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  1. ᛋᛟᚾᛋ ᛟᚠ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ DUNGRIMM’S LEGION. ᛋᛏᛖᛖᛚᛒᛟᛞᛁᛖᛞ ᚹᚨᚱᛗᛟᚾᚷᛖᚱᛋ The Sons of Urguan have forever relied upon Dungrimm’s legion should any conflict arise. Dungrimm’s Legion, defenders of Urguan, protectors of the Faith, guardians of the people. The sole purpose of the Dwarven Legion is to protect and serve the Grand Kingdom of Urguan. It is the main military force underneath the Grand Kingdom, and also one of the most prestigious and oldest militaristic guilds. The Legion is known for its notable order and discipline, excessive training and precise execution. Under Sigrun Ireheart, the legion is bound to prosper once more with these changes. The Commanding Ranks. Grand Marshal. The Grand Marshal is the disciplined and experienced leader of Dungrimm’s Legion, second only to the Grand King himself. He is expected to be the Grand leader all the legionnaires and dwarves look up to. He shall lead with courage and gallantry and shall be devoid of any cowardice. Disobeying the Grand Marshal is to be considered a terrible insult to the experience he has gathered. Commander. The Commanders of the Legion are the most confident, brave and cunning Thanes handpicked by the Grand Marshal himself. To be promoted to the Commander rank is a promotion of highest honour and courage. There shall be no more then two commanders at any given time. They are considered the Grand Marshal’s right hand men, and are the ones in charge if the Grand Marshal is absent. They are to be in charge of running their own trainings and events for the Legion, and are fully trusted to host them on their own. Lieutenant. Lieutenant is the lowest commanding rank in the legion, nonetheless it is a rank of great martial ability and prowess. Lieutenants have the duty of leading soldiers should the Grand Marshal and Commanders be absent. It is the Lieutenant's duty to make sure to lead the ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion and keep the Legion functioning. Brigadiers may also command cohorts if they desire to do so. The Soldier Ranks. Pridebearer. The Pridebearers of the legion are true veterans of Dungrimm. They are the most skilled and hardened warriors of the soldier ranks. It will often take Legionnaires decades to reach this rank, making it a position of true excellence in the Legion. Often Pridebearers are the first ones to be considered for Lieutenant. They are the ancient and undying defenders of Dungrimm’s Legion. Longbeard. Longbeards are proven soldiers and are amongst the most experienced and disciplined within the legion. Longbeards are chosen to become officers if there are no suitable Pridebearers ahead of them that can be chosen. Former officers or those who have held the Longbeard rank and above within the legion can return to this rank if they decide to re-join the legion either after retirement or if they were previously an officer who has been demoted. Ironguard. Members of the Ironguard are to be considered the true core of the Legion. True warriors that are dedicated to Dungrimm’s Legion and that have sworn their oath to it. They have been trained to the point of competency in their position and are on the path to hardened warriors. These legionnaires are expected to carry themselves with more composure and dedication then the Grunts below them, and should carry a presence that is not to be trifled with. Grunt. Grunt is the beginning rank of Dungrimm’s Legion, any dwarf can sign up and start their journey through the ranks as a Grunt. They will be trained in combat and discipline, leading to a quick experience as to how true Legion life will be. Once competent enough in listening to orders, combat and discipline Grunts will be promoted to the Ironguard after swearing their oath. Classes. There are various Classes a legionnaire can select to gain extra experience to their liking. Whether that be a Medic, Ranger, a Mage or a Beastslayer. These legionnaires get drilled and trained in their class, making them into an elite force used for specific duties alongside their standard issue legion training. Medic. Medics get trained to be an on the ground, hands on surgeon in the heat of battle. Medics are trained in their field to surgical precision. Their training is considered the most mentally straining due to the extreme multitude of scenarios they need to be prepared for, and for that reason they are heavily respected within the legion. Ranger. Rangers are the main scouting and stealth force of the legion. They are primarily trained to be self-sufficient archers who can whittle down an opponent from far away with arrows. They have been given the duty of scouting out the enemy ahead. Mage. The Mages of the Legion have been given training in general use of their magic, usually behind the main force in a more supportive role. The Mages are given the duty of targeting out the more powerful enemies with their spells, or using their spells as cover for the other legionnaires. Beastslayer. The Beastslayers of the Legion are an elite fighting force specially designed to slay unnatural and rare monsters ordinary legionnaires aren't trained for. The Beastslayers excel in fighting anything supernatural that may come their way. The Legionnaires Oath. Step forward, grunt [“Grunt’s Name”], and swear by the gods of Urguan, the manes of your ancestors, and your own honor an unbreakable oath that you will follow your commander wherever he may lead you. You will obey orders enthusiastically and without question. You will promise to serve under the standard of the Legion with honour. You will serve Urguan faithfully, even at the cost of your life, and will respect the law with regards to civilians and your comrades in arms.” “Congratulations. You are now a member of the Ironguard.” Legion benefits. While the Legion itself is an entirely selfless organization, focused on the protection of Urguan without expecting reward, there are nevertheless several benefits which come from joining the Legion. Equipment: Gear for combat and traversing the land is available to the forces of the Legion. Upon reaching a new rank a legionnaire will be given a brand new set of armour alongside a weapon, shield and ranged weapon of their choice. Gear is obtained from an officer and a member of the Legion may use his armor and weapons in whatever manner they wish after it has been provided for them. During times of war, equipment will be handed out on the eve of a battle if a legionnaire does not have their own gear to battle. A member of the Legion is entitled to keep whatever ‘spoils of war’ are obtained during battle. Free Barracks Housing: A new recruit may gain free housing within the barracks indefinitely should they stay active within the ranks, the recruit that partakes in this bonus will lose their lodging after purchasing a home of any type within the capital or in the kingdom’s surrounding lands. Legion Pay: The commanding ranks of Dungrimm’s Legion are expected to be grateful for the chance to lead the Legion, and are given no pay. This is the pay given to active Legionnaires judged by rank. Pridebearer: 20 Mina per year. Longbeard: 15 Mina per year. Ironguard: 10 Mina per year. Grunt: 5 Mina per year. Legionnaire of the Year: Legionnaire of the year is a rank granted down by the Grand Marshal himself, such ways to obtain this honour is by acting appropriately and showing discipline ((both in roleplay and out of character)), whilst performing diligently and accordingly within the Legion. Legionnaires of the week will be granted double their wages for that year’s payday.. For instance, if you are awarded Legionnaire of the Year you will get double pay for that year’s pay day. Legion Hall of Fame: The most decorated Legionnaires will have a chance at earning a spot in the Hall of Fame, located in the Legion’s Grand Hall. This is no easy feat, for a spot in the Hall of Fame is extremely difficult to obtain. A soldier who accomplishes something worthy of such an honour must receive a unanimous nomination by the Grand Marshal and both Commanders. Afterwards, the Grand King himself determines whether the achievement is considered legendary and historical. If successful, the legendary soldier will be granted a spot in the Hall of Fame. Traditionally, a ceremony is held in the Legion Hall to initiate a legend who will be eternalized in the Hall of Fame. Enlistment Requirements One must be at least eighteen years old. One must reside in Urguan. One must not be banished. One is expected to have a good grasp of Urguanic Law. Promotions. Every two years. (two weeks) the Grand Marshal shall host a promotion ceremony based off of the performance by the Legionnaires the past two years. The current ways to gain recognition by the officers are: Gate Duty Outpost Duty Patrol Guarding Meetings/Feasts Completing tasks assigned by officers Saving a fellow Legionnaire Attending a Training Guarding an important figure within the Kingdom Being critical to a successful mission Recruiting a Dwed into the Legion Winning a Legion organised tournament Attending Raids Attending Skirmishes Wear the Legion issued uniform Attending Battles Donating any of the following materials: Iron Gold Coal Leather Meat Golden Carrots Feathers Wood If Legionnaires want to get promoted, these are the things they should especially avoid doing. Refusal to address an officer or Legionnaire of higher rank with proper decorum while on duty or in a formal environment in the Legion Hall Cause the mission failure Misuse of Legion issued equipment: Speaking against an Officer during serious matters Harassment/Assault of fellow Soldiers Disobeying the orders of the Commanding Ranks Going Stark Raving Mad Refusing to wear the Uniform on duty Uniforms: (New skins will be posted here, wear the old ones for now.) Enlistment: Legion form.
  2. A GRAND PASSING. Dungrimm awaits those who die with honor. It was a normal day for Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart before the dreaded expedition that had gone horribly wrong. A small meeting with the King of Norland, discussing possible joint military trainings. A meeting with his friend Johann Barclay, the Lord Marshal of Haense. It had been a nice day, but it was about to take a turn for the worse. Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart set out with his dwarven brethren towards the void. As usual, Kronk was right at the front guarding his squad and the mages that stood behind him. They entered and the effects of the Void were immediately clear, mana overflowing and the ground beneath their feet constantly changing. The air conveyed a feeling of dread, and it became harder to breathe. Yet even with these circumstances the combined force of dwarves and mages pushed on. “DONNAEH WORREH LADS, DUNGRIMM GUIDES US TES DAY!” Kronk shouted out to his companions, a grin forming on his face. As they neared the cliffs, a thunderous roar could be heard and a beastly figure appeared in the sky. “ET BEH AH DRAGON!” One of the dwarves shouted. “WEH SHALL KILL ET TEN!” Kronk retorted with his trademark confidence and vigour, yet this beast was unlike anything he’d ever seen before. A massive three-headed beast that could incinerate a man with one breath. Kronk’s focus was set on nothing else but to slay the beast, a task impossible for the equipment they had. And then it struck. Kronk was lucky to have been missed by the first hit. The reality struck in as his friend, Balor’s arm was incinerated straight off. “SHIELD WALL ENFRONT OF TAEH MAGES!” The Marshal shouted out as they did so. But it was too late, little did Kronk know the dragon had its sights fully set on him. BANG! The lightning struck right to his side, sending the Marshal flying further down the cliff into the hard rock wall. “OOOMFFF!” Kronk groaned out as his back snapped, paralyzing the dwarf to only being able to crawl. “WE’REH NAEH LEAVIN’ YEH BEHOIND!” Two of his fellow dwarves, Gwydion and Barundin Ireheart shouted out as they went to assist the Marshal, carrying him away from the battle. Before they got far the massive three-headed dragon landed right in front of them, charging up its lightning breath once more. Kronk hastily tried to shield his fellow dwarves with his enchanted shield, but fate would not have it that day. The wall grew behind them as the three dwarves, Kronk, Gwydion and Barundin grinned wide once more. “DUNGRIMM HAS CHOSEN MEH TOH TRAVEL TOH HIM TES DAY! MAY OI DRINK ALE AN’ FOIGHT MOI BATTLES TEREH!” Kronk exclaimed as the lightning reached him. “NARVAK. OZ. URGUAAAAAAAAAAANNN!” The Grand Marshal announced with a last defiant breath as he was turned into ash. As Kronk died he thought of all his family and friends, Ranna, his loving fiancee and his kids. Hieran, a friend he had never been able to spend time with due to the constant war with Oren. The Legion he left behind, and his officers that waged every battle with him. Uruan Stormheart, his ever supporting father and greatest influence. Mica Goldhand, his loving aunt. Sionnach, his everlasting friend to whom he had promised they would die together. Ulfric Frostbeard, the old King of Urguan that had trusted him with the position of Marshal. Edward Thuri-Elendil, his Templar friend. And many more. [!] A small book could be found in a drawer of the Grand Marshal’s desk. “If you read this it's too late for me, for I have found my place with Dungrimm. I, Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart have died. To my clan, I love you all to the fullest extent, and I apologize for going. To my dad, i am so incredibly sorry for the pain and sorrow you must be in. But I want you to know, I am the happiest son that ever lived because you showed me all the things i know. I am not much of a writer, but don't let my death get to you. And to my Legion. Don’t worry as I am sure there will be a great Grand Marshal after me, so is the way of Urguan. Treat them with utmost respect and vigour that you lads are capable of. I don't need a funeral. I just need Norli to cement me as an Urguani hero, that scheming bastard." Narvak oz Urguan, Kronk ‘The Grand’ Stormheart.
  3. Born again the heart of the fighter - The Elysian Guard With the disbanding of the Lunaran Guard and its members merging with the Elysium Army, a new military is born, the Elysian Guard. The Elysian Guard brings a return of the Elysian Rangers, now fully implemented in the Military, while from the Elysian Army, the wardens rise in the new Military Hierarchy, side by side with the Rangers. Military Hierarchy: Initiate Ranger/Warden Veteran Commander Lord Commander Initiate: The Initiate remains the recruit of the Elysian Guard, meaning that it is a trial period for the one who wants to join the Guard. The Rangers & Wardens: They stand equal in terms of authority, but they have their different duties and priorities. While the Warden patrols the city and roads of the Kingdom, the Rangers scatter and scout the lands, either Elysium’s lands or its enemies, while also taking notice of the monsters and animals that can be found in those lands. Commanders: They are the ones chosen by the Lord Commander and Monarch of Elysium to help lead the Elysian Guard, having the second-highest rank. Lord Commander: The one who leads the Elysian Guard and all of Elysium’s Military, holding the most authority besides the Monarch. Auxiliary roles: These are roles that one can assume if they want to help the guard but do not want or can’t use a weapon: Medic, Mage, Alchemist, Blacksmith, Quartermaster. The Ranger Code Made decades ago and still holds in the sense of honor of Elysium's sons and daughters that serve in its Military. I. If your actions aren’t justified, stop pursuing them. II. Always take the side of morals over the side that’s winning. III. When you feel fear, embrace it. IV. Fight for what you care for, but in a way that others will join you. V. Be free from the past, live in the present, Cultivate the future. VI. Treat others how oneself would like to be treated. VII. A decision made with a calm mind is often the best. VIII. Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a battle. IX. Only fight when it's for a purpose, defending or being provoked. X. Have good character, character is how you act when no one is watching. "Changing times call for adaptive action. Only with emboldened bond can we ensure our survival, as not mere descendants, but as brothers and sisters in arms. And for the cold, a bottle of whiskey never hurt, either." -Avalor Astasel "To restrict oneself to single-tasked dogmatism is a fool's plight. Only through knowledge of the vastly unperceived and wisdom toward that which is unknown may we truly be prepared for all." -Silas Astasel "So yeh want teh be ah man of worthiness eh? I only have two words yeh should live by.. Pursue greatness, at all costs, better yerself day by day, eventualleh yeh won't even know yer great, but theh songs an' stories told about yeh in the tavern'll speak for yeh." -Absolon "One-Eyed Raven" de Astrea How you can join? Fill this form You can fill this paper and send it to Elysium. [Or contact Thannon#5848, Crines#2975 or Tigergiri#0477] MC Username: Character Name: Race: Age: Discord:
  4. Decree of Uniformity Published at this 6th of the Grand Harvest, year 58 of the Second Age From the Office of the Marshal of the Ashguard, To all members of the Ashguard and Citizens of the Kingdom of Norland, it is the wish of the Marshal of Norland and the Wardens of the Ashguard to inform the public of a change to the uniforms of our armed forces. Previously, the uniform of the Ashguard had been divided up by rank in order to signify who was apart of what rank. However, in recent times the leadership of the Ashguard wishes to impose a sense of brotherhood among its members. As a result, all members of the Ashguard below the rank of Warden will wear one singular uniform. [!] Below is a depiction of the Uniform that all members of the Ashguard will now be required to wear. In order to keep with the chain of command and allow for easier identification of military leadership, Ashguardsmen with the rank of Warden+ will still wear their previously standard-issue uniform. To add on, members of the Ashguard will now officially be allowed to make minor alterations to their helmet in order to allow for individuality within the Military. However, overall alterations of the rest of the uniform remain forbidden. Signed, Ragnvald Eiriksson Ruric, Marshal of the Ashguard, Prince of Norland, Ruler of Eiriksgrad.
