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  1. Small, tightly wound letters fill the missive - seen upon black as midnight paper. “Exalted Horen and Saint Julia, behold us prostrate at your feet, learning by your most noble example. Through God our Lord, grant us peace and harmony, and, through the abundant graces God hath given to you, bless us in times of need and plenty alike.” My Dearest Brother, the Duke of Stran, Ser Istvan Ivanovich and my Honorable intended, the Baron af Brasca, George af Brasca, I am writing to you with a heavy heart, as I find myself torn between the brother I grew up with and the man I have come to care for. As you are aware, the Baron George af Brasca has sought my hand in marriage, and his proposal has left me with a difficult decision to make. I care deeply for each of you, and I find it unbearable to think that a dispute over my affections might lead to a result no one wishes to see. I implore the both of you, with all the love and sincerity that resides in my heart, to approach this situation with humility and a commitment to humanity. The prospect of a duel, a clash of swords, is a time honored tradition - one I would dare not stop. This letter is simply to request one thing of the both of you, so I may look forward to the duel instead of lamenting it with bated breath. I ask you, my dear brother, to consider the profound bond of family that we share. Our relationship is a treasure beyond measure, and I cannot bear to see it strained or severed over a matter of the heart. Baron George, your intentions have touched my soul, and I have come to appreciate the depth of your character. Please, look to our growing bond and consider my plea. I beseech you both, whether win or lose, to offer not harm to the other. The terms set were that of the winner having the ability to request what they wish, and as I know you are both honorable individuals, I know you will accept my plea. As the winner, offer no cruelty but instead dignity and respect, considering the feelings of all involved. I am confident that the love and compassion you have shown me can extend outward and to either side. My heart aches at the thought of causing strife between the men I care for so deeply. I trust in your wisdom and goodness, and I pray that you will heed my plea for a humane and harmonious resolution to this upcoming duel. “God, who alone art perfect Charity, if I should speak, think or do things in unkindness today, rebuke me, but, before that, strengthen my own meekness and mildness, that I might be the font of Thee.” With all my love and gratitude for your understanding, Her Ladyship, Viktoria Helena Ivanovich, ward to the Princess Adeline of Aaun @Pork@WaveLincoln
  2. A Reunion of House Seregon and elSullas Talonnii As written upon on this 10th of Malin’s Welcome, 144 S.A. From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras "Diligence in the face of ignorance.” "Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.” To the Esteemed Members of the Sullas Talonnii and those of House Seregon, as well as Friends of either Family, Miven Caerme'onn- @westcarolina Eonan Norvayn @thumperjack Valmir Arvellon @drusus We hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. It has been far too long since we last gathered together as one family, united by blood and bound by love. With the blessings of this Autumn season upon us, and the readmittance of Elerríon into the Sullas Talonnii, we extend our heartfelt invitation to you all for a grand reunion in the Lordship of Caladras. The bonds of family are some of the strongest and most cherished in our lives. As we have each pursued our own paths, our hearts have remained forever connected by the ties of blood and kinship. It is our deepest desire to once again come together, to share stories, laughter, and memories that span the years. Caladras, the beloved bastion of House Seregon, stands as a testament to the resilience and strength we hold dear. It is only fitting that we gather within its walls to celebrate the enduring legacy of both the Sullas and Seregon families. The reunion will be a time of joy and festivity, filled with activities to suit every age and inclination. Whether you wish to indulge in hearty feasts, engage in friendly competitions, or simply bask in the warmth of family, there will be something for everyone to enjoy. Mark your calendars for the appointed date, and make your way to Caladras, where our gates will be open to welcome you with open arms. Let this reunion be a testament to the love and strength of our families, a time to celebrate the past and embrace the future. We eagerly await the moment when our family gathers once more, under the banner of unity and love. maehr'sae hiylun'ehya, Friday, September 8th @ 7:30 PM Eastern Lord Elerríon of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Huntmaster to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Lady Cálienë of House Seregon, Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm
  3. [An artist's peaceful rendition of Astrid and her son, Matthias] The day Astrid Parvana Rosiliya Colborn was born was a stormy one, with her first impression on the world was a blood-filled cough. Weak lungs and poor health plagued her youth, though it never squashed her devotion to music. Her first instrument, the violin. Her first song, a wheeze. Thankfully, as days went on, her health and skills improved. She performed, played, and taught through her melodies. Sadly, every song must come to an end. The day Astrid’s voice could no longer reach her highest note was a grave one. The woman declined until she was once again bedridden, trapped to the very pillows that imprisoned her childhood. Pale skin, sunken cheeks, and a frail figure signaled the worsening of the woman’s condition. There was no cure, and the doctor assured her of little hope. Still, her song was not finished. She craved a family. The day Astrid’s pregnancy announcement was greeted by a frown from her doctor, she knew she had a choice. She was weak, and only had the strength for one person. Her or her child. The choice was obvious, and she shut herself back into her pillowy prison to keep what little strength she had left. The day Astrid Rosiliya Colborn Barclay's child was born was a sunny one. A warm afternoon, with colorful birds littering the sky. Rays shone down on Matthias' rosy cheeks as he slumbered peacefully. Peace. Peace. A peace Astrid longed for as she rested her head. Peace. Peace. A peace Astrid recieved. ---------- The woman’s remaining time was filled with writing. Lots of it. Some songs, some notes, but especially a lot of letters. Messages to everyone that had impacted her life. Dear Mamej, Dear Papej, Dear Carolus Colborn, Dear Brendell and Nikolai Colborn, Dear Anabel Colborn, Dear Konstanz Barclay, Dear Virgil the Darkspawn, [A portrait of Astrid's final moments]
  4. The Illness of The Countess of Emalyne ( art by 28idle ) Within the cavernous cysts below the lower forests of Veletz, the Countess of Emalyne had finished to spin a broth of remedial liquids, the boiling spine of its kettle red-hot by means of the hearthfire wherefrom it had been unearthed seconds before. Her freed hand raised a silver ladle to her cheek, clicking 3 times against the spot where the bone of the jaw met the neck- an action of habit -and lowering to chance a whiff of the steaming mixture. She could feel the illness evaporating from her for just this moment, when the heat consumed her aspects and drowned the morbidity pervading her. The burning scent of her skin’s grip ‘round the ladle’s handle did not deter, as the stones of her health desired livening warmth. After years of sitting in ill-begotten flaccidity, heat was all she could feel on this earth. The sunlight had begun to hurt, yet the cloak of the fire within these dark caves instead healed. She had sworn to several that, at times, the flicker of moonlight against her cheek mixed with the kiss of a burning candle radiating beneath her index finger charmed her mind to lucidity. Hans had searched far for medicines to soothe the endless fainting spells & drying coughs, as well as the affectations of the head, the clamping of the stomach, the reddening & grating of the skin. . . all failed, only serving to amplify the weakness of Suzana’s aging humors. With each child it worsened; her contamination capitulated with Janek, who was born bleeding uncontrollably from the nose, as so often the Countess did in the black of night. In a night of mind-numbing tremors that left her of poor psyche & rationale, Suzana’s ailing body was compelled to tremble its way through the trees of the alderswood. She came upon the cave where she now stood, alone with bodily sweats acting as the water of her eyes. The lit fire within had called to her, and sans the hesitancy that a person with a fear of death might inhabit, the Countess had strode forth to discover it untended by any. Seeking desperate repose, she descended to the unkindness of the cave ground, and later awoke to find her pain numbed. Persisting on the curative properties of this specific pyre, Suzana had begun to return to the subterrane dwelling on each midnight since, should sickness not immobilize her entirely. Thus, she dubbed this cave the wielkapli (great giver). 1937 On every night whence she made the journey up the Eagle’s Peak, the Lady Suzecht would endeavor to collect twigs and fallen branches in her leather satchel to fuel the wielkapli’s bonfire, that which had become her foremost confidante. However, these wee articles were soon exchanged for more sacrificial items: a nest of beetles, a hummingbird’s egg. . . futile life would be surrendered as ember in exchange for her recovery. Most recently, she’d had her guardsman heft a cauldron of silver to erect above it as a pot from which to incense meltwax balms from the critters she’d plunder from the canopies. Yet when it became known to her that it had not been only her life that had been robbed of its early delights, the orange, blue, and scarlet of that inferno grew cold to her. The Lady hungered for a heat like fever. How to achieve it, she could not gather, but from this day forth, she would begin to boil & brew until such a solution was found to her. Sleet fingers dripped with the blood of a pig, falling like droplets of rain to hiss as they hit the foam.
