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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. qotd: what's something that strikes true, raw fear into your character? it could be a person, a concept, a magic, etc. you could also talk about an RP interaction relating to a time they were afraid of something, somewhere

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. NightcastorKitty
    3. Morigung-oog


      This is late, but for Valindra, it is voidal horrors, most notably when invading her mind, and tears in turn. Knowing the power of the void, and that of the creatures that it spawns, Valindra has fallen victim to their wrath of several occasions. During Arcas, she was tortured by horrors after infiltrating the ranks of the cultists during the tear crisis. On Almaris, both of her closest friends were force-PKed in the hollow. Considering deific magics cannot reach the hollow, she can't even assume where their souls have ended up, if they still exist at all. It all plays into an additional fear of hers, which is her own mortality (ironic for an elf, I know).

    4. Tea_Guzzler


      I forgot to reply to this earlier on, but my one persona Aiyeis is terrified of watching someone age. She made the mistake of befriending a human in her youth and watched them grow old and weak. 

  2. I feel like as time goes on we're starting to see less and less consistent, passive RP in the activity hubs and more and more afk standing or running around in circles - I feel like every time I try to RP with strangers they're either totally afk or there's just no interest at all. I've always experienced the opposite with post-map transitions where RP seems to be at its peak, but with Braevos it still feels like we're at the end of last map when RP momentum was at its lowest. Might be really anecdotal and I could just be not trying hard enough, but has anyone else experienced this?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Traveller


      sorry jade... you are not important for my clout within my extended friend group in my human nation... therefore you do not get rp from me...

    3. Unwillingly


      26 minutes ago, Traveller said:

      sorry jade... you are not important for my clout within my extended friend group in my human nation... therefore you do not get rp from me...

      traveller PLEASE rp with me PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE

    4. marikandaperc


      accidentally found this while responding to the other question. my suggestion would be to just travel, sometimes people might ghost you but i've found it easier to actually rp (even though most if the time it's short lived, because there isn't a specific plot/idea running the scene) by just kinda wandering everywhere and asking people to buy things

  3. what was the most or least enjoyable CRP/pvp encounter you've ever had?

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Damnit_Delmar


      Yo! I'm glad both of you enjoyed those fights, those where probably some of my favorite encounters to be in, @SimplySeoand @lemonke


      My favorite CRP conflict, that I can think of, has to either be the Battle of Serheim. Where my then former king, pretty much helped act as a body shield/medic for the Varg. Either that, or the conflict in the Kingswood; where I pretty much just skulked the woods and fought Templar. Both where pretty close ties, but fun all the same. 


      As for the worst encounters, none really come to mind, but I know I had a few bad experiences. I remember one slightly bothersome, though still had some funny rp now that I look back on it, was when a group of thieves blamed my character for stealing something they where attempting to heist. Which ended up becoming a PVP duel. 

    3. ThatFunkyBunch


      I wasn't a demon yet. And this girl pulls out a cross on me

    4. LobsterLarry


      @UnusualBritWhy does it have to? The question wasn't about the community, it was about the least enjoyable CRP encounter I've had.

  4. anyone else hate it when elves speak common 99% of the time IRP but then use like 1-2 elf words mid sentence

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Laeonathan


      it's more a "lack of devs" issue then "lotc bad ewww"

    3. MNT_Plovdiv


      Technically you can speak the language with more Elven language, but it would require players to learn a lot. You don't want to learn a language when it is not even used in real life (i guess).

    4. Burnsider
  5. qotd: when you first created your character, what was the goal you had in mind for them, if any? has it been accomplished yet? has RP generated any new goals for them as a character?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Panashea


      Skaatchnak was to be born of Mor'Ghuun and essentially a different generation of orcs around 6.0. With a different section of clans and identities the main theme of the orcs in question were that they had never actually practiced Shamanism in the way Krug's direct descendants did, but still understood the importance of the Spirits- which is why ritual and action was more important to them then just magic. The goal was moreso to get people to take orcs and the faith more seriously in a time when orcs were very memey.