  5. The Myrinian Guard 52 S.A. The Myrinian Guard is the main military force of Myrine, serving as a first defense against its enemies. The Guard serves as an important role in the upkeep of Myrine, as well as the protection of its people. Serving within the ranks of the Guard is of the most utmost honors one can receive within Myrine. Regular Ranks Initiate The beginning rank within the Guard, those who first enlist will start as Initiates. Those in the Initiate rank will learn basic combat skills and eventually go on to specialize in one style of combat. Footman The backbone of the Guard, footmen are the infantry force of the Guard. They have met the standards of which it means to be fully ranked within the Guard, excelling in both combat and battle tactics. Cavalryman On equal ranking in the hierarchy with Footmen, these are men who excel in the art of fighting on horseback. Cavalrymen are few in the guard, and only the best make it to this rank. Bowman On equal ranking in the hierarchy with Footmen, bowmen are the ranged force of the Guard. Their accuracy and precision with a bow must be pin-point. Officer Positions Captain The leader of the Myrinian Guard, second only to the Baron on the battlefield. The Captain is the highest ranking somebody can obtain in the Guard. The Captain is tasked with organizing the guard, training the lower ranks, and leading the Guard into battle. The Captain of the Guard has full authority over the Guard, and his orders must be obeyed. Armsman The lowest officer ranking of the Guard. Armsmen have proven their military prowess and their ability to lead. Armsmen are responsible for handling the Captain’s tasks when he is not present. Armsmen are entrusted to help lead the Guard alongside the Captain, and should actively work towards the betterment of Myrine and the Guard. Duties The Guard’s most important duty is to act as a defense force in times of immediate crisis. The Guard must always be ready to defend Myrine and it’s citizens from external threats. The Guard is also tasked with manning the gates and defenses, patrolling Myrine’s lands as well as the city, and guarding important figures. Trainings Basic Training Basic training applies to Initiates looking to rank up to a more specialized role within the Guard (Infantry, Cavalry, or Ranged). In this type of specific training, an initiate must train their own individual skills in fighting. These trainings are usually held on a smaller scale between an Officer and the Initiate looking to be trained. Once their skills meet Guard standards, they will be promoted to the rank that fits them. Specific Skill Training Officers can lead specific training on different skills that they deem necessary. Those who wish to excel in these particular skills, such as cavalry, bowmanship, and/or infantry, should attend these training. Group Training Rather than focusing on individual skills, these group trainings are meant to mimic real time battles, giving the guard the needed experience to respond to many of the situations they will be required to fight in. In this classic style of training, the guard will be split into the two teams, each with their own commanding officers, and will be pitted against each other in many different environments or situations. Formations Spear As the name implies, the spear is a formation which is shaped as the arrowhead of the spear. This formation is incredibly useful in charges meant to break enemy lines. Wall Used mostly to shield from ranged attacks or to display a show of power in numbers, the wall is a single filed line of soldiers. Waves The formation waves signals for Guards to create a rectangle or box. This formation is mostly used when guarding people or things of extreme importance from some type of enemy attack. To Join: Fill out this application: [Link] Talk to the Captain or an Armsman.
  6. Despite the tense expressions of the four present, the Hinterlands hummed with their usual naturesong. The Warden keep rose over the treetops like a great obelisk, the eyes of those within peering out into the emerald ocean of canopy with regret held in their eyes. “You’re certain of this?” The ashen elf murmurs. The snowy locks over his brow dance in the firelight of the keep as he looks between his three companions. The crown above his head mirrors the watchful gaze of the Hound, High Prince Evar’tir. The bearded elder nods. Sevrel Valin’dar gave a sigh in disappointment, pity even - not for his comrades, but for the foolishness of the one that they spoke. The dark elven was the Bulwark of Elvenesse, yet it was still a distressing shock to know that his foes had come from within. “It seems that they have the support of the entire Puerokar Seed, and allegedly… the Tahorran kin.” Amaesil’s auburn head turns to Sevrel. The Young Fox was as cunning as his namesake, and his eyes reflected the confirmation of his suspicions. The Exarch had his hunches, yet it was still disconcerting to hear the truth unfold before him. “Any others?” he asks with his typical confident tone, but there was certainly a gnawing in his gut that he could not ignore. The lone silver-gold headed Aerendyl draws in a sharp breath as Sevrel responds. “An… undisclosed number of allied individuals.” The TimberWolf’s form shook with a nauseating concoction of fury and betrayal. He recalled the days when his House was supporting the Tahorran seed financially, and those adventures that he had with them upon the wild waters of the world. “Those craven snakes... ” he laments, his expression yielding a rare and genuine look of despair. “This nation is my family, my kin, brothers and sisters… my home.” Sevrel speaks up among the brief silence as the four came to terms with the information. “Valin’dar with with you all, for the titles and roles we have are nothing- it is for this family that I will oppose this scheme.” “You have my sword.” Amaesil resounds, the Young Fox leading a quiet rally between the four. “And my glaive.” Aerendyl echoes, turning his gaze too towards the High Prince and leaning upon his wolven-headed staff grimly. The cogs were in motion. The four Lords returned home. They returned to their beds, their family, their wives, and prayed for forgiveness for what must be done. Nobody expected the seats to be lined with so many interested folk... Ithalanen, kin of the Usurper, the Savoyard men, the Ichorians... "Rylleah, I have no doubt that you did not know what Tahlia had done without your permission. And for this, your life will be spared. The docks will be eliminated, and Tahlia is eternally banished." "500 mina for her alive, half for her head." the High Prince chimed in, just as the Puerokar seed was summoned to the center of the room. "Pancho Puerokar, you and your seed have been accused of high treason against the crown. Care to explain yourself?" he echoes throughout the throne room... just as a familiar face shows up from behind the Puerokar lineup. Sevrel marched in with a legion of Orenian lineman. He sternly looked up to the High Prince and pointed his longsword accusingly up to the dark elven Prince. "My Lords, it has come to my attention that there is a situation." The Dark Elf steps forward to the front and looks Evar'tir right in the eyes. "This man has lied to his people, betrayed our honour, and has no right to rule! Me and my lliran are here to deal with this tyrant, once and for all. My people are loyal to the cause, and I shall no long stand for this. You shall be put down!” He shouts, still glaring at the elves atop the platform. Then, he turns around to Pancho Puerokar, and points his blade towards the wood elf. “ARREST THESE TRAITOROUS DOGS!” Like the heartbeat of a great titan, the footfalls of the Wardens marched down the great spiral of the citadel down into the heart of the cavern. There, they halted in a methodical line before the manor of Puerokar. The distant memories of this seed pleading for help from a depraved member beating his son rang in their mines like a distant foghorn. Things could have been so much different… but the fires flew from the line of elves regardless, and with it their disgust and fury at the Puerokar manipulation. No more abuse, no more false cries for help, only the baptism of cleansing embers and righteous retribution. It was a shame. A damn shame, even. Stewards were of this seed, prospective Wardens of Hinterlands, even a capable commander… All to waste. As much as Amaesil, Aerendyl, Sevrel, and Evar’tir hated to be reminded of it, it wasn’t just Mankind who may fall to the desire for power. They looked on not with smiles, nor a glimmer of joy in their eyes, but with regret. This was no joyous celebration, but a memorial for a consuming rot that could have devoured their gladed home with a ravenous hunger. With the fires dying down, and the Green Priesthood already setting to work returning this portion of city to nature, the four Lords turned their eyes to the north shore. They marched to the docks.
  7. spk

    The Red Company

    The Red Company The Company There will always be conflict among the various groups of Descendants, and in the chaos of war there is opportunity. The Red Company seeks to take initiative and earn employment during that opportunity. The Company would do that by making contracts with cities or nations to provide extra manpower that they need to achieve any military goal, for an agreed upon price. Composition The composition of this band is any Descendant who can contribute to the group, and are courageous enough to fight for the common cause. As those are the only two requirements, membership is open to many races, and many different experience levels. Anyone can join, from a veteran ex-soldier to a young aspiring adventurer. As for the type of units the company likes to deploy, the majority are the dismounted man-at-arms. These units are to engage the enemy in melee combat and must be good fighters. Typically they are armed with a longsword, but may be given war-hammers. The Company will also equip and train men with crossbows, for more range capabilities. This combination of man-at-arms and crossbowman makes up the bulk of the fighting forces deployed by The Red Company. Cavalry could also be used, but horses are mostly used for scouting and transportation. Ranks Commander The commander of The Red Company is the highest ranking officer, he must also be head of The Order of the Red Flame. He is in charge of securing and negotiating contracts for the company, as well as finding other exploration and economic opportunities. He’s also the military planner for The Company, and allocates certain tasks to sergeants, or other qualified soldiers. Sergeant The Sergeant is the second highest ranking officer in the company. The Sergeant must be a part of The Order of the Red Flame, and must have displayed a wide variety of skills to achieve this rank, including skill in battle, astute strategist, and dedication to his brothers in arms that goes above what is already expected. These soldiers are often allocated responsibility for certain tasks which need to be completed and are expected to be efficient in their execution. Veteran The veteran of the company is the highest ranking member of The Company before joining The Order. These soldiers are elite fighters who have shown dedication to the company. If a Veteran shows promise of being a good and reliable officer, then they will be asked to join The Order and be promoted to the rank of Sergeant. Man-at-Arms These fighters make up the bulk of the fighting force of the company. They are dependable men and capable fighters who have passed their training and initiation. They will be asked to go on different missions with Sergeants or Veterans commanding them. Once they distinguish themselves on the battlefield they will be given the promotion to the next rank, Veteran. Recruit These are the lowest ranking members of The Company. They are the freshly joined recruits. Those of adequate military or fighting experience will pass quickly on to the Man-at-Arms stage. Those who are new to combat will undergo brief training to make sure they are able to contribute on the field of battle. Both groups have to be tested once they are ready, and then swear their oath to uphold The Company’s values for as long as they are a member. Then they pass on to the next stage, Man-at-Arms. Uniform The men and women in The Red Company are not required to wear any uniform, as long as they wear something protective that has red and/or white to distinguish it, as those are the main colors of the group. The fighters in the group may be given a uniform if they desire or do not have anything that is matching that description. To Join Message Sean_kelly26#1626 on discord, include the following: MC name: IRP name: IRP race: IRP age: Any other info you want us to know: I'll message you back as soon as I see your dm.
  8. Özenler | Yeniçeriler & Başıbozuks! The Yeniçeriler and the Başıbozuks are feared units of the Özenler military force, in this post, we shall dive into their meanings and their behavior in wars, fights and among the culture itself. Make sure to read this before you involve yourself into the Özenler culture. Be aware; this post is only in case you wish to join the military rankings of the Özenler, if you want to be a normal-roleplayer with no combat at all feel free to become one. Within the Özenler culture there is no way you will get forced into the military, this is all your choice. Anyway, let us see what the two main units of the Özenler military are, what they stand for, and how they are used in battle for both strategy and chaos; [ A Yeniceriler on an old renaissance painting. ] The Yeniçeriler (Janissaries) and the Başıbozuk (Crazy-Head, Ottoman Berserker), both groups of men who are the most chaotic and elite troops for the Özenler, men who are even feared by their fellow Özenler. The Yeniceriler are kidnapped boy infants who have been forcefully converted to Rashidun, accepting Allah as their God and are willing to die for their beliefs and people, nonetheless, these men have fully adopted the culture of the Özenler and adapt themselves to the norms and values of them. These men would often wear red clothing, a musical war-band playing 'Ceddin Deden' a Özenler war song. Due to their devotion into their religion and their absolute aggression in wars, they let out war-cries or would yell into the face of the enemy before eventually killing them. The Yeniçeriler are men whose main foundation is; intimidation. These men are quite experienced when it comes to handling swords swiftly, as they are trained to mix both martial-arts and sword-fighting in war. Their trainings are about discipline and coming to quick solutions in battle, as they would not stop fighting when they are disarmed, they would simply move from sword-fighting to using martial arts against the enemy with no weapon whatsoever. For them; it is either; kill or be killed. [ A Başıbozuk displayed on a drawing. ] The Başıbozuk, are dressed like wild-men, wearing skulls ontop of their hood made out of bear-fur or simply the skins of boars, presenting themselves as animalistic beings who are adapting to the behavior of the creature they wear ontop of their heads. These men would often be thought of being possessed by possible demons, or spirits they summon, however, none of these rumors are true as they believe to be influenced by Allah who has gifted them with his wrath and anger towards infidels. The Başıbozuks would always be the most disposable troops as they are often used as a distracting manouvre for the enemy so another line of soldiers could run into the fight with a brute force, so the enemy-line is being forced to the back and perhaps fall onto the ground. The Başıbozuk are extremely feared by the normal folk, as they are the ones who would murder any apostate who turns their back onto the religion of Rashidun or betray the Özenler. The Başıbozuk would quite often serve as an executioner for the ones who have broken a law of the Özenler people. Their ways of killing people in war is absolutely inhumane towards infidels as they not stop hacking their axes or swords into the face of the enemy until they can not be recognized. Do you have what it takes to become a part of the military rankings of the Özenler? [Outfit, made by: me, sashimichopped, this outfit will be worn by those who are entering the military rankings.] Format IGN: Character-Name (Make sure your character has a Turkish one): Persona Description: Why do you want to join the rankings of the Yeniçeriler/Başıbozuk?: Have you read the Özenler culture post?: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ When you have done all of this, DM the application to my discord: romzers#7777
