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AnonymousAlexa's Two Year Anniversary!


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AnonymousAlexa’s Two Year Anniversary!



Some of you may know me, and some of you may not. For those who don’t, hello! I’m AnonymousAlexa, or Alexa, and I’m a Community Team member of LotC. To celebrate my two year anniversary on this server, I thought it would be a nice idea to make a post that depicts my favorite memories from playing on LotC. To start off, I would just like to clarify that I have not been playing actively on the server for two years. I have only started really playing around a year ago, though this is the two year anniversary of the date that I was accepted to LotC. Also, this is all OOC, so please do not meta this information!



For this section, I’m going to share a few of my main characters that I have played.


Evelyne Halcourt (nee Vanir)


Evelyne was my very first character on LotC. The cliche abused child who somehow got adopted by a noble. Naturally, my skin was downloaded from the Skindex, and of course, had double pixel eyes. Looking back at it, it makes me cringe very much. Despite all of this, I had an incredible time roleplaying this character! Evelyne was very kind, though she was extremely shy and had a horrible stutter. Though it was a bit cliche, there are many dynamic scenes that I have roleplayed on this character. For example, after being adopted to Iver Vanir, ((@Lsuvsfar)) Iver’s sister, Klaudia Vanir ((@Disheartened)) did not approve of such. This certainly made very interesting roleplay. During her teenage years, Evelyne fell in love with a boy her age named Wilhelm Wick ((@SomebodyHelpMe)). They began to court and they were very happy together. After a few years, (blank) was told that Evelyne had died, and moved onto another girl. Soon afterwards, Evelyne discovered this and was heartbroken. After much arguing and adult influence, Wilhelm decided to get back together with Evelyne, though this was short-lived. All along, he had loved the other girl, and ultimately decided to stay with her. Evelyne was devastated, though luckily, she eventually found another man, Jean Luc Halcourt ((@TheBelidle)). The two got married and moved to Curon. This is around the time that I had stopped playing Evelyne. I believe I took a short break afterwards, though of course I returned to play my next character!


Katharina Erika Suffolk (nee Vyronov)


Though I played a few characters between Evelyne and Katharina, I didn’t play them for very long, so I have decided to exclude them from my list. Katharina was my first main character that was nobility. She was fairly good looking and stressed over her appearance. In addition, she was bratty and a total crybaby, especially in her younger years, though she was inelligent and well-educated. Her father, Lerald Vyronov ((@Flapman)) was a count in the Kingdom of Haense. Because of her noble status, Katharina’s father encouraged her to befriend the Crown Prince, Andrik III ((@Emenzi)). Following her father’s words, Katharina did so. I distinctly remember when Lerald Vyronov had introduced Katharina to Andrik. Afterwards, Andrik had taken her to a room in the palace where there happened to be polar bears. Despite this, Andrik had believed them to be dogs. The two became very close friends and they played many imaginative games. When Andrik had his falconry and sword fighting lessons, Katharina would often attend to provide him moral support. After working his way up in Haense, Lerald Vyronov eventually received the position of Palatine in the Haense government, which is similar to a Chancellor. In addition, he had received the Duchy of Carnatia, along with the Ducal title. Due to his newly found powers, Lerald wrote a proclamation stating that his daughter, Katharina, would marry Andrik III. Katharina was overjoyed to become Queen of Haense, and frankly, so was I. Despite my excitement, it proved to be short-lived. Unfortunately, the betrothal was broken as Milena of Adria ((@axelu)) happened to have a claim to Ruska, securing the dual monarchy of Hanseti and Ruska. Though I was upset at the time, looking back on it, I most certainly did not deserve to become Queen of such a large nation, nor was nearly experienced enough. After the marriage failed to work out, Katharina was betrothed to the heir to the Arch Duke of Suffonia, back when the title was existent. This marriage went through, though it was short-lived due to OOC reasons. Afterwards, I decided to PK Katharina and began to play her younger sister, Marjorie.


Marjorie Astrid Baruch (nee Vyronov)