  5. Fox cubs Orphanage I am proud to announce that as of today the orphanage of helios after half a year of construction Is now opening its doors. We are now prepared to take in children from ages 0 to 17 During the orphanage's construction I have already been left with three infants one toddler and one ten year old. They were left at the orphanage over the past couple months. Potential parents are welcome to send me a letter to come visit children. I would like to reiterate that the purpose of this orphanage is to keep these children safe and sound, fed, and educated. In this mission we will now be accepting donations of materials, food and toys for the children. I wish to make their environment and time here as peaceful as possible. We will accept all children big and small so do not hesitate to bring any lost or abandoned children to our doors or send me a letter if you find one. Children are our future and they’re potential is boundless we must protect and guide them. Fox cubs orphanage is a place for them to grow and learn and just BE children. With that said I bid the people of Helious and Aevos a good elven year It is my hope that the fox cub orphanage becomes a safe haven for children all over aevos Signed, Aspin A. Munnel
  6. A Union of House Seregon and elSullas Talonnii As written upon on this 6th of Malin’s Welcome, 139 S.A. From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras "Diligence in the face of ignorance.” "Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.” To the Esteemed Members of the Sullas Talonnii and those of House Seregon, as well as Friends of either Family, Laurir Aiera Sullas @Stump Malaurir Ikur Sullas @- Pastry Elarhil Sullas @riorr Caelius Sullas @ErikAzog Celadon Sullas @Commander_Jester Andwen Sullas @Amelica Rhaelanthur Seregon @Cypher_nicus Daerine Meracahe’onn @Vic Valmir Arvellon @Drusus With hearts brimming with joy and excitement, we, Lord Saoren and Lady Dele of House Seregon, cordially extend our honored invitation to you on behalf of our cherished grandson, Amaethii, and his beloved Aelwyn Sullas, as they unite in the eternal bond of matrimony. This momentous occasion of love and unity shall take place at the enchanting Lordship of Caladras, nestled upon the northern end of the Kingswood. As the ancient trees bear witness, let the soft whispers of the breeze carry the tidings of this joyous union to your ears. In the spirit of both elven traditions and those influenced by the Daelish, the ceremony shall be a wondrous celebration, steeped in grace and elegance, as two souls intertwine to form an unbreakable bond. Surrounded by the beauty of nature and the blessings of our ancestors, Amaethii and Aelwyn shall pledge their hearts and lives to one another. Following the sacred union, a grand feast shall be laid out in the gardens of Caladras, where fine delicacies and wines from our lands shall delight the senses. As possible bards or minstrels regale us with songs of love and valor, we shall revel in the company of cherished family and treasured friends. With this missive, we send forth our messengers, guiding them to your abodes with utmost care. May they find you in good health and high spirits, and may the journey to our Lordship be swift and safe. Let us gather under the silver moonlight, as we celebrate the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of Amaethii and Aelwyn. Your presence and blessings are an invaluable gift, adding luster and joy to the celebration. We eagerly anticipate your arrival at Caladras, where love and unity shall reign supreme, and where memories will be woven into the tapestry of our hearts. Until the day of celebration dawns, may the light of the stars guide your steps and the blessings of the ancients protect your path. In merriment and anticipation, Lord Saoren of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Scribe and Tutor to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Lady Dele of House Seregon, Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Amaethii of House Seregon, Groom of House Seregon Aelwyn Sullas, Bride of the Sullas Talonnii
  7. THE FIRST GIMME YER BELT OF AEVOS ᚷᛁᛗᛗᛖ ᛁᛖᚱ ᛒᛖᛚᛏ Since the demise of Almaris the Dwedmar of Urguan have challenged the realm and battled against the world forcing itself upon them. From the Mori Invasion of Almaris to the raids on Kal’Kadrelaz in Aevos the Dwarves have persisted. There are many things going on within the city and the realm that have distracted us from daily practices but we must not forget the ancient traditions of our cultures. The Clan of Ireheart shall be hosting the first Gimme Yer Belt tournament of Aevos since the fall of the last city. All that is required is that you enter your Belt into the competition and risk it upon the victory of battle. Champion of the 1st ALMARIS Gimme Yer Belt: BAKIR IREHEART Champion of the 2nd ALMARIS Gimme Yer Belt: RAGRIN IREHEART Champion of the 1st AEVOS Gimme Yer Belt: TBD IT IS TIME FOR THE BATTLE OF THE BELTS DWARF WRESTLING TOURNAMENT ! Saturday, July 29, 2023 4:00 EST ROLEPLAY ITEM BELT REQUIRED FOR ENTRY
  8. Orphanage of helious Over the years I have come to the realization that there are many needs in life. Food, water, education, and protection, The need that I come back to most tho is the same one i needed so long ago. A Home, A place to be safe and sound and away from all the dangers that Surrounded me. A place to come back to where there is always food and a bed. A place where I would be educated without having to worry over where I would go to sleep that night. I see a need for a place where Orphans, such as I once was, to be Protected, fed, sheltered and educated till they can be Matched with a set of Guardians or a single guardian who wants to build a family. Or until they have become adults and are then old enough to make their own homes. Therefore I am proud to announce the coming of an orphanage in Helios where all children that are lost, scared, alone, or hungry are welcome. no matter where they came from, who they are, or what they are. The First Orphanage of helious, Fox cubs orphanage, will accept them. the Grand opening of Fox Cubs Orphanage Will be announced as soon as possible. I will be building the orphanage with my own two hands. Once it is finished we will start accepting children Immediately. Signed, Aspin A. Munnel
  9. Inaugural Banquet and Ball of the Lordship of Caladras As written upon on this 15th of Sun’s Smile, 138 S.A. From The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil and the Lordship of Caladras "Fair shall the end be, though long and hard shall be the road.” To the Esteemed Númenedain of the The Exilic Kingdom of Númendil, as well as Friends and Distinguished Guests: Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath - King of Númendil - @malchediaelvuilt Miven Caerme'onn - Matriarch of Nevaehlen and the Wood Elves - @westcarolina Eonan Norvayn - Valeseer of Nevaehlen - @thumperjack Lord Haus Weiss-Vuiller - Master of the Abstract - @primnyaquorum The Lord and Lady of Caladras, Ser Saoren and Ser Dele of House Seregon, extend a heartfelt invitation to our noble and valiant friends and countrymen, to join us in celebrating the founding of our newly constructed lands, the Lordship of Caladras. With great joy and anticipation, we beckon you to grace us with your presence on this auspicious occasion. As the fortress stronghold of House Seregon, Caladras stands proudly upon the northern end of the Kingswood, a bastion of strength and protection for the northern reaches of the Númenaranyë. To commemorate this momentous event, we shall host a splendid banquet and enchanting ball. The revelries will commence as the sun sets and the stars take their place in the celestial tapestry above. We invite you to don your finest attire, bedecked in silks and velvets, as we dance and feast in our halls. (Fri. July 28th @ 7:00 PM EST) Let merriment and music fill the air, as bards play melodies that echo through the ages. Raise your goblets to toast to new beginnings and unyielding bonds of friendship that shall endure like the ancient trees of the Kingswood. Come, partake in Daelish feasts and indulge in the finest wines of our family's history as we celebrate the birth of Caladras and the unity of our kingdom. Share stories of valor and chivalry, recount adventures that have shaped our lives, and forge new memories that shall be treasured for generations to come. Our hearts eagerly await your presence, for it is in the company of our beloved countrymen and dear friends that Caladras truly comes alive. We send forth this missive, guiding you to our stronghold with utmost care. (Follow the signage from the gates of Númenost and the crossroads of Petra/Haense/Númendil.) May you journey safely and swiftly, and may the road lead you to our gates, where the light of Númendil shall guide your way. In the spirit of camaraderie and revelry, we eagerly await your arrival. Lord Saoren of House Seregon, Lord of Caladras, Seneschal and Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Scribe and Tutor to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Ranger Captain for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm Lady Dele of House Seregon, Lady of Caladras, Steward to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Physician to the White Court of the Númenaranyë, Serjeant for the Royal Guard of the Númenaranyë, Templar of the Aengul Malchediael, and Knight of the Realm
  10. The Tales of Bevos Between the time when the oceans drank Thelmaras, and the rise of the sons of Thullus, there was an age dreamed of. It is the year 173 of the Third Age, life has become stable in the Heart Lands and ruins are being discovered at the edges of new civilization, the Guild of Wandering Adventurers has decided to explore the region known as The Westlands to earn the hidden gold, explore forgotten lands and gain influence of which a powerful artifact of cataclysmic power wouldn’t be turned down should such remain from The Cataclysm. It is I, the chronicler, who alone can tell thee of this saga. Let me tell you of the days of high adventure! You, dear citizenry will be able to act out the roles of these adventurers, those who fall to the deadly beasts and monsters of the land, to those who manage to retire for a pleasant life and the rare ones who become legends and myths for the centuries to come. I, Seth Calith, will be the Game Chronicler, I will be acting out the monsters, detail the lands, present the puzzles of ancient times. A mixture of storyteller and judge. Characters are required to partake, if you find me I will aid you in the creation of your personal character, careful still, for an unlucky bolt flying past your allies might be the last thing your character sees. There will be four races and four classes to play, each class has three variants which are selected as you go up levels, of which your wealth acquired will determine your level. New adventures are always 1’st level at the beginning, there will also be the option of hiring aid from nearby settlements, cities and travelers, you might even be able to fund your own settlement, to become a local ruler. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The four races are as follows: Humans, they look like our humans from this world and their attributes are wildly different from one another. As such they are able to be any class without any requirements. Elves in this universe are green, they are all dexterous and knowledgeable, Mages and Thieves are common among their kin but the exceptional strong can become Warriors and the exceptional wise can become Zealots. Dwarves are all strong, tough and red. Strong military traditions makes it so most of them are Warriors and Zealots, with the most dexterous being able to take the path of the Thief and the smartest of them able to become Mages And lastly and least, Halflings. They are the color of their patron god, Knox, a bright orange. They are also blessed with his Wisdom and charismatic tongue, unsurprisingly due to the small statue, many of them become Thieves or due to faith Zealots. With the strongest of them having a chance to become Warriors and the smartest of them Mages. The four classes are as follows: Warrior: You’re quick, strong, and militant. Combat is your specialty, and you’re able to deal and sustain more damage than any other. The variants are Barbarians, Fighters and Rangers. Thief: You’re sly, cunning, and precise. Stealth is your specialty, and you can bypass obstacles, patrols, and locks better than anyone. The variants are Assassin, Bard and Rogue. Zealot: You’re devoted, stalwart, and divine. Fervor is your specialty, and your commitment grants you providential powers. You gain divine spellcasting using your wisdom. The variants are Cleric, Druid and Paladin. Mage: You’re clever, powerful, and mysterious. You delve into arcane teachings and demonic sacrifices, untapping eldritch energy. You gain arcane spellcasting using your intelligence. The variants are Wizard, Warlock and Sorcerer. Follow up questions are always welcomed. The intention is to play each 1’st Snow’s Maiden [[Wednesday 2:30 pm est]], with the hope that additional days can be announced in the future. Groups are forged by the first five people to show up that given day as members of the guild work alongside each other into the unknown of the West Lands. Below is a small map each adventurer has been gifted by the guild, much is to be explored but hopefully, this will be the edge you need. Signed, Seth Calith.
