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  1. FROM THE FIEFDOM OF GARENBRIG PENNED ON THE 12TH OF THE DEEP COLD, YEAR 181 OF THE SECOND AGE More Heralds travel from the cliffs of Garenbrig’s borders, bearing another message. “From here on, let it be known that the Levy of Garenbrig is no more. The Fiefdom of Garenbrig shall henceforth be protected and manned by the Knightly Order of the Pyre. In a land bordering the great Aran-In-Eryn, or “Kingswood”, the need of warriors of Noble Stock has been deemed increasingly necessary. Suffering adversity from Cultists, their dark gods, great beasts, poachers and undead, the safety of the Town of Garenbrig is under question. Thus, the newly dubbed “Knights of the Pyre”, or the “Order of the Pyre” shall begin building its rank to serve this purpose, to protect the peoples of Garenbrig from the threats that lurk in the dark corners of the world. Therefore, if you are interested in Knighthood, Holy Purpose, and the Slaying of Monsters, look no further.” Enclosed on the messenger’s parchment, of which he hands out, reads the following information: THE KNIGHTS OF THE ORDER An order of Guardians, Hunters, and Errantry The Knights of the Pyre, their namesake taken from the sigil of House Glennmaer, serves the Fiefdom of Garenbrig, vassal land of Numendil, bordering the Kingswood. An Order of Courageous soldiers, Knights, and aspiring squires, the Order of the Pyre prides themselves on their keen and ready ability to slay great beasts, and swathes of the servants of Iblees. The Tower-Pyre symbolizes not only the enduring nature of the order, and the house it belongs to, but also the purity of GOD’s flame, and a shining beacon that all may flock to when in need. The Order sigil consists of the same Sigil as house Glennmaer, now serving as their official order of Knights, though the sunset hues of Glennmaer banners are replaced with a dark gray, to represent the enduring Light of the Pyre regardless of its surroundings. Green is used as a primary color for Uniforms, signifying the good green land that GOD granted the Descendants. Being a Knightly Order of Numenedain origin, it follows three simple rules as part of its Dogma: I. Follow the Scrolls, and take to heart the word of GOD. II. Follow the Code of Chivalry, be you Knight or Soldier. III. Hunt the beast wherever it hides. No corner of the Realm is to be left without the Light. As alluded to within the dogma, the Duty of a Pyre soldier, Knight or not, is to make their name through the guardianship of Garenbrig, by hunting any servants of the dark within their fiefdom, and bordering lands. Whether it be sprites and pixies swapping babies in the crib, or goliaths that threaten the land with their thunderous gravity, it is the duty of the order to be rid of them, swiftly and without fear. RANKINGS AND TRAPPINGS The Knightly Order of the Pyre consists of three ranks. I. Initiates Recruits of the Order, yet to prove themselves in a conflict. Armed with lighter arms and armor to facilitate training and conditioning. This rank serves as a trial of sorts, and soldiers rarely spend much time as an Initiate. II. Man-At-Arms Infantry Soldiers of the Order, who are not knighted, but are trained and oathed to service. These soldiers receive full gear in the form of Coats-of-Plate / Brigandine, various weaponry, shields, rations, and of course, a Saint’s-Weekly pay. As these Men-At-Arms do not bear the title of “Squire”, their duties do not include the dressing and serving of Knights, for they are merely expected to follow their orders and learn from them. Being a Man-At-Arms qualifies any man or woman for Knighthood, providing they display excellence. III. Knights Soldiers who have proven themselves, and taken it upon themselves to learn the ways of the Knight, according to the recommended and widely accepted list of training that all Numenedain squires undergo. These men and women are often Knighted after a loyal, decently lengthy service, for displaying excellence. Once Knighted, they are given the appropriate Plate armor of Garenbrig, and provided with their own Heraldry, either to their specific likings or chosen by the Lord of Garenbrig, whichever is preferred. PRACTICE Whilst the Order of the Pyre isn’t a church-based Order, it still aims to serve GOD primarily, along with the Kingdom of Numendil, through acting as a protection from wayward evils. To this end, the Knights take up a Crusade-like practice of “Going Errant” on a regular basis. Banding together as a single host to scour the lands of Numendil, and perhaps further abroad, to hunt and purge the Dark, be they servants of Iblees or Otherwise. To this end, all are given training with the Lance, and Horse, so that they may more efficiently make their searches. Along with riding and lance training, they will also be instructed on how to combat various beasts and evils, according to the current Numenedain standard, and how to “test” for Darkspawn. DEEDS Members of the Order, be they Knight, Man-At-Arms, or Initiate, are all entitled to their own scroll. These scrolls record every deed that a member has enacted. The slaying of beasts, the ousting of Darkspawn, the saving of a Life. Anything noteworthy is forever recorded in their scroll, with numerous copies created, allowing their name to gain fame and glory across Aevos, and not just in the halls of Formindon. Members are also entitled to display their trophies in the sanctum of Formindon, where they can be seen by any and all members of the order, in whatever state they wish to display said trophies in. Unless they leak blood (or similar) down the walls. ENLISTING To enlist within the order, contact Lord Glyndwr of Formindon. Or, fill out an application / stop by Garenbrig.
  2. The Aditean Pantheon An artistic mock-up of a lesser deity pantheon What is the Aditean Pantheon? The Aditean Pantheon are a collection of six lesser-spirits revered as deities by Aditeans, followers of the Pantheon’s chief goddess Aditea who is known as the crystal Queen of Justice. Each of these spirits are merely aspects of already-existing Greater Immoral spirits, not independent deities in themselves. In the Aditean belief, these lesser spirits reflect the teachings of their religion (shown below) and organize around Aditea for the purposes of cohesion and emphasis. However, each of these deities has their own agendas and abilities as well. The Aditean religion also recognizes this, and therefore reveres each deity on their own merit, but still emphasizes the role of Aditea as the overall matriarch of their faith. Aditeanism, or the worship of the Aditean pantheon, is currently a nomadic religion with little formal structure. The Aditeans put great emphasis on personal intuition and enlightenment over formalized dogmas or rituals. Notwithstanding the emphasis on personal revelation, Aditeanism is currently led by a spiritual leader called Adis Penweather, who goes by the title “Crystar Prophet." The Crystar Prophet is exclusively responsible for communicating the will of Aditea and the rest of the pantheon to its followers, while ultimately leading them towards connection with the pantheon and Creation as a whole. Who Are The Aditean Pantheon? Below are descriptions of the six members of the Aditean pantheon. Aditea, Queen of Justice - Lesser aspect of Velkumezt Aditea is the chief of the Aditean pantheon (bearing the title of “Queen”) and represents the ideal of justice. She specifically represents Velkumzet’s emphasis on law, bringing forth justice upon the wicked alike through divine judgments. The Aditeans venerate Aditea as the Queen of the pantheon; whenever a prayer or request is made to any other pantheon member, Aditea is necessarily included. Aditea is called the “crystal queen” for a few reasons. Justice is fundamentally a spiritual concept for the Aditeans. If one’s being is unjust, they are out of tune not simply with Earthly laws, but with divine law. If one is not in tune with Creation’s law, he rebels against reality and becomes a destructive force. Before justice can be obtained, one must seek enlightenment. Crystals, with their numerous natural and reflective properties, help one see hidden things a bit clearer. For this reason, Aditea’s crystalline depiction is said to help the devout perfect themselves on the path towards enlightenment. Aditea is said to manifest in the form of a humanoid made from quartz and other crystals, holding crystal scales in one hand and a mighty crystalline longsword in the other. Aditea is also said to bring justice to evil-doers and protection to the innocent. Exceptionally clear-sighted and even-handed, Aditea is depicted in Aditean myths as a benevolent, kind, yet stern matriarch who demands the best from all those around her - spirit and faithful alike. She is worshiped by rubbing together quartz (or any other crystal) and meditating on her likeness and principles. She can also be connected through meditation, prayer, or bathing in waters blessed by the Crystar Prophet or his underlings. Okal - Patron of Occult Studies - Lesser Aspect of Theruz For the Aditeans, enlightenment is rarely found without an encounter with magic. Magic is viewed as one of the many tools provided by the Pantheon to both study and preserve Creation - both cardinal aims of the Aditean faith. For this purpose, Aditeans petition Okal, the patron deity of occult studies, to aid them in their studies of the arcane arts. Okal is often depicted in Aditean stories as taking the form of a man with a long robe, wearing crystal headband and pointing towards the sky to symbolize enlightenment. He is presented as an intelligent man, teeming with a profound curiosity and a keen awareness of even the most difficult of subject matter. He is worshiped by burning an incense before a book of prayers or spells bearing his name. Dromond - Patron of Physical Fortitude - Lesser Aspect of Leyd The Aditean emphasis on rational enlightenment and mental fortitude does not come at the expense of a strong physical constitution. The Aditeans petition Dromond, their patron deity of strength, to aid them in strengthening their physical bodies, minds, and spirits throughout life. Dromond is depicted as a muscular man with a fist made of fire and two feet with the force to crush the strongest adversary. In Aditean myths, he is depicted as a sometimes hot-headed, but chivalrous man who is willing to defend the weakest amongst him. He can be worshiped by doing mental or physical exercises while invoking his name. Such activities are numerous and up to the creativity of the faithful: physical exercises such as jousting, archery practice, building structures, and so forth. Mental exercises such as reading, word-games, and so forth. Twia - Patron of Joy Amid Conflict - Lesser Aspect of Ublulhar All descendants require hope to steel the will against an internal foe. By calling upon the name of Twia, Aditeans renew their spirits with confidence in their personal journeys. For Aditeans, Twia’s influence is essential in maintaining equilibrium with their emotional states. Too much distress or sadness can overrun any Descendant; the warmth of Twia holds despair at bay. Twia can inspire momentary confidence or long-term hope for a distant goal. In Aditean myths, Twia is depicted as a young lady holding a flower in her hand, radiating divine warmth that manifests as yellow circles flowing off her being. Her very presence is said to cause an otherworldly joy to sweep over all in her presence. She is also seen as a happy-go-lucky woman who never accepts the odds. She can be worshiped by petitioning her and asking her to partition her grace upon the faithful. Pinfin - Lady of Moonlight on Dark Nights - Lesser Aspect of Luara The Moon is one of the grandest wonders of creation. In the darkened night, when dark spawn and other malefactors roam, the moon is the only source of light available. For this reason, the Aditeans pay homage to Pinfin, the lady of the Moon. She is depicted as a woman dressed in purplish-blue robes, her eyes like giant, luminescent moons. She is called upon during especially dark nights for protection, illumination, and balance in the heart of the faithful. She is not written about much in Aditean mythos given her very specific focus. Haldrin - Radiant Lady of Sunlight - Lesser of Aztran Every descendent feels the power of sunlight beaming upon them; even the most frigid of dark spawn cannot escape the sun’s enduring authority. The Aditeans venerate the occurrence of sunlight by acknowledging Haldrin, Radiant Lady of Sunlight. Haldrin, like Pinfin, both play minor roles in the Aditean faith. Haldrin is seen as a symbolic representation of illumination, similar to Pinfin, although Haldrin is called upon for more dire situations. She is depicted as a lady of radiant sunlight in a flowing yellow dress with hair like the sun’s rays. She can be called upon at any time by meditating near a heat source. What do Aditeans Believe? Aditeanism, unlike most religions, does not emphasize a strict dogma. Personal experience and intuition plays a huge part in the faithful Aditean’s relationship with Aditea and the pantheon. Aditeanism does emphasize a baseline of principles, however, which inform the faithful’s personal conduct and their perspective of the world. These principles are only starting points. The faithful are encouraged to use their dynamic potential as Descendants to apply Aditean precepts to every walk of life - innovate them, if need be. The only requirement is to stay true to a few basic narratives. 1. Creation is built on logos (order), and is discernible to most people. Even if this particular thought is unknown to someone, many conduct themselves according to logos. All arts in the world, magical or mundane, are governed by inescapable laws. The very notion of existence itself is governed by inescapable realities: everything grows and perishes. Descendants are finite beings who much operate within Creation’s limits. To go against these principles, as so many do through the perverse arts or other means, is to abuse creation. 2. Justice is the preservation of the logos of creation. Injustice is the abuse of creation. When injustice arises, an Aditean is charged to correct it if possible. If not, exhort Aditea for intercession. Order is not a rigid system or dogma; it is a prerequisite for all life. Order encourages creativity and dynamism, it does not stifle it. The orderly must grow in their knowledge lest they lose sight of Creation and, consequently, forsake order. 3. Enlightenment (knowledge of Creation) is essential to an Aditean. Without order, there is no justice. Without justice, there is chaos, decay, and destruction. An Aditean can only get to justice by first achieving enlightenment. As such, the magical and esoteric arts are encouraged, so long as they do not derive from Creation abuse (no dark arts of any sort). The void, contrary to many other faiths, is seen as a vast well of potential gifted to descendants by creation, not a corrupting force in the world. 4. Creation’s subjects, such as the innocent, demand the protection of all just men. Aditeans seek to protect the innocent whenever and wherever they can, provided they can do so with no great risk of danger to themselves. 5. The Aditean pantheon are spiritual models for Aditeans to reflect. They are not vindictive or vengeful deities that seek total compliance; rather, they are guides that seek to help descendants reach their full potential - within the confines of order. 6. Order without justice is tyranny; justice without order is incoherent chaos. Order is the foundation of justice, but justice is a higher principle than order. Put in other terms: order is the means of obtaining justice. 7. The prophets and priests of the faith are only guides. It is believed they are highly attuned to the Pantheon, yet they are still growing themselves. Intuition and personal relationship with the Gods is the pathway to living a just life. 8. Converting others to the faith is encouraged, but it must happen within the bounds of justice. Any attempt to convert by force is shunned and will result in immediate “trial” before the Crysar Prophet. Practices Aditeans are encouraged to study texts of all sorts as part of their faith to Aditea and the pantheon. There is no single “text” for the Aditean faith. Rather, stories are passed down through oral tradition and the notes and meditations of earlier priests/prophets of the faith. Aditeans routinely pray, fast, perform good deeds, and evangelize the messages of the Pantheon to newcomers. The number of meditations and rituals are numerous and normally specific to particular deities. Generally, however, Aditeans sit near a figurine or a symbol of the chosen deity and reflect upon it in silence. It is believed that the Gods hear the innermost reflections of one’s heart, so in essence they are holding a silent conversation with the Pantheon. Crystals, torches, staves, and other items can be used to enhance one’s worshiping experience. Aditeans have “temple” where a priest/prophet will deliver sermons, impart wisdom upon the faithful, and answer questions en masse. “Temple” can be unorthodox, however; ranging from diverse topics such as the esoteric arts, the nature of reality, the role of religion in man’s thinking, to more theological topics like the role of justice in faith, the desires of the pantheon, and so forth. Temple reflects the constant Aditean push towards enlightenment, rather than lowly indoctrination or dogma. Other than temple, the only other formal gathering observed by Aditeans is “court.” Court, playing on Aditeanism’s themes of justice, law, and order, is called for one of two purposes: A. a violator of justice is caught by an Aditean faithful in the course of their life, and brought captive to an Aditean settlement. B. An Aditean violates one of the tenets of the faith by going against justice. This “court” is overseen by the Crystar Prophet and only him, to limit the amount of political bias present in the process. The Crystar Prophet engages in an inquisitive process throughout the entire session. Should he decide the accused violated the divine Law in accordance with the Aditean faith, he will issue a proper punishment. Death or execution are reserved for the worst of the worst; those who corrupt Creation with dark magics, or who murder innocents, and so forth. Most punishments are relatively minor or rehabilitative, rather than destructive. Conversion Converting to Aditeanism is remarkably easy. A willing convert must seek our a priest or the Crystar Prophet and swear a simple oath before him: I will be a just and enlightened being, in service to the preservation of Creation’s law of justice, and a servant of it’s patron Aditea. May my actions conform forever to my words.” After uttering that phrase, a priest or the Crystar Prophet will bless the convert before Aditea and thus officially initiate them into the faith. Join the Aditean faith today! Wield the crystal sword of justice and pursue enlightenment for the betterment of our world!
