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  1. Upon arrival, Draco was in need of great medical care barely escaping the Mori if not for his great-granddaughter Hilda aiding him along the way. He rested many moons and began gathering some strength back, taking laps around the square and sitting his old bones as he watched Hilda grow and lead a life with depth of her culture and country. After some days the tunnel was found leading into the untapped lands of Failor. They found the exit of the tunnel peered across the grasslands to the distant sands and with no time wasted could faintly see brigands engaged in combat further in the desert that seemed to only draw closer. Despite his old age his grand-daughter was able to help his slow legs transport across the sands. He found himself proud as he witnessed her display of martial prowess by defeating the Brigands that pursued them. Finally they could settle a refuge. The barren lands of Failor certainly were no place for an elder Norlander but Draco would not turn back for the life of him. They crafted ships and set down the stream between the Desert and Grasslands letting the wind & sails guide their path. Eventually, they find themselves settling in the camp refuge where they would protect as they recovered from the disasters of the Mori invasion. Draco finds himself with a bit of narcolepsy as he sleeps very commonly within his older age. During the awoken hours he would be found spending precious time with his great-granddaughter. They often share a tankard of an old family recipe of the non-alcoholic version of Norlandic Wine. In his spare time Draco guides himself to the relic of an ancient ash tree bark as he grasps carefully in his hands and whispers a prayer to the Patron Athelflaed. “Asheth guides my kinsman.”
  2. The Old Lur traveled far and wide with his ancient Lur Wolf as an independent unit unaware of the events that transpired in San Velku. The Orc and Wolf find themselves in a dark environment full of Netherrite, Falum watches under his darkened old hood as many other descendent refugees flood into the area. The elder kept himself away from the Mori as he kept himself isolated working on his studies and practices. He would exhaust himself regularly due to his old age, but had the work ethic to continue on. For so long he allowed his mind to be clouded and for it the ancestors have punished him to a great degree. Falum’Lur traveled between the many caverns and found many of the ancient anvils amongst other things. He found many of these sites peculiar, having interest in such ancient ruins & relics. When he returned to the underdark ruins he found that many he acquainted with were not of his kind; not of Krug’s lineage. Though he searched through the ruins there was no place he would find Orcs to be taking shelter in. During his search he reminisced upon his life many centuries ago when he was displaced from his home after an attempted genocide on Krug’s people and the court execution of his father, Vorgo’Yar. The shaman returned to the ruins as he sought an isolated meditation. The Ancestors have possessed and punished the elder’s mind for decades with the lack of piety within himself and the iron horde. The orc compels himself to think with great difficulty as he rests his blood-red eyes while his Lur Wolf roams the lands of Failor on its own for prey. His eyes snap open and he leans onto his feet using his old but large and strong muscles and says to himself. “Mi shall raise a Temple to those who came before us. Ash dat will nub ever be wiped from duh memory of cubs and even the spirits themselves shall exalt.”
  3. The Brathmordikan Temple of Almaris was overrun by the Mori and Duren held onto the body of a fatally wounded Ireheart dragging him closer to the city square. Before making an escape the elder Ireheart observed as the Dwed of the underground gallantly fought and with great valor able to defeat many Mori though were still being pushed back. Upon a retreat, Duren takes one look back at the Temple and witnesses a grand miracle conjured by another’s magic. A manifestation of Lord Dungrimm spilled out into the Temple slamming a large hammer upon many of the Mori causing the walls to collapse and providing time for escape. Duren glances back as he evacuates into the valley from the city and a bright light shines upon the mountain where his grand-son Balor rests. He squeezes his eyes closed from shedding a tear as he whispers a prayer for his fallen kin “ᚱᛖᛊᛏ ᛁᚾ ᛈᛖᚲᛖ ᛒᚨᛚᛟᚱ”. He hesitantly turns his body to continue the evacuation leaving his late grand-son in the care of Dungrimm. Duren and his great-grandson Balor II carrying the injured body of their Ireheart kin out of the mountains to safety. Once they reached the harbor the exhaustion from being the vanguard at the Temple finally overcame them. Some stone years later, Duren & many other of the Dwarves have reached the survival lands of Failor and established Camp Dwed to subsist despite the odds. Though many of them had not rallied for so long since the exodus. They have managed to continue their councils without even proper courts or temples. Celebrations and ale-pouring commonly occur as the camp cherishes the life spared to them by the Gods and also mourning for those who were lost. Even in the face of insecurity the Dwarves of Urguan keep to the pursuit of Yemekar, striking the earth!
  4. Depiction of Warsovia in the summer [♪] [!] A private letter written in Lechitic and addressed to Waclaw Jakub Jazloviecki, brought to the young Count by a homing pigeon. The letter bears the seal belonging to Jan Jazloviecki, the first Count of Warsovia. ((Please do not metagame and RP the contents of this letter unless they are shared by the recipient.)) @ratlordmagic Waclaw, my dearest son, I'm sorry to have left so many things on your plate. You're still young, a bit foolish and impulsive, but I was no different when I was your age. I don't know when this letter will reach you, but I want you to know that the voyage is going smoothly. We should reach our destination soon enough. This information always comforts me in some way, but between you and me I will tell you that I have heard it so many times already that I no longer believe it. Having many days to myself, undisturbed by anyone, I decided to write this letter to let you know that my thoughts are always with you. I would like you to look at everything I have done from a slightly different perspective after reading this letter. Maybe you will notice something remarkable in this story for yourself. I was a young boy, younger than you are now, when I was forced to live through the terrors of the Harvest Revolution. I saw blood, corpses, pain and suffering of the people I called friends and family. I saw what happened to my father, what happened to my sisters and brother. Each of us was affected differently by this conflict. The revolution left a mark on me that I have never been able to shake off. Feelings of guilt, powerlessness and weakness. I felt inferior to my siblings but at the end of this road it turned out that I was the one who survived the longest. I was the one who raised up our bloodstained banner and crossed the river Petra to reach the place you now call home. It was a huge endeavour. Together with your uncle Henryk, we set up camp in the ruins. The days passed quickly but there was more work than we thought. Cleaning up the rubble, clearing the courtyard, gathering large amounts of stone, wood and other materials from which we built Kamieniec, our new home. The new seat of House Jazloviecki was nothing when compared to Grodno, but we were humble. It was not much, but it was enough for us at the time. I lived in the castle and didn't pay attention to what was around me. My family still lived in Petra. It was so foolish of me to care little about them. When they needed me most I was not there. Bianka was murdered and the wound in my heart reopened. Did I hate her? Yes. Blind pride and the belief that she could not match our father's genius caused my neglect of our relationship. By the time I wanted to fix this, it was too late. My sister was dead and there was nothing I could do about it. I don't wish you to ever have to go through such a thing in your life dear son. After this incident when I officially became the patriarch of the house, I married your mother. My life changed completely. I have always said to you, your brothers and sisters that it is family and loyalty that comes first. I still hold that view. If I can ask for anything, and I know I have been a terrible father and you may hold a grudge against me, but if there is one thing I can ask for then please take care of your siblings and stay loyal to those who gave us new life. Take what fate gives you no matter if it's better or worse than what you were getting before because there may come a day when you lose everything. Enjoy your family and what's around you while you still have it. I don't know if this voyage will end successfully, or if the merciless sea will swallow me and the crew up, but know that if this letter is the last you will ever recieve from me - I love you dearly Waclaw, my firstborn son. I am always with you. Your father,