      They eventually find their footing and after Krug loses its land the two separate groups had a minor civil war until being swallowed by Krugmar and reforming. During this conflict Ram (the dark shaman clan) ends up joining the Horde and rather then accepting the dark shamans who had recently turned to Leyd rather then Ixli, he killed them off and refused the offer given to him. I end up leaving the server for a while, and return toward the middle end of the character's life, returning to a pretty dead nation of Krugmar with no understanding of Krug and the legacy that he left behind or the paths and identity of different orcs. 


       I restored a bunch of different practices like haruspexy, orcish xionism, helped a bunch of shamans practice better, and eventually led up to the Freygoth v Gentharuz conflict and Azdromoth/the azdrazi branding my character and nuking some of the land outside of Krugmar. One thing despite how messy the land actually looked was how much active conflict went on during the tile between Spirits or different practioners of Shamans on the server.


      Despite my clan initially being "cursed" to never practice Shamanism, I end up having it taught to me by my enemies, which kind of ended the cycles of violence between my character and Krugmar and ended that arc of wandering the world.

      There's more involved with what happened to them towards the end of their life but that's a brief chunk of their goals from Arcas to Almaris, but that stuff has arguably more generated from interactions then any direct intention to live a specific way or have more broad goals.

    3. TeawithFrisket


      Depends for me my first character was gonna be a mix of Fighter class and mage from dnd then I found out LOTC true power REDLINES!

    4. z3m0s


      I just wanted to be a blacksmith. . . Then I found out about the Dwarven Curse. . .

  6. do any NL kings or queens on the server have court jesters, have you guys considered getting court jesters, I realized I've never seen one ever

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. salamanderfantasy


      Ive been a clown  for hire since January and nobodies put in a court jester request :--(

    3. tilly


      I am here on behalf of Petra to request a court jester. I have been in search of one since 2023.

    4. Turbo_Dog
  7. without naming names, what are some aspects of nation/settlement communities that either draw you in or push you away? what kind of things do you like to see and engage with, or what makes them undesirable to play in?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Pancho


      When the RP is only tea talk. I like to RP with substance. Yet when nothing interesting ever happens outside forum posts or shit is OOCly driven, then I start to distance myself. 

    3. Morigung-oog


      Communities that have a well thought out culture and environment from a story perspective. I’ve been in some environments that made Sutica look like like Haelunor and they pretty much only run on ooc.


      ICly driven communities that are comfortable in gracefully taking Ls for the sake of narrative. Seeing people either ignore ic issues oocly or attempt to dodge consequences that are already being enforced gives me the ick.


      A healthy OOC environment backing the community is without trying to go for each others throats. If I wanted a high school environment I’d go to SRP.


      The RP needs to be of sustenance at least some of the time. I’m okay with slice of life occasionally but often just sitting in a tavern kills a community. This extends to communities where player couples just sit in their houses all day. Go out, meet people, stir stuff up if you want to.


      People who aren’t afraid to initiate rp with someone they don’t know can generate some of the best rp around.


      People who ooc throw hissy fits over Ic happenings they don’t like and over share with other people mostly in the form of shit talking or yapping are the source of so many community headaches. This is why the spook community won’t rp with you. 

      A community should offer multiple avenues for a character to go down and be rp-centric. PVP is no longer central to LOTC and is p much  only used for large scale conflicts now or for tournaments. (Left clicking in moderation is fine but when it becomes the main focus of your community you might want to join a factions server.)



    4. Heartesy



      need i say more

  8. If you could give a new player any tip or advice, what would it be?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Gustando


      you don't need to put an * to do an action after making a speech emote. Ex: "I love minecraft!" he loves minecraft.

    3. Crevel


      Read the rules..

    4. drfate786


      Look! It's bravery cave! You have to go.. Inside..