  3. Tentoa

    The Ishiguntai

    | I s h i g u n t a i | The Stone Army Purpose: Originating from the shores of Aeldin in Oyashima the Ishiguntai are the sworn samurai guard of the Hirano Kuge as well as famed monster hunters and cursed relic collectors. These selective hunters loosely follow in the footsteps of the Marked Men that accompanied Kais Ishikawa from descendant lands to their home. The Oyashiman warriors have sworn themselves to defend descendantkind and their patrons: The Hirano clan by engaging in the study, pacification, preservation, and combat of the supernatural. The Ishiguntai do not kill mindlessly, but instead seek to act as liaisons between descendants and the unknown in the best case scenarios, even-tempered slayers of the wicked in the worst, and clever huntsmen for beasts too dangerous for untrained descendants. Oath & Code Oath I prefer death before dishonor, I shall not abandon my post No pleasure from the slaughter, I shall be merciful foremost Sworn to Hirano sons and daughters, I shall forever protect my host Humility is my virtue and my honor, I shall find no reason to boast Stone secrets poison waters, I shall keep them from the coast I aid the needy not the clotter, I shall protect both man and ghost My stone blood is thicker than water, from now until my funeral toast. Code of Conduct The Ishiguntai are expected to behave in a manner that brings honor to the House Hirano and the Stone Army itself. Respect for the laws of the nations they visit in pursuit of their contracts as well as the authority of those nations is considered paramount. The Ishiguntai are to carry themselves with level heads, and should endeavour toward a stoic and unflinchingly calm demeanour even in the face of mockery, danger, and deceit. Ishiguntai are not mindless executioners of the supernatural, they are liaisons between the eldritch and descendantkind. The reasonable should be permitted an ear as a soldier at war is often more a monster than a ghost or beast defending its own territory. Ishiguntai are not permitted to give away information about the inner workings of the order, the contents of its archives, or the trials required of the initiates. Ranks Meishu: The commander of the Ishiguntai as a whole is known as the ‘Meishu’ Which translates roughly to ‘leader’ in Oyashiman. Typically this role is taken by a member of the Hirano clan. The Meishu acts as the figurehead, diplomat, pay negotiator, logistical head, and organizer of the Ishiguntai. Taicho: Captains of the Ishiguntai are known as “Taichou”, they are responsible for leading squads of Senshi on more dangerous hunts and excursions as well as for commissioning gear for and outfitting Senshi with any practical knowledge required to face their quarries. Squads composed entirely of taichou are often sent on more dangerous assignments than their Senshi subordinates. Senshi: The first oathed rank of the Ishiguntai, Senshi are warriors who have passed the trials required to become Ishiguntai and are allowed access to the libraries, reliquary, and armory of the order. They undertake freelance or assigned hunts on behalf of the Stone Army and are allowed free reign of the grounds and audience with the Meishu regarding their concerns. Initiate: Initiates are the hopeful applicants of the Ishiguntai who undertake trials to prove their worth. Unoathed and untrusted until their trials are undertaken, initiates are not permitted free reign of the Ishiguntai grounds, free access to the library and reliquary, nor audience with the Meishu. Traditions The Initiate Trials: Initiates of the Ishiguntai are expected to undertake five trials leading up to their oath which are revealed and to be prepared for one after the other. While the Stone Army keeps the nature of these trials clandestine the names of each trial are known to the public as follows: The Trial of Poems, The Trial of Waste, The Trial of Ordeals, The Trial of Blossoms, and the Trial of Stone ((Credit to Gamma_Byte for this art)) The Oathtaking: Ishiguntai initiates who pass their trials are brought before the meishu and expected to recite the poetic oath to declare their lifelong loyalty to the Stone Army and the Hirano Kuge. While speaking the oath they will be handed their first issued weapon as an Ishiguntai, a tanto which they will use to carve a pattern into their skin while recounting the oath before their lord forever scarring and branding them as a member of the Stone Army. Uniform: Application: IC Information Name: Race: Age: Relevant Experience: Why do you wish to become Ishiguntai?: OOC Information: Discord: Timezone: ((Big ups to Kalehart for the post format.))
  4. The Maehr’evar Order The Guardians of Knowledge Overview The long lives of the Elves tend to draw them to scholarly pursuits, either to fill a want for adventure, so they may improve their own knowledge and wisdom, or so they can protect knowledge and the world for future generations. The Maehr’evar seeks to be a place for the Elves who seek to learn, research, write, teach, and explore. Their duties are as varied as they are important. Headquartered in the Great Athenaeum of Elvenesse, this group of scholars and adventurers are always seeking new recruits to improve both the nation of Elvenesse and the world at large. Structure The Maehr’evar are organized in a loose but effective structure, which tends to serve their purposes well. The ranks of the order are as follows: Grandmaster The Grandmaster of the Maehr’evar has the duty of keeping tabs on those below him in the order and allotting resources to different projects. It is he who organizes meetings of members, calls major expeditions, maintains the library and its collection, and who deals with both foreign scholarly guilds and the Council of Elvenesse. The position is currently held by Elros Silma. Masters of the Order Masters of the Order are those who are experienced at their craft and can serve as a bridge between the Grandmaster and the Ordermen. Generally, there is to be a Lorekeeper, who is to coordinate the librarians, writers, and teachers of the order, and the Scoutmaster, who focuses more on expeditions, adventurers, and cartographers. Ordermen The Ordermen of the Maehr’evar is the rank and file position of the guild. They are all considered equal scholars and adventurers of repute. They may lead their own projects, write their own books, and teach their own lessons as they will, and they may help each other on larger projects when needed. Journeymen The Journeymen are those who just joined the Order and seek to become Ordermen. They are to hold an apprenticeship under a current member of the Order, preferably one with similar interests, in order to learn our ways, tenets, and procedures. Once deemed ready to start their own projects by the one whom they are shadowing, they are inducted into the order as full Ordermen. Duties The members of the Maehr’evar can be anything they want within the wider category of scholars, and may determine their own projects. They may freely move between any field they have interest in. However, many projects will tend towards a few areas, broadly categorized as writing, research, teaching, and exploration. Writing An imperative part of preserving knowledge and enhancing culture is to create new works, both artistic and educational in nature. The Maehr’evar will encourage and sponsor works of create and non-fiction writing among the people of Elvenesse, in order to expand our collection and enhance our peoples culture and knowledge. Research In order to learn and to record knowledge, one must seek it out. This may be through visiting other libraries to read or purchase copies of new books, by looking at ruins found by explorers, or by looking into the powers and effects of the less dangerous artifacts within our possession. Teaching It is no use to horde knowledge if you do not pass it on to future generations. Hence, teachers and librarians who organize lessons and help people find the books and knowledge they seek are another important facet of the order. Exploration The final major task of the Maehr’evar is the exploration of the world to find ruins to explore, monsters to fight, and dark cults and covens to exterminate. We seek to map the world, note where places of interest are, and deal with them as necessary, independently or with the help of other, more combat focused groups. The Maehr’evar Code The Ordermen swear to uphold this code upon entry to the guild, the four rules of the Maehr’evar Order. Breaking these rules bring you under the mercy of the Grandmaster, and can warrant anything from a warning to expulsion from the order. I. Unwarranted Harm Or Death Should Be Avoided At All Costs. We’re here to codify the world, not turn it into a pile of ash and bones. II. The Sovereignty Of Nations Shall Be Respected At All Times. While it pains us to allow knowledge to go unrecorded, or worse, for dangerous knowledge to run amuck, it is not our place to supercede any nation. It is best to not become criminals in the eyes of the world. III. Knowledge Should Be Treated With Respect And Care. It is difficult to index burnt books, or to categorize a destroyed relic. Obviously not everything we attempt to collect will survive it’s travel to the guildhall, but try to not willingly break things. Nothing is worse than lost knowledge. IV. Power Merits Respect. Along with the mundane, we may often collect pieces of extraordinary danger. Proper respect should be given to such things, and they should never be trifled with. Understand that pieces that have been deemed ‘restricted’ are not toys we horde for ourselves, but are items we guard the world from. The Great Seals The Maehr’evar Order grades every piece of knowledge in their possession with a seal. The seals are red-wax, and the individual stamps are in the possession of the Grandmaster. Each Seal is stamped with a piece of parchment which gives a brief detail of the object, and any needed information. There are four seals in total: Mundane, Guarded, Prohibited, & B.C. The Mundane Seal is the most common, and identifies this piece as typical knowledge, giving it the lowest rating of danger/power. All pieces which are open for public viewing, such as the books in the public library, are stamped with Mundane Seals. Mundane seals are given the mark ‘M’. An item with a Guarded Seal means that this item is normally only to be handled by Ordermen. These items are considered a bit too dangerous to be shown to the public, but on request may be taken from the reliquary to be studied or used by outside forces. This seal is marked with a ‘III’ symbol. The Prohibited Seal signifies that this item is of immense power or otherwise value, and should never leave the reliquary under any circumstances. These are pieces which are kept away from the world due to high risk of abuse. Even Ordermen are disallowed from viewing these pieces, and need the express permission, as well as chaperoneship of, the Grandmaster. The mark of this charm seal is a bolded ‘X’. Finally, the B.C. Seal is the most important of all the graded seals, and is given independent of the others. This means a piece can have both the B.C. Seal as well as one of three previous seals.. Standing for ‘Black Contingency’, any item with this seal is to be destroyed if at risk of falling into outside hands. Obviously, only items which are deemed as near cataclysmic are ever given this charm seal. The B.C. Seal is the only time any piece of Knowledge is marked for destruction, and holds a rather powerful and somber place in the Order’s culture. It’s mark is a ‘Skull’ symbol. How to Join In order to join the Maehr’evar, a candidate should seek out the Grandmaster in person or start a correspondence via bird. The Grandmaster will then set up a short interview with potential candidates to gauge their interests and disposition so he can match them with an Orderman to study under. Once deemed ready, the Grandmaster will give the Journeyman the Oath, at which point they will become a full Ordermen of the Maehr’evar. As a note, those seeking to join must be citizens of Elvenesse, or at least able to enter the city. OOC Notes
  5. Order of the Knights of Saint Owyn, Defenders of the People of the Kingdom of Mardon, the Principality of Pruvia, and the Blood of Ioannes. “By the Blood of our Fathers, for the Future of our Sons” The Order of Knights of Saint Owyn, known in shorthand as the Ioannian Order are a secular Order dedicated to the preservation of Traditional Orenian values and the defense of the Horenic Kingdom of Mardon and her people, be it from both foreign and domestic threats under the guidance and leadership of the Prince of Mardon. They act as both a peacetime police force, and a wartime army as the realm needs at any given time. Ranks and Structure High Command Knight Commander Undisputed command of the Order lies within the Knight Commander, who, in turn, serve the Prince of Pruvia, and the Kingdom of Mardon faithfully and with due diligence. It is his responsibility to ensure the Order is well disciplined and equipped. Knight Captain (200 Mina/Saint's Week) Inspiring battlefield officers, the Knight Captain has the honor of bearing his own heraldry to combat. With an iron resolve he will guide the soldiers of the Order to victory or an honorable death. Low Command Knight Sergeant (150 Mina/Saint's Week) Deputy officers, they are being groomed to one day lead the Ordermen to glory and victory. Usually the sons of nobles or promising veterans, they enforce the orders of their seniors officers and ensure their charges are well kept after. Enlisted Knight Brother (100 Mina/Saint's Week) The senior most enlisted rank, these men have served for many years past their prime and have chosen to continue to serve. They have the most experience of any enlisted Orderman and often serve as advisors to senior command staff for their plethora of knowledge in the art of war. Having proven their capability, they are Oathed and granted the heavy laurels of a Knight. Half-Brother (75 Mina/Saint's Week) A grizzled Order, he has seen firsthand the brutal glory of warfare, and stares unwavering into the jaws of death, ensuring discipline is kept in the ranks. While not a Knight, he is a Half-Brother of the Order. Footman (50 Mina/Saint's Week) The backbone of the Order, each Footman is oathed and sworn to follow the orders of the Knight Commander. They are drilled to act as cohesive units and stand ready to bring victory to Mardon. Recruit (20 Mina/Saint's Week) Raw, Unblooded, untested. These words describe the future brothers of the Order. With a fierce desire to serve, these recruits will either die in service or live long enough to bring glory to themselves and the Order. Specialized Ranks Quartermaster In charge of distribution and inventory, the Quartermaster is often times a Knight-Sergeant. Disciplinarian Harsh and unsympathetic, the Disciplinarian uses both whip and voice to mold Ordermen into shape. Faults or mistakes are dealt with harshly, and swiftly to ensure it does not happen twice. Apothecary Field doctors, the Apothecaries are tasked with treating the sick and wounded of the Order. Skilled in alchemy and herbalism, they are tasked with getting brothers back into the fight swiftly. Payment and Rewards for Service A soldier ought to be able to make a decent living, and reward for services is simply the right thing to do. Salary Within each rank, the various members of the Order are paid on a Saint's Weekly ((one irl week)) basis, ensuring they have enough money to buy their own food, pay for their family to eat, and be clothed, and ensure they also have money to tithe during Mass when the collection bin is passed around. As well, it proves that each man is worth something, as money is being put into them as an investment. The pay rate of each rank is listed next to it in the Roster. Rewards When it comes to service, some men and women simply do things a step above the rest, and ought to be rewarded for such That said, members of the Order are well rewarded for their services to their brothers and sisters/ 50 Mina per kill during battles 50 Mina for bringing in a new recruit 35 Mina per kill of bandit/highwayman 100 Mina per kill of Lesser Abominations (ghosts, ghouls, etc) 300 Mina per kill of Greater Abominations (Shade, Wraith, Dreadknight, etc) 500 Mina per kill of Mordring's Lieutenants (Harbingers) 1000 Mina per kill of Enemy Commander during battle ((must be perma kill, and result of a win of the warclaim)) Equipment The Ioannian Order uses a variety of weapons, both siege equipment and small arms to ensure they are well prepared for any combat. Small Arms Vandorian Longsword Used first by the Order of the White Rose, the Kaedreni Longsword has been a staple weapon of Waldenian and Vandorian soldiers since their roots in the Order of Saint Lucien. The Vandorian variant features a hand and a half grip, and a slightly shorter blade length. Gladius A weapon with roots as far back as the White Rose, the Spatha was once used by the Salvus Shields for short and bloody work in tight city streets. Used as a stabbing weapon, it is often paired with a shield. The Gladius is considerably shorter, and more nimble, often called ‘butcher’s blades’ by veterans, for they are used in places where the fighting is bloodiest. Arbalest The Arbalest is a fearsome weapon. Used in sieges, the Arbalest can pin an armored man to a wall from a distance. Often used once then discarded due to lengthy reload times, it remains a formidable weapon. Zweihander An ancient weapon, the Zweihander is a massive two handed weapon which requires the strength of a well built soldiers to wield. The weight, however, is worth the effect. Known to be able to sever limbs easily and carve apart armored men, the Zweihander is a fearsome weapon carried most often by a Knight-Sergeant. Flanged Mace The flanged mace is a crushing weapon, used to cave in armor plates and bones alike. Those who carry the mace into battle rely on heavy handed and traumatic blows of force as opposed to the finer blade work of a Longsword or Gladius. Siege Equipment Hansetian Ballista From the great white north, the Hansetian Ballista is used. Developed by the Teutonic siege engineers, it was widely used by their Hochmeister Mirtok DeNurem and made a great presence at the original Siege of the Dreadfort. It is designed for accurate, long­range fire at personnel, fortifications, and ships. Kaedreni Onager The Force of the White Rose developed this weapon early in their reign. It is effective as a small catapult and works slowly against weaker fortifications at short distances. It is capable of flinging hot pots of oil and basic explosives at enemy positions. Waldenian Trebuchet The Waldenian Trebuchet is an example of a tradition of artillery warfare. Large, intimidating, and powerful, the Waldenian Trebuchet is capable of great damage to all fortifications and at long distances. Waldenian Catapult The Waldenian Catapult is simply a more advanced version of the Kaedreni Onager, working at longer range distances and with more power. To Join the Order To sign up, simply fill out this form below and an officer will contact you. -OOC- Minecraft Name: Skype (Preferred, not required): Nexus Professions: Will this be your main?: -IC- Name: Race: Age: Where do you live?: Combat skills of note, such as a former mercenary?:
