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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. what kind of skins are yyall wanting to see in skin auctions? thinkin bout doing xtra quality armor auction next

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Valannor


      Armor skins for sure. 

    3. tadabug2000


      Armor skins are always great but if you're going for it, some more feminine or leather/chainmail based armor could be awesome! Otherwise, Hanfus are always great 👀

    4. AndrewTech


      Feminine armor skins and armorless adventuring/ traveling skins.

  2. what should my next repfarm post be 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Punished_Pup


      How toxic the community is and how it can be improved.



      Adding regular easy mobs for new people to fight for cash

    4. Publius


      Releasing the activity numbers

  3. what still inspires you to continue playing this server 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fireheart
    3. Potts244


      I haven’t played in over a year because my main characters family stopped playing and in the end all that kept me going was Nexus with Omar Grimmer.

    4. Bhased
  4. what the **** ads are people talking about

    oh wait adblock

  5. what the **** is going on

  6. what was the most or least enjoyable CRP/pvp encounter you've ever had?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Damnit_Delmar


      Yo! I'm glad both of you enjoyed those fights, those where probably some of my favorite encounters to be in, @SimplySeoand @lemonke


      My favorite CRP conflict, that I can think of, has to either be the Battle of Serheim. Where my then former king, pretty much helped act as a body shield/medic for the Varg. Either that, or the conflict in the Kingswood; where I pretty much just skulked the woods and fought Templar. Both where pretty close ties, but fun all the same. 


      As for the worst encounters, none really come to mind, but I know I had a few bad experiences. I remember one slightly bothersome, though still had some funny rp now that I look back on it, was when a group of thieves blamed my character for stealing something they where attempting to heist. Which ended up becoming a PVP duel. 

    3. ThatFunkyBunch


      I wasn't a demon yet. And this girl pulls out a cross on me

    4. LobsterLarry


      @UnusualBritWhy does it have to? The question wasn't about the community, it was about the least enjoyable CRP encounter I've had.

  7. what was ur favorite event / eventline you've been to

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Mio


      1 hour ago, rukio said:



      shout out to xarkly

      big agree. scyfling was a great eventline to get into while i was a newer player. Xarkly's a beast.

    3. seannie


      athera eventline leading to scyfling war 

    4. Laeonathan


      my fav was Xarkly's event with some white orc in athera, it was just 3 players and it was very immersive

  8. what's a knight's favorite play?

    a midsummer knight's dream

    1. Knight of Elken

      Knight of Elken

      hi unwillingly *a stalactite detaches from the cave ceiling i am gaming in and it impales me straight through my heart, killing me instantly 

    2. Unwillingly
  9. what's a song u could listen to on loop for hours?


    mine is 


    1. ImCookiie


      yebba - boomerang (live)

    2. Myleres
    3. snoopie12


      I've been listening to Solo on loop a lot lately. 😆

  10. what's the best chat emote color

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Traveller


      Aqua - pretty alright, typical for elves, specifically high elves or dark elves 8/10


      Blue - decent, kind of hard to read with shaders, not seen many people with this 6/10


      Dark Aqua - shamefully i have not seen many people with this either, actually a underrated chat colour 9/10


      Dark Blue - possibly the WORST chat colour, hard to read with and without shaders and just makes rping awful with this colour 1/10


      Dark Gray - similar to dark blue but not as bad of an offender, very very rarely see people with this colour, typically its dark magic players that use it. 3/10


      Dark Green - used by a lot of highlander humans, wood elves and dwarves typical for humans in agricultural settings. pretty decent and common chat colour. 7/10


      Dark Purple - despite being called "dark" it is quite vibrant, another common one, this one is used a lot by dark elves and dark magic characters. 8/10.


      Dark Red - for the edgelords, whoever is emoting at you with this is either a knight/soldier, a bandit or a norlander. no inbetween. pretty standard. 7/10. 


      Gold - decent chat colour, feels kind of flat in my opinion compared to some of the other ones but gets the job done. 6/10


      Green - really good chat colour but imo is too vibrant sometimes, personally i use this one but i hadn't put much thought into using it i just like using uncommon ones. i dub thee, traveller green. 7/10


      Light Purple - makes you look like a pink tag and i have to double check every time you emote with this, stop using it please. 4/10


      Red - similar to dark red but slightly less edgy. used by a lot of people. 6/10.


      Yellow - another very underrated one but suffers from a lot of the problems that "green" does too, never personally seen this one used ever so i might start using this after i press submit on this. 8/10.

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      yellow, reminds me of aegis. 

    4. Zacho
  11. what's the craziest encounter you've had with a new player

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gambit


      They turned out to be a TOS ban alt

    3. Shiredom


      Dwarven New Player who assassinated me on their first day, turned out to be a targeted move who was actually a banned player as an alt

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      one time i watched two of em have 15 year old courting 22 year old roleplay

  12. what's the funniest interaction you've ever had on LOTC?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ThatFunkyBunch


      I saw an emote of a new player talking to a Hyspia Nobel and after being told they were a nobel his persona went.