  9. qotd: how does your character cope with trauma, grief, or their overall mental wellbeing? do they dissociate? resort to alcohol or drug abuse? project it on others? etc

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. TheDrHedgehog


      Samuel bottles it up and works a lot in the hopes of forgetting about it completely

    3. Adelemphii


      My snow elf fishes all day, every day.

    4. Amayonnaise


      Avyn writes. She is a big scholar, and finds writing her thoughts helps her process and heal.


      Noruiwyn is an ex chaos demon, and thus has lingering instabilities. She has a large pool of patience despite this, but certain things can tick her off and then she just explodes. Following any angered bout, she tends to struggle with returning to her more reserved 'patient' self, and generally needs a few days before she feels 'normal' again. She tends to linger around specific people who help her calm down and feel normal :)

  10. what are your lotc hot takes

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Damnit_Delmar


      Magic shouldn't mold the character - the character should mold the magic


      I believe a lot of the current mindset that you have to play a Dark or Divine Magic in a particular way is dumb, and instead of forcing it to one particular culture. It should instead allow anyone to expand and do something different. You should be able to see the Constantine type Warlock, just as you should be able to see the Evil Paladin(not saying they don't exist, but such routes seem to often be frowned upon)

    3. satinkira
    4. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      let me rejoin the team even tho I sold my PC for WWE Friday night smackdown! Tickets 

  11. are we just gonna pretend that claiming someone's an "undead" after they didn't PK isn't just an excuse to use methods of RP to OOCly badger players

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. blindmind


      I'd ban Dave, but that's not my call. Totally understand that this is basically a lose-lose situation. I just think it's funny that characters can pretend that Monks don't exist on a global level when they've been so fundamental to lore and society.

    3. NotEvilAtAll


      @Spoons you haven't seen it for the past few months because the past few months have been almost entirely conflict free apart from a few raids.

    4. Mavromino


      14 hours ago, blindmind said:

      You could say whatever you like, sure, but for something like this to be a widely accepted truth in RP, you need to satisfy certain conditions. Those being: eliminate public knowledge of the Monks on a meta level, or have a state/government disavow the existence of Monk magic by punishing characters who acknowledge it. Historically speaking, I'm sure the server will lean toward the latter.

      According to the rules you can't rply know that the monks revive people.

  12. character design can be an integral factor to storytelling. what are some factors of your character's appearance that relate to symbolism, themes, motifs, or an underlying message?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. UnBaed


      I used the theme of moths around my Moliana character a lot due to how selfish and ambitious she was, driven to pursue her desires even if it was extremely unhealthy and detrimental for her.  Since I wanted her to be a gothic character, I pursued a tragic story fitting to a lot of gothic literature that I studied in high school.


      For Ilaria, there is association with the sea and her philosophy with Shorewalking.  Haunted oceans have always been an interesting concept to me, deep sea horrors are rather ethereal and mysterious despite it all being from our own world.  It's a great reference to the unknown and considering different viewpoints and perspectives to look at our own world, which Ilaria often preaches for people to do with existence and the influence of aengudaemons.  Given she was born seeing ghosts and teeters on the line of living and dead energies, I feel like I've done a good job in RPing her as ethereal and kooky without out right saying it (given other people have described her as those things often)


      Ilaria's visual design is actually something I'm really happy with since it's taken a while to figure out, but now it just feels right :D perfect mix of ethereal elf and gothic, unsociable creature


      Rezalisa is still a wip for me in establishing strong symbolism, I've only just recently figured out her visual design and feel happy/confident with it




    3. HurferDurfer1


      light facial hair or powerful facial hair

    4. ivery


      With Deia's initial design, which is still pretty accurate to her current, I went for specific shapes and a silhouette that would make her unique and recognizable at a glance in art. A lot of the motifs that I keep for her are based on various iterations of Snow White, relating back to her heritage and her place in the world mentally (sort of a dark fairytale simplification, that is) with a sort of intentional naivete. In a lot of my drawings, even if it doesn't necessarily fit the style, I'll add things like vertical lines for blush that give a storybook aesthetic. Rosy cheeks lower on the face, wider hoop-like skirts, a rounded hairstyle and a bow on the top of her head are my checklist, and I find that she gives off a very different vibe if even one of those things is missing.

