roleplayed properly, end up in a bargain. One with a cost. Farseer Clarification of Farseeing for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ Overview Farseers are spiritual seers of nations and clans. Farseers are gifted individuals that can travel into the plane of spirits and speak with spirits invisible to the eyes of normal descendants. Farseers are troubled by visions of the future and use their insight to guide their people through troubled times. Although Farseers may seem wise and peaceful at first, they are formidable foes; when angered, their wrath is fierce. Immortal Spirits Immortal Spirits began long ago as the creations of Elementals; Deemed to watch over specific aspects or domains of the world, and empowered only by the increase of worship or said domain; Such as how the Spirit of the Hunt is empowered for every kill a Predatory being makes. Cast into their own planes, and considered lesser, by the Elementals, Immortal Spirits seek constantly to gain power, ruling over vast domains featuring prominent features of their Aspects, such as the Spirit of the Sea having a vast watery section of the Realm, with Lesser Spirits of these constantly moving about their planes, all the while plotting and seeking to gain their own powers as well, with the eventual hopes to become Greater themselves. All the Greater Immortal Spirits began possessing only a single aspect, for example Enrohk has three aspects- Bloodlust, Savagery, and War; Enrohk started as the Greater Spirit of Bloodlust and the rest he gained, by either consuming other spirits entirely or by subjugating another spirit that has more than one aspect. When a Greater Spirit is consumed it does not die, the spirit is forced to join in a Union with the other Spirit, much like the union a Spirit is forced into when consumed by a Dark Shaman, meaning it can regain its freedom through the defeat of its overlord; However, due to the nature of Spirits seeking more power, a Spirits freeing one another would be unheard of. Greater Spirits weaken when they gain many aspects because even though they hold many aspects that are powerful, they may weaken because the others are on the same level: In this, one Spirit will never be allowed to gain to many, as other spirits will combine efforts to release and spread aspects from that spirit elsewhere, as there is a delicate balance. Due to the weakness of Spirits holding many aspects, Lesser Spirits are formed to hold superior strength in these fields - Such as Orgon. Greater Spirits in the Spirit World rule vast domains and have countless minor spirits under their control, they wage war, make peace and plot against and with each other. An example of how Greater spirits interact with Descendants, mainly Orcs, is seen before the great revival of the Orcish race by Rex Mogroka. Mogroka was contacted by Enrohk, at the time a weak spirit that only held domain over bloodlust. The former Orcish government suppressed bloodlust and tried to control it. It is said that Enrohk gave Mogroka powers, a mighty blessing to enrage the Berserker-Shaman fit for the Champion of Enrohk, and with Mogroka’s ascent to power bloodlust was made free and with it, Enrohk gained power. Elemental Spirits The Elementals interact directly with the physical, mortal plane. They live in the Elemental Plane, and here, they view our world as the pure elements it is made up of. The most common (and primary) elements are Water, Fire, Earth, and Wind. Other elements, like Space and Time, are more complex to understand, and are ultimately more powerful than those before them. For ease, The elemental spirits are separated into four different categories: Primary, Secondary, Advanced, and Master spirits. Primary: Earth, Air, Fire, Water Secondary: Light, Dark, Storm, Metal Advanced: Life, Death, Order, Chaos Master: Space, Time The elements mentioned above are the ones understood and recognized by the Shamanic culture, but it is entirely possible that there are dozens (if not hundreds) of other elements that haven’t been discovered. Spirit-Walking A journey by ritualistic actions and behaviours hidden and protected by Farseers throughout the ages, experienced Farseers hold the innate ability to travel in a manner in which their Soul breaks from their physical form, able to travel directly to the Immortal and Elemental planes; However, this ritual is different from that to travel to Kor’s dominion and speak to the Ancestrals. Whilst the origins of the rituals are as mysterious as the Spirits themselves, Farseers have a strong tradition of secrecy in their teachings, acting as elders in their communities and passing down their trade by word of mouth, with the only known writings to be the Or’Gok Scrolls, lost with Mogroka’Gorkil. While in these planes, the Farseer is most vulnerable, his mortal self idle in his own realm, whilst his soul traverses the realm of the Spirits, in which fatal wounds in either would result in death. Due to this, Spirit Guides are often employed, being that of Lesser Spirits that have a direct pact with a Farseer, much like Elementalists have with their elemental lessers, or that of other Farseers who have incredible knowledge on the domains; However, pacted Lesser Spirits are only able to guide the Farseer through the domain of his own aspect, the guides most commonly seeking something in return for their assistance and appearing like that of their domain, most commonly in an animal-like form. Ultimately, the purpose of Spirit Walking is that of conversing directly with the Spirits themselves. Due to this, and the dangers of traveling about the Elemental or Immortal planes without a guide, inexperienced Farseers find themselves unable to find and converse with the most powerful of the Spirits, the Greaters, by disheartening, getting lost, or threat of death by Lesser Spirits protecting the domain. Far Sight Granting these wise Shamans their names, the purpose of a Farseer, while to act as a mediator between the Mortal Realm and Spirit Realms, is primarily their gift to receive visions of the future itself, the wisest of Farseers commonly coming together to discuss and plan the best course of action to heed warning or take action to fulfil or prevent these prophecies. Far Sight, while being the most basic level of Farseeing, is the most difficult to master, with visions often including vague messages and half-truths that are unclear to even the most experienced Shamans. Far Sight is used mainly for providing hints and information in eventlines, though a Farseer with permission from MT could use it to ‘read’ the future of other characters. Visions Once a Farseer reaches T3, they are able to strike someone with visions, allowing them to infect someone’s mind with any sort of imagery the shaman wishes to evoke. This begins with first an emote of focus, and then an emote of striking the targets mind before the vision commences. Akin to illusory magic, eye contact must be made. However, once a farseer reaches T5, they are granted the ability of long-range visions, however require things such as blood and hair to maintain the connection akin to a Soul Puppeteer or Witchdoctor Blessings Taking upon the successes of rituals leading to Spirit Walking, Farseers can seek blessings of the Spirits in a multitude of ways; With the most successful blessings being that of Spirits the Farseer has actually spoken to, or their lessers, to get a full grasp of rituals and tasks needed to prove oneself worthy. An example being that a Farseer attempting to bless a hunt would require previous successful hunts and ritualistic sacrifices to be made by the Farseer in order to allow such blessings to persist. While the blessings of a Farseer occur most often in that of Immortal Spirits, the most experienced Farseers have been rumored to not only converse with Elementals to gain knowledge, but to be blessed by them, receiving imbuements to Artifacts or totems that allow the Farseer to Champion the elemental, unlike that of an elementalists bond with such. These blessings are extremely rare, often leading to that of great fame for the Farseer, with the most notable being that of the Farseer Mogroka’Gorkil and his ability to call down Lightning from the sky in the name of Neizdark. Other capabilities include that of an imbued weapon by the the Elemental of Fire, Skathach, allowing the weapon to shimmer in flames that burn until sheathed. While these powerful blessings may border on Elementalism, it is notable that Farseers do not have the bond as they do, and such, the blessing only being granted when the Farseer has the favor of the Spirit, as well as the energy to do such. Ritual-Blessings Farseers seeking the blessings of certain Spirits may require more suitable preparations, often requiring more than a single Farseer. While these blessings persist over a period of time, or a large area, they are mostly RP-only by nature. Some of these rituals include things such as Rain Dances, or things as complicated as attempts to draw out and combat spirits tainting body, mind, or land. Rain Dances are conducted by three of more Farseers in order to attempt to seek the blessings of both Arwa and Urin, often used in times of drought or famine in order to prevent further spread of such. This ritual normally lasts over a period of an entire day (30 minutes), and includes chanting and calling to the Spirits, as well as the use of different Farseer tools. Land Healing Rituals are the most complex ritual a Farseer can undergo. These rituals require three Farseers, with at least one of them having journeyed through the domain of Akezo, the Spirit of Health, Vitality, and Healing. This ritual requires multiple complex steps in order to draw out the corrupting Spirit. Beginning with a form of sacrifice, involving chanting to Akezo in the form of mending that which is broken, often a totem or trinket to represent the Spirit from which the Shamans are seeking aid. Following this, totems and incense must be burned around the area in order to draw the corrupted Spirit out with the assistance of the blessing. Following this, the Spirit will either flee or attempt to fight the Farseer, most commonly ending with the Farseers having to quite-literally beat the Spirit out of the lands. (ET required; Event-based Blight Healing) Rituals involving healing of the Mind and Body often act much as those of healing the land; However, due to the scale and weakness of the corrupting Spirits, only a single, experienced Farseer is required; However, while the corruption is removed, it often comes at the price of physical pain brought to release such. This is not always the case, as certain Farseers can, with the favor of the Spirit, convince it to leave by its own will, often by sacrifice, deals, or worship of the Spirit, much like that seen in the early stages of Orgon Worship. Tools of a Farseer Blessings granted onto that of a material object are common, yet highly protected. While not like that of so-called “Spirit Smithing”, blessed objects include that of ritualistic purpose, such as drums and weapons of sacrifice. Drum – The drum is often used by Farseers as the beating of the drum assists the Farseer to achieve an altered state of consciousness, aiding them in their travel to pass on their journey between the physical and spiritual worlds. Farseer drums are generally constructed of an animal-skin stretched over a bent wooden hoop, with a handle across the hoop. Feathers – Feathers are often used in ceremonies and in individual healing rituals. Rattle – Rattles are used in ceremonies in traditional ways, often included to help invoke a specific Spirit in the Farseers ceremonies. These rattles are typically made with things representing the Spirit in question. Smoking Pipe – Used for smoking various tobaccos and psychoactive herbs. Below I will detail a couple of these examples, along with their standard tier progression system: Tier 1 - Small Scale, Slow Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 5 blocks of corruption, which will take an entire IRL day to effect the land entirely;requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them slightly above average ability, but will not last any longer than 15 IRL minutes. Tier 2 - Larger Scale, Slow Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 10 blocks of corruption, which will take half an IRL day to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them significantly above average strength, but will not last any longer than 20 IRL minutes. Tier 3 - Larger Scale, Faster Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 15 blocks of corruption, which will take 2 IRL hours in order to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them super-human qualities, which will not last any longer than 45 IRL minutes. Tier 4 - Large Scale, Fast Acting Influence Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 25 blocks of corruption, which will take 30 minutes in order to effect the land entirely; requires ward. Bestowing Strength - May impart strength in someone to give them super-human qualities, which will not last any longer than an hour IRL. Tier 5 - Mastery of Healing and Booning Healing Corruption - To the extent of healing 40 blocks of corruption, which can be done instantly without the use of a ward; however there will be a cooldown period of one IRL day. Warded - To the extent of healing 40 blocks of corruption, which will take 30 IRL minutes and can be done twice a day in different regions. Red Lines Blessing are only applied on three people, until an increase to 5 once reaching T5. Repeated blessing of one’s self causes degradation of the mind. More powerful spirits such as elemental spirits may goad farseers into spreading their aspect. Wodanaz, Spirit of Purity, one of farseer’s most useful spirits only works against dark shaman and general undead till T4, able to deal significant damage to aberrant/unholy beings. A farseer must make offerings and tidings to the spirits they request power from as an elementalist would. When imbuing a weapon with memories, a player’s