  9. As issued 22nd of The First Seed, 1795 BY ORDER OF THE GRAND MARSHAL The following reforms to the training schedules of the Legion of Urguan, the main defensive body of the Grand Kingdom of Urguan, shall be put into practice EFFECTIVE IMMEDIATELY for the betterment and security of Dwarven Legionnaires: STATUTE I: SCHEDULE Legion practices shall henceforth be hosted by the Grand Marshal or one of his Commanders (or failing this a Thane) on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 4 PM EST, with Wednesday being for Division I, and Friday is for Division II. Saturday is the general training and all should attend. However, those in one division can attend the other divisional training and honor will be awarded for both. STATUTE II: HONOR Honor for training and other acts will be distributed by an officer to those that attended the training. This will be updated on the roster. STATUTE III: PAYMENT Payment shall be distributed at the general training on Saturdays to those active legionnaires who attend. If you do not attend this training you will not be paid for that week, unless good reason is provided. Payment will not be given to those that do not attend both the Divisional training and the Saturday general training. STANDARD STRUCTURE FOR LEGION TRAINING SESSIONS Begin by paying the present soldiers if the training is Saturday BEGIN WITH FORMATIONS TRAINING: AEMIZ, VEL, DREE VEL. TEKOM AND FACES are optional for it is situational, perhaps do it once every two weeks at general training. Official Training will then commence, with CRP and or PVP and other Acts being decided upon by the highest-ranking officer. MELEE COMBAT CRP GUIDE: Legionnaire groups of even numbers shall be matched up against one another to learn how to fight hand-to-hand with training weapons against other contingent groups. This aims to replicate battle better than one on one fighting, as battle involves multiple soldiers. ONE ON ONE shall be taught if the commanding officer wishes. Depending on the commanding officer, CRP training can be any one of a list of options from what is mentioned above to training with specific weapons in roleplay to roleplay events against animals or monsters for instance. SKIRMISH PVP GUIDE: Groups of an even number of legionnaires will fight off in PVP with gear decided by the commanding officer present, the two teams then move over to two sides of a battlefield, both teams separating into two VC’s in discord. The commanding officer will choose the PVP leader of each group. A countdown will be done after the two groups have time to formulate a plan, then facing off in PVP as according to the commanding officer’s battlefield rules. CAVALRY TRAINING [ON SATURDAY ONLY]: In this form of training, horses will be shared and the players attending will practice horse PVP, mainly in the form of strafing and the act of mobility in combat. The horses given will be kept alive at all costs because they are an expensive asset. JOINT ALLY TRAINING: [Whenever Scheduled by the Two Military leaders or Commanders] In this training, Urguan and a nation which it has a military alliance with will train with each other to form a closer bond within the alliance’s forces. Any of the above trainings may be done, along with various things decided upon by the Military leaders present. ONCE THE TRAINING IS COMPLETED AND THE PLAYER’S DISMISSED. An attending officer shall look at the screenshot or list of names of the attendees, giving out the honor earned to each of the players on the roster. TRAINING COMPLETION: + 10 Honor MISUSE OF ISSUED EQUIPMENT: -20 Honor SPEAKING AGAINST SUPERIOR OFFICERS: -15 Honor HARASSMENT/ASSAULT OF FELLOW LEGIONNAIRES: -20 Honor INSUBORDINATION/DISOBEDIENCE: -15 Honor GOING STARK RAVING MAD: -100 Honor Grand Marshal of the Legion of Urguan, Thank you to @Titanium430 and @Nolan_ for their exceptional help with this
  10. The Sentinels of Elvenesse. In it’s reformation the elves of Almenor and the woodland realm join forces. Their purpose, to maintain a level of peace and prosperity for the homeland of Elvenesse. As the two cultures joined into one city, so too did the elven warriors of each land. A new golden age, men and women of Elvenesse prepared to maintain peace and justice by any means necessary. These Sentinels of the elven realm duly sworn by oath, to maintain tranquility in this new age. An oath crafted in brotherhood against the invading Inferi, to be sworn before the oathtaker’s god or gods of choice. “In solidarity I do swear to defend the innocent. By my honor I will defend the realm of Elvenesse. By virtuous right, I will protect all of Malin’s descendants. With vigilance, I will repel those who stand against us. And with unity, I will stand with my brothers and sisters in arms.” Upon these spoken words, the fledgling is considered a Sentinel. Sealing their bond to the Realm of Elvenesse and the Crown of Storms in perpetuity. These vows are meant to be taken for life. The only way they could be rescinded is in death, or by word of the High Prince. The Sentinels are divided into three separate sects. The Sect of Guidance: Chief Commandant: A title belonging to the High Prince himself. Without need of introduction, the High Prince reigns as the highest authority in the Realm of Elvenesse. And thus garners the highest authority over the Sentinels. In full control and ability to make arbitrary decisions unilaterally. Commander: Given to the worthiest of elven warriors. This position boasts the highest authority amongst the Sentinels, second only to the High Prince. A position granted only by the High Prince himself. Given to the most worthy amongst the Sentinels. This position is in full command of the Sentinels infantry as well as aquatic units. The only military action a Commander may not decide on their own is in declaration of war or annexation of lands. Which will require the approval of the High Prince. The High Prince may at any time after deliberation with their council, remove a current and select a successor for the Commander’s title. So long as a removal is warranted under the Codex of Laws under the Realm of Elvenesse. Lord Commander of the Maehr’evar: As the name refers, a position given to the Maehr’evar’s Lord Commander only during times of active and open conflict. While the Maehr’evar order maintains it’s solidarity in peacetime, during official and open conflict the Lord Commander will hold a level of command over the Sentinels. While the Lord Commander’s orders are to be carried out, they should never directly or indirectly conflict with the orders of higher ranked officials. The Sect of Vigilance: Warden: The official officer rank within the Sentinels. Only given to a maximum of two individuals at one time. Serving as a mid level officer rank, this dual office is handed to only the two most capable of the Sentinels. The rank is offered as an opt-in position, meaning a Sentinel can choose to refuse the promotion. The two positions are filled after deliberation amongst the Sect of Guidance. However, a Warden can be removed by any one of the Sect of Guidance. Afterwhich, the position may only be filled by aforementioned means. The Wardens of the Sentinels are meant to be the most competent. Meaning they should never falter or hesitate in the heat of combat. Able to lead smaller parties of troops should they be separated from the main force. A Warden also holds the ability to command a full garrison of troops, should one be installed. Zealot: Comprising of the most elite Sentinels. Promoted by a Warden after displaying acts of valor or courage in battle. Zealots are select Sentinels that prove to be outstanding in battle. While not officially the rank of an officer, they do still hold more weight than that, of an average Sentinel. The promotion to Zealot gains those the ability to lead small fireteams of four to five Sentinels. However, only after approval from a Warden or above. Should a Zealot find themselves the highest ranked Sentinel among a group larger than four to five, their standing orders are to return that group to the Realm of Elvenesse. While there is no limit on a maximum number of Zealots, it is not a rank meant to be oversaturated. The Sect of Honor: Sentinel: The main body of enlisted military personnel, for the Realm of Elvenesse. A large and overwhelming force, able to mobilize at a moment’s notice. This rank belongs to the vast majority of enlisted elves within the Sentinels. Attained after a Recruit recites their vows before their deity of choice. A symbolic ceremony to show their devotion and resolve. As such, any elf who wishes to call themself a Sentinel of Elvenesse must prove not only to those around them, but to themselves. For a Sentinel should look even upon impossible odds, with a smile on their face and steadfastness in their hearts. Recruits: The rank issued upon conscription into the Sentinels of Elvenesse. An initial training phase of the Sentinels, officers will evaluate the competence of each Recruit in a variety of combat scenarios. Once an Elf is conscripted into the Sentinels, they shall begin as a Recruit. During this time, their ability and decision making skills will be evaluated by a higher ranking official. Recruits are promoted or evaluated at varying times from one another. A Recruit could find themselves promoted and reciting their vows mere days after enlistment, all the way to years down the line. There are no prerequisites to become a Recruit. However, in order to be promoted to the rank of Sentinel, a Recruit must show a certain level of competence and confidence in varying combat environments. Once an officer can verify and “vouch” for a Recruit, they may be given the opportunity to recite their vows.
  11. THE KRUG-HAI Mauz-ob da wagh uzg. The formal hierarchy and social ladder of what is known as the War Nation. Every Uruk, Goblin and Olog is expected to be a part of the Krughai in some form or another. The Krughai determines their place in society, and through feats of exceptional strength, intelligence or honor, they will ascend it. Ranks: Notable REX: Orgoth’Braduk Supreme leader of the Keshig and Krug-hai alike. Targoth: Kuntklobbera’Raguk General, and main overseer of the Krughai; this uruk has proven himself physically and strategically on the field of war, rising above all in ability. His role is to aid the Rex in tactical matters and command troops during Wagh. Occasionally, the Targoth also takes charge of drills and military exercises, though these are often undertaken by his closest: the warboss’. Waghboss: Vagud’Gorkil, Zlazh’Yar, Schreck’Lak, Bashkuga’Raguk The waghboss’ responsibilities lie mostly in training and in drills. They coordinate raids, and referee sparring to ensure that a murderous outcome does not occur. Discipline also remains in the grasp of Waghbosses; they have the ability to dole out punishment as they deem fit. Ranks: Lesser Flattaz, Ridaz agh Shootaz Flattaz, Ridaz agh Shootaz are the primary brunt of the Krughai - the cavalry, infantrymen and archers of the Uzg’s military. After years of hardy service they - if the Rex decrees it - may be granted the opportunity of succeeding to Waghboss Aapskut Translating literally to ‘meatshield’ these orks are initiates of the Krughai, whether they be orks returning from displacement, orks being reintegrated after realizing the dishonour of whitewashism, or orks who have just reached maturity, they all begin as the rank of Aapskut. Ranks: Dishonorable Pug Pugs* are orks who have dishonoured themselves and their clans akin, whom with their newly acquired status are not granted the privileges of the common orkish military. They are not equipped with Zkahiron plate, and instead don boiled leather armour to signify their misdeeds. Typically pugs are returning whitewashes. (*To ascend the Krughai ladder, Pugs must be active within and amongst the goi for three Cactus Days, and endure any abuse that their rank entails.) The Keshig Protectors of the Rex Keshigboss: Overseer of the Keshig force, responsible for adjudicating the trial required to become a keshig. Keshig: The keshig, as Krughai elite, must maintain themselves physically and mentally. Any weaknesses are removed immediately by the Keshigboss. To become a keshig, one must attain the rank of Flatta, Rida, Shoota or above, and display before the Keshigboss three items: I. The heart of a shara II. The ears of an albai III. The beard of a stout As Decreed by: Orgoth’Braduk Rex of the War Nation of Krugmar, Supreme Commander of the Krughai and Keshig alike, and protector of the Krug. Kuntklobbera’Raguk, Targoth of the Krughai and Wargoth of the Unbroken. OOC: All orks that are in the ork chat/region as of present are Flattaz, ridaz or shootaz depending on their preferred combat style. All new orks will begin as 'aapskut' All orks are in the krughai from maturity - it is compulsory. Shamans are an exception, but if they wanna fight/attend drills they can do.
  12. CABALLERO CORPS Purpose The Caballero Corps is the main military organization for the Duchy of Barranquilla. Those brave souls who spill blood for Barranquilla and her citizenry. Charged with the responsibility of protection by putting their lives on the line. In return for their services the men of the Corps receive pay, comfortable living conditions and most importantly a haven from Imperialism. It is the people’s shield against invasion, and its spear of conquest. Hierarchy Comandante: At the top of the Corps is the Comandante. A tenacious soldier and capable strategist proven through many battles. A leader both on and off the field in charge of the Corps as a whole. The Comandante of the Corps is Faust Santiago. Dominar: A strong and capable officer corps makes or breaks an army, and the Dominar of the Corps are the best out there. With years of experience leading troops through battle and training them in peacetime, Dominar are responsible for the Corps’ effective operation. Entitled to best equipment and in charge of a division or specialty, Dominar of the Corps are the best of Barranquilla command. Bandera: A lower corps officer, a Bandera represents an enlisted man's transition into army leadership. Bandera execute commands at the head of smaller regional battalions. Entitled to the same benefits as a Sargento, as well as the added authority of officer status, a Bandera is well on his way towards rank advancement. Sargento: The highest attainable rank for an enlisted man before his transition to the officer corps, the Sargento is a battlefield veteran who has demonstrated an embodiment of military spirit and a mastery of martial skills. The Sargento are excellent fighters leaving onlookers in awe, and form the official Bulwark of His Grace. Privado: Surviving the cruelty of battle and trained in the art of combat and survival, Privado are the backbone of the Corps. Privado are supplied with quality steel. While in Duchy lands Privado are considered the guardforce for the region and are expected to uphold the peace and law. Alumno: Fresh blood, those yet to be trained or taste the fear of battle. Alumno face seemingly never ending training, harsh lectures and are pushed beyond their limits for His Grace. Those that do not give up and rise to the challenge will soon achieve the rank of Privado. Alumno receive last-pickings in armaments and armor. Enlistment To join the Caballero Corps, one must have all prerequisite requirements as stated. The Corps makes no special exceptions, as does His Grace. The requirements are as followed: - One must be of human or elven descent. - One must be of at least thirteen years of age. - One must be a citizen of the Duchy of Barranquilla. Application I. Name II. Age IIa. Date of Birth IIb. Place of Birth III. Race IIIa. Culture IV. Martial Knowledge V. Profession OOC MC Name: Skype ID:
  13. Life on the seas is a harsh one. From storms, pirates, and sea monsters the ways to die at sea are many. Cooking smoke was billowing from the deck of the tiny Akheron class steamship leaving a trail high in the sky. A cacophony of nautical ambiance filled the air, the sounds of the ship combined with the noise of the crew. Seagulls circled above the ship, their cries a constant reminder shore is close by. The cook shouting to those on deck while the paddle wheels of the vessel splashed in the water. On deck were a dozen figures walking about shrouded by wool blankets to cover themselves from the elements. A typical scene you would see in a merchant mariner's voyage. The Akheron class ship was not the only vessel on this stretch of sea. No less than 200 meters behind them followed a much larger ship, only a Corvette class, but still dwarfed the Akheron class ship. The Corvette deployed all of its sails to gain speed. The pursuing Corvette was closing the distance while it's target did not change course. Once the Corvette was 100 meters away, it hoisted the black flag. The hunter has found its prey... The Pirate Corvette sailed up alongside the tiny steamship, readying to take her prize. However, with such topics like the high seas, interspecies romance, and cards, it is never known who the real hunter is until you show your hand. The crew aboard the tiny steamship knew exactly what they were doing. On the deck of the Corvette, a burly bald pirate shouted through a speaking horn. He made clear the pirates intentions to board the ship and loot all the belongings. The crew of the small steamship were given two options: they could surrender with their lives or die at sea. The pirates had thrown over grappling hooks, and began pulling both ships together. Dozens of cutthroats awaited on the deck of the corvette, standing by to board the small merchant steamship. An older Eastern man on the deck of the smaller steamship walked up to the ship's helm in view of his crew. He reached under the wool blanket draped around his shoulders and pulled out a folding fan. With a flick of his wrist the fan opened to a bright red color, he held it up high above his head. The trap was sprung. This was the moment they had trained for. The figures aboard the small steamship threw off their wool blankets , revealing the crimson and azure uniform of Oren's Chambery Marines with longbows ready. The pirates, still pulling on the grappling hooks, were taken by surprise. In the opening confusion of the battle, the dozen Marines on the deck of the Akheron class ship took aim at the pirates with their longbows. The the sound of whipping bowstrings cut through the air as the first volley of arrows found their targets on the pirate corvette. The sound of shouting and screams were soon added to the discord of battle. The Pirates scrambled to form up under heavy archery fire. The deck of the corvette was piling up with dead and wounded pirates. After the initial shock they began to return fire with their own archers. Marine sharpshooters shouted out targets to their comrades. Pirates in the rigging, climbing the mast, running below deck. Shot after shot, with each crack of a bowstring an arrow found its mark. Losses mounted on both sides as the two ships exchanged fire. With both boats drifting closer to each other, the sound of a brass horn pierced the misty sea air. Some pirates began to retreat to below deck of the Corvette as more of their buccaneers fell in battle. Some Marines grabbed the pirate grappling hooks already anchored to their ship and pulled the rope, other Marines threw fresh grappling hooks onto the pirate corvette. The two ships inched ever closer until not even a foot separated them. With a second blare of the horn the Marines set down their bows and drew swords and boarding axes. A third blare of the horn and the remaining Marines began to make the jump from the small steamship onto the enemy corvette, the main deck absent of any serious resistance. The first wave of Marines chased the remaining pirates below deck. Cutting down many of the fleeing pirates as the advanced. After a clash of swords and axes the Marines cornered the remaining pirates in the cargo hold. While this was happening below deck, a pair of Marine Officers made their way to the Corvette's helm. This was the objective of their weeks long mission: To intercept and capture the