  11. A Call To Arms The Silver's Introduction My brethren around this new Continent, I invite you all to join in on the continuation of exploration of this island. The four corners have spoken, and a new Era of magic is to come at any moment; I swear on it. Death and War has been upon us due to the Mori, the Mori have died off but a new threat emerges from their ashes. Necromancers, Wretched Ones, Undead Spirits, and Evil Cabals near our homes and threaten the lives of your loved ones. Evil lurks among everyone, but this is no ordinary evil. This evil is a perpetrator, an intruder within a home, an infiltrator within rankings, a spy that watches every single step you take. The Silver offers you hope and freedom away from these wasteful and adherent dreams, we offer you breathing room away from drama and war to have a peaceful moment at last. The Silver is not whom you expect, we are no Cultists, no Adversaries, no Daemons among your people; We wish for one thing. Peace, a peace without worry and trouble, a future without momentary disruption of time or space. We wish for many things to happen, and we are aware the consequences of this missive but fear not; We are not upset about such. A Prayer to the Profit "The Profit speaks eternal, the whole shine eternal. No mortal, no sin, no body, no sin, no heart, no sin, but yet we alter. Those who win among the evil, will not only falter but lose one or the other. The Profit speaks true, the Profit offers live." A Warning to the People The Depth has been threatening our lands for eternity. The Profit despises those who use the power of magic for evil and for disruption, Voidal mages have been a sign of what happens when you please an ignorant child. The Void offers no reprimands to those who abuse the void for their own sanctity and gain, encouraging their behavior further. Deep within the lands of the Unholy, Necromancers and Voidal Mages combine their power to raise destruction upon they deem fit. They manipulate and grow their numbers to further strengthen their masses. They have no good intentions. Explore and prosper, do not falter. 🎇 May the Profit speak truth and prepare your life with peace and refuge.
  12. THE MOUNTAIN ALLIANCE Since the founding of Kal’Urguan the mountain dwed have been the foundation of the dwarves, from their many feats to their esteemed Paragons, the sons of Urguan have relied on the skill and determination of the mountain dwed. Back in the days of old, in the city of Kal'Karaad, Bastion Ireheart, Fili Grandaxe and Verthaik Frostbeard signed a bloodpact, bringing the mountain clans into an alliance, forging an unbreakable bond between Urguans kin. Decades later, the pact was renewed between Kerwyr Frostbeard, Fimlin Grandaxe and Gror Ireheart, once again bringing the clans close, and in return, making the Grand Kingdom much stronger than it was before. The pact was once again restored in Almaris between Bakir Ireheart, Kronk Stormheart, Argnos Frostbeard, and Thumbrindal Grandaxe So history shall repeat itself once again in Aevos, the mountain clans of Ireheart and Frostbeard shall sign a bloodpact in accordance with the following terms. 1. Signatories agree to support each other militarily if aggressed upon 2. Clans of the alliance formally agree to never employ hostility to each other, in the case of an act that cannot be ignored, the signatories shall meet to discuss a means of action. 3. Signatories shall not pledge allegiance to any sort of conflict without discussion. 4. Clans of the Mountain Alliance agree to support each other politically. 5. The Signatories of the alliance agree to meet every stone month. Signed, Clan Father of the Irehearts Clan Father of the Frostbeards
  13. [!] A series of flyers would be laid out on noticeboards throughout the realm. The Hungry Hippo Established: Circa. 1st of The Deep Cold, 61 BA. People of Portoregne, the Kingdom of Balian and all of Almaris! It is with great pride that we announce at long last the official grand opening of the Hungry Hippo Tavern, located in the heart of the Balianese capital of Portoregne. Eagerly supplied by the local region’s rich selection of vineyards, breweries and distilleries, this humble spot provides a vast range of beverages to choose from, whether that be a crisp wine, fresh lager, or a heart-warming whiskey. You will scarcely find a cheerier establishment to rest your weary feet! The establishment is located just beyond the front entrance to the city, open to the main square and primary canal within the city. With three floors and a broad layout, the seating arrangements are plentiful and we possess two rentable rooms for those seeking temporary accommodation. ~ Menu ~ Reduzzan Merlot 2 Minas Reduzzan Sauvignon 2 Minas Verdant Coast Cider 2 Minas Enderocan Lager 2 Minas Butterfly Tea 2 Minas Northern Isle Whiskey 3 Minas Marsanan Vodka 3 Minas Portoregne Spiced Rum 3 Minas In addition to serving as an inn, the Hungry Hippo additionally houses the Portoregne fighting arena. Located on the lower floor of the tavern, the chamber bears a spacious gallery, large enough to house a sizeable audience. We regularly hold fight nights in which the local populace and distant travellers may test their martial strength, or otherwise observe and place bets on spectacular entertainment. Furthermore, the champion of said events may purchase their drinks at half price, so long as they retain the title. One such event shall be hosted during our opening night, so if you feel confident why not have a go? We look forward to hosting you on this grand occasion!
  14. First Gathering of the White Court of Minas Aranath Since colonization of the Númenaranyë, the Kingdom of Númendil has been ruled in much of the same fashion as the Barrowlands of Almaris, with little need for a civilian court to preside over domestic matters, due to the ever-present war-footing the Barrowlands found itself at, first with the Undead, and later the Mori’quissir. It has become starkly evident that this is not the case now in Númendil, a land of peace and plenty, regarded by most as a reward from the Lord GOD to us, in recognition of our pious efforts. Because of this, it has become necessary to gather all those in service to the monarch as courtiers of the White Court of Minas Aranath, the palace of the King in the city of Númenost the Fair. During this court, great deeds will be awarded, the peacetime structure of our Kingdom will be formed, matters of further settlement will be discussed, and petitions will be brought before the King to facilitate greater communication between him and his subjects. Topics of the Gathering Knighting Ceremonies Courtly Appointments Expansion plans and land-grants Petitions Announcements and Quests Throne-side chat By the Grace of GOD Tar-Númenatâr Foronathor of House Arthalionath, Founder and King of Númendil, King and Protector of the Adunians, Lord of the Númenaranyë, Númenost, and the Barrowlands, High-Chieftain of the Númenedain and the Harren’hil, Conqueror of the Sharadûn, Templar of the Archangel Michael, and Knight of the Realm.
  15. TWICE CURSED A POV post by the young Lady Viktoria of Stran. Viktoria wondered if she was twice cursed. She never thought much of the first, her family's curse, even as it did tend to affect her day to day life but now.. Now, she stood by her youngest sister as her heart ached and her stomach churned. She explained what wardship was, but did not explain its reasoning. War. The child had wished she could say the war never affected her, but she knew of it as long as she could remember. One of her first memories was herself at the mere age of three, toddling along behind her eldest brother within the refugee camps of Aaun as they chased after a Goat. She beamed and laughed, not knowing any better as threats were made upon her family's livelihood. And so it continued. One moment after another. Her mothers title stripped away, and thus her heirship in turn. She had become simply the Lady Viktoria then, and it took her time to find her bearings. And then the end of the world, or that of the land of the Almaris as she knew it came and a whole new war began. It was different, it took away what she knew as a ‘home’, if you can call a refugee camp home and simply sent her into another refugee camp, one in Savoy. Time passed, and she found herself in a new land and this time, in a true to GODANI home. Vaska. --- Things were looking up, or so it had seemed. She went from place to place, all kept succinctly within the Kingdom of Aaun. Vaska, Minitz, Whitespire. Repeat. But it became her new life and one she came to enjoy. She did not live in a tent but instead had a room. One she could call her own, with paintings decorating the walls, and embroidered pillows of her own making strewn everywhere. A day came, though, in which she visited Whitespire with her eldest brother. Viktoria prattled on, as she often did, about the interview she did for the mayoral candidate just earlier that day. She was excited to be a field reporter for the Aaunic Herald! Istvan listened, and poked fun as siblings often did, as the duo paused by the candidates booth. That excitement soon faded. First a man, then multiple came to them, claiming she had committed a crime! Viktoria had no idea what crime she could have committed, and the men did not wear the armor of any of the places of Aaun. In fact, she did not recognize their armor from anywhere. She tugged on her brother's hand, some anxiety there, as the small girl of thirteen wished to get away. Her heart pounded, frantic and not sure what to expect. They grabbed at her, yanking her from her brother who soon pulled her back and a fight broke loose. It was all such a blur and it all happened so fast. A sharp pain came, having taken something sharp, she couldn’t even be sure what sort of weapon it was; straight to her gut. Viktoria collapsed upon the floor, and she cried for her brother, bony hands pressed over the injury at her waist. The pain was debilitating, and the last thing she could remember was one of her fathers men stepping in front of her prone form, standing before her. The next she’d awoken, everything had hurt and blurry faces were seen before her. Her brother, and her family were not among them. She was in the Minitz clinic. Her brother in the Whitespire clinic. The siblings were separated, unsure if the other were alright. --- It took some time to heal fully. Her movements were careful, and she was not allowed to step foot outside of her home during then. Vaska had become Stran sometime before her injury. A great pride that made her beam, further so when the King so graciously accepted her petitioned gift, as she’d improved in her embroidery. And finally, some time later, she was healed. She didn’t go anywhere without her guard anymore, even if she were with one of her family members and things seemed to be getting back to something better. The bandits, though, they kept coming back. Always causing trouble, and always seemingly running the moment things had gone bad, attempting to entrap those back in their homeland; Adria. And so the day of the royal wedding came, and the Lady Viktoria made way for the basilica with her guard - and soon afterwards the palace. She took note of her dear friend, Leutwin who seemed to be nowhere to be seen after that of the wedding and she went in search of him about the palace as the feast took place. There was no sign of him, the young girl of now fourteen unaware of her friend being tortured by those who sought to take her previously. And so she explored, and she spoke to others, until she came to a standstill within the palace gardens. Her father and the Princess Adeline spoke and a deal was made. She is to be warded. She would move to the palace. She would see her family less and less. Why? War. Viktoria wondered if she was twice cursed.