own death cannot be viewed, for if one were to witness such, they would only see darkness. Moreover, the blessing does not act as a camera. It is only able to take bits and pieces Witch Doctor Clarification of Witchdoctory for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ The Witch Doctor, essentially the Antithesis of the Farseer, focuses his or her intent on causing misery and damage through the Curses of the more corruptive of the Spirits. Witch Doctors may use Immortal and Elemental Spirits.. In order for the Witch Doctor to call upon the Spirits, they must perform a ritual to express the domain the Spirits represent. For instance, if a Witch Doctor wanted to call upon the Spirit of Disease, he would hunch over and dance (or other such movements/postures which may please a disease spirit) in such a way as to look tired, while chanting in a weakened voice. He would also incorporate items or ingredients which a disease spirit would find attractive, such as rotten flesh or a jar of vomit. For example, we'll say a witch doctor wishes to brew a bottled fire hex. This would be a potion imbued with the power of a fire spirit, and intended to place a curse upon the imbiber. In order to create this concoction, the shaman would first need to gather the appropriate ingredients. As the witch doctor is attempting to gain the attention of a fire spirit, he needs to make use of ingredients which are reminiscent of fire. Usually, red flowers are a good start. Maybe he could grind up some smoldering coals. In witch doctory, it's less about whatever alchemical properties the ingredient may or may not possess (as witch doctory is NOT alchemy), and more about the symbolic nature of the ingredients. The shaman would begin mixing the ingredients in boiling water, whilst chanting in such a way as to attract a fire spirit. The chant is in Old Blah or True Blah as some prefer to say, and must (in both word and tone) reflect the nature of fire. The chant I would use in such a situation typically goes along the lines of "Ilszgûlu ghaashob, dushnûl ghaashugob!" meaning, "Spirits of fire, cast pain of burning!" Maybe I'd throw in a few more words regarding fire, but the point is the same. Furthermore, the tone would need to be correct. In the case of a fire hex, a harsh, guttural, perhaps even angry tone would be recommended. The same curse could be cast directly on a target (which may include any living organism) without the use of a potion through means of a ritual. In this case, the witch doctor would also gather items to represent fire. He may even choose to perform the ritual near a fire or surrounded by fire. As in the brewing process, the shaman must chant in such a way which would be pleasing to a fire spirit (or whatever kind of spirit he wishes to attract for whichever ritual). His movements play an even larger role in this sort of ritual, since he is not required to stir a pot. For a fire ritual, barbaric, chaotic dancing is usually preferred, often around a bonfire. Not all rituals call for dancing necessarily, of course. Some spirits, such as certain earth spirits, may prefer stability or even a stone-like stillness. Should the ritual attract the desired type of spirit, the curse will take effect on the intended target, causing said target (in the case of a fire ritual) to feel as though he is on fire. Witchdoctors do possess the ability to bless as well, the downside to this is that any positive effect or influence must be countered by an (often funny/ridiculous) counter. For example if one's legs are numbed by injury they can be healed and the person can feel again, the ironic backlash being that the legs then appear immovable. These side-effects will be balanced out and will be better controlled throughout the tiers. Small edit because Hedge does not let me do anything (smh): These applies for all blessings of a Witch Doctor. There will still be unintended ironic side effects or no blessings at all and completely a curse. Of course, all blessings must be in form of a potion/elixir/hex. It is important to note at this point that a Hex of fire cannot be used to directly set someone alight, but instead causes a psychological state in which they believe (and feel) they are on fire, without having the actual, physical repercussions; this applies to all Elemental Spirits. In terms of the Immortal Spirits, it can be a more direct result, and Witch Doctors can cause curses at higher tiers without the use of bottled curses. Tier 1 - Small Scale Hexes Able to produce Hexes that can cause small scale damage to regions, such as corrupting a 5 block radius, which will take the same duration as a Farseer; an entire IRL day to set in. This time too applies when used on Mortals, and will last for one IRL day; The player being cursed may choose to extend this for as long as they wish, which applies to all tiers. Tier 2 - Larger Scale Hexes Able to produce Hexes that can cause larger scale damage to region, such as taining a 10 block radius at half a day’s duration. When using a Hex to curse a mortal, it will last one full IRL day. Tier 3 - Direct Cursing Aside from the more powerful Hexes and their corruption being set to 15 blocks at two IRL hours; (when the Hex is used to curse a mortal, this will last for one day IRL. The Witch Doctors at this tier can also more directly curse individuals which will last one full IRL day. Tier 4 Potent Curses At this stage, Hexes can influence 25 blocks at 30 minutes; when a Hex is used on a Mortal, it will last for one and a half IRL days. Curses will be more potent and will last no longer than an hour IRL. Tier 5 - Strongest Version of Hexing and Cursing, as well as the Creation of Muyakelg At this level, Hexes and Curses are at the heights of what can be accomplished, with hexing being more potent and instantaneous, following the same progression of the Farseer at this stage. Hexing a Mortal will cause the curse to last for two IRL days, or even longer with the OOC consent of another player (maximum of 7 IRL days) Since all witch doctors face a chance at spell failure, all witch doctors are to roll to determine success. The window of success varies depending on the tier of the witch doctor in question. A /roll 6 is recommended, and is typically what witch doctors are taught to use. At T1 (apprentice level) a witch doctor must roll a perfect 6 for success, and even then the curse will be weak. 1-5 are failures for a T1. A T2 (Journeyman level) must roll a 5 or a 6 for success. Anything less is a failure. At T3, the witch doctor is considered a full-fledged, independent shaman. A T3 is still, however, not a master, and must roll a 4, 5, or 6 for success. A T4 (Elder shaman) must roll a 3 or higher; 1 or 2 are failures. Finally, a T5 (Master of the magic) must roll a 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 to succeed. A roll of 1 is the only failure for a master witch doctor. Additionally, the Witch Doctor may create a Muyakelg with the help of a T5 Lutauman. Red Lines Curses have their respective times connected to the tier of the shaman. Should a Tier 5 shaman wish to curse another for LONGER than this given time: OOC consent of the victim player is required. As well as MT permission or supervision. Curses are mostly mental and not physical. An elemental curse of fire cannot set one aflame. Though it can bring about the mental pain of a burning body upon the victim. There is a strict prohibition on LOVE and LUST curses. As is seen in the spirit-to-spirit clarification document. This all in connection to the non-rape ruling on the lotc server. A curse is the temporary corruption of the soul and can be healed by magics that affect such. Usage of hexes, bottled curses, is permitted once the creation of such is to be roleplayed out. Seeing the creation roleplay itself is quite significant to the shaman, it is recommended to involve others in such during dancing and chanting - create rp for not yourself, but others too. (hedgehugs note) To make a Muyakelg you must be taught how to. Spirit Smithing Clarification of Spirit Smithing for each existing spirit https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/163363-✓-an-addition-to-the-shaman-codex-limitations-and-capabilities/ No further amend is to be given to Spirit Smithing || Ilzgul Udalgum https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150019-ilzgûl-udalgum-~-the-spirit-connection-reworking-propositionnew-sub-type-proposal/ Red Lines Each and every item a smith with an MA wishes to create must go through proper authentication/verification via either a designated MT or LT. The following players will also suffice as viable sources of confirmation: Hedgehug, Smawton, Divinejustice, MobyHug. Can never be more powerful that the Blessings or Curses the other sub-types can provide. The Mortal Stone can be destroyed. The Stone has a cooldown of an hour for any activation. Activations can only be used once in combat, regardless of duration. Can only be activated with Old Blah speech. Once used, must be recharged by Smith. Other shamanic Abilities Voodoo Dolls The creation of Voodoo dolls for the use of long range cursing is considered a more taboo quirk that the Witch Doctor has. The creation involves obtaining dna that’s linked to the soul of the victim. Suggested are things as blood, urine, or even tears. Hair and nails can be considered, but will make for a weaker connection. After the creation, through ritual, the doll shall act as a tether. The spirit that’s summoned when cursing this doll shall then use this as a tether to direct the curse to the victim. However, the strength of the curse depends on two factors: The quality of the doll The quality of the connection The quality of the doll matters in regards to how strong a tether it can be. A well-made representation of the victim paired with plenty of knowledge on his/her looks, voice and further appearance matters greatly in the strength of the doll. As mentioned earlier the strength of the different obtainable pieces of DNA matter. The quality of the connection is influenced by the bond the shaman has with the victim. If this is a strong one the curse is more potent. If the victim is a random, however, it can be safely said the curse shall be considerably less potent and shall not last long. Soul Puppetry vs. Shamanic Dolls There seems to be quite the controversy that Shamans also have a similar ability that SP’s have. The following explanation is given: Where soul puppeteering requires a voidal connection from doll to victim, the shamanic doll merely acts as a tether for the spirit. Instead of a direct curse that lasts for as long the anchor is connected to the victim, the shamanic doll allows for the summoned spiritual energy to corrupt the victim's soul as a Witchdoctors curse does - and shall remain for a slightly lesser time than an equal yet direct curse from the same Witchdoctor. Therefore a curse inflicted by a Soul Puppeteer can be revoked by use of Fi, whereas a shamanic curse shall have to be purged by soul-cleansing magics such as Xanism. The main difference to a shamanic curse and a Soul Puppeter type curses are not only the methods they can be done but soul puppetry can be quite limited by comparison. A shaman has a possibility to have lasting curses on an individual without them knowing whereas a SP'er has a direct influence on the person making them aware they are being cursed. Curses from a WD might be similar to a Sp'er but they won't have a lasting effect. Another notable difference is the degree of cursing. Both magics have their unique curses but it would seem that those of the SP can be quite more effective or rather more ‘extravagant’ whereas the WD is limited to the spirits and their effective curses. An example: An SP may curse a victim in a manner where they shall completely turn into cake and can be consumed until they are no more and thusly die. A WD may curse a victim in a manner where they shall consume cake until their stomach rips and they die. (Spirit: Glutroz) Muyakelg Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/164401-additionamendmentmuyakelgs/
  15. The duo of 'Ox goblins during their combat training. ~-=-~ Children of Krug, Uruks - Enormous outraged beasts whom well known for their strength and bloodlust. However, some of the bloodlines have preferred an intellect instead of gargantuan strength. The Goblins of Krug, lanky beasts who prefer brain over brawn looked to massive war machines and complex devices to counter their lack of muscle. ~-=-~ ~-=-~ Goblins, or Gobbos, live in harmony of their grumpy being, throwing their efforts together to achieve the success. Where is the Peace, there is a War, Gobbos are not built to fight themselves but by using the Warmachines created by them, but when it comes to battle, they have to protect themselves as any living creature must. Unlike Uruks, their smaller brothers can not combat alone, they prefer to stick in small groups of three to six goblins. A phenomenon known as ‘Orcish Bloodrage’ is triggered by receiving pain, it helps warriors resist further pain and serious injury which could threaten their life, at the same time, they can not control their current blood loss, which may cause their death. However, the Goblin Bloodrage works a little differently to that, and its success depends on the number of goblin groups. The Gobbo gets triggered by pain, their eyes become red, and instead of attacking the enemy they start biting their comrades, sharing their bloodrage with others. After a few moments of hurting each other, the Swarm of bloodraged Goblins becomes an unstoppable hurricane of sharp teeth and claws, inflicting dozens of minor blows to their opponents, bringing them down with the sheer number of wounds. After they bring their enemies down, they commit the most unexpected process. The Swarm starts eating their enemy alive... ~-=-~ ~-=-~