  6. The Order of Noctis "If you must take your sword from its sheath, return it bloody." "Seeking your Destiny is like looking into a mirror. You see an image, however blurred, in whatever light exists at the time. But if the light ever changes, so will the image itself. And if the light ever vanishes, the mirror will be empty. That is why the truest mirror is the one that needs no light at all." -The Order of Noctis motto’s Welcome to The Order of the Noctis. This is a guild based on working together, building, trading, and training to be a soldier in a time of need. The Story We were formed to fight for the Courland rebellion, but when they were destroyed we were exiled out of the kingdom. Now we have been reformed in the dreadlands. The Transcript of the Order You shall never attack, injure, or kill another Order member or an ally of the guild. You shall never steal from the Order. You shall never disobey the orders of your superior in the Order. If there is an issue with another member of The Order of Noctis you will bring it up with your supervisor or if it is a large issue you will come to the overseer. If there is a need to fight you must come to the aid of the guild. Your loyalties lie with the Overseer first, then to your brothers and sisters in the Order, then to your home country. Positions Ranger Rangers are the archers and tactical minds of The Order of Noctis military. They will hide in the shadows until the time is right then burst out and let rain a fly of accurate, deadly arrows. There can also only be 50 active rangers at once ( non-gold leafs) Trainee - You are new and are being trained by a higher ranking Ranger (usually one on one). Bronze Leaf - You are a fully-fledged Ranger and you now don't have to be accompanied by an older Ranger when on missions. Silver Leaf - You are an older Ranger and you can now take on apprentices and will be part of the inner circle of rangers making decisions with the leader. Gold Leaf - You are a retired Ranger who helps documenting and other non-field assignments ( If there is a serious requirement you can be requested to do a field assignment). Leader - you are in charge of the Rangers and you give out missions either for the Overseer or from peasants (other players) requesting help. Assassin Assassins are the unsung heroes behind every win. As they sneak by and take down the enemy before they even know what is happening, and they let the others do what they do. Initiate - You are new and haven't proven yourself as a good agent. Proven - You have proven you are a loyal and well deserving agent. Accepted - You can now lead missions that were given by your Up-incoming. Up-incoming - you lead a group of accepted and give them tasks from the leader. You may be next in line to be a leader. Leader - you give Assassins missions from the Overseer. Or if there are no missions you can send them on scouting missions to enemy territory. Warrior Warriors are the backbone of the The Order of Noctis's military. They are the foot soldiers and the people who charge head first into battle seeking glory and honor. Recruit - You are new and still need training to become a soldier. Soldier - You are no longer a recruit and are now a part of the Order of the Warrior’s Blade’s military. Sergeant - you lead a group of soldiers into battle and you also train the recruits in your party. Lieutenant - you lead the Sergeant's and give them orders for them to carry out to their groups. Leader - You command everybody and by giving orders to your Lieutenants you get your men to carry out these orders. Non-Battle Positions These are positions for things we need that aren't part of the military (you can have both) (an asterisk* will be by those you cannot have a war position with). Resource Collectors - (We need lots of them) They are the ones that go out and collect resources for us (miners, farmers, and woodcutters). Treasury Manager* - You take care of the funds and manage the Bankers (you will not get this job strait of the bat you need to be trusted, on LOTC a lot, and very well known). Banker* - You are similar to the Treasury Manager you will manage some of the funds or paychecks, etc. Blacksmiths - To make armor, swords, etc. and to make thing to sell to make money for the guild. Woodworkers - To make bows, arrows, etc. and to make thing to sell to make money for the guild. Cook - To make food for us and to sell for the guild. Healer - You heal the injured of the guild (through magic, potions, etc.) on and off the battlefield. Alchemist* - To make us potions for us to use when we need (in war, to help collect resources, etc.) Wizards* - To use spells in battle or to help the guild in times of peace (Fi'hiiran'tanya is espcialy useful) (If you are applying for a wizard please put your specialty down too [alteration, illusion, etc.] Applications (Do not lie we will find out and you will be kicked from the guild.) OOC: Minecraft Name: Age: Why you want to join: Skype (optional): In Game: Name: Age: Race: Gender: Job(s) you are applying for: Why you (the character) wants to join:
  7. The Order of the Willowsguard History The order of the Willowsguard can trace their origins to the barony of Nessvelt (Formerly Krawyn) during the lordship of Rodric Crast shortly after John Horens ascension to the throne. When the Crasts were soon usurped by house Roke the Order soon fell into dormancy with very little numbers that remained to protect the remnants of house Crast. Over the remaining years upon the isles of Vailor the Crasts were eventually able to recover from the loss of their homeland and fell into the vassals of the Duchy of Savoie where Wilmot Crast (Second born son to Rodric) quickly grew favor due to his charismatic and passionate nature. As house Crast embarked towards the isle of Axios house Crast was eventually granted lands and the Barony of Mor’ton amongst the Blackwald of Savoy Duty The order of the Willowsguard dedicate themselves to the Lord Marshal of the order who ultimately owes allegiance to the Duchy of Savoy and their vassals, more often than not the Lord Marshal is a full blooded member of house Crast Conclusively, it is the order of the Willowsguards duty to defend the swamplands of Savoy and rid it of all forms of evil be it creature or man with all might and fervour while still holding true to the principles of justice and honour so that its people and its holdings may prosper in peace and tranquility. Ranks Untrained: Recruit - A basic soldier, unspecialized and often young they make up a small section of the levy and often do not fight upon the field until adequately trained, Recruits are not bound by oath to the order and do not require permission to leave until they are properly enlisted. Enlisted: Pikeman - The first of the two types of soldier, these fully oathed soldiers make up the bulk of the fighting force and are trained with long weapons as the name suggests, they may also carry a smaller sidearm for close combat situations. (See weapons) Crossbowman - The second of the two soldiers, these soldiers specialise in use of long-ranged archery weapons such as Crossbows and less commonly longbows, like Pikemen they can carry a small sidearm, they do not hold any authority over the Pikemen and vice versa. (Enlisted soldiers can also choose between which rank they would like to specialise in though in some situations this may be chosen by a higher authority) Command: Sergeant - Once a Pikeman has strived through trials and tribulations they will become a Sergeant, this allows them to lead small campaigns among the swamplands and the Barony of Mor’ton with permission, they may also run training exercises. More often than not Sergeants are equipped and trained with a more prestigious sidearm. Sharpshooter - Identical in concept to the Sergeant Pikeman though trained with the prior weapons mentioned the Sergeant Crossbowman again is equipped and trained with a more prestigious sidearm. Knight Sergeant - The Knight Sergeant is the combatant figurehead of the Willowsguard, they are highly respected veterans that hold all of the perks of Sergeants and Sharpshooters alike. Men go through extensive training in order to achieve such prestige and consequently are trained with both ranged and melee weaponry. The melee weaponry that Knight Sergeants may choose to train with is much more prestigious than that of the regular Pikemen (see weaponry) and they are permitted to use both types of ranged weaponry mentioned. Lord Marshal - Held always by a Lord or Knight the Lord Marshal is responsible for maintaining the Order of the Willowsguard. They do not lead as such despite their responsibility though they do have authority over the lower ranks, they owe utter allegiance to the current Duke of Savoy and have the power to disband the Order at any time with appropriate permission from said Duke. Weaponry & Armour Primary Weapons: Pike - Simplicity is the best weapon. The Pike is the most common weapon seen of the field and consists of a long shaft ranging from six to eight feet long and a steel point used for thrusting and taking down opponents, such a weapon is given to Pikemen as it is incredibly effective and requires little to no training to use. Halberd - A less common poled weapon reminiscent of a Battleaxe though typically longer with a shorter head, the weapon is ideal for light infantry units for taking down horses and men in a brutal yet elegant fashion. Crossbow - An impressive ranged weapon that can be used to penetrate most armour with relative ease, the Crossbow is effective and effortless to use and makes for a very effective ranged weapon and is used by Crossbowmen and Sergeants alike. Longbow - A huge bow crafted from the wood of a yew tree, it is simple yet devastatingly effective. The Longbow is a less common alternative to the Crossbow and is often turned down in place of the Crossbow as it requires a lot of strength to use properly and significantly more training though it is arguably the superior ranged weapon. Greatsword - A greatsword is a magnificent work of art that is of very high prestige and only the most notable of Knight Sergeants are trained to use it, It is a two handed sword that can span to around 5ft long and when used by a properly trained individual it is arguably the best melee weapon to date due to its efficiency in warfare. Sidearms: Flanged Mace - A one handed weapon that is made entirely of steel and consists of a heavy flanged head, it requires little training to use and is an effective weapon against plate and chain armour in close quarters combat. Arming Sword - A smaller variant of the Greatsword the Arming Sword is a one handed Sword that can be used by Sergeants to make quick work of opponents within close combat situations. Rondel Dagger - A sharp pointed dagger that can be used as a sidearm for all soldiers, it is often used in a time of desperation when all else has failed though it can be a vital tool to saving ones life. Gear: Tower Shield - The Tower Shield is a tall rectangular shield that protects the entire body, though heavy it can be used very effectively to form shield walls and it can be used in conjunction with weapons such as the Pike to make up for the lack of heavy plate armour. It is often decorated in the colours of house Crast. Crossbowman/Sharpshooter uniform - The crossbowman uniform is very similar to that of the Pikemen with the either a bascinet or a kettle helm, the armour itself is made up entirely of a thick linen based gambeson and coif which forms an effective light-archer armour set perfect for the agility required for Willowsguard Crossbowmen. Pikeman uniform - The pikeman uniform consists of either a Bascinet or a Kettle helm with a gambeson and a chain hauberk that covers the upper arms and chest to form an effective light-infantry armour set. Sergeant & Knight Sergeant uniform - The Sergeant uniform consists of the helmets previously mentioned with two full faced variants. The armour is slightly more armoured with a surcoat covering a coat of plates and a set of plate gauntlets and plate boots. Recruitment Application OOC: MC name - Timezone - Skype (Optional) - Do you have teamspeak? - IC: Name - Race - Age - Motives for joining -
  8. Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche Holy Order of the Black Mace “In hoc signo vinces” History of the Order ♔Command♔ High Pontiff The High Pontiff has absolute and supreme authority over the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche. His Holiness, Sixtus IV Holy Knight-Commandant The Knight-Commandant is selected by the High Pontiff from among the seven Knights. He is the direct commander of the Order and manages their day to day operations. Holy Ser Edward d’Ambray ♘Holy Knights of the Black Mace♘ The Holy Knights of the Black Mace are chosen from the current serving squires and from within the Faith Vigilant as seen fit by the Holy See and Holy Knight-Commandant. The title is not honorary as it is confirmed by an oath to GOD in defense of the Holy Palatinate. Holy Knights are sworn to uphold the Palatine Code upon taking the Knight’s Oath. "Virtus junxit, more separabit" Holy Knight The knights are servants of the Church’s will. They are entrusted with serving as the officers of the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche which in turn is entrusted with the defense of the Faith, its priesthood, holdings, and the virtue of the realm. Knights exercise their charge through inquisition, crusade, and diplomacy as required and authorized. Holy Ser Maximillian Dawnstead Holy Dame Karina Gotthold Squire Squires are both the servants and the students of the Holy Knights. They clean their armor, feed their horses, polish and sharpen their blades, serve their meals, and so on. In return, the squires are trained in swordsmanship, horsemanship, the faith, and other essential aspects of Holy Knighthood. ♖Inquisitors♖ Canonists that serve as inquisitors are specially trained and qualified to root out heresy and find the unholy throughout the world. Many are to be feared as they can be ruthless in achieving success in the name of GOD. “Ordo ex chao” Superior The Superior is charged with maintaining the inquisition. A Superior is the most experienced of inquisitors as is to be expected of their position. Typical duties other than rooting out heresy can be more formal such as presenting investigations to the Synod and as simple as keeping the training of inquisitors and external aid. Procurator Serve as prosecutors and investigators during inquisitions. Procurators also have the ability to begin investigations of their own if they believe that they have found heresy or anything that might be in question. However, to act upon it, much like regular inquisitors they must bring the information to the Superior though a Procurator can take the information to the Synod as well. Inquisitor Tasked with rooting out heresy. An inquisitor might find himself working anywhere in the world seeking the unholy. Sometimes that which is unholy is to be destroyed other times, a more kind approach may be taken such as turning that which is unholy back into GOD’s light. Acolyte The title bestowed upon someone seeking to become an inquisitor. Following along with an experienced inquisitor to learn the ways and traditions. ♖Faith Vigilant♖ Canonists finding themselves serving within the Faith Vigilant will be the guardians of the Church. They will act as its defenders and avengers. And when required they will be its militant arm to do battle for GOD be it in holy crusade, inquisition, or fighting GOD’s enemies. These honorable soldiers are the vanguard of the Church. “Pro deo et patria” Marshal Commander of the Faith Vigilant. A loyal canonist and protector of the Faith. The Marshal is selected out of the ranks or appointed by the Commandant or Holy See. Sergeant Sergeants serve as the Vigilant’s trainers and most experienced soldiers. They can be relied upon in near any situation to get tasks done and to make sure that standards are kept perfectly. Sergeants can lead detachments of the Vigilant throughout all the dioceses. Chevalier The sacred footman of the order are well experienced in their roles. Serving as guards of the Palatinate and defenders of the Faith. Chevaliers are learned men of the Faith as are all men of the order. An expectation of these men are that they shall know verses from the scriptures. Footman Newly initiated members of the order. They can find their path within the branch of the Faith Vigilant or the Inquisitors if they so decide. ♘Holy Knights of Visiga♘ The Holy Knights of Visiga is an order of honorary knights. This goes back to the days of the Order of the Black Sepulchre. Knights of Visiga will have no command authority over any member of the Order of Saint Wilfriche. Members inducted into the knights will be allowed to style themselves as Holy Ser. To be inducted, one must be chosen by the Holy See. As with all members of the Order of Saint Wilfriche, even the Knights of Visiga shall follow the Palatine Code and take the Knight’s Oath. Honoured Jan Kovachev Joseph Ciacci John Kowacz Alexander ‘the Savage’ Sokol Nikovich Ragnar de Autson VI, deceased All knights formerly of the Order of the Black Sepulchre or of past holy knightly orders are encouraged to submit a letter to the High Pontiff and Knight-Commandant with their information. The information required will be placed below. The High Pontiff will make decision on who will be sanctioned to resume their place in holy knighthood. The Palatine Code All members of the Order are expected to follow the stations and tenets as well as take the oath. I. STATIONS i. Stand as guardians of the High Pontiff and Holy See. ii. Protect the Creator's faithful from evil, whenever possible. iii. Hunt all worshippers of evil and practitioners of darkness. iv. Keep watch in the lands of the Holy See, and uphold peace and order. v. Be the Vanguard of any Holy Crusades and Inquisitions. vi. Carry out the sentences of those convicted of crimes against the Faith and the Holy See. II. TENETS i. Share, with tolerance and understanding, the word of the Lord. ii. Maintain a powerful and unwavering faith in the Creator and His word. iii. Seek to embody Horen's Virtue and Owyn's Spirit. iv. Strive to deliver upon the faithful the embodiments of Godfrey's Gospel and Siegmund's Auspices. v. Obey, without question, the hierarchy of the Order, and ultimately word of the High Pontiff. vi. Embrace our fellow Ordermen as Brothers, and treat them as such. vii. Know to violate the Palatine Code is to be stripped of his rank and to be exiled in disgrace. III. Oath If I should falter in my course, send me never to the skies above. If I should succeed, bestow unto me His blessings, forevermore. For, now I march into a valley through which there is no path. And the stones cascade behind me, to seal my retreat. Though in this valley, I find my Brothers; Now I am named Guardian of His Flock. Should I falter, my shield shall turn to ash; But I shall not falter. Testaments of Faith Fill out the following application and send it to the Knight-Commandant in the Bastille of Luciensport. IC Name: Race: Are you a Canonist or willing to convert?: Do you have any notable experience?: Following section for previous Holy Ser’s only Previous Order: High Pontiff who knighted you: OOC Username: Do you have TS?: Skype (can be pm’d): ((please keep sh*tposting and memes off this. That includes references to the Teutons and White Rose. Thanks))
  9. "The Victorian Knights" The recently events of Courland's rebellion against Oren have troubled Ser Demetrios and King Aleksander Staunton. After a long meeting the two have decided to bring back an ancient Order of the Akritian kingdom, "The Victorian Knights". The Victorian Knights order was first founded by Justinian Komnenos to protect his land from the barbarian Turkins, the Order was disbanded after the loss of their capital and no one ever heard of the Order again. Now, Ser Demetrios Palaiologos has formed the Order once more, but this time to protect Courland against the Imperial forces. "This is a very emotional day today, I was given the opportunity and the privilege to reform an ancient Order of my homeland which is not destroyed." Ser Demetrios would say to his recruits. The Order's main priority is to defend Courland from ANY enemy forces that seek to harm the land or it's people. Any Courland can join the Order, but do YOU have what it takes to become a true knight of the Kingdom of Courland? -How to join the Order- To join the order you simply have to follow the following steps: 1) You must be male. 2) You must be 15+ years old 3) You must be Courlander. 4) You must complete the following form: =-=Recruitment Form=-= RP: Name: Age: Height: OOC: Minecraft name: Skype name: 5) Repeat the Oath after Ser Demetrios Palaiolgos: I,[Name] swear loyalty to Ser Demetrios Palaiolgos, I swear to protect Courland and those in need. I swear to give my last breath for Courland, King Aleksander and Ser Demetrios. ((This is NOT a PK clause)) The Order's seat is castle Pyrgos, located west from Riga. A cart should be outside from Riga soon that leads to castle Pyrgos.You will be given food, a room in the castle to stay and last but not least your starting equipment. ((I would appreciate if anti-Courlanders wouldn't comment on this post, as it would bring salt and toxicity. You have been warned, thank you very much!))