  5. [!] A rather scrappy missive had been planted all across Karosgrad, on every post and corner flyers spewed the streets and mailboxes. [!] The depiction of an old lady with a sharp pointy nose and a cracking smile was at the head of each letter Dear, Karosgrad I am Grand-mama Fable, or Nona Fable. I've come to spend my last days in the frigid paradise of Haense and I intend to make your life pretty happy. I am ready to meet you all. This is my formal petition. I'd like a home in the Karosgrad for free of charge. I will make Nona special treats, muffins, cakes and so much more. For free might I add. A little old lady as I am deserves such aye? In case his Majesty and the court isn't convinced, here is my information. I am ninety something and have very pretty hair. I have a walker and two working eyes. My name is Fable Ambrosia and I am everyone's hauch mamej I got good skills at cooking and I can knit. I'll feed the kids and keep the streets clean of those pesky.. whichever people we don't like so far. The spider ones aye? Sure. I'll keep em in check and I'll even keep your soldiers fed, just gotta give Nona somewhere to sleep at night. That's my deal, kids. Remember Nona is your friend. Here's my portrait in case you need to seek me out aye? Fable Annette Ambrosia Hauchmamej to all
  6. 24th of Malin's Welcome, Year 126 of The Second Age [[Art credits, left to right: @JJosey, @frankdh, @Amayonnaise, @CyyanTea , @Shi]] CELEBRATING HAELUN’OR Our silver bastion FLOURISHES once more, under the blessed guidance of Sohaer Luthien Maeyr’onn, Maheral Seth Calith and their esteemed council. And indeed, what might vivacity call for, if not a ball? In celebration of our great State, and the diligent Mali’thill that make her prosper, elHeial’thilln invites you to join us for this evening of commendation and delight. ITINERARY 🥂 - Welcoming Reception - Parade of the Weeping Blades - Ceremony of Awards - Commencement of the Ball DRESS CODE Red, White, and Silver - the colours of our nation. Invitations are extended to our allies: The Kingdom of Balian @ErikAzog The Kingdom of Norland @ichigomaster98 The Kingdom of Barrowlands @MalchediaelVult The Crown of Amaethea @JJosey The Iron Horde @DrunkPapaBear The Ashen State of Nor’Asath @ColonelKuehl1 The Most Serene State of Lurin @mika1278 [[OOC: Sunday 7th, 3pm EST/8pm BST]] Medi’ir Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya
  7. TeawithFrisket


    “Could this be it?” Uruks continued to pass by her as she waited “I’m doing this for them, to restore our rightful path...finally.” “Come…” The giant Uruk-hai called to the she-Mali “A dream of darkness, was this it?” Pit…pat…tap Trickles of water began to fall upwards on the chin of the 'Solarii, she looked down to what could be the infinite void, but something rushed at her. Waves now began clashing upon her, a twister came forth dragging the elf along the ocean, the storm raged upon her surroundings. “BOROK!” she cried out, “YOU SAID TO TRUST YOU, SO HELP ME!” The ‘Solarii Princess looked around, no land in sight, no area to cling unto as she sunk under the depths, holding her breath as thunder clashed upon the waves, in it light resonated in the depths she saw something big, gargantuan. “Is that… ?” From afar the princess could see what would be a shipwreck as she fastened her self for a long swim. Upon the shipwreck she climbed and climbed up, thunder clashed upon the wrong which the ship was wedged into. The ship rocked as she took the mast, The Uruk Rex looking down on The Crown Princess ask “Is there a problem child…?” The Elf remarked with a very sarcastic tone “Problem no. Just one Issue, WHERE ARE WE?!” From her yells a sudden wave clashed upon the ship, and a giant hammerhead shark came forth in a glorious manner. “Amirz âhm lât, golug?!” (Who are you, elf?!) Thus the spirit roared, only to have the Girl retort "I wish to make a pact with you O’ Gran’grin Et-da Ma’er” The woman inquired, as she was found out of a secret, the child knew more than met the eye of the normal descendant. However, it was far from ceasy, as the spirit opened its maw, closing in on the pair, as the elfess accepted death, once more betrayed by those who she put trust in “Lât skûm ah-grîzh. Grîzh-lûb? Izg nork, lât flok.” (You smell of blood. Daughter of the Blood. I take, you give.) From it, the spirit examined the elfess with a sniff, as it asked and received a tribute to pass along the depths. “The immortal wants lat to give tribute, to offer something in exchange for power, daughter of the blood.” Thunder clashed once more as the ship began to fall, and so did she, as the she-elf braced for impact into the dark depths. From the depths, the girl saw what was a whale swimming upward to catch its meal. Thus the ‘Solarii embraced this. “Death….regret….I’m sorry my Ochem’ii” Within seconds the elf was swallowed hole and in the belly of the giant fish, however, within mere seconds she saw light, A final hope, the will to live drove her to swim faster than any person, mammal, or being in this world. And once she did she came to a cove, an aquamarine throne, and a Walking Hammerhead Shark. The Elfess' legs were jelly, she could not stand, nor walk as she attempted many times but fell to the floor, weighed down by the sea current which stuck to her calves. She fell on her knees as she looked at the spirit, The Rex in his spirit form came behind, as he sprung from the pool. “Izû hôn lât, bub’hôsh Ilzgûl. Izû thrak ah-golug. Grîzh-lûb.” ('We see you, great spirit. We bring Ember of the elves. Daughter of the Blood.') The hammerhead shark questioned, his voice coming from inside of Ember’s head. The spirit spoke in a language Ember knew not. Pondering she began to hear such spirit switch to common. “I wish to offer a part of me, to pact with you, To revive my ancestor's past, to bring back both the path of spiritualism and elements into our world.” The spirit Azmôrk, chuckled below as he now gazed the Uruk, saying a few words to him in blah. The Orkish Rex let out a snarl, annoyed. the elf turned to him asking. “Can’t be anything good, if your snarling…” The spirit huffed, her smart remarks were but inexplicable to her expense of what she came to the realm with. Her excuses were dull to him, and from it he approached the elfess. His stench reeked her nose as she tried her best to bear with it “He ask why do latz hold the power of blood.” The elf turns to the spirit, with a confident look, one also covered in fear. This was not like Kaira, nothing like her at all, instead she was dealing with soemthing more fierce, she understood the words Acria had told her before this walk, she under stood. “E’ use it to heal others, E’ used it to regrow my ears. E’ have not used it for anything more than that.” The spirit snarled and looked at Ember, as he spoke with a booming voice in their heads, but speaking Elder blah in front of them. “Kaal-Lûk âhm ah-grîzh. Hûnbûm-Lûk.” Azroth points to Borok, Ember turns “This one is a destroyer, the Blood fuels his wrath.” From it, the spirit offered his moist-gooed hand “Rise. Take my mark and receive my blessing. Spread my name far and wide as Azmôrk, elemental of the dark waters. Build me a shrine and followers to pact with me.” From such, she took his hand, as that happened, her lights fell from her head, and she sunk deeper into the darkness, as things began to feel more disconnected, however, she felt the waves now calm in her favor as Ember returned to her body Rad izû âhm âsh. (Now we are one)