  16. No More Monkeying Around The Rex paced up and down within his chambers, the glower of Krugmars great, beating sunlight glimmering through the slatternly window. It flickered across the room - a reminder to those who stood present of its occupancy; like a wild conflagration it danced and writhed and cast its black taint across the yellowed walls of the palace. Orgoth - the aforesaid Rex - was invested with a deep, underlying wroth - which was clearly ostensible in his gait - and eventually broke his trance of idle pacing and contemplation with a sigh, wherein he thereafter abruptly pivoted to meet his Targoth, Goj and Yazgurtan with a stern disposition. He opened his mouth to speak. But he stopped. And closed it. But then, he held it awry once again, this time granting his anger audible tangibility, “Firstly, we almost succumbed to the scourging pestilence of the Orenian horde, and we were cast out from our rightful home...” The triad that stood before the hulking Braduk all gave nods of approval as he administered his monologue, “...And then, we were once more threatened with cessation…” Orgoth shook his head and paused… but peculiarly gave a hoarse, concise chuckle, “Well, Oren’s backward plans bit them right in the ******* arse!” The three too laughed, “But now, we are faced with a coeval grievance… some ******* baboon men are living in OUR land, and taint it with their worship of Metzli and sordid doings!” The three looked at each other at the sudden outburst. Orgoth mellowed his tone somewhat and proceeded, “We must reclaim Zagbals jungle, but I am done trifling with peace, for that lead to my envoy being attacked. It is time for great WAGH, brothers.” Orgoth’s chin twitched as he concluded his statement. His gaze slowly examined the Uzg’s most powerful men, his eyes locking primarily upon the Yazgurtan, “Vagud, amass a fleet at any expense, take the builders and construct some if you must.” “Yes, Rex,” Said he, Vagud’Gorkil, a redskinned ork with eyes of a frugal yellow. The Rex’s stare, at a languid pace, honed in upon the second’s countenance, “Kuntklobbera, prepare the soldiers, ensure their Zults swing true.” “Yes, Rex,” Replied the Targoth, who - akin to Vagud - possessed a skin feverishly red, and eyes equally so - a fiery orange. Orgoth then looked to the third, “Gurak, take as many slaves as we can spare and sacrifice them to Enrohk, for we must be in his favour.” Gurak replied with a slow nod, “Yes, Rex.” His deep red eyes glinting in the invading rays of gold. Orgoth stood back, and waved a hand of dismissal. The others complied and they left hastily to fulfill their given tasks. Soon after, a massive fleet was borne before him of dwarvish and orcish transport ships. Wagh was on the horizon. WARCLAIM Tier Chosen (This cannot be changed after the first warclaim is held): 1 Type of battle: Skirmish Date And Time: 4PM EST, SAT 1st of April 2017 (No not a Prank) Side A: War Nation of Krugmar + Allies Side B: Hou-Zi Location and boundaries: Direct Area: https://gyazo.com/97d0648496ccb5186379a8bfa938d6bb Surrounding area of battlefield for reference to location: https://gyazo.com/8ef0f8c8467ea81b208a7f394fbfbe7d Terms of Victory Victory for the Attackers: All Hou-zi forces are killed or driven from the battlefield. Victory for the Defenders: All Orcish forces are killed or driven from the battlefield. Upon Victory For… Side A: The Warnation of Krugmar has the right to establish a siege camp outside the Houzi lands and may siege/pillage/take over the following week. Side B: The Warnation of Krugmar may not warclaim the Hou-zi for two weeks. Rules - No status switching. - All LoTC Rules - No one day alts or non rp allies - No TNT -Only the addition of sensible defenses that are moderator approved may be added. - If the Hou-zi does not attend, their lands are forfeit to the Warnation of Krugmar. - No New Hou-zi applicants after this post until the WC is over. -No Golden Apples
  17. -=- Language -=- Urukish blah has always been a rough spot, new uruks being told they need to speak blah because of the tusks, but this is where the truth is revealed. Urukish blah was created as a way for foreigners to communicate with English speakers in an organized manner. The First True Rex, Mogroka, could not speak complete english and so his solution to this was creating blah. Blah is just sounding out the words, except a few special words. Why do you think blah is easy to understand and master in a short amount of time. Now, over time, the uruks have been exposed to the facts of, the tusks make them speak blah, which is a lie. This is a common misconception and over time, this lie has been turned into false lore. Many uruks are forced into speaking blah when they don’t understand it, forcing many away from an interesting race. Blah was created as a bridge between languages, not a barrier between what character you should make. Leave the players alone that don’t wish to speak blah. They were never forced to. -=- Bone Structure -=- Many people argue that uruks need to be hunchbacks from their size, but little does anyone realized, uruks are meant to be tall and strong. They do not share a similar skeleton structure as a human or elf, they have one modelled to their body. If one wishes to argue that uruks need to be this way, years of evolution from 1.0 to now would have created room for their bodies to adapt. Dwarves have a bone structure that allows them to continue moving even though their weight to height and muscle mass would put them in wheelchairs, not dwarves charging into battle. What this is meant to be is an eye opener, uruks aren’t meant to be hunchbacks, they are warriors who stand tall and strong each day of their life. In RP, an uruk would chose death then to be deformed. Uruks aren’t meant to be disabled or mentally disabled, stop trying to force these features onto the players. You add more defects to a race that has little activity, which causes a higher rejection rate. The simple solution to this is to retract the lore of them being huge humans. They are a unique race, with their own bone structure. -=- Starguzh’Storh -=- The ancestral plane, a place for the bravest of Uruk warriors. This realm was a safe haven for the uruks who have fallen to duel, smoke kuzh, and live on from their honorable death. Many dark elves are noted to be living in Starguzh’Storh, when now of them died honorably. Also, the realm was created by Krug, who deemed the uruks to be the most honorable, who were dealt the greatest curse from Iblees. Krug created a realm so he could be with his brothers and sisters in the afterlife, after battle they could rest with their families at night. This realm was not made to be polluted by dark elves who are known for parties, or spying. Do not force Dark Elves into the Spirit Realm. Hellfiaz pushed his agenda which did no aid to the uruks, he did it for himself. The Dark Elves have no place in the Ancestral Plane and would have been banished by Krug, who still has the powers of Shamanism post death. Remove the Dark Elves from the Ancestral Plane if they have no honorable death to them. Suicide, death by alcohol, isn’t an honorable cause. And it would take one hell of a death for a Elf to land in Stargozh’Storh. -=- The Krughatten Project -=- A supposed legend which was started in 1.0. Building did occur of two nuclear bombs for the war against Iblees in the original fight. Fat Krug and Little Uruk were bombs that never were used for their original target as the Descendants fled 1.0 too soon. If they were never used, they would have travelled with the Uruks across each map, known to many, and the bombs would have been kept tight to the Uruks. Return Krughatten. Ten goblins spent months building it in RP and shouldn’t have their hard work being wiped because of the Rex not being informed. -=- Uruk History Removed -=- Beyond the strength of any orc, Crator’Lur existed as one of the most powerful orcs within Krugmar. It was told that he plucked arrows from the sky, and his hands were stronger than steel. During an undead attack,the undead began to cast lightning against the uruk lines, slaughtering them all but Crator stepped forth, catching the lightning with his bare hands before throwing it back at the undead. Don’t touch Uruk History. It happened, deal with it.
  18. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ This is just a simple little page I've put together with examples of my skins! My PMC Scroll down and open the spoilers to reveal the examples. :0 Latest: Edits made: -Added 'Other' spoiler -Requests Closed -PMC added -Halfling and human spoilers added. Request Form: CLOSED Username- Description- Ref- What will you pay with? (Mina, items, etc)- CLOSED..
  19. Shamanism Explained In a dimension as vast and unpredictable as the Spirit Realm, it can be difficult at times to understand how the smaller aspects of Shamanism work, what the limitations are, and how to apply what you can work with. It is my intention in this post to detail everything I currently understand about Shamanism, my interpretation of it and what I have come to clarify from my previous experience as the Shaman Lore Master; of which I believe there has been no replacement. If there is one, I apologise for not seeking you out in advance. I asked only on one occasion. So, before we get into the nitty-gritty details of how Shamanism as a Magic works, and what the limitations contained within are, let's explore how the Spirit realm came to be. The Birth of the Spirit Realm The Daemon, Apohet created the Spirit Realm after observing the realm of Mortals, and in his jealousy, attempted to create a dimension of his own which would come to rival the Realms of the Descendants. This became the space that would soon house the Spirits; the entities he created to inhabit this vast dimension. Yet in his blind arrogance and passion, he wanted each of the Spirits to come to control and represent something in the Mortal Realm, so that his creations would always have a hold and a sway over the Realm of Mortals. He started with the most prominent aspects of existence, and created two Spirits that were aligned to the concepts of Time and Space. These two Spirits would materialise in an explosive burst of energy and potential, and in an instant foresaw all of time and creation. Just as soon as they were birthed into existence they experienced time eternal, and came to understand and explore the unlimited expanse of the Universe. They foresaw all events and all possibilities, and instantly became more powerful than their creator. They became known as Sandru, the Spirit of Time, who often takes the form of an ice blue snake, and Omnizan, the Spirit of Space, who most often appears as a crimson serpent. The pair are invariably intertwined in this state, and are said to be in and out of reality as they continue to experience endless time. For this reason, it is impossible to contact them. Apohet continued with his voracious appetite for glory, and created the Elemental Spirits, who would collectively reign over the second most prevalent things in all of creation; matter. In their Elemental Realms they are unimaginably powerful, and dwarf their lesser cousins, who exist in a realm outside of their own. These Spirits are known as the Immortal Spirits, and represent many of the more specific things of the world, and they are the last of the creations of Apohet. Lastly, there are Spirits that reside in Star'Gush Stroh, which is the after-life that worshipers of the Spirits may enter. These "Spirits" are Mortal Souls, who were blessed with the ability to enter this afterlife due to Apohet's admiration of Krug; which caused his last influence in his dimension to be a pocket of the Spirit Realm in which Mortal Souls could reside for eternity. Based on this, we can come to understand there there are various levels or dimensions to the Spirit Realm. - For a detailed list of all of the current Spirits, refer to: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/153791-the-spirits-grand-list/#comment-1453308 I imagine it would look something like this: Time & Space ---------------------------- Elemental ------------------- Immortal ---------- Ancestor ---- The Birth of Shamanism In isolation and rage, Krug called out for an answer to the Curse set upon him and his people by Iblees. For it was one of a deep Blood Lust, and had caused unimaginable harm to his people. For decades they had lashed out in barbaric fury, slaughtering one another in the streets for the momentary release it would offer them. Yet as Krug called out, all was silent. However, unbeknownst to him, his incomparable power had brought his message to the Spirit Realm, and he then received a response. The Elemental Spirit of Air came forth, and offered to work with Krug in order to achieve a goal. You see, the deep desire for recognition and advancement that fueled Apohet's ambitions had been instilled in his children, and in the interaction with Krug they saw a means of attaining more power, and more influence. Thus, from this encounter and subsequent co-operation, Shamanism was born. But how does Shamanism work, you might ask? Good question. How Does a Shaman Connect? Over time, the act of Shamanism began to branch into different specialisations. This occurred because no Orcs were as powerful as Krug, and could not reach the Spirit Realm in the same manner as him. For this reason, a method of connecting to the different Spirit Realms was imparted into the children of Krug, so that they could reach out of the Spirits in order to receive wisdom, advice, or even something more tangible. This is achieved through meditation of some form, and currently there are only two ways in which a Shaman may interact with the Spirit Realm. 1) Transferal of Consciousness One method is to transfer consciousness into the Spirit Realm, which is done through deep meditation, focusing on the realm and even the Spirit the Shaman wishes to visit. The Shaman's mana is used to transfer his consciousness into the Dimension, and his body is left behind in the Mortal Realm, where it is susceptible to damage due to being paralysed. If a Shaman were to be killed within the Spirit Realm, his physical body would also die, due to the connection of his soul/consciousness being torn. Typically, a Shaman would only visit the Spirit Realm in order to seek advice, to create a pact with an Elemental Spirit, or to visit Star'Gush Stroh, where he or she may speak with the deceased. 