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Status Updates posted by Unwillingly

  1. Gg orcs. Honestly didn't want that to escalate into pvp, but it was fun and interesting Rp on my end nonetheless.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Pinochet


      Simply Epic.


    3. Bhased


      Fair. But, I could have just screwed about and said "Yeah, soon :tm:"


    4. Adelemphii


      Fam, that all started because unwillingly's character was looking for mine xd. Guilt.

  2. *shoots u* 
    *pew pew pew*

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. D4NNA


      *draws sword & charges at you to decapitate you* "Don't take it personal kid…"

    3. Adelemphii


      "Nothing personnel kid.."

    4. saint swag

      saint swag

      dude i want guns

  3. what still inspires you to continue playing this server 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fireheart
    3. Potts244


      I haven’t played in over a year because my main characters family stopped playing and in the end all that kept me going was Nexus with Omar Grimmer.

    4. Bhased
  4. does anyone use MPM anymore

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RandomRhunes


      MPM’s the best

    3. Nug


      i dont really play lotc much LOL but i updated it the other day bc the mod dev noppes pinged his disc with a new release for 1.16.5 

    4. Child Neglecter

      Child Neglecter

      Used to use it. Got too inconvenient.

  5. qotd: who is a player/character that's helped mold or influence the development of your own character, for better or worse?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. amongus


      gamerdude09's duncan is actually the reason my character's a bard >:) i was a lil noob looking for something to do and his book club RP had me writing poems as a joke and it just kinda stuck with the character.

    3. Air


      Lhindir's character Khroll shaped my current main Ante'ahern to be a proper alchemist from a young age and molded a lot of his views. The rp build up was great and some of the most fun I have had on this character.


      And an honorable mention is Diogen's fw, when he instilled a deep fear of frost witches onto the aforementioned character due to keeping him prisoner in Serheim for a few irl days and forcing him to eat people. Wasn't as impactful but the mental scarring it gave him became a reoccurring problem for him in roleplay which I had fun with.

    4. Acostrob


      MCVDK's Demitryus. He met Ifan at one of his lowest points in life, and set him on a straight path. Of course this path did not include anything good, but it served a great deal in how Ifan grew as a character, and ultimately it has led him to where he is now

  6. when are the vampires and werewolves coming back

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Cloakedsphere


      4 hours ago, Unwillingly said:

      it really is a shame because I am a filthy werewolf + vampire trope enjoyer, it feels like there's not many dark magic groups atm (naz and necro I think are doing good, mystics? not sure, and bms I hardly count) and it always felt like the vamps and wws were among the ones that were good at fostering a tight-knit community and culture that could be interacted with more depth. the naz had a political meeting with zarsies' silit group some time ago and i really enjoyed the RP even if they were shelved some short time later

      Werewolf and vampire groups were secluded before and you never saw interactions outside of these tight-knit communities with regular players. The number of times I ran into either of those groups was quite literally 0 in a 3+ year span. 

      I will say there are quite a few dark magic groups currently existing. Clearly the necromancer group with the recent addition of ghouls has seen a large uptick in members and naz (as you're aware) are quite active recently as well after the passing of the rewrite. Mysticism is also active to an extent. The real groups that are lacking are the presence of "good" or "holy" magic(s) in general. Sakuragakure has the largest active group of holy mages and even then, they are usually outnumbered 10 to 1 when just fighting the necromancer groups alone. The rest of the holy mage groups just do tailored dungeon battles put on by ET and dont do anything else relevant or have left the server because their paladin rewrite got denied.

    3. alexmagus


      When you rewrite them

    4. Islamadon


      all these replies but the answer remains . . . when people make a proposal that isn't weird . . .

  7. can I play azdrazi woman

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Jentos



      WORLD IS A ****
      神様 Kill ‘em all 1989
      I am Azdrazi woman
      410,757,864,530 DEAD PALADINS

    3. xMuted


      pass the cooties test first

    4. Hearth


      Only if they marry my halfling king and use their marriage to negotiate peace between the Azdrazi and non-spooks.

  8. anyone have any good 1.18 texture pack reccs

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. xMuted


      Shorter tools and headless horse for pvp!!!

    3. subatomic


      Latenci's 16x CottonCandy  Hypixel Skywars PVP Texture pack 


    4. Amayonnaise


      I'm addicted to Excalibur

  9. it'd be really cool if we got a plugin that made keys to doors a physical MC object that could be destroyed, stolen, sold, etc. this way it's not isolated to a singular command or the whim of whoever owns the door if they decide they want to remove you, and they'd need to actually do the RP of taking it from you. only issue is I think it'd be a rather convoluted system and I can't really think of any efficient way to make something like this work mechanically, but I'm also not on tech so maybe it's really simple and I'm just overthinking it. but I think it'd lead to fun niche RP and allow people more opportunities to bypass security illegally rather than just hoping someone willingly lets u inside an area. imagine holding a guy at sword point and demanding he gives you access to a special room, or robbing someone for their citizen door keys, etc

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. ___


      make minas a physical item next

    3. Balmakka


      This plus a keyring item to store them (similar to alchemy bags) would be golden. 