  8. The Little Witch of Wrath Art Credit: @Heartesy Ooc PSA: Soft charming noises filled an old palace crippled in the decay and ash that was left of the voidal horror. The palace once filled with a beauty that held magic at its talons and shared the life that breathed in the sky. When it fell they rebuilt. They remade the functions and built a palace ment for a prince or two. Instead creatures that lurked below chased them away. It was burned to the ground.. Than frozen into a hell that was a lot colder than any mortal would like to stand. Moirai had not rested in almost fifty years, her eyes couldn't settle closed. She was unable to sleep, to rest.. to breathe.. The creature was left in her small dimly lit palace rooms to raise her vultures. To eternally kill, to eat, and to stay cold and frozen. She in fact couldn't die or live. The monster looked though she would turn to a statue, her eyes discolored one of her mother the Witch of the north, the creature who’d caused an eternal winter. The other eye of her father, the man her mother ate while the young child had watched. She was disgusted Pristine white hair and skin grayed over with her crossed lineage the creature looked frozen in time. there she’d stood a statue in her own baren kingdom. She would’ve stood there forever. had the voices gone dormant for so long that she could. “Tashnal Bhrun” The voice’s words would be a nail deranged and scraping at the ends of a chalkboard with a crisp whine. However to the frozen creature the words were a reminder of the choice she hadn't made. “TASHNAL BHRUN” The voice sounded louder banging against the steel ice caves of the monster’s mind “I am no longer the youngest.” The creature spoke to the voice; her tone was a careful anger storming in a field of snow. “I am in fact an ELDER” she hissed out her talons wrapping around a thin beam holding a iron cage up to the ceiling The room shuddered a silence had crept into the palace once more “You cannot run Bhrun” The voice sounded firm knowing and willful “I cannot or I will not?” She asked her tone, sliding into a more passive manner the discolored creature hunched over with frazzled white hair stood straighter, a shift taking over her form and leaving behind a beautiful elfess with skin that looked like smoke and eyes brighter than the ocean and skyline. The frazzled hair settled into unruly curls that wrapped around her arms and filled her face with definition. “Do not speak to me unless you intend to finish the conversation” she muttered while swinging her clawed hand towards an old wardrobe. “Serhiem has fallen Tashnal Bhrun, You are the princess of nothing” The little creature standing around 5’7 looked up as though the voice was not in her own head “I was never the princess of Serhiem. Ma’ wishes to see me follow her steps. I wish not to.” She sounded like a young teenager, defiant and wishing to prove something. “Tashnal Bhrun you grow hateful.” “I am not the youngest witch!” she protested flinging her hand and fishing out a set of robes that shared a blue and white coloration dancing freely at her form “Return.” the voice demanded its words impossibly loud dancing around Moirai’s head “I will not kill anymore, I am through with that. I will eat what is provided I will not murder I didn't choose this!” she hissed out stomping her foot on the ground letting out an irritated yell “I would rather STARVE then let mother win.” she screamed the halls of the palace shuttering slightly at the drastic yell “You’d live in denial than chase what you wish” “Think that as you will, we had an agreement” the woman mustered out a few scowles “Azunul” “I'm the selfish one now?” she asked cursing under the little air in the castle There was silence. Moirai's gaze closed and the wind was still, she had not consumed air in almost a decade. “Is she really dead.. the ome’ii?” asked the immortal creature “Kex” There was a long moment where nothing was said and the creature’s mind lay baren of voices. She spoke her words with a soft and careful attention “I wish to be more powerful than her, I will take her power.. I will take her people, I will become what she will fear.” the witch spoke her voice not faltering once “Then wake up” The witch’s nose wrinkled up as a small flurry of cold air brushed against the creaking palace snow began to trail down the water’s slowing into a frozen wasteland the charred tattoo’s along the creatures arms and legs glowing a white then blue the snow was coating the palace it must’ve been. “Al’ Tashnal Bhrun zu’ pzym” “Ulde” “Dektu” “Vorkuhz” The witch opened her eyes before her were the last remnants of the palace, looking as though they had been tarnished and destroyed for many many years. There was no snow, there was no ice, there was a barren world and a dangerous creature which had been let out into the open once more. The woman looked like a beautiful embodiment of death. She looked calm, as she took in a breath her glare pinned startlingly to a monster next to her, coiled in smoke and a dusty ash. The monster looked like a bird, a vulture’s shape with talons twice the size of a large one. The monster looked at the witch and the frozen creature looked back. “Ulde al’ pzymzol.” Moirai stated her eyes turning into a dim blue, the beautiful discoloration similar to a cat dissipated leaving behind no trace of the mortality she often pretended to have. Moirai had awoken, a terrible fate the world would share Ooc Translations: Ooc notes:
  9. ESSAY ON THE PERSEVERANCE OF FAITH Vasili Valic I pray to Sigismund, for we live in a time like his. We Adrians are not the august lords of one great empire, as was Godfrey, we are not mythic icons of the ideal as Horen, and we are not yet redeemed as Owyn. Like Sigismund, we live in a time of low moral authority, of a humanity fractured and compromised in the absence of what once was. I have been blessed by my father, Velislav, with the great histories of our people, what was once known as Ruska or the great Raevir. I may be off base, as subject to the many hundreds of years ago I write of and the erosion of time, but nevertheless in such trying times I must try to use this gift to the advantage of common Adrian, especially those in doubt of their conscience. I can understand the sentiments of those souls, some more forgivable than others, which would receive the actions of our crooked Pontiff, and our occupied Canonist faith, as a sign of its death. These folk would believe schism is the option in the face of excommunication, that because our Pontiff is fallible, so is our belief. One must never forget that Godfrey's immediate descendants abandoned Oren in its hour of need against the Kingdom of Urguan. Though rectified some decades later through the Imperium Tertius, it was his exodus and its shadow in which Sigismund lived, in a humanity subjugated by non-humans. We do not exalt Sigismund for his reign, but his restoration. It was Sigismund who, in the face of a humanity that failed, decided not to abandon its faith in decline, but who reunited mankind under one cause, from Flotsam to Abresi, to restore the agency of humanity to its own hand. It is Sigismund's translations of the scrolls that from which our faith descends in its identity. Those who would seek to remove him from the annals of the Canon would be doing so for the purpose of illiterate megalomania, unaware that the truths they preach even against his name were written by his pen. We live in a time of Dragons and Ghouls, Vampires and other ilk; each side of the current conflict would have you believe the other is their agent. I do not believe either to be true. However, there is not a settlement in the world today which does not harbor the ill omens of undeath or immortal pacts with daemons. Humanity then is subjugated as it was then in Sigismund’s time. We are in a stasis, a vacuum of moral direction plagued by the absence of one just goal. We must think like Sigismund at this time. We must not abandon Canonism simply because there are those within it who are mortally villainous, for it is our unified faith of Humanity. We need not schism ourselves from the world simply because it wants us to. We are human, like any other, and we are, in Adria, the true and eldest heirs to Carrion. Alongside it, we carry the indomitable spirit of freedom and rectitude that has seen it burn in the face of unholy tyranny time and time again. I speak to you Adrians, to pray to the restorer of moral rectitude once more in our time of excommunication. We must not entertain these crooked souls who know neither victory nor defeat, hiding behind their walls for perpetuity while they strangle our faith to death. We must fight for our faith. We must liberate Canonism, not send it to hospice. We must liberate our identity and right titles from the Hansetian menace, not consign them to their perpetual torment under its roof. Do not resign your beliefs simply because others wish you to. Affirm them in spite of this.