  16. Buck

    BUK NOOS..?

    You have found a 'buck noos' left at your doorstep. The drawings are so vivid.. you can almost see it as buck pictured it in his mind... most interesting. (Click link for buck news!)
  17. Usamea found herself in a typical evening within the graceful city of Vallagne. The elven lady moved amidst the flowing currents of the people, tending to her own affairs and obligations. Among the bustling crowd, a human figure emerged—a simple, weather-worn man who had the look of one in need. His plea was humble and earnest, an appeal for any assistance she could offer. He was not fussy—food, coin, or any form of aid would do. Usamea, moved by his plea, adhered to the principle that guided her kin: to offer aid to the needy was to uplift all. She rummaged through her belongings, her hands finding packets of food since she lacked any coins at the moment. Offering the sustenance to the man, she watched as his face lit up with relief and gratitude. His thanks were followed by an offer of repayment, a promise made out of earnest goodwill. But Usamea, guided by the wisdom of her people, knew that acts of kindness were not a transaction. She gently declined, instead encouraging him to extend his own hand to others in need when the opportunity arose. As it happened, this humble beggar was far more than he seemed. The prophet, touched by the generosity of the silver-haired lady, felt compelled to repay her in his own way. And so, he gifted her a vision that would prove far more valuable than any coin or feast. It was a glimpse into what lay ahead and what happened before, a prophecy woven into the fabric of the future, filled with cryptic symbols and dire warnings. Engulfed in the tendrils of a vision, Usamea fell into a chasm of darkness, a yawning abyss that stretched beyond sight. A sea of black swelled beneath her, its ebon waves lapping her form as she surrendered to the relentless current. Then, a beacon erupted from the abyss, pulling her up into a cascade of colors and realities that twisted her senses. When the vertigo subsided, she found herself standing in a grand throne room, a masterpiece sculpted from gold and embraced by nature's green fingers. The echoes of a name rang in the air - "Larihei!" Usamea blinked, disoriented, as a male mali'ame stormed in, calling out to her, or rather, Larihei. In that instant, she understood. She was but a passenger, viewing this world through Larihei's eyes. “Ito Aeloran” the elf's voice bounced off the golden walls, laden with urgency. The room seemed to breathe, its grandeur morphing into a scene of blood-soaked chaos. A battle unfurled before her, the battlefield a macabre dance between infernal horrors and brave elven warriors. Each elf felled was answered by a crumbling undead, their ashes blowing away in the wind. Yet, the horrors seemed endless. Then the heavens split open, and a figure descended - a form so vile that even the air seemed to recoil. Recognition twisted in her gut. This was Iblees, the Betrayer. The air vibrated with his stolen tongues, each word a dagger thrust into her mind. His betrayal culminated in a single act; he cast a bolt of dark miasma that struck her and the warrior beside her. She could almost feel her veins turn to ice as the curse of Iblees took hold. In a moment, the scene changed. Time spun its wheel, revealing the growth of the elven kin - mali’aheral, mali’ame, mali’ker. She saw their cities rise, a testament to their perseverance and ambition, and watched them evolve, always from a vantage point above. The final scene was a departure from the rest. Usamea found herself in a cavern lit by an eerie glow. Three figures in robes stood before a tear in reality, the room pulsing with voidal magic. From the tear, ghostly mists seeped into the air, their spectral whispers coiling around her like serpents. An instinctual dread settled in her heart: something about this was profoundly wrong. As the vision released its grip, Usamea was left with more than just a sense of dread. She bore the weight of a prophecy, a call to action. Her path was now clear.
  18. Players for faervel family members wanted The faervel family had been blessed with three children so far. therefor players are needed to play the faervel twins, two 16 year old twins that grew up together. The faervel family was separated while in travel to aevos. The twins were raised solely by their father Leonardo Mallory Faervel in the wilderness and on the run from mori and other dangers. I need someone to play one male and one female both elves. The male has red hair like his father and blue eyes along with tan skin. The female has black hair and red eyes once again like her father. The boy has been trained in survival and medicine while the girl has been trained in the way of the sword as well as hunting. Beyond this you can do whatever you want with their personalities and such. This family prides itself in training even their medics in the ways of combat. The family businesses are as follows: Forgery, medicine, and trade. If anyone is interested please contact me by replying to this page. There, if your serious, you can put down your discord and we can talk further. (this is leonardo mallory faervel) (my timezone is est time and my username is alikiforever )
  19. Chapter 1 In days long past, when the sun kissed the peaks of Almaris, and the gentle whispers of the wind breathed life into its verdant landscapes, the tale of a prophecy was born. Born not in the grand halls of the wise or the whispered corners of the sages, but in the elusive dreamscape of a select few. These chosen few, plucked out seemingly at random from among the descendants, began to receive vivid, bone-chilling visions. Echoes of a looming apocalypse that initially seemed too horrific to be real, too cataclysmic to even fathom. It was a nightmare that clawed at the edges of their waking minds, leaving an inescapable dread that gnawed at their peace. Yet as the hands of time continued their relentless march, the skepticism that had once been a comforting blanket began to fray. The veneer of denial cracked, the raw fear seeping into their hearts. The terrifying truth of their prophetic dreams was acknowledged, setting forth a wave of alarm that reverberated through every corner of the realm. The threats of the worm, the malevolent necromancers, all those foes that once terrorized the lands, were now but shadows before the terrifying face of this prophesied cataclysm. The might of Iblees was manifesting itself, taking horrific forms that threatened to plunge the realms into chaos and destruction. The sinister September Prince then, the ravenous undead befrore, and now the demented Mori'Quessir with their abominable beastoids, they all converged, their horrifying powers suffusing the air with a palpable dread. The very lands trembled in fear, the skies darkened, and a chilling wind swept across the landscapes, portending the doom that was drawing near. Chapter 2 Against this maelstrom of despair, a flame of hope flickered to life. The diverse races of the realm, roused from their disjointed existence, found common ground under the looming shadow of annihilation. The descendants, who had long been at odds, buried their old grudges. Magi, druii, xannitesi, and even blood magi, once immersed in their own individual pursuits, now came together. They discarded their differences and instead, combined their unique wisdom and arcane powers to create a beacon of hope. It was a light that pushed against the impending darkness, a beacon that stubbornly burned in defiance against the terrifying might of their adversaries. This newfound unity, though born out of dire necessity, held a beauty that was both poignant and inspiring. It hinted at the possibility of what could be, of a world where harmony was more than a fleeting dream, if they only dared to put aside their discord. Their fight, however valiant, was not without its losses. Almaris, a realm once teeming with life, succumbed to the onslaught. Its beautiful landscapes, once the epitome of nature's magnificence, were laid to waste. This once thriving realm was now nothing more than a desolate expanse of destruction. This bitter defeat set off a ripple of panic among the descendants. If a realm as grand as Almaris could be decimated, what chance did the others stand? Chapter 3 This spirit of resilience pervaded the human kingdoms as they faced the monstrous threat of the Mori. In the shadow of their malevolent power, humanity found strength and unity. They banded together, forming alliances that stretched across their borders, creating a tapestry of hope and camaraderie. They were ready to fight, their hearts burning with the unquenchable fire of their shared conviction. In this newfound unity, they were more than just individual races or kingdoms, they were a beacon of resistance. Their resilience breathed life into their ravaged lands, their unyielding spirit becoming the drumbeat of a defiant anthem against the growing darkness. They rose like the phoenix, ready to protect their land, their people, their legacy. The courageous men who dared to tread the desolate landscapes held onto the rhythm of their songs to keep despair at bay. Among them, a youthful Haenseti man bid adieu to his kin with a promise of a swift return, his melody echoing, "We all go marching, all go marching, all go march away. When I come back, we'll have a Baron-ay". His memory persists in the mournful cries of a desolate Mamej. The elves, once a race characterized by their discord, were also caught in the throes of this fight for survival. They too sought unity, desperately trying to pull together the frayed threads of their kinship. But old habits die hard and the old prejudices and biases of the past still lingered. Haelun'or, once the shining city of their people, was yet again left out of their