Corvette from the brigands and reclaim the ship in the name of Oren. Below deck the fight was over. Most of the pirates lay dead or dying in a pool of their own blood. Prisoners were gathered , heads were collected for bounties with the headless corpses of the pirates being unceremoniously dumped in the sea. The ship's medic was busy treating wounded marines and preparing rites for those marines who did not survive. A skeleton crew was sent over to the Corvette to sail her. Both ships set their course back toward the dock at Chambery. The weeks of planning paid off. The Marines mission was complete, a resounding success. History The Chambery Marine Corps was founded in 1575 following the establishment of the Viscounty of Chambery and the naval base of the same name. The Chambery Marines draw their legacy from Eastern naval traditions combined with Western Technology. The city's large Eastern refugee population have maritime and naval backgrounds that have eagerly served in the Chambery Marines. The marriage of Eastern naval tradition with Western technology has led to the creation of a unique military force within the Archduchy. Primary Mission The primary mission of the Chambery Marine Corps are to uphold and protect the Viscounty of Chambery and the surrounding waters. While primarily a nautical force, the Marines also train in land combat with their counterparts in the Lorraine Honour Guard. Marines are trained heavily in the use of the longbow. Such emphasis is placed on archery within Marine training that it is possible to be dismissed from the Marine Corps for failing archery tests. A well trained Marine is said to be able to hit a hostile target on an opposing ship's rigging from 50 meters while sailing full speed alongside them. Emphasis is also placed on a specific style of close combat very seldom taught in the honor-rich human societies. Hand to hand combat on ships requires every advantage for survival. Marines are taught the methods of incapacitating foes that would normally be looked down upon by Knight Orders and other standard military organizations. Such tactics are seen as dishonorable by most other Oren military personnel. The training is only made available to Marines. On the battlefield, the Chambery Marines fulfill the role as skirmishers and light infantry in Lorraine's military structure. By wearing lighter armors than their counterparts it allows them quick repositioning and accurate fire from their bows. Bounties and Pay The Marines are paid primarily by salary and bounties collected in combat. For each opponent a Marine incapacitates, they are instructed to collect the head of the fallen opponent. In cases where time is an issue, cutting off the opponent's nose and mustache is considered a valid alternative. This grim tradition dates back to the Eastern clans of Aeldin. The tradition has been kept around due to its efficiency for pay and promotion. It is said one who turns in an enemy general's head will have no more wants for the rest of his life. Structure The ranking system of the Chambery Marine Corps follows a standard hierarchy easy to follow for those familiar with other military orders and organizations. Commandant - The leading officer of the Chambery Marine Corps. The Commandant only answers to the Marshall of Lorraine and Imperial Command above him. The Commandant devises strategic goals and plans with the rest of Lorraine Military Command. The Commandant operates on the strategic level of operations. Lieutenant - Standard officer rank within the Chambery Marine Corps. The Lieutenants are responsible drafting battlefield tactics from the Commandant's strategy. The Lieutenant operates at the tactical level and not the strategic level of operations. Sergeant - The highest rank a Marine can achieve before becoming an officer. Sergeants are responsible for their squad of Marines on the battlefield. The Sergeant is responsible for executing the tactics described for the mission while making sure their Marines understand the mission objectives and how to accomplish the mission goals. The Sergeant is the backbone of the Chambery Marine Corps. Marine - The base rank of the Chambery Marine Corps. While it is the lowest rank, few would ever achieve the distinction of being called a Marine. The primary responsibilities of the Marine are to care for their equipment and understand basic battlefield tactics. Specialist Roles Various roles exist within the Marines independent of the ranking system. Consideration for specialist roles is based on merit and skill. Although no rank increase comes with a specialist role, base pay is increased and additional responsibilities are added. Field Surgeon - Medically trained personnel that can perform life saving surgery on the front lines of battle of the swaying belly of a ship. Quartermaster - Personnel trained in the crafting or procurement of equipment for the Marines. Demolitions - Personnel trained with the use of destructive machinery and/or alchemy. Instructor - A Marine tasked with teaching Marines combat tactics and training. Equipment Longbow - The main weapon of the Marine. The long length and special construction of the bow allows it to offer up much higher of a draw strength than standard bows. To withstand the physical toll it puts on one's body is a reason the Marines practice with bows so regularly. Eastern Longsword - A curved Aeldin Eastern longsword with a single sharpened edge. Traditionally worn by members of the military and police in Eastern Cultures. The sword is the ultimate in close range combat. Most Eastern members of the Marines carry one as their standard weapon. Western Sabre - A single edged blade with a hand guard. Popular with Marines for its utility and combat effectiveness. It lacks the sharpness of it's Eastern counterpart but has more weight to allow for stronger strikes. Favored by many of the Western Marines. Boarding Axe - The assault weapon of the Marine boarding party. Capable of knocking down shields, weapons, people, doors and more. The boarding axe is rarely seen in land engagements. Demolition Hammer - Used by demolition specialists to destroy whatever the mission objective is. A large two-handed heavy sledge, rarely wielded as a weapon and used more as a tool. There have been instances of the Hammer being used as a weapon with devastating effect. Backwater + Overseas Assault Transport. - A small two person ship that can be deployed from larger vessels or from shore to rapidly deploy Marines. One Marine is tasked to command the vessel while the other is tasked to keep watch with their longbow. OOC INFO This is a military organization that serves the Archduchy of Lorraine and thus Oren. Being a military organization the primary focus is PVP. That being said, there will also be a large amount of heavy RP that goes along with the organization. From raids, training, war, security and just general sitting around there is plenty of RP to keep the marines occupied. RP Training will be actual PVP training, working on tactics, understanding MC mechanics. Sparring with your fellow marines will not consist of writing a novella with emotes, instead it will consist of beating each other with wooden swords and understanding how minecraft pvp works. The goal of the Marines is to provide an immersive experience for the military minded RPer without the constant breaking of immersion seen in many organizations while avoiding the frustrations of powergaming. If you are not good at MC PVP, consider joining as a recruit who wishes to get better. There, we will grow your skills together while providing roleplay to reflect your real improvements in skill and understanding. (Also no, you aren't expected to hit a moving target at 50 blocks away.) Apply OOCly here: MC Name: Character Name: National Affiliation (If not Oren explain why you are applying): Are you willing to reside in Chambery?: Do you revere the Emperor and wish to expel the barbarians?: Contact Ezo_ in game or via an IC forum PM to finalize applications.
  14. The Honour Guard of Metz History The origins of the Honour Guard stem from the events preceding the Duke’s War, when Lord Marshal Augustus d'Amaury’s nascent noble house was granted a considerate holding in the former fiefdom of Adria. The hardened bannermen of the Lord’s personal retinue remained staunch servants to the strong leader, and continued to serve him in the newly formed county of Amaury as the first of his prestigious entourage. Garrisoned alongside their liege within the imposing keep of Summerhall, the veterans were offered service by the Lord Marshal- to form an Honour Guard with the goal of maintaining order in the county and protecting the House d’Amaury if need be. This company of stalwart and honorable men consists mainly of the experienced cavalrymen and halberdiers that saw service alongside the Lord Marshal during the Duke’s War, though apt newcomers in search of virtuous employ are encouraged to join the ranks of the capable band. Serving the House d’Amaury as Summerhall’s peacekeepers and their liege lord’s elite bannermen, the Honour Guard is tasked with maintaining order in times of internal and external turbulence. With the ebullient return of both Lothar d’Amaury and his brother, Jacques d’Amaury, the Honour Guard finds itself placed in the competent hands of Ser Cullen Uhtredsson, son of the Archduchy’s previous Marshal, Uhtred Vallberg. Role in Amaury Portrait of Augustus d’Amaury, founder of the Honour Guard and the 1st Archduke of Lorraine, dated 1545 Since the birth of the intrepid House d’Amaury, the Honor Guard have been charged with protecting the Archduchy of Lorraine and ensuring stability over their Lord’s holdings. Patrolling the burgh- oft on horseback - the brave men of Metz watch over their lands with a wary gaze, protecting the denizens of Amaury from ruthless bandits and savage marauders. The men of the Honor Guard are also graced with the task of guaranteeing their the safety of their lieges, the honorable aristocracy of House d’Amaury. Acting as an armed escort and guard force when the need arises, the soldiers garrisoned within Metz city walls serve the Lord Marshal and his kinfolk with zeal and ardor, upholding the virtues of their commander while protecting his family. Comprised mostly of the tested veterans of the Duke’s War, the Honor Guard is gracious to bear a large number of weathered combatants under its service. The brave footsoldiers of a vicious and bloody conflict, the Lord Marshal’s banner force boasts a capable number of courageous and valiant combatants who are well-suited to fighting wars with skillful organization and unfaltering loyalty. Duty to the Lords of Lorraine Depiction of assorted Lorrainian nobility, date unknown. In seeing the military largely centralized, lords who chose to contribute men to the Honour Guard are given more than just respect; they receive protection, save minae on wages, and save resources in our arming of these men. Lords of the realm will receive, upon request, a number of men to come protect them. Patrols will be sent through the lands as well to ensure the continued safety of all fiefs who contribute men to the force. Men who have risen to the esteemed rank of Honour Guard will also serve lords personally, acting with the authority and regal manner of a knight, but with the servitude of a page. A lord may suggest someone to act as their first Honour Guard, but all subsequent Honour Guards in service to such a lord would have to opt into it. Guardsmen will uphold the law of the Duchy wherever they are or are sent, and may actively garrison a fief if need be. Lords may approach the Commander to negotiate/make requests at any time. Feats of Bravery Augustus d’Amaury leads the siege on Barrowyk, accompanied by his personal retinue, date unknown. Feats of Bravery are acts of an extraordinary nature that showcase the merits of the soldier who performed them as well as their willingness to fight against impossible odds. The Feat itself does not have to follow a strict format, but is often required to be an act of incredible daring or unsurpassable skill, such as being first over an enemy’s fortress wall or successfully capturing an enemy leader. Feats of Bravery are often rewarded with promotion, medals, or more fungible rewards such as bonus pay, all of which are determined at the discretion of the Marshal. Ranks A noble lady escorted by a mounted unit of Honour Guards, dated 1537 Rank and File Initiate The starting rank of the Honour Guard. This rank is given to the fledgling guardsmen who have recently began their tenure within the Honour Guard, and as such they have yet to prove their aptitude and valor. As befitting of their fledgeling status, initiates do not earn pay. Footman Those who have been tested as able-bodied and loyal levies of the House d’Amaury, the Honour Guard’s Footmen make up the auxiliary of the force, and carry out their duties with coordination and devotion. Payment: 50 minae Man at Arms Often regarded as the more gifted and skilled counterparts to the footmen, the Men at Arms of Lorraine boast considerable competence and are proficient soldiers. A service of considerable longitude under the Lord Marshal is usually rewarded with this respectable ranking. Payment: 75 minae Sergeant The men of Lorraine who have displayed an aptitude for leadership and an ample amount of confidence and zeal are repaid for their prowess with this rank. Sergeants of the Honour Guard are shrewd disciplinarians and soldiers capable of relaying orders and maintaining authority. Sergeants are expected to lead patrols, recruit new members, and enforce discipline in the ranks. Soldiers who attain this rank are eligible to become chaplains (though they must first be ratified by the Church of the Holy Canon). Payment: 100 minae Officers Honour Guard (Puer, pl. Pueri) With the steely vigor and unflinching obedience long regarded as traits of exemplary soldiers, these ironclad cavalrymen carry the banners of House d’Amaury into combat. They are professional soldiers with a heightened finesse and a prolonged service under the Lord Marshal both in times of peace and war. The Honour Guard are also expected to recruit new members and to assist the Lieutenants and Captains wherever necessary. Regular pay is forfeited hereon. Lieutenant (Antrustion, pl. Antrustiones) A lieutenant is an officer who has proven, time and again, that they can excel in a leadership role. Lieutenants may command a detachment of soldiers, and are often responsible for leading training drills, recruiting, inspecting the troops, and assigning patrols and guard duty. A lieutenant may promote members of the enlisted (excluding the promotion of sergeants) with the approval of the Marshal. Additionally, officers of this rank are eligible to become quartermasters or drill instructors. Captain (Leud, pl. Leudes) The rank of Captain commands both respect and unflinching obedience. They are steadfast leaders who are expected to inspire the soldiers they lead and encourage the officers under their command to greater feats of bravery and wit. The Captain’s duties include leading the troops, recruiting new members, distributing the payroll, and overseeing disciplinary action. The Captains also serve as advisors to the Marshal and Commander of the Guard. High Command First Captain (Comes Stabuli) The First Captain is a man of great authority and power within the Honour Guard. As the most senior of the Captains, he is expected to ensure that the army functions as efficiently and professionally as possible. The First Captain may inspect both the troops and other officers, and report any failings directly to the Marshal. His duties include the regular duties of a Captain, though as his official title suggests, he is also tasked with maintaining the Honour Guard’s stablery and warhorses. Commander of the Guard (Comes Militum) The Commander of the Guard is the manifestation of authority in the Honour Guard, and is the principal overseer of the military and its progress. He answers only to the Marshal and the Duke, and is often tasked with leading flanking forces in battle. The Commander must not only be a skilled leader, but a master logistician; for wars are won by efficient supply more than they are won by acts of gallantry. Marshal (Magnus) The Marshal is the leader of the Honour Guard, and he has the final say in all matters. Though the Marshal is generally expected to leave the more trivial affairs of the Guard to the Commander, he may intervene as he pleases, and once he has spoken the matter is no longer up for discussion. Commanding a seat on Lorraine’s Privy Council, the Marshal also enjoys a great deal of political power, and thus must be able to navigate the murky and often dangerous political waters of Oren; in fact, he spends just as much of his time acting as the face and advocate for the Guard as he does overseeing its military matters. The Marshal answers only to the Duke of Lorraine. Specialist Ranks Chaplain The Chaplain is a supportive role to the Honour Guard. The Chaplain may advise and help soldiers with moral and ethical questions. The Chaplain serves the Honour Guard’s spiritual needs and strives to boost the morale of the military. Quartermaster The Quartermaster is more of a role and necessarily not a rank as the quartermaster may serve as a fellow soldier while fulfilling his duties as Quartermaster at the side of Honour Guard duties. The Quartermaster is charged with the task of supervising and coordinating supplies and provisions in the garrison. Field Surgeon Field Surgeon is another role that a soldier with the necessary set of skills may pick up. The Field Surgeon offers soldiers of the Honour Guard with medical attention in any and all situations where it is required. Disciplinarian The Disciplinarian of the Honour Guard is responsible for making sure the soldiers are disciplined and follow orders given by their superiors. The Disciplinarian would commonly be a Sergeant or a higher ranked commander. The Disciplinarian has the authority to hand out punishments to soldiers who break the Honour Guard’s Code of Conduct, as long as the soldier if below the Disciplinarians own rank. Should an Honour Guard from a higher rank break the Code the Disciplinarian would forward this to the High Command, preferably the Marshal. Application MC Name: Character Name: Race: Age: Profession (if applicable): Timezone: Skype (PM if you’d like): Do you have Teamspeak?