  10. [!] A simple note is pinned to the notice tree of Bywater “T’is time to harvest the fields! All of our ploughing, planting, and weeding labors have led up to this moment! Grab your scythe and make Bywater proud!” ((8 pm est, today on Monday the 27th of March, 2023))
  11. The Adrian Declaration of Independence Copies of the missive would be pinned to notice boards around Almaris. To the good Canonists of the world and the people of Adria, The imperialist ambitions of the Aaunic Crown have set within their heads a maddened frenzy. Seeing enemies in all shadows, they have laid their cruel eyes upon us, the good, fair people of Adria, those who have held the southern border while the King of Aaun has sat without an army. Those who have brought trade and life to the kingdom while the streets of the capital remain empty. Those who have invigorated a spirit of Dumacracy and popular government while the central crown seeks to lord over the vassals that keep it afloat. We say no more. Adria has no designs to support the ambitions of the Aaunic King. We simply wish to keep to our own lives, tend to our own crops, and allow our own city to prosper. We wish to leave the world alone and have the world leave us alone, but it is the King of Aaun that wishes to use our blood and toil to expand his realm. He and his council have hardly laid eyes on our prosperous city of Velec, yet from it they desire the plunder that we had already given the kingdom as a whole. With this document, we formally secede from the Kingdom of Aaun so that we may be allowed to rule ourselves, with our customs and traditions unmolested by a Crown that does not care for Adria and its people. We will govern ourselves so that we may be allowed to continue our peaceful growth and prosperity. We have already bested them once in battle as they attempted to storm our city. Another time, as we marched upon the walls of Minitz, they cowered and hid. Our enemy fears us because they have no love or loyalty from their own. Unlike the Alstions, who sought at every turn to use the Sinners’ War as a springboard to launch their ambitions for the Imperial Crown of Philip III, we seek no empire. Unlike the Alstions, who provoked conflict with Haense on numerous occasions, especially during the reign of King Karl III, we have no quarrel with the northmen. Unlike the Alstions, who covet our wealth and strength because of their lack of it, we now build our future with our own hands. Unlike the Alstions, who attempted to plot with rogue agents within Adria to turn the city of Velec over to them, we stand with the people of Adria in defense of our livelihoods. Let it be known that we seek no war with the kingdom and simply request that we be released peacefully from our oaths of vassalage. However, should the King of Aaun desire to march on Adria and burn it, then we will make to the walls of his capital and unseat him. Those who join our ranks will be justly rewarded, while those who remain neutral will go unharmed by our armies. Come what must, We shall see the storm through
  12. By order of Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata a Notif of Dama de Honor has been issued for Senorita Isidora Adella Antúnez The first trial has been issued for one such Isidora Antúnez entrance into the position of Dama de Honor for Princess Sofia de Pelear of Ciudad de Plata. The role is a hefty one, though it comes with perks of the trade, should you go on to pass all three. During this time, the Viceroyal family will be watching the girls actions to see if she’d be a good fit and look forward to what may come of this all. The first trial is this; Plan, coordinate and host an event that will fit your perspective Princess standards. The rules are this, it must be within Ciudad de Plata. You may have assistance, within reason. An invite must be sent out to the public as a whole. Should you accept this first trial, come in person to state your intentions. May DIOS guide you! Viva Hyspia! Signed, Her Highness, Sofia de Pelear, Princess of Hyspia
  13. The Belief of Spectivism [!] Spirits of the dead approaching The Spirit Realm. The Religion’s Origins A fair bit of the Calavénon believe in a vague and relatively old belief of the remembrance of spirits since before they landed upon the shores of any continent. They’ve always had hopes and beliefs that nobody was truly gone once they died. During their long sea voyage searching for land, many Alurians had to leave the dead floating in the sea, having only their memories of them to hold onto. As the situation grew direr, the large Alurian fleet was separated, and the survivors wished to honour those who didn’t make it by creating a shrine. Lighting a candle for them, and if they could, adding the deceased’s possessions or perhaps a depiction of sorts. No matter if it was a simple stick figure or a painting. The Lady of Spirits [!] A painted depiction of the Lady of Spirits with grand nature spirits. None truly know what the Eos was like before The Lady of Spirits. Some believe there was nothing at all; others believe the world was barren before her arrival. All that is known is that once she arrived, Existence itself began to thrive. She was still, at the beginning, settling herself to have three powerful children during this calm moment of her existence. The parents of all grand spirits like themselves. The first child is known to mortals as the sky, surrounding Eos with winds. The second child is known as land, raising scapes from mountains to forests to be. Then the third and final child from The Lady herself is known as the sea, filling the cracks and crevices between the landmasses land had left behind with sparkling blue water. These children are the fathers and mothers of everything after themselves, ranging from the lava flowing within volcanoes to the birds soaring in the sky. Once these three children were born, The Lady of Spirits wandered about Eos. Filling the continents of the world with magic, predating even the first elves. And during this, she also created a realm for the spirits of the deceased to reside in, referred to by mortals as ‘The Spirit Realm.’ However, where there is creation, there is also destruction. Such as being the sister of The Lady of Spirits, The Mistress of Darkness. The Mistress of Darkness [!] A painting of The Mistress of Darkness and her spirit lantern. The Mistress of Darkness is said to have been born around the same time as her sister, The Lady of Spirits. However, unable to assist her sister in creation due to her lack of ability to ‘create’ children as The Lady had done, she became the first manifestation of darkness Eos had ever known. For she was darkness. Jealous of her sister’s children, she used her powers to corrupt the minds and stole the spirits of many; she was too weak to corrupt grand spirits, so she settled for manipulating the lesser spirits of mortals. When a corrupted mortal’s physical body dies, they are unable to enter The Spirit Realm, their spirits trapped in the glowing lantern of The Mistress. The Spirits of the Deceased [!] A painted interpretation of The Spirit Realm. Once a mortal perishes, their body keeps hold of their spirit until it fully rots or somehow disappears, releasing their spirit to permit entry into The Spirit Realm. It is for this reason that the cremation of bodies after death is a common practice, so a deceased spirit may more swiftly enter this realm. There is a way for mortals to attempt to contact their deceased loved ones. However, that is through a festival called The Night of Spirits. The Night of Spirits [!] Messenger lanterns flying into the air for The Lady’s eldest child to help guide them to The Spirit Realm. The Night of Spirits is a colourful festival, one with food and laughter to celebrate the travels of the deceased into The Spirit Realm rather than lament over the loss of loved ones. During this celebration, those participating dress in their finest clothing, donning a mask upon their face as well. As the festival comes to a close, everyone lights a candle, placing it into a lantern for it to travel through the sky’s domain in hopes that the grand spirit, the eldest child of The Lady of Spirits, will guide these lanterns into The Spirit Realm. These lanterns often have messages written inside of them for the deceased to receive, knowing their loved ones still remember them and shall one day join them. Marriage Practices [!] The lit candles of a newlywed couple burning brightly. When a Calavénon and their partner wish to conjoin in marriage they must light a candle to symbolise their union. Both families would bring a candle the colour of their Coat Of Arms. For the Calavénon, their candle would be a teal or cyan colour. Normally this candle would be passed down throughout the family, re-adding wax to keep it growing and attaching a new wick whenever needed. It's understandable if the other family wouldn't have a traditional candle to pass down. Once both families present their candles and light the candle after their vows it will then decide if they are destined for each other, if the candle stays lit then the couple may marry however if the candle should go out for any reason then they are not meant to be. Once the candle has been lit it must then stay lit and if it at any point goes out then its destined for the couples love to also dwindle. After the marriage the wedding can proceed to festivities which tend to include food and alcohol of different varieties. Games are also quite common such as a game which is similar to hide and seek, all must try and find the bride within the confinds of whichever nation she is to be wed at. If they are unlucky in finding the bride it is customary to pay her 50 mina for each participant as a sign of good luck in her marriage. Typically after marriage the wed-to-be's surname would be hyphenated regardless of gender. A dowry is also quite common where the bride and groom's family are to give the bride land or money to take care of each other and acquire cattle and such. Light coloured lily’s should be planted around the altar of the bride and groom to symbolise prosperity, marigolds can also be planted to symbolise good luck for the family. In terms of attire when it comes to the ceremony it's traditional for the Calavénon family to don the Coat Of Arms colours which is typically cyan. The other family isn't required to don their coat of arms colours however it is HEAVILY suggested or else they will recieve side eyes and various glares from the family.