  10. The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi God is our Strength History The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi was established in the year of 1531 by Amethu Denaseth, Amir of the Sultanate of Khalestine. Founded in the palace of the Al-Wakhrah with the blessing of Imam Kareem Ibn’Yrdam, the Order was born to protect the lands of Vailor, the True Believers of Allah, and to prepare for the coming of desperate and dark times. To increase the administrative efficientcy, ‘The Holy Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi and ‘The Order of the Mubarizuns’ were merged as ‘The Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi’ accepting all that were willing. Prosperity in Khalestine fell during the last war between the ‘Men of Oren’ and the ‘Dwarves of Urguan’ and the Alwahdat Alwaqi lost their manpower and was almost disbanded. With the recent stability that has found Khalestine in the year 1549, The Warriors of the Holy Order of The Alwahdat Alwaqi have risen again. Purpose The Holy Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi is an independent order within the Sultanate’s military. The order is based on the principle that all life is holy until it is corrupted by Shaitan. We protect all the descendents and children of Allah from the influence and spawns of the Shaitan. The first duty of the Order is to protect the family Kharadeen. The Order shall act as their personal retinue and will protect them from all dangers, holy and unholy, good or evil. The second duty of the Order is to protect all the children, elderly, and descendants of Allah from all the unholy and evil dangers that may threaten them and bring aid to the children and descendants where is needed. The third duty is to protect the Righteous faith and spread the word of The Exceedingly Merciful through the lands of Vailor and to the descendants, showing them the eternal flame of Allah. Joining the Alwahdat Alwaqi Warriors of the Alwahdat Alwaqi are required to be citizens of the Sultanate. They need to be Qalasheen or Farfolk and they are required to believe in the Righteous Faith. Exceptions can be made for the most loyal followers of House Kharadeen and/or the most devout believers of the righteous faith. Code of the Alwahdat Alwaqi My duty as a warrior of the Alwahdat Alwaqi now begins. I am the shield of Allah, Protecting His Word, His Land, His People. I am the sword of Allah, Striking down His enemies. I am the guardian of His Word, Spreading His Will and His Light. My bond is eternal. My duty as a comrade of the Alwahdat Alwaqi now begins. I am my brother’s shield, I shall defend him when he cannot himself. I am my brother’s sword, I shall strike for him when he cannot himself. I am the guardian of his honor, For we stand as one. I will fight alongside my brother. I will die alongside my brother. My bond is eternal. Ranks A member of the Order will act according to his rank and will follow orders of a member higher in the hierarchy. If conflicting orders are given, a member will always listen to the highest commander. The High Command Sultan The Nation Leader of The Sultanate of Khalestine. The Sultan holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Sultanate. The Sultan is the one that chooses the direction of the military. His soldiers will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect, however, and is typically handled by his Amir. Amir (The Marshal) Current: Amethu Denaseth An Amir is appointed by the Sultan to run the military as the Marshal. The Amir is responsible for running the military and retinues, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Sultan, and ensuring order is kept within the land holdings. The Amir also advises the Sultan on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of important value to another nation, the Sultan or a Steward from The Office of The Munavin will hold the trial. Alkabir (The Commander) Current: The Alkabir, chosen for his faith and devotion to Allah and for his prowess as a commander, is entrusted to lead the Order of Alwahdat Alwaqi in Faith, and heads the Alwahdat in times when the Amir is absent. He is chosen personally by the Amir for his many skills. Mustashar (The High Councilor ) Current: Imam Faiz Ibn Qhuhafah The Mustashar is a experienced steward who handles the financial and managerial affairs of the order. He is entrusted as the religious and political and diplomatic representative of the Order. He acts as an advisor of the Alkabir during absence of the Amir. The Lower Command Faris Alkabtin (Captain) They are the officers and instructors of the Order. They are true warriors with many skills, most importantly their skill of command. The Faris Alkabtin are the elite and have committed their lives to serving Allah and to protect the innocent from darkness. They wield the authority during military expeditions and on the battlefield, taking a captain’s role. Faris Almutawaf (Officer Errant) The Faris Almutawwaf are the errants of the Order. They go out in Vailor and will help the local population and spreading the word of Allah to the world. They also act as assistants of the Mustashar, acting as diplomats and stewards of the Order and helping the stewards of Al-Wakhrah with their duties. Errant’s possess a passion for traveling while representing the Sultanate. The Vanguard Faris The Marafiq who completed their trials will be given a place within the Order. The Faris is the main force of the order, they have many duties, combat and noncombat related. They will uphold the ideals and principles of the Order until their oath ends. Marafiq Squire The newest addition to the Holy Order of the Alwahdat Alwaqi. A citizen who shows devotion to the True Faith and undeniable loyalty to the Kharadeen and Khalestine, will be given a chance in the Alwahdat Alwaqi. The Marafiq will undergo a series of trials. A Faris will accompany the Marafiq as a mentor and judge. Payment & Rewards The Khalestine military uses an honour system. A soldier will be paid accordingly to the duties he fulfills. The more duties one fulfills, the more pay and rewards one is eligible for. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age (Teenager, Adult, Middle-Aged, Old, or Venerable): Gender: Reason for wanting to join the Alwahdat Alwaqi?: Are you a Qalasheen or Farfolk and do you abide by the True Faith? : Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph )) :
  11. The Order of Mubarizuns A family crest adorned with the an angled crescent moon and star. Purpose Called upon by the Sultan to protect the Children of Allah and the Jewel of the Sultanate, the Mubarizun are the champions of the City of Al-Wakhrah. They stand as role models for the citizens and must be willing to risk their lives for the greater good. The Mubarizun offers those with bravery and skill to put their skills to a noble cause albeit strength alone is not necessarily required to be oathed. While individual strength is important, the Mubarizun push themselves to learn as much as they can - whether that be in the realms of politics, culture, language, or science. While off duty, a guard of the Mubarizun might be in Al-Wakhrah library studying or enjoying a smoke at the ****** lounge among comrades and citizens. The Mubarizun follows a strict code once oathed. Virtues of the Qalasheen To protect the citizen of Khalestine from interior and exterior threats. To protect the Sultan, Allah’s appointed leader for the Qalasheen. To protect and share knowledge gathered for the benefit of the Qalasheen. To show no fear when facing a foe. To respect those in command. To know restraint when dealing with the foolish. To take personal responsibility for any wrong doings. To present one’s self in the best way possible. To pursue knowledge into old age. To know humility. To avoid the gossip of prideful men. Joining The Order of the Mubarizun All willing and able are allowed to apply for joining The Order of the Mubarizun. when you have joined The Order of the Mubarizuns, you will become a citizen of The Sultanate of Khalestine. If you already are a citizen of the Sultanate of Khalestine and you do not believe in the righteous faith, you will be exempted from the foreign tax, when you join The Order of the Mubarizuns. The High Command Sultan The Nation Leader of The Sultanate of Khalestine. The Sultan holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Sultanate. The Sultan is the one that chooses the direction of the military. His soldiers will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect, however, and is typically handled by his Amir. Amir An Amir is appointed by the Sultan to run the military as the Marshal. The Amir is responsible for running the military and retinues, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Sultan, and ensuring order is kept within the land holdings. The Amir also advises the Sultan on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of important value to another nation, the Sultan or a Steward from The Office of The Munavin will hold the trial. Low Command Naqib (Captain) A Naqib is a senior officer with many years of experience within The Order of Mubarizuns and chosen for his amazing prowess in combat and leadership. Appointed by the Amir to command a large group of muharib and jundi during military expeditions. Many are often given the tasks of recruiter and drill master. Raqib (Overseer) A Raqib is a Muharib who not only showed skills in battle, but, also skills in leadership. He will be trained in the arts of leadership by a Naqib or by the Amir self. A Raqib will test it’s leadership skills as a leader of a squad of the Mubarizuns. They are also the main recruiters of the order. Sub-Rankings Mwahtemed (Quartermaster) The Mwahtemed is an title given to those who show capability of doing such jobs as making sure the other soldiers are equipped enough to do their tasks. Specializing in the organization of arms, ranging from weaponry to armor, the task of the Mwahtemed is to assure that their fellow soldiers are equipped. Muhandis (Engineer) The Muhandis specializes in the use of military siege weaponry, such as siege crossbows, battering rams, catapults, and trebuchets. Jarraah (Surgeon) The Jarraah is the lifeline of the military by making sure the injured and wounded do not die with the use of advanced medical knowledge, vital to the job. Mutadarrib (Trainee) The Mutadarrib is an oathed recruit, they will be taught all the professions, however they will eventually specialize on one subject. The Enlisted Muharib The Muharib are the most devoted and steadfast soldiers of the main force. The men are experienced with fighting battles and are the well-disciplined fighting elites. Jundi The Jundi is the vast majority of the Mubarizuns force. They are the footmen and militiamen who serve as the primary protectors of the Sultanate and the bulk of the battlefield during war. Alwafid The Alwafid are the new unoathed recruits of the Mubarizuns and are required to be oathed by the oathing standards set. If the Alwafid is not oathed, they may not receive any additional ranking. Alwafid who are looking to work around the foreign tax must wait to be oathed. Payment & Rewards The Khalestine military uses an honour system. A soldier will be paid accordingly to the duties he fulfills. The more duties one fulfills, the more pay and rewards one is eligible for. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age : Gender: Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph ))
  12. The Order of the Aureate Isthmus Protectors of the Isthmus Our direction is our power, our strength and our freedom. For the Realm is split in two, between blood Red, and Blue. Though closely aligned, they remain separate, and distant in all but drive. With the Isthmus, with the Aureate Sword and Shield, it is the duty of us all to bridge the connection between the now distant, by purging and wiping free its cause. “When we stand in the beating heart of our Empire; one must not fret to revel among the blood.” Motive History Created by the eldest brothers of the de Aryn house, the Order of the Aureate Isthmus was created in an effort to bridge the gap and fulfill the duties the other Orders within the Realm were neglecting. Attaching onto the Brotherhood of Croziers and forming under the Savoy Banner, the Order of Aureate Isthmus draws inspiration from the decades past Band of Esheveurd and Order of St. Amyas. The name Aureate Isthmus was chosen by the first Grand Patriarch, Thomas de Aryn, based on the definition of the Isthmus word. Isthmus, by definition, is a small section of land which connects two larger land masses. Due to this, the term was coined and it’s definition slightly altered. Taking on the meaning of a bridge between the split in the Realm, the Protectorate of the Isthmus are responsible for the protection of those of Blue Blood, while the Inquisition is charged with the duty to the Blood of Red, and furthering the cause of the Realm. Taking the elite and specialised progression of the Esheveurd and directive and cause of the Order of St. Amyas, the Order of the Aureate Isthmus is a structured and competent amalgamation of the organisations before it. Controlled and directed by the House de Aryn, the Order was created to fill the void and protect the Noblemen and women of Savoy, whilst furthering Humanity's goals and desires for a better world for it’s people. The Order of Aureate Isthmus co-operates and acts as a subdivision of the Brotherhood of Golden Croziers, taking on the responsibilities and duties the Brotherhood is unable to accomplish. Selected and directed as a heavily specialised unit in Savoy, the Isthmus are handpicked and trained under intense conditions, undergoing and expected to conquer extreme mental and physical hurdles. The members of the Order are expected to be among the most capable and competent in the lands, and must be devout to the Canonist Faith. The Order was decided to split into two various sections; the Protectorate and the Inquisition. Mission Protectorate The Protectors of the Isthmus are those who follow the primary branch of the Order, positioned and charged with serving those of Blue Blood in the Savoy region. The Mission of the Protectorate is to push forward and against all opposition to secure and guarantee the safety of those they are sworn to protect. They are stationed in the vicinity and are often charged with creating positive relations with the person they are sworn to protect. Each following the path of the Protectorate are assigned to a particular person and must be ready to dive into the depths of darkness to do their duty to their assigned. Inquisition The Inquisitors of the Isthmus are those who follow and represent the alternative branch of the Order, positioned and charged with following the direction of the Inquisition and following the creeds set by the Canonist religion. Supporting Blood of Red, the Inquisition serves to put forth the human race and set it on a course of betterment, to correct the deformities of the other races and ensure all of existence know the truth of the Human cause. It is also the mission and duty of the Inquisitors to convert the masses to the Canonist Faith. Each following the path of the Inquisition are to follow the Grand Inquisitor in all matters, regardless of any personal dispute or moral compass. The only individual whose word overrules the Grand Inquisitor to the Inquisitors is the Grand Patriarch. Ranks [Higher Echelon] Grand Patriarch The Grand Patriarch, often an elder member of the House de Aryn, is the absolute Archon of the Aureate Isthmus, who demands complete and total loyalty and respect from his soldiers. The Patriarch routinely serves a lifelong tenure in the position, and are responsible for the direction of the Order, overseeing all aspects the Order involves itself in, including the day to day running of each Orderman. The Grand Patriarch has total control over every position and facet the Isthmus goes to fill, and the position is the highest one in the Order. The authority and will of the Patriarch are absolute. The position is currently held by Thomas de Aryn, the first Grand Patriarch of the Protectors of the Aureate Isthmus. Grand Inquisitor The Grand Inquisitor, typically a man chosen from the list of the Inquisitors within the Order upon the death or retirement of its predecessor. The Grand Inquisitor is considered the highest position within the Order that is at least partially obtainable. The rank is given to those totally and utterly loyal to the Isthmus cause, it’s direction and it’s stature. The Grand Inquisitor is often one of the most skilled combatants within the entire Order, and is capable of demanding complete and total respect from its members. While the Grand Inquisitor typically holds no power over the Sentinels, it is commonplace for all ranks to listen to him regardless. Answering only to the Grand Patriarch, the Grand Inquisitor leads the religious directive of the Order. The position is currently filled by Gaspard de Aryn, the first Grand Inquisitors of the Protectors of the Aureate Isthmus. [Lower Echelon] Sentinel The position of Sentinel is stationed equal to that of the Inquisitor, though its duties are almost the opposite. Given to the most dutiful and well-trained within the Isthmus, the Sentinels are charged to directly watch over and protect the Noblemen and women of Savoy. They are also charged with watching over all lower ranks, and are responsible with the acquisition and training of all new Unoathed and Initiated. Answering only to the Grand Patriarch and Grand Inquisitor, the Sentinels honour and ability are considered the most elite within the Order, and must undergo a separate Standing examination to be cleared for duty. Inquisitor A promotion given only to the most loyal and able Man-At-Arms within the Isthmus. The Inquisitors are officers and commanders throughout the Order, deemed worthy and able to fulfill the role of leadership. Choosing the xenophobic portion of the Order the Inquisitors serve directly under to the Grand Inquisitor and Grand Patriarch, primarily servicing the more religious purpose as opposed to the other. They assist in leading the progress against the Isthmus’ enemies, and are only obligated to watch over the Noblemen and women of Savoy when in direct company. Being considered the most elite within the Order, the Inquisitors must undergo a separate Standing examination to be cleared for duty. [Assigned] Sentry The rank of Sentry is given to those who have proved their metal and their worth to the Order, proving their total and utter devotion to its desires and purpose. The Sentry have been assigned a direction within the Order and assigned to follow the Protectorate, to follow and give their loyalty to its cause. The Sentry are dressed in the finest and most well smithed plate the Order has to offer. Listed above the Initiates, those listed as Sentry rank are fully trained in intense physical combat. Trained on horseback and on the ground, the Sentry Rank is given to those who have proven themselves to the Isthmus cause. Stationed as guards and watchmen of the higher nobility, the Sentries are known and held to the highest of standards. Man-At-Arms The rank of Man-At-Arms is assigned and given to those who have proved their devotion to the Inquisition within the Order. They are positioned within the Inquisition and chosen to show their worth to the rest of the Realm, proving their ability and devotion to the Order and it’s mission. They are assigned to follow under the Grand Inquisitor and put their very essence into following the direction they are given. Clad in the finest smithed armour the Order can provide, and much alike the Sentries, are listed above the Initiates. Having specialised and intense training in mental and physical combat, both on the ground and on horseback, the Man-At-Arms is a well distinguished rank within the Order. [Enlisted] Initiate Those with the Initiate rank are considered the lowest among the listed Order. After their initiation, they undergo intense specialised training in both the physical and mental state. Unlike those who are Unoathed, the Initiated have already undergone basic training. They have been evaluated for their worth and ability in regards to their servitude and honour. The Initiated are recognised as true warriors of the Isthmus, worthy and ready to serve under the Grand Patriarch and under the banner of the Order. The Initiate are often stationed as the Guards to the Noblemen and women of Savoy, being posted in key positions to ensure the safety of the blue-blooded, though must be ready to follow the Inquisitors when ordered. The Initiated are yet to choose a path to follow within the Order. Unoathed The Unoathed are the bottom rung of the Order, considered the weakest and most inept among the ranks. These members are not listed as bannermen under the Order, and as such are not given the liberty that those Initiate and above are given. The Unoathed are vigorously trained in basic combat and religiously taught and examined in their devotion to the Canonist Faith, and to the Orders ways and methods. These are fresh blood within the Order, and their every move is monitored to ensure their direction is recognised and proper. Loyalty and Obedience is paramount. [Honorary Positions] Crozier While technically not one with the Order of Isthmus, those enlisted within the Brotherhood of Golden Croziers, are considered Brothers in the same right. Sharing the same goal and desire, the Croziers are seen as honorary members of the Isthmus. While the position names and duties are different, they are considered equal with the Crozier Brotherhood. Footmen within the Croziers, are considered equal to Initiates within the Isthmus. Men-at-Arms are equal to Sentry/Man-At-Arms and Decurions are equal to the Inquisitor and Sentinel ranks. Ensign Entrusted with supporting and carrying the Banner of the Isthmus into the heat of battle, those granted the high honour of the Ensign position are held with high regard and respect throughout the entire Order. The Banner of the war provides morale to all troops who follow under it, given its continued height throughout the duration of the battle implies continued strength. Clerical Chaplain The Order of the Aureate Isthmus closely operate with the Clerical healers and chaplains of the Realm, and as such are given an honorary position with the Order. The Clerics are considered well versed in various instances of knowledge, and are charged with the duty of tending to and healing the wounded within the Order. Dual holding the position of Cleric and Chaplain, those holding this position are also responsible for holding Mass and assisting in the Initiation of the Unoathed. Applying for the Isthmus Recruitment To join the Order of Isthmus, one must do one of the following things. Send a letter through carrier pigeon