      "Whoa, Nobels."

    3. Benleft


      ***** Brae’s (no relation) coverage of an infernal raid in the Koyo-Kuni square. He’s an excellent war reporter but it’s a shame his given name cannot be said in roleplay. 

    4. Heartesy


      my first character dying within the day she was created by not giving an orc bread and promptly being smashed into a red paste on the floor 

      ill never forget

  13. what's with all the tech apps

    1. teeylin


      Public recruitment call in the main discord 

    2. Nug


      the minecrafters yearn for the pex 

    3. Liam5232



  14. whats a game moderator


    1. Fireheart


      A game moderator doesn’t exist.

    2. Jondead


      A game Moderator is a Moderator that moderates a game duh

  15. whats a good steam game I should get

  16. whats a song that cured ur depression

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Nug


      SOPHIE - Immaterial

    3. latte


      dreams tonite - alvvays

    4. ImCookiie


      yebba - my mind

  17. whats an impactful RP situation, PK, or event that really stuck with you even long after it happened? 

    1. Malaise


      Once, in the Fringe, a gamer named Yimmya ran up to my character and shouted a no-no word. He was immediately struck by lightning and vanished before my eyes. That PK really stuck with me.

    2. monkeypoacher


      the burning of Ves strikes me as the end of the last time I really enjoyed roleplay on the server


      I want to say w2emps killed it for me but rlly I just miss Adria, felt really alive and immersive in a way that nowhere else has captured. everyone's character felt really fleshed out, like they had some crazy bullshit going on that was really entertaining 


      highlights include trying to stop a spurned pregnant woman from assassinating her babydaddy, hiding naztherak abominations from adam barnett, & running DEA breach and clear operations on an underground cactus green farm 



  18. whats the most wholesome item you've found in a vault so far

    1. squakhawk


      close tie between the OOC letters that are like in-jokes and nice messages from friend to friend and the constant barrage of housemage living dolls it makes me happy that like 1/4th of the server canonically still has their plushies 

    2. Charles The Bald

      Charles The Bald

      any charles teh bald items

  19. when are the vampires and werewolves coming back

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      4 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      it really is a shame because I am a filthy werewolf + vampire trope enjoyer, it feels like there's not many dark magic groups atm (naz and necro I think are doing good, mystics? not sure, and bms I hardly count) and it always felt like the vamps and wws were among the ones that were good at fostering a tight-knit community and culture that could be interacted with more depth. the naz had a political meeting with zarsies' silit group some time ago and i really enjoyed the RP even if they were shelved some short time later

      Werewolf and vampire groups were secluded before and you never saw interactions outside of these tight-knit communities with regular players. The number of times I ran into either of those groups was quite literally 0 in a 3+ year span. 

      I will say there are quite a few dark magic groups currently existing. Clearly the necromancer group with the recent addition of ghouls has seen a large uptick in members and naz (as you're aware) are quite active recently as well after the passing of the rewrite. Mysticism is also active to an extent. The real groups that are lacking are the presence of "good" or "holy" magic(s) in general. Sakuragakure has the largest active group of holy mages and even then, they are usually outnumbered 10 to 1 when just fighting the necromancer groups alone. The rest of the holy mage groups just do tailored dungeon battles put on by ET and dont do anything else relevant or have left the server because their paladin rewrite got denied.

    3. alexmagus


      When you rewrite them

    4. Islamadon


      all these replies but the answer remains . . . when people make a proposal that isn't weird . . .

  20. When will we update to 1.13? Seriously, im really impressed with what mojang did. The waters look so beautiful, and I think it would add some more color to LOTC. Looking forward to it!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Banned


      need to update plugins to 1.3 to a stable version that doesn't conflict with ****

    3. Malgonious


      probably 2-3 months

  21. where is daal

    1. Turbo_Dog


      The 9th of January 2024 in Hallowcliffe waiting for you to throw your flask at him again

    2. Unwillingly


      it shall be done

  22. where might be a good settlement/city for two characters to set up a shop at? :3

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Laeonathan


      yeah find out irp ST wtf!

    3. Bonito


      visit florentine i hear they have hot babes and femboys with money

    4. K_rusader


      Vortice they pretty chill

  23. wheres a good place to rp at 
        pl ease

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AlphaMoist
    3. squakhawk


      oren is fun now 
      sutica is alive again but yk its sutica 
      i think other nations exist?

    4. Statherian
  24. whether or not the details of the post are factual, he's still an NL who sets a terrible example for his community to follow

  25. who drew ur forum pfp its baller

    1. Evanuri


      i did!! ty :D

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