2) Connection through Ceremony In terms of tangible work, a Shaman will choose to instead connect with the Realm of the Spirits, as opposed to visiting it on more of a literal level. All acts upon the Mortal Realm are achieved through this second method. This is done by calling out for their attention, so that they may work through the Shaman's mana in order to influence the Mortal Realm. The Shaman must adopt and embrace the energies that the Spirit or the Realm represents. For instance, if a Shaman wanted to connect to Enrohk, the Spirit of Bloodlust, they might start by sacrificing a Goat. Then they would begin chanting in an aggressive and furious tone, finishing by dancing in a manner that also mimics a fit of rage. A Spirit will rarely manifest in the Mortal Realm of their own will, for if they were to be killed, their energy would shatter and they would ultimately die. Typically, it is only the Immortal Spirits who summon their energies into the realm of the Descendants, and do this by transporting one of their Lesser Servants into the Realm to act on their behalf. The Sub-Types of Shamanism Farseer Class: Healing/Enhancement Realms: Immortal & Ancestral A Farseer devoted his energy to heaing or enhancing someone by working with the Spirits of the Immortal of Ancestral Realm. To do this, he must connect with the Spirits through Ceremony, and once connected, may impart their influence into the chosen person. Currently, Farseers are unable to heal or enhance themselves. Latauman Class: Healing/Enhancement Realms: Immortal & Ancestral Latauman work in much the same way as Farseers, and devote their energies to healing or enchancement. Expect, in the case of the Latauman, he may only bring positive influence upon himself, to a greater degree than the Farseer. Latauman are unable to heal or enhance others. Spirit Smith Class: Enhancement Realms: Immortal and Elemental A Spirit Smith must connect to Gentharuz initially, in order to crate an item known as a Mortal Stone. This is used to contain a Minor Spirit, who uses it's energies to influence the world. Once this initial process has been achieved, anyone in possession of the item may call upon the Spirit inside the stone to utilise the energy it represents. Elementalist Class: Damaging Realms: Elemental An Elementalist must first take his consciousness into the Elemental Realm in order to make a pact with an Elemental Spirit. Once this pact has been made, the Shaman may call upon that Spirit to assist them in influencing the mortal world. Elementalists can only work with existing elements, which means they vary from Evocation in this regard. Apart from this, the mechanism of influencing said elements works in very much the same way. However, it takes considerably less effort to harness existing material. Witch Doctor Class: Damaging Realms: Elemental/Immortal Witch Doctors connect with the Spirit Realm through chanting, and attempt to imbue the Spirits energy into a concoction known as a Hex. This liquid may be used to invoke a feeling or illness upon the victim, which is known as a curse. There are not often physical influences (though they do exist), but instead mental ones. For instance, a Hex of Fire will not explode into flame, but will instead give the sensation of being on fire. With great effort, a Witch Doctor may cause this same process without the brew, but it takes a considerable amount of time, and will often be stopped by the victim before it can be caused. Witch Doctors may Curse both forms of life: Plants and Animals. Dark Shamanism Class: Damaging Realms: All Dark Shamans devour Spirits in order to influence the world around them, by forcefully utilise their energies. Once they have control over something, it begins to contort and twist into a corrupted form, as the act is being done against the will of the Spirit. For more information on Dark Shamans, refer to: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/150801-lore-trial-2m-from-290916-ishurkal-dark-shamans/?page=1 How do Spirits Influence the World/How Does it Work? In order to have dominion over the Mortal Realm, Apohet had to bestow small parts of his energy into the world. He did this by creating Dormant Spirits, entities that are directly tied to what they are imbued within and indeed, the Realm they represent. When an Earth Elementalist calls to the Elemental he has a pact with, that Spirit will harness the mana of the Shaman to awaken the Dormant Spirits within the earth, thus allowing manipulation to occur. The Spirit awakening the energy has no real influence over the decisions of the Dormant Spirits, and so the Shaman must focus on controlling it with his mana in order to keep the Spirit in line, and is how he may direct where the earth moves to. This concept applies to all influence in the world, including physical and emotional, and it is the act of awakening these Dormant Spirits that gives rise to the subsequent control. I'll be adding more to this once I see what may be missing. I intend to start an F.A.Q at the end of this post so that I can answer questions I might not have thought of, and so I can implement them afterwards. So, fire away.
  20. A crude parchment hung on a wooden post, which seemed to be an advertisement. ~Gukdan's Spirit shop~ I am here to offer my skills as a smith, and a shaman. I have decided to use my shamanism to create items of great proportion that only the worthy men and women can buy from me. The sorts of things you could ask for all depend on the spirit you wish to use in the item, if you are in the dark about Spirits, then here's the list. A list of names and their meanings were scribbled underneath: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/112681-the-spirits/ Where you can find me I will more often than not, be roaming around Sutica, if you wish to ask of my services then you should attempt to find me there. The price you should expect Most items will cost about 600-1000 minas, with some possibly going to 300, depending on it's 'enchantment' What I look like A less than perfect drawing was scribbled on the page, but it wasn't half bad. P.S, Don't get too crazy with the 'enchantment' requests.
  21. Preface: History of the Orcs "Betrayed! Betrayed and abandoned because we foresaw the doom? Betrayed though we suffered the most at the hands of Iblees... This... They would turn and run in the face of our adversity? Cowards. We will bring it to them. Yes, we will show them our suffering!" - Agzal the Titan The fires crackled around Krug’s ivory throne as he sat there slouched, his hair black as the sky above and his form bulky and strong, a stark contrast to the man before him. “Your Brothers have all accepted my gift.” He said with a visage of confusion, addressing Krug. The man had a kind face, and nothing about his person seemed threatening, yet Krug looked upon him with a sense of caution, apparent through his slow gaze. The man opened out his arms in question. “Why do you turn me down?” He asked with a raised tone. The formidable Father of Orc kind let out a slow sigh, sitting himself up within his chair. “I have never trusted you.” He said, his tone deep and rumbling. “Power does not come without a cost.” He added, before rising to his feet, his focus more energised as he looked down upon the man with scorn. “You would not want wealth or power, more than you could ever dream?” He snarled, his aura suddenly changing as he bore his teeth in anger. “I offer you the world, and you think yourself above your brothers?” He added, yelling with fervent anger. And so did the man reveal his true form, for he was in fact Iblees, that great and terrible Daemon that had fallen to the Mortal Realm. He roared in frustration as fangs and horns grew from his head, a swathe of emerald fire swirling around his form as his wings of devastation sprung forth. Without a moment to think, Krug launched into action. Unarmed and unprepared, he barged into the Daemon, his skin scorching and bubbling under the corrupted flames as he knocked Iblees off his feet for the last time. Chapter 1 - The Birth of Spirits During the War, decimation had swept through the lands of Krug, and as he fought, he lost many loved ones, only to see them brought back from death to fight alongside his enemy. Meanwhile, the Daemon, Apohet looked at the ongoing fight between Iblees and Krug, marveling at how the creature could hold his own against the powerful Daemon. He envied the power that had been shown in the descendant, and turned away. He went into a small area of the Seven Skies, hoping to keep his machinations away from the prying eyes of others. There, he poured a large amount of his divinely-granted power into one creation: what would later be called the Spirit Realm. It was quite separate from anything else; Apohet had made sure of that, not even being subject to time, as the Creator's world was. However, it was devoid of inhabitants, and he soon grew bored of manipulating a world that would never be seen. And so, he resumed his work. Apohet smiled as his second marvel awoke, or marvels. Again, his handiwork was slightly crude in appearance compared to the Creator's, but they were conscious. They were partners, intertwined in almost every aspect of each of them. Spirits, he called them, one able to manipulate space to an extent, the other having limited control of the temporal. Their appearances were both serpentine, space blue, and time red. Together, they birthed several children, each also able to control a certain aspect of the world, many coming in contrasting pairs, others more independent. The second generation was birthed from the less powerful elementals, and so they themselves were less powerful, finding that they were only able to control much more minor parts of the world, such as specific biomes, or things such as emotions or concepts. Feeling that these other creatures were somewhat unworthy to associate with them, the first generation beseeched Apohet, asking that they be allowed to separate. Apohet eventually agreed, and so created two separate planes, one for the first generation, and another for the second. Apohet almost cheered in glee as his world was slowly filled with his own denizens. But they too soon grew bored of the world's relative blankness, and Apohet had grown bored of watching them do very little. And so, he did something rather risky, and he made a small connection between his realm and the world, so that his creations could play. And play they did, using their power to make slight alterations to the world, all that their power allowed them. But soon, that risk had some repercussions. The dead that had perished in the battle against Iblees were flooding into the spirit realm. Apohet knew that the Creator would be perturbed, at the very least, at this development, and so he made sure that all dead passed through, so hastily that they barely even noticed where they were. He made sure this happened for the rest of time, and even now Apohet makes sure that the dead pass swiftly through his realm, to their respective afterlives. Chapter 2 - Transformation He who had not been swayed watched as Iblees roared for the last time, before the Daemon was banished to the Void for eternity. Krug stood burnt and bloodied, his skin seared beyond recognition, for the corruption of the Daemon had wrought a terrible transformation upon his form. The influence of Iblees had caused him to grow enormous tusks, altering the way in which he and his people would speak for thousands of years to come, and his skin cried in constant agony, corrupted to a hue of dark green. “And you Krug, the most hated of The Descendants, you shall always have the lust of war. You are strong? Well the strength shall be used against your brothers, used to pillage and murder! Your lust for battle shall be unsatiated and your descendants shall grow ugly and heartless.” - Iblees Although the fighting had ended, Krug’s heavy breathing continued as he looked around to his brothers. He saw not friends whom he had fought with, but targets through which to vent the deep rage that coursed through his veins, for not even the blessing of Honour was enough to quell his fury. His eyes glazed over in crimson as his voice shook the land, and his muscles pulsated with a newfound energy as he grasped his axe with intent. His Brothers watched in disbelief and fear as he began to slaughter those nearby, and in him they saw not their Brother, nor any deviation from the Daemon they had just fought. In acknowledging his overwhelming strength, they evacuated the scarred land with haste, abandoning Krug and his people to the torrent of bloodshed that was soon to come. Chapter 3 - Pilgrimage Many a year had passed since the curse of Iblees sunk into the heart’s of Krug and his people, and after genocide upon genocide felled the Orc population, their bloodlust began to satiate. Finally, and with an iron fist, Krug had subjugated all who had opposed him, and once again claimed the title of Rex of all Orcish people. Yet the looming return of bloodlust ate at the minds of the Orcs as they attempted to live their daily lives. As a result, the Orcish people adapted a strong work ethic in order to vent their energies and distract themselves, and a period of wondrous progression swept through the lands of Mor’Ghuun. Many wondrous designs were set around the world, such as the Gatzug, the enormous Arena of Champions, and the vast forests of the West were cultivated into the ultimate hunting grounds, Duulgador. As the Orcs built and fought for progression of their people, Krug fought an inner-turmoil that urged him to take action. One day, he gave in, standing suddenly from his throne and wandering off into the wilderness, alone. The thought that he had been unable to kill Iblees pestered him endlessly. He felt he had allowed this curse to burn within his people. He felt