discussions. A poignant reminder of the divisions that still plagued them. They hadn’t learned from their forefathers' mistakes, and now, they dared to dream of a future where all elves were united, their strength combined to face the looming cataclysm. Yet, in the face of these challenges, the spirit of hope still shone bright. Amidst the darkness, a symphony of whispers echoed through the realms, weaving a tale of unity, of resistance, of resilience. They clung onto it, the flickering flame pushing against the encroaching shadows. Their hearts were steadfast, their resolve unyielding. Descendants, diverse in their origins yet united in their purpose, toiled ceaselessly. They were like a legion of ants, their efforts harmoniously orchestrated, their spirits indomitable, working towards a shared goal. They served their kin, their nations, their esteemed monarchs—Kings, Queens, Sohaeran, and Maheralan—with unyielding dedication. They sought not just their individual survival, but the collective survival of their realm. Their unity was their shield, their shared resolve their weapon against the looming apocalypse. Despite their valiant efforts, the reality was a grim specter that loomed over their dreams of survival. The realm of Almaris was lost, its glorious landscapes now a desolate expanse, a painful reminder of their defeat. And while they had banded together for now, there was a gnawing fear that their unity was as fragile as the peace they sought. It was inevitable that once they fled to a new continent, their old rivalries would resurface, and the cycle of destruction and death would continue. Chapter 4 Yet, amidst the struggles and the bleak outlook of their future, the symphony of their unity continued to resonate. It was a symphony born out of necessity, out of desperation, but it was also one of hope. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded them, they dared to hope, to dream of a future where they could survive, where their realm could thrive once again. But the passage of time, relentless and unyielding, continued its march. As the echoes of their struggles faded, new challenges loomed on the horizon. In this new land, untouched by the shadows of their past, fresh battles awaited. The descendants would have to face these new threats, their hearts filled with an unsettling blend of fear and excitement. The tranquility they had found was fleeting, a mere prelude to the upcoming turmoil. The Mori'Quessir, who once loomed as an invincible foe, was now but a haunting memory. Their past transgressions, which once seemed insurmountable, were now whispers carried by the winds of time. The descendants had found respite from their overpowering grasp, but this was a brief reprieve. For hearts that longed for power and purpose, the lull was a test of patience, a harbinger of the battles that lay ahead. And so we found, the lands of Braveos. An empty canvas, awaiting colour. I write these words hoping you'll pay heed to my warnings, for only the resilient shall endure. Your inconsequential presence is a mere fleeting moment in the vast tapestry of time. Direct your attention to the collective rather than the self, lest we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of errors. The harmonious songs of birds already carry whispers of discord within. We are inclined to replicate the blunders of ancient legends, becoming victims of the very same missteps committed by our ancestors. - Oem Mali'thill
  20. 4th of The First Seed, Year 133 June 16th 2023 A RULER WITH A GOLDEN FIST [!]In the square of Kal’Kadrelaz a venerable Dwed with pure white hair steps forth to make a speech. “Fer too long, Urguan has suffered wit’ a lack of a common goal, and an’ empty treasury” “Now is not t’ time t’ vote fer a beardling, a lad who despite his merit, is inexperienced and naive. “As King I shall do teh following” The grizzled dwarf would clear his throat. Rejuvinate the Legion: The formidable army that once stood as the pinnacle of strength and unity. Like the tightly woven strands of an unbreakable thread, the legion binds our kindred spirits together, forging a bond stronger than steel. It is through the legion's resolute valor and unwavering loyalty that our people once found solace and inspiration. The Legion shall be restored and each dwed will be encouraged to join. The separation of church and state will remain. However, every other aspect of dwarven life (such groups such as the Miners Guild and Merchants Guild, which in the past have fell under the umbrella of the workforce) will be absorbed into the Legion. Pay will be fair and well earnt. Progression through the ranks will be earned not solely through fighting prowess, but through contributions to the greater society as well. Once established, war games will be scheduled with our neighbouring nations, to remind everybody of the true strength of the Dwarven Legion. Focus on Internal Matters Shadows of discontent and turmoil have cast a veil over our realm. Internal issues plague our once proud nation, demanding our undivided attention and resources. It is in this moment of self-reflection that we must prioritize the mending of our own wounds before extending our hands in alliance or partaking in conflicts that bear little relevance to our dwarven heart. Our focus, unwavering and resolute, shall be directed inward, nurturing our kin and nourishing the embers of our heritage to restore Urguan's former glory. Only when our coffers are replenished and our army stands tall once more shall we reconsider our stance on alliances and treaties. In embracing neutrality, we open our doors to all nations, enticing them with the craftsmanship and riches that flow from our forges. Regardless of which banner claims victory, our dwarven wares shall find their way to every corner of the realm, ensuring our coffers overflow with the spoils of a prosperous trade. Let it be known that Urguan, shall rise stronger than ever before, impervious to the whims of distant wars, as we forge our path towards a future where our nation stands united and our dwarven legacy is restored to its rightful place. The City of Kal'Kadrelaz “The Grand Kingdom of Urguan”, it is evident that a city befitting our illustrious title is deserved. Thus, we shall embark on a quest to create a city that resonates with the grandeur and magnificence of our realm. With unwavering determination, we shall explore both subterranean depths and alternative possibilities, refusing to settle for a city that fails to fulfill its purpose. While plans for a new city are being meticulously finalized, we shall make use of our current resources, diligently constructing additional underground houses to accommodate our people's needs. Moreover, the streets of our city shall be adorned with vibrant stalls, offering a bustling atmosphere and inviting both tourists and visitors to experience our dwarven heritage. A comprehensive revamping of the city's external layout shall be undertaken, ensuring it becomes a captivating destination for all who grace its borders. Let it be known that no stone shall be left unturned as we endeavor to craft a city that not only befits our kingdom's grandeur but also welcomes and enchants those who venture within. Agricultural Revolution You pay your taxes, I keep your belly full. It is with a profound realization that we must acknowledge the untapped potential of our dwarven technology in revolutionizing the realm of farming. We, who have always been at the forefront of innovation and engineering, must harness the power of our ingenuity to transform the way we cultivate the land. It is true that our farming techniques have fallen behind, but this setback presents an opportunity for us to showcase the brilliance of our dwarven minds. With our expertise in machinery and mechanical marvels, we can introduce automated systems that streamline farming processes and increase productivity. Imagine fields adorned with intricate irrigation systems, powered by the steady flow of underground rivers, ensuring optimal hydration for our crops. We can design and construct specialized farming implements that minimize labor while maximizing efficiency, enabling us to till the soil with unparalleled precision and speed. New Ideas For too long, the ideas of beardlings have fallen upon the deaf ears of stagnant rulers. Too many buffers stand in the way of their innovation. As a result, beardlings who could’ve served us mightily become disenfranchised with Urguan and ultimately leave the kingdom. This will stop. There will be innovation grants and rewards for those presenting the king with fresh ideas. “And most importantleh…” MAKE LOTS AND LOTS OF MONEY In the annals of our kingdom's history, never before has there been such an urgent need for a Goldhand to rise and lead. A true master in the delicate art of amassing wealth. The dire situation of Urguan's mounting debt leaves us with little choice but to summon the expertise of those who have devoted their lives to the pursuit of coin. We cannot rely solely on taxes, for it would take over six long months of toil to repay our debts, a burden too heavy to bear. This shall not stand. We shall defy the odds and liberate ourselves from this fiscal burden within a mere two stone months. To achieve this, we shall implement mine permits, granting us access to the hidden treasures within the earth. Our skilled artisans and craftsmen shall labor tirelessly, fashioning exceptional wares that will captivate the markets. As our mines yield their wealth, we shall delve deeper, unearthing new veins of prosperity. In this endeavor, every dwed, no matter their station, shall have a vital role to play. Together, we shall revive the wealth and opulence of Urguan, ensuring that our kingdom shines once more as a beacon of prosperity and abundance. "Also, all council meetings will be held in the tavern."