Marjorie is the second daughter of Lerald Vyronov. Despite her close relations with her elder sister, Katharina, she is much unlike her. To begin with, she does not possess Katharina’s good looks and she can be quite hot-headed and always speaks her mind. Despite her flaws, Marjorie is very kind, though this often leads to her becoming to naive and innocent. Although I started playing Marjorie in her early adulthood, unlike I did for my other characters, I managed to develop her personality and story well. After Lerald Vyronov had passed away, her elder brother, Karl Vyronov ((@KIIWIKILLA)) became the new head of Vyronov. Karl treated Marjorie horribly and viewed her only worth to be securing a good marriage. While he was away on a trip for a few years, Marjorie fell in love with Pierre (blank), a peasant footman in the Brotherhood of Saint Karl. Her younger brother, Robert Vyronov ((@Legoboy7984)) tried to stop her, though it was no hope. She was too in love. When Karl had returned and heard word of Marjorie’s behavior, he was extremely angry. He treated her horribly and called her all sorts of derogatory terms. In addition, he forbade Marjorie from calling him by his name, and instead, insisted she referred to him as “Your Grace”. He also enslaved Pierre, now referring to him as Malo. Marjorie arrived home to Carnatia only to find her brother over Pierre, who was on the floor. Immediately, Marjorie was suspicious. Everything for both Marjorie and Pierre worsened until Karl arranged a betrothal between Marjorie and Eirik Baruch ((@Zanthuz)). Before meeting her betrothed, Karl had slapped Marjorie across the cheek, leaving a red mark. Fortunately, her brother, Robert, helped clean it up. She then met Eirik. At first, Marjorie didn’t like thought of marrying him. He was rowdy, uncouth, and loud, much unlike Marjorie. She addressed her concerns to Karl, who told her that he needed a woman to keep him in line. As they conversed more and more, in front of Pierre, Marjorie began to enjoy his company. Eventually, they got married and had two children, Katharina ((@Tigergiri)), who she named after her sister, and Lerald (who), who she named after her father. Afterwards, I shelved Marjorie for about a year, though I did roleplay on her for her daughter, Katharina’s wedding to Vorion Sturmholm ((@Erilobar)). Unfortunately, the wedding was ambushed by the Scyfling invaders. Thanks @Xarkly.


Angelika Eleanora Bykov (nee Vanir)


Angelika is my current main character, and if I had to choose, she has been my favorite character I have ever played on LotC, or anywhere, for that matter. She was born into the Baron House of Vanir as the eldest child of Henrik Vanir ((@hippo)) and Karolina Vanir ((@Boonay)). As a child, Angelika had always excelled in intelligence and mental capabilities. Despite this, her heart has always been too good for this world, causing her to be a crybaby and very naive. Growing up, Angelika had always had very close relations to her family, specifically her mother, who taught her basic academics during her childhood. At the age of eleven, Angelika began to ward under Queen Maya of Haense ((@Eryane)). Though the Queen was often absent in Angelika’s life, Angelika thought well of her. Always the bookworm, she learned much from reading. During her childhood, she befriended Ivan Kortrevich, ((@erictafoya)) a young noble boy around her age. The two were very close, and when Angelika was twelve, he had attempted to arrange a betrothal, though Henrik had denied his request. Despite the denial, Ivan continued to pursue Angelika until she eventually confessed her feelings. After much yelling and arguing, the two families agreed to allow Ivan and Angelika to marry matrilineally, despite the Kortrevich’s higher title. At the age of sixteen, Angelika happily got married to Ivan. There was little conflict until Angelika bore her first child, a son who the couple named Nikolaus, after Ivan’s grandfather ((@Zanthuz)) who served as Knight Paramount. Henrik did not approve of his Grandson’s name, and insisted they re-name the child to a classic Vanir name. Angelika gave in after Henrik’s threats, terror, and abuse. In addition, Angelika and Ivan had gotten into a few very much blown out of proportion fights, one of which led to Ivan slapping Angelika in front of Angelika’s father and younger sister, Sofiya ((@Juli)). After years of Angelika and Ivan disobeying him, Henrik decided to disenfranchise and later disown the couple from the House of Vanir, news that devastated Angelika. Because she is a politician, Angelika decided that she needed to have a surname. Due to her husband’s knightly moniker of “The Red Bull,” I decided to create the surname Bykov, which means bull in Russian. Despite their few conflicts, Angelika and Ivan were generally a very happy couple. All the while, Angelika had been running for Maer election after Maer election, coming in extremely close each time, but to no prevail. Her disownment certainly did not help in later elections. It seemed her dreams of becoming a politician seemed to fail, until she was granted the position of Chief of Staff to Senator Terrence May ((@Piov)). Angelika attended all of the Senate’s meetings, taking diligent notes for her boss. It was Senator May who convinced the Secretary of Interior, Duke Joseph Clement of Helena ((@Hunwald)) to appoint Angelika as the Vice Undersecretary of the North. After the disbandment of the Senate and the creation of the House, Angelika became involved in the newly-formed Josephite Party, led by Terrence May. She continued to work as his Chief of Staff through the first term of the House of Commons and his Presidency until his ultimate retirement. During the second term, the new party leader, Jonah Elendil ((@Braehn Elendil An'Hiraeth)) placed Angelika as the 7th on the Josephite members list, leading to her appointment to the House of Commons. During her term, a new Secretary of the Interior was to be appointed, though he wished to appoint his inexperienced ward as Undersecretary. Fortunately, after much debate, he agreed to appoint a more experienced individual if he wished to be confirmed as Secretary. Soon after his confirmation, he appointed Angelika as Undersecretary, a position she currently holds. Angelika now lives happily with her husband, Ivan, and her three children, Nikolaus, Karolina, and Georg, residing in their manor in New Reza. As I said, I have really enjoyed playing this character, and I plan to continue playing her until she is very old.