  15. The Order of Noctis "If you must take your sword from its sheath, return it bloody." "Seeking your Destiny is like looking into a mirror. You see an image, however blurred, in whatever light exists at the time. But if the light ever changes, so will the image itself. And if the light ever vanishes, the mirror will be empty. That is why the truest mirror is the one that needs no light at all." -The Order of Noctis motto’s Welcome to The Order of the Noctis. This is a guild based on working together, building, trading, and training to be a soldier in a time of need. The Story We were formed to fight for the Courland rebellion, but when they were destroyed we were exiled out of the kingdom. Now we have been reformed in the dreadlands. The Transcript of the Order You shall never attack, injure, or kill another Order member or an ally of the guild. You shall never steal from the Order. You shall never disobey the orders of your superior in the Order. If there is an issue with another member of The Order of Noctis you will bring it up with your supervisor or if it is a large issue you will come to the overseer. If there is a need to fight you must come to the aid of the guild. Your loyalties lie with the Overseer first, then to your brothers and sisters in the Order, then to your home country. Positions Ranger Rangers are the archers and tactical minds of The Order of Noctis military. They will hide in the shadows until the time is right then burst out and let rain a fly of accurate, deadly arrows. There can also only be 50 active rangers at once ( non-gold leafs) Trainee - You are new and are being trained by a higher ranking Ranger (usually one on one). Bronze Leaf - You are a fully-fledged Ranger and you now don't have to be accompanied by an older Ranger when on missions. Silver Leaf - You are an older Ranger and you can now take on apprentices and will be part of the inner circle of rangers making decisions with the leader. Gold Leaf - You are a retired Ranger who helps documenting and other non-field assignments ( If there is a serious requirement you can be requested to do a field assignment). Leader - you are in charge of the Rangers and you give out missions either for the Overseer or from peasants (other players) requesting help. Assassin Assassins are the unsung heroes behind every win. As they sneak by and take down the enemy before they even know what is happening, and they let the others do what they do. Initiate - You are new and haven't proven yourself as a good agent. Proven - You have proven you are a loyal and well deserving agent. Accepted - You can now lead missions that were given by your Up-incoming. Up-incoming - you lead a group of accepted and give them tasks from the leader. You may be next in line to be a leader. Leader - you give Assassins missions from the Overseer. Or if there are no missions you can send them on scouting missions to enemy territory. Warrior Warriors are the backbone of the The Order of Noctis's military. They are the foot soldiers and the people who charge head first into battle seeking glory and honor. Recruit - You are new and still need training to become a soldier. Soldier - You are no longer a recruit and are now a part of the Order of the Warrior’s Blade’s military. Sergeant - you lead a group of soldiers into battle and you also train the recruits in your party. Lieutenant - you lead the Sergeant's and give them orders for them to carry out to their groups. Leader - You command everybody and by giving orders to your Lieutenants you get your men to carry out these orders. Non-Battle Positions These are positions for things we need that aren't part of the military (you can have both) (an asterisk* will be by those you cannot have a war position with). Resource Collectors - (We need lots of them) They are the ones that go out and collect resources for us (miners, farmers, and woodcutters). Treasury Manager* - You take care of the funds and manage the Bankers (you will not get this job strait of the bat you need to be trusted, on LOTC a lot, and very well known). Banker* - You are similar to the Treasury Manager you will manage some of the funds or paychecks, etc. Blacksmiths - To make armor, swords, etc. and to make thing to sell to make money for the guild. Woodworkers - To make bows, arrows, etc. and to make thing to sell to make money for the guild. Cook - To make food for us and to sell for the guild. Healer - You heal the injured of the guild (through magic, potions, etc.) on and off the battlefield. Alchemist* - To make us potions for us to use when we need (in war, to help collect resources, etc.) Wizards* - To use spells in battle or to help the guild in times of peace (Fi'hiiran'tanya is espcialy useful) (If you are applying for a wizard please put your specialty down too [alteration, illusion, etc.] Applications (Do not lie we will find out and you will be kicked from the guild.) OOC: Minecraft Name: Age: Why you want to join: Skype (optional): In Game: Name: Age: Race: Gender: Job(s) you are applying for: Why you (the character) wants to join:
  16. The Honor Guard of Summerhall History Several Honour Guard’s rush to relieve Orenian forces near the Dunamis Fort, dated 1548 The origins of the Honour Guard stem from the events preceding the Duke’s War, when Lord Marshal Augustus d'Amaury’s nascent noble house was granted a considerate holding in the former fiefdom of Adria. The hardened bannermen of the Lord’s personal retinue remained staunch servants to the strong leader, and continued to serve him in the newly formed county of Amaury as the first of his prestigious entourage. Garrisoned alongside their liege within the imposing keep of Summerhall, the veterans were offered service by the Lord Marshal- to form an Honor Guard with the goal of maintaining order in the county and protecting the House d’Amaury if need be. This company of stalwart and honorable men consists mainly of the experienced cavalrymen and halberdiers that saw service alongside the Lord Marshal during the Duke’s War, though apt newcomers in search of virtuous employ are encouraged to join the ranks of the capable band. Serving the House d’Amaury as Summerhall’s peacekeepers and their liege lord’s elite bannermen, the Honour Guard is tasked with maintaining order in times of internal and external turbulence. With the return now of both Lothaire and Jacques d’Amaury, the Honour Guard finds itself being lead by the latter under his Marshalship. Role in Amaury Portrait of Augustus d’Amaury, founder of the Honour Guard and the 1st Archduke of Lorraine, dated 1545 Since the birth of the intrepid House d’Amaury, the Honor Guard has been charged with protecting the Archduchy of Lorraine and ensuring stability over their Lord’s holdings. Patrolling the burgh- oft on horseback - the brave men of Summerhall watch over their lands with a wary gaze, protecting the denizens of Amaury from ruthless bandits and savage marauders. The men of the Honor Guard are also graced with the task of guaranteeing their the safety of their lieges,the honorable aristocracy of House d’Amaury. Acting as an armed escort and guard force when the need arises, the soldiers garrisoned within Summerhall’s walls serve the Lord Marshal and his kinfolk with zeal and ardor, upholding the virtues of their commander while protecting his family. Comprised mostly of the tested veterans of the Duke’s War, the Honor Guard is gracious to bear a large number of weathered combatants under its service. The brave footsoldiers of a vicious and bloody conflict, the Lord Marshal’s banner force boasts a capable number of courageous and valiant combatants who are well-suited to fighting wars with skillful organization and unfaltering loyalty. Duty to the Lords of Lorraine Depiction of assorted Lorrainian nobility, date unknown. In seeing the military largely centralized, lords who chose to contribute men to the Honour Guard are given more than just respect; they receive protection, save minae on wages, and save resources in our arming of these men. Lords of the realm will receive, upon request, a number of men to come protect them. Patrols will be sent through the lands as well to ensure the continued safety of all fiefs who contribute men to the force. Men who have risen to the esteemed rank of Honour Guard will also serve lords personally, acting with the authority and regal manner of a knight, but with the servitude of a page. A lord may suggest someone to act as their first Honour Guard, but all subsequent Honour Guards in service to such a lord would have to opt into it. Guardsmen will uphold the law of the Duchy wherever they are or are sent, and may actively garrison a fief if need be. Lords may approach the Commander to negotiate/make requests at any time. Ranks Men of varying rank saddle up for patrol, dated 1537 Initiate The starting rank of the Honour Guard. This rank is given to the fledgling guardsmen who have recently began their tenure within the Honour Guard, and as such they have yet to prove their aptitude and valor. Payment: 100 Footman Those who have been tested as able-bodied and loyal levies of the House d’Amaury, the Honour Guard’s Footmen make up the auxiliary of the force, and carry out their duties with coordination and devotion. Payment: 150 Man at Arms Often regarded as the more gifted and skilled counterparts to the footmen, the Men at Arms of Summerhall boast considerable competence and are proficient soldiers. A service of considerable longitude under the Lord Marshal is usually rewarded with this respectable ranking. Payment: 200 minae Sergeant The men of Summerhall who have displayed an aptitude for leadership and an ample amount of confidence and zeal are repaid for their prowess with this rank. Sergeants of the Honour Guard are shrewd disciplinarians and soldiers capable of relaying orders and maintaining authority. Payment: 250 minae. All positions hereafter do not recieve regular payment. Honour Guardsmen With the steely vigor and unflinching obedience long regarded as traits of exemplary soldiers, these ironclad cavalrymen carry the banners of House d’Amaury into combat and are professional soldiers with a heightened finesse and a prolonged service under the Lord Marshal, in times of warfare and peace alike. Guard Captain A second in command rank, the most senior of officers within the Honour Guard. Works in correlation with the Commander of the Guard. The Guard Captain beholds unrelentless loyalty to House d’Amaury and tenacity for leadership. They are the exemplary soldier within their ranks. Commander of Guard A highly prestigious rank, the Guard Captains of the Honour Guard work in tandem with Lord d’Amaury to ensure that their company maintains a reputable amount of respect and diligence. Only the Lord Marshal’s most trusted underlings have ascended the ranks of the Honour Guard to be graced with the status - and responsibility - that comes with becoming a Guard Captain. Every second Saint's Week, a muster will take place in Summerhall, where pay will be distributed and promotions announced. Failure to show up without announcing prior commitments forfeits ones pay, and could result in a promotion being reconsidered. Application MC Name: Race: Skype (PM if you’d like): Do you have Teamspeak?
  17. Dedicated to the glorious Cint Dynasty Cint University is taking applications for Professors and students alike in preparation for the upcoming grand opening. All who wish to apply should consider the following. - Availability - Skill level - What you are looking to accomplish - Financial Status Yale university offers a plethora of different programs, including but not limited to.. - Social Sciences - Applied Sciences - Redstone Sciences - Architectural Design - Business Management - History - Economics - Law - Labor Techniques - Medicine - Combat Techniques - Blacksmithing - Farming - Enchanting If your desired degree was not listed, please contact our administration office via Bird or feel free to stop in. Cant afford the full cost of the programs? Don't fret! Help is here! We offer grants and other ways to fulfill your financial needs. (Cost of tuition is undetermined at this point, we have thought about making it a set schedule timed event, but we realize real life obligations can interfere with this process) Class times are determined by the Professors (Perhaps you realize you're not the sharpest tool in the shed, not to worry! Apply to be on our groundskeeping crew today!) For more information Contact Nole Musk - Cint University Administrative Team - Dean of Education , Dr. Nole Musk OOC : NotTodayJerry
  18. The Larian Regiment “My life for the Empire.” - Captain Balthazar of the Felsen Watch, defending his Emperor. From Free Company to Landed Order Heated from the embers of Oren’s past and forged in the military tradition of the Old Order, the company started as a conscript of free men, of knights and other sort, to the Emperor’s invasion force they soon gained fame and a small reputation. Eventually, the free company presented their blades to the Emperor for permanent fealty and were placed in the Crownlands as a regiment of the Imperial State Army. With imperial writ and through the guidance of Vibian doctrine, the brigade have been solidified as a proper page in the tome that is the Empire’s military. Of Conflict and Defense The ranks of the Larian Regiment are charged with the defense of the outer Crownlands, of its peoples and its crown. They, alongside their brethren of the Nauzican Brigade, will take upon themselves the front ranks of the Vanguard in battle and in peacetime the defense of the Crownlandic folk. They shall always put the defense of the Crownland first, opting to save its folk over of their own personal ambition. A Hierarchy of Soldierly Men The group of loose draftees and knights has, by the hand of the Imperial Estate, been molded into a proper military to serve the Crownlands and Empire. Governed effectively, the Regiment will bring death and judgement upon the enemies of the Crown. The Captain He who rules. The Captain has sole authority over the regiment, only exceeded by the Emperor’s word. This man holds mastery over the sword, the shield, and the horse, and is appointed by the Emperor and his Privy. The Captain is inducted via a mass and ceremony in which he is blessed, alongside his blade, by the Archbishop of Metz. He is adorned with the Cross of Saint Adrian, a medal forged from the blades of fallen Crownlandic soldiers in the Avarian Landing. The Lieutenant He who is delegated through. The Captain’s right hand man, the Lieutenant is charged with the distribution of order, informing and evaluating of promotions, distribution of material. He may only rule when the Grandmaster is not present or if the he has commanded to take control. The Lieutenant is also required to be a master of war, melee or otherwise. It is not unusual for the best fighter to take this position, and in some cases, his skill surpases all others within the brigade. The Decurion He who leads. The Decurion has proven valor and courage, as well as wit on the battlefield. To award such action, he has been granted the third-in-command of the regiment and often is delegated to in battle to lead smaller groups of men, as well training them and dealing out punishments. The Decurion will also reign over the regiment in the case that his two superiors fall in combat. The Man-at-Arms He who fights. Those who make up the majority of the regiment, the Men-at-Arms is a vital piece of the Larian military. If the upper command was the arm, the Men-at-Arms are the elbow. Without the Men-at-Arms, the Order would snap in two when in need of flexibility. The Footman He who serves. These are those who have just been indoctrinated into the company, those who have been sworn in by the words of the Grandmaster and blessing of a Canonist priest. These men will charge at the front, hold at the front, and die at the front. Or they will survive and excel amongst the prestigious ranks of the Larians. The footman receives the armor and tabard of the brigade. They, if the Men-at-Arms are the elbow, are the fingers. The Uncoated He who follows. The Uncoated have yet to receive their blessing and their uniforms. They will follow the regiment into battle, into peace, and into training. Yet they will not be represental of the group’s ideas, its goals, nor its military might. Upon readiness, they will be raised to the rank of footman. Accolades of War Those who prove themselves in battle, in peace, and in other affairs are rewarded with medals and other sorts of award. Depending on their actions, a soldier may receive an accolade and a minas reward. The Cross of Saint Adrian Awarded to he has been proclaimed Grandmaster. It is attached to his person upon his blessing by the Archbishop of Metz and shall not leave his uniform until his death or removal from office. The Mark of Saint Thomas For his service to humanity and the greater goals of its race, he who has excelled in combat or in other roles in an effort to human dominance. This man has shown valorous combat when facing heathenry or gentiles. The Forester’s Signet The Crownland’s defense goes beyond the hills and rivers of its borders. The Forester’s Signet is awarded to a man who has proven himself in foreign lands or in combat amongst foreign geography. They’ve exemplified that the soldiers excel in all battlefields, not only their native hills. The Gilded Gauntlet The Gilded Gauntlet is awarded to those who have proven most valorous, most loyal, most skilled in the field of battle. Against all odds, they’ve persevered against an enemy and found victory as well as glory. He who bears a Gilded Gauntlet is a legendary warrior, having proven their greatness to the rest of the Empire and the brigade. The Eagle of Courage In the case of injury or falling in combat, if a soldier should continue on fighting despite grievous wound and complete his task to an even greater ability than expected and to a degree that directly affects the flow of combat, he shall be awarded the Eagle of Courage. If a soldier falls valiantly in duel or combat against the foes of Man, he shall be awarded this medal during funeral. Taking the Blade and the Banner God-Given (OOC) Information: Skype: MC Name: Do you use TS3 (Y/N): Chosen (RP) Information: Name: Are you Elf or Man or Neither (E/M/N): Age: Weapon of Sufficient Ability: Do you possess a steed (Y/N): ((Post Written by Heff, contact for writing commissions, creative posts, lore posts, guild posts, etc.))
  19. The Marbrand Militia Founded by Jory Marbrand, 1548. The Marbrand Militia is a militaristic assembly of those whom wish to fight proudly for the realm of Vandoria, and the house of Marbrand. Built upon the virtuous values of courage, loyalty, and honor it encourages those of any ethnicity or race to register for the militia. ~ This newly founded military association is heavily affiliated with the kingdom of Vandoria, and is sworn devotedly to serve and protect the realm. All soldiers of the Marbrand Militia will be offered a place within the kingdom and the current patriarch of House Marbrand will possibly chance you with a home within the holdings of the house. ~ All persons over the age of fourteen are permitted to join the Marbrand Militia, them being either female or male. Minors below the age of fourteen may still associate themselves with the noble house, as pages and students of the current soldiers. ~ The militia's base of operations is found in the holdings of House Marbrand, the lordship of Marbrand and the riverkeep of Marford. Any member who desires to fight valorously for the realm and the house of Marbrand may contact either Jory Marbrand, Sigjira Marbrand, or a soldier found with the tabard upon their visage. ~ Marbrand Divisions The Marbrand Militia is separated into four distinct divisions to cater to the skills and abilities of certain figures. This procedure is used to accurately train, command and organize those with diverse capabilities and strengths. ~ 1st Division - Elite The 1st Division is a department of the militia that holds the most highly trained soldiers of the entire association. There are only seven or so soldiers that would be found within the 1st Division, and is extremely awarding to be placed among such strong and competent warriors. ~ 2nd Division - Competent The 2nd Division is a department of the militia that holds competent soldiers that train diligently and loyally. They are held in high regard by their peers and are trusted with errands and duties that may been seen difficult by others. It is quite awarding still, to be placed within this division. ~ 3rd Division - Sound The 3rd Division is a department of the militia that holds soldiers that have passed the examinations and assessments of their commanders, and are ready to fight and serve loyally. The standard requirement of the entire association, without this division, there would be no standing platform to steady the entire build. ~ 4th Division - Miscellaneous The 4th Division is a department that is seen foreign to most. Figures of foreign crafts, such as engineering, construction, agricultural, and of course the arcane arts can be founded here. Those that are found within this division are still required to fight and protect the kingdom and their liege, Lord Marbrand, yet specialize in their chosen craft. ~ Commanders & Authority The commanders and those in charge of the Marbrand Militia are to be held in high regard of the soldiers, and treated with curt respect. Those that fail to hold such respect for those in power will be punished and disciplined. Patriarch/Lord - Jory Marbrand, (Hummingbird_) Matriarch/Lady - Sigjira Marbrand, (Darksainthood) Commander of 1st Division - Jon Marbrand, (Aedrabani) Commander of 2nd Division - (Vacant.) Commander of 3rd Division - (Vacant.) Commander of 4th Division - (Vacant.) (Such will change over the course of time. Be sure to check the post periodically to review recent changes made.) Application Username - IC name - Ethnicity/Race - Age - Gender - Skype name - OOC Background info (Opt.) - IC Background info (Opt.) - (Speak to Hummingbird_ for more info.)