    4. Zacho


      i think it is the fun in theory pain in practice type thing, but i do think it would be awesome sauce.

  10. hey... I know some wood elves who hate gay people... and women.. hehe.. join Ilathdyn today... ehehh... ;))

  11. TechLock is literally fine as it is. The entire reason I'm playing LOTC is because it has that medieval fantasy vibe. I want swords, bows, arrows, and armor. Not guns and airplanes and ******* lasers. Jesus.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Unwillingly


      @Hanrahan I see no magic robots on lotc. If you mean the Animii, those are powered by something along the lines of engines and golemancy I think. I've seen someone actually RP being a literal robot, going "beep boop" and all that ****, yeah. Turns out, that player shouldn't have been doing that. I'm just saying that I'd prefer there aren't guns, and that tech-lock is just fine as it is /shrug

    3. monkeypoacher


      yh but what I've learned is that if you want swords and horses you can still have that with magitech rp. especially on this server where stuff like a magic steamboat doesn't really give you that much of an advantage over good ol' nuclear trebuchets 


      **** guns though those need to stay out

      Edited by xxx
    4. saint swag

      saint swag


      magic robots

      atronachs are the closest thing to magical robots and they've been around for a pretty long time with no issues, and animii are alchemical clockwork constructs, just to clarify.

  12. cant believe haense killed 187 people

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Harri


      i heard haense brought 200 guys and had 300 more players ready to go, they just couldnt get in cos of the server cap

    3. Dyl


      can someone please watch kung fu panda 3 with me?


    4. lev


      @Dyl U need a chaperone? 

  13. (pretend this is a very controversial status update)

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Tentoa


      That's a really cold take my guy, uncool.

    3. latte


      tf is this shi

    4. Mannamannaa


      Yes, but what about (completely unrelated but also controversial topic)?


  14. boy I sure do love looking on the AH and see people spam-selling books talking about dark mages and creatures

    "how did you learn this information?" asks character
    "i bought it from an auctioneer" replies character

    AH such great RP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laeonathan


      So? If they'd be sold by someone running into a city or through a shop in a city, it would have the same result, with no additional RP either. Quit crying about it... 


      Besides that: No of these Books mentioned actually contain valuable information... "How to treat Vampire wound" lmao, that's really not a big deal.

    3. Unwillingly


      Lae we talked about this in game I cba to talk about it again when u just keep saying "so? so?" to everything I say

      selling items in game, in person, brings the potential for RP even if none happens. RP should happen. the auction house brings zero potential for RP or interaction. its literally impossible. even shops are better because you could sit at shops and actually know who you're buying from. people use shops to make in-game commissions. there is a difference, one is objectively more RP friendly than the other

    4. Laeonathan


      Selling Items via the Auctionhouse brings the potential to RP. With the Book about vampires a character that isn't a vampire could learn how to deal with them (at least with the "common" type of vampires) which brings a lot more RP, then just the meagre "wanna buy"-RP... so no, the AH brings a lot of RP indirectly ;)

  15. honestly make fun of tea and SOL RPers all u want but they probably have more fun on lotc than the people who always make fun of them ever will

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Islamadon


      Slice of Life RP (SOL) is inferior to Shadow of Israphel (SOI) RP.

    3. satinkira




      GET ONLINE NOW FOR TAVERN NIGHT EVENT!! Something spooky may show up if you stay for long enough... :)



    4. ImCookiie
  16. are there any celtic or celtic-like cultures on the server

  17. qotd: what's your character's favorite weather, and why? what kind of feelings does it inspire? nostalgia? memories? etc?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mannamannaa


      The scorching, gritty winds of a desert sandstorm. It reminds Kor'garr of the long travel of pilgrimage after he gave up the Rexdom, and his eventual near death experiences that caused him to meet the great spirit Kor. Memories of that meeting are the main drive for his goals in both life and after death. 

    3. Morigung-oog


      Valindra enjoys the cold. It reminds her of who she once was and how far she has come. After abandoning Wyrvun as her patron deity due to his inactivity, she spent a lot time stood out in the snow, cursing and taunting, desecrating shrines and assaulting his followers while knowing he'd do nothing in response. As a rebelling former snelf, she still does this, seeing the act as one of defiance and mockery.

    4. PrimnyaQuorum


      A clear night sky. Haus practically grew up reading under the moonlight, and gazing up at the stars when there wasn't enough to continue reading. It's been a constant in the chaos of life - always there, always the same, giving him a time where he could just relax. The Mori invasion was quite a disruptive event to him as the Night Sky vanishing, as it took that time from him.