  21. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Song Sparrow ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. Introduction II. Crew Rankings III. Culture and Traditions IV. The Privateers Oath ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I. INTRODUCTION The Song Sparrow is a crew of independent privateers who sell their services to any who might want to buy it, be that a trader in need of a shipment being made, or a city looking to hire a vessel to protect their shores from invading nations. While they believe in helping their fellow man from time to time, the crew of The Song Sparrow are no strangers to misdeeds as well, and will plunder other ships and opposing nations, should someone hire them to do so. At it's core, The Song Sparrow was still formed by two outcasts who turned to lives of thievery in order to survive. Joining The Song Sparrow is far more then just setting sail for the fun of it all - on this ship, it's a way of life, and in to survive one must have the courage to look danger in the eye and spit back at it, they must have the knowledge of how to sail the open sea, and they must have the passion to live a life of freedom and independence, answering to no one but their Captain. While freedom for all rests among their core values, one must still be willing to take orders in battle and follow them accordingly, else risk being thrown overboard. If you, or someone you know, is a sea-fairing individual come visit the crew of The Song Sparrow, currently found at dock 3 in Lurin found towards the very back of the city. The Song Sparrow is always looking for brave men and women of the sea to set sail with and while our crew may be small, we treat each other like family. Join us, and set yourself free with one of the finest sailors to grace the high seas, Captain Vicnan Hawkins. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ II. CREW RANKINGS CAPTAIN Vicnan Hawkins QUARTERMASTER Wilamen Macloed HELMSMAN Balkas Balo LOOK-OUT Amir Gonzalez MASTER GUNNER Adrian Falker Heskynne SEA DOG -VACANT- NAVIGATOR Adela Proudbottom SURGEON Marol Malthengolv SHIP WRIGHT Masayoshi DECKHANDS Rafi -VACANT- -VACANT- -VACANT- IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER SKILLS THAT YOU BELIEVE MAY HELP OUR CREW, DO NOT HESITATE TO SAY SO! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ III. CULTURE AND TRADITIONS The crew of The Song Sparrow take sailor culture very seriously and partake in many activities that honors the culture of sailing the open seas. DRINKING GAME: GROG & HORSESHOES One of the favorite drinking games of Captain Vicnan Hawkins, Grog and Horseshoes is a rather simple game to play. Two sailors take a pile of horseshoes and try to toss them around wooden poles set up on the ship, should a sailor MISS, they are required to take a swig of Grog. Should one sailor successfully get a horseshoe around the pole, the opposing sailor must take a swig of Grog. The winner is whoever successfully gets all six horseshoes around the wooden poles, the loser is then required to drink an entire tankard of Grog. THE HYMN OF THE SONG SPARROW While the crew of The Song Sparrow take part in singing many sea shanties, the favorite of the ship is one Vicnan wrote himself after he stole his first boat. Where can you find pleasure? Search the world for treasure? Where can you sail the open sea? Make all of your dreams come true, and drink until your face turns blue... It's here in the ocean! Yes, you can sail the open sea! Here in the ocean! And you can drink until you pee! In the ocean! Come on now step aboard and take a stand! Right here in the ocean! THE SEA LEG CEREMONY When a new sailor finally receives their sea legs upon the ship, Captain Vicnan Hawkins takes it upon himself to congratulate them in taking their first major step in becoming a successful privateer of the open sea. He does so by holding a small feast and gifting the new sailor with a golden earring, which is believed by many sailors to prevent one from drowning. It is a small ceremony but one the Captain takes quite seriously. FEASTS Among many other things, the crew of The Song Sparrow loves to host large feasts upon their ship. Whether it be in celebration of a victory in battle, or to honor a fallen comrade, the crew will always find an excuse to host a feast. Any and all who are friends of the crew may join where they may partake in the food and the Grog. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IV. THE PRIVATEERS OATH Before officially coming aboard and joining the crew of The Song Sparrow, every sailor must take this oath and uphold it to the best of their abilities. I. I shall not steal from a fellow privateer, and will only steal from non-privateers. II. I shall remain loyal to my fellow crew members and my captain. III. I shall never harm an innocent woman or child. IV. I swear to protect my ship and my crew until the sea takes me. ANYONE CAUGHT BREAKING THIS OATH OR ANY OTHER LAWS OF THE SEA WILL BE APPTLY PUNISHED BY THE CAPTAIN HIMSELF! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ APPLICATION OOC INFORMATION Minecraft Username: Discord Username: RP INFORMATION Persona Name: Age: Race: Applicable skills: Affiliations:
  22. DANZEN’S INFERNO An Account of Otherworldly Expedition 3 Mensis Tobialis, 2A 131 I am a religious man. Like my brother Lectors before me, I have always strived to maintain my virtue and to spread the word of KAMISAMA to the most desolate of lands. For decades I thrived with the purpose given to me - to lead my brothers and to collect knowledge. The Lectors and I spread what we had learned, and the world was changed for the better, or for worse. Regardless, many of my comrades perished or faded into obscurity. When the Lectors officially dissolved, my purpose became but a leaf drifting in the wind. In the years following the dissolution, I became isolated. I had witnessed a lifetime’s worth of acquaintances turn to vice, and I had lost faith in my fellow man. I reached the conclusion that the maintenance of one’s own virtue was more valuable than extending a helping hand. I had incorrectly believed that participation in ANYTHING would benefit some greater evil. Fate is gravity. Even though we may leap towards the heavens, we are ultimately pulled back towards the earth. The thread of fate is no different; we may try to defy it, but our end remains the absolute end. Only KAMISAMA possesses the foresight to truly understand predestination. Despite this, a year or so ago this day a being from the stars delivered unto me the means to continue the greater quest of the Lectorate - the acquisition of knowledge. Though not an Aengul, this being spoke truly and harshly. I longed for purpose, yet rejected the calls of others. In my hubris, I had believed that I already understood my fate and destiny - but with this simple fraying of the thread, my future was changed forever. With a coin toss and a thunderous crack, I was home no longer. Though I now know it to be an instant, this single step felt like days. I awoke upon a jagged outcrop; the skies were black as ash and the air lingered with an acrid scent - brimstone. Where had I gone, and how could I return? Seeking these answers and believing that height would grant a vantage point, I ventured forth towards a range of hills possessing many holes through a lowland of crimson bones. Smoke billowed from natural vents and, as I approached, I could see what appeared to be men. Yet, they stood still - ever so still. Ever closer, I came to know why they were as stone. Bound in chains, these desolate souls were pinned to a Lorraine and weeping in agony. Besides them, yokai howled and cackled with madness as they peeled flesh and crackled bones. I can only speculate as to the severity and length to which they suffered. I squatted in prayer, and to plan. Yet, as if cosmically aligned, my presence seemed to coincide with the awakening of the hills. Their pits no longer belched ash, but instead were adorned with the glow of a thousand red eyes. In but an instant the skies were swallowed by a sea of beasts who swept down and devoured the offerings. At that moment I had realized why the valley was littered with the remains of thousands. Caught amidst a feeding frenzy, I buried myself in the surrounding carnage as horrid screeches resonated throughout the land. Those who had perished before me likely had loved ones, and no doubt possessed dreams. An entire lifetime snuffed as it became equivalent in worth to a slab of grit tossed to a hound. They suffered in life, but what is suffering? Is it pain, or perhaps loneliness? Is it the dread of anticipation? I believe that suffering is life itself, and all the obstacles that one bumps into before the sweet ascent to the Skies; such was the miracle of Owyn’s Penance. It is for this reason, in death, those men did not suffer. After what felt like eternity, I emerged from my self-made coffin. The beasts had gone, and all that remained of the fallen was yet more bone for the field. I diverted course and now ventured forth towards the sound of flowing water. By the grace of KAMISAMA I had found it and, parched beyond comprehension, began to suckle at an ice-cold stream. A mistake for as soon as I felt respite, I had drifted to the realm of the subconscious. Upon awakening I reached the dreaded realization that my belongings had been severed from my person. After a brief search, there was but a singular explanation: I had been the victim of theft. Determined to find this thief, I followed the water’s edge, my visage adorned with my men-yoroi to hide my human nature. In time I came across a silhouette slithering through the depths - a yokai. It looked like a scorpion, albeit made of wax, and in one hand it bore a lantern of a chilling blue flame. Its stinger whipped about in the water as it emerged to the shore. Gazing down upon me it spoke: “Yours is not like the others… You were robbed by an Imp of Nem - a foul creature... I saw, but could not move. You arise in the Still of Judgement to cross my River, wherefore?” Though hesitant, I could not afford to lose this lead. I yielded and conversed briefly with the creature as it ferried me across the frigid waters. It spoke again: “You shall cross into the land of the dead - but know what you walk into. Your punishment is eternal, and it is noble that you walk into it. You are bound for one of the harshest punishments Iblees can bestow. It is a shame you were saved from Heaven.” It queried yet more, unresponsive to my own interrogations. I concluded that the yokai would not answer, yet told it that I was still alive and not a forlorn soul. It replied: “There must be a particular hatred for thee - to be here before death. I would wish you well, but such things are not possible within Drownedreik.” Upon disembarking my head swirled with the dread of Iboku. Had I truly been sent to the bowels of the deceiver’s kingdom? Had I ever truly gone on an adventure, or had I perished in sipping poisoned water? As if compelled, I persisted forth. Perhaps my belongings would confirm as to whether I were a revenant or not. The answer would soon be revealed as I came across a pit of imps. Akin to an Uruk’s camp, these creatures were engorging themselves upon the flesh of fallen men. They cried out for bloodshed and howled with malicious intent as if preparing a warband. Broz'Dak, an Imp who seemed to be their chieftan emerged and addressed his tribe: “BROZ’DAKZ, Mi haz the key to endless klomp! Mi haz key to land of flezh! Zhomo say so, mi bring to lower circle - BUB DEMON. Burzh Soul. Give Broz’Dakz many klomp, many meat! NUB FIGHT UNTIL BROZ’DAK RETURN!” As I listened from afar, I came to realize that this demonic creature of Krug had had on him my belongings; perhaps he sought to bring proof to the Demon he had spoken of. In a bout of good fortune, he left the camp by his lonesome. I followed from afar and, as we moved, I began to collect stones. I dug them into my clothing so that I might become adorned with spikes; such would help with a demonic disguise. Though my memory begins to blur, I recall the Imp coming across a great fortress of blackened stone. Two guards crossed wretched axes and the scamp before me sought to pass. The guards were unmoving and seemingly annoyed with the small creature, though the Imp was insistent on handing over my trinkets. With no time, I was forced to act and mantle the beast I had disguised myself as. As quickly as I emerged from the shadows, the Imp’s neck was crushed. Impressed with the ferocity of the attack, they granted me both passage and the belongings of the Imp. It seemed as if, at least here, the strong would flourish and the weak would crumble. They referred to me as a “Revenant” on account of my white garb. Even though I now had proof for myself that I had not yet been slain, the words of the Demon made me question whether my isolation and sense of superiority made me more akin to them than my fellow man. I wondered why they could not sense my human scent, though my curiosity swiftly faded. My nostrils flared as the horrid stench of souls being prepared for sinister purpose clung to the air. All around me poor beings were being tortured. Limbs were shredded and sewn back together; intestines were slurped like udon; crucifixions were aplenty. Though my script cannot convey the horrid nature of what I bore witness to, it was of such great magnitude that I began to falter in both disguise and confidence. I meandered down the many corridors in a daze. Eventually, a yokai in the form of a boar uncovered my identity - perhaps a demonic aspect of Brother Harold. Understandably it assumed I to be an assassin and he handedly blitzed my person, throwing me through a door wrought of iron. My ribs cracked and all I could do was await recourse as an onyx-figure descended a throne. I had tresspassed farther than I realized. The figure spoke to me: “You have been watched since you first arrived. Do not think yourself clever for fooling the Imps, or the Slaves. You were to be brought to me, and thus it was ordained, and thus you are here . . . We know you. We know your Kind. You know not who I am. I am In-Saabth, master of these wastes. Charged eternal by my mistress, I await her return. The armies grow under me, the flesh-sows bred for one thing . . . Your doom. Surrender to me, and I will use your soul to feed my armies when they march upon your world.” Refusing, I raised my bokken in my left hand defensively as I began to call upon the blessing of Machiman. The figure seemed half-amused by the defiance and it rose a great and bloodied morning-star: “Mmm . . . Before I commend thy soul to Iblees, give me thy name. Realmwalker. Know that you will be honored, immortalized, for the greatness you have given. I give thee human courtesy, do not take it lightly.” I conceded defeat, yet maintained the only defensive posture I could. My blade began to shine with light and I said my name: “I am Ugokoyama Danzen.” In-Saabth accepting this honorable surrender swung down, only to meet the Bulwark of a seasoned Templar. Seemingly taken by surprise, In-Saabth began to cackle with amusement before pressing harder. Too little and too late, my concentration began to fade as my power waned. The mace of the Yokai shattered my feeble wooden blade and smashed into my left forearm, flattening and tearing it clean off. My left eye too could not escape the wrath of the Black Demon. As I barked in agony a second thunderous boom rattled the room. An ample time as any - the last second - ordained by good fortune. Though the shock of a smashed arm soon subsided to agony, those few first moments I had emerged back on our homey with serenity. In-Sabbath was proven incorrect in his proclamation of fate. I write this now as a record of events leading up to my death. At the point of authorship, I had managed to stem the bleeding and pain with my leftover supplies and medical skill. Almaris is abandoned - everywhere I look is empty as I evade the patrols of Juli’el’s Tribe. Felder’s Rock served me as a refuge for these few months - I pray that its magnificence does not fade even after I leave it for good. I can only assume now that my comrades are imprisoned as slaves for the Mori mines, much like I witnessed within Drowned Reik. I returned to Savoy and ventured into the depths. Should my body be found in these caverns, I hope that this account may serve as a warning for the greater cosmic scheme. Then again, mayhaps this will be disregarded as the ramblings of a dreamer. Ugokoyama Danzen Arch-Lector of the Flaming Covenant Cohort, Shugo of Tetsugawa, Templar of Machiman, Practitioner of Shindo no Hamon and Penitent Brother of Owyn. OOC NOTE This is an RP account of a shunt experienced with the feat “Arcane Displacement”. The story and terminology is purposefully misinterpreted per the character’s experience, I.E. mistaking Imps for Goblins or the realm of Draudreich as Drownedreik. Given that this is a private account, it is requested that this information is not metagamed. This is also NOT a PK post, but written as a “what if” scenario had the character Danzen died in the caves between Almaris and Aevos while tailing the descendants. I thank Breeni and Shorsand for acting as my DMs for this shunting experiment.