  20. The Order of the Aureate Isthmus Protectors of the Isthmus Our direction is our power, our strength and our freedom. For the Realm is split in two, between blood Red, and Blue. Though closely aligned, they remain separate, and distant in all but drive. With the Isthmus, with the Aureate Sword and Shield, it is the duty of us all to bridge the connection between the now distant, by purging and wiping free its cause. “When we stand in the beating heart of our Empire; one must not fret to revel among the blood.” Motive History Created by the eldest brothers of the de Aryn house, the Order of the Aureate Isthmus was created in an effort to bridge the gap and fulfill the duties the other Orders within the Realm were neglecting. Attaching onto the Brotherhood of Croziers and forming under the Savoy Banner, the Order of Aureate Isthmus draws inspiration from the decades past Band of Esheveurd and Order of St. Amyas. The name Aureate Isthmus was chosen by the first Grand Patriarch, Thomas de Aryn, based on the definition of the Isthmus word. Isthmus, by definition, is a small section of land which connects two larger land masses. Due to this, the term was coined and it’s definition slightly altered. Taking on the meaning of a bridge between the split in the Realm, the Protectorate of the Isthmus are responsible for the protection of those of Blue Blood, while the Inquisition is charged with the duty to the Blood of Red, and furthering the cause of the Realm. Taking the elite and specialised progression of the Esheveurd and directive and cause of the Order of St. Amyas, the Order of the Aureate Isthmus is a structured and competent amalgamation of the organisations before it. Controlled and directed by the House de Aryn, the Order was created to fill the void and protect the Noblemen and women of Savoy, whilst furthering Humanity's goals and desires for a better world for it’s people. The Order of Aureate Isthmus co-operates and acts as a subdivision of the Brotherhood of Golden Croziers, taking on the responsibilities and duties the Brotherhood is unable to accomplish. Selected and directed as a heavily specialised unit in Savoy, the Isthmus are handpicked and trained under intense conditions, undergoing and expected to conquer extreme mental and physical hurdles. The members of the Order are expected to be among the most capable and competent in the lands, and must be devout to the Canonist Faith. The Order was decided to split into two various sections; the Protectorate and the Inquisition. Mission Protectorate The Protectors of the Isthmus are those who follow the primary branch of the Order, positioned and charged with serving those of Blue Blood in the Savoy region. The Mission of the Protectorate is to push forward and against all opposition to secure and guarantee the safety of those they are sworn to protect. They are stationed in the vicinity and are often charged with creating positive relations with the person they are sworn to protect. Each following the path of the Protectorate are assigned to a particular person and must be ready to dive into the depths of darkness to do their duty to their assigned. Inquisition The Inquisitors of the Isthmus are those who follow and represent the alternative branch of the Order, positioned and charged with following the direction of the Inquisition and following the creeds set by the Canonist religion. Supporting Blood of Red, the Inquisition serves to put forth the human race and set it on a course of betterment, to correct the deformities of the other races and ensure all of existence know the truth of the Human cause. It is also the mission and duty of the Inquisitors to convert the masses to the Canonist Faith. Each following the path of the Inquisition are to follow the Grand Inquisitor in all matters, regardless of any personal dispute or moral compass. The only individual whose word overrules the Grand Inquisitor to the Inquisitors is the Grand Patriarch. Ranks [Higher Echelon] Grand Patriarch The Grand Patriarch, often an elder member of the House de Aryn, is the absolute Archon of the Aureate Isthmus, who demands complete and total loyalty and respect from his soldiers. The Patriarch routinely serves a lifelong tenure in the position, and are responsible for the direction of the Order, overseeing all aspects the Order involves itself in, including the day to day running of each Orderman. The Grand Patriarch has total control over every position and facet the Isthmus goes to fill, and the position is the highest one in the Order. The authority and will of the Patriarch are absolute. The position is currently held by Thomas de Aryn, the first Grand Patriarch of the Protectors of the Aureate Isthmus. Grand Inquisitor The Grand Inquisitor, typically a man chosen from the list of the Inquisitors within the Order upon the death or retirement of its predecessor. The Grand Inquisitor is considered the highest position within the Order that is at least partially obtainable. The rank is given to those totally and utterly loyal to the Isthmus cause, it’s direction and it’s stature. The Grand Inquisitor is often one of the most skilled combatants within the entire Order, and is capable of demanding complete and total respect from its members. While the Grand Inquisitor typically holds no power over the Sentinels, it is commonplace for all ranks to listen to him regardless. Answering only to the Grand Patriarch, the Grand Inquisitor leads the religious directive of the Order. The position is currently filled by Gaspard de Aryn, the first Grand Inquisitors of the Protectors of the Aureate Isthmus. [Lower Echelon] Sentinel The position of Sentinel is stationed equal to that of the Inquisitor, though its duties are almost the opposite. Given to the most dutiful and well-trained within the Isthmus, the Sentinels are charged to directly watch over and protect the Noblemen and women of Savoy. They are also charged with watching over all lower ranks, and are responsible with the acquisition and training of all new Unoathed and Initiated. Answering only to the Grand Patriarch and Grand Inquisitor, the Sentinels honour and ability are considered the most elite within the Order, and must undergo a separate Standing examination to be cleared for duty. Inquisitor A promotion given only to the most loyal and able Man-At-Arms within the Isthmus. The Inquisitors are officers and commanders throughout the Order, deemed worthy and able to fulfill the role of leadership. Choosing the xenophobic portion of the Order the Inquisitors serve directly under to the Grand Inquisitor and Grand Patriarch, primarily servicing the more religious purpose as opposed to the other. They assist in leading the progress against the Isthmus’ enemies, and are only obligated to watch over the Noblemen and women of Savoy when in direct company. Being considered the most elite within the Order, the Inquisitors must undergo a separate Standing examination to be cleared for duty. [Assigned] Sentry The rank of Sentry is given to those who have proved their metal and their worth to the Order, proving their total and utter devotion to its desires and purpose. The Sentry have been assigned a direction within the Order and assigned to follow the Protectorate, to follow and give their loyalty to its cause. The Sentry are dressed in the finest and most well smithed plate the Order has to offer. Listed above the Initiates, those listed as Sentry rank are fully trained in intense physical combat. Trained on horseback and on the ground, the Sentry Rank is given to those who have proven themselves to the Isthmus cause. Stationed as guards and watchmen of the higher nobility, the Sentries are known and held to the highest of standards. Man-At-Arms The rank of Man-At-Arms is assigned and given to those who have proved their devotion to the Inquisition within the Order. They are positioned within the Inquisition and chosen to show their worth to the rest of the Realm, proving their ability and devotion to the Order and it’s mission. They are assigned to follow under the Grand Inquisitor and put their very essence into following the direction they are given. Clad in the finest smithed armour the Order can provide, and much alike the Sentries, are listed above the Initiates. Having specialised and intense training in mental and physical combat, both on the ground and on horseback, the Man-At-Arms is a well distinguished rank within the Order. [Enlisted] Initiate Those with the Initiate rank are considered the lowest among the listed Order. After their initiation, they undergo intense specialised training in both the physical and mental state. Unlike those who are Unoathed, the Initiated have already undergone basic training. They have been evaluated for their worth and ability in regards to their servitude and honour. The Initiated are recognised as true warriors of the Isthmus, worthy and ready to serve under the Grand Patriarch and under the banner of the Order. The Initiate are often stationed as the Guards to the Noblemen and women of Savoy, being posted in key positions to ensure the safety of the blue-blooded, though must be ready to follow the Inquisitors when ordered. The Initiated are yet to choose a path to follow within the Order. Unoathed The Unoathed are the bottom rung of the Order, considered the weakest and most inept among the ranks. These members are not listed as bannermen under the Order, and as such are not given the liberty that those Initiate and above are given. The Unoathed are vigorously trained in basic combat and religiously taught and examined in their devotion to the Canonist Faith, and to the Orders ways and methods. These are fresh blood within the Order, and their every move is monitored to ensure their direction is recognised and proper. Loyalty and Obedience is paramount. [Honorary Positions] Crozier While technically not one with the Order of Isthmus, those enlisted within the Brotherhood of Golden Croziers, are considered Brothers in the same right. Sharing the same goal and desire, the Croziers are seen as honorary members of the Isthmus. While the position names and duties are different, they are considered equal with the Crozier Brotherhood. Footmen within the Croziers, are considered equal to Initiates within the Isthmus. Men-at-Arms are equal to Sentry/Man-At-Arms and Decurions are equal to the Inquisitor and Sentinel ranks. Ensign Entrusted with supporting and carrying the Banner of the Isthmus into the heat of battle, those granted the high honour of the Ensign position are held with high regard and respect throughout the entire Order. The Banner of the war provides morale to all troops who follow under it, given its continued height throughout the duration of the battle implies continued strength. Clerical Chaplain The Order of the Aureate Isthmus closely operate with the Clerical healers and chaplains of the Realm, and as such are given an honorary position with the Order. The Clerics are considered well versed in various instances of knowledge, and are charged with the duty of tending to and healing the wounded within the Order. Dual holding the position of Cleric and Chaplain, those holding this position are also responsible for holding Mass and assisting in the Initiation of the Unoathed. Applying for the Isthmus Recruitment To join the Order of Isthmus, one must do one of the following things. Send a letter through carrier pigeon to Grand Patriarch, and apply to partake in the Isthmus. Assignment: It is possible for a member of the Croziers to be assigned to the Isthmus if the Grandmaster deems it so. Referral: Become friends and prove your abilities to any member within the Brotherhood or Order. Ask them to refer you to a Sentinel. They will then assess you before putting you through to the Senior Echelon. Be chosen: The Isthmus are a very select group, and just because you apply doesn’t mean you’ll be accepted. It is possible, if you prove your abilities to a Lower or Senior Echelon, you’ll be recruited. Please note, the ability to use Skype is essential to holding position in the Isthmus. Initiation Assessment Mental Working with the Order, in either the Protectorate or the Inquisition, requires each and every member to be mentally assessed and understood for their emotional, religious and mental state. This assessment is not a test per-se, more so a continued observation during their Unoathed term. The members of Lower and Senior Echelon observe the new recruits and watch over them during their training. Their devotion to the Canonist Faith and the Order is observed and watched over, and should their devotion be lacking, they are denied from the Order proper. Physical Being the most specialised of troops comes at a price, and that price includes total and utter dedication to the art of combat. They are assessed and taught how to manipulate their opponent's mind, and how to use a range of weapons. If the Unoathed is lacking in any form of training, they undergo intense training under those of the Lower Echelon. Their skill is assessed and their position within the Order is determined. They are assessed and trained in the following areas: Hand-to-Hand combat, One-Handed combat, Ranged combat and combat on Horseback. The Standing The Test The true test of loyalty. During The Standing, the Unoathed is tested on their physical and mental devotion to the Order. They are tested on their faith to the Canonist Cause and are asked to stand before a Cathedral for one saints day, with one loaf of bread and two bottles of water. They may not move from this position, and must continuously chant Canonist Prayers, and must pray for any who walk by. They must stay awake for as long as possible, and may only be allowed 3 hours of sleep every two days. This is a very difficult test, and you do not need to make it through the entire month. The test is to go as long as you possibly can, and your devotion to passing the test is the true qualifier. The Oath After taking the Oath and undergoing the initiation of the Brotherhood, the Unoathed must undergo the Oathing Ceremony. This is not one to be taken lightly, and in fact the topic of discussion is forbidden from being spoken of outside of the Ceremony itself. The process includes the Unoathed being led from the barracks in the middle of the evening into a small chapel-esque room, with Canonist Symbolism and the mark of the Isthmus scattered around the candlelit room. Standing at the altar one would find the Grand Patriarch, the Grand Inquisitor and one of the High Chaplains within the order. The Unoathed would be spoken to, and asked to swear an oath and covenant before God. A long metal rod would be taken from the nearby furnace, the tip adorned with the sigil of the Isthmus, and as the Oath was being spoken, the heated metal would be pressed against the Unoathed’s upper left pectoral muscle. The Sigil of the Isthmus would be burned and branded into their skin as the Oath was taken as a mark of loyalty to the Order, symbolising your service to the Canonist Faith and the direction and cause the Order will take you. This act is an act of giving your body and your essence to the Faith and the Order, showing true that you would give your life and serve for the cause of Humanity and place your flesh on the line in service to the Orders direction. The Oath is as follows: ‘ I ________, do solemnly pledge, with unburdened and unbound words, in the presence of God, and brethren, my unwavering loyalty to the cause of Isthmus. To the tenants and creed of our most righteous purge. I pledge my flesh to Humanity, but to those who bar its path: I pledge my sword as punishment. I shall not fall prey to the perfidy, of those bearing barbed ears. Nor shall I succumb to the greed of those who hide under stone. Those who wear the warped schismed bodies of past human glory shall be relieved of their burdens in this world, by my hand. In the name of our almighty Lord, I pledge this true, and just. Pour Dieu, la piété et l'ordre. Amen’
  21. THE EAGLE’S VIGIL THE VIGIL Stolid men born of war and unfaltering pride, the resilient Eagles of Courland, sworn soldiers of House Staunton, preside over the Duchy of Courland; maintaining peace and fiercely defending their home. The Eagles eagerly shoulder this heavy burden, proudly dedicating their lives to protecting Courland: their home, its citizenry, and its peerage. Their vigil only ends in death, for each armiger beholden to such an order swears a life-long oath in his service to the Duchy of Courland and the House Staunton. Once, the levies of House Staunton were in disarray, beholden to traitorous lords and split across a disparate realm. No longer, however. Now they are united beneath a single banner, that omniscient eagle, which sees all and knows true loyalty. There exists still a stigma on these men, but they work tirelessly and in an unrelenting fashion to wipe clean the slate that their names have been marked upon. Upon returning from his schooling in the former capital of Petrus, the young heir to House Staunton, Richard, witnessed the merit of these untrained men, and resolved to convert the unkempt militia into a reputable military order. The opportunity to forge such an order did not arise until years later, when, after a brief epoch serving his liege, Duke Vasili Vanir in Vydrian Order, the Stauntons were cast out by the treacherous Duke and forced to create their own force of loyal men - able to be trained for battle. Lord Richard established The Eagle’s Vigil, and after years of preparation and intensive training, an opportunity arose. The Duke’s War erupted across Oren, and the Stauntons, now loyal vassals to the Crown of Oren, stormed back into the north, reclaiming their home. RANKS Every man who serves in The Eagle’s Vigil must know respect: respect and obedience. The hallmarks of any successful and disciplined military force, every man is beholden to his superior in whatever orders they deem fit to give, and those who see fit to disobey will be punished accordingly. (SENIOR COMMAND) The Marshal The Marshal is the Lord of the order, a proven battle commander and skilled with the blade; he leads the order into battle, appoints officers, and is the chief drillmaster of all the troops. The original Marshal of The Eagles’ Vigil was Duke Richard Staunton, but the title of Marshal has since been appointed to a loyal, dedicated leader within the Vigil. The General The General is the Marshal’s right hand man and the most trusted commander in the Order. Always a man bloodied in war and tried by its cruel hand, he is the regent in times when the Marshal is not present and the commander of a great many men. The Colonel The Colonel is the mentor to the lower command, charged with the tutelage of the Captains in the oversight and management of other troops. Chosen from the most experienced and competent of captains, the Colonel is expected to show such virtues as patience and courage in his work. If any Captain fails in his duties, the Colonel also holds some blame for his failure in teaching the officer. (COMMAND) The Captain A Captain is a true leader; he knows how to lead and how to follow. Reporting directly to the Marshal himself, captains are often entrusted with the command of divisions due to their experience. The Captain is considered the officer of paramount import within the High Command and ensures that the Lieutenant is doing his job to the best of his ability. The Lieutenant A Lieutenant is a veteran commander within the order, entrusted with larger commands they typically help with instructing decurions in how to perform their job. Lieutenants are associated with a Captain, and assist him in leading their division. They are expected to be the model of discipline, leadership and humility to their peers and lessers within the Vigil. The Decurion A proven soldier who has been deemed worthy of advancement, the Decurion is groomed for command until their superiors deem him ready for a full place within the higher command. The Decurion is expected to do his uttermost best to prove to the Marshal his diligence, strength, loyalty and skill in command. The Decanus One of the greatest soldiers within the entire force of men, the Decanus’ are often tried and tested warriors whose skill with the blade knows no superior. Though not necessarily born leaders, Decanus are strong warriors who the entire force looks up to. This position is granted as an honour to them, a form of recognition from the leadership. (ENLISTED) The Ensign Ensigns are model soldiers, exemplars of discipline and loyalty. Awarded to the longest serving soldiers within the Vigil; a rank designed to reward loyalty and devotion. Although these men may not be fit of command, they prove the backbone of any battleline. The Man-at-Arms The Men-at-Arms are the imposing product of the Vigil’s intensive training procedures, weathered soldiers who have been exposed to the rough of battle and have prevailed. The bulk of the Eagle’s Vigil consists of these brave veterans, who proudly form the front line, prepared to accept only two outcomes: victory or death. The Footman Having endured the drillmasters’ harsh discipline, the Footmen have shown their potential through both adherence to the hierarchy and an aptitude in the martial practices. Although untested by battle, these capable loyal soldiers have earned the respect of their brethren, their fellow order-men. They are prepared to serve the Duke, to enforce his law, and to redden their blades with the blood of his foes. The Initiate The new bloods of the order, the Initiates have yet to take the oath and to prove their worth. Tasked with grunt