responsible; Ashamed, even. He was determined to find a solution, scouring Mor’Ghuun for many years in search of respite. Chapter 4 - A Voice Beckons Krug gritted his teeth in irritation as he arrived at the coast. He looked out to the ebb and flow of the ocean, and foresaw only tides of blood, the endless push and pull of the bloodlust that would trouble his people until the end of days. He roared with an awesome fury, the rage of his nation flowing through his voice. It swathed across the land, rumbling like an earthquake upon the dusty plains that surrounded him. The world fell silent, save for the crashing of the waves. Until suddenly, a voice spoke out within Krug’s mind. It was the Spiritual Element of Air, who had taken notice of Krugs profound bellowing. Apohet took note too, yet decided not to interfere on the interaction, watching with profound intrigue. Krug spoke out to the voice, challenging it out of caution and curiosity. In this moment, however unwittingly, he had connected with the realm of the Spirits, and fell unconscious. Soon he awoke, within a realm of clouds and sky, and before him, the Spirit of Air presented itself. They spoke for a time, and Krug developed a fondness for the Spirit, for the wisdom and power it came to represent. Krug’s intuition was strong, after all, it had revealed Iblees himself. He trusted in it even now to determine friend from foe, and acknowledged the Spirit. The Spirit itself was enamoured by Krug, and the concept of assisting him, and from this interaction was birthed the first pact between Mortal and Spirit. Apohet watched in astonishment as the Spirit conjured an impressive sandstorm for Krug on Mor’Ghuun, yet remained ever silent in observation. The Daemon wondered still where the power of this being ended, if he could not only contact his realm, but also utilise his children. And from this cooperation, Shamanism was born. Chapter 5 - The Cycle Meanwhile, decades had passed since Krug took on the tutelage of the Spirits. Without a guiding figure within Mor’Ghuun, the Orcs quickly degenerated once again into civil warfare. Many a mixed view was shared among the Orcish populace, and indeed the inevitability of conflict arose from these squabbles. Many of the direct children of Krug, those with the most inherent power, stood to represent their own ideologies and desires for the Orcish people, and followers began to flock to each of them as they watched in marvel of their confidence and sheer power. These children were named and identified by their talents and demeanor: Agzal the Titan, famed for sharing his Father’s strength. He came to birth a nation of complete Warfare, those who would raid and steal their food and material needs, believing that those of supreme strength were deserving of the world. They chose to succumb to their curse, and embraced it as a strengthening process. Dlimbok the Wise, famed for his insight in matters of internal conflict, of which a countless number arose. He in many ways came to mimic his Father at the time, splitting from the others in an attempt to find some semblance of peace from the Warfare. Saranak the Silent, famed for her unparalleled ability to hunt and overpower the enormous creatures that threatened the livelihood of all Orcs. Her’s was a nation of monster hunters, those who could assist smaller settlements and ultimately believed the great beasts of Mor’Ghuun were there for them to vent their blood rage. Balzug the Brave, an explorer with a vast nomadic tribe, who explored the lands to occupy their minds, believing that settling in one place would bring forth their bloodlust as they stirred in inactivity. After many years of internal conflict, the siblings broke off from one another, scattering from their original homes and settling across the land, accompanied by their respective followers. They came to establish formidable nations along Mor’Ghuun, having failed to co-operate as one united people. It would seem that the Bloodlust that ravaged their minds had once again destroyed their bonds. At best these nations would trade among one another and employ their services, but often times this semblance of peace was disturbed by the continuous force that ate at their state of mind. The Nations of Mor'Ghuun These Empires established great names, and came to represent each their own core values: The Empire of Zetzug, lead by Agzal, would come to be feared as the strongest nation of all, famed for their aptitude for combat; even among Orcs. Their pursuit for power was so great that they began to selectively breed the strongest of their people. However, this came at a severe cost. For when a creature must grow to such tremendous power, their energy becomes lacking elsewhere. From these Orcs were born the Ologs, those of challenged intellect, yet unrivaled ferocity. The Empire of Balgrak, lead by Dlimbok, would be renowned for their studious nature, and would construct a citadel of such architectural complexity and beauty that it would rival even the Dwarven people. These Orcs grew slightly weaker in their disinterest for combat, challenging one another intellectually, which nevertheless resulted in broken limbs. The Goorzag, Lands of Unending Hunt, lead by Saranak, would be famed for their hunting prowess and ability to cultivate the land and form impressive forests for hunting. They later became exceptional breeders, and formed an impressive trade company that was free to roam the lands, dealing in rare furs and exotic beasts of might and terror. The Tribe of Keztag, lead by Balzug, would discover much in their travels, developing impressive immunities, as well as medicines and narcotic arts. Additionally, they came to uncover many relics that would later alter their lives forever. Krug's Return Yet as the Empires continued to fight among themselves, a figure emerged at each gate, hulking and monstrous in form. It was the first and greatest Shaman, Krug. In each city he rose his staff into the air, and declared his iron grip once again on his people as an enormous wind swept through each city, and all bore witness, reminded of his unquestionable strength. He, the most powerful mortal in all the realms had grown to an unprecedented stature, and all were helpless to look on in awe, respect and servitude. His children would quibble in silence, but were smart enough to understand their inferiority. Still, his physical strength alone was too mighty to conquer, and so, with an iron rule, the first Rex of the united Empires instructed them all to make waves of war ships in preparation for their vengeance. The many Empires would soon assemble their own fleets, and would meet along the shore with Krug himself, who had promised them a sight to behold. And before long he delivered on his promise, for as the Empires boarded their vessels, an enormous wind swept in and forced the ships forward, onward to the lands of Men at rapid speed. Chapter 6 - The Death of Horen An enormous fleet arrived at the shores of the Human isles, heralding doom for all that would witness their arrival. Krug would be the first to step foot on the land, the fleets arriving too quickly for Horen to prepare his vast armies for defence. And so, the united Orc Empires swept through the land, razing entire villages and slaughtering the armies that had scrambled to defend their homes. Until at last they arrived on the lush fields around the city Horen called home. It stood tall and proud, blanketed on all sides by swathes of men adorned in armour, an amalgamation of soldiers and weaponry on standby for the War that would end the Orcish conquest, one way or another. Suddenly, Krug threw his arms into the air. As his eyes rolled to the back of his head, chanting of Old Speech began to escape from his tusken mouth as looming clouds of ashen colour began to blanket the sky, enveloping the city in total darkness. The sun had been blotted from the sky, and nowt remained to pierce the darkness but the hundreds of glimmering torches that adorned the city. Yet soon, a wailing sound began to pervade the ears of all present as the armies fell into silence, observing the terrifying display. A wind began to sweep through the land, and soon the lights that adorned the city were put to rest, signifying the hope in the hearts of all men, that had diminished in the face of such adversity. And the wind continued to wail within the sky, forming into an enormous hurricane of chilled, cutting wind. Both Orc and Men alike watched in total astonishment as it continued to grow, and the creator of this awesome display continued to chant, his tone fueled by the seething hatred at his core. Krug threw down his hands, pointing them to the city as his focus came back to the Mortal realm. With this gesture, the swirling winds crashed into the city, stirring up an amalgamation of men, buildings and earth. The rubble would stain with the blood of a thousand soldiers as the hurricane continued to swirl, turning a crimson red under the ashen sky. Within mere moments the city has been reduced to dust and stone, and a tremendous amount of casualties had suffered at the hands of that single Mortal known as Krug. The Orcs roared with delight as the dark sky began to break, allowing light to once again shine on the fields, exposing the destruction that had been wrought upon the land by their Rex. In their bloodlust they rushed forth into the city as a wave of iron, killing any that were left within the rubble; as far and few between as they were. Yet as the winds dispersed and the clouds opened up the heavens fully, the Palace was revealed within the rubble, stalwart and defiant as ever. Krug trudged forth with axe in hand, the same weapon he had used to strike against Iblees in his final moments. He stood at the entrance of the palace, looking toward his distraught brother, who looked onward in a steady terror. Krug let out a mild chuckle of astonishment, noting the fortitude of Horen to stand despite the destruction all around him. It was the will of his soul and his children's that had impressed Krug all those decades ago, and was the reason he loved Horen above all of his other brothers. Yet as Krug continued to look onward to Horen, his memories of the past quickly took him to the moment Horen had abandoned him in his fury, and soon that same feeling began to encapsulate his mind. He threw up his arm, and a gust of wind propelled Horen into the air, holding him against the wall as Krug marched forth, his heavy breathing much as it was on the day of his curse. He stood face to face before Horen, raising him on the wall so that he could match his own great height. Horen's eyes explored Krug's own as he writhed in discomfort, yet in him he saw not the warm gaze he had once witnessed. “Y-you are not the man I once knew… brother.” He said, assessing the deep scars that ran along the burnt and corrupted flesh of the Orc, now more reminiscent of the Demon they had once fought together against, than the man he had once loved as his own kin. “No, I was abandoned.” Krug responded, a pain unlike anything he had ever felt eating at his core as he used the power of the Spirits to bring Horen back to the floor, standing amidst the rubble beneath the hulking Shaman. “You will die as lonely as you left me.” He added finally, gritting his teeth as the Spirit of the Wind drew all air from Horen’s lungs, causing him to collapse on the floor as he struggled to breath. Krug watched in silence as the fear of death finally broke Horen’s will, his hands clasping at his throat as he attempted desperately to breathe. Yet as he squirmed, he brought sooner the end of his life, and within moments he fell to the floor, his body lifeless. Without hesitation Krug turned from the scene, leaving his brother dead on the ground as he turned to his people. The War had ended, and he instructed that no more Men be killed. They would be given the chance to recover, to enhance their strength. For despite having been betrayed, Krug continued to admire their unwavering Spirit. In them he saw his own people, and in them he left a rage that would fuel their people’s progression, just as they had done to him. Apohet cackled from within the confines of his realm. The city was destroyed by his creation’s power, and he found himself smiling. Impressed deeply by Krug, he made a decision, a rather brash one. Seeing that the descendants could indeed do great acts of Spirituality and Honour, he looked back to the passageway of the afterlife, and for the last time, tampered with his realm. He created what some would describe as a filter; allowing those with souls of Honour, Spirituality and Virtue to enter his realm. Knowing that his other creations may soon grow angry at the intrusion of mortal souls, he made the plane they went to entirely separate from the ones inhabited by the others. Chapter 7 - The Nation of Krugmar And so did the Orcs, the united Empires under Krug, return to the lands of Mor’Ghuun, where they would continue to battle with their bloodlust, and where they would work tirelessly to understand the realms of the Spirits. Krug has passed on his knowledge to his children, so that they would always have a guide in life, even with his own passing. Yet the wisdom of the Spirits was not enough to quell their unwavering frustration, and soon they began to prepare, for there were others who had betrayed them, and they too would suffer the fate of Horen and his people. All Empires were instructed to bring together their greatest Soldiers, Shamans, Hunters and Explorers, who would come to create a vast fleet of their own, tasked with the quest to traverse the lands around them, both in search of progression and also the domains of Dwarf and Elf alike. This array of Orcs would later come to refer to themselves as the Nation of Krugmar, and would face many a challenge in their pursuit of progress and destruction, a cycle they too would suffer, for such was the curse of Iblees. Yet as the fleets sailed over the horizon, a celestial object of tenebrous aura crashed into the West of the lands, stirring the forests of Saranak.