  13. if LOTC didn't exist what do you think you'd be doing right now

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. TheCaptain


      Same as qizu tbh

    3. z3m0s


      I want to say I'd be successful, but I'd probably be wasting time elsewhere. . .

    4. jdesarno


      Literally anything else.

  14. what are some quirks, fun facts, or other things your character has/can do that you never get to share or emote in rp? 

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Adelemphii


      For over 2 years I've roleplayed my Snow Elf as being an exceptional swimmer and fishing extraordinaire who is working on owning a fish and tackle shop, but I think I've only ever roleplayed anything related to that with someone else around twice this map.


      I just wanna own a fishing ship on a coast, then a location in a coastal city where I can rp loading the fish from the ship onto a barge, then barge barrels of fish up a river to my fish and tackle shop which is conveniently posted up on said river.

    3. RainbowRoad1234


      very rarely do i get to emote my snow elf's irrational fear of sneezing. not because of germs, but because they are just so jarring.

    4. Morigung-oog


      My character used to be able to digest just about anything. I used to have her eat coins. Tawkin amendment fucked it. Curse you, toxposters.

  15. what's the craziest encounter you've had with a new player

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Gambit


      They turned out to be a TOS ban alt

    3. Shiredom


      Dwarven New Player who assassinated me on their first day, turned out to be a targeted move who was actually a banned player as an alt

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      one time i watched two of em have 15 year old courting 22 year old roleplay

  16. why do you play lotc?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Nozgoth


      I wish I knew

    3. rathat
    4. Laeonathan


      As a staff member I'm here to terrorise the community as I'm extremely evil, what else?


  17. is it a sunnyside up egg or a fried egg please this is very important 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. drfate786


      You mean with the egg yolk leaking all over the sandwich and making it soggy? The mess on your hands and mouth as you desperately try to eat it properly? >:)

    3. monkeypoacher


      idk man that’s the way I’ve been doing it 

  18. normalize not going to city events like banquets or balls and doing whisper RP the entire time

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. amyselia
    3. z3m0s


      Dam am I tripping or can you not upvote on status replies? Yall funny af

    4. SandySocialist



  19. qotd: what's your character's primary weapon when faced with combat? does it have any sentimental significance, or is it simply convenient to have? it could be a magic, transformation, animal companion, weapon, etc

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Traveller


      my words.


      irene (my homunculi) uses a bigass bone sword that sprawls from her arm after tearing her skin apart in combat


      ardromiath (my azdrazi) uses a draanbound ashen cutlass, a remnant from the pirate which he was before


      otton (my siliti, rip) used two daggers, one themed around the sun and one around the moon, ensorcelled with light and dark ensorcellments respectively, these were looted from him after being chased and temporarily slain


      bane (my merchant) uses a spyglass and shovel stored on his backpack, not really a weapon but it's just what he has on hand

    3. Greehn


      my character (wolfgang) used to use a bo staff that he handmade himself until he received a very cool bokken courtesy of @Benleft , so now i use that :3

    4. Morigung-oog


      Valindra's primary weapon is a spear which seems to be crafted from ice with a chain at the end so she can pull it back into her grasp. It was gifted to her by a very old and dear friend.


      Second are probably her Azhl daggers. These were the equivalent of hers and her ex husband's wedding rings. Hers was named 'Affliction of the Chosen', and his was named 'Afflicted of the Trusted', which feeds into the irony that came with the storyline, as her husband cheated on her and broke her trust, so she was not chosen and he was not trusted.