work, and subjected to the harsh discipline of the Drillmasters, these green young men are evaluated and pushed to their limits over the course of their initiation, at the end of which they are assigned to a division. Though young and inexperienced, these aspiring soldiers comprise the future of the Eagle’s Vigil. {SPECIALIZED RANKS} Quartermaster The Quartermaster is the supplier of the Order, always a skilled blacksmith always providing armour and weaponry for the Order. Along with their duties of blacksmithing, all quartermasters serves in the rank and file as traditional soldiery. Medic The Medic is trained in healing others. They are placed within divisions and expected to attend drilling with their brothers. However they are also expected to maintain their ability to heal, and attend regular training sessions lead by the ‘Chief Surgeon’. The Medics specialize in lending aid to fallen brothers or allies, and, when there are no soldiers to aid, the Medics often perform charity by aiding injured locals. Recruiter An officer, or soldier, without a division, the recruiters spend a longer time than any other wandering the roads of all of Vailor in search of new recruits, their own task being that of ensuring that the Vigil is always fresh with green men joining. Duke’s Guard The Duke’s Guard are the greatest warriors in the Order, sworn to protect the duke with their lives. The Duke’s Guard is built out of three men who have proven their skill with the blade and their devotion to the Duke. The Duke’s Guard is personally selected by The Marshal and The Duke in conjunction with each other. THE DIVISIONS OF THE VIGIL The Eagle’s Vigil is divided into three divisions each commanded by individual commanders; commanders who have proven their competence in battle through grit and experience are entrusted with more experienced groups, while younger ones are able to bloody themselves in combat alongside the green recruits. Every time an Initiate joins The Vigil he is assigned a division after tests; these men becoming his trusted battle-brothers and constant companions, be it in times of blessed peace of unfortunate war. The Divisions have been created to maintain order, but they also function as a mechanism for stripling commanders to improve their skill at battle. The 1st Division This division is the infantry unit. They learn to how to become an efficient core of the Vigil, mastering the sword and shield. The men within this division are trained to follow orders quickly, and to remain brave regardless of the situation, to ensure they continue to be the strong backbone of the Vigil. The 2nd Division This division is dedicated to archery. It is here the men of the Vigil are trained by their officers to learn the proper tactics and mechanics of the archer and his bow; to hit each and every one of their targets dead on. The 3rd Division Lastly, the 3rd division is the Vigil’s cavalry. Adorned in powerful weaponry and light armor, the cavalry often makes the first valiant charge into battle, fearlessly facing their enemy head on. In this division, the soldier is taught how to effectively fight on horseback, to become an influential and essential component of the battlefield. JOINING THE VIGIL The men of The Eagle’s Vigil are bound to the House Staunton, and Courland by an oath of fealty. With their oath comes many duties each soldier must fulfil. The Duties of the Order: -To defend Courland, with life if need be. -To protect the members of House Staunton, with life if need be. -To serve House Staunton in times of war. -To maintain the peace within Courland. Once one seeks to join The Eagle’s Vigil, he does not merely swear an oath and pick up a blade; The Eagle’s Vigil has a small amount of requirements an Initiate must meet: REQUIREMENTS The Applicant must be over the age of 14. The Applicant must pass a series of Physical tests. The Applicant must be of the Canonist Faith. APPLICATION [RP Application] Applicant’s Name: Applicant’s Age: Applicant’s Race: Applicant’s Past Military Experience: Applicant meets the Requirements: [OOC Application] MC Username: Skype: Willing to download TS?: Do you agree to PK if their is sufficient roleplay prior to mortality?:
  22. THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE GOLDEN CROZIER Brothers of the Crozier For we are the sword of Lucien; the shield of Lucien; the raised spears that catch the rising sun. We are the storm of swords, the song of steel: the song that sweeps across the strongholds of devout and faith-less, believer and heathen, paragon and sinner. The axe that splinters shield, the hammer that cracks skull, the blade that causes many a mother to weep her bitter tears. We are those that hold his crozier, and we will hold the instrument that supports his legacy. PURPOSE To those men of the Lord, devout and fearful of his wrath, there exists only one purpose - devotion in a service befitting of Him. The Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, made up of men who have pledged their lives to the service of that order, exist to help purge humanity, all the races, of the shared degeneracy that recent ages have induced into it through vile, corrupt, degenerate means. A purifying force, so named due to its the symbol of the Saint Lucien and his belief in conservative, traditional family values so designed to restore order to the realm of Man. Soldiers, armigers, warriors; healers, medics, physicians; merchants, tradesmen, artisans; a dozen paths of life amalgamated into a single group worthy of such a legacy and the reconstruction of a great brotherhood. Those who preserve ancient and holy relics in the Brotherhood’s custody and those who travel out in search of more. Men who hunt monsters and cleanse such dangers from the roads of the entire continent, whether they be beasts in unnatural form, or brigands who prey on the innocent and poor. What is a realm without law and order; justice and arbitration? Defenders of the meek, poor and innocent. Guardians of the just and faithful. Located within the hinterlands of Savoy faithful and loyal men from all corners of the world gather in pledged service, their aims clear and definite; restoration to better times. The Brotherhood is not one simply of men, though, nor only Man. Open and accepted are elves, provided they be devout, and any others who desire to serve under such a blessed banner. APPLYING TO THE BROTHERHOOD In order to join the Brotherhood of the Golden Crozier, located within the lands of Savoy at Drusco, ((x170, z-2020)), one must either visit those lands, a cart is present outside Felsen, or submit an application to the Grandmaster via bird. These shall be registered as swiftly as possible, providing that the applicant is a male of fighting age. APPLICATION: OOC: Skype name: Username: IC: Name: Reasons for applying: Do you agree to PK if RP is done appropriately and well?: RANKS Discipline shall make or break these men, the cruel crack of leather on flesh; whip on skin, shall forge a force worthy of that furnace which is war. Discipline shall temper any band of soldiers for blessed battle. Every single man who serves in the Brotherhood is expected to obey the commands of a superior without fault or question - obedience shall be met with reward, and disobedience with punishment. (SENIOR COMMAND) GRANDMASTER The Grandmaster holds complete and total control of the Brotherhood; all those who serve within it are subservient to his command and that of God. His word is final and it is expected that all soldiers shall follow him, whether it be into peace or battle. The current Grandmaster is Denis de Bar, the first of that name. TRIBUNE The most senior of officers beneath the Grandmaster in the Brotherhood, elevated from the most competent of prefects, the Tribunes are experienced battle commanders who have shown their skill in combat, administration and leadership - equipped and empowered with the ability to command large chunks of men and serve as a competent aide to the Grandmaster. (LOW COMMAND) PREFECT Prefects are officers entrusted with the command of smaller units; oft in reconnaissance missions. Either experienced soldiers or red-blooded nobles, they have proved their worth to hold such a position and dispense their judgement on those that follow their words. DECURION Decurions are those officers entrusted with the whip, with disciplining rowdy soldiers and ensuring that even in the thick of a conflict the battle-line is held, and it is held well. Respected rather than feared, they hand out deserved punishments, and more often ensure that no punishment is required at all. (ENLISTED) All of the Enlisted are to be referred to with ‘Brother’ for formality. MAN-AT-ARMS Man-At-Arms are the backbone of the Brotherhood, soldiers who have proved their grit and demonstrated their mettle through years of service to the group; dedicated and experienced men who can be relied upon to maintain a respectable example for those unblooded who join the Brotherhood. FOOTMAN Brothers are those unblooded who have passed through their training and trials, going on to serve as full armigers of the group, respected as equals by all and as the men who make up by far the largest number of soldiers. UNBLOODED The unblooded are green-soldiers who are fresh to the Brotherhood; men who have not yet engaged in any fight or been through training. Always treated as newcomers, they are expected to look to officers for an example of competent behaviour while meshing with the current soldiers. (HONOUR RANKS) ENSIGN To be named as the Ensign, the man who is entrusted with the responsibility of holding the banner above the seething masses as a guiding light, is a great honour. If the Ensign were to fall in battle, the whole Brotherhood would feel his loss dearly; during the constant ebb and tide of battle he must lift his burden high above the men’s shoulders so that it can become a focal point for rallying. CHAPLAIN The chaplains are men schooled in holy teaching and thought, their hearts lit aflame by passion for His service. Men who recite litanies and chants, whether it be in the mess hall or the field of battle, their passion is able to beat the spirits of all their comrades into a similar fury. CHAMPION The Champion of the Golden Crozier, the hardiest warrior in the Brotherhood, is a title awarded to those who demonstrate the greatest competency within the entire group at martial work. Whether earned through conflict at war or on the tourney field, the title is constantly up for contest - an honour levied only upon the greatest of brothers.
  23. The Order of the Hallowed Flame And the Brotherhood of Owyn’s Torchbearers =The Order’s History= Late into the year of 1520, the Order of the Hallowed Flame was founded by the Magnate of Kaedrin, Cantonus Chivay. Upon the advice of the lord Arstan Bedell, a zealous Owynist through and through, he embraced the faith and took upon the fiery sun of Owyn and his dogma as the sigil of a new creed - a militant force dedicated to the pursuit of justice and these ideals laid out before him by the young baron. At the Order’s core sit the wilted remnants of the Flaming Rose, and other true-hearted Kaedreni men who look to a better future. Zealous followers of the Holy Fire all, they heartily embrace the teachings of the Second Flame and their dogma that was once praised by Owyn Godwinson himself. At the core of their belief sits a unbridled hatred for the Harrenites - the shattered remnants of the tyrant Harren’s bloodline. It was Owyn who first drove them from the lands of men, yet they continue to rear their ugly heads in the face of the true sons of Horen, something that shan’t go unpunished by the pious followers of Owyn the Arbiter. The Order of the Hallowed Flame stands as the militant fist of Kaedrin, and the dogma they hail. Holding vigil across the counties of Redmark, Hengfors and Kreden - they safeguard the peasantry and ensure that foreign incursions on Kaedrini soil are met in kind. Injustice across the Commonwealth is met with fire and steel, and those who would dare threaten the virtuous are put to the stake. Yet, their righteous crusade for the purging of all that is wicked and unjust does not end with the Harrenites. Maleficarum do not find solace in the wake of their march, nor do cultists of vile practices and dark creeds. Many a blasphemers have been put to the stake - burned aloft for all to spectate - at the hands of the most just. In this day and age, faith wanes, and rising to supplement it is the zeal and piety of Owyn’s adherents. A new age dawns, and it dawns in fire. =Tenets of the Hallowed Flame= The Order of the Hallowed Flame prides itself in discipline, and in this discipline comes a strict dogma in which each man is required to adhere to. I. Remain Eternally Faithful in Owyn and the Holy Fire It is he, Blessed Owyn, that guides our steel, and his Holy Fire that assures our salvation when we pass on to the otherworld. Never lose faith in Him and His Flame, for to do so would spell doom. Without faith, we cannot ever hope to succeed, and we shall fail as those who came before us have. Faith is our weapon, so wield it true. II. Tolerate not the Half-bred Mongrel, for he is Unclean Each man is required to show no sympathies towards those of mixed blood. And why would they? Owyn led man against the Harrenites, and to accept one into our fold today? A ludicrous notion, and the mere mention of such is a betrayal of our belief. III. Shun the Heathen, who does not love Owyn as We If the basis of our order is built upon the reverence of Owyn, then we must hasten to spread his teachings across the realm. And to those who openly shun his ways, they are no better than the mongrels who lay with elves and pray before trees. Death to him, in the most righteous of fire. IV. Respect your Fellows, who live and die aside Ye At the core of any order is tried-and-true camaraderie. Fight not amongst yourselves, but find it within to make brotherly ties with your fellow soldier. For mutual respect and friendship make a man fight harder on the field to battle, in defense of their comrade. V. Follow your Superiors with Unquestionable Loyalty A matter which affects the discipline of the rank-and-file soldier is the faith he puts into his officers. If there is a lack of faith therein, men are more likely rout when push comes to shove on the field of battle. To allow doubt to fester is to defy Owyn’s teachings. Have faith, for your commanders always know best. VI. Never Falter in the Face of the Enemy To parade fear in the ranks, and to quiver before a foe is the greatest dishonor known. Have faith, for the Fire safeguards us against sword and lance. Falter not, and remain as a redoubt before your foemen and you will have no trouble in dispatching them. =Religious Devotion= No evil can survive the Holy Fire; The Holy Fire enlightens, burns and cleanses. Behold the flame of grace and mercy. True to it’s name, the Order of the Hallowed Flame elevates the Exalted Hero Owyn above all else. For he is their paragon; the embodiment of all things good in the mortal realm, and a righteous emblem of purity and justice shining ablaze alike the sun. Their reverence of him coincides with the reverence of his Holy Fire - sacrifice and prayer are commonplace, and many a men of the Order gather about a brazier at dusk to sing their aves and plead blessings for themselves, their brothers-in-arms and even their fellows - non-believers of the truest caliber who hold a skewed view on Owyn - one which does not align with the beliefs of fire. This faith in Owyn, however, also breeds a hatred for all things of tainted bloodlines. It was Exalted Owyn who brought fire and steel upon the motley of Harrenites underneath his uncle who claimed themselves, truly, to be better than chosen man, those blessed sons of Horen himself who carried with them the harshest curse of them all. Doomed to live a mortal life, doomed to repeat the mistakes of yore. “Tolerate not the Half-bred mongrel” is a statement fresh upon the mind of many ordermen, and this deep-seated hatred is like to remain so long as their faith in Owyn does. At the pinnacle of their trust and faith bestowed upon Owyn is a single ritual practice that makes them starkly different from their peers. The smell of charred flesh is not a pleasant one, yet, all men are commanded to give to the fire, to fan it’s embers. To burn a foeman at the pyre is an act unmeasured in both piety and callousness. Ofttimes, the screams are what give a man his nightmares, yet those of the Order have grown accustomed to it nigh on a daily basis, and that which would make a lesser man’s stomach churn only empowers the son of Kaedrin with fervor and zeal. =Hierarchy of the Order of the Hallowed Flame= -SENIOR COMMAND- Grandmaster The Grandmaster holds supreme command over the entirety of the Order, whose orders are to be followed without question and doubt. This office is to be held until death, and provided that the Grandmaster had not designated an heir, the Master and Commanders shall convene and appoint another through discussion and vote. Master and Commander The Master and Commander typically presides over a single garrison of the Order, responsible for the upkeep and ability of his men. When stationed with the main force, they may also operate a limited portion of the Order or carry out a certain task on behalf of the Grandmaster. -HIGH COMMAND- Captain The Captain is the head of all footmen, in charge of their pay, discipline, and equipment. He will lead the column of men during march, a task which requires patience and prowess in command. Due to the extensive work this position entails, the holder will often be consulted by the Grandmaster upon matters of tactic and war. Senior Knight The Senior Knight is considered a high honor within the Order, the position itself requiring the member in question to be an official Knight of Oren. Commonly, they will serve as advisors to members of Senior Command for their thorough knowledge of all things chivalrous and related to faith. They are allowed to take upon a single squire who will be responsible in aiding him in a matter deem fit, whether that be through combat or the maintenance of his equipment. Decurion The Decurion is a high ranking officer within the Order, tasked with helping the Captain carry out his command of the infantry. They are one of the most veteran Order members, and thus will have numerous responsibilities and duties which are important to the overall functionality of the Order. -LOW COMMAND- Knight The Knight is a seasoned Kaedreni warrior whose faith has been tested through numerous years of dedication to the Order and Owyn. Similar to the Senior Knight, they too are required to be a Knight of Oren. Ensign The Ensign is an entry-tier officer, working directly under the command of the Decurion in order to assure that the battle line remains steadfast. He holds the authority to call upon and command a small detachment of the ordermen. -ENLISTED ORDER MEMBERS- Man-at-arms The Man-At-Arms is the rank-and-file soldier of the Order. Equipped with castle-forged steel and a higher salary than that of their footmen counterparts, they have been enlisted into the ranks for a significant amount of time, and are often promoted on the basis of merit or loyal service. Footman The Footman is the entry-level enlisted soldier. Given a bunk, an annual salary and armed with mail and steel, these men make up the backbone of the order and are by far the most numerous amongst its ranks. Discipline is expected, and those who step out of line are punished severely. -UNOATHED- Initiate Initiate is the overarching label for all men associated with the Order whom aspire to enter into her ranks, though have yet to speak their oaths and enter officially into the ranks. -SPECIALIZED RANKS- Messenger(2) Messengers are deployed across the realm, to carry letters and parcels to and from. Ofttimes, swift individuals are granted this position - unoathed or from a pool of lower ranked members. Scrivener(1) The Scrivener is the individual responsible for penning all documents pertaining to the Order. They are responsible for handling the maintaining of the roster and documenting all reports regarding patrols, incidents and so on. Engineer(2) Individuals learned in the matters of siege warfare. These men are trusted as siege masters, and are tasked to design and construct weapons of war to topple walls and bring cities to their knees. Quartermaster(1) The Quartermaster is in charge of keeping the flow of goods, and armaments, documented. They are required to keep the Order well-armed and the warehouse stocked in the case of an external shortage. Drillmaster(1) A grizzled ensign or Knight, more often than not, the Drillmaster is tasked with overseeing training within the Order; keeping the men both physically and mentally disciplined is a task nigh as important as leading the men into the field. Medic(1) Medics are men and women skilled in first aid and medicinal practices. They are often people from outside, barber surgeons and the like, and serve to aid the injured and sick amongst the Order. =To Join= To enter into the Order of the Hallowed Flame, one must fill out the form of application below and submit it to the Grandmaster (post below or PM Tirenas on the forums). OOC MC Name: Skype User: IC Name: Age: Race: Prior Merits and Service: Do you understand that as an Initiate, your actions do not represent the Order of the Hallowed Flame? Do you agree to submit yourself to the Hierarchy of the Order, and in doing such, serve with loyalty undying to both your superiors and to Owyn himself?