  22. "Be wary of their true intentions." (The Realm of Clouds) The individual realms of the Immortal Spirits are vast and overwhelming, the perfect representations of their respective dominions. However, it is not simply a world upon which the Spirits themselves recline in omniscience. In most cases, intelligent life swathes through these dimensions; fragments of the Immortals, that live to serve and sate their insatiable lust for power. The Spirits remain in these realms because they are perfect environments for them, and to venture out of them would be incredibly dangerous. If an Immortal Spirit were to materialise on the lands of the Descendants, they would be exposed to irreversible damage. For this reason, they send their loyal children unto the worlds of the Brothers’ children. These beings serve, for all intents and purposes, as conduits through which Spirits may influence the Mortal realms. Personifications of what their creators represents, they venture out into the world in search of ways to enact the will of their masters. When an Immortal is worshiped, or if their dominion of existence is prevalent on the Descendants Realms, their influence and power over that aspect of existence grows. For instance, with the growth of the plague on Vailor, and the land that has succumbed to decay and despair, the Immortal Spirit of Disease, Orgon, has grown significantly in his influence over the land. The bidding of these Lesser Spirits varies according to what their Immortal Master represents. For instance, a fragment of Enrohk (The Spirit of War and Bloodlust) may not necessarily seek those that would worship him, but would instead manipulate nations in order to war among themselves. Bloodshed and War feed Enrohk; in all forms. It is not always worship that Spirits seek, but only that their influence on the land be maintained. However, this can usually be upheld by the efforts of the Shamans, and for this reason they are the Mortals most aware of the Spirits and their will. However, in their wisdom they attempt to maintain a healthy balance between the power of all Immortal Spirits. These Lesser Spirits, whilst serving the will of the Immortals, have their own, unique personalities, appearances and approaches to the world. There can be multiple lesser Spirits aligned to one Immortal, and all can have their own idea of what enhancing their reign looks like. I will describe several of these beings below, though there are myriad more. Fragments of the Spirits Spirit: Ixli, the Immortal Spirit of Spirit of Knowledge, Truth, and Judgement, appearing as a giant staring eye. He provides knowledge at the cost of sanity. Avatar: Ziileny (sandara) Form: Appearing as an extremely long and slender Wyrm, Ziileny has a permanent fixture of insanity imposed on her face. Her large, toothy grin seeps a terrible stench as her overwhelming and fixed eyes stare into the minds of those she communes with, searching their souls for their deepest secrets. She has pale, purple skin with a sickly green line of gnarled hair running along the center of her spine. Dotted in scars, her body also appears to host several sets of teeth and arms. Her numerous teeth are most often grinning alongside her, though open occasionally to cackle for sometimes no apparent reason. The arms that run along her body allow her to scurry along the land in a terrifying slither. Personality & Approach: Ziileny actively seeks out those within the Mortal Realm that aspire to Magick, offering them the knowledge they seek in return for their sanity. This is often left out of the equation until after the ritual takes place, when the victim has already fallen into a precarious state. She is quick witted and conniving, and prefers to work alone. She does not trust the competency of others, and revels in outsmarting the students he hunts for. Ziileny will often become distracted from topics of conversation as she spouts nonsense about the intricacies of very specific sciences. If one were to engage her in the subject of learning Magic, she may suddenly teach you about photosynthesis as her form writhes in seeming agony. Spirit: Enrohk, the Spirit of Bloodlust, Savagery, and War, appearing as a berserker covered in blood. Avatar: Klin (maciejkuciara) Form: Klin appears as an unusually tall and strong Barbarian woman. Her hair falls around her face as a brunette drape, often covering her eyes, giving off the impression of savagery. Her body seems to be covered in tattoos of red, that almost seems to swirl around her limbs as if there were blood coursing on the surface of her skin. She carries two long blades, with which she quickly dispatches her enemies. Personality & Approach: Klin is seemingly incapable of speaking. Her communication mostly consists of grunts and roars, which pierce through the air, much like the blood from her enemies, as she fights vigorously. In her reticence, she is an intimidating figure, often towering over Adult Male Humans. Due to her reluctance to speak, she is not often fond of conversation. When she materalises upon the land, it is for one purpose only. To murder. Spirit: Ghorza, the Spirit of Travel, movement, and fortune both bad and good, appearing as an old traveler with a walking stick, with various fetishes attached. Avatar: Pizrak (matchack) Form: The appearance of Pizrak is an unusual one. This lesser Spirit does not materialise as a living entity, but instead chooses to comprise as a ship, which is capable of sailing on its lonesome. Interestingly, Pizrak may materialise as one of two forms. It will either form as a decrepit ship that maintains its ability to sail upon the shores, or an intact variation of its counterpart. Purpose: For obvious reasons, Pizrak does not have much of a personality. However, it has been known to course those that seek only to spread misery into tides of doom. Generally, Pizrak will appear on a coast somewhere, and guide those that venture on board into places of intrigue. Those that have set foot upon Pizrak have noted the uncomfortable sight of the ship sailing itself. Many references to Ghost Ships in the past have in fact been spurned from sightings of Pizrak. Spirit: Freygoth, the Spirit of the wild, nature, and animals, he takes any natural form he may desire. Avatar: Maabin (monikapalosz) Form: Maabin materialises as a pale, hunched creatures which seems to resemble an Ape in many ways. He is adorned in white cloth, with small piecings of armour. He carries around a carved wooden staff, and uses it to smite those that disturb the balances of Nature. Personality & Approach: This Spirit appears very disinterested, which is a stark contrast to his fighting style. He is very nimble and powerful, and can easily best most of his opponents in single combat. Maabin cares greatly for the nature around him, even if his facial expression would denote a nonchalant aura. He will often visit damaged areas in an attempt to restore them to their back to their natural state, and will hunt those that wreak despair upon the world. Spirit: Krathol, the Spirit of Pain, suffering and starvation. Appears as a skeletal vulture picking at its own bones. Avatar: Uzkost (Mavros-Thanatos) Form: Uzkost appears as a humanoid with rotten and patched skin, draped in a surgical gown with white gloves. A large piece of cloth is wrapped around his head, tied in place by several strings of barbed wire. Personality & Approach: Uzkost walks the earth in a languid movement, wailing often as he searches for those he can pass on his despair to. In many cases, he will torture those he can come into contact with. If a Cult to Krathol exists on the land, Uzkost may pay them a visit, demonstrating methods of torture on himself. He has a strong distaste for the smell of food, and will flay out in a burst of bloody mess if he catches the scent of it. This Spirit partakes often in chat-chat, in between screams of pain. He will occasionally materialise in protected areas so that he may chat with the denizens there, striking an intense fear into them as he picks a target for torture. Uzkost has a particular interest in Halflings, as he has a strong hatred for positivity. He will hunt them very specifically, in order to create a more dystopian land. Spirit: Akezo, the Spirit of Health, Vitality, and Healing. Appears as a winged and feathered serpent with a blue aura. Avatar: Lekeni (Marcodalidingo) Form: Lekeni often appears as a short, blonde man draped in grey robes. He carries around a staff as equally small as his stature, and traverses the world in an upbeat fashion. Personality & Approach: This Spirit is tasked with expanding the knowledge of healing upon the land, and will often enter settlements in order to teach citizens about basic healing and sanitation. It is said that Lekeni is the reason that healthcare flourished, and is the cause for cleaner living conditions across the land. Occasionally, he will heal people himself in the need is dire. Lekeni is quite often seen as a cheerful man, keen to communicate with others and impart some of his wisdom upon them. Spirit: Wodanaz, the Spirit of magic, the arcane, and mystical energies, appearing as a swirling vortex of purple energy from which he takes any form. Avatar: Nakov (AldemButcher) Form: Nakov appears as a cluster of large, pearl-white mushrooms. Purpose: While Nakov does not inherently have a personality, the influence it has on the realm is as substantial as the other Lesser Spirits. Its presence in the land creates a magical aura in the surrounding area, allowing the power of Wodanaz to seep into the environment. The plantlife surrounding Nakov quickly take on magic properties, creating an Arcane environment within which apprentices may wish to study. It is said that such spots are the perfect environments for magic users to meditate, as it is said to make the process of connecting to the void a lot easier. OOC: The Spirits have always been something of an untapped resource. It is my hope with this thread to allow a more dynamic series of events to be held through the ET. These Lesser Spirits have the potential to traverse the new map in an unimaginable numbers of ways, creating events and developing characters in a way the original lore was intended to. I intend to write more on these Lesser Spirits as time goes by. There are a plethora of Immortal Spirits to choose from. Thank you for reading.
  23. "The skies darken with blood, brother. Tharb Nûtniin is afoot." (Foolish Goblins suffering beneath the burning rain) If one were to explore the vast plague lands of the recent Orcish curse, one may find it littered with a number of corroded corpses and trees. Indeed, the carnivorous fungi that inhabit the land has a large part to play in this. However, for those that walk upon the tainted earth, a more immediate threat poses itself as the looming clouds paint a red canvass across the dark sky. Deep within the bubbling cesspools that dot across the land, a resilient and vile weed sprouts from the earth. It seeps into the water, drawing in nutrients and replacing it with a sinister waste product. The once calm waters begin to writhe and froth as an acidic discharge seeps from the plants into the ponds. Physical Properties: These weeds are of a dark red colouration, and grow in patterns of chaotic spirals. Small thorns protrude from them that draw in the nutrients from the water, while the base of the weed produces small roots that sprout from the earth it is embedded in, and leak the corrosive waste into the water. It is virtually impossible to examine these plants as per the environment they are contained in. If one were foolish enough, one may be able to sacrifice an arm in the name of knowledge and progress. (A depiction of the red clouds that loom over the Plague) Due to the mass of the plague and the large bodies of water that spread through them, these cesspools can give rise to an incredibly dangerous weather effect. It is referred to by the Shamans as "Tharb Nûtniin", which translates to "Acid Rain" in common. When this corrosive water falls upon the earth, it quickly consumes the flesh of those it comes into contact with. If you are unfortunate enough to be stuck beneath these clouds as they break, you will suffer a most painful death. This acidic element causes further decay upon the spreading disease that inhabits the land, creating an inner conflict between the two aspects of decay the Immortal Spirit, Orgon, has influence over.