  14. Calavénon Talonnii Talonnii History The Calavénon's have continuously proven to be a rather versatile talonnii. Always have they been willing to reform and evolve to adapt to a particular environment, but never have they lost sight of who they are whilst doing such. They take pride in the fact that no matter what obstacle or string of challenges may cross their path, no matter who or what may stand in their way, they will always manage to find a way to overcome it. Today, they continue to walk the lands of Almaris hand-in-hand, closely knit, and never to be divided. The Talonnii had its start within Elvenesse - or, what is known today as the Crown of Amaethea. Their bloodline is derived from the very Illitian elves that inhabited the lands, and after moving on from the luscious soils of the mali'ame, the Calavénon's sought to live within the Kingdom of Oren, where they were quick to become Nobility, and later on, came to lead Selestia. Despite their humble beginnings within Elvenesse, it is safe to say that Selestia is truly where the talonnii began to cement themselves. Then came the Monarch Vivian, the past monarch of Vortice, who evicted the lands granted by Gail Cordius. The County of Selestia, after Jakob Castington and his people were wrongfully evicted and accused of not paying taxes to the Monarch, decided to rebrand as the city of Ando-Alur. Jakob Castington, alongside five Dark elves came to discuss the founding of a new state after what became of their old County, where born from the disunity present within their brand of elves at the present time. The meeting was long, many plans discussed and thrown out before they settled on a state freely accepting all, including Magicians - a stark contrast to all previous Dark Elven establishments. They decided on a location within the High Elven borders to settle, creating a city boasting a warm and friendly environment. The first Ando Alur city was led as a Princedom, by Prince Vulnir Syllar, and Prince Jakob Castington, with a council beneath them. Though small at first, the city began to slowly gain traction with its values - inevitably leading to the further gathering of allies and new residents. However, not all was easy; creatures of the depths soon rose from the waters that surrounded the city. The solution to this seemingly never-ending swarm of monsters was one used before, so long ago in previous realms, it was almost forgotten as a possibility; the use of a Voidal Tear. With Mages from across the continent gathered, enough energy was collected to punch a hole into the magical realm, causing a never-ending flow of magical energy. This was utilized by those gathered in order to enchant the city itself, tearing it from the earth and into the sky - safe from the monsters below. But of course, all good things must come to an end. After circumstances that were once lost to time, much like the history of the ancient elves, the family has at long last chosen to reclaim their lost history. They are doing so by adopting their true family name, ‘Calavénon,’ to honour those who came in times before them. Physical Traits and Appearances The Calavénon are in the juncture between housing leaner mali and bulker mali. There is naught the pressure to pick one path when it comes to militaristic and arcane matters - for was it not Ando-Alur who accepted both with open arms? More often than not a child of the Calavénon lineage will be born with varying shades of crimson and auburn for hair, the few that do not have paler ashy blond(e) locks. In terms of eye colour the Calavénon are often seen sporting lovely shades of blue or green - rarely is there a Calavénon with gold or purple pigment within their iris’, but it is not a phenomenon that is unheard of. Traditions A Candle's Flame - The ancient ceremony of intertwining fates is a festivity the Calavénon take rather seriously, but despite this, the day is bound to be full of entertaining games and delectable treats. Whilst the ceremony is in motion, the to-be-weds are expected to bring with them a candle - one adorning the signature hues of that individual's talonii. It is these candles that they will be setting alight. Once the vows have been shared should the flame of either one of the candles blow out for any reason, it would signify the union unsuccessful and bound to fail in the near future. It is considered shameful and is looked down upon by the Calavénon's should the wedding persist after such a phenomenon. At Twilight - The death of a Calavénon is truly a sorrowful occasion. The aching feeling of losing a loved one, losing blood is a circumstance never to be wished upon anyone who walks these lands. To honour those who they lost, the talonnii will cremate the lost loved one in a ritual. The ritual is held outdoors at twilight, and notably, beneath a clear sky. In order for the ritual to be complete, the ashes are scattered, to be either taken away into the wind, or upon lanterns up into the sky. Whichever one is chosen is based on what the deceased was said to have preferred. It is believed that the light of the sun and the moon together will guide the spirits of their loved ones to a better place. The Night of Spirits - A celebration to commemorate their loved ones - living or dead. It is a festivity open for all where attendees will be asked to dress in their finest garments and adorn a mask. To bring the festivities to a close, any who wish to participate will write a note and place it within lanterns that will be provided by the talonnii - these lanterns will then be sent into the sky with hopes that The Grand Spirit will guide the lanterns into The Spirit Realm for the deceased to receive. Boozy Bazaar - The Calavénon talonnii is known for their exquisite wines and other fruity beverages. As such, every so often, the talonnii has made it tradition to host various festivities to celebrate their success in this industry - this festivity in particular being their 'Boozy Bazaar' where people will come together to enjoy their drinks. A fan-favourite game within this event is 'Quip or Drink', where participants will be asked a question that they must answer or be forced to drink. Family Tree https://www.familyecho.com/?p=START&c=138r4dlxhfi&f=604347530538248458
  15. [!] Representation of lavishly adorned coronation day halls The moment has come to lay aside the generation and elect a new leader, The Republic of Vikela's Paramount deserves a full celebration and coronation, which is now. One that the previous paramount never experienced, a sigh of relief within the realm, the bright optimism that the river will wash away the doubts as the roots are washed anew. This Grand Harvest, the coronation will take place in the courtroom of the Vemvane Ardrossan Castle. Following the coronation, the new Paramount will offer a brief address, to start their first day a festival will be held within the gate to square to celebrate. As long as goodwill is maintained, all are invited to the coronation. Please be mindful that everyone will be searched at the gate. VALLLO TOUJOU COURI VALLHIUW Her Grace, Leika Juno De Astrea, Paramount , Duchess of Ardrossan. Princess of Abrhami, La Renarde of Uhierie The Council of Vikela
  16. THE UNION OF WHITE LION AND WAR HORSE [!] A Silhouette of depiction of Princess Verónica Frisketa Isabella Maria Lucia Elisabetta de Pelear and Lord Audo Weiss No one saw this coupling as a surprise, except for the betrothed until a few years back. It is with the purest delight that House Weiss and House de Pelear announce the union of their two prestigious families with the marriage of Audo Weiss and Verónica de Pelear: an alliance that will last till the end of bloodlines. Dress Code: No White or blue unless given explicit permission The Wedding and Reception The wedding itself will take place within the Church of Blessed Francisco and will see the two joined together in holy matrimony under the light of GOD. A Secret Event There will be an event held within the bull ring. Though that will be withheld till the day of! Should you wish to know what it is, you must attend A Ball Once the secret event comes to its conclusion, the guests remaining will head to the Hyspia Palace so they may enjoy various drinks, and food being offered, including, but not limited to spicy food competition. followed by gifts for the married couple, and general dancing and merriment Time, Date, and Location The Wedding is open to all that wish to attend Formal Invitations Are Sent To; In No Particular Order: His Majesty, Georg I of Haense and his Citizenry of Haense Duke Aleksandr var Ruthern and his esteemed Pedigree Duke Wilheim Barclay and his esteemed Pedigree Countess Johanne Vuiller and her esteemed Pedigree Countess Carice von Augusten and her esteemed Pedigree Viscount Baldrum Colborn and his esteemed Pedigree Viscountess Theodeta Darkwood and her esteemed Pedigree Baron Gaius Rosius var Ruthern and his esteemed Pedigree Ser Vladimir var Ruthern and his esteemed Pedigree Dame Giovanna Barclay and her esteemed Pedigree Lord Alphonse August Barclay Lady Alexandra Emília Barclay Ser Wyn Larian and his esteemed Pedigree Ser Milonir of Whitehall Bishop Iosif and his esteemed Pedigree Firr Mira’Roui and his esteemed Pedigree His Lordship, Alejandro de Arena and his esteemed Pedigree Firress Iskra Firress Liadain The Novar Household The Santos Househod