      Otherwise, the rain. It's a soothing sound and feeling, as long as your out of the mud and your belongings have a waterproof cover. He's been under a bit since he started wandering place to place, so he learned to enjoy it.

  18. qotd: what's your character's perception on the concept of "family?" maybe they only believe in family by blood, vice versa. or maybe they come from a very torn origin, and cherish the people close to them now, etc

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. UnBaed
    3. HobbitForHire


      Malii'evarir: If you pick a child up out of a bush, it is yours. Finders keepers. Family is a loose term, and having grown up in a nomadic tribe people entered and left the 'family' all the time


      Einar: Blood and vows make a family. He's a simple man, not a lot going on upstairs

    4. Amayonnaise


      Avyn is a member of one of the original Seeds from when 'Ame Seeds were first implemented - Calithil (now Acaele'thil). Unlike the other seeds that gained new members through trials etc, Calithil was very strictly bloodline with the extremely rare honourary title gifted (maybe 2 in existence). As a result, she only considers her family to be those who are blood, or those related via marriage who make an active effort to be in her life. This helps cut out the ridiculous amount of "family" gained through marriages into other seeds etc.


      Noruiwyn has forged her own family with a daughter she adopted over two centuries ago. As a mortal, prior to her original ascension, her family was of marriage and legitimate children. After ascending and having her soul warped, she abandoned this family and instead developed a 'found family' through the form of very close connections. It is interesting to see her perspective on family adjust the more she reflects on her path and comes to new realisations!

  19. just a reminder that drivewriter exists for all you people who like writing minecraft books. surprised at how many people don't know about this. it pastes content from google docs into your minecraft book so you don't need to do it sentence by sentence or be afk kicked while writing in a book



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. saint swag

      saint swag

      wow awesome Unwillingly how do u use that?

    3. christman


      awesome unwillingly. please include instructions next time.

    4. Laeonathan
  20. can we ban the usage of egirl / eboy eyes (the types of skins with the eyes 1 pixel from the bottom of the head) bc I seriously despise that its slowly becoming more common on the server I'm going to have a stroke

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Shmeepicus


      1 hour ago, Cobbler said:

      you're mad at pixels


      I am too, lets ban 4 pixel eyes while we're at it

    3. rukio


      Lets kill these dumb e-fucks my opossum queen

    4. Unwillingly


      @Cobblerthat's why it's a shitpost 

  21. Despite all of the horrible feedback with recent changes, there’s no signs of stopping

    this server is beginning to nosedive 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Rickson


      apparently LT, WT and ET are merging into one team now as well for some reason, which I think is the worst decision made by admins in the history of this server


      but its just a rumour so idk

    3. monkeypoacher


      god that sounds terrible

      Edited by xxx
    4. Rickson


      not only with tons of ET have to drop out, but being an LT would have to become a full time unpaid job.

  22. you’d really think that the staff would be more careful in their steps especially considering with all of these rival servers coming out 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GhazRIALOfGhazralia


      @arockstar28 Server failed that quickly? 



    3. itdontmatta


      @GhazRIALOfGhazralia No mate, I just let someone else take it over! Wanted to pursue other interests. 

    4. lemontide331


      @NotEvilAtAll his server died 1hour after launch 

      it was expected though, guys a clown! protocol btw

  23. are there any actually interesting non-nation groups I can RP with
    no SOL Rp and what not
    im so bored

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. NotEvilAtAll


      What’s a SOL?

    3. Bluee


      Huntsmen ?

    4. Viltaren


      no one, loser. Lotc is a SOL server only. ?

  24. do yall have more fun at events/eventlines or more fun with storyarcs with other non-ET players? if it makes any sense. I don’t know how to explain it in a non monkey way

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Ducklingator


      storyarcs with other players make me stop and think “what would my character do” much more often than eventlines do, because most (large) eventlines aren’t as heavily impaced by the choices individual people make. 

    3. LeoRabbit99


      By far persona driven stories are better. Much more relatable and organic. ET stories are like kitty RPGs with light mallibility touched in. Often a big monster. And even when they're not, it's still constructed with not as much passion as a person behind his own character, I think.


      Dont get me wrong, I like a good event every once in a while. I'm just personally much more into non et story arcs

    4. forwhatpvrpose


      I’ve been here for many years and I think I’ve organically ran into an event one or two times. The events that I have been apart of, beyond those that I joined organically, were massive “mainline story” events, which are not all that engaging. Honestly, I have always enjoyed character-driven, organic, emergent roleplay over a dungeonmaster-style setup. I think that may be in part because I have never really been to many events, but still.

  25. im in the top 3 popular topics im basically an lotc celebrity

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Zacho


      @Unwillingly : O m’lady?! why thank you.



    3. Telanir
    4. Sorcerio


      You cannot legally talk to someone with two reddit followers.

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