to Grand Patriarch, and apply to partake in the Isthmus. Assignment: It is possible for a member of the Croziers to be assigned to the Isthmus if the Grandmaster deems it so. Referral: Become friends and prove your abilities to any member within the Brotherhood or Order. Ask them to refer you to a Sentinel. They will then assess you before putting you through to the Senior Echelon. Be chosen: The Isthmus are a very select group, and just because you apply doesn’t mean you’ll be accepted. It is possible, if you prove your abilities to a Lower or Senior Echelon, you’ll be recruited. Please note, the ability to use Skype is essential to holding position in the Isthmus. Initiation Assessment Mental Working with the Order, in either the Protectorate or the Inquisition, requires each and every member to be mentally assessed and understood for their emotional, religious and mental state. This assessment is not a test per-se, more so a continued observation during their Unoathed term. The members of Lower and Senior Echelon observe the new recruits and watch over them during their training. Their devotion to the Canonist Faith and the Order is observed and watched over, and should their devotion be lacking, they are denied from the Order proper. Physical Being the most specialised of troops comes at a price, and that price includes total and utter dedication to the art of combat. They are assessed and taught how to manipulate their opponent's mind, and how to use a range of weapons. If the Unoathed is lacking in any form of training, they undergo intense training under those of the Lower Echelon. Their skill is assessed and their position within the Order is determined. They are assessed and trained in the following areas: Hand-to-Hand combat, One-Handed combat, Ranged combat and combat on Horseback. The Standing The Test The true test of loyalty. During The Standing, the Unoathed is tested on their physical and mental devotion to the Order. They are tested on their faith to the Canonist Cause and are asked to stand before a Cathedral for one saints day, with one loaf of bread and two bottles of water. They may not move from this position, and must continuously chant Canonist Prayers, and must pray for any who walk by. They must stay awake for as long as possible, and may only be allowed 3 hours of sleep every two days. This is a very difficult test, and you do not need to make it through the entire month. The test is to go as long as you possibly can, and your devotion to passing the test is the true qualifier. The Oath After taking the Oath and undergoing the initiation of the Brotherhood, the Unoathed must undergo the Oathing Ceremony. This is not one to be taken lightly, and in fact the topic of discussion is forbidden from being spoken of outside of the Ceremony itself. The process includes the Unoathed being led from the barracks in the middle of the evening into a small chapel-esque room, with Canonist Symbolism and the mark of the Isthmus scattered around the candlelit room. Standing at the altar one would find the Grand Patriarch, the Grand Inquisitor and one of the High Chaplains within the order. The Unoathed would be spoken to, and asked to swear an oath and covenant before God. A long metal rod would be taken from the nearby furnace, the tip adorned with the sigil of the Isthmus, and as the Oath was being spoken, the heated metal would be pressed against the Unoathed’s upper left pectoral muscle. The Sigil of the Isthmus would be burned and branded into their skin as the Oath was taken as a mark of loyalty to the Order, symbolising your service to the Canonist Faith and the direction and cause the Order will take you. This act is an act of giving your body and your essence to the Faith and the Order, showing true that you would give your life and serve for the cause of Humanity and place your flesh on the line in service to the Orders direction. The Oath is as follows: ‘ I ________, do solemnly pledge, with unburdened and unbound words, in the presence of God, and brethren, my unwavering loyalty to the cause of Isthmus. To the tenants and creed of our most righteous purge. I pledge my flesh to Humanity, but to those who bar its path: I pledge my sword as punishment. I shall not fall prey to the perfidy, of those bearing barbed ears. Nor shall I succumb to the greed of those who hide under stone. Those who wear the warped schismed bodies of past human glory shall be relieved of their burdens in this world, by my hand. In the name of our almighty Lord, I pledge this true, and just. Pour Dieu, la piété et l'ordre. Amen’
  13. "The Victorian Order" "Touto Nika!" (This banner wins) -Ser Demetrios Palaiologos II, 1542 The Victorian Order is the personal guard force of House Palaiologos, and the Castle of Nikae. They are small, selected force of well trained men, capable of warfare in any terrain. Their purpose is to protect the lands of House Palaiologos, and when required, assist Courland's security in any ways they can. Those who join the order get weapons, armor, food, tools and any other supplies they deem necesssary to have, and a room in the barracks. Once the Guards prove themselves worhy, they will have the privilage to join Courland's main army so The Victorian Order will make space for new Guards. (Maxium number of Guards 7-10) "Ranks" Tagmatarchis (Grandmaster): The commander of the Order, the Grandmaster is responsible for every soldier under his command. He handles promotions, the reputation of the Order and his word is absolute. Usually a male of House Palaiologos is Grandmaster. If there are no male of age and experience, the most worthy Cataphract shall have his place, until a new Palaiologos rises. Cataphract: The officers of the Order, the Cataphracts are officers with sole purpose of upholding the Grandmaster's will. They handle trainings, suggest promotions and are an example inside the Order. The Cataphracts are the most trusted soldiers in the Order, and are the ones who are tasked with the most important missions. Frouros (Guard): The guards are the bulky of the Order. They are soldiers who have shown discipline, strength and loyalty, thus making them worthy to become Guards, after swearing an oath. These men are the ones to do the majority of the tasks, and compose the frontlines in battles. Neosylektos (Neos/Recruit): The recruits are the ones needed to be trained in order to fully be a part of the Order. They must attend trainings frequently, complete tasks, and show the desire needed to be a Victorian Ordersman. OOC: Minecraft name: Skype name: Do you have teamspeak? (We are going to need this during warclaims): How active can you be?: IC: Name: Age: What other skills do you have?:
  14. THE EAGLE’S VIGIL THE VIGIL Stolid men born of war and unfaltering pride, the resilient Eagles of Courland, sworn soldiers of House Staunton, preside over the Duchy of Courland; maintaining peace and fiercely defending their home. The Eagles eagerly shoulder this heavy burden, proudly dedicating their lives to protecting Courland: their home, its citizenry, and its peerage. Their vigil only ends in death, for each armiger beholden to such an order swears a life-long oath in his service to the Duchy of Courland and the House Staunton. Once, the levies of House Staunton were in disarray, beholden to traitorous lords and split across a disparate realm. No longer, however. Now they are united beneath a single banner, that omniscient eagle, which sees all and knows true loyalty. There exists still a stigma on these men, but they work tirelessly and in an unrelenting fashion to wipe clean the slate that their names have been marked upon. Upon returning from his schooling in the former capital of Petrus, the young heir to House Staunton, Richard, witnessed the merit of these untrained men, and resolved to convert the unkempt militia into a reputable military order. The opportunity to forge such an order did not arise until years later, when, after a brief epoch serving his liege, Duke Vasili Vanir in Vydrian Order, the Stauntons were cast out by the treacherous Duke and forced to create their own force of loyal men - able to be trained for battle. Lord Richard established The Eagle’s Vigil, and after years of preparation and intensive training, an opportunity arose. The Duke’s War erupted across Oren, and the Stauntons, now loyal vassals to the Crown of Oren, stormed back into the north, reclaiming their home. RANKS Every man who serves in The Eagle’s Vigil must know respect: respect and obedience. The hallmarks of any successful and disciplined military force, every man is beholden to his superior in whatever orders they deem fit to give, and those who see fit to disobey will be punished accordingly. (SENIOR COMMAND) The Marshal The Marshal is the Lord of the order, a proven battle commander and skilled with the blade; he leads the order into battle, appoints officers, and is the chief drillmaster of all the troops. The original Marshal of The Eagles’ Vigil was Duke Richard Staunton, but the title of Marshal has since been appointed to a loyal, dedicated leader within the Vigil. The General The General is the Marshal’s right hand man and the most trusted commander in the Order. Always a man bloodied in war and tried by its cruel hand, he is the regent in times when the Marshal is not present and the commander of a great many men. The Colonel The Colonel is the mentor to the lower command, charged with the tutelage of the Captains in the oversight and management of other troops. Chosen from the most experienced and competent of captains, the Colonel is expected to show such virtues as patience and courage in his work. If any Captain fails in his duties, the Colonel also holds some blame for his failure in teaching the officer. (COMMAND) The Captain A Captain is a true leader; he knows how to lead and how to follow. Reporting directly to the Marshal himself, captains are often entrusted with the command of divisions due to their experience. The Captain is considered the officer of paramount import within the High Command and ensures that the Lieutenant is doing his job to the best of his ability. The Lieutenant A Lieutenant is a veteran commander within the order, entrusted with larger commands they typically help with instructing decurions in how to perform their job. Lieutenants are associated with a Captain, and assist him in leading their division. They are expected to be the model of discipline, leadership and humility to their peers and lessers within the Vigil. The Decurion A proven soldier who has been deemed worthy of advancement, the Decurion is groomed for command until their superiors deem him ready for a full place within the higher command. The Decurion is expected to do his uttermost best to prove to the Marshal his diligence, strength, loyalty and skill in command. The Decanus One of the greatest soldiers within the entire force of men, the Decanus’ are often tried and tested warriors whose skill with the blade knows no superior. Though not necessarily born leaders, Decanus are strong warriors who the entire force looks up to. This position is granted as an honour to them, a form of recognition from the leadership. (ENLISTED) The Ensign Ensigns are model soldiers, exemplars of discipline and loyalty. Awarded to the longest serving soldiers within the Vigil; a rank designed to reward loyalty and devotion. Although these men may not be fit of command, they prove the backbone of any battleline. The Man-at-Arms The Men-at-Arms are the imposing product of the Vigil’s intensive training procedures, weathered soldiers who have been exposed to the rough of battle and have prevailed. The bulk of the Eagle’s Vigil consists of these brave veterans, who proudly form the front line, prepared to accept only two outcomes: victory or death. The Footman Having endured the drillmasters’ harsh discipline, the Footmen have shown their potential through both adherence to the hierarchy and an aptitude in the martial practices. Although untested by battle, these capable loyal soldiers have earned the respect of their brethren, their fellow order-men. They are prepared to serve the Duke, to enforce his law, and to redden their blades with the blood of his foes. The Initiate The new bloods of the order, the Initiates have yet to take the oath and to prove their worth. Tasked with grunt work, and subjected to the harsh discipline of the Drillmasters, these green young men are evaluated and pushed to their limits over the course of their initiation, at the end of which they are assigned to a division. Though young and inexperienced, these aspiring soldiers comprise the future of the Eagle’s Vigil. {SPECIALIZED RANKS} Quartermaster The Quartermaster is the supplier of the Order, always a skilled blacksmith always providing armour and weaponry for the Order. Along with their duties of blacksmithing, all quartermasters serves in the rank and file as traditional soldiery. Medic The Medic is trained in healing others. They are placed within divisions and expected to attend drilling with their brothers. However they are also expected to maintain their ability to heal, and attend regular training sessions lead by the ‘Chief Surgeon’. The Medics specialize in lending aid to fallen brothers or allies, and, when there are no soldiers to aid, the Medics often perform charity by aiding injured locals. Recruiter An officer, or soldier, without a division, the recruiters spend a longer time than any other wandering the roads of all of Vailor in search of new recruits, their own task being that of ensuring that the Vigil is always fresh with green men joining. Duke’s Guard The Duke’s Guard are the greatest warriors in the Order, sworn to protect the duke with their lives. The Duke’s Guard is built out of three men who have proven their skill with the blade and their devotion to the Duke. The Duke’s Guard is personally selected by The Marshal and The Duke in conjunction with each other. THE DIVISIONS OF THE VIGIL The Eagle’s Vigil is divided into three divisions each commanded by individual commanders; commanders who have proven their competence in battle through grit and experience are entrusted with more experienced groups, while younger ones are able to bloody themselves in combat alongside the green recruits. Every time an Initiate joins The Vigil he is assigned a division after tests; these men becoming his trusted battle-brothers and constant companions, be it in times of blessed peace of unfortunate war. The Divisions have been created to maintain order, but they also function as a mechanism for stripling commanders to improve their skill at battle. The 1st Division This division is the infantry unit. They learn to how to become an efficient core of the Vigil, mastering the sword and shield. The men within this division are trained to follow orders quickly, and to remain brave regardless of the situation, to ensure they continue to be the strong backbone of the Vigil. The 2nd Division This division is dedicated to archery. It is here the men of the Vigil are trained by their officers to learn the proper tactics and mechanics of the archer and his bow; to hit each and every one of their targets dead on. The 3rd Division Lastly, the 3rd division is the Vigil’s cavalry. Adorned in powerful weaponry and light armor, the cavalry often makes the first valiant charge into battle, fearlessly facing their enemy head on. In this division, the soldier is taught how to effectively fight on horseback, to become an influential and essential component of the battlefield. JOINING THE VIGIL The men of The Eagle’s Vigil are bound to the House Staunton, and Courland by an oath of fealty. With their oath comes many duties each soldier must fulfil. The Duties of the Order: -To defend Courland, with life if need be. -To protect the members of House Staunton, with life if need be. -To serve House Staunton in times of war. -To maintain the peace within Courland. Once one seeks to join The Eagle’s Vigil, he does not merely swear an oath and pick up a blade; The Eagle’s Vigil has a small amount of requirements an Initiate must meet: REQUIREMENTS The Applicant must be over the age of 14. The Applicant must pass a series of Physical tests. The Applicant must be of the Canonist Faith. APPLICATION [RP Application] Applicant’s Name: Applicant’s Age: Applicant’s Race: Applicant’s Past Military Experience: Applicant meets the Requirements: [OOC Application] MC Username: Skype: Willing to download TS?: Do you agree to PK if their is sufficient roleplay prior to mortality?:
  15. THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE GOLDEN CROZIER Brothers of the Crozier For we are the sword of Lucien; the shield of Lucien; the raised spears that catch the rising sun. We are the storm of swords, the song of steel: the song that sweeps across the strongholds of devout and faith-less, believer and heathen, paragon and sinner. The axe that splinters shield, the hammer that cracks skull, the blade that causes many a mother to weep her bitter tears. We are those that hold his crozier, and we will hold the instrument that supports his legacy. PURPOSE To those men of the Lord, devout and fearful of his wrath, there exists only one purpose - devotion in a service befitting of Him. The Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, made up of men who have pledged their lives to the service of that order, exist to help purge humanity, all the races, of the shared degeneracy that recent ages have induced into it through vile, corrupt, degenerate means. A purifying force, so named due to its the symbol of the Saint Lucien and his belief in conservative, traditional family values so designed to restore order to the realm of Man. Soldiers, armigers, warriors; healers, medics, physicians; merchants, tradesmen, artisans; a dozen paths of life amalgamated into a single group worthy of such a legacy and the reconstruction of a great brotherhood. Those who preserve ancient and holy relics in the Brotherhood’s custody and those who travel out in search of more. Men who hunt monsters and cleanse such dangers from the roads of the entire continent, whether they be beasts in unnatural form, or brigands who prey on the innocent and poor. What is a realm without law and order; justice and arbitration? Defenders of the meek, poor and innocent. Guardians of the just and faithful. Located within the hinterlands of Savoy faithful and loyal men from all corners of the world gather in pledged service, their aims clear and definite; restoration to better times. The Brotherhood is not one simply of men, though, nor only Man. Open and accepted are elves, provided they be devout, and any others who desire to serve under such a blessed banner. APPLYING TO THE BROTHERHOOD In order to join the Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, located within the lands of Savoy at Drusco, ((x170, z-2020)), one must either visit those lands, a cart is present outside Felsen, or submit an application to the Grandmaster via bird. These shall be registered as swiftly as possible, providing that the applicant is a male of fighting age. APPLICATION: OOC: Skype name: Username: IC: Name: Reasons for applying: Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: RANKS Discipline shall make or break these men, the cruel crack of leather on flesh; whip on skin, shall forge a force worthy of that furnace which is war. Discipline shall temper any band of soldiers for blessed battle. Every single man who serves in the Brotherhood is expected to obey the commands of a superior without fault or question - obedience shall be met with reward, and disobedience with punishment. (SENIOR COMMAND) GRANDMASTER The Grandmaster holds complete and total control of the Brotherhood; all those who serve within it are subservient to his command and that of God. His word is final and it is expected that all soldiers shall follow him, whether it be into peace or battle. The current Grandmaster is Denis de Bar, the first of that name. TRIBUNE The most senior of officers beneath the Grandmaster in the Brotherhood, elevated from the most competent of prefects, the Tribunes are experienced battle commanders who have shown their skill in combat, administration and leadership - equipped and empowered with the ability to command large chunks of men and serve as a competent aide to the Grandmaster. (LOW COMMAND) PREFECT Prefects are officers entrusted with the command of smaller units; oft in reconnaissance missions. Either experienced soldiers or red-blooded nobles, they have proved their worth to hold such a position and dispense their judgement on those that follow their words. DECURION Decurions are those officers entrusted with the whip, with disciplining rowdy soldiers and ensuring that even in the thick of a conflict the battle-line is held, and it is held well. Respected rather than feared, they hand out deserved punishments, and more often ensure that no punishment is required at all. (ENLISTED) All of the Enlisted are to be referred to with ‘Brother’ for formality. MAN-AT-ARMS Man-At-Arms are the backbone of the Brotherhood, soldiers who have proved their grit and demonstrated their mettle through years of service to the group; dedicated and experienced men who can be relied upon to maintain a respectable example for those unblooded who join the Brotherhood. FOOTMAN Brothers are those unblooded who have passed through their training and trials, going on to serve as full armigers of the group, respected as equals by all and as the men who make up by far the largest number of soldiers. UNBLOODED The unblooded are green-soldiers who are fresh to the Brotherhood; men who have not yet engaged in any fight or been through training. Always treated as newcomers, they are expected to look to officers for an example of competent behaviour while meshing with the current soldiers. (HONOUR RANKS) ENSIGN To be named as the Ensign, the man who is entrusted with the responsibility of holding the banner above the seething masses as a guiding light, is a great honour. If the Ensign were to fall in battle, the whole Brotherhood would feel his loss dearly; during the constant ebb and tide of battle he must lift his burden high above the men’s shoulders so that it can become a focal point for rallying. CHAPLAIN The chaplains are men schooled in holy teaching and thought, their hearts lit aflame by passion for His service. Men who recite litanies and chants, whether it be in the mess hall or the field of battle, their passion is able to beat the spirits of all their comrades into a similar fury. CHAMPION The Champion of the Golden Crozier, the hardiest warrior in the Brotherhood, is a title awarded to those who demonstrate the greatest competency within the entire group at martial work. Whether earned through conflict at war or on the tourney field, the title is constantly up for contest - an honour levied only upon the greatest of brothers.