  17. SUMMONS TO GRAND DUMA OF ADRIA | 1913 6th day of Harren’s Folly of 1912 TO THE DUCHY OF ADRIA The dumacratic values of Adria are considered sacred and the bedrock upon which our Adria was founded. Since the times of Duke Franz I Vladov, Adria has distinguished itself for its progressive values and integrative vision of a Duchy established not on the despotism of hitherto Savoyard or Horenic polities but instead on that of compromise and unity through differentiating ideas. As Duke of Adria, it behooves me to recognize the people's will and give them ample capacity to advise on the governance of Adria. Thus I summon the Grand Duma of Adria so that we continue to forge our shared vision of prosperity and stability. Heinrik Otto var Nikolai Sarkozic THE DUMA IS SUMMONED UNDER THIS ITINERARY 5PM EST SUNDAY 2/26/23 IN NOMINE ADRIAE His Grace, Heinrik I Sarkozic, Duke of Adria, Count of Veletzia, Count-Consort of Aldersberg, Protector of the Aaunic South, Keeper of the Swans
  18. Aylwin Blaxton (Naumarian: Alvin Blakton) was a Haeseni courtier and diplomat serving the majority of the life under the service of the Amador family, as well as numerous ambassador positions. He is most notable for his ‘Memoirs of Aylwin Blaxton’, an autobiographical account of his life. His memoirs record a typically shunned part of history, revealing the complicated political scene of the Marian court and the struggles and exploits of the Haeseni émigrés during the Coalition Wars and brief occupation period. Later in his life, Aylwin settled in Pruvia and retained high positions in the principality and died shortly before the Pruvian Inheritance to King Stefan of Haense. (OOC: Full credit to @MarquisAlex who wrote all of this, posting this for easier access. Links to his originals below: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157760-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-1/?tab=comments#comment-1492858 https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157915-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-2/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158112-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-3/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158744-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-4/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/158822-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-5/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/159307-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-6/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/161235-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-7/ https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/157760-the-memoirs-of-aylwin-blaxton-book-8/ ) --- THE MEMOIRS OF AYLWIN BLAXTON WRITTEN BY THE HAND OF AYLWIN BLAXTON PUBLISHED BY HIEROMAR LUDOVAR THE ELDER, SSE --- BOOK I BOOK II BOOK III BOOK IV BOOK V BOOK VI BOOK VII BOOK VIII
  19. THE COMITAL BAN OF AMELIA IEKAMI Penned by the Komes of Warsovia, Wiktor Jazloviecki on 6th of Sun's Smile 1910 [ ♪ ] To all people who live in the Aaunic region of Merryweather, For years our family has fraternised with the Iekami family, who come from Yong Ping. My grandfather Borys gave them his friendship and trust. Over the years they have helped us with our work, helped by building, making, and fighting. But in any relationship, even the best one, there are stumbling blocks. Small ones that can be forgiven, but also larger ones that take longer to forgive. Unfortunately, Amelia Iekami, daughter of Genkai Iekami has committed too many offences to be able to seek forgiveness. By order of Count Jan I Jazloviecki - Amelia Iekami, on behalf of House Jazloviecki and those of Iekami family who remain alive, is accused of patricide, and a number of other murders committed on the territory of the former Margraviate of Lvinsk. She is also accused of causing her younger brother, Makoto Iekami, to lose his sight during an attempted murder of his person, in front of the capital city of Vienne in the presence of many witnesses. Amelia Iekami is wanted dead or alive by County authorities, any information is of value and should be brought to the County's attention. In addition to that, there is a reward for bringing her in: 150 Mina if she is brought dead, 250 Mina if she is brought to the County alive, or 50 Mina for any information that may lead to her arrest. Signed, Wiktor Jazloviecki, Komes of Warsovia
  20. An enchanting white-stone estate sits in solitude high up on a cliffside, High Elven architecture is evident, upon first glance of the costly estate. Vines and foliage run up and down the sides and curl around the railing of the front porch and grandiose balcony which overlooks the sea with its methodically crashing waves. A single platinum blonde haired elfess walks through the foyer in a barely peach dyed, shoulderless, tulle dress which comes down just above her ankles. She meanders barefoot through the halls, a bottle of exotic wine in her right hand. Her hair falls carelessly, beachy, waves down her back and flows with weight with each swaying step she took. Dainty pieces of silver jewelry, a collection of necklaces primarily, sparkled each time the sunlight broke through the windowpanes and landed upon them. She’d raise her free hand, well-pampered still, up to drag some of her manicured digits against the lavishly papered wall on her left. Her eyes drifted about her surroundings as a somber expression took over her features, bags hung beneath her eyes like another accessory. Overhead, a trio of pygmy dragons black, green, and copper, flew by. They’d nip and lurch at one another as they played with no acknowledgement of the elfess; and she didn’t bat an eye at them either. She progressed into a large dining room, the silverware and other place settings sat seemingly untouched and collecting dust for quite some time. Two larger chairs were at either end of the table and as she approached the one closest to her she’d then bring her fingers to trace the crushed velvet cushion. A shudder ran through her body and she calmed her nerves with a harty swig from the bottle she toted around. “I always hated the way these came out…” she’d snark to herself, her eyes landing upon a dark wooden hutch filled with the fine dishes and cutlery. “You never would’ve let me host any guests, so I guess those are the biggest ruse in this whole place.” She’d take another swig followed by a crunched of her face, it tasted horrible, but she’d run out of everything she liked long, long, ago. Memories swirled through her mind of her aunt, Illidar, an alcoholic by definition. The two of them sat in front of a campfire as she listened to the war stories of her mother and aunt. Illidar drank to numb the pain she learned, because as much as they tried, they could never forget. The tenebrous tortured them all in different ways. Her mother became a psychotic doll of Adorellan, her aunt became tortured with nightmares that made her relive her darkest days, and she herself would’ve fallen somewhere in the middle of their footsteps if not freed. She believed it might’ve been fate that she befell similar boons as her ancestors, and always wondered, if she’d never left the desert, what would’ve become of her? A slave to a Dark Shaman wasn’t glitz and glam, but he treated her more like a