  20. >halflings leave their chests and doors unlocked, hides a lot of them behind blocks and don't get banned for it
    >"why are we raided so much?"

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Arkelos


      How do you know they're behind blocks?

    3. Unwillingly


      cuz i have xray duh x))

    4. rukio


      Never believe a GM who tells you what a rule is until they  cite the exact link and part of the rule list they found it in. . . .


      Human error exists. Save your own skin.

  21. loud minority btw

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. AnonymousAlexa


      @itdontmatta  what happened to the polls being anonymous?

    3. Rigorous


      As much as I dislike CRP default, if the consensus is to keep it, I'm not going to impose anything else on anybody else.

    4. itdontmatta


      @AnonymousAlexaif you read the post you can see that I made a false statement. I plan on running a few statistical analyses on the responses. 

  22. I've taken the anti-tawkin/alch/magic/polymorph disguise pill yall

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. UnBaed


      u just dont want to make a new skin



    3. saint swag

      saint swag

      this is the way

    4. femurlord


      you're just a poser up until you exclusively use your infernal transformation skin

  23. do people still get banished from nations or is everyone just killed for like idk breaking a window or something

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Onnensr


      death doesn't matter anymore so we just kill people repeatedly until they get the message

    3. Zacho


      people are usually banished unwillingly hahahahahaha

    4. rukio


      My character was banished for ugly once

  24. what are some of the easiest or most efficient in-RP ways to earn mina?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Reckless Banzai Screamer

      Reckless Banzai Screamer

      a hustler doesn't share their hustles for free, nice try fed

    3. Onnensr


      hunt darkspawn, get cool ((forbidden and sinful)) st signed items. trade them on the ((black)) market for rarer ((even more sinful)) items. continue this cycle until you attract wealth due to your sheer net worth in lucrative investments. establish a paper currency to destroy the mina. pay off large businesses to only accept unwillingly-bucks from now on. strongarm admins into giving you server ownership ((he who controls the unwillingly-bucks, controls the server))

    4. ThatFunkyBunch


      You have a Naz MA.

      You just make Anti aging cream for court roleplayers in human nations. I got like 300 per run


  25. what's the best chat emote color

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Traveller


      Aqua - pretty alright, typical for elves, specifically high elves or dark elves 8/10


      Blue - decent, kind of hard to read with shaders, not seen many people with this 6/10


      Dark Aqua - shamefully i have not seen many people with this either, actually a underrated chat colour 9/10


      Dark Blue - possibly the WORST chat colour, hard to read with and without shaders and just makes rping awful with this colour 1/10


      Dark Gray - similar to dark blue but not as bad of an offender, very very rarely see people with this colour, typically its dark magic players that use it. 3/10


      Dark Green - used by a lot of highlander humans, wood elves and dwarves typical for humans in agricultural settings. pretty decent and common chat colour. 7/10


      Dark Purple - despite being called "dark" it is quite vibrant, another common one, this one is used a lot by dark elves and dark magic characters. 8/10.


      Dark Red - for the edgelords, whoever is emoting at you with this is either a knight/soldier, a bandit or a norlander. no inbetween. pretty standard. 7/10. 


      Gold - decent chat colour, feels kind of flat in my opinion compared to some of the other ones but gets the job done. 6/10


      Green - really good chat colour but imo is too vibrant sometimes, personally i use this one but i hadn't put much thought into using it i just like using uncommon ones. i dub thee, traveller green. 7/10


      Light Purple - makes you look like a pink tag and i have to double check every time you emote with this, stop using it please. 4/10


      Red - similar to dark red but slightly less edgy. used by a lot of people. 6/10.


      Yellow - another very underrated one but suffers from a lot of the problems that "green" does too, never personally seen this one used ever so i might start using this after i press submit on this. 8/10.

    3. warlord of filth

      warlord of filth

      yellow, reminds me of aegis. 

    4. Zacho
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