  24. The Great Orcish Mindset And so, along your journey to becoming an Orc you have scoured the forums to amass a great deal of information. You understand the basic concepts of the culture, you know the differences in the races, the clans, and what the general interests of the Uzg are. Or, do you? There is far more to anything than can be expressed in a format such as this, but I will try to best to explore the Orcish Mindset you will come across as you play your character and explore our homeland. I am Smaw, the (as of writing this thread) current Rex of the War Uzg. I've been around for a while, and have implored as best I can to promote a greater sense of depth and RP within the Orcish society. It is my hope with this thread, to assist old and new players alike in understanding how our society truly works; or at least, my understanding of it. There is a common misconception around the community that the Orcs are only interested in PvP. This is understandable, as those outside of the Uzg will only usually see us across Vailor if we are raiding. We tend to stay within our homeland, where we are safe from those that Krug has taught the Orcs to mistrust. Among the current leadership, our main focus is on promoting the vast RP being an Orc can provide, and we are striving to create a balance between RP and PvP; with a focus on the former. If you are interested in joining purely for the combat aspects, or to meme, then you will not be welcome within the Uzg. We are looking for those that seek deeper Orcish RP, and can rise to the challenge of combat when such an event rears its head. With that said, let us explore what it means to be an Orc, and the mindset of those that live upon the blazing sands of the desert. The Mindset of an Orc Honour (An Orc accepting a request to single combat) Honour is THE foundation upon which the Orcs must live. It is the blessing that keeps them in check, and allows them to live in a world where they can fight against the ever-present Bloodlust that threatens to overwhelm them. There are many players that completely neglect this aspect of the RP, and will sacrifice the honour of their Orc in order to gain an advantage. It is ill advised to follow this process, as it will lead to you becoming a Whitewash. Those that take Orc RP seriously, value the honour their character has above all else. It determines your place within Orcish society, as without it, you are nothing. It is a grave mistake to lose your honour. It will cause your brothers to neglect you, and perhaps more importantly, the Spirits. I will detail below what can cause you to become Whitewash, and explain what the perspective of the War Uzg would be on each of this breaches to your internal compass. - Living outside of the Uzg This is seen as Whitewash because Orcs that leave the desert have abandoned their brothers. They have tarnished the hard work of Krug and his descendants, and have defied the age old teachings of unison and solitude from the un-trusted. While activities such as trade and conversation are fine, to live elsewhere entirely is to defy Krug's will. It is unsafe, and the Orcs outside of the Uzg are viewed as pawns to those that house them. - Killing another Orc This should be an obvious rule. Unless an Orc is Whitewash, there is no circumstance in which you are permitted to kill them. It is perfectly reasonable to fight if you wish to settle a dispute, as long as all anger is vented during combat. The aim of klomping (fighting) is to decide upon who is right, and when you are beaten, you must accept that the Spirits favour the correct Orc. - Mating with a Non-Orc The Orcs view this as a Whitewash act because the offspring will have their strong Orcish bloodline diluted with other, weaker genes. This activity causes the Orcs to decline in strength as a whole, and is frowned upon to the highest degree. The Orc in question will be liable to death or castration, in order to prevent further insult to Krug. Half-Orcs are permitted to prove their strength to the War Uzg. If they are shown to have ruling Orc genes, they are allowed to live and fight with the Orcs themselves, so that the half-Orc bloodline can be restored to its former glory. - Stealing from fellow Orcs Life in the Uzg is tremendously difficult, as the desert is sparse of any considerable resources. For this reason, to steal from an Orc is to take from his hard work, and it is seen as weak to acquire items without using your own strength to gain them. It is entirely possible to fight for an item if you are interested in it. This is an acceptable way of earning something, as you are using your power to gain it. - Worshipping Non-Spirits An instant Whitewash act. Krug himself was the greatest Shaman to ever live, and set the foundations for Spiritual worship and balance across the Uzg. Those that look to other Deities directly neglect Krug and his teachings, and appease weaker entities in their arrogance. Strength (As life threatens to crush you beneath its weight, time will strengthen your bones) In Orcish society, strength (in all forms) means everything. It is what has kept the people of the War Uzg alive to this day, and has been their saving grace in a number of situations. The great power they have at their disposal allows them to shape the world around them, and create living spaces they can feel comfortable in. Their combat prowess has given them a fearful reputation, and is what keeps the other descendants at bay. To an Orc, to have strength is to live a life as close to Krug as possible, for he is the embodiment of strength in its many forms; physical, mental and spiritual. Honour and Strength coincide, and so you must uphold both in order to flourish in Orcish society. It is not necessarily dishonourable to lose a fight, but it is dishonourable to refuse one. This is because cowards cause trouble for the Uzg. They take from resources and offer little to no benefit in return. It is also frowned upon because self-belief is taught at a young age. The world will fight against you at every opportunity, and you must believe in your own capabilities if you wish to defy the odds. It is however, acceptable to refuse to fight someone that is considerably weaker than yourself. If you perceive someone to be incapable of defeating you, it is more honourable to spare them than to beat them to within an inch of their life. Allow them to prove themselves among those of a similar stature, and perhaps with time, their strength will match your own. This concept, however, does not apply to those that actively seek to cause grievance to you. Destroy them. Now, progression is a key aspect of Orcish society, and it is to be promoted at all times. For this reason, you must always strive to achieve more. To hunt more, to earn titles, and even to fight for greater homes. The more you have, and the more you can show to prove your strength, and the more respect you will earn among your peers. Solitude (A warning set in the borders of the Uzg, to those not of the Orcish bloodline) Krug, the father of all Orc-kind, was the first to fight with the demon, Iblees. For this, he and his bloodline were cursed with the Bloodlust you are likely aware of at this point. Such an affliction caused the other descendant races to be wary of the Orcs, and for this reason we have been secluded from the world, forced to live in near in-hospitable lands, and attacked frequently in an attempt to control our populations. Naturally, this kind of treatment has left a deep resentment within the Orcish people. They have developed a great mistrust for those outside of the Uzg, especially as they do not have the inherent code of honour that all Orcs must live by. For this reason, they usually remain in the vast Uzg, where they are free to live among their own kin and thrive. The desert is scattered with warning signs to those that would dare enter the land. If you are seen, you will most likely be attacked. This is not because Orcs are interested in your loot, or in causing general grievances. It is a defense mechanism; a means of preventing those they love from coming into immediate danger from the outside world. If a Non-Orc wishes to come into the land, they must first send a message to those of higher stead within Orcish society, whereby they may request entrance to the Uzg. This is usually agreed upon, as long as a "tribute" is paid. A tribute can be any offering of goods, and along with this, weaponry and armour is forfeit as standard. Nowhere is Honour more sacred than within the lands of the Uzg, and for this reason, Orcs are not permitted to kill any living entities that do not have the means to defend themselves. If a trespasser is found upon the land, they are to be guided to the exit; albeit with a mild form of punishment. The Orcs have learnt, over time, that pain is the best method of teaching. This is why raiding parties are often formed. The world must know that the Orcs are strong, so that they will not dare to venture too close to the abode of Krug's children. Orc Role-Play Now that we have established the general mindset of the Orcs, and what you can and cannot do, let us explore the vast and varied world of Orcish RP, and indeed, the different types of RP that can be available to you. So, what exactly can you do as an Orc? The short answer? Everything. You are only limited by your own imagination when it comes to Orc RP. There is a vast and open plot of land surrounding San'Thraka (the Orcish capital) and it can be used so long as the ideas you present are reasonable within the limitations of the lore. I will detail below several avenues of possibility your Orc can venture into. Generally, it is more about RP'ing the Orcish Mindset in every occasion, than in limiting yourself to only those activities you would imagine Orcs to partake in; such as fighting and spirit worship. In truth, there is a great deal of culture to be explored, and laws are much more relaxed out in the Uzg. For instance, you can sit around a fire with some Orcs, smoking cactus green and having extremely dim-witted conversations about the "purple sheep" you can see walking around you. You can hunt with your peers, and prove your strength among one another. You can build and forge, and promote the general progression of the War Uzg. Or, you can watch as several Ologs climb on one another as they reach for a piece of bread, suspended in the air by a rather mischievous Goblin. The list goes on. An indeed, it will. Below. Blarg (Home) RP Ah! Blarg RP, an unexplored realm within the Uzg. Just as with life, your home is where you collect items that remind you of life experiences, or to show to visitors what you have accomplished throughout your lifespan. This is where you will mount your trophies; the heads of your fallen enemies, prized possessions of other cultures, and the relics and unusual items you have come across along your travels. It is well promoted within the Uzg to show off what you are capable of, as it will improve your standing greatly. If you have a home, and your collection has grown, venture out and boast about it. There is nothing more progressive to your character than proving your worth, and this is one exceptional way of doing it. This will attract mates to you, and earn you a great deal of respect among your peers as you display the remains of some of the Uzg's most ferocious creatures. Additionally, if you are shown a Blarg by another Orc and it takes your fancy, you can fight him for it. It is perfectly acceptable within the world of the Orcs to fight for what you want. Mates, homes and even which chair you get to sit on at the dinner table. Really, the Bloodlust can cause some messy family gatherings. Hunting RP (A pair of Uruk, hunting in the Kharajyrian Jungles) So you just beat the living snot out of Tawdnug'Lak and have claimed his Blarg in the city. It's nice, yeah, but it feels empty. Tawdnug took all of his trophies with him and sulked back to the swamp. He's gone back to live with his Evil Popo, who tries to ruin his life at every opportunity. But you? You've been left with very little. So what are you going to do about it? Well, go out and get money trophies to fill the empty space. Generally, pelts, claws and heads are among the most prized of possessions. There are extremely dangerous and rare beasts scattered around the Uzg, but even more impressive are those outside of the desert. When you have amassed a collection of items, there is a place where they can be shown which may help in gaining you the title of Huntsgoth; the most esteemed hunter in the Uzg. The Tavern, the place where drunken oafs go to celebrate the fighting and worship of the day. This is where you can set down your belongings, and gather a crowd to revel in your capabilities. The one with the most trophies may work toward achieving the title of Huntsgoth. When you have enough items to rival the current Huntsgoth, you may challenge him to combat to earn his title. Tavern RP Who says Orcs don't enjoy the occasional drink? In-fact, they partake in heavy consumption of both alcohol and drugs. After a long day in the searing heat, many enjoy the revelry that comes with it. The Tavern is the place to go, where you can enjoy conversation with your brothers, and discuss the days activities. It is here that you may discuss fighting strategies, which Spirit deserves the most worship, which constellation you are born under, and a host of others things. It is also the perfect spot for a band of Orcs to discuss which area will become their next raiding target, for this is the ultimate means of testing their strength against the outside world. Raid RP Is raid RP truly possible? It can be. Generally, raids devolve into PvP-fests because one side will resort to meta-gaming a squad of people that will take every attempt to disrupt a chance at RP. There have been many examples of successful raiding RP in the past. For a time, I used to lead a group of Orcs toward the High Elven settlement. We would break our way inside, and cut one hand from each Elf we captured. This was to pass on a message, and to attempt to generate further RP between the two races. It worked for a time, and we would fashion trophies out of the limbs that we acquired along the way. Similar events can be created by the Orcish community, as long as the