  24. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-elyK2cnxI THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE GOLDEN CROW From the Highlands of the Old North rose the first Highlander Brotherhood, composed of the Raev and Hansetians of the Lahy, which destroyed the armies of Prince Nicholas the ‘Heathen’ and established the One True Faith, the Canonist Faith, into the hearts of the Highlanders for years to come. But now, after years of different revivals, infighting amongst the original Highlanders such as the Raevir and Hansetian peoples, and eons of cultural mish-mash with the Heartlanders, the Order that defended the Highlandic peoples as a whole is firmly re-established to safeguard and uphold the original purpose of the band: protect the Northern Peoples and their culture and do so with the fires of the Creator’s Will in their hearts. RANKS OF HIGH COMMAND -Marshal- “..what do ye mean you /retreated/? Who be these of the Hetmanate, demons in man’s skin?” Prince Nicholas of Dules, the Siege of Lahy, 780? The autocratic authority over the brotherhood’s entirety, the Marshal, called in the Hetman in centuries past, commands the order to fulfill his mission and goal: defend the Highlandic Plains at all cost. To the Lords and Men of the Northern Realm, his name is respected, to Southern Lordlings and their folk, his name is awed, and to heathens that sucumb the earth to their debauchery, his name is feared. -THE CURRENT MARSHAL REIGNING- Tarcell Othaman [Eddywilson2] -Standard-Bearer- “Lift the banner high, my men, for this be the day we have proven ourselves as a true brotherhood!” Lord Vasili Vanir, the Battle of Savoy Fields, 1456 Carrier of the Banner of the Burgundian upon the Golden Crow, the Standard-Bearer is the watchful eye of all the enlisted and March in their training and combat. It is the Standard-Bearer who leads the charge of the Burgundians against their foe, and it is the Standard-Bearer who declares victory for the band. It is also custom that the band never retreats until the Standard-Bearer has fallen, a custom which has given the Brotherhood a fierce reputation. The Standard-Bearer is situated with a seat at the table of the Lord and Marshal, along with their own private quarters within the keep. The Standard-Bearer is expected to be the figurehead of the enlisted and March, dressing properly and accordingly in arms, armor, and casual wear. He is also given leadership over the knights who have been knighted by Lord Barbanov, given the title ‘Grand Ser’. -THE CURRENT STANDARD-BEARER CHOSEN- Vacant [Vacant] -Velky-Hussar- “We [the Lahy] shall ney fall, my Hussars, for they do not carry [the Creator] in their feeble hearts.” Jan Yeremi, the Siege of the Lahy, 780? The Velky-Hussars, senior knights of the March, are known for their steadfast and long-service to the Commonwealth and the Highlandic peoples. Given the title of ‘Great Ser’, the Velky-Hussars are mainly ceremonial, carrying the tasks of the normal knights of the realm while remaining highly regarded, not just in their skill of combat but in their chivalry and actions for the betterment of the Highlanders as a whole. The Velky-Hussars are situated with a seat at the table of the Lord and Marshal, along with their own private quarters within the keep. Velky-Hussars wear the same equipment as the normal knights of the March, although some carry a ceremonial sash of Kha fur to display their status. KNIGHTS OF THE MARCH -Hussar- From years of contact and influence from the larger Heartlander culture, Hussars have evolved from their predecessors, forming the crucial role of heavy infantry and de facto role models of the Host itself. The Hussar is expected to follow the Code of Chivalry, akin to the nominal Heartlander Code of Chivalry, and is granted the title ‘Ser’. The Knight, as with the Hetman, is granted special rooming, seating, and proper arms and armor to fit their position. The Huscarl is also granted gentry within the autonomous Northern Commonwealth as well, receiving all rights, duties, and benefits that befall from it. -Esquire- Contrary to its Heartlander counterpart, an Esquire carries a quite large amount of power within the Brotherhood, being the second-in-commands of the Hussar’s Banner requires wit and intelligence. It is also the Esquire’s duty to carry out battle preparations and other tasks sent by the Hussar himself, whereas to prove the Esquire for one day becoming a Knight of the March. Esquires dine with the enlisted, while commonly invited to sit amongst the Hussars and Atamani. Esquires are granted rooming within the barracks, which depends on each situation. The Esquire also carries his Hussar’s banner, an honor which is never squandered. RANKS OF FOOT -Serjeant- “..what do ye mean you /retreated/? Who be these of the Hetmanate, demons in man’s skin?” Prince Nicholas of Dules, the Siege of Lahy, 780? The Serjeant is a grizzled soldier of the Host, proving his capabilities in and off the field countless times. It is the pool of Serjeants that new officers are pulled from, and in itself Serjeant is considered the first stage of leadership within the host. May it be known, the Serjeant is known to deal the final blow in many an occasion. Carrying the iconic pelt cap upon their heads, the Serjeant, contrary to his lower peers, wears plate and mail upon their body. Serjeants also receive better choice in weaponry and equipment, with many of the more dangerous and lethal given to their hands. It is not uncommon to see a Serjeant wielding a warhammer, mace, or even the deadly flail. - Huscarl - “We [the Lahy] shall ney fall, my Atamani, for they do not carry [the Creator] in their feeble hearts.” Jan Yeremi, the Siege of the Lahy, 780? The title attained after completing initiative trials and proving martial prowess to the Brotherhood, those known as Huscarls, or Brothers, compile the backbone bulk of the band. Brothers have been trained in sword and shield, taught in the ways of faith, and have shown undying loyalty to the mission and cause of the Brotherhood. When the thought of the Order comes to mind, it should be the thought of the host of brothers that live in piety, fight zealously, and brave the unstoppable odds. A Brother wears the full uniform of chainmail and leather, with the white-furred Hansetian Bear pelt donning their shoulders. Weapons of a Brother can range from the simple Kaedreni Longsword, to the Hansetian Zweihander, or to the ranged weaponry of the Hunting Bow or Rhosweni Arbalest. A Brother is situated in the traditional barracks with a bed and two single chests. - Initiate - “..and when I say shite, ye will shite. When I say piss, ye will piss. This ain’t yer mama’s home no more, lads, nay… Ye are the bulwark of the North, the legion of angry pricks that will castrate any nonhuman that steps on OUR soil…” Unnamed Drillmaster, 13th of the Deep Cold of 1496. Although any order or band takes great pride in their well-trained veterans and warriors, it is the fresh bloods who join that truly allow the Brotherhood to continue and prosper. From the Piscatorian Coastline to the mountain clans of Old Hanseti, boys and young men are called to Brotherhood in service of country and faith. Coming from all tracks of life, an Initiate will be trained, tempered, and groomed to become the next line of the Order’s hordes, or be cast aside and deemed as weak. Nicknamed ‘Fresh-Bloods’, Initiates are given the basic armor: leather with chainmail. A sword is commissioned to each Initiate, though all equipment is heavily regulated by the Quartermaster. Initiates bunk in a special wing of the keep, where four initiates are assigned to the same room. An Initiate goes through some of the most harsh and effective training within the Brotherhood, with lashings being the most commonly heard sound during a drill. SPECIALIZED RANKS -Quartermaster- The Quartermaster, keen in numbers and tactful in supplies, ensures the Host’s continued flow of arms, armor, and resources to fund its ever growing needs in and off the field of battle. It is the duty of the Quartermaster to ensure all men under the Burgundian Cross is equipped to the fullest, holding in their hands the tools of death and destruction, with the plates of steel and mail covering their bosom from any and all attacks by their plentiful enemies. The Quartermaster is usually taken from the ranks of the Hussars, in which they are well respected and well known throughout the host. The Quartermaster receives the arms and armor dictated by their rank, and is given their own room within the Commandery barracks. -Disciplinary- It is the Disciplinary that is the true hero behind the Brother, for it is by his whip that is the Brotherhood is formed to become a force to be reckoned with. Using the ancient tactics of drilling and training, the Disciplinary molds initiates to become bitter and fierce warriors, to teach them the values of the Highlandic Peoples and how to crush their heathen and pagan enemies. The Disciplinary is taken from the Hussars, in which their names are feared throughout the entire brotherhood. The Disciplinary receives the iconic whip upon his promotion to the rank, and is expected to always carry it wherever he goes. He also receives special rooming within the enlisted barracks, sleeping among the men themselves. TRIALS Killing of the Bear The Hansetian Bear, white of pelt and native to the Grendock Range, is a beast of both majestic and terrifying grace. For an Initiate to become a full-fledged brother of the lodge, he must slay the beast in a single-man hunt and skin its tough and bountiful hide. Making of the Cloak With the newly-skinned pelt, the Initiate must make the customary Bear Cloak that is adorned on every member’s shoulders, be them in uniform dress or in casual attire. This would include drying and tanning the fur, cutting and crafting it to appropriate length, and eventually presenting it to the Standard-Bearer. Baptism of Ashes When Saint Joren was anointed underneath the full moon in the name of the Creator, he was done so in ashes, symbolizing rebirth and renewal of his life. Following the holy legend, all Initiates must gather the wood of the Haensian Spruce and burn ‘till there is only ashes. With their cloak of bear fur, the Initiate is then fully prepared to be baptised by the ashes and fully inducted into the Brotherhood. Rewards of Service Payment Initiates are paid 100 minas a week if they are actively around and participate in training and events. Every other rank is paid 150 minas a week that they are actively around. Supplies Soldiers are given a set of chainmail armor and a sword immediately upon joining the Brotherhood. Iron is plentiful and made by the finest smiths so lost armor can be replaced. Food and ale is available as well. JOINING THE BROTHERHOOD OOC MC Name: Skype: Do you have TS? If not, are you willing to get one? IC [!] An old man, wearing the standard of the Golden Crow, looks upon you with dull eyes. Tapping the paper with the end of his quill,, he asked: “Name, boy?”: “Hrmph, so be it. Where ye be from?”: Clearing his throat, he then asked, “Any experience fightin’? O’ at anything, really?”: “Mhrmm.. what be yer reason for joining?”: Do ya have ah profession?”: “Anything else ye wanna add, lad?”: Once finished, the old man nodded and gave a wave of dismissal to you, beckoning the next in line to follow suit. [!]
  25. The Peacekeepers Under the warm southern sun and the flutter of the blue and gold banners above Leone Hold the stamping of feet and yelling of orders can be heard echoing through the city.- their chatter soon stops. In view are the Peacekeepers, the protectors and loyal guards of Salvus. They stand tall, decorated in their blue and gold tabards, laiden with the symbol of Salvus, the lion. The Peacekeepers are the active guard force of Salvus, and work to keep the peace in and around our great Republic. We are not referred to as a military force, but moreover a guard force- protectors of people, keepers of liberty. The Peacekeepers work towards and focus on enforcing laws, deterring any hostile threats to Salvus, and of course, keeping the peace. The Peacekeepers recruit simple men, but forge them in the fires of Leone Hold, breaking them and rebuilding them into true foundations of peace and stability. The Peacekeepers take in all who wish to pledge their lives to protect Salvus and uphold the values and laws of the Republic. As a Peacekeeper, one can climb through the ranks as a Valet, Guardian, Sentinel, and eventually a Praetor if one has proved themselves worthy of leading the guard force in the protection of Salvus. As one climbs the ranks, their tabard becomes more decorated, more noteworthy, it becoming a true representation of the Salvian face of Peace and Liberty. Service and accomplishment medals will be awarded to those who complete their training and show dedication and service. Ranks Upon becoming a Guardian, the Peacekeeper is evaluated overall, and then placed among one of three divisions. Sworn, Ranger or Ironshield. Divisions Current Leadership Chancellor: David Campos Praetor: Tahjeet Mubdee Sentinels: Ehsan Mubdee- Defenses, Sanctus D’Archis- Recruitment, Dagr Vanir- Training, K’amo Shadd- Rangers Application Any new recruits should be reminded that the Peacekeeper force is here to protect and serve the fair Salvians, and any weak or lesser than us. You will not abuse your power as a Peacekeeper. Anyone who believes they have the right to do this, will be punished for their actions.
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