trophy than a possession. He saved her from the same fate that befell her aunt that night, and a part of her would always be grateful for that. Another part of her would always feel responsible for what happened to Illidar. After her father pulled her from the burned ruins of the desert compound, they ventured off to Haelun’or. She remembers the first time she’d ever laid eyes on it - the royal blues and stark white columns. He went on and on about her birthright, Uthiress to the Silver City, but her father came and went just as quick as his titles. Alone at the doorstep of another foreign place full of foreign people and an even more foreign culture, she ventured into the next chapter of chaos. “I remember being celebrated for my beauty and fiery personality, but they shamed you for seeing me as more than an idol.” Glimpses of a hundred letters flashed through her mind, all to her twin sister, who went off with Leniel when they parted ways. A hundred letters handwritten with the finest parchment and the most expensive ink. A hundred letters, but not a single response. Her eyes welled up and a finger rose to prevent any falling tears. She may be alone here, physically, but nothing could compare to the loneliness she felt those days. Keledan was the shining sun after the hurricane to her. When he arrived in her life it was loud and soul-shaking, anxiety inducing at times, but he had her hooked from the start. It was magnetic, or so she’d thought. One of the little dragons, the black scaled one, landed on the back of the chair she stood beside and chirped to her - breaking her from the trance momentarily. She smiled sheepishly to the creature, running a curved digit down the back of its head. She moved out of the dining room and into an off section of the home. The addition was intensely lit with large, beautifully done, stained glass windows and the room was littered with art supplies. Easels with countless unfinished paintings, two body forms with scrapes of draping fabric pinned to the bodice, and a black iron stand with brown stained music sheets rested before a dust covered guitar which rested against the wall. Her eyes briefly danced between each corner of the room, a sigh escaping her lips as she’d noticed a wilting plant - it’s brown, shriveled leaves, turning to dust over time and lack of watering. She’d move to a white leather couch in the middle of the room, which faced the staircase which led up to the second floor. She’d rest herself at the edge, reaching for a half-smoked cigarette from the overflowing ashtray on the glass table before her. One of the dragons, the green-scaled one, landed onto the table with a ‘clink’ from his claws. She’d bring the butt to her lips and with a flick of her right ear, the end would ignite and a puff of thin smoke billowed upward. Inhaling slowly and blowing the smoke out, her eyes narrowed on the creature. “I know, I know, save it. Let me have this one thing.” The creature let out a huff, and so did she as her eyes rolled dramatically and she rose back to her feet. “I’ll go outside to smoke, how ironic.” The elfess dragged herself up the spiral staircase, sneaking another puff as she did so. At the top she’d reached the master bedroom which was disheveled; torn pillows and feathers littered the floor, the large mirror which hung as the backsplash to the bed was shattered to pieces from damage in multiple places, and the chandelier was turn down from the ceiling and dazzling crystals were everywhere. To the left was a double set of doors which were slightly ajar, leading to the balcony which looked over the sea, and that’s where she ended up. She leaned her body forward over the railing and her eyes peered down to the drop below. There were many nights where she had to talk herself off this ledge, tears and makeup running down her face, her mind filled with misery and madness. “Maybe one day, you’ll start slipping slowly… and find me again.”
  21. [!] A note is pinned to the Bywater notice tree Preparing The Year's Harvest! A new year has come, and with it, a new set of duties for us to carry out if we are to remain faithful to Knox, our patron, and keep our stock of food fresh and topped off! My hope for this year is to bring in a record harvest using all of our new equipment and more experienced workforce. May the grains never stop flowing! Next Pumpkin Day, we shall plough the fields. After that, we are to plant seeds upon them, harrow them with rakes, weed them, fertilize them, take care of them, and harvest them at year's end! There is much to be done! ~Mimosa Applefoot, Mayor of Bywater, home of the halflings ((Event tomorrow at 8 PM EST on Thursday the 26th of January, 2023, located within Bywater, the home of the halflings. Directions: ))
  22. [!] You find a note pinned to the Quest board of Bywater Clear 'em Out! ~Bywater adventurers gathered in the ol' sewers~ I believe I've found the Arugulean Cultists' lair deep within the mountains. If we gather some adventurers to clear out these foul spooks and evil-worshippers, we may have another prolonged peace in Bywater! Any adventurers answering the call to defeat this evil will be rewarded well! ~Mayor Mimosa Applefoot. ((7 PM EST, Friday the 2oth of January, 2023))
  23. SUMMONS TO GRAND DUMA OF ADRIA | 1906 13th day of Sigismund's End of 1906 TO THE DUCHY OF ADRIA The dumacratic values of Adria are considered sacred and the bedrock upon which our Adria was founded. Since the times of Duke Franz I Vladov, Adria has distinguished itself for its progressive values and integrative vision of a Duchy established not on the despotism of hitherto Savoyard or Horenic polities but instead on that of compromise and unity through differentiating ideas. As Duke of Adria, it behooves me to recognize the people's will and give them ample capacity to advise on the governance of Adria. Thus, I summon the inaugural Grand Duma of Adria so that we continue to forge our shared vision of prosperity and stability. Heinrik Otto var Nikolai Sarkozic THE DUMA IS SUMMONED UNDER THIS ITINERARY OATHS OF CONFRATERNITY Once all members of the free and open assembly are seated, an inaugural Oath of Confraternity. The Assembling Horn will be plugged and wine and spirits poured in. All those who drink heartily from it will be known thenceforth as friends and brothers of the Grand Duma and are entitled to a vote and an audience. VALIDATION OF THE FRANCISAN ARTICLES It is the hereditary duty of the Duke and Duma to validate the Franciscan Articles of Adria, the most hallowed of Adriatic governing documents. Though some argue the Duke, by his authority, may promulgate such unilateral declarations, those are wrong, for the power of the Duchy lies inherently in the Duma itself, to which all are subject. Thus the Duma itself must declare the Franciscan Articles so that none may misinterpret the genesis of power. CONSIDERATION OF THE EDICT OF ROSEMOOR The Ducal Seat wishes the Grand Duma to consider the application of the Edict of Rosemoor unto the Duchy, formally allowing women to stand for election to the position of Duke of Adria and its inherent titles on equal grounds so told they qualify under the electoral laws of the Franciscan Articles. ANNOUNCEMENT FROM THE DUCAL SEAT The Duke will give multiple announcements regarding the welfare of the Duchy of Adria and updates on Ducal affairs. Furthermore, it is the duty of the Duke to regularly inform the Duma of Adria of preeminent business within the Duchy. PETITIONS TO DUKE AND DUMA & GENERAL PROPOSALS Concluding the business of the Grand Duma will be for any to petition the Duma or the Duke regarding the business of the Duchy OR issue for Duma consideration. IN NOMINE ADRIAE His Grace, Heinrik I Sarkozic, Duke of Adria, Count of Veletzia, Baron-Consort of Aldersberg, Protector of the Aaunic South, Keeper of the Swans