  16. ((Ambient Music!)) The Order of Mubarizuns A family crest adorned with the an angled crescent moon and star. Purpose Called upon by the Caliph to protect the Children of Allah and the Jewel of the Caliphate, the Mubarizun are the champions of the City of Al-Wakhrah. They stand as role models for the Qalasheen and must be willing to risk their lives for the greater good. The Mubarizun offers those with bravery and skill to put their skills to a noble cause albeit strength alone is not necessarily required to be oathed. While individual strength is important, the Mubarizun push themselves to learn as much as they can - whether that be in the realms of politics, culture, language, or science. While off duty, a guard of the Mubarizun might be in Al-Wakhrah library studying or enjoying a smoke at the lounge among comrades and citizens. The Mubarizun follows a strict code once oathed. Virtues of the Qalasheen To protect the Qalasheen from interior and exterior threats. To protect the Caliph, Allah’s appointed leader for the Qalasheen. To protect and share knowledge gathered for the benefit of the Qalasheen. To show no fear when facing a foe. To respect those in command. To know restraint when dealing with the foolish. To take personal responsibility for any wrong doings. To present one’s self in the best way possible. To pursue knowledge into old age. To know humility. To avoid the gossip of prideful men. The High Command Caliph The Religious and Nation Leader of The Caliphate of Khalestine. The Caliph guides holds divine right to the ruling of Khalestine and has absolute power over everything within the Caliphate. The Caliph is the one that chooses the direction of The Order of Mubarizuns. His soldier will offer their loyalty and respect towards him. His involvement is generally indirect however and is typically handled by his Amir. Sultan The Sultan acts as a secondary nation leader, focused to serve the nation internally. Generally holds the same power as the Caliph, but may have any motions he carries out to be overruled by the Caliph. The Sultan will act as a regent if the Caliph is absent. The power of Sultan is assigned by the Caliph. Amir An Amir is appointed by the Caliph to run the Mubarizuns as the overall General/Commander. The Amir is responsible for running the military and city guard, protecting the city and civilians, protecting the Caliph, and ensuring order is kept within the city and land holdings. The Amir also advises the Caliph on matters of war and conflict. An Amir may hold trial against an person if accused of a crime. If the accused is foreign and of importance value to another nation, the Caliph or Sultan will hold the trial. Low Command Naqib A Naqib is a senior officer with many years of experience within The Order of Mubarizuns and chosen for his amazing prowess in combat and leadership. Appointed by the Amir to command a group of muharib and jundi during military expeditions. Many are often given the tasks of recruiter and drill master. Raqib A Raqib is a Muharib who not only showed skills in battle, but, also skills in leadership. He will be trained in the arts of leadership by a Naqib or by the Amir self. A Raqib will test it’s leadership skills as an acting leader of the city guard division of the Mubarizuns. On military expeditions a Raqib will always support a Naqib. The Enlisted Muharib The Muharib are the most devoted and steadfast soldiers of the main force. The men are experienced with fighting battles and are the well-disciplined fighting elites. Jundi The Jundi is the vast majority of the Mubarizuns force. They are the footmen and militiamen who serve as the primary protectors of the Caliphate and the bulk of the battlefield during war. Alwafid The Alwafid are the new unoathed recruits of the Mubarizuns and are required to be oathed by the oathing standards set. If the Alwafid is not oathed, they may not receive any additional ranking. Alwafid who are looking to work around the foreign tax must wait to be oathed. Sub-Rankings Mwahtemed (Quartermaster) The Mwahtemed is an title given to those who show capability of doing such jobs as making sure the other soldiers are equipped enough to do their tasks. Specializing in the organization of arms, ranging from weaponry to armor, the task of the Mwahtemed is to assure that their fellow soldiers are equipped. Muhandis (Engineer) The Muhandis specializes in the use of military siege weaponry, such as siege crossbows, battering rams, catapults, and trebuchets. Jarraah (Surgeon) The Jarraah is the lifeline of the military by making sure the injured and wounded do not die with the use of advanced medical knowledge, vital to the job. Mutadarrib (Trainee) The Almutadarrib is an oathed recruit, they will be taught all the professions, however they will eventually professionalize on one subject. Application ((OOC)) MC Name : Do you have Teamspeak?/Are you willing to download it? : Timezone : Do you have a Skype? If yes, please PM it to me : ((RP)) Name : Age : Gender: Reason for wanting to join the Mubarizuns?: Are you a citizen of the Caliphate or willing to become one?: Please give us a little bit of your background ((A short paragraph )) :
  17. Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn The Banners of the Ashford Sun History “The long night of civil strife and insurrection, of arduous struggle and toilsome fight, of brother fighting against brother has passed; for this day, the Ashen Dawn is upon us.” Words of Guy de Bar following his ascension to the throne of Oren. The Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn, a military order functioning as a banner-force to the House Ashford de Bar, is a nascent band that bears its lineage from the renowned and now defunct Order of Saint Amyas. Following the ascension of their last Grand Master, Guy de Bar, to the throne of Oren it was decided that the group rebrand and reform into a group that pulled away from its origins fighting for the Junavosi holy land and instead serving their liege lord directly. Successors to the group that successfully repulsed schismatics, dwed, and insurgencies alike- an Order known for its role in the unification of Humanity, all while being the largest force in Oren for multiple years besides- the soldiers of the Ashen Dawn hold their heritage in high regard and many still harbour a lust for zealotry and their original purpose. Their patron no longer the Saint of healing, the warband now serves the house that led them to great glory. The Vindicators served for the duration of King Guy’s reign, a paltry three years, as the palace guards and bannerforce that the Kingdom relied upon most - present even in his final hours as guards that struck down his assassins when wroth overtook them. Maintaining the banner of Ashford they fought beneath their commander, Denis de Bar, during his days as Duke and then as the heir to Drusco; disbanded by Imperial decree soon after the coronation of John Horen. The force coalesced into the Esheveurd Regiment of the newly formed Imperial Army, still underneath their commander, for several years before the eventual abolition of that force due to the incompetency of and bureaucratic strain placed upon the higher echelons of extreme command. Their hearts stilled filled with a reverence for their former King, Guy, and other leaders of Ashford blood whom had commanded their predecessor order and the decision was made to reform. Once more would these war-hardened men take up the banner of Ashford - for the glory of the House Ashford de Bar. Currently housed in the Druscan region surrounding Geldern Keep, the achievements and historical significance synonymous with the Order’s new name is attributed to the house it serves - calling not only upon the prestige of the Knights Lorraine but also the Band of Esheveurd, the predecessors of Ashford with lives worthy of legend, and the prestige gathered by the commanders of the previous order. Ranks All armigers of the Ashen Dawn are beholden to the commander above them, none more so than those of Ashen Command. They owe complete loyalty to the Grand Vindicator and are sworn to obey his every command with ardor and efficiency. (ASHEN COMMAND) Grand Vindicator The Grand Vindicator, often a nobleman of the House Ashford de Bar, is the autocratic archon of the Vindicators who demands the complete loyalty and respect of his soldiers. Typically serving a lifelong tenure in the position they determine the direction of the Vindicators and oversee all aspects of life for the men, their authority graced by the divine right of the King himself. The position is currently filled by Denis de Bar, the first Grand Vindicator of the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn. Arbiter The Arbiter of the Vindicators is the most experienced scribe and expert on political matters within the force, his expertise lying in diplomatic, economic acumen alongside matters of courtly intrigue. He is often tasked with maintaining records and archives, engaging in politics alongside the Grand Vindicator, maintaining the coffers of the Vindicators and aiding the Knight-Captains in counselling the force’s superlative leader. Knight-Captain The Knight-Captains, exemplary and fearless soldiers brought up from the ranks of the Knight-Sergeants, are chosen personally by the Grand Vindicator to serve the Vindicators as prestigious commanders.. Skilled commanders and shrewd tacticians with a familiarity for combat and a warrior’s inborn skill, they are entrusted with power over specific vestiges of the Ashen Dawn at the Grand Vindicator’s discretion and work in tandem with the Arbiter to counsel the Grand Vindicator on matters of the banner force. (HIGH COMMAND) Knight-Sergeant Knight-Sergeants are steely men who have spent much of their lives in single service to the cause of the Vindicators with great and incomparable vigor. Born leaders and veterans of conflicts both internal and external, they are chosen from soldiers demonstrating great courage and aptitude as vanguards, thereafter serving as staunch examples of the ideal soldier. From this collection of puissant and capable commanders, the Knight-Captains are chosen. Sergeant Sergeants are grizzled ensigns and disciplinarians of the Ashford Sun that have risen up the ranks to be true authoritarians, forming the backbone of the auxiliary fighting force and the greatest motivators to the ordinary enlisted. Stern, and yet imbued with a gruff charisma, the Sergeants oversee standard training whilst also helping new unoathed acclimatise to their role in the Vindicators. (LOW COMMAND) Banneret Bannerets are junior officers, ranking beneath Sergeant and often in training to become one. Not yet possessing the keen finesse of higher rankers, the bannerets of the Ashford Sun lead patrols, reconnaissance missions and smaller-scale training. They are often tasked with small commands such as scouting in battles, and are fresh-faced commanders who have hitherto not been recognized as valuable leaders. Vanguard The elite warfighters of the Vindicators, the vanguard are the valiant warriors that have dedicated their lives to upholding the name of de Bar and serving it completely. Once a soldier has proven his prowess in battle, he will be ordained such a rank and graced with the prominence accompanying it. Although they wield little authority in way of command, the vanguard are widely respected for their formidable worth with a blade. (IMMUNES) Physician The physicians, more colloquially known as field surgeons, are soldiers of the Vindicators that have shown a greater affinity for medicine and wound treatment as opposed to their militant comrades. They are tasked with both tending to injuries within their garrison whilst also accompanying fighting forces as field medics - able to operate in even the most stressful environments. Steward Stewards are a group of administrators, headed by the Steward Paramount, who aid the Arbiter in administering and tending for areas directly under the Vindicators’ possession. When not engaged in diplomatic missions or administration they are found travelling the roads searching for likely recruits to the force, inculcated with the beguiling allure necessary to draw in unoathed initiates. Chaplain Acting as a liaison between the Vindicators and the Church of the Canon, a separate cadre of chaplains, monks and priests offer both spiritual advice and aid upon long missions or pilgrimages for the men of the Ashen Dawn. In times of peace they administer sermons to men, reminiscent to the days spent under the guidance of their past Order’s virtues. Sentinel Sentinels are soldiers who excel in their knowledge of the environment and awareness - making excellent watchmen and trackers. Acting as watchmen loosely affiliated with the Vindicators, they are often positioned at locations guarding key areas of influence, barring entry to those that would cause harm and defending the local populace from dissenters. (ENLISTED) Man-At-Arms Men-At-Arms are the most solid and loyal of all men, their numbers comprised mainly of both loyal and experienced men that form a central core of the Vindicators’ auxiliary. Skilled with formations and in combat, speed and conviction is expected from them when completing any commands given - the loyalty of each man unquestionable. Bannerman Comprised of the unoathed that have proven their worth with obedience and loyalty, the bannermen have been doled out their tabards and sworn their oaths after several grueling tests and skirmishes. These armigers will tend to undergo tough labor and other general tests to further improve their general skill as proven soldiers and servants of the Vindicators, strengthening them both physically and in their conviction to House de Bar. Unoathed The unoathed are the newest additions to the Vindicators, untested and unproven youths seeking adventure or employ. Observed by higher ranks in how they adjust to the new lifestyle of soldiering, all of the unoathed are expected to undergo multiple laborious trials, training sessions and real combat experience before advancing in the ranks and swearing their oaths. Tenets Whereas the Knights Lorraine possessed a spoken code of morals and virtues to live by, the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn hold to their hearts a stricter and lengthier amount of tenets and rules that strictly govern their daily lives and conduct in the presence of others: Maintain a chivalric presence, uphold the weak and be benevolent. Be always pious, worship and follow the virtues. Obey your superiors no matter the command, for the Vindicators flourish with duty. Do not harm another Vindicator, nor steal nor lie to them. Falter not in the face of opposition for righteous fury guides your blade. Remain vigilant always, the life of your brothers is at stake when discretion is cast aside. Allow no heretic or heathen to live while he defies the word of God. If a man strikes you then you shall strike him back, unless he is your superior. Do not dishonour the house of Ashford. Purpose The Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn, oft known as the Banners of the Ashford Sun for the famous words uttered by Guy de Bar, functions as a military order akin to a heraldic banner force that serves the Grand Vindicator of the Ashen Dawn and, on a larger scale, the Orenian state as an entirety. Their professed goal is to maintain a military force beholden only to the House de Bar and ensure the strength of Humanity. The successors to the Order of Saint Amyas, and by extension orders such as the Order of the Griffon, the Knights of the Eventide and the Sons of Owyn, the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn hold worship often and remain a highly zealous order. Although no longer required, many officers still wear the golden lorraine cross given to them upon their ordainment to a position of authority. The coat of arms of the Vindicators of the Ashen Dawn is a flaming golden disc spinning upon a black backdrop, an imitation of both the heraldry of the House Ashford and the personal seal used by Velwyn Ashford, later known as Lucien I. Worn by all except the Unoathed, it signifies the brotherhood of men that makes up the Band. Allegiance The Vindicators of the Aseen Dawn, unlike their predecessors, have only one allegiance: to the House Ashford de Bar. They serve their Grand Vindicator with undying and absolute loyalty and by extension both the patriarch of the house and the King, although they maintain a fierce piety within their hearts no longer are they a holy order. The former Order of Saint Amyas has been beholden to four Ashford grandmasters during its span of acclaim: Gwenael, Richard, Adrian, and Guy de Bar. The names of their famed predecessors have garnered an extreme reverence from the men of the Ashen Dawn, further cementing the Vindicators’ loyalty to their liege house. Customs Unlike the Order they claim descent from, the Vindicators seek to employ the use of medals and honorifics in the style of groups such as the White Rose. Honours awarded only to the loyalest and bravest of men, they cut a distinction between the average Vindicator that serves the Banners and those whom are truly great men. Based off heroes, houses and events of the past they provide a connection to history itself. Taking their inspiration from the Order of St. Amyas beneath the governance of Gwenael de Bar the Vindicators discharge all of the rank Knight-Sergeant or above (Ashen Command) with land when they finally grow old and seek discharge. These estates, located around wherever the Vindicators find themselves based, are often used to help grow families, or even colonies, whose descendants go on to rejoin and once again serve the Ashford Sun. As part of their heritage from serving in the Order of St. Amyas many men hold pilgrimages as important ceremonies to undertake - the vast majority of the Vindicators having undergone one, if not more. It is often that these religious journeys yield great returns in fervour, activity and belief that inspire the men going on them to great deeds. The rank of Vanguard is one carried over from the previous Order, as is the ceremony - one steeped in meaning and significance. First kneeling, the to-be Vanguard is struck by the Grand Vindicator on the cheek, told that that will be the last blow he ever leaves unanswered. True to such, no Vanguard has ever not fought back after being inducted into the elite cadre. All armigers of a rank greater than Unoathed have sworn themselves to the service of the Ashen Dawn in a special ceremony - drawing its inspiration from the previous oaths sworn. They kneel before the Grand Vindicator and swear to uphold the tenets, reaffirming their allegiance to the house they serve and God, before rising and finally being granted the opportunity to wear the tabard. Albeit there exists an official rank for physicians, the vast majority of the Vindicators possess a rudimentary knowledge and vague experience of medical work from their service in the Order of St. Amyas - named after a patron of healing. These skills rarely extend beyond basic surgery work, yet the existence of this organisation-wide knowledge aids greatly. Recruitment Men whom wish to enlist and serve the Vindicators of Ashen Dawn may follow a number of routes: 1) Send a bird to the Grand Vindicator (stigwig) or visit the fortress of the Vindicators at Drusco, expressing your desire to join. 2) Post a reply to any of the notices found throughout the Kingdom: OOC: Minecraft Name: Skype Name: Do you use TS?: IC: Name: Race: Past Experience: Why do you desire to serve the Vindicators?:
  18. A move to a brighter future: With many reasons and tensions driving us, we will now move forward with new lands not under the rule of those seeking to oppress us, internally and externally. With the discussions and alliances forged between us and many others, we must now seek out a land not controlled by our constant oppressors. And so, we have taken up a new grove in the fledgling nation of Aeroch-Nor. We will be neutral and independent once more, and we will be able to grow and thrive like never before. We will hold respect to all views of the Aspects in the interest of good will between ourselves and the varied peoples of the world, and teach of the Aspects to all who come to learn. We will nurture the surrounding lands and help forests and crops flourish and bring balance to the region as we reach out to continue our charge to bring balance to the world as a whole once more. We have many allies who seek balance, order, purity, and the protection and betterment of life in all forms, and we will work alongside them in an unprecedented show of mutual respect and cooperation, the likes of which has never been achieved before. We welcome all Brothers and Sisters, no matter what path or Circle you follow, for we are all children of the Aspects. Circle of the Stream Official Charter Introduction Within the Old Order, it was common for the workings of the circle to be taught by word of mouth. With no official document, the workings were left to change each time a new group of Archdruids took their place. This is unproductive and creates friction. The Circle of Steam, therefore, establishes this charter for the purposes of defining how the circle functions. Druid Guides Druid Guides take up the responsibility of recruiting and teaching new druids. In exchange for these increased responsibilities, they are considered part of the Inner Circle. The duties of a Druid Guide include: Interviewing Seekers Accepting Seekers as Dedicants Providing Lessons and Tasks for Dedicants Attunement of Dedicants Further instruction and lessons of newly attuned Druids Archdruids Archdruids take up all the Responsibilities of the Druid Guide along with additional responsibilities. Archdruids are considered part of the Inner Circle. The duties of an Archdruid include: The duties listed under Druid Guides Calling and leading Moots Initiating a vote on Shunning and Unshunning an individual (See Moots for voting procedure) May engage in diplomatic discussions on behalf of the Circle. Any agreement reached is subject to a full circle vote. May make decisions of immediate effect during times of crisis or emergency, but at the first possible opportunity these decisions will come up for vote during a Moot to determine if they continue or can be done away with. Hierophants Hierophant is an honorary title granted to druids who have performed great services to the Circle. While a Hierophant is generally independent of any circle and should be respected, Hierophants recognized by the Circle have additional privileges. Hierophants recognized by the Circle of the Stream may: Issue a challenge against an Archdruid. In the case that the number of Archdruids drops below full and the existing Archdruids refuse to hold a moot to select new Archdruids within two elven weeks, a Hierophant may call a moot for the sole purpose of electing new Archdruids. In this case, Archdruids are selected by full circle votes. Teach their own students, known as Acolytes, in the same manner that Dedicants are taught, outside of the Circle or as part of it, at their discretion. Hierophancy is either granted by the circle, or formally recognized by vote during a Moot if the Hierophancy is granted by another circle. If another circle grants Hierophancy to a druid and that druid’s status is recognized by this circle, that recognition is automatically revoked if the druid’s Hierophancy is removed by the circle that granted it, or a vote is held by the Circle to no longer recognize the title. Another circle removing Hierophancy from a druid does not prevent this circle from granting that druid Hierophancy. Another circle attempting to remove Hierophancy from a druid granted the title by this circle is considered invalid and has no standing upon their title in the eyes of the Stream Circle. Hierophants raised by another circle that later merges with this circle are considered to have been granted Hierophancy by this circle, whether or not they were recognised prior to the merge, as a sign of respect. In the case that another circle’s Hierophant is not formally recognised by this circle, they are to be respected, but they are not qualified to exercise the powers normally granted to Hierophants. Dedicants Dedicants are the students, the learners, who wish to one day become Druids. Nothing is changing for Dedicants as compared to other circles, this is a long-held tradition and has been proven more than beneficial and wise. Druids holding Political Office The practice of Druids holding a political role is an oft-debated topic, changing many times in the Old Order, and some exceptions being made even to this day. Within the Circle of the Stream, you are permitted to hold Political Office so long as you still perform your duties to the Aspects and the Circle. Only Archdruids of the Circle of the Stream may hold the two Druid seats on the Aeroch Nor Council. If you are part of any other Political Position, you may not hold the title of Archdruid or Guide under any circumstances. You are expected to still receive lessons on your Druidic gifts regularly, including sessions of meditation. You are expected to still serve the balance to the best of your ability within your held position, with understanding given that you do hold responsibilities with your position as well. If a decision or action arises within your position that may conflict with the ideals of the Circle, you are to consult with the Archdruids to clarify the situation and try to find the best course of action. The Challenge The Challenge is the method by which an Archdruid may be forcefully removed. A Challenge is declared by a Heirophant recognized by the Circle. When a Challenge is declared, another Hierophant (or druid, in the case that no other Hierophants are available) is selected as a neutral party. The neutral party formulates a challenge of skill. Any druid who is a member of the Circle, other than the neutral party and declarer of the challenge, may participate. The winner of the Challenge takes the Archdruid position. Moots A moot is a meeting of druids. Moots are called by Archdruids unless under circumstances stated in the Charter. For a moot to take place, it must be publically announced no less than two elven days in advance, and a majority of the inner circle must be present. Votes may only be held in a moot. There are two types of votes that occur: An Inner Circle vote, and a full circle vote. An Inner Circle vote is a vote held amongst all attending members of the inner circle, requiring a simple majority to pass. A majority of the Inner Circle is required to hold an Inner Circle vote. A full circle vote is a vote held amongst all attending druids of this circle, requiring a simple majority to pass. An inner circle vote may be changed to a full circle vote by an Archdruid, at their discretion. Issues that fall under an Inner Circle vote: Raising a new guide Removing guides Raising a new Archdruid Recognizing a Hierophant raised by another circle Granting Hierophancy Any unspecified votes dealing with the management of the guiding branch Issues that fall under a full circle vote: Proposed shuns Unattunement of a member of the circle Finalizing diplomatic agreements Removing recognition of a Hierophant raised by another circle Repealing Hierophancy previously granted by the circle. Unspecified votes on matters that affect the circle as a whole Amending the Charter In the event that the Charter proves insufficient or needs to be altered, it may be amended given the following procedure. An Archdruid shall publically call a moot, giving no less than two elven weeks notice. A majority of active druids of the circle is required to attend. Each proposed amendment is presented individually, receiving a vote on it’s own merit. Amendments require a 2/3 majority full circle vote to pass. ((A second post below this one will contain the Druidic ranks and those that hold them within this Circle))
  19. The Order of The Black Swan The Order of the Back Swan is a guild which seeks to prevent unlawful banditing in and around Athera. They are a military organisation with a number of towns under their control, however they are based in Morley Castle, in Akovia. They seek to combat injustice and are a growing community. They have people with a whole range of professions, skills and interests. Soldiers are granted complementary accommodation in Akovia, a townhouse. As well as housing, there is the issue of nourishment. No soldier will be without food, and will regularly be topped up with food. There are Order Farmers and chefs on hand to ensure this. They have regular training sessions, and a monthly tournament, at the end of which, a Champion is crowned. Upon becoming a footman of the group, the soldiers are granted a starter kit, and as the rank progresses, so does the level of equipment provided. Upon reaching the rank of Cavalier, the soldier is granted their own horse, which they are able to store in the orders stables. Rank System Grand Commanders Commanders Military Advisor Council Members Officers Cavalier Lieutenants Footmen Initiates The Grand Commanders Percival Staunton Baron Jacque d'Praedium Application to join: (Username): (RP Name): (Skype Name): (Reason for joining): Uniform: http://imgur.com/i2S2tii
  20. ( because i think its relevant ) **Posters are hung all around Athera, on doors, rocks, trees and notice boards. The only to not see one is if you are dead and even then one might be in your tomb** ~Recruiting The Falken Order~ The Falken Order is recruiting for its Guard and Peace Keeping teams We offer the chance to socialise with new people and to earn an honest wage. Perks of the job? Well first off you get to come live in Werdenberg with huge fields of food, we also offer you the promise of a living quaters and to become part of a community. Finally we offer decent pay of 100 mina to any guard. Of Course! We also need non combatants, Wood workers, chefs, breeders and much more! All of these will be paid depending on how much they produce ** The poster has tabs on the bottom with forms to be filled out, each poster will be checked daily and updated if tabs are taken ** (( want more information? Check out this post on the order here! )) ~Recruitment Form~ [OOC] MC Name - Age (Not Necessary) - Do you have Skype/TS (Skype required, both reccomended) - ------------------- Full Name - Why do you wish to join? - What section would you prefer? (If Non combatant, specify a proffession) - Why should you be accepted? -
  21. Not Available anymore
  22. The Seventian Order [sev-in-tiss, or sa-ven-tis depending on dialect] (An OOC Preface) (Seventis is an epic, a journey that ourselves and many players have embarked on through the last few years on Lord of the Craft. All of the history in this post is well researched and actually did occur on the server. Many players have fond memories of this upstart nation and the small community that comprised it. Even since my leaving LoTC, I have had numerous people contact me and express their joyous times they had. The tedious work of running the faction had always been difficult, but the happiness of the players involved was well worth it. As such, we are continuing this amazing story, wherever it may lead. This is being done, regardless of the reaction. This is an order, and upon this post, is created. We welcome all of our old friends and thus hope to unite the Seventian community once more.) Opening For long the Seventis peoples have existed without a state. Since the outbreak of the Great Plague and the subsequent absorption into the Holy Oren Empire, ethnic Seventians have been cast throughout the world, divided and without a true home. Many of these people long for what once was, what can be again. Now, with the official return of the Seventian royal blood, this longing will cement itself into reality. History of The Seventis Peoples Preface Seventis lays claim to a rich history filled with remarkable individuals, political strife, and memorable acts of courage. The scholars of Seventis have meticulously recorded the past of the nation, keeping careful records of its happenings. Below is the compiled history that strings together accounts from many Seventian citizens and leaders. We owe much to their dedication in preserving such events. The Seventian people have existed since near the dawn of Aegis and continue to survive all that they face. -High Verwalter Albrecht Vallark Early History The first ethnically Seventian people were the Seventis tribe that could be found north of the Kingdom of Oren. The members of this tribe wandered the snowy forests of the wild, gathering food. Eventually, a massive structure was erected upon a large sheet of ice covering a wide bay. This wood building became known as the Great Hall and served as an outpost for travellers venturing into the wilds. The Seventians would give aid to those who passed by and provide refuge from the elements. The most pressing danger was that of the Undead hordes which roamed the frozen woods. The tribesmen, although small in number, were expert at tracking and avoiding these monstrosities. When an abandoned ship filled with Undead minions drifted into the bay, the Seventians fought a last ditch battle to hold them off. Eventually, the people migrated north in an attempt to escape the ever more pressing threat of annihilation. This began a series of movements into the Great Mountains, a looming mountain range far north. The birthplace of the Seventis tribe. Dezios the Great The elders of the tribe elected Dezios to be their absolute leader. Dezios brought his people to a small island where they established the first Seventian town, Rykalos. Rykalos was but a small town in which barely any of the tribesmen arrived. The majority of which were killed in the previous skirmishes to reach the town. The earth was terrible for raising decent crops and the Undead frequented the area. Dezios knew this land wasn't sufficient in order to continue the small groups survival, so they packed up and sailed farther north and settled into a canyon. The canyon wall was lined with ore of gold, which spawned the name "Aurum". The group settled down there and began setting up the small village once more. Everything was prosperous until one fateful day, disaster would strike. The rough canyon walls lined with the precious gold began collapsing upon Aurum. Soon, the entire town was beneath rubble and Dezios with a few survivors barely escaped with their life. After much grief of loss of life and contemplation of the future, they moved farther north. The Great Mountains spanned across more than three northern continents. Norjun was founded at the foot of The Great Mountains. The Norjish people encountered many barbarians and hordes of monsters, but all were defeated in glorious combat by Dezios and his army. The Great Mountains' secrets were presumably uncovered and explored, those texts written by the ancient Norjish are long lost. The giant mountains became the symbol of Dezios' pride as he and Norjun claimed them as their own. While Oren owned a large sum of land, The Great Mountains were surely more than 3x its size. All and any barbarians in the giant white peaks were slain and annexed. Not many of the south even knew about The Great Mountains, but to Dezios and his men, they were home. The Undead tightened their grip on the world as Oren was split in three. Chaos reigned in the south, while in The Great Mountains all was calm and normal. The shifting snow that blanketed the graceful peaks were untouched. Norjun continued to expand and grow as the south suffered and fell into civil war. That wasn't to last. Undead minions crawled their way into the mountains and overpowered the Norjish. The town was burned and sacked, but its citizens not defeated. Dezios rallied an army atop a mountain overlooking the searing town. They charged the confused minions with zeal and force. Dezios downed hundreds of minions with merely his signature spear, now donned The Spear of Dezios. The weapon is said to contain magical attributes and is sacred to House Vallark. The Norjish decimated their horde and Dezios had killed their leader. The victory did not come without a price, however. Dezios was slain in combat by a stray arrow and his legacy was the only thing left to stand living. His closest friend, Symodimi, recovered the legendary spear so that it would be passed down to future generations. Symodimi recovering the Spear of Dezios after the king’s death. Renati and Azar Following the Fall of Aegis to the Undead and Dezios’ death, the people of Seventis fled to Asulon with the rest of Aegis’ population. Dezios had left a letter in his armor, which was given to his son Renati, detailing his wishes for the people’s future. Claudius Centaurum, a battle hardened knight from Norjun, happened upon Renati. Renati had only just discovered the letter and thus was planning arrangements for the Seventians. Claudius acted as a father figure for the young Renati and assisted him in securing Seventis’ place in the new world. Claudius and Renati took their route to Asulon by the same boat, but elsewhere another legacy had begun. Symodimi and Damien (Symodimi’s nephew) Dracaena had also embarked upon the route to Asulon, barely making it out of the besieged Aegis. Following their arrival, Symodimi, his brother Dimatrik, and Damien went to Salvus to purchase a farmhouse. They settled in and later came to find Renati and Claudius. Renati had previously known Symodimi and they conversed. Renati disclosed he would be creating a town, and would name it Azar. Following this, Damien decided to go off and acquire resources for its creation. He obtained an immense amount of wood via keen trading and went to the build site for Azar. Its construction began promptly, and with time, loyal followers began sprouting up, such as Kilgrim Blackaxe, who would remain loyal for years to come. The founders of Azar met in the Solace home of Symodimi. The Civil War Azar slowly gained its roots and soon Casimir Amedaius was met, who proceeded to become the High Architect of Azar, a quaint little town located near the Cloud Temple. During this time of Azar, Renati had noticed an attractive woman near the cloud temple and decided to impress her, which later lead to the creation of Renati's long lost son, Trivane Vallark. Trivane went off with his mother and never met his father; He never knew of Azar one anything but simply lived with the monks. Renati had been constructing Azar along with Casimir Amedaius, but something began to go wrong. Casimir demanded pay for his work, and unfortunately due to the circumstances all workers were working for the good of Azar at that point. The pay would have to come later. Casimir, infuriated, decided to create a rebellion. He organized men for his disposal and recruited Ser Markus Powell, a former rebel in Galahar in Aegis. Markus and Casimir would cause the Battle of Azar. During this battle Damien led the defenders alongside Renati. Symodimi had been absent during it, for unknown reasons. It was later discovered his forces had been cut off from the town by the rebels. The town requested Queen Dawn of Salvus’ aid in this rough conflict. While she wished to stay neutral, some Salvus Peacekeepers honorably gave their lives for Azar. The Battle ensued, and a large amount of Casimir's forces entered from the right flank, surrounding the small town. Unfortunately, the Battle of Azar was a defeat, but all was not lost. The town was sacked and its inhabitants driven from their homes. Renati, defeated, barely escaped. In a moment which does nothing but showcase the underlying unity of the Seventian people, those who had just been forced from their land rallied around Renati, declaring their undying loyalty and proclaiming the need for vengeance. Renati, whose spirit had been broken, was lifted by his’ peoples dedication and resolve. Azarian separatists attack from the hills. The Seventian Kingdom Upon Azar's fall to the Rebels, the Loyalists had no place of refuge. The gracious Queen Dawn offered all of the Azarian Loyalists a place of refuge for the time being in Salvus. She issued the request for the construction of a tent system for the loyalists to regroup and lick their wounds. The Loyalists gained resources, recruited followers, and established their presence in Asulon. Though Damien, Renati, Claudius and Symodimi decided that this was not enough. They could not let the Rebels besiege their town. All of the Loyalists agreed upon establishing another settlement near Azar. This would be a difficult task, however, as they would have to convince the Cloud Temple monks to allow for the acceptance of their charter. This was due to the fact that both Azar and the future Seventis city existed within the borders of the Cloud Temple Sanctuary. They agreed upon the name "Seventis", harkening back to their first appearance as a tribe in Aegis. After a long meeting with the Cloud Temple Monk Talmb, it was decided that the dream of Seventis would become a reality. The Seventians swelled with pride; they had not died when Azar had. Queen Dawn is credited with saving the Seventian people. The Loyalists pledged that they would grow Seventis to a city and that Azar (now Ascella) would be reclaimed. The determination, motivation, and ingenuity of the Seventis Officials and Citizens was driven towards the creation of Seventis. Once again, the Dracaenas had gone off acquiring more and more resources to fund and supply the effort. Donations were set in place and production was increased. Claudius and Renati were organizing the architectural structure of the town whilst patrols warded off Ascellian scouts. They finally decided and commenced constructing the new town. It was built extremely fast, and it surprised the rebels in Ascella. As the Loyalists were constructing Seventis, Markus Powell booted Casimir from the throne of the position of Lord. Markus began establishing states outside of Ascella and eventually formed the Kingdom of Andromeda. Tense relations began to establish between the two entities and almost lead to another war. After all the hard work, dedication, and motivation of all of the citizens of the town of Seventis, their dream had became a reality. After a long conversation regarding diplomacy and politics with the Monks, they decided that it would indeed become a city. Seventis was the first ever city in the Cloud Temple. While it is long gone, it is a remembrance of the hard work that was done by the incredible citizens of Seventis. It was also during a long struggle with the Seventians’ enemy. The relations with Andromeda drew increasingly worse, and it almost led to a crusade by Redbain Adelban. Fortunately, due to the mass drawing in of Allies, Seventis was able to divert the crusade from occurring. The City of Seventis expanded and obtained several territories, namely the colony of Pine Harbor. It also constructed a college for citizens who wished to be educated on Seventis History, and other various subjects such as Golemancy. The college was a masterpiece and attracted several visitors each day. Seventis, however, required renovation and was quite cramped. That was one of the many flaws in its design. War almost occurred, however. Having decided that Seventis was in immediate danger, one of the Seventis citizens dispatched a bird to a Renatus Commander and they brought the entire Renatus Army to Ascella's front door, which made Jullius take quite a few steps back. It scared the citizens of Ascella and most notably quelled the