  23. THE COMING-OF-AGE TRIAL OF MARIJA ODILIA COLBORN Published from the Viscounty of Venzia ISSUED ON THE 11TH OF WZUVAR AND BYVCA, 480 E.S. O’ GUD, VOR HJELP I GYNE ERE, As a rite of passage for Colborn children, we must complete the “Vaskr” in preparation for “Nattrvaskr” - the ceremony in which youth is washed away to make way for adulthood. The Vaskr, or washing, is a trial in honour of one of House Colborn’s chosen Patron Ancestors. Upon reviewing the list of Patron Ancestors, I connected most deeply to Mira “the Brewmistress” Warnek-Colborn who brought her expert brewing techniques from Savoy to the House of Colborn. As a child, I frequently found myself too ill to venture outside and learn about the world. Instead, I learnt to understand and express myself by learning and practicing recipes with my Mother and Grandmother’s guidance. Such has become my cornerstone and, until now, these old recipes have been sequestered within the halls of Venzia away from the eyes of outsiders. Therefore, after discussion with my Cousin, Viscount Carolus Colborn, we have decided that I shall make and record several historic Scyfling recipes and prepare them for publication herein. The hope is to spread knowledge of Scyfling practices to the remainder of Hanseti-Ruska and the world at large. MEASUREMENTS Cup - Small drinking cup Large Spoon - Soup eating spoon or large eating spoon Small Spoon - Small dessert spoon or teaspoon SIDE DISHES CUCUMBER SALAD is a refreshing side dish that can be paired with almost any type of meal. Some people use it to refresh their pallet and others use it to marry the meal together. It is very simple to make, but very traditional. INGREDIENTS 2⁄3 Cup - Vinegar 2⁄3 Cup - Cold Water 3 1⁄2 Large Spoon - Sugar 1⁄2 Small Spoon - Salt 1⁄4 Small Spoon - Pepper DIRECTIONS Thinly slice the cucumber and add it to a bowl. Add the vinegar, water, sugar, salt, and pepper into the bowl to finish the dressing for the salad and finish with a bit of parsley. SETTEKAKE BREAD is a traditional yeast-leavened flatbread cooked with a griddle or pot. It has a golden-brown exterior and a soft interior and is best eaten right off the heat with some butter or brown cheese. INGREDIENTS 1 Cup plus 2 Small Spoons - Milk 1 Cup plus 2 Small Spoons - Water ¼ Cup - Butter 7 Cups - Flour 2 Ounces - Fresh Yeast 1 Small Spoons - Salt DIRECTIONS Warm the milk with a small saucepan with the water and butter on a medium heat until the butter has melted and the liquid is warm to the touch. Add the yeast into the mixture until fully combined. Take it off the heat, but keep it near the stove to keep warm. In a bowl add the flour and salt then add the milk mixture. Mix it with a spoon until it becomes a crumbling mixture then start to knead it until it becomes a soft and pliable dough.Fold the dough into a ball and put a light towel over it to rest for forty-five minutes. Or until double the size. Roll the dough out onto the counter and divide it into ten equal pieces. Roll out each piece to make a circular shape that is about the size of your palm and as thick as up to half way up the digit of your finger. Cover with a thin towel as you finish them off and prepare a cast iron griddle or a cast iron pot to a medium heat. Take the dough from under the towel one by one and place them onto the heated surface for five minutes or until golden and cooked through. Serve warm with your choice of toppings or as is. SPRING MASHED POTATOES are excellent side dishes for a large variety of meals, from stew to cabbage rolls and whatever your heart desires. It is refreshing and yet very filling bringing dishes together one spoonful at a time. INGREDIENTS 1 ½ lbs. - Potatoes 3 Large Spoon - Salted Butter 1 Cup - Milk Salt and Pepper to Taste 1 Cup - Green Peas 1 Bunch Dill, chopped 2 Spring Onions, chopped DIRECTIONS Wash, skin, and cube the potatoes and add them to a pot of water setting that to medium-high heat and bring that to a boil. Let it simmer for fifteen minutes or until soft using a knife or fork. Remove the water from the potatoes and begin to mash it to your liking along with milk, butter, salt, pepper, and dill. Serve with spring onions on top. MAIN DISHES LOHIKEITTO is a salmon soup that is claimed to be most delicious! This soup is made with simple ingredients and yet is enriched with robust flavors as each item heightens each other to a humble meal. It is perfect to share with many people or for a family gathering. INGREDIENTS 4 Medium - Potatoes 1- Carrot 1 - Leek 1 lb - Smoked Salmon 7 Cups - Fish Broth 1 Cup - Cream 1 Pinch - Coriander 1 ½ Pinch - Salt 1 Pinch - Pepper ⅓ Cups - Dill DIRECTIONS Wash the potatoes before peeling them and dicing them into four cubes. You should have a total of sixteen by the end of that. Prep the carrot by peeling it and chopping them up and then the leek by thinly slicing it. Add to one iron pot the fish broth, salt, pepper, and the chopped vegetables. Bring it to a boil and let it simmer for fifteen minutes before testing the potatoes with a fork or knife. If it is soft enough then lower the heat and add the cream and cut up the smoked salmon into chunky bits. Stir it all together and let it cook for an additional fifteen minutes to let the flavors marry. Finish off with the dill on top while serving. This is paired well with red wine and a day’s old bread. SOSEKJØTT is a comforting dish with chunks of beef married with onions and bay leaf that is usually paired up with spring mashed potatoes, boiled potatoes, vegetables, or even lingonberry sauce. It is meant to be a comforting type of food that not only gives you a full belly, but also fills your soul. Perfect to fight off those chilly nights. INGREDIENTS 2.2 lbs - Shoulder Steak 1 Large - Onion 6 Large Spoons - Butter 5 Large Spoons - Flour 4 Cups - Beef Stock 1- Bay Leaf 1 ½ Pinch - Salt and Pepper DIRECTIONS Cut the steaks into bite sized chunks and prepare a cast iron pot with a spoon of butter and medium heat. Season well with the salt and pepper as the butter melts. Once it is bubbling, add the meat in batches to brown on every side. Use more butter as needed to make sure the meat doesn’t stick to the pot. Once done, remove the meat and place it onto a plate near the stove to rest and keep warm. In the same pot add the six large spoons of butter into the pot and once melted add the flour. Whisk it well to avoid burning it. The darker the mixture is the darker the stew will be. Then slowly add the beef stock in small batches whisking to combine it all. Add the meat back into the mixture and cut the onion into wedges only to add that as well with the bay leaf. Bring the mixture to a simmer and place the lid onto the pot letting it cook for two hours. Once the meat is tender after, remove the lid and let it simmer for thirty minutes more. While doing this you can prepare your side dish of choice. At the end you are left with a thick meat stew you and your family can enjoy. CABBAGE ROLLS are made with fatty types of meats whether it is pork, beef, or lamb depending on the time of the year. This is usually paired with a gravy and lingonberry jam which is traditional with the sides of mashed potatoes and cucumber salad. It is a comforting type of food that can be made year round with savory notes of flavor that anyone can enjoy. INGREDIENTS Cabbage Rolls 1.1 lb. - pork neck 1 small spoon - salt ½ small spoon - pepper ½ small spoon - nutmeg 2 small spoon - grated ginger 1 cup - milk 2 - Egg whites ¼ Cup - cauliflower, cut in pea sized pieces 1 large spoon - chopped parsley 6 - big cabbage leaves, boiled for 2 minutes DIRECTIONS Choose the meat with the most fat and mince it. It is important that the meat and milk is cold and hasn't been previously frozen. Use a mortar and pestle to grind the meat with the salt, pepper, nutmeg, and ginger into a sticky farce. Then transport it to a bowl and slowly add the egg whites with the milk until combined and fold in the cauliflower. Divide the mixture into six onto the cabbage leaves and fold the leaves into a roll. Put it into a cast iron pot with a half of a cup of water and cover with the lid to cook for forty minutes in the oven. CONDIMENTS BROWN SAUCE INGREDIENTS 1 ½ Cups - Beef Stock ½ Cup - Cream 1 Small Spoon - Butter 3 Pinches - Flour DIRECTIONS In a saucepan add the beef stock and bring it into a simmer then slowly add the butter to incorporate until it melts and the flour. Whisk thoroughly to make sure there are no clumps and then add the enriched cream slowly so as to not scald it. Whisk to combine it fully and let it thicken up slightly. Once done, set it to the side to cool off. LINGONBERRY JAM INGREDIENTS ½ Cups - Fresh Lingonberries ½ Small Spoon - Water ½ Cup - Sugar DIRECTIONS In an iron pan add the sugar and water in medium heat and until the sugar dissolves. Add the lingonberries and incorporate it well with the syrup. It is okay to smash some of the berries, but cook them until soft. DESSERTS LINGONBERRY CURD is something that is close to my heart personally. It is perfect for cake fillings and in pies too. Also perfect for any other sweets you'd like or even by itself. It gives off a citrus taste with it also not being too sweet. INGREDIENTS ½ Sheet - Gelatin 1 ½ Cups - Frozen Lingonberries 1 Cup - Sugar 2 eggs + 1 Egg Yolk ⅔ Cup - Butter, Diced DIRECTIONS To start off, place the sheet of gelatin into a bowl of cold water. Let it sit to the side to soften and gather your berries into a mortar and with the pestle crush the berries into a puree and put them into a saucepan. Add the sugar to the pan and heat it up to medium heat until the sugar dissolves, make sure to stir as to not burn the berries or the sugar. In another bowl pour the eggs into it and whisk until incorporated properly and then slowly pour the lingonberry over the eggs while stirring as to not over cook the eggs. You want it to be a completely smooth curd so you may have to use a sieve. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and onto the heat. Stir until you notice it is thickening. Once thickened, pour it back into the bowl and add the gelatin and stir until dissolved. Let it cool off to about the temperature to melt butter. Add the butter bit by bit and stir it into the curd until completely melted. Keep this in a cool enclosed area and it should last about a week. BUTTERCAKE is almost as much butter to flour and it has the consistency of a sugar cookie, but also in the form of a cake. This cake is perfect with some coffee or tea with a side of lingonberry curd. This recipe is made differently than normal by adding zest and orange extract. INGREDIENTS 1 Cup - Butter, softened 1 Cup - Sugar 1 - Egg, Room Temperature 1 Small Spoon - Vanilla Extract 1 Small Spoon - Orange Extract 2 1/3 Cups - Flour 1/4 Small Spoon - Salt EGG WASH: 1 - Egg 1 Small Spoon - Water DIRECTIONS Start by heating the oven and butter a shallow cake pan and place baking paper to line the whole pan. Whisk the butter and sugar together until light and fluffy and add the egg into the mix until combined. Lastly mix the flour, salt, and orange zest with extracts until the dough becomes thick like a cookie dough. Transfer the dough into the prepared pan, and spread evenly. The trick for that is to use baking paper to smooth it out by hand. Once done add the egg wash and add the cross hatch markings with a fork. Bake the cake for thirty minutes or until the wooden pick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. Let it cool and enjoy. RØMMEGRØT is a pudding that is eaten usually for the holidays but can be enjoyed whenever. It is a comforting side dish that can be served with crackers and some milk or can be topped with cinnamon sugar and some melted butter. INGREDIENTS 4 Cups - Milk ¾ Cup - Flour ¼ Cup - Sugar ⅛ Small Spoon - Salt ½ Cup - Salted Butter, Plus More for Serving Cinnamon Sugar DIRECTIONS Using a large saucepan with medium heat, pour in the milk and stir it so often as to not burn it. While the milk is heating up, gather a bowl and whisk up the flour, sugar, and salt to set aside and prepare the butter in a small saucepan to melt, after that turn off the heat. Don't forget to check on the milk while doing this. Once the milk warms up below a simmer, add the flour mixture and butter to combine into a thick paste. Then stir constantly until the milk mixture boils. Once it does take it off the heat and let it cool for about five minutes only to stir often. Gather some bowls and serve with melted butter and cinnamon sugar. The more the better! DRINKS EGG COFFEE is a special way to drink coffee. It is smooth and creamy, often perfect for a dessert drink or even a morning brew for a special occasion. It is simple and you can add as much sugar to your liking. INGREDIENTS 4½ Quarts - Cold Fresh Water 1½ Cups - Coffee Grinds 1 - Egg White ½ Cup - Cold Fresh Water As much sugar to your liking DIRECTIONS In a deep pot pour in 4 1⁄2 quarts of water and bring that to a boil. Add the coffee grinds along with the egg whites and shell into a mixing bowl to combine into a thick grainy paste. Add it to the boiling water and continue boiling. After it is done brewing, remove from the heat and let it cool off for a few minutes and slowly add half of a cup of cold water to settle the grounds. Strain and serve in large mugs. GLØGG or mulled wine is a lovely warm surprise. It is a spiced wine that is packed with a lot of flavor giving off a holiday taste though can be drinked throughout the year. It is often served with dessert with a cinnamon stick, oranges, raisins, and all the goodies inside of the mixture. INGREDIENTS 1 ½ Cups Aquavit ½ Cup Raisins 8 Dried Figs, Quartered 3 Cinnamon Sticks 10 Green Cardamom Pods 2 Small Spoons - Whole Cloves 1 Star Anise 2 - Oranges, Sliced 1 Bottle Dry Red Wine 2 Small Spoons - Sugar ¼ Cup - Blanched Almonds DIRECTIONS In a large jar add the spices, fruits, almonds, and aquavit and close the lid. Store it for twelve hours stirring occasionally. Then in a medium sized saucepan add the wine, sugar, and the jar mixture to it and bring it to a very low heat on the stove. Don't let it boil or simmer as that would cook off the alcohol. Do this for a half of an hour or so and serve warm. ENDING NOTES With this being the conclusion of my first cookbook, I have decided to pen additional recipes in the future with more challenges and more stories to come with each dish. My Coming-of-Age Trial has become, through the experience, my cornerstone of cooking and baking. I wish to thank and bless the Spirit of Mira Warnek-Colborn for being my inspiration. Thank you for reading. I hope others try out these dishes for themselves and enjoy them, and they are encouraged to direct any concerns my way. SKRALI VOR GUD, Her Ladyship, Marija Odilia Colborn Her Ladyship, Anabel Elia Colborn, Keeper of the Book, Scribe of the House of Colborn
  24. Upon arrival, Draco was in need of great medical care barely escaping the Mori if not for his great-granddaughter Hilda aiding him along the way. He rested many moons and began gathering some strength back, taking laps around the square and sitting his old bones as he watched Hilda grow and lead a life with depth of her culture and country. After some days the tunnel was found leading into the untapped lands of Failor. They found the exit of the tunnel peered across the grasslands to the distant sands and with no time wasted could faintly see brigands engaged in combat further in the desert that seemed to only draw closer. Despite his old age his grand-daughter was able to help his slow legs transport across the sands. He found himself proud as he witnessed her display of martial prowess by defeating the Brigands that pursued them. Finally they could settle a refuge. The barren lands of Failor certainly were no place for an elder Norlander but Draco would not turn back for the life of him. They crafted ships and set down the stream between the Desert and Grasslands letting the wind & sails guide their path. Eventually, they find themselves settling in the camp refuge where they would protect as they recovered from the disasters of the Mori invasion. Draco finds himself with a bit of narcolepsy as he sleeps very commonly within his older age. During the awoken hours he would be found spending precious time with his great-granddaughter. They often share a tankard of an old family recipe of the non-alcoholic version of Norlandic Wine. In his spare time Draco guides himself to the relic of an ancient ash tree bark as he grasps carefully in his hands and whispers a prayer to the Patron Athelflaed. “Asheth guides my kinsman.”
  25. The Old Lur traveled far and wide with his ancient Lur Wolf as an independent unit unaware of the events that transpired in San Velku. The Orc and Wolf find themselves in a dark environment full of Netherrite, Falum watches under his darkened old hood as many other descendent refugees flood into the area. The elder kept himself away from the Mori as he kept himself isolated working on his studies and practices. He would exhaust himself regularly due to his old age, but had the work ethic to continue on. For so long he allowed his mind to be clouded and for it the ancestors have punished him to a great degree. Falum’Lur traveled between the many caverns and found many of the ancient anvils amongst other things. He found many of these sites peculiar, having interest in such ancient ruins & relics. When he returned to the underdark ruins he found that many he acquainted with were not of his kind; not of Krug’s lineage. Though he searched through the ruins there was no place he would find Orcs to be taking shelter in. During his search he reminisced upon his life many centuries ago when he was displaced from his home after an attempted genocide on Krug’s people and the court execution of his father, Vorgo’Yar. The shaman returned to the ruins as he sought an isolated meditation. The Ancestors have possessed and punished the elder’s mind for decades with the lack of piety within himself and the iron horde. The orc compels himself to think with great difficulty as he rests his blood-red eyes while his Lur Wolf roams the lands of Failor on its own for prey. His eyes snap open and he leans onto his feet using his old but large and strong muscles and says to himself. “Mi shall raise a Temple to those who came before us. Ash dat will nub ever be wiped from duh memory of cubs and even the spirits themselves shall exalt.”
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