  24. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ THE BURNING OF WHITEHALL ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I: THE GLUTTONY IN DARK One hundred minas. Seax. Father’s old gambeson. Scarf. Favorite fur hat, woven by mother. Silent as a fox, the pig-nosed, chubby young lad prepared this bundle of small possessions in the dim light of the slowly dying hearth fire set by mother. Enough was enough, and Milonir of Whitehall could tolerate no more. Tomorrow was going to be the biggest day of little Milonir’s life. He would prove to his father and everyone who laughed at him that he was a real man, and a true warrior. Papa would see, they’d all see. But now was the time rest. Not without second supper, of course. See, it had been a habit of Milonir’s for the last few years to collect a second serving of supper after mother and father had fallen asleep. They certainly knew, on account of young Milonir’s drastic weight gain. Mother, at least, said little about it. Father on the other hand, was not so silent about his disdain for Milonir’s weight, and often made sport of the subject. Vegetable soup again. He had done this a million times; harking the leftovers and cleaning plates when no one was looking. Perhaps it was because it was late, or perhaps he was too comfortable with his habit. Milonir, careless as he was, had managed to knock over the pot of soup. While this alone would be cause for some small concern, the loss of second dinner was not what caused the horrified expression overtaking his visage. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II: THE FOOL OF FLAME He had not only managed to spill his second dinner, but a number of coals too at the base of father’s clan tapestry. And to punish him for his gluttony, gods beyond his control saw it fit that the tapestry was to be set ablaze before he could act. Milonir could only stare in panicked horror as the tapestry that had been in his father’s clan for generations was devoured by intense, contagious flames. What could he do against such an enraged flame? The blaze would claim not only this prized tapestry, but now soared to the thatching of their home. The thatch house began to cough sparks in all directions like an angry blacksmith pounding away at an anvil. Growing, growing, growing. Completely optionless, despaired Milonir hurried out of the shabby little thatch home as fast as his pubescent legs would take him. It was surprising in this state that he was even able to manage that. A good distance away from the home, Milonir froze in abject, paralyzing horror at the sight before him. Everything he knew, all of his memories, and his very childhood were set ablaze in the inferno. His family raggedly stumbled outside, awoken from the commotion and smoke. Mother and father, covered in ash and coughing, doggedly made for Milonir’s side. Mother, through her infinite love, appeared confused, betrayed, completely heartbroken. Father’s expression told a different story. The bleeding emotions of righteous rage, betrayal, and a satisfying confirmation that he was right gripped his visage. The family blade gripped within his white knuckles told it all. No words were exchanged, yet Milonir squeaked “No, no,” barely mustering the words. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III: THE COWARD'S WAY OUT Panic overtook him, and Milonir backed away from his kin, like a desperate, cornered animal. Run. All he could do was run. With his bundle of possessions under his armpit, Milonir escaped into the pale, cold moonlight. Not stopping to look back at the product of his foolishness, Milonir noticed a much brighter orange glow out of the corner of his eye. Whitehall burned. His legs carried him as far as they would. Echoes throughout the valley could be heard; panicked voices familiar to Milonir, and the thundering masses of timber that fell in on themselves. They slowly dissipated until all was silent and dark. Run. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Whitehall burns. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV: THE ACCIDENT It was an accident. He didn’t mean it. What had he done? It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t mean for this to happen. Young Milonir had proven to Whitehall that their words were right. That Milonir was exactly what they said he was. A useless, fat pile of shit. Reality set in. Milonir stopped only to vomit the vegetable soup he had eaten earlier. Everything he knew and loved was ripped from him that night. He was alone in the dark forest, left with nothing. All he could do was keep running until dawn broke. The bustle of Haense lie before him. A new day. Milonir would make this right. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not in a year, or even ten. But he would make it right. He swore it. He swore it a million times. Milonir would right the wrongs of the past.
  25. -Average Day in Haelun'cihi right now ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brothers, Sisters, I wish to further conversation. We exist as individuals in this time of great strife. Those who have the power to act, and further not only our impacts on the world, but the impacts upon the very nature of being. Ones mind drifts into the nature of being. For truly, if we are most blessed, and every elf a hero seeking to become ever-greater, ever-perfect, why would we seek to end what makes us strive hardest for ever greater perfection? Picture for me this. You are standing before your fellows in the Amphitheater, the comrades of your band. Over the better part of the decade you've been practicing your oration, your acting, and your epic recitation, and though you are overwhelmed with praise from the crowd, you saw 'Them' get more... What is a Mali supposed to do in such circumstance? Become more perfect! That's it! It is through this fact, that a being left unchallenged is one stagnant, progressing not. So, knowing this, and knowing your rival well, why would you ever do more than to punish them? Hear me out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Now don't get me wrong, Heroes. Just as we may be from rival City-States, great cultures of peoples most ancient but at odds, it is for this purpose eternal rivalry must be understood for the betterment of each other. The ever perfection of you and your rival tracks not just at this macro-cosmical scale, but even to us as great singular individuals. We shall not forget, lliran, that just because you are at war, especially a war of domination, one must never forget their purity of mind, thought, and body. Though I sought to stray away from such seemingly 'charged' terms as purity, what with the many newly impure coming to terms with their state, but we must also keep in mind, such a state was brought about by mainly one reason. The killing of rivals. Now, nobody said anything about killing one's enemies. Those auxillary who stand before you as foes to be bested. For in the great field of legendary combat, where myth is made, we must exert our force to overcome ALL the armor of another. But, examples of fine heroes who, defeated upon the field, were made to submit before you. Punished much, through injuries sustained, or defeat having felt, it is by right of victor to do as he pleases, but to end the feared rival, they who had inspired your own greatness beaten into a prisoner? To deny him his end on the field in service to his citystate, and himself is also a disservice to you, and the legends and myths we may all enjoy in times to come. Picture for a moment. The mighty hoplites of two great citystates, an army of valah auxillary and rowers, and ten blessed citizen hoplites. Their ship of painted sails crashes upon the shore, and they meet in the field with an army of another great citystate. Another hundred auxillary and twelve rival hoplites... The battle fierce as auxillary face one another to keep them from the phalanx as both sides of beautiful citizens, each an individual with rights, privileges, and heroes of great family battle to see themselves greatest. Shields pressed to shield, and spikes thrust. Until one gains the upperhand. You look to your brother as a spike glanced over the shield, ending him quickly. Every loss felt gravely, but the fight continues on. When one side victorious, perhaps of the result of two champions choosing to duel for victory, fine judgement leads to greater legend. The taking ransom, or a piece of panoply or a trading good may be a powerful lesson to learn, yet to end who you have before you, with no chance to bare arms in noble defense? A sight most savage. Most disappointing. After all, we are cousins. Why, but the most extreme of circumstance, do you deny yourself the competition? Don't wanna work too hard? -The Elven Phalanxes, powerful formations of each respected citystate.
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