tension between the two states. The Seventis military also had participated in the Battle of Das Boot in the name of Renatus. The Seventians, who once were friends of Salvus, fought against them. This was because of the coup de tate which had occured early in Salvus, leading to Queen Dawn’s death. It began to form relations with several other organizations during this event. The colony of Pine Harbor. Following the creation of Seventis, months later there was an imminent problem for Ascella and Andromeda alike. Markus Powell had died, and left Jullius to control. Jullius was a lazy, terrible Lord that wasn't respected by the people of his town. Renati requested that Ascella join the Kingdom of Seventis in conquest. Jullius accepted, and Ascella began to be annexed and also renovated. Construction plans were sent up and Ascella was being corrected. Soon after, Ascella was deemed the Capital of the Assortment of Territories that was coined, "The Kingdom of Seventis". After Ascella was set in place, it began to expand. They created a charter regarding its' expansion and proposed it to the Cloud Temple monks. Another person, Ursolon Ironheart was rising in the Ascella hierarchy. He was close in overthrowing Jullius, however it was quickly stopped by Renati Vallark. Ursolon was a former steward of Ascella and would go on to create Fairfield, a small farming hub located on the road from the Cloud Temple. Many have fond memories of the little Fairfield. An infamous bandit by the name of Mandarin began terrorizing the kingdom. Relations between Mandarin's associates and Ascella had worsened and they had been prepared to siege Ascella. Knowing this, Renati Vallark issued several defence requests and also petitioned for his allies to ensure that Mandarin's siege would be flaunted; In doing so, the march was crushed and Mandarin was beheaded. To this day, his head is still strung onto a pike. The pike in which Mandarin’s head was placed. After a long period of construction, annexation, and diplomacy the Seventian officials finally agreed upon becoming a Kingdom. Renati, Ursolon, and Ariana began writing policies and for the new nation. The Seventian Nation Begins Damien Dracaena had passed on before this had , and Claudius still had been guarding Renati with his work. Following this, Trivane Vallark had eventually came to finally find his father for the first time after being lost in Azar. Trivane was grown up now and got to know his father a lot more now. The Kingdom was split into several location(s): Sarun, Tyr, and Ursakar. All went well, but the leadership was quite poor from Renati Vallark. The Capital City, Sarun, was quite slow in its' construction. Eventually, Tahnaki Castle was built. Considered the most impenetrable fortress in Asulon, it was a symbol of Seventian engineering. The impregnable Tahnaki Castle. The Great Plague Another problem had arisen as well, undetected at the time. When a Subudai merchant trader had been exchanging goods with another Sarun citizen, its pack mule fell to the ground and was left there in the middle of the street. It was unknown that the pack mule contained a disease and flies quickly spread around the mule, engulfing its carcass. Renati Vallark awoke from his slumber to notice this, and immediately he caught a stench of the plague. The Plague was about to create a mass evacuation and lock-down of almost all of Asulon. It had started from Seventis, and would end Seventis. The Plague quickly spread, and engulfed Renatus, Hanseti, Normandor, Haelunor, and other Kingdoms located throughout the region. Hanseti went into a lock-down as did others. The Plague had consumed Seventis. Seventis was all but destroyed. A known record of the Great Plague: “The Plague is a disease that spreads quickly, strikes without discrimination and has a high fatality rate. It refers both to the disease itself as well as the time it struck Asulon resulting in widespread deaths and chaos. The plague was first recorded in year 37 in Asulon, when it broke in the lands of Seventis. Immediately the infected began to die in mass numbers, resulting in the near collapse of Seventis. Spread by travelers and other creatures, the plague quickly spread to other settlements including Skravia and the Cloud Temple. All attempts to find a cure or prevent the spread of the infection initially failed. The monks of the Cloud Temple who would usually take the injured and sick to their lands for healing, became overwhelmed by the deaths and started to burn the bodies. Attempted cures such as magic and alchemy did not help halt the spread or aid the sick, but in some cases only increased the severity. Reactions were varied. Some nations and settlements such as Holm and Ildon implemented lockdown policies to prevent themselves getting infected. Others were badly struck, such as Seventis and Skravia. Initially closed off, the plague infected the lands of Renatus and struck the peasants of Arethor and Ager with particular vengeance. The Subudai were rarely struck down with the disease, leading to claims that they were immune. Having a stronger immune system, Orcs caught the disease with less frequency, but the effects were still as severe. Kharajyr as well managed to avoid getting sick as often, having better tuned senses and being exposed to more diseases in their jungle homes. Symptoms When the first outbreak of plague occurred in Seventis, several symptoms were common. Over time the initial symptoms became less common as those infected died, and a new variation of the disease became more common. Other creatures and life forms were also infected. Green-Spot Variation - Green dots on the skin causing itching. - Numbness in the digits and limbs. - Weakness. - Memory loss and mood swings. - Vomiting. - Coughing up blood. Blood-Spot Variation - Shivers. - Paranoia. - Coughing of blood. - Fear of blood itself. - Internal hemorrhage, resulting in bleeding through mouth. Other - Wheat could also suffer from the plague disease and would wither in the field. Eating bread or other goods made with infected wheat could result in infection. - Beasts of all kind could also be struck by the disease and displayed similar symptoms to the sentient life forms. The disease passed freely between them. Results - Death usually occurred within one Elven day. - Among those who survived, many were scarred for life from the green or black dots. - Many initial survivors were killed by other diseases because of a weakened immune system, or from monsters that could attack them more easily. - Many small settlements were made completely devoid of life, as the plague killed all who lived in them. Political results - Seventis ceased to be an independent nation and was annexed by Renatus to become the Duchy of Norjun. - Many nations imposed a lockdown, such as Hanseti and Holm, that helped reduce the spread of the plague but also caused additional problems. - Distrust among nations increased as there were accusations of some who had helped spread the plague, either consciously or inadvertently. - Over half the peasant population of Arethor and the surrounding areas were killed, allowing the nobles to tighten their control. - Distrust of the monks increased, as they were seen as helping the disease spread, and some citizens of Asulon lost faith in them. - General chaos was common across the lands of Asulon, including crime, looting, murders and panic. Some areas created plans should the plague or a new disease break out once more in the future, although the plague has not been seen again in Asulon. Prevention The plague was the deadliest, fastest spreading and most contagious disease ever recorded in Aegis or Asulon. Prevention methods were initially limited to avoidance of those already infected, often by leaving civilized areas. Some nations and settlements issued lockdowns to prevent the plague from entering their borders. In time other methods were developed, such as masks that helped prevent the catching of the plague” Some consider the plague to be the event that brought the Holy Oren Empire to true power. The outbreak is well documented. Many nations have blamed Seventis for the plague and the death it brought. This has led to much shame among Seventians. In truth, however, it was the barbaric Subudai who delivered this unspeakable horror unto the Seventis people. The very tribe that Seventis worked so hard to defeat brought a quarter of the world to die. Seventians should not feel responsible for this event, as they were merely the victims of the barbarians. The Duchy of Norjun After the terrible plague that was against Seventis and its people, a series of assaults by the Flays cemented the demise of Seventis. This relentless attack on the Seventian nation extracted every last bit of life left in the land. As Aerios struggled to maintain the duchy, things got worse as his brother, Trivane, was assassinated in Arethor. Before Trivane’s demise, Seventis had been absorbed by Oren as a duchy as a last ditch effort by Trivane and Aerios to save some remnants of Seventis. This effort was largely in vain because this absorption went against all Seventis has stood for -- loyalty, individuality, and resolve. A series of other conflicts, which included a second civil war lead to increasing tensions between the higher ranking Oren officials and the newly named Norjun (after the old town in Aegis). This led to Aerios being forced to forfeit his crown, something he did not willingly do. Norjun effectively fell apart, leading to the Seventian people being cast across the world and merging into other nations and ways of life. Despite being spread across the land, many Seventians hold true to their heritage and are culturally independent. The Holy Oren Empire. Seventis Until Now Since the end of Norjun, the Seventian people have been without a true home. Although they can be found in many distinct nations and regions, they have no true nation. The Seventian people long for their past, hoping to once more attain their former glory. This nostalgia has led to a feeling of unity despite physical separation. Now, the Seventians’ are called home again. They are called to a Seventian home, one which welcomes them with open arms. They are called to the Seventian Order. The Seventian Order has risen. The Order The Seventian Order will begin as a rallying cry for all true Seventian peoples. Upon the unification of the Seventians, the Order will set out to restore the pride of the people and reforge the Seventian identity. The task of the people will then be to spread their unique culture and establish themselves a solidified home in the world. In due time, this region would become home to the Seventians, and the civilization would begin again. Starting with a small village, our hard working people will aim for greatness. The Seventian Order is in essence the rebirth of Seventian ideas and way of life; an eagle declaring its resurrection among a longing people. Hierarchy Lord of Seventis: The one who carries the blood of Dezios the Great. The leader of the Seventian people stands above all, guiding them to greatness. The Lord holds power over both the Verwalters and the members of the Order. | High Verwalter: The High Verwalter is charged with the preservation of Seventian culture, ideas, and way of life. He or she is the second highest authority among the Seventian people and governs the policies of the state. They are also charged with overseeing the administration of the primary Seventian settlement, whatever or wherever it may be. | Verwalter: The Verwalter is a regional governor in Seventis. This position will be assigned only when Seventis expands and will not initially be present. | Knight of Seventis: This title is given to sentinels who display exemplary skill in combat and/or intense dedication for Seventis. Knights are sometimes, albeit rarely, given land as a reward for their service. | Sentinel of Seventis: The sentinel forms the backbone of the Order, giving their sword to the cause of their people. These individuals are required to protect and expand Seventis when called upon to do so. | Member of the Seventian Order: The only prerequisites for becoming a member of the Order is to either hold Seventian blood or be under the State’s governance. Members comprise the citizenship of the state and are only called to battle when necessary. The Purposes of the Order The Seventian Order stands with two main goals. The first, and most direct, is to spread Seventian culture to those who are alien to it and to reestablish Seventian civilization. The second and ultimate purpose of the Order is the recreate the Seventian civilization. This, we realize, will only come with time and dedication and is not expected immediately. The Seventian State When it is deemed time, the Order will set out to establish and maintain a Seventian State for all Seventian peoples. This will occur naturally and will only be done when the Seventian Order is sufficiantly prepared to face such an undertaking. The state will be centered around the primary fortress of the Order. Immediately to the exterior of the fortress will exist the main settlement and a small port. This will began as a small village and grow naturally. When necessary, other small villages or castles will be built in the countryside and governed by the Verwalters. Seventian Culture Seventian culture is defined in a multitude of ways. Seventis is proud of its heritage and traditions. It also values its people, who are determined and united. Seventian Art: The artists of Seventis typically create portraits of key figures or impressive landscapes. This has its roots in the old Seventis tribe which would sketch lands before they were migrated to. New Seventian Architecture: The architecture of the Seventian Order would mainly consist of woden domestic buildings and impressive stone defensive structures. Seventian Music: Seventian music mainly consists of marches or folk songs. Seventian Food: The Seventian diet is made up of bread which is made from harvested wheat or various types of meat. Seventians also indulge in fine ale. Sevention Government: Seventis has always been ruled by an absolute leader with powerful advisors. Seventian Scholars: Seventis has always been known for its hard working scholars who work to preserve history and advance to the future. One such individual is Vincent Divine, who compiled the largest archive of books in the known world. Another notable scholar is Trivane Vallark, who worked to preserve Seventian history. Seventis Language: (This is a work in progress, we plan to create a small but detailed language. More info to come.) Seventian Symbolism: Throughout history, the Seventians have adopted numerous symbols to represent their nation. The heraldry of the nation was typically determined by the banners of House Vallark. Noble houses were also allotted a coat of arms. Notable examples from distinct points in time are shown below. The recognisable shield of House Vallark, about 5 years after the Great Plague. The crest of House Dracaena, loyal banner house of Vallark. Upon the foundation of the Seventian Order, new and symbolic heraldry has been adopted. These changes are meant to bring about the reunification of the Seventian people and showcase that Seventis stands above all of its citizens, and is a fruit of their labors. As such, the ruling House Vallark has chosen a distinct banner from that of Seventis. The Seventian flag is highly representational of the Seventian people. The red stands for the royal blood of Dezios the Great, and the righteousness of his’ descendants rule. The black is the endurance of the Seventian people, and the hardships that they have overcome. The white triangle is symbolic for the Great Mountains in which the Seventians once ruled, long ago. Finally, the black eagle spreads its wings to showcase the authority of the Seventian Order and of House Vallark. It also serves as a rallying symbol for the people. The flag of Seventis. Whilst looking similar, the symbolism in the new banner of House Vallark is somewhat different. The red still represents the royal blood coursing through the veins of the Vallarks, inherited from the hero Dezios the Great. The black, however, represents the numerous civil wars, the Great Plague, and the dissolution of old Seventis. It is a mark not of shame, but of remembrance for the past difficulties the House has faced and serves as a reminder of their responsibility. The white background symbolises the purity of the House, despite corruption that may be present in the people at any given time. As before, the spread black eagle is a mark of authority that is uplifted by the Seventian people. The banner of House Vallark. A Call to all Seventians! A Declaration from the Order Upon the Order's commencement, all Seventian people both by blood and by governance shall be considered full fledged members of the order. This will include individuals not currently living in Seventian state and those who reside in other nations. One can claim Seventian heritage if he or she has lived under Seventian rule at any point in time, or has ancestors who had. Seventian ethnicity is also, of course, a valid claim. Those who hold Draecana, Vallark, or Centaurum blood will be made Knight of Seventis upon their return. These Seventian people are called together under the Order. Though our home may be gone, we are not. We have survived since the dawn of Aegis and we will continue into the future, regardless of the challenges we face. Come, Seventians, from wherever you may be. Your home beckons you.
  23. The order of St Amyas. The Knights Chapter of The Grand Lorraine Truths The Knights of the Grand Lorraine recognize four basic truths of this world as absolute fact 1. The creator is the ultimate power and wisdom of this world, and all worlds. 2. The Creator’s word is law, in this world and, all worlds. 3. The creator’s word should be shared with all those who would choose to hear it. ​4. Those that Reject the word of The Creator and defy it are to be punished. The chapter exists in service to the The Almighty Creator, his Clergy and his Divines. The Chapter acts as Warriors, Clergy, and Historians for the Church of the True Faith and the Divines. Men of the order are taught to practice self-discipline, study scripture, armed combat, and record historical events. Vows Men of the order take vows to The Creator, The Divine Emperor, The church of the True Faith, and the High Pontiff himself. They are to ensure the stability and loyalty of the order. These vows are as follows: Celibacy. The vow to abstain from and avoid the temptations of lust, wicked is the temptation of fornication and leads men to stray from the creator's light. Poverty The vow to abstain from the sins of greed, to forsake worldly possessions and pledge all of one's self, material possessions and wealth to the church of the true faith. Obedience The vow to remain obedient to the faith, the Church and the order. Piety The vow to remain true to the creator’s word. To remain faithful to his law, his name and his glory. To follow scripture, pray and praise his name. Patience The vow of peace and temperament. To ensure no member of the order is needlessly bloodthirsty or angry, this vow is to ensure a calm mind and heart. Hierarchy Master of Order - Master of Arms- Master of Scrolls Knight of Lorraine - High Chaplain of the Lorraine High Sergeants - Chaplain Sergeants - Scholar Child of the Lorraine Rank Descriptions Council Master of Order: The Master of Order is responsible for maintaining political ties, managing the order’s finances and teaching High Knights and High Chaplain’s the importance of social interaction and patience with the outside world. Master of Arms The master of arms is responsible for the training of High Knights and High Sergeants as warriors and in discipline, planning battles and leading charges against enemies of the church. The Sentencing and prosecution of heretics, oath breakers and deserters. Master of Scrolls The Master of Scrolls is the head clergyman and Historian of the order, responsible for recording and safeguarding church and order declarations and history. Preaching the creator’s word to order members, overseeing the studies of High chaplains and Chaplains and dispersing clergy of the order to missionary work. Combative ranks: Knights of Lorraine. Responsible for the training of a child of the Lorraine, taking one of them under as a ‘squire’, leading small fighting forces comprised of Sergeants and High sergeants into battle. As well as physically conditioning themselves and attending chapel. High Sergeants. Responsible for the continuous training of Sergeants, reports to the Master of Arms for training and to update him on the progress of Sergeants. Sergeants The basic footmen of the order, responsible for their own upkeep and following the orders issued to them. Clergy ranks. High Chaplain. The followers of the faith, responsible for directing chaplains and scholars in activities, scripture readings and chapel sessions. May be called upon by the Master of Scrolls for missionary work, along with chaplains. Chaplain Responsible for recording small sections of history and scripture for the order’s collective library. As well as working alongside Sergeants to teach Children of the Lorraine the creator’s word. Scholar: Responsible for studying only, not allowed to preach the creator’s word until deemed fit by a high chaplain or the master of scrolls himself. At which time they become a chaplain. Child’s rank Child of the Lorraine: Children, usually orphans in the care of the order, taught scripture and made to work under a knight until adulthood. Where they may be promoted to Sergeant or Scholar based upon their preference. Application to the order:
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