Isabella Juliya Barbanov


Born into the prestigious line of Barbanov, Isabella was raised with a silver spoon. Born to Prince Henrik Barbanov ((@LotsOfFish)) and Princess Frida Gant ((@MissToni)) she was not a part of the main line of Barbanovs. In fact, the Princess title had not even been passed down to her. Despite her lack of the title, Isabella uses her name to progress in the world, often flaunting her name as much as she could. Isabella has always been a brat and very rude to those she deems below her, though her respectful to those above her. In addition, she is outwardly racist towards others. Despite her many flaws, she is cunning, tricky, and ruthless. She is hungry for power and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Isabella loves music and is a very talented pianist. During her childhood, Isabella lived in Provins with her mother until she moved to Haense as a teenager. She then befriended a bastard by the name of William ((@Quantumatics)). Though she treated him horribly at first, he was one of her only friends for a while, and comforted her when she heard word of her mother’s death. She also befriended the two d’Arkent twins, Mary Jane and Mary Vespira. At the time, the twins ran a beauty product business while Isabella sold her signature perfume. After meeting the twins, Isabella suggested they join forces to create their beauty product company to which they named Fruity Beauty. The three owned a stall in Helena and sold their products. Isabella is now an adult. Though she has matured and is no longer as openly rude, her beliefs are still ingrained in her mind. She now searches and longs for a good marriage so that she can work her way up in the world.


Aleksandra Ludovar


The youngest child and only daughter of the cousin line to the main Ludovar line, Aleksandra has been raised from birth to be a fighter. Ever since childhood, she would often misbehave and do anything to avoid her studies. She had always been quite rambunctious, loud, and often came off as a bit harsh and rude, due to her brutally honest personality. She is a total tom boy and despises being viewed as a lady. As she grew, Aleksandra became considerably stronger than most girls her age and learned the ins and outs of sword fighting. She desperately tried to improve her archery and range fighting, but to no prevail. As an alcoholic followed by her very gruff personality, she often befriended men, never thinking of them romantically. Despite this, her elder brother, Stefan ((@GhostSHTR)), longs to marry her off, contrary to her wishes. Although she tries, Aleksandra has no romantic abilities. Aleksandra is very courageous, bordering on reckless. She is bloodthirsty and often gets into fights and arguments that are unnecessary. Aleksandra jokes very often, though her jokes are immature, not humorous, and often mean. Currently, Aleksandra is a footman in the Ludovar Bannermen and an initiate in the Order of the Orrir’Ullral, the Monster Hunter’s Guild at Farrador. She is constantly fighting against the Scyfling invaders, against bandits, and against monsters, enjoying every moment of it. Though she is very often injured, she refuses to give in to her injuries. She will always continue to fight until death or unconsciousness, whichever comes first.


Amazing People

Everyone on LotC has made this server what it is today, and I would like to thank everyone for making this last two years on LotC as incredible as it was! That being said, the people listed below have made this experience extra incredible, which I would like to thank them for!



Once again, if I missed you, I am extremely sorry! I’m writing this at 6 AM and I haven’t slept yet...but you all are so incredible! Thank you for making these last two years so amazing!

((Also, you should read my application to LotC! It’s hilarious :>))



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Ily, just all I can say is ily. This post is a wonderfull creative idea and is just all pure positivity and positivity. It is so amazing to see how much you enjoy the server and how much it started to mean to us. Just in one word amazing and lets go to the three years!❤️

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wouldn’t wanna experience the south park movie w anyone else.. 🥺 lov u

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Congratulations you are now a certified gamer here have a trophy 🏆

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BRUH... it’s an absolute joy to have you around, and i love when you join call, because you completely light everyone up! ❤️ 

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6 hours ago, AnonymousAlexa said:

During her teenage years, Evelyne fell in love with a boy her age named Wilhelm Wick ((@SomebodyHelpMe)). They began to court and they were very happy together. After a few years, (blank) was told that Evelyne had died, and moved onto another girl. Soon afterwards, Evelyne discovered this and was heartbroken. After much arguing and adult influence, Wilhelm decided to get back together with Evelyne, though this was short-lived. All along, he had loved the other girl, and ultimately decided to stay with her.



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💖This is such a cute idea and great post!!


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I look forward to see you grow! Though remember that lotc is not everything and focus on real life as well. Take care of yourself and learn from both your mistakes and accomplishments. ❤️

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That’s a yikers.


9 hours ago, Eddywilson2 said:

Happy two years! Glad to have you around.


Eddy my guy, next month it’ll be my 8 year on LoTC... save me my guy.

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My favorite haensegirl 👍

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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