environment allows for it. It is a rare thing, but when it is achieved, it can be a good experience for everyone. For instance, you may hunt those that worship different deities, wrangle the group together, and burn their texts before them. You may recite a long speech about how you will not tolerate the worship, before leaving and returning to the Uzg. The general rule of thumb is not to kill everyone at every opportunity. When you kill a character, they lose all memory of any moments leading up to their death. You earn very little reputation for your Orc among the other races, and they receive no character progression from the experience. The idea here is to spread RP to all parties involved, and create a balanced and in-depth scenario. Speaking of depth, let us discuss perhaps the most prominent aspect of Orcish Culture. One that all can partake in, regardless of ability. Spirit Worship (A sacrifice being prepared for Ehnrok, the Spirit of Bloodlust and War) Spirit worship is not as complex as many imagine, and it is not as one-dimensional as sacrificing Humans to every Spirit that happens to exist. In terms of worshiping a Spirit, you must do something that revolves around the domain they control. In the instance of Ehnrok, it is appropriate to provide a healthy sacrifice, as this is what pleases him. However, if you were to try the same thing with Gentharuz, the Spirit of Smithing and Forging, you would make no progress. A more relevant offering would be blades of high quality, adorning a shrine with them. These simple acts can go a long way to benefit an Orcs life within the Uzg, as the Spirits begin to work in your favour. The Orcs worship the Spirits because they have dominance over the realm, and as such embody a significant representation of strength. They uphold balance in the world, and can assist the Orcs of the War Uzg in their endeavours; if they are pleased enough. It is for this reason that Orcs are encouraged to go out and provide offerings for a wide variety of Spirits. In the Orcish culture, there is quite literally a Spirit for everything. You can pick one at random and go on a quest to find a means of appeasing them. If it is the spirit of Artwork, create a display somewhere in the Uzg. If it is the Spirit of Hunting, bring trophies to the shrine. These simple processes can provide unending opportunities for RP with your character, and can eventually lead to you adopting a position as a Shaman. Shaman RP The wisest of Orcs, the Shamans represent restraint and control within the Uzg. They work with the Spirits to maintain balance in nature, and attempt to appease the Spirits so that they may assist the Orcs in their plight with Bloodlust. There are several types of Shamans, each of which have their own unique ways of approaching the subject. Some use the abilities of the Spirits to cause harm to their enemies, while overs try to communicate with them to achieve enlightenment. Whatever the case may be, they are powerful figures within Orcish society, and are often sought in times of tribulation. They have the ability to shape the land mass around them, and protect the Uzg to a greater degree. They are held in a tremendously high esteem, and to become a Shaman is to have an unmatched honour bestowed upon you. Look to them for wisdom and inspiration, for they are among the most learned of Orcs. Exploration RP There is a vast amount of land out there to explore. As long as you remain loyal to the Uzg, you are free to explore all of Vailor and learn from the world, so that you may benefit the Orcs. You can scout potential raiding areas, find out who is worshiping deities outside of the Spirits, learn of Whitewash Orcs, explore ruins, discover new ways of smithing items, etc. The possibilities are endless, really. You can spread the word of Spirit worship, and implore others to partake in it. It is down to your own imagination; as with Spirit worship. The Orcs are allowed to venture outside of the Uzg, they just have to be aware that doing so can be dangerous. It is NOT Whitewash to trade and talk with other races, only to live with them wholly and completely and ignore the land you hail from. Speaking of exploring the land, I will now move onto something of a controversial subject among the community. An aspect of Orcish RP that needs work to become something promising. Znagah (Slave) RP Generally, it is ill-advised to participate in enslavement RP if you're not a well versed Orc. It can be complicated, and difficult to work with. If you do it badly, you can leave a negative impression of the non-Orcs you come across; which extends into an OOC perception. Slave RP can be very good for Orcish RP, as it allows those that are not Orcs to experience the culture, and even, with time, become a part of it. You can take slaves from anywhere, but they must be able to defend themselves fairly before they are captured. The Orcs do not enslave children, nor the crippled. Remember, Honour is a prevalent part of Orcish society; besides, they would be useless anyway. The intention behind slaves is to have them work for the Uzg and build, or to dedicate shrines to the Spirit of Slavery, which has the potential to become a rather large event-arch within itself. (Hint) Honourary RP Being an Orc is a mindset, just as much as it is a physical thing. For this reason, the Orcs are willing to accept other races into their lands if they can prove themselves through a series of intense trials. They generally include a large number of combat and agility exercises, in order to determine if the prospective honourary can keep up with the Orcs. It is an extremely high honour to be bestowed the title of honourary, and if you meet one across your travels, you must show an adequate level of respect. Acknowledge that they have gone through some trying times to get to that position, and that they must hold a deep love and connection to the Orcs in order to pass the tests. They are your brothers and sisters, and will fight alongside you when the rest of the world turns its back. Generally, you can distinguish an honourary through a numbers of physical signs. They are always adorned in several tattoos and markings, to make it immediately obvious that they are honourary. Additionally, they are taught, and use the Blah in order to fit in more with the Orcish society. Ilzhonal RP The Ilzhonal; essentially students of the night sky. They study the constellations above, and believe that being born beneath a specific constellation greatly contributes to the path your life will take. They believe that the Spirits dominate their own constellations, and so to be born beneath one is to have a greater affinity to that Spirit. If you are having trouble creating a personality for your Orc, look to this untapped resource as a means of inspiration. Take note of the month your character is created upon, and use the month on the chart below as a foundation from which to grow your character. https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/142093-ilzpaak-the-orcish-zodiac/ As well as following this pattern of thought, you can indeed become one of these masters yourself. Create an area within the Uzg, and watch as Orcs come to you in search of guidance. You can instruct them on how to raise their kubs, based on their birth chart, and can offer general advice to your brothers and sisters. For those that wish to partake in Shamanism, this may be a good first step in showing what you are capable of. With progress, those of the Shaman community may take notice in your advanced RP and offer to teach you more complex aspects of Orcish Culture. Clan RP Of course, it goes without saying that clan RP is among some of the most influential in all of the Uzg. A clan is a group of Orcs with similar goals or features, who work together as a family to survive in the harsh environment of the Uzg. Generally, each has has its own specialisation. Below, I will list the current clans and their niches: Raguk - Mining, Industry and Forging. Braduk - Characterised by larger, stronger frames. Gorkil - Those that acknowledge Bloodlust more as a tool, embracing it almost religiously. Yar - One of the Shaman clans of the Uzg, responsible for a great focus on the Spirits and their worship. Lur - Among the greatest hunters of the War Uzg. Tuk - A predominantly Goblin clan. Fud - A predominantly Olog clan. Each clan is based on an Ancestral Spirit of Legend, a once living Orc that was well known for being the best in their chosen specialisation. For this reason, the clans work in homage to their Ancestor, working to continuously hone their crafts both for themselves and for the united force of the Uzg. There are many titles within a clan, and you can work throughout your Orcs career to make it to the top. When you become the leader of a clan (A Wargoth) you can even challenge the Rex in order to take his position. The potential for RP within a clan is unending, and it is extremely important that you find one as soon as possible, as this is your main way of progressing in society. It is also a way to get a home, more respect, and a means by which to develop a name for yourself. Once you join a clan, you cannot leave. It is a life bond, and must not be broken under any circumstances. You owe everything to your family, and you should risk your life to protect them. A Final Note on Orcish RP and the Mindset You are guided by your internal sense of honour, and it is what allows the community to accept you both IC and OOC. Remember to follow this conduct if you wish to truly delve deeper into Orcish RP, and recognise the importance it has at all times. Acknowledge that there is more to Orc RP than simply fighting. Go out into the world and explore, learn new things and craft your own stories. There are even more resources than those listed above, you just have to take some initiative. Orc RP can be a wonderful thing, and I implore anyone that hasn't already tried, to give it a real go and not become swayed by the occasional memer or PvP head.
  25. The Raguk Clan The grinding, searing cogs of Uruk Warfare do not run on sheer bloodlust alone. No, beneath the sweltering expanse of the Desert exists an ashen and humid plane of grueling labour and raging furnaces. Where light finds little strength and bones break against stone, the Unbroken Orcs, red as the blood that smears their hands, work tirelessly for the progression of the Iron Uzg. A stalwart and powerful people, the Redskin Orcs offer little less than supreme productivity. There is nothing so important as the betterment of the Iron Uzg, and no clan personifies this statement as much as the Raguk. Your personal beliefs are inconsequential; so long as they are not frowned upon by the Uzg. Your value in the clan stems from one thing: Your contribution. The Raguk consist of proud Smiths and powerful Miners. There is no other option, save for the sparse Leather workers and Stonemasons that find their place within the clan. For those that are not born into the clan, a perilous trial awaits. It is a journey of great tribulation, in which an Uruk is tested for his intelligence, strength and most importantly perseverance. All three traits are necessary to be a successful Raguk, as they are more than mere workers. As laborious as the Raguk are, they are not aversed to combat. With their skin and bones hardened from life in the mines, and coupled with their natural strength, they are as built for warfare as the weapons they forge. Capable of utilising immense strength, these Uruk are not to be confused with simple peons; lest you wish to suffer an ill fate. Companion: But what is an Uruk without a mount? Nothing short of incomplete. As steeds from fierce Wolves to hulking Rhinos lay claimed by neighbouring clans, what would be left for the Raguk? The Myrzym, -said to be gifted to the Raguk by the spirits themselves- are massive, tusked beasts that greatly resemble Elephants. These hulking and slow monstrosities leave a path of destruction in their wake as they act as towering, immovable forces. Often armoured with the greatest of Raguk craftsmanship, these mounts are essential in times of war. They represent the great strength of the Raguk, and the unstoppable progression of the clan. Every Raguk is given a Myrzym cub to raise from an early age, as strong relationships are key in times of warfare. It is said that a Raguk will risk his life to save that of his companion, and the same can be said in reverse. Marking the Flesh: As the weapons we forge sear flesh, so too will we etch the symbolism of our nature into our very skin. Upon reaching the age of eight, or after being initiated into the clan, a Raguk is brandished or tattooed with a personal representation of their life path, and are to offer up the sacrifice of an animal they have hunted alone. Enslavement (Znagah Huntin'): As cruel as the abyssal fathoms of the Raguk cave system can be, it is well within each Unbroken to house a sinister disposition, of which no boundaries are set outside of the realm of his kin. It is for this reason that enslavement is a common thing among the Raguk, and slaves (Znagah) are frequently used to aid in the endless mining that takes place below the sands. Often times, when a Znagah is no longer useful, he or she is subject to weapon testing, and will suffer unimaginable pain before the end of his or her pitiful existance. Regular outings are held within the clan, in which many Raguk will band together and hunt for Znagah to be put to work in the mines, or merely for the purpose of entertainment. Raiding: As important as labour is for the Iron Uzg, the Raguk are fond of testing their brute strength in other ways. Frequently, raiding parties are sent out to spread woe and misery to those unfortunate enough to find themselves anywhere near an Unbroken Orc. Raiding parties are often coupled with Znagah Huntin' in order to ensure efficient use of time out of labouring. Generally, the Raguk hunt for minerals and weaponry to devoid their enemies of supplies, and to better their own cause. Application: Note: All Applicants will have to undergo trial RP before they can be fully implemented. MC Name: IC Name: Born or Initiated: Professions: Example of Skin (Not necessary): Time-zone: Teamspeak: Skype:
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